Crossroads - Fall/Winter 2012-13 - Alumni Magazine of Eastern Mennonite University

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fall/winter 2012-13

emu... preparing students to serve and lead globally | crossroads | 1

vol. 93, No. 2


fall/winter 2012-13, Vol. 93, No. 2 Crossroads (USPS 174-860) is published three times a year by Eastern Mennonite University for distribution to 14,000 alumni, students, parents and friends. A leader among faith-based universities, Eastern Mennonite University emphasizes peacebuilding, creation care, experiential learning, and cross-cultural engagement. Founded in 1917 in Harrisonburg, Virginia, EMU offers undergraduate, graduate, and seminary degrees that prepare students to serve and lead in a global context. EMU's mission statement is posted in its entirety at Board of Trustees: Andrew Dula, chair, Lancaster, Pa.; Wilma Bailey, Indianapolis, Ind.; Evon Bergey, Perkasie, Pa.; Myron Blosser, Harrisonburg, Va.; John Bomberger, Harrisonburg, Va.; Herman Bontrager, Akron, Pa.; Shana Peachey Boshart, Wellman, Iowa; Randall Bowman, Archbold, Ohio; Janet Breneman, Lancaster, Pa.; Gerald R. Horst, New Holland, Pa.; Charlotte Hunsberger, Souderton, Pa.; Clyde Kratz, Harrisonburg, Va.; Kevin Longenecker, Harrisonburg, Va.; Kathleen (Kay) Nussbaum, Grant, Minn.; Dannie Otto, Urbana, Ill.; Amy Rush, Harrisonburg, Va.; Jeffrey A. Shank, Sarasota, Fla.; Robert Steury, Goshen, Ind.; Anne Kaufman Weaver, Brownstown, Pa. Associate trustees: Jonathan Bowman, Manheim, Pa.; David Hersh, Line Lexington, Pa.; Chad Lacher, Souderton, Pa.; E. Thomas Murphy, Jr., Harrisonburg, Va.; Mark Prock, Virginia Beach, Va.; Judith Trumbo, Broadway, Va. Loren Swartzendruber, president; Fred Kniss, provost; Kirk Shisler, vice president for advancement; Andrea Wenger, marketing and communications director. Bonnie Price Lofton Jon Styer Editor-in-chief Designer/photographer Braydon P. Hoover Mike Zucconi Mileposts editor News bureau director Marcy Gineris Danny Yoder Web content manager Web/social media Lindsey Kolb Carol Lown Photographer/proofreader Mailing list manager Jessica Hostetler Project & office coordinator/ proofreader All EMU personnel can be reached during regular work hours by calling 540-432-4000, or via contact details posted on the university website, Cover: Nora Osei ‘15, whose internship involved IT support for Bread for the World located in this building in Washington D.C. See pages 20 & 21. Photo by Jon Styer. POSTMASTER: Submit address changes to: Crossroads Eastern Mennonite University 1200 Park Road Harrisonburg VA 22802

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Loren Swartzendruber '76, MDiv '79, DMin, speaks at EMU's 2012 Homecoming worship service.

Best-Kept Secret in D.C.? Dr. Kimberly Schmidt, long-time director of EMU’s Washington Community Scholars’ Center, has often expressed the thought that WCSC is one of EMU’s best-kept secrets. As I perused the photographs and stories in this issue of Crossroads prior to press time, I couldn’t help but feel that Kim might be right. WCSC students garner a wealth of job and life experience while taking rigorous academic courses. And, as one of the articles explains, “They don’t come back the same.” They come back with valuable experience for future careers, job offers in some cases, and deep insight into the possibilities and problems of life in a major U.S. city. Most of them have thrown themselves into “making a difference,” perhaps as advocates for social causes, volunteers at food pantries, or fundraisers for organizations serving people in need. Their contributions are valued. In the words of Kirsten Youngblood Archer, a supervisor at Bread for the World, “Their work ethic has been unmatched … They have truly been an asset to our organization, contributing to the work we do in a meaningful way.” And who could have imagined that Justin Hawkins, a 2006 grad, would have gone from an internship at the U.S. Forest Service in downtown D.C. to his current job, where he sometimes rides a horse into remote areas of Wyoming's Shoshone National Forest? It is appropriate that WCSC students live in a building called The Nelson Good House. Nelson Good, a 1968 graduate in sociology, provided the vision and a great deal of sweatlabor to bring what was formerly known as the Washington Study Service Year (WSSY) to fruition in 1976. Nelson died in 2005, but his legacy remains alive in alumni who have been significantly impacted by the program. Elsewhere in this magazine, we recognize the vital role played by our donors, who literally make it possible for EMU to educate students and make an impact on the world the way we do. EMU would not exist if it were not for our loyal and growing donor base. Thank you, donors!

Loren Swartzendruber President


Homecoming 2012


They Don't Return the Same


The 'Real World' of D.C.

Alumni, friends and parents joined the campus community to reconnect, have fun, and mark the 30th anniversary of EMU's cross-cultural program.

Some graduates from the Washington Community Scholars’ Center find their life paths through their WCSC experiences; others just grow dramatically.

Living, studying and working in Washington D.C. sparks deep examination of the relationship between faith, values and career.


Springboard to Future Work

Many WCSC alumni continue to draw directly from their internship experiences in their jobs today, scattered across a variety of career fields.


2011-12 Donor Honor Roll




In this Issue






Gifts to EMU make possible a university experience like no other, combining faith, academic rigor, peacebuilding, creation care, and cross-culturals.

Check on the life journeys, callings and accomplishments of alumni. | crossroads | 1

homecoming 2012 Plan on being at the next Homecoming and Family Weekend, Oct. 11-13, 2013!

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photo by jon styer


Attendees and participants in the Sunday morning Homecoming worship service join in a harvest communion on the lawn. | crossroads | 3

photo by chelsie gordon The Walking Roots Band during the opening program

photo by chelsie gordon

photo by jon styer

Royals varsity vs. alumni baseball game

Reunion of the class of 2007

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photo by lindsey kolb

photo by lindsey kolb

No Roosters in the Desert, a play by Kara Hartzler '94

Professional baseball player Erik Kratz '02, Hall of Honor inductee

photo by jon styer

photo by jon styer


photo by jon styer

Reunion of Middle East cross-cultural groups

photo by lindsey kolb

Herm, EMU's Royal mascot, about to enjoy some cider

Men's soccer vs. Lynchburg

Local artist Eric Kniss preparing his art exhibit | crossroads | 5

photo by jon styer photo by jon styer

photo by lindsey kolb

Chamber Singers at the Sunday morning worship service

EMU president with alumni honorees Christina '73 & Vic Buckwalter '73

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photo by jon styer

Reunion of Latin America cross-cultural groups photo by jon styer

Harvest communion after the Sunday morning worship service

David Boshart ’86, MA ’87 (religion), honored for distinguished service

photo by lindsey kolb


photo by jon styer

photo by lindsey kolb

"International Marketplace" featuring international cuisine, performers, musicians, and storytellers

photo by lindsey kolb

Dining at the International Marketplace

South Africa cross-cultural group at the International Marketplace

Austin Showalter '13 ready to eat at the International Marketplace | crossroads | 7

THEY DON’T COME BACK THE SAME Washington Community Scholars’ Center IN THE FALL OF 1976, Phil BakerShenk arrived in Washington D.C., intending to advance the causes of international human rights and nuclear disarmament through an internship with the Friends Committee on National Legislation. However, as an 18-yearold college undergrad at the bottom of the organization’s rungs, he found himself shuffled to its underfunded and understaffed Native American advocacy program. He didn’t know it yet, but the assignment sparked an interest that was to become his life’s work. After graduating from EMU in 1979, Baker-Shenk worked for two years for the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs before earning his law degree at Catholic University in D.C. He then returned to working on issues affecting Native American tribes, including three more years as an aide in the U.S. Senate. Now a partner in the Holland & Knight law firm, for the past 25 years he has been representing tribal govern8 | crossroads | fall/winter 2012-13

ments across the country facing a variety of challenges to their sovereignty and self-governance authorities. It all goes back to that formative year he spent in Washington, which almost didn’t happen in the first place. The idea of an EMU-sponsored academic program in D.C. began with Nelson Good ’68, who spent two years after graduation in D.C. as a conscientious objector volunteering at a community center. He later became an administrator of two Mennonite-run voluntary service units in Washington and soon became convinced that a service-year experience would be improved if a formal academic component were added. Good approached EMU with his idea, but it was not immediately embraced by the administration. The college was facing a period of financial uncertainty in the mid-’70s, and was hesitant to start such an innovative program. This came as a disappointment to Baker-Shenk and a group of students who had become excited about Good’s proposal. They

decided to take matters into their own hands in the spring of 1976. “We organized together, and said to the administration, ‘We’re going to go elsewhere unless EMU starts this program,’” remembers Baker-Shenk. Their effort paid off, and the university took a gamble on the idea. Good became the first director of the Washington Study-Service Year (WSSY), a position he would hold for the next 11 years, and Baker-Shenk was one of the first nine students in the first WSSY program during its initial year, from 1976 to 1977. “Thanks to EMC’s vision, and thanks to WSSY and Nelson Good, I stumbled into a life-long passion and vocation that I would have never predicted ever happening to a little Mennonite farm kid from Pennsylvania potato fields,” BakerShenk said. From the beginning, the WSSY program (renamed the Washington Community Scholars’ Center, or WCSC, in 2002) was structured much like it is today. Students lived together in a

photo by conrand erb


group house and split their time between internships and academic courses, either taken at universities in the D.C. area or taught by EMU faculty staffing the program. Throughout its history, the program has afforded students the opportunity to live, study and gain valuable, real-world work and cross-cultural experience in the middle of one of the world’s most important cities. “It was just such a thrilling year on multiple levels for me,” said Rolando Santiago ’79, a student during the second year of the WSSY program, beginning in the fall of 1977. “When I look back on it, I’m not sure that I’ve ever had such a rich, stimulating year since.” Now the executive director of the Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society, Santiago said his internship with Ayuda, a legal aid agency that primarily served Hispanic immigrants, gave him “deep appreciation for, and understanding of, the role that community-based organizations can have in enriching the life of an entire population.”

He said that mindset also heavily informed his work in mental health for the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and as executive director of Mennonite Central Committee U.S. from 2004 to 2010. Originally from rural Puerto Rico, Santiago got his first taste of urban living in Washington, and intentionally stretched himself by taking courses at the University of Maryland that weren’t available then at EMU. He also became involved in the Hispanic Mennonite Church in D.C. and capitalized on the spontaneous learning opportunities he encountered, such as a course he took on Marxism and Leninism taught by a person he’d met through Ayuda. “It was a bit scary for me because I was always taught that that was not something you touch, intellectually or otherwise,” said Santiago, who later expanded his housemates’ horizons by arranging for the teacher to give a lecture on Marxism to the entire WSSY program. One of his classmates that year, Dawn

Longenecker ’80, also described the experience as one that stretched, challenged and transformed her in important ways. “It’s a really wonderful place where people can struggle and grapple and build community all at the same time,” said Longenecker, director of Discipleship Year, a voluntary service program in Washington D.C. run by the Church of the Saviour. As a WSSY student, Longenecker discovered a lifelong passion for advocacy and social change through her internship with the Gray Panthers, a grassroots organizing and advocacy group for elderly people. Longenecker recalls wrestling with the other WSSY students over questions of faith, justice and application of the Gospel, and said her mind was “blown on multiple levels.” “It was an incredible year,” said Longenecker, who has remained in Washington ever since, mostly doing social work. “My whole life journey came from WSSY. My whole life was transformed.” The formal academic component of | crossroads | 9

the program includes classes taught by WCSC faculty, plus the option of studying at a number of different universities in the Washington D.C. area. At the beginning of the program, the University of Maryland was the main partner institution; today, students can enroll at Trinity University, the University of the District of Columbia, the Corcoran College of Art and Design and others, including Howard University and Catholic University. Students are also required to take a weekly academic seminar. Until recently, WCSC director Kimberly Schmidt taught some seminar topics, while former associate director Doug Hertzler ’88 focused on others. (At the end of the fall 2012 semester, Hertzler departed WCSC for another job.) Schmidt and Hertzler – whose academic specialties are history and anthropology, respectively – used the city as a giant textbook as they examined issues of race, class, urban life and faith. “The cultural and historical studies at WCSC have greatly informed my life,” said Mark Fenton ’10. “Looking at the gentrification of D.C. and issues of race and politics during the history of the city, has made me a more informed and better-rounded person.” WCSC also represents EMU’s longest running cross-cultural, established several years before cross-cultural education found its way into the university’s required curriculum. When the program began, about 70 percent of Washington D.C.’s population was African-American, giving many students – particularly in the early days of the program – their first extended experience surrounded by people whose race and culture were different from their own, which tended to be largely white, rural populations. “I remember the moment when I realized I wasn’t seeing race when I was working with kids,” said Dwight Gingerich ’81, who coached basketball at a predominantly African-American school during his year in the WSSY program. “Our neighborhood was 99 percent African-American, and it was a great cross-cultural experience for me.” While many WCSC students today also participate in other cross-cultural programs offered at EMU, the program in Washington still fulfills that require10 | crossroads | fall/winter 2012-13

ment for students. more emphasis on the internship experiMany alumni recall the importance of ence and allows students to accumulate the informal, day-to-day aspects of the the same number of internship hours as experience. those who spend the whole semester in “I’m much more confident in finding Washington. my way around places, because I biked “I really admire how EMU took a all over the city, and finding my way longstanding program and wasn’t afraid around transit systems isn’t so daunting,” to redesign it in a way that more people said Fenton. would benefit from,” said Fikir Tilahun Amy Smith ’90 Mumbauer remem’00 Sanders, a member of one of the last bers learning about the challenges of groups of students to spend two semessticking to a tight budget while shopping ters in the WSSY program. for her 12-student house at the Shoppers In 2006, the newly revamped WCSC Food Warehouse and Glut, a food co-op. program underwent another change. Like most WCSC groups, hers shared Faced with expensive and cumbersome cooking and cleaning duties. They ate renovations to the original building in together around a long wooden table northeast Washington, the program beneath a ceiling occasionally dangling moved a relatively short distance to a spaghetti – the result of tests for pasta new building on Taylor Street. The new done-ness. home gave the program more space By the late ’90s, the WSSY program and more convenient access to a Metro was beginning to have trouble filling station. all its spots, facing competition from The location also sits in an ideal neighEMU’s growing cross-cultural program borhood, neither sheltered nor unsafe. It and increasingly rigid academic requireis characterized by mixed incomes and ments that made it difficult for students ethnic diversity, said Hertzler. The diverto spend an entire year off campus. Even sity immediately surrounding the house, with a handful of students from other he added, made it very easy for students Mennonite colleges entering the program to conduct the direct participant-obsereach year, low enrollment was a sigvation projects he assigned for the urban nificant concern when Schmidt became anthropology courses he taught. director in 1999. The building is called the Nelson After two more lean years, Schmidt Good House, named in honor of the and others at EMU made a difficult deci- program’s founder and first director sion to reduce the program from a year who was diagnosed with cancer as he to a semester in length. With the “year” was overseeing renovations of the new part removed from the WSSY equation, WCSC building in D.C. Good passed a name-change was also in order. They away in 2005, soon before the move was chose the term “Community Scholars” made. to emphasize the academic rigor of the Schmidt noted that the concept of program – one of its major distinguish“servant-leadership” remains at the heart ing factors from the many other college of the WCSC experience and has been internship programs that exist in Washa core emphasis of the program since ington D.C. “Community Scholars,” its inception. Servant-leadership, she Schmidt says, also connotes an emphasis explained, entails following Christ’s exon social justice, which has always been ample in vocation by aligning faith and a focus of the program. Finally, “Center” values with career goals; it characterizes was chosen to emphasize the partnerthe best leaders as motivated by a sense ship EMU has with other Mennonite of service. In Washington D.C., she universities that regularly send students added, students have the additional opto the Washington Community Scholars’ portunity to explore and apply AnabapCenter, or WCSC. tist values of servanthood and nonconToday, Bluffton University in Ohio formity in the geographic and figurative is EMU’s biggest partner school in the seat of American power. program, sending up to five students per “I came to understand in WSSY that year. In addition to two semester-long institutions, and positions of leadership sessions each year, WCSC also offers a within institutions, are opportunities for 10-week summer program that places serving,” said John Stahl-Wert ’81, who

photos courtesy family of nelson good


1. Nelson Good in 1987 with college students at Rolling Ridge, a rustic retreat center in West Virginia regularly used by WCSC. From left, Deborah Weaver '89, Kay Zehr' 87 Diller, Nelson Good '68, Craig Snider '88, Mary Jo Swartzendruber (class of '89), and Steve Mumbauer '88 // 2. Nelson on a tractor at Rolling Ridge, where he and his family sought occasional respite from the intensity of living in D.C. // 3. Nelson and contractor Jay Good at the newly purchased building for WCSC, not long before Nelson's death of cancer in 2005.

studied in the program during the 197778 school year. The author of several books, including The Serving Leader, Stahl-Wert said that WSSY’s emphasis on servant-leadership, and a book the group read – Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness by Robert Greenleaf – became the basis for his work today. In addition to writing, Stahl-Wert is also a leadership coach and speaker based in Pittsburgh. “Criticizing institutions and leaders is one of the weaker – if sometimes necessary – acts of contributing good to the world,” he said. “We must step into difficult positions of responsibility.” Stahl-Wert interned with the Juvenile Probation Office of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. He recalls feeling immediately at home in the city

even though he grew up in rural Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. During his WSSY experience, he said Washington D.C. became the first of many cities he now loves. First exposure to big-city life is another important element for many in the WCSC program. “I came to WSSY with very little experience in an urban setting,” said Trent Wagler ’02. “The first lesson I learned was that I’m a very, very small blip in this huge journey. . . . Coming from a small Kansas high school to a small Mennonite college campus, it was pretty easy to get an inflated sense of my importance in the world. My year in Washington put that into some perspective.” Wagler interned with the Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company. That opportunity led to work as an actor and




musician at a professional theater in rural Virginia, which later inspired his career now fronting his nationally touring band, The Steel Wheels. With its interconnected emphases on learning and service, diverse opportunities for students to explore career interests, and location in the heart of a major city, the program exerts an impact on students in multiple ways, say alumni. “My D.C. semester was one of the best choices I made at EMU,” said Fenton, who is now a media specialist with the Gravity Group in Harrisonburg. “It helped me focus my goals and work toward them, building myself as a person, as a professional, and more. I am very glad for every way that my time in Washington changed me. It has all been for the better.”  — Andrew Jenner '04 | crossroads | 11


SHOULDER–TO-SHOULDER, a Washington D.C.based interfaith coalition that works to end anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States, has its work cut out for it. Political campaigns throughout the 2012 election season made use of xenophobic language, and vandalism of mosques made headlines repeatedly over the past year, including an incident at a mosque a few miles from EMU. As an intern with the organization, Bekah Enns ’13 has put to work her experience as a co-editor of The Weather Vane, EMU’s student newspaper, by producing a bi-weekly newsletter, compiling fact sheets, and otherwise pitching in on the group’s various initiatives and campaigns. One of Shoulder-to-Shoulder’s priorities is trying to replace the commonly used label “Muslim American” with “American Muslim” – a term consciously chosen to emphasize to the “American-ness” that unites people of all faiths who live in the United States. While it seems a worthwhile project to Enns, she’s also well aware of how this appeal to secular, American values is somewhat at odds with the Mennonite tradition of emphasizing primary allegiance to God rather than country. And so, Enns’ internship through EMU’s Washington Community Scholars’ Center, or WCSC, has become something more than just a taste of real-world work and an opportunity to develop contacts, ideas and credentials for life after college. It’s also a launching point for deeper examination of the relationship between faith, values and career.

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photos by jon styer

Students Wrestle With Values and Career

Bekah Enns ’13

“How do we as Mennonites engage the state, and how much do we build our alternative systems?” asks Enns, a history major with minors in political science, pre-law and peacebuilding and development. What relationship, exactly, should a person of faith hold toward advocacy in a secular environment, she wonders? Doesn’t a faith like hers, one that prescribes action on behalf of the least among us, require this sort


Sheldon C. Good and Kimberly Schmidt

of entanglement with the wider world? But does this very entanglement with the wider world undermine the foundations of her faith? Sitting at the kitchen table in the WCSC house, Enns – approaching the end of her semester in Washington – hasn’t hit on any answers to her questions yet. At the same time, she knows she would like to continue doing faith-based advocacy work after she graduates. “Washington is often viewed as the quintessential ‘City on a Hill’ because of the power that exists here,” says Sheldon C. Good, WCSC assistant director. “And yet, Jesus professed an upside-down kingdom that turned power on its head, and that’s what students have to grapple with.” Questions like those raised by Enns lie at the heart of the Washington Community Scholars’ Center experience, says Kimberly Schmidt, the program’s director since 1999. While most internship programs in Washington D.C. focus on career-building, WCSC pushes students to think more broadly about vocation, where one’s work and one’s values align. Another key feature of the WCSC internship programs is its emphasis on serving other people rather than just one’s own interests. “A lot of people come to D.C. and they just want to pad their résumés and network,” says Schmidt, who

takes satisfaction in seeing students struggle with deeper questions during their WCSC experience. “But we really want our students to come in with an attitude of service.” This concept of “servant-leadership” has been a part of the WCSC program since its inception in 1976 and remains very much at the center of its focus. At the same time, that doesn’t mean that student internships remain limited to ones like Shoulder-toShoulder, with an overt mission of service or advocacy. Instead, Schmidt and Good place students in a wide variety of internships that match career interests, and then work with them to “imagine themselves as servantleaders in that particular sector.” The academic component of the WCSC program places great emphasis on the differences, diversity and contradictions encountered by students during their semester in the city. A student’s day could begin in one of the poorest neighborhoods in the country and could end at the Kennedy Center, a few miles away and several worlds apart. Schmidt and former associate director Doug Hertzler ’88 (after more than a decade with the program, he took a new job in the late fall of 2012) intentionally expose students to these different realities – “polarities and disparities,” as Schmidt refers to them – | crossroads | 13

Kiersten Rossetto ’13

during the seminars on urban history, anthropology and life that the directors lead each semester. “I didn’t know what ‘gentrification’ meant before coming here this semester,” says Christine Baer ’14, calling her class in urban anthropology one of the highlights of her WCSC experience. Through a variety of field trips, guest speakers and readings, she and her classmates studied the dynamics of race, class and politics at work in the rapidly changing city. (Since WCSC was established in the ’70s, for example, the African-American share of the city’s population has fallen from 70 percent to 50 percent.) Like many in the WCSC program, Baer finds city life exhilarating. After graduation, she plans to look for work in the human services field in a large city, with D.C. high on her list. The endless opportunity for new experiences, encounters and entertainment, the public transportation that zips you around, the crowds, everything seemingly at her fingertips – all of these are also a highlight of the experience for Taylor Swantz ’13. “I love the city,” says Swantz, who grew up in rural Iowa

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and has an internship with a psychologist at a therapy center in College Park, Maryland. Good points out that it’s simply fun to live in one of the world’s most important cities. “Students have plenty of opportunities to experience city life and build community together,” he says. (The night before Crossroads’ visit to the WCSC program, several students were out late, taking in the spectacle of President Barack Obama’s re-election outside the White House and along U Street, where celebration erupted after the result was announced.) But even when there are great times to be had and great questions to ponder, there are still groceries to buy and bathrooms to clean, and here again, WCSC students are thrust into the real (and banal) world, where there is no cafeteria or custodial staff to lean on. Because she is one of the few students with a car in the city, Baer became one of the grocery shoppers, making regular trips to Aldis for the deals and Giant for everything else, plus a few agreed-upon luxuries, like caramel macchiato-flavored coffee creamer. She and her classmates also have organized weekly meetings and set up


Taylor Swantz ’13

cooking and cleaning rotations to keep the house in order – tasks that the WCSC staffers leave up to the students to figure out. “I feel more adult here,” says Kiersten Rossetto ’13, mentioning the greater freedoms and greater responsibilities given students in WCSC compared to life on campus in Harrisonburg. While Schmidt and the rest of the WCSC staff emphasize the way the program develops students beyond simple career enhancement, job opportunities frequently do present themselves through the internships in D.C. During some semesters, 90 percent of the students have received job offers through, or directly because of, their internship placements, Schmidt says. And even when the internship doesn’t culminate in a full-fledged job, the experience at the very least lets students give the urban vocation a full-dress rehearsal. Baer, interning with Maryland Citizens Against State Executions, has both enjoyed her work ­assisting the organization in its campaign to abolish the death penalty in Maryland, and figured out that working on a policy level ­– emailing, letter-writing, bending legislators’ ears – is a

Christine Baer ’14

little too impersonal for her tastes. “It is really valuable work, but I think I get my energy elsewhere,” says Baer, who has figured out over the course of the semester that she prefers service and advocacy work that involves more direct contact with constituents. Rossetto, an intern with the immigrant advocacy group Casa de Maryland, feels very much drawn to that field, which she also studied from a very different angle as a student on EMU’s Guatemala and U.S.-Mexico border cross-cultural. Now considering work with the Peace Corps or Mennonite Central Committee, though, Rossetto isn’t yet exactly sure where or how her skills and values frame a vocational calling. “I really like nonprofit work and organizing, but I’m still on that journey,” Rossetto says. “I’m still figuring it out.”  — Andrew Jenner '04 | crossroads | 15

“THIS PROGRAM is for any EMU continue to draw directly from their student,” says former WCSC associate internship experience in their jobs today, director Doug Hertzler ’88. “You can scattered across a wide variety of career position yourself to do anything you fields. Some examples: want after college through this program.” Hertzler himself is a case in point: PHARMACEUTICALS he interned with Washington Inner “A lot of the things I learned during City Self-Help while a student in the my WSSY year really played into what then-named WSSY program during the I’ve done,” said Fikir Tilahun ’00 1986-87 school year, went into anthropol- Sanders, most recently employed in ogy, and wound back up as professor at corporate social responsibility for a now-named WCSC. (Hertzler moved large pharmaceutical company. During into a new job with Action Aid Interher year in Washington, Sanders was national in November 2012.) Numerous an intern with Bread for the City, a alumni of the WSSY/WCSC program nonprofit that provided healthcare, legal

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assistance and other support to lowincome and homeless people. Sanders worked in the organization’s clinic and helped clients fill out paperwork to enroll in various “patient assistance programs,” through which many drug companies provide free medication to people in financial need. Sanders found herself working on the same issue from a very different angle: the redesign of her own company’s patient-assistance program. “The regulation has changed since I was doing it [in Washington], but it was interesting to work on the other side of

photo courtesy of samantha cole


photo by jon styer

wcsc Samantha Cole ’11, pictured at left, did her internship at Al Jazeera during the 2011 "Arab Spring." She is now a reporter at the Daily News-Record in Harrisonburg, Va.

it,” she said, noting that her experience helping patients enroll in programs like the one she’s redesigned played a role in the decisions she made.

NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Working for the U.S. Forest Service in its International Programs office, Justin Hawkins ’06 had an opportunity to learn more about the behind-the-scenes workings of the agency he still works for. Now based in Cody, Wyoming, as a supervisory recreation technician for the Shoshone National Forest, Hawkins manages eight campgrounds and other recreational facilities near Yellowstone National Park that serve 100,000 to 200,000 visitors each year. While his work in the field now bears little similarity to his day-to-day tasks as an

Francis Johnson ’07 started as an intern at 501c TECH and was hired into a full-time job there, where he continues to work. He is now a senior engineer. photo by jon styer

JOURNALISM As an intern in the interview production department of the Al Jazeera English network, Samantha Cole ’11 lined up experts on various topics to speak onair to the station’s anchors during her semester in the WCSC program. The spring of 2011 was a momentous time to be at the network. As the events of the Arab Spring unfolded, the routine rush of “answering three phones at once would pause, to watch what was happening on our own coverage: our reporters being beaten by police, satellite trucks burning, revolutionaries waving banners with the Al Jazeera logo. It was surreal to be on the other side of the camera, helping give voice to the long unheard,” she said. Soon after her semester in Washington ended, Cole began working as a features writer for the Daily News-Record back on EMU’s home turf in Harrisonburg. “My internship definitely played a part in sticking with journalism. I learned the importance of thorough, careful retelling of stories. Sources aren’t just soundbites, but people who trust the journalist with the most precious thing they own: their story,” she said.

Doug Hertzler ’88 went from being a student in EMU's Washington program to returning, after earning his doctorate, as a professor. He now works at Action Aid International.

intern, the experience gave him broader understanding of the Forest Service as well as a “foot in the door” that helped him land the job in Wyoming after graduating from EMU. DIGITAL MEDIA Mark Fenton ’10 sees a clear line from his internship with Bread for the World to his job as a media specialist with a marketing agency in Harrisonburg. At Bread for the World, Fenton worked in a variety of digital media to support the organization’s marketing and communications efforts. Focusing

primarily on photography, Fenton helped the organization develop a photography database. His pictures appeared in numerous Bread for the World publications. In his current job, he works on a variety of projects that include email marketing, web strategy and video production for his agency’s clients. “The internship helped me step into the working world,” Fenton said. “It gave me experience in a real work setting, with demands and deadlines . . . . It helped push me to become more persistent, hard-working and confident.” | crossroads | 17

photo courtesy of justin hawkins Justin Hawkins ’06, a native of Harrisonburg, Va., started as an intern with the U.S. Forest Service and now manages eight campgrounds and other recreational facilities, serving 100,000 to 200,000 visitors, on federally owned land near Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.

PHYSICAL THERAPY Entering her WSSY experience in 1988, Amy Smith ’90 Mumbauer was trying to decide whether she wanted to pursue graduate study in medicine or physical therapy. Her internship, assisting a physical therapist at an Easter Seals preschool in Washington, made the choice an easy one. “Mrs. Horowitz [her supervisor] taught me how to provide hands-on care for children with disabilities,” said Mumbauer, who went on to graduate school in physical therapy and has spent much of the past 20 years working in adult rehabilitation and orthopedics. “The handling skills that I learned in my internship with the children have been useful to me in many settings. . . . Communicating with patients and families, as I watched Mrs. Horowitz do, is a skill that I use daily.” GUIDANCE COUNSELING/COACHING It was at Archbishop John Carroll Catholic High School in Washington, 18 | crossroads | fall/winter 2012-13

D.C. where Dwight Gingerich ’81 first discovered the similarities between counseling and coaching. Splitting his internship between the guidance office and assisting the varsity basketball team during the school’s run to the city basketball championship game, Gingerich learned that effective listening and benevolence are characteristics equally important to counselors and coaches. Now a guidance counselor, athletic director and head boys basketball coach at Iowa Mennonite School, Gingerich said that lessons he learned in Washington remain as relevant in rural Iowa as they were more than three decades ago in the inner city. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Francis Johnson ’07 enjoys an extremely close connection between his internship through WCSC and his job today as an IT engineer in Washington D.C. – he was hired on at 501cTECH full-time a week after his internship there ended. The nonprofit organization, formerly

known as NPower Greater DC Region, provides IT support and services to other nonprofits across the D.C. metro area. Johnson entered WCSC for his final semester of college knowing the internship would provide him with real-world experience, and he hoped, lead to postcollege job opportunities. Getting hired directly by his internship, he said, was a best-case scenario. “That’s what I hoped would happen with the WCSC program,” said Johnson, a senior 501cTECH engineer, who works with clients on technical support, network maintenance, assessments and other projects. Learning how to live and interact with a large group of fellow students, plus taking classes at Howard University, made his experience in D.C. worth it for more than the job he landed. “I benefitted in many ways,” Johnson said. “I’d do it again – not just because of the great job opportunity, but because of the other unique experiences that came with it.”  — Andrew Jenner '04

photo by steven stauffer


photo by Wil Thomas

ALICIA BEST ’11 // Family Health and Birth Center // Assisted with pre-school checkups, natural births and other aspects of pediatrics and women’s healthcare. // “That’s what I hope to go into in the future,” says Best, now back home in New Jersey as a nursing assistant for young people with mental illness. // Enjoyed D.C. work with clients from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.

STEVEN STAUFFER ’10 // Washington School of Ballet, THEARC campus // Photographed ballet performances, classes and rehearsals, plus helped “control the chaos” during summer arts programs for children. // “I was pretty much their media person, and I had to go it alone, trying to troubleshoot and problem-solve independently.” // Now doing photography in New York City. | crossroads | 19

photo by jon styer photo by jon styer

LEAH PANNEPECKER ‘13 // Freed Photography // Assisted in photography business with 20 full-time employees. // Analyzed and summarized client reviews from past five years to provide company with useful feedback. // Carla Freed (left), internship supervisor: “She will be an asset to any professional organization with her superb skills and remarkably personable and responsible nature.”

NORA OSEI ‘15 // Community IT Innovators // Assisted organization in providing IT support to nonprofits, including Bread for the World, by setting up equipment for meetings and conference calls, using software to help clients through remote troubleshooting, etc. // “Most of what I learned at CITI was by asking questions. You will find most people are always happy to share their knowledge.” 20 | crossroads | fall/winter 2012-13

photo by jon styer


photo by jon styer

COURTNEY RYAN ‘13 // Bread for the World // After having a series of WCSC interns, most recently Courtney, internship supervisor Kirsten Youngblood Archer offered: “Their work ethic has been unmatched … They have truly been an asset to our organization, contributing to the work we do in a meaningful way.” About Courtney: “A true professional any organization would be smart to hire.”

HEATHER SPRINKLE ‘12 // Chelsea School, serving students with learning disabilities // Did groundwork for peer mediation program. // Tameka Jackson (left), internship supervisor: Given school’s limited resources, WCSC interns “have truly filled the gap in many ways. The programs and initiatives that [they have worked on] will continue to impact students academically and socially." | crossroads | 21

photo by jon styer photo by jon styer

KELLY SHANK // Bluffton University '13 // Little Friends for Peace // Teaches peace skills to young children. // M.J. Park, internship supervisor: “It has been great to have [WCSC interns’] energy, spirit of working for change and investment in the young people.” // “Kelly was a good role model of what tools a peacemaker uses: kindness, cooperation and care.”

