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Tuition Costs
It is possible to graduate with little to no debt. At EICC, our tuition is one of lowest in the state and our programs and instructors are some of the best. Save hundreds to thousands of dollars.
2023–2024 TUITION RATE
*If you live in one of the Illinois border counties of Carroll, Henry, Mercer, Rock Island, or Whiteside, you can take advantage of our special tuition rate and save.
How Eicc Compares
Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
83% Average tuition savings for students who choose EICC.
2023–24 figure, based on average annual tuition of four-year colleges in Iowa.
Four-Year State University
Four-Year Private College
Based on one-year tuition cost average of public and private colleges in Iowa, 2023–24. Does not include room and board. Tuition and fees are approved by the EICC Board of Trustees and are subject to change.