The Co-operator - July & August 2018

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Co operator THE

Volume 29 : Issue 4 • July & August 2018






Board of Directors Eddy Jones, President Patrick McHale, Vice President William Warnock, Treasurer Emily Deferrari Malcolm Ferguson Alicia Hall Katy Nevinsky Sarah Trafican O.E. Zelmanovich

The board meets the third Monday of each month.

Management Team Human Resources: Jen Girty Finance: Shawn McCullough Marketing & Member Services: Kate Safin IT: Erin Myers Grocery: Maura Holliday Café: Amber Pertz Front End: eric cressley Produce: Evan Diamond

The Co-operator

Editor: Kate Safin Copy Editor: Mike Eaton Contributors: Erica Peiffer Design: Molly Palmer Masood Printer: Banksville Express Printed with vegetable-based inks on recycled paper.

CUSTOMER COMMENTS Would love more varieties of Organic India Tulsi teas. We do currently carry their red chai. We will bring in their jasmine tea. It should be on our shelves in the next week or so. If you have any further suggestions or questions then let us know. - Ian, Grocery There are no plain white (organic) tortillas. I don’t want gluten-free, or whole wheat, or extra weird ingredients. Just a tortilla. Organic is great. We have Organic Sonoma Wraps by the hummus. - Evan, Perishable Please create a “vegan guide” that lists all vegan products. Thanks for this suggestion. Our staff are available to help you determine if a product fits your needs. If you’d like to further discuss vegan shopping at the Co-op, I welcome you to contact me. - eric, Front End Item Request: Violife Feta Cheese please! Yes, I’ll bring it in next order. - Evan, Perishable Love the new carts - much easier with a child than the two tier small carts! Thank you for your positive comment about our new carts. We’re glad that you like them. We hope they we will be a great addition to our store for years to come. - Vince, Facilities

Save the date!

The Co-operator is a bi-monthly publication of East End Food Coop. Copies are available in the lobby of the store and online at

Interested in Advertising? Please contact: or call 412.242.3598 ext. 142. Opinions expressed are the writers’ own and do not necessarily reflect Co-op policy. The East End Food Co-op does not endorse the views or products of the advertisers in this newsletter.

September 8tH 2 - The Co-operator

BOARD REPORT by O.E. Zelmanovich aka Zoë Hello, I’m a recently appointed board member who has been an active member of the EEFC for several years. I’m honored to serve as your representative on the Board and look forward to meeting more of you and hearing your aspirations for our Co-op. I’m pleased to report for the Board that we are altering the timeline of elections and the annual meeting this year (and going forward) in order to prioritize transparency and member participation. With the new timeline in place, we will be able to sync up the board elections and the presentation of audited financials with the annual meeting. That means that you’ll have an opportunity to meet and ask questions of the candidates before you vote and be able to participate in the financial oversight of our co-op. Of course, there will also be delicious food, engagement with fellow members, and fun activities. So, please mark your calendars now for Saturday, November 3rd, for our annual meeting. (For those of you who are paying attention, yes, this will be our second annual meeting in 2018, but we’re trying to get things back on track and, technically, it will be the only annual meeting in fiscal year 2018-19.)

The election of the Board of Directors will be open from Saturday, October 27th through Friday, November 30th. Like last year, voting will take place either online or in-person at the customer service desk. If you’re interested in running for the Board, applications will be available online starting August 1st and due by September 15th. Please consider running! In the meantime, we’re still looking for members to participate in our board committees, particularly the Member Participation Committee and the Annual Meeting Committee. Please email if you are interested in joining a committee or if you have any questions or comments for the board. And you are always welcome to join us at our regular board meetings on the third Monday of the month at 7 PM in the POWER/ EEFC Conference Room. We’re working hard to make the meetings more accessible to members, including projecting the documents we are discussing and directly responding to members during members open session. If you’ve been discouraged in the past, please give it another try. The current board is very interested in member engagement and we hope to see you there!

Staff Celebrations Send us your recipes! Congratulations to the following staff members, who were elected by their peers as Employees of the Month.


Liz Koontz (Front End)


Emily- Shepard The Co-operator 3

We’d love to include your recipes in The Co-operator. If we print yours, we’ll give you one of our insulated tote bags free as a thank you! Send your recipes to


has to be some active connection with the community and environmental stewardship as well.

