Crossroads Fall/Winter 2015-16

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OUR GIFTS fall/winter 2015-16

emu... preparing students to serve and lead globally

vol. 96, No. 2


fall/winter 2015, Vol. 96, No. 2 Crossroads (USPS 174-860) is published three times a year by Eastern Mennonite University for distribution to 14,000 alumni, students, parents and friends. A leader among faith-based universities, Eastern Mennonite University emphasizes peacebuilding, creation care, experiential learning, and cross-cultural engagement. Founded in 1917 in Harrisonburg, Virginia, EMU offers undergraduate, graduate, and seminary degrees that prepare students to serve and lead in a global context. EMU’s mission statement is posted in its entirety at Board of Trustees: Kathleen (Kay) Nussbaum, chair, Grant, Minn.; Michelle Armster, Wichita, Kan.; Evon Bergey, Perkasie, Pa.; Myron Blosser, Harrisonburg, Va.; Herman Bontrager, Akron, Pa.; Shana Peachey Boshart, Wellman, Iowa; Jonathan Bowman, Manheim, Pa.; Randall Bowman, Archbold, Ohio; Janet Breneman, Lancaster, Pa.; David Hersh, Line Lexington, Pa.; Charlotte Hunsberger, Souderton, Pa.; Clyde Kratz, Harrisonburg, Va.; Chad Lacher, Souderton, Pa.; Kevin Longenecker, Harrisonburg, Va.; E. Thomas Murphy, Jr., Harrisonburg, Va.; Dannie Otto, Urbana, Ill.; Eloy Rodriguez, Lancaster, Pa.; Amy L. Rush, Harrisonburg, Va.; Judith Trumbo, Broadway, Va.; Anne Kaufman Weaver, Brownstown, Pa. Loren Swartzendruber, president; Fred Kniss, provost; Kirk Shisler, vice president for advancement; Andrea Wenger, marketing and communications director. Lauren Jefferson Jessica Hostetler Editor-in-chief Project mgr./ proofreader Jon Styer Jennifer Bauman Designer/photographer Mileposts editor Lindsey Kolb Mia Kivlighan Photo mgr./proofreader Media relations officer Marcy Gineris BJ Gerber Web content manager Mailing list manager All EMU personnel can be reached during regular work hours by calling 540-432-4000, or via contact details posted on the university website, Cover: Lisa King '08, MSN '14, instructor of nursing, checks in with students on their first day of clinicals at Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community. Story on p. 10. Photo by Jon Styer. POSTMASTER: Submit address changes to: Crossroads Eastern Mennonite University 1200 Park Road Harrisonburg VA 22802

Loren Swartzendruber '76, MDiv '79, DMin and his wife, Pat.

‘Giving as you are able’ This issue, acknowledging and thanking our supporters for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, also features several donor profiles. Their stories of beneficence often began and ended with themselves: they had received great gifts in the course of their life and felt strongly about passing that gift that had so shaped and transformed them onward: To whom much is given, much is expected (Luke 12:48)—and paraphrased versions thereof—were quoted by more than one donor. Many of the 17 donors profiled in this issue shared that their first memories of giving were of their parents opening their homes to strangers, helping various charitable causes through their businesses, or accepting in-kind gifts when a customer was too poor to pay for services. But most remembered, at an early age, watching their parents tithe and sharing in that duty through either coins or portions of an allowance, often handed over in ceremonial ways according to one’s age: and in those memorable ways, being taught about growing in relationship to Christ through the simple—and often, small—act of giving the Sunday School offering (the “little tin world globe bank” was mentioned by more than one person!). Les Horning ’86, MDiv ’98, associate director of seminary development, shared the lyrics of the tune he remembers singing to accompany the donation: “Dropping, dropping, dropping, dropping … hear the pennies fall! Every one for Jesus, he will get them all!” Time, too, was expressed as a valuable contribution: “Our parents and grandparents showed us even when you can’t contribute financially, volunteering to help others should be a priority,” says Jessica Stouff '03 Moyer (see page 45). Glenna Ramer '77, who counts nine family members as EMU alumni including son Aaron Sloan '13, observed gifts of time and service: family members worked near and far in voluntary service, participated in local disaster relief efforts, or welcomed strangers or acquiantances in hospitable ways into home, community and church. While some donors we contacted graciously opted not to be included, those who chose to share their stories often did so for the same reason that people endow scholarships or make memorial tributes: their giving is inextricably tied to those who taught them to give and those they hope to honor by passing on their gifts. On behalf of our students at EMU, thanks so much to everyone who contributes to the vital mission of this institution!

Loren Swartzendruber, President 2 | crossroads | fall/winter 2015-16


Growing Beyond Our Limitations


Perspectives on Giving

Seminary dean Michael A. King reflects on his innate weaknesses (breakfast cake!), and how his wife Joan inspires him to greater generosity.

Development directors share what energizes them about their interactions with donors and their own experiences of giving.


Spreading Kindness

"You can't take your wealth with you," says retired lawyer and judge Bob Gillette, who first experienced the joy of giving while turning swampland into soccer fields for Suffolk area youth.


In this Issue







Coming 'Home'

Lisa King, a donor since graduation, sees her ties to EMU come full circle.


Athletic Appreciation


Supporting Teachers

How one athlete, denied the opportunity to compete when he was a student, gives so that others may benefit from participation in intercollegiate athletics.

Linda Bland, retired reading specialist and administrator, helps both colleagues and young readers by supporting professional development. | crossroads | 3

SHARING THE BREAKFAST CAKE Having eight siblings had actually taught me survival of the fittest: if I wanted enough food, I had better take more before a greedy brother or sister grabbed it. Speed was of paramount importance, especially since half of us were teenagers and could shove in a cow with one bite. To this day, Joan blanches when she hears my younger siblings tell of the breakfast-cake era. Some of us older sibSOME OF US NEED HELP SHARING lings loved our mom’s crumb cake made THE BREAKFAST CAKE. Let me explain. with flour, sugar and lots of butter—but When nearly 40 years ago my wife-towere tired of sharing. So we’d make our be Joan and I went through premarital own, stash it in the refrigerator, and wave counseling, our pastor-friend mostly warning fingers at the pools of longing did a great job. That was until he gently which were our little brothers’ and sisters’ pointed out that of course I as one of eyes: steal one bite and wish you hadn’t. nine siblings would understand sharing. Then at leisure and sometimes in front of Joan as the only child of a widow would them, we’d devour the entire cake. probably need to learn. We burst out That is not something to be proud of. laughing. One thing was already clear: This article is one effort to atone—and the gift of generosity was woven into the to name the reality that even the most very fabric of Joan’s soul—but not mine. generosity-challenged among us can find Growing up in a family of 11, Michael A. King '76, dean of Eastern Mennonite Seminary, learned quickly that survival went to “the fittest.” In this essay, he muses on how learning to give in community, encouraged and inspired by his “soulfully generous” wife Joan, is an important contributor to one’s spiritual commitment to God’s kingdom here on earth.

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strategies of giving that fit not only our strengths but also our abysmal weaknesses. In Joan’s and my case, pooling our giving and hoarding strengths and weaknesses involved grasping simple truths. Indeed I was oriented toward hoarding breakfast cakes; Joan was inclined toward generosity. Like me, Joan was shaped by the environment of her childhood and the people around her: her grandparents gave even when it hurt (including during the Great Depression). Their kitchen table was a place where everyone was welcome; no matter how much food there was, somehow it was always enough. Joan is no irresponsible spender, but if she sees need, she is more inclined to give joyfully than to hang on to a prudent portion of resources. In our long marriage, we both recognize the merits of the other’s tendencies. As we see older-age realities on

photo by Jon styer Michael A. King '76, seminary dean, says his marriage to Joan has been a beneficial and character-building partnership: Joan's capability to give joyfully and her encouragement that he join her to do so balances his own innate "prudence," honed by his childhood among eight siblings.

the horizon and have experienced our parents’ financial needs, we’ve grasped that inadequate retirement resources would likely leave our children holding too much of the bag. On the other hand, the inequities confronting the world are real and often brutal. While millions to billions are among those Jesus names in Matthew 25 as the unclothed, hungry, thirsty, sick, and imprisoned that the rest of us are to care about, some projections are that the world’s richest 1% will own roughly half the entire planet’s wealth by next year. Joan and I certainly have enough— and more. This collection of simple truths leads me to the revelation that being a good steward of the breakfast cake means doing better than eating it all, piece by piece, while siblings watch. We reach such conclusions partly through life experience. But researchers

are also pondering what spurs generosity. One study funded by the John Templeton Foundation/University of Notre Dame Science of Generosity Initiative explores how different religious traditions stir generosity. Amid variations, the study finds commonalities, including core teachings of a tradition that foster generosity—such as my citing Jesus— and valuing community. “People are interested in finding out about their own religion,” observes professor Carolyn Werner, leading the study at Arizona State University’s Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict. “For many of the study participants, the experience of being generous is, in and of itself, profoundly religious.” Another valuable source for grasping the importance of generosity is Henri J. M. Nouwen’s A Spirituality of Fundraising (Upper Room Books, 2010). As one sometimes approached for funding

or at other times requesting or thanking donors for funds, I’m inspired by Nouwen’s conviction that at their best, fundraising activities, whether involving the giving or the requesting, call us “to deeper commitment to our particular ministry” which “helps to make visible the kingdom that is already among us.” Still, I’d not be telling the full truth if I didn’t stress this: Living with a spouse who models and constantly encourages generosity is the single most important source of whatever impulse toward generosity my Breakfast-Cake-Hoarding-Self is learning. This suggests the importance of learning about giving and receiving in community, in ways true to our original inclinations yet also ever encouraging us to grow beyond our own limitations. Together we can learn how to live now into the meaning of praying, with Jesus, for God’s kingdom to come not only in heaven but also right here on earth.  | crossroads | 5

photo by Jon styer Phil Helmuth, director of development and church relations (front row, left), stands with associate directors Stuart Showalter, Les Horning and Karen Moshier-Shenk. Back row, from left: associate director Braydon Hoover, Jasmine Hardesty, director of planned giving, and associate directors Tim Swartzendruber and Lindsay Martin. Not present is Dave King, director of athletics.

DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORS TALK ABOUT THEIR WORK There is no question that the people and relationships make this work worthwhile. Having done this work at the same organization for almost 20 years, the relationships are what keep me going. I have gotten to know three generations in some families, with donors in each generation. I continue to be amazed at how much so many of our friends and alumni love EMU! // I learned an early lesson of giving through my parents, who directed a youth choral group, Choraleers, for about 40 years. I carry on this tradition as a volunteer choir director and music leader at Park View Mennonite Church. // Karen Moshier-Shenk ‘73, associate director since 1996

Meeting these people and hearing their stories, whether it’s related to EMU or not, has been incredibly enriching. I met with a couple recently who were each at different ends of the conservative and liberal spectrum. We talked about a variety of things, including the changes to the hiring policy. We had this free-flowing conversation, in which both sides were represented in well-articulated ways. He wasn’t in favor of the changes and she was. It was a really beautiful, respectful conversation. I went away thinking, “This is why we work here.” // Braydon Hoover ‘11, associate director since 2015

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There’s a perception that only wealthier alums can drive the mission forward. Many EMU graduates go into serviceoriented professions; they’re not earning significant dollars and they’re not wealthy, but they see EMU as having a formative impact on their lives and choose to give. That just makes what is given that much more important. Students are truly shaped by this broad support. // Tim Swartzendruber ‘95, associate director since 2002

I love sharing with alumni what’s happening now here with EMU athletics in ways that connect them to their memories of how they grew as people at EMU. The support and encouragement that athletes gain from their competitive experience and from our coaches is so important. When they remember that their athletics experience was transformative and they link that transformation to what they’re doing today in their church, community or family, they are willing to support what’s going on here in athletics at EMU because they know our current athletes are undergoing that same transformative experience. // Dave King ‘76, director of athletics since 2005

EMS is a transformative center for discerning, learning, healing and growing among all who come to prepare for a wide range of ministries and missions. I witness men and women come into my office as prospective students, tentative and unsure about their journey… and leave with their degree, full of confidence in their abilities and their purpose in life. I never get tired of sharing that story, in all its varied forms, to donors and supporters. I love to help donors “invest” in the lives of these women and men who choose, often at great sacrifice, to set aside time for study and preparation at EMS. // Les Horning ’86, MDiv ’98, associate director of seminary development since 2012


The Center for Justice and Peacebuilding is an inspiring program with faculty and students that do amazing work around the world. That makes my job somewhat simple. Sometimes donors give because they meet students themselves. Others interact with our faculty, or read books and articles by faculty and students. Others have Mennonite connections and consider our work here an extension of their Mennonite values. I love to hear those stories of why people give to CJP. We value that passion and desire to support CJP, no matter how much or what that gift is. // Lindsay Martin ‘05, associate director of development for the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding since 2014

Ways to Give Jasmine Hardesty, EMU’s director of planned giving, remembers that her favorite gift of childhood Christmases was the $10 bill her mother gave her to donate to any charity she chose. “I always loved going to the store, buying the dog and cat food, and then delivering it to the shelter,” she said. Jasmine and her husband are the proud owners of three rescue animals, and are regular donors to the local SPCA. As EMU’s director of planned giving, Jasmine offers these tips for prospective donors. “Even with modest finances, you can make meaningful gifts to support causes that are important to you,” she says.

I have always enjoyed using my legal background as an estate planning attorney to support philanthropic purposes. In nonprofit work, a lot of big work is accomplished on small budgets and donors are very important to helping that bigger work happen. // This is not something that just wealthy people do. Every day, average households can make a gift that will benefit them and the organization that they support. // We are a free resource. We don’t give advice, but we give information. When people call us, they often have an idea of what they want to do and they’re truly committed to making a gift, but they don’t know how to go about doing that or even if it’s possible. When they realize in a two-minute conversation that they can move forward, there’s a sense of relief and fulfillment. I find those kind of interactions very gratifying. // Jasmine Hardesty, director of planned giving since 2015

DEFINE YOUR INTEREST. With any size gift, donors may specify how or where their contribution is to be applied. Are you passionate about peace? About developing young leaders, missionaries or bilingual scholars? Helping young single mothers earn a second nursing degree? Are you interested in contributing to a larger project like the track and field facility renovations (see page 27) or the Suter West project (see page 37)? Do you want to give back in gratitude for how EMU has shaped you? Even a small monthly gift of $20 makes a difference.


I love this job because it’s all about building long-term relationships, getting to know our donors, their needs and their passions for giving. My job is a perpetual field trip. In one day, I might meet five donors in five different places, and each one has a different story, different dreams and different goals. // EMU enables our donors to give as an extension of themselves and in doing so, to achieve a lot more than they might be able to as an individual. // We make sure that donors see how their gift is making a difference. When donors come back and thank me for inviting them to support the university and our students, when I sense that they are as excited about giving to the project as we are about that project – that keeps me going. // Phil Helmuth, executive director of development since 2005

Several uncles and aunts were personally generous, providing summer jobs that enabled me to attend EMC. // I came to this position after 28 years as a professor of communications at Goshen College and then six more as an independent consultant. // As an adult, I learned to know joyful donors, and I found their approach to giving both admirable and contagious. I get the greatest satisfaction in helping donors achieve their goals as they mesh their interests with EMU’s mission. The happiest donors are those who are motivated by a deep sense of gratitude to EMU because of its transformative impact on their lives and on the lives of others. // Stuart Showalter ‘67, associate director since 2011

It’s impossible to outline all of the creative ways that giving to EMU might benefit you and your family, but here’s a few to think about: Upon receiving bequests of their own, some donors have donated collections of rare books, rocks and gems, coins, artwork, musical instruments or antique furniture (see page 8). A couple donated their vacation property, a rustic cabin and land, to EMU (see page 18). After losing her husband, a widow created a life estate, in which EMU manages her property and provides an income while her home is reserved for her use and benefit. A couple with a tax windfall on a fixed income made a charitable donation to stay within the appropriate tax bracket. A single retiree has named EMU as beneficiary on her life insurance policy, 401K retirement plan, and portfolio of stocks and bonds. A couple has created a charitable gift annuity: The tax deduction is beneficial and the life income will help fund their child’s future tuition.

Visit or call 1-800-368-3383 or 540-432-4971. | crossroads | 7

CEDRIC MOORE JR. ’99 knows what it’s like to be busy. Since graduating from EMU with a degree in social work, Moore has earned two more degrees, become a father, been appointed by the governor to an advisory board, and started his own business in partnership with his wife, who also holds a PhD. (Here’s a detailed breakdown of that previous sentence: he holds an MBA and a doctorate in strategic leadership; he is father to Brandon, 10, and Caitlyn, 4; in 2009, he was appointed to the Governor’s Advisory Board of Child Abuse and Neglect; and in 2010, he and his wife, Melinda, started Spectrum Transformation Group, which provides treatment to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and with mental health concerns, with offices in Richmond and Harrisonburg, Virginia.) Yet through those experiences, he has prioritized his connection to his alma mater and donated substantial amounts of time on the Alumni Council. In this Q & A, Cedric provides a stepping-off point for our exploration in this fall Crossroads issue of generosity, why we give and who inspires us. Q What made your experience at EMU meaningful enough that you want to still be involved with the university after graduation? A The entire EMU experience. Simply meaning the quality of education, caring professors and an environment grounded with Christian values. Q How did you become interested in volunteering for Alumni Council? A I can’t thank Doug Nyce '85, former director of alumni and parent engagement, enough for encouraging me to take a serious look at the alumni council. Doug spoke highly of the individuals on the committee and the work of the council. Q What does Alumni Council “do” and what are some of your responsibilities as president? A The purpose of the alumni council is to directly involve alumni in the life of EMU and to serve as an advisory group. I was fortunate to serve as vice president under the presidency of Lenora Yutzy '79 Bell. The president presides at all meetings of the alumni council and the executive committee of the council; expedites objectives, goals, and policies of the council; appoints all other committees as needed in consultation with the executive committee; and reports at the annual business meeting of the alumni council. While I embrace providing leadership and vision to the alumni council, I am hoping to communicate frequently with alums, current students, and staff to ensure the alumni council is doing the work expected.

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photo by Jon styer

Supporting EMU With The Gift of Leadership

Cedric Moore Jr. '99 gives his time to EMU as Alumni Council president.

Q What do EMU alumni share with current students? A Definitely not the experience of the Suter Science Center! In all seriousness, I know we continue to share our Christian values and are accepting of those who choose to believe or think differently than we do. Q Who taught you your earliest lesson in (or gave you an example of) generosity? A My deceased grandmother, Shirley Roberts, taught not only me but other children in our neighborhood many life lessons. My parents taught us to “think of someone other than yourself.” But with all due respect, my grandmother stressed putting others first. Now, I have two mentors: one is Wayne Turnage, director of the District of Columbia Department of Health Care Finance and former chief of staff to Governor Tim Kaine, and another is former New York Knick and St. Catherine’s School head basketball coach Edmund Sherod. I hope I can be as good of a leader and mentor to others as they are to me. Q If you could share a message with young alumni or recent graduates about giving back (not just to EMU but as a life value), what might you say? A Continue to put forth your best efforts at all times, not just this time, but the next time. It is our responsibility to give back any way we can. Plus, it helps the EMU alumni participation rate!  — Lauren Jefferson


IT’S SORT OF A LONG AND STRANGE STORY, warns Diann Bailey, an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ (UCC) who ministers in Suffield, Connecticut, and lives with her husband Todd in Granby, an adjacent town. The story goes like this: Some years ago, it came time for Ben, the oldest of the Baileys’ two sons, to think about college. His interest in peace studies of some sort guided their first forays into that good old “college search.” Around this time, the youth group at the Baileys' church (they were then attending a different UCC congregation in Simsbury, another nearby town) was planning a mission trip to Atlanta. The trip was arranged through an organization called DOOR, which belongs to the Mennonite Mission Network. In the process of planning the trip, the Baileys’ youth minister learned more about Mennonites and became aware that the Mennonites have several colleges that heavily emphasize peace studies. Knowing that this was key to Ben’s college search, the youth minister passed the Baileys – who then knew nothing about Mennonites aside from some vague Amish associations – a tip to check out Goshen College.2 With Goshen atop the list, Ben, his younger brother Nate, and Diann headed off to Atlanta for the mission trip. While there, they heard good stuff about another Mennonite place called EMU, so after returning home, they set up a campus visit. The admissions interview went as well as any admissions interview could go; immediately afterwards, Ben said he was coming to EMU. They’d already set up a few other college visits to make the long trip worthwhile, but after EMU, they were just going through the motions. “It was just one of those things where we just knew. This was the college,” recalls Diann. Two years later, when Nate was ready for his own college search, Ben called him and told him not to bother. EMU was the place for him. Ben graduated in 2012 and now works at EMU (he is married to Hannah Beachy '12 Bailey); Nate finished up in 2014. After Ben’s first year, Diann and Todd – who works in real estate finance for UBS Realty – were invited to join EMU’s Parent Council. Through this experience, the Baileys learned more about the “inner workings” of the university where 1 Who are dyed-in-the-wool Red Sox fans. 2 Goshen College is EMU’s sister school in Indiana.

photo by taylor Kemp

Some Connecticut Yankees1 in EMU’s Support

Todd and Diann Bailey came to know EMU through their sons Ben '12 and Nate '14.

both their sons thrived. “The community and friendships that both boys made are very deep and strong,” says Todd. “Community building and education are really important to us.” The Baileys have continued to support the university after their sons’ graduations. They’re excited about things like EMU’s cross-cultural programs, the annual School for Leadership Training held at the seminary, and the work of the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding; they’re grateful that a series of coincidences during the college search brought them and EMU together. “We’re not just supporting the university. We’re supporting future leaders – from local leaders to global leaders – and it’s grounded in our own faith tradition,” says Diann. “We are called to be peacemakers and love one another and reach out to those in need. EMU’s doing all of that and more!”  — Andrew Jenner '04 | crossroads | 9

HIS HEALTHY BALANCE Retired judge now bakes, farms, gives in goodly proportion

RETIRED LAWYER AND JUDGE Robert "Bob" Gillette, MA ’07 (conflict transformation) travels a triangle within Virginia these days, from his home city of Suffolk to a mountaintop ranch in Floyd County to a soon-to-bebuilt-upon piece of land outside Harrisonburg, just over the hill from EMU. Each place bears a legacy of beneficence. In Suffolk, where Gillette practiced law for 36 years, there are the youth athletic fields at Diamond Springs Park and the Suffolk Athletic Association that Gillette founded. Nearby, the Nansemond Tribe holds a title to 35 acres

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of their ancestral land that was purchased and returned to them by Gillette after his CJP practicum experience. In Floyd County is a rustic cabin and farmland, returned to richness through biodynamic farming, with a conservation easement to protect it in perpetuity; and every six weeks or so, loaves of sourdough bread, baked in two earthen ovens and delivered fresh to the “people all up and down the road.” And in Harrisonburg at EMU, one Steinway piano and an antique clavicord, the assets of an old coin collection, an endowed scholarship for North Ameri-

can graduate students at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding in memory of his wife Kay, more happy beneficiaries of his bread deliveries, countless friendships and imminent promise of more fellowship with the CJP community, once the house is built – and the bread ovens installed. “Everything I’m doing now came from opportunity that arose from adversity,” he says. A farm boy who graduated from Randolph-Macon College, Bob met Harrisonburg native Kay Koontz while he was in law school and she was studying math and music at Westhampton Col-

photos by michael sheeler


Bob Gillette, MA '07, points out his future home site to Crossroads editor Lauren Jefferson. Gillette plans to rent the house to Center for Justice and Peacebuilding students, and keep a small basement apartment for his own visits.

lege, the women’s affiliate of University of Richmond. Kay was Bob’s first Harrisonburg connection, but the ties grew stronger years later when Bob became a judge, practicing mediation and developing an interest in restorative justice. That ultimately led him to EMU and into Howard Zehr’s class, around the time Kay was stricken with brain cancer. “I was always a good listening judge,” Bob says, “and I respected people who came in front of me, and you see all kinds from the bench, some pretty poor

About every six weeks, Bob Gillette grinds 100 pounds of flour and bakes loaves of sourdough bread in earthen ovens to give away to friends and neighbors.

people. Listening attentively is a kind of great people. That was the first time I gift in itself. It’s an act of love.” really learned what a joy it is to give.” While recognizing the good that came Bob’s philosophy of giving is based through his profession, Bob also says his in both practicality – “I’ve never seen a practice provided the financial means to Brinks truck behind a hearse,” he jokes – meet community needs: In the early ‘70s, and a deep joy in helping others. “Why as his children became involved in sports, am I here? If it’s not to help each other, I he and a partner purchased land and don’t know what it is. You give accordfounded an athletics association that still ing to your ability and the resources exists today. After the initial financial the Good Lord allowed us to have. And investment, Bob describes years of leavwhen you give, it does good in the coming his office and heading straight to the munity, and the byproduct of seeing that ballfields to maintain and develop the is a wonderful feeling.”  grounds. “I had a lot of fun, learned a lot — Lauren Jefferson about soil and land, worked with some | crossroads | 11


making a 'missional decision' to teach… LISA KING was deeply invested in EMU before she even arrived on campus. King’s parents, Dave King '76 and Debra Glick King '77, MBA '12, were educated at EMU; her older brother, Derek '03, had just graduated from the university; and her brother Ryan '07 was a sophomore. In 2004, she entered EMU with 12 of her former classmates from Lancaster Mennonite High School. While following in this cultural and family legacy, she was intent upon establishing her own identity, and requested an unfamiliar roommate. Enter Sarah Jones '08: a Toronto native, pre-med student, and King’s field hockey teammate. The pair would live together for the rest of their college years, graduating together in 2008. Despite

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their 400-mile separation, the two friends periodically take trips together. (After EMU, Jones earned a graduate degree in biology, focusing on neuroscience, from York University. She is now an embryologist living in Ontario.) “She will definitely be a lifelong friend,” says King. “There has always been this level of understanding between us through the good, the bad, and the ugly.” Through this friendship, King joined other social circles. “I was an honorary member of the Canadian student Thanksgiving!” she jokes. During King’s sophomore year, her parents moved to Harrisonburg when her father became EMU’s director of athletics. Her mother is now the general manager of three adjacent charitable enterprises run by Mennonite Central

Committee: Gift & Thrift, Booksavers of Virginia and Artisan’s Hope. King, however, returned to Lancaster after graduation, working as a nurse at Lancaster General Hospital and coaching field hockey at LMS. Her ties to EMU, however, were tugged after classmate Matthew Garber '08 drowned in Costa Rica. An endowed scholarship fund was established in his name for EMU students pursuing music or nursing, and King began contributing. She also helped rally class members to donate. “To me, that was investing in God’s work,” King says. At Lancaster General, King was first a cardiac and vascular surgery nurse, serving in several leadership roles before moving to the labor and delivery wing. She participated in a nurse manager

Lisa King '08, MSN '14, shares a laugh with nursing students beginning their clinicals at Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community.

residency program, and later became the nurse manager of the cardiac arrhythmia and electrophysiology unit – overseeing 35 employees and chairing a quality improvement initiative. Shortly before leaving LGH, she supervised another 40 employees as an interim manager in the cardiothoracic surgery unit. Despite leading teams of nurses and staff members, serving on various councils, and working 50- to 60-hour weeks, “my goal was not to continue to move up the executive chain,” says King. “I am a nurse at heart.” A close friend pointed out that the rigorous workload, the nature of administrative work, involvement in field hockey as a coach and player, and sleep deprivation were taking a toll. “Relationships are important to me,” says King, adding that hospital management did not provide the right avenue for this value. She eventually turned down a management position at the University of Virginia hospital, put her Lancaster house on the market, and moved to Harrisonburg in May 2015. Two weeks later, she was teaching summer courses at

EMU and in the fall, became a full-time member of the nursing department. Making the transition from practitioner to nursing educator was “a missional decision,” says King. In part, her choice stems from the desire to “help create nurses that can be change agents in this healthcare environment, which is so much more challenging than it ever has been.” Just as important, however, is a work environment filled with authenticity and the presence of God. With the career change, “my philanthropy looks different than it did before,” she says. “I have been given the blessing of time.” She continues to support EMU and friends in Mennonite missions financially, but also volunteers with the field hockey team and on a farm belonging to Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community. She strives to be an available resource and friend to students. Her relationships are a support network, a source of energy, and an outlet for King’s innately giving character. Moreover, says King, those relationships are “part of my mission.”  — Randi B. Hagi '14

In Gratitude For Intellectual Exploration After graduating from EMU with a biology degree in 1976, Leland Ropp went straight to medical school, on to residency and then a 25-year career as a pediatric emergency physician in the Detroit area. (Dealing with frightened parents in the ER was often harder than dealing with their sick children, he reports.) He’s always treasured the opportunities he had as an undergrad to step outside that medical trajectory. “EMU allowed me a chance to explore at lot of things,” says Ropp, who most recently practiced in Dearborn, Michigan, and retired two years ago. After finishing his core science classes, Ropp enjoyed the chance to study sculpture and painting. He also stayed with a French Mennonite family while studying European history and culture on a Euro Term. Ropp, who has supported EMU since he graduated, says the university’s peace and justice programs also inspire him to continue giving. He also supports his church – Shalom Community Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan – and Mennonite-affiliated agencies like Mennonite Central Committee and Mennonite Economic Development Associates. The church’s emphasis on giving surrounded Ropp as he grew up in Minnesota and Iowa. This, he says, helped form his commitment to support worthy causes “whole-heartedly” – as did, more specifically, the teaching from Luke 12:48: to whom much is given, much is expected.  — Andrew Jenner '04 | crossroads | 13

photo by john heider

photo by Jon styer


photo by Melissa Hess

Invested With Haverim PASTOR HELPS DISCERNING YOUTH ALONG When Sam Thomas was a teenager, he felt certain his future was up in the air—literally. “I got my pilot’s license and really thought that was what I was created to do, to become an airline pilot. But what happens? I end up in low-paying pastoral work,” Thomas says, laughing. After graduating from Eastern Mennonite College in 1976, Thomas went to work for Eastern Mennonite Missions and couldn’t afford to keep up the pilot’s license. He instead embarked on a career in Pennsylvania that included chairing the Bible department at Lancaster Mennonite School, serving as pastor of Landisville Mennonite Church for nearly two decades, and then becoming a bishop in Lancaster Mennonite Conference for eight years until retiring this past summer. So rather than sitting at the controls of an airplane, Thomas instead decided to help the careers of young Bible students at EMU take off. He is a regular supporter of Haverim, an alumni group for Bible and religion majors that awards one or more debt reduction scholarships each year to students with the same major. In the essays that students write about their faith journeys, Thomas says he often hears echoes of his own experience as a student, when he double-majored in religion and psychology. “That was a really significant time for me, both in terms of good academic excellence but also having strong relationships with the faculty," Thomas says. “In their essays I read now, the students frequently mention that the professors always relate to them as individuals and get to know them and care for them as a whole person.” Thomas says his time at EMU was also valuable in helping integrate his faith heritage into his life, and connecting faith with social issues such as care for the environment and peacemaking as part of a broader mission focus. As a result, he decided to devote his professional life to church work in some form. He hopes today’s students can have those catalytic experiences, too. Thomas has supported Haverim with his time—serving on the Haverim committee, including two stints as chair— and financially. Two years ago he and his wife, Marian, sold their family farm and “ended up with resources we never imagined having,” he says. They both said they wanted to be good stewards of this gift from God, and they sat down with an Everence financial counselor for advice. “It wasn’t ‘How many trips can we take?’ or ‘Let’s get a big boat,” but ‘What major things do we want to support, and

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Sam Thomas '76, retired minister, derives satisfaction from his support of current Bible and religion students.

how can we share the gifts that landed on us?’” Thomas says. “There has never been any question in our marriage that we would tithe to our local church and then give to other places we care about beyond that.” In addition to Haverim, which also provides funds for guest speakers and special training events on campus, Thomas and his wife support Philhaven’s Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities in Lancaster, a nearby Mennonite school where two granddaughters attend, a local health care clinic that serves the uninsured, several community projects, and Mennonite Central Committee. Haverim, he says, will always have a special place. He’s recently issued a matching challenge to Haverim members. “I continue to really value EMU and the Bible and religion department,” Thomas says. “I value their commitment to our Anabaptist faith heritage and the values that go along with that. I hope many of our pastors will continue to come from our Mennonite colleges, and I want to do everything I can to support and encourage that.”  — Walt Wiltschek

photo by Melissa Hess


Lois M. Martin '62 on her family farm in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with a photo of her mother Esther Metzler Martin.

