Cornerstone 2009-2010

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The Nurture of Nature:

An Alumnus Views the Environment Through an Artist’s Lens INSIDE

Evolutionary Biologist Weaves a World-wide Web of Knowledge Other Ways of Knowing: Cognitive Anthropologist Blends Authoritative Knowledge and Local Wisdom Picture This: Growing New Crops of Intellectual Capital in Eastern North Carolina Narrative Numbers: Leon Wilson Gets Them to Tell Their Stories Student in the Spotlight: Jason Glisson


DEPARTMENTS Anthropology Dr. Linda Wolfe, Chair 252-328-9430 Biology Dr. Jeff McKinnon, Chair 252-328-6718 Chemistry Dr. Rickey Hicks, Chair 252-328-9700 Economics Dr. Richard Ericson, Chair 252-328-6006

English Dr. Ron Mitchelson, Interim Chair 252-328-6041 Foreign Languages and Literatures Dr. Frank Romer, Chair 252-328-6232 Geography Dr. Burrell Montz, Chair 252-328-6230

Geological Sciences Dr. Steve Culver, Chair 252-328-6360

Physics Dr. John Sutherland, Chair 252-328-6739

History Dr. Gerry Prokopowicz, Interim Chair 252-328-6587

Political Science Dr. Brad Lockerbie, Chair 252-328-6030

Mathematics Dr. Tom McConnell, Interim Chair 252-328-6461 Philosophy Dr. George Bailey, Chair 252-328-6121

Psychology Dr. Kathleen Row, Chair 252-328-6634 Sociology Dr. Leon Wilson, Chair 252-328-6883

INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS African and African American Studies (BA and Minor)

Leadership Studies (Minor)

Asian Studies (Minor)*

Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Minor)

Classical Studies (Minor)*

Multidisciplinary Studies (BA and BS)

Coastal and Marine Studies (Minor)

Neuroscience (Minor)*

Ethnic Studies (Minor)

North Carolina Studies (Minor)

Great Books (Minor)*

Religious Studies (Minor)*

Indigenous Peoples of the Americas (Minor)

Russian Studies (Minor)*

International Studies (Minor, MA, and Certificate in International Teaching)

Security Studies (Minor and Certificate in Security Studies) Women’s Studies (BA and Minor) * A multidisciplinary major with a focus in this area is available.

AUXILIARY OPERATIONS Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee

Harriot Voyages of Discovery Lecture Series

Center for Diversity and Inequity Research

Institute for Historical and Cultural Research

Center for the Liberal Arts

Laboratory for Instructional Technology

Center for Natural Hazards Research

Southern Coastal Heritage Program

Field Station for Coastal Studies at Lake Mattamuskeet


Executive Secretary Denise Miller

Honorary Co-chairs John M. Howell, Chancellor Emeritus Mrs. Gladys Howell Greenville, NC

Vice Chair Ms. Harvey S. Wooten Greenville, NC

Major Gifts Officer Scott Wells

Chair Mr. Doug Gomes Greenville, NC

Dr. James H. Bearden Greenville, NC

Mr. John W. Forbis Greensboro, NC

Ms. Sherry Holloman Greenville, NC

Ms. Judd Oyler Marietta, GA

Mr. Thomas R. Bland Raleigh, NC

Dr. James M. Galloway, Jr. Greenville, NC

Mr. J. Phillip Horne Greenville, NC

Dr. J. Reid Parrott, Jr. Rocky Mount, NC

Dr. J. Everett Cameron Atlantic Beach, NC

Dr. Churchill Grimes Santa Cruz, CA

Mr. Mitchell L. Hunt Greensboro, NC

Mrs. Marguerite A. Perry Greenville, NC

Dr. Shirley M. Carraway Winterville, NC

Mrs. Peg C. Hardee Greenville, NC

Dr. Darrell W. Hurst Waynesboro, VA

Mr. John S. Rainey, Jr. Richmond, VA

Hon. Randy D. Doub Wilson, NC

Dr. Virginia Hardy Greenville, NC

Mr. Michael McShane Alexandria, VA

Mr. Edward T. Smith Greenville, NC

Mr. Kurt Fickling Greenville, NC

Dr. H. Denard Harris Morehead City, NC

Mr. James H. Mullen, III Greenville, NC

Mr. Tod Thorne Charlotte, NC

Dr. Paul Fletcher, Jr. Greenville, NC

Mr. W. Phillip Hodges Williamston, NC

Mr. M. Reid Overcash Raleigh, NC

Mr. Glenn C. Woodard, Jr. Atlanta, GA

Mr. Robert L. Jones Raleigh, NC

Mr. Mike W. Yorke Greenville, NC

Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences 1002 Bate Building East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27858-4353 Phone: 252-328-6249 Fax: 252-328-4263 Web:

An introductory comment: When asked to write the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences announcement of the death of Keats Sparrow, I could hardly imagine a more humbling task. Keats himself and in his multitudinous contributions to ECU, to the state, and to education and culture in places around the globe was absolutely monumental. But in spite of the grandeur and scope of his professional activities, he was always a warm, gracious, and genuine human being. His verve for life and all of its activities was something that he shared with me in my most unusual interview about my assuming the directorship of the College’s Center for the Liberal Arts. Keats outlined the duties of the position, certainly, but he irrepressibly stated that I should take the job to have fun! The minute I was not enjoying what I was doing, I was to stop.

For Keats, life was a challenging but joyful experience. Over the years of working for and with him and on later delight-filled social occasions, we would play with language and trade literary puns (quoted or of our own devising). With his long-time Anglican communion associations coupled with his educational associations, he would, I think, relish the multiple ecclesiastical and academic meanings of “dean.” Writing this appreciation – and delivering it at his funeral – was tough, but I still had fun in just the way that Keats would have wanted me to. To his honor and memory and with deepest appreciation, this issue of Cornerstone is dedicated. — Lorraine Robinson

I n M e mo r i am : W. Ke a ts S p ar row W. Keats Sparrow, dean of East Carolina University’s College of Arts and Sciences (June 1990 to March 2003) and then of the renamed Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences (March 2003 to August 2005), died on Wednesday, November 11, 2009.

millions of dollars in private funds now augmenting state appropriations; he founded the College’s Center for the Liberal Arts as a primary advocacy agency for the liberal arts; and he established Annual Leadership Development Retreats for department chairs.

Keats’s career at ECU included his service as Professor of English and later chair of that department. But his most enduring legacy is his deanship characterized by his impassioned articulation of the mission, scope, and composition of the university’s academic cornerstone and his indefatigable efforts in strengthening the College’s timeless but always timely liberal arts mission.

American poet, physician, and essayist Oliver Wendell Holmes writes in his poem, “The Chambered Nautilus” words that aptly reflect Keats Sparrow’s dedication to building a liberal arts college that would grow and expand with every new opportunity:

Photo provided by Alan White

His significant and wide-reaching achievements are so numerous that only a few highlights can be mentioned in this brief space. Keats conceived and implemented the Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor Program; he created the College’s Development Office which has resulted in

Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul, As the swift seasons roll! Leave thy low-vaulted past! Let each new temple, nobler than the last, Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast, Till thou at length art free, Leaving thine outgrown shell by life’s unresting sea! A Briefe and True Report: A History of Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, 1909 to 2004 speaks eloquently of Sparrow’s tenure by quoting the inscription honoring Sir Christopher Wren in London’s St. Paul’s Cathedral: Si monumentum requires, circumspice: “If you would see the man’s monument, look around you.” Keats Sparrow’s monument is more enduring than bricks and mortar, more enduring than wood and stone. Keats Sparrow’s monument is the limitless freedom of ideas characteristic of an eternal academy in which he is, surely now, also dean. Keats Sparrow tries on 16th century “styles” at the Festival Park, Manteo, NC, March 2006 1

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TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S 4

Welcome from the Dean


From the Chancellor From the Provost


Evolutionary Biologist Weaves a World-wide Web of Knowledge


Other Ways of Knowing: Cognitive Anthropologist Blends Authoritative Knowledge and Local Wisdom

On the cover: One of the exquisite and detailed images from nature photographer, Edward Smith. Read his story on page 12.


Picture This: Growing New Crops of Intellectual Capital in Eastern North Carolina


2009–2010 Harriot Voyages of Discovery Lecture Series


Narrative Numbers: Leon Wilson Gets Them to Tell Their Stories


Student in the Spotlight: Jason Glisson

20 Unbeatable Investments 21

Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Annual Honor Roll of Donors

Cornerstone is a publication for the alumni and friends of Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences at East Carolina University. It is produced by the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Center for the Liberal Arts. Writer Lorraine H. Robinson Design & Layout Five to Ten Design, Inc. Photographers Cliff Hollis, Pamela Cox, Alan White


WELCOME From th e D ean What a year this has been! Harriot College has undergone and continues to undergo changes at an unprecedented rate. The closing years of the first decade of the twenty-first century have brought sweeping political change, fiscal challenges, scientific advances, controversies of almost every sort; and – for the university – surging enrollments. Institutions that have operated for decades, if not centuries, are now engaging in self-reflection and self-analysis in order to determine their best and most effective roles in an environment that “morphs” almost minute by minute. So where does a liberal arts college named for an impressive but long-dead Renaissance polymath fit into this picture? How do the goals and missions of liberal arts education relate to a global society that “twitters” and texts, that communicates instantaneously and continuously? Dean Alan White