JESSICA SARRIOT ’11 // Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights, doing policy work // As undergrad, won national award for speech entitled “Peace Churches and War Profits.” // Moved to Colombia in mid-2011 as a Mennonite Central Committee volunteer, working with war victims. // “One of the things I’ve realized living in such a violent and complicated urban environment is how important it is as Christians to understand Jesus’ call to nonviolence in all aspects of our lives.” 22 | crossroads | fall/winter 2012-13

photo by jon styer


SHAHAD AL-DOORI // Bluffton University ’13 // At a Nov. 7, 2012, event at Busboys and Poets in Hyattsville, Md., Al-doori described being a student in Baghdad whose education was abruptly interrupted in the spring of 2003 by the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. // Due to deteriorating security, in 2007 Al-doori and most of her family left Iraq to live in Damascus, Syria. There, she was accepted into the Iraqi Student Project, a nonprofit dedicated to helping young Iraqis complete their educations in preparation for future leadership roles in rebuilding their country. // With the support of the Iraqi Student Project, Al-doori enrolled at Bluffton University, a Mennonite-affiliated college in Ohio, in the fall of 2009. // Her experience as a Bluffton student with WCSC in the fall of 2012 helped her to build a network of contacts in Washington D.C., while doing an internship with an interior design firm. | crossroads | 23



Marjan and Anas "Andy" Shallal, owners of four Busboys and Poets restaurants in the Washington D.C. area, have supported the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding as members of "Partners in Peacebuilding" for the last decade. Marjan was born into an Iranian family; Anas into an Iraqi one. Both families settled in the U.S. as refugees from political turmoil in their home countries.

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photo by jon styer

2011 - 2012



President’s Partners Unrestricted annual gifts of $5,000 and above

Athletic Partners Annual gifts of $1,000 and above to University Fund - athletics

Associates in Discipleship Unrestricted annual gifts of $1,000-$4,999

Blue and White Society - Athletics Annual gifts of $500-$999 to University Fund - athletics

Blue and White Society Unrestricted annual gifts of $500-$999

EASTERN MENNONITE SEMINARY Aquila and Priscilla Partners Annual gifts of at least $500

Business and Professional Club Unrestricted annual gifts of at least $1,000 from Valley business donors

John Wesley Partners United Methodist donors Annual gifts of at least $500

Jubilee Friends Donors who have made provision for EMU in their estate plans

CENTER FOR JUSTICE AND PEACEBUILDING Partners in Peacebuilding Annual gifts of at least $1,000

DEFERRED GIFTS ESTABLISHED 2002-2012 (Estate Plans, Trusts, Annuities, Life Insurance)

$1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 2002-2003










Fiscal Year | crossroads | 25

University Fund Gifts to the University Fund make possible a university experience like no other, where academic rigor, faith development, cross-cultural understanding, creation care and service to others are emphasized. Your gifts to the University Fund enable students who want to be nurtured in this unique environment to be part of EMU. In addition to student aid, gifts to the University Fund enable EMU to hire and retain top-notch, committed faculty who mentor students in 1:1 relationships. Our desire to make EMU affordable for all and reduce student debt load upon graduation drives our efforts to encourage unrestricted, annual giving to the University Fund. While each gift of any size is significant to EMU, we are especially grateful for those who support EMU as President's Partners and Associates in Discipleship. During fiscal year 2011-12, ending June 30, 2012, 51 households contributed at least $5,000 to the University Fund as President’s Partners. More than 300 donors made an annual contribution of at least $1,000 as Associates in Discipleship, Aquila and Priscilla Partners, and Partners in Peacebuilding. In order to strengthen student aid, we must broaden support for EMU’s mission at this $1,000 level. By joining one of the above groups, or by becoming a member of the Blue and White Society at the level of $500 or more, you are making a real difference in the lives of students who desire a faith-based education.

President’s Partners Donors whose unrestricted gifts to the university totaled $5,000 or more Rose Ann & Gerald Baer Robert & Elva Bare John & Linda Bomberger Paul & Esther Clymer Andy & Michelle Dula Bob & Rosalie Eshleman Roger & Barbara Eshleman Margaret M. Gehman Stan & Susan Godshall Leon & Elaine Good Carl & Herta Harman Calvin & Janet High Gerry & Linda Horst Grace Horst Kyle & Marta Horst Richard & Laurel Horst Bob & Eloise Hostetler Bruce & Anne Hummel Karen Hummel Janet Kilby Phoebe Kilby & Barry Carpenter Fred & Rosalyn Kniss John & Dorothy Kratz Glen & Jean Lengacher Cora Longacre Ken & Cynthia Longacre Lois M. Martin Vernon & Linda Martin Marvin & Lori Maust Pauline Miller Jerry & Rebecca Morris

26 | crossroads | fall/winter 2012-13

Curtis Moyer Marvin & Delores Nolt Mark & Janis Prock Leland Ropp Henry & Charlotte Graber Rosenberger Clarence & Helen Rutt John & Rebecca Rutt Clair & Doris Sauder Myrl & Freida Sauder Verne & Carol Schirch Frank Shelp Robert & Barbara Steury Karl & Barbara Stoltzfus Ethel Strite Barbara & David Swan Loren & Pat Swartzendruber David & Lynn Troyer John & Margaret Weaver Todd & Anne Weaver Delmar & Linda Yoder

Associates in Discipleship Donors whose unrestricted gifts to the university totaled $1,000 - $4,999 Anonymous (13) Linda & Robert Alley Richard Alper & Kate Herrod Devon & Teresa Anders Marvin & Grace Anders Friends Anonymous Myron & Esther Augsburger Wilma Bailey Donald & Brenda Bare Nathan & Elaine Barge

John & Barbara Benner Evon & Philip Bergey Curtis & Linda Berry Daryl & Carrie Bert Reuben & Ann Bigelow Ian & Beverly Birky Glendon Blosser Roy Bomberger, Jr. & Evelyn Bomberger Herman & Jeanette Bontrager Paul & Lois Bontrager Jonas & Barbara Borntrager Brenda Bowman Randy & Barbara Bowman Chester & Nancy Bradfield Susan Brenneman & Archie Vomachka Sandy Brownscombe David & Martha Brubaker Ed & Lucy Brubaker Ken & Pamela Brubaker Kenton & Shirley Brubaker Mark & Beryl Brubaker Kenneth & Twila Brunk Nelson & Ruth Brunk David Bucher & Sharon W. Hoover Paul & Esther Bucher Gladys Buckwalter Olen Burkholder Kevin & Cheryl Carey Mahlon Cassel Rhoda & Jonathan Charles Nate & Brooke Clemmer Paul & Sherry Cline Ralph & Anne Cline Spencer & Shirley Cowles John & Deborah Denlinger Byard & Betty Deputy Tim & Rosita Derstine Zach & Kara Derstine Anna Louise Detweiler Florence Detweiler T. Bennett & Doris H. Dickerson Gene & Gloria Diener Jayne Docherty & Roger Foster Peter Dula & Ilse Ackerman Daniel & Elizabeth Dunmore Titus & Debora Dutcher E. C. Foundation John & Joyce Eby Ralph & Betty Jo Eby Bill & Diane Elliot David & Ruth Emswiler Conrad Erb John Erb Leon & Melba Eshleman Jan & Anthony Foderaro Margaret & Donald Foth Jamie & Carole Frankenfield Edward & Cynthia Frey Daniel & Susan Garrett Joseph & Barbara Gascho Luther & Mary Ann Gautsche Bob Gillette Colleen & Rudy Gingerich Ray & Wilma Gingerich James & Joan Gingrich Merle & Phyllis Good Mervin & Mary Ellen Good Betty Good White & Donald White William Gotwals Sam & Adeline Graber Fern & Carl Grace Eva Greaser Jan Griffin Marlin & Sue Groff David & Michelle Guengerich Steven & Judith Harder Diann & Keith Harman Barry Hart, Jr. & Vesna Hart Dwight & Pearl Hartman

Dennis & LuAnne Hatter Julie & Richard Haushalter James & Miriam Haverstick Nancy Heisey & Paul Longacre Phil & Loretta Helmuth Michele Hensley & Kevin Comer Don Hertzler & Ruth Shenk Hertzler Helen & Dean Hertzler Nora & Merv Hess Dave & Cathleen Hockman-Wert Karen & Richard Hoerner Bill & Ann Holtzman James & Deborah Hoover Mary Hoover Donald & Carol Horning Esta & Eldon Hostetler George & Leona Hostetler Alden & Louise Hostetter Dwight & Carolyn Houff Robert Hueston Louetta Hurst Willie & Kay Hurst Ruth & Timothy Jost Duane & Joan Kauffman Roger & Rachel Kauffman S. Duane & Naomi Kauffman Elmer & Marianne Kennel Eric & Elizabeth Kennel Dave & Debra King Dennis & Judy King Lisa King Michael & Joan King Rosemary King Susanne King Walter & Miriam King, Sr. Dave & Sharon Kisamore Aaron & Tara Kishbaugh Mark & Betty Kniss Paul & Naomi Kniss Allison Kokkoros Tony & Sally Krabill Arlan & Alda Kratz Carissa & Rodney Kratz Donald & Frances Kraybill John & Betty Kreider John & Sara Kreider Bruce & Paula Brunk Kuhns Wayne & Kathleen Kurtz Kenny Kyger Greg & Ellen Lacher Daryl Landis & Anne Decker David & Carolyn Landis E. Jean Landis Jay & Peggy Landis John & Gladys Landis Richard & Janis Landes John & Alice Lapp LeRoy & Catherine Lapp Toby & Lonita Leaman Arlene Leatherman Nancy & Robert Lee Brent & Claudia Lehman Elton & Phyllis Lehman J. E. & Emma Lehman J. Paul & Erma Lehman Joyce B. Lehman Ruby Lehman Ruth & Emerson Lesher Ryan & Maria Linder-Hess Bonnie & Jim Lofton Joe & Constance Longacher Mark & Lisa Longacher Bill & Katie Longacre Richard & Rose Longacre Kevin & Shelby Longenecker Randall & Marla Longenecker Carol S. Lown Barbara Martin Don & Barbara Martin

John & Mary Ann Martin Joseph & Rachel Martin Philip & Joyce Martin Raymond & Luann Martin Robert & Nancy Martin Doug Mason Evelyn Maust Keith May Edgar & Carmen Miller Elmer & Martha Miller Elroy & Linda Miller Eric & Jodi Miller Fae Miller Floyd & Eunice Miller Henry & Martha Miller J.B. Miller & John Daniels Leon & Sandra Miller Richard & Fannie Miller Sara Grace & Merlin Miller K. Monger Jerry & Geraldine Moore Doris & Richard Morgan Jerry & Rebecca Morris Eric & Jessica Moyer Glenn & Diane Moyer Grace Mumaw Mim Mumaw Russ & Ruth Mumaw Steve & Amy Mumbauer Herb & Sarah Myers Homer & Pauline Myers Ken & Connie Neuenschwander Carl & Elaine Newcomer Larry & Janet Newswanger Herb & Becky Noll Geoff & Stashia Nolt Larry & Marilyn Nolt Mag & Philip Nolt Rhoda Nolt Wilmer & Doris Nolt Mark & Judith Nord John & Lisa Nussbaum Steve & Kathleen Nussbaum Steven & Debra Pardini Elmo & Ella Pascale Patricia Patton James & Marian Payne Daryl & Jane Peifer Kenneth & Rachel Pellman Jenni Piper Kay Pranis Anthony Pratkanis Miriam & Everett Ramer Shawn Ramer & Victoria Myer Calvin Redekop John & Carolyn Reed Glenn & Lorraine Reinford William & Edna Ressler Barbara & Benjamin Risser Abram & Ruth Rittenhouse Barbara & Alan Robbins Bertha Roggie Rosalie & W. Lee Roland James & Gloria Horst Rosenberger Lynn & Kathleen Roth Lowell & Jueldine Rupp Jack & Gloria Rutt Roger & Pamela Rutt Maynard & Carolyn Sauder Mona Sauder W. Ronald & Deborah Sauder Hal & Carol Saunders Abner & Virginia Glass Schlabach Anas & Marjan Shallal Sheldon & Lois Shank Audrey Shenk Calvin Shenk Jim & Donna Shenk J.C. & Jewel Shenk

Miriam Shenk Paul & Marjorie Shenk Stanwyn & Elaine Shetler Esther & Arlin Shisler Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Donald & Marlene Showalter Lena & Omar Showalter Stuart & Shirley Showalter Welby & Sharon Showalter Donald & Joanne Siegrist Ruth Simpson Marvin & Sarah Ellen Slabaugh Carl & Margaret Smeltzer Sherwyn & Deirdre Smeltzer Ross & Cathy Smeltzer Erb Anthony & Karen Smith Carole & Douglass Smith Walter & Leanne Smith Jim & Anna Smucker Ralph & Lila Smucker Del & Lee Snyder Missy Solanki Feryl & Connie Souder Wayne & Joanne Speigle Jim & Carol Spicher John & Virginia Spicher Bruce & Neva Stambaugh Doris Stauffer Ruth & Sanford Stauffer Edgar Stoesz Joyce Stoll Anne Stoltzfus Karl & Barbara Stoltzfus Omar & Catherine Stoltzfus Ruth Stoltzfus Ervin & Bonita Stutzman Maurice & Carla Stutzman Roger & Mary Stutzman Walt & Sharon Surratt Eldie & Lynn Suter Dave & Shelby Swartley Willard & Mary Swartley Tim Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Nelson & Gloria Swope Paul Thomas LeRoy & Phyllis Troyer Vaughn & Inga Troyer Judith & Brent Trumbo Neil & Margaret Turner Lois & Paul H. Unruh Dorothy Jean Weaver Ken & June Marie Weaver M. Steven & Elsie Weaver Mike & Rachel Weaver Wendell & Jolene Weaver Phyllis Weaver Hearn & J.T. Hearn Andrea & Delbert Wenger Herbert Wenger Bob & Lena Wenger Roy & Esther Wert Heidi & Jonathan West Connie & Hugh Westfall Sue Williams Ralph & Doris Witmer Dwight & Sheryl Wyse Byard & Judy Yoder Calvin & Lorie Yoder Dave & Nancy Yoder Gary & Beth Yoder John & MaDonna Yoder Leroy & Martha Yoder Marshall & Julie Yoder Martha Yoder Paul & Carol Yoder Bonnie Zehr & Jerry Hess Donald & Priscilla Ziegler Barbara Zimmerman & J. D. Yoder Karene & Mark Zimmerman Ethan & Carla Zook

Blue and White Society Donors whose unrestricted gift to the university totaled $500 - $999 Anonymous (7) Russell & Gladys Alderfer Warren Alderfer Murl Baker Dick & Jeanette Baum Marian Bauman Greg & Billie Beachy Susan & Eric Beck Julie & Phil Bender Brian & Yvonne Boettger Donald & Judith Bomberger Martha Jane Bomberger Art & Alice Borden James & Carley Brubaker Martha Brubaker Terry & Sandra Burkhalter Ruth Burkholder Urbane & Janet Byler Tina & Max Campbell Joel & Clair Cannon Cara Carpenter Kyle & Carrie H Carpenter Gladys & Al Claassen Sue & David Cockley Ross & Allison Collingwood Erla Culp Loris & Richard Cunningham Dave & Charmaine Detrow Verla Dick Leona & Darrel Diener Iris & Albert Driver Mary Ellen & Mamo Dula Phillip & Janeth Duncan Kermit & Jean K Early Rob & Rebecca Fennimore Jeane Fretz Doug & Tina Friesen Josiah & Carmen Garber Linford & Rebecca Gehman Marcy & Jeff Gineris Keith & Linda Gnagey Matt & Kathryn Goins Linford & Beth Ann Good John & Janet Goshow Marjorie Guengerich Phil & Susan Guengerich Ron & Ruth Guengerich Angela & Joseph Hackman Luke & Staci Hartman Pearl Hartz Rich Hartz Kent & Stephanie Hartzler Ginny & Ken Heatwole Les & Sylvia Helmuth Doug Hendren & Nancy Beall Ray & Rosemary Hershberger Jeane & Lyle Hershey Ernie & Lois Hess Lois Ann & Michael Hicks Marcy & Richard High Mary Hinkle Anita Hoover Dwayne & Laura Horst Kenneth & Sue Horst Marv & Marcia Horst Ray & Violet Horst Samuel & Mary Ellen Horst Eric & Lavonn Hostetler Darrick & Sheri Hummel Steven & Charlotte Hunsberger Vern & Dolores Jantzen Vernon & Dorothy Jantzi

Hadley & Janice Jenner Dale & Lois Jones Glen & Sandra Kauffman Jerry & Joan Kauffman Mary Beth & Jerald Kauffman Ryan & Valerie Kauffman Laura & Zachary King Wendel & Candance Sauder King Jeremy & Leah Kratz Rick & Suzanne Kratz Norman & Rhoda Kraus Ernie & Eunice Kraybill John & Betty Kreider Eldon & Sharyl Kurtz James Kurtz & Huong Tran Roland & Darlene Landes Nancy Landis Richard & Pearl Lantz Wendell Lantz & Doris Weaver Joseph & Hannah Mack Lapp Samuel & Helen Lapp Jennifer & Gregory Larson-Sawin Andrea & Josh Leaman M. Hershey & Norma Leaman Steve & Doris Leaman Larry & Kori Leaman-Miller Galen & Gloria Lehman Nelson & Cheryl Lehman Allen & Sara Jane Lind Cliff & Hope Lind Carl & Nancy A Litwiller Lynn & Laurie Longenecker Marvin & Mariana Lorenzana Bill Lowrey & Alice Peterson Marie & Iain Macknight Leah Magal Ronald Marner Dan & Ruth Ann Martin Garland & Phyllis Martin Ruth Martin Tim Martin & Kirsten Johnsen Dan & Cindy Mast Marshall & Dione McDonald Mike & Debra Medley Tom & Barbara Melby Anne Miller Chris & Ashley Miller David & Brenda Miller Drew Miller Larry & Wilma Miller Laurie & Ellen Miller Leon & Lynda Miller Lowell & Peggy Miller Paul & Edna Miller Sam & Vi Miller Karen & Matt Minatelli Dorcas Morrow Charles & Carolyn Moyer Elizabeth Moyer Todd & Amy J Moyer Verna Moyer James & Judy Mullet Catherine Mumaw & Clair Basinger Roy & Annie Musselman Daryl & Marcia Myers Ken L. & Judith Nafziger Rodney & Miriam Nafziger Emerson Newswanger Laban Peachey Sherri & Gary Peters Ida & Greg Proco Glenna Ramer & Jerry Sloan Eric Reinford Merle & Ruth Ann Reinford Gene & Edith Rhodes Vernon & Jeanette Rice Steven & Karen Ringenberg Dave & Doris Risser | crossroads | 27

Phil & Pamela Risser Norm & Alice Rittenhouse Eloy & Becky Rodriguez Jay & Anne Roth Verle Rufenacht Verlen Rufenacht Jim & Geraldine Rush Paul & Alice Rush Eleanor Ruth Sidney & Kristi Ruth Delmar Sauder Laurence & Evelyn Sauder Rich & Bonnie Sauder Mark & Ericka Metzler Sawin William & Bertha Schaefer Ken & Charlene Schildt Randy & Regina Schweitzer Delbert & Mary Friesen Seitz Jerry & Ethel Shank Lester Shank Jon & Sheryl Shenk Steve & Karen Moshier Shenk Eric & Karen Shirk Hollis & Martha Showalter James & Carol Showalter Millard & Mary Kratz Showalter Sam & Janice Showalter Esther Siville-Tidey & Arthur Tidey Myrna & John Smucker Allene Smucker-Klassen Esther Steckle Donald & Mary Sundberg Stirling Jill Stoltzfus & Lee Cadwallader Nessa Stoltzfus Barge & Scott Barge Jon Styer Herb & Margaret Swartz Ruth Ann Swartzendruber Daniel & Janice Walter Glenn & Anne Weaver Richard & Ruth Weaver Werner & Grace Will E. James & Rachel Witmer Wayne & Luisa Witmer Alex & Shannon Yoder Carroll & Nancy Yoder David & Jane Yoder John & Arlene Yoder Mike Yoder Paul & Anita Yoder Paul & Ann Yoder Rich & Jeanelle Yoder Ruth Yoder Steve & Twila Yoder LaVern & Mary Jane Yutzy Howard & Ruby Zehr Pearl Zehr Earl & Ruth Zimmerman Cheryl Zook

Aquila and Priscilla Partners Donors whose unrestricted gifts included at least $500 for Eastern Mennonite Seminary Linda & Robert Alley Robert & Elva Bare John & Barbara Benner Curtis & Linda Berry Glendon Blosser John & Linda Bomberger Paul & Lois Bontrager Chester & Nancy Bradfield Maynard & Jan Brubacher Ken & Pamela Brubaker George & Ruthann Miller Brunk

28 | crossroads | fall/winter 2012-13

Kenneth & Twila Brunk Roy & Helen Burkholder Rhoda & Jonathan Charles Arlen & Shirley Delp Beverly & Laverne Delp John & Deborah Denlinger Anna Louise Detweiler Gene & Gloria Diener Brownie Driver Gladys Driver Andy & Michelle Dula EC Foundation Lee & Connie Ebersole Jim & Peg Engle Leon & Melba Eshleman Margaret M. Gehman James & Joan Gingrich Stan & Susan Godshall Leon & Elaine Good Sam & Adeline Graber Jan Griffin James & Miriam Haverstick Nancy Heisey & Paul Longacre Phil & Loretta Helmuth Benjamin & Martha Hershey Daniel & Mary Hertzler Helen & Dean Hertzler Shirley & Vernon Hochstetler James & Deborah Hoover Gerry & Linda Horst Richard & Laurel Horst Bob & Eloise Hostetler Dwight & Carolyn Houff Elton & Esther Kauffman Stan & Kathleen Keener Shantz Linford & Mary Etta King Michael & Joan King Rosemary King Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Mark & Betty Kniss Paul & Naomi Kniss Phil & Irene Kniss Arlan & Alda Kratz Clyde & Eunice Kratz E. Jean Landis John & Gladys Landis James Lapp & Miriam Book Robert & Nancy Lee J. Paul & Erma Lehman Keith & Ernestine Lehman Barbara Martin Don & Barbara Martin John & Marian Martin Lois Martin Philip & Joyce Martin Robert & Nancy Martin Robert & Sarah Martin Joe & Nancy Mast Floyd & Eunice Miller Pauline Miller Sharon & Duane Miller Grace Mumaw Mark & Mary Thiessen Nation Mag & Philip Nolt Jay & Rhoda Oberholtzer Daryl & Jane Peifer John & Carolyn Reed Barbara & Benjamin Risser Henry & Charlotte Graber Rosenberger Glen & Annabelle Roth Clarence & Helen Rutt Jack & Gloria Rutt Myrl & Freida Sauder Harold & Mary Grace Shenk Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Lena & Omar Showalter Marvin & Sarah Ellen Slabaugh Walter & Leanne Smith Harvey & Lillian Stoltzfus

Omar & Catherine Stoltzfus Ethel Strite Ervin & Bonita Stutzman Duane & Joanna Swartley Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Tim Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Nelson & Gloria Swope Doris Trumbo Neil & Margaret Turner Dorothy Jean Weaver Mike & Rachel Weaver Chester & Sara Jane Wenger Calvin & Lorie Yoder Dave & Nancy Yoder Don & Emma Jean Yoder Duane & Jill Yoder Lawrence & Shirlee Yoder Lonnie & Teresa Yoder Martha Yoder Nate & Miriam Yoder

John Wesley Partners United Methodist donors who contributed at least $500 for the Seminary Paul & Sherry Cline Ralph W. Cline Dan & Susan Garrett Julie & Richard Haushalter Mary Cross Goering Jerry & Rebecca Morris

Partners in Peacebuilding Donors whose unrestricted gifts included $1,000 or more for the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding Anonymous (3) Richard Alper & Kate Herrod Rose Ann & Gerald Baer Robert & Elva Bare Nathan & Elaine Barge Reuben & Ann Bigelow Ian & Beverly Birky John & Linda Bomberger Brenda Bowman David & Martha Brubaker Paul & Esther Bucher Terry & Sandra Burkhalter Mahlon Cassel Tim & Rosita Derstine Bennett & Doris Dickerson Andy & Michelle Dula Bill & Diane Elliot John Erb Bob & Rosalie Eshleman Margaret & Donald Foth Bob Gillette Ray & Wilma Gingerich Stan & Susan Godshall Steven & Judith Harder Dave & Cathleen Hockman-Wert Bob & Eloise Hostetler Alden & Louise Hostetter Robert Hueston Ruth & Timothy Jost Duane & Joan Kauffman Janet Kilby Phoebe Kilby & Barry Carpenter Bruce & Paula Brunk Kuhns Wayne & Kathleen Kurtz Richard & Janis Landes

John & Gladys Landis Robert & Nancy Lee J.E. & Emma Lehman Joyce Bontrager Lehman Ruby Lehman Lois M. Martin Elmer & Martha Miller Fae Miller Herb & Sarah Myers Larry & Janet Newswanger Rhoda Nolt Mark & Judith Nord Elmo & Ella Pascale Patricia Patton James & Marian Payne Kay Pranis Barbara & Alan Robbins Lynn & Kathleen Roth Clarence & Helen Rutt Jack & Gloria Rutt Hal & Carol Saunders Verne & Carol Schirch Anas & Marjan Shallal Edgar Stoesz Barbara & David Swan Lois & Paul Unruh John & Margaret Weaver Sue Williams Delmar & Linda Yoder Marshall & Julie Yoder Donald & Priscilla Ziegler

Business and Professional Club Local businesses supporting EMU’s University Fund A & E Automotive A. M. Yoder & Co BB&T Bank - Harrisonburg Beck Builders of Virginia Blauch Brothers, Inc. Blue Ridge Architects, PC Campbell Insurance Clark & Bradshaw, PC Don Largent Roofing, Inc. Dynamic Aviation, Inc. Everence Frazier Quarry Good Printers Gravity Group LLC Green Solutions Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Harman Construction, Inc. Holtzman Corporation Integrity Audio Systems, Inc. InterChange Group, Inc. Kline May Realty Kreider Machine Shop Kyger Funeral Homes LD & B Insurance Agency McClung Companies Ntelos PBGH LLP Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company R.S. Monger & sons, Inc. Rockingham Cooperative Farm Bureau Secure Futures, LLC Select Aerospace Industries Suter Engineering PC The Frazier Quarry, Inc. Truck Enterprises, Inc. Trumbo Electric, Inc. Welby C. Showalter, Attorney at Law Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver PLC Anonymous (1)

Other Businesses Burgess Plumbing, Inc. Ag Solutions Plus, Inc. BotkinRose PLC Brown & Sutt PLLC Clemens Family Corporation Cline Electric, Inc. CMH Space Flooring Products, Inc. Color Tile & Carpet Country Photo Cross Tours & Motor Coach, Inc. David L. Parker P.C. Depoy's Contracting Der Dutchman E & M Auto Paint & Supply Co. Eddie Edwards Signs, Inc. Ervin Miller Construction Excel Industries, Inc. First Financial Services Group Frazier Quarry, Inc Good Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Goodville Mutual Casualty Co. Hammex Imports Harrisonburg DQ Grill & Chill Herr & Company Building Contractors Hydro Spray Car Wash Insurance Center of Harrisonburg, Inc. International Flooring & Protective Coatings, Inc. James McHone Jewelry Jonas Yoder Custom Homes, Inc. K & L Properties Kommon Denominator, Inc. Kratz Enterprises, Inc. Lacher & Associates Insurance Agency Layman & Nichols Lehman Insurance Agency, Inc. Mayer Construction, Inc. Mennonite Agri-Urban, Inc. Miller Bros Contractors, Inc. Miller's Dutch Kitch'n Mr J's Bagels & Deli III, Inc. Mutual Aid Insurance Services New Point Lighting & Design, Inc. Office Products, Inc. Park View Federal Credit Union Park View Pharmacy Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company Perkiomen Tours & Travel, Inc. Pioneer College Caterers, Inc. Rockingham Memorial Hospital Separation Equipment Company, Inc. Sharp Shopper, Inc. Shue-Kauffman, Inc. Simensen Construction, Inc. Tidewater Staffing Tiller Strings Tim Lacey Builder/Developer LLC Troyer Construction, Inc. Richard Tucker Construction Turner & Company Uglybug Termite & Pest Control United Bank VistaShare LLC Wease Auto Exchange, Inc. Wells Fargo Advisors Whitesel Music, Inc.

Foundations Alper Family Foundation Burford Leimenstoll Foundation E. Rhodes & Leona B. Carpenter Foundation Colombe Foundation Compton Foundation

The Robert B. & Elisabeth T. Eggleston Foundation The John E Fetzer Institute, Inc. The William & Mary Greve Foundation Foundation for Middle East Peace Gates Foundation Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Houff Foundation John Templeton Foundation Johnson Controls Foundation Klingstein Foundation Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Longacre Family Fund The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. Marpeck Fund Merck Company Foundation Michael & Margaretha Sattler Foundation National Endowment for the Humanities National Science Foundation PNC Foundation Robert H. & Lorraine W. Strickler Foundation State Farm Companies Foundation Telemachus Foundation Thomas Family Foundation United Service Foundation, Inc. USDA Agricultural Research Service Virginia Commission for the Arts

Schools, Agencies and Other Organizations Adoptions of Southern Oregon, Inc. AFP Shenandoah Chapter American Baptist Foreign Mission Society Bethel College Bridgewater College Church World Service Conflict Resolution Center International Conrad Grebel University College Counseling & Psychotherapy Group Eastern Mennonite High School Mennonite Central Committee Mennonite Education Agency, Inc. Mennonite Foundation Mennonite Mission Network Palestinian Business Committee for Peace & Reform Park Village Council Project A Cappella LLC United Nations Population Fund Virginia Mennonite Board of Missions Week of Compassion

EMU Faculty/Staff/Retiree Donors All Faculty and staff go beyond their job descriptions to serve students, but these individuals offer financial support, too. Anonymous (4) Mary Kay Adams Jason Alderfer Linda Alley Beth Aracena A Don Augsburger Myron Augsburger Elaine Zook Barge Joni Baughman Jennifer Bauman Marian Bauman Ben Beachy Kirsten Beachy Susan Landes Beck

Daryl Bert Jim Bishop Jim Bomberger Caroline Borden Lois Bowman Bonnie Bowser Kim Gingerich Brenneman Sandy Brownscombe Beryl Brubaker David Brubaker Kenton Brubaker Mark Brubaker George Brunk III Gerald Brunk Terry Burkhalter Brian Burkholder Linda Burkholder Ruth Ann Burkholder Owen Byer Joan Chamberlain Kevin A. Clark Jane Clemens Don Clymer Sue Cockley Eric Codding Pam Comer Phyllis Coulter Spencer Cowles Lisa Crist William Culbreth Amy Potter Czajkowski Laura Daily Kirby Dean Beverly Delp Kenton Derstine Dave Detrow Rachel Diener Jayne Docherty Lewis Driver Peter Dula Deanna Durham Martha Eads Annmarie Early Christian Early Omar Eby Patty Eckard Diana Enedy Jim Engle Fern Erb Cathy Smeltzer Erb Laura Esch Brenda Fairweather Barbara Fast John Fast Reta Finger Kathy Fisher Donald Foth Margaret Foth Margaret M. Gehman Steve Gibbs, Jr. Marcy Gineris Ray Gingerich Chris Gingrich David Glanzer Ervie Glick Linda Gnagey Bill Goldberg Joan Goodrich Phil Guengerich Cyndi Gusler Cheree Hammond Diann Harman Barry Hart, Jr. Luke Hartman Julie Hatfield Kaitlin Heatwole Nancy Heisey Valerie Helbert Loretta Helmuth

Phil Helmuth Michele Hensley Greta Ann Herin Ann Hershberger Betty Hertzler Robyn Hill Jerry Holsopple Maria Hoover Jeanne Horst Ray Horst Samuel Horst Vi Horst Jessica Hostetler Harold Huber Vernon Jantzi Jan Jenner Phoebe Kilby Dave King Michael King Tara Kishbaugh Fred Kniss Gloria Shenk Kniss Brad Kolb Lindsey Kolb Jonathan Kratz Leah Kratz Norman Kraus John Kreider Steve Kriss III Harold Kuhns Eldon Kurtz Roland Landes Jay Landis Joseph L. Lapp Judy Leaman Renee Leap Betty Lee Nancy Lee Robert Lee Allon Lefever Ed Lehman Galen Lehman James Lehman Ruby Lehman Wilmer Lehman Erica Lewis Jennifer Litwiller Bonnie Price Lofton Marvin Lorenzana Carol Lown Lynne Mackey John Martin Pat Martin Yvonne Martin Joe Mast Cindy Mathews Evelyn Maust Gretchen Maust J.D. McCurdy, Jr. Margo McIntire Mike Medley Clair Mellinger Mamie Mellinger Nicholas Meyer David Miller Edgar Miller Elroy Miller Laurie Miller Roman Miller Sharon Miller Dawn Monger Karen Moshier-Shenk Heidi Muller Judy Mullet Catherine Mumaw Marci Myers Janelle Myers-Benner Esther Shank Nafziger Helen Nafziger | crossroads | 29

Ken J. Nafziger Ken L. Nafziger Mark Thiessen Nation Joan Nicholas Dawn Nyce Douglas Nyce Byron Peachey Ellen Peachey Laban Peachey Paul Peachey Jenni Piper Calvin Redekop Herman Reitz Pat Ressler Gloria Rhodes Andy Richter Dan Risser Cathy Rittenhouse Marcy Root Kathleen Roth Lynn Roth Jack Rutt Pamela Rutt Gregory Sachs Joni Sancken Sam Sauder Mark Metzler Sawin Lisa Schirch Carmen Schrock-Hurst Kent Sensenig Stephanie Shafer Lester Shank Lois Shank Sarah Roth Shank Audrey Shenk Calvin Shenk Michael Shenk Peggy Shenk Kirk Shisler Millard Showalter Stuart Showalter Virginia Showalter Deirdre Smeltzer Anthony Smith Kathy Smith Cindy Smoker Lisa Smythe-Rodino Marty Snavely Lee Snyder Donna Souder John Spicher Mary Beth Spinelli Mary Sprunger Mike Stauffer Lora Steiner Edward Stoltzfus Ron Stoltzfus Catherine Stover Tim Stutzman Jon Styer Walt Surratt Joanna Swartley Herb Swartz Loren Swartzendruber Tim Swartzendruber Megan Tiller Travis Trotter Don Tyson Jennifer Ulrich Cynthia Veenis Doug Wandersee Dorothy Jean Weaver Leslie Weaver Sam Weaver Sarah Weaver Andrea Wenger Lois Wenger Mark Wenger Terry Whitmore

