Crossroads Winter 2010 - Alumni Magazine of Eastern Mennonite University

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fall/winter 2010-11

emu... preparing students to serve and lead globally | crossroads | 1

vol. 91, No. 2

go tell them,

➜ everywhere

Recommend your:  friends  relatives  neighbors  class members  youth group members

Lisa Mast ’05 // Choir director // Fort Defiance High School // Fort Defiance, Va. 2 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11

Tell them about EMU. Go to, and offer us the names of those you think would benefit from our strong academics, Christian ethos of servantleadership, and welcoming community that cares about the whole person. For every five names you offer us at, we will send you an EMU-inscribed pocket flashlight or highlighting pen (your choice) to thank you for shining light on these students.

music | crossroads | 3

photograph by lindsey kolb


Fall/winter 2010-11, Vol. 91, No. 2 Crossroads (USPS 174-860) is published three times a year by Eastern Mennonite University for distribution to 14,000 alumni, students, parents and friends. A leader among faith-based universities, Eastern Mennonite University emphasizes peacebuilding, creation care, experiential learning, and cross-cultural engagement. Founded in 1917 in Harrisonburg, Virginia, EMU offers undergraduate, graduate, and seminary degrees that prepare students to serve and lead in a global context. EMU's mission statement is posted in its entirety at Board of Trustees: Andrew Dula, chair, Lancaster, Pa.; Wilma Bailey, Indianapolis, Ind.; Evon Bergey, Perkasie, Pa.; Myron Blosser, Harrisonburg, Va.; John Bomberger, Harrisonburg, Va.; Herman Bontrager, Akron, Pa.; Gilberto Flores, Cedar Hill, Texas; Curtis D. Hartman, Bridgewater, Va.; Gerald R. Horst, New Holland, Pa.; Charlotte Hunsberger, Souderton, Pa.; Clyde Kratz, Harrisonburg, Va.; Kevin Longenecker, Harrisonburg, Va.; Kathleen (Kay) Nussbaum, Grant, Minn.; Amy Rush, Harrisonburg, Va.; Kathy Keener Shantz, Lancaster, Pa.; Diane Zimmerman Umble, Lancaster, Pa.; Paul R. Yoder, Jr., Harrisonburg, Va. Associate trustees: Jonathan Bowman, Manheim, Pa.; David Hersh, Line Lexington, Pa.; E. Thomas Murphy, Jr., Harrisonburg, Va.; Judith Trumbo, Broadway, Va. Loren Swartzendruber, president; Fred Kniss, provost; Kirk Shisler, vice president for advancement; Andrea Wenger, marketing and communications director. Bonnie Price Lofton Jon Styer Editor/writer Designer/photographer Paul T. Yoder Mileposts editor

Jim Bishop Public information officer

Marcy Gineris Danny Yoder Web content manager Web/social media Lindsey Kolb Carol Lown Photographer/videographer Mailing list manager Heidi Muller Project and Office Coordinator All EMU personnel can be reached during regular work hours by calling (540) 432-4000, or via contact details posted on the university website, Cover: Madeline Bender performing at the Vancouver Opera in La Traviata (2004). Photo by Tim Matheson. See story on page 14. POSTMASTER: Submit address changes to: Crossroads Eastern Mennonite University 1200 Park Road Harrisonburg, VA 22802

President Loren Swartzendruber ’76, MDiv ’79, DMin, with his wife Pat

Moved by Music Aaron Copland, 20th century American composer, shared this perspective regarding music: “The whole problem can be stated quite simply by asking, ‘Is there a meaning to music?’ My answer would be, ‘Yes.’ And ‘Can you state in so many words what the meaning is?’ My answer to that would be, ‘No.’” Many of my earliest memories involve music, most often in the context of a worship service in my home congregation. It is amazing that the memories evoked frequently cannot be adequately expressed in words. I am transported back in time and space, subconsciously touched by the rhythms, harmonies, and melodies of hymns. Sitting next to my dad, I learned to sing the tenor line long before I knew how to read the music. For those warm memories I shall always be grateful. I well recall, however, a deep feeling of incompetence in a public school 7th grade music class when being tested on our ability to recognize the sounds of individual musical instruments. Though many of my classmates could not have joined an a cappella choir and didn’t know the difference between the tenor and bass lines, I was embarrassed to realize that the sounds of individual musical instruments were largely indistinguishable to my ears. Fortunately, through music appreciation classes in high school and college, I expanded my repertoire of understanding. Copland’s suggestion that music has meaning, but that its meaning can hardly be reduced to words, rings so true at this stage of my life. It is not uncommon, especially if I have no responsibilities in a worship service and if I have experienced some stressful weeks, to be overcome with emotion while joining others in congregational singing. Frequently, I sense that I am part of something much larger than myself and am filled with gratitude for the privilege of being a member of a church that takes corporate worship seriously (and joyously!). There must be a reason why such experiences rarely occur when I am preparing to preach! Music, in its many forms and genres, makes an essential contribution to the quality of life at EMU and beyond. To quote Copland again, “To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable.” The making of music at EMU has always been strong, even when the music was only made with one instrument (the vocal cords). Yet our musical output keeps getting stronger, as EMU’s outstanding musicians embrace and contribute to other musical streams. May we make music forever!

printed on recycled paper

Loren Swartzendruber President Cert no. SW-COC-001635

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Listen to our musicians at:


Famous Mennonite Harmonies

Four-part harmony songs are making way for greater diversity in worship, but are we in danger of losing something valuable in the process?


The Doctor Is In


Finding Her Voice


The Ways of Music

Many years of post-graduate musical study have brought Katie Goins Frewen to a place where she is really happy – teaching middle schoolers.

Madeline Bender lost her voice on her way to the top of the opera world, but now she may be finding it again through helping others.

Using photographs, let us count all the ways that music majors, music educators and just plain musicians are expressing themselves.


Studying Music


Doing it All

Flexibility and personal attention make our music programs stand out. That and experienced, highly qualified faculty members.

Michael Allen is a gifted musician, athlete, and leader of students. How does he do it all, and where is he headed? For much success, no doubt.


Angelic Children’s Voices

The Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir shapes young singers into polished performers, while producing beautiful shows and recordings.



In this Issue








Bach Festival

Called the “crown jewel of Harrisonburg,” the annual Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival benefits from the loyalty of its accomplished musicians. | crossroads | 1

Those Famous Mennonite Harmonies Do They Have a Future? What makes the same hymn inspire one individual to heroism and lead another to boredom cannot be calculated. It has to do with the mysterious way in which song connects us to our past, our soul, our future, our Savior. And because God intended us to be different, our uniqueness is caught up and reflected in our response to the music of the church. John L. Bell in his introduction to Singing – A Mennonite Voice by Marlene Kropf and Kenneth J. Nafziger, EMU professor of music

MUSICAL REVOLUTION Students entering Eastern Mennonite University today may not realize that in their grandparents’ generation, this institution offered one option in terms of music. Singing. Usually in four-part harmony. A cappella only. Hymns. But it was beautiful singing, by all accounts. And almost all of them did it. In daily chapel for sure, but also in choral groups. In 1930-31, of the 148 students who were enrolled in Eastern Mennonite,

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72% belonged to one of three campus choruses.1 “From morn till night the halls of EMS [Eastern Mennonite School, as it was then called] fairly resound with music,” wrote student Ida Mae Brunk in 1933.

“We forget ourselves, our work, and our grades, as we listen for harmony.” “It is a very part of our atmosphere – EMS without its music would no longer be our same beloved school.” In 1944, Elton L. Martin wrote: Music is the heart of the school [Eastern Mennonite]. It revives our spirits when they are at a low ebb. It puts hope into our hearts when worry would invade them. It 1 Roth, Daniel Roy. “A Curriculum for a Proposed Church Music Major at Eastern Mennonite College,” his master’s thesis at U. of Oregon. September 1972. Source of this quote and following two paragraphs. It and other materials referenced in this article can all be found in EMU’s library system.

unites us in purpose. Every chorus practice means relaxation from classes. We forget ourselves, our work, and our grades, as we listen for harmony and beauty. In contrast to singing wafting through campus from morn to night 70 or 80 years ago, EMU students in 2011 will, or can, partake of almost any type of music – if not every day, then at some point during the week. Jazz ensembles, orchestral performances, auditioned and open choirs, individual training in keyboard, stringed, wind and percussion instruments, as well as vocals. Gospel, rock and folk groups. And, yes, a cappella singing. An EMU student can aim to be a performer, conductor, music educator, minister of music, or combination of these. He or she can do music as a wonderful way of praying and worshiping God, or purely out of love for it, or because making music is a way of balancing out one’s life as a student or as (say) a future scientist, business person, or full-time parent. After graduation, many former students join other alumni in forming ongoing groups, like the six-member men’s a cappella group Sons of the Day and

music Articles on pages 2-29 by Bonnie Price Lofton

Photos courtesy of EMU historical archives

“The Holy City,� directed by J. Mark Stauffer, at homecoming in 1953. | crossroads | 3

M.T. Brackbill directs

the eight-member women’s a cappella group Shekinah. Based in Harrisonburg, both groups are eight years old and composed mainly of alumni. Cantore in Harrisonburg consists of 10 men, seven being alumni from the ’80s or earlier. Daphna Creek in the Broadway area of the Valley had four alumni as core members (and three alumni who rotated in) when it performed Christianthemed folk music from 2001 to 2009. More recently, we’ve seen alumni forming folk or “Indie” music groups, such as Trent Wagler & the Steel Wheels (named “Best in the Valley” by the Daily News Record in 2010), Dear Wolfgang, Mild Winter, and Preacher. Many music majors become private instructors, as Faye G. Yoder ’68 did upon graduating as EMU’s first piano major, or they become schoolteachers. (More on this topic later). Some move into music ministry. Bradley Swope ’85, for instance, was EMU’s first organ major, mentored by our longest-serving music professor, John Fast. Swope is now music director of the First United Methodist Church of Clearwater, Florida, where he plans entirely different music for two Sunday services – a contemporary one and a 4 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11


the men’s chorus in 192

traditional one. He jokes that between services he sometimes has to do a costume change, switching from jeans to a suit and tie. For the traditional service, he conducts the choirs and the handbell groups (one for children, one for adults) and leads congregational singing. The contemporary service requires him to be adept at working the audio-visual and sound systems. He has been classically trained, finishing a master’s degree and coursework for a doctorate in organ music from the University of Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. Yet his training did not include guitar, which he would find handy for his contemporary service. His main objective for both services is to “take the pastor’s point and hit it over the fence with music,” he says. “When everything comes together, people leave feeling changed.” IN THE BEGINNING Today’s rich diversity in music would have stunned the founders of this university. In 1913, the first constitution for what became Eastern Mennonite College (EMC) specified that only vocal music was to be taught and that no

instruments were to be permitted. As odd as this proscription may sound to 21st century ears, the founders of EMC were not being arbitrary. They saw unaccompanied congregational singing as essential to staying true to the Mennonite form of worship. EMC’s first full-time music instructor, J. Mark Stauffer ’38, articulated the founders’ concerns (which he shared) in a 1947 booklet Mennonite Church Music—Its Theory and Practice. In its introduction, Gospel Herald editor Paul Erb wrote: … Christian churches in general have handed over, so far as any real effective singing is concerned, the entire musical service to the choir and its soloists. What congregational singing there may be is usually very dependent upon the organ or other accompanying instruments. To hear good, unaccompanied congregational singing in America today, one is practically required to go to a Mennonite Church, or to some other of the few smaller groups which have retained similar musical practices.2 2 Stauffer, Mark J. Mennonite Church Music—Its Theory and Practic, a 46-page booklet. Mennonite Publishing House, 1947. All Stauffer quotes herein come from this booklet.


J. Mark Stauffer ’38 led choirs at EMU from the late 1930s through the 1960s.

Earl M. Maust taught music from 1948 until his death in 1969.

Stauffer noted that beginning under Emperor Constantine in the 4th century, Christians spent about 13 centuries unable to have a full voice in their churches. Instead of participating in congregational singing, they were expected to listen to trained choirs singing in a language they didn’t understand (Latin) and to obey clergy chosen without their consent. The Anabaptist movement that gave rise to Mennonite churches was filled with people who wished to worship God in the manner of their own choosing, with no intermediaries. Singing hymns themselves—with understandable words that came from their hearts or directly from the Bible—was one of the worship choices they wished to make. As participants in a small religious movement that did not conform to the dominant Catholic and Protestant churches of their day, Mennonites were persecuted almost everywhere they lived in Europe and Prussia. When imprisoned, many early Mennonites wrote new devotional words for the popular tunes of the day. They sang these songs in their final hours and moments before being executed in torturous ways.

Years later, these songs became the basis of a hymnal used to this day by cousins to the Mennonites, the Amish. Called the Ausbund, the hymnal includes 51 hymns written by SwissGerman Anabaptists who were imprisoned, and often killed, before the year 1540.3 The hymns spoke of great sorrow at living in a wicked world, but stressed that God would not forsake his children. Early Anabaptist hymnals simply stated the name of the tune at the top and then offered the words to go with it. It was assumed that everyone would know the then-popular tunes.4 In these early days, Anabaptists gathered in secret. They rejected the hierarchy, icons, statues, tithing and rituals of the state-approved churches, as well as— and this bears on EMC’s much-later rejection of musical instruments—the pipe organ, which was often one of the most expensive, elaborate items in the

3 Friedmann, Robert. “Ausbund.” Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online, 1953. http://www.

officially sanctioned churches.5 In this early history, we can see the roots of Stauffer’s advocacy for preserving the purity of congregational singing: “If we fail to teach, develop, and encourage our congregational music as we should, it is only logical to conclude that in the course of years, we, the Mennonite Church, will be spending money for, and listening to pianos, organs, orchestras, soloists and trained choirs,” he wrote in his booklet. “…[T]his would be tragic.” Stauffer argued that the Bible favored vocal music: “The musical emphasis in the New Testament is on singing; the instruments in the Old Testament worship should be considered a part of the Law which was forever swept away by Christ as He instituted the age of Grace in which we live.” Stauffer played a pivotal role in the college’s music program from his arrival as a faculty member in 1939 through 5 Sharp, John. “The Devil’s Bagpipe or God’s Voice? The Organ in Historical Context,” a 2008 speech covered by Hesston News Services. newsport/archives/spring2008/080310sharp.htm

4 Friedmann. | crossroads | 5

The Vespers Chorus,

pictured in the 1956 She


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In the 1950s, instruments ha d to be played campus, in ho off mes. As pictur ed in the 1955 Alma Trumbo Shen: , Miriam Pellm an, Gerald Be Lee Hartzler, nder, Amsey Martin .

6 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11

the 1960s. Alumni from his era appear unanimous in praising him for the choral leadership and training he offered. Every year, for instance, Stauffer gathered hundreds of singers to rehearse and perform the “The Holy City,” an oratorio, and “David the Shepherd Boy,” a light Sunday school cantata evocative of a Gilbert and Sullivan musical. These events began being held in the early 1920s and continued after Stauffer’s time, through the 1970s. Mennonites came from significant distances to partake in these events. Carroll J. Lehman ’64, a well-known voice professor and choir conductor in New Hampshire, recalls his father driving their family from the Chambersburg area of Pennsylvania to EMC to see “The Holy City.” “When I came to EMC in 1956,” John L. Horst Jr. ’60 told Crossroads recently, ““the Holy City was done annually at homecoming in the spring of the year. The large Collegiate Chorus rehearsed it extensively and alumni would join us for a two-hour Saturday morning rehearsal, followed by a packed Lehman Audito-

rium performance on Saturday night.” Horst is a retired EMU physics professor. In additional to musical instruments, secular music was officially discouraged until the 1960s. “We must guard against using any type of music that may interfere with true divine worship,” Stauffer wrote in 1947. “Inferior gospel choruses, rhythmed music, secular tunes, modernistic songs, and songs which appeal only to the emotions are to be avoided.” Stauffer’s desired alternative was to ensure that every young person learn to read music and be encouraged to sing hymns. “Congregational music does not progress and develop of itself; it tends to deteriorate as does almost everything else here on earth. Someone must sponsor it, guide it, and be entrusted with its improvement and security.” The last 50 years have proven Stauffer to be both right and wrong. Right, in insisting on the necessity of quality musical instruction.6 But Stauffer appears 6 J. Mark Stauffer surely would like the excellence of the music instruction offered at EMU today, where faculty, staff and advanced students cater to all skill levels and ages with well-subscribed programs. The programs are overseen by musicians with graduate degrees, usually doctorates. In addition to their academic credentials, they have been hired for their ability to both make and teach music beautifully.


Ken J.

mistaken in thinking that other forms of music inevitably lead to less devotion to God. Park View Mennonite Church, a church physically near EMU that is heavily populated by EMU-linked congregants, has managed to retain the strength and beauty of its congregational four-part singing while adding regular organ and piano playing, along with periodic chamber and folk musicians, gospel choirs, percussionists, and songs from other traditions sung in unison or even chanted. Long-time EMU music professor Kenneth J. Nafziger, a member of Park View, says ideally a church should weave its music into the liturgy, ritual and message of the entire service, so that the worship experience is just that: an all-embracing experience, supported and elevated by various forms of musical expression. Usually led by music director Judy Bomberger ’73 or choir director Karen Moshier-Shenk ’73, some of the singing at Park View is a cappella, but much is not. Park View does not sponsor


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"“singing schools” for its newcomers and musically challenged members, as some Mennonite churches did a century ago. Nevertheless most of its congregants clearly know how to sing, as exemplified by their periodic unrehearsed singing of portions of Handel’s Messiah.7 With dozens of EMU-trained singers and musicians, Park View offers a vibrant answer to Stauffer’s mid-century concerns about the future of Mennonite worship music. ROOTS OF SINGING TRADITION The a cappella multi-part harmony singing associated with Mennonites is actually not that old. The tradition dates to the mid-1800s among Mennonites in Russia and to the late 1800s in the United States. Seeking a better life and religious freedom, Mennonites in Prussia moved to Russia in the 1700s. They took with them the tunes of Lutheran hymns, to which they put their own words. They apparently sang these hymns in unison for several generations, but by the late 7 Go to watch?v=XRwpcTTfYb0 to view Karen Moshier-Shenk leading the Park View congregation in the singing of the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s Messiah during their Easter worship service on April 4, 2010. The organist is EMU music professor John Fast.

mid 19


1800s, some in their communities realized the singing was becoming abysmal. One Russian Mennonite, Heinrich Franz (1812-1889) produced a Choralbuch in 1860 in an effort to upgrade the quality of singing among his people. He likely would have agreed with Margaret Loewen Reimer’s 1995 comments about the quality of Mennonite singing in the mid-1800s: Transmitting unwritten melodies through the generations had reduced singing to ponderously slow repetition of corrupted tunes. They [Mennonite educators interested in quality music] felt it was urgent to recover the original melodies and rhythms, as well as to train people in singing.8 Such changes were resisted by many, which explains why the Amish and some Old Order Mennonites sing in unison to this day. In their eyes, four-part singing fosters individualism and pride instead of humble obedience to God. When Russian and Prussian Mennonites began to migrate to North 8 Reimer, Margaret Loewen. “Mennonites & Music. Footnotes on the way to four-part harmony.” The Christian Leader, Nov. 1995, p. 13. | crossroads | 7

Judy Keener

Bomberger ’7

3, music dire

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America after 1870, they brought Franz’s Choralbuch and their revitalized choirsinging tradition with them. Once in North America — where they mostly settled in the mid-western states and eventually in Manitoba, Canada — they proved open to adopting musical and worship practices they saw in neighboring Protestant churches and to incorporating instrumental music into their churches. This more liberal group of Mennonites became known as “General Conference.” Mennonites directly descended from the Dutch, Swiss and Germans had arrived in North America earlier, from the late 1600s through the 1700s, in search of greater religious freedom and economic opportunity in the resourcerich colony established by William Penn. These Mennonites, with whom the Amish share roots (Anabaptist elder Jakob Ammann led a split from the main body of Mennonites in Switzerland in the 1690s), brought recent memories of martyrdom and oppression with them from Europe. Thus they made a point of establishing communities that were self-protectively separate from encircling society and civil institutions. They also made a point of maintaining their adher-

8 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11

ew Mennonite


ence to unaccompanied singing in nonornate buildings. This more conservative group of Mennonites became known as the “Mennonite Church.” Both the General Conference (GC) Mennonites and the Mennonite Church (MC) Mennonites eventually founded colleges, with the GC group leading the way with the establishment of Bethel College in Kansas in 1887. The MC group then founded Goshen College in northern Indiana in 1894 and Bluffton University (initially named Central Mennonite College) in Ohio in 1899. At Bethel, Bluffton and Goshen colleges, organ and piano music and choirs were accepted for teaching music from the beginning, though participatory a cappella singing remained the favored approach.9 At Goshen, however, all musical instruments were banned from worship services until around World War II.10 At EMC, instrumental music was banned on college radio broadcasts until the early 1960s. The first musical 9 Maust, Earl M. “The History and Development of Music in Mennonite-Controlled Liberal Arts Colleges in the United States.” Doctoral dissertation, School of Music of the George Peabody College for Teachers. August 1968, pp. 80 & 98. 10 Maust, pp. 61-62

instrument owned by EMC, a piano, appeared in 1962 for “technical studies,” but authorized classes in how to play other musical instruments and a music education major did not evolve until the late 1960s.11 In 1966, under the direction of a new professor, Ira T. Zook Jr., a piano was used for the first time as accompaniment for “The Holy City.” JOSEPH S. FUNK With Mennonites avoiding instrumental music until the 1900s, there was much space and energy for developing the voice and for congregational singing. Joseph S. Funk (1778-1862) stepped into this space. Funk was born into a Germanspeaking Mennonite family in Franconia, Pennsylvania. His pastor-father moved the family to the Shenandoah Valley in 1786. Funk grew up to be the patriarch of a family famous for publishing fourshape-note and, later, seven-shape-note, tunebooks. They also published one of 11 Pellman, Hubert R, Eastern Mennonite College, 1917-1967—A History. EMC, 1967, p. 240.

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the South’s first music periodicals, the 16-page monthly Southern Musical Advocate and Singer’s Friend, from July 1859 to April 1861.12 The Virginia Mennonite Conference appointed Funk to the three-man committee that published the first Mennonite hymnal in English. First printed in Winchester, Virginia, in 1847, the 364-page hymnal was reprinted on the Funk-owned press in Singers Glen near Harrisonburg in 1851, 1855, 1859, 1868, and 1872 (as well as reprinted elsewhere in other years). Funk’s most famous book, Harmonia Sacra, has remained in circulation for 177 years. It is now in its 25th edition, published by Good Books of Intercourse, Pennsylvania, with nearly 100,000 copies sold.13 Stephen Shearon wrote in the Encyclopedia of American Gospel Music that Funk appreciated use of instruments in sacred music, but he also “believed 12 Hostetler, John A. “Funk, Joseph (1778-1862).” Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online, 1956. F87ME.html 13 Hostetler. See also The Harmonia Sacra, TwentyFifth Edition at

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strongly that music should be sung by all members of a congregation as a participatory form of worship . . . as a kind of musical democracy.” Thus Funk, like most of his fellow Mennonites, was opposed to having a paid or select choir.14 By 1890, four-part singing was sufficiently accepted by North American Mennonites that they furnished each hymn of their hymnals with a four-part harmony, making the use of a separate choralbook superfluous.15 Beginning in the late 1800s, Mennonites organized and attended singing schools, though generally it was not acceptable for these schools to be housed in churches. By the 1950s, singing schools had fallen by the wayside, probably due to competition from other entertainment outlets and due to opportunities to learn singing at Mennonite-sponsored schools and colleges. In 1913, Bluffton became the first Mennonite college to select an a cappella choir and dispatch it into the com-

14 Shearon, Stephen. “Funk, Joseph.” Encyclopedia of American Gospel Music. Ed. W.K. McNeil. Routledge, 2005. p. 134. 15 Neff, Christian. “Choral-Books (Choralbuch).” Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online, 1953. C463ME.html

munity and on tour for performances.16 Over the next several decades all Mennonite colleges began doing the same – a distinct change from the 19th century view that sacred music was not a spectator activity for Mennonites, but only a participatory one as part of communal worship. MUSIC EDUCATORS A final reason for Mennonite colleges to embrace change in the way they approached music stemmed from gaining accreditation to train music teachers destined for public institutions. To do this work, Mennonite colleges needed to provide a well-rounded music education that included competency in musical instruments, regardless of historical and theological reasons for downplaying instruments and emphasizing the voice. Today, EMU-trained music teachers – such as Michael W. Miller ’82 of Boonsboro, Maryland, who teaches music to elementary-aged students17; Bethany 16 Maust, p. 110. 17 Michael W. Miller ’82 was a voice major at EMU, who also played trumpet. He has since learned to play the baritone, violin, cello, clarinet, saxophone and flute sufficiently to teach these to children in his school band. In his 7th year as a teacher in 2010-11, he is working on a master’s in educational leadership. | crossroads | 9

s of the day

Son photograph courtesy OF

SONS OF THE DAY: Nathan May, Matthew Hunsberger '02, Joel Ross, Michael V. Heatwole '09, W. Clay Showalter '02, Chris A. Burkholder

Blouse ’06, who is choral director at Stuarts Draft (Va.) High School18; and Janet Heatwole Hostetter ’87, choir director and pianist at Wilbur S. Pence Middle School in Dayton, Virginia19 – are feeding the spirits of hundreds with their passionate musical service and leadership in public school systems. EMU has a number of music doctorate-holding alumni teaching at the collegiate level, including:  Carroll J. Lehman ’64 teaches voice and opera at Keene State College (5,400 students) in New Hampshire. He holds master’s and doctor’s degrees in vocal performance from the University of Iowa. He has been on the faculty of Hope College, Holland, Michigan, and Western Washington University. As a bass-baritone, he has performed more than 20 principal roles in opera. He judges vocal competitions up through the national level. 18 As an undergraduate, Bethany Blouse ’06 toured with the Chamber Singers, had a role in a musical (Music Man), took three opera scenes classes, and frequently performed in EMU’s noon recitals. 19 Janet Heatwole Hostetter ’87, former director of music ministries at Harrisonburg Mennonite Church, has a master's degree in choral conducting from James Madison University.

10 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11

 Ronald Lyndaker ’78 is academic director of Lewis & Clark College in France, a consortial study abroad program. He is also an administrator and a humanities professor at the trilingual undergraduate program of the Institut d’Études Politics in Nancy, a branch of the highly selective “Sciences Po” of Paris. Finally, he is a tenor in the permanent chorus of the Opéra National de Lorraine. Lyndaker did a double major at EMU – modern languages and music – followed by graduate work at Ohio University and University of Texas at Austin, where he earned a doctor of musical arts degree.  Karen Fix Rice ’95 teaches piano and sings at Winston Salem State University (6,000 students) in North Carolina, a public institution that was historically black. In 2009, she completed a doctorate in musical arts (piano) at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She has taught at four North Carolina universities. She recently performed at the College Music Society’s national conference in Quebec City. SINGING TODAY In 2002, the two main traditions among modern Mennonites in the United


States – the General Conference and Mennonite Church groups – officially merged, reflecting their increasing similarities and, some would say, their increasing assimilation into mainstream US society. The majority of Mennonites no longer live on farms, and they no longer spend as much of Sunday and Wednesday evenings in their churches, singing and otherwise worshiping as a group. Less than half of those enrolled at the six Mennonite institutions of higher education identify themselves as being Mennonite, reducing the pool of those trained in congregational singing. Newer Mennonite churches consisting of recent converts, often in urban areas and serving ethnic or minority constituencies, tend not to sing in four-part harmony or to seek ways to learn the skill. There are even those church leaders (a minority, so far) who assert that any amount of sight-reading music and fourpart harmonizing makes newcomers feel uncomfortable and thus should be avoided. "Contemporary-style" services generally feature songs sung in unison, often with words (but not musical notes)

music photograph by Clay Sho walter

SHEKINAH: (Back, l-r) Aub rey Helmuth Showalter ‘0 Miller, Sharon 4, Greta Shen Kniss '06, Jo k '10, Sara H Hostetler '08, anna Souder ershberger G Jenny Hartw ingerich '07. ig Wagner '0 (Front) Jess 6, Sylvia Hoo ica ley Meyer '0 9.

projected on a large screen in the front, with instrumental or recorded music carrying the singing. Songs from other countries have been incorporated into the main Mennonite hymnal, Hymnal: A Worship Book (1992). Seven percent of the songs in it are not American or European in origin, and these often do not lend themselves to four-part harmony. Two supplemental hymnals, Sing the Journey (2005) and Sing the Story (2007) contain many contemporary or cross-cultural songs that are intended to be sung with accompanying percussion or other instruments. EMU music professor Kenneth J. Nafziger, who holds a doctor of music (conducting) from the University of Oregon, is one of two people who has served as an editor for all three hymnals. This work has spanned more than 25 years of his life. (The other long-time editor is Marlene Kropf, an associate professor at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary.)

A 2003 survey of 104 Mennonite congregations shows that they continued to do four-part harmony “more than anything else,”20 but the time devoted to it is giving way to other forms of music, including singing international worship songs in unison, listening to select choirs, and being accompanied by various forms of instrumental music. Is this an enrichment of the Mennonite choral tradition, or an erosion of it? Nafziger, who has pioneered bringing fresh songs from foreign lands into Mennonite hymnbooks and who has produced CDs of choirs modeling how to sing these new songs, argues for both embracing new ways and taking conscious steps to preserve the beautiful congregational singing of the last century or so. He says: Most of us in our churches sing much less than we used to. Not only do we meet each other less frequently, but we also sing 20 Jacoby, Stephen. “What Are Mennonites Singing in Sunday Morning Worship?” Sound in the Land – Essays on Mennonites and Music. Eds. Maureen Epp and Carol Ann Weaver. Pandora Press, 2005, p. 186.

less when we are together. Other aspects of worship have found space in worship, often at the expense of congregational singing… If singing is as important as we claim it is in our tradition, we will need to find ways of making more time for singing, of teaching our children to sing, and of strengthening the abilities of many of us to sing more confidently.21 Writing in 1998, Gary Harder (then pastor of Toronto United Mennonite Church) argued that the “participatory community” of the Mennonite church was nourished by its style of congregational singing. “As much as I enjoy and am often led to encountering God by a good choir, an instrumental ensemble or solo, or a well played piano or organ, these, in my mind, are not the center of a church’s musical ministry; congregational singing is.”22 Synthesizing the views of experts on the Mennonite choral tradition, it appears that EMU and the other Mennonite colleges need to keep working at preserving the positive elements of their religious tradition, while simultaneously being open to change. The experts suggest that preserving implies:  Continuing to sing, and teaching the next generation to sing, regardless of the quality of anyone’s voice, an impulse which goes against today’s drive for “professionalism” and perfectionism in most walks of life.  Possibly reinstating a modern version of "singing schools," or at least offering optional (and fun) practice sessions, for newcomers to the tradition.  Retaining a core group of songs that people are able to sing from memory for critical moments in their lives, such as singing to calm oneself during a scary situation or singing as a family at the bedside of a dying loved one.  Factoring in the acoustics when planning for new churches and auditoriums. The old rectangular meetinghouses used by Anabaptists in the 1700s and 1800s, with their unpadded seats and non-carpeted floors, lent themselves acoustically to congregational singing in 21 Kropf, Marlene and Kenneth Nafziger. Singing, A Mennonite Voice. Herald Press, 2001, pp. 160-161. 22 Harder, Gary. “Congregational Singing as a Pastor Sees It.“ Music in Worship – a Mennonite Perspective. Ed. Bernie Neufeld. Herald Press, 1998, p. 109. | crossroads | 11

Janet Heatwo

le Hostetter ’8

a way that fan-shaped sanctuaries, with their typically thick carpeting and upholstery, do not. In fact, J. Evan Kreider calls many contemporary churches “dead sanctuaries,” where the “voice of the people” is literally silenced.23 (Unfortunately, EMU’s own Lehman Auditorium is acoustically dead. Music faculty have been praying for donations toward overhauling the nearly 70-year-old building.)  Considering whether instrumental music and technology might accidentally usher in theological changes. When amplified music overwhelms the singing, does this render the congregation more passive, with less “voice”? Harder, a Canadian-Mennonite pastor for 38 years until he retired in June 2007, cherishes the “wholeness” that results when the worship team works well together, with the spoken word, silence and music seamlessly integrated: It is immensely satisfying when music contributes to a particular moment in worship. Perhaps what is needed at a given moment is a Taizé short piece, or 23 Kreider, J. Evan. “Silencing the Voice of the People: Effects of Changing Sanctuary Design.” Music in Worship – a Mennonite Perspective. Ed. Bernie Neufeld. Herald Press, 1998, pp. 212-225.