A Mother’s Reminder: ‘TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN…’ Born and raised on a Lancaster, Pennsylvania, farm, Lois M. Martin ‘62 has always loved the agricultural life. “It was hard for me to leave,” Martin says about enrolling in Eastern Mennonite College in 1959. However, her mother, Esther Metzler Martin, stressed that living into one’s potential was a facet of giving to the community. Martin’s mother set early examples of charity, taking flowers to nursing homes and filling school supply kits for Mennonite Central Committee. Esther encouraged her daughter to continue her education beyond high school. Lois Martin taught classes at a one-room schoolhouse in Lancaster County to pay for college. When she visited home, she always found a handwritten note from her mother on her dresser quoting Luke 12:48: “To whom much is given, much is required.” After earning her degree in elementary education, Martin moved to the Washington D.C. area and continued teaching. “I knew I wanted to live somewhere that the Washington Post would be delivered to my door every day,” says Martin. At this time, rates of substance abuse and drug-related crimes were on the rise. Martin saw the effects on her students – many of whom had older siblings and parents incarcerated or dying as a result. “It was always the children who suffered with little or no understanding of what was happening,” says Martin. These experiences motivated her to pursue a master’s degree in counseling from the University of Maryland.

Martin’s counseling career in the Prince George’s County, Maryland, public school district spanned more than two decades. “I would like to believe we made a difference,” says Martin. “I loved my work and will forever miss those children.” After retiring from her counseling profession, Martin returned to the family farm, which her grandparents had purchased in 1912. She came back to a property surrounded by housing developments. The Martin family strongly supports keeping the farm intact and productive: “We feel what’s happened to the land is immoral,” she says. Working the farm includes the cooperative efforts of Martin, her sister, and her nephew and his family – gardening, herding sheep, tending her “Mr. Lincoln” rose bushes, and selling seasonal crops such as pumpkins and Christmas trees. In the coming months, Martin can be found in the 200-year-old springhouse, mulling cider for customers. The notes from her mother have “become a sacred mantra throughout my life,” says Martin. She manifests this mantra by donating to MCC relief, Church of the Saviour, Joseph’s House (a Washington D.C. nursing and support organization for homeless people with AIDS or terminal cancer), and her church, Community Mennonite Church of Lancaster. In 2010, she established the Esther Metzler Martin Endowed Scholarship at EMU in honor of her mother. “Wherever she is, she’s probably pleased,” says Martin. Receiving letters from beneficiaries of the scholarship and seeing the work of Center for Justice and Peacebuilding students and graduates affirms Martin’s investment in the university. “The people there have a real commitment to the kinds of beliefs I have.”  — Randi B. Hagi '14 | crossroads | 15


OF EMU’S ATHLETES This issue features many alumni who give so that others can have the opportunity to enjoy a similar experience. Meet one donor who gives so that EMU students will experience something he never did.

BYARD “DOC” DEPUTY grew up on a farm west of Harrisonburg, attending Weavers Mennonite Church and Eastern Mennonite School (EMS). In his mind, he spent way too much time hoeing thistles, removing rocks from the fields, and thinning corn. There were better things to do, thought the young man, like sneaking away on Sundays to play with Ottobine in the Rockingham County Baseball League (RCBL).

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This is a good, early place to explain that Doc earned his nickname not because of his later profession of dentistry but because one day in Harrisonburg, a fed-up barber addressed his tiny squirming subject. “Doctor,” he said. “You just sit still or you’re going to lose your head.” And little Doc did. An active, athletic child at a time when among Mennonites, such energies were to be devoted to work and not play, Doc says this was one reason, looking back, why he “didn’t just jump into Bible teachings.” Competitive athletics, according to the thoughts of that time, would foster aggressive, prideful behavior—directly challenging the ideal characteristics of modesty, humility and

attentiveness to God. “I had to go outside of school for my athletic experiences,” Doc says. Though he attended EMS for four years and then Eastern Mennonite College for two years, he never represented either institution in sports. He played in a Valley area basketball league, earning all-tournament honors one year (to be clear, that was the top five players in the Valley). He played in the RCBL and with Linville in the semi-pro Valley Baseball League. By this time, Doc had transferred to Madison College, and was working hard to get into dentistry school. And when he did, he had a choice between a professional baseball contract and admission to the Medical College of Virginia (MCV).

photo by Jon styer

photos courtesy of doc deputy


Doc found an outlet for his athletic talents with the Linville Patriots of the Valley League. Right: Taking a swing on the family farm in Dale Enterprise, west of Harrisonburg. Byard "Doc" Deputy, class of '46, with his wife Betty, has split loyalties: He attended EMC, graduated from Madison College, and worked for many years at the University of Virginia Medical Center.

“Well, that wasn’t hard,” Doc recalls. “I figured I had a better chance at a career in dentistry than I did in major league baseball.” By his second year at MCV, Doc was a paid player-coach for the college’s baseball team, which competed against colleges that would eventually comprise the Old Dominion Athletic Conference, of which EMU is a member today. After graduation in 1954, he began a two-year obligatory term of service in the Navy Dental Corps and almost immediately, found himself mysteriously summoned to a plum position at the Naval Academy. Upon arriving at Severn River Naval Command, he was told when and where baseball practice was. Mystery solved. The rest of Doc’s illustrious life follows here in too small of a nutshell (Doc says that’s okay, because you can never waste too many words on sports): He marries Betty and they return to Dayton, where Doc opens a practice, plays baseball again, has two children. In 1960, the family moves to Charlottesville, where Doc works first at Blue Ridge Sana-

torium and then moves to University giate athletics in 1965 (soccer was the first of Virginia Medical Center, rising to sport). become head of the division of dentistry. Some years back, Doc attended a Hall They have another child. Along the way, of Honor induction ceremony, in which he earns a master’s in public health from Augsburger gave a formal address. In the University of Michigan, passes up an this context, the former classmate and opportunity to become the state dental president noted that it was unfortunate director and also an opportunity to that EMC, at that time, did not have return to MCV to head a department of an athletics program “that would have dentistry. let Doc express his abilities,” Augsburger Doc’s children are involved in sports. remembered in a recent interview. He coaches Little League. His son Glenn “It was quite an honor to hear that ‘80 plays four years of No. 1 singles at from the former college president,” Doc EMU and is inducted into the Hall of reflected. “But I think that’s it right there. Honor in 1981. In addition to tennis, That’s why I support this, because I didn’t Doc takes up golf. He retires in 1994 and have the chance. I’m just so glad it’s here in 2000, returns to Harrisonburg. and that students have the opportunity. He and Betty “needed something to You can learn a lot through sports. I do in the winter and since we’re sports think what people like Loren Swartzfans, we spend our winters in the gym endruber and Dave King have done to watching basketball,” Doc says, kind support athletics at EMU is really great.” of joking, but not really. If you go to a When it comes down to it, though, home game and want to meet Doc, just Doc’s values align with those of EMU. wait for that quiet moment after the “My favorite quote from the Bible is kind music is turned off and before announcer of a motto here at EMU: Micah 6:8. [He Jeff Elliott starts to speak and shout has shown you, O mortal, what is good. “DDDOOOCCC.” Doc would be glad And what does the LORD require of you? to meet you. To act justly and to love mercy and to walk It was inevitable that Doc and Betty humbly with your God.] started supporting EMU athletics and "That’s what I like about EMU: that’s the university that gave him a “good, what they teach their students. There’s a solid preparation for dental school,” Doc lot of variation in the world, but we have says. He appreciates the efforts of former to learn to work with others, rememberpresident Myron Augsburger '55, a ing to practice justice, be kind about it, classmate of his, in starting intercolleand stay humble.”  — Lauren Jefferson | crossroads | 17

Bill and Loretta Helmuth, both 1963 graduates, went on to careers in medicine and nursing, respectively. The couple has participated in several volunteer medical missions and spent two years donating their time, money and expertise to the founding of medical clinics in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

In support of convictions, couple gives generously LORETTA MILLER HELMUTH ’63 remembers a time when EMC faculty were required to wear “plain coats”: Her father, Ira E. Miller ‘31, was among them. In 1956 he became the second dean of EMC. Loretta also remembers faculty in cape dresses, black stockings, and prayer covering strings, and some years later, discussions about hair worn under or hair out from under prayer coverings, let alone whether or not they should be worn at all. Changes from plain to more mainstream dress were a big deal, she notes. She has memories, too, of controversies in the wider American culture: of going to the Harrisonburg bus station and choosing to drink from the colored water fountain. “Someone said, ‘Little girl, that’s not for you,’ and I told them, ‘I know what I’m doing.’” (Some years later, her father was one of the first pastors in Virginia to marry an interracial couple.) When changes are made, she reflects, what’s important is how they are made: “deliberately, prayerfully, and carefully.” Loretta’s husband, Bill Helmuth, had similar experiences. He grew up attending an interracial church in Cleveland in the late ‘40s and ‘50s. When he arrived in Harrisonburg from Ohio to finish out his last year at Eastern Mennonite High School, he found a less open environment and almost left. “It was the civil rights era, and I didn’t see racism on campus, but I didn’t see anybody doing anything about it, either.”

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Despite his discomfort, Bill stayed on for two reasons: first (of course), “I met Loretta,” he says, and second, “the pre- med program was excellent.” He would go on to medical school at Case Western Reserve University and a career in neonatology and pediatrics with a sub-specialty in child abuse. Bill started the first non-university-affiliated Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the United States. For many years, he worked in public health and medical administration. As the couple moved around the country with Bill’s career, they joined churches with social justice at the forefront of their mission. They moved from Cleveland to Atlanta to Elmira, New York, and are now with the First United Methodist Church of Charlotte (FUMC) in North Carolina. FUMC has an active program for the homeless. It is also part of the Reconciling Ministries Network, a group of UM churches that mobilizes UM members of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Based on their understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus, Bill and Loretta decided in 2011 that they could no longer contribute to organizations with what they perceived as discriminatory policies against gays and lesbians. EMU was among those in question. With EMU’s recent update in hiring policies, however, the Helmuths are able to give enthusiastically, believing that EMU demonstrated prayerful care and thought in discernment around a contentious and controversial topic. “Bill and I were both blessed to have had wonderful parents who were non-judgmental. All four of our parents taught us to think for ourselves, listening to their guidance and the guidance of others, but first to listen to God. We learned what they lived.” Those convictions are evident as Bill and Loretta give generously to EMU and numerous other organizations whose missions align with their passion to advocate for marginalized people.  — Lauren Jefferson



photo by Jon styer Linda Bland '64 (left) visits with reading specialist Becky Martin '83, MA ' 14 (education) in her classroom at Plains Elementary School in Timberville, Virginia.

EACH SPRING, Linda Heatwole Bland ’64, a retired reading specialist and administrator, hosts a celebration dinner to honor the recipient of a scholarship she has endowed. This gracious gesture symbolizes her continued support of literacy education and the benefits of professional connection: both values she says she learned while earning a degree in elementary education at EMU. After graduation, Bland taught in Ohio and West Virginia before turning to Virginia. She worked in Augusta and Shenandoah county schools, before joining Harrisonburg City Schools as a reading supervisor in 1986. She eventually led the division in establishing the English as a Second Language program and piloting the city’s dual-immersion programs until her retirement in 2002. Bland is an active philanthropist in her community and within her profession. Her parents modeled generosity and expectation with regular tithing, she says, and as a young girl, she was “always given money for the Sunday school offering and the missionary fund. I enjoyed filling my little tin world globe bank with coins for our Sunday School missionary project.” Bland currently serves on the Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community (VMRC) Foundation Board and has served as co-chair for the Woodland Park Green House Homes campaign. An avid classical music fan, she was also on the Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival board for 10 years and annually helps to sponsor a concert. She’s a regular supporter

of VMRC’s Good Samaritan Fund, Park View Mennonite Church and the Rockingham Memorial Hospital Foundation. Here’s why she supports local educators through an endowed scholarship at EMU: I have always been grateful for the preparation I received in the education department. Dr. Esther Lehman introduced an assessment tool called the Informal Reading Inventory, which I used my entire career. This tool provided authentic measures of a student’s reading level and, in turn, informed appropriate instruction and selection of reading materials. Our instructors also encouraged us to join professional organizations. I considered it my professional responsibility to join the local chapter of the Shenandoah Valley Reading Council, the Virginia State Reading Association (VSRA) and the International Reading Association. As a consequence of these role models, I served many years on the VSRA board. In retirement, I have advocated with the Virginia legislature for state-funded reading specialists. Our goal is to have a highly qualified, master’s degree-holding reading specialist in every school in the Commonwealth. Now it is my honor and pleasure to support the training of our literacy teachers through the Linda Heatwole Bland Endowed Literacy Scholarship. To offer financial support through this scholarship is my way of giving back to EMU and the preparation of reading specialists.  — Lauren Jefferson

MENTORSHIP AS IMPORTANT AS FINANCIAL SUPPORT Becky Martin '83, a recipient of the Linda Heatwole Bland Endowed Literacy Scholarship, is a reading specialist at Plains Elementary School in Timberville, Virginia. She says earning her master’s degree in 2014 fulfilled a long-time goal and has enabled her to contribute in leadership roles within the district. She’s been appreciative of the connections made with EMU professors, some of whom have provided in-services at Plains. In 2015, she joined professor Tracy Hough on a 3.5-week trip to a rural school in Lesotho to provide teacher training and support. The scholarship was especially meaningful, she says, because of Bland’s personal interest and mentorship. “I am very appreciative of the support of Linda Bland because she has walked in my steps as a reading specialist. She actually taught at Plains for eight years. The financial support was helpful, but more so, having the support and recognition from a person who understands the daily challenges of being a reading teacher has been very encouraging.”  — Lauren Jefferson | crossroads | 19

photo by Melissa Hess Mary Grace Shenk, class of '62, MDiv '88, and husband Harold, MDiv '88, recently funded an endowed scholarship for seminary students with proceeds from the sale of a property in Georgia. After years of pastoring in the Atlanta area, the couple now reside in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Sale of Rustic Vacation Home Funds Seminary Scholarships MARY GRACE BRUBAKER SHENK learned a lesson early on from her father, who wasn’t allowed to attend high school while growing up in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Like most of his siblings, John Brubaker had to stay home to help on the family farm. John helped his youngest sister through nurse’s training, though, and when he had his own children, he made it clear that they would finish high school. He even said he would pay for their first year at Eastern Mennonite College. “He always let me know that I could do whatever I set out to do,” Mary Grace says. “He was always encouraging to me.” Mary Grace took her father up on his college offer. She stayed only the one year, however, because she was uncertain what she wanted to do with the rest of her life, and soon after, she married Harold. Harold’s mother, Margaret, had been a bit of a pioneer, too, one of the few Mennonites in her generation to attend high school in the Lampeter-Strasburg area of Lancaster County. She became involved with Christian education and helped to form Manheim Christian Day School. She passed on that passion for education, and all of her children graduated from Lancaster Mennonite High School. Harold, the youngest, attended Elizabethtown College, but like Mary Grace, dropped out amid uncertainty about his career direction. Mary Grace and Harold instead chose voluntary service and went to work for Eastern Mennonite Missions, helping to plant a church in the Atlanta area and staying there for 25 years. Harold eventually became a pastor while also working in respiratory therapy and managing a local business.

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As a getaway, they purchased a rustic cabin on 15.9 acres in northern Georgia, near the Blue Ridge Mountains. They used the property for family gatherings and vacations as well as for church retreats and youth events. “We enjoyed it very much, and our kids enjoyed it, too, but now none of us live close to it,” Harold says. “We were getting there maybe once a year and sometimes not at all.” What to do with this memory-filled property? Donate it to help students obtain an education, of course. After their time in Georgia—where each finished an undergraduate degree—Mary Grace and John took a “break” and attended Eastern Mennonite Seminary, both graduating in 1988. They went on to become co-pastors in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and then Hagerstown, Maryland, before retiring in 2006 and eventually moving back home to Lancaster County. Now the proceeds from the sale of that Georgia property will fund an endowed scholarship, helping today’s seminary students embark on their ministry journeys. That follows the model Mary Grace saw from her parents, who cared about others’ educational futures as well as their own children’s. “My father really advocated for young men in the congregation we were part of when I was a child, Erb Mennonite Church in Lititz, Pennsylvania,” Mary Grace says. “At least three people from the church told me that my parents not only encouraged them to attend college but also offered to help financially. All three of them attended EMC.” Two of Mary Grace and Harold’s children, Harold K. Shenk '87, MA '04 (conflict transformation) and Cindy Shenk '83 are graduates. Their younger son Doug Shenk was in the class of 1991 (he transferred to Drexel University to study environmental engineering). Grandson Daniel Shenk Moreno '13 studied international business. Granddaughter Sara Shenk Moreno '18 is a social work major with a minor in international development.  — Randi B. Hagi '14


SPIRITUAL GIFTS MAKING S’MORES OVER A CAMPFIRE, going out for milkshakes, reading scripture, or conversing about the complexities of life: Whether lifting someone up in prayer or just being a good listener, student spiritual leaders at EMU offer important gifts that are valuable and enriching to the campus community.

Pictured below are pastoral assistants, usually upperclass students who lead and mentor the ministry assistants, and ministry assistants, who are enrolled in a ministry exploration class. Ministry assistants reside in each of the residence halls, where they minister among their peers and organize regular Worship Nights programs. (Their T-shirts quote the campus ministries theme for the year: 'Who do you say that I am?' Matthew 16:13-20.)

photos by lindsey kolb

It’s fitting to recognize this donation of time and spiritual leadership in Crossroads alongside other donors: these students will most likely become alumni who are involved in similar generous ways in the communities where they will reside and work.

For now, we thank this group of 24 students for their work here on campus, under the guidance of undergraduate campus pastor Lana Miller.

Northlawn Pastoral Assistants and Ministry Assistants: Jolee Paden, Oksana Kittrell, Alexa Weeks, Jasmine Miller, Megan Weaver, Makora Nyagwegwe, Anel Molina

Maplewood Pastoral Assistants and Ministry Assistants: Heyrin (Lynne) Cha, Da’Jahnea Robinson, Amanda Helfrich, Nathanael Ressler

Cedarwood Pastoral Assistants and Ministry Assistants: Lydia Tissue, Jessica Longenecker, Bekah York, Taylor Mirarachi, Wesley Wilder, Perry Blosser, Megan Bishop, Seung (Peter) Han

Elmwood Pastoral Assistants and Ministry Assistants: Jonathan Augsburger, Sarah Jennings, Luis Longo, Sarah Boshart, Courtney Unruh | crossroads | 21

University Fund Gifts to the University Fund make possible a university experience like no other, where academic rigor, faith development, cross-cultural understanding, creation care and service to others are emphasized. Your gifts to the University Fund enable students who want to be nurtured in this unique environment to be part of EMU. In addition to student aid, gifts to the University Fund enable EMU to hire and retain top-notch, committed faculty who mentor students in 1:1 relationships. Our desire to make EMU affordable for all and reduce student debt load upon graduation drives our efforts to encourage unrestricted, annual giving to the University Fund. While each gift of any size is significant to EMU, we are especially grateful for those who support EMU as President's Partners and Associates in Discipleship. During the fiscal year 2014-15, ending June 30, 2015, 60 households contributed at least $5,000 to the University Fund as President’s Partners. More than 362 donors made an annual contribution of at least $1,000 as Associates in Discipleship, Aquila and Priscilla Partners, and Partners in Peacebuilding. In order to strengthen student aid, we must broaden support for EMU’s mission at this $1,000 level. By joining one of the above groups, or by becoming a member of the Blue and White Society at the level of $500 or more, you are making a real difference in the lives of students who desire a faith-based education.

President’s Partners Donors whose unrestricted gifts to the University totaled $5,000 or more Anonymous Devon & Teresa Anders Rick Augsburger & Jane Rutt Robert & Elva Bare Doug & Rebecca Clemens Ralph Cline Paul & Esther Clymer Andy & Michelle Dula Roger & Barbara Eshleman Margaret M Gehman Stan & Susan Godshall Leon & Elaine Good Sam & Adeline Graber Carl & Herta Harman Gerry & Linda Horst Kyle & Marta Horst Bob & Eloise Hostetler Deryl & Miriam Kennel Phoebe Kilby & Barry Carpenter Fred & Rosalyn Kniss John & Dorothy Kratz Daryl Landis & Anne Decker Glen & Jean Lengacher Joe & Constance Longacher Cora Longacre Lois M Martin Vernon & Linda Martin Leon & Sandra Miller Marvin & Delores Nolt Steve & Kathleen Nussbaum Mark & Janis Prock

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John & Carolyn Reed Marvin & Darlene Rohrer-Meck Henry & Charlotte Graber Rosenberger James & Gloria Horst Rosenberger Clarence Rutt John & Rebecca Rutt Clair & Doris Sauder Myrl & Freida Sauder Verne & Carol Schirch Frank Shelp Jim & Anna Smucker Barbara & David Swan Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Anna Troyer David & Lynn Troyer Todd & Anne Weaver Dwight & Sheryl Wyse

Associates in Discipleship Donors whose unrestricted gifts to the university totaled $1,000 - $4,999 Anonymous (14) Warren Alderfer Wanda Alger & Scott Waples Linda & Robert Alley Lila Anane-Sefah Marvin & Grace Anders Rose Ann & Gerald Baer Todd & Diann Bailey Philip & Charlotte Baker-Shenk Donald & Brenda Bare Barry & Brenda Bartel Dick & Jeanette Baum Greg & Billie Beachy

Evon & Philip Bergey Curtis & Linda Berry Daryl & Carrie Bert Reuben & Ann Bigelow Glendon Blosser John & Linda Bomberger Roy & Evelyn Bomberger Herman & Jeanette Bontrager Paul & Lois Bontrager Jonas & Barbara Borntrager Randy & Barbara Bowman Chester & Nancy Bradfield Susan Brenneman & Archie Vomachka Lena & Michael Brown Sandy Brownscombe Maynard & Jan Brubacher David & Martha Brubaker Ed & Lucy Brubaker Ken & Pamela Brubaker Kenton & Shirley Brubaker Mark & Beryl Brubaker Kenneth & Twila Brunk Nelson & Ruth Brunk David Bucher & Sharon W Hoover Paul & Esther Bucher Kevin & Cheryl Carey Rhoda & Jonathan Charles Gladys & Al Claassen Paul & Sherry Cline John & Debbie Denlinger Byard & Betty Deputy Tim & Rosita Derstine Anna Louise Detweiler Gene & Gloria Diener Jayne Docherty & Roger Foster Iris & Albert Driver Daniel & Elizabeth Dunmore Titus & Debora Dutcher E C Foundation John Eby Ralph & Betty Jo Eby Bill & Diane Elliot John Erb Bob & Rosalie Eshleman Leon & Melba Eshleman Bruce & Jeanette Flaming Jan & Anthony Foderaro Margaret & Donald Foth James & Carole Frankenfield Jeane Fretz Edward & Cynthia Frey J Richard & Janet Landis Frey Ruth Friesen Luther & Mary Ann Gautsche BJ & Sherah-Leigh Gerber Bob Gillette Colleen & Rudy Gingerich James & Joan Gingrich Mervin & Mary Ellen Good Donald & Betty Good White William Gotwals Fern & Carl Grace Jan Griffin Marlin & Sue Groff Joseph & Marcia Hackman Diann & Keith Harman Barry & Vesna Hart Luke & Staci D Hartman Kent & Stephanie Hartzler Dennis & LuAnne Hatter Dr JT & Phyllis Weaver Hearn Ginny & Ken Heatwole Nancy Heisey & Paul Longacre Bill & Loretta Helmuth Phil & Loretta Helmuth Michele Hensley & Kevin Comer David & Sandra Hersh Jeane & Lyle Hershey Daniel & Mary Hertzler

Don Hertzler & Ruth Shenk Hertzler Helen & Dean Hertzler Carol Hess Nora & Merv Hess Calvin & Janet High Carolyn & Clyde Hockman Dave & Cathleen Hockman-Wert Liz & Ralph Hofmeister Bill & Ann Holtzman James & Deborah Hoover Donald & Carol Horning Ray & Violet Horst Esta & Eldon Hostetler George & Leona Hostetler Alden & Louise Hostetter Dwight & Carolyn Houff Robert Hueston Louetta Hurst Willie & Kay Hurst Ruth & Timothy Jost Clint & Debra Kauffman Duane & Joan Kauffman Kermit Kauffman Roger & Rachel Kauffman Ryan & Valerie Kauffman S Duane & Naomi Kauffman Lois Kenagy Eric & Elizabeth Kennel Dave & Debra King Lisa King Michael & Joan King Rosemary King Susanne King Walter & Miriam King Sr. Dave & Sharon Kisamore Betty & Mark Kniss Michael & Ashley Kniss Paul & Naomi Kniss Allison Kokkoros Sally Krabill Arlan & Alda Kratz Jeremy & Leah Kratz David Kraybill & Mary Hershberger John Kreider Bruce & Paula Brunk Kuhns Eldon & Sharyl Kurtz Wayne & Kathleen Kurtz Greg & Ellen Lacher E Jean Landis Jay & Peggy Landis Nancy Landis John & Alice Lapp LeRoy Lapp Toby & Lonita Leaman Arlene Leatherman Robert & Nancy Lee Elton & Phyllis Lehman J E & Emma Lehman J Paul & Erma Lehman Joyce Bontrager Lehman Ruby Lehman Ruth & Emerson Lesher Melanie & Richard Lewis Allen & Sara Jane Lind Mark & Lisa Longacher Bill & Katie Longacre Jo Longenecker Kevin & Shelby Longenecker Randall & Marla Longenecker Carol S Lown Barbara Martin Clinton & Sue Martin Joseph & Rachel Martin Larry & Gail Martin Philip & Joyce Martin Robert & Nancy Martin Doug and Mary Mason Evelyn Maust Marvin & Lori Maust

Marshall & Dione McDonald Anne Miller Brad Miller & Jessica Yoder Elmer & Martha Miller Fae Miller Floyd & Eunice Miller Henry & Martha Miller JB Miller & John Daniels Richard & Fannie Miller Sara Grace & Merlin Miller Myrtle Mininger Doris & Richard Morgan Eric & Jessica Moyer Grace Mumaw Mim Mumaw Steve & Amy Mumbauer Herb & Sarah Myers Pauline Myers Charles & Esther Nafziger Karen & Eric Nafziger Marilyn Neiswander Ken & Connie Neuenschwander Larry & Janet Newswanger Herb & Becky Noll Larry & Marilyn Nolt Mag & Philip Nolt Rhoda Nolt Wilmer & Doris Nolt Mark & Judith Nord John & Lisa Nussbaum Steven & Debra Pardini Elmo & Ella Pascale James & Marian Payne Daryl & Jane Peifer Kenneth & Rachel Pellman LeRoy Petersheim Jenni Piper Anthony Pratkanis Glenna Ramer & Jerry Sloan Shawn Ramer & Victoria Myer Calvin Redekop Eugene & Julie Reesor Glenn & Lorraine Reinford Mike & Ellen Reno William & Edna Ressler Norm & Alice Rittenhouse Barbara & Alan Robbins Bertha Roggie Rosalie & W Lee Roland Leland Ropp Shirley Roth Jack & Gloria Rutt Roger & Pamela Rutt Laurence & Evelyn Sauder Mona Sauder Hal & Carol Saunders Abner & Virginia Glass Schlabach Erma Schnabel Mark & Judy Schroeder Randy & Regina Schweitzer Jeff & Julie Shank Jerry & Ethel Shank Audrey Shenk Calvin Shenk JC & Jewel Shenk Jim & Donna Shenk Paul Shenk Stanwyn & Elaine Shetler Esther & Arlin Shisler Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Donald & Marlene Showalter Hollis & Martha Showalter Stuart & Shirley Showalter Carl & Margaret Smeltzer Sherwyn & Deirdre Smeltzer Ross & Cathy Smeltzer Erb Carole & Douglass Smith Myrna & John Smucker Ralph & Lila Smucker

Del & Lee Snyder Missy Solanki Wayne & Joanne Speigle Jim & Carol Spicher John & Virginia Spicher Bruce & Neva Stambaugh Mary Beth & John Stauffer Ruth & Sanford Stauffer Esther Steckle Robert & Barbara Steury Donald & Mary Sundberg Stirling Kris Stoesz Joyce Stoll Harvey & Lillian Stoltzfus Omar & Catherine Stoltzfus Ruth Stoltzfus Maurice & Carla Stutzman Walt & Sharon Surratt Dave & Shelby Swartley Willard & Mary Swartley Herb & Margaret Swartz John & Evonne Swartzendruber Tim Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Paul Thomas Vaughn & Inga Troyer Judith & Brent Trumbo Lois & Paul Unruh JoAnne & Peter Wallis Daniel & Janice Walter Dorothy Jean Weaver Glenn & Anne Weaver Steve & Elsie Weaver Phyllis Weaver Hearn & JT Hearn Andrea & Delbert Wenger Bob & Lena Wenger Roy & Esther Wert Connie & Hugh Westfall Ralph & Doris Witmer Isaac & Rachel Wyse Calvin & Lorie Yoder Carroll & Nancy Yoder Chris Yoder Cora Yoder David & Jane Yoder Gary & Beth Yoder J Dave & Nancy Yoder John & MaDonna Yoder Leroy & Martha Yoder Linda Yoder Marshall & Julie Yoder Martha Yoder Paul & Anita Yoder Steve & Twila Yoder Bonnie Zehr & Jerry Hess Donald & Priscilla Ziegler Ethan Zook

Blue & White Society Donors whose unrestricted gifts to the university totaled $500 - $999 Anonymous (9) Emily & James Akerson Russell & Gladys Alderfer David` & Leann Augsburger Marcia Augsburger & Stephen Goff Myron & Esther Augsburger Murl Baker Marian Bauman Bertha Beachy Susan & Eric Beck Lowell & Verna Bender Darin & Maribeth Benner Benjamin & Kate Bergey Brian & Yvonne Boettger