30 | crossroads | fall/winter 2012-13

Sue Williams Alex Yoder Carroll Yoder Don Yoder Duane Yoder Laura Yoder Lawrence Yoder Lonnie Yoder Nate Yoder Paul Yoder Twila King Yoder Howard Zehr Paul Zehr

Bequests and Matured Deferred Gifts Alice K. Gingerich E. Grant & Sara Graybill Herr Laurence Horst Ivan & Della Miller Paul Neuenschwander Paul Peachey Wilmer Rush Mary Ella Ruth Arvilla Souder

Honor Gifts In Honor of Art Borden John & Virginia Spicher In Honor of David Brubaker Grant Rissler & Maia Linask In Honor of Jim & Sue Ann Dale James & Marian Payne In Honor of James Frankenfield Earl Frankenfield In Honor of Leymah Gbowee Rose Ann & Gerald Baer Gloria & Roger Marriott In Honor of Col. William Gillette Bob Gillette In Honor of Robert Gillette W.H. & Jacqueline Riggs In Honor of Phillip Helmuth AFP Shenandoah Chapter In Honor of Pete Mahoney Phoebe Kilby & Barry Carpenter Tom & Barb Melby In Honor of Marvin Mills William & Mary Gibb In Honor of Brianna Oelschlager Zion Mennonite Church In Honor of James & Marian Payne David & Wanda Ford Barbara & David Swan In Honor of Daryl Peifer David Hernley In Honor of Tom & Linda Provost Andy & Brooke Johnston In Honor of Bill & Jill Riggs Bob Gillette

In Honor of Frank & Erica Shirk Louise & J. William Longenecker

Sheldon & Evelyn Wenger Rosa & Rick Workman

In Honor of John & Virginia Spicher John & Marie Kauffman

In Memory of Kathryn Hunsberger Seitz Rosalind & Carl Andreas John & Martha Bender Art & Alice Borden Jim & Annie Compton-Schmidt Harley & Irene Good James & Dorcas Good Ethel Harder Merrill & Mabel Hunsberger Michael & Susan Hunsberger Ronald & Mary Hunsberger Irvin & Bernice Isaak K & L Properties Phil & Lois Kreider Allen & Georgia Linscheid Theodore & Frances Loewen Rustin & Christine Moyer Warren & Elsie Nafziger Barbara & Harold Penner Carolyn Ruth Kenneth Seitz, Jr. & Audrey Metz Barbara & Bill Showalter John & Virginia Spicher William & Mary Ann Suter H.D. Swartzendruber Mark & Lucille Yoder

In Honor of Julia White Ann Held In Honor of Jay & Nancy Yoder James & Marian Payne In Honor of Paul & Carol Yoder AFP Shenandoah Chapter In Honor of Wanda & Loren Yoder James & Marian Payne

Memorial Gifts In Memory of Charles & Joyce Brubaker Paul & Donna Souder In Memory of Darrel Brubaker Merle & Ila Brubaker Morris & Leone Sider In Memory of Mary D. Brubaker Byard & Betty Deputy In Memory of Ellie Flaming Bruce & Jeanette Flaming In Memory of P.T. Guengerich Burgess Plumbing, Inc. Allie Guengerich Harrisonburg Mennonite Church Stuart & Shirley Showalter Helen Yoder In Memory of David R. Herr, MD Rebecca Herr In Memory of Carl L. Keener Elizabeth Hiebert Bonnie & Jim Lofton In Memory of Glen Lapp Dave & Cathleen Hockman-Wert In Memory of Gwendolyn Peachey Urbane Peachey In Memory of Bernie Price Bonnie & Jim Lofton In Memory of Freda Redekop Nancy Farrar Ray & Wilma Gingerich Lauren & Kathy Harder John & Mary Ann Heatwole Kenneth & Ruth Heatwole Roy & Donna Heatwole Harold Huber Loyal & Bertha Klassen Sophie Klassen Kevin & Loretta Krahn Norman & Rhoda Kraus Emil & Louise Kreider Nancy & Robert Lee Catherine Mumaw & Clair Basinger Park View Mennonite Church Park Village Council Earl & Genevieve Schwartzentruber Stuart & Shirley Showalter Kathryn Suter H.D. Swartzendruber Dale Ulrich

In Memory of Matt Styer Grace & Alan Styer

Encore! Donors …supporting studies, performances and other efforts linked to music Anonymous (2) Ralph & Doris Alderfer Willis & Joyce Amstutz Lenora & Richard Bell Benjamin & Katherine Bergey Evon & Philip Bergey Michael & Brenda Bishop Don & Judy Bomberger Herman & Jeanette Bontrager Robert & Rachel Brenneman Mark & Beryl Brubaker Ruel & Diane Burkholder Rhoda & Jonathan Charles DeAnn Diller Laura & Stephen Draper Titus & Debora Dutcher Sue Edwards John & Barbara Fast Paul & Joyce Gingerich Wes & Karen Hamm Dwight & Pearl Hartman Les & Sylvia Helmuth Heather & Brian Herschberger Charles & Eva Hershey Raymond & Betty Hertzler Sandy & Rob Huston Dennis & Rose Kauffman Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Norman & Dorothy Kreider Elton & Phyllis Lehman Jeanne & Kem Luther Robert L. Martin Carl & Marian Metzler Helen Miller Arnold & Maietta Moshier Ken & Connie Neuenschwander Joan & Leslie Nicholas Rhoda Nolt Rob & Celah Pence

Glenn & Lorraine Reinford Phil & Pam Risser James & Kendra Good Rittenhouse Joanne & David Sauder David & Christine Seitz Kirk & Kristin Shank Zehr J. Donald & Jewell Shenk J.C. & Jewel Shenk Steve & Karen Moshier Shenk Mary Elizabeth & Charles Smith Ryan & Hannah Steiner Kelly & Craig Stern David & Eulala Wagler David Weaver Lloyd & Sarah Weaver Sam & Sarah Weaver Emery & Faye Yoder

Haverim Donors …supporting the work and students of EMU’s Bible and Religion Department Anonymous (2) Jason Alderfer & Kirsten Beachy Don & Martha Augsburger Ben & Sarah Beachy Grace Bergey Glendon Blosser Ed & Edie Bontrager Herman & Jeanette Bontrager David & Shana Peachey Boshart Glenn & Anna Mary Brubacher Ken & Pamela Brubaker Lester & Lois Brubaker Mark & Beryl Brubaker Kenneth & Twila Brunk Jim & Marian Burkholder Paul & Miriam Burkholder Ruel & Diane Burkholder Kevin & Cheryl Carey Derrick & Rebekah Charles John & Debbie Denlinger Mike & Dawn Derstine Timothy & Carol Detweiler John & Betty Drescher Mary Ellen & Mamo Dula Peter Dula & Ilse Ackerman Christian & Annmarie Early Gene Early Rohrer & Mabel Eshleman Rob & Rebecca Fennimore Emma & J. Mark Frederick Dave & Carol Garber Paul & Joyce Gingerich Ray & Wilma Gingerich Ike & Mildred Glick Gerald & Martha Good Leon & Elaine Good Michael Harnish Wilmer & Lois Ann Hartman Nancy Heisey & Paul Longacre Wilmer & Velma Heisey Daniel & Mary Hertzler Mahlon Hess Jerry & Mary Holsopple Kenneth & Sue Horst Reuben & Ruth Ann Horst Betty Hostetler Miriam Housman Zolla Kauffman Stanley & Frances Klassen Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Paul & Naomi Kniss Dan M Krady Clyde & Eunice Kratz Norman & Rhoda Kraus

Donald & Frances Kraybill Stephen & Cynthia Lamb Paul & Erma Leaman Toby & Lonita Leaman Elmer & Eileen Lehman Todd & Julie Lehman Cliff & Hope Lind James & Ellen Rose Longacre Dan & Catherine Longenecker Milford & Carolyn Lyndaker Lee & Peggy Martin Luke & Mary Martin Raymond & Alice Martin Everett & Margaret Metzler James & Rachel Metzler Jerry & Rebecca Miller Richard & Linda Mininger Teresa Moser & Phil Rempel Richard & Fern Moyer Rodney & Miriam Nafziger Grace Nolt Rhoda Nolt Steve Nyce Laban Peachey Mark & Susan Peachey Paul Peachey Daryl & Jane Peifer Glen & Annabelle Roth Carl & Ruth Rudy Clarence & Helen Rutt Laurence & Evelyn Sauder Herb & Shirley Schultz John & Vel Shearer Eugene & Martine Shelly John & Myrtle Shenk Ken & Natalie Johnson Shenk Maynard & Alice Shirk Missy Solanki Eugene & Alice Souder Wayne & Joanne Speigle James & Ruth Stauffer Harvey & Lillian Stoltzfus Jon & Kris Anne Swartley Willard & Mary Swartley Herb & Margaret Swartz Sam & Marian Thomas Dan Umbel Ken & June Marie Weaver Robert & Anna Mae Weaver Sam & Sarah Weaver Elvin & Ruth Weber Chester & Sara Jane Wenger Robert & Esther Wert Roy & Esther Wert Robert & Marion Woodfin Calvin & Lorie Yoder Carroll & Nancy Yoder David & Shirley Yoder Elwood & Joy Yoder Ken & Kathy Yoder Martha Yoder Steve & Twila Yoder Earl & Ruth Zimmerman George & Lois Zimmerman John & Velma Zook

Donors to Athletics Athletic Partners Annual gifts of $1,000 and above to University Fund - Athletics Byard & Betty Deputy Dave & Debra King Jim & Anna Smucker

Blue and White Society - Athletics Annual gifts of $500-$999 to University Fund - Athletics Carl & Nancy Litwiller

Others Who Have Contributed to Athletics at EMU EMU’s Loyal Royals have supported athletics for more than a quarter of a century Anonymous (4) Ag Solutions Plus, Inc. Dick & Louise Alderfer Doug & Kathy Alderfer Steve & Lois Ann Alderfer Vernie Angus Ethel Aylor Peter & Jan Bane Osborne & Rosa Banks Ruth Bardsley Donald & Brenda Bare Nathan & Elaine Barge Jill Basinger Mullet & Steve Mullet BB&T Bank - Harrisonburg Main Financial Center Kevin Beachy Christopher Beahm & Ashley Crowe-Beahm Roscoe & Patsy Beahm Arlan & Brenda Beck Gloria Beck Rich & Rachel Beckler Paul & Leanna Beiler Steve & Leanne Benner Victor & Patricia Bennington Dave & Lori Bergey Rosie & Carl Berkey Daryl & Carrie Bert Jim & Anna Bishop Dale & Miriam Blauch Todd & Lori Bolton John & Linda Bomberger Art & Alice Borden BotkinRose PLC John & Hazel Bowman Kim & Nancy Boyd Micah & Chad Branson Cathy Breeden-Raynes Robert Brenneman II & Gaby Ochoa Robert & Kim Gingerich Brenneman Steve & Victoria Brenneman Bridgewater College Kathy & Zedic Brothers Sandy Brownscombe James & Thelma Brunk Jonathan & Esther Bucher Aaron & Kristen Buckwalter Jeff Burgess Terry & Sandy Burkhalter Bill & Pat Burkholder Daryl & Susan Burkholder Donald & Carolyn Burkholder Joyce & Rodney Burkholder Samuel & Betty Burns Jack & Rosa Etta Byrd Derrick & Rebekah Charles Rhoda & Jonathan Charles Mel & Elizabeth Chupp

Yancy Clawges Cline Electric, Inc. Kevin & Shelby Cluts CMH Space Flooring Products, Inc. Bob & Joy Coakley Jonathan & Christine Coddington Jason Coleman Color Tile & Carpet Allen & Teena Comer Mark Comer Aletha Crawford Seth & Theresa Crissman Cross Tours & Motor Coach, Inc. Glenn & Bernice Crouse Albert & Mary Anne Davenport David L Parker P.C. Kevin & Wendy Davis Patricia & Tommy Davis Robert Davis Kirby & Regina Dean Mark Deavers & Laurie Miller Michael & Wanda Delaney Janelle & Ricardo deMazariegos Jeremiah & Kristine Denlinger John & Debbie Denlinger Depoy's Contracting Der Dutchman Nate & Kimberly Derstine Dave & Charmaine Detrow Becky & Merlin Detweiler Durrell & Miriam Detweiler Dan & Joanne Dietzel Karen & Abe Diffenbach John Dove Dynamic Aviation, Inc. Allen Early Wendell & Carol Eberly Peggy & Jon Ebersole Mark & Teresa Egger Gloria Elias Carl & Jennifer Eppard Fern Erb Ervin Miller Construction Clair & Eugenia Esch Rod & Cindy Eshleman Roger & Barbara Eshleman Beverly Eye David & Mary Fett First Financial Services Group Allison Flanders Jean & Joseph Flick Kenneth & Fran Friesen Fred & Linda Garber Shirley & David Garber Ellie & Tim Gathright Eric & Karly Gehman Sharon & Barry Gehman Joshua Gelser Troy & Lisa Gerber Derek & Jamie Gingerich Mel Glick Edward & Pauline Godshall Steve & Sara Godshall Harley & Irene Good Lee & Rosemary Good Linford & Beth Ann Good Ray & Sandi Good Roger Good Donald & Betty Good White Harry & Kathleen Graber Michael & Bonnie Greene Phil & Susan Guengerich Betty Hackman Chad Hackman Jeffrey & Deborah Hall Harman Construction, Inc. Merle & Barbara Harnish David & Kathleen Hartzler Chad & Lori Hatter | crossroads | 31

Dennis & LuAnne Hatter Stephen & Phoebe Haupert John & Mary Ann Heatwole Leo & Ruthanne Heatwole Les & Sylvia Helmuth Phil & Loretta Helmuth Charles & Jackoline Hensley Stephen Hensley Amelia & Allan Herr Jim & Carol Herr Herr & Company Building Contractors Bernie & Jan Hershberger Jeane & Lyle Hershey Noah & Parmalle Hershey Hershey Foods Corp Fund Helen & Dean Hertzler Edgar & Kathy Hess Nora & Merv Hess Marcy & Rick High Calen Hochstetler John & Donna Hodson Leonard & Melanie Hollen Sophia Holmes Marv & Diane Holsopple Kay Hood Randy & Kim Hook Thomas & Jane Hoover Donald & Carol Horning Dwayne & Laura Horst Lucille Horst Marv & Marcia Horst Ryan & Jessica Horst Bob & Eloise Hostetler Eric & Lavonn Hostetler Larion & Ruby Hostetler Steven & Colette Nafziger Hostetler Will Hostetler Elvin & Sharon Hostetter Dwight & Carolyn Houff Houff Foundation Vickie & Ronnie Huff Carl & Doris Jean Huffman Joe Hughes Patty & Jay Hulsey Barry & Brenda Hummel Jenny & Dallas Hummel Lois & David Huston Hydro Spray Car Wash Insurance Center of Harrisonburg, Inc. International Flooring & Protective Coatings, Inc. Char & Bob Jacob Tina James James McHone Jewelry Tim Jaquet Gary & Donna Jenkins Kip & Lisa Jenkins Lewis Jenkins Andrew & Rachel Jenner Jill & Dan Johnson Doug Jones Paul Jones Brian & Cindy Jordan Clayton & Marsha Justice Glen & Sandy Kauffman Tom & Kristel Kennedy Chris & Rose Kennel Deryl & Miriam Kennel Elmer & Marianne Kennel Elvin & Wendy Kennel Jim Kennel & Beth Froebe Kennel Jim & Brenda Kidd Arnold & Patricia King Dan & Laurie King Derek & Becky Horst King John & Evelyn King Kirk & Susan King Lisa King Charles & Marsha Kinnamon

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Dave & Sharon Kisamore Michelle & Mike Kline Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Michael & Ashley Kniss Robert & Brenda Kniss Floyd & Debra Kratz Jolene Kratz Rick & Suzanne Kratz Rosemary Kratzer James & Rozetta Kreider Phil & Lois Kreider Eldon & Sharyl Kurtz Eric & Kimberly Kurtz Phil & Jana Landes Roland & Darlene Landes David & Carolyn Landis Jeffrey Landis & Sharon Fransen Mervin & June Landis Robert & Nancy Lawyer Ken & Debbie Layman Layman & Nichols LD&B Insurance Agency Andrea & Josh Leaman Steve & Doris Leaman Billy & Renee Leap George & Doris Lee Allon & Doris Lefever Brent & Claudia Lehman Gary & Alice Lehman Joel & Sarah Lehman Ralph & Joanne Lehman Brenda Lillard Jennifer & Jeremy Litwiller Mark & Lisa Longacher Ken & Cynthia Longacre Quincy & Jayne Longacre Kevin & Shelby Longenecker Steve & Paula Lowman Keith & Pamela Mackling Amanda Madden Charles & Jean Martin Dan & Ruth Ann Martin Don & Barbara Martin Gary & Pat Martin Kendra Martin Mike & Yvonne Martin Rod & Jennifer Martin Rose & Glenn Martin Stephen & Lucille Martin Todd & Amy Martin Dan & Cindy Mast Marvin & Lori Maust Mayer Construction, Inc. Wanda & Gene Mays J.D. & Diane McCurdy Stephen & Debra McDonald Mike McElroy Mark & Christine McKenna Trish McKinney Calvin & Sandra Meadows Merck Company Foundation Violet & Elmer Metzler Thomas Michael Craig & Lois Miller Daniel & Mary Miller Edgar & Carmen Miller Elroy & Linda Miller Eugene & Ruth Miller Gary Miller Gloria Miller Laurie & Ellen Miller Marcus & Beth Miller Richard & Shirley Miller Ruth Miller Miller Bros Contractors, Inc. Miller's Dutch Kitch'n Kristen & Leonard Morgan Jerry & Rebecca Morris Charlene Moser

Jesse Mosier Eric & Carla Moyer Eric & Jessica Moyer Glenn & Diane Moyer Herbert & Mary Jane Moyer Jonathan & Stephanie Moyer Kristin Moyer D. Lee & Marie Moyer Leon & Karen Moyer James & Judy Mullet Mim Mumaw Mutual Aid Insurance Services Daryl & Marci Myers Heidi Myers Homer & Pauline Myers Penny Myers Ken L. & Judy Nafziger Renee Neufeld New Point Lighting & Design, Inc. Mag & Philip Nolt Rhoda Nolt Office Products, Inc. Donald & Romaine Pannabecker Park View Federal Credit Union Carol & Ed Parks Rebecca & James Patterson Allen Peachey Donald & Cindy Peglow Edward & Judith Powell Gregory & Kama Price Billie Prock Mark & Janis Prock Nikki Prock Stephanie Quick Rachel & Kevin Rader Merle & Ruth Ann Reinford Neil & Donna Jean Reinford Phillip Renick Barbara & Jacob Rice Timothy & Rhonda Rice Richard Tucker Construction Michelle & Ryland Richards Ben & Kathleen Risser Dave & Doris Risser Garland & Louise Ritchie Abram & Ruth Rittenhouse Eugene & Annette Ritter Michael & Amy Romey Larry & Gail Romig Steven & Kathy Ropp Jeffrey W. Rosson Mary Rosson Naomi Rosson Raleigh Rosson Lynn & Kathleen Roth Jeffrey & Melodie Rupp Roger & Pamela Rutt Dan & Megan Sandberg Kurtis & Cindy Sauder Laurence & Evelyn Sauder Steve & Luanne Schreier Brian Schrock & Paula Weaver Sharon & Bruce Senn Separation Equipment Company, Inc. Donald & Brenda Shank Joel & Lisa Shank Ken & Cheryl Shank Sheldon & Lois Shank Don & Loretta Sharp Art & Lisa Shelly Elizabeth Shelly Eugene & Martine Shelly J.C. & Jewel Shenk Jon & Kris Shenk Ora & Marilyn Shetler Sil Shields Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Rosaline Shives Craig & Bonnie Shoemaker

Betty Showalter Sam & Jan Showalter Welby & Sharon Showalter Rodney & Glenna Shrock Shue-Kauffman, Inc. Danielle & J C Siembida Simensen Construction, Inc. Esters Sims Patty & Timothy Smiley Jeannie & Steven Smith Marcia & Andy Smith Tom & Kim Smith Travis Smith Clarence Snead Jeff & Carrie Souder Thomas & Sharon Spicher Bruce & Neva Stambaugh Mark & Joyce Stancil John & Velma Stauffer Larry & Judith Steider Karl & Barbara Stoltzfus Martha & John Stoltzfus Miriam Stoltzfus Winfred & Wilda Stoltzfus John M. Strickler Ronald & Jacqueline Sullivan Smoot William & Mary Ann Suter Dave & Shelby Swartley Eric & Erin Swartley Ernie & Mary Swartz Fred & Mina Swartzendruber Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Richard & Donna Swartzendruber Levi & Iva Swartzentruber Dick & Joyce Thomas Tidewater Staffing Tim Lacey Builder/Developer LLC Lisa Tritz Gina & Mitch Troyer Janet & Max Troyer Levi & Lillis Troyer Vaughn & Inga Troyer Troyer Construction, Inc. Gary & Debbie Turner Neil & Margaret Turner Turner & Company Uglybug Termite & Pest Control Willard & Joyce Wagner Frank & Alice Walther Wease Auto Exchange, Inc. Jonathan & Diane Weaver Matt & Michelle Weaver Richard & Ruth Weaver Sam & Sarah Weaver M. Steven & Elsie Weaver Todd & Anne Weaver Wendell & Jolene Weaver J.T. & Phyllis Weaver Hearn William Weidman Gordon & Barbara Weirich Anna Wenger Clifford & Carol Wenger Fred Williams Clarence & Betty Witmer James & Rachel Witmer David & Shirley Yoder Duane & Jill Yoder Gary & Beth Yoder Kenton & Diane Yoder Laura & Edward Yoder Mike Yoder Nelson & Patricia Yoder Paul & Carol Yoder Phil Yoder Rodney Yoder Victor Yoder Patricia Yost Saundra Yuille Timothy & Leslie Zimmerman

Willis & Joanne Zimmerman Bob & Ethel Zook Ethan & Carla Zook Herbert & Marlene Zook Kim Zook Mark & Kristen Zook Merle & Dorene Zook Pam & Rick Zuercher

Bach Festival Donors ‌making the Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival possible for 20 years Anonymous (3) Mary Kay & Gary Adams Jeremy & Lindsay Aldrich Ann Noffsinger Anderson & Ervin Anderson Beth Aracena Myron & Esther Augsburger Richard & Elaine Bachman Jacob Baer, Jr. Susan Barber John Barksdale John Barr Sue Baylor Joyce & James Benedict John & Frances Biedler Susan Black William & Mary Blackwell Robert & Sharon Bloomquist Daniel Bly Don & Judy Bomberger Jim & Doris Bomberger Sharon & Bo Bowers Jim & Sylvia Bowman Catherine Boyd Larry & Marcia Brown Brown & Sutt PLLC Mark & Beryl Brubaker Gerald & Shirley Brunk Ruel & Diane Burkholder Ellen Campbell Joseph & Akiko Carniglia Ted & Renate Chapman Judy & Ralph Cohen Ed & Cathy Comer Lee & Carol Congdon Charles & Sandra Conrad Pat Costie Phyllis & Jerry Coulter Spencer & Shirley Cowles Rose Cox Nancy Cross-Hall Gary & Kaye Crowther Edward & Darla Daggit Pat & Jon Dellett James Dickson Laura Douglass Linda Dove Nell Dove Jacqueline Driver Tom DuVal & Lorie Merrow Ralph & Betty Jo Eby Janet Einstein Diana & Joe Enedy Conrad Erb Emily Everling Babs & Don Fickes Helen & Allen Fleishman Mary Beth & Ted Flory Margaret & Don Foth Brenda Fox Fred & Gail Fox Bibb & Dolly Frazier

Seymour Freed Howard & Miley Tucker Frost Steve & Kathy Gardner Jim & Phyllis Gaskins William & Mary Gibb Bob Gillette Ray & Wilma Gingerich Ervie & Mary Glick Carol & Phil Gold John Goodloe Julia Grandle Ralph Grove Diane & Bob Guzzi Bernard & Susan Halterman Liam & Svetlana Hannaher Eugene & Marie Harper Pearl & Dwight Hartman Collier & Betty Harvey Leo & Ruthanne Heatwole Roy & Donna Heatwole Sidney & Linda Heatwole Bland Nancy Heisey & Paul Longacre Phil & Loretta Helmuth Doug Hendren & Nancy Beall Judith Henneberger Hiram & Mary Jane Lederach Hershey Frank & Sherrel Hissong Glenn & Sandra Hodge Phyllis & Milton Holloway Jim & Judith Hollowood Larry & Pat Hoover Bob & Betty Hoskins Alden & Louise Hostetter Harold Huber Patty & Leonard Huffman Donald & Sarah Hunsberger William & Rebecca Hunter Dr. John Irvine David & Deborah Jackson James McHone Jewelry Robert Jochen James John Jerry & Mary John Lynn & Kermit Johnson Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies David Kaeuper Dorothy & Daniel Kasten JD & Joyce Keiper Lise Keiter James & Caroline Ketler Mrs Rosemary King Harold & Betty Kitzmann Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Norman & Rhoda Kraus Catherine Kurtz Marijke Kyler Roland & Darlene Landes Jay & Peggy Landis LD & B Insurance Agency Mrs. Rebecca Leatherman Nancy & Robert Lee Larry & Jane Lehman Knute & Betty Leidal Anne Leonard James Lischner & Paige Riggs Christopher & Betsy Little Richard & Janet Lorette Carol S. Lown Victor Luftig Lynne Mackey & Bill Wellington Dr. & Mrs. Preston Manning Miriam Martin Robert & Merle Mast Cindy & David Mathews Marge Maust Shelby May Adair McConnell David & Sarah McCracken Mollie McCurdy

Mary Sue McDonald Paul McEnderfer Anne McFarland Beverly & John McGowan Charlette & David McQuilkin Clair & Mamie Mellinger William Mendez Merck Company Foundation David & Margaret Ann Messner Anne Miller Charles Miller & Barbara Brennan Sharon & Jim Miller John & Ann Monger Judith Mosedale John & Bernice Mrotek Catherine Mumaw & Clair Basinger Ken & Helen Nafziger Ellen Nash & Jonathan Jay Joan & Leslie Nicholas Rhoda Nolt C.K. & Mary Norville Elizabeth & William Oscanyan Elmo & Ella Pascale Shari Pennington Zack & Judith Perdue Kevin & Sara Piccini Tassie & Tom Pippert Paula Putman Raymond & Jeanne Rapp Cathy Rittenhouse & Daniel Hostetter Robert H. & Lorraine W. Strickler Foundation Barkley & Marina Rosser Jack & Gloria Rutt Dr. Jayne & Eric Rynar Ada Mae Saxton Philip Schoner Ann & Ralph Sebrell Kenneth Seitz, Jr. & Audrey Metz Richard & Linda Shank Craig Shealy & Lee Sternberger Dan & Naomi Shenk Jon & Sheryl Shenk Charlotte Shnaider C. Robert & Charity Showalter Donald & Marlene Showalter Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Showalter Harley & Sadie Showalter Millard & Mary Kratz Showalter Nelson & Phyllis Showalter Stuart & Shirley Showalter Welby & Sharon Showalter E. Morris & Leone Sider Hildegunde Simmons S. Grayson Sless & David Lane Nancy Slye Don Smith Donald Smith Ilene Smith Lynn Smith Del & Lee Snyder Judy Spahr Frank & Nancy Steller Eugene Stoltzfus & Janet Trettner Cathy & Charlie Strickler Judith Strickler Betty Sullivan Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Thomas Teisberg Louise Temple-Rosebrook & Fritz Rosebrook The Robert B. & Elisabeth T. Eggleston Foundation Roy & Carol Thomas Doris Trumbo Jennifer Ulrich Jo Umberger United Bank James & Betty Wagner

Timothy & Janet Waltonen Dorothy Jean Weaver Phyllis Weaver Hearn & J.T. Hearn Gretchen Welch Dean & Janet Welty Connie & Hugh Westfall Whitesel Music, Inc. David & Mary Wick Gordon & Alice Williams Lisa Wright Richard & Margaret Wurst Ingeborg & Vernon Yeich Carol Yetzer Patricia Yoder Paul & Carol Yoder Ron & Shirley Yoder

Donors by Class Year 1930-1939 Alumni Participation Rate, 14% Giving Total, $21,048 1934

Chester Wenger


Florence Detweiler Marjorie Guengerich Beulah Troyer


Grace Hostetter


Ethel Mellinger


Dwight Hartman Orpah Kurtz Paul Martin Miriam Nissley Richard Pellman Stuart Shank Ethel Strite

1940-1949 Alumni Participation Rate, 29% Giving Total, $30,389 1940

Florence Bucher Eula Showalter


Mahlon Hess Virginia Martin Evelyn Maust


Margaret M Gehman Mark Moyer Sara Jane Wenger


John Horst


Ray Horst | crossroads | 35


Rohrer Eshleman Pearl Hartz Kenneth Heatwole Ruth Horst Paul Peachey David Troyer Dorothy Yoder


Arlene Hege Norman Kraus Anna Mae Landis Dorothy Martin Violet Miller Ellen Peachey Janet Yoder


John Miller Sara Ellen Stoltzfus


Betty Deputy Pearl Johnson Eleanor Kauffman Orval Shank Neil Turner


A. Don Augsburger Nathan Hege Mary Louise Hertzler Samuel Horst Paul Kniss Mary Lederach J. Paul Lehman Lester Shank

1950 Alumni Participation Rate, 40% Giving Total, $12,480 Grace Bergey John Brenneman Lester Brubaker James Brunk, Sr. Thelma Brunk Huldah Claude Erla Culp Betty Drescher Paul Herr Hiram Hershey Leah Magal Erika Malin Willard Mayer LaVina Nicholas D Lowell Nissley Henry Weaver, Jr. John Weaver Margaret Yoder Paul Yoder

1951 Alumni Participation Rate, 44% Giving Total, $18,948 Ann Blosser Bill Detweiler John Drescher Salome Harrison Daniel Hertzler Mary Ellen Horst

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John Hostetler Abram Hostetter Hazel Hostetter Dan M Krady Harry Kraus, Sr. Jean Kraybill Ralph Malin Ina Martin Daniel Reinford Mary Reinford Gladys Shank Charles Shenk Bernard Showalter Lena Showalter Alice Snyder Eugene Souder Paul Swarr Marilyn Swartzentruber Doris Trumbo Martha Weaver Elvin Weber Ruth Weber Morris Yoder

1952 Alumni Participation Rate, 38% Giving Total, $10,045 Anonymous (1) Irene Alderfer Dick Good Ruth Horst Betty Kniss Mark Kniss Nancy Lee Paul Miller Elton Moshier Rosa Moshier Laban Peachey Bertha Plank Barbara Risser Alice Souder Edward Stoltzfus Ruth Swartz Arlene Walter Ted Walter Ken Weaver Lester Weber Daisy Yoder Edna Zook

1953 Alumni Participation Rate, 36% Giving Total, $13,980 Anonymous (2) John Burkholder Susan Burkholder Rhoda Clemens Ike Glick Rebecca Herr Miriam Housman Marjorie Kotva John Kreider Marijke Kyler Lois Martin Ruth Martin Everett Metzler Clarence Rutt Helen Shank James Stauffer Doris Stoltzfus Paul Thomas

Lois Witmer Robert Witmer

1954 Alumni Participation Rate, 39% Giving Total, $37,486 Doris Bomberger Kenton Brubaker Martha Brubaker Helen Burkholder Roy Burkholder Ruth Burkholder Rosalie Derstine Margaret Foth Elsie Gingerich Claude Good Dorothy Groff Luke Horst Ruth Kaufmann Dorothy Kreider Jay Landis John Lapp John Martin Catherine Mumaw Grace Mumaw Rebekah Nice Carl Rudy Helen Rutt John Shenk Virgil Stoltzfus Amos Yoder Floyd Zehr

1955 Alumni Participation Rate, 28% Giving Total, $11,015 Greta Albrecht Myron Augsburger Jim Bomberger Kenneth Brunk Mildred Glick Marvin Groff David Harnish George Hostetler Issa Khalil Alice Lapp Ruth Longacre Margaret Metzler Ruth Rudy Myrtle Shenk Stanwyn Shetler Ruth Simpson June Marie Weaver

1956 Alumni Participation Rate, 35% Giving Total, $26,340 Joyce Alexander Jewell Brenneman James Brubaker Raymond Brubaker Gladys Buckwalter Keith Esch Bob Eshleman S Jeane Fretz Neil Gingerich Pearl Good Elizabeth Hoover Ruth King

Susanne King Catherine A Lapp LeRoy Lapp Esther Lehman Cliff Lind Wilbur Maust Doris Morgan Dorcas Morrow Homer Myers Mary Reitz Bill Roth Ruth Shaum Anne Siegrist John Smucker Shirley Wion Thelma Wolgemuth Julia Yoder

1957 Alumni Participation Rate, 34% Giving Total, $7,304 Anonymous (2) Henry Benner George Brenneman Paul Dagen Martha Deitrich Shirley Delp Jason Denlinger Omar Eby Ginny Esch Arlene Gingerich James Gingrich Joan Gingrich Lois Holdsclaw Carl Keener Eunice Kraybill Clara Landis Wilmer Lehman Hope Lind Charles Longenecker Warren Martin Miriam Maust Laura Schumm Elizabeth Sember Barbara Showalter Don Siegrist Mary Swartley Robert Yoder Roland Yoder

1958 Alumni Participation Rate, 47% Giving Total, $70,683 Anonymous (2) Doris Albrecht Bertha Beachy Cleo Clark S David Garber Mary Gehman Edith Gingerich Lois Ann Hartman Wilmer Hartman Grace Herr Lowell Herr S Duane Kauffman Ernie Kraybill Laura Kurtz Maynard Kurtz Becci Leatherman Elton Lehman Mary Louise Lehman Milton Lehman

Barbara Longoria Donald Mellinger Fae Miller Henry Miller Ruth Mumaw A Martha Nissley James Payne Marian Payne Urbane Peachey Alice Rini Dorcas Rolon Herb Schultz Marjorie Shenk Miriam Shenk Florence Showalter Ada Nancy Smoker Irene Smucker John Spicher Milo Stahl Glenn Steffen Bob Wenger Larry Wenger Susan Wenger