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a Bach choral, or a guitar-led chorus, or folk hymn, or a song from Guatemala or Africa, or a chant, or an African-American spiritual, or a gospel song, or a Brian Wren or Bradley Lehman contemporary hymn.24 Surely it is easier for the Amish, who cling to their slow a cappella hymns with countless verses sung in unison, from the Ausbund of the early martyrs. They don’t have to choose from the wide array of hymnal possibilities – some better sung a cappella, others better with just percussion instruments, still others requiring orchestral music – for their communal experience of sacred music. Yet few Mennonites, not even J. Mark Stauffer who counseled against instruments in Mennonite church services, would want to revert to Amish-style dirge-like singing. Most realize that the Anabaptist choral tradition has been enriched by permitting new influences to seep into it. As Nafziger puts it: 'Where there is devotional music, God with His grace is always present’ (Johann Sebastian Bach). Perhaps this is the issue for all music in worship… Perhaps we need to reclaim wholeheartedly a belief 24 Harder, p. 114.

12 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11

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that indeed sound in worship is the shaping force we have sometimes claimed it to be. And maybe the music of the church of the next generation will be an eclectic mixture of old and new, familiar and foreign, experimental and safe, the much-loved and that which waits to be loved. 25 Toward the end of Singing – A Mennonite Voice, the authors quote Sue Williamson, who became a Mennonite as an adult. She wonders whether those born into the Mennonite tradition fully grasp the awesomeness of their style of congregational singing: I am always amazed, during these last four years spent worshiping in the Mennonite church, to go to other denominations and find that this singing and what it offers is just not as present in their worship services. It is something which is delegated to the professional musicians and the choir. It is a wonderful gift, and I wonder if Mennonites realize that.26  — Bonnie Price Lofton, MA ’04, editor

25 Nafziger, Kenneth. “And What Shall We Do with the Choir?” Music in Worship – a Mennonite Perspective. Ed. Bernie Neufeld. Herald Press, 1998, p. 193. 26 Kropf & Nafziger, p. 163.


The Doctor Is In KATHERINE GOINS FREWEN ’01, DMA In West Hartford. Connecticut, Katherine Goins Frewen ’01 has taken her 10 years of post-graduate musical education and college-level teaching experience into a public school serving city-living teenagers. “Katie” earned a doctor of musical arts (music education) at the University of Texas at Austin and a master’s in music performance (piano) at the University of Ohio. She traces her journey to music teaching to the early 1990s, when she heard the touring choir of Eastern Mennonite High School (EMHS), directed by Jay Hartzler, perform at Zion Mennonite Church in Broadway, 10 miles north of EMU. Katie was enrolled in public school. “I turned to my mom and said, ‘I want to go there,’” Frewen recalls. Her family was a newcomer to the Mennonite tradition. From singing at EMHS, Frewen progressed to organ, piano, and voice instruction at EMU. She became the piano rehearsal accompanist for the Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir and sang with the Chamber Singers. In 2009, three years after completing her doctorate, Katie married Thomas Frewen, an Irish man she met while teaching at The New School for Music Study, a piano preparatory program in Princeton, New Jersey. Thomas was doing post-doctoral research in chemical engineering at Princeton University. She liked the fact that Thomas was an observant Catholic. She has joined him in attending mass regularly in West Hartford. She stresses that she is not abandoning her Mennonite upbringing, but enlarging on it. Katie says she loves her work—and based on a visit by Crossroads staff to her classroom of beginning music students—she is an inspiring teacher. Katie says she draws upon the model provided by Kenneth J. Nafziger and other professors of visualizing the final product one wishes to shape and then setting up sequential steps to get students to arrive at the desired completion point. “Even masterful musicians need training to become excellent teachers,” she says. “You have to know how to break down what you are trying to achieve, how to start at the beginning, and how to lead your students through the process, putting it all together at the end. Ken showed me how you can do that.” Katie did not visualize herself in a middle school classroom when she was performing difficult piano pieces as a graduate student, but she has learned that it pays to be multitalented when one is trying to earn a living through music. “Earning a living as a concert pianist is incredibly difficult. The performing musicians I know supplement their income by teaching privately and performing or accompanying in lots of settings—churches, schools, marriages, funerals, entertainment spots. They have to be flexible, and they have to be willing to work nights, and weekends, and to travel to gigs. I am really happy to be in a situation [as a salaried schoolteacher]

where I have regular hours, appropriate compensation, supportive administrators, and nice colleagues.” Katie and Thomas are expecting their first child in March 2011, another reason for Katie to be pleased with having a sane work situation this year. Katie’s two siblings are also EMU alumni, with terminal degrees. Matthew Goins ’00 is an anesthesiologist at one of Harvard’s teaching hospitals, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. And Joanna Goins Myers ’04 earned a law degree at George Washington University and is a tax attorney at Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP in Washington DC. | crossroads | 13


In Selfless Fundraising GLOBAL FAMILY 2011 // In a fenced compound of sturdy, single-level buildings in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, play dozens of previously homeless children. Their play area is bare dirt, which turns to mud in the frequent bouts of rain. Yet these children are more fortunate than many in Santa Cruz. They receive nourishing food, a safe place to live, and educational support at Stansberry Children’s Home. // Stansberry Children’s Home depends on donations to care for these children, including funds received through the Global Family program of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). // This children’s home is not alone. More than 100 other projects – 35 in Africa, 24 in Asia, 22 in Latin America and the Caribbean, 18 in the Middle East, and 9 in Europe – are supported by Global Family sponsors. They commit to providing at least 85 cents a day, or $300 a year, to help sustain Stansberry or any other project they choose on the Global Family list (found at http://globalfamily. // The projects range from equipping teachers to teach conflict resolution in schools in war-torn areas, to education for people who are mentally or physically disabled. The projects can be found in almost every part of the world – Haiti, Bosnia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Nepal, Indonesia, Rwanda. And the list goes on. // Three years ago, Global Family acquired an unusual patron: an opera singer dividing her life between London and New York City. She said she wanted to help, and she promised to enlist her friends in the opera world to help too. // Madeline Bender and her friends threw a fundraiser for Global Family in early 2009 and again in early 2010. And now they plan to do a third one on January 22, 2011, at 8 p.m. in the Fulton Theater of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

MADELINE BENDER '93 is the singer, the patron, the inspiration, for rallying members of the opera world to support the Global Family program of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). To those who follow opera, Madeline is known as leading lady Violetta in “La Traviata” with the Vancouver Opera. Or as Eurydice in the cutting-edge Paris production of “Orphée et Eurydice,” conducted by John Eliot Gardiner. Or as Helena in “A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream” with the 14 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11

acclaimed Glyndebourne Festival Opera Chamber Singers. in England (and also with the Pittsburgh Feeling confused to the point of paralysis, Opera and La Monnaie in Brussels). Her list Madeline went to Nafziger and asked him, of major operatic roles as a soprano is pages “Should I do pre-med, or should I do music?” long – just Google “Madeline Bender.” She recalls receiving an unequivocal answer: Less visible in the opera world is her “You need to be a singer.” Madeline credits Mennonite background. One has to dig to Nafziger with giving her permission “to let discover that before she entered graduate go of feeling that I had to be of service in a school at the prestigious Manhattan School direct way.” of Music, she earned a bachelor’s in music at Madeline had struggled with “justifying Eastern Mennonite University. something I love to do” when that “someMadeline spent her early childhood thing” is an art form that seems impractical among her mother's folks in the Harrisonand maybe even frivolous. burg area, and her middle-school and highIn the eyes of many, “putting on a wig school years in Lancaster County, Pennsyland an 18th century corset and big bouncy vania. She is the daughter of Jon Scott ’62 dress doesn’t really serve a purpose other and Nancy Shank Bender ’64, both public than putting on a good show,” Madeline school educators. Madeline and her two says. “Opera singing is like being a little girl sisters graduated from Lancaster Mennonite playing dress-up, it’s like Halloween, it is High School.1 Neffsville Mennonite is their like becoming another person.” home church (earlier, it was Trissels MenYet she has come to appreciate that nonite in Broadway, Virginia). truths emerge through telling good stories. Madeline came to EMU intending to be “Sometimes the most truth comes through a pre-med major. “I thought I could be of the arts. It’s somebody’s expression. It’s not service if I was a doctor. It goes back to this their brain getting in the way. It’s a conwonderful Mennonite undercurrent that duit or something. I always latch onto the service is so important. I loved to sing, but I expensive perfume being dumped on Jesus’s thought it was a self-indulgent thing.” feet – it seemed wasteful to the disciples but She enjoyed taking anatomy and physiolJesus said it wasn’t. It expressed love, beauty ogy under an “astonishingly great” science and giving. To me, that’s the Bible story that professor, Daniel B. Suter, but she hit a wall ties it all together.” with organic chemistry. Meanwhile, she felt Madeline says that Ken J. Nafziger helped alive every moment she stepped on stage, her to understand, in her words: as she did under the direction of theater Sometimes you need to dump the perfume. professor Barb Graber and under music It's part of living in a civilized culture, of professor Kenneth J. Nafziger2 with the reaching higher. It feeds the soul. It’s part of being a sentient being. We aren’t animals. We 1 Her elder sister, Courtney Bender, proceeded to Swarthdon’t just need food and tuberculosis shots. more College, then Princeton, and is now a religion proWe do need to feed our souls, and we do that fessor at Columbia University. Her younger sister, Sena through the arts. Bender Larard, started at EMU in 1993, but transferred in 1995 to study cello with a mentor she found at Roanoke The quality of the art you drink in is imCollege. In 2000 she switched her focus to voice by studyportant, and we have to strive for the best. It ing at the Brooklyn Conservatory of City University of New York. She is now a singer based in London. can’t just be the best for Lancaster County or 2 Nafziger also led a group of students, including MadHarrisonburg, Virginia. You have to strive to eline, on a cross-cultural semester to Germany, where be the very best that you can possibly be in the Madeline spent much of her time at concerts and operas. world, in the history of the world. This exposure also had a major impact on Madeline.


Three years before their 2007 marriage, baritone-bass Paul Whelan (at far left in bottom-left photo) and soprano Madeline Bender ’93 (in white skirt in same photo) were guest artists at the 2004 Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival. They now comprise a “star couple” in the world opera constellation, though Madeline’s career has not glowed brightly in recent years, as explained in the nearby article. In the other photos on these pages, Madeline is pictured in December 2010 at her older sister’s apartment near Columbia University, where she rehearses privately. | crossroads | 15

Such words should give music lovers a leading roles in operas around the world – ing was wrong physically. Basically it was a glimpse into the quality of the program that at such coveted venues as the Metropolitan, psychological block.” Madeline will be putting together for her Covent Garden, München, Opéra de Paris, Nancy Shank Bender died on May 31, January 22, 2011, MCC fundraiser. Opéra de Genève and Netherlands Opera – 2005. “My mom – just as she taught me The performers she has lined up “are really, his name is known to almost everyone who how to live in so many ways – I really feel truly world-class people who can easily get follows the performances and progress of like she taught me how to die. It was just so five-, six-, [or] seven-thousand dollars for a opera stars. full. It was a time of visiting friends and seeperformance. So for them to come and sing Several years before they married (in ing loved ones and focusing on family and for free is a big donation of their talent,” she 2007), Whelan accompanied Madeline to life going on. She didn’t focus on dying, but explains. “It is a really generous act.” the 2004 Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival, she didn’t push it away.” But these performers are also going to where both were featured singers. It may As Madeline was finding her voice again, have fun, Madeline adds, because they get be a while before EMU sees the pair on the another family matter intervened: She to sing pieces they already know and can same stage again. became pregnant. “Having Zachary wasn’t do well, they get tickets for an easy train These days Whelan scarcely has time planned, but it is good that it worked out ride from their homes in New York City to between engagements to connect in person that way. It has been a tremendous blessing. Lancaster, and they get the satisfaction of with Madeline and their 2-year-old son, To be honest, I don’t know if I ever would knowing they are helping others. Zachary. She calculated that he will be have had the courage to take the time out “Artists love to sing,” Madeline says. “I spending just six days at their Manhattan to have a child. can’t think of a performer who wouldn’t be home between December 2010 and May “I think a lot of women who are singers happy to sing for a good cause. So much 2011. She and Zachary will travel for extend- slip into that easily. They just keep putting about the arts is not a money-driven thing. ed visits with Whelan, however, especially it off and putting it off and putting it off To get where they are, most artists have had when he is performing in London (which because it is very hard. You kind of go from to rely on the generosity of people.” Madeline views as her other home) and his job to job and from the strength of your last Madeline says she has to be flexible, native country of New Zealand. performance, and it is very scary to think of though, in who she books for the Global Meanwhile, Madeline is taking steps to turning something down or disappearing for Family fundraiser. If a paying job unexpectawaken her career from a deep sleep. In a while. Unless you have to do it.” edly comes through for one of her featured January 2005, Madeline was blissfully at Madeline may have temporarily fallen performers, Madeline will need to tap the the pinnacle of the opera world, having just silent while focusing on her mother and son, shoulder of another good friend. No probplayed Helena in “A Midsummer’s Night’s but she has deepened her heart. This has got lem – New York is filled with possibilities. Dream” at Belgium’s top opera house, Le to be reflected, sooner or later, in the magOne singer nobody will see at the Fulton Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie in Brussels. nificent voice she first claimed at EMU. this year, however, is Madeline’s husband, She was preparing for her next role when Paul Whelan, a baritone and bass-baritone she learned that her mother’s cancer had For more information on Madeline Bender’s singer. He will be in an opera in Oslo, returned and was untreatable. “Sing for Hope: Winter Opera Gala,” her third Norway, at that time. He missed last year’s Madeline returned home to be with her annual concert benefiting MCC’s Global fundraiser, too – “he had to race off, I forget mother during her last five months. “I lost Family educational sponsorship program, where,” she says. my voice. I lost it almost completely. I could visit In recent years, Whelan has filled so many speak, but I couldn’t sing properly. Noth16 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11


THE WAYS OF MUSIC Listen to our musicians at:

BETHANY BLOUSE '06 // Choir director // Stuarts Draft (Va.) High School | crossroads | 17

DAVID GALLAGHER LANDES ’86 // Music teacher at an international school // Turkmenistan // Playing dutar with student at school’s Turkmen Day celebration

SUE EDWARDS ’98 // Suzuki violin studio owner // Manlius, NY

18 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11

JOE GASCHO ’95, DMA //Baroque harpischordist, instructor // Washington DC


LISA MAST ’05 // Began job she loves, choral director at Fort Defiance High School in Augusta County near Harrisonburg, immediately upon graduating from EMU with music education major. // Teaches vocal music and handbells at high school most of week, but also introduces music to kindergarten and first grade students at Clymore Elementary School. // Has taken select school chorus on road trip to Northeast, where they performed at Sainte Anne de Beaupré in Québec and at Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, Vermont. // Directs all aspects of annual school musical. // Sees her student singers regularly selected for district through national-level choirs. // Serves on board of directors of Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival. // Has performed with choirs throughout the U.S., Europe, and Cuba. // Was honored in March 2008 by American Choral Directors Association organization (Colleen Kirk Award). // Has participated in Leadership Symposium of Virginia Music Educators Association, a two-year program for young music educators. // First studied music at two-year Hesston College in Kansas before transferring to EMU. // Native of Weatherford, Oklahoma. | crossroads | 19

KEITH LYNDAKER SCHLABACH ’91 // Lead singer, songwriter, player of stringed instruments // Jeremiahs Run // Washington DC area //

MEGAN TILLER ’07 // Instrumental teacher // Suzuki-style strings in Harrisonburg city schools // EMU’s Preparatory Music Program

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Clippings of coverage of the choral directing career of Arnold Moshier ’60

40 Years of Choraleers

ARNOLD MOSHIER ’60, one of the best-known and longestserving choral directors in the US Mennonite world, started his adult life as a farmer. For nine years he milked cows in northern New York. But this farmer preferred producing music in church. As a teenager boarding at Eastern Mennonite High School, Moshier had studied voice and choral music with J. Mark Stauffer. When Moshier decided in his late 20s to explore music further, he headed back to Harrisonburg to learn from Stauffer again, this time at Eastern Mennonite College. As the first full-time music teacher at Lancaster Mennonite School (LMS) in 1960, Moshier wanted to start a choral group. “At that time the church community in Lancaster County didn’t acknowledge choral music as having a place in worship services”—or in Mennonite school settings, for that matter, he told a Lancaster Intelligencer reporter in 1999. Searching for acceptable alternatives, Moshier gained permission for 24 of his senior students to sing to inmates at the Lewisburg Penitentiary on Palm Sunday. The group that sang at Lewisburg wanted to continue singing through the summer. They met once a week to rehearse in Moshier’s home. This marked the beginning of a touring choir that came to be called the Choraleers. The 12/19/99 Intelligencer story by Lori Van Ingen summarized the Choraleers’ journey thus: The teen singers toured locally until 1969, when they received an invitation to go to Jamaica. Until that point, the group had sung a cappella since instrumental music still was

not accepted in Mennonite churches. But when they went to Jamaica, they were asked to bring a guitar and tambourine… When they returned they sang with guitar accompaniment at Mount Joy Mennonite Church. It was a brand-new experience (for local Mennonite churches). They were packed wall to wall. From 1970 to 1999, the Choraleers set out via van or bus at the end of each school year to offer music worship on the road. They performed a variety of Christian music from classical to contemporary and acted out biblical skits written by Moshier. As their fame grew, they expanded their touring, dividing into three teams, with two teams touring through different parts of North America and one team going to Central America – usually through Mexico to Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Costa Rica – before driving back home. They always made a point of stopping at national parks and singing at fireside gatherings and worship sites. In 1980, for instance, they sang to 2,500 people at the Easter sunrise service in Grand Canyon National Park. Moshier’s wife, Maietta, is a licensed practical nurse who co-led the group and sometimes did medical service as part of the trip. The couple and their singers produced 15 albums. Moshier, who taught at LMS until 1982, officially retired from choral directing at age 73. In 2008, however, when he was 81, Moshier led about 75 of his former singers, including daughter Karen Moshier-Shenk ’73, in a homecoming reunion concert at the LMS Fine Arts Center. Arnold and Maietta now live in Sarasota, Florida.  | crossroads | 21

Suzuki to Electric Keys WANDA TEAGUE ALGER ’81 When Wanda Alger lived in Harrisonburg in the 1980s, she was known for launching two very different music initiatives. In 1981, she founded the Shenandoah Valley Suzuki String program for children aged 3 to 18. Over the next seven years, her program grew six-fold, from 13 to 85 students. In 1985, she became one of the founders of Cornerstone Mennonite Fellowship (now the non-denominational Cornerstone Church of Broadway), training worship musicians and teams through coaching, seminars and conferences. “Cornerstone was, at that time, one of the few Mennonite churches doing ‘praise and worship’ music – it was a drawing card for young adults and young families looking for something more contemporary and experiential,” Wanda recalled in an 11/20/10 e-mail to Crossroads. In 1988, she sold her Suzuki string program to her alma mater, and it became EMU’s Shenandoah Valley Preparatory Music Program. It has grown to serve 500 students, some as young as babies in the Musikgarten program, through high school seniors taking private lessons and in the Shenandoah Valley Youth Symphony. EMU is now the official provider of strings instruction in the local public schools. “I started teaching violin in the first place because the schools didn’t offer anything,” Wanda wrote in her e-mail. “I never dreamed it would come full circle!” Concurrently with selling her Suzuki string program, Wanda married Robert “Bobby” Alger (whose maternal grandfather was John L. Stauffer, the third president of EMU), and they enrolled in Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with Wanda pursuing a master’s in church music and Bobby a master’s in divinity.

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“My experience in Tulsa was tremendous, musically,” she said. “I was principal second violinist in one of the two major professional orchestras, joined the union, and had many opportunities for performing music in the community. “Tulsa’s music culture knew the value of trained musicians and paid accordingly (even in the church) – very different from my previous experiences! I also interned at a large Methodist church in the city and had a taste of being involved in a large ministry of over 2,000 congregants. It would have been very easy to stay, but God had other plans.” In 1991, the Algers returned to Broadway, Virginia, “to continue growing the Cornerstone ministry,” Wanda said. “At its peak, Cornerstone’s annual rallies drew almost 1,500 people.” In 1998, the Algers “sensed a call to do church planting” and they moved an hour north to Winchester, Virginia, with four other families. From gathering in the basement of the Alger home, their Crossroads Community Church has grown to 125-175 attendees on a Sunday morning, including 40-50 children and teens. They now gather in a 10,000- square-foot renovated warehouse in a strip mall near I-81 on the northern edge of Winchester. They are affiliated with Dove Christian Fellowship International, a church-planting movement based in Lititz, Pennsylvania. “Our aim is to reach the next generation through worship that is relevant, inspirational and participatory,” she said. As a result, Wanda plays less classical violin these days and more electronic keyboard, accompanied by guitars and drums. She is training young men and women – including her three teenaged children, Rachel, Nathan and Josh – to produce the praise-and-worship music favored by her church. All musicians help lead the singing, while the congregation follows along, reading words projected onto a screen. 


BEYOND OURSELVES // Christy Heatwole Kauffman '99 (viola), Doris Hall-Gulati (clarinet), Rosemary Siegrist Blessing '01 (piano), Ryan Kauffman '97 (sax) // Expert musicians who annually do "Beyond Ourselves" fundraiser for Mennonite Central Committee // Feb. 6, 2011, at 3 p.m. at Neffsville Mennonite Church, Lancaster, Pa. photograph courtesy RONALD LYNDAKER

RONALD LYNDAKER ’78, DMA // Tenor, permanent chorus of the Opéra National de Lorraine // Humanities professor in Nancy, France

photograph courtesy DAPHNA CREEK

DAPHNA CREEK // L-R: Joy R. Yoder ’81, Ben E. Risser ’85 (MA ’04), Steve Nyce ’82, Larry R. Yoder ’87, Elwood Yoder ’81, Dan Pickett // Broadway, Va. | crossroads | 23

Rebel to Choir Master HIRAM HERSHEY, CLASS OF ’50 Hiram Hershey laughs at recalling that he didn’t fit the Mennonite mold in 1941-42 when he was a student at what was then Eastern Mennonite School (EMS). Hershey had not been raised Mennonite. His ancestors on both sides of his family had left the Mennonite church in the late 1800s over what they viewed as its strictness and legalism. After being homeschooled until his teens, Hershey ended up as a boarding student at EMS in 1941 because his mother knew Myra Lehman, the wife of Chester K. Lehman, and trusted putting Hershey in a school revolving around the likes of the Lehmans. (Chester was the first dean of Eastern Mennonite College and Seminary, 1923-1956). Hershey says he spent a lot of time walking up and down the hillside beside what is now Eastern Mennonite Seminary. That was his punishment for such infractions as not buttoning his shirt up to his neck. After Lancaster Mennonite High School opened in September 1942, Hershey finished his high school degree there. Despite his rebellious spirit, Hershey chose at age 17 to be baptized into the Mennonite church. At the end of World War II — which saw him laboring on his family's fruit farm for three years — Hershey returned to Eastern Mennonite as a mature college student. He studied music under J. Mark Stauffer from 1945-47. Hershey confesses he and Stauffer did not see eye-to-eye on many things, but “I learned to love hymns from him.” Hershey sang as a baritone, with solos, in the Stauffer-directed annual production of “The Holy City.” In search of broader and deeper choral training, Hershey transferred to Westminster Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey, in 1947. By 1953, Hershey had completed a BA and MA at Westminster. He continued studying through the 1970s with choral masters, including several stints with the famed Robert Shaw Choral Workshop. He also did private study with Julius Herford, considered one of the most influential conductors in American choral history. Hershey became friends with Alice Parker, a composer, arranger and conductor close to Robert Shaw. He introduced her to Mennonite church music and arranged for her to visit EMU. Parker felt moved to write the opera “Singers Glen,” based on the life of Joseph S. Funk (see page 8). Hershey became an accomplished choral conductor in southeastern Pennsylvania. For four decades, he conducted the Franconia-Lancaster Choral Singers, in addition to sometimes conducting other choirs and orchestras. Of a 1966 performance directed by Hershey, a Philadelphia Inquirer reviewer wrote: "The chorus, whose members are from Montgomery, Chester, Bucks and Lancaster counties, was obviously well trained and enthusiastic. The singers, of all ages, performed with gratifying unity of ensemble under the careful direction of Hershey, a Harleysville businessman

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whose first love (and training) is music." Hershey and his wife, Mary Jane Lederach, have long supported themselves (and earlier their four children) with a real estate business in Harleysville, a community on the northwest outskirts of Philadelphia. He retired from choral conducting a dozen years ago – except for a reunion gathering in 2005 and 2007. That last one saw about 80 singers gather from his former choirs. They performed Handel's Messiah to a full house at Souderton Mennonite Church. Hershey and Mary Jane are members of Salford Mennonite Church in Harleysville. 

music photograph courtesy of emu archives

CRUSADER MEN'S QUARTET // Roy Kreider '51, Eugene Souder '51, Paul Swarr '51, Aaron King '53 // Nationwide evangelism through music, 1947-51 // Pioneers in singing on Mennonite radio // Initiated "The Mennonite Hour"

photograph courtesy of emu archives CARROLL LEHMAN '64 // Conductor & professor, Keene State College // Teaches applied voice; vocal literature, pedagogy, & diction; opera


Let Us Publicize Your Work This issue of Crossroads contains a small fraction of the 150 people we found on the EMU alumni database who majored in music or who appear to be working in music education or as musicians in some way. We hesitated to publish this list without checking and updating it. FAYE GARBER YODER '68 // First to graduate from EMU with a piano major // Photo from 1966 Shenandoah yearbook // Now has private piano students // Long-time director of music at Shalom Mennonite Church, Harrisonburg

photograph courtesy of robert maust

We know of one music major, for instance, who has gone from working in security to doing home renovations to teaching music in elementary school. He is now pursuing a graduate degree in education, positioning himself to be a school principal. We spoke to some folks whose work is interesting, but we lacked quality photos of them for inclusion in this issue -- such as Shenandoah Valley composer Celah Pence '86; Stephen Farrar '95, music minister at Calvary Baptist Church in Mount Airy, North Carolina; and Michael Dezort '06, who holds a MM in voice (Arizona State U.) and is singing in a Disney production in Tokyo. We would like to include these alumni and more in our next issue. So, if you are a musician, we invite you to tell us what you are doing, where you are doing it, and to write some comments to us by filling out this online form: The editor will gratefully acknowledge all information received and will use it for a master listing of music alumni in the next issue of Crossroads. SUBMIT BY FEB. 14, 2011, PLEASE. Here's an example of how an entry might read in the next Crossroads: JON STYER ’07

CANTORE // Top, from left: Phil Kniss '82, Ed Yoder, Kevin Eby '08, Leonard Clymer, Robert Maus '72 // Bottom: Phil Blosser '82, Wendell Maust '68, Paul Yoder '61, Les Helmuth '78, Don Bomberger '72 // A cappella in EMU area

Guitarist Harrisonburg, Virginia Plays lead guitar, mandolin, keyboard and back-up vocals in Dear Wolfgang, an Indie band with three other alumni members (Andrew Jenner ’04, Jon Helfers ’08, Daniel Ressler ’02) and one non-alum, Josh Yoder. Also works as EMU’s lead graphic designer and photographer. Also: | crossroads | 25

photograph by micheal spory

photograph courtesy nathan bontrager

DEAR WOLFGANG // Andrew Jenner ‘04 (guitar, keys, vocals), Jon Styer ‘07 (guitar, mandolin, keys, vocals), Jon Helfers ‘08 (vocals, guitar), Daniele Ressler ‘02 (bass guitar, vocals), Josh Yoder (drums) //

NATHAN BONTRAGER '07// Cello & gamba -- baroque, jazz, folk, avant garde, improvised // Music director, St. Peter's Episcopal Church // Private cello studio // Has master's in cello performance (U. of Md.) // New Haven, Conn.

photograph by amy umble

MILD WINTER // Ben (guitar, vocals) & Melanie Kratzer (violin, vocals) Schlabach, both '06 // "Back porch" indie-folk sound //

photograph courtesy allen reesor mcdowell

STRINGER LAKE // Allen Reesor McDowell '02 & Aidan Boyd // Country-roots rock band // Stouffville, Ontario //

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HAHNA // Lena Risser '09 & Eojin Lee '08 // Name means "all-encompassing unity in Christ" in Korean // Duo released "One Voice" CD in South Korea

photograph by jill humphrey ’04

PREACHER // Jason Summer ’03, Josh Brubaker ’06, Johan Grimsrud ’04, Josh Yoder (not pictured) // Harrisonburg, Va. //


SHAPIRO // Jeremy Teter ‘06 (vocals, piano, keys), Carl Shapiro, John Granofsky, Nathan Granofsky // Indie rock, with a following (171,342 profile views of their website as of late December 2010) // One full-length album out, "Shapiro" // Washington DC-based // photograph courtesy trent wagler

TRENT WAGLER AND THE STEEL WHEELS // Eric Brubaker ’01 (fiddle), Jay Lapp (mandolin), Trent Wagler ‘02 (vocals, guitar), Brian Dickel, class of ‘98 (bass) // Voted Best Band in the Shenandoah Valley 2010 in Daily News-Record survey // Uniquely original folk-rock-blues-country // Harrisonburg, Va. // | crossroads | 27

Studying Music THE EMU WAY EMU seeks to enable as many students as possible to understand and enjoy music. Strongly interested music students prepare to be music educators, performers, church musicians, master’s and doctor’s students in music, or to pursue other music-related professions or avocations. The programs of EMU’s music department are widely known and highly respected. EMU’s curriculum offers students a thorough background in the music of Western traditions. It also grounds students in an appreciation of the vitality and applicability of all types of music, whether from this time and place, earlier centuries, or other cultures. Music majors complete a common core of courses in music that include theory, history, conducting, performance, and elements of aesthetics, analysis, and writing about music. Students may choose a concentration in music education, performance, church music or our new concentration of interdisciplinary studies. The interdisciplinary concentration is perfect for students with the imagination and desire to integrate their music with another career path, such as nursing, business, or social work. The music department has an extremely active performing faculty, on campus and away. They all possess graduate degrees from respected, competitive institutions, and they all seek to be excellent teachers and attentive mentors. There are seven full-time music faculty members, plus a varying number of part-time teachers. They serve 20 to 25 students majoring in music and dozens more involved in departmental choirs or ensembles and in private study. The music department sponsors more that 50 recitals and concerts annually, including student ensemble concerts, senior and junior recitals, noon recitals, faculty recitals, preparatory program events, and the Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival. Each fall the music department coordinates a gala concert, performed and sometimes composed by students and recent graduates. Invited artists frequently perform on campus. Faculty-led trips to performances in Washington DC and other metropolitan centers provide educational enrichment. The preparatory music program, which became a part of EMU in 1988, now provides classes to more than 350 schoolaged students on the college campus each week. It is the only program of its kind in the region. In addition, since 2007 EMU has been the official provider of after-school strings instruction to Harrisonburg public school students. In 2010-11, 70 were receiving this instruction. For more information, visit

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Joan Griffing, DMA (Ohio State), BM & MM (Indiana University). Music department chair and professor (violin, viola).

Lynne Mackey, DMA (The Eastman School), MM (Julliard), BM (University of Michigan). Associate professor (piano).