What the liberal arts have, collectively, to offer our world is the stability of intellectual rigor and the ages-old analytical tools that can help us determine not only how to get to our goals quickly, but also the thoughtful consideration of what our goals should be. In many ways, the liberal arts – with their historically broad intellectual and imaginative freedom – provide contemporary society with a set of “rapid response” skills to help address ever-shifting situations. Another power of the liberal arts tradition is that it helps us to avoid the facile “either/or” choices that are often proposed as the only solutions to problems and challenges. The liberal arts – like Thomas Harriot, the man for whom our College is named – combine the intellectual and the eminently practical. English algebra (of which Harriot is the “father”) might not seem too useful to students in the classroom, but Harriot harnessed his mathematical skills and imaginations to solve the practical problem of how to pack spheres in the most efficiently dense arrangement. [Harriot’s spheres were not imaginary ones in some theoretical textbook but real cannonballs; and his solution to this mathematical conundrum influenced the storage and transport of spherical objects, something not lost on twenty-first century companies that move commodities via containerships.] Writers of introductions to higher education documents – and, indeed many other writers – are wearing out the Charles Dickens opening to A Tale of Two Cities. The prose that balances “the best of times” and “the worst of times” provides a chance (perhaps illusory) to put a positive spin on a challenging fiscal situation. But a Harriot College faculty member commented recently that our current fiscal situation might be viewed more productively, and perhaps more accurately, through the lens of Burgundian (and later English) theologian Anselm of Canterbury who perceived that difficulty provided unparalleled opportunities for rising above adversity. Certainly, given the gravity of the current fiscal situation, higher education has such an opportunity. And the liberal arts tradition – which has endured for almost a millennium since the founding of the first university at Bologna (in 1088) will weather this storm. Our roots run deep, and although we may emerge changed, the values of thirsting curiosity, academic excellence, and lifelong learning will remain at and indeed be our academic core as we serve more and more students. Dedicated to the memory of Dean Emeritus and friend W. Keats Sparrow, this second electronic issue of Cornerstone is just a small testimony to the enduring values of Harriot College’s liberal arts tradition. Here you will read about an ECU scholar/department chair who studies group behaviors; an anthropologist who is helping women with access to cancer care; a “celeb” biologist who studies spiders; and an alumnus who majored in English, worked in financial services, and is an accomplished photographic artist. The student spotlight focuses on a visionary young man whose academic travels have taken him to Central America and to Germany. You will read about



Harriot College development opportunities – your financial support today is more crucial than it has ever been; and you can enjoy the long list of 2008-2009 Harriot College contributors. In addition, you can see the impressive 2009-2010 Harriot College Voyages of Discovery lecture series slate on page 15. Join us for the upcoming events. So, in spite of the apparently tornadic forces that are bearing down on higher education in general, Harriot College remains vital, focused, and responsive. Helen Keller stated, “[t]he stronger the winds, the deeper the roots. The deeper the roots and the longer the winds, the more beautiful the tree.” In these strong winds, our already established liberal arts roots will keep us anchored in our core values but able to grow new and beautiful branches in directions that only the future knows.

From t he Chancello r Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, East Carolina University’s academic cornerstone, provides a broad array of academic opportunities for an ever-increasing student population. Students’ lifelong learning journeys often begin in Harriot College, but these journeys certainly don’t end at the point of graduation. Inspired by dedicated faculty and excited by research and creative opportunities, the College’s students go on to professional lives varying from underwater archaeology to television production to education to public service. This second electronic edition of Cornerstone, the College’s annual magazine provides glimpses into some of the academic riches available in Harriot College and invites your investment in an academic institution that is rooted in the liberal arts tradition but is agile and ready to respond to the challenges of the present and the future. Harriot College is a shining example of Pirate Pride: faculty, students, and alumni engaged and ready to live out in the most vital way our university’s motto, servire. Chancellor Steve Ballard

From t he P rovost For a picture of academic diversity at East Carolina University, one need only look at Harriot College. Its fifteen departments and seventeen interdisciplinary programs range boldly over the spectrum of human knowledge, and as knowledge expands in new directions, new programmatic offerings are developed by a faculty engaged and on the cutting edge of scholarship and community service. The liberal arts are those which liberate the mind and enliven the spirit, and ECU students are expanding academic and personal horizons as they participate in learning environments as varied as traditional classrooms and laboratories, distance education via computer, and service learning projects in the region. Flexible learning opportunities mean that more and more varied student populations are prepared for present and future life – ready to read closely, to think critically, to analyze closely, to write and speak cogently: ready in the years to come for personal and professional opportunities the shape of which we today can only imagine. Dr. Marilyn Sheerer



Jason Bond’s evolution as a biologist has taken him across the planet – from Chicago to his boyhood home in Clemmons, North Carolina; to Hamburg, Germany; and Seoul, Korea. Self-described as a “not particularly good high school student,” Bond was drawn to things mechanical. He studied in the aviation mechanics program in Forsyth County, interned at Messerschmidt-Bölkow-Blohm (aviation company) in Hamburg, Germany; and was a U. S. Army mechanic and crew chief on UH60 Blackhawk helicopters at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, and in the demilitarized zone above Seoul, Korea.

Bond presented the feature lecture at ECU’s 2009 Darwin Day celebration. (Photo by Pamela Cox)


After that last intensely urban experience in Seoul, he returned to North Carolina to decompress and study on an ROTC scholarship at Western Carolina University in the mountain town of Cullowee. His zoology course there channeled him into the field of evolutionary biology, and his love of “gadgetry” drew him to electron microscopy. There, too, he participated in research on trap door spiders and the evolution of spinning structures and, as an undergraduate, took a course on tropical diversity in which he began his scientific publication. He went on to earn his master’s and PhD from Virginia Tech where he studied spider systematic and taxonomy.

Moving from the Linnaean (after Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus 1707-1778 who first systematized species naming) more traditional taxonomic approach of species delineation which depended heavily upon observable physical/ morphological characteristics, Bond looks at phylogeny which investigates and groups organisms based on their evolutionary relationships as indicated through molecular markers (DNA). These more “subtle” markers provide evidence that there is much more biodiversity than is often thought; understanding of biodiversity has enormous conservation implications for our planet. An early example in his career is his National Science Foundation-funded post-doctoral work at the University of Chicago where he worked on millipedes: ten thousand species described so far, maybe eighty-thousand more yet to be described. So, what’s so important about little bugs? Bond observes, “Our lives are dependent upon the natural world that surrounds us. Without spiders we would be overrun by insects; without millipedes our forests would pile up with leaves.”

Bond, the media personality, developed as a result of the naming of Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi, a spider species named in honor of Canadian musician and activist Neil Young. The Associated Press wire picked up the story, and Stephen Colbert provided the opportunity for Bond to talk to a wide public audience about his passion and subsequently name another new species after the television host. Bond’s researches have taken him to South Africa and South and Central America, and he is interested in how the field of biology has evolved over time. From Charles Darwin’s (2009 is the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth) landmark publication of Origin of the Species to the

The philosophical issues of epistemology and ontology are also at the heart of evolutionary biology, and Bond stresses the need to teach students about how scientific ideas have developed. “We need to teach students to write effectively in order to communicate important scientific information to people everywhere. A liberal arts approach helps students to learn to think creatively.” His Field Zoology course combined discussion of philosophical biodiversity issues with active lab/field work that made a biotic survey and inventory of spiders in the North Carolina coastal plain.

ECU biologist Jason Bond, left, invokes curiosity and some trepidation while showing a tarantula to a school tour group in the Howell Science Complex Feb. 12. The tours were part of the university’s Darwin Day celebration, marking the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin. (Photo by Cliff Hollis)

“Our lives are dependent upon the natural world that surrounds us. Without spiders we would be overrun by insects; without millipedes our forests would pile up with leaves.”


scientists of today and tomorrow, much about investigative methods has changed, but Darwin’s visionary insights are, collectively, the early organism from which today’s and tomorrow’s evolutionary biology is developing. Pure science, global environmental issues, macro- and microeconomics, medicine, and particularly, the field of genomics are intertwined branches on the tree of life on Earth. “As we move into the third century of what would have been Darwin’s life, we must shift our paradigm from viewing the biosphere as an inanimate object from which we are separated to the view that the biosphere is a fragile and living ecosystem of which we are both a part and upon which we are dependent. Unless we make significant changes, we will be responsible for what will go down in history as the first and only ethically non-neutral mass extinction of the flora and fauna of this planet.” In his work toward this sort of attitudinal change, Jason Bond is contributing to the web of human knowledge and inspiring students to themselves evolve into future knowledge creators. But like millipede species taxonomy, his knowledge is, happily, incomplete: “one of the most challenging and humbling but wonderful aspects of being an evolutionary biologist is that you will never learn everything.”


Evolutionary Biologist

Jason Bond Observes

Our planet is incredibly diverse and this diversity is largely unexplored. The diversity on our planet is intrinsic to our health and quality of life; we owe our existence to the organisms and the ecosystems in which they are assembled. This diversity is disappearing and the disappearance is the consequences of the actions of a single species. We must do something about the loss of biodiversity on our planet; action that requires the participation of individuals, communities, governments, nongovernmental organizations, and the world community.

“Tell me about your body,” requests cognitive anthropologist and award-winning teacher Holly Mathews as she interviews breast cancer survivors in eastern North Carolina. As a cultural broker, Mathews has been studying the national level “taken-for-granted assumptions” underlying breast self-exam and how these have filtered down to local levels. With the authoritative assumption that technology – specifically mammography – can be the earliest and most reliable diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of breast cancer, breast self-exams have been devalued in influential national reports (specifically the Cochrane review) and by national organizations such as the American Cancer Society and the Koman Foundation.


“True collaboration is beneficial because it forces all of us to examine . . . how it is that we know what we think we know.”