1959 Alumni Participation Rate, 40% Giving Total, $209,074 Anonymous (1) Millard Benner Gerald Brunk Elizabeth Dawson Nancy Fisher Ruthild Foth Linford Gehman Lois Hartzler Roy Hartzler C Kenneth Hershey Betty Hertzler Daniel Hess Violet Hopkins Ray Horst Bob Hostetler Naomi Kauffman Calvin Kaufman Naomi Kniss Arlene Leatherman James Lehman Joe Longacher Allen Martin Edwin Martin Joseph Martin Daniel Miller, Jr. Mary Miller Myrtle Miller Willis Miller Gloria Moranski Ivan Moyer Pauline Myers Ruth Nisly Joyce Petro Glen Roth John Rutt Rebecca Rutt Clair Schnupp Hubert Schwartzentruber Janice Sensenig Calvin Shenk C. Robert Showalter Marvin Slabaugh Marcus Smucker Erma Sollenberger Ira Sollenberger Virgene Steffen Richard Stoltzfus Willard Swartley Rae Della Wenger

Anna Mary Yoder J. Harold Zook

1960 Alumni Participation Rate, 32% Giving Total, $28,128 Anonymous (1) Lester Beachy Lois Bowman Lena Brown Jim Burkholder Ronald David Arlen Delp Miriam Friesen Carol Garber Ray Gingerich Wilma Gingerich Orpha Glick Ruth Glick James Good Charles Hershey Eva Hershey Naomi Horst Esta Hostetler Esther Kraybill Norman Kreider Edith Kuhns James Lapp Samuel Lapp David Leaman John Leaman Hershey Leaman Eileen Lehman Elmer Lehman Robert Martin Edwin Miller Jerry Miller Arnold Moshier Carolyn Moyer Emma Myers LeRoy Petersheim Kenneth Seitz, Jr. Esther Shisler Harvey Stoltzfus Ethel Swartzendruber Richard Weaver Werner Will Loretta Yoder

1961 Alumni Participation Rate, 39% Giving Total, $187,254 Lois Alwine Sanford Alwine Willis Amstutz Verna Beachy Ruby Brenneman Anna Mary Brubacher Glenn M. Brubacher Mark Brubaker George Brunk III John Buckwalter Marian Burkholder Carolyn Conley Homer Detwiler Lloyd Gingerich Fern Grace Raymond Hertzler Joy Hess Helen Hofstetter Jo Hoover Eloise Hostetler

Esther Jones Marie Kauffman Nathan King Paul Kratz Wayne Kratzer Harold Kraybill Sara Kreider Hilda Kurtz D. Harold Landis Peggy Landis Gerri Lehman Lois Lehman Allen Lind Paul Longacre Arlin Martin Mary Martin Rachel Martin David Messner David Miller Miriam Mumaw Russ Mumaw Audrey Murray Lorraine Myers Lorne Peachey Jean Pfeiffer Florence Richer Roger Richer Annabelle Roth Lydia Samatar Carl Smeltzer Robert Steckley Marjorie Steffen Delmar Yoder Linda Yoder Paul Yoder Ruth Yoder Tilli Yoder Lois Zehr

1962 Alumni Participation Rate, 31% Giving Total, $53,812 Dorothy Albrecht E. Faye Beckler Glen Brubaker Anna Kathryn Eby John Eby Waldemar Eger Reta Finger Ervie Glick Gerald Good Ramona Hartzler Mary Hinkle Dorothy Jantzi Naomi Jantzi John Kauffman J Mark King John Kreider Treva Kurtz E. Jean Landis Helen Lapp Sara Ellen Lapp Andrew Leatherman Mary Ellen Lehman Sara Jane Lind Arlene Martin Lois Martin Luke Martin Michael Mast Audrey Metz James Metzler Anna Miller Becky Miller Charles Moyer Evelyn Moyer Mary Newcomer

Eunice Paul Carolyn Reed Edith Rice Abner Schlabach Virginia Glass Schlabach Howard Schrock Mary Grace Shenk Virginia Shenk Donald Showalter Marlene Showalter Millard Showalter Esther Siville-Tidey Sarah Ellen Slabaugh Allene Smucker-Klassen Arlene Snavely Del Snyder Ruth Ann Swartzendruber Raul Tadeo Takashi Wakiyama Robert Weaver Roy Wert Rachel Witmer Janice Wyse Ann Yoder Carroll Yoder David Yoder Shirley Yoder Paul Zehr

1963 Alumni Participation Rate, 35% Giving Total, $45,308 Anonymous (1) Ralph Alderfer Dwight Beachy Marian Beaman Marlene Benner Edwin Bontrager Linda Boyer Verna Colliver Loris Cunningham Joyce Eby Carol Erb J. Mark Frederick, Jr. Dorcas Good Bill Helmuth Loretta Helmuth Zella Kauffman Zolla Kauffman Naomi Keiper Walter King, Sr. Yoshihiro Kuroki Ira Kurtz Omar Lapp Bill Leatherman Paul Lehman Marie Macknight Lydia Mahabirsingh Nancy Martin Raymond Martin Ruth May Rachel Metzler Glenn Myers Lois Newcomer Martha Pepper John Reed Rose Rhodes Bertha Roggie Geraldine Rush Dan Shenk Naomi Shenk Charity Showalter Gloria Snider Lee Snyder Joyce Stoll Ruth Weaver | crossroads | 37

Bob Wert Esther Wert Carol Yoder LaVerne Yoder Lee Yoder Paul Yoder, Jr.

1964 Alumni Participation Rate, 30% Giving Total ,$51,763 Donald Bender Linda Heatwole Bland Beryl Brubaker Esther Clymer Paul Clymer Leona Diener Janeth Duncan Emma Frederick Esther Garber Carl Good Dorothy Harnish Paul Harnish David Hartzler Roy Heatwole Larry Hess Barbara Hochstetler Gladys Horst Vernon Jantzi Rosalyn Johnson Elmer Kennel Lydia Ann Kennel John Kreider Evelyn Kurtz Dorothy Leatherman Lois Lehman Ellen Rose Longacre Pat Martin Raymond Martin Joe Mast Clair Mellinger Mamie Mellinger Margaret Ann Messner Art Newcomer Edward Plank Geneva Rufenacht Jim Rush Marilyn Schlabach Mary Schwartzentruber Miriam Seigfried Delbert Seitz Donald Sheeler J. Dennis Swartz Dale Umble Robert Vetter Esther Weaver Robert Weaver Dean Welty Janet Welty Andre Wenger James Wenger Louretta Wilson E. James Witmer Lauren Yoder Marion Yoder Suzanne Yoder Priscilla Ziegler

1965 Alumni Participation Rate, 32% Giving Total, $105,155 Anonymous (3) Dick Alderfer

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Rhoda Atzeff Dorothy Beidler Paul Beiler Verna Detweiler Janet Gehman Mary Gehman Stan Godshall Susan Godshall Lois Good Mary Grieser Ernie Hess Lois Hess Erma Horning Melvin Hostetler Mary Jane Jones Rosemary King Robert Koch Samuel Kulp Joyce Lehman Grace Leichty James Longacre Barbara Martin Ervin Mast Violet Metzler Susanna Moshier Lloyd Nice Paul Nisly Larry Nolt Jim Ranck Florence Roes Charlotte Rosenberger Laurence Sauder Jacob Schrock Janet Shank Lucille Shank Norman Shank Oren Shank John Shearer Martine Shelly Jewel Shenk Al Shirk Ruth Ann Shirk Sam Showalter Paul Shrock Ivan Snyder Nora Spurgin Ruth Stauffer Dale Stoltzfus Carolyn Wenger Ethel Wenger J. Lloyd Wert Grace Will Donald Ziegler Ann Zimmerman Mary Zuniga

1966 Alumni Participation Rate, 35% Giving Total, $45,308 Anonymous (2) Luke Beidler Lee Roy Berry, Jr. Glendon Blosser Peggy Blosser Edie Bontrager Allen Brubaker Shirley Yoder Brubaker Mary Cross Phillip Duncan Mary Ann Eisemann Ruby Freed Jim Gehman Lois Gerber Elaine Good Leon Good Jenelle Gould

Jim Halteman Dwayne Hartman Joanne Hershey Doug Hostetter Goldie Huber Esther Kauffman Regina Kauffman Harry King Doris Kolb Hannah Lapp Joseph Lapp Glenn Lehman Robert Martin Ora Mast Rhoda Mast Anna Miller Barbara Miller Helen Miller Mark Miller S. Ernest Miller Herb Myers Elaine Nice Ken Nissley Carol Parks Barbara Penner Eloise Plank Judy Ranck Carolyn Ruth Joanne Sauder David Seitz Dorothy Sensenich Richard Shank Eugene Shelly Nelson Showalter Geraldine Stiedle Norma Strawbridge Joyce Strawderman Alvin Swartzentruber Lawrence Umble Margaret Umble Sam Weaver Calvin Yoder Emery Yoder Gene Yoder Nancy Yoder Ray Yoder Sharon Yoder Lena Zehr Mary Zehr Pearl Zehr

1967 Alumni Participation Rate, 27% Giving Total, $385,584 Leanna Beiler Lowell Bender Anna Bishop Jim Bishop Susie Boyd Linda Breneman Roy Breneman Rachel Brenneman Esther Bucher Marianne Classen Mary Ellen Dula Clair Esch Roger Eshleman Charlotte Glick Sarah Glick Ronald Guengerich Salim Habash Carl Harman Phyllis Holloway Evelyn Keener Glenda Knepp

Donald Kraybill Carl Laws Landis Kara Layman Karen Leidig Anna Martin Dan Martin Ernest Mast Nancy Mast Alta Mellinger John Miller Sarah Myers Wesley Newswanger Elizabeth Nissley Wilbur Peachey Doris Rissmiller Henry Rosenberger Carol Schrock Alta Schwartz Blair Seitz Harley Showalter Sadie Showalter Stuart Showalter Donald Siegrist Gary Smucker Anne Stoltzfus George Stoltzfus Ruth Stoltzfus Levi Troyer Carolyn Wampler Wayne Weaver Connie Westfall Betty Good White Nadine Young Karene Zimmerman

1968 Alumni Participation Rate, 26% Giving Total, $57,479 Anonymous (2) Wayne Alexander Martha Augsburger Bob Conley Gene Diener Betty Jo Eby Peg Engle J. Richard Frey Joseph Gascho Jesse Gehman Marg Gehman Leon Godshall Mervin Good Gloria Gredler Ruth Guengerich Richard Gunden James Harbold Don Hertzler Paul Hess Laurel Horst Anne Hummel Bruce Hummel Louetta Hurst Dottie Kauffmann Noah Kolb Lois Kreider Wayne Kurtz Wilbur Leidig, Jr. Russell Leinbach Sally Leinbach Milford Lyndaker Melvin Martin Rose Martin Vernon Martin Mattie Marie Mast Leon Miller Frankie Nafziger Gary Nafziger

Anna Nolt Rhoda Nolt Christine Ontiveros Karen Ransaw James Rosenberger Clare Schumm Omar Showalter Bryan Stauffer Roy Steiner Winston Weaver, Jr. Julia Witmer Dwight Wyse LaMar Wyse Sheryl Wyse Faye Yoder Patricia Yoder Ronald Yoder George Zimmerman Lois Zook Marilyn Zook Mervin Zook

1969 Alumni Participation Rate, 22% Giving Total, $14,298 Anonymous (1) Richard Benner Darrell Beyeler Jonathan Bucher Carolyn Burkholder Donald Burkholder Paul Christophel Rebecca Christophel Harvey Chupp Virginia Deeds Ellis Detwiler Sue Funkhouser Ruthanne Garber Mary Jane King Garrison Eloise Gingerich Phyllis Gingrich Merle Good John Goshow Susan Guengerich Pauline Habegger Bernard Halterman Betty Hertzler Lowell Hertzler James Hoover Lynn Hostetler Dave Kisamore Kathie Kurtz Sharri Kurtz Ken Lehman Calvin Litwiller Rachel Litwiller Willie Longenecker Dan Martin Jean Martin Evelyn McPhee Nathan Miller Omar Miller Sam Miller Viola Miller Steven Mininger Karen Mishler William Mishler Bob Nolt Lois Schlabach Dorothy Scott Linda Semke John Shank Alice Shirk Joanne Siegrist Carole Smith Thomas Spicher

Donald Stoltzfus Nancy Walker Carol Wenger Judy Widmer Lois Yoder Ruth Zale Mary Elaine Zuck

1970 Alumni Participation Rate, 27% Giving Total, $59,349 Thomas Beachy Bob Bishop Barbara Borntrager Jonas Borntrager Robert Brenneman Paul Burkholder Elsie Childrers Gerald Ebersole Ralph Eby Samuel Espinoza John Fairfield Kathryn Fairfield Tina Glanzer Phyllis Good Phil Guengerich Marian Hackney Dennis Hatter LuAnne Hatter Clyde Herr Rachel Hershberger Ruth Shenk Hertzler Richard Horst Betty Hostetler Kathryn Isett Elton Kauffman Dennis King Judy King Lois King Fred Klassen Martha Kolb-Wyckoff Elvin Kraybill Esther Kraybill Ralph Lehman Carl Litwiller John Longacre Daniel Longenecker Lena Martin Art McPhee Henry Miller J. B. Miller Leon Miller Paul Miller Richard Miller Sherry Miller Karen Moyer Leon Moyer Myrna Moyer Mag Nolt Allen Peachey Audrey Price Lonnie Richardson Rosalie Roland Gloria Horst Rosenberger Ken Schildt Michael Shenk Maynard Shirk Marvin Showalter Shirley Showalter Dave Snider Rhoda Snider Karl Steffy Ruth Stoltzfus Emagene Stuckey Ernie Swartz Elsie Weaver

M Steven Weaver Melvin Weaver Ruth Weaver Terry Whitmore Dave Yoder John Yoder Nancy Yoder LaVern Yutzy

1971 Alumni Participation Rate, 28% Giving Total, $25,620 Tricia Armstrong Karen Beachy Rosie Berkey Sharon Bowers Kim Boyd Tina Burnett John Claude Barbara Edwards Janice Falb Glen Gehman Elias George David Glanzer Edwin Good W. Richard Good Merle Harnish Althea Harvey Elnore Herr Elaine Hershberger Marv Holsopple Deborah Hoover G. Stuart Horst Loren Horst Marcia Horst Marv Horst Ruth Jost Rose Kennel Phillip King Eugene Kraybill Dennis Kuhns Shirley Kurtz Richard Landes Wayne Lawton Louise Longenecker Glenna Lowry Stephen Lowry Joann Martin Judith Martin Linda Martin Linford Martin Gerald Meck John Metzler Fannie Miller Leslie Mininger Jane Miron Robert Musser Sharon Nusbaum Louise O'Connell Anna Oyer Rachel Rader Raymond Ressler Dennis Rohrer Wendy Rohrer Judy Rosenik J.C. Shenk Rosemary Shirk Nate Showalter Janet Sonifrank Ellen Steffy Catherine Stoltzfus Judith Stoltzfus Omar Stoltzfus Paul Stoltzfus Douglas Stutzman Roland Stutzman

Larry Trissel Joanna Vile Linda Watson Joyce Weaver John Weber David Wenger Lowell Wenger Miriam Wenger Esther Witmer Barbara Wratchford Marlene Yoder Christon Zirkle

1972 Alumni Participation Rate, 28% Giving Total, $89,673 Anonymous (1) Karen Albrecht Wanda Alger Esther Augsburger Julie Bender Lee Ann Bergey David Birky Gladys Boettcher Donald Bomberger Herman Bontrager Lois Bontrager Janet Breneman Jerry Breneman Donald Bucher Earl Burkholder Gretchen Christopher Dennis Clemmer Rose Crickenberger Douglas Croxton Carolyn Derstine Kenton Derstine Mark Derstine Mim Eberly Norma Jean Eddy Barbara Eshleman Jan Foderaro Joanne Gehman Nancy Gehman Nora George Firman Gingerich Lee Gingerich Susan Gingerich John Gingrich Velma Good Susan Halterman Leo Heatwole Kenneth Herr Wayne Hershberger Rachel Hickman Earlene Horst Gerry Horst Lois Huston J. Melvin Janzen Dennis Kauffman Deryl Kennel Miriam Kennel Paul Leaman Daniel Lehman Nelson Lehman Alan Leinbach Irma Lewis R. Larry Martin Ruth Martin Harry Mast Robert Maust Sharon Metzler-Ruth Barbara Miller James Miller Judy Moskalik Randy Moyers | crossroads | 39

James Mullet Merle Reinford Ruth Ann Reinford Elva Rhodes James Rhodes Gloria Rutt Jack Rutt Lela Sawatzky Glen Sell Elaine Shirk Eugene Stoltzfus Karl Stoltzfus Sharon Strite Loren Swartzendruber Dorothy Jean Weaver Erma Weaver Lamar Weaver Earl Wenger Kathy Wenger Bruce Yoder Janice Yoder Rachel Ann Yoder Mary Jane Yutzy Joyce Zimmerman Ronald Zimmerman

1973 Alumni Participation Rate, 20% Giving Total, $31,628 Anonymous (2) Linda Alley Duane Bishop Judy Bomberger Jeanette Bontrager David Brunk Christine Burkholder Judy Catalfu Anna Louise Detweiler Ruth Duncan Kathy Fisher Linda Frey David Gehman Lois Gehman Mary Gingerich Carol Godshall Dorothy Hartman Diane Holsopple Kenneth Horst Steven Hostetler Dale Jones Jerry Kauffman Roger Kauffman Ruth Kulp Jan Landes Galen Lehman Lois Lyndaker Gary Martin Gerald Martin Robert Mast Shirley Mast Gretchen Maust Marcia Miller Susan Miller Karen Moshier-Shenk James Mullet Judy Mullet Daniel Ness Forest Porter, Jr. Glenn Reinford Lorraine Reinford Jerry Ruff Raymond Shank June Shenk Steve Shenk Ora Shetler Dennis Showalter

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Sharon Showalter Welby Showalter John Stauffer, Jr. Velma Stauffer Esther Steckle Daniel Walter Linda Wenger Marlene Wenger Duane Yoder Jeanelle Yoder John Yoder Judy Yoder Richard Yoder Victor Yoder

1974 Alumni Participation Rate, 23% Giving Total, $19,499 Esther Baldridge Rose Bergey David Bucher Clarence Byerly Ross Collingwood Miriam Cruz Brenda Derstine Rhoda Derstine Rachel Diener Dan Dietzel Iris Driver Ruth Evans Becky Gascho Luke Gascho Shirley Geissinger Joyce Gingerich Beverly Guengerich Galen Guengerich Barry Hummel Rachel Kauffman John King David Kniss Cheryl Landis Richard Lantz Toby Leaman III Janell Lederman Barbara Lehman Gloria Lehman Kathy Leichty Helen Leinbach Nancy Litwiller Merle Mast Darrell Miller Lynda Miller David Mininger Marian Mininger Ethel Mumaw Freida Myers Rodney Nafziger Herb Noll Carol Petry Kathy Poindexter Ida Proco Edith Rhodes Verna Rice Karen Ringenberg Steven Ringenberg W Ronald Sauder Delmer Schlabach Don Sharp Loretta Sharp Nelson Shenk Hilda Shirk Mary Kratz Showalter Myrna Smucker Connie Souder Feryl Souder Ardis Stephenson

Robert Stuckey Roger Stutzman Jacqueline Sullivan-Smoot Jeanne Troyer Marjorie Warkentin Shirley Western Gene Williams Arlene Yoder Jane Yoder Jerry Yoder Miriam Yoder Shirley Yoder Francis Zehr

1975 Alumni Participation Rate, 24% Giving Total, $24,238 Rodney Allebach Elaine Zook Barge Patricia Bishop Dorothy Brangan Dean Brubaker Nadene Brunk James Buller Jane Buller Melodie Davis Karen Diffenbach Pauline Dulabaum Wendell Eberly Sheryl Ehst Robert Fisher Valda Garber-Weider Keith Gnagey Karen Gross Sandi Harnish Loretta Helmuth Amelia Herr Helen Hertzler Cindy Horrell Galen Horst-Martz Karen Iazzi Nnabugwu Iromuanya David Kauffman, Jr. Joan Kauffman Victoria Kenyon Sharon Lambert Kisamore Stanley Klassen Gloria Shenk Kniss Janice Kratzer Rosemary Kratzer Ruth Lesher Marla Longenecker Randall Longenecker Ajay Massey Elroy Miller Jim Musser Miriam Nafziger Daryl Peifer Jane Peifer Judith Ramer Lois Ramer Miriam Ramer Naomi Ressler Leanna Rhodes Dave Risser Doris Risser Kathy Risser Lynn Roth Verlen Rufenacht Sarah Schlabach Barbara Shenk Gerald Shenk Sara Wenger Shenk Bonnie Shoemaker James Showalter Rick Showalter

Ron Stoltzfus David Strong Lucinda Wolfe Robert Woodfin Rosa Workman Byard Yoder David Yoder

1976 Alumni Participation Rate, 25% Giving Total, $63,254 Anonymous (1) Mary Bell Harold Bergey Rhoda Charles Carol Detweiler Timothy Detweiler Gloria Diener Carol Eberly Martha Ediger Timothy Ehst Edward Frey Lucy Frisinger Colleen Gingerich Dennis Gingerich Earl Gingerich Linda Gingerich David Gingrich J. Michael Greene Joel Gross Wes Hamm Judy Harder Steven Harder Charles Harner Margaret Harner James Harr Phil Helmuth Ann Hershberger Marie Hertzler Philip Horst Sandy Horst Sylvia Horst Deb Huffman Lois Jones Dave King Michael King Phil Kreider Betty Kurtz Eldon Kurtz C. Stephen Lamb Ruth Massey Darrell McVay Ruth McVay Craig Miller Edgar Miller Harold Miller Linda Miller Luanne Ramer Calvin Roggie Leland Ropp Roger Rutt Randy Schweitzer Dawn Showalter Joyce Showalter Ray Smucker Mike Stauffer Sam Thomas Mary Vitasek Gregory Weaver Valerie Weaver Lois Wenger Ellen Yoder Ken Yoder Leon Yoder Don Zook

Ethan Zook Herbert Zook

1977 Alumni Participation Rate 21% Giving Total $53,840 Anonymous (1) Jim Alexander, Jr. Gail Bachman David Baer John Bomberger Judy Buller Lorna Claassen Melvin Claassen Charmaine Detrow Dave Detrow Sue Ann Earley Cynthia Frey Carolyn Gerig Bonnie Greene Jerry Grosh Marilyn Harr Lois Ann Hicks Bill Hochstetler Donald Hooley Mary Ina Hooley Colette Hostetler Ray Hostetler Stanley Hostetler Kaduthanath Johnson Mary Beth Kauffman Mary Beth Kautz James Kennel Debra King Rosalyn Kniss Julie Knowlden Susan Krusemark Steve Landis Jay Leaman Susan Martin Esther Mast Kathy Mast Ardith Matson Marvin Maust Esther McClure Carolyn Metzger Joy Porter Glenna Ramer Mary Alice Ressler Annette Ritter Verle Rufenacht Pamela Rutt Lois Shank Donna Shenk Jon Shenk Sheryl Shenk Ruth Shetler Joyce Smith Donna Souder Duane Swartley Marilou Wieder Paul Yoder Stanley Yoder Kim Yousey John Zook Judy Zook

1978 Alumni Participation Rate 22% Giving Total $22,354 Trudy Bondesen Randy Bowman

Susan Brenneman Karl Brubaker Diane Burkholder Lloyd Claassen DeAnn Diller Laura Draper Sharon Gehman Donna Hahn Les Helmuth Carol Horst Marilyn Hostetler Cheryl Kelly David King Winnifred King Elizabeth Kolb Margaret Kreider Cindy Lamb Daryl Landis Nancy Landis Rosemary Landis Joyce Leaman David Lehman Larry Lehman David Martin Eric Martin Linford Martin Thomas A Martin Marge Maust Conley McMullen Melvin Meyer Esh Richard Moyer Kay Nussbaum Wes Park Kenneth Pellman Susan Rhodes Dennis Rice Betty Ross Regina Schweitzer Jim Shenk Eric Shirk Karen Shirk Craig Shoemaker Wille Stoltzfus Winfred Stoltzfus Maurice Stutzman Joanna Swartley Julie Swartzentruber Lois Troyer David Weaver Stephen Wiebe-Johnson Anita Yoder Linda Yoder Lois Yoder Phil Yoder Rhoda Yoder Steve Yoder Peter Zimmerli Ron Zook

1979 Alumni Participation Rate 24% Giving Total $48,135 Philip Baker-Shenk Rich Beckler Jim Bell Lenora Bell Douglas Burkholder Ruel Burkholder Vicki Cumming Marcia Dickerson John Drescher-Lehman Sandra Drescher-Lehman Paul Dyck Paul Gingerich Trula Gingrich Marlin Groff

Sue Groff Harold Guntz Ginny Heatwole Sylvia Helmuth Jim Herr Carl Hershey Paul Hoover Sharon Hoover Reuben Horst Janet Hostetler Alden Hostetter Louise Hostetter Willie Hurst Jill Johnson Christine Kauffman Joan King Fred Kniss Beth Landis Judy Landis Janet Landis-Frey Judy Leaman Steve Leaman Larry Lehman Don Livingston Luanne Livingston Jeanne Luther Don Martin Elaine Martin Pat Martin Dale Mast Rhonda McGraw Godfrey Muganda Ken L. Nafziger Steve Nussbaum Rachel Pellman Ike Porter Anthony Pratkanis Ann Reesor Gerald Ressler Lois Rhodes Philip Roth Debbie Rush Janet Ruth Susan Ruth Thomas Ruth Brenda Shank Paul Souder Martha Stoltzfus Grace Styer Melvin Thomas Doris Horst Toll Mark Wenger Valerie Wermuth Sheryl Wideman Beth Yoder Gary Yoder Kathy Yoder Miles Yoder Pat Yoder Carla Zook

1980 Alumni Participation Rate 18% Giving Total $17,329 Anonymous (2) Emma Beachy Steve Benner Brenda Bishop Tammy Bos Donald Brunk Sam Charles Roberta Egli Keith Eshleman Beth Fulda Shirley Garber Eileen Gingrich

Sue Glick Linford Good Marilyn Hartline Marcy High Karen Hoerner Jerry Holsopple Julie Hooley Shirley Hoover Joe Irish Janine Kennel Rands Jim Kurtz Dawn Longenecker Martha Maddox Conrad Martin Joyce Martin Philip Martin Marcus Miller Mary Miller Nanhi-Mary Morrow-Farrell Lore Muganda Lois Oyer Trudy Partee Bob Redcay Gene Rhodes Pam Risser Phil Risser Eugene Ritter Anne Roth Diane Rowland Donald Shank Sheldon Shank Frank Shelp Eileen Shenk Wayne Speigle Julie Stauffer Merle Stutzman Fred Swartzendruber Lois Voth

1981 Alumni Participation Rate 22% Giving Total $43,797 Greg Beachy Wayne Beachy Joyce Benedict Leanne Benner Evon Bergey Michael Bishop Kimberly Black Laurie Brunk Daryl Burkholder Susan Burkholder Susan Charles Doug Clemens William Fisher Jamie Frankenfield Samuel Glick Beth Ann Good Keith Graybill Rosemary Hochstetler Dan Hooley Vern Hostetler Joy Hostetter Rick Hostetter Dick Kauffman Kevin King Eunice LaCoy Ken Layman Doris Leaman David Lehman Lavonne Lehman Dorothy Logan Jo Longenecker Ronald Marner Jo Martin Thomas Martin | crossroads | 41

Cynthia Mast Beth Miller Lois Miller Judy Nafziger Karen Nafziger Ann Nicely Becky Nolt David Peterson Cindy Redcay Jay Roth Nancy Roth Carmen Schrock-Hurst Ken Shenk Natalie Shenk Miriam Shirk Kirk Shisler Joanne Speigle Marilyn Spotts Ruth Suter Terry Suter Phyllis Ulrey Cheryl Weber Louisa Weber Randy Weber Ronda Weber Ruth Welty Candace Yoder Darrel Yoder Darrell Yoder Elwood Yoder Joy Yoder Nelson Yoder Sylvia Yoder Barb Zimmerman Julie Zimmerman

1982 Alumni Participation Rate, 19% Giving Total, $16,424 Anonymous (1) Melanie Baer-Drescher Frank Bielawski Jane Burgess Sharon Byler Deborah Campbell Kevin Carey Larry Crossgrove Lois Deaton Bruno Dyck Susan Eshleman Carl Geissinger Alan Greaser Karen Hartz Irvin Heishman Jim Hershberger Edie Hochstetler Will Hostetler Patricia Hulsey Beryl Jantzi David Kanagy Glen Kauffman Sandy Kauffman Sharon Kauffman John Kennel Dan King Phil Kniss Joy Lapp Kimberly Lehman Rose Lehman Mary Jean Linn Richard Longacre Rose Longacre Chris Longenecker Amy Marshall Carol Martin Johnson Tim Martin Johnson

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Dan Mast Wesley Nolt Sara Person Joel Reinford Richard Rhodes Kent Richard Cathy Rittenhouse Jane Roth Phil Rush Luke Schrock-Hurst Anne Sensenig Alan Shenk Susanna Sommers Carol Spicher Jim Spicher Arthur Stoltzfus Mark Stutzman Judith Trumbo Jan Wagler Jo Ann Wagner Nelson Weber Dale Wenger Darrel White Steven Wiebe-King Louise Yoder Phyllis Yoder

1983 Alumni Participation Rate, 16% Giving Total, $26,678 Sharon Ambrose Myron Blosser Lucy Brubaker Jeannie Brunk Cheryl Carey Dave Clemmer Mike Clemmer Williner Crawford Deb Cribbs Deb Dutcher Titus Dutcher Peggy Ebersole Beverly Eye Rose Hackman Theresa Hay Janie Heatwole Becky Holmes Janet Horst Merle Hostetler George Insley, Jr. Chris Kennel Elvin Kennel Mary Jane Kennel Tim Kennel Larry Leaman-Miller Freeman Lehman Joel Lehman Kim Martin Lee Martin Rachel Martin Natalie Mayer Matt McMullen Victoria Myer Dan Nafziger Evie Nafziger Vicki Nolt John Nussbaum Shawn Ramer Katrine Rose Ann Rutt Althea Salomone Julia Sauder Cheryl Shank Ken Shank Dave Shenk Sue Shirk

Dave Swartley Donna Van Horn John Weber Robert Wenger Sharon Wenger Calvin Yoder Marianne Yoder Randy Yoder

1984 Alumni Participation Rate, 12% Giving Total, $3,923 Nathan Barge Jill Basinger Mullet Carmeleta Beidler Roy Bomberger, Jr. Ed Brubaker David Driver David Frye Steve Gehman Jeff Hackman Bruce Hochstetler Cheryl Hollinger Jeff Kauffman Karen Kauffman Wendy Kennel Laurie King Robert Kniss Herb Landis Jan Lehman Peg Martin Lois Mast James Maust Daryl Myers Marci Myers Kathy Sue Rhodes Jim Rittenhouse Rick Rutt Diane Scott Sharon Shenk Marybeth Stauffer Grant Stoltzfus Julie Wiebe Jill Wiebe-King Howard Yoder

1985 Alumni Participation Rate, 18% Giving Total, $10,515 Janette Amstutz Teresa Anders Luann Bender Mary Bendfeldt Lori Bolton Evelyn Bomberger Shana Peachey Boshart Kim Gingerich Brenneman Lois Brubaker Cheryl Derstine Charles Eberly Ben Fahndrich LuAnn Fahndrich Allison Flanders Sid Frey Ellie Gathright Karla Gingerich Pearl Hartman Dale Hartzler Nevin Herr Kathy Hertzler Jeanette Hunt Margo Jantzi

Dan Keener Carol Kotva Joe Kotva, Jr. Lisa Kurtz Roger Kurtz Carol Landon Renee Leap Bill Longacre Mike Martin Richard Mininger Dawn Nyce Douglas Nyce Jan Orndorff Mark Peachey Doug Rheinheimer Ben Risser Kendra Rittenhouse Amy Rosenberger Craig Ruth Naomi Ruth Kim Shank Jonelle Shenk Cathy Smeltzer Erb RaMona Stahl Sonya Stauffer Kurtz Douglas Stoltzfus Shelby Swartley Amy Swartz Barbara Tafuni Bruce Thomas Gordon Wenger

1986 Alumni Participation Rate, 19% Giving Total, $10,884 Anonymous (3) Lois Alderfer Steve Alderfer Dave Bergey Lori Bergey Brian Boettger Todd Bolton David Boshart Mary Jo Bowman Betty Clifton Mike Derstine Rosita Derstine Liz Driver Sonya Eberly Connie Ebersole Dale Frederick Elaine Frey Gary Gautsche Bill Gingerich Janene Good Bob Horst Brenda Kniss Tim Krabill Clyde Kratz Cynthia Lapp Deb Layman Paul Leaman, Jr. Billy Leap Beth Lichty Craig Martin Annette Mast Kris Miller Linda Mininger Lois Mishler Joanne Moore Celah Pence Audrey Shenk Sherwyn Smeltzer Marcia Smith Susan Stoltzfus Kenton Swartz

Lisa Tissue Janet Troyer Judy VandeBunte Andrea Wenger Delbert Wenger James Wheeler, Jr. Rodney Yoder Bonnie Zehr Earl Zimmerman

1987 Alumni Participation Rate, 14% Giving Total, $21,520 Anonymous (3) Rose Ann Baer Yvonne Boettger Philip Bumbaugh Don Carufel-Wert Allison Collingwood Lisa Crist Elizabeth Dunmore Barbara Gingrich Carmen Good Wanda Harder Sandy Harnish Joe Hollinger Jeanne Horst Ruby Hostetler Janet Hostetter Linda Hunsecker Phil Landes Emmanuel Mbualungu Mark Miller Janell Neff Rob Pence Valerie Rheinheimer Nancy Rickerhauser Wanda Roth Brian Schrock Randy Seitz Elaine Shinsky Missy Short Deirdre Smeltzer Paula Weaver Todd Weaver Phil Yoder Merle Zook

