Crossroads Fall/Winter 2013-14 - Alumni Magazine of Eastern Mennonite University

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fall/winter 2013-14

emu... preparing students to serve and lead globally | crossroads | 1

vol. 94, No. 2


fall/winter 2013-14, Vol. 94, No. 2

A leader among faith-based universities, Eastern Mennonite University emphasizes peacebuilding, creation care, experiential learning, and cross-cultural engagement. Founded in 1917 in Harrisonburg, Virginia, EMU offers undergraduate, graduate, and seminary degrees that prepare students to serve and lead in a global context. EMU's mission statement is posted in its entirety at Board of Trustees: Andrew Dula, chair, Lancaster, Pa.; Wilma Bailey, Indianapolis, Ind.; Evon Bergey, Perkasie, Pa.; Myron Blosser, Harrisonburg, Va.; John Bomberger, Harrisonburg, Va.; Herman Bontrager, Akron, Pa.; Shana Peachey Boshart, Wellman, Iowa; Randall Bowman, Archbold, Ohio; Janet Breneman, Lancaster, Pa.; Gerald R. Horst, New Holland, Pa.; Charlotte Hunsberger, Souderton, Pa.; Clyde Kratz, Harrisonburg, Va.; Kevin Longenecker, Harrisonburg, Va.; Kathleen (Kay) Nussbaum, Grant, Minn.; Dannie Otto, Urbana, Ill.; Amy Rush, Harrisonburg, Va.; Jeffrey A. Shank, Sarasota, Fla.; Robert Steury, Goshen, Ind.; Anne Kaufman Weaver, Brownstown, Pa. Associate trustees: Jonathan Bowman, Manheim, Pa.; David Hersh, Line Lexington, Pa.; Chad Lacher, Souderton, Pa.; E. Thomas Murphy, Jr., Harrisonburg, Va.; Mark Prock, Virginia Beach, Va.; Judith Trumbo, Broadway, Va. Loren Swartzendruber, president; Fred Kniss, provost; Kirk Shisler, vice president for advancement; Andrea Wenger, marketing and communications director. Bonnie Price Lofton Editor-in-chief

Jon Styer Designer/photographer

Braydon P. Hoover Mileposts editor

Mike Zucconi Info/social media officer

Marcy Gineris Web content manager

Ricardo Fearing Web designer

Lindsey Kolb Photographer/proofreader

Carol Lown Mailing list manager

Jessica Hostetler Project & office coordinator/ proofreader All EMU personnel can be reached during regular work hours by calling 540-432-4000, or via contact details posted on the university website, Cover: Simin Wahdat, 31, is the fourth Afghan woman to enroll as a graduate student in EMU’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (CJP). All of them are working to ensure that their homeland moves toward gender equality, maintaining the progress made thus far and building upon it. See story on page 8. Photo by Jon Styer, taken in the setting sun at the summit of the hill on the western edge of EMU. POSTMASTER: Submit address changes to: Crossroads Eastern Mennonite University 1200 Park Road Harrisonburg VA 22802

Cert no. SW-COC-001635

‘Courage is not the absence of fear’ I recently read Mandela’s Way by Richard Stengel and was impressed again by the legacy of Nelson Mandela, who impacted not only South Africa but the whole world. The first of “15 lessons” from Mandela’s leadership principles outlined by Stengel is, “Courage is not the absence of fear.” Mandela had plenty of reasons to be afraid on many levels, but it did not paralyze him from taking actions he thought were imperative. Among the many reasons I read widely is to remind myself that the challenges we face in our daily institutional and personal lives must be located in the context of much larger issues that impact millions of the world’s citizens, most of whom face life with far fewer resources than we have available. We have succeeded in securing funding Loren Swartzendruber '76, MDiv '79, DMin. for phase I of the Suter Science Center renovations [further described on pages 20 and 21 of this issue], which are scheduled to begin after the April commencement weekend. I am deeply grateful to the many alumni, students and friends of EMU who have contributed money and made pledges totaling more than $7 million for the project. I am so grateful for a strong cadre of EMU alumni, donors, and friends who embody our commitment to prepare those who will serve and lead in a global context. With your faithful prayer and financial support we attempt to lead the institution with another of Mandela’s principles, “It’s a long game.” Most of what is accomplished through this vision, with your wonderful support, will bear fruit for many years to come.

Loren Swartzendruber President

photo by jon styer

Crossroads (USPS 174-860) is published three times a year by Eastern Mennonite University for distribution to 14,000 alumni, students, parents and friends.


Homecoming 2013


Simin Wahdat


Love, Compassion, and the UN


Sam Doe’s Amazing Journey


Crossing the $7 Million Threshold


Ready, Willing and Able


Honor Roll of Donors


Mileposts and the Class of '62

Browse our 19 photos that show alumni, friends and parents gathering on campus for Homecoming.


In this Issue

This Afghan graduate student has gone from enduring bombings to meeting Laura Bush in Washington D.C.

Doug Hostetter '66 has traversed the world to present alternatives to war; he's now at the United Nations.








Once a starving student hiding from Liberian fighters, now an influential policy advisor at UN headquarters.

Donors have made it possible to renovate the lab section of the Suter Science Center. Next up?

Meet President Swartzendruber’s cabinet, comprised of two women and seven men who manage EMU.

Senior Blake Rogers says thanks so well, we've printed the short speech he gave to donors in October.

Check on the life journeys, callings and accomplishments of alumni, including the class of '62. | crossroads | 1

homecoming 2013 Plan on being at the next Homecoming and Family Weekend, Oct. 10-12, 2014!

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photo by jon styer


The Sunday morning Homecoming worship service always attracts a crowd. | crossroads | 3

photo by Anne diller photo by meredith wilson

photo by jon styer

Women's soccer team celebrated after scoring a goal against Sweet Briar College.

Sharing laughs more than a half century after graduation.

Shirley Showalter (right) at the book-signing for her memoir

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photo by lindsey kolb

photo by lindsey kolb

The president with three alumni inducted into the Athletics Hall of Honor

Friends reunited at the 2008 class reunion.

photo by jon styer

photo by jon styer


photo by jon styer

Chamber Singers at the Homecoming worship service

photo by meredith wilson

Tim Leaman '93, MD, was named Alum of the Year.

Field hockey took the field against Sweet Briar.

Taking a break during the festive gathering | crossroads | 5

photo by jon styer The communion table featured grapes and homemade bread.

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photo by jon styer

Members of the class of 2008 reconnected. photo by jon styer

The men's soccer team played Hampden-Sydney.

photo by lindsey kolb

photo by lindsey kolb

Family members flanked Ezra T. Peachey '54 (Seminary '56) – center – who received the Distinguished Service Award. His wife Nannie was at his side.

Impromptu reunions occurred near the Campus Center registration table.

photo by lindsey kolb


photo by jon styer

photo by Anne diller

An enthusiastic "festive gathering" was held mid-morning on Saturday in the main floor lobby of the Campus Center after rain forced a change from the usual outdoor setting.

photo by jon styer

Artwork by alumni, "The Return," filled the Margaret Gehman Gallery.

The Walking Roots Band performed at the opening program.

The first-ever Outstanding Young Alum Award went to Isabel Castillo '07. | crossroads | 7

SIMIN WAHDAT From enduring bombs in search of food in Kabul to joining Laura Bush in D.C.

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photo by jon styer

Simin feels a keen urgency to preserve the advances Afghan women have made in recent years. | crossroads | 9


FOR THE FIRST EIGHT YEARS OF HER LIFE, Simin Wahdat, 31, was oblivious to the deep fault lines of history that ran through her childhood city of Kabul, Afghanistan. Kabul, praised in the ancient sacred texts of the Rigveda as “a vision of paradise set in the mountains.” On the Silk Road linking east and west from time beyond counting. Alexander the Great marched through its valley. With exotic names to rival the best from the imagination of J.R.R. Tolkien, a rolling list of empires would claim this city by conquest. Simin’s early childhood in the capital city was normal and peaceful. Her father holds a master's degree, is proficient in five languages and could comfortably support his family of seven children: five girls and two boys. Simin is the third child, with an older sister and brother. Then in 1992 war came to her neighborhood. And the worst kind of war, civil war. Once again the wheel of history turned. This time it was the end of Soviet occupation, rise of the Mujahideen and the clash of vying warlords armed by the United States, Pakistan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. News from outlying provinces and the countryside where her family had ancestral roots (the predominately Tajik city of Herat near the border with Iran)

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was slow to arrive in Kabul. And when it did, it arrived with the force of a sledgehammer. Three of her mother’s brothers and a number of cousins had died in the conflict. “This was so traumatic for my mother. She would have bouts where she passed out unconscious on the floor. Us children would gather around her and

neighborhood was dark; the main sounds were the wails and cries of the wounded or those in mourning.” The soul-numbing trauma of war can turn neighbors into macabre spectators. “Bread was so scarce. Bakeries were only open sporadically. Lines would begin forming outside their doors sometimes as early as 2 or 3 in the morning. The closer to the front of the line, the greater your chance of getting bread when the doors briefly opened,” Simin explained. “One morning my sister and I were waiting in line and a rocket explosion hit close by, killing and wounding a number of people. Not one person left their place in line to help. To get bread for their family was more important.” The fighting intensified. Her family’s safety became more precarious, especially with five daughters. In 1995 her father and an uncle decided to join another uncle who had already fled across the border into Pakistan, to the city of Quetta, 150 miles southeast of Kandahar. Simin was 12 when the two cry. We didn’t know how to comfort her,” families made the dangerous journey Simin said in an interview with Crosssouth, 450 miles by bus. They left in roads in mid-December 2013. the morning darkness. “On the journey “To avoid the explosions of shells and I remember looking back and seeing a bombs, we retreated for weeks to the number of explosions hit where we had basement of our home. During lulls in just passed. My youngest sister was very the fighting, we would venture upstairs sick. We thought we would lose her. It to get water or use the bathroom. The was dark when we finally arrived at the

“In my country as a woman, every day when you wake up, every minute, every second, is a struggle to overcome a thousand different obstacles.”


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border crossing. The gate was closed and thousands of us waited that night for the border to reopen.” Their first day in Pakistan as refugees began with a morning run, almost a stampede, through the border crossing. Their first urgent task was finding medical help for her sister and mother. Then began settling into Quetta, the city that would be their home for the next 11 years. “We arrived with almost nothing, except the university education of my father. Many times he told us, ‘Education is the only property you can keep with you forever. You can lose your home, your land, your job, but not your education.’” Simin and her sisters had no formal schooling during their sojourn in Pakistan. Her father’s English-teaching jobs provided just enough for rent and food, not enough for school fees for all his children, even if it had been safe for the Afghan refugee girls to attend a Pakistani school. “There was barely enough to send my oldest brother to school. He would return and teach his younger sisters and brothers. And after his long day at work, my father would also teach our lessons, English, math, the other school subjects.”1 Their education leaped forward when 1 Save the Children in Quetta eventually hired Simin's father as regional supervisor of refugee schools. By the mid-2000s, the UN was employing him to assist with democratic elections in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

the family was able to scrape together enough money to buy a rudimentary computer. “That opened so many doors for us. My older brother would bring back what he learned at the local computer center, and teach the rest of us.” By age 14, Simin was proficient in three languages: her native Dari (Per-

“I love the educational model of the CJP classes; they’re practice-based, not just academic theory.” sian), Pashto, and English. So proficient, in fact, that when a translator position opened to work with an aid organization serving refugee women, she applied and was hired, despite her youth. “I was exposed to extreme hardship and suffering in my Afghan community, as we made our rounds through the refugee camps. I thought my family had it bad; this was much worse. Every family was

dealing with something serious – a dying child, news from home of recent deaths, sickness or malnutrition – trauma on a scale I couldn’t imagine. The experience completely changed my life.” Rather than hardening her, Simin’s exposure to trauma emboldened her and focused her life’s work. Upon returning to Kabul in 2005, she enrolled in evening high school classes and worked during the day. In one of those encounters that mark turning points in a person’s journey, Simin served as an interpreter for Athena Katsaros, a consultant for the organization Business for Peace.2 Impressed by Simin’s intelligence, determination and passion to make a positive difference in a new Afghanistan, Katsaros introduced her to Bucknell University. The Pennsylvania school offered her a four-year, full-ride scholarship. There Simin double-majored in international relations, plus women and gender studies. “Coming to this country to attend college, this was my discovery journey. I am so grateful for the gift of an education.” Each summer during her undergraduate studies, Simin returned to Kabul. Struck by the contrast between the two cultures, especially in 2 Athena Katsaros is co-founder and board member of Open A Door Foundation, which helps young women from post-conflict countries to obtain college educations in the United States. | crossroads | 11

everyday ways a young woman can live her life, she threw herself into women’s projects and worked for organizations that promoted change. “In my country as a woman, every day when you wake up, every minute, every second, is a struggle to overcome a thousand different obstacles. So many remnants of the old Afghanistan have to change.” Always seeking to increase her effectiveness as a change agent, Simin began researching master's programs that would equip her with practical tools and skills for the two foci of her work – increasing the role of women in Afghan civil society and addressing the deep psychological wounds that three decades of warfare have inflicted on everyone. projects,” grassroots initiatives to address That search opened a conversation the massive damage done to the nation’s with her cousin, Farishta Sakhi, a 2010 collective psyche. graduate of EMU’s Center for Justice Her classes in EMU’s master's proand Peacebuilding. “She told me EMU’s gram have given Simin the confidence program was well-respected around the to share her ideas on a larger stage. “In world for its practical training programs.” a policy class, we discussed the role of With the help of several scholarships, Siadvocacy groups, effective ways to push min was able to begin her master's studfor change, and professional ways to ies in 2012. “I love the educational model influence policy makers.” of the classes; they’re practice-based, not Those skills, plus her compelling life just academic theory.” story, were spotlighted on Nov. 15, 2013, Of particular interest to Simin was when Simin was invited to participate in trauma training offered through STAR a panel discussion in Washington D.C. (Strategies for Trauma Awareness and She seized the opportunity to influResilience). “This was something I really ence policy, gathered the concerns and needed as a person who has experienced priorities of her Afghan associates, and trauma. The class also gave me the tools prepared a one-page position paper advoto go back to Afghanistan and work cating a greater role for Afghan women with communities who have experienced in civil society. Her paper ended up in trauma. Just having a safe space to talk the hands of former first lady Laura Bush about the wounds of war would be a giprior to the one-day event, “Advancing ant step forward for my country.” Afghan Women: Promoting Peace and In a 2013 class paper, Simin identified Progress in Afghanistan.” a piece missing from high-level discusOn her big day in November, Sisions and decisions about Afghanistan’s min attended the morning session at future – the foundational work of Georgetown University where the former healing the psychological wounds that and current secretaries of state, Hillary three decades of war have inflicted on all Clinton and John Kerry, were featured levels of Afghan society. “We don’t talk speakers. about it. There’s a stigma associated with The afternoon venue moved to the naming and working to overcome the World Affairs Council where Laura Bush debilitating effects of trauma.” spoke, followed by a panel discussion. “How can those who have never known “I was surprised and somewhat intimipeace create it?” – that’s how she posed dated when I learned that I was the only the dilemma in her paper. She proposed Afghan woman on the panel,” Simin a significant investment in “psychosocial recalled. “I had assumed there would be

She wants Afghanistan's decision-makers to address the psychological wounds sustained from three decades of war.

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others. The audience asked many questions about my country, and specifically about the role of women. Some questions were beyond my expertise to answer, and I just had to decline to answer.” She considered the experience good training for the main event – her spring semester practicum as an intern in the congressional office of Rep. Betty McCollum (D-Minn.). Simin feels a keen urgency to preserve the advances Afghan women have made in recent years. The Afghan national elections of 2014 hold both promise and peril – promise, that women will participate fully in the electoral process as voters and candidates; peril, that forces of traditional tribalism will once again trample on the rights and safety of Afghan women. The work of her practicum will be lobbying U.S. lawmakers to endorse an open letter supporting the gains of the last 10 years. Knowing they are not alone, that they have American and international support, will give Afghan women the courage to fully participate in this year’s election and build upon their hardwon gains. “In many ways we are haunted by the memory of past government changes where the first official action, even before addressing the urgent issues of governing, would be to clamp down on the behavior of women, restricting them to their homes, removing them from the public sphere,” said Simin. “This election year we can’t let that memory paralyze us.” She recalled longingly the stories of her father’s younger years, during the more relaxed and open times of the 1960s to mid-70s. At the universities, women had full access to an education and advanced to professional positions in society. Until she came to the United States for college, she could not imagine such a world. Simin lives with the hope that better days are ahead for Afghanistan. “That is where I will return to serve. Sometimes I feel, with all my years studying here in this country, that I don’t have a place. But I have a huge passion. I am in a position to help, and this gives me much happiness.” — Paul Souder, class of '79

photo courtesy suraya sadeed Suraya Sadeed, MA ’12 (conflict transformation), the founder and executive director of Help the Afghan Children, was a guest of First Lady Laura Bush at the White House in 2005, returning in 2006 as a participant at an event hosted by both Laura and George Bush.

Ten CJP-Educated Afghan Peacebuilders Simin Wahdat is the tenth Afghan-born person – four being women – to enroll as a graduate student in EMU’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (CJP). Five of these 10 Afghans belong to an extended family that believes strongly in education and public service, for both women and men. Simin is the cousin of two sisters who have earned master’s degrees through CJP: Nilofar Sakhi, MA ’07, and Farishta Sakhi, MA ’10. They are married, respectively, to Farshid Hakimyar, who attended the 2007 Summer Peacebuilding Institute and then returned to complete a master’s degree (projected graduation date of fall 2014), and Ramin Nouroozi, MA ’10, now working in Afghanistan on a Habitat program.* Simin, Nilofar and Farishta have all been involved with civil society organizations that support equal rights for women. Nilofar, for example, founded and directed for years the Women’s Activities and Social Services Association of Afghanistan, before coming to EMU. Farishta succeeded Nilofar at the helm of this organization, but now works in Afghanistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The fourth Afghan-born woman, Suraya Sadeed, MA '12, was well-known before she chose to complete a master’s degree through CJP. In 2005, she was honored by Laura Bush at the White House (returning in 2006) and invited to the Oprah show for the second time (garnering Oprah funds for opening seven schools in Afghanistan). She has been * Four other Afghan male graduates from this era (mid- to late 2000s) are Saeed Murad Rahi, MA '07; Parwiz Hakim, MA '08; Abdul Latif Salem, MA '09; and Hamid Arsalan, MA '10. Collectively, they have extensive experience with refugee assistance and rule-of-law initiatives (including elections and good governance) in Afghanistan.

featured in Reader's Digest, People magazine and the Los Angeles Times magazine. In print and online, EMU has documented her 20 years of efforts to build schools, supply relief to refugees, and advocate for the well-being of all of Afghanistan’s children, but particularly for girls. (Check these stories out online by typing “Peacebuilder Sadeed” in a search engine.) Sadeed’s 2011 book, Forbidden Lessons in a Kabul Guesthouse, is highly recommended for both its readability and content by Doug Hostetter ’66, director of Mennonite Central Committee’s United Nations Office. “She’s a saint in my eyes,” Hostetter says. “I’ve personally seen how she reacts in difficult and dangerous situations, but persists in doing what she thinks needs to be done to help her people.” (More on Hostetter on pages 14-17.) In the December 2013 newsletter published by Help the Afghan Children (, Sadeed reported on lessons occurring in HTAC's 38 schools serving 29,500 students. In addition to teaching literacy, basic math, and computer skills, Sadeed's educators are piloting a peace education curriculum informed by her CJP studies and approved by Afghanistan's Ministry of Education. Like Simin, Sadeed is acutely aware that the 2014 elections might mark some kind of turning point in Afghan society. As a result, personnel in her HTAC schools have interacted with 3,000 local leaders to discuss ways to raise awareness about the electoral rights of each and every citizen, especially those of women. Sadeed has no illusions about the ease of changing longheld beliefs and practices: “The best school programs alone will not produce lasting change unless parents and entire communities embrace peaceful, everyday living – where women are protected, understand their rights and participate in local decisions.” — Bonnie Price Lofton, MA '04 | crossroads | 13


A Challenging Mission at the United Nations

14 | crossroads | fall/winter 2013-14

photo by jon styer Doug Hostetter ’66 walks past the United Nations headquarter building on an almost daily basis, entering and leaving his small oďŹƒce in the basement of the Church Center for the United Nations, a 12-story building across First Avenue from the iconic UN building. | crossroads | 15

THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM contains about two dozen graduates of Eastern Mennonite University – most of them alumni of the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (CJP) featured in the current issue of Peacebuilder magazine – but a handful have emerged from our undergraduate ranks, including Doug Hostetter ’66. Hostetter is not on the payroll of a UN agency, but he is a familiar figure at United Nations headquarters in New York City as a result of his eight years of leading Mennonite Central Committee’s UN office. Staffed by three, including Hostetter, this office has “consultative status” with the UN’s Economic and Social Council. Hostetter has access to some UN facilities and all open meetings, enabling him to present the views of MCC and its partner organizations on humanitarian, human rights, and peace issues. He sometimes arranges for off-the-record meetings where people who might not ordinarily meet can talk to each other. This is round two for Hostetter with the UN. From 1971-80, he served the United Methodist Office for the UN as their resource specialist on peace, Asia, and Latin American issues. Early in October 2013, Hostetter met with the editor and designer of Crossroads in his small office – where he sits less than 10 feet from the office intern – in the basement of the Church Center for the United Nations, a 12-story building across First Avenue from the iconic UN building. INJUSTICE OF SECURITY COUNCIL SETUP Hostetter spoke of the frustration of seeing cynical, self-serving and narrowly nationalistic considerations – especially at the UN Security Council level – block steps to mitigate violent conflict and address suffering, as he feels has been the case in Syria since March 2011. “One of the problems with the UN is that it was set up by the victors of WWII, and they gave themselves a privileged position [in the Security Council],” he explains. “Almost all the resolutions 16 | crossroads | fall/winter 2013-14

that come before the Security Council are drafted in closed door sessions and through ‘horse trading,’ where the Permanent Five work out deals to suit themselves.” Nevertheless, Hostetter sees value in what MCC seeks to do – “to bring the voice of people at the grassroots to the UN system.” Several weeks after this interview, Hostetter conveyed a message from leaders of the Syrian Orthodox Church to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, containing an appeal for the UN to negotiate safe passage for the Red Crescent (similar to the Red Cross) to reach the wounded and safely evacuate families from several war-zone communities in Syria where MCC had been providing humanitarian assistance. MCC, through Hostetter, pointed out that this appeal was in line with a UN Security Council presidential statement earlier that month, which included this sentence: “The Security Council calls on all parties to respect the UN guiding principles of humanitarian emergency assistance and stresses the importance of such assistance being delivered on the basis of need, devoid of any political prejudices and aims.” FOUNDATIONAL LESSONS LEARNED IN VIETNAM Hostetter has a long history of advocating on behalf of those suffering from war. He began as a conscientious objector in the late 1960s, opting to do alternative service with MCC in Vietnam rather than being drafted into a military role there. In an October 2011 talk at EMU’s Center for Interfaith Engagement, Hostetter spoke of his evolution as a young man in Vietnam from feeling that anybody not belonging to his stream of Anabaptism was not a true Christian to appreciating and loving the Catholics, Buddhists and other non-Mennonites with whom he did humanitarian work in Vietnam. He stopped trying to be an evangelist using words – “language is misunderstood but lives are very seldom misunderstood.” And he developed

awareness of the understandable socioeconomic motivations for conversion to privileged religious groups. “In Vietnamese, there is a saying,” Hostetter told the Interfaith Engagement group. “When your rice bag is empty, adapt your religion to feed your children.” Hostetter expressed understanding of this survival strategy: “It’s very pragmatic and it works.” Thus, he noted, many Vietnamese became Catholics under French rule, and many became Protestants when they realized the dominant role of Protestants in the U.S. military system. In response to this awareness, Hostetter started focusing on living his faith: “If you live with love and compassion, it is understood across cultures and religions.” Trying to uphold nonviolent alternatives to war and oppression, Hostetter went from Vietnam to working in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq. He has been heavily involved in reconciliation, citizen diplomacy, work

photo by jon styer Doug Hostetter shares this small basement office space with an MCC program associate and an intern.

camps and people-to-people exchanges with citizens of the former USSR, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bosnia, and Israel/Palestine. He has been employed by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), the Fellowship of Reconciliation, and Mennonite Central Committee. In 2003 he was ordained as Peace Pastor at Evanston (IL) Mennonite Church. SUPPORT FOR HELP THE AFGHAN CHILDREN Suraya Sadeed, an Afghan-American graduate of CJP and author of Forbidden Lessons in a Kabul Guesthouse (published in 2011), credits Hostetter with displaying cultural and religious sensitivity when, immediately after 9/11, he accompanied her to Afghanistan on a relief mission with her organization, Help the Afghan Children (HTAC). “We carried $130,000 from HTAC, AFSC, MCC, and the Muslim Peace Fellowship that we used to purchase 239 tons of food and blankets in Tajiki-

stan,” recalls Hostetter. “There we hired 23 10-ton trucks that we accompanied across the Amu Darya River to deliver the lifesaving supplies to refugees living in camps in Takhar Province in northern Afghanistan. “I remember how pleased I was to be a part of an interfaith relief effort organized and funded by U.S. citizens to help the citizens of Afghanistan, even while my government was raining destruction on Taliban front lines just four miles south and on Afghan cities throughout the country. As the plumes of smoke rose, and the ground shuddered, I wondered what was happening to the Afghans living on the other side of the Taliban lines.” Hostetter was able to find out – witnessing the aftermath of the horrific destruction of Kabul – in a later trip to Afghanistan with the AFSC. (More about Help the Afghan Children on page 14, which is still supported by MCC.) At an age when many people would be thinking about retirement, Hostetter

can’t imagine stepping away from the work he has done in some form for more than 40 years. Returning recently to Vietnam, Hostetter saw that the damages of a war that officially ended decades ago – damages from the rockets, bombs, and Agent Orange that the U.S. military used to try to “win” the war – were still visible on the land as well as on the bodies and in the minds of the Vietnamese people. Yet Hostetter also felt hope and love when he visited Tam Ky, the village where he had been an MCC volunteer in the late 1960s. “It was a wonderful reunion, and reminded me that in peace work, where our weapons are love and truth, there is no collateral damage. The children that we helped educate and the refugees we taught barbering or tailoring, benefited at that time, but also became lasting friends, regardless of which government ‘won’ the war.” — Bonnie Price Lofton | crossroads | 17

photo by jon styer

SAM DOE'S AMAZING JOURNEY THIS WOULD MAKE A GOOD ONE for a storybook on heroic peacebuilders. The path of Sam Gbaydee Doe to peace work started with being an undergrad in Liberia heading toward a banking career, through to being a semi-starved refugee, then to studying at Eastern Mennonite University (for his MA in conflict transformation) and Bradford University in the U.K. (for a PhD). En route he co-founded the West Africa Network for Peacebuilding. He's done United Nations work in Liberia, Fiji, Thailand and Sri Lanka. He helps craft policies that affect millions in the 177 countries where the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) works. Along the way, Doe married, became a father, and eventually sent his firstborn to EMU for her bachelor’s degree (she’s now in medical school). And, perhaps most remarkable of all, friends and colleagues say he’s stayed the same “Sam”: almost as skinny as he was when he first landed in the United States, wishing Americans knew that squirrels on campus spell FOOD when you’re starv18 | crossroads | fall/winter 2013-14

ing; good-humored but serious about why he’s doing his work (to prevent and relieve suffering); and centered in his Christian faith, which helps him to stave off cynicism and discouragement. A CHILD KILLED BY ADULT MADNESS Did we mention that Sam Doe is courageously compassionate? When You Are the Peacebuilder, a 2001 spiral-bound book co-edited by Doe and published by CJP, contains this snippet of one of his experiences during the long years of civil war in Liberia: By July 1990 we had gone without food for nearly three months and were hiding under beds and between concrete corners most of the day. One day there was a temporary cease-fire and I decided to take a walk, just to flex my muscles. While walking around this slum community, I came across a young boy, lying under the eaves of a public school. I remember his face like it was yesterday. He was just skin and bones. I stood over him for quite a while. His mouth was open. Flies were feeding on his saliva. In a surreal moment, I raced to a nearby community to find

something edible. I found some popcorn being sold for fifty cents. I bought some and dashed back to this child. I stooped over him, slipped a few pieces of the popcorn into his mouth, and waited anxiously to see him chew the popcorn and regain his strength. “Chew your popcorn, you innocent child.” I said to myself, “God has answered your prayer.” About ten minutes passed by but his little mouth remained frozen. It must have been half an hour later when, with a last rush of energy, he opened his eyes wide and looked at me. Our eyes locked. He shook his head, and closed his eyes. After several minutes, his movements slowed and eventually stopped. The child had given up the ghost. I began to cry profusely. I asked myself, “How many children like you are dying right now throughout this country? How many have been swallowed in the madness of adults?” I made a pledge to that boy, that I would work for peace so that children could live.… I have never turned my back on the promise I made to that nameless and faceless child.

FOCUSED ON JUSTICE, RESILIENCE In the longest UN assignment that Doe has yet held – 2007 to 2010 – he was the “development and reconciliation advisor” for the UN office that was coordinating all the work being done in Sri Lanka, as its war was grinding to a bloody finale in May 2009. Reassigned to New York, Doe was one of nine UN advisors and experts behind a 2011 report that detailed “credible allegations” on the part of the Sri Lankan government during the final stages of that country’s war, including: “(i) killing of civilians through widespread shelling; (ii) shelling of hospitals and humanitarian objects; (iii) denial of humanitarian assistance; (iv) human rights violations suffered by victims and survivors of the conflict…; and (v) human rights violations outside the conflict zone, including against the media and other critics of the Government.” The report spoke of the need for the victorious Sri Lankan government to recognize the root causes of the longstanding struggle waged by the Tamils, an ethnic minority group in Sri Lanka, and it called for a “genuine commitment to a political solution that recognizes Sri Lanka’s ethnic diversity and the full and inclusive citizenship of all of its people.” As can be imagined, the Sri Lankan government did not welcome this report, even though it also detailed human rights abuses by the Tamil fighters. The UN itself did not come out glowing in this report, since it failed to protect Sri Lankan citizens, who died by the tens of thousands during the final year of warfare. As just one example, the UN was unable to halt the government’s shelling of UN food distribution centers and of Red Cross ships picking up survivors from beaches. Reading between the lines, you’ll see that Doe and many other UN workers were not safe in Sri Lanka during this period. To this day, especially following publication of the UN report on Sri Lanka, Doe thinks it “inadvisable” for him to visit Sri Lanka. Doe’s job title today is long and complex, as most UN titles are: Policy Advisor and Team Leader, Policy and

Planning Division, Bureau for Crisis Pre- where else in the world; it touched me.” vention and Recovery, United Nations Jordan, too, has spent close to $1.5 bilDevelopment Programme. He is also lion of its own funds, asking its citizens the co-leader of the UNDP’s resilienceto tighten their belts to help the refugees. building agenda. “Jordan cut back on the bread and water In late October 2013, Doe was in passed out to its own soldiers in order Jordan, assessing the situation of Syrian to use it to give to the refugees, and the refugees and its impact on the future soldiers understood and didn’t complain,” prospects of all peoples in the region, said Doe. “They see that their kinsmen especially those in neighboring Jordan, are in trouble, and they want to help.” Turkey, Iraq, and Lebanon. Lebanon has poured $1.2 billion into Before that, he was in Panama where refugee support. he focused on violence prevention Doe knows that these countries can’t in Latin America, and in Indonesia keep this up. “It’s only moral and huand Timor-Leste (post-conflict situamane that other countries in the world tions) gaining an understanding of the complement the support that Syria’s resilience they must develop to deal neighbors are providing.” The UN’s with climate change, natural disasters, refugee group has less than 50% of the and conflicts. In Senegal and the Sahel funds it needs to address the Syrian crisis, region, stricken by drought, he joined Doe added. other experts to explore ways to support But, in the long run, “we can’t just resilience at the individual, household keep shipping packets of food to these and larger societal level. Doe also is in people. We have to find permanent regular contact with the EU in Brussels solutions.” Such solutions are far beyond to garner support for the UNDP’s crisis Doe’s hands, and yet his reports will prevention and recovery work. merge with those of others and turn into Doe does not stick to tidy conference on-the-ground help somehow. At least rooms. He seeks out the feelings and that is what keeps Doe working hard and thoughts of average people, especially finding reasons to be optimistic, day in those who are refugees and displaced. and day out. “It’s important not to become disconLike most UN employees, Doe mainly nected – one needs to go and find out for works out of the public eye. In the fine oneself,” he says. “Policies must have a print, one can see that he was consulted human face. Occasionally I try to bring for a major 2012 report titled Governance victims to speak at the UN [headquarfor Peace: Securing the Social Contract, ters]. There’s no point in writing big issued by the UNDP-Bureau for Crisis policies in New York if they don’t affect Prevention and Recovery. lives on the ground.” Once a year, Doe teaches "ConflictSensitive Development and PeacebuildINSPIRED BY GENEROSITY TO ing" as a volunteer professor at EMU’s SYRIAN REFUGEES Summer Peacebuilding Institute. For Twenty-four hours after returning from him, being in the calm of Harrisonburg, assessing the Syrian refugee crisis this fall, surrounded by motivated students eager Doe focused on the awe and gratitude he to play their roles as peacebuilders, is the felt for the sacrificial efforts by countries ultimate break. surrounding Syria to help its people. — Bonnie Price Lofton “Turkey alone is running over 20 refugee camps on its territory,” Doe told This article first appeared in the fall/ Peacebuilder magazine. “Turkey is spend- winter 2013-14 issue of Peacebuilder, ing $40 million every 24 hours – forty produced bi-annually by EMU’s Center million dollars each day – to feed the for Justice and Peacebuilding (CJP). The refugees from Syria. They have spent $2 issue focused on the dozens of CJP-linked billion in the last 18 months, without people who have worked with, or inside, receiving any help from anywhere. I’ve the UN system. Go to never seen this level of generosity anyfor more photos and stories. | crossroads | 19

7 MILLION GOAL MET So Let’s Keep Going and Do It All! 20 | crossroads | fall/winter 2013-14

rendering by Blue Ridge Architects The southern entrance to the Suter Science Center will be improved in 2014, as shown in this architectural rendering, using some of the funds raised for renovating the eastern laboratory wing of the building. Next on the wish list: funding to finish renovating the western wing.

YES, YES, YES, EMU has reached its goal of raising $7 million to transform the science laboratories in the eastern wing of the 1960s-era Suter Science Center! Not surprisingly, this achievement is causing folks to cast their eyes onto the western wing of the center, which was not included in the $7 million renovation plan. Maybe $2 million more could be raised to bring it into the current century by, for instance, modernizing the main lecture hall (SC106) and upgrading the climate-control system and sprinklers throughout the building? In the words of Kirk Shisler, vice president for advancement, “The good news is that thanks to the strong participation of 413 alumni, donors, and foundations, we have actually exceeded our $7 million goal by nearly $400,000 and counting!

