East Durham College's Business Continuity Plan Policy 2023/24

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Business Continuity Plan (incorporating Major Incident and Disaster Recovery Plans) 2.1.6 Health & Safety - 2 Director of Estates & Facilities March 2023 March 2024


Yes ☒


CMG 01.02.23


No ☐

SCOPE The scope of the Plan is limited to the immediate and short-term management and operational issues resulting from a major incident. This plan does not specifically address the mid to long-term issues of reconstruction and reinstatement. The scope includes all stakeholders, staff, students and subcontractors. The Plan particularly concentrates on responding to a major incident when such an event happens overnight, at weekends or during a holiday closure. Should a major incident occur during routine opening hours, then the safety of learners and staff would be the priority and if deemed appropriate, then evacuation would be the immediate priority via the normal evacuation procedures for each site. Once evacuation has been successfully completed, the relevant section of the Plan would become live.

PURPOSE Document Purpose Statement This document sets out the Business Continuity Plan of East Durham College, incorporating the Major Incident Plan and the Disaster Recovery Plan. The Business Continuity Plan (the Plan) is a prepared response for a range of major incidents that have a potential effect on the College’s core business activities.

Version: June 2022

Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Application The objective of this document is to co-ordinate the response of all departments within East Durham College during a major incident and to ensure business critical functions are reinstated as soon as possible following an emergency, while full restoration of all services is planned and implemented on a concurrent basis. All staff should be aware of this policy. Interpretation Further guidance on the use or interpretation of this document may be obtained from the Vice Principal Finance and Business Planning (VP F&BP) or Director of Estates, Services & Resources. Legal requirements/issues Compliance with relevant Health and Safety legislation.

POLICY STATEMENT Chapter 1 – Major Incident Plan Contents


Section 1 Introduction and Aims of the Major Incident Plan


Section 2 Major Incident Team Activation


Section 3 Scales of Response, Major Incident Room and Team Members


Section 4 Actions:

10-12 13-14

Principal/CLG Member Major Incident Team

Section 5 Documentation, Testing of the Plan and Definitions


Section 6 Appendices:

17-18 19-20 21-25 26 27 28 29

1. Emergency Contact Lists 2. Key Media Points and Holding Statement 3. Operational Log Sheets 4. Business Continuity Plan Holders 5. Plan Holder receipt sheet 6. Bi-Annual Training 7. Annual Training


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Section 1 1.1


A major incident may occur at any time and cause significant loss with prolonged interruption to the business of the College. This procedure sets out a series of responsive measures aimed at: • Preventing or limiting the loss of life or injury. • Minimising or limiting the damage to buildings and assets. • Returning to full operational activities as soon as possible. The objective of this document is to co-ordinate the response of all departments and sites within East Durham College in the event of a major incident and to ensure business critical functions are reinstated as soon as possible, while full restoration of all services is planned and implemented on a concurrent basis. The decision to implement the Major Incident Plan must be made by a member of the College Leadership Group (CLG). The plan sets out guidelines to enable College staff to respond quickly and cope effectively with an emergency situation. The Major Incident Plan may be implemented either in whole or in part depending upon the severity of the incident. 1.2


“An event or events usually sudden, which involve experiencing significant disruption, to a level which potentially overwhelms normal activities and procedure and which is likely to have related consequences both organisational and business.” A major incident is defined as an unplanned event which immediately puts part of the College’s assets and activities at risk, for example a fire at the Willerby Grove site or power outage at Houghall. 1.3

Aims of the Plan

• Create awareness of the need for planned arrangements. • Provide a management framework for responding to a major incident. • Establish a Major Incident Team that manages strategies and allocates resources to ensure a major incident has minimal impact on the operation of the College. • To co-ordinate the full reinstatement of College services as soon as possible. • Provide re-assurance of the practical help available at short notice. • Pass on advice based upon previous experiences. • Give guidance on sources of information and help.


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan 1.4

Scope of the Plan 1.4.1 The plan will be invoked when: • Access to any College building, in part or total, is denied due to an incident. • The College's business systems are interrupted. • A health and safety incident affects staff, students and/or the local community and/or environment. 1.4.2 Although not exhaustive this may include:

In College • A deliberate act of violence, such as the use of a knife or firearm. • A College fire or explosion. • Animal escape or disease pandemic. • Total or partial loss of electrical, water or gas supplies to a College building. • Flooding. • Disturbance or release of hazardous materials. • Loss of critical system(s). • The destruction or serious vandalising of part of the College. • Medical emergency including death or serious injury. Outside College • The death of a student or member of staff. • A transport-related accident involving students and/or members of staff. • Death or injuries on College journeys or excursions. • Civil disturbances and terrorism. • A more widespread disaster in the community.

The Plan may be invoked when an incident is likely to, or will, affect the business operations of the College. Members of the Major Incident Team will be placed on amber alert and be ready to react should the incident require a red alert response. The Plan may also be activated during an externally occurring incident that impacts the College’s personnel or business operations.


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Section 2 – Major Incident Team Activation Incident occurs: Member of CLG is notified.

Member of CLG contacts: Major Incident Team (Amber Alert status identified).

Major Incident Team Assesses the extent and effect of the incident on staff, students and the College.

Red alert status identified • Establish contact with the College Management Group. Initial duties of the relevant teams: Major Incident Team • Support Principal/CLG member. • Co-ordinate & manage immediate incident response. • Identify casualties. • Notifies insurers. • Ensure departmental action plans activated. • Co-ordinate feedback to Principal. • Co-ordinate & manage recovery to full business operations. • Contact next of kin. • Notifies utility companies/contractors as necessary. • Assist in recovery of full business operations.

Principal/CLG Member • Mobilises Major Incident Team • Notifies emergency services (if applicable). • Notifies Chair of Governors. • Determines full needs. • Nominates on-site Co-coordinator. • Identifies on-site facilities. • Briefs staff and students. • Determines incident over.


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Section 3 3.1

Scale of Response

The scale and type of event will determine the level of response. A full assessment of the situation will be taken by the Major Incident Team who will invoke the agreed level of the Major Incident Plan. This may include advice from members of the College Management Group. 3.1.1 Level 1 – Amber Status •

Business interruption affecting one or more departments/functional areas and will be overcome by the relevant department/departments using their own resources, personnel and equipment and supported by the Estates Team.

Members of the Major Incident Team will be placed on amber alert in preparation should the incident escalate.

3.1.2 Level 2 – Red Status


Business interruption affecting the operation of the College. An incident of this nature will invoke immediate activation of the Major Incident Plan by a member of the CLG.