1988 Alumni Participation Rate, 18% Giving Total, $32,487 Anonymous (4) Janelle Aby Devon Anders Janice Bylsma Jeanette Christophel Kevin Christophel Tim Derstine John Dove Daniel Dunmore Alan Eby Kristin Eby Carol Eby-Good Rod Eshleman Julie Fix Pete Harnish Norma Harris Lori Hartman-Keiser Rich Hartz Barb Hartzler Heather Herschberger Larion Hostetler

Eric Hostetter Char Jacob Marlin Kauffman Jonathan Lapp Joel Lehman Karl Miller Steve Mumbauer Mary Beth Ranck Neil Reinford Gloria Rhodes Anne Richter Jean Sensenig Kathy Stoll Jeff Strong Becky Waybill Anne Weaver Deb Whetzel Wayne Witmer Edith Yoder-Scott Dorene Zook

1989 Alumni Participation Rate, 10% Giving Total, $3,389 Joanne Bender Brenda Benner Randy Benner Mark Deavers Becky Detweiler Lee Ebersole John Fuller Mary Glick Mary Hostetler Kirby Keim Tony Krabill Eric Kurtz Sarah Lehman John Lichty Cindy Mathews Renee Lapp Grace Nolt Susan Obarsky Cindy Sauder Kurtis Sauder Michele Sauder Hubie Stoll Lonna Stoltzfus John Thomas Leora Troyer Jonathan Weaver Beth Weaver-Kreider Luisa Witmer Mary Ellen Witmer Curt Yoder

1990 Alumni Participation Rate, 10% Giving Total, $4,102 Larry Alderfer Patty Baer Lois Bucher Marta Castillo Kim Corson Tamara Denlinger Heidi Fellenbaum Paul Groff Vera Hailey Denise Hart Edie Holsopple Eric Hostetler Lavonn Hostetler Heidi Kanagy

Carissa Kratz Kim Kurtz Kathy Miller Teresa Moser Amy Mumbauer Steve Nyce Tim Schultz Mike Weaver Jon Weaver-Kreider Kevin Wilder Carolyn Yoder Mark Zook

1991 Alumni Participation Rate, 16% Giving Total, $30,586 Anonymous (1) Dawn Alderfer Darin Benner Philip Bergey Karen Burkholder Ken Burkholder Steve Campbell Duval Denlinger Andy Dula Michelle Dula Doug Friesen Donna Glunt Luke Hartman Rebecca Hess Dave Hockman-Wert Charlotte Hunsberger Steven Hunsberger Yvonne Keim Tammy Kennedy Barry King Rick Kratz Suzanne Kratz Jeff Landis Brent Lehman Mark Longacher Kevin Longenecker Dean Mast Jan Mast Kathryn Morris Sheryl Moyer Ramona Nissley Carole Persinger Pam Porter Cedric Roth Keith Lyndaker Schlabach Daryl Snider Elizabeth Solanki Jill Stoltzfus Carolyn Strong Diane Weaver Tisa Wenger Kris Shank Zehr Cheryl Zook Kristen Zook

1992 Alumni Participation Rate, 16% Giving Total, $17,844 Doug Alderfer Troy Alderfer Ken Beidler Steve Breidigan Kevin A. Clark Janessa Cobb Kirby Dean Regina Dean

Janelle deMazariegos Peter Dula Mark Glunt Steve Godshall Lee Good Pam Groff Dale Hess Steve Johnson Doug King Marshall King Wendel King Sally Krabill Dawn Kreider June Kuykendall Londa Lam Judy Leatherman Lisa Longacher Shelby Longenecker Tim Martin Carol Miller Rhonda Miller Amy Moyer Sherri Moyer Todd Moyer Darin Nissley Jenni Piper Carmela Rosner Rich Sauder Missy Schrock Kent Sensenig Dan Shenk-Evans Lonnie Smoker Missy Solanki Rita Wainwright Steve Wehibe Marcia Widmer Janelle Guntz Yoder Mike Yoder Kirk Shank Zehr Pam Zuercher

1993 Alumni Participation Rate, 11% Giving Total, $46,116 Rosalyn Alleman Diann Beach Deb Brenneman Brad Friesen Rosemary Good Chad Gusler Cyndi Gusler Staci Hartman Lin Hoober Marla Hoober Chad Hostetler Sandy Huston Allison Kokkoros Todd Martin Lance Miller Todd Miller Karen Minatelli Brad Moyer Emma Mullet Steve Ness Sherri Peters Janell Sauder Sam Sauder Mark Stoltzfus Gina Troyer Inga Troyer Mitch Troyer Vaughn Troyer Kim van Donk John Van Horn Susan Warner Mark Wenger | crossroads | 43

Eric Yoder

1994 Alumni Participation Rate, 13% Giving Total, $5,693 Kathy Alderfer Keang Beiler Todd Bowman Conrad Brenneman Steve Brenneman Debbie Click Monica Esch Sara Godshall Jeff Guengerich Kent Hartzler Steph Hartzler Janice Hedrick Tim Hedrick Jeane Hershey Jenny Hummel Steve Kriss III Kristen Leichty Laurie Longenecker Lynn Longenecker Rhoda Longenecker Kristen Mark Rod Martin Jon Rush Elaine Shenk John Stoltzfus Dianne Warren Valerie Weaver-Zercher Karina Yoder Laurie Yoder Krista Zehr Kyle Zehr Ruth Zimmerman

1995 Alumni Participation Rate, 12% Giving Total, $7,781 Victoria Brenneman Jeannine Denlinger J.J. Egli Stacey Egli Elaine Esch Eric Esch Tina Friesen Joe Gascho II Erica Graham John Hedrick Karen Hertzler Randy Hook Minnette Hostetler Joel Kauffman Paula King Eugene Kraybill Jennifer Litwiller Marcelo Mast Dione McDonald Kent Miller Dana Oswald Lelyn Saner Mona Sauder Steve Schumm Joyce Stephens Laura Stutzman Tim Stutzman Tim Swartzendruber Janelle Thomas Anita Wansley Michelle Weaver

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Rachel Weaver Evan Wenger Heidi West Anna Wyse Karah Ziff Angela Zimmerman

1996 Alumni Participation Rate, 8% Giving Total, $3,200 Jason Berg Laura Brenneman Joe Buckwalter Chad Denlinger Nate Derstine Tom Eshleman Catharine Frederick Jan Galvin Derek Gingerich Brenda Hedrick Andrea Kauffman Candi Sauder King Marshall McDonald Matt Morris Denise Oberholtzer Kendall Ruth Mark Schroeder Michael Shank Jon Shenk Eric Stutzman Kathryn Suyes Matt Weaver Em Yoder Phil Yoder Stephanie Yoder

1997 Alumni Participation Rate, 8% Giving Total, $10,224 Stuart Armstrong Carrie Bert Daryl Bert Beth Bowman Bob Brenneman II Derek Buchanan Sera Buckwalter Laura Moyers Campbell Sue Edwards Sheldon Esch Jennifer Eshleman Jill Gehman Chad Hatter Geoffrey Hileman Kirk King Chad Lacher Jen Lacher Jeremy Litwiller Steve McClay Hannah Miedel Tom Oberholtzer Christa Obold-Eshleman Kirsten Reinford Timothy Rice Ryan Rush Greg Sala Karin Shank Kris Shenk Jeff Souder Tonya Swarey Eric Swartley Jon Swartley

1998 Alumni Participation Rate, 8% Giving Total, $4,380 Melody Althouse Tim Althouse Anonymous Jeff Barbour Lyle Beidler Melissa Beidler Jonathan Bowman Bonnie Bowser Henry Bowser II Nate Clemmer Eric Gehman Lisa Gerber Troy Gerber Lori Hatter Kristel Kennedy Tom Kennedy Maria Linder-Hess Ryan Linder-Hess Margo McIntire Darrel Reinford Sid Ruth Charla Sommers Gary Sommers Ryan Steiner Paula Stoltzfus Kris Anne Swartley Janet Weber

1999 Alumni Participation Rate, 10% Giving Total, $5,375 Anonymous (2) Tina Campbell Laurie Miller Lorene Derstine Rod Groff Chad Hackman Jenelle Hershey-Hoover Craig Hofstetter Dwayne Horst Stephanie Horst Darrick Hummel Ryan Kauffman Valerie Kauffman Jeremy Kratz Sarah Leichty Mike McElroy Chris Miller Drew Miller Jason Myers-Benner Ellyn Nolt Jeff Nolt Sandy Palmer Danielle Siembida Aaron Stauffer Renee Stauffer Ky Stoltzfus Nessa Stoltzfus Travis Trotter Ben Wyse

2000 Alumni Participation Rate, 7% Giving Total, $3,968 Jason Alderfer Ben Beachy

Maria Bowman Ryan Brenneman Matt Goins Keith Hoover Obe Hostetter Michelle Hume Teri Humphries Laura King Jonathan Kratz Leah Kratz Tammy Kratz Julie Lehman Darrin Leichty Ryan Livengood Quincy Longacre Melody Mast Ashley Miller Jill Ritchie Marjorie Rush Virginia Showalter Steve Swartzendruber Anthony Thoman Brent Yoder Rachel Yoder

2001 Alumni Participation Rate, 10% Giving Total, $6,548 Mahlet Aklu Sara Brenneman Aaron Buckwalter Kristen Buckwalter Brooke Clemmer Kara Derstine Zach Derstine Miriam Fairfield Rebecca Fennimore Rob Fennimore Michael George David Guengerich LaVonne Heatwole Carmen Horst Jill Hostetter Aaron Kauffman Brenda Kidd Michelle Kline Sara Kopper Dani Kreeger Todd Lehman Erica Lewis Chris Longenecker Ronald McIntire Jesse Mosier Jonathan Moyer Stephanie Moyer Janelle Myers-Benner Kristi Ruth Eric Rutt Ben Stauffer Lora Steiner Gini Trotter Angela Zuercher

2002 Alumni Participation Rate, 10% Giving Total, $13,138 Anonymous (1) Kirsten Beachy Sarah Beachy Sarah Bixler Jon Brenneman

Michelle Brenneman Abe Caceres, Jr. Christine Coddington Jonathan Coddington Jason Coleman Joan Goodrich Michelle Guengerich Andy Hershberger Kyle Horst John Huff Laura Kauffman Elizabeth Livengood Brad Miller Sarah Moffett Renee Neufeld Geoff Nolt Stashia Nolt Eric Reinford Shawn Rice Dorothy Salvaggio Wendell Shank Hannah Steiner Kevin Steiner Laura Steiner Jennifer Whitmore Alex Yoder Kevin Zook

2003 Alumni Participation Rate, 8% Giving Total, $6,161 Ben Bixler David Brubaker Jeremiah Denlinger Angela Hackman Lisa Hershberger Evanna Hess Derek King Andrea Leaman Lisa Lehman Welby Lehman Eric Moyer Jessica Moyer Jen Nafziger Greg Nicholas Sara Obri Melanie Rice Eloy Rodriguez Elizabeth Rohrer Ellen Rohrer Laura Rosenberger Gregory Sachs Ryan Schrock Sarah Schrock Katie Swartzendruber Shannon Yoder Kim Zook

2004 Alumni Participation Rate, 6% Giving Total, $6,315 Wesley Burkholder Conrad Erb B.J. Gerber Sherah-Leigh Gerber Steve Gibbs, Jr. Lisa Hawkins Jenn Hill Sue Horst Tim Jaquet Andrew Jenner Eric Kennel

Kristin Moyer Becky Rodriguez April Sachs Darren Stauffer Denver Steiner Amanda Swartley Michael Swartley Dan Umbel Hannah Wenger Jonathan Yoder Rochelle Yoder

2005 Alumni Participation Rate, 7% Giving Total, $2,498 Becci Anderson James Bergey Trinda Bernardo Vickie Huff Hadley Jenner Kendra Martin Adria Moore John Neiswander Doreen Nicholas Lynette Nussbaum Rebecca Patterson Cara Risser Dan Risser Dan Sandberg Lisa Shank Brian Shifflett Travis Smith Audra Baker Ben Weaver Denae Weaver Katie Weaver

2006 Alumni Participation Rate, 9% Giving Total, $2,926 Lila Anane-Sefah Jenee Bare Trevor Bare Martin Bauserman Kevin Beachy Bryce Bergey Maureen Bergey Zach Bower Tammy Briggs Derrick Charles Andile Dube Josiah Garber Luella Kauffman Rachel Jenner Ashley Handrich Michael Kniss Sharon Kniss Marlana Lancaster Joel Miller Lehman Stephanie Miller Lehman Erin Richard Kelly Sayre Joel Shank Leanne Wheatley Misty Wintsch Paul Yoder Ben Yutzy

2007 Alumni Participation Rate, 9% Giving Total, $2,024 Marla Norris Frank Ameka Alex Brodt Rebekah Charles Meghan Cline Ryan Detweiler Ashley Eshleman Carmen Kennel Monte Glanzer Dwight Groff Cheryl Heatwole Shenk Timothy Heatwole Shenk Maria Hoover Becky Horst King Lindsey Kolb Mary Louise Monger Mirlene Perry Kevin Ressler Enea Rrapokushi Brenna Steury Jon Styer Megan Tiller Stephanie Wagner Katrina Yoder Tyler Yoder

2008 Alumni Participation Rate, 7% Giving Total, $3,925 Lars Akerson Kelsey Anderson Aubrey Bauman Karra Black Connie Clem Angela Dietzel Arlene Gavitt Calen Hochstetler Jessica Hostetler Bryan Kauffman Ingrid Kauffman Lisa King Jolene Kratz Nicholas Meyer Bess Moser Travis Moyers Elizabeth Nachtigall Vanessa Robison Debbie Swartley Matthew Swartley

2009 Alumni Participation Rate, 8% Giving Total, $2,068 Marissa Buck Bill Ceccolini Michael Charles Rachael Charles Seth Crissman Theresa Crissman Josh Dean Heidi Findlay Matthew Gehman Brandy Hales Dave Horst Brad Kolb

Renee Lehman Amanda Madden Jackson Maust Katie Lehman Sylvia Meyer Rachel Mast Pat Ressler Martha Shull Michelle Swartley Lauren Byler Trevor Weaver

2010 Alumni Participation Rate, 6% Giving Total, $1,988 Kate Bergey Kelly Brewer Melanie Deibert Christina Harman Michael Harnish Rachael King Marvin Lorenzana Kim Massie Miriam Meneses Darrel Miller Heidi Muller Justin Reesor Michelle Richards Justin Robertson Daren Rodgers Mary Shank Sarah Roth Shank Greta Shenk Leslie Weaver

2011 Alumni Participation Rate, 6% Giving Total, $1,409 Brent Anders Nicole Anders Sarah Beck Benjamin Bergey Leslie Brady Katie Cimini Linda Cimini Shawna Cunningham Jack Flynn Dustin Good Kaitlin Heatwole Anita Hoover Rachel Mast Briana Miller Michelle Small Joleen Turner Michelle Wallace Woody Woodall

2012 Alumni Participation Rate, 27% Senior Class Gift, $1,172 Giving Total, $1,327 Susan Alexander Hannah Beachy Laura Beidler Gabe Brunk Rose Byler Andrew Claassen Susan Clark | crossroads | 45

Brendon Derstine Sara Derstine Kayci Detweiler Joel DeWald Travis Duerksen Kalicia Esh Rochelle Fisher Charise Garber Kat Goering Tyler Groff Nathan Hershberger Todd Hooley Michael Horst Simone Horst Katie Jantzen Clothilda Johnson Julia Johnson Sam Kauffman Stacy Kinkaid Katie Landis Kimberly Lane Rebecca Martin Val Metzler Carmen Miller Kelby Miller Karla Mumaw Muoka Musau Brook Musselman Esther Shank Nafziger Stewart Nafziger Nolan Prock John Reesor Andy Richter Nicole Ropp Cory Rychener Carrie Schlabach Bryce Shank Austin Shenk Dan Sigmans Doran Stucky Jill Swartzendruber Matt Swartzentruber Krista Townsend Nathaniel Weaver Anna Woelk Brent Yoder Evan Yoder Philip Yoder Conrad Yutzy

Alumni Participation – Top Ten Classes 1958 47.25% 1951 43.94% 1948 41.67% 1950 40.43% 1949 40.00% 1959 39.53% 1954 39.39% 1961 38.93% 1946 38.89% 1945 38.89%

Graduate Alumni Donors Donors with a graduate degree from EMU (Donors with an undergraduate class year are listed with that class) Anonymous (1) Kathy Andes Murl Baker

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Kendal Bauman Michael Bischoff Dana Blauch Caroline Borden Micah Branson Jeff Butcher Tom Caruso Hsiao-wen Chen Pam Comer Sally Jane Conner Amy Potter Czajkowski Tim Davis Jonna Detweiler Bill Elliot Nancy Faulkner Roger Foster Sandra Gamet Bob Gillette Bill Goldberg Vesna Hart Mary Jo Heckman Valerie Helbert Linda Herr Maria Hjort Jan Jenner Andy Johnston Darlene Keller Connie Keplinger Phoebe Kilby Aaron Kishbaugh Cassandra Klingenberg Rhoda Kraus Jennifer Larson-Sawin Veronica Laveta Bonnie Price Lofton Jon Lough Daniel Malec Gloria Marriott Jonathan Metzler Helen Nafziger Mitsunari Nakashima Patricia Patton Susan Peacock Christine Poulson Grant Rissler Barbara Robbins Bren Smith Sue Spayd Mary Beth Spinelli Linda Swanson Megan Thompson Irene Turner Kristen Wall Jay Wittmeyer Marshall Yoder Ethel Zook

Seminary Alumni Donors Donors with an undergraduate class year are listed with their class Anonymous (3) Robert Alley Helen Armentrout Lewis Armentrout Ralph Arnold Thomas Auker Joel Ballew Linetta Ballew David Black Velma Blosser Rhoda Blough Ruth Bolton

Paul Bontrager Fred Breeden Andy Brock Owen Burkholder Andrew Camenga Jeffery Carr David Christian Gerry Clemmer Ralph Cline Don Clymer George Coffman Harold Davenport Jim Delp Debbie Denlinger John Denlinger Blaine Detwiler Barbara Doyle Andrew Dyck Phil Ebersole Jesse Engle Naomi Engle Jim Foster Roger Foster Sandy Foster Joe Garber Karl Glick Edward Godshall Don Good Theda Good Erik Gottfried Joe Hackman Douglas Hackney Barry Hart Jr Peter Hartman Julie Haushalter Conrad Heatwole Nancy Heisey Brent Hershey Lorie Hershey Tom Holliday Clair Hollinger Carl Horning Tom Horst Connie Isaac George Jennings Conrad Kanagy Lee Kanagy Hyun-ah Kang Elaine Kauffman Randy Keeler Kathy Keener Shantz Mark Keller Eldon King Ann King-Grosh Brett Klingenberg Kay Lanasa Mark Landis Can Le Jim Leaman Jean Lengacher John Lock Mary Jane Lock Rachelle Lyndaker Schlabach Basil Marin James Martin Robert Martin Conrad Mast Donna Mast Lehman Metzler Laurie Miller Sharon Miller David Miron Dawn Monger Mitsunari Nakashima Yumiko Nakashima Ransford Nicholson Peggy Packard Barbara Pearson Ron Penner

Ruth Penner Lisa Pham Ida Gordon Poole Tresa Quarles Herman Reitz Stephen Renalds Tom Reynolds James Rhee Jim Rhen Larry Rohrer Melissa Roth Jack Sawyer Ervin Schlabach Craig Schloneger Mark Schloneger Lois Sell Harold Shenk Gerald Short Tim Short Bren Smith Robert Smith, Jr. LeVon Smoker Bonnie Stutzman Ervin Stutzman Paul Stutzman Ruby Turner Warren Tyson John Varghese Wayne Warren Jennifer Weaver Cathy Weiss David Whitehurst David Whitten Walt Wiltschek Rob Woodfin II Don Yoder Donald Yoder Earl Yoder Twila King Yoder Randall Ziegler

Parents of 2011-2012 Undergraduate Students Anonymous (2) Emily & James Akerson Steve & Lois Ann Alderfer Janice Allen Kate Baddoo-Osei Rose Ann & Gerald Baer Todd & Diann Bailey Philip & Charlotte Baker-Shenk Peter & Jan Bane Christopher Barrett & Anne Gibbons Steve & Jill Basinger Mullet Tracy & Joan Baughman Arlan & Brenda Beck Scott & Stacey Beck Rich & Rachel Beckler Carmeleta & David Beidler Lenora & Richard Bell Luann & Eric Bender Jim & Dana Blauch Myron Blosser Gary & Julie Bontrager David & Shana Peachey Boshart Alexander & Tina Bowman Randy & Barbara Bowman James & Ellen Brodersen Kathy & Zedic Brothers David & Martha Brubaker Rhonda Brunea John & Frances Butrick Mark & Wendy Cable Ann Chisnell

Mike & April Clemmer Don & Esther Clymer Bob & Joy Coakley Scott & Alene Coverdale Lisa & Nick Crist Glenn & Bernice Crouse Wayne & Sheryl Dean George & Paula DeTellis Becky & Merlin Detweiler John & Mae Diller John & Sandra Drescher-Lehman David & Elizabeth Driver Titus & Debora Dutcher Sandra Eckroth Jesse & Naomi Engle Ross Erb & Cathy Smeltzer Erb Rod & Cindy Eshleman David & Beth Evans Kenneth & Fran Friesen Joe & Yvonne Garber Shirley & David Garber Luther & Mary Ann Gautsche Earl Gingerich & Diane Funk James & Barbara Glick Keith & Linda Gnagey David & Sandy Harnish Luke & Staci Hartman Dale & Barb Hartzler Irvin & Nancy Heishman Paul & Barbara Henry Stephen Hensley Ann & Jim Hershberger Darrell & Tonia Hinson Bill & Rosemary Hochstetler Leonard & Melanie Hollen Joe & Cheryl M Hollinger Donald & Mary Ina Hooley Jeanne & Robert Horst Alden & Louise Hostetter Elvin & Sharon Hostetter Vern & Dolores Jantzen Beryl & Margo Jantzi Gary & Donna Jenkins Steve & Nancy Johnson Brian & Cindy Jordan Dennis & Karen Kelley Elvin & Wendy Kennel Mark & Elaine Kennell Janet Kilby Kevin & Karen King Richard & Katherine King Wayne & Sandra Knight Dan & Cynthia Knispel Robert & Brenda Kniss Rick & Suzanne Kratz Daryl Landis & Anne Decker Paul & Mary Leaman Steve & Doris Leaman Billy & Renee Leap George & Doris Lee Jan & Timothy Lehman Joel & Rose Lehman Ken & Cynthia Longacre Carol S. Lown Daniel & Rita Martin David & Rachel Martin Don & Barbara Martin Gary & Pat Martin Lee & Peggy Martin Linford & Elaine Martin Sheldon & Naomi Martin Dan & Cindy Mast Dean & Jan Mast Donna & Lloyd Mast Lois & John Mast Robert & Gretchen Maust Craig & Wendy Maven Mark & Christine McKenna Thomas Michael

Kris & Morris Miller Leon & Lynda Miller Eric & Carla Moyer Daryl & Marci Myers Ken L. & Judy Nafziger Daniel & Lisa Nagy Phyllis & Harold Nofziger Douglas & Dawn Nyce Steven & Debra Pardini Laban Peachey Donald & Cindy Peglow Rob & Celah Pence Mark & Janis Prock Stephanie Quick Philip & Myriam Raber Glenna Ramer & Jerry Sloan Eugene & Julia Reesor Doug & Valerie Rheinheimer Kent & Rita Richard Robert & Cheryl Rieman Cathy Rittenhouse & Daniel Hostetter James & Kendra Good Rittenhouse Dwight & Jennifer Rohrer Steven & Kathy Ropp Philip & Jane Roth Wanda & Jeff Roth Pedro & Bacilisa Sandoval Rich & Bonnie Sauder Kelly & Jimmy Sayre Craig & Ann Schloneger Luke & Carmen Schrock-Hurst Donald & Brenda Shank Jerry & Ethel Shank Ken & Cheryl Shank James Shanley & Casey Shaw Shanley Art & Lisa Shelly Alan & Sharon Shenk Dale & Karen Shenk Joe & Mary Lou Sherer Sherwyn & Deirdre Smeltzer Marcia & Andy Smith Tom & Kim Smith Jack & Joan Sorensen Paul & Donna Souder Jim & Carol Spicher Stephen Stanley John & Velma Stauffer Kelly & Craig Stern Doug & Luann Steury Hubie & Kathy Stoll Grant & Susan Stoltzfus Martha & John Stoltzfus Winfred & Wilda Stoltzfus Maurice & Carla Stutzman Grace & Alan Styer Kenton & Amy Swartz Conrad & Sharon Swartzentruber Narvest Thomas Lisa & Rodney Tissue Todd & Anne Weaver Wendell & Jolene Weaver Gordon & Barbara Weirich Clifford & Carol Wenger Matthew & Tammi Wengerd James Wheeler, Jr. & Linda Herr Robert & Kathryn Woelk Elwood & Joy Yoder Howard & Louise Yoder Jonas & Marilyn Yoder Kenton & Diane Yoder Nate & Miriam Yoder Paul & Carol Yoder Phyllis & Dale Yoder Randy & Marianne Yoder Steve & Christine Yoder Lois & Carl Zehr Bob & Ethel Zook Merle & Dorene Zook

Matching Gifts and Donors Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Justin & Sabrina Robertson Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Rich Hartz Shawn Ramer & Victoria Myer Clemens Family Corporation Royden Rittenhouse Follett Corporation Terry & Sandy Burkhalter Gates Foundation Joyce Bontrager Lehman Hershey Foods Corp Fund Gary & Pat Martin Richard & Janis Landes IBM Corporation Walter & Leanne Smith Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Knute & Betty Leidal Sharon Keeney Johnson Controls Foundation Heidi & Jonathan West LabCorp Matching Gifts Program Steve & Rosemary Gehman LexisNexis Gloria & Chris Gredler Merck Company Foundation Abner Schlabach & Virginia Glass Schlabach Brian Bauer & Debbie Warnaar Darin & Maribeth Benner Deryl & Mim Kennel Herb Wenger Kathy & Jerry Andes Lenora & Rick Bell Samuel & Lorraine Kulp Sheldon & Lois Shank Steve & Leanne Benner Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Keith Seivers Nationwide Foundation Ralph & Lila Smucker Ohio National Life Ins Company Bruce & Anne Hummel PNC Foundation Gary & Beth Yoder State Farm Companies Foundation Barbara & Lee D. Hochstetler Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Misty & Robert Wintsch

Jubilee Friends Alumni and Friends of EMU who have made provision for EMU in their estate plans. Anonymous (36) Saloma Albrecht Elaine & Harold Alderfer Richard & Louise Alderfer Russell & Gladys Alderfer Sanford Alderfer, Sr. Ruth K. Alger Robert & Linda Alley Marvin & Grace Anders Myron & Esther Augsburger Robert & Elva Bare Marian Bauman Calvin C. Beachy Earl & Shirley Beachy Clayton & Bernice Beckler E. Faye Beckler Louise Beede Gordon & Velda Beidler Gerald & Rhoda Benner Kenneth & Carolyn Benner Richard & Marlene Benner David & Lori Bergey Glendon Blosser Philip & Donna Blosser James & Doris Bomberger Martha Jane & Roy+ Bomberger Roy & Evelyn Bomberger Art & Alice Borden Jonas & Barbara Borntrager Sharon Bowers Lura & John Bowin Chester & Nancy Bradfield Grace Brenneman Robert & Rachel Brenneman Ruby Brenneman Susan Brenneman & Archie Vomachka Marnetta Brilhart Sandy Brownscombe Beryl & J. Mark Brubaker Ed & Lucy Brubaker J. Kenneth & Pamela Brubaker J. Lester & Lois Brubaker Kenton & Shirley Brubaker Merle & Ila Brubaker Betty & Truman+ Brunk E. Pauline Brunk H. Nelson & Ruth Brunk James & Thelma Brunk Joseph & Mary Louise Brunk Ken & Twila Brunk Gladys Buckwalter Terry & Sandy Burkhalter Ken & Karen Burkholder Ruth L. Burkholder Betty Byler Verda E. Byler+ Kevin & Cheryl Carey Robert & Susan Cheung Virginia & Levon Christophel Ralph Cline J. Paul & Esther Clymer Robert R. Conley Mary & Lewis+ Coss Mary Cross Earl O. Culp Loris & Richard Cunningham James & Sue Ann Dale Ronald B. David John & Deborah Denlinger Byard & Betty Deputy James & Sylvia A. Derstine | crossroads | 47

Vernon & Miriam Derstine Virginia Derstine Margaret G. Derstine+ Anna Louise Detweiler Florence Detweiler J. William & Ruth Detweiler Marcia L. Dickerson Eugene & Gloria Diener Brownie Driver Gladys Driver Naomi & Walter DuBlanica Andy & Michelle Dula Mamo & Mary Ellen Dula Phillip & Janeth Duncan Paul & Kathy Penner Dyck Miriam Eberly Ralph & Betty Jo Eby Carol & Michael Eby-Good Ethel M. Edmonds Ross Erb & Cathy Smeltzer Erb Rohrer & Mabel Eshleman Lester Fisher Bruce & Jeanette Flaming Janet & Anthony Foderaro Anna Frederick Emma & J. Mark Frederick Rachel & Norman Frerichs John & Beulah Fretz S Jeane Fretz David & Esther Friesen Joseph & Barbara Gascho David & Lois Gehman John & Mabel Gehman Margaret M. Gehman Carole & Alan Roth Giagnocavo Aaron & Edna Gingerich Eloise Gingerich Alice K. Gingerich+ James & Joan Gingrich Trula Gingrich Ervie & Mary Glick Orpha J. Glick Ruth & Bob Glick Paul & Stella Godshall Susan & Stanley Godshall William Goldberg & Lisa Schirch Carl & Lois Good Gerald & Martha Good Harley & Irene Good James & Dorcas Good Linford & Beth Ann Good Merle & Phyllis Good Mervin & Mary Ellen Good Norman & Helen Good Harry Graber Fern & Carl Grace Eva Greaser Francis & Lawrence Greaser Marlin & Sue Groff Cecil & Dory Grove Marjorie & Paul T+. Guengerich Willis & Katherine Hallman Karen M. Harlow Carl B. Harman James & Marilyn Harr Joyce & David Harshberger Denise Anne Hart Curt & Jackie Hartman Dwight W. Hartman Pearl Hartz Chad & Lori Hatter John & Mary Ann Heatwole Linda Heatwole Bland Keith & Elizabeth Heavener Sarah Hedrick Mary & Dick Heinbaugh Phillip & Loretta Helmuth Lowell & Grace Herr Mary Ella Herr+

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Mildred J. Herr Ann & Jim Hershberger Edgar & De Elda Hershberger Leon & Marjorie Hershberger Jeane & Lyle Hershey Marlin & Barbara Hershey Raymond & Betty Hertzler Ernest & Lois Hess John H. Hess, Sr. Mahlon Hess Nora & Mervin Hess Elizabeth Hoover Lawrence & Pat Hoover Gerry & Linda Horst Grace E. Horst Laurence M. Horst+ Marvin & Marcia Horst Samuel & Mary Ellen Horst Irvin B. Horst+ Eric & Lavonn Hostetler George & Leona Hostetler Mervin & Fern Hostetler Robert & Eloise Hostetler Grace Hostetter Harold Huber Barry & Brenda Hummel Bruce & Anne Hummel Darrick & Sheri Hummel Karen Hummel Steve & Charlotte Hunsberger Paul+ & Louetta Hurst Beryl & Margo Jantzi Larry & Barbara Jantzi Marvin & Violet Jantzi Vernon & Dorothy Jantzi Samuel & Lila Mae Janzen Esther S. Jones+ Duane & Joan Kauffman Glen & Sandy Kauffman Margaret & Norman+ Kauffman Roger & Rachel Kauffman Rudi & Ravonn Kauffman S. Duane & Naomi Kauffman Vera M. Kauffman James & Susan Kaufman Carl E. Keefer Carl & Gladys Keener Naomi Keiper Darlene & Joe Kelso Arthur & Lois Kennel Linford & Mary Etta King Nathan & Melba King Ruth King Susanne J. King Walter & Miriam King, Sr. Mary Elizabeth Kite+ Shirley H. Klass William Knight Mark & Betty Kniss Paul & Naomi Kniss John & Dorothy Kratz Richard & Suzanne Kratz Harry Kraus, Sr. Donald B. & Frances M. Kraybill Jean M. Kraybill John & Betty Kreider Lloyd & Goldie Kuhns Kathryn A. Kulp Emily Kurtz Gregory & Ellen Lacher Anna Mae Landis David & Carolyn Landis E. Jean Landis Jay B. & Peggy H. Landis Mark & Elizabeth Landis Richard & Pearl L. Lantz N. LeRoy & Catherine Lapp Samuel & Helen Lapp M. Hershey & Norma Leaman

Paul & Erma Leaman Tobias & Lonita Leaman III Arlene Leatherman Allon & Doris Lefever Grace B. Lefever Elton & Phyllis Lehman Galen & Gloria Lehman J. Paul & Erma Lehman James & Dorothy Lehman Ruby Lehman Glen & Jean Lengacher Robert & Ramona Lichty Clifford & Hope Lind Joe & Constance Longacher Cora Longacre Henry & Carol Longacre Richard & Rose Longacre Lynn & Laurie Longenecker Nelson & Danielle Longenecker Stephen & Glenna Lowry Mary K. Mack Leah Magal Barbara A. Martin Don & Barbara Martin Donald Martin Dr. Joseph & Rachel Martin Garland & Phyllis Martin Gary & Pat Martin Grace L. Martin John R. & Marian S. Martin Jorene Martin Larry E. & Gail Martin Leo & Mary Martin Lois J. Martin Lois M. Martin Lois M. Martin Naomi Martin Robert & Nancy L. Martin Roy+ & Ruth Y. Martin Vernon & Linda Martin Tim & Carol Martin Johnson Elmer Maust+ Evelyn B. Maust James & Joyce McDonald Arthur & Evelyn McPhee Donald & Alta Mellinger Elizabeth Mellinger Ethel L. Mellinger Violet & Elmer Metzler Anna & Dan+ Miller David & Joanne Miller Elmer & Martha A. Miller Elroy & Linda Miller Lawrence & Marjora M. Miller Levi & Gertrude Miller Luke & Denise Y. Miller Paul & Edna Miller Pauline & Harvey Miller Robert & Mary E. Miller Sue A. Miller Willis Miller David & Marian Mininger Paulette Moore Doris & Richard Morgan Charles & Betty Moubray Abram & Glenda Moyer Charles & Carolyn Moyer Elizabeth Moyer Mary H. Moyer Mildred Moyer Verna Moyer George Moyer+ Raymond B.+ & Esther S. Moyer+ Susan Mullet Ethel M. Mumaw Grace N. Mumaw Miriam L. Mumaw Russell & Ruth Mumaw Roy & Annie Musselman