“We are immensely thankful for the broad participation of this campaign that will result in the major transformation of our well-worn labs into high tech, stateof-the-art science facilities.” He noted thankfully an uptick in donations after the summer 2013 issue of Crossroads traced the center's illustrious history and explained why it needs upgrading after 45 years of hard use. But now Kirk is focused on “some unfinished business" with regard to improving the Suter Science Center, including modernizing its western wing. In recognition of this need, some undergraduate students are planning a spring fundraising campaign for the western wing. It’s really great to have state-of-the-art labs, they say, but maybe we can also have an improved lecture hall with efficient climate control?

EMU’s campaign received a substantial boost in early December when the milestone of $6.8 million in funding commitments was achieved. “At that moment,” says Shisler, “we fulfilled the challenge requirements set forth to us by an anonymous donor who committed $500,000 last spring if EMU could attract an additional $1 million by Dec. 31. Our alumni and donor friends came through big time, and so the challenge was met with several weeks to spare before the end of the calendar year.” Shisler is pleased that several hundred thousand dollars of seed funding are in place to launch the next phase of fundraising to address urgent needs in the western wing. “I know there are dozens of alumni who are still contemplating substantial gifts to transform the Suter Science Center.” — BPL | crossroads | 21

READY, WILLING AND ABLE The President’s Cabinet

LOREN SWARTZENDRUBER and his cabinet of nine are at the helm of EMU’s ship on a daily basis, guiding our students’ study and employees’ work in a myriad of direct and indirect ways. This autumn these 10 navigators have experienced favorable conditions. They've attended inspiring, or at least thought-provoking, chapels on diverse topics such as Ken Medema’s “abide in my love” and seminary professor David Evans on the suspicions faced by black men. They've cheered the women’s basketball team as it racked up an impressive record. They've welcomed back a crosscultural group from Spain and Morocco and one from China. They've applauded student-planned events like formal dances and hikes to Reddish Knob. They've enjoyed envisioning a renovated Suter Science Center. And they've reported to the board of trustees that EMU's graduate and undergraduate programs have never been stronger. Beyond operating in their usual fields of expertise, these 10 leaders received some attention from outside the university in the wake of a November decision of the board of trustees to entrust the president and his cabinet “to design and oversee a six-month listening process (beginning January 2014) with EMU’s 22 | crossroads | fall/winter 2013-14

multiple constituencies” with the purpose of reviewing “current hiring policies and practices with respect to individuals in same-sex relationships.” “As a Christian university it is our responsibility to engage in community discussion and discernment over issues that Mennonite congregations – indeed almost all denominations in the United States today – are wrestling with,” Swartzendruber told faculty and staff during a 90-minute “University Forum.” He noted that the board made this recommendation unanimously and stressed that the outcome of the “listening process” cannot be predicted in advance of holding it. Cabinet will report on the results of this discernment to the board at its June 20-21 meeting. Pictured are the nine permanent cabinet members, who are joined on a rotating basis by two others – representatives of the undergraduate faculty (currently Lori Leaman, PhD, of the education department) and a representative of the graduate faculty (currently David Brubaker, PhD, of the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding). EMU’s board of trustees establish policy for the university and monitor how this policy has been implemented between their quarterly meetings.

CURRENT MEMBERS OF EMU'S BOARD OF TRUSTEES ARE: Andrew Dula, chair, Lancaster, Pa. // Wilma Bailey, Indianapolis, Ind. // Evon Bergey, Perkasie, Pa. // Myron Blosser, Harrisonburg, Va. // John Bomberger, Harrisonburg, Va. // Herman Bontrager, Ephrata, Pa. // Shana Peachey Boshart, Wellman, Iowa // Jonathan Bowman, Manheim, Pa. (associate trustee) // Randall (Randy) Bowman, Archbold, Ohio // Janet Breneman, Lancaster, Pa. // David Hersh, Line Lexington, Pa. (associate trustee) // Gerald R. Horst, New Holland, Pa. // Charlotte Hunsberger, Souderton, Pa. // Clyde Kratz, Harrisonburg, Va. // Chad Lacher, Souderton, Pa. (associate trustee) // Kevin Longenecker, Harrisonburg, Va. // E. Thomas Murphy, Jr., Harrisonburg, Va. (associate trustee) // Kathleen (Kay) Nussbaum, Grant, Minn. // Dannie Otto, Urbana, Ill. // Mark Prock, Virginia Beach, Va. (associate trustee) // Carlos Romero – Goshen, Ind. (Mennonite Education Agency representative) // Amy L. Rush, Harrisonburg, Va. // Jeffrey (Jeff) Shank, Sarasota, Fla. // Robert Steury, Goshen, Ind. // Judith Trumbo, Broadway, Va. (associate trustee) // Anne Kaufman Weaver, Brownstown, Pa. — Bonnie Price Lofton

photos by jon styer TOP ROW: Twila K. Yoder, MA ’98, Assistant to the President // Michael A. King ’76, PhD (Temple University), Vice President and Seminary Dean // Daryl W. Bert ’97, MBA (University of Texas-Austin) // MIDDLE ROW: Vice President for Finance // Kirk L. Shisler ’81, Vice President for Advancement // Ken L. Nafziger ’79, PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Vice President for Student Life // Luke Hartman ’91, PhD (Virginia Tech), Vice President for Enrollment // BOTTOM ROW: Jim Smucker, PhD (Walden University), Vice President and Dean of Graduate Studies // Fred Kniss ’79, PhD (University of Chicago), Provost // Deirdre Smeltzer ’87, PhD (University of Virginia), Vice President and Undergraduate Academic Dean | crossroads | 23



At a donor appreciation banquet on October 11, 2013, senior Blake Rogers spoke the words printed on the facing page regarding his scholarly and personal transformation. He is a 2010 graduate of Turner Ashby High School and a native of Hinton, Virginia.

24 | crossroads | fall/winter 2013-14

photo by jon styer

2012 - 2013

‘WHY EMU IS A CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY LIKE NO OTHER’ Tonight, I want to reinforce that EMU is truly a Christian university like no other. Three and a half years ago, I was poised with making a life-altering decision: Where was I going to attend college? I had received acceptance from five universities. How was I going to choose? Which school would fit? Which school would provide me the best opportunities to excel? Little did my 17-year-old self know how much of an impact that choice would make on the rest of my life. I stand before you to declare that I made the best decision – that this Christian university, like no other, has transformed me into not only a scholar, but into an individual like no other. Multiple factors congealed to make EMU rise above Virginia Tech or UVa, in my eyes. First, my mother, the first in my family to receive a college education, had graduated a few years earlier from the nursing ADCP [Adult Degree Completion Program]. She had shown me the core values of caring and compassion that EMU’s professors instill in the minds of their students. Second, my dream was to become a doctor and EMU’s biology department and pre-med program boasted medical school acceptance rates far beyond any public university I had considered. And, third, was the amount of financial support I would receive, making EMU more of a realistic possibility. EMU just seemed to fit. The fit seemed more like home as I began my studies three years ago. As I reflect on my years burrowed deep inside the bowels of the Suter Science Center, I have had multiple defining experiences. While some of my cherished moments are of classes, most are of the connections I made with faculty and fellow students while learning. Whether I was discovering how to set up a silica-

gel column in the organic chemistry lab, determining what distinguishes a mockernut from a pignut hickory, or dissecting in the cadaver lab, these defining moments could have never happened without the resources that EMU provides its students. At this small private Christian university, I have had experiences that my high school classmates yearn for. Most have never sat down in a professor’s office to discuss not only class material but how the semester is going and what challenges they’re facing. Almost none has been provided the opportunity to dissect a cadaver as an undergraduate student. If these highlights weren’t enough to set EMU and its science department apart, this summer I was blessed to have the opportunity to travel to Bolivia and the Galapagos Islands on an EMU sponsored cross-cultural. Under the guidance of EMU biology professor Doug GraberNeufeld and his wife Cristina, I had the opportunity to discover biology outside of a textbook. I was drenched by rain in a rainforest, I had a monkey steal my water bottle to drink from it, I swam in Lake Titicaca, I fed the Galapagos Island giant tortoises, I observed Darwin’s finches, and best of all I made connections and built friendships that will transcend generations. Today an article was posted to my.emu, EMU’s intranet system, highlighting EMU’s graduating class of ’62 and their life experiences and accomplishments [reprinted on pages 62 & 63]. From this article, it became evident that EMU, or EMC [in 1962], was a catalyst transforming each of these young minds to prepare them for the future. I can only hope that I can share the same sentiment when my 50th reunion from EMU occurs. Without the contribution of donors, like everyone in the audience, my education and the education of future students would not be possible. Thank you for allowing my education to be like no other. — Blake Rogers (details on facing page)

Donor Clubs EASTERN MENNONITE UNIVERSITY President’s Partners Unrestricted annual gifts of $5,000 and above Associates in Discipleship Unrestricted annual gifts of $1,000-$4,999 Blue and White Society Unrestricted annual gifts of $500-$999 Business and Professional Club Unrestricted annual gifts of at least $1,000 from Valley business donors Jubilee Friends Donors who have made provision for EMU in their estate plans EMU ATHLETICS Athletic Partners Annual gifts of $1,000 and above to University Fund - athletics Blue and White Society - Athletics Annual gifts of $500-$999 to University Fund - athletics EASTERN MENNONITE SEMINARY Aquila and Priscilla Partners Annual gifts of at least $500 John Wesley Partners United Methodist donors Annual gifts of at least $500 CENTER FOR JUSTICE AND PEACEBUILDING Partners in Peacebuilding Annual gifts of at least $1,000 | crossroads | 25

University Fund Gifts to the University Fund make possible a university experience like no other, where academic rigor, faith development, cross-cultural understanding, creation care and service to others are emphasized. Your gifts to the University Fund enable students who want to be nurtured in this unique environment to be part of EMU. In addition to student aid, gifts to the University Fund enable EMU to hire and retain top-notch, committed faculty who mentor students in 1:1 relationships. Our desire to make EMU affordable for all and reduce student debt load upon graduation drives our efforts to encourage unrestricted, annual giving to the University Fund. While each gift of any size is significant to EMU, we are especially grateful for those who support EMU as President's Partners and Associates in Discipleship. During the fiscal year 2012-13, ending June 30, 2013, 57 households contributed at least 5,000 to the University Fund as President’s Partners. More than 300 donors made an annual contribution of at least 1,000 as Associates in Discipleship, Aquila and Priscilla Partners, and Partners in Peacebuilding. In order to strengthen student aid, we must broaden support for EMU’s mission at this 1,000 level. By joining one of the above groups, or by becoming a member of the Blue and White Society at the level of 500 or more, you are making a real difference in the lives of students who desire a faith-based education.

President’s Partners Donors whose unrestricted gift to the University totaled $5,000 or more Rose Ann & Gerald Baer Robert & Elva Bare John & Linda Bomberger Jonas & Barbara Borntrager Doug & Rebecca Clemens Paul & Esther Clymer Byard & Betty Deputy Gene & Gloria Diener Andy & Michelle Dula Roger & Barbara Eshleman Bruce & Jeanette Flaming Margaret M. Gehman Stan & Susan Godshall Leon & Elaine Good Donald & Betty Good White Sam & Adeline Graber Carl & Herta Harman Calvin & Janet High Gerry & Linda Horst Grace Horst Kyle & Marta Horst Bob & Eloise Hostetler Bruce & Anne Hummel Karen Hummel & Marlin Troyer Janet Kilby Phoebe Kilby & Barry Carpenter Fred & Rosalyn Kniss John & Dorothy Kratz Glen & Jean Lengacher Cora Longacre Ken & Cynthia Longacre

26 | crossroads | fall/winter 2013-14

Lois M. Martin Vernon & Linda Martin Marge Maust Marvin & Lori Maust Edgar & Carmen Miller Leon & Sandra Miller Pauline Miller Jerry & Rebecca Morris Larry & Janet Newswanger Marvin & Delores Nolt James & Marian Payne Mark & Janis Prock Leland Ropp Henry & Charlotte Graber Rosenberger James & Gloria Horst Rosenberger Clarence & Helen Rutt John & Rebecca Rutt Clair & Doris Sauder Verne & Carol Schirch Frank Shelp Robert & Barbara Steury Ethel Strite Barbara & David Swan Loren & Pat Swartzendruber David & Lynn Troyer Todd & Anne Weaver

Associates in Discipleship Donors whose unrestricted gifts to the university totaled $1,000 - $4,999 Anonymous (8) Emily & James Åkerson Wanda Alger & Scott Waples Linda & Robert Alley

Devon & Teresa Anders Marvin & Grace Anders Myron & Esther Augsburger Wilma Bailey Donald & Brenda Bare Cheeri & William Barnhart Barry & Brenda Bartel Jim & Bonnie Beachy Evon & Philip Bergey Curtis & Linda Berry Daryl & Carrie Bert Reuben & Ann Bigelow Ian & Beverly Birky Jim & Dana Blauch Glendon Blosser Roy & Evelyn Bomberger Herman & Jeanette Bontrager Paul & Lois Bontrager Warren Bontrager Jonas & Barbara Borntrager Brenda Bowman Randy & Barbara Bowman Chester & Nancy Bradfield Steve & Victoria Brenneman Susan Brenneman & Archie Vomachka Sandy Brownscombe Maynard & Jan Brubacher David & Martha Brubaker Ed & Lucy Brubaker Ken & Pamela Brubaker Kenton & Shirley Brubaker Mark & Beryl Brubaker Kenneth & Twila Brunk Nelson & Ruth Brunk David Bucher & Sharon W. Hoover Paul & Esther Bucher Gladys Buckwalter Kevin & Cheryl Carey Rhoda & Jonathan Charles Gladys & Al Claassen Paul & Sherry Cline Ralph Cline John & Debbie Denlinger Tim & Rosita Derstine Zach & Kara Derstine Anna Louise Detweiler Florence Detweiler Bennett & Doris Dickerson Gene & Gloria Diener Jayne Docherty & Roger Foster Brownie Driver Gladys Driver Peter Dula & Ilse Ackerman Daniel & Elizabeth Dunmore Titus & Debora Dutcher John Eby Ralph & Betty Jo Eby Bill & Diane Elliot Conrad Erb John Erb Leon & Melba Eshleman Robert & Rosalie Eshleman Jan & Anthony Foderaro Margaret & Don Foth Edward & Cynthia Frey Dan & Susan Garrett Joseph & Barbara Gascho Luther & Mary Ann Gautsche B.J. & Sherah-Leigh Gerber Carole & Alan Giagnocavo Bob Gillette Colleen & Rudy Gingerich Ray & Wilma Gingerich James & Joan Gingrich Merle & Phyllis Good Mervin & Mary Ellen Good William Gotwals Fern & Carl Grace Aaron & Anna Groff

Marlin & Sue Groff David & Michelle Guengerich Joseph & Marcia Hackman Diann & Keith Harman Luke & Staci D. Hartman Kent & Stephanie Hartzler Dennis & LuAnne Hatter James & Miriam Haverstick Nancy Heisey & Paul Longacre Bill & Loretta Helmuth Phil & Loretta Helmuth Michele Hensley & Kevin Comer Jeane & Lyle Hershey Don Hertzler & Ruth Shenk Hertzler Helen & Dean Hertzler Carol & Gerald Hess Nora & Merv Hess Dave & Cathleen Hockman-Wert Karen & Richard Hoerner Bill & Ann Holtzman James & Deborah Hoover Mary Hoover & Jim Hurst Donald & Carol Horning Marv & Marcia Horst Ray & Violet Horst Samuel Horst Esta & Eldon Hostetler Alden & Louise Hostetter Dwight & Carolyn Houff Robert Hueston Louetta Hurst Willie & Kay Hurst Ruth & Timothy Jost Duane & Joan Kauffman Nyle & Lauralee Kauffman Roger & Rachel Kauffman S. Duane & Naomi Kauffman Elmer & Marianne Kennel Eric & Elizabeth Kennel John & Cathy Kiblinger Dave & Debra King Lisa King Michael & Joan King Rosemary King Susanne King Walter & Miriam King Dave & Sharon Kisamore Mark & Betty Kniss Paul & Naomi Kniss Allison Kokkoros Sally T. Krabill Arlan & Alda Kratz Carissa & Rodney Kratz Jeremy & Leah Kratz Donald & Frances Kraybill John & Betty Kreider John & Sara Kreider Bruce & Paula Brunk Kuhns Eldon & Sharyl Kurtz Wayne & Kathleen Kurtz Kenny Kyger Daryl Landis & Anne Decker David & Carolyn Landis E. Jean Landis Jay & Peggy Landis John & Gladys Landis John & Alice Lapp LeRoy & Catherine Lapp Andrea & Josh Leaman David & Jean Leaman Toby & Lonita Leaman Robert & Nancy Lee Brent & Claudia Lehman Elton & Phyllis Lehman J. E. & Emma Lehman J. Paul & Erma Lehman Joyce Bontrager Lehman Renee Lehman Ruby Lehman

Ruth & Emerson Lesher Allen & Sara Jane Lind Ryan & Maria Linder-Hess Bonnie & Jim Lofton Joe & Constance Longacher Mark & Lisa Longacher Bill & Katie Longacre Richard & Rose Longacre Jo Longenecker Kevin & Shelby Longenecker Randall & Marla Longenecker Carol S. Lown Lois Lyndaker Barbara Martin Clinton & Sue Martin Don & Barbara Martin Larry & Gail Martin Philip & Joyce Martin Robert & Nancy Martin Doug Mason Rodney & Gail Mast Evelyn Maust Marshall & Dione McDonald Elmer & Martha Miller Elroy & Linda Miller Eric & Jodi Miller Fae Miller Floyd & Eunice Miller Henry & Martha Miller J.B. Miller & John Daniels Laurie & Ellen Miller Luke & Denise Miller Richard & Fannie Miller Sara Grace & Merlin Miller Karen & Matt Minatelli Jerry & Geraldine Moore Doris & Richard Morgan Eric & Jessica Moyer Glenn & Diane Moyer Grace Mumaw Mim Mumaw Russ & Ruth Mumaw Steve & Amy Mumbauer Herb & Sarah Myers Homer & Pauline Myers Charles & Esther Nafziger Ken & Connie Neuenschwander Herb & Becky Noll Geoff & Stashia Nolt Mag & Philip Nolt Rhoda Nolt Wilmer & Doris Nolt Mark & Judith Nord John & Lisa Nussbaum Steve & Kathleen Nussbaum Elmo & Ella Pascale Patricia Patton Daryl & Jane Peifer Kenneth & Rachel Pellman Jenni Piper Kay Pranis Anthony Pratkanis Glenna Ramer & Jerry Sloan Miriam & Everett Ramer Shawn Ramer & Victoria Myer Calvin Redekop John & Carolyn Reed Eugene & Julie Reesor Glenn & Lorraine Reinford William & Edna Ressler Sigrid & Curtis Reynolds Barbara & Benjamin Risser Jim & Kendra Rittenhouse Norm & Alice Rittenhouse Barbara & Alan Robbins Bertha Roggie Rosalie & W Lee Roland Lynn & Kathleen Roth Eric Rutt & Mahlet Aklu

Jack & Gloria Rutt Roger & Pamela Rutt Maynard & Carolyn Sauder Mona Sauder Myrl & Freida Sauder Hal & Carol Saunders William & Bertha Schaefer Abner & Virginia Glass Schlabach Erma Schnabel Randy & Regina Schweitzer Anas & Marjan Shallal Jerry & Ethel Shank Sheldon & Lois Shank Audrey Shenk Calvin Shenk J.C. & Jewel Shenk Jim & Donna Shenk Paul & Marjorie Shenk Stanwyn & Elaine Shetler Esther & Arlin Shisler Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Donald & Marlene Showalter Stuart & Shirley Showalter Welby & Sharon Showalter Donald & Joanne Siegrist Marvin & Sarah Ellen Slabaugh Carl & Margaret Smeltzer Sherwyn & Deirdre Smeltzer Ross & Cathy Smeltzer Erb Anthony & Karen Smith Carole & Douglass Smith Walter & Leann Smith Jim & Anna Smucker Ralph & Lila Smucker Del & Lee Snyder Missy Solanki Feryl & Connie Souder Wayne & Joanne Speigle Jim & Carol Spicher John & Virginia Spicher Thomas & Sharon Spicher Donna Sprinkle Heather Sprinkle Bruce & Neva Stambaugh Ruth & Sanford Stauffer Greg & Michelle Steffen Joyce Stoll Anne Stoltzfus Karl & Barbara Stoltzfus Omar & Catherine Stoltzfus Ruth Stoltzfus Maurice & Carla Stutzman Roger & Mary Stutzman Eldie & Lynn Suter Dave & Shelby Swartley Willard & Mary Swartley Herb & Margaret Swartz Tim Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Nelson & Gloria Swope Arno Thimm-Richardson Paul Thomas Levi & Lillis Troyer Vaughn & Inga Troyer Judith & Brent Trumbo Neil & Margaret Turner Lois & Paul Unruh Daniel & Janice Walter Dorothy Jean Weaver Glenn & Anne Weaver Ken & June Marie+ Weaver Lloyd & Sarah Weaver Steve & Elsie Weaver Wendell & Jolene Weaver Phyllis Weaver Hearn & J.T. Hearn Delbert & Andrea Schrock Wenger Bob & Lena Wenger Roy & Esther Wert Heidi & Jonathan West Connie & Hugh Westfall James & Rachel Witmer

Ralph & Doris Witmer Dwight & Sheryl Wyse Calvin & Lorie Yoder Cora Yoder Gary & Beth Yoder J. Dave & Nancy Yoder John & Arlene Yoder Leroy & Martha Yoder Marshall & Julie Yoder Martha Yoder Paul & Carol Yoder LaVern & Mary Jane Yutzy Bonnie Zehr & Jerry Hess Donald & Priscilla Ziegler Ethan & Carla Zook

Blue & White Society Donors whose unrestricted gift to the university totaled $500 - $999 Anonymous (8) Russell & Gladys Alderfer Warren Alderfer Nathan & Elaine Barge John Barkovsky, Jr. Scott Barnard Dick & Jeanette Baum Marian Bauman Greg & Billie Beachy Gordon & Velda Beidler Benjamin & Kate Bergey Trinda & Nick Bernardo Brian & Yvonne Boettger Don & Judy Bomberger Martha Jane Bomberger Art & Alice Borden Lena & Michael Brown Terry & Sandy Burkhalter Ruth Burkholder Tina & Max Campbell Joel & Clair Cannon Cara Carpenter Kyle & Carrie Carpenter Sue & David Cockley Ross & Allison Collingwood Glenda & Peter Cook Spencer & Shirley Cowles Mary Jean Cross & John Hertzler Loris & Richard Cunningham Jeremiah & Kristine Denlinger Dave & Charmaine Detrow Leona & Darrel Diener Iris & Albert Driver Mary Ellen & Mamo Dula Phillip & Janeth Duncan Jeff Eshleman & Soila Matute Doug & Tina Friesen Beth & Gerard Fulda Dan & Regena Garber David & Carol Garber Josiah & Carmen Garber Linford & Rebecca Gehman David & Tina Glanzer Keith & Linda Gnagey James & Dorcas Good Linford & Beth Ann Good John & Janet Goshow Galen Graber & Ruth Brenneman Rose & Gary Grissinger Marjorie Guengerich Phil & Susan Guengerich Ron & Ruth Guengerich Angela & Joseph Hackman Don & Joan Harrold Barry & Vesna Hart Pearl Hartz

Rich Hartz Leo & Ruthanne Heatwole Les & Sylvia Helmuth David & Sandra Hersh Ray & Rosemary Hershberger Ernie & Lois Hess Lois Ann & Michael Hicks Herb & Joanne High Marcy & Rick High Mary Hinkle Anita Hoover Dwayne & Laura Horst John & Carolyn Horst Eric & Lavonn Hostetler George & Leona Hostetler Darrick & Sheri Hummel Steven & Charlotte Hunsberger Alma & Sami Jadallah Vern & Dolores Jantzen Vernon & Dorothy Jantzi Hadley & Janice Jenner Dale & Lois Jones Glen & Sandy Kauffman Jerry & Joan Kauffman Kermit Kauffman Mary Beth & Jerald Kauffman Ryan & Valerie Kauffman Carl & Gladys Keener Laura & Zachary King Tara & Aaron Kishbaugh Michael & Ashley Kniss Wil & Cynthia Kolb Martha & Ron Kolb-Wyckoff Sally Krabill Tony Krabill Norman & Rhoda Kraus Ernie & Eunice Kraybill John & Betty Kreider James Kurtz & Huong Tran Richard & Janis Landes Roland & Darlene Landes Nancy Landis Richard & Pearl Lantz Wendell Lantz & Doris Weaver Joseph & Hannah Mack Lapp Samuel & Helen Lapp Jennifer & Gregory E Larson-Sawin Hershey & Norma Leaman Joyce & Ronald Leaman Steve & Doris Leaman Larry & Kori Leaman-Miller Arlene Leatherman Galen & Gloria Lehman Nelson & Cheryl Lehman Darrin & Sarah Leichty Mary Beth Lichty & Roger Wagoner Cliff & Hope Lind Carl & Nancy Litwiller Don & Luanne Livingston Lynn & Laurie Longenecker Bill Lowrey & Alice Peterson Stephen & Glenna Lowry Marie & Iain Macknight Leah Magal Ronald Marner Dan & Ruth Ann Martin Ruth Martin Mike & Debra Medley Anne Miller Brad Miller & Jessica Yoder David & Brenda Miller Kent & Lori Miller Larry & Wilma Miller Leon & Lynda Miller Lowell & Peggy Miller Nathan & Viola Miller Paul & Edna Miller Sam & Vi Miller Sharon & James Miller Luke & Donna Mosemann | crossroads | 27

Charles & Carolyn Moyer Elizabeth Moyer Todd & Amy Moyer Verna Moyer Catherine Mumaw & Clair Basinger Roy & Annie Musselman Daryl & Marci Myers Jason & Janelle Myers-Benner Ken L. & Judy Nafziger Emerson Newswanger Jeff & Ellyn Nolt Laban Peachey Mark & Susan Peachey Sherri & Gary Peters Ida & Greg Proco Justin & Rachel Reesor Eric Reinford Merle & Ruth Ann Reinford Christopher Reist & Rhoda Hahn Gene & Edith Rhodes Shawn & Melanie Rice Timothy & Rhonda Rice Vernon & Jeanette Rice Jody & Benjamin Richmond Steven & Karen Ringenberg Dave & Doris Risser Phil & Pam Risser Eugene & Annette Ritter Eloy & Becky Rodriguez Jay & Anne Roth Verle Rufenacht Jim & Geraldine Rush Paul & Alice Rush Eleanor Ruth Sidney & Kristi Ruth Althea & Raymond Salomone Laurence & Evelyn Sauder Douglas & Maria Schirch Susan Schwartzentruber Delbert & Mary Friesen Seitz Jeff & Julie Shank Lester Shank Steve & Karen Moshier Shenk Eric & Karen Shirk Hollis & Martha Showalter James & Carol Showalter M. Joyce Showalter Millard & Mary Kratz Showalter Sam & Jan Showalter Ruth Simpson Esther Siville & Arthur Tidey Myrna & John Smucker Esther Steckle Donald Stirling & Mary Sundberg-Stirling Nessa Stoltzfus Barge & Scott Barge Scott & Anne Marie Stoner-Eby Jon Styer Walt & Sharon Surratt Matthew & Debbie Swartley Ruth Ann Swartzendruber Raul & Vanita Tadeo David Troyer Bob Vetter Pete & Mary Waybill Richard & Ruth Weaver Herbert Wenger J. Lloyd & Beverly Wert Werner & Grace Will Wayne & Luisa Witmer Alex & Shannon Yoder Carroll & Nancy Yoder Mike Yoder Nate & Miriam Yoder Paul & Anita Yoder Rich & Jeanelle Yoder Ruth Yoder Steve & Twila Yoder Milton & Dorothy Zehr Pearl Zehr

28 | crossroads | fall/winter 2013-14

Glenn & Kathleen Zendt Earl & Ruth Zimmerman Karene & Mark Zimmerman Cheryl Zook

Aquila & Priscilla Partners Donors whose unrestricted gifts included at least $500 for Eastern Mennonite Seminary Linda & Robert Alley Devon & Teresa Anders Marvin & Grace Anders Robert & Elva Bare Jim & Bonnie Beachy John & Barbara Benner Curtis & Linda Berry Glendon Blosser John & Linda Bomberger Paul & Lois Bontrager Chester & Nancy Bradfield Maynard & Jan Brubacher Ken & Pamela Brubaker Betty Brunk George & Ruthann Miller Brunk Kenneth & Twila Brunk Roy & Helen Burkholder Rhoda & Jonathan Charles George & Judy Coffman Anna Belle & Thomas Deal Arlen & Shirley Delp Beverly & Laverne Delp John & Debbie Denlinger Brownie Driver Gladys Driver Andy & Michelle Dula Martin Eby Jim & Peg Engle Leon & Melba Eshleman Robert & Rosalie Eshleman J. Mark & Emma Frederick David & Carol Garber Margaret M. Gehman B.J. & Sherah-Leigh Gerber James & Joan Gingrich Stan & Susan Godshall Harley & Irene Good Leon & Elaine Good Sam & Adeline Graber James & Miriam Haverstick Nancy Heisey & Paul Longacre Phil & Loretta Helmuth David & Sandra Hersh Benjamin & Martha Hershey Daniel & Mary Hertzler Helen & Dean Hertzler Raymond & Betty Hertzler Shirley & Vernon Hochstetler James & Deborah Hoover Les & Crystal Horning Gerry & Linda Horst Robert & Eloise Hostetler Dwight & Carolyn Houff Elton & Esther Kauffman John & Cathy Kiblinger Dave & Debra King Michael & Joan King Rosemary King Susanne King Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Mark & Betty Kniss Paul & Naomi Kniss Phil & Irene Kniss Arlan & Alda Kratz Clyde & Eunice Kratz E. Jean Landis

John & Gladys Landis James Lapp & Miriam Book Robert & Nancy Lee J. Paul & Erma Lehman Arlin & Janet Martin Barbara Martin Don & Barbara Martin John & Marian Martin Lois M. Martin Philip & Joyce Martin Robert & Nancy Martin Robert & Sarah Martin Joe & Nancy Mast Floyd & Eunice Miller Pauline Miller Sharon & Duane Miller Grace Mumaw Mark & Mary Thiessen Nation Mag & Philip Nolt Jay & Rhoda Oberholtzer Daryl & Jane Peifer Raymond & Naomi Ressler Henry & Charlotte Graber Rosenberger James & Gloria Horst Rosenberger Glen & Annabelle Roth Clarence & Helen Rutt Jack & Gloria Rutt Laurence & Evelyn Sauder Myrl & Freida Sauder Harold & Mary Grace Shenk Jon & Sheryl Shenk Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Marvin & Sarah Ellen Slabaugh Walter & Leanne Smith Harvey & Lillian Stoltzfus Omar & Catherine Stoltzfus Ruth Stoltzfus Ethel Strite Duane & Joanna Swartley Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Tim Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Nelson & Gloria Swope Doris Trumbo Neil & Margaret Turner Dorothy Jean Weaver Ken & June Marie Weaver Lloyd & Sarah Weaver Wendell & Jolene Weaver Calvin & Lorie Yoder Lonnie & Teresa Yoder Martha Yoder Nate & Miriam Yoder

John Wesley Partners United Methodist donors who contributed at least $500 to Eastern Mennonite Seminary Paul & Sherry Cline Ralph & Anne Cline Dan & Susan Garrett Jerry & Rebecca Morris Missy Solanki

Partners in Peacebuilding Donors whose unrestricted gifts included $1,000 or more for the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding Anonymous (3) Emily & James Ă…kerson Rose Ann & Gerald Baer

Robert & Elva Bare Barry & Brenda Bartel Reuben & Ann Bigelow Ian & Beverly Birky John & Linda Bomberger Brenda Bowman David & Martha Brubaker Paul & Esther Bucher Terry & Sandy Burkhalter Gladys & Al Claassen Tim & Rosita Derstine Bennett & Doris Dickerson Jayne Docherty & Roger Foster Andy & Michelle Dula Bill & Diane Elliot John Erb Robert & Rosalie Eshleman Bruce & Jeanette Flaming Margaret & Don Foth Joseph & Barbara Gascho Bob Gillette Ray & Wilma Gingerich Stan & Susan Godshall Carol & Gerald Hess Dave & Cathleen Hockman-Wert Samuel Horst Robert & Eloise Hostetler Alden & Louise Hostetter Robert Hueston Dale & Lois Jones Ruth & Timothy Jost Duane & Joan Kauffman Janet Kilby Phoebe Kilby & Barry Carpenter Bruce & Paula Brunk Kuhns Wayne & Kathleen Kurtz Richard & Janis Landes John & Gladys Landis Robert & Nancy Lee J. E. & Emma Lehman Joyce Bontrager Lehman Ruby Lehman Ruth & Emerson Lesher Allen & Sara Jane Lind Joe & Constance Longacher Lois M. Martin Marge Maust Elmer & Martha Miller Fae Miller Herb & Sarah Myers Larry & Janet Newswanger Rhoda Nolt Mark & Judith Nord Elmo & Ella Pascale Patricia Patton James & Marian Payne Kay Pranis Sigrid & Curtis Reynolds Norm & Alice Rittenhouse Barbara & Alan Robbins James & Gloria Horst Rosenberger Lynn & Kathleen Roth Clarence & Helen Rutt Jack & Gloria Rutt Hal & Carol Saunders Verne & Carol Schirch Anas & Marjan Shallal Jerry & Ethel Shank Barbara & David Swan Lois & Paul Unruh Marshall & Julie Yoder Martha Yoder LaVern & Mary Jane Yutzy Donald & Priscilla Ziegler

Business & Professional Club Local businesses supporting the University Fund A & E Automotive A M Yoder & Co. BB&T Bank Beck Builders of Virginia Blauch Brothers, Inc. Blue Ridge Architects, PC Campbell Insurance Clark & Bradshaw, PC Don Largent Roofing, Inc. Dynamic Aviation, Inc. Everence Frazier Quarry, Inc. Good Printers Green Solutions Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Harman Construction, Inc. Holtzman Corporation Houff Foundation Integrity Audio Systems, Inc. InterChange Group, Inc. Kline May Realty Kreider Machine Shop Kyger Funeral Homes LD&B Insurance Agency Martin, Beachy & Arehart, PLLC McDonough Toyota PBMares, LLP Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company Rockingham Cooperative Farm Bureau Secure Futures Select Aerospace Industries Suter Engineering, PC Truck Enterprises, Inc. Trumbo Electric, Inc. Welby Showalter, Attorney at Law Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver, PLC

Other Business Donors Annual total of $100 or more APR Associates PC Bridgewater Ruritan Club Brown and Sutt PLLC Cabinetworks Unlimited LLC Clemens Family Corporation Cline Energy, Inc. Clover Leaf Shopping Center Community Mediation Center Conflict Transformation Associates LLC Country Photo Cross Tours & Motor Coach, Inc. CrossKeys Vineyards Dean Foods Emerson Electric Company Goodville Mutual Casualty Co. Hammex Imports HRM Enterprises, Inc. Joe Bowman Auto Plaza Kommon Denominator, Inc. Kratz Enterprises, Inc. Lacher & Associates Insurance Agency Landis Spraying Service Lehman Insurance Agency, Inc. LML Custom LLC Maplewood Farms Mennonite Agri-Urban, Inc. Mr J's Bagels & Deli III, Inc. Park View Pharmacy Pearson Education

Perkiomen Tours & Travel, Inc. Pioneer College Caterers, Inc. Rachels of Greenfield Rockingham Memorial Hospital Sharp Shopper, Inc. Soderstrom Dermatology Spencer, Randolph & Williams Stoltek LLC The Artisans The John E. Fetzer Institute, Inc. Turner & Company Veada Industries, Inc. Weaver's Floor Covering

Foundations E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation The Cabell Foundation The John E. Fetzer Institute, Inc. Richard and Caroline T. Gwathmey Memorial Trust Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Houff Foundation Johnson Controls Foundation Harry and Rosemary King Foundation Klingstein Foundation Burford Leimenstoll Foundation The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. Longacre Family Fund Merck Company Foundation PNC Foundation The Ripple Foundation Robert H. and Lorraine W. Strickler Foundation Telemachus Foundation United Service Foundation, Inc. Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc.