The remaining members of the Major Incident Team will be placed on red alert, and the Chair of Governors informed. The Major Incident Room will be established (site dependant). Notification of an incident

If an incident, such as those previously identified, should occur in any East Durham College building or site, the person, student or member of staff who is affected by the incident, must inform a member of the CLG or Major Incident Team. The activation process flowchart will then be set in motion. On notification of the incident, the members of the Major Incident Team may be put on amber alert as a precaution in case the incident escalates. The Emergency Contact List is at Appendix 1. 3.3

Out of Hours

Estates staff called to site in response to an incident will carry out an initial assessment investigation. If it is considered, from the initial assessment, that the incident may affect the College’s operation, the VP Finance & Business Planning, Director of Estates, Services & Resources and Director of Experience, Engagement and Wellbeing must be informed. The information received will be reviewed and escalated if necessary.


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan 3.4

Major Incident Room (MIR)

The Major Incident Room will be established in: Site Willerby Grove – main building Sports Centre Houghall Technical Academy

Major Incident Room location Student Services Teaching Room SP34 Committee Room, Main Building Conference room

Should an incident happen that results in these areas being inaccessible, then a location will be nominated on the day. If access to the College site is not permitted then an external location will be identified within 24 hours and this location will be advised to all attendees. The MIR is to be; • •

A single place of contact for information relating to the business interruption. An area for the visual display of all information relating to the business interruption and the subsequent responses.

In the event of a major incident, the centre will be made available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, if necessary. The Major Incident Rooms will be equipped with or located near to the following: • • • • • • • • • 3.5

Telephones with access to both internal and external networks. Access to fax machine and photocopier. IT network points with access to both internal and external networks. Computer equipment and peripherals. Televisions and DVD recorders. Two way radio communications and emergency mobile phones. Suitable office furniture & whiteboards. Stationery. Refreshment facilities (Inc. external contractor if necessary). CLG and Major Incident Teams.

3.5.1 The College Leadership Group will deal with strategy and have external focus. Members of the College Leadership Group are: Role Team Leader Major Incident Control Communications Teaching and Learning Recovery (Peterlee) Teaching and Learning Recovery (Houghall)

Name Suzanne Duncan Sarah Judson Suzanne Duncan Carina Tomlinson

Deputy Sarah Judson Carina Tomlinson Sarah Judson Jackie Lanagan

Carina Tomlinson

Jackie Lanagan 7

Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Building and Resources Recovery

Sarah Judson

Carina Tomlinson

3.5.2 The Major Incident Team will deal with operations and have an internal focus. This team will be activated in part or in whole by the Major Incident Controller based on the nature of the reported incident. Members of the Major Incident Team are: Role Major Incident Controller Communications/Media Health & Safety Estates & Facilities IT Systems/Telephony Student Support Personnel MIS Finance Houghall Campus Technical Academy

Name Sarah Judson Alistair Cummins-MacLeod John Armstrong Michelle Scott Andy Barker Alistair Cummins-MacLeod Helen McCoy Rebecca Lesca Stephanie Coates Lindsay Haggis Simon Smith*

Deputy Carina Tomlinson Daniel Curtis Sarah Judson Gillian Kitching Stephen Harrison Nicola Morland Jude Leeming Angela Harmston Nikki Staite Rob Hutchinson*

* Site specific. Other stakeholders will be requested as necessary. 3.6

Key responsibilities of the Major Incident Team:

Life preservation

• Identify all staff and students involved. • Monitor progress of recovery. • Effective & timely communications.


• Provide accurate and regular updates to the CLG to cascade to media and liaise with press/media. (NB all press releases will be approved by the Principal or VP Finance & Business Planning).

Learning Resources • Identify areas affected. • Identify alternative resources within the College. • Identify resources outside the College. Teaching

• Identify areas affected. • Identify alternative teaching space within/outside the College. • Reschedule teaching to alternative locations.


• Identify areas affected. • Identify alternative space within/outside the College. • Establish alternative space and relocate staff and equipment. • Maintain core operating systems (Personnel, Finance, MIS, etc.).


• Liaison with the College’s insurers and loss adjusters. • Appoint independent loss adjuster to act on behalf of the College. 8

Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan • Plan specialist recovery/repair works. • Plan re-establishment of normal operations. • Plan re-establishment of IT & communications systems. • Conservation and prevention of future damage. Section 4 - action by: - Principal (or CLG member) 4.1

Stage 1 - Initial Actions:

• Open and continue to maintain, a personal log of all factual information received, actions taken, and the time of those events. • Make every attempt to clarify exactly what has happened. • Consider whether Incident requires involvement of Major Incident Team. • If yes, mobilise MIT to appropriate Major Incident Room (site dependent). • Notify Emergency Services and provide initial liaison and support. • Secure immediate area and evacuate as necessary. 4.1.1 Outside term time (or outside College hours) • Arrange for a member of the Estates Team to open certain parts of the College as appropriate, and to be available (and responsive) to requests. • Notify immediate administrative support. • Think about what you are wearing when you go into College, in case you are unavoidably drawn into a TV interview. • If the Incident does attract Media attention, you are likely to be inundated with requests for interviews and statements. Appendix 2 contains some key points to remember. (NB: It is especially important that if names of those who may have been involved in the incident are known DO NOT release – or confirm – them to anyone, before those identities are formally agreed and next of kin are informed). • If deputising for the Principal, contact and brief her. Inform Funders. • Inform Chair of Governors of the incident and that they should be on standby and available for interview by the Media. • Nominate On-Site Coordinator from MIT, and brief on initial assessment and incident feedback. • Be prepared to receive telephone calls. 4.2

Stage 2 – Once established:

4.2.1 Brief MIT member acting as On-Site Co-coordinator to oversee the following: • Briefing of remainder of MIT. • Ensure staff are easily identified and ID cards displayed & checked. • Set up arrangements to manage visitors & record their names. • Set up arrangements to enable accurate information to flow into and out of the College and for telephones calls, by ensuring – brief, but up-to-date, prepared, statements are 9

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Business Continuity Plan available to staff answering phones. •Media calls are directed to the nominated media contact point. •An independent telephone is made available for outgoing calls. • Arrange for CMG to be called in, if necessary, and briefed at an early stage should also be arranged).