Holly Mathews is on the board of Zoe Restoration House, a shelter for homeless women and children. She is shown on the porch with some of the residents of the house.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, recruiting a network of local women in five eastern North Carolina intervention counties. These women would serve as lay health advisors, and, unexpectedly, many were themselves breast cancer survivors. What Mathews and her colleagues discovered was a remarkable level of health self-awareness coupled with an institutional dismissal of survivors’ embodied knowledge. But beyond the casual dismissal of personal knowledge, the team uncovered authoritativelydriven examples of negligent care, overt discrimination, and significant gaps in the “safety net” of health care that was largely institutionally-based. Through the interviews done


with the women recruited to be local health advisors, the process of decision-making for these women was placed in their larger, personal cultural contexts. Mathews talked with dozens of women and recorded these wide-ranging conversations. Densely packed with all sorts of information about cultural assumptions, body selfawareness, dreams and presentiments about personal health, and anecdotal side stories, these narratives reinforced the many other ways of knowing besides those privileged in a technology- and formal systems-based society. During the project, the women who were lay health advisors quickly

understood that anecdotal data itself was not sufficient (from a scientific point of view) to counter-balance quantifiable statistical data. As Mathews wrote in her conclusion to her panel presentation to the Society for Applied Anthropology, “As a cultural broker or translator, one lesson I learned is that both authoritative and alternative knowledge systems can be exotic and opaque. True collaboration is beneficial because it forces all of us to examine . . . how it is that we know what we think we know.” Throughout her career, this open scholarship perspective has involved Mathews in examinations of traditional healing; women’s roles in the Mexican cargo system; gender perceptions and projections in “La Llorona” folk-tales and in life; and in field work in eastern North Carolina, Costa Rica, and Mexico. What brought her to anthropology from her undergraduate major in sociology was an influential faculty mentor who involved her in research that set her on her own life-path. Cognitive anthropology looks at how people organize knowledge and make decisions, and integral to this human client-centered, broad-based approach are the “schemas” – the stories, often told in in-depth interviews where the speaker (and not just the researcher) determines the structure of what is important. The scholar may have a probe and checklist, but the open-ended conversation – with its nonlinear digressions – reveals unexpected and unexpectedly important information that a structured survey might not. In addition to her field work and personal scholarly activity, Mathews teaches undergraduate classes and directs student independent studies and (deeply sensitive of the role of the personal mentor) advises all of the anthropology undergraduate majors. Her own schema currently includes invited presentations at the 6th Biennial Conference on Culture, Cancer and Literary (Tampa, FL, 2008) and the Society for Applied Anthropology (New Mexico, 2009) and publications of the proceedings of both of those organizations. She chairs or serves on numerous university and departmental committees, is a judge for ECU’s Graduate Research Week, serves on national advisory boards for various professional organizations, serves on boards of directors for local non-governmental organizations, and is troop activities coordinator for Greenville’s Boy Scout Troop 30. The day of

this interview, she had just delivered a birthday cake to the school of one of her two sons. Mathews is married to Ron Hoag, professor in the Department of English. Scholar Holly Mathews embodies the rich duality of authoritative knowledge and local wisdom and the many ways of knowing.

The scholar may have a probe and checklist, but the open-ended conversation – with its non-linear digressions – reveals unexpected and unexpectedly important information that a structured survey might not.

Matthews (left) with Troop 30 scouts on a camping trip to Pettigrew State Park and Somerset place.


Photo by Edward Smith

Rooted in the soils of the Carolina coastal plain, Harriot College Advancement Council Member Edward Tyson Smith grew up on a tobacco farm near Fountain. His family tree stretches back to colonial settlers with family names like May, Tyson, Lewis and Smith.

Richard Leakey

Sm graduated from Farmville High School and then from East Carolina Smith College (1964) with a baccalaureate degree in English. From here, he went Co on to teach in Enfield and started a master’s in public administration. After a brief b stint as assistant principal in Rocky Mount, he returned to Enfield as principal p and began a second master’s degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He moved to the Triangle area to finish that Car educational endeavor and served in Asheboro as school principal. edu But the lure of deep eastern North Carolina connections brought Edward Smith back to Rocky Mount in a career shift as a financial advisor and Sm broker with the regional firm of Wheat, First Securities. Now in Greenville, bro he has served a client base that has grown over his 35 years in the field, and nnumbered among his clients are many significant ECU supporters. Smith comments that one of his greatest pleasures was delivering the news to ECU advancement officers of the Verona Joyner Langford bequest to the university. The library’s North Carolina Collection is named for this generous donor, and Smith was instrumental in managing and growing the wealth that helped to create this gift. Edward Smith himself has been particularly generous with his time, over the years serving on the Friends of the Library and numerous other ECU organizations. But his particular involvement in the new but already well-established Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Voyages of D Discovery Series is one of his monumental contributions. Remembering the Buc Buckley-Rodell Debates of the 1960s, Smith and others envisioned a lecture seri series that would again be a special intellectual beacon and “quality magnet” for Down East, in much the same way that the Four Seasons Chamber Music Fes Festival has been for the performing arts Edward Smith (Photo by ASAP Photo)


Walter Isaacson

Lisa Norling

An especially valuable feature of Harriot College’s entire Voyages of Discovery Series is its Premier Lecture presented by a person accomplished and influential in his or her field. But beyond the lecture, the presenter also meets with students, faculty, and community leaders, growing “This is not ultimately about money — it’s about value. The value to our campus and regional constituents is enormous.” information, network connections, and inspiration. In the Voyages of Discovery Series’ brief but illustrious history (just two years), renowned paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey and writer-educator-corporate executive officer Walter Isaacson have come to Greenville as Premier Lecturers. Other distinguished presenters during the two years of the series include Lisa Norling, Felipe Fernando-Armesto, and ECU’s own W. Randolph Chitwood.

W. Randolph Chitwood

“This series is a rare opportunity for ECU and its entire service region,” comments Smith. “Looking back to the fall of 2006, when Harriot College leaders and community members sat down to discuss the possibility of a lecture series, we have come a very long way. ECU’s faculty recognizes the importance of this sort of activity and works very hard – especially John Tucker (Harriot College’s Asian Studies Interdisciplinary Program director and eastern North Carolina native) who now also serves as the series director.” “Our challenges in the future will be funding. There are major costs associated with the kind of world-class individual that we want to bring to ECU, but this is not ultimately about money – it’s about value. The value to our campus and regional constituents is enormous.” Beyond his many professional and ECU service involvements, Smith is developing his own valuable aesthetic fruit: he is a photographer whose nature photography artwork has


Photo by Edward Smith

enjoyed the success of one man shows and whose work hangs in art collections across the country. Our “influence on the environment – the natural world – is undeniable and obvious at every turn. In my view, nature photography is the reproduction of images that occur naturally in our world. [I seek to] take an artist’s view and compose an image that beautifully displays the subject without picking the flower or moving the bush.” On his website (, his works and his philosophy focus on the unadorned and unmanipulated rendering of the exquisite minutiae of reality – a footnote to the site quotes Vladimir Nabokov: “. . . in art as in science, there is no delight without the detail.”

Entrance to the Verona Joyner Langford North Carolina Collection at Joyner Library. (Photo by Pamela Cox)

The physical and intellectual panoramas of eastern North Carolina, the delicate detail of a lily (Cornerstone’s cover illustration) – all are passions for Edward Tyson Smith. His commitment to ECU through his thoughtful and energized business acumen and his visionary inspiration has helped to broaden the landscape for students, faculty, and regional constituents and grow new intellectual capital Down East.

Our “influence on the environment – the natural world – is undeniable and obvious at every turn. In my view, nature photography is the reproduction of images that occur naturally in our world.

5 photos by Ed Smith; to enjoy more of his work, see his website, 14


Lecture Series Harriot Voyages of Discovery

September 10, 2009


Marcus Rediker, PhD

University of Pittsburgh, Department of History, Chair “Black Pirates: The Curious Early History of the Amistad Rebellion”

October 6, 2009


Mark Ravina, PhD

Emory University Department of Russian and East Asian Studies, Chair “Reflections on the Last Samurai”

November 6, 2009


Gloria Steinem “Reflections on Feminism: A Voyage of Discovery with Gloria Steinem”

January 26, 2010


Walter Brueggemann, ThD, PhD

Columbia Theological Seminary, Professor Emeritus “Recovery from the Long Nightmare of Amnesia”

February 17, 2010


Trudier Harris, PhD

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill “Little Old Ladies and the Last Word: An Exploration of Sassiness and Risque Behavior in African American Folklore”

March 18, 2010


Theda Perdue, PhD “Native Americans of North Carolina”

For further information about the series, visit us online at 15

Narrative Numbers: Leon Wilson Gets Them to Tell Their Stories “Give me a story.”

Leon Wilson, appointed chair of Harriot College’s Department of Sociology in January 2009, always wants a story. From his upbringing in a village of a few hundred in Guyana to the chairmanship of Harriot College’s Department of Sociology is quite a story itself. Just “wanting to be something” was an ambition beyond the dreams of most villagers, but Wilson had mentors and spiritual godfathers and godmothers who helped to make dreams into realities. His early talent for mathematics inspired him to want to be an engineer, but interest in that field was only a temporary way-station on his journey. Then his gift for compelling language won him an essay contest and garnered attention of religious leaders who directed him toward theology. Wilson completed a Bachelor of Theology at Caribbean Union College in Trinidad and was awarded a scholarship to study Religion in the United States. He earned his Master of Arts in Religion and Counseling at Andrews University in Michigan, but church structure was less intriguing to him than people, and in 1986 and 1989 he completed an MA and PhD in Sociology at the University of Michigan respectively.