James Richardson, MM (Peabody Conservatory at Johns Hopkins), BM (Covenant College). Assistant professor (voice).

music photograph by Debbi vasquez


Music Plus

By the time he was a junior in high school, Michael Allen had surmounted many challenges. He had heard the boys at his first elementary-school track meet shout, “Hey, blackie – you’re going to be real slow.” And he had silenced them by coming in No. 1 in the 200 meters. (And, then, they wanted to be his friends, saying, “Ah, man, you’re fast.”) He had been named “rookie of the year” after his first season of Little League football in Louisa County, Virginia, a rural area between Charlottesville and Richmond. He had taught himself to play piano by ear in middle school and then learned to play bass guitar the same way. By his senior year of high school, every week he was playing piano or bass in his House of God Church in Gordonsville, Virginia. Michael had ignored the teasing of his three older siblings – “stop singing, you can’t sing” – and become vice president of the church youth choir. But then he ran into something he just couldn’t do – or wouldn’t let himself do. A new music teacher asked Michael to join the school chorus for grade 12. “You’ve got to do this,” he recalls the teacher saying. “I know you’ve never read music before, but Michael Allen often helps lead chapel worship with his singing and piano playing. you’ll be fine. Just try it.” Michael did sign up for chorus, but then she asked him to sing the lead for “Stand By behavior” with ones like “conducting” and Me,” and it was too much. “I had just got“music theory.” To tell the truth, however, ten there. It would have been in front of the Michael still finds it torturous to read music. whole school. I couldn’t do it.” After Michael graduates, he hopes to see In 2010-11, as a junior at EMU, Michael is much of the world, perhaps performing proving that his high school choral teacher with a group like “Up With People,” then had been right. He can do it all. He sings in return home and start his own business, the Chamber Singers and the Gospel Choir, likely in the music arena. And, oh, he also plays piano and guitar, leads chapel singing, wants to qualify for the Olympics in the breaks long-jump and triple-jump records, long jump and triple jump. serves as a “community assistant” in his Michael has gotten lots of support at dormitory, and is known around campus for home and at EMU, and he credits this for his ready smile and spirit of helpfulness. keeping him on the path to success, espeHe’s majoring in both music and busicially since his four closest friends from high ness – combining music and another field school aren’t doing as well. One is even in Michael (class of 2012) has set records in the of study is a new interdisciplinary option prison. But Michael also gets credit for detriple jump and long jump and made All-ODAC at EMU – which means he juggles classes ciding to be a winner. Now if only he could First Team (2010 Outdoor Long Jump). like “microeconomics” and “organizational only learn to enjoy sight reading.  | crossroads | 29

ACCLAIMED Children’s Choir “The SVCC is completely

captivating and professionally poised. In truth, the childish intonations make ‘Silent Night’ shine especially brightly as a family-friendly seasonal release. Again, Director White extracts an incredibly high level of musicianship from her young charges, and the choir sings with tremendous enthusiasm and heart.” — Carol Swanson in a 2007 review of “Silent Night,” an SVCC recording posted at The Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir (SVCC) represents one of the most widely traveled and highly acclaimed groups of musical performers associated with EMU. It was founded in 1992 by Julia White, who remains its artistic director. It has performed for such dignitaries as Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Highlights include performances at:  three Southern Division ACDA conferences (Orlando in ’00 and Charlotte in ’02, under the direction of Sir David Willcocks, and Charleston, W.Va., in ’06)  the Carnegie Hall Children’s Choir Festival (’98 and ’07)  the Tuscany International Children’s Chorus Festival in Italy (’01)  the Pacific Rim Children’s Chorus Festival in Hawaii (’05 and ’09)  three occasions with members of the Washington Symphonic Brass Quintet  the White House, with Opera singer, Placido Domingo. The SVCC serves young people from Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley and the surrounding region. 30 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11

Its mission is to foster artistry and excellence through musical study using weekly practices as a group and individual homework in solfege and rhythm. The training includes sight-reading, memorization, and written theory. The SVCC program encompasses the concert choir, ages 11-18; the treble choir, ages 9-15; and the preparatory choir, ages 8-11. Admission is by audition and requires serious commitment to attend practices and do homework. Early-elementary “explorers” classes are also offered for children in kindergarten through grade 3. No qualified, interested child is turned away. White sees that financial assistance is extended to students who need it. A highlight in October 2011 was SVCC’s appearance with The American Boychoir, regarded as the United States’ premier concert boys’ choir. It was the sixth time this choir had performed in Harrisonburg at the invitation of SVCC.

The 74-year-old American Boychoir, a highly selective residential program based in Princeton, New Jersey, joined SVCC in performing before hundreds of young teens enrolled in local public middle schools. The audience was also invited to participate at points, enabling them to experience the joy of community singing. Joint master classes of the Boychoir and SVCC were open to the public. White worked with the American Boychoir School in the late 1980s when she was a master’s student at Westminster Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey, and has maintained a relationship with the Boychoir over the years. The SVCC has released 14 recordings since 1996, with most still available on CD.  To hear samples of SVCC music, purchase a CD, or obtain more information about SVCC, visit


Kevin Piccini

Susan Black

Bach Festival


The Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival is a week-long summer music festival at EMU devoted to promoting an appreciation and understanding of the music of Bach and a featured composer, country, era or people. In 2011, its 19th year, the festival will be held June 12-19 and will focus on Mozart in addition to Bach. Three featured concerts, six daily noon chamber music concerts, open rehearsals, and a Sunday Leipzig service infuse the Valley with an unequaled musical richness. Special programs augment the festival’s offerings: youth programs, Road Scholar Program (previously “Elderhostel/ Exploritas”), and the Virginia Baroque Performance Academy. The festival orchestra includes fine professional instrumentalists from all over the country who travel to Harrisonburg each June for one week of intense rehearsals and vibrant performances. The festival choir allows community vocalists, both amateurs and professionals, to be volunteer singers of the most celebrated works of the orchestral-choral repertoire. The quality of the choir is first-rate and represents a blending of singers involved in a variety of local choral programs. The Virginia Commission for the Arts has named the festival a “jewel in Harrisonburg’s crown.” Kevin Piccini, oboist for the Shenandoah Bach Festival since 2005, has studied at the Eastman School of Music, went to Yale for graduate training, played professionally in the decades since and teaches at the Navy School of Music in Virginia Beach. “The best part [about the Bach Festival] is the people who are here,” he says. “Ken Nafziger is a fantastic musician and person. I think he brings out the best in us.”

Douglas Kehlenbrink

Violinist Susan Black lives in Charlottesville, Virginia, and has about 40 violin students, one of whom joined her in the Bach Festival ensemble in 2010. She has played the summer circuit for decades. The Bellingham Festival of Music, the Eastern Music Festival, the Wintergreen Summer Music Festival. But she says the musicians at the Bach festival seem to have a particularly tight bond, forged over the traditional Wednesday night pizza party and other socializing shoehorned in around the frenzied rehearsal schedule. A performance of Bach’s B-Minor Mass at Park View Mennonite Church stands out as one of her most precious Bach Festival memories. She recalls it as a spectacular performance, profoundly and indescribably beautiful, a moment in time, a timeless moment of lingering overtones – “something that will always be with me.” Douglas Kehlenbrink had a decent excuse the only year he and his bassoon were absent from the Bach Festival. He was in London with a group from James Madison University, where he taught on the music faculty for more than 20 years. Other than that one excused absence, he’s been to every Bach Festival since the inaugural event in 1993. Nafziger as a director? Ambitious, says Kehlenbrink. That’s one reason EMU’s festival attracts so many good musicians. Every year, in addition to the obligatory J.S. Bach performances – a Brandenburg Concerto or two, or the B-Minor Mass, or one of the passion oratorios – there comes some sort of programmatic twist. In ’98, the Latin American compositions “gave us all a run for our money,” says Kehlenbrink, who now is arts chair at Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Virginia.  For more information, visit | crossroads | 31

EMU Finances at a Glance For the fiscal years ending June 30, 2010 and 2009








Grants and contracts (government and nongovernment)



Auxiliary enterprises (such as room and board, apt. rentals, book store)



Other income (such as summer conference income, endowment earnings)







Academic support



Student services





Auxiliary enterprises



Institutional support















OPERATING REVENUES Tuition and fees (net of student financial aid)

Total revenue and gains


Public service programs

Total operating expenses Change in net assets from operations (the difference between operating revenues and operating expenses)

NON-OPERATING ACTIVITIES Total Change in Net Assets (Operating and Non-Operating)

NET ASSETS Beginning


These figures have been summarized from audited statements. For a complete financial statement, e-mail your request to:

32 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11



Music professor Ken J. Nafziger conducts a rehearsal in preparation for the 2010 Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival.

University Fund

Gifts to the University Fund make possible a university experience like no other, where faith development, cross-cultural understanding, creation care and service to others are emphasized. Your gifts to the Univeristy Fund enable students who want to be nurtured in this unique environment to be part of EMU. In addition to student aid, gifts to the University Fund enable EMU to hire and retain top-notch committed faculty who mentor students in 1:1 relationships. Our desire to make EMU affordable for all and reduce student debt load upon graduation drives our efforts to encourage unrestricted, annual giving to the University Fund. While each gift of any size is significant to EMU, we are especially grateful for those who support EMU as President's Partners and Associates in Discipleship. During fiscal year 2009-2010, 60 households contributed at least $5,000 to the University Fund as President’s Partners.

More than 300 donors made an annual contribution of at least $1,000 as Associates in Discipleship, Aquila and Priscilla Partners, and Partners in Peacebuilding. In order to strengthen student aid we must broaden support for EMU’s mission at this $1,000 level. By joining one of the above groups, or by becoming a member of the Blue and White Society at the level of $500 or more, you are making a real difference in the lives of students who desire a faith-based education. Please consider partnering with us to prepare more students to serve and lead in a global context. Contact EMU’s development staff: Kirk L. Shisler (C 1981) Vice President for Advancement Phone: 540-432-4499 Email: Phillip N. Helmuth (C 1976) Executive Director of Development Phone: 540-432-4227 Email:

Susan Landes Beck Associate Director of Development Phone: 540-432-4069 Email:

Arthur C. Borden Associate Director of Development and Planned Giving Phone: 540-432-4971 Email: Phoebe Kilby (GCC 2004) Associate Director of Development, Center for Justice and Peacebuilding Phone: 540-432-4581 Email: Karen Moshier-Shenk (C 1973) Associate Director of Development Phone: 540-432-4201 Email: Tim Swartzendruber (C 1995) Associate Director of Development Phone: 540-432-4207 Email: Sam Weaver (C 1966) Associate Director of Development Phone: 540-432-4202 Email:

Thank you friends, parents and alumni of EMU. You help educate tomorrow’s leaders through your support of the University Fund!

President’s Partners

Donors of at least $5,000 to the University Fund Anonymous (1) Rose Ann & Gerald Baer Robert & Elva Bare Dale & Miriam Blauch John & Linda Bomberger Lynn Brubaker & Debra Hutchinson Paul & Esther Clymer Lewis & Mary Coss Andy & Michelle Dula Roger & Barbara Eshleman Margaret M. Gehman Stan & Susan Godshall Leon & Elaine Good Carl & Herta Harman Calvin & Janet High Grace Horst Kyle & Marta Horst Richard & Laurel Horst Bob & Eloise Hostetler Barry & Brenda Hummel Bruce & Anne Hummel Karen Hummel Eric Kennel Janet Kilby Phoebe Kilby & Barry Carpenter

John & Dorothy Kratz John & Gladys Landis Joyce Lehman Glen & Jean Lengacher Joseph & Constance Longacher Cora Longacre Joseph & Rachel Martin Vernon & Linda Martin Edgar & Carmen Miller Harvey & Pauline Miller Jerry & Rebecca Morris Larry & Janet Newswanger Marvin & Delores Nolt James & Marian Payne Daryl & Jane Peifer Mark & Janis Prock Leland Ropp Henry & Charlotte Rosenberger Clarence & Helen Rutt John & Becky Rutt Clair & Doris Sauder Myrl & Freida Sauder Verne & Carol Schirch Knox & Peggy Singleton Karl & Barbara Stoltzfus Ethel Strite Barbara & David Swan Loren & Pat Swartzendruber David & Lynn Troyer John & Margaret Weaver Todd & Anne Weaver Sue Williams John Yoder Leroy & Martha Yoder Kenton & Olga Zehr | crossroads | 33

Associates in Discipleship

Donors of at least $1,000 to the University Fund Anonymous (9) Linda & Robert Alley Devon & Teresa Anders Marvin & Grace Anders Myron & Esther Augsburger Wilma Bailey Donald & Brenda Bare Gordon & Velda Beidler John & Barbara Benner Curtis & Linda Berry Daryl & Carrie Bert Glendon Blosser Roy & Evelyn Bomberger Annabelle & Warren Bontrager Herman & Jeanette Bontrager Paul & Lois Bontrager Art & Alice Borden Randy & Barbara Bowman Chester & Nancy Bradfield Susan Brenneman & Archie Vomachka Sandy Brownscombe Ed & Lucy Brubaker James & Carley Brubaker Ken & Pam Brubaker Mark & Beryl Brubaker George Brunk & Ruthann Miller Brunk Kenneth & Twila Brunk Nelson & Ruth Brunk David Bucher & Sharon Hoover Gladys Buckwalter Kevin & Cheryl Carey Rhoda & Jonathan Charles Paul & Sherry Cline Ralph & Anne Cline Irvin Cordell Merle & Beulah Cordell Spencer & Shirley Cowles Loris & Richard Cunningham John & Debbie Denlinger Earl & Jan Derstine Tim & Rosita Derstine Zach & Kara Derstine Anna Louise Detweiler Gene & Gloria Diener Brownie Driver Gladys Driver Daniel & Elizabeth Dunmore Titus & Debora Dutcher John & Joyce Eby Ralph & Betty Jo Eby Conrad Erb Leon & Melba Eshleman Janet & Chip Foderaro James & Carole Frankenfield Edward & Cynthia Frey Dan & Susan Garrett Joe & Barbara Gascho Luther & Mary Ann Gautsche Linford & Becky Gehman Colleen & Rudy Gingerich James & Joan Gingrich Harley & Irene Good Merle & Phyllis Good Mervin & Mary Ellen Good William Gotwals Sam & Adeline Graber Eva Greaser John & Jan Griffin Marlin & Sue Groff David & Michelle Guengerich Marjorie & Paul Guengerich Hans & Sarah Harman

Dwight & Pearl Hartman Dennis & LuAnne Hatter James & Miriam Haverstick Owen & Cheri Hawkins Noah & Edna Helmuth Phil & Loretta Helmuth David & Sandra Hersh Edgar & De Elda Hershberger Don Hertzler & Ruth Shenk Hertzler Helen & Dean Hertzler Carol & Gerald Hess Nora & Merv Hess Karen & Richard Hoerner James & Deborah Hoover Donald & Carol Horning Marv & Marcia Horst Ray & Violet Horst Esta & Eldon Hostetler George & Leona Hostetler Alden & Louise Hostetter Dwight & Carolyn Houff Steven & Charlotte Hunsberger Louetta Hurst Willie & Kay Hurst Vernon & Dorothy Jantzi Hadley & Jan Jenner Ruth & Timothy Jost Duane & Naomi Kauffman Roger & Rachel Kauffman Elmer & Marianne Kennel Linford & Mary Etta King Rosemary King Susanne King Walter & Miriam King David & Sharon Kisamore Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Mark & Betty Kniss Tony & Sally Krabill Arlan & Alda Kratz Carissa & Rodney Kratz Rick & Suzanne Kratz Donald & Frances Kraybill John & Betty Kreider John & Sara Kreider Lloyd & Goldie Kuhns Gregory & Ellen Lacher Daryl & Anne Landis Jay & Peggy Landis Jean Landis John & Alice Lapp LeRoy & Catherine Lapp Andrea & Joshua Leaman Toby & Lonita Leaman Arlene Leatherman Nancy & Robert Lee Allon & Doris Lefever Brent & Claudia Lehman Paul & Erma Lehman Ruth & Emerson Lesher Ryan & Maria Linder-Hess Mark & Lisa Longacher Bill & Katie Longacre Richard & Rose Longacre Kevin & Shelby Longenecker Randall & Marla Longenecker Norman Loux Carol S. Lown Stephen & Glenna Lowry Barbara Martin Don & Barbara Martin John & Mary Ann Martin Larry & Gail Martin Lois Martin Philip & Joyce Martin Robert & Nancy Martin Doug Mason Evelyn Maust Marshall & Dione McDonald Elroy & Linda Miller

34 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11

Fae Miller Floyd & Eunice Miller J.B. Miller & John Daniels Laurie & Ellen Miller Leon & Sandra Miller Lowell & Peggy Miller Merlin & Sara Grace Miller Richard & Fannie Miller Karen & Matt Minatelli James & Dawn Monger Jerry & Gerry Moore Doris & Richard Morgan Curtis Moyer Glenn & Diane Moyer Grace Mumaw Mim Mumaw Russell & Ruth Mumaw Steve & Amy Mumbauer Homer & Pauline Myers Charles & Esther Nafziger Larry & Norma Neff Ken & Connie Neuenschwander Larry & Marilyn Nolt Mag & Phil Nolt Rhoda Nolt Wilmer & Doris Nolt Manuel Nunez John & Lisa Nussbaum Steve & Kay Nussbaum Kenneth & Rachel Pellman Ron & Myrna Piper Frances Plecker Anthony Pratkanis Miriam & Everett Ramer Shawn Ramer & Victoria Myer Cal & Freda Redekop Glenn & Lorraine Reinford Barbara & Benjamin Risser Dave & Doris Risser Norm & Alice Rittenhouse Bertha Roggie Rosalie & Lee Roland James & Gloria Horst Rosenberger Lynn & Kathleen Roth Jack & Gloria Rutt Roger & Pamela Rutt Laurence & Evie Sauder Maynard & Carolyn Sauder Ken & Charlene Schildt Abner & Virginia Schlabach Erma Schnabel Lester Shank Sheldon & Lois Shank Frank Shelp Calvin & Marie Shenk Gerald & Sara Wenger Shenk J.C. & Jewel Shenk Jim & Donna Shenk Miriam Shenk Paul & Marjorie Shenk Stanwyn & Elaine Shetler Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Donald & Marlene Showalter Stuart & Shirley Showalter Welby & Sharon Showalter Don & Joanne Siegrist Sherwyn & Deirdre Smeltzer Carole & Douglass Smith Ralph & Lila Smucker Missy Solanki Wayne & Joanne Speigle Jim & Carol Spicher John & Virginia Spicher Bruce & Neva Stambaugh Doris Stauffer Ruth & Sanford Stauffer Doug & Luann Steury Robert & Barbara Steury Joyce Stoll Mark Stoltzfus

Omar & Catherine Stoltzfus Maurice & Carla Stutzman Walt & Sharon Surratt Dave & Shelby Swartley Willard & Mary Swartley Tim Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Nelson & Gloria Swope Paul Thomas Aaron & Anna Troyer LeRoy & Phyllis Troyer Levi & Lillis Troyer Vaughn & Inga Troyer Judith & Brent Trumbo Dean & Andrea Weaver Dorothy Jean Weaver Glenn & Anne Weaver Ken & June Marie Weaver Lloyd & Sarah Weaver Mike & Rachel Weaver Steve & Elsie Weaver Phyllis Weaver Hearn & J.T. Hearn Noah Weiler Andrea & Delbert Wenger Mark & Candace Wenger Roy & Esther Wert Connie & Hugh Westfall Terry & Jennifer Whitmore James & Rachel Witmer Dwight & Sheryl Wyse Byard & Judy Yoder Calvin & Lorie Yoder Cora Yoder Duane & Jill Yoder Gary & Beth Yoder J. Dave & Nancy Yoder John & MaDonna Yoder Paul & Anita Yoder Paul & Carol Yoder Richard & Jen Yoder Bonnie Zehr & Jerry Hess Barb Zimmerman & J.D. Yoder Karene & Mark Zimmerman Ethan & Carla Zook

Blue & White Society

Donors of at least $500 to the University Fund Anonymous (7) Dick & Louise Alderfer Russell & Gladys Alderfer Warren Alderfer Jake Baer III John & Sylvia Baer Murl Baker Bertha Beachy Brian & Yvonne Boettger Don & Judy Bomberger Roy & Martha Bomberger Mervin & Betty Ann Bontrager Brenda Bowman Maynard & Jan Brubacher Kenton & Shirley Brubaker Lester & Lois Brubaker Martha Brubaker David & Donna Brunk Truman & Betty Brunk Paul & Esther Bucher Terry & Sandy Burkhalter Roy & Helen Burkholder Ruth Burkholder Urbane & Janet Byler Cara Carpenter Kyle & Carrie Carpenter Kevin & Jeanette Christophel Henry Clark Nate & Brooke Clemmer Ross & Allison Collingwood

Lisa & Nick Crist Erla Culp Arlen & Shirley Delp Beverly & Laverne Delp Kenton & Rhoda Derstine Dave & Charmaine Detrow Florence Detweiler Bennett & Doris Dickerson Leona & Darrel Diener Jayne Docherty Iris & Albert Driver Mary Ellen & Mamo Dula Peter Dula & Ilse Ackerman Martin Eby Jim & Peg Engle Robert & Rosalie Eshleman John & Jane Frankenfield Emma & J. Mark Frederick Jeane Fretz Doug & Tina Friesen David & Lois Gehman B.J. & Sherah-Leigh Gerber Paul & Joyce Gingerich John & Janet Goshow Fern & Carl Grace Philip & Susan Guengerich Ronald & Ruth Guengerich Diann & Keith Harman Tina Hartman Kent & Stephanie Hartzler Roy & Lois Hartzler Ginny & Ken Heatwole Leo Heatwole Joyce & Donald Hedrick Michele Hensley & Kevin Comer Lowell & Grace Herr Rebecca Herr Ann & Jim Hershberger Benjamin & Martha Hershey Jeane & Lyle Hershey Daniel & Mary Hertzler Elam Hertzler & Martha Blank Ernie & Lois Hess Lois Ann & Michael Hicks Marcy & Rick High Mary Hinkle Bill & Rosie Hochstetler Shirley & Vern Hochstetler John & Carolyn Horst Ken & Sue Horst Samuel & Mary Ellen Horst Stuart Horst Dwight & Carolyn Houff Rod & Mary Lou Houser Darrick & Sheri Hummel Helen & Elvin Hurst Dale & Lois Jones Elton & Esther Kauffman Fred & Minh Kauffman Glen & Sandy Kauffman Jerry & Joan Kauffman Ross Kauffman Kermit Kauffman Stan & Kathy Keener Shantz David & Debra King Laura & Zachary King Phil & Irene Kniss Clyde & Eunice Kratz Jeremy & Leah Kratz Norman & Rhoda Kraus Ernest & Eunice Kraybill John & Betty Kreider Bruce & Paula Kuhns Eldon & Sharyl Kurtz Jim Kurtz & Huong Tran Roland & Darlene Landes Cheryl & Benjamin Landis David & Carolyn Landis Nancy Landis James Lapp & Miriam Book

Joseph & Hannah Mack Lapp Samuel & Helen Lapp Jennifer & Gregory Larson-Sawin Hershey & Norma Leaman Paul & Erma Leaman Stephen & Doris Leaman David & Lavonne Lehman Elton & Phyllis Lehman Nelson & Cheryl Lehman Peter Lehman Cliff & Hope Lind Ken & Cynthia Longacre Jr Nelson & Danielle Longenecker Marie & Iain Macknight Leah Magal Garland & Phyllis Martin Harold & Sylvia Martin John & Marian Martin Raymond & Luann Martin Robert & Sarah Martin Ruth & Roy Martin Dan & Cindy Mast Joe & Nancy Mast Mike & Debra Medley Tom & Barb Melby David & Brenda Miller Drew Miller Eli & Dorothy Miller J. Eric & Jodi Miller Larry & Wilma Miller Leon & Lynda Miller Luke & Denise Miller Mary Miller Paul & Edna Miller Sam & Vi Miller K Monger Charles & Carolyn Moyer Elizabeth Moyer Jonathan & Stephanie Moyer Verna Moyer James & Judy Mullet Sue Mullet Catherine Mumaw & Clair Basinger Roy & Annie Musselman Daryl & Marci Myers Jason & Janelle Myers-Benner Ken & Judy Nafziger Mark & Mary Thiessen Nation Paul & Anna Neff Emerson Newswanger Becca Nice Herb & Becky Noll Geoff & Stashia Nolt Jay & Rhoda Oberholtzer Laban Peachey Eric & Jen Peifer Sherri & Gary Peters Jenni Piper Ida & Greg Proco Glenna Ramer & Jerry Sloan John & Carolyn Reed Merle & Ruth Ann Reinford Mike Reno Sigrid & Curtis Reynolds Vernon & Jeanette Rice Steven & Karen Ringenberg Eloy & Becky Rodriguez Marcus & Evelyn Rosenberger Glen & Annabelle Roth Jay & Anne Roth Verle Rufenacht Verlen Rufenacht Jim & Gerry Rush Paul & Alice Rush Eleanor Ruth Rich & Bonnie Sauder Hal & Carol Saunders Brad & Mindi Roland Schrock Delbert & Mary Friesen Seitz

Audrey Shenk Harold & Mary Grace Shenk Steve & Karen Moshier Shenk Miriam Shirk & Ron Byler Hollis & Marty Showalter James & Carol Showalter Sam & Jan Showalter Ruth Simpson Carl & Margaret Smeltzer Cathy Smeltzer Erb & Ross Erb Walter & Leanne Smith Cindy & LeVon Smoker Jim & Anna Smucker Myrna & John Smucker Allene Smucker-Klassen Marty & Jim Snavely Gloria Snider Del & Lee Snyder Feryl & Connie Souder Jeff & Carrie Souder Esther Steckle Harvey & Lillian Stoltzfus Lonna Stoltzfus & Myron Gingrich Ruth Stoltzfus Ervin & Bonnie Stutzman Grace & Alan Styer Duane & Joanna Swartley Herbert & Margaret Swartz Steve & Katie Swartzendruber Dick & Joyce Thomas Sandy & Larry Toews Fern Trissel Doris Trumbo Daniel & Janice Walter David Weaver Irene Weaver Richard & Ruth Weaver Grace Wenger Herb Wenger Robert & Lena Wenger Lloyd & Beverly Wert Heidi & Jonathan West Werner & Grace Will Carroll & Nancy Yoder Craig & Nancy Yoder David & Jane Yoder Don & Em Yoder Lawrence & Shirlee K. Yoder Lonnie & Teresa Yoder Mike Yoder Nate & Mim Yoder Ruth Yoder LaVern & Janie Yutzy Howard & Ruby Zehr Pearl Zehr Glenn & Kathleen Zendt Andre & Susanna Unternahrer Zook Cheryl Zook

Aquila & Priscilla Partners

Donors whose unrestricted gift included $500 or more for Eastern Mennonite Seminary Anonymous (2) Linda & Robert Alley Marvin & Grace Anders Robert & Elva Bare John & Barbara Benner Curtis & Linda Berry Glendon Blosser John & Linda Bomberger Chester & Nancy Bradfield Ken & Pam Brubaker

Mark & Beryl Brubaker David & Donna Brunk George Brunk & Ruthann Miller Brunk Kenneth & Twila Brunk Truman & Betty Brunk Roy & Helen Burkholder Rhoda & Jonathan Charles Irvin Cordell Merle & Beulah Cordell Lewis & Mary Coss Arlen & Shirley Delp Beverly & Laverne Delp John & Debbie Denlinger Kenton & Rhoda Derstine Anna Louise Detweiler Brownie Driver Gladys Driver Andy & Michelle Dula Jim & Peg Engle Leon & Melba Eshleman John & Jane Frankenfield Joe & Barbara Gascho Margaret M. Gehman James & Joan Gingrich Stan & Susan Godshall Harley & Irene Good Leon & Elaine Good Sam & Adeline Graber Eva Greaser John & Jan Griffin Marjorie & Paul Guengerich James & Miriam Haverstick Phil & Loretta Helmuth Rebecca Herr Benjamin & Martha Hershey Daniel & Mary Hertzler Elam Hertzler & Martha Blank Shirley & Vern Hochstetler Ken & Sue Horst Richard & Laurel Horst Bob & Eloise Hostetler Barry & Brenda Hummel Elton & Esther Kauffman Stan & Kathy Keener Shantz Linford & Mary Etta King Susanne King Mark & Betty Kniss Phil & Irene Kniss Arlan & Alda Kratz Clyde & Eunice Kratz Jean Landis John & Gladys Landis James Lapp & Miriam Book Paul & Erma Leaman Nancy & Robert Lee David & Lavonne Lehman Paul & Erma Lehman Ruth & Emerson Lesher Barbara Martin Don & Barbara Martin John & Marian Martin Philip & Joyce Martin Robert & Sarah Martin Joe & Nancy Mast Eli & Dorothy Miller Harvey & Pauline Miller Grace Mumaw Russell & Ruth Mumaw Mark & Mary Thiessen Nation Mag & Phil Nolt Jay & Rhoda Oberholtzer Daryl & Jane Peifer Barbara & Benjamin Risser Norm & Alice Rittenhouse Henry & Charlotte Rosenberger Glen & Annabelle Roth Clarence & Helen Rutt Laurence & Evie Sauder Myrl & Freida Sauder

Gerald & Sara Wenger Shenk Harold & Mary Grace Shenk J.C. & Jewel Shenk Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Walter & Leanne Smith Missy Solanki Harvey & Lillian Stoltzfus Omar & Catherine Stoltzfus Ruth Stoltzfus Ethel Strite Ervin & Bonnie Stutzman Duane & Joanna Swartley Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Tim Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Nelson & Gloria Swope Doris Trumbo Dean & Andrea Weaver Dorothy Jean Weaver Ken & June Marie Weaver Lloyd & Sarah Weaver Jr Mike & Rachel Weaver Calvin & Lorie Yoder Don & Em Yoder Duane & Jill Yoder Lawrence & Shirlee Yoder Lonnie & Teresa Yoder Nate & Mim Yoder

John Wesley Partners

United Methodist Donors of at least $1,000 designated for the Seminary Ralph & Anne Cline Paul & Sherry Cline Dan & Susan Garrett

Partners in Peacebuilding

Donors whose unrestricted gift included $1,000 or more for the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding Anonymous (3) Emily & James Akerson Rose Ann & Gerald Baer Nathan & Elaine Barge Reuben & Ann Bigelow Ian & Bev Birky John & Linda Bomberger Dave & Martha Brubaker Lynn Brubaker & Debra Hutchinson Mark & Beryl Brubaker Mahlon Cassel Andy & Michelle Dula Bill & Diane Elliot Bruce & Jeanette Flaming Bob Gillette Ray & Wilma Gingerich Stan & Susan Godshall Marjorie & Paul Guengerich Bob & Eloise Hostetler Alden & Louise Hostetter Robert & Tess Hueston Hadley & Jan Jenner Lynn & Kermit Johnson Ruth & Timothy Jost John & Marie Kauffman Janet Kilby Phoebe Kilby & Barry Carpenter Wayne & Kathie Kurtz

Richard & Janis Landes John & Gladys Landis Nancy & Robert Lee J.E. & Emma Lehman Joyce Lehman Ruby Lehman Elmer & Martha Ann Miller Fae Miller Herb & Sarah Myers Larry & Janet Newswanger Mark & Judy Nord Steve & Deb Pardini Elmo & Ella Pascale Patricia Patton James & Marian Payne Daryl & Jane Peifer Kay Pranis Lynn & Kathleen Roth Clarence & Helen Rutt Ken & Charlene Schildt Verne & Carol Schirch Anas & Marjan Shallal Edgar Stoesz Barbara & David Swan H.D. & Faye Swartzendruber John & Margaret Weaver Claire Whiting Sue Williams Del and Linda Yoder Evangeline Yoder John Yoder Marshall and Julie Yoder Tim Yoder

Class Giving

What is "alumni participation" and why is it important? The term "alumni participation rate," when used in higher education, specifically means the percentage of alumni who make an annual financial gift to their alma mater. The APR is one of the best ways to measure alumni loyalty and connectedness. It is one of the key factors used to determine national rankings, as reported annually by US News & World Report. And it is a factor in getting financial support from foundations. These institutions do not look at the dollar amount of alumni gifts, just at the percentage of alumni who give at any level. A gift of $20 is just as important as a gift of $2,000 when it comes to alumni participation. The classes of 1950 (44%) and 1951 (46%) led the way in alumni participation in 2009-2010, but the overall rate we reported to US News & World Report for the same period was only 26% (donors with an undergraduate degree from EMU). As you consider your giving for this year, won’t you join the other members of your class to help us increase this rate to at least 35%? | crossroads | 35

Class Year(s)


154 Living Alumni 18 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 12% $18,368 Giving Total


Fern Trissel


Anonymous (1)


Florence Detweiler Marjorie Guengerich Mildred Pellman Beulah Troyer


Grace Hostetter Frank Moyers


Susana Umble


Ethel Mellinger Hubert Pellman


Dwight Hartman Paul Martin Miriam Nissley Richard Pellman Stuart Shank Ethel Strite Elwood Weaver


150 Living Alumni 46 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 31% $119,849 Giving Total


William Anders Florence Bucher Emma Hess Sheldon Hollopeter Simeon Hurst Edith Layman Eula Showalter


Mahlon Hess Virginia Martin Evelyn Maust


Margaret M Gehman Norman Loux Mark Moyer Sara Jane Wenger


John Horst


Rohrer Eshleman Pearl Hartz Kenneth Heatwole Ruth Horst Paul Peachey David Troyer Dorothy Yoder


Joseph Baer Arlene Hege Norman Kraus Anna Mae Landis Dorothy Martin Ellen Peachey Janet Yoder


Elizabeth Hostetter John Miller Sara Ellen Stoltzfus


Betty Deputy Pearl Johnson Eleanor Kauffman Orval Shank Neil Turner


Pearl Gamber Nathan Hege Mary Louise Hertzler Samuel Horst Anna Ruth Jacobs Donald Jacobs Paul Kniss Mary Lederach J. Paul Lehman Lester Shank


52 Living Alumni 23 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 44% $37,123 Giving Total Grace Bergey John Brenneman Lester Brubaker David Brunk James Brunk, Sr. Thelma Brunk Erla Culp Betty Drescher Paul Herr Hiram Hershey Sanford King Leah Magal Erika Malin Willard Mayer Irene Mullenex D. Lowell Nissley Mary June Rohrer Henry Weaver, Jr. John Weaver Margaret Yoder Paul Yoder Anonymous (2)


68 Living Alumni 31 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 46% $5,947 Giving Total Esther Becker Virginia Bender Ann Blosser Lois Brenneman Bill Detweiler John Drescher Salome Harrison Daniel Hertzler Elam Hertzler