Don & Judy Bomberger Martha Jane Bomberger Art & Alice Borden Brenda Bowman Janet Breneman & Wesley Newswanger Bob Brenneman & Gaby Ochoa Betty Brunk George & Ruthann Miller Brunk Victor & Christina Buckwalter Terry & Sandy Burkhalter Roy & Helen Burkholder Ruth Burkholder Tina & Max Campbell Kyle & Carrie Carpenter Mike & April Clemmer Sue & David Cockley Ross & Allison Collingwood Glenda & Peter Cook Mary Jean Cross & John Asa Hertzler Loris & Richard Cunningham Beverly & Laverne Delp Jeremiah Denlinger & Kristine Widders Earl & Janis Derstine Dave & Charmaine Detrow Ann Detweiler Bennett & Doris Dickerson Mary Ellen & Mamo Dula Peter Dula & Ilse Ackerman Phillip & Janeth Duncan Kermit & Jean K Early Martin Eby Jim & Peg Engle Ashley & Andrew Eshleman Jeff Eshleman & Soila Matute Ken & Myrna Eshleman Kenneth & Debra Fellenbaum Jim & Lyn Fitz John & Jane Frankenfield Doug & Tina Friesen David & Carol Garber Daniel & Susan Garrett Joseph & Barbara Gascho Linford & Rebecca Gehman Elizabeth Gingrich Keith & Linda Gnagey Matt & Kathryn Goins Bill Goldberg & Lisa Schirch Carl & Lois Good Harley & Irene Good Jason Good Linford & Beth Ann Good John & Janet Goshow Galen Graber & Ruth Brenneman Joan Groager Phil & Susan Guengerich Ron & Ruth Guengerich Janelle Guntz Yoder Chad Hackman & Leah Sutker Richard & Judith Harkins Leo & Ruthanne Heatwole Les & Sylvia Helmuth Ray & Rosemary Hershberger Benjamin & Martha Hershey Karen Hertzler & Aaron Crist Ernie & Lois Hess Herb & Joanne High Marcy & Rick High Mary Hinkle Shirley & Vernon Hochstetler Les & Crystal Horning Dwayne & Laura Horst Kenneth & Sue Horst Marv & Marcia Horst Eric & Lavonn Hostetler Cara & Michael Hotz Rod & Mary Lou Houser Darrick & Sheri Hummel Steven & Charlotte Hunsberger Vern & Dolores Jantzen

Donor Clubs EASTERN MENNONITE UNIVERSITY President’s Partners Unrestricted annual gifts of $5,000 and above Associates in Discipleship Unrestricted annual gifts of $1,000-$4,999 Blue and White Society Unrestricted annual gifts of $500-$999 Business and Professional Club Unrestricted annual gifts of at least $1,000 from Valley business donors Jubilee Friends Donors who have made provision for EMU in their estate plans EMU ATHLETICS Athletic Partners Annual gifts of $1,000 and above to University Fund athletics Blue and White Society Athletics Annual gifts of $500-$999 to University Fund - athletics EASTERN MENNONITE SEMINARY Aquila and Priscilla Partners Annual gifts of at least $500 John Wesley Partners United Methodist donors Annual gifts of at least $500 CENTER FOR JUSTICE AND PEACEBUILDING Partners in Peacebuilding Annual gifts of at least $1,000 | crossroads | 23

Vernon & Dorothy Jantzi Hadley & Jan Jenner Tim & Kirsten Johnsen Martin Elton & Esther Kauffman Glen & Sandy Kauffman Jerry & Joan Kauffman Mary Beth & Jerald Kauffman Nyle & Lauralee Kauffman Elmer & Marianne Kennel Laura & Zachary King Brett & Cassie Klingenberg Phil & Irene Kniss Clyde & Eunice Kratz Norman & Rhoda Kraus Ernie & Eunice Kraybill Leon & Audrey J Kraybill Aubrey &Tyler Kreider John & Betty Kreider Richard & Janis Landes Roland & Darlene Landes David & Carolyn Landis Richard & Pearl Lantz James Lapp & Miriam Book Joseph & Hannah Mack Lapp Samuel & Helen Lapp Jennifer & Gregory E Larson-Sawin Hershey & Norma Leaman Larry & Kori Leaman-Miller Galen & Gloria Lehman Keith & Ernestine Lehman Nelson & Cheryl Lehman Cliff & Hope Lind Bonnie & Jim Lofton Lynn & Laurie Longenecker Marie & Iain Macknight Dan & Ruth Ann Martin Eric & Susan R Martin John & Marian Martin Pat & Earl Martin Raymond Martin Robert & Sarah Martin Ruth Martin Joe & Nancy Mast Rodney & Martha Yoder Maust Tom & Barbara Melby Carol & Karlton Miller Eric & Jodi Miller James & Melissa Miller Larry & Wilma Miller Leon & Lynda Miller Nathan & Viola Miller Paul & Edna Miller Karen & Matt Minatelli Charles & Carolyn Moyer Norman & Miriam Moyer James & Judy Mullet Roy & Annie Musselman Daryl & Marci Myers Ken L & Judy Nafziger Mark & Mary Thiessen Nation Carl & Elaine Newcomer Emerson Newswanger Jeff & Ellyn Nolt Jay & Rhoda Oberholtzer Dean Peachey & Melissa Miller Laban Peachey Kay Pranis Ida & Greg Proco Alice & Norman G Raiford Herbert & Vera Reed Justin & Rachel Reesor Eric Reinford Raymond & Naomi Ressler Shawn & Melanie Rice Vernon & Jeanette Rice Kent & Rita Richard Jody & Benjamin Richmond Steven & Karen Ringenberg Dave & Doris Risser

24 | crossroads | fall/winter 2015-16

Eloy & Becky Rodriguez Glen & Annabelle Roth Jay & Anne Roth Lynn & Kathleen Roth Verle Rufenacht Verlen Rufenacht Jim & Gerry Rush Paul & Alice Rush Eleanor Ruth Ann Rutt & Richard Buckwalter Mark & Ericka Metzler Sawin Douglas & Maria Schirch Howard & Willeane Schrock Delbert & Mary Friesen Seitz Randy & Patsy Seitz Joel & Lisa Shank Barbara Shenk & Dannie Otto Harold & Mary Grace Shenk Steve & Karen Moshier Shenk Sam & Jan Showalter Ruth Simpson Esther Siville & Arthur Tidey Anthony & Karen Smith Walter & Leanne Smith Matsuo & Lillian Soga Elizabeth Solanki Feryl & Connie Souder Darren & Audra Stauffer Glenn & Marjorie Steffen Nessa Stoltzfus Barge & Scott Barge Linford & Janet Stutzman Matthew & Debbie Swartley Michael & Amanda Swartley Ruth Ann Swartzendruber Cecil & LeeAnn Swartzentruber Doris Trumbo Ben & Denae Weaver Lloyd & Sarah Weaver Mike & Rachel Weaver Samuel H Weaver Herbert Wenger J Lloyd & Beverly Wert Stephen & Dorothy Wiebe-Johnson Werner & Grace Will James & Rachel Witmer LaMar & Karon Wyse Alex & Shannon Yoder Brent & Rachel Yoder Grace Yoder Joel & Chia Chi Yoder John & Arlene Yoder Jonathan & Kim Yoder Karl Yoder Lonnie & Teresa Yoder Nate & Miriam Yoder Rich & Jeanelle Yoder Ruth H Yoder LaVern & Mary Jane Yutzy Kenton Zehr Milton & Dorothy Zehr Paul & Mary Zehr Pearl Zehr Earl & Ruth Zimmerman Keith Zimmerman & Katrina Wyse Cheryl Zook

Aquila & Priscilla Partners Donors whose unrestricted gifts included at least $500 for Eastern Mennonite Seminary Anonymous (3) Emily & James Akerson Linda & Robert Alley Devon & Teresa Anders Robert & Elva Bare

Curtis & Linda Berry Glendon Blosser John & Linda Bomberger Paul & Lois Bontrager Maynard & Jan Brubacher Ken & Pamela Brubaker Betty Brunk George & Ruthann Miller Brunk Roy & Helen Burkholder Rhoda & Jonathan Charles Beverly & Laverne Delp John & Debbie Denlinger Andy & Michelle Dula E C Foundation Kermit & Jean K Early Martin Eby Jim & Peg Engle Bob & Rosalie Eshleman Leon & Melba Eshleman Kenneth & Debra Fellenbaum John & Jane Frankenfield David & Carol Garber Margaret M Gehman James & Joan Gingrich Stan & Susan Godshall Harley & Irene Good Leon & Elaine Good Sam & Adeline Graber Jan Griffin Phil & Loretta Helmuth David & Sandra Hersh Benjamin & Martha Hershey Daniel & Mary Hertzler Helen & Dean Hertzler Shirley & Vernon Hochstetler James & Deborah Hoover Les & Crystal Horning Kenneth & Sue Horst Bob & Eloise Hostetler Dwight & Carolyn Houff Elton & Esther Kauffman Michael & Joan King Rosemary King Susanne King Betty & Mark Kniss Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Paul & Naomi Kniss Phil & Irene Kniss Clyde & Eunice Kratz John Kreider Greg & Ellen Lacher E Jean Landis James Lapp & Miriam Book Robert & Nancy Lee J Paul & Erma Lehman Keith & Ernestine Lehman Glen & Jean Lengacher Melanie & Richard Lewis Joe & Constance Longacher Barbara Martin John & Marian Martin Lois M Martin Philip & Joyce Martin Robert & Nancy Martin Robert & Sarah Martin Vernon & Linda Martin Joe & Nancy Mast Myrtle Mininger Grace Mumaw Mark & Mary Thiessen Nation Mag & Philip Nolt Jay & Rhoda Oberholtzer Daryl & Jane Peifer Raymond & Naomi Ressler Henry & Charlotte Graber Rosenberger James & Gloria Horst Rosenberger Glen & Annabelle Roth Clarence Rutt Laurence & Evelyn Sauder

Myrl & Freida Sauder Harold & Mary Grace Shenk Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Walter & Leanne Smith Missy Solanki Harvey & Lillian Stoltzfus Omar & Catherine Stoltzfus Ruth Stoltzfus Linford & Janet Stutzman Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Tim Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Doris Trumbo Dorothy Jean Weaver Lloyd & Sarah Weaver Mike & Rachel Weaver Calvin & Lorie Yoder Lonnie & Teresa Yoder Nate & Miriam Yoder Paul & Mary Zehr

John Wesley Partners United Methodist donors who contributed at least $500 to Eastern Mennonite Seminary Paul & Sherry Cline Ralph Cline Daniel & Susan Garrett

Partners in Peacebuilding Donors whose unrestricted gifts included $1,000 or more for the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding Anonymous (3) Rick Augsburger & Jane Rutt Rose Ann & Gerald Baer Robert & Elva Bare Barry & Brenda Bartel Reuben & Ann Bigelow Lena & Michael Brown David & Martha Brubaker David Bucher & Sharon W Hoover Paul & Esther Bucher Gladys & Al Claassen Tim & Rosita Derstine Jayne Docherty & Roger Foster Andy & Michelle Dula Bill & Diane Elliot John Erb Bruce & Jeanette Flaming Margaret & Donald Foth Ruth Friesen Bob Gillette Stan & Susan Godshall Dave & Cathleen Hockman-Wert Liz & Ralph Hofmeister Bob & Eloise Hostetler Alden & Louise Hostetter Robert Hueston Ruth & Timothy Jost Lois Kenagy Phoebe Kilby & Barry Carpenter Paul & Naomi Kniss John Kreider Bruce & Paula Brunk Kuhns Wayne & Kathleen Kurtz Robert & Nancy Lee J E & Emma Lehman Joyce Bontrager Lehman Ruby Lehman Allen & Sara Jane Lind

Joe & Constance Longacher Lois M Martin Brad Miller & Jessica Yoder Elmer & Martha Miller Fae Miller Herb & Sarah Myers Larry & Janet Newswanger Mag & Philip Nolt Rhoda Nolt Mark & Judith Nord Elmo & Ella Pascale James & Marian Payne Daryl & Jane Peifer Barbara & Alan Robbins Marvin & Darlene Rohrer-Meck James & Gloria Horst Rosenberger Clarence Rutt Hal & Carol Saunders Verne & Carol Schirch Jerry & Ethel Shank Mary Beth & John Stauffer Donald & Mary Sundberg Stirling Kris Stoesz Barbara & David Swan Lois & Paul Unruh Linda Yoder Marshall & Julie Yoder Donald & Priscilla Ziegler

Business & Professional Club Local businesses whose gifts totaled at least $1000 to the University Fund AM Yoder & Co BB&T Bank Blauch Brothers Inc Blue Ridge Architects PC Campbell Insurance Clark & Bradshaw PC Don Largent Roofing Inc Edward Jones Everence Frazier Quarry Inc Harman Construction Inc Holtzman Corp Houff Foundation InterChange Group Inc Kyger Funeral Homes and Crematory Inc LD&B Insurance Agency Martin, Beachy & Arehart McDonough Toyota Momentum Earthworks PBMares LLP Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Central Virginia Rockingham Cooperative Farm Bureau Inc Secure Futures LLC Trumbo Electric Inc Weaver's Floor Covering Wharton, Aldhizer & Weaver PLC

Other Business Donors Annual total of $100 or more Acceleration Import Car Specialist Altria Group Inc Autourns Becton Dickinson & Co Big L Tire Bluestone Pediatrics PLC The Boeing Company BotkinRose PLC

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Burkey Farms Cams Racing Engines Carmax Foundation Clemens Family Corporation Cline Electric Inc Conflict Transformation Associates LLC Cornerstone Hospitality LLC Cross Tours & Motor Coach Inc CrossKeys Vineyards Dutchman Hospitality Group Inc Dynamic Aviation Inc E & M Auto Paint & Supply Co Emerson Electric Company Everence Association Inc Foamiture Follett Corporation Fulton Financial Corporation Genetech Goodville Mutual Casualty Co Hammex Imports Hershey Foods Corp Fund HRM Enterprises Inc Hussey's Automotive Inc IBM Corporation Insurance Center of Harrisonburg Inc JCSA LLC Johnson & Johnson Family of Co KAT Associates Inc Kratz Enterprises Inc Lacher & Associates Insurance Agency Laurel Ridge Pig Company Lehman Hardware & Appliances Lehman Insurance Agency Inc Massanetta Springs Inc MennoMedia Mennonite Agri-Urban Inc Moyers Automotive LLC Mr J's Bagels & Deli III Inc Nationwide Foundation Neale's Auto Repair Inc Perkiomen Tours & Travel Inc Pfizer Inc Pioneer College Caterers Inc Rockingham Memorial Hospital Schlabach Drywall Inc Separation Equipment Company Inc Sharp Shopper Inc Suter Engineering PC Sysco Corporation Troyer Construction Inc Truck & Equipment Corp United Way of Harrisonburg VHIS Builders VistaShare LLC

Foundations Alper Family Foundation Inc Arts Council of the Valley Boston Foundation Burford Leimenstoll Foundation E Rhodes and Leona B Carpenter Foundation Fransen Family Foundation Horace W Goldsmith Foundation The William and Mary Greve Foundation Inc Houff Foundation Thomas F and Kate Miller Jeffress Memorial Trust Harry and Rosemary King Foundation Klingstein Foundation Longacre Family Charitable Fund Merck Company Foundation Marietta M Morgan & Samuel T Morgan Jr Foundation Porticus North America Salem Rotary Club Foundation

Robert H and Lorraine W Strickler Foundation Telemachus Foundation Thomas Family Foundation United Service Foundation Inc Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Inc

Schools, Agencies, Other Organizations Bridgewater College Cub Run Elementary School First Giving Gettysburg College Hesston College Jefferson High School Mennonite Education Agency Inc Mennonite Partners in China Virginia Skyline IMA Welcoming Dialogue Group WV Council of International Programs

Faculty/Staff/Retiree Donors Mary Kay Adams Jason Alderfer Linda Alley Laura Amstutz Cheryl Armstrong Sarah Armstrong A Don Augsburger Myron Augsburger Ben Bailey Elaine Zook Barge Catherine Barnes Cathy Baugh Jennifer Bauman Marian Bauman Ben Beachy Kirsten Beachy Susan Landes Beck Titus Bender Carrie Bert Daryl Bert Jim Bishop Jim Bomberger Caroline Borden Lois Bowman Bonnie Bowser Sandy Brownscombe Beryl Brubaker David Brubaker Kenton Brubaker Mark Brubaker George Brunk III Gerald Brunk Terry Burkhalter Brian Burkholder Linda Burkholder Owen Byer Cindy Byler Daryl Byler Wendy Carr Melody Cash Joan Chamberlain Kevin A Clark Hannah Clemmer Don Clymer Sue Cockley Eric Codding Pam Comer Phyllis Coulter Lisa Crist Amy Potter Czajkowski Laura Daily Audrey Davis

Beverly Delp Kenton Derstine Dave Detrow Caroline Detwiler Rachel Diener Jayne Docherty Lewis Driver Peter Dula Deanna Durham Violet Dutcher Martha Eads Mary Emma Eby Omar Eby Patty Eckard Diana Enedy Jim Engle Marcy Engle Kathy Evans Yvonne Fajardo Barbara Fast John Fast Kathy Fisher Donald Foth Margaret Foth Margaret M Gehman BJ Gerber Steve Gibbs Jr Marcy Gineris Joyce Gingerich Chris Gingrich Ervie Glick Linda Gnagey Bill Goldberg Jason Good Phil Guengerich Cyndi Gusler Diann Harman Barry Hart Jr Luke Hartman Julie Hatfield Nancy Heisey Loretta Helmuth Phil Helmuth Michele Hensley Ann Hershberger Robyn Hill Jerry Holsopple Braydon Hoover Les Horning Ray Horst Samuel Horst Vi Horst Bob Hostetler Jessica Hostetler Janet Hostetter Harold Huber Carol Hurst Vernon Jantzi Jan Jenner Jacob Kaufman Phoebe Kilby Daniel King Dave King Evelyn King Faye King Lisa King Michael King Tara Kishbaugh Fred Kniss Irene Kniss Amy Knorr Lindsey Kolb Leah Kratz Norman Kraus John Kreider Steve Kriss III Eldon Kurtz Roland Landes Jay Landis | crossroads | 25

Joseph Lapp Renee Leap Betty Lee Nancy Lee Robert Lee Allon Lefever Beth Lehman Galen Lehman James Lehman Ruby Lehman Susannah Lepley Jennifer Litwiller Bonnie Lofton Carol Lown Katie Mansfield Dwight Martin John Martin Lindsay Martin Pat Martin Yvonne Martin Joe Mast Cindy Mathews Evelyn Maust Gretchen Maust JD McCurdy Jr Margo McIntire Mike Medley Clair Mellinger Mamie Mellinger David Miller Elroy Miller Roman Miller Sharon Miller Karen Moshier-Shenk Judy Mullet Catherine Mumaw Nathan Musselman Marci Myers Dan Nafziger Helen Nafziger Ken L Nafziger Ken J Nafziger Mark Thiessen Nation Joan Nicholas Dawn Nyce Douglas Nyce Kristin Oberholtzer Byron Peachey Laban Peachey Emily Peck-McClain Travis Pettit Jenni Piper Ron Piper Justin Poole Dominick Porter Marcia Pusey Calvin Redekop Jane Ellen Reid Andy Richter Cathy Rittenhouse Adriana Campbell Kathleen Roth Matt Ruth Jack Rutt Pamela Rutt Gregory Sachs Andrea Saner Sam Sauder Rachel Sawatzky Mark Metzler Sawin Carmen Schrock-Hurst Jeff Shank Lois Shank Audrey Shenk Calvin Shenk Peggy Shenk Steve Shenk Kirk Shisler Millard Showalter

26 | crossroads | fall/winter 2015-16

Shirley Showalter Stuart Showalter Deirdre Smeltzer Cathy Smeltzer Erb Anthony Smith Kathy Smith Cindy Smoker Jim Smucker Marty Snavely Lee Snyder John Spicher Mary Sprunger Mike Stauffer Edward Stoltzfus Linford Stutzman Jon Styer Walt Surratt Joanna Swartley Herb Swartz Loren Swartzendruber Tim Swartzendruber Esther Tian Travis Trotter Don Tyson Jeff Tyson Ruth Tyson Jennifer Ulrich Margaret Upton JoAnne Wallis Anne Waltner Dorothy Jean Weaver Sam Weaver Andrea Wenger Lois Wenger Mark Wenger Arlene Wiens Linda Witmer Alex Yoder Carroll Yoder Grace Yoder Jim Yoder Laura Yoder Laurie Yoder Lawrence Yoder Lonnie Yoder Nate Yoder Paul Yoder Twila King Yoder Zach Yoder Howard Zehr Paul Zehr Michelle Zook Mary Zook

Bequests and Matured Deferred Gifts Marjorie Guengerich Mahlon Hess Robert Howell David S Huber Mary Elizabeth Kite Kathryn Kulp Ivan J. Miller Myrtle Mininger Verna Moyer Catherine Mumaw & Clair Basinger Kenneth Noll Mary Zook

Honor Gifts In honor of Myron Augsburger Fred & Rosalyn Kniss In honor of The Baer Children Rose Ann & Gerald Baer

In honor of Todd & Diann Bailey Loren & Pat Swartzendruber In honor of Col William Gillette Bob Gillette In honor of Kenneth J Nafziger Robert H and Lorraine W Strickler Foundation In honor of James & Marian Payne Barbara & David Swan In honor of Jessica Rheinheimer Salem Rotary Club Foundation In honor of Bill & Jill Riggs Bob Gillette In honor of Barbara Wheatley Robert H and Lorraine W Strickler Foundation In honor of Carroll & Nancy Yoder Daryl & Carrie Bert Ben Bolanos & Amy Krehbiel Laura Brubaker Joe & Sera Buckwalter Brant & Dawn Burkey JoJo & Linford Fisher Jessica King & Chad Martin Alice-Ann Menjivar Kacey & Danny Raines Julette & David Rush Mark & Judy Schroeder Tim Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Anthony Yoder & Tonya Histand Joel & Chia Chi Yoder Keith Zimmerman & Katrina Wyse

Memorial Gifts In memory of Pamela Arbogast Diann & Keith Harman Jessica Hostetler Jennifer Ulrich Doug Wandersee In memory of Kaitlin Aylor Anonymous Ethel Aylor Kent & Sue Aylor Thomas & Jewel Aylor Wilmer & Virginia Aylor Aylor's Garage & Towing Inc Marian Bauman John & Sue Berry Michael & Emily Bourdon Sandy Brownscombe Douglas Bunch, Jr & Elaine Bunch Michael & Lucille Carpenter Kenneth & Temple Coates Danny Conley Faye Coppage Janet Coppage Brian & Anita Crawford Thomas & Mary Dillon Melvin & Tammy Dodson George & Barbara Dowling Oscar & Tracy Elliott Pete & Jane Elliott James Estes II & Susan Estes Douglas & Robina Fears John & Patricia Fray Kevin Gallihugh George & Laureen Gennin Joyce Gentry Tricia Graves

Robert & Sarah Hamfeldt M Carlton & Leslie Harris Joe & Sarah Henshaw David Holcomb William Hood Jack & Mary Jane Howey Megan Hudgins James Judd KAT Associates Inc Dave & Debra King Jason & Jessica Kirby James Kite Jr & Shirley Kite Melanie Lacy John & Laura Lechler Betty Leonard Charlotte Lillard JD & Diane McCurdy Garry & Karla McGhee David & Betty McMullen Will & Linda Mutziger Neale's Auto Repair Inc Pam Nelson Carol Nowakoski Jesse O'Donnell II & Teresa O'Donnell Barry & Jayne Penn Hollar Herman & Kim Racer Herman & Pauline Racer Gertrude Roberts Richard & Annette Robertson H Allen & Elizabeth Rollison William & Beverly Salmon Phillip & Anne Shiflett Kenneth & Elizabeth Smith Ronald & Eilene Smith Marty & James Snavely Shirley Spencer Kevin & Sarah Swanson James & Anne Taylor Margaret Taylor P A & Diane Taylor Sandra Taylor Carolyn and William Thomas Anne Tyree VHIS Builders Linda Weakley James & Linda Wetsel In memory of Darrel Brubaker Merle & Ila Brubaker In memory of Timothy Callahan Barbara Sumple-Sullivan Law Offices Randy & Kathleen Bronstein Ann Callahan CD Boys Volleyball Boosters Central Dauphin Girls Volleyball Booster Club Michael & Mary Cleary Freda Derr Gettysburg College Karen Gundrum Hershey Foods Corp Fund Douglas Hess Keith & Mary Imboden Charles & Kathleen Johnston Kristen Kaskie John & Nora Kerschner Gregory & Kathleen Martin Joseph Oliver John & Kathleen Purcell Richard Ruth Kevin & Cindy Smith In memory of Jon Dutcher Kirsten Beachy & Jason Alderfer Nathan & Rochelle Beachy Paul & Lois Bontrager Lura Bowin Cub Run Elementary School

Violet Dutcher Martha & Christopher Eads Keith & Linda Gnagey Emil & Louise Kreider James & Freda J Maust Marge Maust Mike & Debra Medley Mary Nichols Zola & Marie Roeber Dennis Schlabach Stuart & Shirley Showalter Ross & Cathy Smeltzer Erb Ervin & Bonita Stutzman Larry & Judy Stutzman Patricia Szaz Doris Trumbo Siegfried & Elisabeth Wechselberger Cora Yoder Ronald & Shirley Yoder In memory of Matthew Garber Rose & Roger Crickenberger Jessica Hostetler Lisa King In memory of Marjorie Guengerich Maria Blair Stuart & Shirley Showalter Marty & James Snavely Helen Yoder Lorna Yoder In memory of Phyllis Hearn Dr JT Hearn In memory of Leon & Vivian Jackson David & Deborah Jackson In memory of Arthur Kennel Melvin & Sherrill Glick Leah Magal In memory of Catherine Lapp Lois & Arthur Kennel In memory of Catherine Mumaw Myron & Esther Augsburger Revathi Balakrishnan E Stephen & Randi Deweese Clara Frye Donald & Sarah Hunsberger Charlene Kiser Jean Kraybill Robert & Nancy Lee Ruth Martin Clayton & Thelma Maust Juanita Mendenhall Ethel Mumaw Virgil & Rosemary Mumaw Ward & Ruth Mumaw Myrl & Phyllis Nofziger Geraldine Olson Park Village Council Rochelle Rainey Dorothy Rowe Pearl Schrack Orval & Dorothy Shank Eileen & James Shenk Michael & Peggy Shenk Stuart & Shirley Showalter Alan Sugawara Jerrel & Lorene Suter Tim Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Chris Ward Rita Wood William & Jane Lynn Wood Margy Woodburn Ezra & Faye Yoder

In memory of Frank Shirk Ed Diller James King Charles & Barbara Longenecker Louise & J William Longenecker Stuart & Shirley Showalter Thomas & Barbra Smithgall In memory of Carl Showalter Stuart & Shirley Showalter In memory of Matt Styer Eric & Susan R Martin Lindsay Martin & Nathan Musselman Ruth Martin Andrea & Delbert Wenger Ralph & Doris Witmer In memory of Miriam L Weaver Dorothy Jean Weaver In memory of Delmar Yoder Becton Dickinson & Co Robert & Velma Burnham Erma Edwards Mike and Cindy Fike Jefferson County Extension George Lilley & Mavis Grant Letitia Walsh WV Council of International Programs Ezra & Faye Yoder Karl Yoder Linda Yoder Robert & Jolene Yoder In memory of John David Yoder Alan Altschuler Cornerstone Hospitality LLC Benjamin & Judy Hahn Lillian Miller Waters and Brigman Marketing Solutions Victor & Mary Zodda

Encore! (music alumni) Donors of $100 or more Lenora & Richard Bell Benjamin & Kate Bergey Evon & Philip Bergey Herman & Jeanette Bontrager Robert & Rachel Brenneman Ruel & Diane Burkholder Laura & Stephen Draper Joe & Elena Gascho Raymond & Betty Hertzler Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Steve & Monica Kniss Daryl Landis & Anne Decker Merck Company Foundation Ken & Connie Neuenschwander Glenn & Lorraine Reinford Phil & Pam Risser Jim & Kendra Rittenhouse J Donald & Jewell Shenk JC & Jewel Shenk Welby & Sharon Showalter Ryan & Hannah Steiner Thomas & Debra Sutter David & Eulala Wagler Emery & Faye Yoder

Haverim (Bible & religion alumni) Donors of $100 or more Anonymous (2) Jason Alderfer & Kirsten Beachy Ken & Pamela Brubaker Kenneth & Twila Brunk Derrick & Rebekah Charles John & Debbie Denlinger Mike & Dawn Derstine Timothy & Carol Detweiler Mary Ellen & Mamo Dula Peter Dula & Ilse Ackerman Gene Early David & Carol Garber Gerald & Martha Good Leon & Elaine Good Nancy Heisey & Paul Longacre Daniel & Mary Hertzler Michael & Joan King Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Dan M Krady Stephen & Cynthia Lamb Toby & Lonita Leaman Cliff & Hope Lind Dan & Catherine Longenecker James and Rachel Metzler Richard & Linda Mininger Rodney & Miriam Nafziger Mark & Susan Peachey Daryl & Jane Peifer Clarence Rutt Missy & John Schrock Wayne & Joanne Speigle James & Ruth Stauffer Harvey & Lillian Stoltzfus Linford & Janet Stutzman Sam & Marian Thomas Chester & Sara Jane Wenger Ken & Kathy Yoder Steve & Twila Yoder Earl & Ruth Zimmerman

Donors to Athletics Athletic Partners Annual gifts of $1,000 or more to University Fund – Athletics Byard & Betty Deputy Dave & Debra King Longacre Family Charitable Fund Mag & Philip Nolt Jim & Anna Smucker

Blue and White Society Athletics Annual gifts of $500-$999 to University Fund – Athletics Les & Sylvia Helmuth Lisa King Joel & Lisa Shank

Other Contributors to Athletics Annual total of $100 or more Anonymous (2) Acceleration Import Car Specialist Dick & Louise Alderfer Steve & Lois Ann Alderfer Judy Alexander Ethel Aylor Kent & Sue Aylor Wilmer & Virginia Aylor Kate Baddoo-Osei Addie Bashorun Jill Basinger Roscoe & Patsy Beahm Reggie & April Beck Willie Belton Jr & Kathryn Belton John & Sue Berry Big L Tire Gerald & Loretta Binkley Dale & Miriam Blauch Bluestone Pediatrics PLC John & Linda Bomberger Jonas & Barbara Borntrager BotkinRose PLC Michael & Emily Bourdon Randy & Barbara Bowman Kim & Nancy Boyd Jerald & Tina Boyer Donald Breeden Steve & Victoria Brenneman Bridgewater College Agustin & Miriam Brito Sandy Brownscombe Jimmie & Betty Buller Jeffrey & Maureen Bussells Fredessa Byrd David Campbell Jerry & Patricia Campbell Cams Racing Engines Artie & Marion Caracciolo Michael & Lucille Carpenter Central Dauphin Girls Volleyball Booster Club Mel & Elizabeth Chupp Mary Ann Clark Michael & Mary Cleary Paul & Sherry Cline Cline Electric Inc Kenneth & Temple Coates Mark & Dawn Cochran Jonathan & Christine Coddington Danny Conley Cross Tours & Motor Coach Inc Mike & Amanda Culen Mark Dalton Amit Dar Wayne & Carolyn Dean Mark & Laurie Deavers Gary & Cindy Denick John & Debbie Denlinger Dave & Charmaine Detrow Philip & Donna Diaz Gene & Gloria Diener John & Clarinda Dourdis John Dove George & Barbara Dowling David & Elizabeth Driver David Duncans Rhoda Duncans Oscar & Tracy Elliott Clair & Eugenia Esch Roger & Barbara Eshleman Everence Association Inc Douglas & Robina Fears | crossroads | 27