Schools, Agencies, Other Organizations American Baptist Foreign Mission Society Bridgewater Retirement Community Christian Reformed World Relief Committee Church World Service Eastern Mennonite High School James Madison University Little Eden Camp Mennonite Central Committee Mennonite Education Agency, Inc. Mennonite Mission Network Mennonite Partners in China Shenandoah Valley Dressage Association United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma USDA Agricultural Research Service Week of Compassion

Faculty/Staff/Retiree Donors Anonymous (6) Mary Kay Adams Amir Akrami Jason Alderfer Katrina Alger Linda Alley Laura Amstutz Tim Arnold A. Don Augsburger Myron Augsburger Elaine Zook Barge Catherine Barnes Joni Baughman

Jennifer North Bauman Marian Bauman Kirsten Beachy Susan Landes Beck Titus Bender Daryl Bert Jim Bishop Sarah Bixler Jim Bomberger Caroline Borden Lois Bowman Kim Gingerich Brenneman Sandy Brownscombe Beryl Brubaker David Brubaker Kenton Brubaker Mark Brubaker George Brunk III Gerald Brunk Terry Burkhalter Brian Martin Burkholder Linda Burkholder Ruth Ann Burkholder Owen Byer Adriana Campbell Wendy Carr Melody Cash Joan Chamberlain Kevin A. Clark Jane Clemens Don Clymer Sue Cockley Eric Codding Pam Comer Phyllis Coulter Spencer Cowles Lisa Crist Laura Daily Kirby Dean Beverly Delp Katie Derstine Kenton Derstine Dave Detrow Caroline Detwiler Rachel Diener Jayne Docherty Cheryl Doss Lewis Driver Peter Dula Deanna Durham Martha Eads Annmarie Early Christian Early Wendell Eberly Omar Eby Patty Eckard Diana Enedy Jim Engle Marcy Engle Fern Erb Barbara Fast John Fast Jen Fawley Reta Finger Kathy Fisher Donald Foth Margaret Foth Lindsey Frye Margaret M. Gehman Steve Gibbs, Jr. Marcy Gineris Joyce Gingerich Ray Gingerich Chris Gingrich David Glanzer Ervie Glick Linda Gnagey Bill Goldberg Jason Good

Doug Graber Neufeld Phil Guengerich Cyndi Gusler Diann Harman Barry Hart, Jr. Luke Hartman Julie Hatfield Kaitlin Heatwole Nancy Heisey Valerie Helbert Loretta Helmuth Phil Helmuth Michele Hensley Greta Ann Herin Ann Hershberger Betty Hertzler Robyn Hill Jerry Holsopple Braydon Hoover Les Horning John Horst, Jr. Ray Horst Samuel Horst Vi Horst Bob Hostetler Jessica Hostetler Julia Hottinger Harold Huber Vernon Jantzi Jan Jenner Patience Kamau Glenn Kauffman Randy Keener Phoebe Kilby Dave King Evelyn King Michael King Tara Kishbaugh Fred Kniss Gloria Shenk Kniss Irene Kniss Amy Knorr Brad Kolb Lindsey Kolb Leah Kratz Norman Kraus John Kreider Steve Kriss III Harold Kuhns Eldon Kurtz Roland Landes Jay Landis Joseph Lapp Judy Leaman Renee Leap Betty Lee Nancy Lee Robert Lee Beth Lehman Ed Lehman Galen Lehman James Lehman Ruby Lehman Wilmer Lehman Jennifer Litwiller Bonnie Lofton Carol Lown Lynne Mackey Dwight Martin John Martin Lindsay Martin Styer Pat Martin Yvonne Martin Joe Mast Cindy Mathews Evelyn Maust Gretchen Maust J.D. McCurdy, Jr. Margo McIntire | crossroads | 29

Mike Medley Clair Mellinger Mamie Mellinger Nicholas Meyer Edgar Miller Elroy Miller Laurie Miller Roman Miller Sharon Miller Karen Moshier-Shenk Judy Mullet Catherine Mumaw Nathan Musselman Marci Myers Janelle Myers-Benner Dan Nafziger Helen Nafziger Ken J. Nafziger Ken L. Nafziger Mark Thiessen Nation Joan Nicholas Dawn Nyce Douglas Nyce Travis Nyce Kristin Oberholtzer Helen Ours Richard Ours Byron Peachey Laban Peachey Travis Pettit Jenni Piper Ron Piper Lynn Quay Calvin Redekop Herman Reitz Gloria Rhodes Linden Rhodes Andy Richter Cathy Rittenhouse Kathleen Roth Lynn Roth Sarah Roth Shank Matt Ruth Jack Rutt Pamela Rutt Gregory Sachs Linda Sauder Sam Sauder Mark Metzler Sawin Lucinda Schlabach Carmen Schrock-Hurst Kent Sensenig Stephanie Shafer Lester Shank Lois Shank Audrey Shenk Calvin Shenk Peggy Shenk Kirk Shisler Austin Showalter Millard Showalter Shirley Showalter Stuart Showalter Virginia Showalter Ron Shultz Priscilla Simmons Deirdre Smeltzer Cathy Smeltzer Erb Anthony Smith Kathy Smith Cindy Smoker Jim Smucker Marty Snavely Carol Snell-Feikema Lee Snyder Donna Souder John Spicher Amy Springer Mary Sprunger

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Mike Stauffer Lora Steiner Edward Stoltzfus Catherine Stover Linford Stutzman Jon Styer Walt Surratt Joanna Swartley Herb Swartz Loren Swartzendruber Tim Swartzendruber Philip Tieszen Travis Trotter Jennifer Ulrich Margaret Upton Cynthia Veenis Doug Wandersee Dorothy Jean Weaver Leslie Weaver Sam Weaver Andrea Wenger Lois Wenger Mark Wenger Linda Witmer Alex Yoder Carroll Yoder Don Yoder Duane Yoder Lawrence Yoder Lonnie Yoder Nate Yoder Paul Yoder Twila King Yoder Paul Zehr

Bequests and Matured Deferred Gifts Marnetta Y. Brilhart Verda E. Byler Mahlon E. Cassel Ellis R. Denlinger Margaret G. Derstine Abram W. Diffenbach Monroe T. Gahman Melva M. Gerber Paul A. Godshall Mary Ella Herr Alta Hershey Tommie Lou Hunter Grace B. Lefever Elmer R. Maust Ivan J. Miller George S. Moyer Mary A. Rice Ethel W. Stauffer A. Grace Wenger

Honor Gifts In honor of Mary Kay Adams Judith & George Gabel In honor of Barbara Becker & Richard Hershey Stuart & Shirley Showalter In honor of Jim & Sue Ann Dale James & Marian Payne In honor of Omar Eby Stuart & Shirley Showalter In honor of M. Hershey Leaman Larry & Kori Leaman-Miller In honor of Owen Longacre

Ken & Cynthia Longacre In honor of Ed Martin Shanti Martin In honor of Marvin Mills William & Mary Gibb In honor of James & Marian Payne Barbara & David Swan In honor of Bill & Jill Riggs Bob Gillette In honor of Lynn Roth Tom Bamat Alain & Sonia Epp Weaver David and Tina Glanzer Kommon Denominator, Inc. Kay Pranis Mara Schoeny Loren & Pat Swartzendruber In honor of Claire Whiting Joe & Constance Longacher In honor of Jay & Nancy Yoder James & Marian Payne In honor of Wanda & Loren Yoder James & Marian Payne

Memorial Gifts In memory of Darrel Brubaker Merle & Ila Brubaker E. Morris & Leone Sider In memory of Fern Erb Blooming Glen Mennonite Church Keith & Linda Gnagey Grace Helmuth Robert Hueston Steve & Wanda Kurbel Park Place Resident Council John Rossheim Del & Lee Snyder Bonnie Yoder In memory of James Fairfield Douglas & Margaret Sheldon Stuart & Shirley Showalter Soderstrom Dermatology Lowell & Janet Wenger In memory of Elva Forman Sterling & Della M. Huggens Martha Morgan In memory of Austin Frazier Enrique Perez In memory of Kay Gillette William Riggs, Jr. & Jacqueline Riggs In memory of Verle Headings Anonymous In memory of Donna Hepner Edwin & Audrey Cook Barry & Virgie Duff Robert & Sylvia Fellows Scott & Jennifer French Stephen & Mary Heitz Jay & Judith Leaman Kevin & Mary Moomaw Gregory & Odette Scovel Shenandoah Valley Dressage Association

Spencer, Randolph & Williams Polly Wilkins Robin & Kathy Wilson In memory of Eugene Hostetler Stuart & Shirley Showalter In memory of Vivian Jackson Lynn & Betsy Hogg Renaissance Revelers LLC Betty Snyder In memory of Tasha Kauffman Emil & Louise Kreider In memory of Grace Lefever Byard & Betty Deputy Leota Gandy Donald & Erma Taylor Laurel Zeiss In memory of Everett Metzler Margaret Metzler In memory of Freda Redekop Robert & Vernette Regier In memory of Anna Marie Steckley Keith & Virginia Esch Marge Gnagey Mildred Hostetter Milton & Geraldine Moran Ron Schoen Eileen & James Shenk Ed & Pearl Ulrich Cora Yoder In memory of Matt Styer Nathan & Elaine Barge Ellen & Greg Bowman John Bowman Grace Brenneman Cabinetworks Unlimited LLC Patrick & Adriana Campbell Stephen & Cheryl Cornich Chris & Lee Davis Lorelei & Wendell Esbenshade Leon & Dianna Eshleman Jason Garber & Karena Martin Paula Geidner David & Debra Horst Raymond & Ruth Ann Horst Jessica Hostetler Andrew & Rachel Jenner Susan Kenney Paul & Karen Landis Joyce Latura Jay & Judith Leaman Bonnie & Jim Lofton Jerry & Dorothy Lomker Carol S. Lown Clinton & Sue Martin Dale Martin David & Rachel Martin Gary & Pat Martin Ruth Martin Duane & Elaine Maust Nathan & Michelle Maust Diana Melnick Mary Jane & Vern Michael Andrew & Christy Michaels Jason & Janelle Myers-Benner Alan & Marcy O’Leary Dave & Marcia Ramsey Miriam & Jay Reesor Irene & Dusty Rhodes Dave Rohrer & Rhoda Miller Leon & Wanda Rohrer-Heyerly Julianne & Joel Ross

Shira Roza & Jeff Broxmeyer Floyd & Mary Schrock Johann Schuster, Jr. & Gertrude Schuster Michelle & Timothy Kennel Shenk Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Myron & Evelyn Showalter Stuart & Shirley Showalter Emily Sipe Wayne & Joanne Speigle Floyd & Dolores Welker Alan & Marilyn K. Wenger Delbert & Andrea Schrock Wenger Galen Wenger Ben & Meredith Wideman Esther Witmer James & Rachel Witmer Nelson & Kristine Witmer Ralph & Doris Witmer

Encore! Donors of $100 or more

Elvin & Ruth Weber Calvin & Lorie Yoder Kenneth & Kathy Yoder Martha Yoder Earl & Ruth Zimmerman

Donors to Athletics Athletic Partners Annual gifts of $1,000 or more to University Fund – Athletics Steve & Victoria Brenneman Byard & Betty Deputy David & Debra King Andrea & Joshua Leaman Longacre Family Fund Jim & Anna Smucker Greg & Michelle Steffen

Lenora & Rick Bell Benjamin & Kate Bergey Evon & Philip Bergey Michael & Brenda Bishop Herman & Jeanette Bontrager Ruel & Diane Burkholder Laura & Stephen Draper Sue Edwards Les & Sylvia Helmuth Raymond & Betty Hertzler Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Norman & Dorothy Kreider Ken & Connie Neuenschwander Glenn & Lorraine Reinford Phil & Pam Risser Jim & Kendra Rittenhouse Donald & Jewell Shenk J.C. & Jewel Shenk Welby & Sharon Showalter Ryan & Hannah Steiner David & Eulala Wagler Emery & Faye Yoder

Blue and White Society Athletics


9th Inning Training LLC Dick & Louise Alderfer William & Andrea Alexander Assembly Men, Inc. Ethel Aylor Thomas & Jewel Aylor Wilmer & Virginia Aylor Robert & Elva Bare James & Bonita Barry Roscoe & Patsy Beahm Bryce & Maureen Bergey Evon & Philip Bergey Rosie & Carl Berkey Daryl & Carrie Bert Loine Bert Gerald & Loretta Binkley Dale & Miriam Blauch Todd & Lori Bolton John & Linda Bomberger Art & Alice Borden Jonas & Barbara Borntrager BotkinRose PLC Randy & Barbara Bowman Kim & Nancy Boyd Agustin & Miriam Brito William & Mary Britt Sandy Brownscombe Wayne Brubaker Aaron & Kristen Buckwalter Terry & Sandy Burkhalter Brian & Linda Campbell David & Terri Campbell

Donors of $100 or more Jason Alderfer & Kirsten Beachy Ken & Pam Brubaker Kenneth & Twila Brunk Kevin & Cheryl Carey Derrick & Rebekah Charles John & Debbie Denlinger Mike & Dawn Derstine Mary Ellen & Mamo Dula Gene Early Rob & Rebecca Fennimore Dave & Carol Garber Ray & Wilma Gingerich Nancy Heisey & Paul Longacre Daniel & Mary Hertzler Todd & Julie Lehman Cliff & Hope Lind James & Rachel Metzler Lowell & Miriam Nissley Mark & Susan Peachey Daryl & Jane Peifer Clarence Rutt Eugene & Martine Shelly Wayne & Joanne Speigle James & Ruth Stauffer Linford & Janet Stutzman Herbert & Margaret Swartz Sam & Marian Thomas

Annual gifts of $500-$999 to University Fund – Athletics Donald & Carol Horning Dwight & Carolyn Houff Houff Foundation Carl & Nancy Litwiller Ken & Cynthia Longacre Eugene & Annette Ritter Stuart & Shirley Showalter

Others Contributors to Athletics Annual total of $100 or more

Margie & David Campbell Artie & Marion Caracciolo Mel & Elizabeth Chupp Doug & Rebecca Clemens Clemens Food Group LLC Cline Electric, Inc. Jonathan & Christine Coddington Allen & Teena Comer Mark Comer Mike & Amanda Culen DBK Salon Kirby & Regina Dean Mark Deavers & Laurie Miller Margaret Delph John & Debbie Denlinger Nate & Kimberly Derstine Zach & Kara Derstine Pete & Elizabeth DeSmit Dave & Charmaine Detrow Dick Purcell Land, Cattle and Timber Corporation Gene & Gloria Diener John Dove David & Elizabeth Driver Bryant & Rita Dunston Dynamic Aviation, Inc. Ervin Miller Construction Clair & Eugenia Esch Roger & Barbara Eshleman Lauren & Robert Estrada Everence Viola Faulks First Financial Services Group Follett Corporation William & Shirley Gabeler Philip & Grace Gale Gary T. Long's Plumbing & Heating Marvin Gaylor, Jr & Gail Gaylor Derek & Jamie Gingerich Steve & Sara Godshall Tom & Lucy Goeke Linford & Beth Ann Good Harry & Kathleen Graber Graybar Electric Company, Inc. Phil & Susan Guengerich Carl & Herta Harman Harman Construction, Inc. Don & Joan Harrold Chad & Lori Hatter Dennis & LuAnne Hatter John & Mary Ann Heatwole Leo & Ruthanne Heatwole Les & Sylvia Helmuth Phil & Loretta Helmuth Walter Henschel Stephen Hensley Jim & Carol Herr Noah & Parmalle Hershey Helen & Dean Hertzler Mary Heyer Marv & Diane Holsopple William Hood Rita & Kevin Hoover Dwayne & Laura Horst Marv & Marcia Horst Bob & Eloise Hostetler Merle & Mary Ellen Hostetler Lois & David Huston Insurance Center of Harrisonburg, Inc. InterChange Group, Inc. J. Brooke Lewis DMD, Inc. Char & Bob Jacob JCSA LLC Arthur Jenkins, Jr. Kip & Lisa Jenkins J. Robert & Patricia Johnson Clayton & Marsha Justice Elizabeth Kalbouss Glen & Sandy Kauffman

Vincent & Paige Kelliher Jim Kennel & Beth Froebe Kennel Dawn & Charles Kern Kirk & Susan King Nori & Nolan King Dave & Sharon Kisamore Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Erik & Sarah Kratz Floyd & Debra Kratz Aubrey & Tyler Kreider Phil & Lois Kreider Phil & Jana Landes Roland & Darlene Landes David & Carolyn Landis Jeffrey Landis & Sharon Fransen LD&B Insurance Agency Billy & Renee Leap Mary Leber Brent & Claudia Lehman Edward & Kimberly Lehman Gary & Alice Lehman Jennifer & Jeremy Litwiller Robert & Carolyn Sue Livengood Aaron & Gloria Long Mark & Lisa Longacher Cory & Linda Longacre Kevin & Shelby Longenecker Amanda Madden Maxine & Ralph Magri Carl & Sandy Martin Don & Barbara Martin Gary & Pat Martin Rose & Glenn Martin Stephen & Lucille Martin Todd & Amy Martin William & Susan Mathews Mark & Christine McKenna Randall Meyers Carl & Toni Miller Laurie & Ellen Miller Miller Bros Contractors, Inc. Eric & Jessica Moyer Glenn & Diane Moyer Herbert & Mary Jane Moyer Jonathan & Stephanie Moyer Kristin Moyer Steve Moyer Mim Mumaw Russ & Ruth Mumaw Homer & Pauline Myers Ken L. & Judy Nafziger Mag & Philip Nolt Wesley & Vicki Nolt Old Dominion Grounds Maintenance Aaron & Kristin Orndorff Richard & Helen Ours Richard & Ronna Parks Trevor Parmer Allen Peachey Joyce & J. Emerson Peckman Shawn & Michelle Pickford Edward & Judith Powell Mark & Janis Prock Jody Pugh Herman & Pauline Racer John & Carolyn Reed Phillip Renick Barbara Richards Cindy Richartz Eduardo & Teresita Rodriguez Michele Romano James & Gloria Horst Rosenberger Lynn & Kathleen Roth Peggy & Roger Rupp Thomas Rupp Kurtis & Cindy Sauder Myrl & Freida Sauder Dave Schlabach Separation Equipment Company, Inc. | crossroads | 31

MEET OUR ROYAL CALLERS! Eight students under the supervision of Lois Wenger '76 (pictured on far left in photo above) will be calling alumni and parents on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, Jan. 14 to April 15, 2014, on behalf of the University Fund, a fund which enables EMU to make college as affordable as possible for more students. These contributions can be designated for the University, Seminary, or Center for Justice and Peacebuilding. These students enjoy chatting and welcome swapping stories about EMU. They can answer questions like: What’s it like to live in a dorm with low-flow toilets? Do students still sled down The Hill after snow storms? The Royal Callers achieve better results than appeals made by direct mail and email. During fall 2013 they raised 50,000 in pledges and contributions, an incredible blessing for the university and the students depending on financial assistance. Help them beat their own record in the spring by taking their calls and saying, “Yes, I’m pleased to help!”

32 | crossroads | fall/winter 2013-14

Mariah Batkins

Second-year nursing major I love being outdoors and spending time with family. After graduating from EMU, I plan on becoming a neonatal nurse. Kari Denlinger Senior elementary education major I am from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I enjoy being outside and laughing with friends. Ty Ferrell Junior English and writing studies majors I hope to work somewhere in the world of writing and publishing after I graduate. I love the beach, '80s music, and traveling. I also have a mild obsession with all things Superman.

Tony Harris Graduate student at CJP I am studying strategic peacebuilding and conflict transformation at CJP. I hold a BA in peace studies from Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland. I worked with a number of nonprofits in Baltimore during my time as an undergraduate student and spent the summer of 2012 working with peacebuilding organizations in Sri Lanka. Morgan Kratz Junior social work major I enjoy playing guitar, taking pictures, and laughing with friends and family.

Britney Kurtz Senior nursing major I enjoy horseback riding and being outdoors. I also love days that I don’t have to study. Chad Reinford Senior outdoor ministry and adventure leadership major I love spending time outdoors, climbing, caving, camping and canoeing. I enjoy country music and hanging out with friends. Rachel Richard Junior elementary education major I am from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I love coloring, cooking and spending time with friends. I also love sunny days, smiling and laughing!

You may also give online at or phone EMU’s development office at 800-368-3383. | crossroads | 33

Joel & Lisa Shank Sheldon & Lois Shank Eugene & Martine Shelly J.C. & Jewel Shenk Jon & Kris Shenk Ora & Marilyn Shetler Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Craig & Bonnie Shoemaker Welby & Sharon Showalter Danielle & J. C. Siembida Charles & Barbara Smith Steven & Elaine Smith Wayne & Joanne Speigle James Spencer Stephen Stanley John & Velma Stauffer Ky & Tanya Stoltzfus Winfred & Wilda Stoltzfus John & Terri Storc Ronald & Jacqueline Sullivan Smoot Eric & Erin Swartley Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Art & Dixie Swenka Allon and Doris Lefever Trim Runners LLC Janet & Max Troyer Vaughn & Inga Troyer Troyer Construction, Inc. Neil & Margaret Turner United Bank United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma Alexander Vaccaro John & Sheila Varnhorn Vellines Glick & Whitesell Linwood & Radella Vrolijk Willard & Joyce Wagner Wease Auto Exchange, Inc. Sam & Sarah Weaver Todd & Anne Weaver Wendell & Jolene Weaver Weaver Insurance and Financial Advisors Gordon & Barbara Weirich Jason & Lenora Whetzel Harvey & Pam Wilson Patricia Wood Duane & Jill Yoder Gary & Beth Yoder Miles & Dawnell Yoder Paul & Carol Yoder Victor Yoder Ethan & Carla Zook Pam & Rick Zuercher

Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival Donors of $250 or more Anonymous (3) Brian Adams Michael & Violet Allain Myron & Esther Augsburger Joyce & James Benedict Catherine Boyd Larry & Marcia Brown Mark & Beryl Brubaker Judy & Ralph Cohen Ed & Cathy Comer Phyllis & Jerry Coulter Spencer & Shirley Cowles Dynamic Aviation, Inc. Elisabeth T. Eggleston Janet Einstein Fred & Gail Fox Bibb & Dolly Frazier Judith & George Gabel

34 | crossroads | fall/winter 2013-14

William & Mary Gibb Bob Gillette Doug Guynn Dwight & Pearl Hartman Leo & Ruthanne Heatwole Sidney & Linda Heatwole Bland Nancy Heisey & Paul Longacre Hiram & Mary Jane Lederach Hershey Alden & Louise Hostetter Robert Jochen David Kaeuper Rosemary King Fred & Rosalyn Kniss LD&B Insurance Agency Marge Maust Anne McFarland David & Margaret Ann Messner Ken & Helen Nafziger Ellen Nash & Jonathan Jay Elizabeth & William Oscanyan Zack & Judith S. Perdue Barkley Rosser, Jr. & Marina Rosser Jack & Gloria Rutt Jon & Sheryl Shenk Geraldine Sherwood Donald & Marlene Showalter Harley & Sadie Showalter Nelson & Phyllis Showalter C. Robert & Charity Showalter Welby & Sharon Showalter Don Smith Barbara Stickley Eugene Stoltzfus & Janet Trettner Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Jim & Carol Warner Connie & Hugh Westfall David & Mary Wick Ingeborg & Vernon Yeich Carol Yetzer Paul & Carol Yoder Ron & Shirley Yoder

Ruby Lehman Lynette & Keith Long Eddie & Ann Lowe Ruth D. Martin Merck Company Foundation Lorna & Dean Nichols Charles & Lois Oster Zack & Judith Perdue Lawrence & Barbara Roller Gregory & Odette Scovel Sam & Jan Showalter Victoria & Christopher Simonetti Spencer, Randolph & Williams Frank & Nancy Summers Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Doris & Garland Viands Sharon & James Wampler Gregory & Valerie Weaver Phyllis Weaver Hearn & J.T. Hearn Jim & Barbara Wheatley Roger & Mary Willetts Robin & Kathy Wilson Betty Wisman Douglas & Sylvia Woodworth Ethan & Carla Zook

Donors by Class Year Alumni Participation Rate (APR) Top Ten Classes

Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir

1951 .................. 43% 1958 .................. 39% 1956 .................. 39% 1950 .................. 38% 1959 .................. 38% 1952 .................. 38% 1953 .................. 37% 1954 .................. 37% 1962.................. 35% 1966 ................. 34%

Donors of $100 or more


Anonymous (2) Mary Ann & Jonathan Alger Barbara & Gene &erson Joy & Jonathan &erson APR Associates PC Brian Bauer & Debbie Warnaar Bridgewater Ruritan Club Mark & Beryl Brubaker Lowell & Miriam Byler Greg & Jane Byrd Ronald & Edith Carrier Country Photo Sharon Delawder Paul & Kathy Eurich Mary Beth & Ted Flory Lois & Lowell Gerber Ervie & Mary Glick Dwight & Pearl Hartman John & Mary Ann Heatwole Nancy Heisey & Paul Longacre Phil & Loretta Helmuth Gina & Tom Holden Bill & Ann Holtzman Harold & Barbara Huffman Mason & Annie Hulen Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Michael & Susan Layman Anna Leakey Nancy & Robert Lee

Alumni Participation Rate 14% Giving Total $32,374 1934

Chester Wenger


Florence Detweiler Marjorie Guengerich


Grace Hostetter


Dwight Hartman Paul Martin Stuart Shank Ethel Strite


Alumni Participation Rate 28% Giving Total $33,765 1940

Anonymous Sheldon Hollopeter


Virginia Martin Evelyn Maust


Marnetta Brilhart Margaret M. Gehman Mark Moyer Sara Jane Wenger


John Horst


Rohrer Eshleman Pearl Hartz Kenneth Heatwole David Troyer Dorothy Yoder


Joseph Baer Arlene Hege Norman Kraus Anna Mae Landis Dorothy Martin Violet Miller Janet Yoder


John Miller Sara Ellen Stoltzfus


Betty Deputy Pearl Johnson Eleanor Kauffman Orval Shank Ida Swartley Neil Turner


A. Don Augsburger Nathan Hege Mary Louise Hertzler Samuel Horst Paul Kniss Mary Lederach J. Paul Lehman Lester Shank

1950 APR 38% Giving Total $4,218 Anonymous Grace Bergey Lester Brubaker James Brunk, Sr. Thelma Brunk Huldah Claude Betty Drescher Paul Herr Hiram Hershey Mildred Hostetter

David Kauffman, Sr. Leah Magal Erika Malin D. Lowell Nissley Miriam Nissley Henry Weaver, Jr. John Weaver Margaret Yoder Paul Yoder

1951 APR 43% Giving Total $35,760 Ann Blosser Bill Detweiler John Drescher Salome Harrison Daniel Hertzler Mary Ellen Horst John Hostetler Abram Hostetter Hazel Hostetter Dan M. Krady Harry Kraus, Sr. Jean Kraybill Ralph Malin Ina Martin Daniel Reinford Mary Reinford Gladys Shank Charles Shenk Bernard Showalter Lena Showalter Alice Snyder Eugene Souder Paul Swarr Marilyn Swartzentruber Doris Trumbo Elvin Weber Ruth Weber Morris Yoder

1952 APR 38% Giving Total $15,299 Anonymous Irene Alderfer Margaret Derstine Dick Good Betty Kniss Mark Kniss Ethel Kolb Nancy Lee Mark Lehman Paul Miller Laban Peachey Bertha Plank Barbara Risser M. Joyce Showalter Alice Souder Edward Stoltzfus Ruth Swartz Herbert Weaver, Sr. Ken Weaver Lester Weber Daisy Yoder


APR 37% Giving Total $11,485 Anonymous (2) John Burkholder Susan Burkholder Rhoda Clemens Ike Glick Rebecca Herr Miriam Housman Marjorie Kotva John Kreider Marijke Kyler Pauline Lehman Lois Martin Ruth Martin Everett Metzler Clarence Rutt Helen Shank James Stauffer Doris Stoltzfus Paul Thomas Lois Witmer Robert Witmer

1954 APR 37% Giving Total $25,429 Doris Bomberger Kenton Brubaker Helen Burkholder Roy Burkholder Ruth Burkholder Margaret Foth Elsie Gingerich Dorothy Groff Ruth Kaufmann Dorothy Kreider Jay Landis John Lapp John Martin Elmer Miller Catherine Mumaw Grace Mumaw Rebekah Nice Carl Rudy Helen Rutt John Shenk Virgil Stoltzfus Ruth Wenger Amos Yoder Floyd Zehr

1955 APR 28% Giving Total $9,211 Greta Albrecht Myron Augsburger Jim Bomberger Kenneth Brunk Mildred Glick Marvin Groff David Harnish George Hostetler Issa Khalil Alice Lapp Margaret Metzler Ruth Rudy Ruth Schlabach Myrtle Shenk

Stanwyn Shetler Ruth Simpson June Marie Weaver

1956 APR 39% Giving Total $35,968 Joyce Alexander Jewell Brenneman James Brubaker Gladys Buckwalter Ruth Cender Alma Eby Keith Esch Bob Eshleman Neil Gingerich Pearl Good Elizabeth Hoover Ruth King Susanne King Catherine A. Lapp LeRoy Lapp Esther Lehman Cliff Lind Emanuel Martin Lois Martin Wilbur Maust Clair Metzler Doris Morgan Dorcas Morrow Homer Myers Mary Reitz Bill Roth Ruth Shaum Dorothy Shetler John Smucker Shirley Wion Thelma Wolgemuth Julia Yoder

1957 APR 31% Giving Total $9,628 Anonymous (2) Titus Bender George Brenneman Paul Dagen Martha Deitrich Shirley Delp Jason Denlinger Omar Eby Ginny Esch Arlene Gingerich James Gingrich Joan Gingrich Lois Holdsclaw Carl Keener Eunice Kraybill Wilmer Lehman Hope Lind Charles Longenecker Warren Martin Miriam Maust Laura Schumm Barbara Showalter Mary Swartley Robert Yoder Roland Yoder


APR 39% Giving Total $26,095 Anonymous Doris Albrecht Bertha Beachy Anna Bender Cleo Clark David Eshleman S. David Garber Edith Gingerich Lois Ann Hartman Wilmer Hartman Grace Herr Lowell Herr S Duane Kauffman Ernie Kraybill Laura Kurtz Becci Leatherman Elton Lehman Mary Louise Lehman Milton Lehman Barbara Longoria Donald Mellinger Fae Miller Ruth Mumaw A. Martha Nissley James Payne Marian Payne Urbane Peachey Alice Rini Dorcas Rolon Marjorie Shenk Irene Smucker John Spicher Glenn Steffen Bob Wenger Larry Wenger Susan Wenger

1959 APR 38% Giving Total $367,432 Anonymous (2) Millard Benner Gerald Brunk Elizabeth Dawson Nancy Fisher Linford Gehman Lois Hartzler Roy Hartzler C. Kenneth Hershey Betty Hertzler Daniel Hess Violet Hopkins Ray Horst Bob Hostetler Naomi Kauffman Calvin Kaufman Naomi Kniss Arlene Leatherman James Lehman Joe Longacher Allen Martin Edwin Martin Joseph Martin Harvey Mast Mary Miller Willis Miller Gloria Moranski Ivan Moyer Pauline Myers Joyce Petro | crossroads | 35

Glen Roth John Rutt Rebecca Rutt Clair Schnupp Hubert Schwartzentruber Janice Sensenig Calvin Shenk C. Robert Showalter Marvin Slabaugh Marcus Smucker Erma Sollenberger Ira Sollenberger Willard Swartley Donald Taylor Rae Della Wenger Anna Mary Yoder J. Harold Zook

1960 APR 34% Giving Total $26,463 Anonymous Lester Beachy Lois Bowman Lena Brown Jim Burkholder Ronald David Arlen Delp Miriam Friesen Carol Garber Ray Gingerich Wilma Gingerich Orpha Glick Ruth Glick James Good Charles Hershey Eva Hershey Daniel Hochstetler John Horst, Jr. Naomi Horst Esta Hostetler Glenn Kauffman Esther Kraybill Norman Kreider James Lapp Samuel Lapp David Leaman John Leaman M. Hershey Leaman Eileen Lehman Elmer Lehman Miriam Lindeman Robert Martin Edwin Miller Jerry Miller Carolyn Moyer Emma Myers LeRoy Petersheim Kenneth Seitz, Jr. Don Sensenig Doris Sensenig Esther Shisler Harvey Stoltzfus Richard Weaver Werner Will

1961 APR 32% Giving Total $337,747 Anonymous Lois Alwine Sanford Alwine

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Verna Beachy Anna Mary Brubacher Glenn M. Brubacher Mark Brubaker George Brunk III John Buckwalter Marian Burkholder Fern Grace Raymond Hertzler Joy Hess Helen Hofstetter Jo Hoover Eloise Hostetler Marie Kauffman Paul Kratz Wayne Kratzer Harold Kraybill Sara Kreider D. Harold Landis Peggy Landis Gerri Lehman Allen Lind Paul Longacre Arlin Martin Mary Martin Rachel Martin David Messner Miriam Mumaw Russ Mumaw Audrey Murray Lorraine Myers Lorne Peachey Jean Pfeiffer Bob Ramer Marilyn Ritchie Annabelle Roth Lydia Samatar David Shetler Carl Smeltzer Robert Steckley Marjorie Steffen Ann Yoder Paul Yoder Ruth Yoder Tilli Yoder Lois Zehr

1962 APR 35% Giving Total $138,208 Anonymous E. Faye Beckler Glen Brubaker Marian Buckwalter Naomi DuBlanica Anna Kathryn Eby John Eby Waldemar Eger Reta Finger Ervie Glick Gerald Good Ramona Hartzler Mary Hinkle Dorothy Jantzi Naomi Jantzi John Kauffman J. Mark King John Kreider Treva Kurtz E. Jean Landis Helen Lapp Sara Ellen Lapp Andrew Leatherman Sara Jane Lind Arlene Martin

Lois Martin Luke Martin Michael Mast Audrey Metz James Metzler Anna Miller Becky Miller Charles Moyer Evelyn Moyer Mary Newcomer Janet Patton Eunice Paul Carolyn Reed Abner Schlabach Virginia Glass Schlabach Howard Schrock Mary Grace Shenk Virginia Shenk Donald Showalter Marlene Showalter Millard Showalter Esther Siville Sarah Ellen Slabaugh Allene Smucker-Klassen Arlene Snavely Del Snyder Ruth Ann Swartzendruber Raul Tadeo Erma Taylor Arno Thimm-Richardson Takashi Wakiyama Naomi Weaver Robert Weaver Daniel Wert Roy Wert Rachel Witmer Janice Wyse Carroll Yoder David D. Yoder Eileen Yoder Shirley Yoder Paul Zehr

1963 APR 34% Giving Total $288,675 Anonymous Ralph Alderfer Dwight Beachy Marian Beaman G. Edwin Bontrager Linda Boyer Verna Colliver Loris Cunningham Joyce Eby Carol Erb Helen Eshleman J. Mark Frederick, Jr. Dorcas Good Bill Helmuth Loretta Helmuth Arianne Hochstetler Naomi Keiper Walter King, Sr. Yoshihiro Kuroki Ira Kurtz Omar Lapp Bill Leatherman Marie Macknight Lydia Mahabirsingh Nancy Martin Ruth May Rachel Metzler Paul Mishler Glenn Myers Jacqueline Myers

Lois Newcomer John Reed Rose Rhodes Bertha Roggie Geraldine Rush Martha Sauder Rowland Shank Dan Shenk Naomi Shenk Charity Showalter Lee Snyder Joyce Stoll Ruth Weaver Esther Wert Kyriaki Wiersteiner Alma Jean Yoder Carol Yoder Paul Yoder, Jr.