Homer & Pauline Myers Lorraine & Benjamin Myers Rodney & Miriam Nafziger Ken & Connie Neuenschwander Paul Neuenschwander+ Arthur & Mary L. Newcomer Ruth Nisly Lowell & Miriam Nissley Herb & Becky Noll Kenneth & Lois+ Noll Grace Nolt Philip & Margaret Nolt Rebecca Nolt Rhoda E. Nolt Robert & Anna Nolt Steve & Kay Nussbaum Jay & Rhoda Oberholtzer Wilmer Otto Steven & Debra Pardini James & Marian Y. Payne Glenn & Bertha Peachey Laban Peachey Daryl & Jane Peifer Betty & Richard+ Pellman Ken & Rachel Pellman LeRoy Petersheim Ron & Myrna Piper Marlyn+ & Anita Ranck Calvin & Freda+ Redekop John & Carolyn Reed Merle & Ruth Ann Reinford Raymond & Naomi Ressler Steve & Karen Ringenberg James & Kendra Rittenhouse Norman & Alice Rittenhouse Royden & Erma+ Rittenhouse Claire Roggie Henry & Charlotte Rosenberger Kenneth & Naomi Ross Norman Ross Candace & Timothy Ross-Cleary Glen & Annabelle Roth Philip & Jane Roth Verle Rufenacht Verlen Rufenacht Lowell & Jueldine Rupp Eleanor Ruth Kendall & Lisa Ruth Ella Ruth+ Ann Rutt & Rick Buckwalter Clarence & Helen Rutt Jack & Gloria Rutt John & Rebecca Rutt Roger & Pamela Rutt Laurence & Evelyn Sauder R. Clair & Doris Sauder Daniel & Mildred Schantz Abner Schlabach & Virginia Glass Schlabach Pearl Schrack Ammon & Naomi Schrock Kenneth Seitz, Jr. Gerald & Ethel Shank Kim Shank Orval & Dorothy Shank Stuart & Helen Shank Calvin & Marie+ Shenk H. Michael & Peggy Shenk J.C. & Jewell Shenk James & Donna Shenk N. Gerald & Sara Wenger Shenk Stanley Shenk+ John & Henrietta Shertzer Geraldine Sherwood Miriam E. Shirk & J. Ron Byler Susan D. Shirk Alan Shirkey Esther Ruth Shisler Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler

Marie Shisler Donald & Marlene Showalter James & Carol Showalter Lena Yutzy Showalter Millard & Mary Kratz Showalter Stuart & Shirley Showalter Welby & Sharon Showalter Knox & Peggy Singleton Walter & Leanne Smith Cynthia & LeVon Smoker Elma & Paul+ Smucker Paul+ & Elma Smucker Allene Smucker-Klassen Gloria Snider Eugene & Alice Souder Arvilla Souder+ John & Virginia Spicher John & Susan Stahl Doris Stauffer John & Velma Stauffer Esther G. Steckle Glenn & Marjorie Steffen Virgene Steffen Elam & Harriet Steiner Ruth Steiner Geri B. Steidle Edgar Stoesz Donald & Judith Stoltzfus Harvey & Lillian Stoltzfus Omar & Catherine Stoltzfus Ron & Bonnie Stoltzfus Sara Stoltzfus Virgil & Doris Stoltzfus Winfred & Wilda K. Stoltzfus Ethel Strite Janet Harder Stucky Ervin & Bonnie Stutzman Linford & Janet Stutzman Maurice & Carla F. Stutzman J. David & Shelby Swartley Willard & Mary Swartley Vada+ & Dwight+ Swartz H.D. Swartzendruber Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Tim Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Margaret & Clayton+ Swartzentruber Alice Swift Bruce & Joy Thomas Roy & Carol Thomas Gladys Troyer LeRoy & Phyllis J. Troyer Levi & Lillis Troyer Vaughn & Inga Troyer Judith Trumbo W. Neil & Margaret Turner Geneva Tusing+ Marge Nussbaum Warkentin Pete & Mary Waybill A. Richard & Ruth Weaver Darrell R. Weaver Dorothy Jean Weaver Irvin & Kathrine Weaver John & Margaret Weaver Lester & Lena Weaver Sam & Sarah Weaver Todd & Anne Weaver A. Grace Wenger+ Chester & Sara Jane Wenger Ethel & Glen Wenger Linda Wenger Ruth & Don Wenger Shirley Western Connie & Hugh E. Westfall Helen M. Wetsel Sheldon & Mildred Whitmore, Sr. Sheldon Whitmore, Jr. Terry & Jennifer Whitmore Julia & Lynn Wiebe E. James & Rachel Witmer

Marie Wolgemuth Thelma B. Wolgemuth Dwight & Sheryl Wyse Cora Yoder Doris A. Yoder Dorothy Yoder Douglas & Vonda Yoder Gary & Beth Yoder Grace W. Yoder John & Arlene E. Yoder Julia M. Yoder Lonnie & Teresa B. Yoder Matilda M. Yoder Paul & Daisy Yoder Roland & Dorothy Yoder Ron & Shirley Yoder Ruth Yothers Valentine & Anne Yutzy Lena Zehr Pearl A. Zehr Donald & Priscilla Ziegler Earl & Ruth Zimmerman Karene & Mark Zimmerman Ethan & Carla Zook J. Harold Zook M. Elaine Zuck + Deceased

Recently Added Endowed Scholarships: Endowed Florida Scholarship Aid Fund Clarence & Helen Rutt Endowed Scholarship for Pastoral Studies Clarence & Helen Rutt Endowed Scholarship for Science Kathryn Seitz Endowed Scholarship

University Endowed Scholarships Alderfer Family Endowed Scholarship Alumni Scholarship American Minority Scholarship Myron Augsburger Fifth President's Endowed Scholarship Edmund Bannerman Memorial Endowed Scholarship E. Robert & Elva M. Bare Endowed Scholarship John & Ruth Bare Endowed Business Scholarship Frederick Beazley Endowed Scholars Grant Julia Blough Music Endowed Scholarship Warren Braun, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Brenneman-Longacher Math Endowed Scholarship Aaron & Esther Brubaker International Endowed Grant Fund Beryl Hartzler Brubaker Nursing Endowed Scholarship Charles & Joyce Longacre Brubaker Memorial Scholarship Darrel J. Brubaker Memorial Scholarship J. Lester Brubaker Endowed Scholarship Michael B. Burgard Memorial Scholarship Marjorie V. Burkholder Endowed Scholarship Jesse T. Byler Endowed Education Chair Jesse T. & Betty Byler Endowed Scholarship Christopher Dock Valedictorian/ Salutatorian Scholarship Class of 1966 Endowed Scholarship Class of 1971 Endowed Scholarship

Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Collins Endowed Scholarship Copernicus Group Endowed Scholarship Croushorn Family Endowed Scholarship Delaware/Maryland Endowed Scholarship C.F. Derstine Endowed Scholarship Richard C. Detweiler 6th President's Endowed Scholarship Justus & Virginia Weaver Driver Endowed Scholarship EMU Business Scholarship EMU Endowed Benevolent Fund EMU Endowed Grant-in-Aid Scholarship EMU Nursing Endowed Scholarship Encore Endowed Scholarship Estep/Turner Endowed Scholarship Endowed Florida Scholarship Aid Fund Matthew Garber Endowed Scholarship Ernest G. Gehman Endowed Scholarship Margaret Martin Gehman Endowed Scholarship Jan Mayer Glanzer Endowed Scholarship Esther Eby Glass Endowed Scholarship GOR-MAY Music Endowed Scholarship Gregory A. Boyd Christus Victor Endowed Scholarship Paul T. & Marjorie Guengerich Endowed Scholarship R. Melvin & Nola M. Harnish Endowed Scholarship Marilyn Hartline Endowed Scholarship C. Clayton Hartzler Endowed Scholarship Bruce Chadwick Hatter Endowed Scholarship Haverim Endowed Scholarship Sarah W. Hedrick Endowed Scholarship G.W. & Osa Henderson Memorial Scholarship E. Grant & Sara Herr Endowed Scholarship Donald & Evelyn Hertzler Endowed Scholarship Paul Hill Endowed Scholarship Histand (Howard L) Endowed Bible Scholarship Honors Endowed Scholarship Mervin & Fern Hostetler Endowed Educational Scholarship Jeff & Vicky Hostetler Endowed Scholarship International Student Scholarship William H. & Helene Knight Endowed Scholarship Miriam E. Krantz Endowed Scholarship Joseph & Milton Kraus Memorial Endowed Scholarship Greg & Ellen Lacher Endowed Scholarship Lancaster County Endowed Scholarship Elizabeth H. Landis Memorial Endowed Scholarship Miles B. & Anna G. Landis Endowed Scholarship John E. & Edith R. Lapp Endowed Scholarship Joseph Lamar Lapp Seventh President's Endowed Scholarship N. LeRoy & Catherine A. Lapp Endowed Scholarship Grace B. Lefever Endowed Scholarship David H. Lehman Family Endowed Scholarship Elton & Phyllis Lehman Endowed Scholarship John A. & Ruth S. Lehman Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship Longacre Family Endowed Business Chair Carol L. Longacre Endowed Scholarship Horace W. & Elizabeth G. Longacre Business Scholarship

Rodney D. Longacre Memorial Endowed Scholarship Longenecker Family Endowed Grant Esther Metzler Martin Endowed Scholarship Gary & Patricia Martin Endowed Scholarship Ivan M. & Irene N. Martin Endowed Scholarship John D. & Mary A. Martin Endowed Scholarship John W. & Mary Ann Martin Endowed Scholarship Earl Maust Memorial Endowed Scholarship Ira E. & Helen B. Miller Endowed Scholarship J.B. & Ida Miller Endowed Business Scholarship Mary Louise Miller Memorial Endowed Education Scholarship Karen Albrecht Minter Endowed Scholarship Catherine R. Mumaw Endowed Scholarship Esther Mosemann Mumaw Memorial Scholarship John R. Mumaw Endowed Scholarship Native American Endowed Scholarship Kenneth B. & Lois H. Noll Endowed Scholarship Rhoda E. Nolt Endowed Scholarship Pellman Language & Literature Chair Hubert R. & Mildred K. Pellman Endowed Literature Scholarship LeRoy & Elizabeth Lauver Pellman Endowed Scholarship Calvin W. & Freda Redekop Endowed International Scholarship Robel Education Endowed Scholarship Robel Math-Secondary Education Endowed Scholarship Clarence & Helen Rutt Endowed Scholarship for Science Carl S. Sauder Memorial Business Scholarship Sauder President's Scholarship Fund Walter & Mae Schlabach Endowed Scholarship Scottdale Mennonite Church Endowed Grant Fund Kathryn Seitz Endowed Scholarship SGA Need-Based Scholarship Endowment J. Donald & Jewell Yoder Shenk Endowed Scholarship John Carl & Jewel Harman Shenk Endowed Music Scholarship Carl G. & Louise M. Showalter Endowed Scholarship Sara Ann Hess Showalter Memorial Scholarship Sanford & Gloria Snider Endowed Scholarship Edwin A. & Ruth K. Souder Endowed Scholarship M & M Souder Endowed Scholarship Norman & Arvilla Souder International Student Scholarship John L. Stauffer President's Scholarship Hubert & Elton Stearn Estep Endowed Music Scholarship Joanna Mae Steckley Memorial Scholarship Edith & Marilyn Steinbright Endowed Scholarship Dayton & Ruth Steiner Endowed Scholarship Aldon G. Stogdale Memorial Scholarship Grant M. Stoltzfus Endowed Scholarship | crossroads | 49

Endowed VACA Scholarship Launched in Matt Styer’s Name STUDENTS INTERESTED IN DIGITAL MEDIA – one of the most popular majors at Eastern Mennonite University (and unique among Christian universities) – will be the beneficiaries of a new endowed scholarship in the name of Matthew Alan Styer ’05. Matt, a graduate of EMU’s Visual and Communication Arts (VACA) program, left a remarkable legacy in his three years of working for EMU’s marketing and communications department. Matt died of leukemia on Dec. 19, 2011. Members of Matt’s immediate family – wife Lindsay Martin ’05, mother Grace Witmer ‘79, father Alan, brother Jon ’07, and sister Amanda ’12 – plan to raise at least $50,000 to endow a scholarship in Matt’s name. It is to be given each year to at least one rising senior majoring in the visual arts “who has demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication to photography and/or graphic design.” Matt left behind a hole in the heart of this university community when he died at age 30, three months after his marriage to Lindsay. Hired soon after graduation in EMU’s marketing and communications department, Matt became the first staff member to combine skills in videography, design and photography to tell EMU’s story in a systematic way. Matt’s video work was a highlight of the 10th anniversary celebration of EMU’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding. In 2006, he redesigned EMU’s alumni magazine, Crossroads. In 2007, he redesigned EMU’s Peacebuilder magazine. “For both magazines, Matt set up enduring formats that combined excellent photography with attention-grabbing design,” said Bonnie Price Lofton, MA ’04, editor of both magazines since 2006. Matt had a wide repertoire in the digital-media field: posters, logos, brochures and websites. He left EMU in early 2008 to enter a graduate program in digital design at Philadelphia University. Not coincidentally, Matt’s future wife, Lindsay Martin ’05, was in Philadelphia studying law at the University of Pennsylvania. EMU then hired his younger brother, Jon, a digital media major who has displayed his own array of visual talents in the position of EMU’s lead designer and photographer. “This scholarship is a way to continue the creativity and inspiration of Matt’s life by passing on his love of visual communications to other students,” said Lindsay. “It’s also one way for Matt’s family and friends to come together in remembering how much he meant to us by giving to a scholarship in his name.”

— Bonnie Price Lofton

50 | crossroads | fall/winter 2012-13

Matthew Alan Styer Endowed VACA Scholarship Daniel B. Suter Biology Chair Daniel B. & Grace F. Suter Scholarship Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Endowed Scholarship Transformative Nursing Grant Endowed Scholarship Maxine Troyer Memorial Endowed Scholarship Lucy Vance Endowed Scholarship Virginia Collegium Endowed Scholarship Wai-Ying Chan Endowed Scholarship M. Lloyd & Sara Weaver Endowed Scholarship R. Clair & Anna May Weaver Endowed Scholarship Victor F. Weaver Pennsylvania Endowed Scholarship Amos D. Wenger President's Endowed Scholarship Roy E. & Esther S. Wert Endowed Scholarship Hugh & Connie Westfall Endowed Scholarship Richard M. Whitmore Endowed Scholarship Paul R., Sr. & Grace W. Yoder Endowed Scholarship Robert D. Yoder Endowed Scholarship I. Erwin & Nora E. Yothers Endowed Scholarship M. Elaine Zuck Endowed Scholarship

Seminary Endowed Scholarships Kelifa Ali Memorial Endowed Scholarship Alpha & Omega Scholarship A. Don & Martha Augsburger Seminary Endowed Scholarship Myron Augsburger Endowed Chair of Theology Myron Augsburger Seminary Endowed Scholarship Dan & Grace Blosser Endowed Scholarship Glendon & Dorothy Blosser Endowed Scholarship Mahlon & Pauline Blosser Endowed Scholarship Michael & Louise Blosser Endowed Scholarship Branch-Conrad Endowed Scholarship Wellington & Frances Cassel Endowed Internship John S. Coffman Endowed Chair Thomas & Nancy Coffman Endowed Scholarship Irvin & Margaret Cordell Endowed Scholarship Lewis & Mary Coss Church Leadership Endowed Scholarship Seminary CPE Program Endowment Earl R. & Emma S. Delp CECP Endowed Scholarship Norman H. & Virginia M. Derstine Endowed Scholarship Clyde & Beulah Fulmer Endowed Scholarship Amos C. Gerig Endowed Scholarship John F. Grove Seminary Endowed Scholarship Arthur K. & Lizzie Hackman Endowed Evangelism Fund Howard Histand CECP Endowed Scholarship

Dean & Edna Hochstetler Endowed Education Fund B. Charles & Grace B. Hostetter Endowed Scholarship Nora Hostetter Internship for Mission Earl & Emma Byler King Endowed Scholarship Lavonda J. Kreider Memorial Scholarship Lancaster Connections Seminary Endowed Scholarship C.D. & Vergie Lantz Endowed Scholarship Esther K. Lehman Endowed Scholarship John A. & Ruth S. Lehman Seminary Endowed Scholarship Richard & Jorene Martin Leadership Endowment Barbara Martin Seminary Endowed Scholarship John R. & Marian S. Martin Endowed Seminary Scholarship Lydia Slabaugh Martin Endowed Scholarship Roy & Ruth Martin Endowed Scholarship Ethel L. Mellinger Endowed Scholarship George T. & Grace K. Miller Hispanic Ministry Scholarship Orie O. & Elta Wolf Miller Endowed Grant Fund Miller-Howe Endowed Scholarship Marvin & Delores Nolt Evangelism & Church Planting Scholarship Urie & Miriam Peachey Family Endowed Scholarship Margaret Elizabeth Pepper Endowed Scholarship Elmo & Edith Piper Endowed Scholarship Paul M. & Beatrice Roth Pastoral Ministry Scholarship Lowell & Jueldine Rupp Endowed Scholarship Clarence & Helen Rutt Endowed Scholarship for Pastoral Studies H. R. Schertz Endowed Scholarship Seminary Grant-in-Aid Scholarship Jacob A. & Lucy Wenger Shenk Endowed Seminary Scholarship Margaret & Mary Florence Shenk Endowed Scholarship Norman G. & Jean Kraybill Shenk Seminary Scholarship Geraldine Estep Sherwood Seminary Endowed Scholarship Frank & Erica Shirk Seminary Endowed Scholarship Emma Frances Showalter Endowed Scholarship Howard D. & Irene G. Showalter Endowed Scholarship Mary M. Showalter Endowed Scholarship Roy D. & Victoria R. Simmons Endowed Scholarship Walter & Leanne Smith Anabaptist Heritage Scholarship Endowment Jacob B. Smith President's Scholarship Arlin S. & Ruth Wenger Snider Scholarship Nelson & Gloria Swope Seminary Endowed Scholarship Sem W. & Ruby K. Swope Endowed Scholarship Dorothy Jean Weaver Endowed Scholarship Miriam L. Weaver Seminary Endowed Scholarship Samuel O. & Sarah A. Weaver Endowed Scholarship Chester L. & Sara Jane Wenger Endowed Scholarship

Linden M. & Esther H. Wenger Seminary Scholarship John Wesley Endowed Seminary Scholarship Paul T. & Daisy B. Yoder Seminary Scholarship

CJP Endowments Alper Family Endowed Scholarship Rose Landis Baer & Gerald R. Baer Endowed Scholarship Kay Koontz Gillette Endowed Scholarship Donald L. & Lillian E. Goodwin Endowed Scholarship John E. & Betty J. Kreider Endowed Scholarship for CJP John Paul & Wendy Lederach Endowed Scholarship Payne Family Endowed Scholarship Payne Creative Initiatives Endowment Payne MA in Conflict Resolution Program Endowment Allen Grant Stoltzfus Endowed Scholarship H.D. Swartzendruber Family Endowed Scholarship

Annual Grants and Scholarships Approved Unto God Grant Micah Berthold Memorial Grant Fund Florida Grant-in-Aid Joyce Hedrick Scholarship Asian Women's Leadership in Peacebuilding Scholarship Fund Estep/Sherwood Grant Fund Rutt/Aklu International Grant Bridges to Education Scholarship Eastern Mennonite Seminary Keystone Scholarship Fund Frazier Quarry Music Scholarship Korean Seminary Grant Fund Latin America CJP Student Scholarship Fund STEP Scholarship STEP Philadelphia Scholarship Stoltzfus Student Financial Assistance Award Theater Scholarship Grant Fund Emma Young Grant Fund

Supporting Churches . . . Through the Matching Church Grant Program and contributions to EMU Abundant Life Church Akron Mennonite Church Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church Allensville Mennonite Church Ambler Mennonite Church Antrim Brethren in Christ Church Ascutney Union Church Missions Account Assembly Mennonite Church Bahia Vista Mennonite Church Bay Shore Mennonite Church Beaverdam Mennonite Church Beldor Mennonite Church Belmont Mennonite Church Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship Berlin Mennonite Church Bethel Mennonite Church - Howell MI

Bethel Mennonite Church - Mountain Lake MN Bethel Mennonite Church - Wayland IA Bethel Mennonite Church West Liberty OH Big Spring Mennonite Church Blainsport Mennonite Church Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Blooming Glen Mennonite Church Blossom Hill Mennonite Church Bossler Mennonite Church Boyertown Mennonite Church Braddock Street United Methodist Church Brethren Service Center Byerland Mennonite Church Central Mennonite Church Charlottesville Mennonite Church Chestnut Ridge Mennonite Church Chicago Community Mennonite Church Christ United Church of Christ Conicville Christiansburg Mennonite Fellowship Church for Others Church of the Savior Circle of Mercy Clinton Frame Mennonite Church College Mennonite Church Columbus Mennonite Church Community Mennonite Church Harrisonburg VA Community Mennonite Church of Lancaster Community Mennonite Church of Stouffville Conestoga Mennonite Church Coral Springs Community Church Cornerstone Chapel Crossroads Mennonite Church Deep Run East Mennonite Church Diller Mennonite Church Durham Mennonite Church East Chestnut Street Mennonite Church East Petersburg Mennonite Church East Union Mennonite Church Eastside Church Ebenezer Baptist Church Emmanuel Assembly of God Emmaus Road Mennonite Fellowship Evangelical Garifuna Family of Hope Filer Mennonite Church First Assembly of God First Baptist Church of Lansdale First Christian Church First Mennonite Church - Bluffton OH First Mennonite Church - Indianapolis IN First Mennonite Church - Iowa City IA First Mennonite Church - Middlebury IN First Mennonite Church - Newton KS First Mennonite Church - Richmond VA First Mennonite Church - Sugarcreek OH First Mennonite Church of Reedley Forest Hills Mennonite Church Fountain Baptist Church Franconia Mennonite Church Gainesville United Methodist Church Gingrichs Mennonite Church Goessel Mennonite Church Grace Mennonite Church - Lansdale PA Grace Mennonite Church - Pandora OH Groffdale Mennonite Church Hagerman Mennonite Church Harrisonburg Mennonite Church Harrisonburg Unitarian Universalists Hartville Area Mennonite Student Aid Hernley Mennonite Church Hesston Mennonite Church Hively Avenue Mennonite Church Hope Mennonite Church

Hopedale Mennonite Church Howard-Miami Mennonite Church Huntington Mennonite Church Hyattsville Mennonite Church James Street Mennonite Church Jubilee Mennonite Church Kalona Mennonite Church Kaufman Mennonite Church Kern Road Mennonite Church Kidron Mennonite Church Kinzers Mennonite Church Lakeview Mennonite Church Landisville Mennonite Church Laurelville Mennonite Church Center Leake's Chapel Church Leetonia Mennonite Church Life for Christ Church LifeBridge Community Church Lindale Mennonite Church Little Eden Camp Lockport Mennonite Church Locust Grove Mennonite Church Longenecker Mennonite Church Lowville Mennonite Church Manantial de Vida Maple Grove Mennonite Church Marion Mennonite Church Martins Mennonite Church Martinsburg Mennonite Church Mellinger Mennonite Church Mennonite Community Church Metzler Mennonite Church Midway Mennonite Church Mineral United Methodist Church Monterey Charge of the United Methodist Church Mount Clinton Mennonite Church Mount Clinton United Methodist Church Mount Joy Mennonite Church Mount Sidney United Methodist Church Mount Vernon Mennonite Church Mountain View Mennonite Church Mt Calvary Baptist Church Mt Pleasant Mennonite Church Mt Wilson Church of the Brethren Mt Zion Baptist Church Muhlenberg Lutheran Church Neffsville Mennonite Church New Holland Spanish MennoniteChurch New Life Lutheran Church North Baltimore Mennonite Church North Clinton Mennonite Church North Goshen Mennonite Church Northern Plains District-COB Oak Grove Baptist Church Oak Grove Church - Moorefield WV Oak Grove Mennonite Church Smithville OH Oak Grove Mennonite Church - West Liberty OH Oakland United Methodist Church Oxford Circle Mennonite Church Park View Mennonite Church Parkesburg Mennonite Church Perkiomenville Mennonite Church Philadelphia Praise Center Pigeon River Mennonite Church Pilgrims Mennonite Church Pine Creek Chapel Pinto Mennonite Church Plains Mennonite Church Pleasant View Mennonite Church Prairie Street Mennonite Church Prairieview Mennonite Church Rhodes Memorial United Methodist Church Richmond Mennonite Fellowship Ridgeview Mennonite Church

Ridgeway Mennonite Church Rochester Area Mennonite Fellowship Rose Park United Methodist Church Salem Baptist Church of Apex NC Salem Mennonite Church - Freeman SD Salem Mennonite Church - Salem OR Salford Mennonite Church Scottdale Mennonite Church Shalom Mennonite Church Indianapolis IN Shalom Mennonite Congregation Harrisonburg VA Shenandoah Valley Community Church Silverdale Brethren in Christ Slate Hill Mennonite Church Snyders Bible Chapel Sonnenberg Mennonite Church Souderton Brethren in Christ Souderton Mennonite Church Spring Mount Mennonite Church Springdale Mennonite Church St George Orthodox Church St John Pentecostal Outreach Church St Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church Staunton District United Methodist Church Stephens City Korean Community Church Stephens City Mennonite Church Stoner Heights Mennonite Church Stumptown Mennonite Church Sunnyside Mennonite Church Elkhart IN Sunnyside Mennonite Church Lancaster PA Swamp Mennonite Church Tedrow Mennonite Church The Gathering Place The Presbyterian Church, Sewickley The Table Toledo Mennonite Church Towamencin Mennonite Church Trinity Baptist Church Trinity Mennonite Church - Glendale AZ Trinity Mennonite Church - Hillsboro KS Trinity United Church of Christ Trinity United Methodist Church Trissels Mennonite Church United Church of Christ Wider Church Ministries United Methodist Foundation of the VA Conference Valley Drive Baptist Church Valley View Mennonite Church Vincent Mennonite Church Virginia Mennonite Conference Walnut Creek Mennonite Church Walnut Hill Mennonite Church Warwick River Mennonite Church Waynesboro Mennonite Church Weavers Mennonite Church Week of Compassion Wellman Mennonite Church West Clinton Mennonite Church West Philadelphia Mennonite Fellowship West Union Mennonite Church Whitestone Mennonite Church Williamsburg Mennonite Church Witmer Heights Mennonite Church Yeagertown United Methodist Church Yellow Creek Mennonite Church Zion Hill Mennonite Church Zion Mennonite Church - Archbold OH Zion Mennonite Church - Broadway VA Zion Mennonite Church - Hubbard OR Zion Mennonite Church - Souderton PA | crossroads | 51

EMU Finances at a Glance For the fiscal years ending June 30, 2012 and 2011








Grants and contracts (government and nongovernment)



Auxiliary enterprises (such as room and board, apt. rentals, bookstore)



Other income (such as summer conference income, endowment earnings)









Academic support



Student services



Public service programs



Auxiliary enterprises



Institutional support















OPERATING REVENUES Tuition and fees (net of student financial aid)

Total revenue and gains


Total operating expenses Change in net assets from operations (the difference between operating revenues and operating expenses)

NON-OPERATING ACTIVITIES Total Change in Net Assets (Operating and Non-Operating)

NET ASSETS Beginning


These figures have been summarized from audited statements. For a complete financial statement, email your request to: *There are two primary reasons for the negative number linked to “non-operating activities” // 1. Endowment earnings were negative due to market returns. The EMU endowments lost approximately 2% of their value in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012. The portion of EMU’s endowment investments in international equities and emerging markets – a choice made with an eye to long-term returns – contributed to the loss. The loss impacted the financial statements by $1.1M. // 2. EMU has an interest-rate-swap agreement that allows EMU to fix the interest rate on variable-rate debt. The swap agreement liability increases when interest rates fall, as occurred in fiscal year 2011-12. As a result, the interest-rate-swap agreement cost EMU $334K under current economic conditions.

52 | crossroads | fall/winter 2012-13

photo by cody troyer


For Veteran's Day 2012 (Nov. 12), 200 pairs of military-issued boots were displayed in rows in front of the Campus Center, along with tags linking each pair to the deceased U.S. soldier who served in Iraq or Afghanistan. The display, which often aroused tears among its dozens of visitors, was organized by Evan Knappenberger, a 27-year-old transfer undergraduate from Charlottesville, Va., who is a veteran of the war in Iraq. Knappenberger is now a peace activist.


Beryl Brubaker, class of '64, has received the 2012 Alumna of the Year award from Belleville Mennonite School. The award is given to alumni who demonstrate the mission of "changing the world through Christlike service, peacemaking, and leadership." Hired at EMU as a nursing instructor, she was instrumental in establishing EMU’s tradition of excellence in nursing in the 1970s and 1980s. She completed a doctorate in nursing at the University of Alabama in 1984 and chaired EMU’s nursing department for 10 years. In 1994, Beryl became EMU's vice president for enrollment, where she led the school to achieve record enrollment. In 2000, she became the university's first provost, a position she held until she officially retired in the summer of 2008. This included an eight-month period when she was interim university president until Loren Swartzendruber filled the position permanently in 2004. In 2009, she was asked to emerge from retirement to direct EMU’s library on a half-time basis. She continues in this role to this day while also doing volunteer work. Beryl is active in her church, Park View Mennonite, and has been named chair of the board of

the Valley Brethren-Mennonite Heritage Center, beginning in 2013. Previously she chaired the board of Mennonite Mutual Aid (now Everence). Gary Moore , class of '98, is the new men’s volleyball coach. He brings experience coaching both men’s and women’s volleyball at Rutgers University, Norfolk State University and Christopher Newport University, as well as widespread involvement on the club level with USA Volleyball. Gary also is lead coach and owner of Dominion Volleyball Club in Hampton Roads, Va. Moore played for Eastern Mennonite during the 1996 season before transferring to D-I George Mason University. Lisa Schirch, research professor at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (CJP) at EMU, is the founding director of 3P Human Security – Partners for Peacebuilding Policy (previously 3D Security Iniative). 3P connects policymakers with global civil society networks, facilitates civil-military dialogue, and provides a confilict prevention and peacebuilding lens on current policy issues. As policy advisor for the Alliance for Peacebuilding, Lisa has been successful in engaging Washington in conversations about conflict prevention through 3P. She seeks to open channels of communication

between U.S. policymakers and local civil society organizations working to build human security from the ground up. 3P is a collaboration between CJP at EMU, the Alliance for Peacebuilding, the Kroc Institue at Notre Dame University, and the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, working to change the U.S. approach to peace. Benjamin (Ben) Spotts is the new head baseball coach at EMU. Previously, he was the assistant baseball coach at Bridgewater College and filled other various roles, such as recruiting coordinator and director of the academic tracking program for 14 years. In addition to coaching, Ben has been a resident director, director of housing and judicial affairs, and National Collegiate Athletic Association compliance coordinator. Ben brings a wealth of knowledge and experience that will help bolster and redefine EMU’s baseball program.


J. David Eshleman ‘58, SEM ‘61, Dover, Ohio, has published his third book, titled Power Scriptures for Successful Living, 366 Timely Devotionals with Masthof Press. His previous two works include Living with Godly Passion, 366 daily readings for those with a passion to share Jesus (Masthof Press 2010) and Now Go

Forward, Reaching out to Grow Your Congregation (Herald Press 2009). Laura Kurtz ‘58, Lititz, Pa., is the secretary for the East Africa Missionary Group (EAMG). The group meets once a month for updates and prayer times and sends their minutes by email to over 100 addresses. Laura has the unique task of making the minutes concise in order to explain enough to the constituency, and yet keep them to one or two pages for easier filing. This is particularly challenging, as history has not flowed as written. She has had to sort through submissions of material and decipher particular individual pastors that are referred to by various names. Yet God provided passage for her to travel to Kenya and Tanzania in January 2012 to meet with representatives, students, teachers, and other church leaders that make up the EAMG. Now at age 82, she is planning a return trip. Richard ‘59 and Elaine Hunter (SEM ‘62) Stoltzfus, Dayton, Va., have retired from their long-time service work in Harlan County, Ky., and resettled in Dayton, Va., where they continue to stay active by working as volunteers at the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Free Clinic. Richard obtained his Virginia medical license so he could continue to contribute all he could to the community. | crossroads | 53


Richard Keeler ‘60, Couva, Trinidad, received the Award for Christian Excellence from the National Academy of Performing Arts in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, on March 11, 2012. The Trinidad & Tobago Council of Evangelical Churches, in collaboration with the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International, Trinidad Chapter, commemorated Trinidad & Tobago’s 50th anniversary of independence by recognizing leaders in various Christian endeavors.

Kelley Shradley-Horst '06 (right) helps a student during an art class at Harrisonburg High School.

Alum Named Secondary Art Educator of Virginia Kelley Shradley-Horst, an art teacher at Harrisonburg High School and 2006 graduate of EMU, didn’t get her hopes up. Even after scoring one of five regional nominations on her way to becoming the Virginia Secondary Art Educator of the Year, she was skeptical about actually winning the honor. “I kind of had a stigma that no one from Harrisonburg could win this,” said Shradley-Horst, who said she foresaw the honor going to a teacher from a bigger division. But she was proven wrong. Twice. Shradley-Horst and Karin Tollefson-Hall, assistant professor of art education and the art education graduate program director at James Madison University, won the top awards for art education in the state in their respective categories – secondary and postsecondary. They received the awards at the VAEA conference in Norfolk at the beginning of the month. “It’s a little bit of a bragging right and a chance to do more advocacy [for art education],” said Shradley-Horst. At HHS, Shradley-Horst, 28, is currently teaching art I, II and III and gearing up for a new ceramics class. She also formed an art club aimed mostly at freshman students that she has run for three years. “She always has the students’ best interests in mind,” said Jauan Brooks, who nominated Shradley-Horst and teaches alongside her at HHS. Both [Tollefson-Hall and Shradley-Horst] are Harrisonburg residents and also serve in positions for the Virginia Art Education Association – Shradley-Horst is the secretary of the Blue Ridge region and Tollefson-Hall serves on the association board as higher education division director. Next, the women will be considered in the regional competition, overseen by the National Art Education Association. Virginia is in the southeastern region, along with Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee and the Virgin Islands. If they advance in that competition, they will be judged at the national level. — Emily Sharrer, excerpted with permission, Daily News Record, Nov. 15, 2012. Photo by DNR photographer Michael Reilly.