Robert & Shari Fern Buddy & Janice Foltz Kristoffer & Beata Ford Edward & Cynthia Frey Fulton Financial Corporation George & Laureen Gennin Cathy Giles Steve & Sara Godshall Linford & Beth Ann Good Harry & Kathleen Graber Roger & Patricia Grimes Greg & Blake Grimm Phil & Susan Guengerich Joseph Guiciardi Gary & Colleen Hall Joseph Hall Jr & Sharon Hall John Hanninen Carl & Herta Harman Hans & Sarah Harman Chad & Lori Hatter Dennis & LuAnne Hatter Gloria Hawkins Arin Hawse John & Mary Ann Heatwole Leo & Ruthanne Heatwole Phil & Loretta Helmuth Joe & Sarah Henshaw Stephen Hensley Jim & Carol Herr Jeane & Lyle Hershey Hershey Foods Corp Fund Douglas Hess Roberta Hill John & Donna Hodson Leonard & Melanie Hollen Holmes Limestone Company Marv & Diane Holsopple William Hood Donald & Carol Horning Dwayne & Laura Horst Bob & Eloise Hostetler Dwight & Carolyn Houff Houff Foundation Jack & Mary Jane Howey Bruce & Anne Hummel Hussey's Automotive Inc Insurance Center of Harrisonburg Inc Char & Bob Jacob JCSA LLC Jefferson High School John & Jody Jenkel Michael & Bobbi Johnson Clayton & Marsha Justice Elizabeth Kalbouss KAT Associates Inc Deryl & Miriam Kennel Dawn & Charles Kern Kirk & Susan King Dave & Sharon Kisamore Tinker Kiser Jr James Kite Jr & Shirley Kite Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Michael & Ashley Kniss Rachel Koppenhaver Erik & Sarah Kratz Floyd & Debra Kratz Rick & Suzanne Kratz Louis & Hazel Kreh Phil & Lois Kreider John & Jill Landes Roland & Darlene Landes Laurel Ridge Pig Company Anthony Lawson LD&B Insurance and Financial Services Billy & Renee Leap Carolyn Leatherman John & Laura Lechler Susannah Lepley Sgt Maj William Little USMC Ret

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Carl & Nancy Litwiller Jennifer & Jeremy Litwiller Cory & Linda Longacre Kevin & Shelby Longenecker Wade & Jeanette Lowery Ronald & Madge Lusk Nowlin & Debra Maddox Maxine & Ralph Magri Don & Barbara Martin Gregory & Kathleen Martin Rod & Jennifer Martin Stephen & Lucille Martin James & Cindy Marzullo Lois & John Mast Kevin & Sarah Mathews Ryan McAlister JD & Diane McCurdy David & Betty McMullen Helen Meck Merck Company Foundation Randall Meyers Craig & Lois Miller Edgar & Carmen Miller Eugene & Ruth Miller James & Debra Miller Jerry & Gloria Miller Lowell & Bonita Miller Marcia Mills Momentum Earthworks Luther Moses Jr & Joyce Moses Eric & Jessica Moyer Herbert & Mary Jane Moyer Moyers Automotive LLC Mim Mumaw Ken L & Judy Nafziger Neale's Auto Repair Inc Dreama and Robert Neikirk Wesley & Vicki Nolt Carol Nowakoski Joseph Oliver Katrina & Kenneth Owens Rebecca & James Patterson Webber & Beverly Payne Allen Peachey Edward & Judith Powell Mark & Janis Prock John & Carolyn Reed Harold Reid Howard & Miriam Rheinheimer Michael & Karen Rheinheimer Kent & Rita Richard Cindy Richartz Jennifer Rickard Deborah Ricks Kevin Riddle Eugene & Annette Ritter Lynn & Kathleen Roth Runnin Royals Basketball Camp Floretta Salladay Kurtis & Cindy Sauder Laurence & Evelyn Sauder David & Tonya Schlabach Schlabach Drywall Inc David & Mary Helen Scott Separation Equipment Company Inc Vanette Shands Sheldon & Lois Shank JC & Jewel Shenk Ora & Marilyn Shetler Gerald & Janet Shifflett Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Craig & Bonnie Shoemaker Stuart & Shirley Showalter Welby & Sharon Showalter Sherwyn & Deirdre Smeltzer Michael & Maureen Spencer Bruce & Neva Stambaugh Craig & Shirley Stambaugh John Jr & Velma Stauffer

Kevin & Sarah Swanson Eric & Erin Swartley Loren & Pat Swartzendruber P A & Diane Taylor The Boeing Company Bruce & Joy Thomas Carolyn and William Thomas George & Jewel Thomas Patrice Thompson Glenda & David Toth Mitch & Gina Campbell Troyer Troyer Construction Inc Cynthia Trujillo George & Patricia Trujillo Anne Tyree Jeff & Ruth Tyson Elizabeth & Larry Vannoy John & Sheila Varnhorn Makayla Venable VHIS Builders Roland & Tracey Vinniski Willard & Joyce Wagner Teresa Walsh Sam Weaver Todd & Anne Weaver Wayne & LaVina Weaver Gordon & Barbara Weirich John & Yinoris Wright Gary & Beth Yoder Lee & LaVerne Yoder Miles & Dawnell Yoder Renae Yoder Rodney Yoder Victor Yoder Pam & Rick Zuercher

Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival Donors of $250 or more Anonymous (3) Mary Kay & Gary Adams Michael & Violet Allain Donna Amenta Myron & Esther Augsburger Jacob Baer Jr. Joyce & James Benedict Benjamin & Kate Bergey Sidney & Linda Heatwole Bland Robert & Sharon Bloomquist Sharon & Bo Bowers Larry & Marcia Brown Mark & Beryl Brubaker George Chadwick III & Marguerite Chadwick Judy & Ralph Cohen Ed & Cathy Comer Phyllis & Jerry Coulter Dynamic Aviation Inc Elisabeth T Eggleston Janet Einstein John & Kathryn Fairfield Barbara & Donald Fickes Fred & Gail Fox Howard Frost & Miley Tucker-Frost Stevens & Nancy Garlick Joseph & Barbara Gascho William & Mary Gibb Bob Gillette Diane & Bob Guzzi Collier & Betty Harvey Leo & Ruthanne Heatwole Roy & Donna Heatwole Les & Sylvia Helmuth Hiram & Mary Jane Hershey Alden & Louise Hostetter

David & Deborah Jackson Robert Jochen VMD David Kaeuper LaDene King & Gretchen Nyce Ronald & Lila King Rosemary King Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Robert Lock Anne McFarland David & Margaret Ann Messner Anne Miller Lois Miller Ken & Helen Nafziger Ellen Nash & Jonathan Jay Mia Nollert Elizabeth & William Oscanyan Paula Putman Mary Reitz Rodney Riddle & Corja Mulckhuyse Barkley Rosser Jr & Marina Rosser Jack & Gloria Rutt Jon & Sheryl Shenk C Robert & Charity Showalter Donald & Marlene Showalter Harley & Sadie M Showalter Nelson & Phyllis Showalter Welby & Sharon Showalter S Grayson Sless & David Lane Sherwyn & Deirdre Smeltzer Don Smith Del & Lee Snyder Frank & Nancy W Steller Eugene Stoltzfus & Janet Trettner Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Anne Waltner James & Carol Warner Connie & Hugh Westfall David & Mary Wick Ingeborg & Vernon Yeich Carol Yetzer Ronald & Shirley Yoder

Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir Donors of $100 or more Anonymous Linda & William Abshire Mary Ann & Jonathan Alger Patricia & James Alt Barbara & Gene Anderson Lawrence Beck Rosie & Carl Berkey Sidney & Linda Heatwole Bland Mark & Beryl Brubaker Greg & Jane Byrd Ronald & Edith Carrier Carole Douglis & Elgeyo Marakwet Maurita Eberly Paul & Kathy Eurich Suzanne Fiederlein & Dave Pruett Lois & Lowell Gerber Fred & Mary Ella Gibson Alison Hardwick John & Sally Hart Leo & Ruthanne Heatwole Milton & Mary Ethel Heatwole Steve & Nancy Heatwole Phil & Loretta Helmuth Judith Henneberger James & Carol Hilty Gina & Thomas Holden Alden & Louise Hostetter Mildred Hostetter Harold & Barbara Huffman

photo by Jon styer The track is a hub of activity all year. Sprinters and jumpers conduct conditioning drills on this fall day under the direction of head coach Britten Olinger (right), while members of the men's cross country team finish an interval workout. Renovations, which include a utility building that will also be used by the baseball team, are badly needed.

Track Upgrades HANNAH CHAPPELL-DICK ’16, fresh from winning EMU’s first individual ODAC cross country title since 2002, is looking forward to beginning her hunt for a fourth AllAmerican outdoor track title this spring, when she will run at a home meet in front of fans and family. Most athletes know that there’s nothing like competing well in familiar environs to add to one’s confidence and success before elite competition. Oh, wait. Chappell-Dick has never run at a home meet in her stellar EMU career. And sadly, she never will. EMU’s track and field facility, Bomberger Field, built in 1988, has deteriorated below NCAA standards to the point that “home” meets are hosted at neighboring ODAC schools. Athletics director Dave King '76 and head cross country/ track and field coach Britten Olinger want that prospect to change for current and future Royals student-athletes. “There’s a real urgency to this campaign,” Olinger says. “I want to continue to build this program on our considerable successes. The university has much to offer our athletes, but to attract them here, we need outstanding facilities.” Despite the inadequate facilities, the Royals cross country/track and field programs have consistently attracted talented intellectual students. More than 50 student-athletes fill the rosters, generating community pride with their athletic excellence, leadership contributions and academic achievements. Last year, the women’s cross country team had the highest cumulative GPA (3.76) in the nation among all Division

I, II and III programs, and was named an All-Academic Team by the U.S. Track and Field and Cross Country Coaches Association. Two athletes earned individual academic honors. EMU’s proximity to great running roads and trails is already a recruitment tool. Two major running camps – Blue Ridge Running Camp and Jim Ryun Running Camp – call EMU home during the summer, attracting hundreds of young, enthusiastic runners. (And yes, that Jim Ryun, who as a high schooler ran the first sub-4-minute mile, went on to medal in the 1968 Olympics and represent Kansas in the U.S. House of Representatives.) With $100,000 already gifted, EMU has embarked on a $1.6 million campaign to update the facility to championship standards: resurfacing and adding lanes, installing a steeplechase water jump pit, replacing all equipment, and integrating jumps, javelin and shotput into the venue. A two-story utility building with storage, concessions and restrooms will also benefit the baseball facility. “This new facility will enable EMU to host home and high school meets, provide a great first impression to high school runners who attend high profile summer running camps at EMU, and allow EMU to offer partnerships with local schools and organizations for use of the track,” said Vice President for Advancement Kirk Shisler '81. “And it will provide our student-athletes with the priceless experience of competing in front of some of the best fans in the conference.”  — Lauren Jefferson To discuss a gift or multi-year commitment, contact Kirk Shisler at 540-432-4203 or Dave King at 540-432-4440. | crossroads | 29

Melvin & Dorothy M Keim Francis Kray Robert & Nancy Lee Qingfeng Liu Long Family Fund Jeanne & Kenneth May Lloyd & Naomi Moyer Charles & Lois Oster Sam & Jan Showalter Sherwyn & Deirdre Smeltzer Robert H & Lorraine W Strickler Foundation Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Thomas Family Foundation United Way of Harrisonburg Sharon & James Wampler Phyllis Weaver Hearn & JT Hearn Betty Wisman Ethan Zook Mary Zook


Donors by Class Year

A Don Augsburger Nathan Hege Mary Louise Hertzler Samuel Horst Paul Kniss Mary Lederach J. Paul Lehman

Alumni Participation Rate (APR) Top Ten Classes ** 1958 ......................... 35% 1950......................... 35% 1954......................... 33% 1963......................... 32% 1959......................... 32% 1961......................... 32% 1960........................ 32% 1951 ......................... 31% 1964........................ 30% 1957......................... 30%

1930-1939 Alumni Participation Rate 4% Giving Total $180,870 1930

Mary Emma Eby


Chester Wenger


Rohrer Eshleman Kenneth Heatwole Dorothy Yoder


Arlene Hege Norman Kraus Anna Mae Landis Janet Yoder


Sara Ellen Stoltzfus


Betty Deputy Eleanor Kauffman Orval Shank


1950 * APR 35% Giving Total $2,620 Lester Brubaker Edna Brunk James Brunk Sr. Thelma Brunk Huldah Claude Lewis Good Jr. Paul Herr Hiram Hershey Mildred Hostetter Leah Magal D Lowell Nissley Miriam Nissley Henry Weaver Jr. John Weaver Paul Yoder

1951 *

Florence Detweiler Marjorie Guengerich

APR 31% Giving Total $16,268


Bill Detweiler Daniel Hertzler Abram Hostetter Hazel Hostetter Dan M Krady Jean Kraybill Ina Martin Gladys Shank Charles Shenk Bernard Showalter Lena Showalter Alice Snyder Eugene Souder Paul Swarr Marilyn Swartzentruber Doris Trumbo Elvin Weber Ruth Weber Morris Yoder

Dwight Hartman

1940-1949 Alumni Participation Rate 19% Giving Total $43,182 1940

Florence Bucher


Mahlon Hess Evelyn Maust


Margaret M. Gehman Sara Jane Wenger

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APR 25% Giving Total $9,790

APR 22% Giving Total $10,835

Irene Alderfer Dick Good Betty Kniss Nancy Lee Paul Miller Laban Peachey Alice Souder Edward Stoltzfus Ruth Swartz Ken Weaver Lester Weber Daisy Yoder Edna Zook

Myron Augsburger Jim Bomberger Kenneth Brunk Mildred Glick Milton Heatwole George Hostetler Alice Lapp Ruth Longacre Margaret Metzler Ruth Rudy Myrtle Shenk Stanwyn Shetler Ruth Simpson



APR 29% Giving Total $19,105

APR 28% Giving Total $42,145

Anonymous John Burkholder Susan Burkholder Rhoda Clemens Anna Frederick Ike Glick Miriam Housman John Kreider Marijke Kyler Clarence Rutt J Paul Shenk James Stauffer Doris Stoltzfus Paul Thomas Lois Witmer Robert Witmer

Joyce Alexander Jewell Brenneman James Brubaker Ruth Cender Alma Eby Keith Esch Bob Eshleman S. Jeane Fretz Neil Gingerich Pearl Good Elizabeth Hoover Lois Kennel Ruth King Susanne King Catherine A Lapp LeRoy Lapp Cliff Lind Doris Morgan Mary Reitz Ruth Shaum John Smucker Matsuo Soga Julia Yoder

1954 * APR 33% Giving Total $351,199 Doris Bomberger Kenton Brubaker Helen Burkholder Roy Burkholder Ruth Burkholder Rosalie Derstine Margaret Foth Elsie Gingerich Dorothy Kreider Jay Landis John Lapp John Martin Elmer Miller Grace Mumaw Catherine Mumaw Carl Rudy Pearl Schrack John Shenk Virgil Stoltzfus Amos Yoder

1957 * APR 30% Giving Total $6,740 Anonymous (3) Titus Bender George Brenneman Omar Eby Ginny Esch Arlene Gingerich James Gingrich Joan Gingrich Lois Holdsclaw Carl Keener Eunice Kraybill Clara Landis Hope Lind Charles Longenecker Warren Martin James Maust Miriam Maust Laura Schumm Elizabeth Sember Barbara Showalter Mary Swartley

Robert Yoder Roland Yoder

1958 * APR 35% Giving Total $116,561 Anonymous Bertha Beachy Anna Bender Cleo Clark S David Garber Edith Gingerich Grace Herr Lowell Herr S Duane Kauffman Ernie Kraybill Laura Kurtz Maynard Kurtz Becci Leatherman Elton Lehman Mary Louise Lehman Milton Lehman Barbara Longoria Donald Mellinger Fae Miller Ruth Mumaw A Martha Nissley James Payne Marian Payne Alice Rini Ada Nancy Smoker Irene Smucker John Spicher Glenn Steffen Bob Wenger Larry Wenger Susan Wenger

1959 * APR 32% Giving Total $105,730 Anonymous (3) Millard Benner Gerald Brunk Elizabeth Dawson Ruthild Foth Linford Gehman Lois Hartzler Roy Hartzler C Kenneth Hershey Betty Hertzler Daniel Hess Ray Horst Bob Hostetler Naomi Kauffman Calvin Kaufman Naomi Kniss Arlene Leatherman James Lehman Joe Longacher Allen Martin Joseph Martin Mary Miller Gloria Moranski Pauline Myers Ruth Nisly Joyce Petro Glen Roth John Rutt Rebecca Rutt Hubert Schwartzentruber Janice Sensenig Calvin Shenk

C. Robert Showalter Marcus Smucker Erma Sollenberger Ira Sollenberger Willard Swartley Rae Della Wenger Anna Mary Yoder

1960 * APR 32% Giving Total $28,207 Anonymous (3) David Augsburger Lester Beachy Lois Bowman Lena Brown Jim Burkholder Ronald David Sharon Dietzel Carol Garber Wilma Gingerich Orpha Glick Ruth Glick James Good Charles Hershey Eva Hershey Daniel Hochstetler Naomi Horst Norman Kreider Edith Kuhns James Lapp Samuel Lapp Hershey Leaman John Leaman Miriam Lindeman Robert Martin Edwin Miller Jerry Miller Carolyn Moyer Emma Myers LeRoy Petersheim Kenneth Seitz Jr. Don Sensenig Doris Sensenig Dorothy Shenk Esther Shisler Harvey Stoltzfus Ethel Swartzendruber Richard Weaver Werner Will

1961 * APR 32% Giving Total $71,982 Lois Alwine Sanford Alwine Willis Amstutz Verna Beachy Anna Mary Brubacher Glenn M Brubacher Mark Brubaker George Brunk III John Buckwalter Marian Burkholder Carolyn Conley Homer Detwiler Melvin Glick Fern Grace Raymond Hertzler Joy Hess Jo Hoover Eloise Hostetler Ruth Marie Kauffman

Hilda Kurtz D. Harold Landis Peggy Landis Gerri Lehman Allen Lind Paul Longacre Arlin Martin Mary Martin Rachel Martin David Messner David Miller Miriam Mumaw Russ Mumaw Audrey Murray Lorraine Myers Lorne Peachey Marilyn Ritchie Annabelle Roth David Shetler Carl Smeltzer Robert Steckley Marjorie Steffen Ann Yoder Delmar Yoder Linda Yoder Paul Yoder Ruth Yoder Tilli Yoder Lois Zehr

1962 APR 30% Giving Total $64,519 Anonymous (2) E Faye Beckler Glen Brubaker Marian Buckwalter Anna Kathryn Eby John Eby Waldemar Eger Reta Finger Rachel Frerichs Ervie Glick Gerald Good Mary Hinkle Dorothy Jantzi Naomi Jantzi Dorothy Keim Treva Kurtz E Jean Landis Helen Lapp Sara Ellen Lapp Andrew Leatherman Sara Jane Lind Lois Martin Luke Martin Audrey Metz James Metzler Anna Miller Becky Miller Charles Moyer Mary Newcomer Eunice Paul Nancy Peachey Bontrager Carolyn Reed Abner Schlabach Virginia Glass Schlabach Howard Schrock Mary Grace Shenk Donald Showalter Marlene Showalter Millard Showalter Esther Siville Allene Smucker-Klassen Arlene Snavely Del Snyder

Ruth Ann Swartzendruber Raul Tadeo Takashi Wakiyama Robert Weaver Daniel Wert Roy Wert Rachel Witmer Janice Wyse Carroll Yoder David Yoder Eileen Yoder Shirley Yoder Paul Zehr

1963 * APR 32% Giving Total $31,029 Anonymous (2) Dwight Beachy Marian Beaman David Bomberger Edwin Bontrager Lois Chamness Verna Colliver Loris Cunningham Nelson Driver Erma Edwards Carol Erb J Mark Frederick Jr. Sherrill Glick Dorcas Good Lois Gray Bill Helmuth Loretta Helmuth Arianne Hochstetler Carolyn Hockman Naomi Keiper Walter King Sr. Omar Lapp Bill Leatherman Marie Macknight Lydia Mahabirsingh Nancy Martin Raymond Martin Rachel Metzler Glenn Myers Jacqueline Myers John Reed Rose Rhodes Bertha Roggie Geraldine Rush Rowland Shank Dan Shenk Naomi Shenk Charity Showalter Lee Snyder Joyce Stoll Ruth Weaver Esther S Wert Esther T Wert LaVerne Yoder Lee Yoder

1964 * APR 30% Giving Total $102,174 Donald Bender Linda Heatwole Bland Margaret Brubacher Ray Brubacher Beryl Brubaker Ruth Bunton | crossroads | 31

Esther Clymer Paul Clymer Janeth Duncan Miriam Elliott Ken Eshleman Emma Frederick Carl Good Roy Heatwole Larry Hess Wayne Holsinger Gladys Horst Vernon Jantzi Rosalyn Johnson Melvin Keim Elmer Kennel Lydia Ann Kennel John Kreider Dorothy Leatherman Lois Lehman Ellen Rose Longacre Pat Martin Raymond Martin Joe Mast Clair Mellinger Mamie Mellinger Lois Mericle Margaret Ann Messner Art Newcomer Edward Plank Jim Rush Marilyn Schlabach Mary Schwartzentruber Miriam Seigfried Delbert Seitz Donald Sheeler Elam Stoltzfus J. Dennis Swartz George Townsend Dale Umble Esther Weaver Andre Wenger James Wenger Louretta Wilson E. James Witmer Clara Yoder Edwin Yoder Lauren Yoder Marion Yoder Suzanne Yoder Priscilla Ziegler

1965 APR 24% Giving Total $55,366 Anonymous (2) Dick Alderfer Rhoda Atzeff Dorothy Beidler Paul Beiler Myrna Eshleman Janet Gehman Mary Gehman Stan Godshall Susan Godshall Lois Good Mary Grieser Ernie Hess Lois Hess Rod Houser Mary Jane Jones Rosemary King Joyce Bontrager Lehman James Longacre Barbara Martin Violet Metzler Susanna Moshier

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Larry Nolt Charlotte Rosenberger Laurence Sauder Jacob Schrock Martha Shawver John Shearer Jewel Shenk Al Shirk Ruth Ann Shirk Sam Showalter Paul Shrock Nora Spurgin Ruth Stauffer Dale Stoltzfus Carolyn Wenger Ethel Wenger J. Lloyd Wert Grace Will Donald Ziegler Mary Zuniga

1966 APR 28% Giving Total $22,866 Anonymous Mim Allison Luke Beidler Lee Roy Berry Jr. Glendon Blosser Edie Bontrager Allen Brubaker Shirley Yoder Brubaker Mary Jean Cross Phillip Duncan Mary Ann Eisemann Ruby Freed Lois Gerber Elaine Good Leon Good Jim Halteman Dwayne Hartman Joanne Hershey Doug Hostetter Esther Kauffman Regina Kauffman Harry King Doris Kolb Hannah Lapp Joseph Lapp Ora Mast Rhoda Mast Anna Miller Helen Miller Mark Miller S Ernest Miller Herb Myers Ken Nissley Carol Parks Barbara Penner Eloise Plank Joanne Sauder David Seitz Nelson Showalter Geraldine Stiedle Joyce Strawderman Alvin Swartzentruber Sam Weaver Mary Lou Houser Karin Wolff Calvin Yoder Emery Yoder Nancy Yoder Ray Yoder Sharon Yoder Dorothy Zehr Lena Zehr Mary Zehr

Milton Zehr Pearl Zehr

1967 APR 25% Giving Total $250,450 Leanna Beiler Lowell Bender Anna Bishop Jim Bishop Linda Breneman Roy Breneman Rachel Brenneman Roy Brubaker Mary Ellen Dula Clair Esch Roger Eshleman Don Frederick Sarah Glick Betty Good White Ronald Guengerich Salim Habash Carl Harman Evelyn Keener Glenda Knepp Anna Mae Landis Katie Layman Anna Martin Dan Martin Ernest Mast Nancy Mast Alta Mellinger John Miller Sarah Myers Wesley Newswanger Elizabeth Nissley Elizabeth Oswald Wilbur Peachey Doris Rissmiller Marian Rohrer Henry Rosenberger Alta Schwartz Blair Seitz Harley Showalter Sadie Showalter Stuart Showalter Gary Smucker George Stoltzfus Ruth Stoltzfus Levi Troyer Carolyn Wampler Wayne Weaver Connie Westfall Helen Yoder Wilbur Yoder Nadine Young

1968 APR 20% Giving Total $94,678 Anonymous Martha Augsburger Lawrence Brenneman Bob Conley Gene Diener Betty Jo Eby Peg Engle J. Richard Frey Joseph Gascho Jesse Gehman Marg Gehman Mervin Good

Gloria Gredler Ruth Guengerich Mary Heinbaugh Don Hertzler Paul Hess Anne Hummel Bruce Hummel Louetta Hurst Dottie Kauffmann David Kindy Noah Kolb Rachel Koppenhaver Lois Kreider Wayne Kurtz Russell Leinbach Sally Leinbach Edward Longenecker Melvin Martin Vernon Martin Leon Miller Anna Nolt Rhoda Nolt Karen Ransaw James Rosenberger Esther Rush Omar Showalter Jerrel Weaver Dwight Wyse LaMar Wyse Sheryl Wyse Faye Yoder Ronald Yoder Mervin Zook

1969 APR 16% Giving Total $14,141 Anonymous (2) Darrell Beyeler Judith Brenneman Betty Brunk Paul Christophel Rebecca Christophel Ellis Detwiler Sue Funkhouser Mary Jane King Garrison Eloise Gingerich Merle Good John Goshow Susan Guengerich Bernard Halterman Ruthanne Janzen Heatwole James Hoover Lynn Hostetler Dave Kisamore Kathie Kurtz Sharri Kurtz Ken Lehman Dan Martin Nathan Miller Viola Miller Steven Mininger Karen Mishler William Mishler Bob Nolt Joy Pople Alice Raiford Dwight Roth John Rush Linda Semke Irene Shearer Carole Smith Kay Smith Thomas Spicher Nancy Walker Carol Wenger Judy Widmer

Ruth Zale Mary Elaine Zuck

1970 APR 22% Giving Total $1,167,153 Bob Bishop Barbara Borntrager Jonas Borntrager Robert Brenneman Jane Burkholder Paul Burkholder Eva Coffey Rich Eberly Gerald Ebersole Ralph Eby Samuel Espinoza John Fairfield Kathryn Fairfield Phyllis Good Phil Guengerich Carl Hanbury Dennis Hatter LuAnne Hatter Clyde Herr Vesta Hochstetler Gloria Horst Rosenberger Betty Hostetler Robert Howell Elton Kauffman Judy King Lois King Fred Klassen Martha Kolb-Wyckoff Elvin Kraybill Esther Kraybill Carl Litwiller Daniel Longenecker Larry Martin Henry Miller J. B. Miller Leon Miller Paul Miller Richard Miller Sherry Miller Myrna Moyer Mag Nolt Allen Peachey Lonnie Richardson Rosalie Roland Ruth Roth Arland Schrock Michael Shenk Ruth Shenk Hertzler Shirley Showalter Beth Steria Jeanne Strausz Ernie Swartz Joyce Ukwa Elsie Weaver M Steven Weaver Dave Yoder John Yoder Nancy Yoder LaVern Yutzy

1971 APR 17% Giving Total $22,091 Anonymous (3) Rosie Berkey Sharon Bowers

Cathy Bowman Kim Boyd John Claude Kenneth Fellenbaum Elias George Tony Handrich Althea Harvey Elaine Hershberger Christine Hill Marv Holsopple Deborah Hoover Marcia Horst Marv Horst Ruth Jost Rose Kennel Phillip King Dennis Kuhns Richard Landes Louise Longenecker Linda Martin Gerald Meck John Metzler Fannie Miller Charles Nafziger Sharon Nusbaum Louise O'Connell Rachel Rader Raymond Ressler Rose Ross Shirley Roth J.C. Shenk Catherine Stoltzfus Omar Stoltzfus Paul Stoltzfus Thomas Verghese Joanna Vile Joyce Weaver John Weber Lowell Wenger Esther Witmer Christon Zirkle


Carol Hess Rachel Hickman Gerry Horst Dennis Kauffman Deryl Kennel Miriam Kennel Kay Marlene Knode M Kate Kooker Robert Landes Rhoda Lapp Paul Leaman Daniel Lehman Nelson Lehman Allen Liechty Ginny Liechty R Larry Martin Ruth Martin Harry Mast Robert Maust Sharon Metzler-Ruth Alan Miller Barbara Miller James Miller Martin Miller Judy Moskalik James Mullet Chi Van Nguyen Ann Overly Merle Reinford Ruth Ann Reinford Elva Rhodes Gloria Rutt Jack Rutt Lela Sawatzky Glen Sell Eugene Stoltzfus Loren Swartzendruber Dorothy Jean Weaver Earl Wenger Kathy Wenger Ralph Yoder Mary Jane Yutzy Kenneth Zehr Joyce Zimmerman

APR 25% Giving Total $110,306


Anonymous (3) Machiko Achiba Karen Albrecht Wanda Alger Esther Augsburger Julie Bender Donald Bomberger Herman Bontrager Lois Bontrager Janet Breneman Jerry Breneman Donald Bucher Gretchen Christopher Dennis Clemmer Rose Crickenberger Douglas Croxton Carolyn Derstine Kenton Derstine Mark Derstine Mim Eberly Roland England Jr. Barbara Eshleman Jan Foderaro Joanne Gehman Nora George Firman Gingerich Lee Gingerich Susan Gingerich Susan Halterman Leo Heatwole Wayne Hershberger

APR 21% Giving Total $40,032 Anonymous (2) Linda Alley Judy Bomberger Jeanette Bontrager David Brunk Leonard Brunk Christina Buckwalter Victor Buckwalter Judy Catalfu Anna Louise Detweiler Kathy Fisher David Gehman Lois Gehman Mary Gingerich Jacquelyn Hamlett Joseph Hamlett Dorothy Hartman Diane & Marv Holsopple Jean Horst Kenneth Horst Dale Jones Jerry Kauffman Roger Kauffman Harley Kooker Ruth Kulp Jan Landes Galen Lehman Lois Lyndaker

Gail Martin Robert Mast Shirley Mast Gretchen Maust Eldon Miller Joy Miller Marcia Miller Karen Moshier-Shenk Judy Mullet Marilyn Neiswander Daniel Ness Herbert Reed Vera Reed Glenn Reinford Lorraine Reinford Jerry Ruff Raymond Shank Harold Shearer June Shenk Steve Shenk Ora Shetler Dennis Showalter Sharon Showalter Welby Showalter John Stauffer Jr. Velma Stauffer Esther Steckle Daniel Walter Linda Wenger Marlene Wenger Linda Witmer Jeanelle Yoder John Yoder Judy Yoder Richard Yoder Victor Yoder