1964 APR 31% Giving Total $72,814 Beryl Brubaker Paul Brunk Esther Clymer Paul Clymer Leona Diener Janeth Duncan Ken Eshleman Emma Frederick Carl Good Dorothy Harnish Paul Harnish Roy Heatwole Linda Heatwole Bland Larry Hess Wayne Holsinger Gladys Horst Vernon Jantzi Rosalyn Johnson Elmer Kennel Lydia Ann Kennel John Kreider Evelyn Kurtz Dorothy Leatherman Lois Lehman Ellen Rose Longacre Pat Martin Raymond Martin Joe Mast Clair Mellinger Mamie Mellinger Lois Mericle Margaret Ann Messner Art Newcomer Edward Plank Geneva Rufenacht Jim Rush Marilyn Schlabach Mary Schwartzentruber Miriam Seigfried Delbert Seitz J. Dennis Swartz Dale Umble Elsie VanPelt Robert Vetter Esther Weaver Robert Weaver Dean Welty Janet Welty Andre Wenger James Wenger Louretta Wilson E. James Witmer Clara Yoder Edwin Yoder

Harvey Yoder Lauren Yoder Suzanne Yoder Priscilla Ziegler

1965 APR 30% Giving Total $172,110 Anonymous (2) Dick Alderfer Rhoda Atzeff Dorothy Beidler Paul Beiler Joyce Brunk Robert Cheung Verna Detweiler Myrna Eshleman Janet Gehman Mary Gehman Stan Godshall Susan Godshall Lois Good Mary Grieser Ernie Hess Lois Hess Erma Horning Mary Jane Jones Rosemary King Robert Koch Samuel Kulp Joyce Lehman Grace Leichty James Longacre Barbara Martin Elvin Martin Ervin Mast Violet Metzler Susanna Moshier B. Lloyd Nice Paul Nisly Larry Nolt Florence Roes Charlotte Rosenberger Laurence Sauder Jacob Schrock Lucille Shank Norman Shank John Shearer Martine Shelly Jewel Shenk Al Shirk Ruth Ann Shirk Sam Showalter Paul Shrock Nora Spurgin Ruth Stauffer Dale Stoltzfus Ethel Wenger J. Lloyd Wert Grace Will Donald Ziegler Mary Zuniga

1966 APR 34% Giving Total $19,550 Anonymous Mim Allison Luke Beidler Lee Roy Berry, Jr. Glendon Blosser Edie Bontrager

Allen Brubaker Shirley Yoder Brubaker Mary Jean Cross Ronald Detwiler Phillip Duncan Mary Ann Eisemann Ruby Freed Lois Gerber Elaine Good Leon Good V. Jenelle Gould Jim Halteman Dervin Hart Dwayne Hartman Joanne Hershey Joan Horst Goldie Huber Esther Kauffman Regina Kauffman Harry King Doris Kolb Hannah Lapp Joseph Lapp Glenn Lehman Robert Martin Ora Mast Rhoda Mast Anna Miller Helen Miller Mark Miller S Ernest Miller Herb Myers J. Lowell Nafziger Elaine Nice Ken Nissley Carol Parks Barbara Penner Eloise Plank Joanne Sauder David Seitz Dorothy Sensenich Eugene Shelly Nelson Showalter Geraldine Stiedle Norma Strawbridge Joyce Strawderman Alvin Swartzentruber Lawrence Umble Margaret Umble Sam Weaver Calvin Yoder Emery Yoder Nancy Yoder Ray Yoder Sharon Yoder Dorothy Zehr Lena Zehr Mary Zehr Milton Zehr Pearl Zehr

1967 APR 28% Giving Total $413,367 Leanna Beiler Lowell Bender Anna Bishop Jim Bishop Susie Boyd Linda Breneman Roy Breneman Rachel Brenneman Roy Brubaker Evelyn Driver Mary Ellen Dula Clair Esch

Roger Eshleman Don Frederick Charlotte Glick Sarah Glick Betty Good White Ronald Guengerich Salim Habash Carl Harman Evelyn Keener Glenda Knepp Donald Kraybill Sherilyn Layne Karen Leidig Anna Martin Dan Martin Ernest Mast Nancy Mast Alta Mellinger John Miller Naomi Miller Sarah Myers Wesley Newswanger Elizabeth Nissley Wilbur Peachey Doris Rissmiller Marian Rohrer Henry Rosenberger Alta Schwartz Blair Seitz Harley Showalter Sadie Showalter Stuart Showalter Donald Siegrist Gary Smucker Anne Stoltzfus George Stoltzfus Ruth Stoltzfus Levi Troyer Marian Umble Carolyn Wampler Wayne Weaver Connie Westfall Jerome Yoder Nadine Young Karene Zimmerman

1968 APR 28% Giving Total $75,408 Anonymous (2) Martha Augsburger Lawrence Brenneman Lynn Brubaker Anna Clark Bob Conley Gene Diener Sherman Eberly Betty Jo Eby Peg Engle J. Kenneth Fisher, Jr. J. Richard Frey Joseph Gascho Jesse Gehman Marg Gehman Mervin Good Gloria Gredler Ruth Guengerich James Harbold Mary Heinbaugh Don Hertzler Paul Hess Anne Hummel Bruce Hummel Louetta Hurst Dottie Kauffmann David Kindy

Noah Kolb Lois Kreider Wayne Kurtz Wilbur Leidig, Jr. Russell Leinbach Sally Leinbach Milford Lyndaker Melvin Martin Rose Martin Vernon Martin Mattie Marie Mast Cheryl Mickley Freeman Miller Leon Miller Frankie Nafziger Gary Nafziger Anna Nolt Rhoda Nolt Christine Ontiveros Karen Ransaw James Rosenberger Esther Rush Clare Schumm Bernadine Schwartzentruber Omar Showalter Josie Smith Roy Steiner Julia Witmer Dwight Wyse Sheryl Wyse Faye Yoder Patricia Yoder Ronald Yoder Glenn Zendt Kathy Zendt Lois Zook Marilyn Zook Mervin Zook

1969 APR 25% Giving Total $20,183 Anonymous Darrell Beyeler Judith Brenneman William Brenneman Betty Brunk Carolyn Burkholder Donald Burkholder Paul Christophel Rebecca Christophel Harvey Chupp Ellis Detwiler Sue Funkhouser Mary Jane King Garrison Eloise Gingerich Phyllis Gingrich Merle Good John Goshow Susan Guengerich Dorothy Harnish Ruthanne Heatwole Betty Hertzler Lowell Hertzler James Hoover Lynn Hostetler Robert Hostetter Dave Kisamore Kathie Kurtz Sharri Kurtz Ken Lehman Calvin Litwiller Rachel Litwiller Willie Longenecker Dan Martin Flora Martin | crossroads | 37

Jean Martin Victor Martin Rodney Mast Nathan Miller Sam Miller Viola Miller Steven Mininger Karen Mishler William Mishler Bob Nolt Joy Pople Alice Raiford Martha Rohrer John Rush Lois Schlabach Floyd Schrock Linda Semke John Shank Irene Shearer Alice Shirk Joanne Siegrist Carole Smith Thomas Spicher Nancy Walker Carol Wenger Judy Widmer Florence Witmer Judy Wyse Lois Yoder Marsha Yoder Ruth Zale Mary Elaine Zuck

1970 APR 25% Giving Total $69,227 Charles Bauman Fern Bauman Thomas Beachy Bob Bishop Jonas Borntrager Robert Brenneman Jane Burkholder Paul Burkholder Eva Coffey Ralph Eby Samuel Espinoza John Fairfield Kathryn Fairfield Tina Glanzer Phyllis Good Phil Guengerich Marian Hackney Carl Hanbury Dennis Hatter LuAnne Hatter Clyde Herr Rachel Hershberger Gloria Horst Rosenberger Betty Hostetler Kathryn Isett Elton Kauffman Judy King Lois King Fred Klassen Martha Kolb-Wyckoff Elvin Kraybill Esther Kraybill Carl Litwiller Daniel Longenecker Larry Martin Lena Martin Henry Miller J. B. Miller Leon Miller Paul Miller

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Richard Miller Sherry Miller Karen Moyer Leon Moyer Myrna Moyer Mag Nolt Allen Peachey Lonnie Richardson Rosalie Roland Ken Schildt Mary Schrock Ruth Shantz-Morgan Michael Shenk Ruth Shenk Hertzler Maynard Shirk Shirley Showalter Karl Steffy Ruth Stoltzfus Jeanne Strausz Emagene Stuckey Ernie Swartz Elsie Weaver M. Steven Weaver Naomi Weaver Dave Yoder John Yoder Nancy Yoder LaVern Yutzy Paul Zimmerly

1971 APR 26% Giving Total $19,783 Anonymous (2) Karen Beachy Rosie Berkey Sharon Bowers Kim Boyd John Claude Anna Belle Deal Janice Falb Elias George David Glanzer W Richard Good Althea Harvey Elnore Herr Elaine Hershberger Christine Hill Marv Holsopple Deborah Hoover Loren Horst Marcia Horst Marv Horst Ruth Jost John Kanagy Lloyd Kauffman Rose Kennel Phillip King Eugene Kraybill Shirley Kurtz Richard Landes Wayne Lawton Melvin Lehman Jan Long Louise Longenecker Glenna Lowry Stephen Lowry Carl Martin Joann Martin Linda Martin Linford Martin Gail Mast Gerald Meck John Metzler Fannie Miller Mary Miller

Charles Nafziger Sharon Nusbaum Louise O'Connell Rachel Rader Raymond Ressler Dennis Rohrer Wendy Rohrer Judy Rosenik Rose Ross J.C. Shenk Rosemary Shirk Ruth Short Steven Showalter Ellen Steffy Catherine Stoltzfus Omar Stoltzfus Paul Stoltzfus Douglas Stutzman Roland Stutzman Joanna Vile Joyce Weaver John Weber David Wenger Lowell Wenger Miriam Wenger Esther Witmer Christon Zirkle

1972 APR 30% Giving Total $83,577 Anonymous Machiko Achiba Karen Albrecht Wanda Alger Esther Augsburger Julie Bender David Birky Carolyn Boekling Gladys Boettcher Donald Bomberger Herman Bontrager Lois Bontrager Janet Breneman Jerry Breneman Donald Bucher Gretchen Christopher Rose Crickenberger Douglas Croxton Carolyn Derstine Kenton Derstine Mark Derstine Mim Eberly Norma Jean Eddy Roland England, Jr. Barbara Eshleman Jan Foderaro Joanne Gehman Nora George Firman Gingerich Lee Gingerich Susan Gingerich John Gingrich Donald Good Leo Heatwole Kenneth Herr Wayne Hershberger Carol Hess Rachel Hickman Earlene Horst Gerry Horst Lois Huston J. Melvin Janzen Dennis Kauffman Deryl Kennel Miriam Kennel

M. Kate Kooker Paul Leaman Daniel Lehman Nelson Lehman Alan Leinbach Irma Lewis R. Larry Martin Ruth Martin Harry Mast Robert Maust Sharon Metzler-Ruth Alan Miller Barbara Miller Gerald Miller James Miller Janice Miller Martin Miller Judy Moskalik James Mullet Ann Overly Merle Reinford Ruth Ann Reinford Elva Rhodes Gloria Rutt Jack Rutt Nancy Sauder Lela Sawatzky Glen Sell Elaine Shirk Eugene Stoltzfus Karl Stoltzfus Loren Swartzendruber Dorothy Jean Weaver Erma Weaver Lamar Weaver Earl Wenger Kathy Wenger Sanford Wyse Bruce Yoder Janice Yoder Rachel Ann Yoder Ralph Yoder Mary Jane Yutzy Joyce Zimmerman

1973 APR 22% Giving Total $29,790 Anonymous Linda Alley Duane Bishop Judy Bomberger Jeanette Bontrager Christina Buckwalter Victor Buckwalter Christine Burkholder Judy Catalfu Anna Louise Detweiler Kathy Fisher Linda Frey David Gehman Lois Gehman Mary Gingerich Diane Good Jacquelyn Hamlett Joseph Hamlett Dorothy Hartman Diane Holsopple Jean Horst Kenneth Horst Steven Hostetler Dale Jones Jerry Kauffman Roger Kauffman Lois Kennel Harley Kooker

Ruth Kulp Jan Landes Galen Lehman Lois Lyndaker Gail Martin Gary Martin Gerald Martin Robert Mast Shirley Mast Gretchen Maust Eldon Miller Marcia Miller Susan Miller Karen Moshier-Shenk James Mullet Judy Mullet Daniel Ness Forest Porter, Jr. Glenn Reinford Lorraine Reinford Jerry Ruff Raymond Shank Harold Shearer June Shenk Steve Shenk Ora Shetler Welby Showalter John Stauffer, Jr. Velma Stauffer Esther Steckle Daniel Walter Linda Wenger Marlene Wenger Linda Witmer Duane Yoder Jeanelle Yoder John Yoder Judy Yoder Richard Yoder Victor Yoder

1974 APR 25% Giving Total $22,194 Esther Baldridge Rose Bergey Ellen Bowman Kenneth Brunk David Bucher Clarence Byerly Ross Collingwood Rhoda Derstine Rachel Diener Iris Driver Ruth Evans Becky Gascho Luke Gascho Shirley Geissinger Joyce Gingerich Julia Hottinger Arlene Jantzi Nancy Kauffman Rachel Kauffman Evelyn King John King David Kniss Mary Kratz Showalter Richard Lantz Toby Leaman III Janell Lederman Barbara Lehman Gloria Lehman Kathy Leichty Helen Leinbach Nancy Litwiller Dale Long

Merle Mast Beverly Miller Darrell Miller Karen Miller Lynda Miller David Mininger Marian Mininger Ethel Mumaw Freida Myers Rodney Nafziger Herb Noll Carol Petry Kathy Poindexter Ida Proco Edith Rhodes Verna Rice Karen Ringenberg Steven Ringenberg Delmer Schlabach Don Sharp Loretta Sharp Nelson Shenk Hilda Shirk Myrna Smucker Connie Souder Feryl Souder Ardis Stephenson Robert Stuckey Roger Stutzman Jacqueline Sullivan-Smoot Lyle Swartz Jim Swartzentruber Jeanne Troyer Adelle Ward Marjorie Warkentin Alan Wenger Marilyn Wenger Shirley Western Gene Williams Arlene Yoder Jane Yoder Jerry Yoder Shirley Yoder Francis Zehr

1975 APR 23% Giving Total $48,787 Rodney Allebach Elaine Zook Barge Patricia Bishop Dorothy Brangan Dean Brubaker Melodie Davis Pauline Dulabaum Jane Durdin Wendell Eberly Sheryl Ehst Allen Eshleman David Eubanks Robert Fisher Valda Garber-Weider Elaine Gehman Keith Gnagey Janice Godshall Karen Gross Joseph Hackman Sandi Harnish Loretta Helmuth Helen Hertzler Herbert Hoover Galen Horst-Martz Nnabugwu Iromuanya Joan Kauffman Victoria Kenyon Gloria Shenk Kniss

Janice Kratzer Rosemary Kratzer Sharon Lambert Kisamore Ruth Lesher Marla Longenecker Randall Longenecker Ajay Massey Elroy Miller Lanny Millette Jim Musser Miriam Nafziger Victor Obot Daryl Peifer Jane Peifer Judith Ramer Lois Ramer Miriam Ramer Naomi Ressler Irene Rhodes Dave Risser Doris Risser Kathy Risser Lynn Roth Verlen Rufenacht Sarah Schlabach Barbara Shenk Gerald Shenk Sara Wenger Shenk Bonnie Shoemaker James Showalter Rick Showalter David Strong Dottie Weber Lucinda Wolfe Byard Yoder David Yoder Janna Zirkle

1976 APR 24% Giving Total $37,671 Anonymous Mary Bell Harold Bergey Floyd Blosser Rhoda Charles Gloria Diener Carol Eberly Timothy Ehst Gwen Eubanks Edward Frey Colleen Gingerich David Gingrich J. Michael Greene Karen Martin Griffin Joel Gross Charles Harner Margaret Harner Phil Helmuth Ann Hershberger Marie Hertzler Philip Horst Sandy Horst Sylvia Horst Deb Huffman Lois Jones Dave King Michael King David Kreider Phil Kreider Eldon Kurtz C. Stephen Lamb Dale Lehman Rita Lehman Dale Martin Ruth Massey

Darrell McVay Ruth McVay Mary Jane Michael Martin Mikaya Craig Miller Edgar Miller Harold Miller Linda Miller Melissa Miller Norman Moshier Dean Peachey Luanne Ramer Calvin Roggie Leland Ropp Roger Rutt Randy Schweitzer Dawn Showalter Joyce Showalter Mike Stauffer Sam Thomas Patricia VanVoorhis Gregory Weaver Valerie Weaver Lois Wenger Ellen Yoder Ken Yoder Leon Yoder Ethan Zook Herbert Zook

1977 APR 23% Giving Total $61,693 Anonymous Jim Alexander, Jr. Gail Bachman David Baer Cheeri Barnhart John Bomberger Judy Buller Lorna Claassen Melvin Claassen Amy Deavers Charmaine Detrow Dave Detrow Sue Ann Earley Cynthia Frey Carolyn Gerig Bonnie Greene Lois Ann Hicks Bill Hochstetler Donald Hooley Mary Ina Hooley Colette Hostetler Stanley Hostetler Darrel Hostetter Kaduthanath Johnson Lois Kauffman Mary Beth Kauffman Mary Beth Kautz James Kennel Debra King Rosalyn Kniss Julie Knowlden Susan Krusemark Michael Kurtz Steve Landis Jay Leaman Maxine Magri Kathy Mast Ardith Matson Marvin Maust Carolyn Metzger Claudia Mikaya Joy Porter Glenna Ramer | crossroads | 39

Miriam Reesor Barbara Reinford Mary Alice Ressler Jody Richmond Annette Ritter Verle Rufenacht Pamela Rutt Lois Shank Donna Shenk Jon Shenk Sheryl Shenk Ruth Shetler Myron Showalter Joyce Smith Donna Souder Lorraine Stoltzfus Duane Swartley Joyce Taylor Marilou Wieder Paul Yoder Stanley Yoder Kim Yousey John Zook Judy Zook

1978 APR 22% Giving Total $29,565 Anonymous Beverly Alderfer Trudy Bondesen Randy Bowman Susan Brenneman Karl Brubaker Diane Burkholder Lloyd Claassen DeAnn Diller Laura Draper Daniel Grimes Les Helmuth Carol Horst Sherill Hostetter Cheryl Kelly Karen Kendall Rebecca Kipps Margaret Kreider Mary Ann Kreider Cindy Lamb Daryl Landis Nancy Landis Rosemary Landis Joyce Leaman David Lehman Larry Lehman David Martin Linford Martin Thomas A. Martin Marge Maust Richard Moyer Kay Nussbaum Wes Park Kenneth Pellman Ralph Reinford Susan Rhodes Dennis Rice Betty Ross Regina Schweitzer Jim Shenk Eric Shirk Karen Shirk Craig Shoemaker Willie Stoltzfus Winfred Stoltzfus Maurice Stutzman Joanna Swartley Julie Swartzentruber

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Lois Troyer David Weaver Stephen Wiebe-Johnson Anita Yoder Linda Yoder Phil Yoder Steve Yoder Peter Zimmerli Ron Zook

1979 APR 27% Giving Total $52,943 Anonymous Philip Baker-Shenk Jim Bell Lenora Bell Janet Blosser Marvin Bunting Ruel Burkholder Vicki Cumming Sue Dean Marcia Dickerson John Drescher-Lehman Sandra Drescher-Lehman Faith Eidse Brenda Grimes Marlin Groff Sue Groff Harold Guntz Ginny Heatwole Sylvia Helmuth Jim Herr Sharon Hoover Reuben Horst Janet Hostetler Alden Hostetter Louise Hostetter Marjorie Hovde Willie Hurst Jill Johnson Christine Kauffman Galen Kauffman Kermit Kauffman Joan King Richard King Bruce Kipps Fred Kniss Beth Landis Judy Landis Janet Landis-Frey Judy Leaman Steve Leaman Larry Lehman Don Livingston Luanne Livingston Jeanne Luther Don Martin Elaine Martin Lee Martin Pat Martin Dale Mast Harry Mott III Godfrey Muganda Ken L. Nafziger Steve Nussbaum Rachel Pellman Ike Porter Anthony Pratkanis Ann Reesor Gerald Ressler Lois Rhodes Philip Roth Debbie Rush Janet Ruth Susan Ruth

Thomas Ruth Rolando Santiago Brenda Shank Paul Souder Martha Stoltzfus Grace Styer John Swartzendruber Scott Swartzendruber Melvin Thomas Martha Thorpe Doris Horst Toll Herb Weaver, Jr. Mark Wenger Valerie Wermuth Sheryl Wideman Beth Yoder Gary Yoder Janet Yoder Kathy Yoder Miles Yoder Pat Yoder Carla Zook

1980 APR 18% Giving Total $27,415 Dottie Baumgarten Emma Beachy Steve Benner Brenda Bishop Tammy Bos Donald Brunk Keith Eshleman Beth Fulda Shirley Garber Eileen Gingrich Sue Glick Linford Good Marcy High Karen Hoerner Jerry Holsopple Julie Hooley Joe Irish Jim Kurtz Laura Lehman Martha Maddox Irma Mahone Conrad Martin Joyce Martin Philip Martin Marcus Miller Karen Moyers Lore Muganda Lois Oyer Trudy Partee Bob Redcay Chris Reist Gene Rhodes Pam Risser Phil Risser Eugene Ritter Anne Roth Diane Rowland Donald Shank Sheldon Shank Frank Shelp Eileen Shenk Libby Showalter Wayne Speigle Julie Stauffer Shirley Stickney Merle Stutzman Evonne Swartzendruber Lois Voth Grace Woodruff

1981 APR 23% Giving Total $43,294 Anonymous (2) Marcia Augsburger Sam Augsburger Greg Beachy Wayne Beachy Joyce Benedict Leanne Benner Evon Bergey Michael Bishop Kimberly Black Laurie Brunk Daryl Burkholder Susan Burkholder Sylvia Charles Doug Clemens Joy Clymer Patricia Curtis William Fisher Jamie Frankenfield Samuel Glick Beth Ann Good Nancy Heatwole Rosemary Hochstetler Dan Hooley Vern Hostetler Lisa Jicha Dick Kauffman Kevin King Eunice LaCoy Doris Leaman David Lehman Lavonne Lehman Jo Longenecker Ronald Marner Jo Martin Thomas Martin Cindy Mast Karen Michael Beth Miller Lois Miller Judy Nafziger Ann Nicely Becky Nolt David Peterson Cindy Redcay Leon Rohrer-Heyerly Jay Roth Nancy Roth Carmen Schrock-Hurst Ken Shenk Natalie Shenk Kirk Shisler Joanne Speigle Marilyn Spotts Sue Swartz James Wagler Pete Waybill Cheryl Weber Louisa Weber Ruth Welty Candace Yoder Darrel Yoder Darrell Yoder Elwood Yoder Joy Yoder Nelson Yoder Sylvia Yoder Barb Zimmerman Julie Zimmerman

1982 APR 19% Giving Total $31,677 Anonymous Judy Albrecht-Bunting Beth Augsburger Melanie Baer-Drescher Ruby Baldwin Frank Bielawski Jane Burgess Sharon Byler Kevin Carey Susan Eshleman Tom Garlitz Carl Geissinger Carole Giagnocavo Alan Greaser Roy Hange Steve Heatwole Jim Hershberger Gerald Hershey Edie Hochstetler Crystal Hoover Will Hostetler Patricia Hulsey Beryl Jantzi David Kanagy Glen Kauffman Sandy Kauffman Sharon Kauffman Dan King Phil Kniss John Landes Joy Lapp Richard Longacre Rose Longacre Dan Mast Wesley Nolt Doug Phillips Joel Reinford Richard Rhodes Kent Richard Cathy Rittenhouse Wanda Rohrer-Heyerly Jane Roth Phil Rush Luke Schrock-Hurst Anne Sensenig Alan Shenk Susanna Sommers Carol Spicher Jim Spicher Mark Stutzman Judith Trumbo Jo Ann Wagner Nelson Weber Phil Wenger Tom Wenger Darrel White Steven Wiebe-King Louise Yoder Phyllis Yoder

1983 APR 16% Giving Total $22,573 Myron Blosser Lucy Brubaker Jeannie Brunk Cheryl Carey Dave Clemmer Mike Clemmer

Williner Crawford Deb Dutcher Titus Dutcher Peggy Ebersole Beverly Eye Rose Hackman Theresa Hay Janie Heatwole Becky Holmes Merle Hostetler George Insley, Jr. Ellen Kanagy Chris Kennel Elvin Kennel Tim Kennel Larry Leaman-Miller Lee Martin Rachel Martin Natalie Mayer Matt McMullen Bev Miller Rosie Nafziger Vicki Nolt John Nussbaum Shawn Ramer Katrine Rose Ann Rutt Althea Salomone Julia Sauder Cheryl Shank Ken Shank Dave Shenk Sue Shirk Paul Showalter Beverly Smeltzer Dave Swartley Larry Swartzendruber Lucinda Swartzentruber Ralph Swartzentruber Donna Van Horn John Weber Robert Wenger Calvin Yoder Donna Yoder Marianne Yoder Randy Yoder

1984 APR 16% Giving Total $6,173 Nathan Barge Carmeleta Beidler Roy Bomberger, Jr. Ed Brubaker David Driver Jenifer Garlitz Steve Gehman Gloria Gill Jeff Hackman Bruce Hochstetler Cheryl Hollinger Rita Hoover Crystal Horning Phil Kanagy Jeff Kauffman Kay Kehs Wendy Kennel Laurie King Robert Kniss Thomas Lapp Jan Lehman Peg Martin Lois Mast James Maust Ken Miller Daryl Myers

Marci Myers Joyce Peckman Mary Petry Kathy Sue Rhodes Jeff Rittenhouse Jim Rittenhouse Coral Beth Rowley Rick Rutt Diane Scott Sharon Shenk Grant Stoltzfus Linford Stutzman Connie Swartzendruber Julie Wiebe Jill Wiebe-King Howard Yoder Kevin Yoder Marlin Yoder Sharon Yoder John Zehr

1985 APR 17% Giving Total $18,665 Janette Amstutz Teresa Anders Luann Bender Mary Bendfeldt Lori Bolton Evelyn Bomberger Shana Peachey Boshart Kim Gingerich Brenneman Charles Eberly Ellie Gathright Sherri Gessinger Karla Gingerich Pearl Hartman Dale Hartzler Nevin Herr Jeanette Hershey Kathy Hertzler Margo Jantzi Dan Keener Carol Kotva Joe Kotva, Jr. Lisa Kurtz Roger Kurtz Carol Landon Renee Leap Bill Longacre Kim Martin Mike Martin Denise Y. Miller Richard Mininger Dawn Nyce Douglas Nyce Mark Peachey Doug Rheinheimer Ben Risser Bruce Ritchie Kendra Rittenhouse Amy Rosenberger Craig Ruth Naomi Ruth Jonelle Shenk Cathy Smeltzer Erb Sonya Stauffer Kurtz Shelby Swartley Brad Swope Barbara Tafuni Bruce Thomas John Wenger Gary Yoder

1986 APR 19% Giving Total $13,577 Anonymous Lois Alderfer Steve Alderfer Dave Bergey Lori Bergey Kevin Blosser Brian Boettger Todd Bolton David Boshart Mary Jo Bowman Doug Brunk Sarah Busching Bev Cox Mike Derstine Rosita Derstine Liz Driver Sonya Eberly Dale Frederick Gary Gautsche Bill Gingerich Janene Good Les Horning Brenda Kniss Tim Krabill Clyde Kratz Cynthia Lapp Billy Leap Beth Lichty Annette Mast Kris Miller Linda Mininger Lois Mishler Joanne Moore Jeff Mumaw Veva Mumaw Linnet Nyce Celah Pence Marcia Rittenhouse Audrey Shenk Sherwyn Smeltzer Susan Stoltzfus Janet Troyer Judy VandeBunte Andrea Wenger Delbert Wenger Kim Whiteley Nancy Wingfield Rodney Yoder Bonnie Zehr Earl Zimmerman

1987 APR 16% Giving Total $24,447 Anonymous Rodney Alderfer Rose Ann Baer Joann Blosser Yvonne Boettger Pam Bone Don Carufel-Wert Allison Collingwood Glenda Cook Lisa Crist Elizabeth Dunmore Mike Engle Barbara Gingrich Carmen Good Rose Grissinger | crossroads | 41

Sandy Harnish Joe Hollinger Janet Hostetter Linda Hunsecker John Kiblinger Phil Landes Luke Miller Rob Pence Valerie Rheinheimer Nancy Rickerhauser Candy Ross-Cleary Wanda Roth Brian Schrock Randy Seitz Missy Short Deirdre Smeltzer David Troyer Paula Weaver Todd Weaver Kris Witmer Nelson Witmer Joni Yoder Phil Yoder

1988 APR 18% Giving Total $20,259 Anonymous Devon Anders Philip Borkholder Jeanette Christophel Kevin Christophel Tim Derstine John Dove Daniel Dunmore Alan Eby Kristin Eby Carol Eby-Good Rod Eshleman Marcy Gabriel Pete Harnish Lori Hartman-Keiser Rich Hartz Barb Hartzler Denise Hershey Jerry Hertzler Lisa Hertzler Eric Hostetter Char Jacob Marlin Kauffman Jonathan Lapp Joel Lehman Judi Miller Karl Miller Steve Mumbauer Mary Beth Ranck Neil Reinford Gloria Rhodes Anne Richter Jean Sensenig Laura Stoltzfus Jeff Strong Mary Tee Linwood Vrolijk Becky Waybill Anne Kaufman Weaver Deb Whetzel Wayne Witmer

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APR 13% Giving Total $5,205

APR 16% Giving Total $28,164

Anonymous Joanne Bender Melody Cash Melody Clymer Mike Clymer Mark Deavers Becky Detweiler Mary Glick Kris Griswold Larry Guengerich Mary Hostetler Kirby Keim Tony Krabill Eric Kurtz Phil Lehman Sarah Lehman John Lichty Diane Martin John Martin Cindy Mathews Renee Lapp Grace Nolt Cindy Sauder Kurtis Sauder Lisa Shelly Paul Shelly Hubie Stoll Karl Stoltzfus, Jr. Lonna Stoltzfus Anne Marie Stoner-Eby Scott Stoner-Eby Ted Swartz John Thomas Leora Troyer Luisa Witmer Mary Ellen Witmer Curt Yoder

Anonymous Dawn Alderfer Darin Benner Philip Bergey Kim Blosser Karen Burkholder Ken Burkholder Duval Denlinger Andy Dula Michelle Dula Robin Ely Marcy Engle Doug Friesen Donna Glunt Luke Hartman Rebecca Hess Dave Hockman-Wert Charlotte Hunsberger Steven Hunsberger Cheryl Justice Yvonne Keim Tammy Kennedy Barry King Jeff Landis Keith Landis Brent Lehman Mark Longacher Kevin Longenecker Keith Lyndaker Schlabach Tonya Martin Dean Mast Jan Mast Kathryn Morris Jeremy Nafziger Ramona Nissley Cedric Roth Donna Sensenig Daryl Snider Elizabeth Solanki Brian Stauffer Carolyn Strong Tisa Wenger Cheryl Zook

1990 APR 10% Giving Total $4,000 Larry Alderfer Lois Bucher Marta Castillo Kim Corson Tamara Denlinger Heidi Fellenbaum Karen Gerber Paul Groff Denise Hart Edie Holsopple Eric Hostetler Lavonn Hostetler Joy Hunsberger Heidi Kanagy Carissa Kratz Jonathan Kreider Kim Kurtz Brenda Landis Teresa Moser Amy Mumbauer Steve Nyce Tim Schultz Mike Weaver Kevin Wilder Carolyn Yoder

1992 APR 17% Giving Total $15,155 Doug Alderfer Troy Alderfer Ken Beidler Craig Bontrager Karen Bontrager Steve Breidigan Kevin A. Clark Janessa Cobb Kirby Dean Regina Dean Peter Dula Mark Glunt Steve Godshall Lee Good Pam Groff Janelle Guntz Yoder Daryl Haarer Dale Hess Tim Johnsen Martin Robert Kanagy Doug King Marshall King

Nori King Sally Krabill June Kuykendall Londa Lam Lisa Longacher Cory Longacre Shelby Longenecker Pam Martin Carol Miller Amy Moyer Todd Moyer Darin Nissley Jenni Piper Carmela Rosner Rich Sauder Missy Schrock Kent Sensenig Ryan Sensenig Dan Shenk-Evans Regina Shultz Ron Shultz Lonnie Smoker Missy Solanki Amy Springer Radella Vrolijk Steve Wehibe Marcia Widmer Mike Yoder Pam Zuercher

1993 APR 11% Giving Total $34,012 Rosalyn Alleman Diann Beach Michael Ann Courtney Brad Friesen Rosemary Good Chad Gusler Cyndi Gusler Staci Hartman Lin Hoober Marla Hoober Flo Horning Chad Hostetler Sandy Huston Kirby King Allison Kokkoros Beth Lehman Linda Longacre Todd Martin Karen Minatelli Emma Mullet Steve Ness Sherri Peters Janell Sauder Sam Sauder Mark Stoltzfus Inga Troyer Vaughn Troyer Kim van Donk John Van Horn Susan Warner Mark Wenger