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Raul Tadeo ‘62, Dalton, Ohio, and his wife, Vanita, have been bridging Wayne and Holmes counties to Mexico for years by meeting the spiritual and physical needs of the people who live in both. Fluent in Spanish, they have overcome the communication barrier by providing important literature, translating during doctor’s visits and making connections for employment. Together they provide food, shelter, transportation and listening ears. Their example has been instrumental in the establishment of the Open Arms Ministry, a non-profit organization focused not only on financial help, but also helping to find employment, provide English lessons, and solve other pertinent needs in a Christ-like fashion. Stanley ‘63 and Marlene Nice ‘65 Kropf, Port Townsend, Wash., have returned to the Pacific Northwest upon retirement from their work in northern Indiana. Stanley retired from administration at Great Lakes Mennonite Central Committee and Marlene from teaching at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary and from Mennonite Church USA. They now reside in Port Townsend, Wash., a historic Victorian seaport village on the Olympic Peninsula. Carl L. Good ‘64, Lititz, Pa., has dedicated his life to serving the Mennonite Church, as well as to many individuals suffering from mental illness. He graduated from New York Theological Seminary in 1969 and from the University of Tennessee in 1974 with a PhD in psychology. In 1982, Carl became the executive director of what is now Mennonite Health Services (MHS), leading the organization to new levels of relationship with the Mennonite Church and other non-profit organizations. When his tenure with MHS ended, he began providing psychological services to the elderly community at Masonic Village, Elizabethtown, Pa., until his retirement in 2009. He now resides at Landis Homes with his loving wife, Lois Zimmerman Good, class of ‘65. Joyce Bontrager ‘65 Lehman, Keene, N.H., retired from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation where she

worked as program officer of financial services for the poor. Her work looked at a range of formal financial services such as savings, insurance, payment systems and money transfers needed by poor individuals all over the world. Prior to the Gates Foundation, Joyce sold her private accounting practice to pursue a career of teaching in the business department of Goshen College. While there, she joined the staff of Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) as a microfinance consultant and was sent to Kabul, Afghanistan, to prepare a business plan to start a microcredit program. Currently, Joyce is doing some consulting work and hopes to write a book. As the keynote speaker at EMU’s 2012 “donor appreciation banquet,” Joyce credited EMU for offering her a bridge from her insular Amish background to caring about the well-being of people throughout the world and urged her audience to continue supporting the mission, vision and values embodied in EMU. James (Jim) L. Rosenberger ‘68, State College, Pa., a professor of statistics at Penn State University, was elected to the position of Vice President of the American Statistical Association (ASA). The ASA is the world’s largest community of statisticians, supporting “excellence in the development, application, and dissemination of statistical science through meetings, publications, membership services, education accrediation, and advocacy.” Jim joins the ASA with an already sterling career, including editorship of periodicals such as Statistical Science and Computational Statistics and Data Analysis; fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science; and consulting statistician for the Strategic Highway Research Program, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue, and for private companies. He has mentored over 40 master’s and doctoral degree graduate students and currently serves as director of outreach and online programs at Penn State.


Rev. Ken Fellenbaum ‘71, Milford, Conn., was appointed to Head Pastor at Wildermere Beach Congregational Church. Wayne Lawton ‘71, SEM ‘75, Elizabethtown, Pa., accompanied grandson Matt Nissley to “Islam and the Gospel in Dynamic Engagement,” a class taught by David Shenk.

Linda Alderfer, class of ‘71, Martin, Harleysville, Pa., early childhood consultant, participated in a meeting of Anabaptist-Mennonite educational leaders held in Switzerland from May 26-30, 2012. The purpose of the meeting was to establish the goals and agenda for an education summit to be held in conjunction with Mennonite World Conference Assembly, scheduled for July 2015 in Harrisburg, Pa. Linda is a council member of the Mennonite Early Childhood Network.

She works with Tracy Hough, assistant professor of teacher education at EMU and MECN council member. Bruce A. Yoder ‘72, Richmond, Va., is the vice president for philanthropy of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) of Greater Richmond. Bruce oversees the “strengthening communities fund” of the YMCA that raises more than $2.5 million to ensure the facility remains open to all. Kenneth Miller '75, Sarasota, Fla., was surprised to see his father, Clayton W. Miller, in a group photo of WWII Civilian Public Service workers at Norristown State Hospital published in the "mental health" issue of Crossroads last spring. Miller, a nursing major at EMC, himself is working in mental health as clinical manager of behavioral health at Manatee Memorial Hospital in Bradenton, Fla. James H. Bergey ‘76, Chesapeake, Va., began making ice cream in 1978, two years after graduating from EMC, a tradition that continues today. His family’s business, Bergey’s Breadbasket, has striven to provide a quality product from cow to customer, which requires careful ingredient choice, emulsification, and constant vigilance over the entire freezing process. James sells six flavors at any given time. Gloria Yoder ‘76 Diener, Harrisonburg, Va., delivered the commencement address entitled “Catch the Light” at the 94th annual graduation ceremony of Eastern Mennonite High School (EMHS) in Lehman Auditorium on June 3, 2012. Gloria taught English for 23 years – 20 at EMHS and three in Honduras. She is a member of the EMHS board of directors and a freelance writer. Arland Esch, class of ‘77, Lebanon, Ohio, is continuing his career teaching medical residents in family medicine at Bethesda Family Medicine Program in Cincinatti. Additonally, he is involved in teaching medical students at the University of Cincinnati Medical School. Prior to moving to Lebanon, Arland practiced with several EMU grads including Randall Longenecker ‘75, Roger Kauffman ‘73, Dave Eubanks ‘75, Chuck Kratz ‘88, and John Wenger ‘85 in West Liberty, Ohio, for 17 years. Anita Rheinheimer ‘78 Yoder, Goshen Ind., is in her third year of a threeyear role with Career Development Professionals of Indiana (CDPI) as past president. CDPI is a group of over 180 career services offices throughout Indiana whose missions are similar – helping to prepare students for professional employment after college. Some of Anita’s responsibilites have included being the board liaison for conference chairs, leading board meetings and membership business meetings at conferences, and overseeing implementation of the board’s goals. Her specific accomplishments of the past year have included cre-

ating a board policy manual, writing job descriptions for board members, and the implementing of a website designed for small nonprofits. Anita hopes that when her term ends, CDPI will have “a clearer vision of their mission and potential to serve the state.” Helen Stoltzfus, class of ‘78, Oakland, Calif., along with the other three coartistic directors of The Jewish Theatre (TJT), announced that 2011-12 marks the company’s final season, closing a run of 34 years. Founded in 1978, TJT mined Jewish identity and experience in all its historical, folkloric, mystical, and contemporary dimensions, reinventing the Jewish storytelling tradition. They created shows as a community, an approach rare to the American theater, which uniquely brought a richness and complexity to their plays that was palpable for their audiences. Sylvia Clymer ‘79 Helmuth, MA ‘03 (education), Harrisonburg, Va., was one of 24 teachers in the Rockingham County School system who received the Rockingham County Teacher of the Year Award. Sylvia is a reading specialist, working with primary grades K - 2 at Peak View Elementary School.


Kevin King '81, Lititz, Pa., is executive director of Mennonite Disaster Service, for which he began working in February 2004. King personally checked on the 20 MDS volunteers who were dispatched after Hurricane Sandy hit the town of Midland Beach on Staten Island, killing 25 and devasting a 10-mile-long strip. A Nov. 10 feature on King in the Lancaster Intelligencer Journal, described the disaster-related work King did after graduating from EMU with a degree in agricultural development. He helped Brazilians respond to drought by digging wells. He responded to Hurricane Gilbert while teaching in Jamaica. And he worked on relief projects from Mennononite Central Committee's U.S. headquarters in Akron, Pa., a role which took him to North Korea, Bosnia and countries in Africa. King also holds an MBA from Eastern University.

Michael Miller ‘82, Boonsboro, Md., started a private music studio called “Miller’s Music Instruction” in both Fredericks and Boonsboro, Md. He provides a wide range of band and orchestral instruction, specializing in piano and guitar. Doug Phillips ‘82, Keezletown, Va., associate district executive for Outdoor Ministries, Shenandoah District Church of the Brethren, has been employed at Brethren Woods Camp and Retreat Center since 1983. This summer will mark his 30th year there. Kristie (Kris) Visserman ‘82 Douglas, Rome, Ga., was recently hired as one of

Jared Stoltzfus ’05 helped create "Sustainability Science Education for Teachers” with Nobel Laureate Leland H. Hartwell.

Nobel Winner Helps Grad Get Sustainability Into Schools Preparing teachers to weave sustainability concepts into their elementary, middle and high school classrooms has led Jared Stoltzfus to combine his doctoral studies at Arizona State University (ASU) with part-time work developing curriculum at two high schools. Stoltzfus is one of six ASU students who co-created “Sustainability Science Education for Teachers.” It’s a new course that aims to ground teachers-in-training in sustainability issues and to give them the tools they need to integrate these issues into their classroom instruction, said Stoltzfus, who graduated from EMU in 2005 with a major in biology. The Sustainability Science Education project started under the auspices of ASU faculty member Leland H. Hartwell, a 2001 Nobel Laureate in physiology/medicine. Hartwell came to the conclusion that the best way to spread understanding of sustainability issues through society was through better-prepared teachers. “Dr. Hartwell met with each of us developing content for the course on a regular basis, defined the objectives of the course, and worked with us to ensure a high-quality, engaging output,” said Stoltzfus. “He is still involved with the course, researching ways to improve student learning [and] make the material more engaging. He hopes to develop a library of resources to provide teachers with when they’re out on their own.” The project uses online, documentary-style presentations, combined with classroom discussion sections. “Our mission is to empower future teachers to educate the next generation to succeed in a rapidly changing world,” said Stoltzfus. Stoltzfus is also working with a program funded by the National Science Foundation, called GK-12, which has the similar goal of integrating sustainability concepts in high school classrooms. One of the objectives of the GK-12 program is to help teachers meet state and national standards. “Our course attempts to give them the skills to weave sustainability concepts into existing lesson plans, rather than have to teach it ‘on the side.’” In the spring of 2012, Stoltzfus spent 15 hours a week in two high schools, teaching, helping teachers to prepare grants and sustainability projects, and working with student clubs. Stoltzfus expects to earn his doctorate in sustainability in May of 2015. He is the son of Ronald Stoltzfus, a long-time EMU professor of business. — Mike Zucconi ’05 | crossroads | 55

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the new president of Somalia, stood centerfront among classmates at the 2001 Summer Peacebuilding Institute.

Somalia President & Peace Trainings Linked to EMU The new president of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, deepened his understanding of building peace in traumatized societies in three classes taken at the 2001 Summer Peacebuilding Institute (SPI) held at EMU. Challenging the incumbent, Mohamud was the come-frombehind winner in a run-off election that ended Sept. 10, 2012. Mohamud arrived at SPI 2001 as an educator who was interested in how to engage civil society in building his country. He was encouraged to attend SPI by Khadija Ossoble Ali, a native of Somalia who completed her EMU master’s degree in conflict transformation in 2001. Mohamud’s attendance was facilitated by scholarship funding provided by SPI. Joining 182 people from 45 countries at SPI 2001, Mohamud took classes in trauma healing, mediation, and adult-centered education techniques. The BBC called Mohamud a “peace activist and educational campaigner,” who remained in Somalia during more than two decades of civil war, “unlike many other Somali intellectuals.” Mohamud’s election was the final step of a U.N.-backed plan to bring a stable central government to Somalia. The last stable government collapsed in 1991. During the period that Mohamud was running for election, Doreen Ruto, a 2006 graduate of EMU’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, as well as the center’s Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR) program, began playing a key role in a USAID project that hopes to introduce trauma-healing principles to more than 100,000 people in Somalia. In April 2012, Ruto trained eight Somali “master trainers” in STAR principles, using curriculum purchased by USAID and adapted for Somali audiences. Since then, Ruto has served as a mentor for this core group of trainers, checking in with each regularly from her home in Nairobi, Kenya. After that session, those trained by Ruto led a round of STAR trainings in Mogadishu, Somalia, for 32 people from each of the country’s districts. These people have since begun using the STAR curriculum to teach trauma awareness and healing principles to hundreds more volunteers tasked with leading yet another round of training sessions throughout Somalia. According to a USAID news release, project leaders estimate they’ll eventually introduce 115,000 Somalis to the STAR curriculum. The project is supported by USAID’s Transition Initiatives for Stabilization program. — Bonnie Price Lofton, MA ’04, and Andrew Jenner ’04

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four new faculty members at the School of Nursing of Shorter University. She is passionate about integrating faith into practice to help nursing students fulfill their God-given potential and develop into caring and competent nurse leaders. Kris brings a wealth of knowledge to the role, as she was chair of the MUSC Nurse Alliance, was awarded the DAISY Award for extraordinary nurses, and is experienced in psychiatric, school, and camp nursing. In addition, Kris is currently completing a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree at Gardner-Webb University. Nathan Barge ‘84, MA ‘99 (conflict transformation), Harrisonburg, Va., works as a restorative justice consultant based in Harrisonburg, Va. He recently returned from three weeks of training with the Mennonite churches in Paraguay. He has edited a Spanish manual PREVIO for training restorative justice facilitators in victim-offender conferencing. Nathan is fluent in Spanish, having spent 14 years working in Latin America with Mennonite Central Committee. He also volunteers with the Fairfield Center in Harrisonburg with their restorative justice programs. Leslie (Les) S. Horning ‘86, MDiv ‘98, Christiansburg, Va., became associate director of seminary development, admissions, and university church relations at EMU on August 15, 2012. Les previously served as pastor of the Christianburg Mennonite Church in Christiansburg, Va. He received a master’s degree from Virginia Polytechnical Institute in 1990 and did doctoral-level studies at Union Theological Seminary in Richmond. Les is also serving as a representative of EMU to constituent conference assemblies. Barbara Burkhart ‘87 Freed, Lancaster, Pa., and her family of five have been working in Guatemala for the last four-and-a-half years. They just recently changed the agency with which they work to Friends of Children Everywhere and are currently running an orphanage of about 160 children at Casa Bernabe. Her husband Dennis, a nurse practitioner, runs the clinic, while Barb and her daughters teach a preschool for the younger children of the home. Jewel Lehman ‘87, Goshen, Ind., was promoted to professor of physical education and granted tenure at Goshen College. Todd Miller, class of ‘89, Richmond, Va., was recently asked to fill the executive pastor role at Vineyard Community Church of Richmond. Jan Dean ‘89 Liskey, Harrisonburg, Va., recently began as director of financial services for Virginia Mennonite Missions. She previously worked in financial services both at EMU and Harman Construction.


Valerie Merfa ‘90 Kumalo, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, along with

her husband, Kglotsa Sonnyboy Kumalo, volunteer with Worldwide Evangelization for Christ International as house parents for the Gateway Boarding Home in South Africa. They both are in the midst of their first year at Kwa Zulu Natal Missionary Bible College. Jeffrey (Jeff) Gingerich ‘90, Norristown, Pa., dean for academic affairs at Cabrini College in Radnor, Pa., has been selected to participate in a national leadership development program sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges and the American Academic Leadership Institute. The year-long senior leadership academy is designed to prepare 26 prospective leaders to assume positions as chief officers in any division of higher education. Kimberly (Kim) Golden-Myers ‘91, Harrisonburg, Va., was one of 24 teachers in the Rockingham County School system who received the Rockingham County Teacher of the Year Award. She teaches third grade at Ottobine Elemetary School. Jeffrey (Jeff) Hoover ‘92, Leola, Pa., is associate vice president of academic affairs and registrar at Lancaster Bible College. He is currently enrolled at Capella University, pursuing a master’s degree in their enrollment management program. The program is affiliated with Noel-Levitz, an industry leader in enrollment management consulting. John Spidaliere ‘92, Lancaster, Pa., is academic and communications specialist at Project GRAD USA, a nonprofit organization working to improve the quality of public education for economically disadvantaged children in 12 targeted school districts across the nation. Matthew Gene Tschetter ‘92, Freeman, S.D., entered a three-year service term with MCC Nicaragua as the Connecting Persons coordinator. Karen Harlow ‘93, Penn Laird, Va., has continued her education through Cleveland State University’s online patient advocacy program. She continues to use her nursing skills as an as-needed RN volunteer at Augusta Regional Free Clinic in Fishersville, Va. Her health has greatly improved, and she wishes to thank both the alumni constituency and the university for their support since 2008. Jacqueline Wiens ‘93 Gauthier, Denver, Colo., along with her husband, Christopher, and co-worker, Lauren Kerstein, presented “Building Relationships, Marriage, and Family in the Context of Autism” at the US Autism & Asperger Association 2012 World Conference on September 6-9. The Gauthiers have two children diagnosed with autism and one them is also affected by Asperger’s Syndrome. They have developed a language to understand one another based on Asperger’s identity and sensory issues. Kirby King ‘ 93, Souderton, Pa., was licensed in October 2011 as minister of adult formation at Souderton Mennonite

Church. He currently is a Bible and social studies instructor at Christopher Dock Mennonite High School. Gilberto Pérez Jr. ‘94, Goshen, Ind., has joined the faculty team at Goshen College as associate professor of social work. Karen Parker ‘94 Komara, Harrisonburg, Va., was one of 24 teachers in the Rockingham County School system who received the Rockingham County Teacher of the Year Award. She teaches fifth grade at Pleasant Valley Elementary School. Additonally, Karen, an 18-year Rockingham County Schools veteran, was selected as one of two teachers to receive the Lucy F. Simms Educators of the Year award at a reception on June 7, 2012. Joseph Day ‘95, Fife, Wash., was one of three selected to be Teacher of the Month for October by the Rotary Club of Renton. This marks his 13th year of teaching math at Nelsen Middle School in Renton, Wash. Michael Shank ‘96, MA ‘05 (conflict transformation), Washington D.C., former vice president for the Institute for Economics and Peace, was featured in a news conference on the findings of the 2012 Global Peace Index and Positive Peace Index at the Center for Strategic and International Studies headquarters in Washington D.C. on June 12, 2012. He explained how these tools, which measure negative and positive peace, respectively, can be used to assess nation-state resilience and risk, as well as monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of foreign aid, development projects and U.S. interventions. Michael has since left the Institute for Economics and Peace in order to rejoin U.S. Congressman Michael Honda on Capitol Hill. Michael is Honda’s communications director and senior policy advisor. Philip (Phil) Zapanta ‘96, Lorton, Va., was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves and continues to be an assistant professor of surgery, associate otolaryngology residency program director, and co-director of the Medical Education Fellowship at the George Washington University School of Medicine. He is married to Anne Charbeneau ’97 (see her entry below). Rebecca H. Kauffman ‘96, Goshen Ind., graduated on May 26, 2012 with a master of divinity degree from Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Ind. She began as co-pastor of Paoli Mennonite Fellowship this past summer. Andrew Dyck, MA ‘96 (church leadership), Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, is writing a PhD dissertation about Mennonite Brethren (MB) spirituality and contemplative influences. For the past five years, he has worked part time in pastoral ministry, teaching, and as the executive secretary for the MB historical commission.

Anne Charbeneau ‘97 Zapanta, has sung back up for several musical artists, including Bruce Springsteen during the 2008 Presidential Inauguration. She also sang with Kid Rock and Garth Brooks at an event celebrating George H.W. Bush’s Points of Light Institute at which Presidents Carter, Clinton, and Bush were in attendance. She is married to Phil Zapanta ’96 (see his entry above). Amanda Shipe ‘97, Washington, D.C., founder and CEO of Mind Your Body Oasis, a certified Pilates instructer, and a registered yoga teacher, announced the opening of her new business, Mind Your Body Oasis, in Crystal City, Va. Landon Miller ‘97 and Jennifer Linder ‘98, Manheim, Pa., returned from a three-year MCC stint in Tanta, Egypt, in June. While there, Jen served as an English teacher and support person who trained Egyptian teachers at a school run by the Coptic Evangelical Church. Landon taught English to adults at the Orthodox church. Since their return, Jen has found employment as the director of Children’s Ministries at Blossom Hill Mennonite Church in Lancaster and Landon as a foster care caseworker for COBYS Family Services. Elizabeth Beachy ‘99 Hansen, Marietta, Ga., a professional playwright and screenwriter, attended the opening weekend of Jordan’s Stormy Banks at EMU’s MainStage Theater. Her script, the story of Anabaptists in the Shenandoah Valley during the Civil War, was produced by CrossRoads Valley Brethren Mennonite Heritage Center and EMU on June 1-17, 2012.


Reuben Miller ‘00, Charlottesville, Va., works in maintenance and groundskeeping at Walnut Creek Park in North Garden, Va. He plays the violin in the University of Virginia Klezmer Ensemble, performing European and American Yiddish music. Reuben also is the fiddler in Ragged Mountain String Band, which recently released their first album of old-time Appalachian music through ShakeALegRecords. His wife, Holly Scott ‘02, is finishing her PhD in history from American University.

David Stutzman ‘00, Bammental, Germany, along with his wife, Rebekka, and son, Immanuel, will be serving a three-year term in Germany with tranSend through a partnership with the Bammental Mennonite Church and the South German Mennonite Conference. They will provide part-time pastoral leadership at Bammental and work to promote mission, vision and young adult leadership in the conference. Christopher Clymer Kurtz ‘00, Linville, Va., along with Maria Clymer Kurtz ‘00 and Craig Zook, have released a new album titled “Arms Uncrossed” by the Clymer Kurtz Band. The album traces vulnerability, love, regret, and the

Front, from left: Hibo Mohamed Kheyre, Nura Ahmed Mohamed, Khadija Isse Fara’adde, and Janice Jenner. Back, from left: Gloria Rhodes, Fatuma Aden Ahmed, Maryan Abdullahi Hassan, and Suli Abdi Guhad.

Peace Profs Go to Women in Somaliland Six of the women who planned to study at EMU in the summer of 2012 in the brand-new Women’s Peacebuilding Leadership Program (WPLP) were unable to enter the United States. So program director Janice Jenner and professors Jayne Docherty and Gloria Rhodes took the program to Somaliland to reach the excluded women in the fall of 2012. The United States government denied entry to the six (two each from Kenya, Somalia and Somaliland). This was ironic, given that a federal agency, USAID, was paying for their training. The stated reason for exclusion was that the women might overstay their visas, says Jenner. That allegation “was more upsetting to them than that they were denied visas,” adds Jenner, who found all six women “completely committed to their countries.” The women, ages mid-20s to early 40s, included peacebuilding-organization workers, an educational journalist, and a trauma-healing counselor. Some had been war refugees as children – a history belying the ebullient smiles in photos showing them with their American instructors, all wearing Somali clothing. Jenner, Rhodes and Docherty devoted two weeks in September and October – amid a busy semester on EMU’s Harrisonburg, Va., campus – to teach the women in Hargeisa, Somaliland’s capital. Docherty explains that WPLP is designed to create a network of women peace leaders within a specific country or region, who can “relate to one another as ‘lost sisters from the same clan,’” while helping transform their region’s conflicts. Somaliland is a self-declared, but internationally unrecognized, state that broke off from northern Somalia to form its own parliamentary government in 1991. It enjoys more stability than Somalia, which has struggled to establish a viable government. The first stage of the women’s program – initially conducted for 12 other women at EMU’s Summer Peacebuilding Institute (SPI) in May and June – consisted of two six-day courses. The 12 program participants on campus in mid-2012 came from Liberia, the South Pacific and Somalia. Before her death in a 2011 accident, former SPI student and teacher Dekha Ibrahim Abdi had advocated for a women’s program, while master’s degree alumna and Nobel laureate Leymah Gbowee served as a major inspiration. — Chris Edwards | crossroads | 57

bittersweet best of times that make up the ever after.

Harry Thélusma (left) and Garly Michel hope that STAR trainings can be spread throughout their home country of Haiti.

Haitians Embrace TraumaResilience Program With a history of violence linked to colonization, intense poverty and vulnerable geographic location, Haiti has long suffered from natural disasters, social conflict, and other traumatic events. That is one reason more than 1,000 Haitians have welcomed trainings, materials and principles derived from STAR, which stands for Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience, a program developed at EMU. “The training has helped me understand the relationship between violence and trauma,” said Reginald, a 26-year-old disabled Haitian man who attended STAR workshops this year in Port-au-Prince. “My dream is to share the trainings with all the disabled people in Haiti to help them overcome their own traumas and become resilient.” Using STAR curriculum translated and contextualized for Haiti, project staff have taught basic trauma awareness and response skills to a core group that exceeds 1,000 volunteers, including Reginald, many of whom are now putting the concepts to work in their own communities. Enthusiasm for the trainings – sponsored by six Christian organizations including Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) – demonstrates the profound need for trauma work in Haiti, as well as STAR’s relevance across cultures and contexts, say several people affiliated with the project. “It is really a blessing. It is really amazing to have this kind of program in Haiti to contribute to the construction of human beings as well as the resilience of the Haitian people,” said Garly Michel, the program coordinator with the STAR project in Haiti who is overseeing trainings throughout the country. The three-year project, now entering its final year, was launched in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake that killed 316,000 and left 1.5 million homeless, according to Haitian government statistics. Originally focused on the areas most affected by the earthquake, Michel said the project’s scope soon expanded to include all 10 départements, or states, in Haiti. “We’d like to see a non-violent, healthy and resilient Haiti where each Haitian feels comfortable, safe and proud to live,” said Harry Thélusma, program officer with the project in Haiti. Michel and Thélusma, who are both alumni of EMU’s Summer Peacebuilding Institute, said their biggest wishes for the future are prayers for Haiti and continued financial support that will allow them to continue STAR trainings beyond the end of the initial three-year pilot program in September 2013. — Andrew Jenner ’04

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Moses Ole Sakuda, MA ‘00 (education), MDiv ‘00, Ngong Hills, Kenya, was elected Member of Parliament for Kajiado North Constituency in Kenya on the National Alliance ticket in a by-election in September 2012. The seat fell vacant following the death of former Internal Security Minister George Saitoti, who had held the seat for 24 years. Matthew Lowen ‘01, Tucson, Ariz., program coordinator for the American Friends Service Committee was the featured speaker at a dialogue hosted by David’s Hope, a Phoenix-based group dedicated to bringing humane treatement to Arizona’s inmate population. He shared highlights of a recently released report “Lifetime Lockdown,” which focused on issues of solitary confinement and mass incarceration. Erica Petersheim ‘01 Lewis, Harrisonburg, Va., assistant professor of nursing at EMU, successfully defended her PhD dissertation on the topic of nurse experience of medical error. She evaluated patient safety culture in an academic medical center and surveyed 289 nurses from two hospitals, examining the relationships among nurse involvement in medical error, individual, and systems factors with the nurse outcomes of burnout, moral distress, and intention to leave the nursing profession. Megan Kennel ‘02, San Francisco, Calif., began a career serving the homeless and underprivileged several years ago as an offshoot of the Mennonite Voluntary Service program in San Francisco. Through a series of life-changing and passion-forming events, including becoming a full-time case worker and receiving her master’s in nursing, she now works for the Sobering Center, a harm-reduction program that serves the homeless population and strives to provide care and put them on the track to sobriety and health. Her brother, Patrick (Pat) Kennel ‘06, says this about Megan: “Megan received the message that EMU trys to instill in its students of a sense of care and love for those in need, and [she has] poetically implemented it to her life in a way that would make her professors and alma mater very proud.” Marcus Almarode ‘03, Harrisonburg, Va., joined Rockingham Memorial Hospital as director of emergency services. He is bringing 22 years of experience as a health care professional, the last 14 years as a registered nurse. Prior to accepting the position, Marcus was a nurse leader in the Adult and Children’s Emergency Trauma Center with the Greenville Health System in Greenville, S.C. Additionally, he has served as president-elect and president for the Foothills Chapter of the Emergency Nurses Association and is a member of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society.

Emily Hahn ‘03, Timberville, Va., was one of 24 teachers in the Rockingham County School system who received the Rockingham County Teacher of the Year Award. Emily teaches third grade at Fulks Run Elementary School. Cindy Evick Moyers, MA ‘03 (education), Bridgewater, Va., was one of 24 teachers in the Rockingham County School system who received the Rockingham County Teacher of the Year Award. Cindy teaches second grade at John Wayland Elementary School. Angela Swartzendruber ‘03 Hackman, Harleysville, Pa., has been promoted to director of integrated health services at the Penn Foundation. In this role, she is spending more time on special projects related to promoting integrated healthcare. Susan Peacock, MA ‘04 (conflict transformation), Minneapolis, Minn., is the liasion for sponsors coordinating travel seminars in Bolivia, Cuba, Guatemala and Mexico with the Center for Global Education. Previously, she worked at The National Academies’ Committee on Human Rights, the Washington Office on Latin America, the National Security Archive at George Washington University, and the Guatemala Human Rights Commission. Lauren Hartzler Arbogast ‘04, Harrisonburg, Va., was one of nine teachers in the Harrisonburg City Schools system to be named Educator of the Year. Lauren is an Early Childhood Special Education Teacher of preschoolers at Keister Elementary School. Jay A. Wittmeyer, MA ‘04 (conflict transformation), Elgin, Ill., executive director for Global Mission and Service for the Church of the Brethren, has been appointed as the church’s representative to the Board of Directors of Heifer International. Jay represents the founding denomination of Heifer International, which began as the Church of the Brethren’s Heifer Project. Ashok Gladston Xavier, MA ‘04 (conflict transformation), was appointed dean of the faculty of arts at Loyola College, Chennai, India. As dean, Ashok will be able to facilitate joint research along with promoting student and faculty exchange. Andrea Opel ‘06, Elkhart, Ind., graduated on May 26, 2012, with a master of divinity degree from Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. Andrea is continuing her education at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Mich., to complete a master of social work degree. About her experience, Andrea said, “I have appreciated being able to study both pastoral ministry and social work through the dual-degree program. [It] has allowed me to explore many questions about my sense of call and to integrate the two fields into one vocation.”

Stephen (Steve) Horst ‘06, Harrisonburg, Va., along with his wife, Bethany, and daughter, Anjali, will be serving a three-year term with tranSend in Thailand in conjuction with the Bangkok Refugee Center and the Life Enrichment Church.The vision is to establish a team that will minister in practical ways to the refugees at the center and form a missional community in which both refugees and young adults from the Life Enrichment Church might grow in discipleship. Gregory (Greg) Lamb ‘06, Albuquerque, N.M., is currently in his second year of emergency medicine residency at the University of New Mexico. As an upperlevel resident, he is responsible for taking care of patients who present a critical illness and/or severe trauma. He earned his medical degree from the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond, Va., but attributes the liberal arts education he received at EMU for helping him give humanistic care in the sometimes hectic and chaotic setting of the emergency department. Joshua (Josh) Brubaker ‘06, Washington D.C., received a master’s degree in international economic development in 2012 from American University. Joel Lehman ‘06, Lancaster, Pa., won an honorable mention award for the online special project, “Family strives to perfect its pick of apples,” which appeared in Lancaster Farming. Joel has worked for Lancaster Newspapers since 2007. Kathy Hostetter ‘06 Bradley, Lexington, Va., joined Westminster Canterbury, a retirement community associated with the Episcopal and Presbyterian churches, as director of human resources. Kathy went to Westminster from American Healthcare, a for-profit operator of nursing facilities in Virginia. She graduated with a BS in organizational management and development from EMU, has done graduate work in senior living leadership at Virginia Commonwealth University, is a member of the Society of Human Resource Management, and holds the designation of Professional in Human Resources. Rebekah Good ‘07 Charles, Harrisonburg, Va., finished her master’s of science in nursing degree with a focus on public health nursing leadership from the University of Virginia in August 2012. Jodi Beller ‘07, Bridgewater, Va., was one of 24 teachers in the Rockingham County Schools system who received the Rockingham County Teacher of the Year Award. Jodi teaches second and third grades at Cub Run Elementary School. Rebecca Drooger ‘07, Seattle, Wash., graduated from Georgetown University School of Medicine on May 20, 2012. She received the distinction of being a member of the national medical honor society, Alpha Omega Alpha. Rebecca will begin her residency program in pediatrics at Seattle Children’s Hospital this summer.