(Subsequent briefings

4.2.2 Next of Kin considerations: • If students are involved, the contacting of next of kin will be an important early task (remember if it is a major incident, they may well have already heard via the media). It may be appropriate to ask the parents/next of kin to come to the College for briefings and support. This will need to be done with the utmost care. • Arrange for a separate room with refreshments to be provided for parents away from main entrance and media. • Maintain regular contact with next of kin. • If Incident is away from College, seek Police advice whether next of kin should travel to the scene. 4.2.3 Staff considerations: • Remember to have regular breaks, and advise others to do so. • Maintain regular contact with MIT. Ensure that all staff involved know each others roles & responsibilities. • Be aware of how colleagues are coping and be available to see staff when required. • Remember some members of College staff may be so affected, that they will not be able to help in supporting learners • Recognise also that if the burden of dealing with the situation falls disproportionately on a small number of staff, they too could need professional support. • Unless there is overwhelming pressure, avoid closing the College and endeavour to maintain normal routines and timetables. 4.3

Stage 3 – Period following the close of the incident:

• When appropriate, seek advice on special assemblies/funeral/memorial services. • Prepare full report on Incident. • Arrange to make contact with any students either at home or in hospital. • Make sensitive arrangements for the return to College (as appropriate). 4.4

Stage 4 – Longer term issues:

The effects of some Incidents can continue for years. Thought will need to be given to: • Working with staff to monitor students informally • Clarifying procedures for referring students for individual help 10

Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan • Being aware that some College staff may also need help in the longer term. • Recognising and, if appropriate, marking anniversaries. • Remember to make any new staff aware of which learners were affected and how they were affected. • Remembering that legal processes, inquiries and even news stories may bring back distressing memories and cause temporary upset within the College. • Remembering that if the incident does attract Media attention, it is likely that media interest will continue for many weeks.

Action by: - Major Incident Team 4.5

Stage 1 – Initial Actions:

• Obtain full facts of Incident from the Principal/Member of CLG. • Open and continue to maintain personal logs of information received, actions taken and the time of those events. • Assess extent and effect of the incident on staff, students and the College. • Agree initial course of action and level of response. • Identify key personnel to attend the College (as necessary). • Mobilise Major Incident Room (site dependent). • Notify switch room staff of incident and media contact point. • Notify College Insurers. • If coming in from home, remember to bring useful items, such as any keys needed. 4.6

Stage 2 – Once Established:

• Under guidance from MIT Controller, assist Principal/CLG member. • Fully assess the situation with Major Incident Team, identify roles and responsibilities with proposed course of action. • Confirm agreed course of action with Principal and Emergency Services. • Establish regular communications updates with Emergency Services. • Co-ordinate administrative support. • Ensure on site facilities available for all personnel. • Ensure accurate information to flow into and out of the College and for telephones calls, by ensuring sufficient help is available to answer all calls. •Maintain records of all calls received. (staff are to be reminded that some calls could be bogus). • Co-ordinate full building evacuation if necessary. • Establish “incident hotline”. • Notify utility companies and specialist contractors as necessary. Maintain supplies. • Secure buildings/arrange access as appropriate. • Co-ordinate media contact and publicity including press release via CLG. • Establish regular communications updates with media via CLG. • Ensure staffing lists and contact details available. 11

Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan • Ensure student lists and contact details available. • Establish system for identifying casualties and their whereabouts. • Co-ordinate actions for CLG to sensitively inform staff and learners. • Ensure staff & students are aware of media contact point. • Maintain regular contact with CLG. • Activate Departmental action plans, if appropriate.


Stage 3 – Period Following Close of the Incident:

• Co-ordinate and manage recovery to full business operations. • Early appointment of an independent loss adjuster. • Identify losses and update insurance company. • Establish recovery costs. • Allocate sufficient resources to ensure quick return to normal business operations. • Monitor recovery programme progress. • Manage and monitor recovery costs. • Co-ordinate removal of damaged resources. • Co-ordinate recovery of damaged resources. • Notify staff and students room/location changes. • Manage contact with the College's customers and suppliers. • Arrange temporary accommodation if necessary. • Notify suppliers and contractors of any changes to College operations. 4.8

Stage 4 – Longer term issues:

• Assist Principal/CLG and provide subject guidance where appropriate and required.

Section 5 5.1

Operational Log

All decisions and actions taken will be recorded and logged. Every decision will have a separate entry. Refer to Appendix 3 for details of log sheets. 5.2


Staff identified within the Plan will be provided with hard copies of the College Business Continuity Plan. All other members of the College Management Group will also be provided with copies. A list confirming holders of the Business Continuity Plan can be found at Appendix 4. Staff should keep one copy at work and one copy at home.


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Plan holders will be expected to provide updated information relating to any contact details changes to the Director of Estates, Services and Resources who will update and circulate the revised document. A Plan Holder receipt acknowledgement can be found at Appendix 5. All plan holders are to sign and return one copy to VP F & BP. 5.3


There will be an immediate debriefing, with all operational staff involved, once an incident has been successfully responded to in order to feedback problems that will be fresh in people’s minds. An additional debriefing session will take place within two weeks of the end of an incident, covering the functionality of the plan and all groups and the process of responding to the incident in order to determine the plan's effectiveness. Proposals for changes and additions to the plan will be notified to the VP F & BP. These will be considered by the College Leadership Group and Governors Executive who will pass any amendments to the Director of Estates, Services and Resources, who will then update the master document and circulate the amendments to all plan holders. 5.4


Prior to the implementation of the Business Continuity Plan, all members of staff with a responsibility within the plan will be provided with guidance and training. 5.5

Testing - Bi-annual test

The CLG will test the plan in order to scrutinise those parts of the plan that are factual and measurable by either a pass or fail. Aspects of the plan that will be tested: • The emergency contact list • The plan documentation (the forms to be used in the event of the plan being activated) The bi-annual test will also include a talk through test for staff who have a responsibility within the plan will be questioned about their understanding of their role. Further details on the Bi-Annual testing can be found at Appendix 6.


Annual test

The Executive will carry out a hypothetical walk through test. This may involve the Executive establishing an emergency situation and activation of the plan, establishing the MIT and ‘walking’ through the appropriate actions. This process is intended to ensure everyone is fully aware of their roles within the plan and to identify any weaknesses that need to be addressed and improvements that need to be made. Further details on the Annual Test can be found at Appendix 7. 13

Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan 5.7


5.7.1 College Leadership Group (CLG) Members of the Executive responsible for management of the incident and co-ordination of the recovery programme. 5.7.2 Major Incident Room (MIR) Dedicated facilities from which the College's response to any business interruption can be managed successfully. 5.7.3 Major Incident Team (MIT) Members of the CMG and other key College staff who have responsibilities for specific functions within the College that would have a serious impact on the business if they were unavailable for a limited period of time. (Estates, ICT, MIS, Finance, Learner Services, Communications). 5.7.4 Major Incident Controller. Member of the Major Incident Team, normally the VP Finance and Business Planning. Section 6 Appendix 1 – Emergency Contact List Title/Department Principal & CEO Vice Principal (Curriculum & Performance) VP (Finance & Business Planning) Assistant Principal Curriculum and Partnerships (Peterlee and Houghall) Assistant Principal Performance (Peterlee and Houghall) Director of Estates & Facilities Director of Student Experience, Engagement & Wellbeing Director of Data Management and Exams Finance Manager Estates Operations Manager Health & Safety Manager Curriculum Manager (Land based)