1994 APR 12% Giving Total $6,853 Kathy Alderfer Keang Beiler Steve Brenneman Monica Cooper

Monica Esch Sara Godshall Jeff Guengerich Kent Hartzler Steph Hartzler Janice Hedrick Tim Hedrick Jeane Hershey Wil Kolb Steve Kriss III Kristen Leichty Laurie Longenecker Lynn Longenecker Rhoda Longenecker Kristen Mark Dwight Martin Trevor Parmer Jon Rush Susan Schwartzentruber Elaine Shenk John Stoltzfus Tim Swartley Dianne Warren Valerie Weaver-Zercher Laurie Yoder Ruth Zimmerman

Clarine Dean Nate Derstine Tom Eshleman Jill Foley Kevin Foley Catharine Frederick Jan Galvin Derek Gingerich Andrea Kauffman Todd Lilley Marshall McDonald Alice-Ann Menjivar Kevin Miller Matt Morris Denise Oberholtzer Kendall Ruth Mark Schroeder Michael Shank Jon Shenk Eric Stutzman Kathryn Suyes Matt Weaver Em Yoder


APR 9% Giving Total $11,107

APR 12% Giving Total $6,853

Anonymous Stuart Armstrong Carrie Bert Daryl Bert Bob Brenneman II Derek Buchanan Lynn Diener Sue Edwards Sheldon Esch Jennifer Eshleman Jill Gehman Mike Grieser Kristina Hamsher Chad Hatter Ryan Kauffman David King Kirk King Michelle King Chad Lacher Jen Lacher Denise Litwiller Jeremy Litwiller Chris Martin Hannah Miedel Tom Oberholtzer Christa Obold-Eshleman Kirsten Reinford Timothy Rice Ryan Rush Kris Shenk Jeff Souder Eric Swartley Jon Swartley Steve Szibler Yao Tsikata

Anonymous Victoria Brenneman J.J. Egli Stacey Egli Elaine Esch Eric Esch Tina Friesen Joe Gascho II Erica Graham Crystal Haarer Matt Hamsher Karen Hertzler Minnette Hostetler Joel Kauffman Paula King Greta Leinbach-Kreider Jennifer Litwiller Marcelo Mast Dione McDonald Kent Miller Kristin Oberholtzer Lelyn Saner Mona Sauder Jeff Shank Julie Shank Joyce Stephens Bruce Swartz Tim Swartzendruber Cecil Swartzentruber Janelle Thomas Michelle Weaver Rachel Weaver Evan Wenger Heidi West Anna Wyse Karah Ziff Angela Zimmerman

1996 APR 8% Giving Total $3,230 Jason Berg Laura Brenneman


1998 APR 7% Giving Total $3,428 Anonymous Jeff Barbour Lyle Beidler Melissa Beidler Lara Fisher Eric Gehman David George

Anna Grant Lori Hatter Kristel Kennedy Tom Kennedy Maria Linder-Hess Ryan Linder-Hess Margo McIntire Darrel Reinford Sid Ruth Alan Schroeder Charla Sommers Gary Sommers Ryan Steiner Paula Stoltzfus Kris Anne Swartley Janet Weber

1999 APR 10% Giving Total $6,140 Jeremy Byler Jody Byler Tina Campbell Laurie Miller Lorene Derstine Jeff Eshleman Rod Groff Christy Heatwole Craig Hofstetter Kim Hook Dwayne Horst Stephanie Horst Darrick Hummel Ryan Kauffman Valerie Kauffman Farrah Koogler Jeremy Kratz Sarah Leichty Tonia Liskey Mike McElroy Jason Myers-Benner Ellyn Nolt Jeff Nolt Ramona Rios Danielle Siembida Aaron Stauffer Renee Stauffer Ky Stoltzfus Nessa Stoltzfus Travis Trotter Ben Wyse

2000 APR 5% Giving Total $2,770 Jason Alderfer Obe Hostetter Teri Humphries Laura King Sara Kiser Jonathan Kratz Leah Kratz Tammy Kratz Julie Lehman Darrin Leichty Ryan Livengood Kyle Miller Nathan Musselman Marjorie Rush Virginia Showalter Kendra Snyder Rachel Swartley Steve Swartzendruber

Anthony Thoman Eric Yoder

2001 APR 10% Giving Total $6,210 Mahlet Aklu Aaron Buckwalter Kristen Buckwalter Kara Derstine Zach Derstine Kent Fellenbaum Rebecca Fennimore Rob Fennimore Katie Goins Frewen Michael George David Guengerich Carmen Horst Jill Hostetter Aaron Kauffman Brenda Kidd Michelle Kline Sarah Kratz Todd Lehman Chris Longenecker Shanti Martin Ronald McIntire Jesse Mosier Jonathan Moyer Stephanie Moyer Janelle Myers-Benner Kristi Ruth Eric Rutt Ryan Siegrist Ben Stauffer Lora Steiner Derik Trissel Gini Trotter Angela Zuercher

2002 APR 9% Giving Total $12,783 Anonymous Kirsten Beachy Sarah Bixler Christine Coddington Jonathan Coddington Michelle Guengerich Jill Head Andy Hershberger Kyle Horst Alyssa Miller Patience Kamau Laura Kauffman Erik Kratz Elizabeth Livengood Brad Miller Sarah Moffett Renee Neufeld Glenn Nofziger Geoff Nolt Stashia Nolt Donna Prokay Eric Reinford Shawn Rice Nathan Savanick Hannah Steiner Kevin Steiner Laura Steiner Todd Stoltzfus Alex Yoder Kevin Zook | crossroads | 43

2003 APR 9% Giving Total $13,627 Ben Bixler Rachel Bowman David Brubaker Sandy Cox Jeremiah Denlinger Jen Edris Justin Edris Angela Hackman Lisa Hershberger Evanna Hess Derek King Andrea Leaman Lisa Lehman Welby Lehman Christy Michaels Rhoda Miller Eric Moyer Jessica Moyer Jen Nafziger Greg Nicholas Sara Obri Melanie Rice Eloy Rodriguez Gregory Sachs Ryan Schrock Sarah Schrock Kim Showalter Mandi Stoltzfus Katie Swartzendruber Shannon Yoder

2004 APR 7% Giving Total $7,793 Linda Bradford Laura Church Mike Culen Conrad Erb Lindsey Frye B.J. Gerber Sherah-Leigh Gerber Steve Gibbs, Jr. Sue Horst Tim Jaquet Andrew Jenner Eric Kennel Nathan Maust Kristin Moyer Becky Rodriguez April Sachs Angela Somma Denver Steiner Amanda Swartley Michael Swartley Hannah Wenger Alethia White Ben Wideman Jonathan Yoder

2005 APR 9% Giving Total $3,845 A.J. Ajayi Becci Anderson Trinda Bernardo Katie Derstine

44 | crossroads | fall/winter 2013-14

Peter Derstine Jen Fawley Christopher Fretz Jason Garber Jason Good Michael Henning Michael Horst Hadley Jenner Kendra Martin Lindsay Martin Styer Becca Mast Andrew Michaels John Neiswander Doreen Nicholas Wendy Rhodes Dave Rohrer Julianne Ross Dan Sandberg Bonnie Sannerr Casey Severs Lisa Shank Travis Smith Ben Weaver Denae Weaver Meredith Wideman

2006 APR 9% Giving Total $2,703 Lila Anane-Sefah JeneĂŠ Bare Trevor Bare Martin Bauserman Kevin Beachy Bryce Bergey Maureen Bergey Tammy Briggs Derrick Charles Oliver Crisp III Andile Dube Bryn Mullet Good Steve Horst Rachel Jenner Ashley Handrich Michael Kniss Sharon Kniss Matt Ruth Adam Savanick Christy Savanick Kelly Sayre Ben Schlabach Melanie Schlabach Julianne Secrist Joel Shank Caleb Yoder Paul Yoder Ben Yutzy


Nathan Mishler Denise Reesor Kevin Ressler Brenna Steury Jon Styer Galen Wenger Katrina Yoder

Jon Spicher Leslie Weaver Debbie Weber Chris Wesman


APR 6% Giving Total $1,588

APR 7% Giving Total $4,737 Katrina Alger Karra Black Laura Bomberger Marie Carnes Connie Clem Michelle Garber Jessica Hostetler Bryan Kauffman Ingrid Kauffman Michael Keatts Lisa King Brad Kolb Jolene Kratz Aubrey Kreider Joseph Macon Nicholas Meyer Bess Moser Travis Pettit Debbie Swartley Matthew Swartley Donovan Tann Kara Tann Miriam Yoder

2009 APR 5% Giving Total $3,012 Michael Charles Rachael Charles Jeff Eavey Bebhinn Egger Heidi Findlay Lindsay Horst Renee Lehman Amanda Madden Jackson Maust Katie Lehman Sylvia Meyer Rachel Reesor Pete Scherer III Michelle Kennel Shenk Michelle Swartley


APR 6% Giving Total $2,516

APR 5% Giving Total $2,980

Frank Ameka Alex Brodt Rebekah Charles Amanda Culen Ashley Eshleman Dwight Groff Cheryl Heatwole Shenk Timothy Heatwole Shenk Maria Holsopple Becky King Lindsey Kolb Kara Miller

Kate Bergey Peter Cook Brooke Fansler Hannah Ford Michael Harnish Rachael King Janine Kanagy Kim Massie Justin Reesor Sarah Roth Shank Sarah Saunders Valerie Smith Jenny Spicher


Amy Leone Ellie Barnhart Sarah Beck Benjamin Bergey Monika Burkholder Shawna Cunningham Andrew Derstine Dustin Good Kaitlin Heatwole Anita Hoover Braydon Hoover Joey Jones III Karena Martin Lyubov Slashcheva Michelle Small Emma Stahl-Wert Philip Tieszen Woody Woodall

2012 APR 4% Giving Total $1,583 Ben Bailey Patrick Campbell Susan Clark Tim Heishman Nathan Hershberger Travis Nyce Andy Richter Hannah Richter Ben Roth Allison Sherer Heather Sprinkle Carolyn West Jamila Witmer

2013 Senior Class Gift APR 30% Giving Total $1,302 Anonymous Lucas Blosser Molly Boese Allison Bontrager Carina Contreras Ellie Cook Madelyn Cooper Gregory Doss II Alli Eanes Kathryn Ennes Rebekah Enns Ryan Eshleman Mike Ferguson Laci Gautsche Tessa Gerberich Chelsie Gordon Rebekah Graham Darian Harnish Rachel Hershey Audrey Hoover David Jantzi

Josh Kanagy Janna Kaufman Molly Kraybill Peter Labosh Jenn Leaman Jonathan Leaman Crystal Lehman Amanda Lewis Jenna Longenecker Lidia Machado Karla Martin Phillip Martin Ian Mast Ruth Maust Michelle Miller Donna Morgan Dan Nafziger Joel Nofziger Erin Nussbaum Olivia Nussbaum Suzanne Opel Leah Pannapacker Kiersten Rossetto Courtney Ryan Adriana Santiago Taylor Sayre Julia Schmidt Hannah Schrock Kelley Schroder Jennifer Shenk Austin Showalter Meg Smeltzer James Souder Jenna Spory Erica Stoltzfus Eva Stutzman Taylor Swantz Jon Trice Cody Troyer Erica Wagner Cody Walker Brittney Wenger Alyshia Zimmerman

Graduate Alumni Donors Donors with a graduate degree from EMU (Donors with an undergraduate class year are listed with their class) Anonymous Kathy Andes Kendal Bauman Kara Beckman Atieno Bird Michael Bischoff Dana Blauch Caroline Borden Micah Branson Jeff Butcher Dana Carter Tom Caruso Donna Chewning Nancy Coggeshall Pam Comer Sally Jane Conner Marcellin Danhoundo Tim Davis Jonna Detweiler David Donaldson Bill Elliot Nancy Faulkner Roger Foster Sandra Gamet Sandy Gharib

Heather Gigliotti Bob Gillette Bill Goldberg Vesna Hart Valerie Helbert Emily Hershberger Jan Jenner Darlene Keller Connie Keplinger Phoebe Kilby Aaron Kishbaugh Cassandra Klingenberg Amy Knorr Rhoda Kraus Jennifer Larson-Sawin Bonnie Lofton Jon Lough Daniel Malec Ann McBroom Jonathan Metzler Cheryl Miller Helen Nafziger Lila Orrock Patricia Patton Jack Payden-Travers Christine Poulson Jeff Quay Barbara Robbins Suraya Sadeed Bren Smith Sue Spayd Morris Trimmer Kristen Wall Johan Weiss Regenia Wine Jay Wittmeyer Marshall Yoder

Seminary Alumni Donors (Seminary alumni with an undergraduate class year are listed with their class) Anonymous (2) James Ă…kerson Tom Albright Robert Alley Laura Amstutz Helen Armentrout Lewis Armentrout Thomas Auker David Black Adam Blagg Rhoda Blough Ruth Bolton Paul Bontrager Fred Breeden Andy Brock Bob Brubaker Marian Buckwalter Owen Burkholder Andrew Camenga Steve Carpenter Jeffery Carr David Christian Gerry Clemmer Ralph Cline Don Clymer George Coffman Ron Copeland Nathaniel Daniel Harold Davenport Jim Delp Debbie Denlinger

John Denlinger Dale Detweiler Elbert Detwiler Marty Doss Barbara Doyle Phil Ebersole Jesse Engle Naomi Engle Jim Foster Roger Foster Sandy Foster Jay Garber Erin Geoffrion Jamie Gerber Rachel Gerber Shawn Gerber Karl Glick Mel Glick Don Good Erik Gottfried Douglas Graham Joe Hackman Scott Hackman Douglas Hackney Abe Harms Anita Harms Barry Hart, Jr. Peter Hartman Conrad Heatwole Nancy Heisey Brent Hershey Lorie Hershey Kathy Hochstedler Tom Holliday Clair Hollinger Carl Horning Les Horning Connie Isaac George Jennings Audrey Kanagy Conrad Kanagy Elaine Kauffman Randy Keeler Kathy Keener Shantz Mark Keller K. Eldon King Brett Klingenberg Carl Kniss Glen Koop Jayne Kraemer Mark Kraemer Kay Lanasa Susan Lance Mark Landis Can Le Jim Leaman Allen Lehman Dorcas Lehman Jean Lengacher John Lock Mary Jane Lock Rachelle Lyndaker Schlabach Carlos Madrid James Martin Robert Martin Conrad Mast Donna Mast Dave Maurer Carl Mericle Laurie Miller Sharon Miller Jon Morningstar Ransford Nicholson Peggy Packard Byron Pellecer Lisa Pham Ida Gordon Poole John Charles Price Tresa Quarles

Joan Rainsberger Emily Ralph Herman Reitz Stephen Renalds Rob Renz Tom Reynolds Jim Rhen Punker Robertson Larry Rohrer Danilo Sanchez Jack Sawyer Ervin Schlabach Lois Sell Harold Shenk Tim Short Bren Smith Robert Smith, Jr. LeVon Smoker Victoria Squier Greg Steffen Bonnie Stutzman Ervin Stutzman Janet Stutzman Warren Tyson Clair Umble Bob VanGilder John Varghese Wayne Warren Jennifer Weaver Cathy Weiss David Whitten Dean Williams Walt Wiltschek Richard Woodall Don Yoder Earl Yoder Twila King Yoder Terry Zehr

Parents of 20122013 Undergraduate Students Anonymous (3) Emily & James Ă…kerson Steve & Lois Ann Alderfer Janice Allen Richard Allman Gary & Yolanda Anderson John & Cherie Armstrong Jimmy & Mary Aylor Rose Ann & Gerald Baer Todd & Diann Bailey Peter & Jan Bane James & Bonita Barry Tracy & Joan Baughman Harvey & Kathy Bauman Arlan & Brenda Beck Scott & Stacey Beck LuAnn & Eric Bender Matthew & Donna Benson Jim & Dana Blauch Myron Blosser Michael & Lisa Bomgardner Jamey & Kay Bontrager-Singer David Boshart & Shana Peachey Boshart Randy & Barbara Bowman Kathy & Zedic Brothers Dave & Martha Brubaker Rhonda Brunea Mark & Wendy Cable David & Terri Campbell Ann Chisnell Doug & Rebecca Clemens Mike & April Clemmer Don & Esther Clymer Joy & Leonard Clymer | crossroads | 45

Charles & Susan Cook Bev & Steven Cox Lisa & Nick Crist Nathaniel & Eleni Daniel Mary Danter Sue & Greg Dean Wayne & Sheryl Dean Becky & Merlin Detweiler Greg Doss Marsha Dowdy John & Sandra Drescher-Lehman David & Liz Driver Bryant & Rita Dunston Titus & Debora Dutcher David & Jeanne Eckman Cathy Smeltzer Erb & Ross Erb Rod & Cindy Eshleman David & Beth Evans Kenneth Fisher, Jr. Daryl & Patricia Freed Kenneth & Fran Friesen Luther & Mary Ann Gautsche Pamela Gerberich James & Barbara Glick Ray Gyori-Helmuth Sandy & David Harnish Don & Joan Harrold Luke & Staci Hartman Dale & Barb Hartzler Katy Heinzel & Eric Ebert Bill & Melinda Hench Stephen Hensley Gerald & Jeanette Hershey Alan & Sharon Hill Joe & Cheryl Hollinger Donald & Mary Ina Hooley Les & Crystal Horning Alden & Louise Hostetter Marjorie & David Hovde Willie & Kay Hurst Beryl & Margo Jantzi Steven & Virginia Jensen Brian & Cindy Jordan Phil & Janine Kanagy Howard & Cheryl Kauffman Allen & Gloria Kaufman Elvin & Wendy Kennel Kevin & Karen King Robert & Brenda Kniss James & Nancy Knox Douglas & Marice Kratz Daniel & Priscilla Kurtz David Laiewski Stephen & Doris Leaman Billy & Renee Leap Jan & Tim Lehman Bonnie & Jim Lofton Aaron & Gloria Long Ken, Jr. & Cynthia Longacre Carol S. Lown David & Rachel Martin Don & Barbara Martin Gary & Krista Martin Gary & Pat Martin John & Patricia Martin Lee & Peg Martin James & Cindy Marzullo Dan & Cindy Mast Dean & Jan Mast Donna & Lloyd Mast Lois & John Mast Travis & Kelle Matthias Robert & Gretchen Maust David & Karen McAlister Lorrie & Alan McCullock Mark & Christine McKenna Carl & Toni Miller Edgar & Carmen Miller Kris & Morris Miller

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Leon & Lynda Miller Jeff & Veva Mumaw John & Krista Murray Daryl & Marci Myers Greg & Michele Nafziger Ken & Judy Nafziger Rosie & Don Nafziger Nancy Nicolski Phyllis & Harold Nofziger John & Lisa Nussbaum Jonathan & Becky Nussbaum Doug & Dawn Nyce Richard & Ronna Parks Donald & Cindy Peglow Rob & Celah Pence Doug & Cynthia Phillips Frank Porter Wayne & Jenifer Posey Doug & Abby Potts Philip & Myriam Raber Glenna Ramer & Jerry Sloan Doug & Val Rheinheimer Kent & Rita Richard Robert & Cheryl Rieman Cathy Rittenhouse & Daniel Hostetter Eduardo & Mabel Rodriguez Dwight & Jennifer Rohrer Michele Romano Phil & Jane Roth Wanda & Jeff Roth Brett & Linda Sanders Richard & Suzanne Satriale Linda & Larry Sauder Rich & Bonnie Sauder Kelly & Jimmy Sayre Douglas & Maria Schirch Luke & Carmen Schrock-Hurst Vanette Shands Ken & Cheryl Shank Alan & Sharon Shenk Dale & Karen Shenk Joe Sherer Glenna Ramer & Jerry Sloan Beverly & Kevin Smeltzer Sherwyn & Deirdre Smeltzer Cathy Smeltzer Erb & Ross Erb Steven & Elaine Smith Tom & Kim Smith Paul & Aruna Solomon Paul & Donna Souder Jim & Carol Spicher Stephen Stanley John, Jr. & Velma Stauffer Kelly & Craig Stern Doug & Luann Steury Hugh & Kathy Stoll Grant & Susan Stoltzfus Martha & John Stoltzfus Winfred & Willie Stoltzfus John & Terri Storc Maurice & Carla Stutzman Larry & Connie Swartzendruber Conrad & Sharon Swartzentruber Ralph & Lucinda Swartzentruber Lori Taylor John & Loree Tierney John & Mary Toth David Troyer Roland & Tracey Vinniski Linwood & Radella Vrolijk Todd & Anne Weaver John & Sandy Wenger David & Jana Wheeler Ken & Mollie Williams Nancy Wingfield Nelson & Kristine Witmer Elwood & Joy Yoder Galen & Gloria Yoder Howard & Louise Yoder

Kenton & Diane Yoder Kevin & Sharon Yoder Phyllis & Dale Yoder Randy & Marianne Yoder Steve & Christine Yoder

Matching Gifts and Donors The Boeing Company Eric & Jessica Moyer Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Shawn Ramer & Victoria Myer Clemens Family Corporation Royden Rittenhouse Dean Foods Steve & Nancy Heatwole Emerson Electric Company Ajay & Ruth Massey Follett Corporation Terry & Sandy Burkhalter Fulton Financial Corporation Rodney Yoder Hershey Foods Corp Fund Gary & Pat Martin Richard & Janis Landes IBM Corporation Walter & Leanne Smith Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Knute & Betty Leidal Johnson Controls Foundation Heidi & Jonathan West LabCorp Matching Gifts Program Steve & Rosemary Gehman LexisNexis Gloria & Chris Gredler Merck Company Foundation Kathy & Jerry Landes Brian Bauer & Debbie Warnaar Steve & Leanne Benner Sharon Delawder Deryl & Mim Kennel Samuel & Lorraine Kulp Abner Schlabach & Virginia Glass Schlabach Sheldon & Lois Shank Herb Wenger Nationwide Foundation Ralph & Lila Smucker Ohio National Life Insurance Company Bruce & Anne Hummel Pearson Education Dr. Barbara Rowan & Dr. James Rowan Pfizer Inc. Jenn & Bob Lerch PNC Foundation Gary & Beth Yoder

Suter Science Campaign Donors Anonymous (14) Janelle & Glenn Aby Emily & James Åkerson Jim Alexander, Jr. Katrina Alger Linda & Robert Alley Laura & Brandon Amstutz Marvin & Grace Anders Ralph & Evelyn Arnold Tim Arnold & Lynn Rogers Myron & Esther Augsburger Joseph Baer Rose Ann & Gerald Baer Wilma Bailey Robert & Elva Bare Kendal & Jennifer North Bauman Baxter International Foundation Susan & Eric Beck Mary & Eric Bendfeldt Steve & Leanne Benner Evon & Philip Bergey Mike & Nicole Berkey Curtis & Linda Berry Daryl & Carrie Bert Myron Blosser John & Linda Bomberger Herman & Jeanette Bontrager Art & Alice Borden Caroline Borden Tammy & Robert Bos David & Shana Peachey Boshart Randy & Barbara Bowman Janet Breneman & Wesley Newswanger George & Jewell Brenneman Kim Gingerich & Robert Brenneman Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Sandy Brownscombe James & Carley Brubaker Ken & Pamela Brubaker David Brunk Bob & Betty Lou Buckwalter Victor & Christina Buckwalter Burford Leimenstoll Foundation Owen & Barbara Byer Jeff & Pam Campbell Don & Terri Carufel-Wert Arthur & Miriam Charles Paul & Esther Clymer Glenda & Peter Cook Laura & Robbie Daily Arlen & Shirley Delp Byard & Betty Deputy Tim & Rosita Derstine Anna Louise Detweiler Jayne Docherty & Roger Foster Don Largent Roofing, Inc. Cheryl & Martin Doss Iris & Albert Driver Lewis & Rhea Driver DRS LLC Naomi & Walter DuBlanica Mary Ellen & Mamo Dula Daniel & Elizabeth Dunmore Titus & Debora Dutcher Dynamic Aviation, Inc. Alan & Kristin Eby John Eby Ralph & Betty Jo Eby Leon & Dianna Eshleman Robert & Rosalie Eshleman Roger & Barbara Eshleman David & Gwen Eubanks Kenneth & Debra Fellenbaum Jan & Anthony Foderaro Earl Frankenfield

Jamie & Carole Frankenfield Edward & Cynthia Frey Brad & Beth Friesen Doug & Tina Friesen Linford & Rebecca Gehman Margaret M. Gehman Marcy & Jeff Gineris Derek & Jamie Gingerich John & Dolores Gingerich Eileen & Chris Gingrich Carl & Lois Good Janene & Gerald Good Goodville Mutual Casualty Co. Harry & Kathleen Graber Mark & Jessica Grimaldi Kristina & Karim Hanna Steven & Judith Harder Karen Harlow Carl & Herta Harman David & Florence Harnish Pete Harnish Rich Hartz Dennis & LuAnne Hatter Nancy Heisey & Paul Longacre Bill & Loretta Helmuth Phil & Loretta Helmuth Greta Ann Herin & Diek Wheeler David & Sandra Hersh Andy & Lisa Hershberger Ann & Jim Hershberger Helen & Dean Hertzler Ernie & Lois Hess Robyn & David Hill Shirley & Vernon Hochstetler Karen & Richard Hoerner Jerry & Mary Holsopple Braydon Hoover James & Deborah Hoover Les & Crystal Horning Grace Horst Bob & Eloise Hostetler George & Leona Hostetler Jessica Hostetler Vern & Janet Hostetler Abram & Patricia Hostetter Alden & Louise Hostetter Julia & Everette Hottinger HRM Enterprises, Inc. Trent & Cara Hummel Steven & Charlotte Hunsberger Glen & Sandy Kauffman Jerry & Joan Kauffman John & Marie Kauffman Ross Kauffman Stan & Kathleen Keener Shantz Art & Lois Kennel Deryl & Miriam Kennel Elmer & Marianne Kennel Phoebe Kilby & Barry Carpenter Chad & Gwen King Daniel King Dave & Debra King Dennis & Judy King Kristina King & Adam Hamilton Michael & Joan King Walter & Miriam King Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Dr. Krishna & Sarala Kodukula Brad & Lindsey Kolb Clyde & Eunice Kratz Jim & Vicki Krauss Ernie & Eunice Kraybill John & Betty Kreider Eldon & Sharyl Kurtz Chad & Jennifer Lacher E. Jean Landis John & Gladys Landis LD&B Insurance Agency David & Jean Leaman

Jay & Judith Leaman Joyce & Ronald Leaman Toby & Lonita Leaman Billy & Renee Leap Betty & Steven Lee Elton & Phyllis Lehman Joel & Sarah Lehman Wilmer & Mary Louise Lehman Kathy & Greg Leichty Glen & Jean Lengacher Jennifer & Jeremy Litwiller Bonnie & Jim Lofton Joe & Constance Longacher Mark & Lisa Longacher Cora Longacre Chris & Allison Longenecker Jo Longenecker Randall & Marla Longenecker Carol S. Lown Allen & Ruth Martin Clinton & Sue Martin Darvin & Regina S Martin Don & Barbara Martin John & Tonya Martin Joseph & Rachel Martin Mike & Yvonne Martin Philip & Joyce Martin Robert & Nancy Martin Vernon & Linda Martin Mary Morton Parsons Foundation Joe & Nancy Mast Evelyn Maust Jackson & Katrina Maust Marvin & Lori Maust Conley McMullen Clair & Mamie Mellinger Gladys I. Mellinger Merck Company Foundation Brad Miller & Jessica Yoder Drew Miller Elroy & Linda Miller Leon & Sandra Miller Richard Miller Roman & Elva Miller Willis Miller Karen & Matt Minatelli Gary Moore Charles & Carolyn Moyer Eric & Jessica Moyer Steve & Amy Mumbauer Tom Murphy Jr & Dreanna Murphy Dan & Evelyn Nafziger Ken L. & Judy Nafziger Art & Mary Newcomer Kenneth Noll Mag & Philip Nolt Rhoda Nolt Steve & Kathleen Nussbaum Douglas & Dawn Nyce Renee & Randy Ours Steven & Debra Pardini Trevor Parmer Rob & Celah Pence Pfizer Inc Mark & Janis Prock Jeff & Lynn Quay Shawn Ramer & Victoria Myer John & Carolyn Reed Neil & Donna Jean Reinford Mary Reitz Dennis Rice Andy & Hannah Richter Cathy Rittenhouse & Daniel Hostetter Steve & Ronda Rittenhouse Robert G. III and Maude Morgan Cabell Foundation Leland Ropp Henry & Charlotte Graber Rosenberger James & Gloria Horst Rosenberger

Laura Rosenberger and David Mauro Lynn & Kathleen Roth Shirley Roth Jim & Geraldine Rush Thomas & Susan Ruth Clarence & Helen Rutt Abner & Virginia Glass Schlabach Erma Schnabel Jeff & Julie Shank Norman & Lucille Shank Sheldon & Lois Shank Frank Shelp Briana Shelton Shenandoah Valley Community Church Audrey Shenk Barbara Shenk & Dannie Otto Steve & Karen Moshier Shenk Eric & Karen Shirk Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Hollis & Martha Showalter Sam & Jan Showalter Stuart & Shirley Showalter Donald & Joanne Siegrist Ruth Simpson Knox & Peggy Singleton Sherwyn & Deirdre Smeltzer Ross & Cathy Smeltzer Erb Anthony & Karen Smith Carole & Douglass Smith Cindy & LeVon Smoker Ray & Valerie Smucker Marty & James Snavely Elizabeth Solanki Missy Solanki Feryl & Connie Souder Paul & Donna Souder Wayne & Joanne Speigle Jim & Carol Spicher John & Virginia Spicher Kevin & Laura Steiner Kelly & Craig Stern Doug & Luann Steury Robert & Barbara Steury Mark Stoltzfus Virgil & Doris Stoltzfus Ethel Strite Jon Styer Walt & Sharon Surratt Dave & Shelby Swartley Duane & Joanna Swartley Herb & Margaret Swartz Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Tim Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras The Boeing Company Esther Tian Mitch Troyer & Gina Campbell Troyer Vaughn & Inga Troyer Judith & Brent Trumbo Trumbo Electric, Inc. Jennifer Ulrich Dale & Ruth Umble Kim van Donk Veada Industries, Inc. Becky Waybill Dorothy Jean Weaver John & Margaret Weaver Leslie & Marvin Weaver Richard & Ruth Weaver Todd & Anne Weaver Wayne & LaVina Weaver Alan & Marilyn K. Wenger Delbert & Andrea Schrock Wenger Bob & Lena Wenger Earl & Lois Wenger Herbert Wenger Mark & Candace Wenger Robert & Lois Wenger Roy & Esther Wert Claire Whiting

James & Rachel Witmer Rebecca Wood Alex & Shannon Yoder Darrell & Sylvia Yoder Leroy & Martha Yoder Nate & Miriam Yoder Paul & Carol Yoder Paul & Katrina Yoder Steve & Twila Yoder Bonnie Zehr & Jerry Hess John Zehr, MD & Jane Zehr Kyle & Krista Zehr Barbara Zimmerman & J. D. Yoder Genia & Ame Zimmerman Keith Zimmerman & Katrina Wyse Zion Mennonite Church William & Joyce Zuercher

Donors of $250 or more not listed elsewhere Anonymous (2) Sanford Alderfer, Sr. Richard Alper & Kate Herrod Austin Frazier Memorial Fund Jacob Baer, Jr. John & Ruth Bare John Bowman Karen Branan Mary Bricker Wayne Brubaker Nancy & Clarence Bupp J. Roy & Ada Burkhart Ken Collier Irvin Cordell Pat Costie Chase & Rhonda Crossingham Leon & Dianna Eshleman Elva Forman Holly Fulton & William Peebles Dan & Regena Garber Mel Glick Ruth Graber Kathleen & Asa Graves Phillip & Joann Grayson Grace Helmuth Mildred Herr John Hertzler Danh Ho & LoAnn Duong David & Debra Horst Raymond & Ruth Ann Horst Mark & Elaine Kennell Margaret Kilby & Martin Rothfield Ray Kingsfield Dionne & Dennis Kurtti Jenn & Robert Lerch Christopher & Betsy Little Aaron & Martha Longacre Clinton & Sue Martin Harold & Sylvia Martin Melvin & Geneva Martin Mary Sue McDonald Gordon & Gail Miller Martha Morgan D. Lee & Marie Moyer Adam Nofziger Dain & Constance Perry E. Joe & Emma Richards Royden Rittenhouse Rhoda Sanders Myrl & Freida Sauder Ken & Karen Sensenig Fred Shenk Edgar Stoesz H.D. Swartzendruber Diane & Ronald Umble | crossroads | 47

David & Eulala Wagler Earl & Grace L. Weaver Samuel H. Weaver Mary & Raymond Whalen Craig & Nancy Yoder Denton & Jan Yoder Jay & Nancy Yoder

Jubilee Friends Alumni and Friends who have made provision for EMU in their estate plans Anonymous (41) Saloma Albrecht Elaine & Harold Alderfer Richard & Louise Alderfer Russell & Gladys Alderfer Sanford Alderfer, Sr. Ruth K. Alger Robert & Linda Alley Marvin & Grace Anders Myron and Esther Augsburger Richard & Elaine Bachman Robert and Elva Bare Marian Bauman Calvin C. Beachy Earl & Shirley Beachy Clayton and Bernice Beckler E. Faye Beckler Louise Beede Gordon & Velda Beidler Gerald & Rhoda Benner Kenneth & Carolyn Benner Richard & Marlene Benner David & Lori Bergey Donna Blosser Glendon Blosser Philip Blosser James & Doris Bomberger Martha Jane Bomberger Roy & Evelyn Bomberger Art & Alice Borden Jonas & Barbara Borntrager Sharon Bowers Lura & John Bowin Chester & Nancy Bradfield Grace Brenneman Robert & Rachel Brenneman Ruby Brenneman Susan Brenneman & Archie Vomachka Marnetta Brilhart Lena Horning Brown & Michael Brown Sandy Brownscombe Maynard & Jan Brubacher Beryl & J. Mark Brubaker Ed & Lucy Brubaker J. Kenneth & Pamela Brubaker J. Lester & Lois Brubaker Kenton & Shirley Brubaker Merle & Ila Brubaker Betty Brunk E. Pauline Brunk H. Nelson & Ruth Brunk James & Thelma Brunk Joseph & Mary Louise Brunk Ken & Twila Brunk Gladys Buckwalter Terry & Sandy Burkhalter Ken & Karen Burkholder Ruth L. Burkholder Betty Byler Verda E. Byler+ Kevin & Cheryl Carey Robert & Susan Cheung Virginia & Levon Christophel

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Ralph Cline J. Paul & Esther Clymer Robert R. Conley Mary & Lewis+ Coss Mary Jean Cross Earl O. Culp Loris & Richard Cunningham James & Sue Ann Dale Ronald B. David John & Deborah Denlinger Ellis+ & Dorothy+ Denlinger Byard & Betty Deputy James & Sylvia A. Derstine Vernon & Miriam Derstine Virginia Derstine Anna Louise Detweiler Florence Detweiler J. William & Ruth Detweiler Marcia L. Dickerson Eugene & Gloria Diener Brownie Driver Gladys Driver Naomi & Walter DuBlanica Andy & Michelle Dula Mamo & Mary Ellen Dula Phillip & Janeth Duncan Paul & Kathy Penner Dyck Miriam Eberly Ralph & Betty Jo Eby Carol & Michael Eby-Good Ethel M. Edmonds Ross & Cathy Smeltzer Erb Rohrer & Mabel Eshleman Lester Fisher Bruce & Jeanette Flaming Janet & Anthony Foderaro Anna Frederick J. Mark and Emma Frederick Rachel & Norman Frerichs John & Beulah Fretz S. Jeane Fretz David & Esther Friesen Joseph & Barbara Gascho David & Lois Gehman John & Mabel Gehman Margaret M. Gehman Carole & Alan Roth Giagnocavo James Gibbons Aaron & Edna Gingerich Eloise Gingerich Alice K. Gingerich+ James & Joan Gingrich Trula Gingrich Ervie & Mary Glick Orpha J. Glick Ruth & Bob Glick Susan & Stanley Godshall Paul Godshall+ William Goldberg & Lisa Schirch Carl & Lois Good Gerald & Martha Good Harley & Irene Good Helen Good James & Dorcas Good Linford & Beth Ann Good Merle & Phyllis Good Mervin & Mary Ellen Good Norman+ & Helen Good Harry Graber Fern & Carl Grace Eva Greaser Francis & Lawrence Greaser Marlin & Sue Groff Cecil & Dory Grove Marjorie & Paul T.+ Guengerich Willis & Katherine Hallman Karen M. Harlow Carl B. Harman James & Marilyn Harr

Joyce & David Harshberger Denise Anne Hart Curt & Jackie Hartman Dwight W. Hartman Pearl Hartz Chad & Lori Hatter John & Mary Ann Heatwole Linda Heatwole Bland Keith & Elizabeth Heavener Sarah Hedrick Mary & Dick Heinbaugh Phillip & Loretta Helmuth Lowell & Grace Herr Mary Ella Herr+ Mildred J. Herr+ Ann & Jim Hershberger De Elda & Edgar+ Hershberger Leon & Marjorie Hershberger Jeane & Lyle Hershey Marlin & Barbara Hershey Don Hertzler Raymond & Betty Hertzler Ernest & Lois Hess John H. Hess, Sr. Larry Hess Mahlon Hess Nora & Mervin Hess Pamela & Herbert Hoffeditz Elizabeth Hoover Lawrence & Pat Hoover Gerry & Linda Horst Grace E. Horst Laurence M. Horst+ Marvin & Marcia Horst Samuel & Mary Ellen+ Horst Eric & Lavonn Hostetler George & Leona Hostetler Mervin & Fern Hostetler Robert & Eloise Hostetler Grace Hostetter Harold Huber Bruce & Anne Hummel Darrick & Sheri Hummel Karen Hummel Steve & Charlotte Hunsberger Paul+ & Louetta Hurst Beryl & Margo Jantzi Larry & Barbara Jantzi Marvin & Violet Jantzi Vernon & Dorothy Jantzi Lila & Sam Janzen Esther S. Jones+ Duane & Joan Kauffman Dwight & Trella Kauffman Glen & Sandy Kauffman Margaret Kauffman Roger & Rachel Kauffman Rudi & Ravonn Kauffman S. Duane & Naomi Kauffman Vera M. Kauffman James & Susan Kaufman Carl E. Keefer Carl & Gladys Keener Naomi Keiper Darlene & Joe Kelso Arthur & Lois Kennel Linford & Mary Etta King Nathan & Melba King Ruth King+ Susanne J. King Walter & Miriam King Mary Elizabeth Kite+ Shirley H. Klass William Knight Mark & Betty Kniss Paul and Naomi Kniss John & Dorothy Kratz Richard & Suzanne Kratz Harry Kraus, Sr.