36 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11

Mary Ellen Horst John Hostetler Abram Hostetter Hazel Hostetter Dan Krady Jean Kraybill Rebecca Longenecker Ralph Malin Ina Martin Daniel Reinford Chester Sensenig Gladys Shank Charles Shenk Bernard Showalter Alice Snyder Eugene Souder Paul Swarr Marilyn Swartzentruber Doris Trumbo Martha Weaver Elvin Weber Ruth Weber Morris Yoder


63 Living Alumni 23 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 37% $17,700 Giving Total Irene Alderfer Margaret Derstine Ann Gingrich Paul Gingrich Dick Good Betty Kniss Mark Kniss Nancy Lee Donald Martin Richard Martin Paul Miller Elton Moshier Rosa Moshier Laban Peachey Barbara Risser Naomi Sensenig Alice Souder Edward Stoltzfus Ken Weaver Lester Weber Daisy Yoder Edna Zook Anonymous (1)


61 Living Alumni 20 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 33% $9,940 Giving Total John Burkholder Susan Burkholder Rhoda Clemens Ike Glick Rebecca Herr Miriam Housman Marjorie Kotva John Kreider Marijke Kyler Lois Martin Everett Metzler Clarence Rutt Helen Shank James Stauffer Doris Stoltzfus Paul Thomas Lois Witmer Robert Witmer Anonymous (2)


70 Living Alumni 27 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 39% $14,240 Giving Total Doris Bomberger Kenton Brubaker Martha Brubaker Helen Burkholder Roy Burkholder Ruth Burkholder Rosalie Derstine Margaret Foth Elsie Gingerich Claude Good David Herr Gene Herr Luke Horst Ruth Kaufmann Dorothy Kreider Jay Landis John Lapp John Martin Catherine Mumaw Grace Mumaw N Rebekah Nice Carl Rudy Helen Rutt John Shenk Virgil Stoltzfus Amos Yoder Floyd Zehr


62 Living Alumni 16 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 26% $10,390 Giving Total Greta Albrecht Myron Augsburger Jim Bomberger Kenneth Brunk Mildred Glick Milton Good David Harnish George Hostetler Alice Lapp Ruth Longacre Margaret Metzler Ruth Rudy Myrtle Shenk Stanwyn Shetler Ruth Simpson June Marie Weaver


88 Living Alumni 29 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 33% $135,828 Giving Total Jewell Brenneman James Brubaker Gladys Buckwalter Alma Eby Keith Esch Bob Eshleman S Jeane Fretz Neil Gingerich Anna Mary Good Elizabeth Hoover Ruth King Susanne King Catherine A Lapp LeRoy Lapp Esther Lehman

Cliff Lind Wilbur Maust Clair Metzler Doris Morgan Dorcas Morrow Homer Myers Mary Reitz Bill Roth Ruth Shaum Anne Siegrist John Smucker Shirley Wion Thelma Wolgemuth Julia Yoder


87 Living Alumni 25 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 29% $5,765 Giving Total Earl Beachy Titus Bender Henry Benner Helen Bomberger George Brenneman Martha Deitrich Shirley Delp Ginny Esch Arlene Gingerich James Gingrich Joan Gingrich Carl Keener Eunice Kraybill Clara Landis Hope Lind Charles Longenecker Warren Martin Miriam Maust Laura Schumm Barbara Showalter Don Siegrist Mary Swartley Robert Yoder Anonymous (2)


96 Living Alumni 40 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 42% $133,713 Giving Total Doris Albrecht Bertha Beachy Anna Bender Cleo Clark David Eshleman Mary Gehman Edith Gingerich Lois Ann Hartman Wilmer Hartman Grace Herr Lowell Herr Florence Horst S Duane Kauffman Ernie Kraybill Laura Kurtz Maynard Kurtz Becci Leatherman Elton Lehman Milton Lehman Barbara Longoria Donald Mellinger Fae Miller Harvey Miller Henry Miller Ruth Mumaw A Martha Nissley James Payne

Marian Payne Alice Rini Paul Schrock Herb Schultz Marjorie Shenk Miriam Shenk Irene Smucker John Spicher Milo Stahl Glenn Steffen Bob Wenger Larry Wenger Susan Wenger Anonymous (1)


134 Living Alumni 42 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 31% $134,233 Giving Total Millard Benner Gerald Brunk Ruth Denlinger Nancy Fisher Ruthild Foth Linford Gehman Lois Hartzler Roy Hartzler C Kenneth Hershey Betty Hertzler Violet Hopkins Ray Horst Bob Hostetler Naomi Kauffman Calvin Kaufman Arlene Leatherman Connie Lehman Joe Longacher Joseph Martin Harvey Mast Mark Miller Myrtle Miller Ivan Moyer Pauline Myers Ruth Nisly Joyce Petro Glen Roth John Rutt Rebecca Rutt Janice Sensenig Calvin Shenk Marie Shenk Mary Florence Shenk C Robert Showalter Erma Sollenberger Ira Sollenberger Willard Swartley Rae Della Wenger Anna Mary Yoder J. Harold Zook Anonymous (4)


133 Living Alumni 47 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 35% $14,725 Giving Total Nancy Augsburger Lester Beachy Annabelle Bontrager Lois Bowman Lena Brown Jim Burkholder Ronald David Arlen Delp Miriam Friesen Ray Gingerich

Wilma Gingerich Orpha Glick Ruth Glick James Good Charles Hershey Eva Hershey Daniel Hochstetler Naomi Horst Esta Hostetler Anna Jantzi Norman Kreider James Lapp Samuel Lapp David Leaman John Leaman M Hershey Leaman Eileen Lehman Elmer Lehman Robert Martin Edwin Miller Jerry Miller Arnold Moshier Carolyn Moyer Emma Myers LeRoy Petersheim Rachel Ramos Don Sensenig Doris Sensenig Alice Shenk Dorothy Shenk Miller Stayrook Harvey Stoltzfus Ethel Swartzendruber Dale Weaver Richard Weaver Werner Will Lois Wolgemuth Anonymous (2)


154 Living Alumni 49 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 32% $113,583 Giving Total Lois Alwine Sanford Alwine Willis Amstutz Verna Beachy Anna Mary Brubacher Glenn M Brubacher Mark Brubaker George Brunk III John Buckwalter Marian Burkholder Carolyn Conley Homer Detwiler Fern Grace Raymond Hertzler Helen Hofstetter Jo Hoover Eloise Hostetler Esther Jones Marie Kauffman Nathan King Wayne Kratzer Sara Kreider Hilda Kurtz D Harold Landis Peggy Landis Gerri Lehman Jim Lehman Allen Lind Paul Longacre Mary Martin Rachel Martin David Messner Miriam Mumaw Russ Mumaw

Audrey Murray Lorraine Myers Lorne Peachey Bob Ramer Annabelle Roth Carl Smeltzer Robert Steckley Marjorie Steffen Delmar Yoder Linda Yoder Paul Yoder Ruth Yoder Tilli Yoder Lois Zehr Anonymous (1)


203 Living Alumni 65 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 32% $29,338 Giving Total Dorothy Albrecht E Faye Beckler Mervin Bontrager Glen Brubaker John Eby Waldemar Eger Reta Finger Ervie Glick Gerald Good Ramona Hartzler Mary Hinkle Violet Houser Dorothy Jantzi Naomi Jantzi John Kauffman John Kreider Jean Landis Helen Lapp Sara Ellen Lapp Andrew Leatherman Mary Ellen Lehman Sara Jane Lind Lois Martin Luke Martin Michael Mast James Metzler Anna Miller Becky Miller Anna Moyer Charles Moyer Evelyn Moyer Mary Newcomer Frank Nice Eunice Paul Elam Peachey Nancy Peachey Carolyn Reed Abner Schlabach Virginia Schlabach Howard Schrock Ruth Schrock Mary Grace Shenk Virginia Shenk Donald Showalter Marlene Showalter Millard Showalter Esther Siville-Tidey Allene Smucker-Klassen Arlene Snavely Sanford Snider Del Snyder Ruth Ann Swartzendruber Raul Tadeo Eileen Viau Takashi Wakiyama Naomi Weaver Robert Weaver

Roy Wert Lois Witmer Rachel Witmer Janice Wyse Ann Yoder Carroll Yoder David Yoder Shirley Yoder Marjorie Zehr


147 Living Alumni 52 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 35% $53,073 Giving Total Ruth May Dwight Beachy Marian Beaman G Edwin Bontrager Verna Colliver Loris Cunningham Joyce Eby Carol Erb Helen Eshleman J. Mark Frederick, Jr. Dorcas Good Bill Helmuth Loretta Helmuth Arianne Hochstetler Zella Kauffman Naomi Keiper Walter King, Sr. Joyce Kisamore Yoshihiro Kuroki Ira Kurtz Omar Lapp Bill Leatherman Marie Macknight Lydia Mahabirsingh Nancy Martin Raymond Martin Rachel Metzler Glenn Myers Jacqueline Myers Lois Newcomer Martha Pepper John Reed Rose Rhodes Bertha Roggie Geraldine Rush Rowland Shank Dan Shenk Naomi Shenk Charity Showalter Gloria Snider Lee Snyder Joyce Stoll Ruth Weaver Bob Wert Esther Wert Alma Jean Yoder Carol Yoder Paul Yoder, Jr. Anonymous (3)


190 Living Alumni 61 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 32% $35,546 Giving Total Beryl Brubaker Paul Brunk Truman Brunk Sandra Cardinal Esther Clymer Paul Clymer Leona Diener

Miriam Elliott Ken Eshleman Emma Frederick John Gingerich Carl Good Dorothy Harnish Paul Harnish Joyce Harshberger Linda Heatwole Bland Don Hedrick J. Harold Hess Larry Hess Wayne Holsinger Gladys Horst Vernon Jantzi Rosalyn Johnson Elmer Kennel Lydia Ann Kennel John Kreider Evelyn Kurtz Dorothy Leatherman Lois Lehman Ellen Rose Longacre E Ruth Martin Pat Martin Raymond Martin Joe Mast Margaret Messner Art Newcomer Betty Newswanger Geneva Rufenacht Jim Rush Marilyn Schlabach Miriam Seigfried Delbert Seitz Donald Sheeler J. Dennis Swartz Dale Umble Robert Vetter Esther Weaver Robert Weaver Dean Welty Janet Welty Andre Wenger James Wenger Louretta Wilson E James Witmer Clara Yoder Edwin Yoder Harvey Yoder Lauren Yoder Marion Yoder Suzanne Yoder Priscilla Ziegler Anonymous (1)


185 Living Alumni 58 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 31% $47,026 Giving Total Dick Alderfer Rhoda Atzeff Dorothy Beidler Paul Beiler | crossroads | 37

Frances Brubaker Joyce Brunk Merle Cordell Verna Detweiler Myrna Eshleman Janet Gehman Stan Godshall Susan Godshall Lois Good Mary Grieser Ernie Hess Lois Hess Erma Horning Rod Houser Mary Jane Jones Rosemary King Robert Koch Samuel Kulp Joyce Lehman Grace Leichty James Longacre Barbara Martin Susanna Moshier B Lloyd Nice Larry Nolt Jim Ranck Charlotte Rosenberger Laurence Sauder Mona Sauder Jacob Schrock Janet Shank Lucille Shank Norman Shank Oren Shank Martha Shawver John Shearer Jewel Shenk Al Shirk Ruth Ann Shirk Sam Showalter Paul Shrock Nora Spurgin Ruth Stauffer Dale Stoltzfus Geneva Suter Carolyn Wenger Ethel Wenger J. Lloyd Wert Grace Will Monroe Yoder Ann Zimmerman Mary Zuniga Anonymous (2)


197 Living Alumni 60 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 30% $16,380 Giving Total Luke Beidler Lee Roy Berry, Jr. Glendon Blosser Peggy Blosser Edie Bontrager Allen Brubaker Shirley Yoder Brubaker Mary Cross Ronald Detwiler Ruth Durborow Jim Gehman Lois Gerber Elaine Good Leon Good V Jenelle Gould Dwayne Hartman Joanne Hershey Goldie Huber Esther Kauffman

Regina Kauffman Harry King Hannah Lapp Joseph Lapp Glenn Lehman Robert Martin Ora Mast Rhoda Mast Anna Miller Helen Miller Mark Miller Paul Miller S Ernest Miller Herb Myers Elaine Nice Ken Nissley Carol Parks Barbara Penner Eloise Plank Judy Ranck Tim Ryan Joanne Sauder Dorothy Sensenich Nelson Showalter Ernest Smith Geraldine Stiedle Joyce Strawderman Alvin Swartzentruber Lawrence Umble Margaret Umble Sam Weaver Mary Lou Houser Calvin Yoder Emery Yoder Henry Yoder Nancy Yoder Ray Yoder Sharon Yoder Lena Zehr Pearl Zehr


197 Living Alumni 60 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 30% $16,380 Giving Total Leanna Beiler Lowell Bender Anna Bishop Jim Bishop Linda Breneman Roy Breneman Rachel Brenneman Marianne Classen Mary Ellen Dula Clair Esch Roger Eshleman Charlotte Glick Sarah Glick Betty Good White Ronald Guengerich Salim Habash Dorcas Hanbury Carl Harman Evelyn Keener Glenda Knepp Donald Kraybill Carl Laws Landis Karen Leidig Milton Loyer Anna Martin Dan Martin Ernest Mast Nancy Mast Alta Mellinger John Miller Naomi Miller Sarah Myers

38 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11

Larry Neff Norma Jean Neff Wesley Newswanger Elizabeth Nissley Elizabeth Oswald Wilbur Peachey Doris Rissmiller Marian Rohrer Henry Rosenberger Blair Seitz Harley Showalter Sadie Showalter Stuart Showalter Donald Siegrist George Stoltzfus Ruth Stoltzfus Levi Troyer Marian Umble Carolyn Wampler Connie Westfall Helen Yoder Paul Yoder Wilbur Yoder Nadine Young Karene Zimmerman


235 Living Alumni 68 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 29% $45,237 Giving Total Wayne Alexander Lynn Brubaker Anna Clark Bob Conley Gene Diener Betty Jo Eby Beverly Ehst John Ehst Peg Engle J. Richard Frey Joseph Gascho Marg Gehman Mervin Good Gloria Gredler Ruth Guengerich Richard Gunden James Harbold Philip Hartzler Don Hertzler Paul Hess Laurel Horst Anne Hummel Bruce Hummel Louetta Hurst Dottie Kauffmann David Kindy Noah Kolb Lois Kreider Wayne Kurtz Wilbur Leidig, Jr. Glenn Lind Pearl Lind Milford Lyndaker Melvin Martin Rose Martin Vernon Martin Mattie Marie Mast Theodore Mast Allen Miller Freeman Miller John Miller Leon Miller Philip Neer Marvin Nisly Anna Nolt Rhoda Nolt Christine Ontiveros

Karen Ransaw James Rosenberger Esther Rush Clare Schumm Rich Showalter Lois Snader Bryan Stauffer Julia Witmer Dwight Wyse LaMar Wyse Sheryl Wyse Faye Yoder Patricia Yoder Ronald Yoder Glenn Zendt Kathy Zendt George Zimmerman Lois Zook Marilyn Zook Mervin Zook Anonymous (2)


267 Living Alumni 50 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 19% $22,058 Giving Total Darrell Beyeler Elsie Bowman Betty Brunk Carolyn Burkholder Donald Burkholder Paul Christophel Rebecca Christophel Harvey Chupp Virginia Deeds Dee Detweiler Sue Funkhouser Ruthanne Garber Mary Jane King Garrison Eloise Gingerich Merle Good John Goshow Susan Guengerich Pauline Habegger Dorothy Harnish James Hoover Dave Kisamore Kathie Kurtz Sharri Kurtz Nevin Lantz Calvin Litwiller Rachel Litwiller Willie Longenecker Daniel Martin Jean Martin Sam Miller Steven Mininger Karen Mishler William Mishler Bob Nolt John Rush Lois Schlabach Irene Shearer Jewel Showalter Joanne Siegrist Carole Smith Thomas Spicher Cheryl Landis Nancy Walker Carol Wenger Judy Widmer Florence Witmer Lois Yoder Ruth Zale Mary Elaine Zuck Anonymous (2)


277 Living Alumni 69 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 25% $34,733 Giving Total Bob Bishop Jim Bowman Robert Brenneman Jane Burkholder Paul Burkholder Eva Coffey Gerald Ebersole Ralph Eby Samuel Espinoza John Fairfield Kathryn Fairfield Tina Glanzer Phyllis Good Phil Guengerich Marian Hackney Carl Hanbury Dennis Hatter LuAnne Hatter Clyde Herr Rachel Hershberger Elton Horst Richard Horst Gloria Horst Rosenberger Betty Hostetler Kathryn Isett Elton Kauffman Judy King Lois King Elvin Kraybill Esther Kraybill Ralph Lehman Luella Linder John Longacre Daniel Longenecker Larry Martin Lena Martin J. B Miller Leon Miller Paul Miller Richard Miller Sherry Miller Karen Moyer Leon Moyer Myrna Moyer Mag Nolt Allen Peachey Audrey Price Lonnie Richardson Rosalie Roland Ken Schildt Dave Snider Rhoda Snider Karl Steffy Ruth Stoltzfus Emagene Stuckey Ernie Swartz Joyce Ukwa Elsie Weaver M Steven Weaver Melvin Weaver Naomi Weaver Ruth Weaver Terry Whitmore Dave Yoder John Yoder Nancy Yoder LaVern Yutzy Paul Zimmerly Anonymous (1)


279 Living Alumni 54 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 19% $20,163 Giving Total Kim Boyd Janice Falb David Glanzer W Richard Good Elnore Herr Elaine Hershberger Marv Holsopple Deborah Hoover G Stuart Horst Loren Horst Marcia Horst Marv Horst Ruth Jost Lloyd Kauffman Rose Kennel Phillip King Shirley Kurtz Richard Landes Wayne Lawton Melvin Lehman Glenna Lowry Stephen Lowry Joann Martin Linda Martin Linford Martin Nelson Martin Gerald Meck John Metzler Fannie Miller Mary Miller Charles Nafziger Sharon Nusbaum Louise O’Connell Rachel Rader Dennis Rohrer Wendy Rohrer JC Shenk Rosemary Shirk Ruth Short Janet Sonifrank Ellen Steffy Catherine Stoltzfus Omar Stoltzfus Douglas Stutzman Roland Stutzman Thomas Verghese Joanna Vile John Weber Lowell Wenger Esther Witmer Christon Zirkle Anonymous (3)


307 Living Alumni 84 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 27% $58,054 Giving Total Karen Albrecht Esther Augsburger Lee Ann Bergey David Birky Gladys Boettcher Donald Bomberger Herman Bontrager Lois Bontrager Jane Buckwalter Gretchen Christopher Dean Clemmer Dennis Clemmer Rose Crickenberger Douglas Croxton

Carolyn Derstine Kenton Derstine Mark Derstine Mim Eberly Paula Eigsti Thomas Eigsti Barbara Eshleman Jan Foderaro Firman Gingerich Lee Gingerich Susan Gingerich Leo Heatwole Kenneth Herr Wayne Hershberger Carol Hess Rachel Hickman Earlene Horst Lois Huston J. Melvin Janzen Dennis Kauffman Deryl Kennel Miriam Kennel Kay Marlene Knode Goldie Kuhns Paul Leaman Daniel Lehman Nelson Lehman Alan Leinbach Irma Lewis Allen Liechty Ginny Liechty R Larry Martin Ruth Martin Harry Mast Robert Maust Alan Miller Barbara Miller Gerald Miller James Miller Janice Miller Martin Miller Judy Moskalik James Mullet Sylvia Newport Norma Oswald Ann Overly Merle Reinford Ruth Ann Reinford Elva Rhodes James Rhodes Gloria Rutt Jack Rutt Bonnie Sauder John Sauder Lela Sawatzky Glen Sell Elaine Shirk Eugene Stoltzfus Karl Stoltzfus Loren Swartzendruber Dorothy Jean Weaver Lamar Weaver Earl Wenger Kathy Wenger Carolyn Yoder Janice Yoder Rachel Ann Yoder Mary Jane Yutzy Joyce Zimmerman Anonymous (3)


316 Living Alumni 67 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 21% $21,344 Giving Total Linda Alley James Blosser II Judy Bomberger

Jeanette Bontrager David Brunk Christine Burkholder Judy Catalfu Anna Louise Detweiler Kathy Fisher Linda Frey David Gehman Lois Gehman Mary Gingerich Luke Good Jacquelyn Hamlett Joseph Hamlett Dorothy Hartman Diane Holsopple Kenneth Horst Steven Hostetler Norene Huber Dale Jones Jerry Kauffman Roger Kauffman Lloyd Kuhns Ruth Kulp Jan Landes Jerry Landes Lois Lyndaker Gail Martin Gary Martin Gerald Martin Laurence Martin Robert Mast Shirley Mast Gretchen Maust Eldon Miller Marcia Miller Susan Miller Karen Moshier-Shenk James Mullet Judy Mullet Daniel Ness Glenn Reinford Lorraine Reinford Raymond Shank Harold Shearer June Shenk Steve Shenk Ora Shetler Welby Showalter Cathy Spory John Stauffer, Jr. Velma Stauffer Esther Steckle Daniel Walter Darrell Weaver Linda Wenger Marlene Wenger Linda Witmer Duane Yoder Jeanelle Yoder Joe Yoder Judy Yoder Richard Yoder Anonymous (2)


197 Living Alumni 60 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 30% $16,380 Giving Total Esther Baldridge Rose Bergey Diana Berkshire Kenneth Brunk David Bucher Ross Collingwood Brenda Derstine Rhoda Derstine Iris Driver

Ruth Evans Brenda Freed Marcus Freed Becky Gascho Luke Gascho Shirley Geissinger Joyce Gingerich Marlin Good Jean Groce Beverly Guengerich Galen Guengerich Barry Hummel Darryl Jackson Peggy Jackson Rachel Kauffman John King David Kniss Mary Kratz Showalter Cheryl Landis Richard Lantz Toby Leaman III Janell Lederman Barbara Lehman Kathy Leichty Helen Leinbach Merle Mast Darrell Miller Karen Miller Lynda Miller David Mininger Marian Mininger Ethel Mumaw Freida Myers Rodney Nafziger Herb Noll Jean Oswald Carol Petry Kathy Poindexter Ida Proco Edith Rhodes Verna Rice Karen Ringenberg Steven Ringenberg Nancy Ross Wesley Ross W Ronald Sauder Delmer Schlabach Don Sharp Loretta Sharp Nelson Shenk Hilda Shirk Myrna Smucker Connie Souder Feryl Souder Milo Stauffer Ardis Stephenson Robert Stuckey Roger Stutzman Jim Swartzentruber Marjorie Warkentin David Weber-Lehman Shirley Western Gene Williams David Yoder Jane Yoder Jerry Yoder Mim Yoder Miriam Yoder Shirley Yoder Francis Zehr


282 Living Alumni 68 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 24% $38,824 Giving Total Rodney Allebach Elaine Zook Barge Dean Brubaker

Nadene Brunk James Buller Jane Buller Karen Diffenbach Pauline Dulabaum Jane Durdin Wendell Eberly Robert Eshleman David Eubanks Carolyn French Valda Garber-Weider Elaine Gehman Keith Gnagey Janice Godshall Kenneth Godshall Barbara Good Joseph Hackman Sandi Harnish Loretta Helmuth Amelia Herr Mary Hershberger Helen Hertzler Herbert Hoover Galen Horst-Martz Karen Iazzi David Kauffman, Jr. Joan Kauffman Gloria Shenk Kniss Janice Kratzer Rosemary Kratzer David Kraybill Sharon Lambert Kisamore Ruth Lesher Marla Longenecker Randall Longenecker Evelyn Martin Elroy Miller Jim Musser Miriam Nafziger Donald Oswald Daryl Peifer Jane Peifer Lois Ramer Miriam Ramer Leanna Rhodes Dave Risser Doris Risser Kathy Risser Lynn Roth Verlen Rufenacht David Schlabach Sara Schlabach Gerald Shenk Sara Wenger Shenk Bonnie Shoemaker James Showalter Rick Showalter Ron Stoltzfus David Strong Dennis Trissel Lucinda Wolfe Robert Woodfin Byard Yoder David Yoder Janna Zirkle | crossroads | 39



Mary Bell Harold Bergey Rhoda Charles Sandra Cleaver Carol Detweiler Timothy Detweiler Gloria Diener Carol Eberly Martha Ediger Gwen Eubanks Edward Frey Lucy Frisinger Colleen Gingerich Earl Gingerich Barbra Graber Mary Lou Grant Carolyn Grasse-Bachman David Hamilton Wes Hamm Judy Harder Steven Harder Charles Harner Margaret Harner James Harr Phil Helmuth Ann Hershberger Marie Hertzler Philip Horst Sandy Horst Sylvia Horst Deb Huffman Lois Jones Dave King Michael King Phil Kreider Eldon Kurtz C Stephen Lamb Dale Lehman Rita Lehman Wayne Lehman Daniel Liechty Donna Longacre Darrell McVay Ruth McVay Martin Mikaya Craig Miller Edgar Miller Harold Miller Linda Miller Melissa Miller Dean Peachey Calvin Roggie Leland Ropp Regina Rutt Roger Rutt Randy Schweitzer Dawn Showalter Joyce Showalter Sam Thomas Marti VanEpps Mary Vitasek Gregory Weaver Valerie Weaver Lois Wenger Ellen Yoder Leon Yoder Ethan Zook Herbert Zook Anonymous (1)

Jim Alexander, Jr. Rose Barber Cheeri Barnhart Dolores Beiler John Bomberger Judy Buller Lorna Claassen Melvin Claassen Chuck Davis Charmaine Detrow Dave Detrow Sue Ann Earley James Flory Cynthia Frey Carolyn Gerig Marilyn Harr Lois Ann Hicks Bill Hochstetler Donald Hooley Mary Ina Hooley Colette Hostetler Ray Hostetler Stanley Hostetler Mary Beth Kauffman Mary Beth Kautz Debra King Rosalyn Kniss Julie Knowlden Susan Krusemark Michael Kurtz Steve Landis Jay Leaman Orpha Martin Esther Mast Kathy Mast Ardith Matson Carolyn Metzger Claudia Mikaya Joy Porter Glenna Ramer Mary Alice Ressler Annette Ritter Verle Rufenacht Pamela Rutt Joy Sawatzky Walter Sawatzky Lois Shank Donna Shenk Jon Shenk Sheryl Shenk Ruth Shetler Joyce Smith Donna Souder Duane Swartley Bonnie Weber Lehman Marilou Wieder Paul Yoder Kim Yousey John Zook Anonymous (1)

263 Living Alumni 69 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 26% $34,314 Giving Total

293 Living Alumni 60 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 20% $38,696 Giving Total


270 Living Alumni 61 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 23% $18,350 Giving Total Beverly Alderfer Eric Bishop Randy Bowman Susan Brenneman Karl Brubaker Diane Burkholder

40 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11

Lloyd Claassen Sharon Gehman Donna Hahn Mary Lou Heck Les Helmuth Wendell Histand Carol Horst Marilyn Hostetler Nevin Immel Rebecca Kipps Elizabeth Kolb Margaret Kreider Cindy Lamb Daryl Landis Nancy Landis Rosemary Landis Joyce Leaman David Lehman Larry Lehman Sheryl Lehman Nelson Longenecker Linford Martin Marge Maust Edith Miller Richard Moyer Amy Murray Kay Nussbaum Wes Park Kenneth Pellman Shelia Proctor Susan Rhodes Betty Ross Regina Schweitzer Jim Shenk Craig Shoemaker Karen Steiner Wille Stoltzfus Winfred Stoltzfus Maurice Stutzman Joanna Swartley Julie Swartzentruber Lois Troyer David Weaver Thomas Weber Martin Sheldon Whitmore, Jr. Stephen Wiebe-Johnson Anita Yoder Linda Yoder Phil Yoder Rhoda Yoder Steve Yoder Douglas Zehr Miriam Zehr Peter Zimmerli Anonymous (1)


316 Living Alumni 85 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 27% $36,836 Giving Total Philip Baker-Shenk Rich Beckler Jim Bell Lenora Bell Marvin Bunting Ruel Burkholder Vicki Cumming Tim Davis Marcia Dickerson John Drescher-Lehman Sandra Drescher-Lehman Paul Dyck Paul Gingerich Marlin Groff Sue Groff Harold Guntz Ginny Heatwole

Sylvia Helmuth Jim Herr Paul Hoover Sharon Hoover Reuben Horst Janet Hostetler Alden Hostetter Louise Hostetter Marjorie Hovde Willie Hurst Sharlene Immel Jill Johnson Galen Kauffman Kermit Kauffman Joan King Richard King Bruce Kipps Fred Kniss Beth Landis Judy Landis Janet Landis-Frey Joy Lapp Judy Leaman Steve Leaman Larry Lehman Jeanne Luther Don Martin Elaine Martin Pat Martin Dale Mast Rhonda McGraw Harry Mott III Godfrey Muganda Ken L. Nafziger Steve Nussbaum Rachel Pellman Cheryl Plank Ike Porter Anthony Pratkanis Ann Reesor Gerald Ressler Philip Roth Debbie Rush Janet Ruth Susan Ruth Thomas Ruth Rolando Santiago Brenda Shank Diane Shetler Denise Snyder Paul Souder Martha Stoltzfus Grace Styer Scott Swartzendruber Melvin Thomas Martha Thorpe Doris Toll JoAnne Wallis Herb Weaver, Jr. Mark Wenger Sheryl Wideman Beth Yoder Gary Yoder Janet Yoder Miles Yoder Pat Yoder Carla Zook Anonymous (1)


279 Living Alumni 58 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 21% $14,809 Giving Total Nancy Abiade Jake Baer III Dottie Baumgarten Emma Beachy Steve Benner

Brenda Bishop Linda Bishop Tammy Bos Roberta Egli Keith Eshleman Beth Fulda Shirley Garber Eileen Gingrich Sue Glick Linford Good Marilyn Hartline Marcy High Deb Histand Karen Hoerner Jerry Holsopple Julie Hooley Shirley Hoover Joe Irish Jim Kurtz Dawn Longenecker Martha Maddox Irma Mahone Conrad Martin Joyce Martin Philip Martin Marcus Miller Karen Moyers Lore Muganda Lois Oyer Trudy Partee Bob Redcay Gene Rhodes Pam Risser Phil Risser Eugene Ritter Marvin Rohrer-Meck Anne Roth Diane Rowland Robert Rutt Donald Shank Sheldon Shank Frank Shelp Carl Shenk Eileen Shenk Wayne Speigle Merle Stutzman Fred Swartzendruber Lois Voth Carmen Walker Douglas Yoder Marlisa Yoder-Bontrager Anonymous (2)


310 Living Alumni 69 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 22% $15,290 Giving Total Wayne Beachy Joyce Benedict Leanne Benner Evon Bergey Michael Bishop Kimberly Black Jayne Byler Sylvia Charles Doug Clemens Joy Clymer Patricia Curtis Marsha DeFerbrache Deryl Denlinger Glenn Deputy William Fisher Jamie Frankenfield Samuel Glick Beth Ann Good Stephen Good Keith Graybill

Lynn Heller Rosemary Hochstetler Dan Hooley Vern Hostetler Joy Hostetter Dick Kauffman Alan Knight Doris Leaman David Lehman Lavonne Lehman Dorothy Logan Jo Martin Thomas Martin Cynthia Mast Beth Miller Lois Miller Ronda Miller Judy Nafziger David Peterson Cindy Redcay Darlene Rohrer-Meck Jay Roth Nancy Roth Chris Sanders Carmen Schrock-Hurst Miriam Shirk Kirk Shisler Lowell Showalter Joanne Speigle Marilyn Spotts Ruth Suter Terry Suter Sue Swartz Phyllis Ulrey Pete Waybill Cheryl Weber Louisa Weber Candace Yoder Darrel Yoder Darrell Yoder Elwood Yoder Joy Yoder Nelson Yoder Sylvia Yoder Barb Zimmerman Julie Zimmerman Anonymous (3)


332 Living Alumni 67 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 20% $21,017 Giving Total Judy Albrecht-Bunting Ruby Baldwin Frank Bielawski Yen Breneman Susanna Buhler Jane Burgess Sharon Byler Deborah Campbell Dorcas Cardwell Kevin Carey Susan Deputy Douglas Derstine Sally Derstine Bruno Dyck Keith Ebersole Susan Eshleman Tom Garlitz Carl Geissinger Carol Good Ceci Good Luann Good Gingrich Alan Greaser Roy Hange Karen Hartz Jim Hershberger

Gerald Hershey Edie Hochstetler Patricia Hulsey Beryl Jantzi David Kanagy Glen Kauffman Sandy Kauffman Sharon Kauffman John Kennel Dan King Phil Kniss Joy Lapp Richard Longacre Rose Longacre Chris Longenecker Amy Marshall Carol Martin Johnson Dan Mast Sara Person Joel Reinford Kent Richard Cathy Rittenhouse Jane Roth Phil Rush Luke Schrock-Hurst Anne Sensenig Lorna Beth Shantz Alan Shenk Carol Spicher Jim Spicher Arthur Stoltzfus Ron Thomas Judith Trumbo Nelson Weber Tom Wenger Darrel White Steven Wiebe-King Louise Yoder Phyllis Yoder Dave Yutzy Jewel Yutzy Anonymous (1)