Name Suzanne Duncan Carina Tomlinson

Home contact

Mobile Contact

Sarah Judson Jackie Lanagan

Helen McCoy Michelle Scott Alistair CumminsMacLeod Rebecca Lesca Sarah Judson Gillian Kitching John Armstrong Laura Dodds


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Tech Academy Manager Rob Hutchinson Catering Manager Joe Keenan HR Manager Jude Leeming Student Services Team Leader Nicola Morland Technical Services Director Andy Barker Technical Services Stephen Harrison Management Accountant Nikki Staite Payroll Officer Jordan Reed Report Writer and Data Analyst Angela Harmston Nursery Manager Denise McAvinnie Endeavour Head of School Kerrie Whelan Endeavour Deputy Head Lesley Wood College Solicitors - (Muckle LLP) Business Protection Team Emergency 24 hour number 07774 103804 Other Key Contacts Awarding Bodies AAT AQA Ascentis BPEC C&G CQ EAL ILM NCFE NOCN OCNWM OCR Pearson Princes Trust RHS UAL Vetskill VTCT WJEC YMCA DfE helpline Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 5pm ESFA Mon to Thurs 9:00am to 5:00pm Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm Asbestos Omega DCC Council Rates Durham County Council Water Rates

07590 671000

02037352443 08001977162 01524845046 01332376000 01924930800 01359245316 01923652400 01543266867 01912398000 0300 999 1177 01902 624230 01223 553998 03444632535 02075437486 01483 226500 02075149851 01480278580 02380684500 02920265000 02039949500 0370 000 2288 0370 267 0001 0191 377 0900 03000 264000 07976 823269 15

Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Northumbria Water/WAVE Gas YPO/Corona Electricity YPO/N Power

01923 476797 ypo@npower.com

Note: CMG/Curriculum Managers and other area/department personnel will be contacted by CLG when/if required.

Appendix 2 - Media Interviews and Key Points - Points to note with media interviews: • Have another person with you, if possible, to monitor the interview. •Try to agree an interview format i.e. establish what the interviewer wants to ask. • Be prepared to think on your feet, but try to decide beforehand what you want to say. Do not read it out. • Remember you could be quoted on anything you say to a journalist, even if it is not part of the formal interview? • Be prepared to say you cannot comment. • Don’t elaborate your answers. • Politely refuse any requests for photos of College students/staff involved. • Try to keep a grip on your emotions during interviews-especially if it is TV. • Most journalists are responsible, but check where interview/camera team go when interview is over. Example Media Holding Statement 1.East Durham College is a General Further Education College delivering specialist training and qualifications to learners aged 14+, apprenticeships, 6th Form and Higher Educational courses and skills training. There are over …… full time students and over …… part time, conducting courses in the Built Environment, Hair and Beauty, Sports, Engineering, Foundation Skills, Agriculture, Animal Care, Equine and Public Services. The college has been on its current site since 2009 at Willerby Grove*/1938 at Houghall*/2010 at the Technical Academy* (*delete as appropriate). 2.Today at (time……………….), an incident occurred that at (campus……………) which resulted in (detail……………). There have been (number…………) casualties. 3. We are in contact with the (families/contractors/suppliers – dependent on the nature of the incident……………………………………………) and are currently in the process of confirming exact details. 4.The College has a helpline number on 0191 5182000 for anybody concerned about relatives. 5.We will release further information when it is available by public statement.


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Once the statement has been passed, do not get drawn into answering on-the-spot questions. State that you have to return to the College building to help implement any ongoing plan and direct any questions to the helpline. Have a pre-prepared one-page document stating exactly what the College Appendix 3 – Major Incident Operational Log Sheets delivers for the media to take away with them. This will base any reports they publish or air about the College on fact and not on assumption. This form is to be used to record the steps taken in the event of a major incident.

Date of Incident: ……………………….. Time of Incident: ………………………. Description of the Incident:

Major Incident Team members please sign: Major Incident Controller










Name: Signature: Time:

Name: Signature: Time: Date: ……………………


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Actions for Business Continuity Log Sheets Major Incident Declaration and Response PLAN Major Incident Controller notified and attend Major Incident Room at relevant site (with copy of plan and mobile phone) Major Incident declared - Plan becomes live


Immediate contact of all College Leadership Group and Major Incident Team members to convene at Major Incident Room at the relevant site Major Incident Room to become operational Teams start pre-planned responses Actions for Business Continuity Log Sheets Life Preservation PLAN Ensure Major Incident Room fully operational Ensure communications with College Leadership Group and outside agencies are in place and functioning Ensure staff and students are safe Ensure security undertake full building checks



Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Ensure technical services undertake a review of business systems Ensure availability of accurate information from Major Incident site Ensure Major Incident site is safe and secure Contact business continuity partners, local authority, affected third parties etc Record all actions taken for insurance purposes Assess losses/damage Detail recovery steps using Major Incident recovery form

Actions for Business Continuity Log Sheets Communications PLAN Determine information to students (content and delivery)


Determine information to staff (content and delivery) Determine media communications and brief spokesperson Advise switchboard staff of information to be given out Advise the media via nominated spokesperson Allay fears on continuity of courses


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Provide regular updates to all relevant parties

Actions for Business Continuity Log Sheets Teaching and Learning Resources PLAN Determine lost teaching provision


Working with the Building Recovery team to prioritise the services to be returned and prioritise replacement need (e.g. external assessment requirements) Determine the use of other (pre-planned) locations (e.g. working with other EDC sites or other business continuity partners) Scheduling to implement the above (including transport of staff and students) The impact of staffing and teaching materials To support those affected by the incident (e.g. pastoral care, catch up classes, assessment extension)

Actions for Business Continuity Log Sheets Operations and Recovery PLAN The physical reconstruction and restoration of the affected area Working with the Teaching and Learning Recovery team to prioritise the services to



Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan be returned and prioritise replacement need (e.g. Classrooms and IT equipment) Determine the use of other (pre-planned) locations (e.g. working with other EDC sites or other business continuity partners) Scheduling to implement the above. Management of the financial implications whilst the incident is taking place and during the recovery The impact of staff and materials To support those affected by the incident Any lessons learnt will be reported to the Major Incident Team and incorporated into an update of this document Appendix 4 - Holders of the College Business Continuity Plan (Hard Copy) Title/Department Principal & Chief Executive Officer Vice Principal (Curriculum & Performance) Vice Principal (Finance & Business Planning) Assistant Principal Curriculum and Partnerships Assistant Principal (Performance) Peterlee and Houghall Director of Estates & Facilities Director of Experience, Engagement and Wellbeing Director of Data Management & Exams Finance Manager Estates Operations Manager Health & Safety Manager Curriculum Manager (Land-based) Technical Academy Manager

Name Suzanne Duncan Carina Tomlinson Sarah Judson Jackie Lanagan Helen McCoy Michelle Scott Alistair Cummins-MacLeod Rebecca Lesca Stephanie Coates Gillian Kitching John Armstrong Laura Dodds Rob Hutchinson 21

Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Catering Manager Human Resources Manager Student Services Team Leader Technical Services Director Technical Services Management Accountant Report Writer and Data Analyst Nursery Manager Endeavour Head of School

Joe Keenan Jude Leeming Nicola Morland Andy Barker Stephen Harrison Nikki Staite Angela Harmston Denise McAvinnie Kerrie Whelan

Appendix 5 - Plan holder Receipt

I, ……………………………………….. (name) confirm receipt of 2 copies of the College’s Business Continuity Plan (plan numbers …………………………...….) and acknowledge that I have a role to play in ensuring the plan is kept current. I agree to keep the plans in a safe and accessible location, one in the office and one at home.