By Jeanne Lofgren B Corporations are companies that have made a public commitment to a material positive impact on society and the environment and to undertake a comprehensive third–party examination of their business operations. That comprehensive third–party examination is called the B Impact Assessment or BIA for short. It’s a list of best practices in the areas of governance, workers, community, the environment and suppliers. It helps B Corps do the hard work of internalizing the real costs of producing goods and services and removing exploitation from their supply chains. Certified B Corps (which can include any for-profit entity, not just corporations) must achieve at least 80 of the possible 200 points available on the BIA. It may sound easy, but the industry average is around 50 points. Good work benefits and conservation alone will not qualify a company for the certification. There

Where can you find B Corps? Luckily for East End Food Co-op shoppers, you’ll find them in almost every aisle! King Arthur Flour, Stonyfield Organic, Ripple Foods, Cabot Creamery Cooperative, Tofurky, Garden of Life, Yogi Tea, Traditional Medicinals, Emmy’s Organics, BARE Snacks, Plum Organics, Ella’s Kitchen, Numi Organic Tea, Diva International, Dr. Bronner’s, Seventh Generation, Erbaviva, Klean Kanteen, and W.S. Badger Co. are just some of B Corps at the Co-op. To find a comprehensive listing of all B Corps go to Not every socially and environmentally responsible enterprise is a certified B Corp, but every certified B Corp is a socially and environmentally responsible enterprise. Seeing the certification allows consumers to spend with confidence, knowing that their buying decisions are supporting the earth and driving positive human relations.

Look for this logo. It’s the mark of a certified B Corporation!

Jeanne Lofgren is the principal of BEntities, LLC, a benefit limited liability company that helps owners navigate the B Impact Assessment for more accurate results in less time. She is also a business and restructuring lawyer at Stonecipher Law Firm downtown, and has been member of the East End Food Co-op since 2015. BEntities is a Co-op Community Partner. The Co-operator - 4

Liz’s Lemonade Here’s a basic lemonade recipe and two sophisticated (but super easy) lemonade recipes that are perfect for a summer get–together or relaxing by the pool! After you’ve got the basic lemonade recipe down, the real fun begins! You can make almost any variation of lemonade you’d like.

Member Submitted Recipe!

Yields 4 Cups:

BASIC Lemonade

1. Start by making a simple syrup. Combine equal parts sugar and cold water in a small pot and bring to a boil. (I like to use half a cup of each; it makes the lemonade nice and sweet!) 2. While the syrup is coming to a boil, juice 6 lemons. You’ll want about a cup of lemon juice to balance out the sweetness of the syrup. 3. After the syrup has come to a boil, remove it from the heat and let it cool a bit before adding it to the lemon juice. 4. Add 4 cups of cold water and ice. You can drink it immediately, but I find the sour and sweet flavors come alive when the lemonade is refrigerated for a while! Serve with sliced lemon; this will please both the taste buds and the eye! syrup and the juice are mixed, add 3-4 cups

Rosemary Lemonade

1. Start with the basic lemonade recipe. 2. Make a rosemary simple syrup with equal parts sugar and water brought to a boil. When the mixture comes to a boil, add an entire sprig of rosemary, stem and all! Boil for 1-2 minutes, then remove from heat. 3. Once the rosemary simple syrup is cool, mix it into the entire container of the basic lemonade. Add another sprig of rosemary for aroma and garnish.

Lavender Lemonade:

1. Start by making the basic lemonade recipe. 2. Make a lavender simple syrup with equal parts sugar and water brought to a boil. When the mixture comes to a boil, add a tablespoon of dried lavender. Boil for 1-2 minutes, then remove from heat. You’ll start to smell the wonderful (and relaxing) aroma in a few seconds! 3. Once the lavender simple syrup is cool, mix it into the entire container of the basic lemonade. This lemonade looks as fun as it tastes; you’ll see all the little bits of lavender swirl around the lemonade and the ice cubes. To add a final touch, I like to add sliced lemons to the cups when serving.

Submitted by Liz Koontz, member since 2018 The Co-operator - 5

Liz’s Pro Tip:

“Roll each lemon a few times on the cutting board — this little trick will get the most juice flowing out of your lemon!”