333 Living Alumni 57 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 17% $20,638 Giving Total Sharon Ambrose Beverly Bourne Jeff Bourne Lucy Brubaker Jeannie Brunk Cheryl Carey Dave Clemmer Mike Clemmer Deb Cribbs Deb Dutcher Titus Dutcher Peggy Ebersole Corinne Gerberich Rose Hackman Janie Heatwole Becky Holmes Janet Horst Merle Hostetler Sue Huston George Insley, Jr. Chris Kennel Elvin Kennel Mary Jane Kennel Tim Kennel Freeman Lehman Joy Martin Kim Martin Lee Martin Natalie Mayer Matt McMullen Mark Merkley

Victoria Myer Dan Nafziger Evie Nafziger John Nussbaum Shawn Ramer Katrine Rose Althea Salomone Julia Sauder Cheryl Shank Ken Shank Dave Shenk Elaine Shetler-Miller Sue Shirk Beverly Smeltzer Dave Swartley Larry Swartzendruber Melissa Thomas Donna Van Horn John Weber Robert Wenger Calvin Yoder Donna Yoder Marianne Yoder Randy Yoder Kenton Zehr Anonymous (1)


280 Living Alumni 41 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 15% $4,133 Giving Total Nathan Barge Jill Basinger Mullet Cathy Bolton Roy Bomberger, Jr. Ed Brubaker Brenda Carranza Jenifer Garlitz Steve Gehman Gloria Gill Jeff Hackman Bruce Hochstetler Cheryl Hollinger Crystal Horning Phil Kanagy Kay Kehs Wendy Kennel Laurie King Robert Kniss Jan Lehman Peg Martin James Maust Joyce Maxwell Bonnie Miller Terry Moshier Daryl Myers Marci Myers Angie Neely Cheryl Patterson-Reeves Mary Petry Jim Rittenhouse Rick Rutt Diane Scott Sharon Shenk Pam Smith Grant Stoltzfus Connie Swartzendruber Julie Wiebe Jill Wiebe-King Howard Yoder Marlin Yoder John Zehr


288 Living Alumni 60 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 21% $16,388 Giving Total Janette Amstutz Teresa Anders Mary Bendfeldt Lori Bolton Evelyn Bomberger Lois Brubaker Janet Caley Cheryl Derstine Charles Eberly Allison Flanders Ellie Gathright Pearl Hartman Dale Hartzler Merlin Hedrick Nevin Herr Jeanette Hershey Dolores Hertzler Kathy Hertzler Jeanette Hunt Margo Jantzi Dan Keener Marty King Carol Kotva Joe Kotva, Jr. Lisa Kurtz Roger Kurtz Lisa Landes Nelda Litwiller Bill Longacre Tom Martin Roger Mast Denise Y. Miller Lowell Miller Richard Mininger Dawn Nyce Douglas Nyce Mark Peachey Shana Peachey Boshart Sheila Raim Doug Rheinheimer Ben Risser Kendra Rittenhouse Amy Rosenberger Craig Ruth Naomi Ruth Beverly Shank Kim Shank Jonelle Shenk Cathy Smeltzer Erb Ramona Stahl Sonya Stauffer Kurtz Douglas Stoltzfus Shelby Swartley John Swartzentruber Barbara Tafuni Bruce Thomas Gordon Wenger Denton Yoder Gary Yoder Harold Yoder


267 Living Alumni 60 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 22% $12,439 Giving Total Lois Alderfer Steve Alderfer Dave Alger Loren Bender Dave Bergey Lori Bergey

Rhonda Blosser Brian Boettger Todd Bolton David Boshart Mary Jo Bowman Brad Callihan Bev Cox Mike Derstine Rosita Derstine Sonya Eberly Connie Ebersole Dale Frederick Jacki Gascho Gary Gautsche Karla Gingerich Janene Good Debbie Hedrick Barry Hertzler Les Horning Bob Horst Brenda Kniss Clyde Kratz David Landes Cynthia Lapp Jim Leaman Paul Leaman, Jr. Beth Lichty Annette Mast Cheryl Mast Kris Miller Rachel Miller Linda Mininger Lois Mishler Joanne Moore Gary Myers Linnet Nyce Celah Pence Wanda Revercomb Audrey Shenk Sherwyn Smeltzer Marcia Smith Jill Snider Susan Stoltzfus Lisa Tissue Janet Troyer Judy VandeBunte Andrea Wenger Delbert Wenger Mary Willis Rodney Yoder Linda Yutzy Bonnie Zehr Anonymous (2)


254 Living Alumni 51 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 20% $20,866 Giving Total Rodney Alderfer Rose Ann Baer Yvonne Boettger Pam Bone Donna Bowen Steve Brubaker Don Carufel-Wert | crossroads | 41

Diane Coblentz Allison Collingwood Glenda Cook Lisa Crist Elizabeth Dunmore Brian Ebersole Barbara Gingrich Sandy Harnish Joe Hollinger Jeanne Horst Ruby Hostetler Janet Hostetter Linda Hunsecker Lolly Kratz Jim Lapp Emmanuel Mbualungu Kevin Miller Luke Miller Mark Miller Chris Neblett Rob Pence Krista Powell Valerie Rheinheimer Candy Ross-Cleary Wanda Roth Joani Schweitzer Randy Seitz Cheryl Shearer Tobin Shearer Pat Shelly Lynn Shertzer Missy Short Deirdre Smeltzer Angie Stikeleather Dean Weaver Todd Weaver Kris Witmer Nelson Witmer Joni Yoder Phil Yoder Anonymous (4)


243 Living Alumni 54 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 22% $14,209 Giving Total Devon Anders Gretchen Baugher Scott Beachy Philip Borkholder Kate Brainard-Lee Janice Bylsma Jeanette Christophel Kevin Christophel Randy Coblentz Tim Derstine Daniel Dunmore Carol Eby-Good Rod Eshleman Julie Fix Lela Faye Graber Norma Harris Lori Hartman-Keiser Rich Hartz Barbie Hartzler Heather Herschberger Jerry Hertzler Lisa Hertzler Larion Hostetler Eric Hostetter Char Jacob Sharon King Tammy Kiser Trish Kratz Lori Leaman Joel Lehman Becky Leichty Kerry Leichty

Lynette Mast Karl Miller Steve Mumbauer Audrey Myers Vonnie Oyer Mary Beth Ranck Neil Reinford Gloria Rhodes Anne Richter Todd Shenk Craig Snider Kathy Stoll Jeff Strong Mary Tee Molly Via Becky Waybill Anne Weaver Deb Whetzel Wayne Witmer Lin Yoder Anonymous (2)


288 Living Alumni 41 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 14% $4,515 Giving Total Jodi Beachy Joanne Bender Brenda Benner Mark Deavers Becky Detweiler Lee Ebersole John Fuller Mary Glick Kris Griswold Larry Guengerich Mary Hostetler Kirby Keim Heidi King Tony Krabill Eric Kurtz John Lichty John Martin Chris Mast Cindy Mathews Jeff Myers Grace Nolt Tracy Prinz Lisa Shelly Paul Shelly Rinn Siegrist Eric Smucker Hubie Stoll Lonna Stoltzfus Anne Marie Stoner-Eby Scott Stoner-Eby Ted Swartz John Thomas Leora Troyer Jonathan Weaver Rose Weaver Beth Weaver-Kreider Luisa Witmer Mary Ellen Witmer Juji Woodring Curt Yoder Anonymous (1)


249 Living Alumni 26 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 10% $3,518 Giving Total Larry Alderfer Donna Bentz Kim Corson

42 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11

Heidi Fellenbaum Darrell Gascho Paul Groff Denise Hart Edie Holsopple Eric Hostetler Lavonn Hostetler Joy Hunsberger Carissa Kratz Jonathan Kreider Kim Kurtz Wanda Manickam Kathy Miller Rhonda Miller Teresa Moser Amy Mumbauer Steve Nyce Roxie Ramseyer Tim Schultz Chuck Snader Mike Weaver Jon Weaver-Kreider Carolyn Yoder


274 Living Alumni 44 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 16% $20,415 Giving Total Dawn Alderfer Darin Benner Max Bentz Philip Bergey Bruce Buckwalter Karen Burkholder Ken Burkholder Andy Dula Michelle Dula Doug Friesen Val Hertzler Rebecca Hess Dave Hockman-Wert Charlotte Hunsberger Steven Hunsberger Yvonne Keim Tammy Kennedy Rick Kratz Suzanne Kratz Dwight Landis Gwen Landis Jeff Landis Brent Lehman Mark Longacher Kevin Longenecker Keith Lyndaker Schlabach Tonya Martin Dean Mast Jan Mast Doug Moyer Sheryl Moyer Jeremy Nafziger Ramona Nissley Pam Porter Cedric Roth Donna Sensenig Kris Shank Zehr Elizabeth Solanki Jill Stoltzfus Carolyn Strong Amy Troyer Diane Weaver Cheryl Zook Anonymous (1)


302 Living Alumni 52 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 17% $10,564 Giving Total Doug Alderfer Troy Alderfer Ken Beidler Craig Bontrager Karen Bontrager Steve Breidigan Roy Brubaker Kevin Byler Sandy Byler Kevin A. Clark Janessa Cobb Peter Dula Steve Godshall Lee Good Pam Groff Janelle Guntz Yoder Andre Hertzler Dale Hess Joyce Hostetler Sharyn Iwaniec Steve Johnson Doug King Marshall King Sally Krabill June Kuykendall Londa Lam Judy Leatherman Lisa Longacher Cory Longacre Shelby Longenecker Carol Miller Rhonda Miller Amy Moyer Todd Moyer Sue Mumbauer Darin Nissley Jenni Piper Rich Sauder Missy Schrock Kent Sensenig Ryan Sensenig Kirk Shank Zehr Dan Shenk-Evans Brett Sherman Missy Solanki Amy Springer Lisa Stoltzfus Marcia Widmer Jennifer Wright Mike Yoder Lynn Zehr Pam Zuercher


288 Living Alumni 39 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 14% $10,345 Giving Total Rosalyn Alleman Diann Beach Keith Bitikofer Stephen Cavanaugh Michael Ann Courtney Rosemary Good Karen Harlow Dana Harshberger Lin Hoober Marla Hoober Flo Horning Chad Hostetler Julie Hurst Sandy Huston Delores Jameson

Linda Longacre Ella Martin Gloria Mast Beth Miller Lance Miller Karen Minatelli Gwen Moyer Joleen Myers Steve Ness Sherri Peters Janell Sauder Sam Sauder Kris Short Marv Smoker Mark Stoltzfus Gina Troyer Inga Troyer Mitch Troyer Vaughn Troyer John Van Horn Susan Warner Andrea Weaver Mark Wenger Renae Yoder


254 Living Alumni 29 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 11% $4,468 Giving Total Kathy Alderfer Keang Beiler Todd Bowman Steve Brenneman Debbie Click Monica Cooper Monica Esch Sara Godshall Janice Greenleaf Matt Greenleaf Kent Hartzler Steph Hartzler Janice Hedrick Tim Hedrick Jeane Hershey Steve Kriss III Ken Landis Kristen Leichty Rhoda Longenecker Kristen Mark Rod Martin Manuel Nunez Eric Peifer Elaine Shenk John Stoltzfus Valerie Weaver-Zercher Bob Yoder Jim Yoder Laurie Yoder


297 Living Alumni 43 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 14% $6,843 Giving Total Brenda Bechler Christine Bitikofer Ben Bolanos Victoria Brenneman JJ. Egli Stacey Egli Elaine Esch Eric Esch Stephen Farrar Tina Friesen Joe Gascho II Erica Graham

Karen Hertzler Minnette Hostetler Joel Kauffman Paula King Rosie Landis Greta Leinbach-Kreider Jennifer Litwiller Craig Martin Curtis Martin Marcelo Mast Dione McDonald Kent Miller Kristin Oberholtzer Janelle Thomas Scott Sommers Joyce Stephens Laura Stutzman Tim Stutzman Roger Styron, Jr. Tim Swartzendruber Susanna Unternahrer Zook Anita Wansley Rachel Weaver Evan Wenger Heidi West Anna Wyse Kathy Yoder Angela Zimmerman Anonymous (3)


311 Living Alumni 26 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 8% $3,480 Giving Total David Bechler Jason Berg Laura Brenneman Joe Buckwalter Catharine Frederick Karen Galvin Derek Gingerich Andrea Kauffman Krista Martin Marshall McDonald Alice-Ann Menjivar Kevin Miller Denise Oberholtzer Jen Peifer Mark Schroeder Michael Shank Cheri Wampole Chris Wampole Mike Weaver Katrina Wyse Em Yoder Phil Yoder Scott Yoder Stephanie Yoder Andre Zook Anonymous (1)


381 Living Alumni 34 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 9% $5,583 Giving Total Stuart Armstrong Carrie Bert Daryl Bert Beth Bowman Bob Brenneman II Derek Buchanan Sera Buckwalter Tracie Dickson Emily Dovel

Sheldon Esch Sam Flook Chad Hatter Geoffrey Hileman Cara Hummel Trent Hummel David King Michelle King Denise Litwiller Jeremy Litwiller Diane Martin Steve McClay Steve Miller Michael Murphy Tom Oberholtzer Christa Obold-Eshleman Kirsten Reinford Timothy Rice Greg Sala Mike Showell Jeff Souder Tonya Swarey Eric Swartley Jon Swartley Yao Tsikata Keith Zimmerman


327 Living Alumni 32 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 10% $5,668 Giving Total Linda Alger Melody Althouse Tim Althouse Jeff Barbour Susan Bouchonville Bonnie Bowser Henry Bowser II Nate Clemmer Lara Fisher Eric Gehman Lisa Gerber Troy Gerber Lori Hatter Joanna Heatwole Krista Hook Kristel Kennedy Tom Kennedy Jon Landis Maria Linder-Hess Ryan Linder-Hess Gail Miller Darrel Reinford Sid Ruth Charla Sommers Gary Sommers Ryan Steiner Paula Stoltzfus Kris Anne Swartley Aaron Troyer Janet Weber Anonymous (2)


306 Living Alumni 29 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 9% $4,441 Giving Total Laurie Miller Lorene Derstine Jennifer Gochenaur Tina Hartman Jenelle Hershey-Hoover Craig Hofstetter Dwayne Horst Darrick Hummel

Ryan Kauffman Valerie Kauffman Farrah Koogler Jeremy Kratz Mike McElroy Drew Miller Jason Myers-Benner Becca Nice Ellyn Nolt Jeff Nolt Sandy Palmer Shana Reinford Tim Short Danielle Siembida Aaron Stauffer Renee Stauffer Ky Stoltzfus Nessa Stoltzfus Juli Sunderland Ben Wyse Anonymous (1)


380 Living Alumni 17 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 4% $2,563 Giving Total Jason Alderfer Maria Bowman Shane Dovel Matt Goins Keith Hoover Obe Hostetter Laura King Leah Kratz Julie Lehman Ryan Livengood Quincy Longacre Melody Mast Gwen Renno Mindi Roland Schrock Virginia Showalter Steve Swartzendruber Anthony Thoman


332 Living Alumni 23 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 7% $5,315 Giving Total Brooke Clemmer Kara Derstine Zach Derstine Michael George David Guengerich Carmen Horst Alan Hostetler Jill Hostetter Brenda Kidd Jen Kratz Todd Lehman Jesse Mosier Jonathan Moyer Stephanie Moyer Janelle Myers-Benner Jason Rissler Kristi Ruth Brad Schrock Ryan Siegrist Derik Trissel Aaron Yoder Melinda Yoder Michelle Zook


338 Living Alumni 25 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 7% $10,174 Giving Total Kirsten Beachy Abe Caceres, Jr. Matthew Eshleman Deborah Good Michelle Guengerich Hans Harman Kyle Horst Ravonn Kauffman Rudi Kauffman Dan Lapp Lynley Lapp Elizabeth Livengood Renee Neufeld Geoff Nolt Stashia Nolt Dorothy Salvaggio Wendell Shank Joseph Shenk Hannah Steiner Kevin Steiner Laura Steiner Todd Stoltzfus Jennifer Whitmore Alex Yoder Anonymous (1)


337 Living Alumni 23 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 7% $3,910 Giving Total Rachel Bowman David Brubaker Marilyn Davis Jeremiah Denlinger Jen Edris Justin Edris Sarah Harman Holly Hochstetler Ross Kauffman Andrea Leaman Lisa Lehman Welby Lehman Eloy Rodriguez Ryan Schrock Sarah Schrock Briana Shelton Timothy Shoemaker Mandi Stoltzfus Katie Swartzendruber Justin Yoder Shannon Yoder Kim Zook Anonymous (1)


357 Living Alumni 23 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 6% $6,288 Giving Total Brandon Bergey Mike Culen Conrad Erb BJ. Gerber Sherah-Leigh Gerber Steve Gibbs, Jr. Lisa Hawkins Susan Holtzman Sue Horst Andrew Ickes Tim Jaquet Andrew Jenner

Eric Kennel Kristin Moyer Becky Rodriguez Tama Shoemaker Angela Somma Denver Steiner Amanda Swartley Michael Swartley Ben Wideman Heather Yoder Rochelle Yoder


319 Living Alumni 24 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 8% $4,000 Giving Total Becci Anderson Becky Armstrong James Bergey Heather Cribb Jason Garber Jason Good Absalom Heatwole Shank Kendra Heatwole Shank Samuel Hernandez Vickie Huff Hadley Jenner Loretta Lancaster Becca Mast John Neiswander Erin Price Wendy Rhodes Julianne Ross Jason Schetrompf Casey Severs Lisa Shank Travis Smith Ben Weaver Denae Weaver Meredith Wideman


300 Living Alumni 18 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 6% $1,360 Giving Total Kevin Beachy Bryce Bergey Maureen Bergey Zach Bower Tammy Briggs Derrick Charles Paul Gabb Bryn Mullet Good Rachel Jenner Michael Kniss Marlana Lancaster Ayami Makino Joel Miller Lehman Stephanie Miller Lehman Adam Savanick Kelly Sayre Joel Shank | crossroads | 43

Misty Wintsch


285 Living Alumni 12 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 4% $1,335 Total Rachel Spotts Amina Auezova Rebekah Charles Amanda Culen Jordan Green Liza Heavener Maria Hoover Aimee Kauffman Heather Keim Jon Styer Megan Tiller David Troyer


299 Living Alumni 7 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 2% $738 Giving Total Lars Akerson Pam Baldwin Dave Gish Calen Hochstetler Barbie Jenkins Lisa King Lauren Michel


296 Living Alumni 14 Donors Alumni Participation Rate 5% $1,850 Giving Total Jared Byler Brandy Hales Lindsay Kisamore Jim Koblish Katie Lehman Peter Lehman Amanda Madden Rachel Mast Pete Scherer III David Showalter Kelly Smucker Rebecca Souder Gish John Tomassetti


220 Living Alumni 43 Class Gift Donors Alumni Participation Rate 20% $1,424 Giving Total Libby Aldis Brent Beachy Christa Beckler Andrea Bowman Kelly Brewer Peter Cook Alyssa Derstine Lauren Derstine Kelly Baker Allison Glick Jason Godshall James Hall Philip Hall Michael Harnish David Hawkins

Emily Hertzler Ashley Hevener Amy Histand Jenny Hochstetler Janine Kanagy Marsha Kanagy Nathan Kauffman Amy Layman Marvin Lorenzana Rachel Marsh Tamara Meyer Kate Nussbaum Curtis Reesor Justin Reesor Sarah Roth Karissa Sauder Mary Shank Michael Showalter Dustin Steiner Kathryn Taylor Louisa Tindall Barry Weixler-Landis Heather Wilkins Rebecca Yoder Aaron Yutzy

Seminary Alumni Anonymous (7) Linda Alley Robert Alley Renee Antrosio Myron Augsburger Dale Baer Pam Baldwin Elaine Zook Barge Wayne Beachy Ken Beidler Titus Bender Brenda Benner David Black Glendon Blosser Velma Blosser Rhoda Blough Ron Blough Brian Boettger Ruth Bolton John Bomberger G. Edwin Bontrager Paul Bontrager David Boshart Mary Jo Bowman Todd Bowman Fred Breeden George Brenneman Bob Brubaker Shirley Yoder Brubaker David Brunk George Brunk III Truman Brunk Marian Buckwalter Ken Burkholder Ruel Burkholder Jayne Byler Kevin Carey Jeffery Carr Harvey Chupp Kevin A. Clark Gerry Clemmer Mike Clemmer Ralph Cline George Coffman Ross Collingwood Jubal Croegaert Harold Davenport Chuck Davis Debbie Denlinger John Denlinger Lorene Derstine

44 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11

Mike Derstine Blaine Detwiler Elbert Detwiler John Drescher Paul Dyck Lee Ebersole Phil Ebersole Peg Engle David Eshleman Samuel Espinoza Jim Foster Sandy Foster Dale Frederick Emma Frederick J. Mark Frederick, Jr. Joe Furry Jay Garber David Gehman Sherah-Leigh Gerber Tamara Gill Ray Gingerich Paul Gingrich Ike Glick Karl Glick Edward Godshall Claude Good Don Good Erik Gottfried Doug Graham Jeff Grosh Ronald Guengerich Douglas Hackney Dorothy Harnish Barry Hart, Jr. Peter Hartman Wilmer Hartman Dale Hartzler Dennis Hatter Conrad Heatwole Russell Heinrich Nancy Heisey Samuel Hernandez Rebecca Herr Daniel Hertzler Becky Hess Ernie Hess Kathy Hochstedler Clair Hollinger Carl Horning Les Horning Carmen Horst Elton Horst Kenneth Horst Loren Horst Reuben Horst Rob Hoskins, Jr. Deb Huffman Beryl Jantzi Lee Kanagy Hyun-ah Kang Elaine Kauffman Elton Kauffman Delbert Kautz Randy Keeler Kathy Keener Shantz Mark Keller Deryl Kennel David Kindy Doug King K. Eldon King Carl Kniss Phil Kniss Noah Kolb Jayne Kraemer Mark Kraemer Clyde Kratz John Kreider Ira Kurtz Laura Kurtz Paul Kurtz

C. Stephen Lamb Kay Lanasa Jon Landis Ken Landis Mark Landis Steve Landis James Lapp Wayne Lawton Eldon Layman Jim Leaman Paul Leaman Dale Lehman David Lehman Elmer Lehman Milton Lehman Alan Leinbach Devon Lengacher Jean Lengacher John Lock Mary Jane Lock Willie Longenecker Marvin Lorenzana Milford Lyndaker Rachelle Lyndaker Schlabach James Martin Jean Martin John Martin Lee Martin Lyle Martin Nelson Martin Robert Martin Conrad Mast Donna Mast Michael Mast James Maust Willard Mayer Everett Metzler James Metzler Lehman Metzler Freeman Miller Laurie Miller Sharon Miller Wendy Miller Richard Mininger Dawn Monger Dorcas Morrow Teresa Moser Richard Moyer Jim Musser Rodney Nafziger D Lowell Nissley Elizabeth Nissley Mike Normoyle Steve Nyce Laban Peachey Mark Peachey Jane Peifer Ida Poole Ike Porter Dan Purdom Tresa Quarles Herman Reitz Stephen Renalds Jim Rhen James Rhodes Sandra Richard Ben Risser Julian Rittenhouse Ubaldo Rodriguez Larry Rohrer Jim Roynon Jim Rush John Rush Jack Sawyer Ervin Schlabach Craig Schloneger Mark Schloneger Glen Sell Lois Sell Don Sensenig

Don Sharp Charles Shenk Harold Shenk John Shenk Marie Shenk Mary Grace Shenk Nelson Shenk Sheryl Shenk Tim Short Rick Showalter Bob Shreiner Bren Smith Robert Smith Jr LeVon Smoker Craig Snider Jill Snider James Stauffer Greg Steffen Elaine Stoltzfus Harvey Stoltzfus John Stoltzfus Paula Stoltzfus Bonnie Stutzman Ervin Stutzman Ted Swartz Fred Swartzendruber Loren Swartzendruber Steve Swartzendruber Ruby Turner Thomas Verghese Guy Vlasits Margie Vlasits Jennifer Weaver Ruth Weaver Sheri Weaver Elvin Weber Lester Weber Ralph Weller Earl Wenger David Whitten Gene Williams Walt Wiltschek Robert Witmer Rob Woodfin II Robert Woodfin Calvin Yoder Don Yoder Earl Yoder Elwood Yoder Harvey Yoder Heidi Miller Yoder Henry Yoder Jeremy Yoder Luke Yoder Paul Yoder Steve Yoder Twila King Yoder Lu Yutzy Douglas Zehr

Graduate Alumni Anonymous (1) Murl Baker Heather Benin Matthew Benin Jeff Butcher Sue Habig Annie Chou Nancy Coggeshall Pam Comer Sally Jane Conner Amy Potter Czajkowski George Davis Jonna Detweiler Sam Doe Bill Elliot

Heather Gigliotti Bob Gillette Bill Goldberg Vesna Hart Joyce Hedrick Valerie Helbert Claudia Henning Jan Jenner Darlene Keller Connie Keplinger Phoebe Kilby Aaron Kishbaugh Rhoda Kraus Jennifer Larson-Sawin Daniel Malec Sharon Marcey Jonathan Metzler Helen Nafziger Jean Ndayizigiye Vicki Normoyle Patricia Patton Jeremy Simons Jay Wittmeyer Marshall Yoder Robert Yutzy

Faculty, Staff & Retirees Mary Kay Adams Jason Alderfer Dave Alleman Linda Alley Myron Augsburger Elaine Zook Barge Jennifer North Bauman Marian Bauman Kirsten Beachy Brenda Bechler Susan Landes Beck Titus Bender Daryl Bert Jim Bishop Jim Bomberger Art Borden Lois Bowman Bonnie Bowser Leah Boyer Sandy Brownscombe Beryl Brubaker David Brubaker Frances Brubaker Kenton Brubaker Gerald Brunk Brian Burkholder Linda Burkholder Owen Byer Joan Chamberlain Kevin Clark Don Clymer Sue Cockley Pam Comer Phyllis Coulter Spencer Cowles Lisa Crist William Culbreth Amy Potter Czajkowski Charlene Davis Beverly Delp Kenton Derstine Dave Detrow Jayne Docherty Lewis Driver Peter Dula Deanna Durham Martha Eads Mary Emma Eby Jim Engle Fern Erb

Reta Finger Toni Flanagan Donald Foth Margaret Foth Jason Garber Margaret M. Gehman Steve Gibbs, Jr. Marcy Gineris Ray Gingerich Chris Gingrich David Glanzer Ervie Glick Linda Gnagey Bill Goldberg Jason Good Nancy Good Barbra Graber P.T. Guengerich Phil Guengerich Diann Harman Barry Hart, Jr. Joyce Hedrick Nancy Heisey Valerie Helbert Loretta Helmuth Phil Helmuth Michele Hensley Greta Ann Herin Samuel Hernandez Ann Hershberger Dolores Hertzler Jerry Holsopple Maria Hoover Ray Horst Samuel Horst Jeanne Horst Violet Horst Florence Horst Harold Huber Matthew Hunsberger Sha Jackson Vernon Jantzi Jan Jenner Phoebe Kilby Dave King Marty King Michael King Tammy Kiser Tara Kishbaugh Fred Kniss Gloria Kniss Leah Kratz Norman Kraus John Kreider Harold Kuhns Eldon Kurtz Roland Landes Jay Landis Joseph Lapp Jim Leaman Judy Leaman Lori Leaman Nancy Lee Robert Lee Allon Lefever Ed Lehman Jennifer Litwiller Marvin Lorenzana Carol Lown Lynne Mackey John Martin Joy Martin Pat Martin Gloria Mast Joe Mast Roger Mast Cindy Mathews Evelyn Maust Gretchen Maust Mike Medley

Ellen Miller Elroy Miller Laurie Miller Roman Miller Sharon Miller Wendy Miller Karen Moshier-Shenk Judy Mullet Catherine Mumaw Marci Myers Janelle Myers-Benner Helen Nafziger Ken J. Nafziger Ken L. Nafziger Mark Thiessen Nation Joan Nicholas Kevin Nickel Dawn Nyce Douglas Nyce Helen Ours Byron Peachey Ellen Peachey Laban Peachey Paul Peachey Hubert Pellman Mildred Pellman Jenni Piper Ron Piper Calvin Redekop Herman Reitz Gloria Rhodes Linden Rhodes Cathy Rittenhouse Kathleen Roth Lynn Roth Sarah Roth Jack Rutt Pamela Rutt Sam Sauder Mark Metzler Sawin Lisa Schirch Kent Sensenig Stephanie Shafer Lester Shank Lois Shank Audrey Shenk Calvin Shenk Gerald Shenk Sara Wenger Shenk Kirk Shisler Millard Showalter Virginia Showalter Deirdre Smeltzer Cathy Smeltzer Erb Anthony Smith Kathy Smith Cindy Smoker Lisa Smythe-Rodino Marty Snavely Lee Snyder Donna Souder Amy Springer Edward Stoltzfus Ron Stoltzfus Ervin Stutzman Tim Stutzman Jon Styer Walt Surratt Joanna Swartley Herb Swartz Loren Swartzendruber Tim Swartzendruber Don Tyson Jennifer Ulrich Cynthia Veenis JoAnne Wallis Doug Wandersee Dorothy Jean Weaver

Sam Weaver Sarah Weaver Dee Weikle Barry Weixler-Landis Andrea Schrock Wenger Lois Wenger Mark Wenger Dan Wessner Terry Whitmore Arlene Wiens Sue Williams Linda Witmer Alex Yoder Carroll Yoder Don Yoder Heidi Miller Yoder Jim Yoder Laura Yoder Lawrence Yoder Lonnie Yoder Nate Yoder Paul Yoder Twila King Yoder Howard Zehr

Friends & Parents

Donors of $500 or more to restricted and endowment funds

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Business &

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Bach Festival Donors Anonymous (1) Brian Adams Mary Kay and Gary Adams Frank Albrecht Arts Council of the Valley Myron and Esther Augsburger Richard and Elaine Bachman Jacob Baer, Jr. | crossroads | 45

John and Ann Barr Brian Bauer and Debbie Warnaar Jim and Joyce Benedict Bob Bersson Michael and Brenda Bishop William and Mary Blackwell Don and Judy Bomberger Mark and Beryl Brubaker Ruel and Diane Burkholder Earl and Donna Burkholder Ellen Campbell Joseph Carniglia Jay and Leslie Chadwick Judy and Ralph Cohen Ed and Cathy Comer Lee and Carol Congdon Charles and Sandra Conrad Pat Costie Phyllis and Jerry Coulter Donna Courtney Spencer and Shirley Cowles Gary and Kaye Crowther David and Sally Cureton Daughters of Song Louis and Patricia De Monte Tom Duval and Lorie Merrow Dynamic Aviation Inc E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation The Robert B. & Elisabeth T. Eggleston Foundation Janet Einstein Jody and David Evans Emily Everling Marilyn Finger Hal and Anne Finlayson Sam Fisher Grace Fitzsimmons Mary Beth and Ted Flory Elva Forman Margaret and Don Foth Brenda Fox Fred and Gail Fox John Froehlich Howard Frost and Miley Tucker-Frost Pearl Gamber Jim and Phyllis Gaskins Nancy and Larry Gerst Ray and Wilma Gingerich Julia Grandle Ralph Grove Philip and Sigrid Groves Diane and Bob Guzzi Nancy Hackman Chris and Norman Halteman Liam Hannaher Dwight and Pearl Hartman Dwayne and Dorothy Hartman Collier and Betty Harvey Leo Heatwole Linda Heatwole Bland and Sidney Bland Nancy Heisey and Paul Longacre Vera Heitz Phil and Loretta Helmuth Robert Herrmann Ann and Jim Hershberger Hiram and Mary Jane Hershey J. Harold Hess and Christine Schumacher Hill Price Family Legacy Fund Glenn and Sandra Hodge Mary Hollar Mary Holm Larry and Pat Hoover Eliza Hoover Samuel and Mary Ellen Horst Alden and Louise Hostetter Elizabeth Hostetter

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46 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11

Jack and Gloria Rutt Paul and June Schrock Kirk and Kris Shank Zehr Craig Shealy and Lee Sternberger Jon and Sheryl Shenk Dan and Naomi Shenk Geraldine Sherwood Kirk and Mary Ann Shisler Charlotte Shnaider Donald and Marlene Showalter Harley and Sadie Showalter Nelson and Phyllis Showalter Welby and Sharon Showalter Sam and Jan Showalter Robert and Charity Showalter Morris and Leone Sider Lynn Smith Don Smith Donald Smith Del and Lee Snyder Dan and Barbara Stickley Eugene Stoltzfus and Janet Trettner Stephen and Clarissa Street Robert and Lorraine Strickler Ann and Howard Sturgeon Loren and Pat Swartzendruber Fritz and Louise Temple-Rosebrook Roy and Carol Thomas Doris Trumbo Jennifer Ulrich Jo Umberger United Bank Virginia Commission for the Arts James and Betty Wagner Wal-Mart Foundation James and Carol Warner Debbie and Mitchell Weber Gretchen Welch Dean and Janet Welty Connie and Hugh Westfall Leigh C. Whaley, Jr. David Wick Kathy Williams Richard and Margaret Wurst Ingeborg and Vernon Yeich Carol Yetzer Paul and Carol Yoder Pat Yoder Ronald and Shirley Yoder Jack and Jeanne Zimmer