Name: ......................................................................................... Job Title: ..................................................................................... Team/Department: ............................................................................ Extension number: ..................................................................... Signed: ....................................................................................... Date: ..........................................................................................

Please return this completed receipt sheet to: Sarah Judson (Vice Principal Finance and Business Planning)

Full amendments and correspondence regarding the plan should be sent to: Michelle Scott (Director of Estates, Services and Resources)


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Appendix 6 - Bi-annual test The College CLG and Executive will test the plan in order to scrutinize those parts of the plan that are factual and measurable by either a pass or fail. Aspects of the plan that will be tested: • The emergency contact list. • The plan documentation. • The plan itself by means of a talk through test. Emergency Contact List This is the most crucial of all the factual information contained within the plan. The CLG undertake regular checks including contacting all those named on the contact lists to determine if the information is correct. The Plan Documentation The plan documentation includes all forms that will be used in the event of the plan being activated. Talk through test This test will consist of 'talking through' aspects of the plan with some or all of the people who have operational roles in the plan. Challenging questions will be asked and include the following: • Do you understand the plan? • Do you understand your role in the plan? • Is there anything ambiguous about your role in the plan? • Does any other person's role in the plan overlap with your own? • Where is your copy of the plan now? • Is the factual information contained in the plan current? • Are the action checklists practical? Questions may be asked about a specific scenario and what actions may be required to be taken. A record and outcome of the test will be kept. Appendix 7 - Annual Test The CLG and Executive will carry out an annual test which consists of 'walking through' aspects of the plan so that practical implications of statements used in the plan can be tested for reliability: • Do members of the Major Incident Team (MIT) know where the Major Incident is located?

Room (MIR)

• Can the MIR be accessed at different times of the day? 23

Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan

• Do members of the MIT need transport to the MIR? • How will members of the MIT travel if an incident happens out of normal working hours? • Are car park facilities available for members of staff outside normal working hours? • Who will deactivate the intruder alarm systems? • Are the voice and data points in MIR live? • Is all the required equipment available? • Can the Business Continuity Plan be accessed in the MIR? The College CLG and Executive may establish an 'incident scenario' whereby the Major Incident Plan & Business Continuity Plan is activated in order to monitor the responses and to identify weaknesses in the plan. A record and outcome of the test will be kept.


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan INTENTIONALLY BLANK

Chapter 2 - Disaster Recovery Plan Contents


Section 1 Purpose of the Disaster Recovery Plan


Section 2 How the Disaster Recovery will be managed


Section 3 Actions to be taken to recover from disaster


Section 4 Key Business, Contractors and Suppliers Contact Details


Section 5 College Information – Site Plans


Section 6 Appendices:


1. 2.

Incident Flow Charts Damage and Salvage Report Form


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Section 1 1.1

Purpose of the Disaster Recovery Plan

Disasters are impossible to predict, but by anticipating their effects and putting in place a carefully prepared Disaster Recovery Plan, (DRP), the damage and disruption can be minimised. This Plan outlines the way in which East Durham College will respond to disasters affecting not only the premises, but also those resulting in injury to staff, students and visitors. The Plan provides the framework for the following process; • Implementing immediate action to ensure safety of students, staff, and visitors, including evacuation, and treatment of casualties, liaison with emergency services, notification to families of injured individuals , and the protection of assets. • Establishing temporary arrangements to ensure that College activities are recommenced as soon as possible. This will necessitate; finding safe, secure teaching environments; minimising inconvenience; enabling finance and administrative procedures to be resumed. • Undertaking the planning and management of actions required to establish the mid to long term return to normal operations. Central to this process is the Major Incident Team (MIT), led by the Vice Principal Finance and Business Planning (VP F & BP), who is the Major Incident Controller.


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Section 2 2.1

How the Disaster Recovery will be managed

The Principal has overall responsibility of all matters pertaining to the College including Disaster Recovery implementation. The operational responsibility has been delegated to the VP F & BP as Major Incident Controller. The Major Incident Controller will have operational responsibility for ensuring that all necessary actions are taken to: • Secure the immediate safety of individuals. • Protect the College site, buildings and contents. • Arrange as soon as possible, temporary facilities to enable operations to recommence. • Co-ordinate mid to long term plans to re-establish normal operations existing prior to the disaster. In the event of a disaster the MIT will be responsible for assessing the scale of the disaster and deciding whether or not to implement the full recovery procedures and involve the entire ERT. They will also decide when/if to activate the remainder of the CMG. Those within the MIT have been given specific responsibilities. In the event of non-availability those duties will be transferred to another member of the team, or additional members will be drafted in temporarily. Duties of the MIT are listed below: 2.2

Major Incident Controller (MIC).

Vice Principal (Finance and Business Planning). • Assess the size of the disaster, activate the MIT (if required), and inform them accordingly utilising the Emergency Contact List (Chap 1, Appendix 1). • Activate the Major Incident Room. • Schedule team meetings as appropriate. • Endeavour to handle all aspects of the disaster effectively and efficiently. 2.3

Deputy Major Incident Controller.

Vice Principal (Curriculum and Performance). • Assist the MIC as required. • Deputise for MIC as required.


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan 2.4

EFA/SFA and other funding Liaison.

Vice Principal (Finance and Business Planning). • Inform funding bodies of nature and scale of disaster. • Request assistance from these bodies as required. 2.5

Governor Liaison.

Principal. • Keep Chair of Governors up to date with situation 2.6

Media Liaison.

Assistant Principal (Curriculum and Operations). • Compile and issue all communications to the media, as agreed by the CLG. • Endeavour to answer all requests from the media. • Inform all staff that they should not speak directly to the media. 2.7

Staff Liaison.

HR Manager. • Compile and issue all communications to staff, as agreed by CLG. •Receive and answer all queries from staff, on advice from the Principal. 2.8

Student Liaison.

Director of Student Experience, Engagement and Wellbeing. • Compile and issue all communications to students and parents as agreed by CLG. • Put in place systems to effect this communication both to and from students. 2.9

ICT Recovery Systems.

