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WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY was estab li shed by an act of the Legislature of Kentucky in 1906. Originally created for the sole purpose of training teachers for the elementary a nd secondary sc hool s of Kentucky, Western has steadi ly increased the scope of its academ ic programs to meet the expanding needs of its students.

Designated as a uni versity by the Kentucky General Assembly on February 6, 1966, Western now co n sists of six colleges: The Bowling Green College of Comme r ce, the Co llege of Applied Arts and Health Services, T he Co llege of E duc a tion , The Ogden College of Science a nd Technology, The Potte r College of Liberal Arts, and The Graduate College. The University now offers four fouryear undergraduate degrees, two two-year under grad uate degrees, and seven grad uate degrees, with course offerings in thirty-four different departments.

Western's enrollment thi s fa ll was aga in at an all-time high, approxi mately 11,000 st udent s, or n ear ly seven time s the enrollment of 1955. The grow th of the University ' s phy sical facilities, g uid ed by a carefully organized lon g-range development plan, is a lso one of unparalleled magnitude in Western's hi story.

Fourteen years ago the University's physical pl a nt consisted of twenty major buildings on a camp us of 128 ac re s with a total value of $10 ,000 ,000 Since that tim e, thirty m a jor faci lities have been constructed on a campus which now consists of 185 acres. Ten other major str uctur es are currently being built or will be started in ear ly 1970

These will more than triple the number of buildings on Westem's campus in 1955 a nd , together with other improvements, will raise the total value of the physical plant to approximate ly $94,000,000

Western's campus is recognized as one of the most beautiful in the nation and is crowned by a commanding hill from which Hilltopper a thletic teams derive their nickname. It affords a view of the University from almost any approach to the city of Bowling Green, a community of approximately 36,000 people.

A Study In Design

The Allegro from Adagio and Allegro-By Nelhybell

Hey Jude

Light My Fire Flag of Stars

TH E PAGEANTRY of the fall football season is characteristically demonstrated by the colorful pre-game and halftime performances of Eastern's Marching Maroons.

The thrilling depth of sound , precision movements, color, and original specialties are the result of 175 talented musicians , marching majorettes , featured twirlers, and drum major which are a part of the 1969- 70 Marching Maroons.

Gerald Grose is in his third year as director of the Marching Maroons. He received his B.S. and M.S degrees from the University of Illinois, and has done additional graduate work at Illinois and the University of Michigan. Musical arrangements for the band are done by Roger Dane, Doug Oatley, John Tatgenhorst, and Grose. Assistant band directors are Lynn Looper and Arlie Noble.

The Marching Maroons are part of the academic program of the Department of Music. It is admin istered through the College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Frederic Ogden, dean . Other sectio ns of the band program at Eastern are symphonic, concert, military, pep and stage bands.

Today, the Marching Maroons present a precision drill of contemporary nature, coordinated with music to achieve the best possible effect out of both movement and music. The design is by seniors Ken Amburgey, Tony England, Finley Hamilton, Trent Holtsberry, and Dennis Ling.

You're invited to stay after the game for a brief presentation by the Marching Maroons.

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