Donald B. & Frances M. Kraybill Jean M. Kraybill John & Betty Kreider Lloyd & Goldie Kuhns Kathryn A. Kulp Emily Kurtz Gregory & Ellen Lacher Anna Mae Landis David & Carolyn Landis E. Jean Landis Jay B. & Peggy H. Landis Mark & Elizabeth Landis Richard & Pearl L. Lantz N. LeRoy & Catherine Lapp Samuel & Helen Lapp M. Hershey & Norma Leaman Paul & Erma Leaman Tobias & Lonita Leaman III Arlene Leatherman Allon & Doris Lefever Grace B. Lefever+ Elton & Phyllis Lehman Galen & Gloria Lehman J. Paul & Erma Lehman James & Dorothy Lehman Paul & Mary Ellen Lehman Ruby Lehman Glen & Jean Lengacher Robert & Ramona Lichty Allen & Sara Jane Lind Clifford & Hope Lind Joe & Constance Longacher Cora Longacre Henry & Carol Longacre Richard & Rose Longacre Lynn & Laurie Longenecker Nelson & Danielle Longenecker Stephen & Glenna Lowry Mary K. Mack Leah Magal Barbara A. Martin Don & Barbara Martin Donald Martin Dr. Joseph & Rachel Martin Garland & Phyllis Martin Gary & Pat Martin Grace L. Martin John R. & Marian S. Martin Jorene Martin Kim Martin Larry E. & Gail Martin Leo & Mary Martin Lois J. Martin Lois M. Martin Naomi Martin Robert & Nancy L. Martin Roy+ & Ruth Y. Martin Vernon & Linda Martin Tim & Carol Martin Johnson Rodney & Gail Mast Evelyn B. Maust Elmer Maust+ James & Joyce McDonald Arthur & Evelyn McPhee Donald & Alta Mellinger Ethel L. Mellinger Violet & Elmer Metzler Anne Miller Elmer & Martha A. Miller Elroy & Linda Miller Joanne Miller Lawrence & Marjora M. Miller Levi & Gertrude Miller Luke & Denise Y. Miller Paul & Edna Miller Pauline & Harvey Miller Robert & Mary E. Miller Sue A. Miller Willis Miller

David & Marian Mininger Paulette Moore Doris & Richard Morgan Charles Moubray Abram & Glenda Moyer Charles & Carolyn Moyer Elizabeth Moyer Mary H. Moyer Mildred Moyer Verna Moyer George Moyer+ Susan Mullet Catherine R Mumaw Ethel M. Mumaw Grace N. Mumaw Miriam L. Mumaw Russell & Ruth Mumaw Roy & Annie Musselman Homer & Pauline Myers Lorraine & Benjamin Myers Rodney & Miriam Nafziger Ken & Connie Neuenschwander Paul Neuenschwander+ Arthur & Mary L. Newcomer Ruth Nisly Lowell & Miriam Nissley Herb & Becky Noll Kenneth Noll Grace Nolt Philip & Margaret Nolt Rebecca Nolt Rhoda E. Nolt Robert & Anna Nolt Steve & Kay Nussbaum Jay & Rhoda Oberholtzer Wilmer Otto Steven & Debra Pardini James & Marian Y. Payne Glenn & Bertha Peachey J. Lorne Peachey Laban Peachey Daryl & Jane Peifer Betty & Richard+ Pellman Ken & Rachel Pellman LeRoy Petersheim Carol Petry Ron & Myrna Piper Calvin & Freda+ Redekop John & Carolyn Reed Merle & Ruth Ann Reinford Raymond & Naomi Ressler Steve & Karen Ringenberg James & Kendra Rittenhouse Norman & Alice Rittenhouse Royden & Erma+ Rittenhouse Claire Roggie Henry & Charlotte Rosenberger Kenneth & Naomi Ross Norman Ross Candace & Timothy Ross-Cleary Glen & Annabelle Roth Philip & Jane Roth Verle Rufenacht Verlen Rufenacht Lowell & Jueldine Rupp Eleanor Ruth Kendall & Lisa Ruth Ann Rutt & Rick Buckwalter Clarence & Helen Rutt Jack & Gloria Rutt John & Rebecca Rutt Roger & Pamela Rutt Laurence & Evelyn Sauder R. Clair & Doris Sauder Daniel & Mildred Schantz Abner Schlabach & Virginia Glass Schlabach Pearl Schrack Ammon & Naomi Schrock

Kenneth Seitz, Jr. Gerald & Ethel Shank Orval & Dorothy Shank Stuart & Helen Shank Calvin Shenk H. Michael & Peggy Shenk J.C. & Jewell Shenk James & Donna Shenk N. Gerald & Sara Wenger Shenk John & Henrietta Shertzer Geraldine Sherwood+ Miriam E. Shirk & J. Ron Byler Susan D. Shirk Alan Shirkey Esther Ruth Shisler Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Marie Shisler Donald & Marlene Showalter James & Carol Showalter Lena Yutzy Showalter Millard Showalter & Mary Kratz Showalter Stuart & Shirley Showalter Welby & Sharon Showalter Don & Joanne Siegrist Knox & Peggy Singleton Walter & Leanne Smith Cynthia & LeVon Smoker Elma Smucker Allene Smucker-Klassen Gloria Snider Eugene & Alice Souder Arvilla Souder+ John & Virginia Spicher John & Susan Stahl Doris Stauffer John & Velma Stauffer Esther G. Steckle Glenn & Marjorie Steffen Virgene Steffen Elam & Harriet Steiner Ruth Steiner Geri B. Steidle Edgar Stoesz Donald & Judith Stoltzfus Harvey & Lillian Stoltzfus Omar & Catherine Stoltzfus Ron & Bonnie Stoltzfus Sara Stoltzfus Virgil & Doris Stoltzfus Winfred & Willie Stoltzfus Ethel Strite+ Janet Harder Stucky Ervin & Bonnie Stutzman Linford & Janet Stutzman Maurice & Carla F. Stutzman J. David & Shelby Swartley Willard & Mary Swartley H.D. Swartzendruber Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Ruth Ann Swartzendruber Tim Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Margaret & Clayton+ Swartzentruber Alice Swift Bruce & Joy Thomas Roy & Carol Thomas Gladys Troyer LeRoy & Phyllis J. Troyer Levi & Lillis Troyer Vaughn & Inga Troyer Judith Trumbo W. Neil & Margaret Turner Warren & Linda Ann Tyson Marge Nussbaum Warkentin Pete & Mary Waybill A. Richard & Ruth Weaver Darrell R. Weaver Dorothy Jean Weaver Irvin & Kathrine Weaver John & Margaret Weaver

Lester & Lena Weaver Sam & Sarah+ Weaver Todd & Anne Weaver Chester & Sara Jane Wenger Ethel & Glen Wenger Linda Wenger Ruth & Don Wenger A. Grace Wenger+ Shirley Western Connie & Hugh E. Westfall Helen M. Wetsel Sheldon & Mildred Whitmore, Sr. Sheldon Whitmore, Jr. Terry & Jennifer Whitmore Julia & Lynn Wiebe E. James & Rachel Witmer Marie Wolgemuth Thelma B. Wolgemuth Dwight & Sheryl Wyse Carol Yetzer Cora Yoder Doris A. Yoder Dorothy Yoder Douglas & Vonda Yoder Gary & Beth Yoder Grace W. Yoder John & Arlene E. Yoder Julia M. Yoder Lonnie & Teresa B. Yoder Martha Yoder Matilda M. Yoder Roland & Dorothy Yoder Ron & Shirley Yoder Ruth Yothers Valentine & Anne Yutzy Lena Zehr Pearl A. Zehr Donald & Priscilla Ziegler Earl & Ruth Zimmerman Karene & Mark Zimmerman Ethan & Carla Zook J. Harold Zook M. Elaine Zuck

Recently Added Endowed Scholarships: Phillip & Joann Grayson Endowed Theater Artist and Scholar Award Harry L. King Endowed Pre-Professional Health Science Scholarship Mary Elizabeth Kite Seminary Endowed Scholarship Arlene Leatherman Endowed Scholarship Paul M. Longacre Food and Environment Endowed Scholarship Lewis & Ethel Strite Seminary Endowed Scholarship Warren and Linda Tyson Pastoral Leadership Endowed Scholarship Maggie Hamblen Wynne Endowed Seminary Scholarship

University Endowed Scholarships Alderfer Family Endowed Scholarship Alumni Scholarship American Minority Scholarship Myron Augsburger 5th President's Endowed Scholarship Edmund Bannerman Memorial Endowed Scholarship E. Robert and Elva M. Bare Endowed Scholarship John and Ruth Bare Endowed Business Scholarship

Frederick Beazley Endowed Scholars Grant Beidler Artist-In-Residence Music Program Endowment Linda Heatwole Bland Endowed Scholarship Julia Blough Music Endowed Scholarship Bowman Golf Endowment Warren Braun, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Brenneman-Longacher Math Endowed Scholarship Aaron and Esther Brubaker International Endowed Grant Fund Beryl Hartzler Brubaker Nursing Endowed Scholarship Charles and Joyce Longacre Brubaker Memorial Scholarship Darrel J. Brubaker Memorial Scholarship J. Lester Brubaker Endowed Scholarship Michael B. Burgard Memorial Scholarship Marjorie V. Burkholder Endowed Scholarship Jesse T. and Betty Byler Endowed Scholarship Christopher Dock Valedictorian/ Salutatorian Scholarship Class of 1966 Endowed Scholarship Class of 1971 Endowed Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Collins Endowed Scholarship Copernicus Group Endowed Scholarship Croushorn Family Endowed Scholarship Deal-Thomas Families Endowment Delaware/Maryland Endowed Scholarship C.F. Derstine Endowed Scholarship Richard C. Detweiler 6th President's Endowed Scholarship Justus and Virginia Weaver Driver Endowed Scholarship EMU Business Scholarship EMU Endowed Benevolent Fund EMU Endowed Grant-in-Aid Scholarship EMU Nursing Endowed Scholarship Encore Endowed Scholarship Estep/Turner Endowed Scholarship Endowed Florida Scholarship Aid Fund Flynn Nursing Program Endowment Matthew Garber Endowed Scholarship Ernest G. Gehman Endowed Scholarship Margaret Martin Gehman Endowed Scholarship Jan Mayer Glanzer Endowed Scholarship Esther Eby Glass Endowed Scholarship GOR-MAY Music Endowed Scholarship Gregory A. Boyd Christus Victor Endowed Scholarship Paul T. and Marjorie Guengerich Endowed Scholarship R. Melvin and Nola M. Harnish Endowed Scholarship Marilyn Hartline Endowed Scholarship C. Clayton Hartzler Endowed Scholarship Bruce Chadwick Hatter Endowed Scholarship Haverim Endowed Scholarship Lisa Haverstick Endowed Memorial Nursing Laboratory Sarah W. Hedrick Endowed Scholarship G.W. and Osa Henderson Memorial Scholarship E. Grant and Sara Herr Endowed Scholarship Donald and Evelyn Hertzler Endowed Scholarship Paul Hill Endowed Scholarship Howard L. Histand Endowed Bible Scholarship Honors Endowed Scholarship Hostetler Endowed Fund for Faculty Release Time | crossroads | 49

Mervin and Fern Hostetler Endowed Educational Scholarship Jeff and Vicky Hostetler Endowed Scholarship International Student Scholarship William H. & Helene Knight Endowed Scholarship Miriam E. Krantz Endowed Scholarship Joseph and Milton Kraus Memorial Endowed Scholarship Greg and Ellen Lacher Endowed Scholarship Lancaster County Endowed Scholarship Elizabeth H. Landis Memorial Endowed Scholarship Miles B. and Anna G. Landis Endowed Scholarship John E. and Edith R. Lapp Endowed Scholarship Joseph Lamar Lapp 7th President's Endowed Scholarship N. LeRoy and Catherine A. Lapp Endowed Scholarship Grace B. Lefever Endowed Scholarship David H. Lehman Family Endowed Scholarship Elton and Phyllis Lehman Endowed Scholarship John A. and Ruth S. Lehman Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship Longacre Family Endowed Business Chair Carol L. Longacre Endowed Scholarship Horace W. and Elizabeth G. Longacre Business Scholarship Rodney D. Longacre Memorial Endowed Scholarship Longenecker Family Endowed Grant Esther Metzler Martin Endowed Scholarship Ivan M. and Irene N. Martin Endowed Scholarship John D. and Mary A. Martin Endowed Scholarship John W. and Mary Ann Martin Endowed Scholarship Earl Maust Memorial Endowed Scholarship Ira E. and Helen B. Miller Endowed Scholarship J.B. and Ida Miller Endowed Business Scholarship Mary Louise Miller Memorial Endowed Education Scholarship Karen Albrecht Minter Endowed Scholarship Richard and Doris Souder Morgan Endowed Scholarship Catherine R. Mumaw Endowed Scholarship Esther Mosemann Mumaw Memorial Scholarship John R. Mumaw Endowed Scholarship Native American Endowed Scholarship Kenneth B. and Lois H. Noll Endowed Scholarship Rhoda E. Nolt Endowed Scholarship Hubert R. and Mildred K. Pellman Endowed Literature Scholarship LeRoy and Elizabeth Lauver Pellman Endowed Scholarship Calvin W. & Freda Redekop Endowed International Scholarship Robel Education Endowed Scholarship Robel Math-Secondary Education Endowed Scholarship Clarence and Helen Rutt Endowed Scholarship for Science Carl S. Sauder Memorial Business Scholarship

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Sauder President's Scholarship Fund Walter and Mae Schlabach Endowed Scholarship Scottdale Mennonite Church Endowed Grant Fund Kathryn Seitz Endowed Scholarship SGA Need-Based Scholarship Endowment J. Donald and Jewell Yoder Shenk Endowed Scholarship John Carl and Jewel Harman Shenk Endowed Music Scholarship Sherwood Music Program Endowment Carl G. and Louise M. Showalter Endowed Scholarship Sara Ann Hess Showalter Memorial Scholarship Jacob B. Smith President's Scholarship Sanford and Gloria Snider Endowed Scholarship Edwin A. and Ruth K. Souder Endowed Scholarship M. & M. Souder Endowed Scholarship Norman and Arvilla Souder International Student Scholarship John L. Stauffer President's Scholarship Hubert and Elton Stearn Estep Endowed Music Scholarship Joanna Mae Steckley Memorial Scholarship Edith and Marilyn Steinbright Endowed Scholarship Dayton and Ruth Steiner Endowed Scholarship Aldon G. Stogdale Memorial Scholarship Grant M. Stoltzfus Endowed Scholarship Matthew Alan Styer Endowed VACA Scholarship Daniel B. and Grace F. Suter Scholarship Loren and Pat Swartzendruber Endowed Scholarship Transformative Nursing Grant Endowed Scholarship Maxine Troyer Memorial Endowed Scholarship Lucy Vance Endowed Scholarship Virginia Collegium Endowed Scholarship Wai-Ying Chan Endowed Scholarship M. Lloyd and Sara Weaver Endowed Scholarship R. Clair and Anna May Weaver Endowed Scholarship Victor F. Weaver Pennsylvania Endowed Scholarship Amos D. Wenger President's Endowed Scholarship Roy E. and Esther S. Wert Endowed Scholarship Hugh and Connie Westfall Endowed Scholarship Richard M. Whitmore Endowed Scholarship Paul R., Sr. and Grace W. Yoder Endowed Scholarship Robert D. Yoder Endowed Scholarship I. Erwin and Nora E. Yothers Endowed Scholarship M. Elaine Zuck Endowed Scholarship

Seminary Endowments Kelifa Ali Memorial Endowed Scholarship Alpha & Omega Scholarship A. Don and Martha Augsburger Seminary Endowed Scholarship Myron Augsburger Endowed Chair of Theology Myron Augsburger Seminary Endowed Scholarship Dan and Grace Blosser Endowed Scholarship

Glendon and Dorothy Blosser Endowed Scholarship Mahlon and Pauline Blosser Endowed Scholarship Michael and Louise Blosser Endowed Scholarship Branch-Conrad Endowed Scholarship Wellington and Frances Cassel Endowed Internship Thomas and Nancy Coffman Endowed Scholarship Irvin and Margaret Cordell Endowed Scholarship Lewis and Mary Coss Church Leadership Endowed Scholarship Seminary CPE Program Endowment Earl R. and Emma S. Delp CECP Endowed Scholarship Norman H. and Virginia M. Derstine Endowed Scholarship Clyde and Beulah Fulmer Endowed Scholarship Amos C. Gerig Endowed Scholarship John F. Grove Seminary Endowed Scholarship Arthur K. and Lizzie Hackman Endowed Evangelism Fund Howard Histand CECP Endowed Scholarship Dean and Edna Hochstetler Endowed Education Fund B. Charles & Grace B. Hostetter Endowed Scholarship Nora Hostetter Internship for Mission Earl & Emma Byler King Endowed Scholarship Lavonda J. Kreider Memorial Scholarship Lancaster Connections Seminary Endowed Scholarship C.D. and Vergie Lantz Endowed Scholarship Esther K. Lehman Endowed Scholarship John A. and Ruth S. Lehman Seminary Endowed Scholarship Richard and Jorene Martin Leadership Endowment Barbara Martin Seminary Endowed Scholarship John R. and Marian S. Martin Endowed Seminary Scholarship Lydia Slabaugh Martin Endowed Scholarship Roy and Ruth Martin Endowed Scholarship Ethel L. Mellinger Endowed Scholarship George T. and Grace K. Miller Hispanic Ministry Scholarship Orie O. and Elta Wolf Miller Endowed Grant Fund Miller-Howe Endowed Scholarship Marvin and Delores Nolt Evangelism & Church Planting Scholarship Urie and Miriam Peachey Family Endowed Scholarship Margaret Elizabeth Pepper Endowed Scholarship Elmo and Edith Piper Endowed Scholarship Paul M. and Beatrice Roth Pastoral Ministry Scholarship Lowell and Jueldine Rupp Endowed Scholarship Clarence and Helen Rutt Endowed Scholarship for Pastoral Studies H. R. Schertz Endowed Scholarship Seminary Grant-in-Aid Scholarship Jacob A. and Lucy Wenger Shenk Endowed Seminary Scholarship Margaret and Mary Florence Shenk Endowed Scholarship

Norman G. and Jean Kraybill Shenk Seminary Scholarship Geraldine Estep Sherwood Seminary Endowed Scholarship Frank and Erica Shirk Seminary Endowed Scholarship Emma Frances Showalter Endowed Scholarship Howard D. and Irene G. Showalter Endowed Scholarship Mary M. Showalter Endowed Scholarship Roy D. and Victoria R. Simmons Endowed Scholarship Walter and Leanne Smith Anabaptist Heritage Scholarship Endowment Arlin S. and Ruth Wenger Snider Scholarship Nelson and Gloria Swope Seminary Endowed Scholarship Sem W. and Ruby K. Swope Endowed Scholarship Dorothy Jean Weaver Endowed Scholarship Miriam L. Weaver Seminary Endowed Scholarship Samuel O. and Sarah A. Weaver Endowed Scholarship Chester L. and Sara Jane Wenger Endowed Scholarship Linden M. and Esther H. Wenger Seminary Scholarship John Wesley Endowed Seminary Scholarship Paul T. and Daisy B. Yoder Seminary Scholarship

Center for Justice and Peacebuilding Endowments Alper Family Endowed Scholarship Adam Herr Baer Endowment for CJP Rose Landis Baer and Gerald R. Baer Endowed Scholarship John and Kathryn Fairfield Endowment for CJP Kay Koontz Gillette Endowed Scholarship Donald L. and Lillian E. Goodwin Endowed Scholarship John E. and Betty J. Kreider Endowed Scholarship for CJP John Paul and Wendy Lederach Endowed Scholarship Payne Family Endowed Scholarship Payne Creative Initiatives Endowment Payne MA in Conflict Resolution Program Endowment Allen Grant Stoltzfus Endowed Scholarship H.D. Swartzendruber Family Endowed Scholarship J. Harold Zook Endowment for CJP

Annual Grants and Scholarships Approved Unto God Grant-in-Aid Asian Women's Leadership in Peacebuilding Scholarship Fund Micah Berthold Memorial Grant Fund Linda Heatwole Bland Restricted Grant BridgeBuilders Tuition Grant Bridges to Education Scholarship Center for Justice and Peacebuilding Scholarship Fund Church Revitalization and Conflict Prevention Practice Fund

Estep/Sherwood Grant Fund Florida Grant-in-Aid Frazier Quarry Scholarship James and Joan Nissley Gingrich CJP Grant Fund James & Joan Gingrich Seminary Grant Fund James & Joan Gingrich Undergraduate Grant Fund Joyce Hedrick Scholarship Wilmer and Velma Heisey Music Grant Fund IEP International Student Scholarship Award Eastern Mennonite Seminary Keystone Scholarship Fund Michael and Joan King Creative Theology Grant Fund Korean Seminary Grant Fund Latin American CJP Student Scholarship Fund Rutt/Aklu International Grant Seminary Grant Fund STAR Scholarship Fund STEP Scholarship Stoltzfus Student Financial Assistance Award Lewis & Ethel Strite Seminary Grant Fund Matthew Styer VACA Scholarship Grant Fund Theater Scholarship Grant Fund M. Lloyd and Sara Weaver Grant-in-Aid Linden Wenger Anabaptist Award Grant Emma Young Grant Fund

Supporting Churches Through the matching church grant program and contributions to EMU Abundant Life Church Akron Mennonite Church Allensville Mennonite Church Ambler Mennonite Church Antrim Brethren in Christ Church Apostolic Christian Church Foundation Assembly Mennonite Church Bally Mennonite Church Bay Shore Mennonite Church Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship Berlin Mennonite Church Bethel Mennonite Church - West Liberty Bethel Mennonite Church - Greenville Big Spring Mennonite Church Blainsport Mennonite Church Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Blooming Glen Mennonite Church Blossom Hill Mennonite Church Bossler Mennonite Church Boulder Mennonite Church Boyertown Mennonite Church Brethren Service Center Calvary United Methodist Church Calvary United Methodist Church Central Mennonite Church Charlottesville Mennonite Church Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Christ United Church of Christ Conicville Christiansburg Mennonite Fellowship Church of the Savior Clinton Frame Mennonite Church College Mennonite Church Columbus Mennonite Church Community Mennonite Church Harrisonburg Community Mennonite Church of Lancaster

Conestoga Mennonite Church Cornerstone Chapel Cornerstone Church of Broadway Crossroads Mennonite Church Dayton Mennonite Church Deep Run Mennonite Church East Diller Mennonite Church Doylestown Mennonite Church Durham Mennonite Church East Chestnut Street Mennonite Church East Petersburg Mennonite Church East Union Mennonite Church Eastside Church Ebenezer Baptist Church Eden Mennonite Church Emmanuel Assembly of God Emmanuel Mennonite Church Emmaus Christian Fellowship Emmaus Road Mennonite Fellowship Evangelical Garifuna Fairview Church of the Brethren Family of Hope Filer Mennonite Church First Baptist Church of Lansdale First Christian Church First Mennonite Church - Mountain Lake First Mennonite Church - Sugarcreek First Mennonite Church - Bluffton First Mennonite Church - Richmond First Mennonite Church - Iowa City First Mennonite Church - Newton First Mennonite Church - Indianapolis First Mennonite Church of ChampaignUrbana First Mennonite Church of Reedley Forest Hills Mennonite Church Franconia Mennonite Church Full Gospel Lighthouse Tabernacle Gainesville United Methodist Church Gingrichs Mennonite Church Grace Mennonite Church - Pandora Grace Mennonite Church - Lansdale Hagerman Mennonite Church Harrisonburg Mennonite Church Hartville Area Mennonite Student Aid Hartville Mennonite Church Hebron Mennonite Church Hesston Mennonite Church Hope Mennonite Church Hopedale Mennonite Church Huntington Mennonite Church Hyattsville Mennonite Church James Street Mennonite Church Joyful Sound Church Jubilee Mennonite Church Kaufman Mennonite Church Kern Road Mennonite Church Kidron Mennonite Church Kinzers Mennonite Church Landis Valley Christian Fellowship Landisville Mennonite Church Laurelville Mennonite Church Center Lee Heights Community Church Leetonia Mennonite Church Lindale Mennonite Church Little Capon Baptist Church Little Eden Camp Living Word Christian Outreach Lockport Mennonite Church Locust Grove Mennonite Church Lombard Mennonite Church Lowville Mennonite Church Manantial de Vida Maple Grove Mennonite Church Marion Mennonite Church Martins Mennonite Church Martinsburg Mennonite Church Massanutten Presbyterian Church Mellinger Mennonite Church

Mennonite Community Church Metzler Mennonite Church Midway Mennonite Church Millersburg Mennonite Church Morning View Mennonite Church Mount Clinton Mennonite Church Mount Joy Mennonite Church Mount Vernon Mennonite Church Mountain View Mennonite Church Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Mt. Tabor Brethren in Christ Mt. Wilson Church of the Brethren Mt. Zion Baptist Church Neffsville Mennonite Church New Life Lutheran Church North Baltimore Mennonite Church North Goshen Mennonite Church Oak Grove Baptist Church Oak Grove Church - Moorefield Oak Grove Mennonite Church - West Liberty Oak Grove Mennonite Church - Smithville Oakland Church of the Brethren Ohio Conference of the Mennonite Church Oley Valley Mennonite Church Olive Mennonite Church Orrville Mennonite Church Otterbein Chapel United Methodist Church Oxford Circle Mennonite Church Pacific Southwest Mennonite Retreat Ministries, Inc. Park Avenue United Methodist Church Park View Mennonite Church Parkesburg Mennonite Church Peace Mennonite Church Perkiomenville Mennonite Church Philadelphia Praise Center Pigeon River Mennonite Church Pilgrims Mennonite Church Pine Creek Chapel Plains Mennonite Church Prairie Street Mennonite Church Prairieview Mennonite Church Reformation Lutheran Church Rhodes Memorial United Methodist Church Richmond Mennonite Fellowship Ridgeview Mennonite Church Ridgeway Mennonite Church RISE United Methodist Riverside United Methodist Church Rochester Area Mennonite Fellowship Rose Park United Methodist Church Rossmere Mennonite Church Rouge Valley Mennonite Church Salem Baptist Church of Apex NC Salem Mennonite Church - Freeman Salem Mennonite Church - Salem Salem United Methodist Church Salford Mennonite Church San Antonio Mennonite Church Scottdale Mennonite Church Shalom Mennonite Church Shalom Mennonite Congregation Sherando United Methodist Church Silverwood Mennonite Church Slate Hill Mennonite Church

Snyders Bible Chapel Sonnenberg Mennonite Church Souderton Mennonite Church Springdale Mennonite Church Springs Mennonite Church St. Joseph Church of Christ Staunton District United Methodist Church Stoner Heights Mennonite Church Stumptown Mennonite Church Sunnyside Mennonite Church - Lancaster Sunnyside Mennonite Church - Elkhart Swamp Mennonite Church Tedrow Mennonite Church The Presbyterian Church, Sewickley The Table Timberville Mennonite Church Tinkling Spring Presbyterian Church Toledo Mennonite Church Towamencin Mennonite Church Trinity Baptist Church Trinity Church Trinity Mennonite Church Trinity United Church of Christ Trissels Mennonite Church United Church of Christ Wider Church Ministries United Methodist Foundation of the VA Conference Valley Drive Baptist Church Valley Friends Meeting Valley View Mennonite Church Vienna Baptist Church Vincent Mennonite Church Virginia Mennonite Conference Walnut Creek Mennonite Church Walnut Hill Mennonite Church Warden Mennonite Church Waynesboro Mennonite Church Weavers Mennonite Church Wellman Mennonite Church West Clinton Mennonite Church West Philadelphia Mennonite Fellowship West Union Mennonite Church Whitehall Mennonite Church Whitestone Mennonite Church Williamsburg Mennonite Church Witmer Heights Mennonite Church Yellow Creek Mennonite Church Zion Hill Mennonite Church Zion Mennonite Church - Broadway Zion Mennonite Church - Archbold Zion Mennonite Church - Souderton | crossroads | 51

EMU Finances at a Glance For the fiscal years ending June 30, 2013 and 2012








Grants and contracts (government and nongovernment)



Auxiliary enterprises (such as room and board, apt. rentals, bookstore)



Other income (such as summer conference income, endowment earnings)









Academic support



Student services





Auxiliary enterprises



Institutional support










Total change in net assets (operating and non-operating)







OPERATING REVENUES Tuition and fees (net of student financial aid)

Total revenue and gains


Public service programs

Total operating expenses Change in net assets from operations (the difference between operating revenues and operating expenses)

NET ASSETS Beginning


These figures have been summarized from audited statements. For a complete financial statement, email your request to: *There are two primary reasons for the negative number linked to “non-operating activities” // 1. Endowment earnings were negative due to market returns. The EMU endowments lost approximately 2 of their value in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012. The portion of EMU’s endowment investments in international equities and emerging markets – a choice made with an eye to long-term returns – contributed to the loss. The loss impacted the financial statements by 1.1M. // 2. EMU has an interest-rate-swap agreement that allows EMU to fix the interest rate on variable-rate debt. The swap agreement liability increases when interest rates fall, as occurred in fiscal year 2011-12. As a result, the interest-rate-swap agreement cost EMU 334K under current economic conditions.

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Brett Klingenberg (right), a 2011 graduate of Eastern Mennonite Seminary, stands on his farm in Beatrice, Neb., with his wife Cassie, daughter Maya and son Caleb. Klingenberg is the pastor of First Mennonite Church in Beatrice and operates a 37-acre farmstead. (Photo courtesy Brett Klingenberg)

Faculty & Staff Melody Miller ‘89 Cash, nursing professor, Harrisonburg, Va., was awarded a fellowship from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). AACN sponsors an executive leadership fellowship tailored specifically for aspiring and new deans. Designed to prepare a more diverse, younger pool of leaders for nursing programs, this professional development experience encompasses an assessment and evaluation of leadership skills, opportunities for strategic networking and case study development, consultation to achieve long-term goals, and identification of key partnerships. William (Bill) Goldberg, MA ‘01 (conflict transformation), Harrisonburg, Va., became the director of the Summer Peacebuilding Institute in the summer of 2013. He has worked for EMU for a total of 13 years. Nate Koser ‘07, MA ‘09 (counseling), assistant professor in counseling, Harrisonburg, Va., successfully defended his dissertation “An Aporia of the Psychoanalytic Discourse from a Lacanian Perspective with Special Reference to the Theory of Intersubjectivity” and has

officially graduated from Saybrook University with a doctorate in psychology.


John Robert (Bob) Eshleman ‘56, Midlothian, Va., part-time professor of dentistry at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), was awarded the Dean’s Faculty Excellent Award for PartTime Faculty. He received the award at a recognition ceremony Sept. 10 at the Kontos Medical Sciences Building Auditorium on the VCU campus. The award is based upon publications, student and faculty evaluations, service on committees and other public service, and length of service to the school. Bob has a total of 53 years, 21 of which were part time.