Technical Services Manager. • Ascertain the extent of damage. • Identify requirements for essential computer functions to be operative as soon as possible. • Identify what actions required to restore the IT systems to pre-disaster operating levels. • Source and oversee installation of above requirements, with reference to team members regarding insurance and recovery financing.


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan 2.10 Premises, Insurance and Equipment Resources. Director of Estates, Services and Resources. • Provision of keys and access to the relevant building/site. • Ascertain and survey the extent of damage. • Plan and oversee the salvage of College property and equipment. • Identify immediate and longer-term building requirements. • Place orders and oversee delivery. • Ensure that the site is secure (utilising Police if appropriate). • Inform insurance broker of disaster (as required). • Identify areas of the College which need to be made safe. • Advise HSE of the disaster, after clearing this communication with CLG. • Give advice on correct safety procedures as appropriate. 2.11


Director of Finance. • Liaise with Loss Adjuster (LA). • Make claims as advised by LA. • Produce cash flow of requirements for immediate operation and arrange interim payments programme with LA. • Devise and monitor payment process to facilitate recovery. 2.12

Curriculum Issues.

Vice Principal (Curriculum and Performance). • Ascertain the damage to coursework and any loss of examination data. • Identifying suitable exam accommodation. • Identify requirements for immediate and long-term curriculum delivery. 2.13


Director of Data Management and Exams. • Ascertain damage to student records, both paper and computer based. • Liaise with Technical Services Coordinator and Vice Principal Curriculum & Performance to develop strategy to replace damaged records.


Curriculum Managers/Other CMG Members (as required). • Identify teaching requirements and curriculum fulfilment within their area. • Identify staffing levels and timetable back-ups. 29

Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan • Assist, as required or directed, other key stakeholders to fulfil any duties listed above. Section 3 3.1

Actions to be taken to recover from a disaster.

From the first notification of the incident, there will be the need for urgent information; • What has happened, and how serious is it. • Have there been any casualties. • What facilities have been affected, and is their loss short, medium or long term. • What access is there to the premises and when will this be possible. The Principal/CLG member, who should be the first to be informed of the disaster, will gather this information. Having obtained this they will then; • Contact the emergency services if not already actioned. • Contact the MIT, as appropriate. • Decide where the MIT will meet, and when. • Issue any immediate instructions as necessary to protect all individuals. The MIT will meet to discuss the situation and decide on actions required over the first couple of days. These actions will then be delegated to the relevant team member in line with their delegated responsibilities. The areas for consideration include: 3.2

Requirement for staff offices in the event of a disaster:

Broadly, the following would be required; • Principal/Other CLG members. • Reception and general admin – including Finance and Personnel. • Estates and ICT. • Exams, MIS and Learner Support. Other areas, such as curriculum, would be dependent on the College facilities being up and running or available at other sites. 3.3 Colleges/ Schools and other organisations within a reasonable distance that may be able to assist with facilities: • Very limited capacity. Any commercial facilities available would possibly take a long time to be ready for occupation for teaching due to the nature of the curriculum. Teaching space would possibly be available after normal school hours. In the first instance, full use of EDC facilities at other sites should be considered.


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan 3.4

Timescale by which alternative facilities would be needed: • Aim to get full lessons started again within at least 2 working weeks.


Details of critical information storage and data back up: • The College runs one integrated network serving curriculum and admin users.


Issues with planners with regard repair and replacement of buildings: • The College is within the Durham County Council local authority. We would anticipate no difficulties arising in respect of rebuilding, although plans would need to be submitted at an early stage to avoid any delay.


Area of largest potential disruption: • This would be the Willerby Grove site where a substantial amount of the teaching occurs and from where most administration occurs. However, Houghall has specialist teaching with animals that would be almost impossible to replicate at Willerby Grove. Technical Academy could move to Willerby Grove and share current facilities.

3.8 During the initial period there is likely to be considerable activity, and therefore the MIT will need to communicate on a frequent basis. Within a few days the mid to long term strategy should be identified. After this time, the times and nature of meetings should be formalised. 3.9 Flow charts providing detailed actions for likely events can be found at Appendix 1 to this chapter. 3.11 In the event of a disaster, a Salvage Report Form must be completed. This form can be found at Appendix 2.


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Section 4 - Key Business, Contractors and Suppliers Contact Details In the event of a disaster or emergency, key business, contractors or suppliers should be informed to allow for maintenance of their service, or to assist in the reinstatement of services. The table below lists those key contacts: Ser



Contact no:


Northern Powergrid Northen Gas Network FE Protect Insurance Northumbrian Water Environment Agency DEFRA Southern Monitoring (all sites) Envirotech

Loss of electrical supply

0800 668877

Alternate contact no: 0800 375675

Loss of gas/leak

0800 111999

0330 100 3000

Property insurance

07581 179906 (24hr) 0800 328 7648

0151 601 6326

02 03 04 05 06 07

08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Schneider BMS Systems AEL Systems Thyssen Krupp CaterTech Industrial Deep Clean Steadfast Security

Flooding or loss of water Flooding/COSHH material leak Animal incidents Fire Alarm/Intruder Alarm Monitoring

0845 988 118 03459 3355 77 08702 422220

Mechanical Maintenance 01642 424291 contract (heating/AC etc) BMS faults 0800 6062800

CCTV systems Lifts Catering Equipment Cleaning/Disinfection various Electrical and Access Control HSS Generator hire Carval Payroll Payroll systems Sage Financial Accounting ProSolution Student records BT (Broadband WG) ICT systems Talk Talk (HC & TA) ICT systems (HC & TA) JA NET ICT system (extranet) Omega Asbestos Consultants

01325 467398 0191 4915666 01740 650777 0191 5130158


07557 943868

4398 07881 249891 07711 748283

0191 5180837 08457 282828 01908 787700 0333 220 0777 01928 725522 0191 4614248 07824 096273 020 72692719 0191 377 0900

(option 1)

07824 409863 07894 414 755

Section 5 32

Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan 5.1

College Information – Site Plans

Willerby Grove – Lower Ground Floor

Willerby Grove – Ground Floor


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Willerby Grove – First Floor

Willerby Grove – Second Floor


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan

Willerby Grove – Sports Centre

Technical Academy – Site layout


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Houghall – Main Campus


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan

Houghall – Equine


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan

Houghall – Farm area


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Section 6 Appendix 1 – Action Flow Charts The information contained within these flow charts is not exhaustive; any actions outside of the flow charts should be recorded and fed back during any debrief period or testing of the plan. Flow charts included within this plan include: • • • • • • • • • • •

Fire – normal hours. Fire – evening hours. Fire – silent hours. Gas failure (leak or loss). Power Failure. Structural Failure. Road Traffic Incident. Death on College Premises. Health Related incident. Industrial Action. Bomb or suspect package.