Guyana: where Wilson’s own story started

But even this is not quite all of Wilson’s story. Along the way, he read and absorbed tremendous amounts of literature and its stories, and his being “steeped” in Shakespeare (his own word) was a rich preparation for the years that he mentored young people and taught literature and mathematics in Guyana. “The most valuable thing about reading literature is that it teaches one to think.” Wilson has been a tireless youth advocate and has studied the diffuse media influences that shape young people in an increasingly connected and globalized environment. His


areas of specialization for his PhD were social psychology and socialization and social control, and his prime research interest dovetails with his desire for “the story:” how are human beings “created?” Socialization (the nurture of citizens in society) and social control (imposed constraints of structures such as family, schools, or government) are at the heart of the stories that Wilson investigates, and he has harnessed his early mathematics interest to engage in advanced statistical analysis of people in their milieus, but in his advanced statistics teaching, stories come first: he says, “I get to the math last.” “In my field, we utilize complex statistical models to understand human behaviors and systems. For example, Structural Equation Models correct for the ‘error’ problems associated with separate applications of Factor Analysis and Regression Analysis and is widely used examine a variety of sociological problems and issues. We also have sophisticated techniques for handling categorical variables—uncountable factors such as race or religion. However, all our tools have errors, and in spite of readiness to admit at times, social science is imprecise because its questions are so deeply complex. And I am committed to sharing knowledge: I always make my own data available to my students, and this

has been a springboard for expanded research.” But statistical data are not the end: he exhorts his students to move beyond the numbers to the whys and hows – the human stories – behind the numbers. In the same way that data are collectively a means to the end goal of understanding, Wilson laughingly recounts his interview for his current position. “I came with no PowerPoint. Technology is a useful tool, but we get caught up in relating to it rather than to people. I wanted to talk to my interviewers, and I wanted them to see me – not some technology. I am basically a liberal arts advocate; I believe in education for education’s sake. Education is life preparation, not just training for some job that we might hold.” A parallel to Wilson’s professional story of “narrative numbers” is his personal story of his passion for the sport of cricket. Popular throughout Great Britain, Commonwealth countries, and former British colonies, the bat and ball sport is one that he plays with a team in California. With such diverse interests as mathematics and literature and theology and statistics and sociology and cricket, Wilson is certainly an all-rounder for Harriot College.


Student inn the th Spotlight

As a child, Jason Glisson grew up reading National Geographic and loved the Indiana Jones movies. But Glisson’s journey to his anthropology degree (archaeology concentration) was a circuitous one. The Goldsboro native played and taught guitar and studied with ECU’s Dr. Elliot Frank, anticipating graduating with a degree in music, but Glisson’s right hand was injured in an auto accident. Glisson looked at his collection of books – mostly archaeology – and thought, “why not try that?” When he met with ECU archaeologist Dr. “Charlie” Ewen, Glisson noticed that he and Ewen own lots of the same books – a good sign, for sure. After his second semester at ECU, Jason traveled alone around the Yucatan Peninsula, exploring Maya ruins at Ek Balam, Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Palenque, Tulum, and Coba. Tour guides there were impressed with this tourist’s knowledge of Mayan history and culture.


Glisson inside the cave that he discovered during archaeological field school.

Then in 2008, he returned to Central America to do his first archaeological field school, working with Mayan artifacts and ruins at La Milpa site. The rain forest temperatures of 100-plus degrees, the insects, and the workload were no deterrents to this dedicated worker. Glisson’s curiosity led him to request permission to explore a fourmeter-deep pit at the site. He went down and extended his arm into an empty side cavern. He could feel nothing – no ceiling at all. His instincts and imagination took off. Calling for his camera, he stuck the camera into the void and filmed a brief movie that revealed a chultun (man-made cave) that no one else had thought to explore via photo-technology. Three days later, after removing soil and sifting through it, Glisson was sitting inside the cave – probably the first human being to be there for nearly a thousand years. Then followed the discovery of enough bones to confirm that initial finds had been those of a young man. An exciting first field school.

“Seeing things from other points of view and learning how different societies operate was really broadening.”

But Glisson’s broad interest in learning extends beyond this hemisphere to German language and culture. He spent this past year in Germany in order to finish his ECU German language minor. While in Europe, he attended a Mayan hieroglyphic workshop in Paris and took a Mayan hieroglyphic course in Germany. He comments, “foreign travel was wonderful – and it taught me more about how people around the world view the United States. Seeing things from other points of view and learning how different societies operate was really broadening.” Glisson credits the support of his parents, Theresa and George Glisson, and his girlfriend with encouraging him to unearth his dreams, however far he had to travel to do so. Glisson still finds time to play the guitar and compose, to backpack on the Appalachian Trail, to design websites, and to play hockey. He overcame a fear of deep water and is now a scuba diving aficionado. His courses in Biblical archaeology sparked an abiding interest in ancient languages such as Aramaic, Phoenician, and Old Hebrew. And in his German courses at ECU, Dr. Jensen helped him to relish and embrace the challenge of learning something difficult.

Areas covered during archaeological field school.

“Sometimes we don’t want to learn about a certain subject, but we are required to. This is tough, but it really makes us better people and stronger students.” Jason Glisson plans to continue his education at the master’s and PhD levels and hopes to teach in a university one day. But learning never stops. “The learning process is humbling – you can study a subject for years and still not know half! I remind myself each day that there is much more to learn in life and in school. We as human beings never stop learning.” Harriot College’s Jason Glisson – inspired as a child by movies in popular culture and then by professors at ECU – is the focus of this student spotlight, but he’ll one day unearth knowledge about ancient archaeological chambers or the intricacy of the German language or subjects he has yet to explore. 19

Unbeatabl e I nves tm e nt s by Scott Wells

When you think about what universities and colleges consist of, two things that cannot be left off the list are students and faculty. East Carolina University, like every other university, strives to recruit the best students to come study and be inspired by the best faculty. The EC Scholars Program is a merit-based scholarship program designed to attract the most motivated and deserving high school students to our university. High school students with these extraordinary academic abilities are in high demand by the best universities. Many of these students are in the enviable position of choosing where they wish to attend, based on the scholarship support offered to them. To compete with other universities, ECU must be able to offer the same kind of scholarship packages that lead many of North Carolina’s top scholars to other in-state as well as out-of-state institutions. The Second Century Campaign will enhance the endowment for the EC Scholars Program’s strong scholarship packages to attract the best and brightest students from North Carolina and around the nation. Enhancing existing scholarships and creating new ones will help top young minds select ECU, which in turn will add to the prestige of the University. Scholarship gifts are among the most satisfying a donor can make by transforming the life of a young person. By adding your name or honoring someone else through a scholarship 20

endowment, you create a lasting legacy and inspire others. As important, your investment pays dividends by preparing future generations of leaders. Distinguished Professorships honor outstanding faculty members and at the same time help ECU attract scholars, researchers, and teachers of the highest caliber and stars in their field. The strength of every university is its faculty, and good professors are in demand. ECU students deserve the opportunity to learn from the most talented faculty that can be recruited and retained. Endowments supporting distinguished professorships provide funds that will enable faculty to further their professional academic objectives and bring excitement to the classroom. The Second Century Campaign will add to the number of endowments that support distinguished professorships. Creating new professorships will increase opportunities to attract extraordinary faculty to ECU and provide inspiration in their classrooms. With your help, we can make sure that financial concerns are never an obstacle to an East Carolina University education. Plan to invest in ECU students and faculty today by contacting Scott Wells, Major Gifts Officer, or 252.328.9560 or Jennifer Tripp, Director of Development, or 252.328.4901.

Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences

Annual Honor Roll of Donors During the past year, hundreds of friends have generously supported Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences with their financial gifts. In these days of shrinking government funding, contributions from institutions and individuals provide expanded programming, academic opportunities, and liberal arts enrichment for students and faculty. The following list reflects gifts made to Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences from July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009. To notify us of any changes or to add your name to the list, please contact Harriot College’s Director of Development, Jennifer Tripp, 252-328-4901. Updated as of December 11, 2009

Patricia Anne Abbott Jessica Gardner Adams Marc Stuart Adler Bruce David and Sue S. Akers Joyce D. Akins Akvaplan-niva AS Tony and Glenda K. Alcock M. Lee Alcorn Jr. Patrice Elaine Alexander Fred and Mary Ann Alford Murray McCheyne and Jean Brock Alford Albert G. and Frances Allen Jimmy and Carolyn W. Allen Charles Stewart and Corene Allen George and Chere M. Allen Robert Ross and Mary Louise Allen Larry D. and Claudia W. Alligood Ronald Steven Alligood Christopher Greene and Becky Allison Vance Calvin and Ann Byrd Alphin Thomas Nichol and Katherine Anne Altieri Altria Group Inc. Gary and Deborah Downes Ambert American International Group Ralph Allen Amos III Billy and Ann Demiter Anderson Debra L. Anderson Gerald T. and Bonita Anderson John Robert and Lucinda Anderson Mitchell T. and Tammy Smithson Anderson Stephen Henry and Eve W. Andrews James Kent and Verna T. Apple Walter B. and Leslie Applewhite Joseph Junior Askew John H. Atkinson Debbie Barwick Audilet Christopher John and Jennifer H. Augustine Thomas Edgar and Susan Austin

Paul Wayne and Caroline Ayers Sharon Renfrow Ayers Lawrence E. and Nancy Mayer Babits Douglas Michell Bade Sam Lewis and Ann Bryan Bagley Judson Scott and Kathryn Stockett Bailey Donald M. Baldwin III Lee F. and Nancy L. Ball Connie Gail Balance H. Leigh and Mary L. Ballance Bank of America Ellis S. and Dianne P. Banks John William Banks Norman D. and Judith Underwood Barclay Torrey F. and Julia Manning Barefoot Miles Franklin and Lynn D. Barefoot Frank E. and Martha L. Barham Wells James Barker Harold Lee Barnes Jr. Mary Hollis Barnes Woodrow Wilson and Jo-Ann H. Barnes Stephen A. and Janice Boutilier Barnett David W. and Lisa D. Barnette Kenny and Karen Hess Barnhill Emily Jule Barnitt Thomas Henry Barrett Jr. John Raymond and Frances Parker Barron Mary Helen Barwick James Walter Bateman III James H. and Judy S. Bateman Frances Christine Bates Mark and Amy Michelle Batten Harold T. and Patricia S. Beck Charles B. and Nancy Bedford Christian James Bell Heyward Cuckon and Mary D. Bellamy