Maria Hoover ‘07, Harrisonburg, Va., resigned from her position as office coordinator for CJP in order to pursue a master’s degree in public relations and corporate communications at Georgetown University. She began the program in the fall of 2012. Ethan Horst ‘07, West Salem, Ohio, is in his final year of veterinary school at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine and is completing his senior clinical year at Ohio State University. He anticipates graduating with a doctor of veterinary medicine degree in May 2013. Nate Koser ‘07, Harrisonburg, Va., was chosen as the 2012 Rollo May scholarship winner by Saybrook University with his 25-page essay on the relationship between therapist and client. Koser stated that he wants to subvert the presumption that psychoanalysis belongs only to the white, upper-class community by making it available to those who are under-served by the health-care field. Eric Trinka ‘07, Harrisonburg, Va., is one of 24 teachers in the Rockingham County Schools system who received the Rockingham County Teacher of the Year Award. He taught eighth grade world geography at Montevideo Middle School. This was Eric’s fifth year teaching. He has since moved from the classroom to pursue a master of religion degree at EMU’s seminary. Rachel Schlegel ‘07, Hesston, Kan., is Hesston College’s new phonathon coordinator. She has also served as public information officer for the last two years and will continue in that role. Thaddeus (Thad) Hicks, MA ‘08 (conflict transformation), Marysville, Ohio, a faculty member at Ohio Christian University (OCU), was instrumental in developing and launching a new law enforcement program oriented more toward a more restorative approach to criminal justice. He attributed his accomplishments to CJP and thanked professor Howard Zehr for introducing him to “this way of doing justice work!” Kelly Smucker ‘09, Columbus, Ohio, is currently a research assistant at the James Comprehensive Cancer Center at Ohio State University. She studies chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), particularly a new therapy for CLL that has recently entered phase three of clinical trials. After graduation from EMU, she worked for two years as a research assistant in the department of microbiology at the University of Virginia and then moved to Ohio when husband, David Showalter ‘09, started a PhD program at Ohio State University. In her “spare” time, she is applying to medical school and hopes to start in the fall of 2013. Jackson Maust ‘09, Columbus, Ohio, is in his final year of graduate school at Ohio State University’s School of Health and Rehabilitation Services and will earn his doctorate in physical therapy in

Larisa Zehr ’11 works in the remote mountainous community of Berruguita, which got caught in the struggle for territory between paramilitaries and guerillas in 2000. [Photo by Emma Stahl-Wert]

2011 Graduates Serve in War-Torn Areas of Colombia Months after earning their undergraduate degrees from EMU in 2011, Jessica Sarriot, Larisa Zehr and William C. Morris headed 2,000 miles south to work alongside Colombians seeking to emerge from decades of warfare and destitution. EMU’s three graduates joined seven others for two years of service in Colombia under the SEED program of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). “These are amazing EMU graduates, doing great work,” said EMU nursing professor and chair of the MCC U.S. Board of Directors, Ann Hershberger, who visited Sarriot, Zehr and Morris in the summer of 2012. “They are accompanying churches and villages displaced by the violence of the last 10 to 12 years.” Hershberger, who has an oversight role with MCC, was in Colombia as part of an MCC study tour. The SEED participants in Colombia are expected to gain understanding of the economic, political, cultural, and religious factors feeding violence and poverty. Living among the population, they work for peace, justice, equality, and livelihoods. Sarriot, a U.S. citizen who has lived on three continents, is based in Medellin, the country’s second largest city and birthplace of the drug cartels. A peacebuilding and development major, Sarriot works with the Sanctuary Peace Church Network of Antioquia, which is comprised of 12 evangelical churches and organizations. One of them is an Anabaptist/Mennonite congregation that supports a group of war victims through communitybuilding and workshops on trauma healing. Morris, a business administration major from Charlottesville, Va., is assigned to the city of El Carmen de Bolivar, where he works for a local church and a regional food cooperative. In both cases he is helping displaced farmers organize projects related to food security and general economic development, such as a newly opened farmers’ market. He is also leading youth Bible studies with a focus on life planning and career callings. Zehr, from Pittsburgh, works in the remote mountainous community of Berruguita, which got caught in the struggle for territory between paramilitaries and guerillas in 2000. A peacebuilding and development major, she helps the community to assert its rights, helps supervise a small-loan program for local farmers, and helps supply produce to the farmers’ market that Morris helped launch. She also works with a group of local mediators who are developing another way of dealing with conflict. — Steve Shenk ’73 | crossroads | 59

May 2013. His wife, Katie Lehman ‘09 Maust, works in the Heart and Vascular Intermediate Unit at Grant Hospital as a registered nurse. Amidst their varied activities, both volunteer as EMTs for a small fire department in Columbus.

EMU students attracted lots of spectators at this basketball game in China. In the back row, from left: Tabitha Bowman, Josh Martin, Jennifer Blankenship, Julia Kern, Stefan Baughman.

Athletes Find 'Fame' on China Cross-Cultural The 14-hour flight in May 2012 from Washington D.C. to Beijing was the first time Josh Martin had ever flown. It was also the first time he’d been out of the country, and pretty much the first time he had ever really traveled at all, except for the away games that occasionally took him out of state during his four years as an infielder for the baseball team at EMU. And his arrival in the Chinese capital – home to somewhere around 20 million people who speak a language entirely foreign to his own – was the first time the Crozet, Va., native had been to a big city. After sightseeing in Beijing, Martin’s group headed west to Nanchong, populated by around 1 million. Trip leader Myrrl Byler estimates that about one-third of the last EMU group he led to China was flying for the first time. Byler, director of the Mennonite Partners in China program (a partnership between several church mission boards and Mennonite Central Committee), has led three-week cross-cultural study trips to China every May since 2004. In 2012, math professor Leah Boyer was co-leader of the trip. The curriculum includes an introduction to written and conversational Chinese, lectures on Chinese culture, tai chi classes, and a several-day homestay with a Chinese family. Valerie Burton ’10 Moore, an EMU soccer player who went on the China cross-cultural in the summer of 2010, says “they almost treated us like celebrities.” The American students’ height was often an object of great interest, as were those with blonde or red hair. EMU senior and intercollegiate basketball player Jennifer Blankenship, who went on the 2012 China cross-cultural, recalls people often asking for autographs. A basketball or volleyball game is usually on the agenda during the group’s visits to Chinese high schools and universities – often the Chinese school’s varsity team versus an ad-hoc team of cross-cultural students – as when Blankenship and a few other students played basketball against a Chinese team in Nanchong. Blankenship, Moore and Martin all say one reason they chose the China cross-cultural was because it happens during the summer, when it didn’t interfere with their sports schedules. Martin said he “definitely wants to travel abroad again.” Blankenship agreed. “I want to go back,” she says. “I have to take my future spouse. I want to share that. I can’t imagine only going that one time.” — Andrew Jenner ’04

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Jennie Preto Carr, MA ‘09 (education), Harrisonburg, Va., completed her PhD in curriculum and teaching in July 2012 from Northcentral University. She will be starting a new position as a professor at her undergrad alma mater, Bridgewater College. In addition, Jennie recently received first place in the James Madison University Economics Education Program elementary division. Conrad Gross ‘09, Washington D.C., works for Standard Solar as the operations and maintenance coordinator for solar panel installations.


Jeffrey (Jeff) Swarzendruber ‘10, Kalona, Iowa, is now in his third year of physical therapy school and performing his clinical internships at an outpatient orthopedic PT clinic in Iowa City, Iowa. Heidi Muller ‘10, Winston Salem, N.C., after a two-year stint as project and office coordinator in the marketing/communications department at EMU, began her first year at Wake Forest School of Law, a top-tier law school nestled in the Piedmont Triad. Tamara Joan Gill, MDiv ‘10, Wayland, Iowa, was ordained on October 7, 2012, at Wayland Mennonite Church in Wayland, Iowa. Vanessa Landis ‘10 Troyer, Quakertown, Pa., is a full-time student in Desales University’s master of physician assistant studies program and expects to graduate in August 2013. Michael Spory ‘11, Harrisonburg, Va., was one of 16 students nationwide accepted into the Lilly Graduate Fellows Program through Christ College, an interdisciplinary honors college at Valparaiso University. He began a dual degree master of architecture and community and regional planning program at the College of Design at Iowa State University in the fall of 2012. As a Lilly Fellow, Michael will attend four conferences over the next three years to collaborate with other fellows, senior scholars, and luminaries who integrate research, teaching, vocation, and an interest in church-related higher education. Mitchell Stutzman ‘11, Hesston, Kan., is the Kauffman Court resident director at Hesston College. Kaitlin Hershberger Heatwole ‘11 and Nathan Hershberger ‘12, Harrisonburg, Va., tied for first place in the Anabaptist Research Paper Contest sponsored by the Sider Institue of Messiah College in Grantham, Pa. Unaware the two were married, the judges sent the couple a letter that read, “We decided

to do something that we think has never been done before and may never be done again – award two first place prizes to two individuals for two very fine papers.” Sarah Schoenhals ‘12, Archbold, Ohio, is serving and connecting with youth and young adults in the Life Enrichment Church and involved in the AIDS ministry in Det Udom, Thailand, with tranSend, organized by Virginia Mennonite Missions. Brandon Habron, class of ‘12, Harrisonburg, Va., is a desk supervisor in the Rose Library at James Madison University. He helps to manage student workers and provide customer service to library patrons, providing technical, research, circulation and general library support.


Douglas (Doug) Graham, class of Sem ‘81, to Barbara Maguire Menk, May 5, 2012. Cheryl Zook ‘91 to Randall Justice, May 5, 2012. Melissa Green ‘94 to Seth Hinshaw, Forestville, Va., July 28, 2012. Rebecca (Becky) Hooley ‘99 to Timothy Z. Martin, Terre Hill, Pa., Sept. 10, 2011. Debora Good ‘02 to Russell Pyle ‘03, May 26, 2012. Emily Mullet ‘03 to Andrew Parker, Sept. 22, 2012. Laura Rosenberger ‘03 to David Mauro, May 19, 2012. Conrad Gross ‘09 to Morgan Kraybill, Oct. 6, 2012. Joel Landis ‘10 to Mikaela Handrich Bender ‘08, Aug. 11, 2012. Amy Histand ‘10 to Giles Eanes ‘11, July 16, 2011.


Steve ‘91 and Laura Moyers ‘97 Campbell, Broadway, Va., Esther Lynn, March 25, 2012.

Kristen Hoober ‘94 and Mark Leichty, Ames, Iowa, Micah, November 23, 2011. Steve Schumm ‘95 and Joni Sancken, Harrisonburg, Va., Magdalena (Maggie) Grace Sancken-Schumm, October 3, 2012. Marcelo ‘95 and Melissa Allebach Mast, Lansdale, Pa., Mikayden Michael, July 5, 2011. Kendall ‘96 and Lisa Ruth, Lititz, Pa., Logan David, July 7, 2011. Ben Rutt ‘96 and Diane Yu, Long Island City, N.Y., Jason, August 4, 2011. Hannah Miller ‘97 and Anson Miedel, Wooster, Ohio, Mary, January 27, 2011.

Your Baby Deserves an EMU T-Shirt The alumni office sends t-shirts to newborns of alumni. Just let us know about your babies at, including your baby's name and birth date. Shannon Kratz ‘97 and Jim Frederick, Telford, Pa., Rose Danica, August 22, 2011. Reggie ‘97 and April King ‘97 Beck, Wauseon, Ohio, Jamison King, March 9, 2011. Joanna Yoder ‘98 and Chad Heatwole, Pittsford, N.Y., twins David Samuel and Maria Irene, June 3, 2011. Karla Alderfer ‘98 and Brian Tierney, Bridgewater, Va., Lilah Grace, May 8, 2012. Megan Horst ‘98 and Paul McLaughlin, Portland, Ore., Kinley Reese, July 20, 2011. Alan ‘98 and Etsuko Schroeder, Tokyo, Japan, Owen Abram, May 2, 2012. Darrick ‘99 and Sheri Hummel, Berlin, Ohio, Emma, March 29, 2011. Travis ‘99 and Gina Shew ‘01 Trotter, Harrisonburg, Va., Nola Jean, July 7, 2012. Doug ‘99 and Kristina Blosser ‘98 Blyer, Harrisonburg, Va., Austin Carl, August 13, 2012. Kendra Snyder ‘00 and Kyle Miller ‘00, Salem, Ore., Anya Ruth, January 2, 2012. Mark ‘00 and Sarah Hawkins ‘02 Schoenhals, Det Udam, Thailand, Hannah Lynn, October 7, 2011. Amy Sauder ‘00 and Ted Lehman, Alexandria, Va., EmmaClaire, March 25, 2012. Zac ‘01 and Stephanie Reynolds ‘09 Nafziger, Weyers Cave, Va., Madelyn Joley, February 8, 2012. Mark ‘01 and Wendy Wenger ‘01 Hochstedler, Waynesboro, Va., Cyrus Turner, February 20, 2011. Emma Stutzman ‘01 and Matt Dawson, class of ‘01, Iowa City, Iowa, Felix Tobias, October 27, 2012. Jason ‘01 and Wendy Houser ‘02 Gerlach, Harrisonburg, Va., Willa Avery, April 23, 2012. Todd ‘01 and Julie Stoltzfus ‘00 Lehman, Hesston, Kan., Eliya Marie, May 30, 2012.

Heather Good ‘01 and Joel Nyce, Schwenksville, Pa., Mark Dalton, March 29, 2012. Aaron ‘01 and Kristen Weatherlow ‘01 Buckwalter, Lancaster, Pa., Izak Nicholas Aaron, November 1, 2011. Chip ‘01 and Martha Kratzer ‘02 Coleman, Apple Creek, Ohio, Jesse Robert, May 14, 2012. Brad ‘02 and Kristen Hoffman, Denver, Colo., Adelyn Suzanne, April 2, 2011. Erik ‘02 and Sarah Troyer ‘01 Kratz, Harrisonburg, Va., Avery Grace, October 4, 2012. Daniel ‘02 and Lynley Culbertson ‘02 Lapp, Hershey, Pa., Brontë Victoria, April 22, 2012. Nathan ‘02 and Kristen Savanick, Scottdale, Pa., Julia Ann, September 19, 2010. Kristy King ‘02 and Adam Hamilton, Olympia, Wash., Kadyn Warren HamiltonKing, August 19, 2012. Brian ‘02 and Kari Yoder ‘02 Miller, Coralville, Iowa, Sean James, July 26, 2011. Jeremy ‘02 and Laura Schwartz, class of ‘02, Goshen, Ind., Josiah Tucker Damien, August 7, 2011. Jonathan ‘02 and Christine Mellinger ‘02 Coddington, Bridgewater, Va., Emily, April 24, 2012. Christopher ‘02 and Melissa Onyango-Robshaw, Minneapolis, Minn., August Patrick, May 12, 2012. Sally Gardner ‘02 and Andrew Vogan, Dayton, Va., Rachel Anne, April 25, 2012. Theodore (Welby) ‘03 and Lisa Bergey ‘03 Lehman, Harrisonburg, Va., Grant Dean, October 10, 2011. Trinda Schlabach ‘05 and Troy Burkhalter, Broadway, Va., Eva Marie, March 19, 2012. Jason ‘05 and Bryn Mullet ‘06 Good, Harrisonburg, Va., James Nelson, July 13, 2012.

Christina and Eugene Kraybill, both enrolled in Eastern Mennonite Seminary, are chaplains at Dulles International Airport.

Seminary Couple Offer Ministry at Dulles Airport Preaching from a pulpit on Sundays is not the aspiration of seminary students Eugene and Christina Kraybill. Eugene, in fact, is often in the sky Sunday mornings, piloting his United Airlines CRJ-700 from Dulles International Airport – a job he enjoys and plans to continue indefinitely. Ministry, for him, is “not ‘a calling’; it’s life.” “We really feel called to be workplace ministers,” adds Christina, who often joins her husband on flights, along with serving on the ground at Dulles, where both are volunteer chaplains. They enrolled in Eastern Mennonite Seminary in Harrisonburg, Va., in the fall of 2010. In a Sept. 22, 2012, service at the airport, they were licensed – a step toward Virginia Mennonite Conference ordination, which they hope will occur in 2014. Eugene has flown for 25 years, the past 12 with United and affiliates. The couple have been chaplains at Dulles for four years since relocating to Virginia from Pennsylvania. They live in Berryville, 40 miles east of Dulles and 80 miles north of Harrisonburg. Prior to EMU's seminary, they trained with the Fellowship of Christian Airline Personnel. After approaching Dulles senior chaplain Ralph Benson to offer much-needed office-organizing skills, Christina became the first woman among the airport’s 15 chaplains – including Eugene, the group’s only airline employee. All chaplains, except Benson, are volunteers, including an imam and a Catholic priest. Christina’s social-work background proves helpful. “We often see passengers who have arrived and have nowhere to go,” she says – and penniless travelers who take free shuttles from D.C. to the airport. Other times, employees request prayer – including a woman anxious about her troubled teenager. Close friends the Kraybills have made among Dulles' international community include a ramper (who moves planes into position) and his wife, who are Muslims from Tunisia. At the airport chapel, where Christina conducts Bible classes, she also sometimes watches children of Muslim women while they pray. When hosting employee dinners, the Kraybills include invitations to mechanics, who previously felt excluded. Christina’s a native of Pennsylvania. Eugene was born in Vietnam to a Mennonite medical missionary family and spent some of his formative years in Ethiopia. EMS has enrolled 11 couples over the past decade, says Laura Amstutz, MDiv '06, associate director of admissions and communication coordinator for the seminary. — Chris Edwards | crossroads | 61

Mike ‘05 and Stephanie Roth ‘05 Zucconi, Harrisonburg, Va., Lillian Rae, July 15, 2012. Derrick ‘06 and Rebekah Good ‘07 Charles, Harrisonburg, Va., Silas Good, September 1, 2012. Elizabeth (Beth) Risser ‘06 and Jason Barthlow, Greencastle, Pa., Lilian Amanda, April 24, 2012. Jennifer (Jenny) Horst ‘07 and Craig Strasbaugh, Orrville, Ohio, Marita, May 19, 2012. Esther Harder '03 at the front of her classroom of girls

She Teaches in Rwanda

Esther Harder ’03 heads the English department at Gashora Girls Academy of Science and Technology in Rwanda. “This model school for girls is intent on promoting the future generation of female doctors, engineers, IT specialists and leaders both in Rwanda and beyond,” writes Harder. Harder's specific role is to boost the students' English fluency level in an environment where students tend to have greater facility with Kinyarwanda and French. Harder also has responsibilities as an advisor for a dozen girls and as a soccer coach for about 30 others. Harder had previous international experience with Mennonite Central Committee in Uganda (2003-2008) and on EMU's cross-cultural to France and the Ivory Coast (2001).

Recommended Reading: Gather at the Table

Authors Sharon Leslie Morgan and Tom DeWolf launched their pathbreaking book, Gather at the Table (Beacon Press), on Oct. 9, 2012, at a forum at EMU. Before a receptive audience in Martin Chapel, Morgan and DeWolf displayed the fiestiness, humor, courage and hard-won trust that enabled them to journey together through 27 states over three years, visiting ancestral grounds, courthouses, plantations, and civil rights sites, and then write about their discoveries. Morgan is a black woman from Chicago's South Side, a descendant of slaves on both sides of her family. She speaks of an abiding fear of white people. DeWolf is a white man from rural Oregon, a descendant of a slave-trading dynasty. They met at Coming to the Table, a program launched by EMU's Center for Justice and Peacebuilding in 2006 with the hope of bringing together descendants of slaveholders and enslaved people to explore history, uncover truths, build relationships, promote healing, and inspire action for a more just society. The authors are dedicating part of the book's royalties to the justice and peacebuilding work of EMU. Nobel Peace Laureate Leymah Gbowee called the book "an honest exploration into the deep social wounds left by racism, violence and injustice, as the authors work through their own prejudices in search of reconciliation – and ultimately find friendship." Peace expert John Paul Lederach wrote: "I could not put this book down." — Bonnie Price Lofton, MA '04

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Timothy ‘07 and Cheryl Heatwole ‘07 Shenk, Camden, N.J., Matteo Justus, October 24, 2011. Kendal ‘07 and Kelsey Wyse ‘07 Swartzentruber, Harrisonburg, Va., Karcyn, January 5, 2012. Katie Moyer ‘07 and Wendell Gehman, Coopersburg, Pa., Luella Sharon, February 20, 2012. Joy Zimmerman ‘07 and Tom Haller, Denver, Pa., David Roy, July 23, 2012. Anna Katherine (Kate) Cockley ‘07 and Nate Clark, Harrisonburg, Va., Emelia Deitra, September 18, 2012. Curtis ‘07 and Amanda Lanette Yoder ‘09, McVeytown, Pa., Dalton Alan, February 14, 2012. Ethan ‘10 and Melissa Fletcher ‘08 Zook, Harrisonburg, Va., Elijah James, May 31, 2012. Raad, MA ’11 (conflict transformation), and Lauren Amer, Harrisonburg, Va., Jenna Lee, May 9, 2012. Matthew (recycling crew leader) and Rachel Freed, Harrisonburg, Va., Sonya Jpusa, July 10, 2012. James (sports information director) and Sarah De Boer, Bridgewater, Va., twins Isaac James and Harper, June 7, 2012. Wendy (instructor of nursing) and Jeff Carr, Bridgewater, Va., Nathaniel Campbell, Sept. 14, 2012.


Harold ‘61 and Esther Kraybill ‘60, Lebanon, Pa., celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on July 28, 2012. Abner ‘62 and Virginia ‘62 (Glass) Schlabach, South Royalton, Vt., celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 16 and August 4, 2012.


A. Grace Wenger, Lititz, Pa., a former member of the EMU Board of Trustees, died on September 5, 2012, at age 93. Known to many as a beloved “aunt,” friend, teacher, historian, and strong woman of faith, she was an active member of Groffdale Mennonite Church and authored several histories, including those of Landis Homes Retirement Community and Eastern Mennonite Missions. Furthering her love of service, Grace

founded Tabor Community Services in 1968 to engage with the housing and financial problems faced by Lancaster County residents and, in the summer of 1981, taught at what is now the Northeastern University in Shenyang, China. She retired from Millersville University in 1979, a teacher of 39 years. Her vast educational experience includes a bachelor’s degree from Elizabethtown College, a master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and additional graduate work at Temple University and the University of Delaware. Grace Metzler ‘38 Stauffer, Lititz, Pa., a former Eastern Mennonite Missions (EMM) worker in Tanzania, died March 22, 2012, at age 97. In 1946, Grace responded to a call from EMM to serve and lead in Tanganyika, present-day Tanzania. While there, she founded the Hilltop School for missionary children and became affectionately known to all her students as “Aunt Grace.” Upon retirement, Grace worked in a varitey of roles, including wife, mother and bookshop manager. After the death of her husband, Elam Stauffer, in 1981, she remained the strong, supportive center and matriarch to her family. She moved to Landis Homes in 1983, where she lived until her death. Richard L. Pellman ‘39, Lititz, Pa., died May 29, 2012, at age 90. Richard spent more than 50 years at Turkey Hill Dairy where he was sales manager. Among the first retail route drivers, beginning in 1950, he took on increasing leadership responsibiliites as the company grew. After retiring in 1994, Richard continued part time with the business, serving as liaison between the dairy and markets. He was an active member of Rossmere Mennonite Church in Lancaster, where he served as a beloved Sunday School teacher and churchwide leader. He served on the boards of Eastern Mennonite Missions and Choice Books. Christian D. Kennel, class of ‘40, Lititz, Pa., died Aug. 1, 2012, at age 92. A contractor by trade, Christian owned C. D. Kennel Builder of Parkesburg, later known as LanChester Contruction, for 42 years. Additionally, he worked at Paul Risk Associates in Quarryville, Pa. Christian was an active member of the Parkesburg Mennonite Church, where he served both as a Sunday School teacher and the Sunday School superintendent. Irene Gingerich ‘46 Moshier, Lowville, N.Y., died Aug. 4, 2012, at age 93. She married Norman Moshier in 1945, who owned and operated a dairy farm in New Bremen, N.Y., until his death in 1954. Afterward, Irene was employed with Lowville Academy, working both in the cafeteria and as a bus driver for 14 years. Irene worked at Kraft Foods in Lowville for 10 years before retiring in 1982. She was a member of Lowville Mennonite Church and participated in a number of activities, including the sewing circle, traveling, and gardening.

Dorcas Swartzentruber (class of ‘47) Miller, Greenwood, Del., died Aug. 7, 2012, at age 86. A gifted writer and homemaker, she was the editor of the Sisters’ Page of the Brotherhood Beacon and operated the Bible Book and Gift Nook out of her home for many years. Dorcas touched a multitude of lives and will forever be missed. She is survived by her nine children, 26 grandchildren, 22 great-grand children, and one greatgreat-grand child. Richard O. Martin, class of ‘52, Harrisonburg, Va., died Jan. 16, 2012, at age 81. Living in West Liberty, Ohio, for many years, he was employed as district manager for DeKalb Seed Corn. Additonally, he served as head of the school board at West Liberty Salem School, Little League Baseball Commissioner, and head coach for the local men’s fast pitch team. In Harrisonburg, he was an active member of Park View Mennonite Church. Sara M. Garber, class of ‘56, died at Lancaster General Hospital on April 22, 2011, at age 79. Sara worked for the former Farmers First Bank in Elizabethtown, Pa., retiring in 1991, after more than 25 years of service. She was a member of Elizabethtown Brethren in Christ Church, where she sang in the choir. Daniel Miller Jr. ‘59, Boerne, Tex., passed away unexpectedly June 9, 2012, at age 77. A beloved husband, father, friend, and spiritual mentor, Daniel let no one lack for anything. He provided his famous barbeque for those in need of food, drink for those who were thirsty, and an understanding ear for those in need of counsel. He was a teacher by calling as well as profession – modeling how to live a life of compassion – teaching a cumulative 33 years. Dan was buried near his childhood home in Kalona, Iowa, at Upper Deer Creek Cemetery. Beula M. Peele ‘65, Broadway, Va., died from Parkinson’s on Sept. 25, 2012, at age 73. She obtained a master of science degree in education from Old Dominion College in Norfolk, Va., and a master of social work degree from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. Throughout her lifetime, she spanned both fields, teaching children and adults alike, serving as a counselor in several mental health settings, and adopting both healthy infants and special needs children. During the later part of her life, Beula dedicated herself to Parkinson’s research at the University of Virginia as a subject for deep brain stimulation. She appreciated the value of research and wanted to help improve the quality of life for future Parkinson’s patients. Sarah Alderfer Weaver, died Oct. 10, 2012, at age 78, after a short illness. She was a faithful member of Lindale Mennonite Church, where she had been WMSC secretary, Sunday School teacher, and Bible School teacher. For 25 years, Sarah worked as the receptionist in the information office at EMU and teamed

with her husband, Samuel (Sam) Weaver ‘66, as the “grace side of their ministry” with Eastern Mennonite High School, Virginia Mennonite Conference, EMU, and Northern District Mennonite Churches. She was deeply committed to living her faith at home, in her community, and at church, a trait that radiated from her in everything she did. Dorcas Steffen ‘67 Hanbury, Chesapeake, Va., died on Oct. 25, 2012, at age 68 after a long fight with cancer. She taught home economics and culinary arts at Great Bridge High School for many years, receiving the Teacher of the Year award in 2000. An avid quilter, Dorcas loved quilting for family and friends and actively particpated in the Mt. Pleasant Mennonite Church sewing circle and Tidewater Quilters’ Guild. In the years before her death, she prepared and delivered meals to cancer patients at Cancer Specialists each month. Javier Mario Garcia ‘02, Albuquerque, N.M., died in an accident on Oct. 8, 2012, at age 32. He had been riding his bicycle just before 10 p.m., when he struck an inconspicuously-parked vehicle hard enough that he could not be saved by several people nearby. Javier was a registered nurse and spent the last four years working at the Heart Hospital ICU. He had recently accepted a position at the University of New Mexico Hospital Trauma Surgical Burn Unit. He was known as a compassionate man who loved cycling and made friends feel like family. Described by people who knew him best as facing the world with a fearless vision and a pure and utter joy of life, Javier inspired everyone with whom he came in contact. Family and friends scattered his ashes along the Coyote Trail in the East Mountains, where he often biked. Correction: In tw0 references to Albert Keim '63 in the summer 2012 issue of Crossroads, he was mis-identified as "dean of students" from 1977 to 1984. He was the "dean," in charge of faculty and academics. Degree Key CLASS OF - attended as part of the class of a given graduation year. HS - high school degree from era when high school and college were one MA - master of arts MDiv - master of divinity SEM - attended the seminary

Mileposts is compiled by Braydon Hoover '11, who may be reached at or at 540-432-4294. send news directly to braydon or to

These signs by two Mennonite families went viral, attracting 16,000 "likes."

Mennonite Alumni Show Path to Peaceful Elections Four EMU alumni, with three alumni of sister college Goshen, modeled peacemaker responses to the divisiveness of the campaigns leading up to Election Day on Nov. 6, 2012. Amazingly, perhaps miraculously, the efforts of these alumni attracted national attention. Their actions took two forms: (1) a call for an election-day communion and (2) public displays of friendship despite voting for opposing slates. In the first instance, Mennonite pastor Mark Schloneger, a graduate of Goshen who has an MDiv ’05 from EMU, wrote a CNN blog explaining the call for an election-day communion. By the day of the election, his words had attracted nearly 3,500 comments, 4,400 Facebook “likes” and 300 tweets. In response, more than 800 congregations (representing a variety of denominations), schools, and groups in all 50 states and Washington D.C. declared that they would hold an election-day communion. “The purpose of Election Day Communion is to build our unity in and allegiance to Christ in the midst of theological, political, and denominational differences,” wrote Schloneger, a pastor at North Goshen Mennonite Church in Goshen, Ind., before the election. “The Bible is full of teachings and examples of how we as the church, the body of Christ, are called to work together, in spite of our differences,” said Kevin Gasser, MDiv ’08, pastor of the Staunton (Va.) Mennonite Church, who worked with Schloneger on the project.

Signs of Friendship

As an example of witnessing to a better way, two neighboring Mennonite families in Harrisonburg, each containing two children who socialize with each other, chose to temper the opposing political placards in their front yards, with additional signs pointing to each other, reading: “And we’re STILL friends.” A composite photo of the signs in their yards went viral. On the Facebook page of the nonprofit group The Other 98%, the photo garnered 16,068 “likes” and 7,434 “shares.” One of the sign-owners, Mark Metzler Sawin, a Goshen grad who teaches at EMU, heard that a friend in Croatia had received emailed copies of the Facebook photo from people living in Australia and in Bosnia. Metzler Sawin lives in the “blue” pro-Obama house with his wife Erika, a Goshen grad who teaches nursing at James Madison University, and their children, Cora, 12, and Isaac, 10. In the “red” pro-Romney house are Kim Bollinger ’91, director of the childcare center at a local Mennonite church, her accountant-husband Ed ’91, and their children Watt, 13, and Madalyn, 10. — Bonnie Price Lofton, MA '04 | crossroads | 63

photo by Travis Duerkson EMU offers students the opportunity of cadaver dissection, a rare offering at the undergraduate level. Students who take advantage of this opportunity find themselves ahead of many of their peers as they move into graduate programs. From left, Rachel Breeden, Valerie Metzler, Evan Yoder, Erika Babikow.

Heath Science Students Gain Major Advantage With Cadaver Dissection EMU IS A STANDOUT in the United States in offering undergraduate students the opportunity to dissect human cadavers. There are various reasons for the rarity of cadaver dissection by undergraduate institutions, including class size, expense, tradition, and the specialized oversight necessary for hazardous materials, according to EMU biology professor Greta Ann Herin, PhD. Upon entering medical school at the University of Maryland, Jason Hostetter ’07 found that “a lot of my classmates were coming from very prestigious schools . . . and they were surprised that I’d actually gotten to spend a whole semester dissecting a cadaver. It’s just not something that’s available most places.” Hostetter is now a general medicine intern at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, Md., with the goal of being a radiologist. EMU has offered its students the opportunity to dissect cadavers since at least the mid-‘70s, says biology professor Dr. Roman Miller. “At EMU we had as good, if not better, hands-on experience than in grad school,” said Jackson Maust ’09, now in his final year of physical therapy school at Ohio State University. “Compared to the rest of my classmates in PT school, I

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was really, really comfortable just stepping in.” Dr. Richard Krieg, director of the first-year gross and developmental anatomy course at the Medical College of Virginia, said only a few of his program’s 200 incoming first-year medical students have dissected cadavers as undergrads. At Eastern Virginia Medical School, Dr. Craig Goodmurphy, director of the human anatomy program, guessed that about 20 percent of the 235 students entering the school’s medical and physician’s assistant programs have worked with cadavers. Most of them, however, have been limited to cadaver “prosection” – either observing a dissection in process or studying an already-dissected cadaver. Fewer than 5 percent of incoming students have actually participated in a dissection, he said. In EMU’s undergraduate course, students work in groups of four or five per cadaver. That group size is smaller, Herin said, than in classes at some medical schools. Herin’s laboratory co-instructor John Spicher is board-certified by the American Society of Safety Engineers, ensuring proper handling of hazardous materials. Herin, Spicher and their departmental colleagues allow no dissection before careful reflection is done by all concerned on the dignity of the cadaver and the gratitude that should be felt to the deceased for the gift of enabling a dissection. “The quality of our [EMU's] professors is really unlike anything you get at a larger school,” said Maust. “We learn from really high-quality faculty.” — Andrew Jenner ’04


Yielding Immediate Benefits

Kenton and Shirley Brubaker are receiving a guaranteed life income as a result of having a charitable gift annuity with Eastern Mennonite University.

"We both feel our gift annuity is an excellent way to express our appreciation to EMU for giving us a great education and a satisfying place of employment. We like being loyal supporters of our alma mater." Kenton is a 1954 graduate of EMU, who went on to get his master's and doctorate and to be a beloved biology professor at EMU, where he nurtured studies of the environment. SAMPLE ANNUITY RATES FOR ONE BENEFICIARY (Rates at other ages available upon request.) Age 60=4.4% Age 80=6.8%

Age 70=5.1% Age 90+=9.0%

Rates are subject to change. Please contact us for the most current rates. Annuities are also available for two beneficiaries.

Shirley graduated with an English degree in 1966, taught English at Western Mennonite School for 20 years, worked in the advancement division of EMU, and finally became a pastor. After earning an MDiv at Eastern Mennonite Seminary in 2009, she became the first female moderator of Virginia Mennonite Conference. In addition to their gift annuity, the Brubakers have shown their support of EMU as members of Jubilee Friends, donors who have included EMU in their estate plans.



please use the following language: “To Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Va., I give __________% of my estate.” Or feel free to specify a fixed dollar amount.

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spring 2011

emu... preparing students to serve and lead globally | crossroads | 1

vol. 91, No. 3

summer 2011

emu... preparing students to serve and lead globally | crossroads | 1

vol. 92, No. 1

The SPRING 2013 issue of Crossroads will focus on alumni who are in “numbers-centered” occupations. (Well, to be honest, we are not interested in reporting on gamblers, but with that one exception . . . .) If you are a chief financial officer, accountant, auditor, cost estimator, actuary, financial analyst or planner, bank official, controller, bookkeeper, stock broker, teacher of mathematics, or otherwise engaged with numbers for much of your workday, we want to hear from you! Please provide updates to us at: Alternatively, email messages to the editor at:

Or send information to the address listed in the Crossroads mailing box on this page.

66 | crossroads | fall/winter 2012-13

fall/winter 2009-10

emu... preparing students to serve and lead globally | crossroads | 1

vol. 90, No. 2

We would like to receive information intended for this “number-cruncher” issue by Jan. 16, 2013. (If you miss this deadline, send us your info anyway, and we will try to include it if received before Valentine's Day, Feb. 14.)

LOOKING AHEAD . . . THE HEALTH SCIENCES! The SUMMER 2013 issue of Crossroads will be on alumni in the health sciences. If you work in this field – and if our alumni office lacks current information on your role – please send an update to EMU by communicating with Crossroads, as listed at left.

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