Charles Longenecker ‘57, Lititz, Pa., retired biology teacher at Lancaster Mennonite School (LMS), has authored a 198-page paperback titled This I Remember: A Memoir. He wrote the book mainly to share his experiences with his children and grandchildren that “would have been lost otherwise.” Charles taught at LMS for four decades, retiring in 1999 and continues to use his gift of teaching as an instructor for Landis Homes’ Pathways Institute of Lifelong Learning.


Harold F. Miller ‘63, Nairobi, Kenya, taught history and civics at Eastern Mennonite High School for two years after graduation. Beginning in 1965 he was seconded by Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Mennonite Central Committee to four African ecumenical organizations in Tanzania, Sudan, and Kenya. Interspersed between the secondments, Harold and his wife, Annetta Wenger ‘62 Miller undertook assignments specific to Mennonite Central Committee in Kenya, East Africa, and Sudan. Together, they are now retired in Nairobi, Kenya. Nelson ‘63 and Emma Jane Roth, Belleville, Pa., recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. A reception, planned by their children: Darrel, Bernadine Stauffer ‘87, Cedric ‘91, and Arlin ‘92, was held at the Allensville Mennonite Church, where they were married in 1963. In lieu of gifts, the Roths requested that contributions be made to the local Crossroads Pregnancy Center’s project to finance a medical ultrasound clinic for abortion-minded women. Approximately 80 of the mothers who have seen their pre-born children chose adoption or parenting. To date, anniversary contributions have totaled

more that 2,500. Nelson volunteered at Crossroads for the past 10 years as a pastoral counselor. He now works as a chaplain at the Valley View Retirement Community, where the Roths reside. Lee ‘63 and LaVerne Zehr ‘63 Yoder, Harrisonburg, Va., returned from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, after 16 months serving as head of school at the American School of Vietnam. The school is a new one, having just completed its third year, but has become a candidate for accreditation with The Western Association of Colleges and Schools (WASC). It is a nursery through grade 12 institution with an enrollment of 240 students. A dual credit program was established last year with Missouri State University in Springfield, MO. in which grade 11 students could enroll and earn three undergraduate university English credits, while also meeting the English credit and requirements for Grade 11 at the school. The private school is completely English speaking and has nearly 70 enrollment of Vietnamese students who are preparing for university studies in the U.S. and abroad. A complete American curriculum course of studies is offered. LaVerne was an elementary resource teacher at the school. Lee is serving in a ministry of educational leadership, having been | crossroads | 53

the founding superintendent of the Narmer American College (NAC) in Cairo, Egypt, 2000-08, and where LaVerne was the founding kindergarten teacher. NAC began with 20 students in the first year, and there were 495 students PreK-12 in 2008. Lee also serves as a chair for the Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges, Philadelphia, in Chairing Visiting School Accreditation teams in New York City and Washington D.C.

Katrina Gehman and Michael McAndrew, graduate students in EMU's Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, hung 660 tags on a tree in remembrance of the U.S. military veterans who have committed suicide. (Photo by Lindsey Kolb)

Students draw attention to veterans’ suicides A breeze rustled the blank silver tags hanging on the tree’s wiry branches, causing a soft jangling noise to ring in the ears of a group of silent onlookers. Some closed their eyes and others gazed at the dog tags hanging from the maple tree at Eastern Mennonite University. The group was there for Thursday’s [12/12/13] closing ceremony of a project known as the “Silent Witness.” Each oblong necklace dangling from the tree’s branches represented a veteran who took his or her own life. “At first when we hung them up, there weren’t enough to chime,” project co-organizer Katrina Gehman, 25, said of the tags, which were added to the tree daily. “The more it grew throughout the month the more we would hear that music. Hearing the music, it’s like a beautiful representation [of their lives].” As Gehman’s fellow organizer, Michael McAndrew, 28, says, the tags represent “a lot of people’s stories.” Each day throughout November, McAndrew and Gehman, both graduate students in EMU’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, hung 22 tags on the tree. That’s the number of veteran suicides that occurred each day in 2010, according to a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs study. By the end of the month, 660 dog tags hung on the EMU tree. “It’s a huge epidemic really [and] we just don’t think that people should be silent about it,” he said. McAndrew, who served for four years in the Navy, came up with the idea for the project to raise awareness about the isolation, mental strife and other difficulties veterans can have as they try to ease back into civilian life upon returning from service. “I’ve known a lot of people who struggled with depression, PTSD, alcoholism [or] divorce,” he said. “Being [at EMU] and making the transition from a military environment to a peacebuilding environment made me want to practice what I was learning.” Gehman was also interested in the issue, and invited McAndrew to join her in an EMU seminar called Journey Home from War. That seminar was specifically about veterans’ transitions back to civilian life. She then joined McAndrew on the project. — Emily Sharrer of the Daily News Record (Harrisonburg, Va.)

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Robert (Bob) Conley ‘68, Spencerville, Md., has retired after 43 of working at various hospitals as a respiratory therapist and pulmonary function technician. He currently is working part time for Pulmonologists in Rockville, Md. James Rosenberger ‘68, State College, Pa., was one of six Christopher Dock (CD) Mennonite High School alumni to be recognized as the 2013 alumni of the year. James, a ‘64 graduate of CD, was honored with the Outstanding Achievement Award. Susan (Sue) Clemmer, class of ‘69, Steiner, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, was one of six Christopher Dock (CD) Mennonite High School alumni to be recognized as the 2013 alumni of the year. Sue, a ‘65 graduate of CD, was honored with the Distinguished Service Award.


Everett Ressler '70, Harrisonburg, Va., recently became the president of Future Generations and Future Generations Graduate School, an international civil society organization that activates empowerment at the community level. He brings 40 years of experience to the position, working in over 100 countries with organizations such as UNICEF, Konterra Group, Save the Children, and the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center. His primary focus has always been humanitarian care. He states, “It’s seeing the best of humankind, even when surrounded by the worst, that gives you the hope of optimism and the grace to continue.” Linda Alderfer, class of ‘71, Martin, Harleysville, Pa., was one of six Christopher Dock (CD) Mennonite High School alumni to be recognized as their 2013 alumni of the year. Linda, a ‘67 graduate of CD, was honored with the Outstanding Achievement Award. Janis Rutt Landes, class of ‘73, MA ‘04 (education), Akron, Pa., retired July 2013 from Bridge of Hope Lancaster and Chester Counties as a family and child specialist. After graduating from the Lancaster campus with her master's in education, she volunteered for two years at a family resource center in Alamosa,

Colo. that served immigrant families before tranferring to Lancaster County to work toward community literacy and with families at risk for homelessness. Prior to this, Janis previously worked as a classroom teacher and school librarian for 17 years. Jane Hoober ‘75, MDiv ‘98 Peifer, Lancaster, Pa., has retired from pastoral ministry as lead pastor at Blossom Hill Mennonite Church in Lancaster, Pa. She was ordained in 1994 by the Virginia Conference of Mennonite Church USA and joined the pastoral team at Community Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg for the next several years. Returning to Lancaster in 1999, a time when the Lancaster Conference did not support women in ordination, Jane was invited to pastor Blossom Hill and did so for ten years without being ordained. Under her leadership, the church grew exponentially. She became a prominent voice for women in church leadership and blazed a trail toward change. Lawrence Ressler ‘76, Marshall, Tex., was named interim provost at East Texas Baptist University (ETBU) until the university can conduct a national search to fill the role permanently. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in higher education to the role, including several positions at Tabor College, Roberts Wesleyan College, and most recently Taylor University. Lawrence will serve ETBU from July to April 2014. Robert Linsly ‘78, Virginia Beach, Va., has retired from Virginia Beach city schools after 34 years as school activities coordinator and is now working as a musical performer with acoustic guitar and vocals. Patricia (Pat) Shoemaker ‘79 Yoder, Narvon, Pa., maternal-child health supervisor in the Chester County, Pa. health department, has been recognized by the March of Dimes as one of its Chester County Women of Achievement. She is being honored for her “outstanding” achievement in her dedication of improving the lives of infants and their mothers. As supervisor, Pat oversees the county’s nurse home visiting service, the Women, Infants, and Children Food Program and immunization program, among others.


Steven (Steve) Eby ‘85, Braintree, Mass., has been selected as vice president of global strategy and program management at Retrophin, Inc., a pharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of drugs for the treatment of catastrophic diseases that are debilitating and often lifethreatening. He began as a consultant for the company some years ago. Prior to consulting for Retrophin, Steve held various positions of increasing responsibility with Genzyme Corporation for 15 years, most recently as vice president for clinical development and medical affairs.

Rita Smith ‘86 Pruette, Blountstown, Fla., graduted from the University of Alabama Birmingham with a doctorate of nursing practice in December 2012 and is currently employed at Marianna OB/GYN Associates and Covenant Hospice in Marianna, Fla. Furthering her scholary project titled “The Experience of Teenage Pregnancy: Perceptions and Beliefs of Pregnant Teens in a Rural Community,” Rita is the executive producer of a documentary project called “Teen Moms: Growing Up Young.” Along with her husband, Jim, she also owns and operates Granny Smith Farms which provides a multitude of produce for the Blountstown area. Dan '87 and Jeanne Zimmerly '86 Jantzi, formerly of Lowville, N.Y., area Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) directors for southeast Asia, are leading the organization's response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines and are working with partners to assess the next steps of relief and recovery. In addition to emergency food packages, MCC provided items such as bath soap, towels, pails for carrying water, and malongs traditional tube skirts that can be used as towels, sheets, clothing, or baby hammocks. Priority was given to singleparent or child-headed households and households with pregnant or nursing mothers, children under 2, the elderly, and people with disabilities. The Jantzis stress that MCC is working in partnership with other organizations and will adjust its relief efforts in an effort to address needs that may not being met through other means. Ingrid DeSanctis ‘88, Harrisonburg, Va., began a tenure track position as assistant professor of playwriting at James Madison University this fall. In addition to teaching playwriting, Ingrid will teach intermediate acting and direct mainstage productions. This fall she will be directing Euripides’ Trojan Woman adapted by Ellen McLaughlin at JMU. Tina Shifflett ‘88, Elkton, Va., a pharmacy technician, began her eighth year as accounting chair for the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life for the Harrisonburg/Rockingham County area. Kathryn Stoltzfus ‘88, Myers, Knoxville, Tenn., received her master's in mathematics degree from the University of Tennessee in the the summer of 2013. She is now on the faculty of Pellissippi State Community College in Knoxville, Tenn. Linda Barrick ‘88 Wenger, Harrisonburg, Va., a nurse of 16 years at Rockingham Memorial Hospital, is currently pursuing a nurse midwifery degree through Frontier Nursing University in Hyden, Ky., which, she says, is no small feat at her age. Karen has decided to pursue a career as a nurse midwife in the hopes that one day she can work internationally to help care for women who have little to no power. “My heart is with women, especially of the third

world,” she says. “One day at a time, trusting Him who gave me the dream.” Joel Gehman ‘89, Medina, Ohio, has been the chief financial officer for Neighborhood Progress, Inc., whose mission is to foster communities of choice and opportunity throughout Cleveland, Ohio. Neighborhood Progress was recently listed by Crain’s Cleveland Business as one of the 50 largest nonprofit organizations in Northeast Ohio. Jonathan (Jon) Gish ‘89, Wrightsville, Pa., opens his beach house every October for a group of alumni to reconnect. This year marked its fifth year running. The group includes Joel Lehman ‘88, Peter Harnish ‘88, Tom Baker ‘81, Eric Kurtz ‘89, Loren Mast ‘89, Mark Deavers ‘89, Phil Lehman ‘89, Keith Yoder ‘89, Lawson Yoder ‘91, Richard Korpi ‘90, and Steve Martin, ‘87. Activities have included fishing, surfing, playing cards and other games, fellowshipping, reminiscing about and sometimes reenacting activites from the group’s halcyon days in the Oakwood Dorm (RIP).


Gilberto Pérez Jr. ‘94, Grad. Cert. ‘99, Goshen, Ind., is associate professor of social work at Goshen College and teaches policy series courses and introduction to social work. He was recently appointed as a Plan Commission member. In 2012 Gilberto launched Bienvenido Community Solution (BCS), LLC, a company that works with communitybased organizations to implement the Bienvenido mental health curriculum. BCS also works at building bridges with immigrants and the host dominant culture. A recent initiative is bringing law enforcement and Latino immigrant congregations for trust-building and open conversation on community policing efforts. Finally, BCS is working with Indiana University School of Medicine to conduct a research study on discrimination and mental health in Latino youth. Dianne Warren ‘94, MA ‘04 (conflict transformation), Buckeye, Ariz., earned her master’s in information resources and library science with a concentration in digital information management in 2012 and is now communication and training coordinator at the Family Involvement Center in Phoenix, Ariz. Among other tasks, Dianne coordinates communications outreach, trainings, and special events, including events to raise awareness about children’s mental health and family-professional conferences. She updates the company website, creates a monthly newsletter, and has created a digital library of resources accessible from the center’s website. Maria (Janelle) Thomas ‘95, Lancaster, Pa., completed certification requirements for middle school science education. After teaching high school English for several years, Janelle decided to shift

Table participants (clockwise): Alicia Horst (wearing dark green, left), Abi Shank, Daniel Miller, Leah Deputy, Emi Oda, Steve Gerber, Joni Sancken, Laura Amstutz, and Kim Copeland. (Photo by Anita Fonseca)

A different Sunday morning service at The Table On a Sunday morning in an upstairs classroom at Eastern Mennonite Seminary, a group of people gather in a circle around a table. Though the setup isn’t immediately indicative of a church service, that’s what makes The Table different. The service, which started as weeknight get-togethers around town about eight years ago, has transformed into a regular Sunday morning gathering where individuals meet in a space to worship God in a creative and meaningful way. It’s a smaller group comprised of typically 25 to 30 people, usually sitting in a circle. “I think [sitting in a circle] reflects the shared leadership model,” Joni Sancken, assistant professor of preaching and practical theology at Eastern Mennonite Seminary and fellow participant, said. “Leadership can come from anywhere around the circle and not from one particular spot.” There is no appointed pastor at The Table, so the founding principle is the concept of “multiple voices,” Laura Amstutz (MDiv ’06), director of admissions at Eastern Mennonite Seminary and participant of The Table, said. Although services at The Table are typically “informal,” according to Amstutz, they do use a lectionary, which is a book of designated portions of scripture that runs in a three-year cycle. In all that it does, The Table strives to do so creatively, even when it comes to approaching scripture. The group engages texts in different ways than just through a sermon – meaning that no two Sunday mornings are the same. The scripture designated for a Sunday service is complemented by some sort of creative activity, such as a skit, artist rendering, or even a children’s story. Amstutz encourages anyone who visits The Table to come multiple Sundays because of the diversity in services, but one Sunday activity can be expected: The Table concludes the service with a shared meal. Although The Table is connected to Mennonite Church USA and Virginia Mennonite Conference, the service hosts a variety of denominations every week. — Excerpted from a story by Sarah Stacy, courtesy of the Daily News Record, Nov. 9, 2013 | crossroads | 55

her focus and is now employed as a 7th grade life science and 8th grade physical science teacher at Lancaster Mennonite School in Lancaster, Pa.

Professor of counseling Annmarie L. Early moderated the 2011 EMU conference on attachment, as shown here. (Photo by Jon Styer)

Popular conference is source of new book on attachment A new book, Integrating the New Science of Love and a Spirituality of Peace: Becoming Human Again, draws together research-based presentations given at a hugely popular conference on attachment that was held at EMU in spring 2011. Attracting more than 1,200 attendees, the conference featured renowned researchers and practitioners – including Sue Johnson, the developer of Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy and author of Hold Me Tight; neuroscientist James Coan of the University of Virginia; and psychiatry professor Daniel J. Siegel of the University of California-Los Angeles. “The confirmation of attachment theory puts us in a position to say that we are fundamentally relational and emotional beings, not rational and calculating individuals as modern Enlightenment theorists thought,” write co-editors Annmarie L. Early and Christian E. Early in introducing the 151-page book. “Now we can begin to understand with theoretical specificity the devastating consequences of disconnection: its influence not only in the makeup of a human being, but also on the large scale of the social tragedies and traumas that plague our world today.” Both editors are professors at EMU – Annmarie of counseling and Christian of philosophy and theology – and both were key players in organizing the 2011 conference. In his foreword, Howard Zehr of EMU’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding points out that understanding humans to be “fundamentally relational and emotional” – embedded in a web of relationships comprised of love and support, if we’re to be healthy – has large implications for his own field of restorative justice. It confirms that harmful acts usually emerge from (and contribute to) brokenness that needs to be addressed in community-based relationships. The book underscores that “the brain expects, and is fundamentally shaped by, relationships,” writes Zehr. “We are not expected to grow and develop alone, and we are not designed to solve problems by ourselves.” Tara Kishbaugh, EMU associate professor of chemistry and former chair of the Shenandoah Anabaptist Science Society (SASS), provided the preface where she explains that SASS received funding from the Metanexus Institute and John Templeton Foundation “to begin a transdisciplinary exploration of attachment theory using an Anabaptist lens,” which led to several speakers in 2009-10 and early 2011, culminating in the 2011 attachment conference. — Bonnie Price Lofton

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Jessica King ‘96, Lancaster, Pa., is executive director of ASSETS Lancaster, a microenterprise development organization. She brings to this position over 15 years of experience in nonprofit management and community and economic development in Lancaster and Pittsburgh, having served as executive director of three nonprofits, focusing on leadership, community development and microenterprise development, respectively. Jessica started several social enterprises in Pittsburgh among which is Union Project, a community and arts center. Christine Hess ‘97, Conestoga, Pa., is owner and operator of Urban Olive, a mobile restaurant specializing in Mediterranean cuisine. She offers a very simple menu consisting of mainly chicken, falafel, or both and usually parks her truck on College Ave. and West Frederick St. near Franklin & Marshall College. As Christine notes, food trucks are popular in big cities like New York and Philadelphia. Lancaster has a few of its own, and it’s a growing trend for fast, healthy food with little overhead. When she’s not working out of her mobile restaurant, Christine is a bartender and server at Fenz restaurant. Stephanie Horst ‘99, Lancaster, Pa., has been working for Capital Blue Cross for just short of seven years and worked for the Pennsylvania Insurance Department before that. Currently, she is working through an actuary credentialing process at a “leisurely pace” and recently passed the last preliminary exam before achieving associate in the Society of Actuaries. Lisa White ‘99, Lancaster, Pa., director of counseling and empowerment services at the Lancaster YWCA, oversees the sexual assualt prevention & counseling center. Last year the five counselors at the center counseled 716 victims of sexual abuse and assault. A third of those who went through counseling were children; a third were adolescents; and a third were adults. Most were female, but “we see a lot of boys [too],” she said. In the past couple of months, Lisa has had to step into more of an administrative role as the need for counseling has increased significantly, though she’d prefer to see clients. The work is difficult, often heartrendering, but she surrounds herself with people who love her and keep her safe.


Fidele Lumeya, MA ‘00 (conflict transformation), Silver Spring, Md., is the executive director for Congolese American Council for Peace and Development.

Darien Covelens ‘01, Lititz, Pa., is the director of private equity at Mainline Investment Partners. He manages a private equity fund out of New York City and suburban Philadelphia that provides capital to fast-growing startup businesses. Darien was previously a corporate transactions attorney at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius. Aaron Kauffman ‘01, MDiv ‘12, Harrisonburg, Va., was chosen by Virginia Mennonite Missions’ (VMM) 15-member board of directors as their next president. He has extensive local and international mission experience, serving most recently as VMM global ministries director and advancement associate since 2011. Upon his selection, Kauffman notes, “It is truly an honor to be asked to serve Virginia Mennonite Missions in this way. With God’s help and the church’s prayerful support, I look forward to continuing VMM’s legacy of faithful witness to the good news of Jesus Christ. It is an exciting time to be part of what God is doing around the world through the church.” Jonathan (Jon) Rudy, MA ‘01 (conflict transformation), Manheim, Pa., is currently teaching half time in the peace and conflict studies minor at Elizabethtown College in central Pennsylvania as the peacemaker in residence. In addition, he is working to connect the college with the University of Hargeisa in Somaliland. Jon continues to facilitate at the Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute in the Philippines. Gopar Tapkida, MA ‘01 (conflict transformation), Zimbabwe, is pursing a PhD through Africa International University in Kenya and has been assigned to Zimbabwe as the Mennonite Central Committee representative with his wife, Monica. Previously he was MCC’s regional peace advisor in West and Central Africa. Kaushikee, MA ‘02 (conflict transformation), New Delhi, India, recently became an associate professor with the Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution. In August 2013, she published a simple reader on issues in peace and conflict for post-graduate students. She also authored “Gandhian Nonviolent Action: A Case Study of Aung San Suu Kyi’s Struggle in Myanmar” in the December issue of Gandhi Marg, a quarterly journal of the Gandhi Peace Foundation. Douglas (Doug) Wrenn II ‘02, State College, Pa., is currenly an assistant professor of environmental and resources economics in the department of agricultural economics, sociology, and education at Penn State University. Jae Young Lee, MA ‘03 (conflict transformation), Seoul, South Korea, founding director of the Korea Peacebuilding Institute and the Northeast Asia Regional Peacebuilding Institute, works as a peace educator, restorative justice practitioner, and mediation trainer. He is

one of the first facilitators for the victimoffender reconciliation program in Korea, including at Seoul Family Court, and has conducted various trainings for school personnel, government officers, NGO activists, and organizations in Korea. In addition, Jae Young facilitates a mediation course at Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute in Philippines. Lam Oryem Cosmas, MA ’04 (conflict transformation), Kampala, Uganda, led a training for county peace mobilizers from six counties of Jonlei in June 2012 with a project of the Sudan Council of Churches called “Peace from the Roots.” It was intended to organize church leaders, representatives of civil society groups, women leaders, and local administrators to form a cohesive group for engaging in transformative peacebuilding in their respective communities, between and among their neighbors. Rania Kharma, MA ‘04 (conflict transformation), Brussels, Belgium, is currently pursuing a master's in European policies with the Institut d'études européennes (Institute of European Studies) at the University Catholique de Louvain. The program provides skills and knowledge pertinent to the history and integration of the European Union and its system as a whole, especially with regard to economic integration. Raghda Quandour, MA ‘04 (conflict transformation), Amman, Jordan, is currently an organizational development expert through Agriteam Canada at the School Directorate Improvement Program, Jordan’s Education Reform for Knowledge Economy. Rachel Springer, MDiv ‘05, Gerber, Bloomington, Ind., recently became the new half-time denominational minister for youth and young adults on the Leadership Development team of Mennonite Church USA. In her new role, Gerber will provide resources for and facilitate connections between youth and young adult groups and ministries across the church. Katherine (Katie) Resendiz, MA ‘05 (conflict transformation), Phoenix, Ariz., is program director of Training and Resources United to Stop Trafficking, a multidisciplinary effort to coordinate anti-trafficking efforts in Arizona and ultimately increase public awareness about the crisis as it relates to Arizona’s children. The program works to identify and collaborate with stakeholders, including key lawmakers, law enforcement, medical providers, educators, local and state government officials, business leaders, faith-based community groups, and non-profit providers and funders. Jesse Rodriguez ‘05, Keezletown, Va., is currently working at Region 5 Training and Technical Assistance Center (T/TAC) at James Madison University under the Virginia Department of Education as the education coordinator. The mission

of T/TAC is to improve educational opportunities and contribute to the success of children and youth with disabilities (birth - 22 years). The centers provide quality training and technical assistance in response to local, regional, and state needs. T/TAC services increase the capacity of schools, school personnel, service providers, and families to meet the needs of children and youth. Doreen Ruto, MA ‘05 (conflict transformation), Nairobi, Kenya, Africa, is currently the director of Daima Initiatives for Peace and Development (DiPaD) Kenya, a national non-governmental organization she founded in 2010. Her organization is currently implementing a program on “Justice that Heals” and looks at ways of expanding the concept of justice to include the needs of both the victims and offenders in society using trauma awareness and resilience approaches in the aftermath of violence. Doreen also works as a consultant and trainer on trauma and peacebuiding and more recently, she represented the CJP/ STAR program at the African Union in Addis Ababa in October 2013,where she presented a paper on “How unhealed trauma is linked to cycles of violence.” Doreen is a STAR trainer and has conducted various STAR trainings in the East Africa and the Great Lakes Region. Judah Oudshoorn, MA ‘06 (conflict transformation), Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, is a professor of community and criminal justice at Conestoga College, a sessional lecturer in peace and conflict studies at the University of Waterloo, a restorative justice mediator with the Correctional Service of Canada, and a PhD student in social work at the Wilfrid Laurier University. His work centers on making justice systems more trauma informed and finding meaningful ways to hold men accountable who have used violence toward partners and children. Judah also reports that he likes hot coffee, cold beer, warm sunshine, and comfortable chairs, but most importantly, that he is a proud dad and husband. Justin Shenk ‘06 and Valerie Showalter ‘06, London, United Kingdom, have completed half a year of ministry as community hosts through Mennonite Missions Network (MMN) with their Clapton Park United Reformed Church family in the East End of London, United Kingdom. MMN would appreciate prayers as they learn deeper ways of being Christ’s body with this congregation. Brian Bloch, MA ‘07 (conflict transformation), Washington D.C. area, has been the ombudsman at the U.S. Department of the Interior since the summer of 2011. He currently serves on the Board of the International Ombudsman Association and volunteers with ISKCONResolve, the integrated conflict management system for the Hare Krishna community.

Current professor David Glanzer, PhD, was one of the founding members of the MA in counseling program 20 years ago. (Photo by Jon Styer)

Counseling program celebrates 20th anniversary Turning 20 is a life milepost worth celebrating. What’s true for an individual is equally true for Eastern Mennonite University’s MA in counseling program. Since 1995 when the inaugural cohort of ten future counselors and therapists completed their rigorous two years of professional studies, a total of 227 graduates have earned master's degrees here. Only 62 of that number were EMU undergraduate students. The vast majority were attracted by the program’s reputation for nationally-accredited excellence, a creative community whose goal is to train the whole person (mind, body and spirit) for the challenging work of counseling. “Being part of a small Christian university is actually a strength of our program,” said David Glanzer, PhD, and a founding faculty member. “The sense of community, the shared values of service, and the interdisciplinary opportunities to collaborate with EMU’s other graduate programs, all help to create our program’s distinctive flavor.” These attributes and more were on full display during the hugely successful 2011 attachment conference that filled EMU’s Yoder arena. “It took a village the size of EMU and a cooperative spirit among various academic disciplines to pull together that groundbreaking conference,” noted Annmarie Early, PhD, professor in the counseling program and one of the conference organizers. A community of deep conversation is built into the cohort model of counselor training. A group of 12 to 20 students moves together through the two-year course of full-time study, which expands to three or four years for part-time students. Classes meet two consecutive days a week to fit the schedule of busy working adults. “The professors were extremely knowledgeable, professional, and amazing at their work, but they also were very approachable and made time for each individual student,” reported 2004 graduate Kristene Wellings. “I wasn’t just a student. I ‘belonged’ there. This personal and emotional connection also allowed me to have the courage to develop my counselor identity. If I could sum up the experience in one word it would be ‘grace.’ Faculty members are so gracious with students. Here I learned that counseling is not just a career, it’s building relationships with real people that deserve genuine care.” — Paul Souder | crossroads | 57

Jeff From, MA ’07 (conflict transformation), Berea, Ky., is associated with the Horizon Program in Ohio, which has graduated more than 700 inmates, with 90 of those released not returning to prison. The program, currently supported by a 125,000 grant from the state attorney general’s office, teaches inmates everything from computer skills and how to write a resume to how to end an argument.

Rubble that was formerly the Martin House. (Photo by Michael Sheeler)

Martin House torn down, making way for roundabout Facebook lit up with nostalgic comments when EMU posted a photo of Martin House being torn down in August 2013. Hundreds of students had lived there since the 1960s, when EMU purchased the house. “Gasp!” exclaimed one former student. “Noooo,” said another. A third alum recalled his “two great years in that drafty old house.” Yet another: “Sad to see a part of my life is now gone.” In the 1970s, Martin House was among several sites that became intentional communities for EMU students. Normally the communities were led by an older couple who lived in the house. In the case of Martin House, Loren and Pat Swartzentruber were early leaders. (Loren is now EMU’s president.) The 86-year-old house, on the corner of a busy intersection at the edge of campus, needed to give way to a future traffic roundabout and a formal entrance to EMU. The city of Harrisonburg is planning a solution to the awkward and dangerous intersection of Chicago Avenue, Park Road, and Mt. Clinton Pike. At the same time EMU asked an architectural firm to develop options for building a welcoming entrance for visitors who turn into Park Road. Martin House was still structurally sound but needed a new roof, windows, wiring, and plumbing to bring it up to current standards for student housing. “Basically the house needed everything,” said Ed Lehman, assistant director of EMU’s physical plant department. “It wasn’t worth the cost of investing in Martin House, knowing that its future was uncertain.” For the last two years, the house stood empty, and its condition deteriorated further. “It’s amazing what happens when a building is not breathing,” said Eldon Kurtz, longtime physical plant director. The far-in-the-future traffic roundabout will take more space than a normal intersection, but it will be safer, more sustainable, and won’t need stop lights, say Harrisonburg city officials. Roundabouts are common in Europe and becoming more popular in the United States. To make room, in addition to demolishing Martin House, EMU has already torn down Village House on the intersection and will demolish Redmond House as well as one of the Village apartments in the near future. — Steve Shenk ’73

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Rina Kashyap, MA ‘07 (conflict transformation), Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, is pursuing a PhD in human security about the “responsibility to protect” initiative. Rina is also teaching political science (international relations and political theory) and conflict transformation and peacebuilding (gender, violence and human rights, and conflict analysis) at the University of Delhi, Lady Shri Ram College in India. Godfrey Ntim, Grad. Cert. ‘07, Maputo, Mozambique, program coordinator for Counterpart International, is currently using peacebuilding methods and strategies to execute food security and resiliency development program activities. Carl (Boomer) Bauman II ‘08, Quakertown, Pa., is a counselor with Carson Valley Children’s Aid (CVCA) in Flourtown, Pa. CVCA is a nonprofit, child welfare agency that supports children and families to learn, heal, and grow by offering families a full continuum of quality services that include; prevention, early intervention, academic, mental health, and child welfare services. Alan Marr, MA ‘08 (conflict transformation), Victoria, Australia, is one of the pastors at St. Kilda Baptist Church, a relatively small, but courageous congregation in inner-city Melbourne. St. Kilda has developed a reputation for its commitment to supporting people on the margins of society and “[they] have a good time doing it!” As well as his commitment to the church, Alan has a part-time mediation consultancy, working mainly in the nonprofit sector. He also chairs the Peace Commission of the Baptist World Alliance. Jacqueline (Jackie) Shock, MA ‘08 (conflict transformation), Pittsburgh, Pa., a mental health therapist at Associates in Behavioral Diagnostics & Treatment, is a licensed clinical social worker in the state of Pennsylvania. Christopher (Chris) Yutzy ‘08, originally from Hesston, Kan., is attending the school of anthropology at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Ariz. Specializing on urban issues in Brazil and Colombia, he is particularly interested in state-led interventions in low-income communities and how such interventions affect local dynamics and resident livelihoods. Currently, Chris is working on a project in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil that investigates the effects of Unidade de Policia Pacificadora (Pacification Police

Units) that are managing many of these impoverished communities. He plans to graduate with a PhD in May of 2016. Annette Lantz-Simmons, MA ‘09 (conflict transformation), Kansas City, Mo., executive director of Community Mediation Center, focuses on a three-pronged approach to mediation: (1) Prevention – conflict resolution and restorative justice training and processes for children and youth in schools, churches, and neighborhoods. (2) Education – interpersonal conflict resolution training, mediation training, circle facilitation training, restorative discipline for teachers and parents training, and neighborhood accountability board training. (3) Restoration – transformative mediation for families, neighbors, court cases, students, and divorcing or separating parents, victim-offender dialogue, and neighborhood accountability board facilitation. Grant Rissler, Grad. Cert. ‘09, Richmond, Va., is currently pursuing a PhD in public policy and administration at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Va. His research focuses on immigration policy and as such, he is an associate at the Commonwealth Education Policy Institute. Additionally Grant serves as chair of the board of directors for Ten Thousand Villages - Richmond, is a member of the advisory council for Hope in the Cities, and is a member of the newletter committee for Richmond Peace Education Center. Linda Swanson, MA ‘09 (conflict transformation), Warrenton, Va., has currently completed over 200 hours of training at the ADD Coach Academy and is in the process of completing the final requirements for graduation and certification. Her work so far has been with adults, though she hopes to begin coaching young people as well. Since graduating from CJP, Linda has not worked directly in the field of restorative justice, but hopes to combine it with her current work as a coach for adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Brenda Waugh, MA ‘09 (conflict transformation), Winchester, Va., has opened a new practice in Washington D.C., Brenda Waugh, Attorney at Law, L.C. She is active in the implementation of restorative justice practices in the Eastern Panhandle of Maryland, including victim offender mediation and circle processes.


Valerie Luna Serrels, MA ‘10 (conflict transformation), Harrisonburg, Va., is associate director of Kids vs. Global Warming, with which she is working to strengthen the youth voice as key stakeholders in the climate crisis. Mary Beth Spinelli, MA ‘10 (conflict transformation), Ontario, N.Y., is a restorative practices coordinator at the Ibero-American Development Corporation (IADC), a local nonprofit community

development organization. Her position is a combination of working with people in challenged neighborhoods and using conflict transformation to address local issues. IADC has been working with residents in a low-income, violenceprone neighborhood over the last eight years. Residents have said that their number one concern was drug sales on the streets and in the parks, especially marijuana. IADC built a coalition with a variety of local partners to address the issue and recently received funding. They are working with residents to protect victimized neighborhoods and engage sellers into restorative processes that offer them new opportunities for their lives. Raad Amer, MA ‘11 (conflict transformation), Harrisonburg, Va., is currently the employment and matching grants specialist for Church World Service. He began in July 2012 after completing two months as a caseworker with Virginia Council of Churches. Muhammad Asadullah, MA ‘11 (conflict transformation), Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, is the author of “Community Policing and Restorative Justice: Exploring Common Themes and Values,” published in both French and English in the summer issue of Justice Report, by the Canadian Criminal Justice Association. Ryan Beuthin, MA ‘11 (conflict transformation), Flint, Mich., is living an experiment in peacebuilding as a way of life. He and his family moved to one of America’s most dangerous cities and got a job running a community-oriented restaurant, Flint Crepe Company. He leverages restaurant resources for community development and change, and is part of a church working on racial reconciliation.

will be held at Coloroado State University in Fort Collins, Colo. and its theme is “Called by Christ, Blessed for the Journey Together,” based on Ephesians 4:1-7. Sandra Kienitz, MA ‘12 (conflict transformation), formerly of Harrisonburg, Va., is working in northern Mexico with communication, organizational development, planning, monitoring, and evaluation. She is the northern program coordinator with Mennonite Central Committee. Lauren (Cole) Parke, MA ‘12 (conflict transformation), Barnstable, Mass., is an LGBTQ rights researcher with Political Research Associates, a small progressive think-tank located in Boston, Mass. She largely concentrates on tracking right-wing evangelical Christians in the U.S. and the role they play in exporting politicized homophobia and transphobia around the world. Through her research, Cole endeavors to support on-the-ground organizers and activists in developing more strategic approaches to the work of creating a safer and more just world for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people. Simone Sommers ‘12 Horst, Harrisonburg, Va., received the 2013 Virginia Library Association (VLA) Scholarship. She has been employed as an archives assistant in the Menno Simons Historical Library at EMU sine 2012 and has been active in the VLA ever since. Simone is currently pursuing a master's in library information science degree from the University of South Carolina and is looking forward to her career in librarianship. Ushering the library into a new era is a hallmark of her work, as she stated in her scholarship application, “I understand that the rapid movement of technology is having a great impact on the library and information science profession and I hope to continue to be a library and information professional who is willing to work with new technologies to create and maintain collections that will be useful to patrons in the digital age.”