Daniel Vincent and Rose Sinicrope Bellittiere Joseph and Karen Bene Laura E. Benjamin William and Frances B. Bennett Bert L. and Lillian Flanagan Bennett Kristin Jade Beresky Margaret Elaine Berry Benjamin N. and Barbara Best Zhihui Bian Lee Roy and Olivia White Biggerstaff Christopher D. and Jennifer Eason Billups Philip H. nd Joan Bilodeau Biogen Idec Inc. Jesse Vann and Jody H. Bissette Lawrence Lee and Karen Rose Black Leslie and Lois Jennette Blackman Ryan Matthew Boetcher John Alexander and Aesook L. Bogatko Robert Alan and Margaret M. Boles Denise Leonora Bolster Jason S. Bond Owen Bradford and Jane Lytch Boone Gerald O. and Susan F. Bouchard Robbie Lawrence and Beverly Hamm Bowen Charles Steven Bowen Scott Harvey Bowen Robert Sidney and Beverly Page Boyette Stacey Elizabeth Boyette Margaret R. Boykin Paul and Susan E. Bradford-Moore H. David and Kathy Bradshaw William Jasper and Doris Heath Branch William Ray and Olivia B. Brannon Robert R. Branton Jr. Ronald Gene and Tiny Mickie Braswell John T. and Nancy Glaser Bray John David Bream


Jim D. Burnette and Carolyn Jean Breedlove Sandra R. Breen Joseph Daniel and Patricia Steigerwald Brennan Neal Angelo Brickhouse Benet E. and Susan A. Bridgeman Bridgestone/Firestone Margaret O. Bright Mark M. Brinson Mark William Brodsky Roger and Gillian Mary Brogneaux Richard Bryan and Claire Broughton Carl S. and Charlotte C. Brow James L. Browder Charles Q. Brown Charles Russell Brown Jr. Darryl Keith Brown and Carolyn Capps H. Marshall and Patricia U. Brown Louis Ray and Kathie Brown David Savage and Mary Beth Brown Richard Lee Brown Thomas E. and Julia Thomas Brown Todd Douglas and Stacy Brown Robert Monroe and Susan Dark Browning David A. and Rodnea Brunson Melonie T. Bryan Sarah C. Bryan Shirley B. Bryan Dale W. and Christina C. Buch James C. and Patricia Seely Buckner Alfred B. and Marie B. Bulla Thomas Perry and Catherine Sanders Bulllard William Greg Bunn Michael L. Bunting and Mollie Berry Davenport Brandon Douglas Burch James Douglas and Bonnie P. Burch Samuel Adamson and Jimi-Ann Burgess Rocky and Wendy Dawn Burgett Graham J. and Sophie K. Burkheimer Burlington Industries Mary Emma Burnette Judith Laine Burnette Jason M. Burns Nathan Stanley and Jeanne A. Burns Robert and Lynda Burns Cynthia M. Burt Hugh A. and Agnes R. Burton Eric Scott and Sarah Olson Butler William B. and Martha D. Bynum Karen Townsend Byrd


Whichard Building

Larry D. and Corrinne Byrd Robert Clay and Carol Byrd Albert Lynn and Margaret Fratzke Cahoon Gregory Paul and Gennifer Calabrese Lee Wade Caldwell Charles William and Mary Calhoun Richard Scott Calvin Michael and Suzanne Slack Camden Everett and Jane Cameron James and Dianne N. Campbell Boyd and Frances K. Campbell Daniel L. and Harriet Cannady Capps, Bowman & Padgett Alan E. and Jean A. Carlson Michael R. and Mildred Carpenter Patricia Hiner Carpenter Lloyd C. Folks and Shirley W. Carraway Thomas Burgess Carroll and Yvonne L. Ralston William Wright Carroll Dorothy L. Carter Myron Leonard and Barbara Schnitzer Caspar Gary Craig and Aimee Casper Thomas McNair Cassell Byron and Louanna O. Castleman Jack and Patricia Caudill Edward L. and JoAnn L. Cavenaugh Charles F. and Linda Cheney Chamberlain Jay Willard Chapin Frank D. and Annette Charron Hyun Jong and Diane Chay

James T. and Brenning B. Cheatham William Grimes Cherry III Deborah M. Childers Harvey B. and Cathy Baker Chinlund Walter Randolph and Tamara Whitt Chitwood Edwin Tan Chua Larry Smith Church Robert K. and Edwina L. Churchill Jared F. and Elizabeth D. Cilley Tim and Dawn Cruse Clancy Amanda Manning Clark Virgil Scoville and Frances Davis Clark John B. Clark John Preston and Karen R. Clark Richard Thomas Clark James S. and Doris Clarke Byron F. and Anke Lilly Clodfelter David Neil and Joycelyn Clough Hoy Jefferson Cobb Jr. James Franklin Coble Scott Ashton and Amy Crawley Coffey Christopher Lowell and Corey Coggins William Estes Cole Jamie Leigh Collazo George Thomas and Olivia Hill Collier Lisa Preston Compton Herman and Barbara S. Cone Kenneth Ray Congleton John O. and Rhonda Vandiford Conner Conner Consulting, LLC Marcia F. Conway Walter Cooper Jr. and Debra Cooper

William Christopher Cooper Penny Gail Copeland Ruth Ann Copley William Walter and Lynn Coppedge Christopher Lee and Lisa Bailey Corbitt Matthew E. and Linda Kay Cosner Margaret S. Costen David William Cotton Robert and Suzanne B. Cottrell Jeffery Lynn and Vivian Martin Covington Norman J. and Beverly Jones Cox Hardee Richard and Angela Cox Blount Corbett and Leslie Craft Dana Lynne Craig Mary Lorraine Craig Daniel and Renee Lee Crandol Robert Alton and Emma Lou Crawford Charles W. and Charles Wayne Creech Virginia M. Crews and Alan Schwartz Curtis T. and Frances W. Crickmore Vivian P. Crickmore Laddie Moore and Jamie Crisp James Thomas Crocker James R. and Jane Croom Douglas E. and Patricia Leary Cross John M. and Sheree L. Crotsley Brenda Jeanne Crouch Peter Harwell Crumley Judd Forbes Crumpler CSX Corporation Rodney Eric and Christy E. Cubbage Ana-Marie P. Cuomo Tammy Lynn Curtis Heather Dawn Dail Thurman Allen Dail Ronald H. and Anne Sonia Dalrymple Plummer Alston and Connie Daniel Mike Forrest and Lianne Pena Daniska Walton Marvin and Alice C. Daugherty Ronnie Clifton and Frances M. Daughtry Frank Kenneth Davies Connie P. Davis Denise Eileen Davis John and Dorothy Ward Davis Graham Johnson Davis Sr. Judy Kay Davis Christian S. and Michelle S. Davis Robert Christopher and Meoldy Davis Ronald Carey Davis Samuel Avery Davis Thomas Julian and Kathleen Davis John William Dawson Jr.

Joseph Alan Dawson Karen Grimes Day Christy L. Deardorff Betty Gunn Dennis Travis L. and Kimberly Lackey Dessoffy Jarret Lei DeVine Patrick Joseph Devlin Russell H. and Iylene Dew Charlotte Wray Dexter Gregory Bruce and Debbie Dickens William F. and Kathleen M. Dickenson Kenneth Wayne Dilda Collett B. and Martha B. Dilworth Michael Dingfelder Frank Scot Diuguid III Gregory Joseph Dixon John Robert and Mary Alice Dixon Jeffery Lee Donald Steve and Becky Gupton Dorsey Neil E. and Donna M. Dorsey Ronnie Ravon Douthit Robert W. and Gina Dowd Lee Sheldon Downie DSM DTE Energy Foundation David Frederick and Elaine K. Dudley Wade Glendon and Susan Marske Dudley Harry Ward and Nova Duft Donald and Kay F. Dunlap Edward K. and Faye R. Dunn Jimmy E. and Marjorie Boyd Dunn Samantha Ranee Dunn Bennett Taylor Dupree Donald Allan and Betty A. Duprez Virginia Cox Durham Walter and Carolyn R. Eaton Terence Sean and Katherine B. Edmiston Robert B. and Rebecca Edmundson Curtis Earl and Deborah Atkinson Edwards Don Raby and Jane Edwards Herman O. and Brenda F. Edwards J. Clifton and Lynn Edwards Thomas E. and Sue Richards Edwards Timothy Dale Edwards and Scott Hill Gibson T. Edmond and Nancy T. Efird David W. and Ellen M. Eggerding David Dale and Kathryn Elks Ronald David and Wanda T. Elks Ralph Edward Elledge William Alphonso and Anne Gilliam Ellis

James E. Ellis Ashby Dunn and Barbara D. Elmore William E. and Martha G. Elmore Richard E. Ericson Thomas C. and Carolyn S. Erskine Edward B. and Tammara Levey Estes Phillip Leon and Ava Jackson Eubanks Lloyd Thomas and Ann Randlett Eure Phillip Tefft and Cindy Putnam Evans George O. and Vicki Evans James Alexander and LaRue Mooring Evans Mary Harris Everett John Douglas and Barbara T. Faires Leonard Thomas and Elizabeth Farias Marie T. Farr Donald Joseph and Libby Farrell Mercer M. and Melissa J. Faulkner John W. and Janet P. Felts Gerald R. and Barbara Ferguson Kenneth Preston and Cynthia Pittman Ferguson Henry C. Ferrell Jr. William Heyward and Deborah Keyes Ferrell Betsy Helen Fidalgo Jesse Lewis and Pamela Bowers Finney Skip and Mona Kathryn Fisher Frederic H. Fladenmuller Sandra H. Flaer Maria Yost Flanagan Richard E. Flickinger Jr. John Walsh and Helen Floyd Mark A. and Sondra Gail Folsom John William Forbis Jack S. and Lottie Forlines Raymond Earl and Geraldine Fornes Dwight B. and Grace P. Foster Harry H. and Beth Fowler Charles A. and Cynthia G. Fox Donald Ray Franks James G. and Dana S. Fraser Dwight Moody and Jane Frazier Annisa Lynn Freeman Wayne E. and Andree Freeman Ken and Megan Smith Friedman Brandon Coll Frisby Nancy B. Fulghum Anitra Lemonde Fuller Gordon D. and Pell Pickett Fulp Owen James and Harriet Furuseth Paul Barrow and Jennifer Carol Gainey James Madison and Bonnie Galloway Jim Rufus and Nina Galloway