Honor Gifts In Honor of Elizabeth Zook Barge Nathan and Elaine Barge In Honor of Rebeca Barge Nathan and Elaine Barge In Honor of John & Malessa Cole Memorial United Methodist Church In Honor of Jim & Sue Ann Dale James and Marian Payne In Honor of Col William Gillette Bob Gillette In Honor of J & C Longacher Claire Whiting In Honor of Lynne Mackey Brian and Yvonne Boettger In Honor of Ora Mast James Lapp and Miriam Book

In Honor of James & Marian Payne David and Wanda Ford Barbara and David Swan In Honor of Bill & Jill Riggs Bob Gillette In Honor of Carol Thomas Susan and Jay Treadway In Honor of Irvin & Kitty Weaver Dean and Andrea Weaver In Honor of Jay & Nancy Yoder James and Marian Payne In Honor of Paul Marshall Yoder Douglas and Nancy Yoder In Honor of Howard Zehr Rose Ann and Gerald Baer

Memorial Gifts In Memory of Micah Berthold West End Mennonite Fellowship In Memory of Mary D. Brubaker Byard and Betty Deputy In Memory of Keith Nyles Esau John and Bernice Esau In Memory of Lee Eshleman Shaman Al Anezi Ferne Alderfer Jason Alderfer and Kirsten Beachy Sharon and Jeff Ambrose Janette and Neil Amstutz Devon and Teresa Anders Mary Baechle Rose Ann and Gerald Baer David and Rebecca Bartow Loren and Judith Bender Rhoda Blough Pam and David Bone Philip Borkholder David Boshart and Shana Peachey Boshart Donna and Frank Bowen Jim and Linda Bowman John and Hazel Bowman Lois Bowman Bernita and Harold Boyts Kate Brainard-Lee and Timothy Lee Julian and Patricia Brown Kenneth and Margaret Brown Ted and Jamie Brown Steve Brubaker Robert and Margaret Bruckhart George Brunk and Ruthann Miller Brunk Gerald and Shirley Brunk Sarah Burkholder Ellen Byrne Alfred and Donna Certosimo Joseph and Roberta Ciucci Jean Clayton Dennis Cleckner DDS Randy and Diane Coblentz Glenda and Peter Cook Elizabeth Cooke Dr. William Covington Eva Cox Michael and Carole Dishman B. Barham Dodson P. James Doyle

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Rae Wine John Wittrock Sandra and Bob Wynne Byard and Judy Yoder Delvon and Shirley Yoder Duane and Mary Yoder Marshall and Julie Yoder Paul and Ann Yoder Rodney Yoder Bonnie Zehr and Jerry Hess John and Jane Zehr Cheryl Zook In Memory of Matthew Garber David and Kimberly Black John and Katherine Garber Lisa King David and Jennifer Moser Jim and Carol Spicher Milo and Bonnie Stauffer Loren and Pat Swartzendruber Doug and Jane Vendrely Royce and Marcia Yoder In Memory of Charles Graber Pine Grove Mennonite Church Calvin and Donna Roggie

In Memory of Sanford Snider Anne Caravati Daniel Norman

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In Memory of Mildred Stoltzfus Daughters of Song

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In Memory of Ruth Brunk Stoltzfus Duane and Joanna Swartley In Memory of Esther Mable Yoder George and Suzanne Brooks John and Betsy Culotta Benjamin and Judy Hahn Edith Layman Ernest and Ruth Ann Miller Lillian Miller Ruth Miller Dorothy Powell Jean and Vonda Preston Evangeline Yoder Tim Yoder Victor and Mary Zodda

added from July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010

In Memory of Esther K. Lehman Robert and Dorothy Yoder

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Endowed Scholarships

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See complete listing of endowed and annual scholarships on the EMU website

Bequests & Matured Deferred Gifts Earl R. Delp Erma D. High Florence E. Horst Esther K. Lehman Luella R. Linder Horace W. Longacre Kenneth A. Longacre, Sr. Gladys I. Mellinger Ella May Miller Ivan J. Miller Mary B. Moyers Marlin H. Seitz Mary Florence Shenk Iona S. Weaver See a complete listing of EMU’s Jubilee Friends on the EMU website

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In Memory of Kenneth Nauman DeSoto County Ministerial Association Ambrosio Encarnacion Benjamin and Martha Hershey David and Esther Kniss Fred and Sonia Lehman Pine Creek Chapel Cheryl Landis In Memory of Dick Rudeen Lynn and Kermit Johnson | crossroads | 47

Chris Neblett Grace Nolt Steve and Kay Nussbaum William Octave Donald and Jean Oswald Barbara J. Payton Perkiomen Tours & Travel Inc Timothy and Freda Pickle Roy and Linda Plunkett Anthony Pratkanis Tracy Prinz Sheila and Daniel Raim Shawn Ramer and Victoria Myer Joel and Val Reinford Herman and Mary Reitz Wanda and Mark Revercomb Dr. James Revere, Jr. Doug and Val Rheinheimer Gloria Rhodes and Bradley Lehman Jay and Pat Rohrer Amy Rosenberger and Michael Zungolo Phil and Karen Rush Naomi and Craig Ruth Julia Sauder Vincent Sawicki Tom and Ruby Sawin Randy and Barbara Schaaf Bruce and Annette Scheib Ruth and Devon Schrock Randy and Patsy Seitz John Setaro Beverly Shank Kim Shank Tobin and Cheryl Shearer Pat Shelly Alice Shenk Todd Shenk Brett Sherman and Mira Grieser Chad and Khristine Sherman Sam and Jan Showalter Rinn Siegrist David Sipes DDS Beverly and Kevin Smeltzer James and Mary Smith Marcia and Andy Smith Ronald and Mary Lu Smucker Sheri and Dave Smucker Bob and Vivian Speas Wayne and Joanne Speigle Jim and Carol Spicher John and Virginia Spicher Ramona Stahl and David Cowardin Dr. Jim R. Stanley DDS Leon and Nancy Stauffer Suzanne and Bruce Stauffer Douglas Stoltzfus Geneva Suter Nelson and Donna Suter Ernest and Mary Swartz Ted and Sue Swartz John Swartzentruber and Lauren McKinney Julie Swartzentruber Mary Tee and Jainhua Guo Bruce and Joy Thomas Lisa and Rodney Tissue Donald and Brenda Troyer Marilyn Turner Jennifer Ulrich John and Donna Van Horn Andy and Nancy Wade Linda C. Wade Becky Waybill Todd and Anne Weaver Jon and Elizabeth Weaver-Kreider Delbert and Andrea Wenger Lowell and Janet Wenger Mary and Raymond Whalen Claire Whiting Paul Wiley

He Gave His Life

photograph courtesy of lisa schirch

BY VALERIE NEFF NEWITT Glen Lapp, BSN, RN, gave his life to the service of others — literally. Lapp packed his nursing skills and his Mennoniteinspired commitment to a peaceful world and journeyed to Afghanistan in October 2008. Working for the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), Akron, Pennsylvania, he helped to provide eye care and other medical support in the rugged, war-torn country. Just two months before his anticipated October [2010] return to the U.S., Lapp participated in a two-week mobile eye clinic to test and treat people with eye diseases in Nuristan province at the invitation of the locals. But on an ill-fated return trip to his base in Kabul, Lapp, 40, and nine other team members perished. They were ambushed, robbed and riddled with bullets in a remote wooded area of Badakhshan province. The Taliban has claimed responsibility, and so have lesser insurgents. Yet the identity of the assailants is still unconfirmed. Authorities have said it might have been a band of rogue thieves who committed the heinous act. Despite the tragic details of Lapp’s untimely death, it is his brief but purposeful life that will be his legacy. “He was a dedicated nurse — both here and abroad. The loss of Glen and his colleagues is not only a loss for the people of Afghanistan, but for all of us in the global health community,” said Martha N. Hill, PhD, RN, FAAN, dean of Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Baltimore, where Lapp received a BS in 1995 in the school’s second degree accelerated program. Lapp had earlier earned a degree from Eastern Mennonite University (EMU), in Harrisonburg, Virginia. [He was a ’91 math major at EMU.] Ruth Zimmerman, LPN [’94 and MA ’02], was Lapp’s direct supervisor for MCC in Asia. She said Lapp’s interest in Afghanistan emerged after he visited a friend there in 2004. “Glen loved the adventure of it. I’m sure this last trip to the outer reaches of Afghanistan — places where hardly any other people on earth have ever gone — was the dream of a lifetime for him. The team travelled by Jeep for hours and hours, then they walked, then they rode on horseback over mountain passes just to get there. They had to carry all their equipment with them. It was terribly hard to reach, and in the end, it was also dangerous.” Zimmerman added wistfully, “Glen was the ideal nurse, very self contained and capable, as well as extremely compassionate - and above all, humble about it.” Lisa Schirch, on faculty of EMU’s graduate program in

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Glen Lapp '91 and EMU professor Lisa Schirch in Kabul, Afghanistan, in December, 2009. Schirch was in Afghanistan (and has returned there) for the 3D Security Initiative (

justice and peacebuilding, is also a teacher at the University of Kabul. She’s been to that distant capital city three times since December, staying in the same guest house as Lapp, where they shared meals, conversations and hours exploring Kabul together. Just before his death, Lapp was preparing an exit report to be filed with Mennonite Central Committee upon his return to the U.S. And while the report was never completed, it did speak to Lapp’s ongoing commitment to service. He said in part: “The main thing expats can do is to be a presence in the country [Afghanistan]. Treating people with respect and with love.” Schirch said [that] “Glen was very proud to be a nurse; he chose this profession to serve others. And what’s more, he chose to do it in a war zone. He was aware of the danger, but he was willing to take the risk. I don’t think his life was wasted, I feel it’s a testament to his character, his beliefs and his work.”  Glen Lapp was a member of Community Mennonite Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where his parents Mary and Marvin ’72 Lapp live. This article was excerpted with permission from Advance for Nurses at, where the full version was posted on August 11, 2010. Valerie Newitt is the magazine’s senior associate editor.


Daniel and Cara Danette-Salmon Risser, both '05, brought their 2-year-old daughter, Grace, to EMU Homecoming and Family Weekend 2010 in October.

Faculty and Staff

Susan Landes Beck is associate director of development with primary responsibilities for the Shenandoah Valley. Previously, Susan was the director of marketing and recruitment at the Center for Justice and PeaceBuilding. Susan earned a BA at Goshen College and an MSW at Western Michigan University. She is a licensed clinical social worker.

David R. Brubaker, associate professor at EMU’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, is the co-author (with Ruth Hoover Zimmerman) of The Little Book of Healthy Organizations – Tools for Understanding and Transforming Your Organizations, published by Good Books in late 2009. David is a graduate of Messiah College. He holds a MBA from Eastern University and a PhD from the University of Arizona. Laura Daily is assistant for advancement. Laura was previously employed at Sunnyside Retirement Community and Bentley Commons, Staunton, in executive administration and marketing roles. Peter Dula, assistant professor of religion and culture, is the author of Cavell, Companionship and Christian Theology (Oxford University Press, 2010). Peter earned his PhD at Duke University. Annmarie Early, associate professor of counseling, is the director of the MA in counseling program, replacing P. David Glanzer ’71, who continues as graduate dean. She earned an MS and a PhD in marital and family therapy at Fuller Theological Seminary, as well as

an MA in Christian leadership there. She is a certified Emotion Focused Therapy trainer, with extensive experience working with couples.

both AMBS and Goshen College. She worked in the libraries of both schools and as a live-in caregiver for Mennonite Disabilities Committee.

Joanne Gallardo is associate campus pastor. Joanne graduated from Goshen College in 2006 with a B.A. in music/ Bible, religion and philosophy and from Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) with an MDiv degree in May 2010. She had several pastoral internships in various congregations, served as assistant for the AMBS Explore program as well as the church and ministry department. Joanne assisted in planning and leading chapels at

Jessica Garwood, from Longmont, Colo., is the administrative assistant for student life. Previously, she was a service manager at the Wells Fargo Bank in Boulder. She has experience in higher education from working at her alma mater, Emporia State University in Kansas as a marketing coordinator in the office of graduate studies. Barry Hart, MDiv ’78, is professor at EMU’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, as well as the center’s

Nominate Someone for an Alumni Award! At Homecoming each October, EMU confers two awards on alumni: (1) Alumnus/a of the Year and (2) Distinguished Service. You are invited to nominate persons for each of these awards, to be conferred in October 2011. Use the online form at or send nominations to Douglas Nyce, EMU Director of Alumni/Parent Relations, 1200 Park Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802. You may also e-mail your nominations to Please include the nominees’ names, approximate years of graduation (to help us not confuse the person with someone else), and explain the reasons why they deserve the award in up to 500 words (in approximately one or two double-spaced, typed pages). Nominees must possess a degree conferred by EMU or have attended EMU at least two years; they should have made a significant positive impact on their profession, church, community, family, or the world.The Distinguished Service Award has similar requirements, with an additional emphasis on contributions in the areas of service and peacemaking. The names of previous award winners can be found at

academic director. Barry earned his undergraduate degree at the University of Maryland and holds a PhD from the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University. Lynn Roth, executive director of the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, and Kathleen Roth, director of EMU’s Intensive English Program, traveled in the Middle East from November 8, 2010, to January 10, 2011. They connected with EMU partners and alumni in Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Both Lynn and Kathleen are graduates of Fresno Pacific College, a Mennonite-Brethren institution in California. Lynn also earned his MSW there; Kathleen holds a master’s degree from Temple University. Joni Sancken is assistant professor of preaching and practical theology at the seminary. She earned her PhD in Homiletics from the Toronto School of Theology in 2009 and an MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary in 2004. She is a 1998 BA graduate of Goshen College. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Practical Theology and Religious Practices at Emory University in May 2010. She has special interest in the intersections between theology and preaching. She grew up in First Mennonite Church in Urbana, Ill., and is married to Steve Schumm, a 1995 graduate of EMU. He is a pastor ordained by the Mennonite Church of Eastern Canada. Deirdre L. Smeltzer ’87 and Owen Byer, both faculty members in EMU’s math department, have written a textbook, Methods for Euclidean Geometry, that has been published by the Math- | crossroads | 49

ematical Association of America. Deirdre holds an MS and a PhD in mathematics from the University of Virginia. Byer, who majored in math at Messiah College, holds an MS. and PhD in mathematics from the University of Delaware.

EMC Folk Band Celebrated Album’s 40th Anniversary It started on Maplewood 3rd West, when hallmates Dwight Roth ’69 and Arlin “Rich” Yoder ’70 began teaching themselves to sing and play the guitar. Soon there was a third – John Longacre ’70 – and then two more: Ruth White ’70 and Rosey Ross ’71. The five friends began practicing in EMC’s Northlawn basement, playing folk, gospel and other popular songs. The called themselves The Optimists; by the late ‘60s, they were performing for whoever would take the time to listen. “It just kind of took off,” said Ross, who sang and played tambourine with the group. “We did a lot of programs.” During their short career together at EMC, The Optimists performed for youth groups and churches in Virginia and Pennsylvania, at talent shows, and even at a Virginia state penitentiary, behind locked gates and under guard. In 1969, the group recorded its first album, “Through Any Storm,” at Ridgeway Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg. The following year was a big one: Dwight and Ruth married each other, The Optimists recorded their second and final album, “The Song We Sing,” in the EMHS auditorium, and, upon Rich, John and Ruth’s graduation from EMC, the group dissolved as members went their separate ways after college. “We had a good time,” said Dwight, who now lives with Ruth in Rocky Mount, N.C. “For me, [it] was probably one of the highlights of going to EMC.” The five friends have kept in close touch ever since, reuniting periodically to sing old songs and spend more time together. In the summer of 2009, on the 40th anniversary of their first recording, The Optimists got together in New Holland, Pa., where Rich and his wife, Rachel, live, for a weekend of singing and enjoying the bond between them that hasn’t faded a bit in four decades. “We developed a really good friendship,” said Rosey, now a family nurse practitioner at a rural health clinic in Fairview, Mich. “When we get back together again, it seems like just last week that we had been together [before].” — Andrew Jenner ’04

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Dee Ann Burgess Weikle is assistant professor of mathematics. Dee graduated from Rice University with a BS in electrical engineering in 1985. She subsequently worked as an engineer at Tracor Aerospace and then Motorola Semiconductor in Austin, Texas. In 1993 she completed her PhD in computer science at the University of Virginia, specializing in computer architecture with an emphasis on memory system analysis and design. During this time her three children were born. In 2001-02, she lived in Sweden with her family. Thereafter she continued to work for UVa as an adjunct professor, research scientist and consultant to the Curry School of Education. Dee is a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Charlottesville, where she has been involved in both the peace and justice committee and Christian education. Lonnie D. Yoder, professor of pastoral care and counseling, has a new role as associate dean of the seminary. Lonnie has been an EMU faculty member since 1991. He served as interim assistant dean from 1999-2000. Lonnie was a member of a mission team to Haiti, under the auspices of Mennonite Central Committee and Virginia Mennonite Missions May 17-24, 2010. Lonnie holds an MDiv from Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary and a PhD (religion and personality) from the University of Iowa. Howard Zehr, professor of restorative justice at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, spent 10 days over Thanksgiving 2010 in Germany and Switzerland where he received the Michael Stattler Prize from the German Mennonite Peace Committee and gave numerous presentations. His visit coincided with the publication of the German-languae edition of his bestselling LIttle Book of Restorative Justice. In January 2011, Zehr’s latest book, What Will Happen to Me? (co-authored with Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz) was published. It focuses on the plight of the children of prisoners.


Bertha Beachy ’53, Goshen, Ind., a longtime worker in Africa and the Middle East with Eastern Mennonite Mission (EMM) and Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), presented “Why and How We Should Carry on Dialogue with Muslims,” at an Abraham’s Tent forum in Martin Chapel of EMU’s seminary building, Oct. 12, 2010. In 1958, Bertha joined the EMM missionary team in Somalia. She worked there and in other African countries, usually among Muslims, for decades. She served in Iraq with Christian Peacemaker Teams and participated in a learning tour in Iran with MCC.

H. Eugene (Gene) Herr ’54, Newton, Kan., in 1985, with his wife, Mary, were recognized in the 25th anniversary celebration on Aug. 6-9, 2010, of The Hermitage, a retreat center that they cofounded in Three Rivers, Mich., and ran until they retired in 2001. The Hermitage represented a novel initiative to provide a retreat from daily activities for silence and prayer at a time when such opportunities were less available for, or utilized by, Anabaptists. The Herrs believed there must be a place for the contemplative in the Anabaptist world, just as there is a place for scholarly research, book writing, relief work and peace witness. Located on a 65-acre site 45 minutes from the Goshen-Elkhart area, The Hermitage, has drawn people from many faith traditions and from around the world since its inception. Horst Gerlach ’55, Weierhof, Germany, researches and writes about Amish and Mennonite history. His book, Mein Reich ist Nicht von Dieser Welt; 300 Jahre Amische, 1693-1993, traced the beginnings of the Amish movement in Switzerland, their development and contribution to agriculture in Europe, and their spread throughout Europe as well as their eventual decline. A short portion covers the Amish in North America. This book, published in German by Masthof Press in 1993, is the most comprehensive book on the Amish in Europe. An English edition is in the works. Horst also works with the Unmsiedlers from Russia, who number about 300,000. They have built several hundred churches, especially in northern Germany, around Bielefeld-Bechterdissen and also Neuwied. These are places where Pax volunteers built houses after WWII for Mennonite refugees from East and West Prussia, including Galicia. Some have joined local Mennonite Churches in Regensburg in Bavaria. They have their own institutes and publishing houses.


Gerald C. Musselman ’62, Harleysville, Pa., received the 2010 outstanding achievement award from Christopher Dock Mennonite High School of Lansdale, Pa. The award is based on academic, professional, or business accomplishments since graduation. Gerald taught psychology at the University of Florida and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, where he helped establish a community mental health clinic. He was head of the psychology department at Penn Foundation, Sellersville, prior to practicing independently for 26 years. Gerald was a consultant and therapist in five school systems, including Christopher Dock. He has been a frequent speaker and teacher in the areas of personal development, marital and family relations, and stress management. J. Mark Frederick, Jr. ’63 & ’66 (bible) and Emma Longenecker ’64 Frederick, Broadway, Va., represented Franco-

nia Mennonite Conference in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Comisión de Iglesias Anabautistas Mennonitas de México. Mark and Emma served in Mexico from 1966 to 1982 under the Franconia Mission board, a predecessor to Mennonite Mission Network. Upon their return to the USA, Mark served as pastor at Salem Mennonite Church in Quakertown for 12 years, and Emma taught preschool. Later, they returned to Mexico as resource persons for other missionaries and worked on an international missionary team under Comité Unido de Misiones Anabautistas James R. Ranck ’65, Johns Island, S.C., is a residential real estate appraiser who is involved in community and church activities, such as Habitat for Humanity and the Salvation Army. He has also made mission trips to Albania and Haiti. He has developed a large model railroad layout, scaled accurately, of Massanutten Ridge as seen from EMU. Shirley Yoder ’66 (MDiv '09) Brubaker, Harrisonburg, Va., was installed as the moderator of Virginia Mennonite Conference at the annual conference assembly in Raleigh, N.C., June 24-26, for a three-year term. She is the first female moderator of this conference. She also holds a master’s in education from Western Oregon State University. Richard (Dick) Benner ’67, Waterloo, Ont., Canada, has worked since early 2009 as editor and publisher of Canadian Mennonite, a biweekly periodical posted at Roy ’67 and his spouse, Hope Beidler Brubaker, of Village Acres Farm, Mifflintown, Pa., were awarded the 2010 Sustainable Ag Leadership Award. Recipients are selected each fall by the Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture. It seeks to honor individuals and businesses that are the most notable sustainable ag leaders and promoters in Pennsylvania and beyond. The Brubakers were recognized for their “odd ideas” about food and farming. Hope has been known to rescue old growth seedlings from the compost pile and plant and nurture them on their farm. Roy is known as a “life-long educator and an inveterate tinkerer.” He is skilled in transforming “cantankerous and obsolete tractors” and “downer” greenhouses into useful and working equipment. Blair Seitz ’67, Cape May Point, NJ, recently saw eight of his 12-foot photographic murals installed at the new Advanced Medicine facility at Geisinger Health Services, Danville, Pa., by architects Ewing Cole of Philadelphia. All eight of the murals are from Blair’s aerial photos of north central Pennsylvania; four of them are farmlands and four wild lands. Blair’s work can be seen and purchased at Gary Smucker ’67, Alexandria, Va., has retired from his years of teaching

in Alexandria City Public Schools. He taught at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Va., teaching ESL and U.S. history for students unfamiliar with the United States. Gary has worked in educational activities for 42 years. In addition to teaching in Alexandria, he taught in Newfoundland (Canada), Hampton, Va., and Saudi Arabia. Gary plans to continue contributing to schools as a volunteer. Ruth Lapp ’68 Guengerich, Goshen, Ind., was the recipient of the 2010 distinguished service award from Christopher Dock Mennonite High School The award is based on the mission or service involvement of a graduate since graduation and is awarded annually. Ruth has had a long-time interest in women’s issues. She has studied, written, spoken and led workshops on a variety of topics, including the development of women, their changing roles, the biblical views of male and female roles, family/domestic and sexual violence, modern day slavery and the roles of pastors’ wives. Ruth participated in a women’s group at AMBS in the early 1970s, which became the impetus for the first women’s studies classes at AMBS. Leon N. Miller ’68, Lancaster, Pa., has been appointed council coordinator of Conference Related Ministries by the executive committee of Atlantic Coast Conference (Mennonite). For 22 years, Leon was owner of Allegra Print and Imaging in Lancaster, which he sold as part of his retirement plan. In retirement, Leon says he is having fun, driving a charter bus for Elite Coach, Ephrata, Pa. Richard A. Showalter ’68, Landisville, Pa., has stepped down from his long-time role as president of Eastern Mennonite Missions in Salunga, Pa.


Richard L. Bowman ’70, Harrisonburg, Va., has been appointed by Bridgewater College to the A. LeRoy and Wanda H. Baker Chair in Science. Richard has been a professor of physics at Bridgewater since the fall of 1986, chairing his department until 2003. After majoring in physics and math at EMU, Richard earned an MA in physics at Kent State University and a PhD in biophysics at Oregon State University. He has taught at Elizabethtown College, Bethel College in Kansas, Kent State University, and Belize Technical College. He is a member of Mount Clinton Mennonite Church and an overseer (bishop) in Virginia Mennonite Conference. Leon D. Miller ’70, Belleville, Pa., is business development director for Mennonite Financial FCU, Belleville, Pa, Previously he worked for 30 years at Belleville Mennonite School. His wife, Lynda Byler ’74 Miller, works at Centre HomeCare, Inc, in Lewistown, Pa.

Before EMU and After Soon after Curtis Reesor ’10 was born on December 22, 1987, Rob and Barb Nyce Reesor, both 1990 graduates, sent a birth announcement to their alma mater. In return they received the gift of a T-shirt with the college logo and a note that read, “Class of ’20??” When Curtis got old enough to fit nicely into the shirt – at about 18 months – Mom and Dad snapped a photo of him wearing it. Now they can fill in the blank in the class year. Curtis, whose home is in Stouffville, Ontario, followed his parents’ footsteps to EMU and graduated in the class of 2010. Mom sent in the photo of Curtis as a toddler, with a note: “Thanks to all the staff who nurtured Curtis these past four years and provided a positive, learning-filled and Christian environment.” EMU still sends T-shirts to each baby belonging to an alumnus (defined as someone having attended EMU for at least two semesters). So send your birth announcements to us at!

Happy Patients Want Doc Awarded Members of the 201 households of Bergton, Virginia (43 minutes by car northwest of Harrisonburg), were disappointed when Linford Gehman ’59, their nominee for the national award of “Country Doctor of the Year,” did not garner the honor. Who could be a better rural doctor, they wondered. Aaron Heishman wrote this tribute: “Dr. Gehman is a cornerstone of our community. He has served so thoroughly for such a long period of time that it is easy to lose perspective on how blessed we are to have a 76-year-old doctor, who has worked in the community for nearly 40 years, who is still willing to see people any day of the week and any hour of the day in an emergency, all for a price that is unheard of in this era of exponentially rising medical costs.”

Three Blauchs Pursuing Degrees For 2010-11, first-year student Matt Blauch of Linville, Virginia, has a couple of unusual peers on campus – his parents. Blauch’s mother, Dana, is enrolled in the master’s in counseling program and his father, Jim is doing the Adult Degree Completion Program. Matt told a WeatherVane reporter that he does not see much of his parents, despite the fact that they are studying on the same campus. “[I see them] a little bit, not often, because my dad is in class six to 10 [pm]. I see Mom sometimes for lunch.”

Shirley Hershey Showalter ’70, Kal- | crossroads | 51

amazoo, Mich., was the plenary speaker at the August 2010 annual faculty/staff conference of her alma mater. Shirley joined the faculty of our sister institution, Goshen College in Indiana in 1976. In April 1996, she was named the 14th president of Goshen College, serving in the role until November 1, 2004. Shirley then joined the Fetzer Institute as vice president of programs. She led a strategic planning process, enabling the institute to organize its staff and program in three areas: individual and community transformation; science and spirituality; and communication and outreach. She left the Fetzer Institute shortly before speakig at EMU. She now hopes to fulfill a life-long dream of becoming a full-time writer. Mary Sprunger, MA, PhD (U. of Illinois), history professor at EMU.

New Look at Anabaptists In Post-1500s Europe Mark Jantzen, Bethel associate professor of history, and his colleague Mary Sprunger (both Bethel graduates, in 1985 and 1984, respectively), professor of history at EMU, were co-planners for “Marginal or Mainstream? Anabaptists, Mennonites and Modernity in European Society,” a conference held on the Bethel (Kan.) campus June 25-26, 2010. The thesis of the conference was that Mennonites – far from retreating into obscurity after the 16th century, as standard textbooks suggest – were an important influence on European economics, politics, religion and other areas of society over the next centuries, into the “modern era.” Questions included the negative and positive aspects of Mennonite participation in European economies as well as the growing need to face issues of wealth and privilege; the particular experience of Dutch Mennonites, who experienced societal tolerance much earlier and therefore assimilated faster; the complex relationship between theology and culture and whether to speak of theology was even appropriate; and the extent to which European Mennonites set their own agenda or had it set by the state or “the world.” Both Jantzen and Sprunger were surprised and pleased by the number and diversity of conference attenders. “I was expecting 50 or so, 100 at the most,” Jantzen says. “We had 120 registered, with at least 30 more who dropped in at different times.” “I enjoyed the audience cross-section of both scholars and laypeople,” Sprunger says. “It made for a bigger audience than you often get at these conferences. Bethel was well situated, near retirement communities and museums, with a lot of [local] people with a deep interest in Mennonite history.” Sprunger has taught at EMU for 18 years. During the 2010-11 academic year, she is on sabbatical, writing a book on the social, economic, and cultural dimensions of a wealthy, urban Mennonite church during the Dutch Golden Age in the 17th century. Her sabbatical also permits time for archival research in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and for teaching in Nanchong, China. — Largely culled from a Bethel press release by Melanie Zuercher fall 2007 2010-11 52 | crossroads | fall/winter

Duane E. Yoder ’70, Oakland, Md., has been appointed by Gov. Martin O’Malley as a representative from Western Maryland to Maryland’s Sustainable Growth Commission. The Sustainable Growth Commission is charged with assessing and advising on the progress of state, regional and local planning in Maryland toward achieving the goals of the state’s economic growth, resource protection, and planning policy. Duane is the CEO of the Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc. Galen Groff ’71 (SEM ’72) and his wife, Phyllis (Bomberger) Groff, have been reappointed for another two-year term in Alta Verapez, Guatemala, by Eastern Mennonite Missions. The Groffs have served in Guatemala for 18 years. They will serve in church leadership development, public health, women’s ministries and as missionary representatives for Guatemala, Honduras, and Belize. Karl D. Stoltzfus, Sr. ’72, Mt. Crawford, Va., owner of Dynamic Aviation, presented the commencement address to 54 Eastern Mennonite High School graduating seniors in Lehman Auditorium on June 6, 2010. The title of his thought-provoking and well-delivered message was “Student of Life.” Karl maintained that life is a learning opportunity. He encouraged the students to follow Jesus, reside and/or travel internationally, read history and literature, and to live graciously. Timothy Gascho ’73, Twin Falls, Idaho, is the pastor at Filer Mennonite Church, Filer, Idaho. He holds a master’s degree in theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. Verle Rufenacht ’74, Mount Joy, Pa., was one of 32 missionaries from six countries whose services under Eastern Mennonite Missions (EMM) were completed and recognized with a gathering of their supporters at EMM Meetinghouse, July 29. During his three decades of service in Tanzania, Verle trained more than 1,200 nurses. Melodie Davis ’75, Harrisonburg, Va., is the author of a new Herald Press book Whatever Happened to Dinner? Recipes and Reflections for Family Mealtime.