We’ve all heard Michael Pollan’s advice to eat more plants. It’s the most basic way to live lightly on the Earth, stay healthy, and even save money. While Pollan didn’t advocate going all the way and adopting a vegan lifestyle, plenty of people have taken his statement to this conclusion: Eat Only Plants. A survey by the Vegetarian Resource Group in 2011 found that 7.5 million Americans call themselves vegan, which doesn’t include the 15 million who are vegetarian. Interestingly, the numbers of people who sometimes opt for meatless meals is growing quickly, to about a third of the total population. Eating vegan—whether you’re up for a single meal or going all the way—has been made easier by all the vegans in our midst raising consciousness about the plant-based way of living. For me, it was a book. In the mid-eighties, John Robbins’ authoritative text, “Diet for a New America” came out, and I got a copy from a friend. The book is divided into three sections, describing the nutritional, environmental, and spiritual reasons to opt out of foods made by and from animals. I went vegan, and stayed strictly vegan for six years or so. Then, like a lot of people, I got a little wobbly on the ban on cheese. Working as a chef and food writer, I found myself cooking and tasting animal foods, and I figured that as long as I make my living this way, I have to have some flexibility. In the years since, I’ve been much more vegan than most people, and have found that more and more 6 - The Co-operator

people are opting for being as vegan as they want to be, too. It’s very personal. My own experience is that you can make a vegan diet as healthy or unhealthy as you want to –just like any other eating style. If you want to feel energetic and light, eat lots of real veggies, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds, etc. Falling into eating too many vegan cupcakes, processed foods and snacks can make it hard to see the benefits of being vegan. If the whole plant-based thing is foreign to you, you’re not alone. The first question people ask is, “Where do you get your protein?” Well, it turns out that protein is really easy to get. The myth of complete protein (from animal foods) being superior to the collections of amino acids found in plants has been debunked. Every plant has a little bit of protein, and it all contributes to the total that you eat each day. It’s not hard at all to include some plant-based protein foods, like beans, tofu, seitan, nuts and seeds, or even quinoa (12 grams of protein per halfcup uncooked) into each meal. And what about missing all those favorite foods? Well, believe it or not, after a period of vegan eating, your palate will likely change. Instead of expecting food to have strong flavors from meat or cheese, you may start to notice how delicious your roasted squash with garlicky kale really tastes. It also pays to learn how to make use of creamy nut milks, meaty-tasting mushrooms, and flavorenhancing cooking methods like caramelization and roasting to give your veggies more oomph. The main thing about adjusting to eating vegan is to give it time and be ready to make adjustments. If you’re often feeling hungry, add more heft to your meals, with whole grains, nuts, and avocados. If you want to lose weight but aren’t, cut back on the richer vegan foods, and skip the desserts. Eat a balanced diet with lots of leafy greens, colorful veggies, and whole, real foods, and it will be good for you. Having a growing vegan presence in our midst means that good vegan options in your co-op and in restaurants are becoming easier and easier to find. A big spread of hummus, baba ganoush, tabbouleh and stuffed grape leaves with some whole wheat pita from the grab-and-go section is a great plant-based meal most everyone can enjoy. Authored by Robin Asbell for Stronger Together. Reprinted by permission from Find articles about your food and where it comes from, recipes and a whole lot more at Robin Asbell writes about food related topics, and enjoying life. Her prose and recipes have appeared in such diverse publications as Better Homes and Gardens, Taunton’s Fine Cooking, Cooking Light, Mother Earth News and Vegetarian Times. The Co-operator - 7


Whether you already eat mostly plants or are looking to embrace a plant-based diet, here are some tasty recipes to inspire

you! We start with a recipe for a cheese substitute (giving up cheese is often reported as the most challenging part of a plant-based diet). Recipe author Carson Gross suggests using this sauce instead of cheese on sandwiches, pizza, eggs, veggies, or nachos. You can also mix it with salsa for a delicious queso dip, and it makes a great sauce for vegan mac n’ cheese.

Cashew Cheeze Ingredients

• 1 cup raw cashews, soaked overnight in water • 3 tbsp. lemon juice • 3 tbsp. nutritional yeast • 3 tbsp. miso • ¼ tsp. salt • ¼ tsp. paprika • ½ cup water

Member Submitted Recipe!