Calvin and Rebecca Joyce Gammon Wayne A. and Catherine Gardner David and Gail Rice Gardner Richard J. and Susan C. Garkalns Cecil Thomas and Sandra G. Garner George R. and Frances Garrett Barry W. and Barbara Garrison Robert L. Garrison Jr. Gateway Bank Thomas Christopher and Julie Gauldin Donald L. and Wilma D. Gaylor Paul Joseph and Margaret Cetera Gemperline George W. and Pauline B. Gentry Geo Solutions Limited Inc. Robert Andrew German Daniel Seth Gettis Guy Freeman Gibbs Haywood Pell and Ann B. Gibbs Joseph R. Gibson and Carol J. Cenname Leonard Howard and Suzette Gudac Gibson Paul and Robin Annette Gibson-Brown Michael Wayne and Jane Gilchrist Jesse Edward and Laura K. Gillikin Paul Leon and Laura H. Gipson John P. Given III Milton Alfred Glass Jr. GlaxoSmithKline Katherine H. Glenn William Calvin Glisson Jr. Marion Boyd and Pat Godbold Paul William Godfrey and Linda Horton James and Cora J. Godwin Glenn Thomas Godwin Douglas L. and Katherine Herring Gomes Lewis Shelton and Jean Hoell Gore William Lewis Gore William and Catherine Kurtz Gowen Ken Davis and Deborah Lynn Grafton Robert Frank and Parker Graham Terry Alan Grant William Luther and Mary F. Grant Kenneth L. and Rochelle Gray Page M. Gray Richard Deberry and Sally B. Green James C. and Diane Greene K. Edward and Joan Greene Lori Helen Greene John Robert and Lisa Whitman Grice Betsy Q. Griffin


Susan Griffin Eugene and Cynthia Gurkin Grimes Yvonne Marie Groh Michael Wesley and Ashly Lassiter Grubb Stephen Matthew and Ruth M. Grubbs George Wilson and Pamela Boswell Gunn Steven Daniel and Dana B. Gurganus Charles Mitchell and Gina R. Gurganus Horace D. and Joyce Jarman Gurganus Evan Sterling and Caroline Brayboy Gutshall Emilie Sue Hagan Paul W. Hager Lemuel and Connie Edge Hair Todd Alston Hales James E. and Alma B. Hall Monte L. and Carole R. Hall George Perry and Karen Cabaniss Hall Ralph W. Hall Jr. Fred A. and Donna D. Halstead Alexander Hamilton Harry Vernon and Sharon K. Hamilton Robin M. Hammond Joel Grant and Susan L. Hancock David C. Hanner Adam Paul and Rebecca Hardee Harbaugh Caswell Scott and Laurie Hardaway Smith P. Hardison Scott and Pamela Jean Hares Allen Stanfield Harper Brenda B. Harrell Isaac Harrison and Pamela Harrell Johnnie Earl and Melissa Collins Harrell William Stuart Harrell Alan Michael and Wanda Aylor Harris Wright Circle Coy W. Harris Alton and Ella Tyson Harris H. Denard Harris and Carolyn Kay Harris Patrick J. and Lynn Harris Edith Camilla Harrison Steven Callaway and Janice Harrison Donald Wayne and Judy Jordan Harritan Gene M. and Dorothy Hart Thad Alonza Hart Jr. Robert Dean and Charlene M. Hartley John P. Kelly and Karen Jo Haskett Marie Anne Hassel Stanley Oscar and Dolly Overton Hathaway Paul Edward and Bettie Haug Alan Dwain Hawkins

Larry Wade and Nelle Lee Hayes John W. and Doris G. Heath Chawana Renee Hedgepeth Martin Ronald Helms Jr. Carol Henderson James R. and Marvis H. Hendrix William H. and Shena C. Hendrix Kenneth and Priscilla Wilkinson Hensley Janice L. Hepler Sue Ann Herold Waverly Erwin and Martha Hester Jerry L. Higgins Clyde Arthanius and Vetta Barnes Higgs William D. and Karen M. High Mary Rebecca Hill Dennis and Nancy W. Hill Robert E. and Lynda D. Hill Stacy Dunevant Hill Erskine L. Hinds John Franklin and Emy Hinnant James E. and Nora Hix Windsor Keith and Charlotte Eller Hobbs Frances O. Hockaday Walter William and Dorothy D. Hodder Rita Sue Hodges W. Phillip and Lisa Brewer Hodges John Cordon Hoerter Gregory Stephen and Martha Hoff John Christopher Hoffman Barry Stephen and Susan Taylor Hoggard Alfred Robert and Jane Holcombe Cliff and Leslie Holcombe William Earl Hollamon Jr. George Patrick Holland Joseph Clark Hollaway William Keith Holley Lawrence P. and Barbara D. Hollister A. Wayne and Sherry McKee Holloman Pierre DeLante and Noelle F. Holloman Otha Jerome and Theresa C. Holmes Robert Douglas and Patricia G. Holsten Thomas Edward and Tina Holsten Helen White Holt Joseph Thurman and Marie L. Holt James Craig Holte Jonathon Woodard Hooks J. Phillip and Grace S. Horne William Hill and Katherine C. Horne George Robert Horvat Sean Patrick and Patricia Flood Howe

Dexter and Abbie Maria L. Howell Ed E. Howell John M. and Gladys D. Howell B. C. and Lona M. Howser Patricia Louise Hudnall Kendall Wilson and Connie H. Huffman Thomas E. Huffman Doris B. Humphreys Sandra Elizabeth Hunsucker George Graham and Caroline Hunt Mitchell L. and Cynthia D. Hunt Ryan Thomas and Amy E. Hunt Robert Vernon and Eleanor Hunter Albert L. Hurst Tammy Renee Hurt

Albert R. and Judy M. Hux IAVO Research and Scientific IBM Gregory Lee and Wendy C. Idol Ray V. and Jean Ingold Alfred Oliver and Robin Rene S. Inman Franklin Leroy and Rebecca W. Irvin John A. and Arminda B. Israel J E Cameron, DDS & Associates Norman N. and Doral Hunter Jackson George S. and Blair F. Jackson Michael V. and Christie W. James Jefferson’s Flower Joseph and Maria Pulido Jeffries Charles Oswood and Anne W. Jenkins

David Paul Jenkins Thomas E. and Gail S. Jenkins Robert Howard Jenkins Joseph Clyde and Rosamond Hodnett Jenkins Jack W. and Sara M. Jenkins Gladys V. Jennings Patrick Haden Jennings Joseph H. and Priscilla E. Jernigan Thomas Bradford and Sherri Lynn Whitley Jernigan Alan Thomas Jessup James Jay and Brenda Jester Alene Johnson James Earl and Julia Johnson John L. and Rose Graham Johnson Keith Dow and Vaun Tschieder Johnson Robert and Martha Kornegay Johnson Marvin B. and Joyce Johnson Todrina Shauntae Johnson Johnson & Johnson Anthony Tyrone Jones Cherry Jones Gene Douglas and Marcia Jones Jerry E. and Brenda Jones John Atwood and Jeanette Jones Johnnie Earl and Tara Jones Richard Alan and Nancy Jones Stephen Thomas Jones and Wanda J. Aldridge Thomas H. Jones Brian and Donna Lynn Jordan Joseph Christopher and Kimberly Jane Jordan Robert C. and Louise P. Jordan Edward B. and Nicole Cobb Jordan C. K. and Deborah G. Josey James M. and Mary Ellen Joyce Jane Long Joyner Jennifer Delores Joyner Edson Luiz Berquo Justiniano Michael Julius and Peggy M. Kachmer Masaaki and Deanna Nevgloski Kamiya Craig Bennett and Cynthia Katzman George Morris Kaupp Robert Eugene Kear Daniel Lee and Catherine Keefe Margaret Cherry Keiger Jonathan Taylor and Shelley Rainey Keith Paton Holmes Kelley C. Ruth Kempf Richard B. Kennedy Rhonda Marcelle Keyes 25

Mark Allen and Primitiva Palitayan Kilgore Paul W. Killian Jr. Harry G. and Shelby McIntyre Kilpatrick Mary Cushman Kimberly Alan W. and Elisa T. King Gene and Judy A. King Rudy and Linda B. King Stephen Leigh Kinney C. Ralph and Sylvia Smith Kinsey J. Ray and Martha Kirby Robert A. and H. Jean Klein Rufus Henry and Elise Diamond Knott Richard William and Adrienne Koehler Joshua Glenn and Celeste Kohler Christopher Chad Kornegay Jeffrey Todd and Jennifer Russell Kornegay William Alfred and Barbara Harris Kremer Carol J. Kross Don and Michelle C. Krueger Christopher M. and Jennifer Crawley Kruszewski Kevin J. and Tracey Turpin Kunkler James C. and Peggy M. Kyzer Enrico and Joyce A. La Monica Joyce S. Lackey Jon Michael Lago Amanda McCorkle Laird Jessie Lamb Kevin and Samantha F. Lancaster Charles and Lora B. Landreth Lanny and Julie Landry Phyllis K. Lang Michael John and Victoria Hall Langer Mark and Brenda Neblett Langley Ralph Gray and Tamara Ann Langley Jeffrey D. and Michelle Langrehr Mark Hines and Roseann T. LaRoque Rebecca Donna Lasater Donald L. and Therese P. Lawler Julia Moore Lawrence L. Brent Lawrence Reid Douglas and Rosemarie Lawrence Sellers Crisp Lawrence Susan Elizabeth Lawrence Dean Ford Lawson Alex H. and Sandra Leary Randall P. and Millie LeBlond Kenneth H. and Marjorie K. LeCour Earl Columbus Lee Gary Lynn and Freda Peal Lee Darry and Glenda F. Lee


Jessica Rachel Leif Daniel and Joy B. Letchworth Peggy White Levinson William D. and Alice Reid Lewis Lawrence H. and Joyce R. Lewis Kevin Francis and Faith E. Lincicum James Gunn and Stephanie Lindley Scott Dale and Kelly M. Lippard William Tucker and Vivian B. Little Kyle Stewart Llewellyn Kathryn Lochra Brad E. Lockerbie Paulette LaFayee Lofton Clifton R. and Barbara P. Long David E. Long