1974 APR 20% Giving Total $20,264 Esther Baldridge David Bucher Clarence Byerly Ross Collingwood Rhoda Derstine Rachel Diener Iris Driver Joseph Fretz June Gascho Joyce Gingerich Rachel Kauffman Susan Kempf Evelyn King John King David Kniss Rosetta Koerner Mary Kratz Showalter Richard Lantz Toby Leaman III Janell Lederman Barbara Lehman Gloria Lehman Kathy Leichty Nancy Litwiller Dale Long Merle Mast Darrell Miller Karen Miller Lynda Miller David Mininger Marian Mininger Ethel Mumaw Freida Myers Rodney Nafziger Herb Noll Jean Oswald | crossroads | 33

Carol Petry Kathy Poindexter Ida Proco Edith Rhodes Verna Rice Karen Ringenberg Steven Ringenberg Delmer Schlabach Don Sharp Loretta Sharp Nelson Shenk Hilda Shirk Myrna Smucker June Smucker-Handrich Connie Souder Feryl Souder Ardis Stephenson Jacqueline Sullivan-Smoot Adelle Ward Marjorie Warkentin Shirley Western Gene Williams Arlene Yoder Jane Yoder Jerry Yoder Shirley Yoder

1975 APR 18% Giving Total $21,045 Rodney Allebach Elaine Zook Barge Dorothy Brangan Dean Brubaker James Buller Jane Buller Melodie Davis Donna Detrich Karen Diffenbach Pauline Dulabaum Jane Durdin Marian Egli Allen Eshleman Robert Flory Elaine Gehman Keith Gnagey Janice Godshall Karen Gross Joseph Hackman Sandi Harnish Loretta Helmuth Amelia Herr Mary Hershberger Helen Hertzler Sharon Hollar Galen Horst-Martz Joan Kauffman David Kraybill Sharon Lambert Kisamore Ruth Lesher Marla Longenecker Randall Longenecker Ajay Massey Elroy Miller Miriam Nafziger Victor Obot Donald Oswald Daryl Peifer Jane Peifer Lois Ramer Naomi Ressler Dave Risser Doris Risser Kathy Risser Gladys Ropp Lynn Roth

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Verlen Rufenacht Barbara Shenk Bonnie Shoemaker Byard Yoder David Yoder

1976 APR 17% Giving Total $33,390 Anonymous Mary Bell Floyd Blosser Rhoda Charles Carol Detweiler Timothy Detweiler Martha Ediger Edward Frey Colleen Gingerich J. Michael Greene Joel Gross Judy Harder Steven Harder Charles Harner Margaret Harner Phil Helmuth Ann Hershberger Sylvia Horst Deb Huffman Lois Jones Dave King Michael King Phil Kreider Eldon Kurtz C. Stephen Lamb Ruth Massey Darrell McVay Ruth McVay Martin Mikaya Craig Miller Edgar Miller Linda Miller Melissa Miller Dean Peachey Luanne Ramer Leland Ropp Roger Rutt Randy Schweitzer Mike Stauffer Sam Thomas Patricia VanVoorhis Lois Wenger Ken Yoder Phil Yoder Ethan Zook

1977 APR 17% Giving Total $52,983 Anonymous Gail Bachman Rose Barber John Bomberger Judy Buller Lorna Claassen Melvin Claassen Charmaine Detrow Dave Detrow Sue Ann Earley Cynthia Frey Bonnie Greene Jerry Grosh Lois Ann Hicks

Bill Hochstetler Donald Hooley Mary Ina Hooley Colette Hostetler Stanley Hostetler Kaduthanath Johnson Lois Kauffman Mary Beth Kauffman Debra King Rosalyn Kniss Julie Knowlden Steve Landis Maxine Magri Susan Martin Esther Mast Marvin Maust Esther McClure Linda Meyer Esh Claudia Mikaya Joy Porter Glenna Ramer Barbara Reinford Mary Alice Ressler Jody Richmond Annette Ritter Verle Rufenacht Pamela Rutt Lois Shank Donna Shenk Jon Shenk Sheryl Shenk Duane Swartley Keith Yoder Paul Yoder John Zook

1978 APR 21% Giving Total $35,677 Anonymous (2) Trudy Bondesen Randy Bowman Susan Brenneman Karl Brubaker Diane Burkholder Lloyd Claassen Wayne Detweiler Laura Draper Sharon Gehman Daniel Grimes Les Helmuth Carol Horst Nevin Immel Cheryl Kelly Karen Kendall Elizabeth Kolb Margaret Kreider Cindy Lamb Daryl Landis Nancy Landis Rosemary Landis Joyce Leaman David Lehman Larry Lehman David Martin Eric Martin Linford Martin Thomas A Martin Marge Maust Melvin Meyer Esh Richard Moyer Kay Nussbaum Wes Park Kenneth Pellman Ralph Reinford Susan Rhodes

Dennis Rice Betty Ross Regina Schweitzer Jim Shenk Eric Shirk Karen Shirk Craig Shoemaker Maurice Stutzman Joanna Swartley Julie Swartzentruber Lois Troyer David Weaver Sheldon Whitmore Jr. Stephen Wiebe-Johnson Anita Yoder Rhoda Yoder Steve Yoder Peter Zimmerli

1979 APR 23% Giving Total $94,551 Anonymous Philip Baker-Shenk Rich Beckler Jim Bell Lenora Bell Janet Blosser Lydia Brenneman Marvin Bunting Ruel Burkholder Daryl Byler Vicki Cumming John Drescher-Lehman Sandra Drescher-Lehman Paul Dyck Brenda Grimes Marlin Groff Sue Groff Harold Guntz Ginny Heatwole Sylvia Helmuth Jim Herr Carl Hershey Paul Hoover Sharon Hoover Janet Hostetler Alden Hostetter Louise Hostetter Willie Hurst Sharlene Immel Jill Johnson Galen Kauffman Kermit Kauffman Joan King Richard King Fred Kniss Beth Landis Janet Landis-Frey Joy Lapp Steve Leaman Larry Lehman Don Livingston Luanne Livingston Jeanne Luther Don Martin Elaine Martin Pat Martin Chrisann Mishler Ken L. Nafziger Steve Nussbaum Rachel Pellman Ike Porter Anthony Pratkanis Ann Reesor Gerald Ressler

Philip Roth Janet Ruth Susan Ruth Thomas Ruth Rolando Santiago Brenda Shank Tim Swartz John Swartzendruber Martha Thorpe Doris Horst Toll JoAnne Wallis Mark Wenger Valerie Wermuth Beth Yoder Gary Yoder Kathy Yoder Miles Yoder Pat Yoder Carla Zook

1980 APR 18% Giving Total $36,343 Anonymous Jake Baer III Dottie Baumgarten Steve Benner Brenda Bishop Tammy Bos Donald Brunk Roberta Egli Keith Eshleman Beth Fulda Shirley Garber Eileen Gingrich Sue Glick Linford Good Marilyn Hartline Marcy High Jerry Holsopple Shirley Hoover Joe Irish Janine Kennel Rands Jim Kurtz Conrad Martin Joyce Martin Philip Martin Marcus Miller Karen Moyers Lois Oyer Trudy Partee Bob Redcay Gene Rhodes Pam Risser Phil Risser Eugene Ritter Marvin Rohrer-Meck Anne Roth Diane Rowland Donald Shank Sheldon Shank Frank Shelp Eileen Shenk Brenda Showalter Wayne Speigle Julie Stauffer Shirley Stickney Merle Stutzman Evonne Swartzendruber Lois Voth Grace Woodruff

1981 APR 20% Giving Total $34,819 Anonymous Marcia Augsburger Greg Beachy Joyce Benedict Leanne Benner Evon Bergey Michael Bishop Kimberly Black Laurie Brunk Jayne Byler Sylvia Charles Doug Clemens Patricia Curtis Jamie Frankenfield Dwight Gingerich Samuel Glick Beth Ann Good Stephen Good Keith Graybill Nancy Heatwole Rosemary Hochstetler Vern Hostetler Jolene Houser Dick Kauffman Kevin King Eunice LaCoy Doris Leaman David Lehman Lavonne Lehman Dorothy Logan Jo Longenecker Jo Martin Cindy Mast Beth Miller Lois Miller Judy Nafziger Karen Nafziger Ann Nicely Becky Nolt David Peterson Cindy Redcay Darlene Rohrer-Meck Jay Roth Nancy Roth Carmen Schrock-Hurst Ken Shenk Natalie Shenk Kirk Shisler Joanne Speigle Marilyn Spotts Rachel Swartz Sue Swartz Louisa Weber Candace Yoder Darrel Yoder Darrell Yoder Elwood Yoder Joy Yoder Nelson Yoder Sylvia Yoder Julie Zimmerman

1982 APR 16% Giving Total $52,647 Anonymous (2) Judy Albrecht-Bunting Frank Bielawski Diane Brenneman

Jim Brunk Sharon Byler Deborah Campbell Kevin Carey Douglas Derstine Sally Derstine Bruno Dyck Susan Eshleman Tom Garlitz Carl Geissinger Carole Giagnocavo Carol Good Ceci Good Alan Greaser Steve Heatwole Irvin Heishman Jim Hershberger Gerald Hershey Edie Hochstetler Patricia Hulsey Dan Johnston David Kanagy Glen Kauffman Sandy Kauffman Sharon Kauffman John Kennel Mary Elizabeth Kite Phil Kniss John Landes Kathy Martens Dan Mast Wesley Nolt Kevin Phillips Joel Reinford Kent Richard Cathy Rittenhouse Jane Roth Luke Schrock-Hurst Alan Shenk Susanna Sommers Carol Spicher Jim Spicher Judith Trumbo Jo Ann Wagner Vivian Walthall Louise Yoder Phyllis Yoder

1983 APR 16% Giving Total $27,646 Margie Akers Mark Akers Myron Blosser Lucy Brubaker Jeannie Brunk Cheryl Carey Dave Clemmer Mike Clemmer Dave Donophan Deb Dutcher Titus Dutcher Peggy Ebersole Beverly Eye Miriam Ferguson Rose Hackman Theresa Hay Janie Heatwole Becky Holmes George Insley Jr. Chris Kennel Elvin Kennel Mary Jane Kennel Tim Kennel Larry Leaman-Miller Kim Martin

Lee Martin Rachel Martin Natalie Mayer Victoria Myer Dan Nafziger Evie Nafziger Rosie Nafziger Vicki Nolt John Nussbaum Louisa Oyer Marcia Pusey Shawn Ramer Ann Rutt Julia Sauder Cheryl Shank Ken Shank Dave Shenk Sue Shirk Beverly Smeltzer Dave Swartley Larry Swartzendruber John Weber Robert Wenger Calvin Yoder Donna Yoder Kenton Zehr

1984 APR 12% Giving Total $9,570 Nathan Barge Jill Basinger Carmeleta Beidler Roy Bomberger Jr. Ed Brubaker David Driver Jenifer Garlitz Steve Gehman Gloria Gill Jeff Hackman Jennifer Hartzler Bruce Hochstetler Crystal Horning Wendy Kennel Robert Kniss Thomas Lapp Peg Martin Lois Mast James Maust Joyce Maxwell Bonnie Miller Daryl Myers Marci Myers Mary Petry Jim Rittenhouse Diane Scott Sharon Shenk Marybeth Stauffer Grant Stoltzfus Linford Stutzman Connie Swartzendruber Howard Yoder Kathy Rhodes

1985 APR 16% Giving Total $15,812 Teresa Anders Mary Bendfeldt Evelyn Bomberger Shana Peachey Boshart Thomas Foreman | crossroads | 35

Sid Frey Sherri Campbell Gessinger Karla Gingerich Pearl Hartman Dale Hartzler Nevin Herr Jeanette Hershey Kathy Hertzler Jeanette Hunt Carol Kotva Joe Kotva Jr. Lisa Kurtz Renee Leap Bill Longacre Joyce Longenecker Mike Martin Lowell Miller Richard Mininger Allison Myers Dawn Nyce Douglas Nyce Jan Orndorff Mark Peachey Sheila Raim Doug Rheinheimer Ben Risser Kendra Rittenhouse Amy Rosenberger Jonelle Shenk Cathy Smeltzer Erb Shelby Swartley Amy Swartz Brad Swope Barbara Tafuni Janet Reedy Tate Bruce Thomas Gordon Wenger John Wenger Denton Yoder Gary Yoder

1986 APR 17% Giving Total $15,998 Anonymous (3) Lois Alderfer Steve Alderfer Dave Bergey Lori Bergey Rhonda Blosser Brian Boettger David Boshart Bev Cox Mike Derstine Rosita Derstine Liz Driver Dale Frederick Elaine Frey Gary Gautsche Bill Gingerich Joyce Gross Les Horning Carol Hurst Brenda Kniss Clyde Kratz Cynthia Lapp Jonathan Leaman Paul Leaman Jr. Billy Leap Beth Lichty Craig Martin Annette Mast Linda Mininger Lois Mishler Joanne Moore Linnet Nyce

36 | crossroads | fall/winter 2015-16

Audrey Shenk Sherwyn Smeltzer Susan Stoltzfus Kenton Swartz Janet Troyer Judy VandeBunte Andrea Wenger Delbert Wenger Mary Willis Rodney Yoder Bonnie Zehr Earl Zimmerman

1987 APR 15% Giving Total $46,962 Anonymous (3) Rodney Alderfer Rose Ann Baer Yvonne Boettger Steve Brubaker Don Carufel-Wert Allison Collingwood Glenda Cook Lisa Crist Elizabeth Dunmore Brian Ebersole Mike Engle Barbara Gingrich Rose Grissinger Janet Hostetter Linda Hunsecker Phil Landes Jim Lapp Jackie Leaman Emmanuel Mbualungu Luke Miller Eddie Nice Jr. Krista Powell Valerie Rheinheimer Nancy Rickerhauser Candy Ross-Cleary Wanda Roth Jane Rutt Brian Schrock Randy Seitz Elaine Shinsky Missy Short Deirdre Smeltzer Kris Stoesz Paula Weaver Todd Weaver

1988 APR 14% Giving Total $19,762 Anonymous Devon Anders Scott Beachy Regina Beidler Philip Borkholder Janice Bylsma Roy Crumley-Forest Tim Derstine John Dove Daniel Dunmore Alan Eby Kristin Eby Rod Eshleman Norma Harris Lori Hartman-Keiser Rich Hartz

Barb Hartzler Denise Hershey Eric Hostetter Char Jacob Jonathan Lapp Joel Lehman Karl Miller Steve Mumbauer Mary Beth Ranck Neil Reinford Anne Richter Kathy Stoll Mary Tee Molly Via Linwood Vrolijk Anne Weaver Linda Wenger

1989 APR 9% Giving Total $3,752 Anonymous (2) Jodi Beachy Melody Cash Mark Deavers John Fuller Mary Glick Larry Guengerich Clint Kauffman Deb Kauffman Kirby Keim Sarah Lehman John Lichty Cindy Mathews Renee Lapp Cindy Nisly Grace Nolt Barb Reesor Rob Reesor Cindy Sauder Kurtis Sauder Lisa Shelly Paul Shelly Hubie Stoll Ted Swartz Beth Weaver-Kreider Darrell Zehr

1990 APR 9% Giving Total $3,613 Larry Alderfer Jerry Arbogast Lois Bucher Marta Castillo Tamara Denlinger Heidi Fellenbaum Paul Groff Vera Hailey Denise Hart Ron Hershey Edie Holsopple Eric Hostetler Lavonn Hostetler Cyndee Lowe Rhonda Miller Teresa Moser Amy Mumbauer Steve Nyce Amy Smith Mike Weaver Jon Weaver-Kreider

Kevin Wilder Sheila Zehr

1991 APR 14% Giving Total $27,053 Anonymous Dawn Alderfer Rick Augsburger Darin Benner Philip Bergey Laura Breneman Karen Burkholder Ken Burkholder Duval Denlinger Andy Dula Michelle Dula Marcy Engle Doug Friesen Luke Hartman Rebecca Hess Dave Hockman-Wert Jeff Hoffman Charlotte Hunsberger Steven Hunsberger Cheryl Justice Yvonne Keim Tammy Kennedy Barry King Rick Kratz Suzanne Kratz Jeff Landis Mark Longacher Kevin Longenecker Sandra Lyndaker Keith Lyndaker Schlabach Jeremy Nafziger Ramona Nissley Cedric Roth Elizabeth Solanki Brian Stauffer Tisa Wenger Cheryl Zook

1992 APR 14% Giving Total $19,827 Doug Alderfer Troy Alderfer Ken Beidler Steve Breidigan Gayl Brunk Ken Brunk Kevin A. Clark Janessa Cobb Peter Dula Steve Godshall Lee Good Pam Groff Janelle Guntz Yoder Andre Hertzler Dale Hess Joyce Hostetler Tim Martin Missy Kauffman Schrock Doug King Sally Krabill Dawn Kreider June Kuykendall Lisa Longacher Cory Longacre Shelby Longenecker

Pam Martin Carol Miller Amy Moyer Sherri Moyer Todd Moyer Darin Nissley Jenni Piper Ronda Rittenhouse Carmela Rosner Kent Sensenig Lonnie Smoker Missy Solanki Marilyn Torres Radella Vrolijk Marcia Widmer Jenny Wu Lynn Zehr Pam Zuercher

1993 APR 12% Giving Total $31,799 Alicia Beachy Alan Breneman Eric Breneman Michael Ann Courtney Brad Friesen Rosemary Good Chad Gusler Cyndi Gusler Karen Harlow Staci Hartman Flo Horning Chad Hostetler Sandy Huston Allison Kokkoros Linda Longacre Darvin Martin Gina Martin Todd Martin Karen Minatelli Brad Moyer Steve Ness Steve Rittenhouse Janell Sauder Sam Sauder Marv Smoker Madhur Solanki Mark Stoltzfus Gina Troyer Inga Troyer Mitch Troyer Vaughn Troyer Kim van Donk Susan Warner Mark Wenger Renae Yoder

1994 APR 12% Giving Total $8,650 Kathy Alderfer Keang Beiler Todd Bowman Steve Brenneman Sara Godshall Kent Hartzler Steph Hartzler Jeane Hershey Brian Hess LaDene King Steve Kriss III

Kristen Leichty Laurie Longenecker Lynn Longenecker Kristen Mark Dwight Martin Rod Martin Jon Rush Jeff Shank Elaine Shenk John Stoltzfus Barry Suttles Tim Swartley Dianne Warren Valerie Weaver-Zercher Bob Yoder Jim Yoder Laurie Yoder Krista Zehr Kyle Zehr Ruth Zimmerman

JoJo Fisher Catharine Frederick Jan Galvin Derek Gingerich Andrea Kauffman Jessica King Bobbie Legg Marshall McDonald Alice-Ann Menjivar Denise Oberholtzer Kacey Raines Kendall Ruth Mark Schroeder Jon Shenk Brian Snader Matt Weaver Katrina Wyse


APR 8% Giving Total $12,015

APR 13% Giving Total $10,608

Anonymous April Beck Reggie Beck Carrie Bert Daryl Bert Bob Brenneman II Ben Brunk Sera Buckwalter Lynn Diener Jennifer Eshleman Christine Fairfield Jill Gehman Chad Hatter David King Kirk King Michelle King Chad Lacher Jen Lacher Denise Litwiller Jeremy Litwiller Cedric Moore Jr. Tom Oberholtzer Christa Obold-Eshleman Timothy Rice Ryan Rush Kris Shenk Eric Swartley Jon Swartley Joel Yoder Keith Zimmerman

Ben Bolanos Angie Breneman Victoria Brenneman Cynthia Brunk Brant Burkey JJ Egli Stacey Egli Elaine Esch Eric Esch Tina Friesen Joe Gascho II Heather Gingrich Ryan Gingrich Erica Graham Karen Hertzler Minnette Hostetler Joel Kauffman Erin Kennedy Hess Paula King Jennifer Litwiller Marcelo Mast Dione McDonald Kristin Oberholtzer Julette Rush Lelyn Saner Julie Shank Tim Swartzendruber Cecil Swartzentruber Janelle Thomas Cris Torres Jr. Anita Wansley Michelle Weaver Rachel Weaver Evan Wenger Chris Yoder Kathy Yoder LeAnne Zook

1996 APR 8% Giving Total $3,305 Jason Berg Laura Brenneman Laura Brubaker Ryan Brubaker Joe Buckwalter Clarine Dean Tom Eshleman


1998 APR 7% Giving Total $2,809 Anonymous (2) Lyle Beidler Melissa Beidler Bonnie Bowser Henry Bowser II Lori Hatter Kristel Kennedy Tom Kennedy Margo McIntire Sid Ruth David Sawatzky Rachel Sawatzky Alan & Etsuko Schroeder Krista Snader Charla Sommers Gary Sommers Ryan Steiner

Paula Stoltzfus Kris Anne Swartley Janet Weber Judy Yoder

1999 APR 7% Giving Total $48,830 Tina Campbell Laurie Miller Laura Dell'Olio Jeff Eshleman Chad Hackman Craig Hofstetter Dwayne Horst Stephanie Horst Darrick Hummel Ryan Kauffman Valerie Kauffman Jeremy Kratz Sarah Leichty Mike McElroy Ellyn Nolt Jeff Nolt Grant Rosenberger Dave Rush Danielle Siembida Nessa Stoltzfus Travis Trotter Anna Troyer

2000 APR 6% Giving Total $3,602 Anonymous Jason Alderfer Ben Beachy Maria Bowman Jennifer Bowman Sauder Charlene Conrad Matt Goins Laura King Jonathan Kratz Leah Kratz Tammy Kratz Darrin Leichty Nathan Musselman Katrina Owens Marjorie Rush Matt Sauder Mark Schoenhals Virginia Showalter Rachel Swartley Anthony Thoman Brent Yoder Rachel Yoder

2001 APR 5% Giving Total $6,824 Peter Brunk Kara Derstine Zach Derstine Michael George Carmen Horst Alan Hostetler Sarah Kratz Ronald McIntire | crossroads | 37

Jesse Mosier Cory Mullet Kristi Ruth Ryan Siegrist Ben Stauffer Gini Trotter Chris Wagler Angela Zuercher

2002 APR 7% Giving Total $19,917 Anonymous Kirsten Beachy Sarah Beachy Sarah Bixler Christine Coddington Jonathan Coddington Hans Harman Kyle Horst Kristy King Erik Kratz Brad Miller Renee Neufeld Nate Overly Eric Reinford Shawn Rice Nathan Savanick Gregory Schneider Sarah Schoenhals Hannah Steiner Kevin Steiner Laura Steiner Todd Stoltzfus Trent Wagler Alex Yoder

2003 APR 8% Giving Total $11,994 Ben Bixler David Brubaker Michael Carpenter Bess Daly Joel Daly Jeremiah Denlinger Jen Edris Justin Edris Angela Hackman Derek King Lisa Lehman Welby Lehman Eric Moyer Jessica Moyer Wesley Ngwenya Greg Nicholas Chris Noll Sara Obri Melanie Rice Eloy Rodriguez Elizabeth Rohrer Gregory Sachs Phoebe Sharp Adam Starks Emily Starks Mandi Stoltzfus Shannon Yoder

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2004 APR 7% Giving Total $7,531 Linda Bradford Sharon Bragg Mike Culen Conrad Erb BJ Gerber Sherah-Leigh Gerber Steve Gibbs Jr. Greg Grimm Sue Horst Selam Hussein Tim Jaquet Eric Kennel Roxann Allen Jeremy Moore Katie Noll Becky Rodriguez April Sachs Darren Stauffer Denver Steiner Amanda Swartley Michael Swartley Jon Trotter Hannah Wenger Jonathan Yoder Rochelle Yoder

2005 APR 8% Giving Total $4,107 AJ Ajayi Becci Anderson Matt Christner Heather Cribb Matt and Jenny Gnagey Jason Good Nathan Harder Brad Hertzler Justina Hertzler Martin Histand Hadley Jenner Lindsay Martin John Neiswander Doreen Nicholas Rebecca Patterson Erin Price Julianne Ross Bonnie Sanner Lisa Shank Travis Smith Audra Baker Ben Weaver Denae Weaver Katie Weaver

2006 APR 8% Giving Total $5,753 Lila Anane-Sefah Jenee' Bare Trevor Bare Bryce Bergey Maureen Bergey Jessi Bishop Zach Bower Dana Breeding Tammy Briggs

Derrick Charles Bryn Mullet Good Becky Hoover Ashley Handrich Michael Kniss Sharon Kniss Sarah Kunjam Marlana Lancaster Joel Miller Lehman Stephanie Miller Lehman Erin Richard Matt Ruth Julianne Secrist Joel Shank Paul Yoder

2007 APR 5% Giving Total $2,071 Alex Brodt Rebekah Charles Amanda Culen Erika Detweiler-Stoddard Ashley Eshleman Cheryl Heatwole Shenk Timothy Heatwole Shenk Liza Heavener Becky Horst King Lindsey Kolb Kara Miller Mirlene Perry Dominick Porter Jon Styer Cory Toews Katrina Yoder

2008 APR 4% Giving Total $4,505 Benjamin Beitzel Laura Bomberger Jessica Hostetler Lisa King Jolene Kratz Aubrey Bauman Kreider Emi Oda Travis Pettit Frances Pfister Debbie Swartley Matthew Swartley Miriam Yoder

2009 APR 5% Giving Total $1,828 Alicia Beitzel Laura Cattell Michael Charles Rachael Charles Nick Detweiler-Stoddard Bebhinn Egger Monica Stouffer Brad Kolb Peter Lehman Jackson Maust Katie Lehman Rachel Reesor Michelle Kennel Shenk Corinne Witmer

2010 APR 6% Giving Total $6,423 Kristin Bell Kate Bergey Peter Cook Kelly Dean Tony Fajardo Christina Harman Heidi Hoover Debbie Lambert Aaron Martin Crystal Martin Daniel Miller Justin Reesor Sarah Roth Shank Ben Shank Mary Shank Jenny Spicher Jon Spicher Isaac Wyse Rachel Wyse

2011 APR 6% Giving Total $2,028 Addie Bashorun Benjamin Bergey Shawna Cunningham Matthew Dean Brianne Ede Yvonne Fajardo Dustin Good Braydon Hoover Steve Kniss Nance Lehman Karleeann Wilmerton William Morris Jessica Sarriot Lyubov Slashcheva Emma Stahl-Wert Kristen White Jared Witmer Woody Woodall Maria Zehr Jakob zumFelde

2012 APR 5% Giving Total $880 Ben Bailey Hannah Bailey Rachel Bell Patrick Campbell Susan Clark Rochelle Fisher Kendall Garber Laura Hershey Katie Jantzen Courtney Joyner Heidi King Justin King Holly Morris Andy Richter Hannah Richter

photo by michael sheeler President Loren Swartzendruber addresses Homecoming and Family Weekend guests at the dedication of Suter East.

