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Chemistry Professor Contributes to Statewide Manufacturing Research


Human Subjects Research Protocols

Chemistry Professor Contributes to Statewide Advanced Manufacturing Research

Passionate about finding new solutions to power the world, Dr. Judy Jenkins, associate professor of chemistry at EKU, applies her chemistry and solar energy expertise to a collaborative statewide research project, the Kentucky Advanced Partnership for Enhanced Robotics and Structures (or KAMPERS).

Funded by the Kentucky National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development and institutional matching funds provided by participating schools, the KAMPERS project supports the fundamental science needed to advance next-generation manufacturing technologies, flexible electronics and robotics. The $24 million, five-year project relies on the expertise of 40 multidisciplinary researchers from eight Kentucky universities and colleges, including Jenkins at Eastern Kentucky University.

The researchers are working together to develop 3D printable smart devices, Jenkins explained. While technology to 3D print objects is well-developed, this project focuses on embedding electronics into structural components, like a prosthetic hand, for example. In order for a prosthetic hand to function like a human hand, it needs electronics that sense and respond to touched objects and interface with nerves to allow human-driven movement.

The challenge in printing electronics is that the materials used for wires and sensors, such as copper and silicon, would need to be printed at very high temperatures –– temperatures that would melt the structural components. And that’s where Jenkins’ role comes in. She’s investigating carbon-based polymers that convert light into electricity, just as silicon does in traditional solar cells. In addition to being lightweight, flexible and affordable, these polymers melt at much lower temperatures than silicon, making them candidates for printable electronics.

“We can envision 3D-printed structures that will need power sources,” Jenkins notes, “so our research focuses specifically on the molecular-level chemistry of polymers that are both highly efficient as solar cells and are potentially printable. In our lab, we have instrumentation that allows us to make different types of polymers and then test their properties –– like how much sunlight a polymer can capture, for instance.”

Having students help with the research is Jenkins’ favorite part of what she does. “At Eastern, we can let our students be part of this huge, statewide effort,” she said. “Students get to actually put the things they’re learning about to work, solving big problems.”

“THERE’S A She sees students’ participation BIG PART OF MY HEART “We all benefit from the solar in research as some of the THAT REALLY JUST WANTS panels because we emit less most valuable experiences TO CHANGE THE WORLD,” carbon dioxide to get the they can gain. Through these JENKINS SAID. AND SOLAR power we need, but we also experiences, students can ENERGY RESEARCH IS get to use the monetary savings connect what they learn in the HER WAY OF CREATING for scholarships,” Jenkins said. classroom to why it matters, CHANGE. “For me, that’s the most exciting learning what they can do with what outcome of these arrays.” they know. In addition, Jenkins said students learn to deal with failure as a result Although the KAMPERS project spans just five of working on research projects. “If students can years, the research and the impact of the project leave here being better at persisting through will be ongoing. As a result, the project aims failure until we get something to work, that’s to expand the state’s economy, train students something worth learning,” she said. for jobs of the future, and position Kentucky to become a national leader in economic, industrial Jenkins has been involved in many solar and commercial success. Already, Jenkins has projects on EKU’s campus. She received an EKU made significant strides through her solar energy Innovation Fund Award to connect a not-yet- research at Eastern Kentucky University and with completed new campus facility to solar panels. the KAMPERS project. Her contributions will She also worked on a donor-funded project to continue beyond the KAMPERS project, as she add solar arrays on top of the Science Building constantly strives to positively impact the planet. and by the greenhouse of the Science Building. As part of the agreement with the donor, EKU “There’s a big part of my heart that really alumnus Dr. Gary Booth, the money saved on just wants to change the world,” Jenkins said. electricity as a result of the solar panels goes to And solar energy research is her way of students in the form of the Photon Fellowship. creating change.

Board of Regents Innovation Fund

Announced at the June 2018 Board of Regents meeting, the $250,000 Board-sponsored faculty and staff Innovation Fund matches seed projects designed to advance the mission of EKU. A strong preference given to applications that (1) demonstrates an innovative or entrepreneurial solution; and (2) an ability to generate a return on investment, (3) create operating efficiencies, (4) is related to Kentucky priorities, and (5) brings positive attention to EKU.

In the first three years, the Board has considered over 40 applications, requesting $2 million dollars in competitively-awarded funding. They have awarded a dozen of those projects, totaling $550,000. Here are a sample of those awards:

Dr. Lindsay Cormier and Dr. Margaret

Ndinguri’s award paved the way for them to receive $50,000 from the National Institute of Health for work on their novel compounds. They were the only researchers from a Kentucky regional university to receive that award in 2020.

Dr. Jason Marion’s award has been helpful in filing an international patent for his method for detection of E.Coli and antibiotic resistant bacteria in water, as well as starting his first company.

Dr. Stephen Richter’s award established an outdoor learning pavilion with trails connecting main campus to EKU’s Natural Areas on south campus, to enhance recruitment and retention.

Dr. James Maples and Dr. Michael Bradley

created the Division of Regional Economic Assessment and Modeling, to provide cost efficient economic impact, tourism, and outdoor recreation research to communities across Kentucky.

Kelly Smith developed an Open Educational Resource Challenge Grant, that incentivizes faculty to write open source textbooks. The seed money from this award saved students $300,000 in the first year of implementation.

Dr. Joseph Carucci is creating the Foster Commercial Music Camp, to teach musicians how to think like entrepreneurs and how to record, share, and monetize their musical endeavors in the 21st century.



Animal Use Protocols

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