Jeffrey and Melissa Edmundson Makala Patrick Michael and Angela R. Mallette Liston Edward and Susan S. Malpass Dalton L. Mann James T. and Rena L. Manning James Peter and Jenifer Manos Howard Stuart and Judi E. Margulies Richard Allen and Kathleen C. Marksbury James Ingram and Linda Martin Joseph Roy Martin Jr. Winfred Richard and Regina D. Martin Robert Lee and Leah Martin K. David and Joyce S. Masters Michael Lee and Margaret Miller Mathews

Fountain at Wright Circle

C. David and Carolyn Lord Hannah Lewis Lowry Jennifer Michelle Lucas William Shelby and Amy Lusk Katina Maria Lynch Richard O’Neal Lynch Richard David and Kay S. Lytle Bryan and Brenda K. Maas Patrick Tate Maddox Floyd V. Madray Jr. Lon E. “Bert” and Wanda Smith Maggart Linda Kay Mahan

Anna Maria Matthews Paul and Martha C. Matthews Kevin and Margaret S. Mauney Robert W. Weeks and Susan Renee Maxon Michael Roth McAllister Warren A. and Ruby F. McAllister David Scott McAndrew Michael Roy and Susan M. McCammon Michael Sean and Sylvia McCarty William Neal McCaskill Cleophus McCoy Wilmer Kenneth and Anne Brown McCutcheon

Michael and Phyllis Watson McDevitt Brian Patrick and Nicole Walter McGinn Stephanie Ann McInerny Donald George McIntyre Michael J. and Carla McKinney Helen Edmundson McLean Mitchell Sutton McLean Philip A. and Heidi Sydow McNeely Thomas Edward and Linda Ann McNiff Philip James McPherson Thomas Harold McQuaid Jr. David and Carrie Elizabeth Meador Rodney and Deborah Medlin Matthew Joseph Meiners Mark B. and Nancy B. Meltzer Merck Company Foundation David F. Meschan Metrics, Inc. Llewellyn T. Middleton Kevin Hawkins and Roberta Miller Mark V. and Lauren E. Miller Stanley Reece Miller Robert Arthur and Theresa Millie Thomas Noel and Carolyn B. Mitchell Steven Raymond and Sherry P. Mitchell Ronald L. and Sarah Mitchelson Charles Edward Mittelstadt Jr. William H. and Melisa V. Mizelle John Perry Monds Robert Thomas and Lucy Montaquila Ronald Julian and Susan Rothrek Montaquila Linda Mooney Harry B. and Nancy B. Moore James Corrie Moore Michael Todd and Janet F. Moore William E. and Judith E. Moore Charles L. and Kaye Lancaster Mooring Keith Wilder Morgan William Clark Morgan Linly Gerald Morris Timothy Charles Morris Sandra L. Morrow Thomas M. and Janie Deal Moss William D. Moxley Jr. Lawrence D. and Sheryl S. Moy James Henry and Pamela Mullen Ronald C. and Linda E. Mullis Thomas W. and Meryl Murphy Robert A. and Debbie Stephenson Murray NADE 2009 William David and Sharon W. Nash David and Zynovia H. Nash

NC City County Management Association Kai and Margery Johnstin Nelson Robert Carl and Gwendolyn D. ParkerNelson Myron Edward and Vanessa R. Neville Howard Wilson and Faith Tyndall Newell Newmont Mining Corporation Roger Winfield and Susan Newsom Ronald James and Mary W. Newton Curtis Howard and Marilyn B. Nichols Brandon Scott and Caroline Garriss Nicholson Charles H. and Carol C. Nimitz Gerda Nischan Johanna Lynn Nobles Joseph K. and Janet M. Norris North Carolina Writers Network Kimberly Dawn Norwood NSCDA in NC Pamlico Committee Wallace R. and Tracylynn Nuttycombe Gene Oakley Les and Monica Cox Oakley Matthew Clark and Marcella E. Oathout Shannon Lee O’Donnell Robert Leslie Oglesby Vincent Boyce and Dorothy Oglesby Mildred Carolyn O’Kelley David W. and Lynn K. Oliker Hubert and Brenda G. Oliphant Raymond Albert and Rhonda Jean Oliver Richard P. and Dena Olsen Helen Oluwatosin Onabanjo Thomas Leon and Janice O’Neal Walton Prentiss and Helene O’Neal Susan B. Orthman John Wright and Rebecca M. Osborne Ralph B. Ottinger Santford Vance Overton and Joan A. LaSota Charles Roy Owens A. Lloyd and Johanna Shackelford Owens Christopher Louis and Meredith Ozimek Mark Dell and Mary Jon Pabst Paul Gerard and Debra Pagliughi Michael A. and Carol Palmer J. Anthony Paredes Fulton T. Paris Burke H. and Ila Parker Michael McDonald and Sandra D. Parker Randall E. and Monica T. Parker

Stephen Todd and Julie Jordan Parker James Johnson and Judith Myrick Parks J. Reid and Margaret Parrott Baxter Worth and Alecia B. Paschal Pasteur Mereux Connaught Michael Todd and Jenai Eileen Paul Anthony Matthew Pavell Betty Spence Payton Aaron Mitchell Peak Alan and Susan M. Pearce Robert H. Pearsall Prakash Peddi and Anne Pratibha William D. Peden Allison Anne Peel George N. Peele Jr. Michael R. and Elizabeth P. Peeler Penn National Insurance William Raymond and Peggy O’Neal Perry William Percival Perry Shawn Mitchell and Stacey Petway Taylor Brianne Phelps Beverly W. Phillips Jenise J. Phillips Joan W. Phillips Clifford Hamilton and Sue Bell Phillips Daniel J. and Charlotte Melton Pierce Cynthia Ann Pierce Nancy S. Pilkington Robert and Samara Hamze Pillsbury Stephen Paul and Brandy D. Piner John R. and Rebecca Poat Samuel Barber and Susan B. Pond Christopher Britt and Diane Abramson Pons Eleanor Ruth Poole Jerome V. and Linda L. Poole Charles Francis Pooler Vernon S. and Judith S. Porter Richard Matthew Poteat Bertha W. Poulson Joseph William and Joella R. Powell Thomas T. and Nancy P. Powell Jonathan Richard and Leigh Taylor Powers PPD Development, LP Frederick Darragh and Julie Preston Jeffrey S. and Betty Shannon Prevatt Frank Watson Prevatt Connie R. and Amy Vann Price Mark C. and Laura Baker Price Maurice Henry and Dorothy Price William Jennings Price Jr.


Christopher Michael Pridgen Procter & Gamble Kenneth R. Proctor Lisa Marie Proctor Progress Energy Gerald Prokopowicz Sharon Y. Pruitt Silas Henry and Clyde W. Pryce Jeremy Allen and Jennifer Pulley Purdue Pharma Company Mervin F. and Betty Jo Copeland Raby Juan Mariano and Cindy Rafols Marshall Holmes Rand Gail Ratcliff Jerome Kirk Ratley Floyd and Virginia A. Read Maurice and Carlene L. Redmond John B. and Judith Rehder Carol H. Reilly Joseph Erin Reilly Riley Earle and Sandra Reiner Kenneth R. Wilson and Christa Reiser Marion K. Renne Jeffrey Wayne Reynolds Robert Clifton Reynolds* David Eugene Richmond Jesse B. and Terri Lynn R. Riddick Stanley R. and Ann Gray Riggs Thomas L. and Gail G. Rivera Rivers & Associates Rex Dana Roberts James Allison and Sandra Smith Roberts Lorraine Hale and Johnie Graves Robinson Thomas Stephenson and Maureen Hanna Robinson William C. and Mary S. Robinson Art A. and Vonda Kaye Rodriguez Rodney L. and Christi Lilley Rogerson Jesse N. and Peggy C. Rogerson Sylvia S. Rohrbough Marjorie J. Romano Peter and Marcy Romary Marvin P. and Lynne Rooker Richard and Ellen Elizabeth Roose Carolyn Respess Rose Ollie James and Detra Hedgepeth Rose Alton Glenn and Frances T. Ross Chad C. Ross Ledyard E. Ross George Leo and Jennifer T. Rothermel Wendy Alexia Rountree Guy Dawson Rouse Jr. Randy and Renee Story Rousseau Kathleen A. Row Brian and Leah Renee Rowell


Charles R. Dennison Jr. and Virginia Nichole Rowland Herbert H. and Peggy B. Ruffin Richard Carlton and Mary Kathryn Ruffin Roger Allen and Gayle Gwennap Rulifson John and Jean Rummel Nicholas G. Rupp Stephen M. and Betty Russell Ione J. Ryan Renee Lafaye Safford-White Champion Davis Saint-Amand Velma Ree Woodard Sanders John Joseph Sauls Edward Allen and Carolynda Wells Saunders Thomas C. and Anne Sayetta Neil Wilton Scarborough Michael and Katie Kennedy Schafer Daniel Ray and Karen M. Scharf William and Janet W. Wingfield-Schell Walter Frederick and Charlotte O. Scheper Christopher S. and Tamra Schiappa Michael Lee and Carol C. Schlueter Michael Chadwick and Kimberly Schrempp Bion and Mary C. Schulken Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Ben and Betty Wright Scott Scripps-Howard Max Dale and Kathryn Scruggs Sharon Seago Stuart Wayne Sealy Mark Simon and Lynne C. Seddon Willis Cleveland Sellars Jr. Linda Glackin Senich Mark Allen Sessoms Moody Bane and Ann Hoover Shaw Robert Avery and Betty Shaw Colin Stuart and Ruth G. Shaw Gregory Scott and Jennifer S. Shealy Doris Sasser Shearin Bradley Alan and Cha Sheffer Charles Leon and Susan D. Shepard Tobin Hugh and Beverley E. Shepherd David E. and Eileen Rose Shepperson Mary Stallings Sherard Andrew Lewis and Anne D. Shifflett Thomas Walter and Mary L. Shubert Karen Lea Atkins Shults Carol Lynette Shurlow David Ronald and Beth Taterosian Sieling Willard Thomas and Mary Ann Sigler Sandra Humphrey Silence Richard H. and Jean Siler