Suter West Phase Begins IF A BUILDING COULD HAVE A MOTTO, Suter Science Center, named after longtime professor Dr. Daniel B. Suter, might have the motto: “Science, service, success.” Since its opening in 1968, hundreds of students have toiled and muddled through chemistry and biology labs, calculus problems and physics equations – then gone on to successful careers in a rich diversity of professions. Professors too have prepped, lectured, researched, mentored, and encouraged. Their work continues, thanks to a successful five-year, $7.3-million “Suter East” campaign, in state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities, bathed in natural light, and recently dedicated over Homecoming and Family Weekend. “Now that we have beautiful new science labs,” says Vice President for Advancement Kirk Shisler '81, “we feel an urgency to bring the western section into the 21st century as well.” The western side of the building, fronting Park Road, is the most commonly used entrance, leading past the D. Ralph Hostetter Museum of Natural History and into the iconic SC 106, where so many EMU students (including President Loren Swartzendruber) have gathered for lectures and presentations. Some of the excitement for this final phase of renovation comes from an anticipated new undergraduate engineering program. Professors Esther Tian, PhD, and Danny King, Phd, both engineering specialists, have joined with an expert

advisory committee to complete curriculum requirements, with full accreditation anticipated in 2016. “Our goal is to raise as much of the $4 million for Suter West as soon as possible, to begin renovations and create a rapid prototyping lab with 3-D printers, computer design lab, engineering support lab, and spaces for faculty/student collaboration to support engineering and our other strong science programs,” Shisler said. Suter West renovations will also include the museum, which currently attracts thousands of area schoolchildren for tours and educational programs. These renovations lay the groundwork for greater community outreach through increased museum visits; expanded undergraduate academic offerings; and the launch of a mobile museum to take rotating displays to schools and other children’s programs. A welcoming and open west entrance will also lead visitors into the SC 106 lecture hall, which will be named in honor of President Loren Swartzendruber and his wife, Pat. “We seek leadership gifts to gain needed momentum. Several naming options are available,” Shisler said. “Donors of $10,000 or more to the Suter West campaign will have the option of being named among friends of President Loren and Pat Swartzendruber for the renovation of SC 106. We invite all alumni and friends of EMU to step up and join this campaign.” — Lauren Jefferson Contact Kirk Shisler at 540-432-4203 or to discuss a naming gift. Visit | crossroads | 39

2013 APR 4% Giving Total $1,737 Anonymous Abe Abraham Jenne Witmer Hannah Clemmer Katie Gray Blene Hailu Phillip Jordan Jacob Kaufman Meg Miller Dan Nafziger Stephanie Rheinheimer

2014 APR 1% Giving Total $180 Christine Baer Chaska Yoder Kala Yoders Matt Zimmerman

2015 Senior Class Gift APR 27% Giving Total $1,656 Elizabeth Alderfer Mariah Batkins Malinda Bender Kelsey Blosser Dylan Bomgardner Everett Brubaker Heather Codding Emma Dalen Natasha Dean Jonathan Drescher-Lehman Katie Eckman Aliese Gingerich Naomi Good Christina Hardman-Zimmerman Carissa Harnish Jeni Heishman Bethany Hench Ryan Henschel Erin Hershey David Hooley Karla Hovde Holly Jensen Mandy Kahl Lenore Kauffman Emma King Isaac King Rachel King Evan Knappenberger Morgan Kratz Jacob Landis Kevin Leaman Chris Lehman Mattie Lehman Savanna Lester Jordan Luther Becca Martin Daniel Martin Yvonne Martin Ben Mast Mark Mast Megan Matteson Annika Maust Michael

40 | crossroads | fall/winter 2015-16

Jess McNally Brad Mullet Megan Nafziger Melinda Norris Matt Nyce Angelina Pardini Trey Pitt III Alexandra Poff Erin Rheinheimer Matthew Rhodes Rachel Richard Amanda Vega Sauder Elise Sauder McKenzie Sauder Maddie Saunders Ranita Shenk Kayla Smeltzer Jason Spicher Seth Stauffer Ben Stern Lydia Stutzman Lindsey Turner Taylor Waidelich Keri Weaver Carrie Wilkie Roberto Wingfield Carmen Witmer Ryan Yates Andrew Yoder Nicole Yoder Philip Yoder Michelle Zook Marla ZumFelde

Graduate Alumni Donors Donors with a graduate degree from EMU (Donors with an undergraduate class year are listed with their class) Anonymous Marian Aveson Murl Baker Kendal Bauman Kara Beckman Michael Bischoff Caroline Borden Mert Brubaker Jeff Butcher Barbara Byer Victor Chaney II Donna Chewning Jeannine Cinco Nancy Coggeshall Pam Comer Sally Jane Conner Bill Cox Amy Potter Czajkowski Jonna Detweiler Kim Garber Christopher Eads Bill Elliot Nancy Faulkner Roger Foster Sandra Gamet Bob Gillette Bill Goldberg Oriana Good Brian Gumm Erin Gumm Vesna Hart Jan Jenner Darlene Keller Elizabeth Kennel

Connie Keplinger Phoebe Kilby Krissy Kimbark Aaron Kishbaugh Sue Klassen Cassandra Klingenberg Amy Knorr Rhoda Kraus Charles Kwuelum Jennifer Larson-Sawin Joanne Lauterjung Kelly Bonnie Lofton Daniel Malec Elizabeth Marie Melchionna Jonathan Metzler Helen Nafziger Linda O'Brien Patricia Patton Nyaw Nyaw Paw Susan Peacock Christa Pierpont Nancy Pinzon Christine Poulson Chris Richer Grant Rissler Barbara Robbins Galen Sauder Dave Saunier Sue Spayd Robin Stryker Jincy Swartzbacker Sarah Talcott Blair Morris Trimmer Fred Van Liew Kristen Wall Brenda Waugh Johan Weiss Regenia Wine Jay Wittmeyer Wonshe Marshall Yoder Robert Yutzy Ethel Zook

Seminary Alumni Donors (Seminary alumni with an undergraduate class year are listed with their class) Anonymous (3) James Akerson Robert Alley Laura Amstutz Ralph Arnold David Black Velma Blosser Ruth Bolton Paul Bontrager Bob Brubaker Marian Buckwalter Steve Carpenter Jeffery Carr David Christian Gerry Clemmer Ralph Cline Don Clymer Ron Copeland Harold Davenport Debbie Denlinger John Denlinger Barbara Doyle Andrew Dyck Phil Ebersole Roger Foster

Jay Garber Rachel Gerber Shawn Gerber Theda Good Dayve Graybill Brian Gumm Joe Hackman Barry Hart Jr. Peter Hartman Conrad Heatwole Nancy Heisey Dave Hileman Tom Holliday Kathy Huber George Jennings Hyun-ah Kang Elaine Kauffman Delbert Kautz Randy Keener Mark Keller Ann King-Grosh Brett Klingenberg Kay Lanasa Jim Leaman Jean Lengacher Brian Lewis Melanie Lewis John Lock Mary Jane Lock Rachelle Lyndaker Schlabach James Martin Robert Martin Conrad Mast Donna Mast Carl Mericle Sharon Miller Peggy Packard Ron Penner Ruth Penner Joan Rainsberger Tom Reynolds Larry Rohrer Herman Ropp Jack Sawyer Craig Schloneger Lois Sell Harold Shenk Tim Short Robert Smith Jr. LeVon Smoker Bonnie Stutzman Ervin Stutzman Janet Stutzman Paul Stutzman Warren Tyson Clair Umble Wayne Warren Jennifer Weaver Cathy Weiss Sandy Wenger David Whitten Walt Wiltschek Richard Woodall Earl Yoder Mary Yoder Twila King Yoder Lu Yutzy

Parents of 20142015 Undergraduate Students Anonymous (3) Steve & Lois Ann Alderfer Scott & Kristine Augsburger James & Mary Aylor Rose Ann & Gerald Baer

Peter & Jan Bane Lisa Barrett Jill Basinger Scott & Jodi Beachy Carmeleta & David Beidler Michael & Brenda Bishop Myron & Rhonda Blosser Randy & Barbara Bowman Steve & Mary Breidigan John & Laura Brothers James & Michelle Brown David & Martha Brubaker Debbie Brumfield Brian & Linda Burkholder Ken & Karen Burkholder Jeffrey & Maureen Bussells David & Terri Campbell Melody & Vincent Cash Randy & Lori Christophel Doug & Rebecca Clemens Paul & Sherry Cline Pam & David Comer Glenda & Peter Cook Bev & Steven Cox Lisa & Nick Crist Bonitto & Izetta Daley Duval & Tamara Denlinger John & Sandra Drescher-Lehman David & Elizabeth Driver Daniel & Elizabeth Dunmore Titus & Debora Dutcher Rod & Cindy Eshleman David & Beth Evans Aksel Falk & Melanie Perl Miriam & John Ferguson Robert & Shari Fern Lyle & Angela Foltz Julia Fraher Sid & Elaine Frey Kenneth & Fran Friesen Ray & Sandi Good Joel & Barbara Graber Joseph Guiciardi Don & Joan Harrold Luke & Staci D Hartman Irvin & Nancy Heishman Lester & Amy Herman Gerald & Jeanette Hershey James & Brenda Hershey Ron & Rhoda Hershey Timothy & Lynne Hess Kevin & Cynthia Hockman-Chupp Leonard & Melanie Hollen Wanda Holsapple Chad & Minnette Hostetler Eric & Lavonn Hostetler Willie & Kay Hurst Char & Bob Jacob Charlotte Johnson Cynthia Johnson Michael & Bobbi Johnson Clint & Debra Kauffman Kevin & Karen King Douglas & Marice Kratz Rick & Suzanne Kratz John & Carolyn Kreider Edward & Holly Lankford Jonathan & Renee Lapp Paul & Mary Leaman Billy & Renee Leap Joel & Sarah Lehman Glen & Korin Lester Byron & Kristin List Bonnie & Jim Lofton Joyce & Michael Longenecker Nowlin & Debra Maddox Dale Martin & Jane Gast David & Rachel Martin Don & Barbara Martin

Kim & Lauren Martin Lee & Peg Martin James & Cindy Marzullo Dan & Cindy Mast Lois & John Mast Kevin & Sarah Mathews David & Karen McAlister Craig & Jenelle Miller James & Debra Miller Lowell & Bonita Miller Brad & Sherri Moyer Daryl & Marci Myers Greg & Michele Nafziger Ken L. & Judy Nafziger Rosie & Don Nafziger Donna Neff Darryl & Lorraine Nester Wesley & Vicki Nolt Esther & Moses Paegar Steven & Debra Pardini Byron Peachey & Deanna Durham Philip & Myriam Raber Herman & Kim Racer Shawn Ramer & Victoria Myer Doug & Valerie Rheinheimer Michael & Karen Rheinheimer Kent & Rita Richard Cathy Rittenhouse & Daniel Hostetter Eduardo & Mabel Rodriguez Dwight & Jennifer Rohrer Michele Romano Phil & Karen Rush Kurtis & Cindy Sauder Douglas & Maria Schirch James & Shirley Schlabach Roger & Cynthia Schrock Rodney & Patricia Seale Vanette Shands Ken & Cheryl Shank Alan & Sharon Shenk Dale & Karen Shenk Gerald & Janet Shifflett Elaine & Jerry Shinsky Beverly & Kevin Smeltzer Steven & Elaine Smith Cindy & LeVon Smoker Jim & Carol Spicher John Jr. & Velma Stauffer Hubie & Kathy Stoll Grant & Susan Stoltzfus Charles & Tracey Sturm Maurice & Carla Stutzman Thomas & Debra Sutter Barry & Shari Suttles Tim & Rachel Martin Swartz Larry & Connie Swartzendruber Bruce & Joy Thomas Timothy & Patrice Thompson Anna Troyer George & Patricia Trujillo Roland & Tracey Vinniski Linwood & Radella Vrolijk Steven & Lisa Waidelich Todd & Anne Weaver Andrea & Delbert Wenger James & Cam Williams Robert & Joanne Williams John & Yinoris Wright Howard & Louise Yoder Kenton & Diane Yoder Bob & Ethel Zook Roger & Evelyn zumFelde

Matching Gifts and Donors

Suter Science Campaign Donors

Altria Group Inc Cecil & LeeAnn Swartzentruber

Anonymous (25) Janelle & Glenn Aby Emily & James Akerson Steve & Lois Ann Alderfer Jim Alexander Jr. Katrina Alger Linda & Robert Alley Laura & Brandon Amstutz Devon & Teresa Anders Marvin & Grace Anders Ralph & Evelyn Arnold Tim Arnold & Lynn Rogers Myron & Esther Augsburger Rose Ann & Gerald Baer Joseph Baer Todd & Diann Bailey Wilma Bailey Phil & Laura Baker Peter & Jan Bane Marcus & Sharon Barboni Robert & Elva Bare Kendal & Jennifer North Bauman Baxter International Foundation Susan & Eric Beck Lenora & Richard Bell Mary & Eric Bendfeldt Steve & Leanne Benner Evon & Philip Bergey Mike & Nicole Berkey Curtis & Linda Berry Daryl & Carrie Bert Michael & Brenda Bishop Blauch Brothers Inc Myron & Rhonda Blosser John & Linda Bomberger Herman & Jeanette Bontrager Art & Alice Borden Caroline Borden Tammy & Robert Bos David & Shana Peachey Boshart Randy & Barbara Bowman Janet Breneman & Wesley Newswanger George & Jewell Brenneman Robert & Kim Gingerich Brenneman Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Sandy Brownscombe Ed & Lucy Brubaker James & Carley Brubaker Ken & Pamela Brubaker David Brunk Nadene Brunk Bob Buckwalter Jr. & Betty Lou Buckwalter Victor & Christina Buckwalter Burford Leimenstoll Foundation Owen & Barbara Byer Jeff & Pam Campbell Don & Terri Carufel-Wert Laura & Ben Cattell Noll Ruth & Milton Cender Arthur & Miriam Charles Lloyd & Gail Claassen Melvin & Lorna Claassen Paul & Esther Clymer Glenda & Peter Cook Bev & Steven Cox Douglas & Michele Croxton Laura & Robbie Daily Matthew & Kelly Dean Mark & Laurie Deavers Arlen & Shirley Delp Duval & Tamara Denlinger Byard & Betty Deputy Nate & Kimberly Derstine Tim & Rosita Derstine

Becton Dickinson & Co Karl Yoder The Boeing Company Eric & Jessica Moyer Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Rich Hartz Shawn Ramer & Victoria Myer Carmax Foundation Charlene Conrad & Michael Mooney Clemens Family Corporation Royden Rittenhouse Emerson Electric Company Ajay & Ruth Massey Follett Corporation Terry & Sandy Burkhalter Fulton Financial Corporation Rodney Yoder Hershey Foods Corp Fund Richard & Janis Landes IBM Corporation Walter & Leanne Smith Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Knute & Betty Leidal LabCorp Matching Gifts Program Steve & Rosemary Gehman LexisNexis Gloria & Chris Gredler Merck Company Foundation Brian Bauer & Debbie Warnaar Lenora & Richard Bell Darin & Maribeth Benner Steve & Leanne Benner Deryl & Miriam Kennel Sheldon & Lois Shank Gerald & Janet Shifflett Microsoft Corp Roger & Patricia Grimes Nationwide Foundation Ralph & Lila Smucker Pfizer Inc Hollis & Martha Showalter Rockwell Collins Matching Gift Program Norman & Joyce Schrock Texas Instruments Foundation Joel & Barbara Graber Wells Fargo Foundation Mark Dalton | crossroads | 41

Zach & Kara Derstine Dave & Charmaine Detrow Anna Louise Detweiler Jayne Docherty & Roger Foster Don Largent Roofing Inc Cheryl & Martin Doss John & Sandra Drescher-Lehman Iris & Albert Driver Lewis & Rhea Driver DRS LLC Naomi & Walter DuBlanica Andy & Michelle Dula Mary Ellen & Mamo Dula Daniel & Elizabeth Dunmore Titus & Debora Dutcher Dynamic Aviation Inc Charles & Sonya Eberly Alan & Kristin Eby John Eby Ralph & Betty Jo Eby Elizabeth Ellis Foundation Mike & Marcy Engle Bob & Rosalie Eshleman Keith & Susan Eshleman Leon & Melba Eshleman Roger & Barbara Eshleman David & Gwen Eubanks Kenneth & Debra Fellenbaum Jan & Anthony Foderaro Earl Frankenfield James & Carole Frankenfield Don Frederick & Nan Reid Edward & Cynthia Frey Brad & Beth Friesen Doug & Tina Friesen Beth & Gerard Fulda Eric & Karly Gehman Linford & Rebecca Gehman Margaret M Gehman Genetech Carole & Alan Giagnocavo Marcy & Jeff Gineris Derek & Jamie Gingerich Earl Gingerich & Diane Funk John & Dolores Gingerich Chris & Eileen Gingrich Melvin & Sherrill Glick Samuel & Jean Glick Stan & Susan Godshall Steve & Sara Godshall Matt & Kathryn Goins Carl & Lois Good James & Charlene Good James & Dorcas Good Janene & Gerald Good Jason Good Leon & Elaine Good Linford & Beth Ann Good Theda Good & Dawn Kreider Goodville Mutual Casualty Co Harry & Kathleen Graber Joel & Barbara Graber Mark Grimaldi Jean Groce Tony & June Handrich Kristina & Karim Hanna Steven & Judith Harder Karen Harlow Carl & Herta Harman David & Florence Harnish Jeffrey & Patti Harnish Paul & Dorothy K Harnish Pete Harnish & Monica Sauter Rich Hartz Dennis & LuAnne Hatter Leo & Ruthanne Heatwole John & Brenda Hedrick Nancy Heisey & Paul Longacre Bill & Loretta Helmuth

42 | crossroads | fall/winter 2015-16

Phil & Loretta Helmuth Greta Ann Herin & Diek Wheeler David & Sandra Hersh Andy & Lisa Hershberger Ann & Jim Hershberger Hershey Foods Corp Fund Don Hertzler & Ruth Shenk Hertzler Helen & Dean Hertzler Ernie & Lois Hess Lois Ann & Michael Hicks Marcy & Rick High Robyn Hill Shirley & Vernon Hochstetler Dave & Cathleen Hockman-Wert Karen & Richard Hoerner Jerry & Mary Holsopple Jane Hooley Braydon & Heidi Hoover James & Deborah Hoover Les & Crystal Horning Grace Horst Stephanie Horst & Pete Ruggieri Bob & Eloise Hostetler Colette Hostetler George & Leona Hostetler Jessica Hostetler Vern & Janet Hostetler Abram & Patricia Hostetter Alden & Louise Hostetter Julia & Everette Hottinger HRM Enterprises Inc Trent & Cara Hummel Steven & Charlotte Hunsberger Jill & Dan Johnson Dick & Sharon Kauffman Glen & Sandy Kauffman Howard & Cheryl Kauffman Jerry & Joan Kauffman John & Marie Kauffman Marie Kauffman Ross Kauffman Carl & Gladys E Keener Marci Keener & Michael Eck Stan & Kathy Keener Shantz Deryl & Miriam Kennel Elmer & Marianne Kennel Lois & Arthur Kennel Phoebe Kilby & Barry Carpenter Chad & Gwen King Daniel King Dave & Debra King Dennis & Judy King Kristy King & Adam Hamilton Michael & Joan King Pat & Kathy King Walter & Miriam King Sr Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Paul & Naomi Kniss Dr Krishna & Sarala Kodukula Brad & Lindsey Kolb Harley & M Kate Kooker Joe & Carol Kotva Clyde & Eunice Kratz John & Dorothy Kratz Jim & Vicki Krauss David Kraybill & Mary Hershberger Ernie & Eunice Kraybill Harold & Esther Kraybill John Kreider Betty Kurtz Eldon & Sharyl Kurtz James Kurtz & Huong Tran Chad & Jennifer Lacher Richard & Janis Landes D Harold & Esther Landis Daryl Landis & Anne Decker E Jean Landis John & Gladys Landis Kristina Landis Yoder & Greg Yoder

Jonathan & Renee Lapp Tom & Christine Lapp LD&B Insurance and Financial Services David & Jean Leaman Jay & Judy Leaman Joyce & Ronald Leaman Toby & Lonita Leaman Billy & Renee Leap Janell & William Lederman Joel & Monica Lederman Betty & Steven Lee Elton & Phyllis Lehman Elton & Phyllis Lehman Joel & Sarah Lehman Larry & Jane Lehman Nelson & Cheryl Lehman Kathy & Greg Leichty Glen & Jean Lengacher Mary Beth Lichty & Roger Wagoner Calvin & Rachel Litwiller Jennifer & Jeremy Litwiller Ryan & Elizabeth Livengood Bonnie & Jim Lofton Joe & Constance Longacher Mark & Lisa Longacher Cora Longacre Chris & Allison Longenecker Jo Longenecker Kevin & Shelby Longenecker Randall & Marla Longenecker Carol S Lown Leah Magal Marietta M. Morgan & Samuel T. Morgan Jr .Foundation Allen Martin Clinton & Sue Martin Darvin & Regina Martin Don & Barbara Martin John & Tonya Martin Joseph & LaVonne K Martin Joseph & Rachel Martin Linford Martin & Chloe Grasse Lois M Martin Mike & Yvonne Martin Philip & Joyce Martin Robert & Nancy Martin Thomas & Louisa Weber Martin Vernon & Linda Martin Mary Morton Parsons Foundation Joe & Nancy Mast Evelyn Maust Jackson & Katrina Maust Marvin & Lori Maust Natalie & John Mayer Conley McMullen Mike & Debra Medley Clair & Mamie Mellinger Gladys I Mellinger Merck & Co Inc Merck Company Foundation Aimee Miller Anne Miller Brad Miller & Jessica Yoder Drew Miller Elroy & Linda Miller Fae Miller Leon & Lynda Miller Leon & Sandra Miller Richard Miller Roman & Elva Miller Susan Miller Willis Miller Karen & Matt Minatelli Charles & Carolyn Moyer Eric & Jessica Moyer Steve & Amy Mumbauer Tom Murphy Jr. & Dreanna Murphy Daryl & Marci Myers Dan & Evelyn Nafziger

Ken L & Judy Nafziger Chris Neblett Art & Mary Newcomer Kenneth Noll Becky Nolt Grace Nolt Mag & Philip Nolt Rhoda Nolt Steve & Kathleen Nussbaum Doug & Dawn Nyce Jeremy & Sheila Ours Renee & Randy Ours Steven & Debra Pardini Trevor Parmer Rob & Celah Pence Pfizer Inc Anthony Pratkanis Mark & Janis Prock Jeff & Lynn Quay Shawn Ramer & Victoria Myer John & Carolyn Reed Glenn & Lorraine Reinford Joel & Val Reinford Neil & Donna Jean Reinford Mary Reitz Raymond & Naomi Ressler Wendell Ressler & Barbara Nimershiem Dennis Rice Timothy & Rhonda Rice Andy & Hannah Richter Mark Risser Cathy Rittenhouse & Daniel Hostetter Norm & Alice Rittenhouse Steve & Ronda Rittenhouse The Cabell Foundation John Rocovich Jr. Dennis & Wendy Rohrer Dwight & Jennifer Rohrer Leland Ropp Henry & Charlotte Graber Rosenberger James & Gloria Horst Rosenberger Laura Rosenberger & David Mauro Wesley & Nancy Ross Timothy & Candace Ross Cleary Arlin & Geri Roth Dwight & Ruth A Roth Lynn & Kathleen Roth Shirley Roth Jim & Gerry Rush Janet Ruth & David Krueper Thomas & Susan Ruth Clarence Rutt Eric Rutt & Mahlet Aklu Jack & Gloria Rutt Ron & Roseann Sachs David & Rachel Sawatzky Douglas & Maria Schirch Abner & Virginia Glass Schlabach Erma Schnabel Luke & Carmen Schrock-Hurst Laura Schumm Alta Schwartz Randy & Patsy Seitz Jeff & Julie Shank Joel & Lisa Shank Mary Shank Norman & Lucille Shank Sheldon & Lois Shank Paul & Lisa Shelly Frank Shelp Briana Shelton Shenandoah Valley Community Church Audrey Shenk Barbara Shenk & Dannie Otto Edward & Christine Shenk John Shenk Jon & Sheryl Shenk Steve & Karen Moshier Shenk Eric & Karen Shirk

Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Donald & Marlene Showalter Hollis & Martha Showalter James & Carol Showalter Millard & Mary Kratz Showalter Sam & Jan Showalter Stuart & Shirley Showalter Paul & Lucille Shrock Donald & Joanne Siegrist Ruth Simpson Knox Singleton Peggy Singleton Lyubov Slashcheva Beverly & Kevin Smeltzer Sherwyn & Deirdre Smeltzer Ross & Cathy Smeltzer Erb Anthony & Karen Smith Carole & Douglass Smith Cindy & LeVon Smoker Ray & Valerie Smucker Sheri & Dave Smucker Marty & James Snavely Elizabeth Solanki Madhur Solanki Missy Solanki Feryl & Connie Souder Paul & Donna Souder Wayne & Joanne Speigle Jim & Carol Spicher John & Virginia Spicher John & Susan Stahl Brian Stauffer Doris Stauffer Mike & Julie Stauffer Ruth & Sanford Stauffer Kevin & Laura Steiner Kelly & Craig Stern Doug & Luann Steury Robert & Barbara Steury Kenneth & Carol Stoltzfus Mark Stoltzfus & Cassia Vieira Virgil & Doris Stoltzfus Scott & Anne Marie Stoner-Eby Norma & Ronald R Strawbridge Ethel Strite Jon Styer Walt & Sharon Surratt Suter Engineering PC Dave & Shelby Swartley Duane & Joanna Swartley Herb & Margaret Swartz Kenton & Amy Swartz Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Tim Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Alvin & Elaine Swartzentruber The Boeing Company Martha Thorpe Esther Tian David & Lynn Troyer Mitch & Gina Campbell Troyer Vaughn & Inga Troyer Judith & Brent Trumbo Trumbo Electric Inc Jennifer Ulrich Dale & Ruth Umble Kim van Donk Veada Industries Inc Daniel & Janice Walter Becky Waybill Bill & Dawn Weaver Dorothy Jean Weaver John & Margaret Weaver Leslie & Marvin Weaver Mike & Rachel Weaver Mike & Sheri Weaver Richard & Ruth Weaver Todd & Anne Weaver Wayne & LaVina Weaver Steve & Cathy Wehibe

Alan & Marilyn K Wenger Andrea & Delbert Wenger Bob & Lena Wenger Earl & Lois Wenger Herbert Wenger John & Sandy Wenger Mark & Candis Wenger Robert & Lois Wenger Daniel & Miriam Wert Roy & Esther Wert Claire Whiting James & Rachel Witmer Jared & Corinne Witmer Rebecca Wood Alex & Shannon Yoder Byard & Judy Yoder Chris Yoder Darrell & Sylvia Yoder Ervin & Patricia Yoder Howard & Louise Yoder Jim & Kathy Yoder Jonathan & Kim Yoder Leroy & Martha Yoder Marshall & Julie Yoder Nate & Miriam Yoder Nelson & Patricia Yoder Paul & Carol Yoder Paul & Katrina Yoder Randy & Marianne Yoder Scott Yoder Steve & Twila Yoder Edith & Garth Yoder-Scott Bonnie Zehr & Jerry Hess John & Jane Zehr Kyle & Krista Zehr Pearl Zehr Barbara Zimmerman & JD Yoder Genia & Ame Zimmerman Keith Zimmerman & Katrina Wyse Zion Mennonite Church William & Joyce Zuercher Jakob zumFelde Roger & Evelyn zumFelde

Donors of $250 or more not listed elsewhere Anonymous (2) Austin Frazier Memorial Fund John & Ruth Bare Ellen Barfield Jim & Bonnie Beachy Barbara Becker David Beumee Mary Bricker Dick Burr Joel & Clair Cannon Mark Chupp & Sharon Shumaker Ken Collier Thomas & Lindi DeWolf Verla & Robert Dick Valerie & William Ford Gene & Nancy Forrey Bibb & Dolly Frazier Felicia Furman Dan & Regena Garber Kathleen & Asa Graves Phillip & Joann Grayson Hya Heine Doug Hendren & Nancy Beall Gabe Huck & Theresa Kubasak Jeremy Huck Larry & Susan Huffman Margaret Kilby & Martin Rothfield Lucia & William King Parin Kothari

Jacob & Loretta Lapp Maria Leonard Christopher & Betsy Little Hausa Mann Maiden John & Mary Ann Martin Melvin & Geneva Martin Mary Sue McDonald James McHone Betty & Wayne McNett Alice Parker Thomas Porter Martha Rollins Carrie Schroeder Louis & Esther Seminare Ken & Karen Sensenig Fred Shenk Lynn Smith Hill Snellings Patricia Moncure Thomas Laura Timms Eldon Wagler & Jane Emile-Wagler Wendell & Jolene Weaver Denton & Jan Yoder Jay & Nancy Yoder Orville & LaJane Yoder Jonathan Zehr

Jubilee Friends Alumni and Friends who have made provision for EMU in their estate plans Anonymous (38) Saloma Albrecht Tom & Carolyn Albright Elaine & Harold Alderfer Richard & Louise Alderfer Russell & Gladys Alderfer Sanford Alderfer Sr. Ruth K Alger Marvin & Grace Anders Myron & Esther Augsburger Richard & Elaine Bachman Robert & Elva Bare Marian Bauman Calvin C Beachy Earl & Shirley Beachy Clayton & Bernice Beckler E Faye Beckler Louise Beede Gordon & Velda Beidler Gerald & Rhoda Benner Kenneth & Carolyn Benner Richard & Marlene Benner David & Lori Bergey Linda Heatwole Bland Donna Blosser Glendon Blosser Philip Blosser James & Doris Bomberger Martha Jane Bomberger Roy & Evelyn Bomberger Art & Alice Borden Jonas & Barbara Borntrager Sharon Bowers Lura Bowin Chester & Nancy Bradfield Grace Brenneman Robert & Rachel Brenneman Ruby Brenneman Susan Brenneman & Archie Vomachka Lena Horning Brown & Michael Brown Sandy Brownscombe Maynard & Jan Brubacher Beryl & J Mark Brubaker Ed & Lucy Brubaker

J Kenneth & Pamela Brubaker J Lester & Lois Brubaker Kenton & Shirley Brubaker Merle & Ila Brubaker Betty Brunk E Pauline Brunk H Nelson & Ruth Brunk James & Thelma Brunk Joseph & Mary Louise Brunk Ken & Twila Brunk Gladys Buckwalter Terry & Sandy Burkhalter Ken & Karen Burkholder Paul & Anne Burkholder Paul Burkholder Ruth L Burkholder Jeff & Jan Butcher Betty Byler Kevin & Cheryl Carey Robert & Susan Cheung Virginia & Levon Christophel Ralph Cline J Paul & Esther Clymer Robert R Conley Mary Coss Mary Jean Cross Loris & Richard Cunningham James & Sue Ann Dale Ronald B David John & Deborah Denlinger Byard & Betty Deputy James & Sylvia A Derstine Vernon & Miriam Derstine Virginia Derstine Anna Louise Detweiler Florence Detweiler J William & Ruth Detweiler Marcia L Dickerson Eugene & Gloria Diener Brownie Driver Gladys Driver Naomi & Walter DuBlanica Andy & Michelle Dula Mamo & Mary Ellen Dula Phillip & Janeth Duncan Paul & Kathy Penner Dyck Miriam Eberly Ralph & Betty Jo Eby Carol & Michael Eby-Good Ethel M Edmonds Rohrer & Mabel Eshleman Lester Fisher Bruce & Jeanette Flaming Janet & Anthony Foderaro Anna Frederick J Mark & Emma Frederick Rachel & Norman Frerichs John & Beulah Fretz S Jeane Fretz David & Esther Friesen Joseph & Barbara Gascho David & Lois Gehman John & Mabel Gehman Linford & Rebecca Gehman Margaret M. Gehman Carole & Alan Roth Giagnocavo James Gibbons Aaron & Edna Gingerich Ray & Wilma Gingerich James & Joan Gingrich Trula Gingrich Ervie & Mary Glick Orpha J Glick Ruth & Bob Glick Susan & Stanley Godshall William Goldberg & Lisa Schirch Carl & Lois Good Gerald & Martha Good Harley & Irene Good | crossroads | 43

Helen Good James & Dorcas Good Linford & Beth Ann Good Merle & Phyllis Good Mervin & Mary Ellen Good Harry Graber Fern & Carl Grace Eva Greaser Francis & Lawrence Greaser Marlin & Sue Groff Cecil & Dory Grove Marjorie+ & Paul T+ Guengerich Willis & Katherine Hallman Karen M Harlow Carl B Harman James & Marilyn Harr Joyce & David Harshberger Denise Anne Hart Curt & Jackie Hartman Dwight W Hartman Pearl Hartz Chad & Lori Hatter John & Mary Ann Heatwole Keith & Elizabeth Heavener Sarah Hedrick Mary & Dick Heinbaugh Noah & Edna Helmuth Phillip & Loretta Helmuth Lowell & Grace Herr Ann & Jim Hershberger Leon & Marjorie Hershberger Jeane & Lyle Hershey Marlin & Barbara Hershey Don Hertzler Raymond & Betty Hertzler Ernest & Lois Hess John H Hess Sr. Larry Hess Nora & Mervin Hess Mahlon Hess Robyn Hill Pamela & Herbert Hoffeditz Liz Hofmeister Elizabeth Hoover Lawrence & Pat Hoover Gerry & Linda Horst Grace E Horst John & Joan Horst Jr. Marvin & Marcia Horst Samuel & Mary Ellen+ Horst Eric & Lavonn Hostetler George & Leona Hostetler Robert & Eloise Hostetler Grace Hostetter Harold Huber Bruce & Anne Hummel Darrick & Sheri Hummel Karen Hummel Steve & Charlotte Hunsberger Louetta & Paul+ Hurst Larry & Barbara Jantzi Vernon & Dorothy Jantzi Lila Janzen Duane & Joan Kauffman Dwight & Trella Kauffman Glen & Sandy Kauffman Margaret Kauffman Roger & Rachel Kauffman Rudi & Ravonn Kauffman S Duane & Naomi+ Kauffman Vera M Kauffman James & Susan Kaufman Carl E Keefer Carl & Gladys Keener Naomi Keiper Darlene & Joe Kelso Linford & Mary Etta King Nathan & Melba King

44 | crossroads | fall/winter 2015-16

Susanne J King Walter & Miriam King Sr. Shirley H Klass Paul & Naomi Kniss John & Dorothy Kratz Richard & Suzanne Kratz Harry Kraus Sr Donald B & Frances M Kraybill Jean M Kraybill John & Betty+ Kreider Lloyd & Goldie Plank Kuhns Kathryn A Kulp Emily Kurtz Gregory & Ellen Lacher Anna Mae Landis David & Carolyn Landis E Jean Landis Jay B & Peggy H Landis Mark & Elizabeth Landis Richard & Pearl L Lantz N LeRoy & Catherine+ Lapp Samuel & Helen Lapp M Hershey & Norma Leaman Paul & Erma Leaman Tobias & Lonita Leaman III Arlene Leatherman Allon & Doris Lefever Elton & Phyllis Lehman Galen & Gloria Lehman J Paul & Erma Lehman James & Dorothy Lehman Paul & Mary Ellen Lehman Ruby Lehman Glen & Jean Lengacher Robert & Ramona Lichty Allen & Sara Jane Lind Clifford & Hope Lind Joe & Constance Longacher Cora Longacre Henry & Carol Longacre Richard & Rose Longacre Lynn & Laurie Longenecker Nelson & Danielle Longenecker Carol Lown Stephen & Glenna Lowry Leah Magal Lydia Mahabirsingh Barbara A Martin Don & Barbara Martin Donald Martin Dr Joseph & Rachel Martin Garland & Phyllis Martin Gary & Pat Martin Grace L Martin John R & Marian S Martin Jorene Martin Kim Martin Larry E & Gail Martin Leo & Mary Martin Lois J Martin Lois M Martin Naomi Martin Robert & Nancy L Martin Ruth Y Martin Vernon & Linda Martin Tim & Carol Martin Johnson Rodney & Gail Mast Evelyn B Maust Marge Maust James & Joyce McDonald Arthur & Evelyn McPhee Donald & Alta Mellinger Ethel L Mellinger Violet & Elmer Metzler Anne Miller Elmer & Martha A Miller Elroy & Linda Miller Fae Miller Joanne Miller

