One secret to success: Making connections MARY CULLINAN Guest Columnist Mary Cullinan is the EWU president. Guest columns do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Easterner, its staff members or Eastern Washington University. This column was only edited for AP style. Welcome to Fall term! I’m so excited to see our walkways and buildings crowded again, to feel the energy of new and returning students on our beautiful campuses. Your primary purpose for being at Eastern, of course, is your academic work. You’re here to learn, to get a degree, to prepare yourself for life after Eastern. However, being an Eastern student also gives you a huge opportunity to become involved, to take part in campus life. For example, you might be interested in participating in the broader political work that helps support - Mary Cullinan, our public university. EWU President Because Eastern is one of the six public universities in the state, our relationship with the state legislature is crucial. The Washington state legislature provides necessary operational funding for Eastern so we can continue to keep tuition as affordable as possible. Legislators recently funded our beautiful new Interdisciplinary Science Center, the huge campus construction project that will open next fall. The legislature provided support for a Computer Engineering program that will prepare students for hundreds of professional jobs in our region and beyond. And they fully funded the Washington College Grant program (formerly known as the State Need Grant). Many Eastern students rely on this critical state investment— and now everyone who qualifies will receive the grant. This is outstanding for our students.
The Easterner -
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Legislative support doesn’t come automatically. I work with our campus administration, faculty and students year-round to ensure that legislators know us, appreciate the work we do and understand our impact on thousands of students and their families. Sometimes students ask me if they can be involved in these political relationships and processes. Or they wonder if their involvement will actually make a difference. The answer to both questions is YES! Like so many aspects of college and life, success is built on relationships. Become involved. Get to know your ASEWU elected leadership. They represent you. They’re interested in your thoughts and ideas. Let them know why you chose Eastern, the things you appreciate about your experiences here, the challenges you face, the changes on campus that would enhance your experience and learning opportunities. ASEWU typically hosts a student lobby day or invites students to travel to Olympia to testify on a bill or advocate for a specific cause. Go! Take advantage of those unique opportunities to make a difference. The Washington College Grant might not have been fully funded if students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members from across the state hadn’t voiced the critical importance of that support. Political work may not be your top interest. But being a university student provides multiple possibilities for building relationships, for becoming involved, for advocating for something larger than yourself. Eastern offers amazing opportunities beyond the classroom to become engaged in campus life and in our local communities. So, as you plan your classes and your work days, include time to engage with the campus, to explore clubs and organizations, to seek out activities and initiatives that inspire and motivate you. Your college years are unique: take time to make connections that matter.•
“Take advantage of those unique opportunites to make a difference."