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Abbreviations DM – Duty Manager FW - Fire Warden EOM – Estates Operations Manager MIT – Major Incident Team

FIRE ALARM INCIDENT - NORMAL HOURS 0830 - 1730hrs FIRE Alarm Activated

Estates Team report to Main Fire Panel to interrogate system (site dependant)

Fire Wardens Initiate Evacuation Procedure for each Zone

EOM to ensure safe Assembly Area.

DM or EOM deploys Estates Team to identify source of alarm – only if safe to do so.

FWs Clear their Zone and report to EOM at Assembly Area

Fire Confirmed ?



Fire Service call out confirmed by telephone from monitoring service (Southern Monitoring 08702 422220)

Once college cleared, CLG/MIT to prepare for media.

FWs control assembly areas and ensure no return to buildings EOM silences alarm and initiates return to buildings.

Information from Estates Team to EOM

FWs supervise orderly return to buildings. EOM informs monitoring station to re-activate system (Southern Monitoring 08702 422220)

EOM hands over to senior Emergency Services rep. EOM acts as Liaison Offr

Emergency Services complete operations and return site to College Control (EOM)

EOM and FW to be visible presence in Assembly Area

If Buildings are safe to occupy

Estates confirm damage and useable areas. FWs supervise orderly return to buildings (if possible).

Business Continuity Plan initiated as necessary


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Abbreviations CLG – College Leadership Group MIT – Major Incident Team DM - Duty Manager * - Building dependant

FIRE ALARM INCIDENT - EVENING HOURS 1730 - 2130hrs FIRE Alarm Activated – Remote Monitoring Service automatically notify Fire Service

DM/Estates Team reports to Main Fire Panel* and interrogate system

DM/Estates Team Initiate Evacuation Procedure

ONLY IF PRACTICABLE Estates Team to identify source of alarm during building evacuation

DM delegates staff to assist in evacuation. Staff member to control Assembly Area.

DM/Estates Team clear the building and report to Assembly Area

Fire Confirmed ?


DM confirms building clear with Estates Team/occupants.

DM contacts CLG

DM hands over to senior Emergency Services rep and awaits CLG to arrive on site


DM silences alarm on clearance from Fire Service and initiates return to buildings DM/Estates Team/ Staff supervise orderly return to buildings

CLG calls out MIT for casualty procedures and press liaison. MIT to initiate student/staff notification procedures. Notify bus company.

Emergency Services complete operations and return site to College Control (DM/Estates/ CLG)

Business Continuity Plan initiated as necessary

DM/Estates Team to inform Remote Monitoring Service that incident closed (Southern Monitoring 08702 422220)


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan FIRE ALARM INCIDENT - SILENT HOURS 2130 - 0830hrs Abbreviations KH - Key Holder CLG – College Leadership Team MIT – Major Incident Team EOM – Estates Operations Manager

FIRE Alarm Activated Monitoring Station calls Fire Service and Key Holder

KH goes to Site to investigate alarm and meet Fire Service

KH interrogates alarm panel and patrols exterior of Bdgs to confirm fire in conjunction with Fire Service

Fire Confirmed ?



KH informs EOM. CLG/MIT are informed.

KH silences alarm, secures buildings and leaves site, having informed Monitoring Station (Southern Monitoring 08702 422220)

MIT meet at Site and liaise with Fire Service MIT and Fire Service assess levels of damage and implications on College opening Emergency Services complete operations and return site to College Control (MIT/KH)

KH reports alarm incident to EOM on next working day

MIT initiate student/staff notification procedures. Notify bus company.

Business Continuity Plan initiated as necessary


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan GAS LEAK INCIDENT (24hrs) NOTE: If Estates Operations Manager, Site Supervisor, Estates Team or Duty Manager not present/available, then inform CLG member and call the numbers below.

Leak Suspected (Smell) and reported immediately to Estates or Duty Manager via Reception Desk.


Determine severity of leak - Is it necessary to evacuate all or part of College?

Yes Call National Grid Network emergency number

Call National Grid Network emergency number to report minor leak

0800 111 999

0800 111 999 Contact CLG and MIT (if required). Evacuate buildings - The fire alarm should not be sounded unless absolutely necessary. Staff and students should leave with belongings if possible in case of College closure

If Fire breaks out, follow procedure for Fire Evacuation

Open all windows in proximity of leak during evacuation. Do not re-enter buildings. Estates team to isolate gas supply in Plant Room ONLY if safe to do so.

Strictly enforce no smoking regime and keep personnel well away from buildings.

CLG/MIT to initiate student/staff notification procedures. Notify bus company. MIT to source temporary office accommodation (if available).

Await National Grid Network Engineer and follow their advice on further actions - Do not re-occupy buildings/ affected areas until cleared to do so. Estates to initiate re-commissioning of gas plant through Npower 0800 111999 or 0330 100 3000.

Severity of fire will determine length of College Closure. Initiate Disaster Recovery Plan CLG/MIT to notify student/staff that college is to re-open. Notify bus company. MIT to close temporary office accommodation (if used). MIT to issue statement to media/parents (as required)

Return to normal College Routine and post incident de-brief


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan POWER FAILURE INCIDENT – 24hrs Power Failure Reported to Estates (out of hours by Monitoring Service or Duty Manager) * Authorised Person (AP) Adam Wood Establish the Extent of the Failure deploy Estates team to investigate - use radio comms. Notify Estates Operations Manager (if out of hours)

College Wide (Site specific)

Estates to Contact Northern Powergrid on 0800 668877 or 0330 1230877 to determine:

Localised Failure

Estates Operations Manager to notify Fire Alarm/IDS monitoring station that power is down. (Southern Monitoring WG 08702 422220)

Estates Operations Manager to deploy AP to investigate fault.

- location of fault - duration of interruption

Estates to maintain contact with Northern Powergrid for updates on restoration of supply.

Interruption > 1 hour

Standby generator suitable for 400Kva silenced generator complete with accessories (cables/ dist board/fuel) from HSS 08457 282828 (code 25306).

Notify CLG/MIT. Potentially close College until power is restored.

Restrict use within the college for IT, lights and power usage.

Interruption < 1 hour

Isolate localised fault on relevant DB.

Contact Steadfast Security 0191 5180837.

MIT to initiate student/ staff notification procedures. Notify bus company.

College to remain open (if appropriate), but movement to be restricted in hours of darkness due to limited emergency lighting. Alternate accommodation to be used (if available).

Initiate Business Continuity Plan

Disseminate restriction information throughout College

MIT to notify insurance company about possible claim – FE Protect 0151 6016320

Re-open College when supply is restored and bring Fire Alarm and IDS back on line Initiate Disaster Recovery Plan


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan STRUCTURAL FAILURE INCIDENT (24hrs) Structural failure reported involving risk of endangerment to life

Inform Estates Team immediately

Estates Operations Manager to inform CLG/ MIT if damage is severe/ substantial

Determine the nature and extent of the of the damage and identify casualties

Notify MIT

No Casualties

MIT assume control of incident. Source alternate teaching accommodation (if appropriate)

Estates Dept to isolate all utilities to affected areas and assess effect on other areas. MIT to source alternate teaching accommodation within the college (if practicable).