Lawrence & Marjora M Miller Levi & Gertrude Miller Luke & Denise Y Miller Paul & Edna Miller Pauline Miller Robert & Mary E Miller Sue A Miller Willis Miller Paulette Moore Doris & Richard+ Morgan Luke & Donna Mosemann Charles Moubray Abram & Glenda Moyer Charles & Carolyn Moyer Elizabeth Moyer Mary H Moyer Mildred Moyer Susan Mullet Ethel M Mumaw Grace N Mumaw Miriam L Mumaw Russell & Ruth Mumaw Catherine R Mumaw+ Roy & Annie Musselman Lorraine & Benjamin Myers Pauline Myers Rodney & Miriam Nafziger Ken & Connie Neuenschwander Arthur & Mary L Newcomer Ann Nicely Ruth Nisly Lowell & Miriam Nissley Herb & Becky Noll Kenneth Noll Grace Nolt Philip & Margaret Nolt Rebecca Nolt Rhoda E Nolt Robert & Anna Nolt Steve & Kay Nussbaum Jay & Rhoda Oberholtzer Wilmer Otto Steven & Debra Pardini James & Marian Y Payne Glenn & Bertha Peachey J Lorne Peachey Laban Peachey Daryl & Jane Peifer Betty Pellman Ken & Rachel Pellman LeRoy Petersheim Carol Petry Ron & Myrna Piper Calvin Redekop John & Carolyn Reed Merle & Ruth Ann Reinford Raymond & Naomi Ressler Steve & Karen Ringenberg James & Kendra Rittenhouse Norman & Alice Rittenhouse Royden Rittenhouse Claire Roggie Henry & Charlotte Rosenberger Kenneth & Naomi Ross Norman Ross Candace & Timothy Ross-Cleary Glen & Annabelle Roth Philip & Jane Roth Carl & Ruth Rudy Verle Rufenacht Verlen Rufenacht Lowell & Jueldine Rupp Eleanor Ruth Kendall & Lisa Ruth Ann Rutt & Rick Buckwalter Clarence & Helen+ Rutt Jack & Gloria Rutt John & Rebecca Rutt Roger & Pamela Rutt

Laurence & Evelyn Sauder R Clair & Doris Sauder Raymond+ & Marguerite+ Sauder Daniel & Mildred Schantz Kenneth & Charlene Schildt Abner Schlabach & Virginia Glass Schlabach Pearl Schrack Ammon & Naomi Schrock Kenneth Seitz Jr. Gerald & Ethel Shank Orval & Dorothy Shank Calvin Shenk H Michael & Peggy Shenk JC & Jewell Shenk James & Donna Shenk N Gerald & Sara Wenger Shenk Norman & Jean Shenk Miriam E Shirk & J Ron Byler Susan D Shirk Alan Shirkey Esther Ruth Shisler Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Marie Shisler Donald & Marlene Showalter James & Carol Showalter Lena Yutzy Showalter Millard Showalter & Mary Kratz Showalter Stuart & Shirley Showalter Welby & Sharon Showalter Don & Joanne Siegrist Knox Singleton Ross & Cathy Smeltzer Erb Walter & Leanne Smith Cynthia & LeVon Smoker Elma Smucker Allene Smucker-Klassen Gloria Snider Eugene & Alice Souder John & Virginia Spicher John & Susan Stahl Doris Stauffer John Jr. & Velma Stauffer Esther G Steckle Glenn & Marjorie Steffen Virgene Steffen Geri B Steidle Edgar Stoesz Donald & Judith Stoltzfus Harvey & Lillian Stoltzfus Omar & Catherine Stoltzfus Ron & Bonnie Stoltzfus Sara Stoltzfus Virgil & Doris Stoltzfus Winfred & Willie Stoltzfus Janet Harder Stucky Ervin & Bonnie Stutzman Linford & Janet Stutzman Maurice & Carla F Stutzman J David & Shelby Swartley Willard & Mary Swartley HD Swartzendruber Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Ruth Ann Swartzendruber Tim Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Jeb Swartzentruber Margaret & Clayton+ Swartzentruber Alice Swift Bruce & Joy Thomas Roy & Carol Thomas Gladys Troyer LeRoy & Phyllis J Troyer Levi & Lillis Troyer Vaughn & Inga Troyer Judith Trumbo W Neil & Margaret Turner Warren & Linda Ann Tyson Marge Nussbaum Warkentin Pete & Mary Waybill

A Richard & Ruth Weaver Darrell R Weaver Dorothy Jean Weaver Irvin & Kathrine Weaver John & Margaret Weaver Ken Weaver Lester & Lena Weaver Sam Weaver Todd & Anne Weaver Chester & Sara Jane Wenger Ethel & Glen Wenger Linda Wenger Ruth & Don Wenger Roy & Esther Wert Shirley Western Connie & Hugh E Westfall Helen M Wetsel Sheldon & Mildred Whitmore Sr. Sheldon Whitmore Jr. Terry & Jennifer Whitmore E James & Rachel Witmer Esther Witmer Marie Wolgemuth Thelma B Wolgemuth Dwight & Sheryl Wyse Carol Yetzer Cora Yoder Doris A Yoder Dorothy Yoder Douglas & Vonda Yoder Ervin & Patricia Yoder Gary & Beth Yoder Grace W Yoder John & Arlene E Yoder Julia M Yoder Lonnie & Teresa B Yoder Martha Yoder Matilda M Yoder Roland & Dorothy Yoder Leo Yoder + Ruth Yothers LaVern & Mary Jane Yutzy Valentine & Anne Yutzy Howard & Ruby Zehr Lena Zehr Pearl A Zehr Donald & Priscilla Ziegler Earl & Ruth Zimmerman Karene & Mark Zimmerman Ethan Zook J Harold Zook Mary Zook + M Elaine Zuck

Recently Added Endowed Scholarships D. Jonathan Dutcher Teacher Education Endowment Fund John and Kathryn Fairfield Endowment Willis C. and Katherine Hertzler Hallman Endowed Scholarship Henneberger SVCC Endowment Bertha Roggie and Claire Roggie Endowed Scholarship

University Endowed Scholarships Alderfer Family Endowed Scholarship Alumni Scholarship American Minority Scholarship Myron Augsburger 5th President's Endowed Scholarship Edmund Bannerman Memorial Endowed Scholarship

E. Robert and Elva M. Bare Endowed Scholarship John and Ruth Bare Endowed Business Scholarship Frederick Beazley Endowed Scholars Grant Beidler Music Scholarship Linda Heatwole Bland Endowed Scholarship Julia Blough Music Endowed Scholarship Bowman Golf Endowment Warren Braun, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Brenneman-Longacher Math Endowed Scholarship Aaron and Esther Brubaker International Endowed Grant Fund Beryl Hartzler Brubaker Nursing Endowed Scholarship Charles and Joyce Longacre Brubaker Memorial Scholarship Darrel J. Brubaker Memorial Scholarship J. Lester and Lois Byler Brubaker Endowed Scholarship Michael B. Burgard Memorial Scholarship Marjorie V. Burkholder Endowed Scholarship Jesse T. and Betty Byler Endowed Scholarship Christopher Dock Valedictorian/ Salutatorian Scholarship Class of 1966 Endowed Scholarship Class of 1971 Endowed Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Collins Endowed Scholarship Copernicus Group Endowed Scholarship Croushorn Family Endowed Scholarship Deal-Thomas Families Endowment Delaware/Maryland Endowed Scholarship C.F. Derstine Endowed Scholarship Richard C. Detweiler 6th President's Endowed Scholarship Justus and Virginia Weaver Driver Endowed Scholarship EMU Business Scholarship EMU Endowed Benevolent Fund EMU Endowed Grant-in-Aid Scholarship EMU Nursing Endowed Scholarship Encore Endowed Scholarship Estep/Turner Endowed Scholarship Endowed Florida Scholarship Aid Fund Flynn Nursing Program Endowment Gregory A. Boyd Christus Victor Endowed Scholarship Matthew Garber Endowed Scholarship Ernest G. Gehman Endowed Scholarship Margaret Martin Gehman Endowed Scholarship Jan Mayer Glanzer Endowed Scholarship Esther Eby Glass Endowed Scholarship Saloma Bare Graber Theater Endowment Phillip and Joann Grayson Endowed Theater Artist and Scholar Award Paul T. and Marjorie Guengerich Endowed Scholarship R. Melvin and Nola M. Harnish Endowed Scholarship Marilyn Hartline Endowed Scholarship C. Clayton Hartzler Endowed Scholarship Bruce Chadwick Hatter Endowed Scholarship Haverim Endowed Scholarship Lisa Haverstick Endowed Memorial Nursing Laboratory Sarah W. Hedrick Endowed Scholarship G.W. and Osa Henderson Memorial Scholarship E. Grant and Sara Herr Endowed Scholarship Donald and Evelyn Hertzler Endowed Scholarship

John H. and Elsie Hess Family Endowment Paul Hill Endowed Scholarship Howard L Histand Endowed Bible Scholarship Honors Endowed Scholarship Hostetler Endowed Fund for Faculty Release Time Mervin and Fern Hostetler Endowed Educational Scholarship Jeff and Vicky Hostetler Endowed Scholarship International Student Scholarship Glenn Kauffman Chemistry Program Harry L. King Endowed Pre-Professional Health Science Scholarship William H. & Helene Knight Endowed Scholarship Miriam E. Krantz Endowed Scholarship Joseph and Milton Kraus Memorial Endowed Scholarship Greg and Ellen Lacher Endowed Scholarship Lancaster County Endowed Scholarship Elizabeth H. Landis Memorial Endowed Scholarship Miles B. and Anna G. Landis Endowed Scholarship John E. and Edith R. Lapp Endowed Scholarship Joseph Lamar Lapp Seventh President's Endowed Scholarship N. LeRoy and Catherine A. Lapp Endowed Scholarship Arlene Leatherman Endowed Scholarship Grace B. Lefever Endowed Scholarship David H. Lehman Family Endowed Scholarship Elton and Phyllis Lehman Endowed Scholarship John A. and Ruth S. Lehman Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship Longacre Family Endowed Business Chair Paul M. Longacre Food and Environment Endowed Scholarship Carol L. Longacre Endowed Scholarship Horace W. and Elizabeth G. Longacre Business Scholarship Rodney D. Longacre Memorial Endowed Scholarship Longenecker Family Endowed Grant Esther Metzler Martin Endowed Scholarship Gary and Patricia Martin Endowed Scholarship Ivan M. and Irene N. Martin Endowed Scholarship John D. and Mary A. Martin Endowed Scholarship John W. and Mary Ann Martin Endowed Scholarship Joseph and Nancy Noll Mast Endowed Scholarship Earl Maust Memorial Endowed Scholarship Ira E. and Helen B. Miller Endowed Scholarship J.B. and Ida Miller Endowed Business Scholarship Mary Louise Miller Memorial Endowed Education Scholarship Karen Albrecht Minter Endowed Scholarship Richard and Doris Souder Morgan Endowed Scholarship Catherine R. Mumaw Endowed Scholarship Esther Mosemann Mumaw Memorial Scholarship

John R. Mumaw Endowed Scholarship Native American Endowed Scholarship Kenneth B. and Lois H. Noll Endowed Scholarship Rhoda E. Nolt Endowed Scholarship Hubert R. and Mildred K. Pellman Endowed Literature Scholarship LeRoy and Elizabeth Lauver Pellman Endowed Scholarship Calvin W. and Freda Redekop Endowed International Scholarship Robel Education Endowed Scholarship Robel Math-Secondary Education Endowed Scholarship Clarence and Helen Rutt Endowed Scholarship for Science Carl S. Sauder Memorial Business Scholarship Sauder President's Scholarship Fund Walter and Mae Schlabach Endowed Scholarship Scottdale Mennonite Church Endowed Grant Fund Kathryn Seitz Endowed Scholarship SGA Need-Based Scholarship Endowment J. Donald and Jewell Yoder Shenk Endowed Scholarship John Carl and Jewel Harman Shenk Endowed Music Scholarship Sherwood Music Program Endowment Carl G. and Louise M. Showalter Endowed Scholarship Sara Ann Hess Showalter Memorial Scholarship Jacob B. Smith President's Scholarship Sanford and Gloria Snider Endowed Scholarship Edwin A. and Ruth K. Souder Endowed Scholarship M & M Souder Endowed Scholarship Norman and Arvilla Souder International Student Scholarship John L. Stauffer President's Scholarship Hubert and Elton Stearn Estep Endowed Music Scholarship Joanna Mae Steckley Memorial Scholarship Edith and Marilyn Steinbright Endowed Scholarship Dayton and Ruth Steiner Endowed Scholarship Aldon G. Stogdale Memorial Scholarship Grant M. Stoltzfus Endowed Scholarship Matthew Alan Styer Endowed VACA Scholarship Daniel B. and Grace F. Suter Scholarship Loren and Pat Swartzendruber Endowed Scholarship Transformative Nursing Grant Endowed Scholarship Maxine Troyer Memorial Endowed Scholarship Lucy Vance Endowed Scholarship Virginia Collegium Endowed Scholarship Wai-Ying Chan Endowed Scholarship M. Lloyd and Sara Weaver Endowed Scholarship R. Clair and Anna May Weaver Endowed Scholarship Victor F. Weaver Pennsylvania Endowed Scholarship Amos D. Wenger President's Endowed Scholarship Roy E. and Esther S. Wert Endowed Scholarship Hugh and Connie Westfall Endowed Scholarship Richard M. Whitmore Endowed Scholarship | crossroads | 45

Paul R. Sr. and Grace W. Yoder Endowed Scholarship Robert D. Yoder Endowed Scholarship I. Erwin and Nora E. Yothers Endowed Scholarship M. Elaine Zuck Endowed Scholarship Naomi W. Keiper Endowed Scholarship Kelifa Ali Memorial Endowed Scholarship Alpha & Omega Scholarship A. Don and Martha Augsburger Seminary Endowed Scholarship Myron Augsburger Endowed Chair of Theology Myron Augsburger Seminary Endowed Scholarship Dan and Grace Blosser Evangelism Endowed Scholarship Glendon and Dorothy Blosser Endowed Scholarship Mahlon and Pauline Blosser Endowed Scholarship Michael and Louise Blosser Endowed Scholarship Branch-Conrad Endowed Scholarship Wellington and Frances Cassel Endowed Internship Thomas and Nancy Coffman Endowed Scholarship Irvin and Margaret Cordell Endowed Scholarship Lewis and Mary Coss Church Leadership Endowed Scholarship Seminary CPE Program Endowment Earl R. and Emma S. Delp CECP Endowed Scholarship Norman H. and Virginia M. Derstine Endowed Scholarship Clyde and Beulah Fulmer Endowed Scholarship Amos C. Gerig Endowed Scholarship John F. Grove Seminary Endowed Scholarship Arthur K. and Lizzie Hackman Endowed Evangelism Fund Howard Histand CECP Endowed Scholarship Dean and Edna Hochstetler Endowed Education Fund B. Charles & Grace B. Hostetter Endowed Scholarship Nora Hostetter Internship for Mission Earl & Emma Byler King Endowed Scholarship Mary Elizabeth Kite Seminary Endowed Scholarship Lavonda J. Kreider Memorial Scholarship Lancaster Connections Seminary Endowed Scholarship C.D. and Vergie Lantz Endowed Scholarship Esther K. Lehman Endowed Scholarship John A. and Ruth S. Lehman Seminary Endowed Scholarship Richard and Jorene Martin Leadership Endowment Barbara Martin Seminary Endowed Scholarship John R. and Marian S. Martin Endowed Seminary Scholarship Lydia Slabaugh Martin Endowed Scholarship Roy and Ruth Martin Endowed Scholarship Roy and Ruth Martin Endowed Scholarship Ethel L. Mellinger Endowed Scholarship George T. and Grace K. Miller Hispanic Ministry Scholarship

46 | crossroads | fall/winter 2015-16

Orie O. and Elta Wolf Miller Endowed Grant Fund Miller-Howe Endowed Scholarship Marvin and Delores Nolt Evangelism & Church Planting Scholarship Urie and Miriam Peachey Family Endowed Scholarship Margaret Elizabeth Pepper Endowed Scholarship Elmo and Edith Piper Endowed Scholarship Paul M. and Beatrice Roth Pastoral Ministry Scholarship Lowell and Jueldine Rupp Endowed Scholarship Clarence and Helen Rutt Endowed Scholarship for Pastoral Studies H. R. Schertz Endowed Scholarship Seminary Grant-in-Aid Scholarship Jacob A. and Lucy Wenger Shenk Endowed Seminary Scholarship Margaret and Mary Florence Shenk Endowed Scholarship Norman G. and Jean Kraybill Shenk Seminary Scholarship Geraldine Estep Sherwood Seminary Endowed Scholarship Frank and Erica Shirk Seminary Endowed Scholarship Emma Frances Showalter Endowed Scholarship Howard D. and Irene G. Showalter Endowed Scholarship Mary M. Showalter Endowed Scholarship Roy D. and Victoria R. Simmons Endowed Scholarship Walter and Leanne Smith Anabaptist Heritage Scholarship Endowment Arlin S. and Ruth Wenger Snider Scholarship Lewis & Ethel Strite Seminary Endowed Scholarship Lewis E. and Ethel S. Strite Endowment for Preaching and Leadersh Nelson and Gloria Swope Seminary Endowed Scholarship Sem W. and Ruby K. Swope Endowed Scholarship Warren and Linda Tyson Pastoral Leadership Endowed Scholarship Dorothy Jean Weaver Endowed Scholarship Miriam L. Weaver Seminary Endowed Scholarship Samuel O. and Sarah A. Weaver Endowed Scholarship Chester L. and Sara Jane Wenger Endowed Scholarship Linden M. and Esther H. Wenger Seminary Scholarship John Wesley Endowed Seminary Scholarship Maggie Hamblen Wynne Endowed Seminary Scholarship Paul T. and Daisy B. Yoder Seminary Scholarship Walter and Leanne Smith Endowed Anabaptist Heritage Fund Alper Family Endowed Scholarship Adam Herr Baer Endowment for CJP Rose Landis Baer and Gerald R. Baer Endowed Scholarship John and Kathryn Fairfield Endowment for CJP Kay Koontz Gillette Endowed Scholarship Donald L. and Lillian E. Goodwin Endowed Scholarship John E. and Betty J. Kreider Endowed Scholarship for CJP

John Paul and Wendy Lederach Endowed Scholarship Payne Family Endowed Scholarship Payne Creative Initiatives Endowment Payne MA in Conflict Resolution Program Endowment Allen Grant Stoltzfus Endowed Scholarship H.D. Swartzendruber Family Endowed Scholarship Winston Fellows Program J. Harold Zook Endowment for CJP

Annual Grants and Scholarships Approved Unto God Grant-in-Aid Asian Women's Leadership in Peacebuilding Scholarship Fund Micah Berthold Memorial Grant Fund Linda Heatwole Bland Restricted Grant BridgeBuilders Tuition Grant Bridges to Education Scholarship J. Daryl and Cynthia Byler Scholarship Fund Center for Justice and Peacebuilding Scholarship Fund Church Revitalization and Conflict Prevention Practice Fund Abram H and Shirley B Clymer Scholarship CoachLink Pilot D. Jonathan Dutcher Teacher Education Grant Fund Estep/Sherwood Grant Fund Florida Grant-in-Aid Frazier Quarry Scholarship James and Joan Nissley Gingrich CJP Grant Fund James and Joan Gingrich Seminary Grant Fund James and Joan Gingrich Undergrad Grant Fund Joyce Hedrick Scholarship Wilmer and Velma Heisey Music Grant Fund Henneberger SVCC Grant Fund Paul S. Hill Grant Fund for Pre-Med Students IEP International Student Scholarship Award International Grant Fund The Iraqi Student Project Scholarship Fund Eastern Mennonite Seminary Keystone Scholarship Fund Michael and Joan King Creative Theology Grant Fund Korean Seminary Grant Fund Larry F and Mary Ann Kulp Scholarship Latin American CJP Student Scholarship Fund Luke 4:18 Grant Fund James I. and Marian Y. Payne CJP Student Scholarship Fund Philadelphia Scholarship Rutt/Aklu International Grant Seminary Grant Fund STAR Scholarship Fund STEP Scholarship Ruth Brunk Stoltzfus Grant Program for CJP Stoltzfus Student Financial Assistance Award Lewis & Ethel Strite Seminary Grant Fund Matthew Styer VACA Scholarship Grant Fund Theater Scholarship Grant Fund Undergraduate Need Based Grant Fund

M Lloyd and Sara Weaver Grant-in-Aid Linden Wenger Anabaptist Award Grant Emma Young Grant Fund Swan CTP Annual Scholarship

Supporting Churches . . .Through the matching church grant program and contributions to EMU Akron Mennonite Church Allensville Mennonite Church Antioch United Church of Christ Apostolic Christian Church Eastern Camp Assembly Mennonite Church Atlantic Northeast District COB Avalon Baptist Peace Memorial Church Bally Mennonite Church Bay Shore Mennonite Church Benton Mennonite Church Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship Berlin Mennonite Church Bethany Slavic Church Bethel Mennonite Church Bethlehem United Methodist Church Big Spring Mennonite Church Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Blooming Glen Mennonite Church Blossom Hill Mennonite Church Blue Ridge Chapel Church of the Brethren Blue Ridge Methodist Charge Bossler Mennonite Church Brethren Service Center Calvary United Methodist Church Central Mennonite Church Charlottesville Mennonite Church Christian Tabernacle Baptist Christ's Community Fellowship Church of the Savior Clinton Frame Mennonite Church Community Mennonite Church Community Mennonite Church of Lancaster Community Mennonite Fellowship Concerned Christian Baptist Church Conestoga Mennonite Church Connect Covenant Mennonite Fellowship Crossroads Mennonite Church Dayton Mennonite Church Deep Run Mennonite Church East Diller Mennonite Church Doylestown Mennonite Church East Bend Mennonite Church East Chestnut Street Mennonite Church Eastside Church Eden Mennonite Church Eighth Street Mennonite Church Elkton Pentecostal Church Emmanuel Assembly of God Emmanuel Mennonite Church Ephrata Church of the Brethren Evanston Mennonite Church Family of Hope Farmville United Methodist Church Fellowship Of Hope First Baptist Church First Deaf Mennonite Church First Mennonite Church - Bluffton First Mennonite Church - Indianapolis First Mennonite Church – Iowa City First Mennonite Church - Mountain Lake First Mennonite Church - Newton First Mennonite Church - Richmond First Mennonite Church of ChampaignUrbana

Eric, class of '03, and Jessica Stouff '03 Moyer live in Seattle, Washington, where Eric is a mechanical engineer with Boeing and Jessica is a biology teacher at Bellevue High School. Both benefited from endowed scholarships while attending EMU: “EMU provided us with the knowledge, experiences and friendships that will last a lifetime,” Jessica says. “We would never want another high school graduate to miss these opportunities due to financial constraints. We have been both blessed with careers that enable us to give to EMU just like some amazing people did for us 15 years ago.” The couple also supports Spruce Lake Wilderness Camp and Bethany Birches Camp. (Photo by Jon Styer)

First Mennonite Church of Reedley Flood City Church Forest Hills Mennonite Church Franconia Mennonite Church Freedom Fellowship Glade Mennonite Church Glenwood Mennonite Church Grace Mennonite Church Grace Mennonite Church Greater NJ Annual Conference of United Methodist Church Greencastle Presbyterian Church Harrisonburg Mennonite Church Hartville Area Mennonite Student Aid Hartville Mennonite Church Hesston Mennonite Church Hillcrest Baptist Church Holston Conference UMC Hopedale Mennonite Church Huntington Mennonite Church Hyattsville Mennonite Church Iglesia Unida de Avivamiento Immanuel Mennonite Church James Street Mennonite Church Kidron Mennonite Church Landisville Mennonite Church Laurel Street Mennonite Church Leetonia Mennonite Church LifeBridge Community Church Lindale Mennonite Church Little Capon Baptist Church Living Light Mennonite Church Living Word Christian Outreach Lockport Mennonite Church Lombard Mennonite Church Longenecker Mennonite Church Lost Creek Mennonite Church Manantial de Vida

Marion Mennonite Church Martinsburg Memorial Church of the Brethren Martinsburg Mennonite Church Maurertown Brethren Church Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren Mellinger Mennonite Church Mennonite Community Church Methacton Mennonite Church Metzler Mennonite Church Midway Mennonite Church Millersburg Mennonite Church Motley United Methodist Church Mount Clinton Mennonite Church Mount Jackson United Methodist Church Mount Joy Mennonite Church Mountville Mennonite Church Mt Bethel United Methodist Church Mt Tabor Brethren in Christ Mt Wilson Church of the Brethren Neffsville Mennonite Church New Bethel United Methodist Church New Life Lutheran Church New Providence Presbyterian Church North Baltimore Mennonite Church North Goshen Mennonite Church Oak Grove Mennonite Church Oak Hills Church Oakland Church of the Brethren Oakland United Methodist Church Ocran United Methodist Church Olive Mennonite Church Oxford Circle Mennonite Church Park View Mennonite Church Parkesburg Mennonite Church Peace Mennonite Church Philadelphia Praise Center Philippi Mennonite Church

Pilgrims Mennonite Church Pine Creek Chapel Plains Mennonite Church Prairie Street Mennonite Church Richmond Mennonite Fellowship Ridgeway Mennonite Church Rochester Mennonite Fellowship Rose Park United Methodist Church Rossmere Mennonite Church Saint John's United Methodist Church Salem Baptist Church Salem Mennonite Church Salem Mennonite Church Salford Mennonite Church San Antonio Mennonite Church Scottdale Mennonite Church Second Union Baptist Church Seventh Day Adventist Church Shalom Mennonite Church Shalom Mennonite Congregation Sharon Mennonite Church Silverwood Mennonite Church Slate Hill Mennonite Church Sonnenberg Mennonite Church Souderton Mennonite Church South Roanoke United Spring Creek Baptist Church Springdale Mennonite Church Springs Mennonite Church St Camillus Church St Joseph Church of Christ Staunton District United Methodist Church Sunnyside Mennonite Church Sunnyside Mennonite Church Swamp Mennonite Church Taftsville Chapel Mennonite Fellowship Tedrow Mennonite Church

Telluride Christian Fellowship The Bridge to Hope and New Life The Presbyterian Church, Sewickley The Upper Room Timberville Mennonite Church Tinkling Spring Presbyterian Church Trinity Baptist Church Trissels Mennonite Church University Mennonite Church Valley View Mennonite Church Victory Baptist Church Vincent Mennonite Church Virginia Beach Christian Church Virginia Mennonite Conference Wakeman's Grove Church Walnut Creek Mennonite Church Walnut Hill Mennonite Church Warwick River Mennonite Church Waterford Mennonite Church Waynesboro Mennonite Church Weavers Mennonite Church West Charleston Church of theBrethren West Clinton Mennonite Church West Philadelphia Mennonite Fellowship West Union Mennonite Church Whitestone Mennonite Church Wilkens Avenue Mennonite Church Williamsburg Mennonite Church Witmer Heights Mennonite Church Woodstock Presbyterian Church Word Ministries Church Yellow Creek Mennonite Church Zion Mennonite Church - Archbold Zion Mennonite Church - Broadway Zion Mennonite Church - Hubbard Zion Mennonite Church - Souderton | crossroads | 47

EMU Finances at a Glance For the fiscal years ending June 30, 2015 and 2014








Grants and contracts (government and nongovernment)



Auxiliary enterprises (such as room and board, apt. rentals, bookstore)



Other income (such as summer conference income, endowment earnings)









Academic support



Student services





Auxiliary enterprises



Institutional support










Total change in net assets (operating and non-operating)







OPERATING REVENUES Tuition and fees (net of student financial aid)

Total revenue and gains


Public service programs

Total operating expenses Change in net assets from operations (the difference between operating revenues and operating expenses)

NET ASSETS Beginning


These figures have been summarized from audited statements. For a complete financial statement, email your request to:

48 | crossroads | fall/winter 2015-16


David Yutzy '82 and Jewel Risser '82 Yutzy (left) with daughter-in-law Andrea Bowman '10 Yutzy, grandson Levi, and son Aaron Yutzy '10 stand in the dairy barns of the family-owned Windcrest Holsteins in Timberville, Virginia. Older son Ben Yutzy '06, not present, is also a partner. On the roof above are 1,798 solar panels that comprise the largest privately owned solar installation in the state. The $1.3-million project was completed in November 2015 with the help of a grant, tax credits and depreciation allowances; it is projected to pay for itself in less than five years, completely eliminating the farm's power bill. Read the full story at (search Yutzy). (Photo by Jon Styer)


Marti Eads, professor of English, was among a select group to participate in a summer history seminar at Yale University on slave narratives sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) and the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. Eads is on sabbatical this semester, involved in a multifaceted project that applies concepts of trauma awareness and healing to literary and personal narratives. Nancy Heisey SEM ‘94, professor of Bible and religion, has co-written with her sister M.J. Heisey Relief Work as Pilgrimage, Mademoiselle Miss Elsie in Southern France, 1945-1948 (Lexington Books, 2015). Through archival sources and personal narrative, the authors reflect on Elsie C. Bechtel’s work with Mennonite Central Committee and the complexity and significance of pilgrimage and humanitarian service as intercultural exchanges. Emily Peck-McClain, assistant professor in formation, preaching, and worship, Eastern Mennonite Seminary, has successfully defended her dissertation, “Revealing the Power: New Creation Epistemology for Adolescent Girls.” With its completion, Emily earned a Doctor of Theology degree from Duke University Divinity School.

Adam Posey ‘15 was named pitching coach to the baseball team. At EMU, he was an All-ODAC First Team selection in 2014, as well as earning two All-State First Team and All-Region honors. Jeff Shank ‘94 is the new director of alumni and parent engagement at EMU. Previously, he was superintendent at Sarasota Christian School in Florida.


John I. Smucker ‘56, New Holland, Pa., published a memoir From Bird-in-Hand to the Bronx (Masthof Press, 2015) about missionary work in New York City. Ruth Nisly ‘59, Portland, Ore., has published Roads Taken: A Memoir (2015), which chronicles her early years in Oregon’s Willamette Valley, her Mennonite education, and adventures living in five countries where she was an English teacher and social worker.