“Research shows that only about 60 percent of youth and parents in the U.S. eat dinner together five or more times a week,” says Davis. She says that “grown children frequently point to mealtime traditions as some of their best memories and bonding experiences—laughing and telling stories around the table.” In addittion, she says studies show that children who eat with their families do better in school, are at lower risk for substance abuse, have fewer eating disorders, better overall health and eating habits, better relationships with their parents, and better reading and language skills. Wendell J. Eberly ’75, Harrisonburg, Va., retired June 30, 2010 from his 28-year role as director of recreation and facilities for Rockingham County. He was initially employed by the county in 1980 as athletics director for the recreation department and promoted two years later to the position from which he retired. The Harrisonburg Daily News Record described the experience and activities of Wendell in an article entitled “For Eberly, ‘Fun’ was Job One.’” Charles E. and Margaret “Peggy” Roberts Harner, both class of ’76, East Otis, Mass., are both employed in occupations that they did not envision as liberal arts graduates in the 1970s (he in biology and she in English). Charles is director of general services at Fairview Hospital in Great Barrington, Mass., a small community hospital that is part of the Berkshire Health Systems. He is in charge of making sure the physical plant for this full-service institution – including 24-hour emergency room, surgery, obstetrics, rehabilitation, cardiology – functions smoothly and meets the highest safety standards for hospital facilities. Peggy is the Berkshire Area Coordinator for the Special Olympics of Massachusetts. Each summer for the last 20 years they have volunteered for one or two weeks at Camp CrossRoads near Mercersburg, Pa., a camp for kids and adults with special needs. They worship at Greenwoods Community Church in Sheffield, Mass., and are the parents of two graduates: Laura Harner Martin ’00 and Charles William “Bill” Harner ’03. (More information about Linda and Bill under their class years.) Dennis ’76 MDiv ’79 and Linda Augsburger ’77 Gingerich, Cape Coral, Fla., led 20 persons on a trip to Israel and Egypt in February 2010. This was their fifth trip to Israel. Dennis was one of the speakers at the 8th International Church Planting Summit in Kathmandu, Nepal, April 27-30, 2010. Approximately 500 church planters and church planting movement leaders from southeast Asia gathered for the meeting. On this trip, Dennis also visited potential mission partners in China. He travelled to Hyderabad, India, to speak at a graduation of 500 church planters from a one-year training exercise through The Timothy Initiative. Dennis is the founding pastor

of Cape Christian Fellowship, a growing Mennonite church in Cape Coral with over 1,100 weekly attendees. Joseph T. Moore ’76 has received his doctor of ministry in congregation and family care degree from Bethel Seminary. He is serving as pastor of care ministries at Essex Alliance Church in Essex Junction,Vt. David (Dave) Greiser ’77, Baltimore, Md., is the pastor of North Baltimore Mennonite Church, a congregation which began in response to Vision ’95 in which the Mennonite Church set a goal of planting 500 new churches in a ten-year period. While the goal was not met, North Baltimore Mennonite Church developed a ministry which, according to Dave, “offers a setting for being the kingdom of God on earth.” Donna Mack ’77 Shenk, Ephrata, Pa., is director of pastoral care and church relations at Landis Homes Retirement Community in Lititz, Pa. Previously, Donna directed chaplaincy services at Ephrata Hospital for more than 11 years. She has also been a chaplain with Hospice of Lancaster County and worked as an RN in several communities. Donna with her husband Jim Shenk served with Eastern Mennonite Missions and Mennonite Central Committee in Swaziland and Mozambique for a total of seven years. Donna has an Associate’s Degree in nursing from Montgomery County Community College, a BS (psychology) from Eastern Mennonite University, an MA in religion from Lancaster Theological Seminary, and a Clinical Pastoral Education degree from Philhaven Hospital and Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. Vernon (Vern) Hostetler ’81, and his wife, Janet Neuenschwander ’79 Hostetler, Zansville, Ohio, are doing short-term service in Jamaica. Vernon works in prosthetics and orthotics; Janet is a nurse practitioner. Rolando Santiago ’79, Lancaster, Pa., is the new executive director of the Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society. Rolando came to this role after serving six years as US executive director of Mennonite Central Committee. Rolando and his family attend Neffsville Mennonite Church.


Jenifer Garlitz ’82 (associate’s degree in education), Joliet, Ill., is the author of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining (Dog Ear Publishing, 2010). Her book, illustrated with color photographs, details how coal is removed from mountaintops, devastating families and communities in the Appalachian Mountains. Flooding, air and water pollution, health problems and global warming all result from using coal to generate electricity, Jenifer says. Jenifer grew up in southwestern Pennsylvania in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. She graduated from Saint

Francis University in Loretto, Pa., with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education in 1989. In 2004, she graduated from Lewis University in Illinois, with a master’s degree in reading and literacy. She is now a reading specialist at an elementary school. Loren Helmuth ’83, Lagrange, Ind, has joined the medical staff at Parkview LaGrange Hospital. He is board certified in general surgery and had been in practice in South Carolina since 1994. “Dr. Helmuth will be a wonderful addition to the surgical staff here at the hospital,” said Rob Myers, chief operating officer at Parkview LaGrange. “In addition to his skill and experience as a surgeon, Dr. Helmuth comes to us with a history of working with Plain Church patients through his South Carolina practice where he has been very well regarded.” Loren earned his medical degree at the University of Florida in Gainesville. He did preliminary residency training at St. Mary’s Hospital in Waterbury, Conn., and interim training in family practice medicine at Lancaster General in Lancaster, Pa. His surgical residency was completed at Thomason Hospital in El Paso, Tex. Loren is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. Elvin Kennel ’83, Parkesburg, Pa., is the new Lancaster-campus principal of Lancaster Mennonite School (LMS). He is married to Wendy Godshall ’84 Kennel (nursing). They have a daughter, Rachel, who is a freshman at EMU, and a son, Benjamin, who is a junior at LMS. Elvin, the 11th of 12 children, is a former science teacher and longtime soccer coach. After graduating from EMU with a bachelor’s in biology education, he earned a master’s in biology at Villanova University. In an interview with a Lancaster newspaper, Elvin said: “My goal is to get beyond the image of the principal. I’m after the heart, and the goodness, of the kids.” Larry K. Sheets ’83, Lutherville, Md., has completed his first year as the baseball coach of the Gilman High School Greyhounds, taking them to the Single A state championship in Maryland. Larry was an outstanding left-handed slugger and an outfielder and designated hitter while playing for the Baltimore Orioles, Detroit Tigers, and Seattle Mariners from 1984 to 1993. He also played one season in Japan for the Yodohama Taiyo Whales in 1992. For many years, Larry has coached batting privately at his recreational business, Larry Sheets’ Players Family Amusement Center in Westminster, Md. As an undergraduate at EMU, he played basketball for eligibility reasons, since he was already in the Baltimore Orioles minor league system. He was also an assistant baseball coach for a year at EMU. Alice J. Stubbs ’83 Wisler, Durham, N.C., saw her third inspirational novel, Hatteras Girl, released by Bethany House in October 2010. Hatteras Girl

Her DREAM Crushed Isabel Castillo ’07 of Harrisonburg., Va., was interviewed on Oct. 14, 2010, by Bob Edwards of NPR’s The Bob Edwards Show. Edwards also interviewed Deanna Durham, EMU assistant professor of social work and other friends of Castillo in Harrisonburg, Virginia. The interviewees spoke about the importance of Congressional passage of the DREAM Act, to provide paths for Castillo and other undocumented young people to emerge from the shadows and earn their US citizenship. Castillo and her many supporters inside and outside of EMU were devastated when the DREAM Act failed by only five votes to get the necessary 60 votes to advance it in the Senate. The DREAM Act would have permitted the sons and daughters of undocumented immigrants to qualify for citizenship af- Provost Fred Kniss & Castillo ter meeting rigorous tests: They would have been brought into the US before age 16 by parents who were undocumented; lived in the US for at least five years; have no criminal record; and would have served at least two years in the military or completed two years of college. After meeting these qualifications, they would wait six years to apply for citizenship.

National Awards For Two Teachers Matthew (Matt) Miller ’95 of Kalona, Iowa, was named one of 103 recipients of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching by President Obama on June 7, 2010. This presidential award is conferred annually on the best pre-college-level science and mathematics teachers from across the country. The winners are selected by a panel of distinguished scientists, mathematicians, and educators following an initial selection process done at the state level. Each year the award alternates between mathematics and science teachers teaching kindergarten through grade 6, and those teaching 7 through 12 grades. In 2009-10 it went to teachers teaching grades 7 through 12. Winners received a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation to be used at their discretion. They also received an expenses-paid trip to Washington, DC, for the awards ceremony and several days of educational and celebratory events, including visits with members of Congress and science agency leaders. Miller teaches math in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Jennifer Wenger Wright ’92 of Weyers Cave, Va., was one of 41 teachers in the nation who was named Outstanding Special Education Teacher for 2009-10 by the National Association of Special Education Teachers. Wright, who was one of two Virginia teachers in the group of honorees, has received numerous local and state Economics Education Awards for her student-run economics businesses, "Wright's Bites," "Wright's Healthy Riches," and "Wright's Hearty Workers." Wright has taught for 18 years and currently teaches students with developmental disabilities in the Harrisonburg city school system. | crossroads | 53

Blacksburg School Proves Compatible with EMU EMU’s first medical students at the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) in Blacksburg, Virginia – Nathaniel “Nate” and Margaret “Maggie” Yoder, both ’08 – “are having a tremendous and challenging experience in a medical school that feels like a continuation of the EMU ethic of service and care for the less fortunate,” reported Elwood Yoder ’81 after visiting them at VCOM. Elwood and his wife, Joy ’81, are the parents of Nate. They timed their visit to coincide with a mid-November 2010 ceremony marking the young couple’s transition to being whitecoated health-care providers (though still in training, of course). Earlier, VCOM sent Nate and Maggie to the Global Missions Health Conference in Louisville, Kentucky.

EMU Excels In Accounting They came, they collaborated, they crunched the numbers and were rewarded for their efforts in a grueling regional business competition sponsored by Goodman & Company, a major Virginia accounting business. A team of Eastern Mennonite University senior accounting majors tied for fourth place in the final round of competition with a team from the University of Virginia in the ninth annual Goodman & Company Accounting Challenge in the fall of 2010. The team – consisting of Brittany S. Snyder, Raphine, Va.; Heidi A. Boese, Hesston, Kan.; Eric B. Yoder, Narvon, Pa.; and Jason D. Ropp, Iowa City, Iowa – was one of 33 teams from colleges and universities from Virginia and Maryland who took a six-hour business exam the second week of October. The EMU team was one of only five to advance to the final round of the competition held Nov. 5 in Richmond, Va. Here, the EMU students took another intensive, six-hour exam of practical business questions. For finishing tied for fourth place, the team was awarded $750 for the EMU business and economics department, and each student received $250 from Goodman & Company. Another team from U.Va. finished first in the contest, followed by teams from William & Mary and James Madison University. "I'm really proud of these students," said Ronald L. (Ron) Stoltzfus, professor of business and economics and MBA program co-director at EMU. "It was definitely a team effort. "It's great to have this kind of external validation of our business program and our students," Stoltzfus added. "It's an affirmation of our curriculum and says that our students are well prepared to enter the job market and go on to graduate school," he added. — Jim Bishop ’67 fall 2007 2010-11 54 | crossroads | fall/winter

takes place on the Outer Banks of North Carolina and deals with obstacles a young woman faces while hoping for a dream to come true. Penny Peery Driediger ’85, MDiv ’08, Timberville, Va., has been licensed at Zion Mennonite Church, Broadway, Va., for chaplaincy ministry as a clinical pastoral education supervisor at Eastern Mennonite Seminary. Thomas C. Foreman ’85, formerly of Pittsburg, Pa., is director of clinical and organizational ethics at The Ottawa Hospital in Ottawa, Canada. He has completed his post-doctoral fellowship in clinical and organizational ethics at the University of Toronto’s Joint Centre for Bioethics. By volume, the Ottawa Hospital is the largest academic health sciences center in Canada, with more than one million patient visits per year, 1,200 inpatient beds, 15,000 employees and 3,000 students. Cynthia Yoder, enrolled ’84-’85, Princeton, NJ, has had a second book, Divine Purpose: Find the Passion Within, published. The book, which appeared in November 2010, is written with reflections and exercises to help people uncover a greater sense of meaning and purpose in their lives and help them express this purpose in the world. Her first book was Crazy Quilt – Pieces of a Mennonite Life (DreamSeeker, 2003). More info at www. John M. Kreider ’86, MDiv ’98, and his wife, Cynthia (Cindy) Hansen ’86, Harrisonburg, Va., have returned to Peru with their children, Destiny, Kierston, and Oriana, to continue their ministry in church development. Brenda Lehman Benner ’89, MDiv ’06, Friedens, Pa., is director of Next Steps, a homeless shelter in Somerset, Pa.


Jeffery (Jeff) Gingerich ’90, Norristown, Pa., has been appointed dean of academic affairs at Cabrini College, a Catholic liberal arts college in Radnor, Pa., close to Philadelphia. Jeff was interim dean previously. He majored in social work at EMU and then earned his MA and PhD in sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. Jeff has had several pieces published on peace, urban communities and the Philadelphia Mennonites. His research and academic interests include corrections and punishment, race and ethnic studies, criminology, restorative justice, and conflict transformation. Jeff first joined the faculty of Cabrini in 2005. He volunteers with the Graterford Prison Think Tank, comprised of imprisoned men and a visiting professors and students. He also works with the Montgomery County Youth Aid Panel, a monthly meeting with local first-time youth offenders. P. David Glanzer ’71, Harrisonburg, Va., has been reappointed as EMU’s graduate dean. David has developed

the graduate council into an important policy-making body and supported the launch of EMU’s new masters in nursing leadership and management program. He has been replaced by Annemarie Early, PhD, as director of the masters in counseling program. Jayne Kraemer, SEM ’91 (biblical studies certificate), Louisville, Ky., is the English as a second language resource teacher in Jefferson County Public Schools. She is one of the authors (with Cheng-Ting Chen, Ellen McIntyre, Diane W. Kyle, and Johanna Parr) of Six Principles for Teaching English Language Learners in All Classrooms (Corwin Press, 2009). Jayne recently completed her PhD at the University of Louisville, where she focused on new approaches to literacy and Englishlanguage learning. Connie Shemo ’91, Plattsburgh, N.Y., co-edited Competing Kingdoms: Women, Mission, Nation and the American Protestant Empire, published by Duke University Press in 2010. Connie is an assistant professor of history at the State University of New York-Plattsburgh. She earned her PhD from SUNY Binghamton in 2002, specializing in US women’s history, East Asian history, and US imperialism. Judy Leatherman ’92, Fort Collins, Colo., is an assistant professor teaching genetics at the College of Natural and Health Sciences of the University of Northern Colorado. After majoring in biology and chemistry at EMU, Judy earned her PhD in cell and molecular biology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 2003. She and her husband, Mark Nelson, have two children. Matthew Gene Tschetter ’92, Elkhart, Ind., has completed his MA in peace studies degree at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Ind. He continues to work as operations steward for Hope Builders Group, Inc., and on local food security issues via the Elkhart Local Food Alliance. Matthew is a member of Hively Avenue Mennonite Church in Elkhart and regularly attends Fellowship of Hope, also in Elkhart. Kara L. Hartzler ’94, Oracle, Ariz., is an immigrant lawyer who also holds an MFA from the University of Iowa Playwrights Workshop. The Tucson Borderlands Theater kicked off its 25th season by choosing to produce a new play in the fall of 2010 by Kara, Arizona: No Roosters in the Desert. Kara based this piece on accounts gathered from 100 women who had been caught in Arizona and sent back to Mexico. Kara boiled the play down to the stories of four women trekking though the Arizona desert, facing unimaginable hardships and choices. Kara is the legal director of the Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project based in Florence, Eloy, and Phoenix, Arizona. Her play has received coverage by American Public Me-

dia and was the subject of a 08/22/10 ArtsBeat blog hosted by the New York Times. The blog, in which Kara agonizes over her training as a playwright not to be polemical and her natural desire to oppose injustice, is fascinating. Read it at http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes. com/2010/08/11/theater-talkback-arizona-immigration-and-outrage/. Joy Kraybill ’95, Washington, DC, has a position with the federal government in which she plays a strong supporting role in efforts to combat Medicaid fraud, waste and abuse. She works in the Medicaid Program Integrity Group at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services of the US Department of Health & Human Services. After majoring in German at EMU, Joy earned a masters degree in public administration at North Carolina State University and a PhD from the School of Public Policy and Public Administration at George Washington University in Washington DC. In 2007, while finishing her doctoral studies, Joy was one of 14 recipients of a prestigious research grant conferred by the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy Research in New Jersey. Timothy (Tim) Stutzman ’95, Harrisonburg, Va., is EMU’s controller/director of finance. Tim worked as an auditor at PBGH, a certified public accounting firm, in Harrisonburg for several years after graduation, including time as an auditor for EMU. As a certified public accountant, Tim brings a wide range of experiences in accounting, tax, and auditing. For nine years, Tim worked as the controller for Dutch Heritage Homes in Ohio. Robert (Bob) E. Brenneman II ’97, Winooski, Vt., is a visiting professor in the department of sociology and anthropology at St. Michael’s College, a Catholic liberal arts college in the Burlington area of Vermont. Bob earned his MA and PhD in sociology at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. Megan Kirk ’97 Gehlert and her husband, Randy, Souderton, Pa., are serving with Africa Inland Mission in Madagascar for a year with their two boys, 5-year-old Seth and 4-year-old Cole. Jan Emswiler ’98, Goshen, Ind., is assistant professor of nursing at Goshen College, with a teaching focus on psychiatric/mental health nursing. Jan graduated from Tulane University School of Public Health with a master’s degree in public health in 2004. She served with Mennonite Central Committee in Tanzania for nine years, working with a community-based health promotion program as the HIV/AIDS prevention and control unit coordinator. Jan also taught advanced nursing studies at the Aga Khan University–Tanzania Institute of Higher Education. She has been the executive director for the Valley AIDS Network in Harrisonburg, Va., and taught Swahili at James Madison

University. Rebecca A. Nice ’99, Telford, Pa., received the 2010 young alum award from Christopher Dock Mennonite High School for her academic, spiritual, and lifestyle practices. Rebecca is an osteopathic family physician who focuses on prevention and wellness by blending nutrition and supplementation, lifestyle changes, osteopathic manipulation, and traditional western medicine. She has opened a practice at Wellness Works, New Britain, Pa. Wellness Works is a complementary, alternative medicine facility. Rebecca was the co-chief family practice resident at St. Joseph Medical Center in 2006 and 2007. She earned her doctor of osteopathy degree at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2004. That same year, Rebecca spent a student elective term at Shirati Hospital in Tanzania. Nessa Stoltzfus ’99, Melrose, Maine, is the youth engagement manager at Oxfam America in Boston. In March 2010, she was a workshop presenter at the National Student Conference on Service Advocacy and Social Action, held at the Clinton School of Public Service at the University of Arkanasas. She spoke on: “Beyond the Bake Sale: Creative Ideas and Tools to Plan Your Next Fundraiser” and “Hold a Successful Event, Make a Difference and End Hunger.” For Halloween 2010, Nessa helped raised $25,000 for Oxfam’s support of job training for Darfur women through a 5K run involving 270 runners in the Boston area. Travis Trotter ’99, Harrisonburg, Va., is EMU‘s assistant registrar. In former positions, he worked at Choice Books and at the EMU financial assistance office. After leaving EMU in 2005, Travis and his wife, Gini, served three years in Guatemala under MCC.


Angela Adjetey-Appiah ’00, MA ’03 (counseling), New York, N.Y., is a clinical nurse specialist in women’s oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. She is also a candidate for an MSN in health systems management from Vanderbilt University. This master’s degree will be her third. She also holds a master’s degree in public health from New York Medical College. Laura Harner Martin ’00, Sheffield, Mass., is director of aquatics at the Berkshire South Regional Community Center, where her mother, Margaret “Peggy” Roberts Harner ’76, also works as a part time water safety swimming instructor and lifeguard when she is not serving as the Berkshire Area Coordinator for the Special Olympics of Massachusetts. Laura and her husband, Tony, have one child, Mya, born May 22, 2006. Laura’s aquatics program serves about 150 people per day. She is also the youth coordinator at the family’s church, Greenwoods Community Church.

Jean de Dieu Tshileu '07 (center) with fellow workers in the Congo

Brick by Brick In the Congo Doug Kulungu, a guest columnist in the Dec. 6, 2010, issue of the Mennonite Weekly Review, cited these heartbreaking statistics for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, his home country: “More than 6 million have died, 300,000 women have been raped, and Congolese still live in horrifying conditions.” Jean de Dieu Tshileu, a 2007 economics graduate of EMU born and raised in the Congo, is determined to change this situation. With energy and determination similar to that of Greg Mortenson (author of Three Cups of Tea) in Afghanistan, Jean is going individual by individual, church by church, group by group in an effort to raise money for “better education and income-generating agriculture activities” in the eastern part of the Congo, one of the most decimated regions in Africa. He calls it the “Tusome-Congo Project.” In his non-profit business plan, Jean writes: “Tusome-Congo will start by building one school in one village and then provide seed funds to cooperatives. This process will continue by using the same frame of ‘One Village at a Time.’ This model will be replicated from one successful village to another, starting with the closest to the city of Goma.” Jean reasons that such development will discourage villagers from joining the armed groups now roaming through the region by providing them with alternative ways to survive. Similar to Mortenson’s description of building schools in Afghanistan, Jean says the cost of building and equipping a seven-room school in the eastern Congo is low by US standards – about $29,000. Jean’s first project – a combined church-school building – is underway, thanks to $5,000 in seed money provided by a group at Park View Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Materials have been purchased for erecting a building for a group (translated as) the Christian Assembly of Spiritual Revival in Goma. The group has already filed its first quarterly report on expenditures, detailing the cost of nails, cement and metal for the roof. The report included a sobering paragraph, however. One of the members of this church, a wife and a mother of 10 named “Sophie,” died after being assaulted and raped by gunmen. She was trapped while trying to buy merchandise in another city to bring to the market in Goma. Persons wishing more information on the Tusome-Congo Project can reach Jean de Dieu Tshileu at | crossroads | 55

Marc Schoenhardt ’00, Broadway Va., graduated from James Madison University with a MA in teaching in December 2009. He is employed by Harrisonburg City Schools to teach the homebound and be a substitute teacher.

Biology professor Jeffrey Copeland and EMU junior Charise Garber.

Research Probes Mechanisms of Aging Why and how do we get old? This is one of the most basic and unknown questions of biology, says Jeffrey M. Copeland, PhD, assistant professor of biology at EMU. Joining him to study the topic is junior biology/music double major, Charise Garber of Lancaster, Pa. "We're using fruit flies," explains Garber, "because their genes are easy to manipulate. Fruit flies live relatively short lives and are metabolically similar." The fruit fly research builds on Copeland's post-doctoral work at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and his doctorate work at the California Institute of Technology. This kind of study – undergraduates paired with full-PhD level professors doing original research – is typical at EMU and key to the success many graduates report enjoying in graduate and medical school study. Hearing about this kind of faculty-student interaction from EMU alumni in the Lancaster area, as well as on a campus visit, influenced Garber's decision to come to EMU. Copeland considered other options before coming to EMU in the fall of 2010. While still in Los Angeles, Copeland says, he met many alumni who impressed him with their unique perspective and knowledge. "Part of the thrill of teaching at EMU is being able to have those one-on-one mentoring opportunities that strengthen the educational experience for both teacher and student," he says. Of the current theories of aging, Copeland notes that scientists currently have only a naive idea, and "we don't have a good understanding of the genes controlling the aging process." He wants to understand which genes are important and how they relate to the numerous age-related diseases, like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. "One method to understanding the life of fruit flies is to slightly lower their metabolism, and it is important to determine if lowered metabolism can affect disease models in flies," Copeland explains. Garber and Copeland know that lowered metabolism specifically in the brains of flies can extend the lifespan, something Copeland determined in his earlier research at UCLA. Now the two hope to discover what regions of the brain are affected and in what way. Answering these questions could give scientists everywhere new insights into many illnesses currently plaguing humanity. — Tim Hartman, Elida, Ohio, a senior liberal arts major with a peacebuilding emphasis, contributed to this article. fall 2007 2010-11 56 | crossroads | fall/winter

Kyle Stutzman ’00, Greencastle, Pa., recently joined Ongoing Operations, LLC, a Credit Union Service Organization that has rapidly expanded to serve over 130 clients nationwide, as its new Director of Level 1 and 2 Client Support and Infrastructure. Prior to joining Ongoing Operations, Kyle served as Vice President of Technology Systems for DuPont Community Credit Union. In his seven years with that credit union, his responsibilities grew from overseeing daily technical systems to leading all strategic technology initiatives and managing two service and support departments. Kyle holds an Executive MBA from Colorado Technical University. Stephen (Steve) Jay Swartzendruber ’00, MDiv ’05, Leesburg, Va., has been ordained at Northern Virginia Mennonite Church in Fairfax, Va., for his hospice chaplaincy ministry with VITAS Hospice of Northern Virginia. Michael S. Miller ’01, Belleville, Pa., works for Weblion, as a programmeranalyst in the computer support network for Penn State University. Bethany Spicher ’01 and husband Micah Schonberg have begun a community supported agriculture venture in the Huntingdon, Pa. area, where they live. The venture is called Plowshare Produce. Lora L. Steiner ’01, Harrisonburg, Va., has been named coordinator of admissions and marketing at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding. Lora has a MDiv from Drew University in New Jersey. Her previous work experience includes Mennonite Central Committee’s Washington Office, and administrative work at Gemeinschaft, a residential facility in Harrisonburg for individuals transitioning from prison back into society. Matthew Dean Goins ’02, is an anesthesiologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, one of the teaching hospitals of Harvard Medical School, in Boston, Mass. Formerly, he was an anesthesiology resident at the University of Virginia Health Sciences Center in Charlottesville, Va. Andy Hershberger ’02, West Liberty, Ohio, is the business office manager at Logan Acres Care Center in Bellefontaine, Ohio. Logan Acres is a 95-bed skilled nursing facility. Erik Kratz ’02, Harrisonburg, Va., signed to be a catcher with the Philadelphia Phillies in November 2010. Kratz, who was 30 years old at signing time, was a 2002 draft pick of the Toronto BlueJays and spent the last two seasons in the Pirates organization at AAA Indianapolis.He made his major league debut

last season for the Pirates, seeing action in 9 games. For Indianapolis last season Kratz hit .274/.380/.496 with 9HR and 41 RBI and threw out 21% of baserunners attempting to steal on him. In his minor league career, he has thrown out 31% of baserunners. Erik is 6 foot, 4 inches, and carries about 250 muscular pounds. He is the first EMU alumnus to play a sport in college and to continue with that sport to the top professional level. Rob Roeschley, Erik’s coach while he was at EMU, noted that Erik’s wife, Sarah Troyer ’01 Kratz, deserves credit for Erik’s move to the major leagues for the robust support she has provided as a wife and mother to their two sons during his years of moving among teams and playing locations. Erik and Sarah are members of the Harrisonburg (Va.) Mennonite Church. Daniel (Dan) W. Lapp ’02, Hershey, Pa., expects to finish his PhD studies in 2012 as part of the MD/PhD dual degree program at Penn State College of Medicine in Hershey, Pa. T hereafter he will work on completing his MD. From 2002 until he entered the MD/PhD program, Dan worked at Merck as a pharmacist. His wife, Lynley Culbertson ’02 Lapp, is a health educator at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. Brad Miller ’02, and his spouse, Jessica Yoder, moved in the summer of 2010 to a home purchased in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of downtown Denver, Colo. Brad is director of graduate admissions for the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver. He has completed MA in higher education administration at the same university. Jessica is a family physician with Kaiser Permanente in Denver. She is a graduate of Goshen College and the daughter of Rick ’69 and Carolyn Yoder ’72. Karen Miller ’02 is a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist who moved to Haiti to help in a hospital in Port-auPrince. She is committed for a minimum of six months. Karen administers anesthesia as needed and is in charge of the ICU. She will also work in the ER and, possibly, medicine/surgery. Karen is focused on organizing the ICU staff and unit. Mary (Ashley) Cook ’03, Waynesboro, Va., completed her MS in nursing, family nurse practitioner, and community and public health leadership program at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Va. Jeremiah Denlinger ’03, Royal Oaks, Mich., has received his MEd from the University of Delaware. Charles William “Bill” Harner ’03, Harrisonburg, Va., is a program coordinator at Pleasant View, Inc., an organization that serves people who have disabilities by providing support services necessary for them to live in and enrich the community. He is married to Kimberly

Thomas Harner ’04, who is a nurse at Rockingham Memorial Hospital. They have two children: Lily, born Jan. 10, 2007, and Jayden, born Sept. 16, 2009. The family is active in Aletheia Church, which describes itself as a “relevant evangelical church” in Harrisonburg. Bill is the son of Margaret “Peggy” Roberts and Charles E. Harner, both class of ’76 of East Otis, Mass. (See their entries under their class year.) Phoebe Sharp ’03, Pittsburgh, Pa., is the member services coordinator at the Howard Levin Club House in Pittsburgh. This is a program for adults recovering from mental illness. Larisa Friesen ’04 Hall, Washington, DC has become the director of major gifts for Sojourners after directing advertising sales there. She majored in international business and economic development at EMU. Rebecca (Becky) Miller ’04 Hiles is a massage therapist in Mt. Jackson, Va. Alethia Bailey ’04 White, Pasadena, Calif., is an assistant to the international advisor at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The office in which Alethia works is part of a triad with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), consisting of the JPL International Office, International Scholar Services, and International Student Programs. The office is responsible for ensuring that foreign students and scholars have proper visas or immigration documents. Alethia and her co-worker also advocate for the international community on campus and do programming for international students Matthew Stutzman Yoder ’04, Ritzville, Wash., has been licensed and installed as pastor of Menno Mennonite Church, Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference. Matt is the son of Stephen (Steve) ’78, MDiv ’98, and Twila King Yoder, MAL’98. Jason D. Garber ’05, senior web program administrator, terminated his three-year employment in marketing and communications at EMU. Jason was the first official “techie” in the department, filling a significant role as extension of, and liaison to, the information systems department as they worked together to tell the EMU story through new media and the web. Jason and his wife, Karena Martin, are having a new adventure, living and traveling in Nicaragua. Aaron Green ’05, Harrisonburg, Va., has joined the Farmers and Merchants Bank as a commercial lender. Aaron will have offices in Edinburg, Woodstock and Timberville. He will have responsibility for business development and lending. Jonalyn Denlinger ’06, Baltimore, Md., completed her MSW at the University of Maryland in May 2010 and is a licensed clinical social worker. She works as project coordinator for a Baltimore neighborhoods community development initiative

called Neighbors in Deed, under the Baltimore Community Foundation. Husband Jon Risser ’05 is in law school at the University of Baltimore. Benjamin (Ben) Schlegel ’06, Kokomo, Ind., has been licensed toward ordination at Howard-Miami Mennonite Church in Kokomo, Ind. Adam Shank ’06 and Marisa Clymer ’06 Shank, Harrisonburg, Va., began serving a three-year term with Mennonite Central Committee in Nicaragua beginning in August. Adam will be working with the Anabaptist Peace and Justice Commission as a peace educator and Marisa will be working as a literacy promoter. Paul Daniel (Danny) Yoder ’06 is employed by EMU’s marketing and communications department as the web design and social media coordinator. Previously Danny worked from Harrisonburg for a data management company based in Northern Virginia. Joseph Walter Hackman, SEM ’07, Lansdale, Pa., records the significant influence his grandfather, Walter, had on his call to pastoral ministry. Joseph tells the story in the Winter 2010 issue of Franconia Mennonite Conference’s Intersections. His grandfather purchased a milk truck and converted it into a mobile bookstore. He traveled the roads in Montgomery, Bucks, and Lehigh counties, selling Bibles, devotional books and children’s books. Later, his son, Joseph ’75, Emmaus, Pa., bought the bookstore, operating it as a stationary business. After his year in seminary, Joseph and his wife, Angela Swartzendruber ’03 Hackman, moved to Pennsylvania, where Joseph taught social studies at Christopher Dock Mennonite High School for three years. He then pursued an MDiv at Eastern Mennonite Seminary. He is now youth pastor at Salford Mennonite Church. He was licensed in March 2010 with plans for ordination. Angela completed her master’s in social work at the University of Pennsylvania in 2008. She is a therapist at that university’s Center for the Studies of Addiction. Seth Miller ’07, Lancaster, Pa., is principal of West Fallowfield Christian School, Atglen, Pa. Philip (Phil) Shirk ’07, who is pursuing a master in biology at Virginia Commonwealth University, is a Fulbright Scholar in Tanzania, where he is researching the ecology and potential impact of harvesting chameleons in the East Usambara Mountains. Danielle Walter ’07 Wetty, Savannah, Ga., is a registered nurse in the Emergency Department of St Joseph’s Hospital.

Unprecedented Conference on 'Attachment' Coming What are healthy attachments, why do we need them, and how can we form them? In answering these questions, we can discover how to be fully human. So say the organizers of an "attachment conference" to be led by experts from across North America gathering at EMU in the spring of 2011. "Conversations on Attachment: Integrating the Science of Love and Spirituality," a first of its kind, will bring together five internationallyrecognized experts from a variety of disciplines to apply key insights from attachment theory to current research and practice. The conference will be held March 31-April 1, 2011, and is open to the public. "We hope hundreds of people will join us for three days of lifechanging conversation that is sure to change how you see yourself, your relationships and the larger world," says Annmarie Early, PhD, director of EMU's MA in counseling program, one of the conference sponsors. Program planner Tara Kishbaugh, PhD, EMU associate professor of chemistry, believes this conference "is sorely needed as well as timely." Recent neuroscience demonstrates that "healthy attachments, particularly people-to-people connections, are crucial for society to survive and flourish," says Kishbaugh. "One of our most important tasks is to learn how to form healthy attachments - with each other, with the earth and with God." Christian Early, PhD, associate professor of philosophy and theology, first had the idea for EMU to host such a conference. "Attachment theory gives us a specific handle on the development of our sense of self, the dynamics of love, and the hope for repair after rupture," he notes. "This conference provides an open space - stretching from neuroscience to spirituality - to talk about what it means to be human."