1. Place all ingredients in a high powered blender. 2. Blend on high until desired consistency is reached, adding water to thin if necessary. Submitted by Carson Gross, member since 2017

8 - The Co-operator

SouthWestern Veggie Burgers

BBQ Jackfruit

3 Bean SALAD




1. Combine all sauce • 28 oz. tomato puree ingredients in medium saucepan • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar with a whisk. Simmer • 2 tbsp. agave syrup sauce on low heat until flavors are well • 2 tbsp. molasses combined, about 20 • 1 tbsp. vegan minutes. Remove from stove and let Worcestershire sauce cool. • 1 tbsp. liquid aminos 2. Drain the jackfruit and rise well. • 4 garlic cloves 3. Use a fork to smashed shred pieces of the jackfruit and place • 1 tbsp. hickory salt in barbecue sauce • 1 tsp. chili powder ingredients 4. Let jackfruit marinate • 1 tsp. red pepper in barbecue sauce for flakes 20-30 minutes 5. Pour into a skillet and • 1 tbsp. olive oil heat for 5-7 minutes • ½ cup water until warm. 6. Enjoy over rice, • 1 can of jackfruit or 1 in a wrap, or on a sandwich. small fresh jackfruit


Pastry: • 1 cup almond flour • 1/2 cup coconut flour • 1/2 cup tapioca flour • Pinch salt • 1/2 cup vegan shortening • 6 tbsp. vegan butter • 1/2 cup ice water Filling: • 3-4 cups fresh blueberries • 3/4 cup coconut sugar • 1/4 cup arrowroot starch • 1 tsp. grated lemon peel • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Preparation 1. Pre-heat the oven to 400°F.

2. In a large bowl, mix the almond, coconut, tapioca flour and salt together. 3. Cut the shortening and butter into small cubes. Use a fork to cut the butter into the flour until it resembles coarse breadcrumbs. 4. Add the water a little at a time and work the dough into a smooth ball. Halve the dough. Press the dough into two equal-sized disks. Wrap the disks of dough between two pieces of plastic wrap and press

them into 6-inch circles. Refrigerate the dough until firm, at least 1 hour. 5. Combine the blueberries, coconut sugar, arrowroot starch, lemon peel and cinnamon and mix well. 6. Grease pie dish with butter. 7. Remove dough from fridge. Lightly dust your surface and roll into thin discs. 8. Line pie dish with one of the rolled out discs. Press the dough along the edges of the dish to ensure there are no gaps. Trim edge even with rim of pie dish. 9. Pour the filling into the lined dish. 10. Cut the remaining disk into long strips of equal length and width. Weave the strips, trimming excess dough at edge of pans, 4 in each direction, diagonal to each other, to form a lattice. Sprinkle the top of the pie with sugar if desired. 11. Bake for 40 minutes or until the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbling nicely. 12. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before serving.


• 4 cups sweet potatoes, peeled & chopped • 2 cups carrots, chopped • 2 cups celery, chopped • 2 cups onion, chopped • 2 cups red bell pepper, chopped • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil • 1 tsp. sea salt • ¼ tsp. black pepper • 2 cups black beans, cooked • 2 cups long grain brown rice, cooked • 2 tsp sea salt • ½ tsp black pepper, freshly ground • 2 tsp chili powder • 2 tsp cumin • 1/8 tsp garlic powder



1. Combine the sweet potatoes, carrots, celery, onion and red pepper and bake on a parchment lined sheet pan for 40-45 minutes at 400 degrees 2. Puree ¾ of the roasted vegetables (cooled) and ½ of the black beans. Stir in the rest of the ingredients and form into 12 patties. 3. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes on parchment lined wire racks on top of sheet pans. After the first 20 minutes, flip the burgers and continue baking for the final 15 minutes 4. Let rest 5 minutes before serving


• 16 oz. corn kernels, 1. Rinse and drain the cooked beans and corn (if • 16 oz. kidney beans, canned). canned 2. In a small bowl, • 16 oz. chickpeas, whisk together the canned • 16 oz. pinto beans, olive oil, apple cider canned vinegar and lemon • 1/2 cup red onion, juice. Add sugar, salt, diced garlic, parsley, salt • 1/2 cup olive oil and pepper and mix • 1/8 cup apple cider well. vinegar • 1 lemon, juiced 3. In a large bowl, • 1/2 tsp. sugar combine the beans • 1/4 tsp. salt and red onions. Toss • 2 tsp. garlic, crushed with dressing and • 1/4 cup fresh parsley, let sit 30 minutes chopped to 2 hours at room • 1/2 tsp. salt • 1/2 tsp. black pepper temperature.