Activate all First Aiders to respond to incident. Notify emergency services (as required)

Evacuate affected areas by: Estates Team Fire Wardens Telephone (as appropriate)

Assist Emergency services (as required)

MIT to initiate student/ staff notification procedures. Notify bus company (if required).

MIT to issue statement to media/parents (as required). MIT to confirm Next of Kin details for injured personnel.

Isolate affected areas and recruit services of structural engineer as required

Return to normal College routine

Assess risk of further failures

Disaster Recovery Plan initiated as necessary


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan ROAD TRAFFIC INCIDENT (INJURIES AND/OR FATALITIES) Incident Reported by Member of Staff at Scene of Accident

Reception/Staff member to take details of incident and a contact number

Staff on scene reminded NOT to make press statements or ANY admission of liability

- Location - College Vehicles involved - Staff/student involved - Staff/students fatalities/injuries - Emergency Services called - If Emergency Services already on scene, details of hospitals etc.

CLG notified and MIT Called out (via Duty Manager if evening hrs).

MIT establish Incident Control Room in College. Inform College insurers FE Protect 0151 6016320

MIT to confirm travel plan and risk assessment details to compare with passenger lists etc

MIT to arrange family liaison with college

MIT to collate family contact details for dead/injured

MIT to arrange for recovery of College vehicles when released by Police (via Estates Dept)

MIT to prepare statement for Principal/CLG.

Emergency Services to confirm identities of College personnel involved Principal to address College on first College day after the incident

Arrangements made via HR for bereavement counselling and treatment of PTSD

Business Continuity Plan initiated as necessary


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan DEATH OF A PERSON ON COLLEGE PREMISES Body found or fatal accident occurs

MIT – Major Incident Team

Notify MIT immediately. Student Services/HR to prepare contact details for students/staff

MIT to assist in collation of information. CCTV to be viewed if applicable

Call 999 Notify Police and in case of accident, ask for Ambulance

Carry out First Aid Procedures for resuscitation where possible

Deploy Services Team to create a cordon and clear the vicinity of the incident

Person pronounced dead by Doctor

Police will have to establish the following details to comply with the Coroner s and Justice Act 2009: Identity of deceased Where/when/how the death has occurred Details for registration of death Removal of the body Notification of next of kin

MIT produce press statement for Principal to release if required and when cleared to do so by Police (only once identity confirmed and family notified).

MIT to arrange for isolation of witnesses comfortable room with access to toilets etc

Principal to address College on first College day after the incident

Business Continuity Plan initiated as necessary

Arrangements made with HR for bereavement counselling and treatment of PTSD where necessary

Estates to arrange area clean through Industrial Deep Clean 0191 5130158. Note: this is a specialist task and not to be delegated to cleaning staff.

Estates Operations Manager to ensure that any damage caused by the incident is repaired immediately.


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan SERIOUS HEALTH RELATED INCIDENT Warning of Health Related Issue received

Local - via Environmental Health Officer or GP

Regional/National via National Health Service

College Identified as Source

Other Establishment Identified as Source

Notify CLG/MIT immediately

Notify CLG/MIT immediately

Close college as necessary and carry out disinfection regimes and deep cleaning to kitchen – Rentokil-Initial 0845 600 3090

Catering Manager to investigate hygiene practices.

Place relevant establishment out of bounds and communicate to students/staff via college display screens/notice at Receptions. Instigate hygiene regime. Toilets to be designated as Infection Control Toilets only (TBC site dependant).

Notify CLG/MIT immediately.

Carry out H&S and Business Continuity risk assessments on College

Close College as directed by Health Authority or EFA/SFA

Liaise with ESFA on effects of outbreak on learning and funding

Re-open College on clearance from relevant Health Authority

Business Continuity Plan initiated as necessary


Policy Document No 2.1.6


Notice of Industrial Action Given




General Strike

CLG/MIT to assess levels of Staffing affected

Support Services Availability MIS/Fin/etc

First Aid Cover

Opening and Closing Carry out Operational and H&S Risk Assessments

Lecturer Cover/Student Supervision


Mgmt Cover/ Training

Length of Ind Action

No of Depts Affected

Total College Closure

Partial College Closure

Inform Staff/Students/ Contractors/Suppliers etc

Normal Operation with Mgmt filling some functions

Normal Operation

Inform Staff/Students/ Contractors/Suppliers etc of contingency plan

Re-schedule classes/ works

Initiate Business Continuity Plan


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan BOMB OR SUSPICIOUS PACKAGE INCIDENT Threat identified If device has already detonated, initiate fire or structural damage plan Suspect package or object found or identified

Specific bomb threat by telephone call, letter or other means Notify MIT immediately

Call Emergency Services 999

MIT examine warning letter & check call records to try and authenticate the threat – Gloves must be worn when handling letter for forensic evidence

Call Emergency Services 999 DO NOT TOUCH OR INVESTIGATE THE PACKAGE!!!! Pass all details to Emergency Services

Threat includes a time for the explosion

Evacuate the buildings in an orderly manner according to time given. Use Services Team to direct personnel away from suspected site DO NOT ACTIVATE FIRE ALARM

Once all personnel are evacuated, move all personnel to the area of the site furthest from the threat and MUST at least be 500m AND out of line of site

Threat does not include a time for the explosion

Is the Location Known?



Activate fire alarm and evacuate buildings

Under no circumstances should anyone be allowed to re-enter threat areas until cleared to do so by the Emergency Services

Business Continuity Plan initiated as necessary

Each area must be searched prior to re-occupation of building/rooms


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Appendix 3 – Damage and Salvage report:

Damage by location/building/site is to be assessed by the appropriate manager. This assessment should include a list of what is essential for adequate service delivery and the usability of this equipment.


Policy Document No 2.1.6

Business Continuity Plan Supporting Documents and Records 2.1 Health and Safety Policy 2.1.1 Fire (Emergency) Evacuation Procedure 2.1.2 Accident and First Aid Procedure 2.1.8 Houghall Flood Action Procedure 2.1.9 Bomb Threat and Evacuation Procedure 2.10 Adverse Weather Procedure 8.2.2 Transport Procedure College Risk Management Plan. College Insurance Policies.

Document Control This document is issued and controlled by Quality & Standards and may only be modified by the designated group after proposed modifications have been accepted by the College Management Group. The latest version of the policy will be maintained on the College Extranet.

Please feedback to Quality & Standards any constructive suggestions on how any aspect of the policy may be clarified or improved.


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