Lars Akerson ’08 is a Partners in Mission administrator employed by Virginia Mennonite Missions. Angela Carter ’09 has become EMU’s administrative assistant in human | crossroads | 57

Weaver-Zercher Lends Talents to New Edition Writer-editor Valerie Weaver-Zercher ’94 is behind the newly revised and updated edition of Living More with Less (Herald Press, 2010). Doris Janzen Longacre, author of the bestselling More-with-Less Cookbook (over 900,000 sold since 1976), wrote Living More with Less as a practical guide for simple, sustainable, and healthy living. Longacre died of cancer on Nov. 10, 1979, as she was nearing completion of Living More with Less, her second book. Her husband, Paul Longacre (class of ’61), completed the last two chapters. Under Weaver-Zercher’s editorship, this 30th anniversary edition is true to Longacre's spirit of living in ways respectful of poor people, God's creation and each other. It contains new and practical tips on such matters as money, travel, clothing, housing, celebrations and recreation. The book’s proceeds will benefit Mennonite Central Committee. Weaver-Zercher was one of the literary artists covered in the summer 2010 edition of Crossroads, but she was mischaracterized in that issue as a “full-time mother to her two sons.” Weaver-Zercher has three sons, and she has a vibrant career. (The Crossroads editor apologizes for making these errors; they were the result of unknowingly publishing out-dated information.) Weaver-Zercher lives in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. Her features, essays, op-eds, and book reviews have been published in a variety of publications, including the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Orion, Publishers Weekly, Sojourners, The Christian Century, Christianity Today, Books & Culture, Mothering, Brain, Child, Literary Mama, The Mennonite, Mennonite Weekly Review, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, and The Other Side. Her essay “Holding Baby Birds” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and receives special mention in the Pushcart Prize XXXIII anthology (2009). She received a 2009 Individual Artist’s Fellowship in creative nonfiction from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. Weaver-Zercher has received two first-place awards from the Associated Church Press and one first-place award from the Evangelical Press Association. She is a regular book reviewer for The Christian Century, an editorial consultant for Cascadia Publishing House, a poetry consultant for The Mennonite, and a contributing editor to Sojourners. In addition to writing and consulting, she does developmental editing, copyediting, and manuscript review for a variety of publishers and individuals. Her clients have included Brazos Press, Baker Academic, InterVarsity Press, Herald Press, Cascadia Publishing House, and scholars who have gone on to receive book contracts with Jossey-Bass and Oxford University Press. Weaver-Zercher has a master’s degree in Reading/Writing/Literacy from the University of Pennsylvania. She majored in English at EMU. fall 2007 2010-11 58 | crossroads | fall/winter


grants coordinator and project manager at EMU’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding. Mary Beth previously worked with non-governmental organizations in the US, Canada and the Republic of Marshall Islands.

Jennifer (Jen) Edwards ’09, Horst and her husband, Joseph (Joe) A. Horst ’09, Orrville, Ohio, are on a one-year mission internship assignment in Sofia, Bulgaria, with Eastern Mennonite Missions Jen and Joe stayed with a host family for their first couple of months in Bulgaria to assist them in learning the language and getting acquainted with the culture. They are working with the local church and helping with ministry to young people.


Amanda Yoder ’09, Mill Creek, Pa., began teaching PreK this fall at Hide-nSeek Christian Daycare and Preschool located in Lewistown, Pa. Amanda is teaching under a grant program in Pennsylvania called PreK Counts.

Rachel Smith ’00 to Tim Swartley, July 17, 2010.

Erica Yoder ’09, was featured in the Iowa City, Iowa, Press-Citizen as an Iowa Mennonite School (IMS) graduate who presented a show entitled “Red into Black: An Evening with Erica Yoder and Friends”, June 11, 2010, at IMS’s Celebration Hall. Erica participated in drama and theater at IMS and EMU, where she earned an art degree. She performed a comedy sketch, accompanied by other community members. The event was open to the public for a free-will offering as a fundraiser for the IMS annual fund.


Tim A. Davis ’79, MDiv ’87, MA ’10 (counseling), Aurora, Colo., is the pastor of Aurora Mennonite Church. His wife, Charlene, who served three years as EMU’s assistant of advancement, is pursuing education for counseling ministries in Denver.

Eleanor (Ellie) Hampton ’10, Weyers Cave, Va., is an instructional aide (K & 1 reading aid) at Verona Elementary School in Augusta County. Amy Histand ’10, Harrisonburg, Va., is in her first year of teaching 9th and 10th grade English at Harrisonburg High School. Krista Johnson MA ’10 (conflict transformation), Akron, Pa., serves as peace program coordinator at Mennonite Central Committee in Akron. Elizabeth Kennell ’10 Mann, Newport News, Va., works at the Child Time Learning Center. Michelle Leaman ’10, Harrisonburg, Va., teaches two sections of Spanish I and English as a Second Language at Harrisonburg High School. Heidi Muller ‘10 is project and office coordinator of the marketing department at EMU. She majored in history and social sciences and minored in both political studies and theater. Heidi came to EMU from Fancy Gap, Va,, located about 200 miles to the southwest of EMU. Mary Beth Spinelli, MA ’10 (conflict transformation), is employed as the

Lynda Newswanger ’90 to Dan Schroeder, December 16, 2006. Philip (Phil) E. Kreider ’93 to Lauren Reider, Oct. 17, 2009. Danielle M. Walter ’07 to Christopher M. Wetty, June 12, 2010.

Larisa Friesen ’04 to Desmond Hall, Jan. 4, 2010. Karen Joy Spicher ’02 to Jae Young Lee, MA ’03 (conflict transformation), July 3, 2010. Brandon Bergey ’04 to Amber Landis, May 24, 2008. Eric S. Kennel ’04 to Elizabeth (Beth) Hackman, Aug. 7, 2010. Carrie Keagy ’07 to Jacob (Jake) King ’09, May 30, 2010. Jennifer Ruth ’07 to Benjamin Kyle, Aug. 1, 2010. Benjamin Beitzel ’08 to Alicia Martin ’09, June 19, 2010. Alicia Hertzler ’09 to Zachary Hurst ’10, Aug. 15, 2009. Julie Renae Davis ’10 to Benjamin Campbell, June 12, 2010. Ashley Handrich ’06 to Michael Kniss ’06, July 10, 2010 Justin Reesor ’10 to Rachel Mast ’09, June 26, 2010. Valerie F. Burton ’10 to Charles Moore, Oct. 2, 2010.


Terry ’87 and Elizabeth Phelps Jantzi, Gabriel Tobias Phelps, July 7, 2010. Connie Shemo ’91 and William Fischer, Platteburgh, NY, Meara Dominique, March 26, 2010.

Stephen J. ’91 and Laura A. Moyers ’97 Campbell, Broadway, Va., Ruth Isabelle, July 12, 2010. Kirk ’97 and Susan Urso King, Huntington, NY, Jackson James, Aug. 5, 2010. Anna Versluis ’97 and Benjamin Penner, Saint Peter, Minn., Grace Anna and Lucia Joy, June 28, 2010 Brian ’98 and Keesha Esbenshade ’00 Dickel, McGaheysville, Va., Reyna Kinley, May 12, 2010. Colette Sharp ’98 and Jason Stetler, Lancaster, Pa., Finian Michael, July 15, 2010. Philip ’00 and Jennifer Bender ’01 Bergey, Chesapeake, Va., Jason John,

June 13, 2010.


Annette Helmuth ’00 and Edgar (Trey) Loker, Harrisonburg, Va., Rachel Mae, May 14, 2010.

Michael ’04 and Amanda Oder ’04 Swartley, Harrisonburg, Va., James Henry and Nora Grace, July 16, 2010.

Wendell ’00 and Melanie Byler Nofziger, Wauseon, Ohio, Abigail Zion, July 11, 2010. Shane ’00 and Kara Birky ’01 Stutzman, Levi Oliver, born May 7, 2009, received for adoption, May 5, 2010. Brent ’00 and Rachel Hoffman ’00 Yoder, Jacksonville, Ill., Natalie Ann and Olivia Kay, Sept. 10, 2010 Trinda Derstine ’05 and Nick Bernardo, Schwenksville, Pa., Isabella Joy, Aug. 11, 2010. Aaron M.’01 and Laura Souder ’02 Kauffman, Harrisonburg, Va., Asher Daniel, Aug. 9, 2010. Sarah Gehman ’02 and Benjamin (Ben) ’03 Bixler, Harrisonburg, Va., Evangeline Janae, July 23, 2010. Matthew ’02 and Kathryn McGlynn Goins, Charlottesville, Va., David Patrick, Dec. 1, 2009. Kyle ’02 and Marta Horst, Elizabethtown, Pa., Avery Grace, September 3, 2010. Sheldon ’02 and Teresa Christner ’04 Rice, Bridgewater, Va., Aiden James and Ian Jacob, July 25, 2010. Megan Rutt ’02 and Andi Rosenwink, Bammental, Germany, Anni Madeleine, June 28, 2010. Charity Shenk ’02 and Stephen (Steve) Zook, Akron, Pa., Theodore Shenk, May 10, 2010. Daryl ’03 and Rebekah Kratz ’04 Brubaker, Timberville, Va., Everett Daniel, July 13, 2010. Jeremiah ’03 and Kristine Widders Denlinger, Royal Oaks, Mich., Lucas Widders Denlinger, May 14, 2010. Melissa Horst ’03 and Matthew Kinman, Broadway, Va., Noah Matthew, May 7, 2010. Gregory (Greg) ’03, Sem ’08, and Doreen Shirk ’05 Nicholas, Woodstock, Va., Joshua Paul, Feb. 19, 2010. Christopher (Chris) ’03 and Katie Boshart ’04 Noll, Mount Crawford, Va., Andrew Mark, Aug. 3. 2010. Diron ’03 and Alison Trissel ’03 Trost, Harrisonburg, Va., Chloe Elise, Aug. 26, 2010. Justin T. ’03 and Heather Bauman ’04 Yoder, Fulks Run, Va., Judah Flint, June 6, 2010. Brooke Drooger ’04 and Jeff Adams, Cullen Sinamo, born April 14th, 2009, in Ethiopia. Adopted, January 1, 2010. Rebecca (Becky) Miller ’04 and Jacob Hiles, Ellen Grace, July 16, 2010. Greta Hertzler ’04 and Mike Stoner, Manheim, Pa., Alaina Hope, May 1,

Raquel Miller ’04 and Stephen Wilcox ’02, Eli Kurt, April 18, 2010. Eric ’05 and Crystal Heatwole Blosser, Kaide Eileen, March 12, 2010. Elizabeth (Beth) Risser ’06 and Jason Barthlow, Greencastle Pa., Genevieve Renee, July 3, 2010. Trevor ’06 and Jenee Shirk ’06 Bare, Elizabethtown, Pa., Isaac Scott, March 17, 2010. Derrick ’06 and Rebekah Good ’07 Charles, Harrisonburg, Va., Lia Good, March 22, 2010. Jeremy ’06 and Andrea Gahman ’06 Dayton, Harrisonburg, Va., Delaney Noelle, April 21, 2010. Sara Brenneman ’06 and Steven (Steve) Halteman ’05, Elijah Chase, Oct. 10, 2010. Dan MA ’06 (counseling) and Melissa Tepke Long, Harrisonburg, Va., Silas Daniel, July 13, 2010. Cindy Wiltheiss, MDiv ’07, and Luke Voth, Harrisonburg, Va., Elijah Luke, born May 9, 2009, adopted June 18, 2010.


Norman ’50, SEM ’84, and Margaret Stutzman Kauffman, Kalispell, Mont. 60th, married June 16, 1950.

Rawley J. ’58 and Esther Heatwole Shank, Harrisonburg, Va., 50th, married April 29, 1960. David ’70 and Erma Smoker Kurtz Clemens, Millersburg, Ohio, 50th, married May 21, 1960.


Edith Blough HS ‘26 Weaver Mann, Davidsville, Pa., EMU’s oldest alumnus, died Oct. 26, 2010, at the age of 105. She attended Millersville State Teachers College and taught in a public school in Lancaster. After moving to Johnstown, Edith and her first husband, U. Grant Weaver, became involved, along with others, in founding First Mennonite Church in Johnstown, where she served as primary superintendent for many years. She also was a substitute teacher in various schools in the area. Edith was a literature secretary within the Allegheny Mennonite Conference Mennonite Conference. In 1964, she and Grant moved to Sarasota, Fla., where Edith served as librarian in the Bay Shore Mennonite Church. She also was a book reviewer on a weekly radio program called the Book-Nook. In 1977, she and Grant traveled on a tour of the Holy Land, Switzerland, Holland and Germany. After Grant’s death, she married William Mann, sharing nine

Phil Helmuth, executive director of development at EMU, accepts the keys and title to Margaret Martin Gehman's 1967 Volkswagen Beetle.

Faithful VW Let Go At age 88, Margaret Martin Gehman '42 of Harrisonburg has lost a little of her trademark drive, largely because she has parted company with a faithful friend. Dr. Gehman and her trusty, albeit a bit rusty, mechanical steed, a blue 1967 Volkswagen Beetle, are almost synonymous to many observers. For years she motored the streets of the greater Harrisonburg area even though she preferred walking to as many destinations as possible. She has been a resident of Park Place at Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community since 2005. Gehman donated the true blue vehicle to the place where she served with distinction on the faculty for five decades. She taught art and physical education courses at EMU from 1944 until her retirement in 1987 but continued teaching a watercolor course until 1996. For much of that time, she carried - and exemplified - the moniker bestowed on her by a student years ago - "Speedy." "EMU has been good to me over the years, and this is another way I can express my appreciation," said Gehman, a long-time donor to the university fund and capital projects supporter. She established the Margaret Martin Gehman Endowed Scholarship Fund to provide financial aid for physical education and art students. Margaret recalled that she and her late husband, Ernest Gehman, paid around $1,500 for the VW, bought new in '67 in Germany. – Jim Bishop ’67

Inviting Folks To Big Spring Founded with the help of the Young People’s Christian Association from EMC in 1961, Big Spring Mennonite Church in Page County, Virginia, will be celebrating its 50th anniversary on June 19, 2011. Karla Stoltzfus Detweiler '99 will be one of the featured speakers. Kathy Hochstedler is the current pastor. More than 100 people linked to Eastern Mennonite have circled through the congregation of Big Spring. The organizers of the anniversary celebration would like as many of them as possible to return for this big event. For more information contact: Catherine Stoltzfus '71 at stoltzf@, Mark Sours ’68 at, or Kathy Hochstedler at Or visit the church's web site: | crossroads | 59

good years with him, including travels to Hawaii, Alaska and Arizona where they visited family and friends.

John J. Miller '68

He Praised God Through Music The Mennonite music world is much poorer with the passing of John J. Miller ’68, who died on Aug. 1, 2010, as a result of a brain tumor. Miller wrote the following reflection on Nov. 29, 2009, to a fellow Mennonite by way of explaining his passion for church music (excerpted): Congregational singing has always been special singing for me. As a youth growing up in the Conservative Mennonite Church (the name got changed) in the Goshen, Indiana area we used to get together after Sunday evening service for a hymn-sing. These songs became the backbone of our theology when we weren’t encouraged to go to college or seminary. Throughout my life and work in music and music making, my favorite kind of singing has been good hymn singing. For many years I would have the students memorize hymns on which they were tested. I suppose this was the best gift I could give them. Of course, they didn’t all see it as a gift. Hymns are the folk songs of the church. For a people who have little liturgy in our services, it is our response to God’s Word and Work among us. It is a corporate confession, testimony, commitment and praise. Miller taught at Locust Grove Mennonite School for 11 years, Rosslyn Academy (Nairobi, Kenya) for seven years, Lancaster Mennonite School for 16 years and one year each at Greenwood Mennonite School, Greenwood, Delaware and Hinkletown Mennonite Schools. Miller also served in music ministry at New Holland United Methodist Church, Willow Street Mennonite Church, Mellinger Mennonite Church and Neffsville Mennonite Church. He founded the Lancaster Chamber Singers and sang with the Susquehanna Chorale for 11 years. Born in Arthur, Illinois, Miller grew up in Goshen, Indiana, graduated from Bethany Christian High School, Eastern Mennonite College, and Manhattan School of Music. He also studied at Westminster Choir College and the Kodaly Institute in Hungary. He was a long-time voice student with Thomas Houser. Married to Helen Louise Kraybill ’66, the Kraybills have adult children who are both musicians: Wendell Epp Miller plays cello, and Frances Miller plays violin (she is also enrolled in EMU’s graduate program in conflict transformation).

fall 2007 2010-11 60 | crossroads | fall/winter

Genevieve Mae King HS ’32, EMC ’33, Stuarts Draft, Va., died on April 20, 2010, at the age of 97 at the Stuarts Draft Retirement Community. As a young girl, Genevieve sang with her sisters, who are now deceased, Gladys King (HS ’33) Bender, Vida King (HS ’33) Good and Carolyn King ’42 Augsburger, as their father served churches in an evangelistic ministry. Genevieve volunteered for many years with a group of ladies from her church at Western State Hospital. A member of a women’s sewing circle, Genevieve sewed various articles for Mennonite Central Committee. She was active as a bookkeeper and secretary for her husband’s business, King’s Tune-Up Spot. She was a long-time member of Springdale Mennonite Church. Fern C. Trissel HS ’33, Harrisonburg, Va., died on Oct. 10, 2010, at the age of 95. Fern moved to Heritage Haven at Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community (VMRC), Inc, in 1981. She was an active volunteer in that community. In 2005, she moved to Crestwood at VMRC and had recently transferred to its Oak Lea Nursing Home. Fern received her bachelor’s and master’s degree in education from James Madison College. She retired in 1978, after teaching 44 years in several schools in Rockingham County. Fern was a member of the local, state, and national Retired Teachers Association. Fern was a member of Weavers Mennonite Church, where she taught Sunday school and Bible school for many years. Nellie Keller (HS ’35) Early, Dayton, Va., died Aug. 25, 2010, at the age of 94. Nellie was a homemaker, spending her entire life in Dayton. She was a member of Dayton Mennonite Church. Stanley C. Shenk (HS’39), of Goshen, Ind., died Sept. 2, 2010, at the age of 91, at Greencroft Healthcare. Stanley graduated from Goshen College in 1944. He attended Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Princeton Theological Seminary and graduated from Biblical Seminary on New York City in 1959. He received his doctorate from New York University in 1971. His thesis was titled The Image of the Mennonites in American Novels, 1900 to 1970. He taught at Eastern Mennonite College 1945-48. He and his family lived in Souderton, Pa., 1957-65, where Stanley taught at Christopher Dock Mennonite High School 1958-60 and at Upper Moreland High School near Philadelphia 1961-63. In 1965 the family moved to Goshen and he taught Old Testament Survey and the Gospel of John and Jeremiah until 1986. He also taught Bible courses in India (1975–76 and 1986), Japan (1985) and Singapore (1986). He led 13 tours to the Holy Land, including several Goshen College Middle East Bible Seminars. In 1959 he led a Mennonite Central

Committee contingent to Newfoundland, and in 1974 he did a research project on the Coptic churches of Egypt. Stanley was the pastor of the South Union Mennonite Church, West Liberty, Ohio 1949-57. He served as Associate Pastor at Clinton Frame Mennonite Church in Goshen, 1965-75. He was a member of Clinton Frame Mennonite Church, and several professional organizations. Stanley wrote extensively, including about 700 youth Sunday school lessons, in the 1950s and early ’60s; hundreds of articles, poems and book reviews, mostly for Mennonite publications; and four books, Youth and Nonresistance (1953), Mission in Asia (1988), The Book of Hezekiah (publication pending) and Common Sense About the Second Coming (unpublished). Mahlon M. Horst ’46, Harrisonburg, Va., died Aug. 31, 2010, at the age of 89 at Oak Lea Nursing Home of VMRC. Mahlon served as a church planter and pastor with Virginia Mennonite Missions in Eastern Kentucky. He was the founding pastor of Lucas Hollow Mennonite Church, Stanley, Va. He and his wife, Leah, who survives, attended Timberville Mennonite Church in recent years. Clayton L. Swartzentruber ’49, Lansdale, Pa., died Aug. 12, 2010, at the age of 82. Clayton taught at Greenwood Mennonite School, Greenwood, Del., the community in which he grew up. He served as principal at Western Mennonite High School in Salem, Ore., 195256. In 1956-58, he taught at Bethany High School, Goshen, Ind. As superintendent, Clayton assisted in founding the Central Christian High School in Kidron, Ohio. He served there 1958-67. The following two years, he was the superintendent of Rockway Mennonite High School in Kitchener, Ontario. In 1969, he moved with his family to Harleysville, Pa, and worked as a guidance counselor in the Perkiomen Valley Schools. He founded the Mainland Institute, a graduate extension school of Marywood College in Scranton, Pa. Clayton served on the pastoral team at Salford Mennonite Church in Harleysville, Pa. Later, he was ordained as pastor at Methacton Mennonite Church, and later at Deep Run East. He served on the Franconia Conference Leadership Commission, was an overseer in the Franconia Mennonite Conference, and served on numerous Mennonite Church boards, including the Board of EMU. He founded the Kairos School of Spiritual Formation. Clayton was a churchman, educator, and Christian businessman. Betty Detweiler ’50 King, Harrisonburg, Va., died September 17, 2010, at the age of 82. Betty learned to play the piano at age 6 from her beloved aunt, Esther Musselman. She loved music and taught piano lessons for many years. Betty and her husband, Aaron ’53, Sem ‘61, accompanied by their children,

served as missionaries in Cuba and Mexico for many years. They returned to live in Harrisonburg in 1970, where they became active in the church and community, particularly the Hispanic community. Betty was among the first women ordained to Christian ministry by Virginia Mennonite Conference, serving as a chaplain in prison ministry with Aaron. Betty was fluent in Spanish and enjoyed serving as a translator for persons from the Hispanic community. She is survived by her husband, Aaron, and 8 children, all EMU alumni; Michael ’76 (dean of Eastern Mennonite Seminary), Jewel ’80, R. Robert ‘80, Steven Wiebe-King ’82, Martin (Marty) ’85 (EMU manager of audio/visual information systems), Noel ’87, Heidi ’89, and Starla ’90. Lois Ellen Hege ’51 Brenneman, Lancaster, Pa., died May 23, 2010, at the age of 84. For many years, Lois was a tour guide for visitors to the Amish area of Lancaster County. She and her husband, John Brenneman ’50 (who survives), frequently entertained guests in their home. Lois was an active member of the Life Mennonite Fellowship Church, West Willow, Pa. Stanley (Stan) K. Souder ’54, Sem ’55, of Telford, Pa., died June 6, 2010, at Grandview Hospital, after a massive stroke at the age of 80. Stan taught 21 years at Franconia Elementary School. He had keen interest in local history, world missionary endeavors, art and music. He was a lifetime member of Rockhill Mennonite Church, serving as a former Sunday school teacher. More recently, he attended Souderton Mennonite Church. Mary E. Swartzentruber ’60 Gingerich, Plain City, Ohio, died July 28, 2010, at the age 84, at Mt. Carmel West Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. Mary grew up on a farm near Berlin, Ohio. She accepted Christ at a young age and had a heart for missions, teaching Bible school at numerous places. As a single girl, she went to Germany to help a missionary family. Mary taught school in New York and Burton, Ohio. After her marriage to Lloyd Gingerich ’61, they spent 11 years in Germany under Rosedale Mennonite Missions. After their return to the States, she played a valuable role as a supportive pastor’s wife in Lloyd’s pastorates in Johnsville, Ohio, Milford, Neb., Arthur, Ill., and West Liberty, Ohio, and enjoyed ministering to and relating with many people. She is survived by her husband, Lloyd. Sanford (Sandy) Snider ’62, Broadway, Va., died at his home, surrounded by his family on June 13, 2010, at age 69, after a four-year battle with acute leukemia. He received graduate education at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Va., earning a master’s degree there in 1968 and a doctorate of education in 1977. Sandy began his career in public education by teaching in Hampton City Schools from 1962-65. He was

employed as a teacher and guidance counselor at Denbigh High School in Newport News, Va., 1965-70. He then moved to Richmond where he worked in the Henrico County Public Schools as a guidance supervisor, research associate and director of research and planning until his retirement in 1998. He continued working part-time in the research department until he moved to Broadway in 2005. Throughout his life journey, Sandy was an enthusiastic volunteer, particularly in church-related ventures, but, also in community service. He served as secretary of EMU’s Alumni Association from 1998 to 2010, when he resigned due to declining health. Upon his move to Broadway, he and his wife, Gloria Harman ’63 Snider, became a members of Trissels Mennonite Church. Gloria survives, as do his three sons and their spouses, Craig ’88 (MDiv ’92) and Jill Landis ’86 Snider (MDiv ’92), Daryl ’91 and Jean Sensenig ’92 Snider, Shawn ’00 and Sarah Beachy ’00 Snider. Truman H. Brunk ’64, MDiv ‘69, Harrisonburg, Va., went to his eternal reward, Oct. 8, 2010, at the age of 79. Prior to his ordination for pastoral ministry in 1965, Truman enjoyed working in his family’s orchards and building homes in Williamsburg, Va. From 1965-74, he served as campus pastor at EMU. In this role, Truman provided the primary leadership for the remarkable fund drive in December, 1969, in which the entire campus rallied to raise $113,000 over four days to enable EMU to collect a government grant and construct the Sadie A. Hartzler Library. He served as a pastor at Akron Mennonite Church in Akron, Pa., Blooming Glen Mennonite Church in Blooming Glen, Pa., Warwick River Mennonite Church in Newport News, Va., and as associate pastor at Harrisonburg Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg, Va. Truman also served as a bishop/overseer in churches in Pennsylvania and Virginia. He and his wife, Elizabeth (Betty) Shenk ‘69, worked side by side as interim pastors at Neffsville Mennonite Church in Lancaster, Pa., and at Landisville Mennonite Church in Pennsylvania. He is survived by Betty, his wife of 58 years. John Daniel “JD” Stahl ’73, Blacksburg, Va., died July 15, 2010, at the age of 58. JD spent most of his growing-up years in Luxembourg and Germany, the child of Mennonite missionary parents. This childhood identity gave him a perspective which bridged both European and American cultures. For the past 10 years, JD had lived with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, weathering many difficulties with grace, courage, resilience, and a sense of the preciousness of each moment. He enjoyed singing in his deep bass voice, listening to music, and being deeply involved with the lives of his two sons. JD earned a master’s degree from the University of Pittsburgh and a PhD from the University of Connecticut. For

one year, he studied at the Universities of Marburg and Munich in Germany. In 1982, JD arrived at Virginia Tech as a professor of English. He also served as visiting professor in the Hollins University summer Children’s Literature MA Program since its founding in 1992. He won numerous teaching awards, including the 2008 Virginia Tech William E. Wine Award for excellence in teaching. He co-edited Crosscurrents of Children’s Literature: Texts and Criticism and authored Mark Twain, Culture and Gender: Envisioning America through Europe. He was successively a member of Blacksburg Quaker Meeting, serving as its clerk (lay leader) for several years, and a member of Blacksburg Presbyterian Church. Marie Hershey Leaman Shenk ’86, MA ’98 (religion), died September 7, 2010, due to complications from pancreatic cancer, at the age of 72, in her home at Park Gables, Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community, Harrisonburg, Va. For several years, Marie served as secretary to Paul N. Kraybill, executive secretary of Eastern Mennonite Missions (EMM). After her marriage to Calvin E. Shenk ’59, they moved to Lancaster, Pa., where both were employed by Lancaster Mennonite School. In 1961, when they were in their early 20s, Marie and Calvin became missionaries in Ethiopia under EMM. There they remained for the next 15 years. Marie taught bookkeeping and typing and was the bookkeeper at the Nazareth Bible Academy. All three of their children were born in Ethiopia. In 1976, the Shenks moved to Harrisonburg, where Marie began employment as an administrative assistant to the academic dean of EMU. From 1997-2002, at the request of the Mennonite Middle East Reference Group, the Shenks served in a joint Middle East assignment funded by EMM, Mennonite Central Committee, and Mennonite Mission Network. While living in Jerusalem for part of each year, Calvin and Marie focused on JewishChristian dialogue, and Marie wrote a short history of Mennonite work in Israel. Marie and Calvin led four cross-cultural tours to the Middle East. In addition to her husband, Calvin, Marie is survived by three children, all EMU alumni: two sons, Douglas Shenk ’89 of Hummelstown, Pa., Duane Shenk ’90 of Harrisonburg; and Donna Shenk ’91 Sensenig of Goshen, Ind. Dennis Oricho, MA ’09 (conflict transformation), Nairobi, Kenya, died of kidney failure in a hospital in his home country on December 7, 2010. Dennis came to the Center for Justice and Peacebulding in the fall of 2008 as a Fulbright grantee. The previous year he had studied conflict analysis and resolution at Sabanci University in Istanbul,Turkey. He also held an Advanced Certificate in Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies from European University Center for Peace and Conflict Studies in Austria.

He was a graduate of St. Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary where he earned a bachelor’s in sacred theology. He also held a diploma in philosophy and religious studies from Pontifical Urbaniana University. A memorial service attended by his sister, Caroline Oricho, as well as by faculty, staff and students who remembered Dennis, was held in EMU’s Martin Chapel on December 15, 2010. Jason Jay Marner ’10, Brighton, Iowa, died July 1, 2010, at the age of 22, from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. Jason began full-time work with Dynamic Aviation on June 28, where he had served as an intern for two years. Jason had a life-long dream to pilot airplanes. He began pursuing this dream as an aviation major at two-year Hesston College, before transferring to EMU, where he majored in business administration. He hoped to engage in missionary aviation at some future time. Jason participated in EMU’s six-week cross-cultural program in New Zealand just before graduating in May 2010. Val Metzler, who had been on the trip with Jason, wrote the following on an EMU webpage containing reflections on Jason ( jason-marner): “Throughout the trip I was constantly thankful for Jason’s honestly articulated feelings and thoughts, his ability to be respectful and helpful, and his zest for life.” He was a member of Bethel Mennonite Church, Wayland, Iowa. Jason is survived by his parents, Stan and Joann (Roth) Marner and his brothers, David and Christopher. Correction A year ago, we ran an archival photo of women volleyball players from the early 1990s on the cover of Crossroads. We also published a note asking for help in identifying these women. In the following issue, we identified the women as Becky Miller Lyda '92 on the left and Gwen Sensenig on the fight, based on information we received. We have since been informed that the woman identified as Gwen is actually Jen Smith Caraccio '94.

Degree Key CLASS OF - attended as part of the class of a given graduation year, but did not complete studies here HS - high school degree from era when high school and college were one MA - master of arts MDiv - master of divinity PhD - doctoral degree SEM - certificate or other studies at the seminary level

Mileposts is compiled by retired physician Paul T. Yoder ’50, MAL ’92, who may be reached at paul.t.yoder@ or at (540) 432-4205. Feel free to send news directly to Paul or to the alumni office at | crossroads | 61 62 | crossroads | fall/winter 2010-11


you pave their way

Michael Allen, class of 2012 // Music (vocal) & business // Fork Union, Va.

EMU’s University Fund — “U-Fund” — enables EMU to distribute the financial aid needed by almost every student who attends this university. When you contribute to the U-Fund, you are enabling another generation to be shaped into servant leaders for their communities and the world. Give as much, or as little, as you can afford. Just give. Every year.

THE UNIVERSITY FUND Eastern Mennonite University Development Department 1200 Park Rd. Harrisonburg, VA 22802 (800) 368-3383 Phil Helmuth Executive Director of Development (540) 432-4597 (direct line) (800) 368-3383 E-mail: Art Borden Director of Planned Giving (540) 746-5127 (direct line) (800) 368-3383 Email: | crossroads | 63



Harrisonburg, VA 22802-2462 Parents: If this is addressed to your son or daughter who has established a separate residence, please give us the new address. Call (540) 432-4294 or e-mail

TELL US YOUR PATH to‘going green’ Oct. 8-10



SPORTS! our Servant-leaderS in Science summer 2008

emu... preparing students to serve and lead globally | crossroads | 1

vol. 89, no. 1

fall/winter 2009-10

emu... preparing students to serve and lead globally

The spring 2011 issue of Crossroads will focus on “sustainability.” Here at EMU and in surrounding Harrisonburg and nearby counties, many initiatives to preserve and restore God’s creation can be seen: solar panels on the EMU library roof, geo-thermal heating systems for EMU’s newer buildings, bicycle lanes and bike storage sheds, low-flow water systems, less mowing and more meadow grasses, alumni restoring land for organic farming, graduates experimenting with new ways of building, such as using straw bales. | crossroads | 1

vol. 90, No. 2

spring 2010

emu... preparing students to serve and lead globally

vol. 90, No. 3

summer 2010

emu... preparing students to serve and lead globally

vol. 91, No. 1

Crossroads wants to publish briefs on what alumni around the world are doing to contribute to sustainability. Please provide updates to us at: Alternatively, email messages to: Or send information to the address listed in the Crossroads mailing box on this page. We would like to receive information intended for the sustainability issue by Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2011.

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