MEET Owner Where do you live and how often do you visit our store? Penn Hills, and I’m here five days a week!

a community-owned store that prioritizes local growers and producers (and ice cream companies)! How would you describe your lifestyle, and how does the Co-op fit in? My lifestyle is mostly plantbased, and the Co-op offers a lot of resources, from fresh, local produce to great meat alternatives. I love to cook and develop new recipes. [Editor’s note: see Liz’s recipe on page 5.] I’m also super into food photography, and I often buy our beautiful produce just to take pictures of it.

What was your motivation for coming to and/or joining the Co-op? This was actually the first place I came to in Pittsburgh that had a juice and smoothie bar, and I was hooked right there! What is your favorite thing you get from the Co-op? The juices and smoothies are my favorite, because they’re fresh, all organic, and made right in front of me. I can see exactly what goes into them. If you could change one thing about the Co-op, what would it be? I wish it was bigger. What do you LOVE and hope will never change about the Co-op? I love the close-knit community; everyone knows each other. What makes shopping at the Co-op different than other stores? That I know I’m supporting Pittsburgh. Obviously, other stores have some of the same products as we do, but I like knowing that I’m supporting

The Co-operator - 11

Liz K., Member Since 2018

This year, East End Food Co-op is participating in #Coops4Kindness, a nationwide movement developed by Cooperatives for a Better World in which co-ops from diverse industries and communities are coming together to complete 1 million acts of kindness between October 1, 2017 and October 1, 2018. 1 hour of volunteering, $1 donated or 1 random act of kindness for 1 person = 1 pledge of kindness for #Coops4Kindness. This campaign unites co-ops from across the United States to show our commitment to building a better world through the cooperative business model and Cooperative Principle 7 Concern for Community. To date, the Co-op has pledged more than 100,000 acts of kindness through charitable giving, sustainability initiatives, food waste diversion, and staff and member appreciations. On Saturday, July 7, the East End Food Co-op is celebrating the International Day of Cooperatives with a random acts of kindness day. For each new member that joins the Co-op on July 7, East End Food Co-op will pledge $5 to the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. Every $5 raised provides 25 meals. Staff are also encouraged and empowered to contribute random acts of kindness throughout the day, from small gestures to grand surprises. We invite you to join the #Coops4Kindness movement and to help us reach 1 million acts of kindness. Use the hashtag #Coops4Kindness to talk about the charities, causes, and organizations you already support. The activities you are involved with can be amplified in this campaign with a simple pledge on Being a part of something bigger than yourself creates kindness that connects us all. The world needs more kindness, but we don’t have to do it alone when we are connected to a cooperative. 12 - The Co-operator



To support these organizations, tell your cashier to Round Up your total at the register!

JULY - Student Conservation Association Student Conservation Association (SCA) exists to create the next generation of conservation leaders and inspire lifelong stewardship of our environment and communities by engaging young people in handson service to the land. Register Round Up funds will support the youth conservation crew program, which employs low-income Pittsburgh high school students who complete conservation work and learn about the environment in Pittsburgh city parks and green spaces.

AUGUST - Women for a Healthy Environment Women for Healthy Environment’s (WHE) mission is to educate and empower community members to act as ambassadors about environmental risks, so they can make healthy choices for themselves and their families and advocate for change for a better tomorrow for all. Register Round Up funds will support general operating expenses to advance the organization’s three primary areas of focus: Healthy Homes, Healthy Schools and Healthy Early Learning.

Spare Change Makes a Big Difference! Register Round Up Funds raised to date: $121,034.29

(April 2013 - May 2018)

Beyond the Peel A trip to AsoGuabo Cooperative in Ecuador

When is the last time you thought about bananas (beyond adding them to your shopping list and marking them off once you put them in your basket)? Have you ever considered how they get here or how they are grown? This June, Co-op Produce Manager Evan Diamond was part of a delegation to AsoGuabo Cooperative in Ecuador, where he saw first-hand how the bananas we sell are grown and traded. Equal Exchange (a worker-owned cooperative that distributes Certified Fair Trade dry goods and produce to retailers, including the East End Food Co-op) coordinated the trip, which included people from different aspects of the supply chain.

fields, so all harvesting, sorting, and packing is done by hand and goes through 6 to 8 people before it is finally boxed up! That really struck a chord with me, considering how cheap and ubiquitous the banana is in the world.