Ed Bontrager, ‘63, SEM ‘66, and Myron ‘55, SEM ‘58 and Esther Kniss ‘72 Augsburger, Harrisonburg, Va., led a spring Anabaptist heritage trip to Europe. Ed and his wife, Edie Shirk ‘66 Bontrager, have operated TravelVenture Tours since 1970, in conjunction with their pastoral ministry in several states.


Barbra Graber ‘76, Harrisonburg, Va., helped form SNAP-Menno, a chapter of the anti-abuse network Survivor’s Network for Those Abused by Priests (SNAP). SNAP-Menno provides a safe place, independent of institutional structures, for Mennonite-related survivors to seek healing. Barbra is a SNAP-trained survivor-advocate who plans to start a SNAP survivor support group in Harrisonburg this fall. She and other SNAP-Menno leaders are available for anonymous and confidential support. Graber is a former faculty member in the theater department. Rhoda Reinford ‘76 Charles, Lancaster, Pa., was named 2015 Alumni of the Year for Lancaster Mennonite School in recognition for her exemplary gifts to church leadership, education and the business community. Dean Stoesz ‘78, Akron, Pa., is the new CEO of Indian Creek Foundation, an organization that provides opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities of all ages to live in and enrich the community. For the past six years, he was CEO of Lighthouse Vocational Services in New Holland, a faith-based not-for-profit, and prior to that, a scientist who worked in manufacturing and research and development for pharmaceuticals. He received his MBA from Eastern University. He is a member

of Forest Hills Mennonite Church. He is married to Marcia Yoder ‘78 Stoesz and has two adult children.


Sharon López ‘83, Landisville, Pa., has been elected vice president of the Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA). She will become president of the 27,000-member statewide lawyers’ association in 2017. A Life Fellow of the PBA Bar Foundation, Sharon has been president and executive committee representative of the PBA Conference of County Bar Leaders. With the Lancaster Bar Association, she is currently a member of the Employment Law Section and the Judiciary Committee, and has chaired their diversity committee. In 2014, Sharon was honored by Widener University School of Law for her efforts to promote diversity in the legal profession. She is a past recipient of their Alumni Outstanding Service Award (2008).

Lucinda Swartzentruber ‘83, Keezletown, Va., was named educator of the year for Rockingham County, where she has taught for 18 years. She is a reading specialist at Plains Elementary School in Timberville. Amy Rosenberger ‘85, Philadelphia, Pa., was named a Best Lawyer in the 2016 edition of The Best Lawyers in America, one of the legal profession’s oldest and most respected peer-review publications. | crossroads | 49

Hoops Game Nets Funds

She works for the law firm of Willig, Williams and Davidson. With more than 15 years of experience as a labor practitioner, Amy represents labor unions and individual employees before state and federal courts and in arbitrations, negotiations and administrative proceedings.


Jeffrey (Jeff) Gingerich ‘90, Norristown, Pa., was appointed provost and vice president for academic affairs at Cabrini College.

(Photo by Jonathan Bush)

The Wreckin’ Royals were expected to lose, and lose big they did, 109-78, in front of about 200 fans during an Oct. 30 fundraising basketball game against the Streetball Kingz at Yoder Arena. The EMU Charity Classic was hosted by the Black Student Union (BSU), with funds supporting an alternative spring break civil rights trip planned jointly by BSU, the EMU Gospel Choir, and Y-Serve. The team included (back row, from left) Dominick Porter ‘07, men’s volleyball coach; student Jeremy Heizer; Daryl Bert ’97, vice president of finance; student James Williams; Eric Payne ’90, assistant women's basketball coach; Owen Byer, professor of mathematics; Jon Swartz MA, MDiv. ’14, restorative justice director; student Ben Emswiler; Zach Yoder, director of retention; Adam Posey ’14, pitching coach; fan Nora Osei '15, admissions counselor and (front row, from left) students Sam Wanga and Alexis Welch, a sophomore guard on the women's basketball team; David Evans, professor at Eastern Mennonite Seminary; students Phil Watson and Londen Wheeler.

Presidential Search Continues The EMU presidential search committee continues to make progress on the search for the institution’s ninth president, convening in October on campus for its second meeting. The 11-member committee is a diverse group that includes EMU and Mennonite Education Agency board members as well as alumni, professors, students, pastors and church and educational leaders. In April, President Loren Swartzendruber announced his intention to retire June 30, 2016. After a search committee was formed, more than 1,000 alumni, pastors and other stakeholders responded to a survey inviting input on the qualifications of the next EMU president. Additionally, listening sessions with EMU students, faculty and staff were held in September on campus. A presidential profile, formed with this input, can be viewed at Information about nominations and applications is also available on this webpage. The next meeting of the search committee will be in December.

50 | crossr oads | fall/winter 2015-16 50 | crossroads | fall 2007

Matthew (Matt) Tschetter ‘92, Kidron, Ohio, is the new donor relations associate for Ohio with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). Matt most recently served with MCC as Connecting Peoples Coordinator for Nicaragua and Costa Rica. He served on the MCC Great Lakes board from 2003 to 2012, and on the national board from 2008 to 2012. After graduating from EMU with degrees in youth ministry and organizational leadership, he earned a master’s in peace studies from Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, and is completing a master’s degree in community and international development from Andrews University. Philip Burkholder ‘92, York, Pa., has worked for the last six years at United Zion Retirement Community. He has worked in the profession for over 18 years. In 2013, he married Karen Burkholder. Robert (Bob) Yoder ’94, Goshen, In., recently published Helping Youth Grieve, The Good News of Biblical Lament (Resource Publications, 2015). Bob is campus pastor and assistant professor of ministry at Goshen College. He and his wife, Pamela, reside in Goshen with their two children, Josiah and Mira. Lorie Nichols Lucas ’95, Harrisonburg, Va., is an employee relations senior consultant for Wells Fargo. She and her husband Charles and two sons, Cooper and Jackson, attend Grace Covenant Church in Harrisonburg. Mark Schroeder ‘96, Austin, Texas, was recently promoted to vice president for international operations at Stratfor, a geopolitical analysis and advisory company in Austin. His new responsibilities include managing employees, contractors and information networks globally and integrating this information flow into Stratfor’s analysis and client services product portfolio; he also continues as the company’s lead geopolitical analyst for sub-Saharan Africa. Jessica King ‘96, Lancaster, Pa., was named to the Mayor’s Commission to Combat Poverty. She is the executive director of ASSETS Lancaster which

creates economic opportunity and cultivates entrepreneurial leadership to alleviate poverty and build vibrant, sustainable communities. April Beck ‘97, Archbold, Ohio, was selected as the Don’s Automotive Group Educator of the Year for 2015. She teaches at Wauseon Elementary School. “She goes beyond expectations to ensure all the children she is responsible for succeed,” wrote the parent who nominated her. Colleen Rhodes Keller ‘97, Carlsbad, N.M., is a special education teacher in Carlsbad Municipal Schools. She had worked in the admissions department at EMU for nine years after graduation. She and husband Clay Keller have two girls, Cayla and Cassie.


Chris ‘00 and Tanya Siemens ‘01 Hoover, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, recently welcomed daughter Mira to their family. They also have a fiveyear-old son, Leo. Tanya is currently on parental leave from her work as a child and family therapist, while Chris is a warehouse manager at Winnipeg Harvest. They attend Hope Mennonite Church. Luke Roth-Mullet ‘01, Hesston, Kan., is now vice president of operations at Excel Industries, Inc. Shanti Martin Brown ‘01, Silver Spring, Md., works as a staff attorney with Ayuda, a social service nonprofit that offers legal, social and language services to immigrants in and around Washington D.C. She is an expert in special immigrant juvenile status. Mindy Nolt '01, Lancaster, Pa., is associate pastor at Blossom Hill Mennonite Church in Lancaster. She was licensed to ministry Oct. 18, 2015.

Angie Breneman class of ‘02, Lancaster, Pa., is a discipleship trainer at Eastern Mennonite Missions, where she coordinates training and provides mentoring for young adults who serve short-term missions in the YES program. Angie was the subject of a June feature article in LancasterOnline. From 2009 to 2014, she served with EMM as an English teacher at a university in Southeast Asia. Part of her work was to help build relationships between young Christians and Muslims. Annie Lengacher Browning ‘02, Englewood, Co., is acting conference minister for Mountain States Mennonite Conference. Ashley Sauder Miller ‘03, Harrisonburg, Va., presented an exhibit titled “Fixers” at Bridgewater College. The exhibition consisted of mixed-media works on paper, canvas and panels that incorporated imagery of chairs. The chair imagery began out of a practical need to fix an heirloom rocking chair Miller received following the death of her

Nominate Someone for an Alumni Award! At Homecoming each October, EMU confers three alumni awards: 1) Alumnus/a of the Year; 2) Distinguished Service and 3) Outstanding Young Alumnus/a of the Year. To nominate someone, use the online form at or send nominations to Jeff Shank, Director of Alumni and Parent Engagement, 1200 Park Rd., Harrisonburg, VA 22802. You may also email your nominations to Please include the nominees' names, approximate years of graduation (to help us distinguish the correct person), and explain the reasons why they deserve the award in up to 500 words (approximately 1-2 double-spaced pages). DEADLINE: March 31, 2016 Alumnus/a of the Year nominees much possess a degree conferred by EMU or have attended EMU at least two years; they should have made a significant impact on their profession, church, community, family or the world. The Distinguished Service Award has similar requirements, with an additional emphasis on contributions in the area of service or peacemaking. Outstanding Young Alumnus/a of the Year candidates have graduated from EMU within the last 15 years. grandmother. “Collaged and woven into these pieces are drawings, photography and mark-making of four generations: my late grandfather, late father, my own and my children’s.” Miller earned an MFA in painting and drawing from James Madison University and is director of the Spitzer Art Center in Harrisonburg. Naomi Gorton ‘03 Jones, Charlottesville, Va., is a nurse anesthetist (CRNA) specialist with Anesthesia Associates of Richmond. Her husband, Randy, is a professor of nursing at University of Virginia. Hanna Martin ‘05 Reinford, Broadway, Va., is a physician’s assistant at New Market Family Practice. Erica Kraybill ‘06, College Park, Md., received her master’s in teaching English from the University of Maryland in May. Paul (Danny) Yoder ‘06, New York City, N.Y., recently completed his master’s degree in city and regional planning from Rutgers University with a focus in transportation policy and planning, where he also received the Mortensen/Voorhees Award for Achievement in Transportation Studies. Since March, he has worked as a project manager with the New York City Department of Transportation. He manages neighborhood transportation studies and a program that builds better bus stops under elevated subway lines. Nathan Mishler ‘07, College Park, Md., received his master’s in social work from the University of Maryland in May. Maria Hoover ‘07 Holsopple, Arlington, Va., was named program director of a new master’s degree program at Georgetown University in global strategic communications. The program features online coursework and residency work in cities around the world. “I will be assisting students to make sure they are successful in the program and planning the logistics for the residencies,” she says. Michelle Kennel ‘09 Shenk, Queens, N.Y., graduated from Teachers College, Columbia University in May with a master’s of education in mental health counseling.

Angela Carter ‘09, Harrisonburg, Va., published a poetry collection, Memory Chose a Woman’s Body (Unbound Content, 2014), and is currently at work on her second full-length poetry collection and a novel. A 2014 Pushcart Prize nominee, she is also an artist and a frequent speaker on abuse and depression awareness. Rachel Ringenberg Miller, SEM ’07, Portland, Ore., began a new position in September as pastor to Shalom Mennonite Church, Newton, Kansas. Jarem Sawatsky, MA ‘01 (conflict transformation), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, has started a blog called “Dancing with Elephants: A Beginners Guide to Going Insane” ( to chronicle his experiences of living with Huntington’s Disease. Jarem reports, “I am stumbling (literally) my way into learning about loving, letting go and living in the now. My blog tells the ongoing story of trying to use the tools of peace-building and nonviolence to approach dementia in a healing way.” Jarem is emeritus professor of peace and conflict transformation studies at Canadian Mennonite University. Ali Gohar, MA ‘03 (conflict transformation), West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, presented a session on reintegrating ex-prisoners using restorative justice practices at the first international conference on restorative justice at Dhaka University, Bangladesh, in August. Jeremy Simons, MA ’02 (conflict transformation), who works with the Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute, also presented, as did M. Asadullah, MA ‘11 (see next page). Elena Huegel, MA ‘07 (conflict transformation), Talca, Chile, has published The Earless Man from Chile (Chalice Press, 2015), a book of testimonies and stories from Chile and Paraguay, with proceeds from the sales supporting the work of Global Ministries. Marie-Jose Tayah, MA ‘08 (conflict transformation), Genève, Switzerland, is working with the International Labour Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations. She focuses on

University shows thriving enrollment numbers GRAD PROGRAMS GROW SIGNIFICANTLY EMU’s graduate programs, with a total number of 450 students compared to last year’s 356, recorded a 26.4 percent increase in enrollment. This number excludes the seminary. The 201516 figures were released by the registrar’s office following the university’s official census date of Sept. 14. Seven of the nine programs gained students, with the master’s in education program, offered at EMU and at the Lancaster site, showing the most growth. The program for working teachers has the largest number of part-time students (197 at both Harrisonburg and Lancaster campuses). After a significant broadening of program offerings in 2014 – three graduate programs debuted in organizational leadership, interdisciplinary studies and a collaborative Master of Business Administration (MBA) – EMU began offering just one new concentration, restorative justice in education. That program, the first of its kind in the United States, has been a significant draw. LARGEST FIRST-YEAR CLASS SETS RECORD ENROLLMENT EMU’s incoming traditional undergraduate first-year class, numbering 257 students, is the largest in several decades. From 2001 to 2010, EMU averaged 205 first-year students, according to past records. As for diversity, a record-high number of students who are ethnic minorities or come from other countries is reflected in 37 percent of this fall’s undergraduate students. That number is up from 36 percent a year ago and 29 percent the year before. In-state students continue to increase, with 61 percent compared to 57 percent last year. This first-year class added more students admitted to the Honors Program, and came in with higher SAT scores and grade-point averages than the previous class. SEMINARY OFFERS DUAL DEGREE PROGRAMS After graduating the largest class in recent history, seminary enrollment has stayed steady at 133 students. One draw has been three innovative dual degree programs offered in conjunction with the seminary. The master’s of divinity can be paired with graduate programs leading to a master’s degree in counseling, conflict transformation or business administration. The increase in part-time students can also be traced to the successful inaugural offering of a hybrid program, which combines distance learning with one-week residential sessions. Seminary students include 57 Mennonites, but also 25 students from the United Methodist Church. In the summer of 2014, the United Methodist Church re-approved EMS – for another four years − for for the training of its pastors. A total of 1,908 students registered for class at the beginning of the fall semester; this number includes statistics from all of EMU’s programs. | crossroads | 51

the migrant domestic work sector and global migration governance.


Boris Ozuna, ‘11, Harrisonburg, Va., is the new director of the Harrisonburg International Festival. A native of Columbia, Boris worked for literacy and homeless centers in Washington D.C. after graduation. He is currently working on a master’s in conflict transformation at CJP.

(Photo courtesty of Karla Hovde)

Nine alumni around the globe with SALT They are individuals willing to get their hands dirty, be flexible, make mistakes, be challenged, and to live simply in communities around the world. They do not come as experts, but as people who have a desire to learn from others, value building relationships, and are passionate about working for peace and social justice. This is how Wade Snowdon, coordinator of the Serving and Learning Together (SALT) program, characterizes volunteers, ages 18-30, who decide to spend a year of service with Mennonite Central Committee. Nine EMU alumni were among 51 “SALTers” headed off to their new assignments around the globe this fall. James Souder ’13, Harrisonburg, Virginia, is a communication and documentation assistant with MCC in Burkina Faso. Chaska Yoder ’14, Plain City, Ohio, is the youth activities assistant in the Chaldean Archdiocese of Erbil, Iraq. Dominik Berthold ’14, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is the exit program manager at Lily of the Valley Children’s Village in South Africa. Donavan Duttweiler ’14, Nunda, New York, is a community worker in Lieux de Vie in Burkina Faso. Karla Hovde ’15, Mulberry, Indiana, is a social media assistant with Basha Enterprises, Ltd., in Bangladesh. David Hooley ’15, Bluffton, Ohio, is a teaching and IT assistant at Songhor Secondary School in Kenya. Jesse Parker ’15, Wichita, Kansas, is an agricultural assistant at Anafora Retreat Centre in Egypt. Daniel Friesen ’15, Fresno, California, is a manuscript editor with The Gioi World Publishing House in Vietnam. Melinda Norris ’15, Staunton, Virginia, is an education assistant at Gateway Christian School in South Africa.

52 | crossr oads | fall/winter 2015-16 52 | crossroads | fall 2007

Jennifer Blankenship, ‘13, Harrisonburg, Va., is teaching health and physical education at Charterhouse School in Edinburg. She is also a health fitness specialist/personal trainer at the Rockingham Memorial Hospital Wellness Center and coaches girls’ varsity basketball at Eastern Mennonite High School. Nels Åkerson ‘13, Jamaica Plain, Mass., is working as a referral service coordinator at Massachusetts General Hospital. Prior to this, Nels taught Spanish to high school students in Mississippi for two years and is currently studying for his Massachusetts teacher certification exam. Daniel Shenk-Moreno ‘13, Nashua, N.H., is the operations director at Proactive Travel, an international travel and sports tours business. Jack Payden-Travers, Grad. Cert. ‘10 (conflict transformation), Lynchburg, Va., has been the executive director of the Peace Tax Fund since 2010. After a summer of studying Spanish with his grandchildren in Nicaragua, he is transitioning to a “new phase of life,” he says. He serves as the secretary of the Peace and Justice Studies Association. Saundra Levitz, MA ‘10 (conflict transformation), San Marcos, Calif., has a new job as health education teacher, specializing in restorative practices at Pueblo High School. M. Asadullah (Asad), MA ‘11 (conflict transformation), was a speaker at the first international conference on restorative justice at Dhaka University, Bangladesh, in August. He is a PhD student at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada. He also spoke at the Bangladesh Society of Criminology’s annual general meeting and to graduate students at the Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka. Scott Kim, MA ‘13 (conflict transformation), Rosthern, Saskatchewan, Canada, is a resident dean at Rosthern Junior College. By request from the Korean Anabaptist Centre, he is currently translating the book Healthy Organizations into Korean. This past summer, he instructed a course on conflict transformation in organizations at Northeast Regional Peacebuilding Institute (NARPI) in Mongolia. Jean Claude Nkundwa, MA ‘14 (conflict transformation), Kigali, Rwanda, has been nominated by a

Christian organization called Tearfund as an Inspired Individual. Tearfund seeks to identify, support and resource social entrepreneurs. Until he and his family moved to Burundi to escape political unrest, Jean Claude was working in Rwanda with churches and local and international organizations to support groups intervening and promoting violence prevention.


Stephanie Horst ‘99 to Pete Ruggieri, Sept. 27, 2014. Marsha Kanagy ‘10 to Jonathan Stanley, May 30, 2015.

Brittney Wenger ‘13 to Brad Garber, July 24, 2015. Nels Åkerson ‘13 to Kristin Bell ‘10, July 18, 2015. Bhara Nassar, MA ‘14 (conflict transformation), to Kiersten Rossetto ‘14, Oct 12, 2015.


Bethany Spicher ‘00 and Micah Schonberg, Huntington, Pa., Daniel Thomas, Feb. 2, 2015.

Amy Sauder ‘00 and Ted Lehman, Alexandria, Va., Salley Rose Hurst, Mar. 12, 2015. Chris ‘00 and Tanya Siemens ‘01 Hoover, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Mira Grace, Jan. 2, 2015. Naomi Gorton ‘03 and Randy Jones, Charlottesville, Va., Evangeline, Sept. 3, 2015. Peter ‘05 and Karalyn Derstine, Lansdale, Pa., Nolan Francis, July 20, 2015. Michael ‘05 and Lindsay Kisamore ‘09 Horst, Harrisonburg, Va., Elizabeth Suzanne, July 11, 2015. Amy Stutzman ‘05 and Chad King, Hoover, Ala., Ava Brielle, Sept. 1, 2014. Jason ‘06 and Alexis Sauder ‘06, MA ‘11 (education), Rutt, Harrisonburg, Va., James Micah, Feb. 26, 2015. Paul ‘06, MA ‘11 (education), and Katrina Martin ‘07 Yoder, Harrisonburg, Va., Isela Joy, May 23, 2013. Shannon Yoder ‘07 and Brandon Roth, Harrisonburg, Va., Tegan Laine, May 29, 2013, and Declan Kinnick, Feb. 10, 2015. Michael ‘09 and Rachael Clemmer ‘09 Charles, Lancaster, Pa., Meredith Olive, June 22, 2015. Jason ‘10 and Jennifer Christner ‘09 Godshall, Sarasota, Fla., Nathaniel Glenn, Oct. 4, 2015. Joel ‘10 and Mikaela Bender ‘08 Landis, Pasadena, Calif., Beckett Wade, May 6, 2015. Jacqueline (Jackie) Shock, MA ‘08 (conflict transformation), and Matt

Stewart, Beaver, Pa., Adeline Pearl, July 18, 2015. Amanda Morningstar, MA ‘14 (conflict transformation), Breezewood, Pa., Dietrick Oliver, July 31, 2015.


Archie Bontrager ‘38, Harrisonburg, Va., died, Dec. 16, 2014 at the age of 96. He was a self-employed carpenter who enjoyed farming and singing gospel music. He and his wife, Erma Greene Bontrager, attended Harrisonburg First Church of the Nazarene. He is survived by three children and their families who all live locally.

J. Paul Lauver, class of '42, LaGrange, Ind., died Oct. 10, 2013 at age of 90. He served with his wife as the first missionaries in Puerto Rico under the Mennonite Board of Missions from 1945 to 1957. In 1957, Paul became pastor of Marion Mennonite Church in Howe, Ind., where he served for over 27 years until his retirement in 1985. Additionally he taught high school Spanish and English and worked as a custodian at Howe Military School. Ruth Arlene Shue Weber ‘51. Lancaster, Pa., died Aug. 19, 2014 at the age of 86. Ruth volunteered with Mennonite Central Committee working with migrant laborers in New York during college. She and husband Elvin Weber ‘51 did several years of I-W service at Fairfield State Hospital in Newtown, Conn. Ruth devoted countless hours to community service through the women’s group at James Street Mennonite Church. Grace Mumaw ’54, Harrisonburg, Va., died July 8, 2015, at the age of 84. For 50 years, she worked in administration at Rockingham Memorial Hospital and Sunnyside Presbyterian Home in Harrisonburg; St. Joseph Hospital in Lancaster, Pa.; and George Washington University Hospital in Washington D.C. Grace enjoyed singing in the Shenandoah Valley Choral Society, and crocheting and quilting items for the Mennonite Central Committee sale. She was a member of Lindale Mennonite Church. Calvin Shenk ‘59, Harrisonburg, Va., died Sept. 18, 2015, at the age of 79. With his wife, Marie Hershey Leaman ‘59, SEM ’98, he taught in Ethiopia for 14 years. After earning a PhD in religious education from New York University, he joined the EMU faculty in 1976 and taught until his retirement in 2002. Marie, who also worked for the university, preceded him in death in 2010. Ruth Ellen Hartzler May ‘63, Broadway, Va., died Sept. 30, 2015. Ruth taught elementary school at Franconia Mennonite (now Penn View Christian School) and Greenwood Mennonite School before moving back to Harrisonburg. She worked at Mennonite Broadcasts and Rockingham Memorial Hospital for 34 years as a certified cardiograph technician.

Mildred Thomas Lam ‘71, Elkton, Va., died Oct. 6, 2015. She taught third grade for 30 years in Page and Rockingham counties. She was one of the last Virginia teachers to receive the Special Teachers’ Certificate while earning her degree. Raymond H. Denlinger ‘74, Ronks, Pa., died Aug. 25, 2015, at age 81. He was employed as a real estate agent for 55 years, retiring in 2014 from Kingsway Realty. He was a member of Neffsville Mennonite Church, where he sang in the choir and acted as song leader. He was also a member of the Lancaster Red Rose Barbershop Chorus, the Catalina “4,” the Lancaster Youth for Christ Quartet and the Heraldaires Quartet. Clara Bernice Miller, class of ‘84, Kalona, Iowa, died Sept. 26, 2015 at the age of 90. She and her husband, Wayne, lived for 27 years on a farm in southern Iowa. She was active in gardening, writing children’s books and served on different boards including the Decatur County Red Cross. She was active in later years at Kalona Mennonite Church. John H. Lapp ‘82, Port Allegany, Pa., died Sept. 30, 2015 at the age of 83. John was pastor from 1976 until 1997 at Birch Grove Mennonite Church. He then served as an interim pastor from 2004-2012 at both Chenunda Creek Mennonite Church and Birch Grove. John also owned and operated Lapp Farm from 1959 until 1993. Degree Key CLASS OF - attended as part of the class of a given graduation year HS - high school degree from era when high school and college were one MA - master of arts MDiv - master of divinity

Author and speaker Peter Block. (Photo courtesy of Peter Block)

“Leading into the Common Good”: EMU to host leadership conference Author and speaker Peter Block is among several notable speakers to come to Eastern Mennonite University for “Leading into the Common Good: an Anabaptist Perspective,” a conference for practitioners, scholars and students April 7-9, 2015. Block, a well-known expert on organizational development, community building and civic engagement, is the author of The Abundant Community: Awakening the Power of Families and Neighborhoods (2015), Community: The Structure of Belonging (2008), The Answer to How Is Yes: Acting on What Matters (2001), and Stewardship: Choosing Service Over Self Interest (1993). He is a supporter of the concept of “servant-leadership.” Other keynote speakers include: John Sharp, author of My Calling to Fulfill: The Orie O. Miller Story and historian; Lee Snyder, former vice president and academic dean at EMU who also served as interim provost for the 2008-09 school year;

SEM - attended the seminary

Mileposts is compiled by Jennifer Bauman, who may be reached at or at 540-432-4294. send news directly to jennifer or to Editorial Policy Milepost entries regarding alumni employment, degrees obtained from other universities, marriages, 50-year and 60-year anniversaries, births, adoptions, and deaths are printed on the basis of submissions from alumni or on the basis of publicly available information. We do not do further research to verify the accuracy of the information that alumni provide us, nor do we make judgment calls on the information that they wish to be published, beyond editing for clarity, conciseness and consistency of style. The information provided to us does not necessarily reflect the official policies of EMU or of its parent church, Mennonite Church USA.

John Stahl-Wert ’81, recognized expert in leadership and innovation; Rachel Waltner Goosen, professor of history at Washburn University; Phil Wenger ’82, executive director of Lancaster County Conservancy and former CEO of Isaac’s Famous Grilled Sandwiches. Workshop topics include developing shared vision, leading innovation, people management ethics, developing resilient organizations, and authentic leadership. Register at The conference is sponsored by EMU’s School of Graduate and Professional Studies, Mennonite Central Committe, MEDA, MHS, and the Anabaptist Center for Religion and Society. Co-sponsors include Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Bethel College, Bluffton University, Canadian Mennonite University, Conrad Grebel University College, Goshen College and Hesston College. | crossroads | 53

The EMU Alumni Council, in cooperation with the EMU Alumni and Parent Engagement Office, is launching the Reunion Giving Challenge! Alumni with a class year ending in “1” or “6” will compete this year. Here’s a chance for your class to show its Royal pride in anticipation of your class reunion during Homecoming Weekend 2016. Our goal is to create a fun competition between classes while at the same time increasing the number of alumni giving back to EMU. Why? Because giving to your alma mater matters - it sustains academic programs, supports current students and helps us attract and retain quality faculty members. And your class could enjoy a year as proud “owners” of the new Herm Trophy. The Herm Trophy will rotate from class to class and will be available for photos (social media bragging rights) at Homecoming. Throughout the year the trophy will be displayed on campus for all to see. Gifts given to any EMU fund by June 30, 2016 will count toward your classes’ total percentage of those giving to EMU. Standings will be available throughout the year in Crossroads, on our website at, and through emails. Let’s have some fun, support EMU, and see who wins! Can you give $10, $25, $50 or more and encourage your classmates to join in?




10% 2015-16


28% 2014-15


32% 2014-15


28% 2014-15












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14% 2014-15

1996 2001


























2015-16 54 | crossroads | fall/winter 2015-16

Who is a typical Jubilee Friend? … It’s YOU! If you support and believe in the future of EMU, then you would be a “typical” Jubilee Friend. A Jubilee Friend is a person of any age and wealth who has included EMU in their estate plan or made a deferred gift of real estate, stock or IRA contributions. Jubilee Friends have different reasons for supporting EMU, an organization that has been important in their life. What’s your reason?

Jill Gehman ’97, Jubilee Friend since ‘15: "EMU developed the person and professional that I am today." Jill Gehman ’97 serves as the associate clinical director of cardiovascular nursing at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Jill wanted to organize her estate plan by the time of her 40th birthday. Her attorney encouraged her to consider her legacy and how she could give her assets to further support her life work. EMU is where Jill says she became confident in her own thoughts and beliefs, and where she learned about the broader world, beyond that of her family’s Mennonite community. Her cross-cultural trip to Ghana was especially memorable, she says. EMU is “cutting edge as a Christian school” and Jill appreciates that the university embraces diversity.

Fae Miller ’58, Jubilee Friend since ‘13: “EMU’s work with peace is worldwide.” Fae Miller ’58 thinks fondly of her time at EMU, where she earned a nursing degree while on furlough from missionary service in Somalia: “I had a great experience with wonderful teachers and I thoroughly enjoyed the emphasis on service and peace.” The third of nine children, Fae grew up in Rickman, Ohio, during the Great Depression. Her family had always supported missionaries and she joined their ranks in 1953, becoming one of the first in Somalia, serving there for 30 years. Fae’s inclusion of EMU in her will and her lifetime financial donations to the university commemorate her life of giving.

Would you consider including EMU in your will? Contact Director of Planned Giving Jasmine A. Hardesty, Esq. at 540-432-4971 or Learn more about giving opportunities at

540-432-4971 • | crossroads | 55


1200 Park Road, Harrisonburg VA 22802-2462 Parents: If this is addressed to your son or daughter who has established a separate residence, please give us the new address. Call 540-432-4294 or email

next up...

A RETURN TO EDUCATION crossroads eastern mennonite university

The spring 2016 issue of Crossroads will focus on alumni working in the field of K-12 regular or alternative education as elementary, middle or high school teachers and administrators. Our last issue on this theme was in 2007, so we’d like to hear updates from recent graduates since this time, as well as from our veteran educators. Spring 2007

OUr ViSiOn...dO jUStice, lOVe mercy, walk hUmbly with gOd

VOl. 87, nO. 4

For those who graduated from EMU’s education program, but are engaged in another profession, we’re also interested to hear about how the skills, practice and perspectives of your education degree have impacted your current career choice. And we’d also like to hear reflections on the lessons, pedagogy and modeling of our professors, no matter your major: how were you uniquely prepared and who at EMU offered memorable lessons? In short, this issue will celebrate what makes the EMUeducated educator, and the vibrant university learning community itself, unique.

56 | crossroads | fall/winter 2015-16

If you are involved in education, please provide brief summary of your story via: Alternatively, if you’d like to respond with vignettes of your learning experiences at EMU or to share a story about a professor, email the editor at Or send information to the address listed in the Crossroads mailing box on this page. To help us plan and organize this spring issue, please send information by Feb. 15, 2016.

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