Cheryl Woelk, MA ‘11 (conflict transformation), Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, is currently working as the LINC and literacy program coordinator for Saskatchewan Intercultural Association. She enjoys bringing a peacebuilding perspective to her work with newcomers to Saskatoon through coordinating programs, facilitating language classes, and assisting the organization’s “Equity and Anti-Racism Committee” with various workshops and events. Cheryl also facilitates a course for international graduate students through the University of Saskatchewan’s Language Centre and coordinates the “Language for Peace” project hosted by Mennonite Partners in China, which provides a network for language educators engaged in peacebuilding.

John Reesor ‘12, Stouffville, Ontario, Canada, began a one-year term of Mennonite Voluntary Sevice (MVS) in Boulder, Colo., as a program staff member with Boulder Shelter for the Homeless. Rooted in local ministries, MVS invites adults, age 20 and older, to explore a vocation to follow Christ within a career. Participants can serve one- or two-year terms in more than 20 locations in the United States. Since the program began more than 60 years ago, thousands of volunteers have had the opportunity to live out their faith through this program of Mennonite Mission Network.

Timothy (Tim) Heishman ‘12, Tip City, Ohio, has recently undertaken a Brethren Volunteer Service assignment with Youth & Young Adult Ministries (YYAM) in Elgin, Ill. Tim will work in the YYAM office of the Church of the Brethren, helping to plan the denomination’s national youth conference. The 2014 conference

Jennifer (Jenn) Bricker, MA ‘13 (conflict transformation), SEM ‘13, a facilitator with Key Bridge Foundation Community Conferencing Program, now lives in Washington D.C. and works with a restorative justice program in neighboring Prince George’s County, Md., within the Department of Juvenile

Myron Blosser '83 was named the "Outstanding Biology Teacher" in the state of Virginia, his second award of this kind. (Photo by Lindsey Kolb)

Blosser named best biology teacher in Commonwealth The National Association of Biology Teachers has given its “Outstanding Biology Teacher” award for 2013 for the Commonwealth of Virginia to Myron E. Blosser, a biology teacher at Eastern Mennonite High School (EMHS). Given each year since 1961, the award identifies a teacher for each state “who has made valuable contributions to the teaching profession and to students. Criteria for the award include teaching ability, experience, creativity, initiative and collaboration in the school and community.” Blosser, a 1979 EMHS graduate, earned a BS degree in biology with secondary education endorsement from EMU in 1983 and an MA in education with a concentration in curriculum development from EMU in 1998. He taught biology courses three years at Strasburg (Va.) High School, then at Harrisonburg High School from 1986 to 2002 before joining the EMHS faculty in the fall of 2002. At EMHS, Blosser teaches grade 10 biology, advanced placement biology, and anatomy and physiology one semester, and biotechnology another semester. He is also chair of the science department. Blosser says his approach to the learning process is “content-centered,” as compared to making the teacher or the students the main focus. “Biology is an exciting field because it’s the study of life on earth,” he said. “We are born curious. Therefore, I seek to gather with my students around the subject under scrutiny and together seek to keep that curiosity alive. It’s exhilarating – for me and for the students.” Blosser is passionate about getting students involved in research projects.” That’s where students really learn,” he declared. He currently has six EMHS students doing individual and group research projects. Every year in March, Blosser hosts a biotechnology symposium and invites students from area high schools to hear a noted speaker and to spend a half day doing lab work. His craving for integrated learning extends to a “Discovery” program held every other year in which 30-40 EMHS students spend a month on a coast-to-coast field trip, mixing factual material with hands-on learning, employing a different theme each time. Blosser is a member of EMU’s board of trustees. — Jim Bishop ’67 | crossroads | 59

Services in the county courthouse. She continues to be interested in the intersection of restorative justice, trauma healing, and community building. Joanne Lauterjung Kelly, MA ‘13 (conflict transformation), Seattle, Wash., began working for Hope International Development Agency in Yangon, Burma. Her areas of focus include training, curriculum design using engage pedagogy, and arts based events. Valerie Weaver-Zercher '94, author of Thrill of the Chaste: The Allure of Amish Romance Novels. (Photo by Lindsey Kolb)

Deciphering the popularity of Amish “bonnet rippers” Amish “bonnet rippers” have become massively popular in the past decade, Valerie Weaver-Zercher '94 told an audience of fellow-alumni and faculty during Homecoming 2013 in October. A new Amish romance is published about every four days, with at least 86 released in 2012, said Weaver-Zercher at a Saturday morning talk sponsored by EMU’s language and literature department. She herself had never read an “Amish romance” until Johns Hopkins University Press approached Weaver-Zercher, suggesting she investigate this burgeoning market. That led to WeaverZercher’s first published book, Thrill of the Chaste: The Allure of Amish Romance Novels (2013). Even within the Anabaptist world, the books are widely read, despite their questionable authenticity. Weaver-Zercher, who majored in English at EMU, mostly focused on why people are reading this genre, rather than delving deeply into the books’ accuracy or literary quality. She interviewed several Amish romance authors and numerous readers – mostly non-Amish, evangelical women – who cited two basic appeals of the books: evocation of “a slow and simple life,” and “a clean read” (i.e., no sexual explicitness). Her audience laughed when Weaver-Zercher elaborated that a love scene within the genre “might be some romantic glances over a pot pie.” Although the Amish comprise only one-tenth of 1% of the U.S. population, the genre is well-covered in the mainstream media, including a recent Wall Street Journal article by Weaver-Zercher, who is also managing editor at Herald Press and a contributing editor for Sojourners. Weaver-Zercher noted the first commercially successful contemporary Anabaptist-themed romance, Beverly Lewis’ 1997 The Shunning, published by Bethany House and dramatized on television, has sold over a million copies. Its heroine endures ostracism after finding she was adopted. Only one current Amish romance author, Linda Byler, is Amish or Old Order Mennonite (the two branches of Anabaptists share more similarities than differences) – which WeaverZercher noted engenders skepticism about the field’s authenticity. Pointing to what French theorist Gilles Lipovetsky has labeled “hypermodernity” – a rushed, materialistic, technology-dominated culture – Weaver-Zercher added with a smile that the books give readers “a temporary vacation from hypermodernity, even when they read them on Kindles or Nooks.” — Chris Edwards

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Courtney Ryan ‘13, Harrisonburg, Va., is currently working for Approved Colleges, LLC as a data analyst.


Ingrid DeSanctis ‘88 to John Hall, June 15, 2013. Jodi Read, MA ‘03 (conflict transformation) to Alicia Dueck, Sept. 22, 2013. Linda Panich ‘04 to James Bradford, July 27, 2013. Peter Derstine ‘05 to Karalyn McGrorty, June 22, 2013. Zachary Kurtz ‘05 to Akiko Mizuno, Mar. 28, 2013. Roxy Allen, MA ‘07 (conflict transformation) to Felix Mutinda, July 27, 2013. Michael Heatwole ‘09 to Kiera Stenson ‘13, July 6, 2013.

Dirk Holsopple ‘10 to Maria Hoover ‘07, Sept. 7, 2013. Daniel Miller ‘10 to Margaret (Meg) Smeltzer ‘13, Aug. 10, 2013. Maria Yoder ‘10 to Aaron Billings ‘09, Dec. 29, 2012. Philip Tieszen ‘11 to Laci Gautsche ‘13, July 12, 2013. Benjamin (Ben) Bailey ‘12 to Hannah Beachy ‘12, May 4, 2013. Heidi Bauman ‘12 to Justin King ‘12, July 20, 2013. Benjamen Delp ‘12 to Grace Engle ‘12, May 5, 2012. Leah Ott ‘12 to Daniel Claggett, Oct. 6, 2012. Jesse Weaver ‘12 and Sarah Fields ‘10, Aug. 25, 2012. Lucas Blosser ‘13 to Jenn Leaman ‘13, Aug. 31, 2013. Allison Bontrager ‘13 to David Yoder ‘14, July 26, 2013. Steven (Steve) Burkholder ‘13 to Olivia Nussbaum ‘13, July 13, 2013. Erin Nussbaum ‘13 to Justin Beeker, May 19, 2013. Rebecca (Becca) Stoesz ‘13 and Jonathan (Jon) Nagy, class of ‘13, Aug. 4, 2012. Andre Swartzentruber ‘13 to Jamie Dofflemyer, June 1, 2013.


David, assistant professor of history and mission at EMS, and Faith Evans, Harrisonburg, Va., Sarah Grace Sophia, Dec. 5, 2013.

Jason, director of cross country and track & field, and Wendy Lewkowicz, Harrisonburg, Va., Miles Alexander, July 20, 2013. Douglas (Doug) ‘91 and Tina Groff ‘95 Friesen, Ephrata, Pa., Chloe Janel, Feb. 12, 2013. Karen Hertzler ‘95 and Aaron Crist, Milton, Pa., Reuben Maurice, Sept. 8, 2013. Jarod (Ryan) ‘97 and Holly King, Broadway, Va., Susannah Grace, Nov. 7, 2013. Michelle Burkholder '00 and Rebecca Haas '01, Catonsville, Md., Simon Eugene, Dec. 1, 2013. Michelle ‘00 and Don Hume, Ashburn, Va., William “Liam” Jay, July 7, 2013. Jennifer ‘00, MA (conflict transformation) and Kerry Saner-Harvey, GC ‘05, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, Halid Robert, July 7, 2013. Bethany Versluis ‘01 and Peter Fairfield, Harrisonburg, Va., Esau John Paul, June 14, 2013. Aaron ‘01, MDiv ‘12 and Laura Souder ‘02 Kauffman, Harrisonburg, Va., David Elias, July 7, 2013. Michelle Zook ‘01 and Mike Kline, Belleville, Pa., Adella Bertha, June 1, 2013. Derik ‘01 and Laura Trissel, Harrisonburg, Va., Aiden Christopher, July 19, 2013. Bradley (Brad) ‘02 and Deborah (Deb) Yoder ‘03 Fair, Lancaster, Pa., June Yoder, June 9, 2013. Nicole Parks ‘02 and William Seeley, Hatfield, Pa., Ruby Jane, Nov. 1, 2013. Brad Miller ‘02 and Jessica Yoder, Denver, Colo., Cree Caroline, Mar. 22, 2013. Justin, class of ‘03, and Heather Bauman ‘04 Yoder, Fulks Run, Va., Ellis Boone, Sept. 16, 2013. David ‘03 and Olivia Roth Brubaker, Philadelphia, Pa., Micah Reed, July 17, 2013. Olivia Stauffer ‘03 and Daniel Good, Ephrata, Pa., Micah Xavier, June 16, 2013. Tanya Nissley ‘03 and Chris Holland, Harrisonburg, Va., Maycie Sue, Aug. 13, 2011. Jae Young Lee, MA ‘03 (conflict transformation) and Karen Spicher ‘02, Seoul, South Korea, Aurie Spicher Lee, Nov. 8, 2013. Janine Siegrist ‘03 and Luke Mason, Mont Clare, Pa., Madeline Grace, Sept. 9, 2013.

Jewel Mummau ‘03 and Lavern Peachey, Reedsville, Pa., Ella, Dec. 17, 2012. Adam ‘03 and Emily Wilson, class of ‘03, Starks, Pittsburgh, Pa., Susannah Aeryn, Aug. 21, 2013. Stephen (Steve) '04, services support analyst in information systems, and Bethany Gibbs, Port Republic, Va., Eli Robert, Nov. 25, 2013. Gregory (Greg) '04 and Blake Grimm, Wayne, Pa., Charles Houston, May 16, 2013. Molly Hurst ‘04 and Matthew Coiner, Vesuvius, Va., Hannah Noel, Feb. 11, 2012. Braden (BJ) ‘04 and Sherah-Leigh Zehr ‘04, MDiv ‘09 Gerber, Apple Creek, Ohio, Titus Benjamin, June 5, 2013. Eric ‘04 and Elizabeth Kennel, Lancaster, Pa., Paxton Charles, Aug. 14, 2013. Joanna Souder ‘04 and Welby (Clay) Showalter ‘02, Harrisonburg, Va., Ari Phillip, Nov. 2, 2013. Benjamin (Ben) ‘04 and Meredith Blauch ‘05 Wideman, Souderton, Pa., Alethia Laurel, Oct. 29, 2013. Tracey King-Ortega, MA ‘05 (conflict transformation), Managua, Nicaragua, twins, Ruby Amanda and Benjamin Desmond. Phillip (Phil) ‘07 and Laura Sayre ‘08 Baker, Seattle, Wash., Claire Rose, May 11, 2013. Ryan, MA ‘11 (conflict transformation) and Jacqueline Beuthin, Flint, Mich., Starling Eliot, June 23, 2013. David ‘11 and Csilla Muscan, Harrisonburg, Va., Christopher James, Oct. 31, 2013. Claudia, Grad. Cert. ‘11 and Jimmy Winter, Curitiba Parana, Brazil, Jayden, Sept. 17, 2013. Benjamen ‘12 and Grace Engle ‘12 Delp, Harrisonburg, Va., Naisa Fern, Sept. 28, 2012.


Erma Landis ‘46 Whitmore, Susquehanna, Pa., died Feb. 26, 2013, at age 90. Upon graduation, Erma taught school for many years and was an avid gardener.

Paul M. Landis, class of ‘48, Richfield, Pa., died Oct. 9, 2013, at age 89. He was a member of Cocolamus Mennonite Church. He dedicated his life to God in his youth. In 1950, Paul was ordained a minister of the Gospel, and in 1970, he was ordained bishop. He left a legacy of zeal and faithfulness to God and the church. Cleora Ropp Yoder, class of ‘51, Wolford, N.D., died Nov. 7, 2013, at age 91. Cleora loved Jesus and wanted to help others to know Him. Before Cleora was married, she was involved in several mission opportunities in northern Minnesota and Michigan. Cleora was a homemaker who worked hard for her

family, assisting with some farming operations, especially early in marriage. She was a member of the Salem Mennonite Church, where she participated in church life which included ladies sewing circle and teaching Sunday school and Bible school. She loved people, fellowship, and relationships. She was an easy conversationalist; no one was a stranger to her. Elsie Cressman, class of ‘53, New Hamburg, Ontario, Canada, died Sept. 11, 2013, at age 90. In 1954, aboard the Queen Mary, Elsie traveled to Tanganyika (now Tanzania) to help set up a leprosy hospital complete with living accomodations for patients and staff. The hospital she established eventually served about 400 patients. In a 2010 MetaMedia television documentary about her return to Africa as an 86-year-old, Elsie reflected, “I didn’t know what I was getting into, but I really enjoyed it.” She stayed in East Africa for 23 years. After the local community took over the hospital, Elsie went to England for two years of midwife training. When she returned to Africa in the mid-1970s, she went to Rusinga Island in Lake Victoria in Kenya to set up a health center there. She delivered more than 1,000 babies during her time at the clinic. Helen Althouse Rutt, class of ‘54, Lititz, Pa., died Sept. 13, 2013, at age 82. As a registered nurse, she worked at both the Hahnemann Hospital in Philadelphia, Pa., and Lancaster General. She worked for eight years with Mennonite Central Committee in medical missions to Indonesia and helped with the medical work of her husband, Clarence, for a number of years after that. Helen was a member of the Landisville Mennonite Church since 1971 where she served as lay minister of evangelism, secretary to the pastor, summer Bible school teacher, and was active in their share group. She enjoyed hosting, serving as coordinator for LOVE, Inc., participating in neighborhood Bible study, gardening, preserving food, crossword puzzles, needlework, sending aid after the tsunami in Indonesia, and spending time with her children and grandchildren. June Marie Weaver, class of ‘55, Harrisonburg, Va., died on Aug. 2, 2013, at age 83. She was employed by Dr. John T. Glick in Broadway as his first nurse, the Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community, and Valley Children’s Clinic. She was a member of Harrisonburg Mennonite Church for over 60 years, where she was active in leadership in the women’s organizations, including a weekly Wednesday evening meal, manager of the Women’s Missionary Service Organization and also managed the hospitality committee. She spent decades writing to persons in ministry, college, and service work. She often did quiet behind-the-scenes work and was dedicated to her family. Lois Miller Hartman, class of ‘58, Goshen, Ind., died Sept. 28, 2013, at age

78. She was a teacher at Central Christian High School in Kidron, Ohio and copastored with her husband, Wilmer, at Central Mennonite Church in Archbold, Ohio and Sycamore Grove Mennonite Church in Garden City, Mont., before retiring to Goshen. Lois also led tours of Switzerland and the Holy Land and was considered a pioneer for women’s leadership in the church. Lois loved her children and grandchildren, singing, laughing, cooking, and crossword puzzles. Herman Reitz, SEM ‘58, Harrisonburg, Va., died Oct. 6, 2013, at age 81. An Eastern Mennonite Seminary and Bible & religion department faculty member for over 40 years, Herman was a committed Christian. He pastored Mennonite congregations in Richmond, Mt. Jackson, and Dayton, Va., taught adult Sunday school, was a chaplain’s associate at Rockingham Memorial Hospital, a “Meals on Wheels” volunteer, and a Mennonite World Review correspondent. Willis Horst, class of ‘64, Goshen, Ind., died on Sept. 1, 2013, at age 74. Willis worked for the Mennonite Mission Network in accompaniment with the indigenous United Evangelical Church in northern Argentina from 1971 to 2010. He developed the Bible Circle, a conversational format that encourages indigenous people to explore their spirituality and the values of Jesus within their own culture. Allan Eugene (Gene) Reynolds ‘67, Tulsa, Okla., died unexpectedly after a brief illness on Aug. 4, 2013, at age 70. Gene was an affectionate, generous, and inspiring husband, father, grandfather, and friend. He had a career as a licensed clinical and forensic psychologist in private practice in Tulsa, while residing on his ranch in Jennings. He was a gifted therapist and formidable expert witness. Gene was a force of nature with infectious optimism and enthusiasm. He encouraged others to walk tall, hold their head high, explore their world both inside and out, and above all, to be kind. Marcella Tams ‘74, Harrisonburg, Va., died Aug. 18, 2013, at age 68. She was employed by Harrisonburg Parks and Recreation, where she touched the lives of many neighborhood youth. Marcella was later employed by Merck, before recently retiring. Sharon Sacra ‘81 Lehman, Harrisonburg, Va., died May 20, 2013, at age 54. She was a stay-at-home mother, home schooled her children for part of their school years, and drove a school bus for Rockingham County. Mrs. Lehman loved to travel with her family. She was a member of the Harrisonburg Mennonite Church where she was employed as a church secretary. James (Jim) Roynon, MDiv ‘86, Archbold, Ohio, died Aug. 2, 2013, at age 62. After graduating from Findlay College with a BA in both vocal and instrumental music, Jim taught vocal music for almost

10 years before answering his call to ministry. He would go on to faithfully serve West Clinton Mennonite Church for 19 years and the greater Mennonite church until his retirement in 2012. Jim will be remembered for his faithfulness to Christ, pastoral care, love of music and passive-resistance. He was active in leadership for the Northwest Ohio Emmaus community. His past devotion of time and service to the Peace Justice Support Network of Mennonite Church USA and his commitment to Christian Peacemaker Teams will not be forgotten. Wendy Weick ‘00, Louisville, Ky., died Feb. 19, 2013, at age 52. She was a member of Ascension Lutheran Church and active in community service. Geoffrey (Geoff) Sakuda ‘04, died July 23, 2013, at age 34. Annette Lenker ‘06, Williamsport, Md., died Oct. 14, 2013, at age 33. Annette enjoyed participating and leading church camp from her youth. She found great joy and fulfillment in working and teaching children. Her ambition was to eventually serve as a missionary to Guatemala. Annette’s essence could be summarized as being thoughtful and giving. She loved her family and especially her nieces and nephew. The greatest joy of her life was knowing Jesus Christ as her Savior. She was employed as the director of Heifer Global Village at Shepherd’s Spring located in Sharpsburg, Md. Degree Key CLASS OF - attended as part of the class of a given graduation year. HS - high school degree from era when high school and college were one MA - master of arts MDiv - master of divinity SEM - attended the seminary

Mileposts is compiled by Braydon Hoover '11, who may be reached at or at 540-432-4294. send news directly to braydon or to Editorial Policy Milepost entries regarding alumni employment, degrees obtained from other universities, marriages, 50-year and 60-year anniversaries, births, adoptions, and deaths are printed on the basis of submissions from alumni or on the basis of publicly available information. We do not do further research to verify the accuracy of the information that alumni provide us, nor do we make judgment calls on the information that they wish to be published, beyond editing for clarity, conciseness and consistency of style. The information provided to us does not necessarily reflect the official policies of EMU or of its parent church, Mennonite Church USA. | crossroads | 61

Amazing Living by Class of ’62

Hard to imagine more adventure, accomplishments, in one group! Fifty years after attending Eastern Mennonite University, 103 men and women have compiled their stories into a book that shows their amazing breadth of experience: living in 40 countries outside the United States, usually working as educators, healthcare workers, or missionaries. Some worked in North America, often in rural areas and with First Nations. These alumni sought to be of service amid war, disease, poverty, challenging living conditions, no transportation beyond their feet, survival-level pay, and much else. Yet many refer to feeling blessed, learning more than they were able to offer to others. “I write this article with a grateful heart,” says Miriam E. Krantz, who has lived, worked and studied in Nepal for 50 years. The class of 1962 defies stereotypes of farm-raised, narrowly religious, stay-put, ethnically Swiss-Germanic Mennonites from days gone by.

BELYING NARROW STEREOTYPES Multiracial families through marriage, adoptions and in-laws are fairly common. These alumni have shown career flexibility, with lots of moving, internationally and across North America. Some have jumped to other worship settings – Catholic, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist, United Church of Christ, non-denominational. The majority, though, call themselves Mennonites. There have been divorces, and there have been lots of second, even third, marriages, typically a couple of years after the death of a spouse. One divorced couple remarried each other after seven years of separation. Some dropped out of what was then called Eastern Mennonite College (EMC) and returned to finish their bachelor’s degrees much later, as did one 41-year-old woman, who lived in various African countries for 18 years. One 35-year-old father of two entered medical school after years of nursing, first as an RN, then as a nurse with a bachelor’s de62 | crossroads | fall/winter 2013-14

gree, then as a certified registered nurse anesthetist. (Supposedly retired, this physician is now involved with the training of anesthesiologists at the national medical school of Honduras.)

worked in Honduras and she taught in Lancaster, Pa. (A stand-out memory in their 50-year marriage is attending Bob Marley’s funeral while living in Jamaica.) (2) Sam Shertzer, the future husband of nurse Alma Longnecker, tracked her BREAKING NEW GROUND down in Tocoa, Honduras, by taking the Some “firsts” – first EMC grad to attend weekly plane running from the capital law school, first women to be church city to Tocoa and surprising her. Needing leaders in certain locations, first alumnus to depart in less than a week, he rode a to be a tennis pro (having mastered horse 10 miles to catch a train out. tennis growing up in his native Japan). Teaching as the only white person The class of ’62 may even boast the first in an African American school in alumnus to take a course to prepare for Powhatan, Va., and insisting that his conversion to Judaism (not to convert, local Mennonite church welcome blacks, but to help him understand the Jewish over the protests of his pastor. (Alum Eli clients with whom he was doing social Miller got his way about the integration work). of that church.) All of this can be found in a new book, Living in a remote part of Botswana Senior Moments: Reflections from the Class in the late 1970s (while digging wells to of 1962, issued in 2013 through EMU’s help the locals access water) in a galvaalumni and parent relations office. nized grain bin, with grass on the roof, The genesis of the book dates to and a door and windows cut in the walls October 2012, when the class of 1962 – yielding a “stifling hot” home during celebrated their “Jubilee Reunion” at the 100-plus-degree days. (John W. Eby) EMU’s Homecoming weekend. In the Being foster parents to a total of 50 months afterwards, 103 members of the children over the years: “At one time I class submitted essays – or, occasionhad five children under the age of six, inally, diary-style entries – that classmates cluding my own.” (Rachel Frey Frerichs) Millard E. Showalter, Anna Kathryn Learning Portuguese as a 50-year-old Eby, Reta Finger, Dorothy Jantzi and in order to be effective as a commuCarroll Yoder shaped into book chapters, nity health nurse in Brazil. (Sara Jane with the support of alumni office staffer Peachey Lind) Donna Souder ’77. Living in Vietnam from 1962 until Almost half of the 103 writers men1975 as an Eastern Mennonite Missions tion having graduate degrees (11 at the worker, when Luke Martin, his wife and doctoral level). The most common career three children suddenly found themfield mentioned is teaching – 46 percent selves “homeless, bereft of friends, and refer to years in the classroom – with uncertain what the future held for us,” as perhaps half as many alumni working in a result of the Communist victory over healthcare and in the ministry. There’s that country. one full-time artist, another who picked Hoping to avoid the U.S. bombs exup art upon retirement. ploding around him in a race to get food for his suffering Vietnamese neighbors FRUITS OF SPIRITLED LIVES, in a refugee camp. “In the months ahead, COURAGEOUS CHOICES I’d be literally measuring building plots Amid the wealth of memories in the between gravestones.” (Jim Metzler) book: Being principal, teacher, cook and Having interesting courtships: (1) janitor for 13 students in a one-room Helen Longenecker and her future school in eastern Kentucky, accessible by husband, Sam Lapp, kept in touch crossing a swinging bridge and walking a entirely by letters for two years while he mile and a half. (Martha Maust)

50th reunion photo of the class of '62, taken in October 2012 at Homecoming and Family Weekend (Photo featured in the book Senior Moments: Reflections from the Class of 1962)

Residing and working as a married couple in Virginia, Tanzania, Sudan, Kenya, and Ontario (Canada), before retiring in Kenya. Visiting 50 countries in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. (Annette Wenger Miller, married to Harold) Skiing every winter on slopes in western U.S. and Europe since age 40, despite needing in recent years oxygen around the clock for an autoimmune lung disease. “I am able to ski with oxygen in a backpack,” writes Marlene Collins Showalter. Wondering if her guards should be allowed to fire upon attackers, perhaps killing in violation of Mennonite pacifist beliefs, when faced with the prospect of her health compound being overrun by armed Somali men, who were ransacking nearby compounds. (Naomi Weaver, a nurse, prayed fervently, along with another Mennonite nurse; the attackers hurled stones into the compound but moved on.) Seeing the olive trees he and others planted in support of Palestinian farmers uprooted by Israeli soldiers threatening them with American-made M-16 assault rifles. (Robert Weaver) Being hired by the U.S. Public Health Service as an expert in Hansen’s Disease after spending four years as a physician in centers in Ethiopia that cared for people with that disease, commonly known as leprosy. (Leo Yoder) Living for five decades in Nepal, usually employed by NGOs as a nutri-

tion expert, but remaining after age 65 shoulders on which our tears can fall. In as a student of Nepalese music and art. my experience, nothing else has really (Miriam E. Krantz) mattered.” – Norman Coffman Being involved in the struggle over “We regularly read the scriptures in equality for sexual minorities – RichPortuguese [after learning it at age 50] ard Lichty, married to classmate Mary and I play the flute – isn’t it said that Mosemann, lost his credentials in the continuing with a foreign language and late 1990s as a pastor in the Mennonite playing a musical instrument are good Church as a result of welcoming gays mental gymnastics for folks in their 70s?” and lesbians as lead pastor in the oldest – Sara Jane Peachey Lind Mennonite congregation in North AmerThe desirability and even necessity, ica, Germantown Mennonite Church. after a move-about life, to settle closer to Hiking 700 miles on the Appalaaging parents, adult children and grandchian Trail after retirement in 2007, with children – which is why, for example, the intention of completing 1,900 miles. Mary Rosenberger Newcomer and her (Michael Mast) husband Art re-settled in Ohio after livRaising children who became muling in California. ticultural themselves. Ramona Horst Gathering a scattered family at a Hartzler and her husband of 45 years, place of mutual enjoyment every year or for example, have two sons: a financial two: Dorothy Martin Keim’s family of analyst who married a Chinese woman 11 gathers in Maine for a week each sumand who has children fluent in Engmer; Donella M. Clemens’ extended lish and Chinese, and a physician who family of 15 spends a week at the beach married a woman reared in Paraguay every other year. and whose children speak English and “Golden twilight years bring a subtle Spanish. ‘transition’ with more focus on ‘tolerance’ Encouraging their children to and relationships than on education, attend their alma mater. Living in career, and accomplishments. . . We Gainesville, Fl., Mary Ellen Lehman simplify our lifestyle, allowing time to and her scientist-husband Paul saw their meditate and enjoy our walk with Jesus three children graduate from EMU and and others.” – Mary Wenger Becker embark on careers in medicine, clinical “Class of ’62,” wrote Grace Hess psychology, and occupational therapy. Wolfgang at the end of her chapter. “I have so many wonderful memories of LESSONS LEARNED, GENTLY LIVED you creative, friendly, world-changing, Wisdom accrued from their lives: God-loving, inspiring people! Life is rich “The only important things one can and full. I feel so blessed.” — BPL wish for in our ‘valley of the shadows’ are a human hand to hold and shared | crossroads | 63

photo by Londen wheeler As a communications intern at the Capital Area Food Bank, sophomore Londen Wheeler got to take official photographs when President Obama came to the food bank on Nov. 27. Wheeler's internship was arranged by EMU's Washington (D.C.) Community Scholars' Center.

Student Photographs Obama Family When Eastern Mennonite University sophomore Londen Wheeler learned President Obama would drop by his workplace for a thank-you visit, he knew Nov. 27 would not be a typical day at the office. Then again, 19-year-old Wheeler was not enrolled in a typical college semester. He was in EMU’s Washington Community Scholars’ Center (WCSC), a domestic cross-cultural learning experience that includes internships in D.C. Majoring in digital media, Wheeler got to be a communications intern at the Capital Area Food Bank. After 12 short weeks on the job covering events such as the Northern Virginia Hunger Summit and conducting photojournalism interviews with families who experience hunger, Wheeler’s creative work and dependability earned him an invitation to be the food bank’s “official photographer,” entrusted to take the prized group photo of staffers with our nation’s president. Upon arriving at the food bank’s distribution center, Obama and his wife Michelle greeted the assembled workers, thanking them for their efforts to alleviate hunger in the nation’s capital. That’s when Wheeler’s big moment arrived. All eyes turned to the stepladder where he was perched. “Everybody say ‘food bank’ on three,” he directed the group. With his camera set on burst mode, he captured a cluster of images and checked them in his viewfinder. Obama quizzed the youthful photographer, “Did you get it? Is it good?” “Yes, sir, I got it,” Wheeler replied. Later he admitted, “I was

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in awe just being in the same room exchanging small talk with the president of the United States.” Wheeler was soon ushered into another room to join the official press pool. The first family entered, complete with daughters Sasha and Malia, and took their positions behind a long table laden with food. “I was shooting over the shoulder of Pete Souza, the White House photographer, and jostling for position with Associated Press photographers,” Wheeler said. “We were all trying to grab expressive photos of the first family.” Opening doors and expanding horizons are the goals of WCSC, the only program of its kind among Anabaptist universities in the United States. This fall, 10 students from EMU and four from Bluffton (Ohio) University were paired with an organization as interns in a career field of their choice. WCSC students also complete undergraduate coursework while living in a home owned by EMU, the Nelson Good House (named for WCSC’s founder). As an African-American student from Nelson County, a rural community on the eastern side of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Wheeler credited WCSC with helping him to get “in touch with the rich diversity of my black heritage, just to live in a neighborhood where I am one of the majority rather than in the minority.” On Thanksgiving Day, after his big photography shoot, Wheeler loaded his car for the three-hour drive to his home, 25 miles southwest of Charlottesville, Va. “My parents have a different perspective on this opportunity,” Wheeler said. “They remind me to never settle, to prepare myself for the next step, to make something like this happen every day.” — Paul Souder


that represents the things you treasure about EMU Charlotte and Henry Rosenberger (classes of '65 and '67) are business-minded, progressive farmers. Henry worked for about 30 years in food warehousing and logistics. In 1998, he sold Rosenberger Cold Storage and began focusing on doing sustainable food production on the Rosenbergers' 500 acres. Charlotte retired from her counseling practice in 2005 to join Henry in farming. “We want our philanthropy to focus on education, land stewardship and local food production,” says Charlotte. “We strongly value EMU’s role in education that effects change, and that’s why we have EMU named in our will.” Estate gifts reflect your deep commitment to EMU. We want to be sure to honor that commitment in the most meaningful way. Please tell us about the gift and how we can use it to best reflect your story and values.

On page 48, you’ll see that the Rosenbergers are one of more than 500 couples and individuals belonging to Jubilee Friends – i.e., alumni and friends who have made provision for EMU in their estate plans.



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*The Jubilee Friends Society, which has over 500 members, honors those who have made estate or other planned gifts. (We list members’ names, but not amounts, in the annual report.) | crossroads | 65



1200 Park Road Harrisonburg VA 22802-2462 Parents: If this is addressed to your son or daughter who has established a separate residence, please give us the new address. Call 540-432-4294 or email

CELEBRATING OUR HOMEBASE COMMUNITY Coming in the spring issue of Crossroads

For decades EMU has shown itself to be “a Christian university like no other” by having an over-sized positive impact on Harrisonburg and the surrounding Rockingham County. Look for an over-sized spring issue, arriving in your mailbox at the end of March, describing dozens of ways that EMU has shaped its homebase community.

We could produce a magazine the size of a thick telephone directory if we included all the local business ventures that our alumni are behind and described all the alumni working for Rockingham Memorial Hospital and in doctors’ offices.

To keep Crossroads to a manageable size, we’re limiting this “impact on community” issue to special initiatives that likely We’ll be looking at the founding and staffing of respected would never have happened – that simply wouldn’t exist – institutions like the Family Life Resource Center, Pleasant View, without the labor of EMU faculty, staff and alumni. Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community, Fairfield Center, Gemeinschaft Home, Collins Center, and a number of local We’ve already written 22,000 words on these topics, but if you stores run for charitable purposes. We’ll explore aspects of feel you have a great story that should be tucked into this healthcare and education, and touch on the arts, especially issue, do send an email before Feb. 15, 2014, to: music. We’ll appreciatively acknowledge our close ties to James Madison University, notably focusing on its enthusiasm for restorative justice (as taught at EMU) as a way of addressing conduct issues.

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