John J. and Jane A. Simkovich Thomas and Barbara LaRussell Simler Alvin Maurice Simmons Martin LeRoy Simmons Breck and Washella Turner Simmons Christopher Douglas Simpson John David and Janet Simpson Robert Lindsey and Sandra Simpson Nancy Singleton Robert Michael and Martha Cornell Skurla Weldon Lee Slayton Steve and Betty B. Sledge Carl Delmas and Anita Pat Sloan Nell Faison Sloan Stuart Conrad and Dorothy Sloan Edward Tyson Smith and Georgia Hooks Shurr Jason Ashby and Jamie Kunder Smith Lester C. and Helen Smith C. Robert and Libby Collins Smith Rodney Dean and Natalie Nicole Smith Robert James Smith Rodney Lee Smith Gregory and Sharon Johnson Smith Vincent Cordell and Kathleen Smith William Ralph and Betty W. Smith Jack Snypes and Sydney Austin Sonoco Products Company Southeastern Woman’s Studies Association Melvin and Ann Kizer Spain Wendall Keats and Elizabeth H. Sparrow George Thomas and Regina Speight Steven L. and Kristy J. Spencer Debra Ann Spinazzola Roger C. and Mae B. Spivey Kimberlee Walton Spores Springmoor Library Fund Stephen N. and Catherine L. Spruill Gary Judson and Teresa Owens Stainback David Joseph and Stacey Stanaland George W. and Brownie H. Stancil Tony Ashley and Lillian Stanley James C. and Dona W. Stanton State Farm Suzanne Robin Stearn Carroll Adam and Janet Stearns John Francis and June Fletcher Steede Eric Dean Steelman Joseph F. Steelman Henry C. and Kay Roberts Stephens Stephens & Associates PC Thomas P. and Nancy Lou Stephenson Nathaniel R. and Angela T. Stephenson John A. and Karen Mae Stevens

Michael Edward and Margaret Kepley Stewart Walter H. and Sophia J. Stone Charles Darrell and Mary Jo Stout John Creech and Peggy Burgess Strickland Bob M. and Mary Lentz Strock Edwin Nelson and Sue Harpole Strother Amos T. Stroud Jr. Harry Williams Stubbs IV Gary W. and Ellen S. Stutts Joan Wickham Sugg Vernon and Mildred Rouse Suits John C. Sutherland Charles Matthew and Joan Jeffrey Sutphin Andrew and Lisa Warren Sutton Michael Wayne and Rachel N. Sutton Benjamin C. and Valerie H. Sutton Rufus S. and Lillian H. Swain Carl and Edith F. Swanson Larry and Suzanne S. Swindell Tosha Lynette Swinney Alan Joyner and Tanya Stewart Sykes Ray M. and Joan M. Sykes Jonathan Todd and Michele Sykes Marion P. and Gwen C. Sykes Russell and Julie Woods Talton Stephen Wayne Talton Jim and Margaret B. Tankovich Cecilio and Colleen SanCartier Tapia David M. and Wyndee Bess Tarter James and Diane E. Taylor

Jay Douglas and Tammy Wright Taylor Jeffrey and Lisa Jernigan Taylor Edwin Earl and Ann P. Teachey Dwain Posey Teague Elaine E. Teague James Franklin Teal Clement F. and Ginny Templeton Richard F. and Pamela M. Templeton Margaret Terry Texaco Thacker Seramur and Associates LLC Norman A. and Martha Tharrington The Duke Energy Foundation The Gravely Foundation William Harold and Mary Hatch Thiesen Dale Lionel Thomas Jr. Elizabeth W. Thomas M. Louise Thomas Matthew H. Thomas Jr. Zelma M. Thomasson Angela T. Thompson John Charles and Carolyn Thompson Robert J. Thompson and Marie E. Pokorny Gary Lee Tilghman William Alvin Tilghman Jr. Amanda Bryant Tilley Patricia Marie Tolley George C. and Marilyn B. Tomasic William Perdieu and Nancy M. Toney Paula Toothman Sheryll A. Topping Edward Dean Toshach

Trustees Fountain

Terry D. Townsend Jonathan M. and Dorothy Marie Travis Paul Thomas and Sybil Moody Trevisan Caleb Lee and Creslyn W. Trexler Alan Thomas Tripp Jennifer Mary Tripp Danny Paul and Pamela M. Tripp Edwin C. and Barbara B. Tritt Jesse J. and Tara Elisha Trivette Harold C. Troxler Donald Hugh and Barbara Lynn Tucker John A. and Kate Welch Tucker Donald N. and Leah M. Tudor Tuggle Duggins & Meschan, P.A. Donald W. Turner Christian Andrew and Jennifer Baines Tutino William J. and Kimberly R. Twele Robert Reece and Louise Twilley Anthony and Kim Wise Undrosky University Book Exchange Inc. John and Lynn B. Unsworth William Thomas Urmann Anthony L. and Terri S. Vaden Terry S. and Teressa Avery Van Sickle David Jefferson Vance Francis Souchak Vaughn Randall Gray and Marlyce S. Vaughn Verizon Larry Worth and Susan Vestal Thomas Martin Vicars Jr. Jackie and Carolyn M. Vick Brian Edward Vierria Vince & Linda McMahon Family Foundation, Inc. Darrell and Donna W. Vodopich Angelo A. and Jennette E. Volpe Wachovia Wachovia Corporation Wachovia Foundation Scott Edwin Wade T. Joel Wade and Tanja Bekhuis Don Ellsworth and Carole Whitley Wagner Bradford Michael and Gina C. Walker Thomas John Walsh Rufus and Jane H. Walston Stephen and Frances C. Walters Bobby J. Ward Frances Ward Michelle Diane Ward Patricia Farmer Warren Steven Murray and Kendra Warren Eugene and Catherine N. Waters Eric and Yvonne S. Waters Peter and Anita R. Watson 29

Christopher Bradley and Lindsay Sloss Watson Joseph Osborne and Susan Watson James Hugh and Cynthia C. Wease Larry K. and Michele Weatherly Joey Earl and Kay Heath Weathington Deborah Faye Webb Joseph Earl Webb Timothy Chad and Debbie Webb David W. and Julia Moser Webster Lisa Staebler Weddington C. L. Weill Walter G. and Scott Snowden Wells Wells Fargo Matilda Tart West Alan R. and Paulette D. White Sean Hunter and Shannon S. White Efren Zimbalist and Daphane M. Whitehead John C. Whitehead Janice A. Whitehurst William Thomas and Nancy S. Whitehurst David Jonas Whiteside Leroy and Ida G. Whitfield Theodore Walker and Lynn Whitley Bruce Miller and Christine Whitten Donald Scott and Gail Whitten Thomas L. and Megan Wiegand James Miller and Elaine Wilcox

Nelson and Tanis King Wilder Robert Bridgers and Catherine Stokes Wilkerson Charles Watkins and Dolores H. Wilkinson Aryn Margaret Williams Carolyn B. Williams Christopher Scott Williams Dorine Rouse Williams Eric Stanton Williams Floyd C. Williams Fred Louis and Debra Meadows Williams Helen Lucinda Williams Henry G. and Mary Elizabeth J. Williams Timothy and Sherry Lamm Williams Timothy Monroe Williams Bridgette L. Williamson Roy Meunier and Rita Kitchings Williford Harry B. and Mary Hall Wilmers Janice S. Wilson Joe Michael and Kathryn Wells Wilson Larry Wayne and Carolyn C. Wilson Scott A. Wilson Thomas Samuel and Stephanie Lassiter Wilson Thomas Robert and Wanda Wilson David and Tricia Wilson-Okamura

Allen Jason and Jennifer Reiner Wimmer Jennifer Renee Winchester Sylvia W. Winfrey Cornelis and Anne Winkler Dan Reed and Evelyn Winslow LaMont Terrell Winslow Carl and Jennifer M. Winstead Troy V. and Pennie Lee Winter Mark T. Wisniewski Bruce Renaurd and Sherry W. Wolfe Linda D. Wolfe David Mack Wood Glenn C. Woodard Jr. Woodcock-Munoz Foundation James Lamar and Brenda Linthicum Woodley Harvey S. Wooten Stephen Lamont and Cynthia Matthews Wooten Jeff and Kathleen Wood Wormsley Patricia K. Worthington Sam Otis and Hilda R. Worthington M. Bennett Wynne Jr. and Beth Heath Lei Yan Carl Randall Yardley and Elizabeth Woody James Allen Yeagle Matthew David and Tisha B. Yelverton Colin Monroe and Margaret Sisk Yoder Michael Whitley and Jean R. Yorke Leo E. and Lucia Varni Zonn

Perpetual Legacy Leave Your

with Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences while gaining estate tax and/or income tax savings.

Planned gifts are among the most convenient and tax advantageous ways to make a meaningful contribution toward Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences. These gifts, which reduce estate tax, capital gains tax and income tax, include: • Bequest provisions in your will • Beneficiary designation in your 401k, 403b, and IRA retirement accounts • Gifts of life insurance • Gifts of real Estate and appreciated securities Revenue producing gifts: • Charitable Gift Annuities – funded by appreciated assets • Charitable Remainder Trusts – funded by appreciated assets


To learn more about one or all of these planned giving options, as well as membership in The Leo Jenkins Society, please contact Scott Wells, Major Gifts Officer, Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, at 252-328-9560 or e-mail at, or Greg Abeyounis, Director of Planned Giving, at 252-328-9573 or e-mail at Please feel free to request greater detailed information about these planned giving methods found in a booklet entitled, “A Guide to Creative Planned Giving Arrangements” or schedule an appointment to discuss how these gifts can help you leave a legacy at ECU.


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