Why were you selected as part of the delegation? Equal Exchange invited me because East End Food Co-op has a huge commitment to Equal Exchange. I have done a lot of work to maximize our ability to carry and promote their banana program and their newer avocado endeavors.

What are some things you’d like people to know based on your experience? Fair Trade is not a given anymore, unfortunately. Large plantations can be fair trade certified now, which opens the door to industry giants like Chiquita and Dole. On these plantations, the scale makes it difficult for a worldwide certifying body to reasonably ensure fair trade practices are being followed. Unlike other companies in the banana trade, Equal Exchange buys from small farms where the farmers own their land. This bolsters an alternative supply chain that maximizes the amount of money staying within the local farm communities.

What is your biggest takeaway from the trip? I was floored by how low–tech and labor-intensive banana farming is. Most modern agriculture is efficient and mechanized to the greatest extent possible. With bananas, equipment can’t enter the

You can see more photos and videos from Evan’s trip on our Instagram @eastendfoodcoop.

East End Food Co-op (EEFC): Tell us about the trip! Evan: This trip was focused on the Ecuadorian farms that belong to the Cooperative Exporting Group called AsoGuabo, located in El Guabo, about 3 hours inland from Machala, the port city on the Pacific Coast where the bananas are shipped from. The main goal was to provide learning opportunities by connecting the American and Ecuadorian parts of the supply chain through farm tours, round table discussions, and visits to community projects and agricultural research farms.

n in Th e d el eg at io f t ts al l as p ec o

The group le arned ab packed and eventua from about 6

The Co-operator - 14

to th e a v e a cc e ss h rs ce u d ro p s fo r th e ir S m a ll -f a rm iv e fa ir p ri ce m o d e l. ce re d n a m a rk e tp la ce k s to th e co o p e ra ti v e g o o d s th a n

p le fr o m n cl u d ed p eo ai n . th e su p p ly ch Co -o p Pr od uc e M an ag er Ev an Di am on d (le ft ) an d Jo na th an St ef fy of Fo ur Se as on s (c en te r) af te r at te m pt in g to pa ck ba na na s in th ei r bo xe s.

bout how ba nanas grow, get harveste ally shipped d out to port. All happenin , AM to midnig g ht every Mon day!


Wednesday, July 11, 7 PM – 8 PM Sarah Kaminski, Certified Holistic Health Coach POWER/EEFC Conference Room FREE – Please RSVP Have you ever considered that food is energy? Learn about high-energy foods and feel better equipped to consistently make supportive food choices that nourish you rather than weigh you down.


Sunday, July 22, 10 AM – Noon Brooke Smokelin, Mookshi Wellness Center Frick Park – Fern Hollow parking lot $10 Co-op Members / $15 Non-Members

Hike into the wild and wonderful urban woodlands and deepen your relationship with nature as we identify a fantastic array of edible and medicinal plants.


Wednesday, August 1, 7 PM - 8 PM Michelle Naccarati-Chapkis, Women for a Healthy Environment POWER/EEFC Conference Room FREE - Please RSVP

Personal care products are some of the least regulated (and tested) products on the market. Learn how to make healthy and safe consumer decisions, gain a better

understanding of product labeling, recognize top ingredients to avoid, and make a clean DIY cosmetic!


Sunday, August 5, 11 AM – Noon Erica Peiffer, Member Services POWER/EEFC Conference Room FREE – Please RSVP

10%* off wellness AND body care July 11th August 1st

Orientations ensure our members feel completely comfortable using our store and participating in our Co-op. They provide an opportunity to ask questions, meet other members and staff, review member benefits, and learn more about the cooperative business model. Nonmembers welcome!


Sunday, August 26, 1 PM – 3 PM Rob Brown, M.D. & Author POWER/EEFC Conference Room $10 Co-op Members / $15 Non-Members. (Admission includes a copy of Rob’s book!)

Focus on your relationship to elements in your environment physically, biochemically, electrically and energetically – and gain an understanding of how to create your home as a sanctuary of peace and wellbeing.

RSVP at:

WELLNESS Wednesday

*No additional discounts or sales may be stacked with this offer

Senior Discount Days (5% courtesy discount for 62+) Every Tues. & Thurs.

quarterly discount

Members, be sure to use your 10% quarterly discount by September 30th!

Open to everyone, every day from 8 AM - 9 PM 7516 Meade Street . Pittsburgh, PA 15208 412-242-3598 .

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