Crossroads Fall 2007 - Alumni Magazine of Eastern Mennonite University

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crossroads eastern mennonite university

2006-07 Annual Review

Targeting Our Higher Purpose fall 2007

Our mission... do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with God | crossroads | 1

vol. 88, No. 2

What We Believe

At 90 Years Our Vision

EMU envisions a learning community marked by academic excellence, creative process, professional competence, and passionate Christian faith, offering healing and hope in our diverse world. To this end, we commit ourselves to: do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

Our Mission

EMU educates students to live in a global context. Our Anabaptist Christian community challenges students to pursue their life calling through scholarly inquiry, artistic creation, guided practice, and life-changing cross-cultural encounter. We invite each person to experience Christ and follow His call to: witness faithfully, serve compassionately, and walk boldly in the way of nonviolence and peace.

Our Shared Values

EMU instills the enduring values of our Anabaptist tradition in each generation: Christian discipleship community, service, and peacebuilding. Together we worship God, seek truth, and care for each other. Please give us feedback on the above statement by completing the survey inserted in the middle of this magazine. The accompanying envelope can be used to return the survey, or make a contribution to EMU, Or do both.

About 1,200 people delighted in conductor Ken J. Nafziger’s review of 90 years of music at EMU during Homecoming and Family Weekend, Oct. 12-14, 2007. The multi-media performance was held on two successive evenings.

crossroads Fall 2007, Vol. 88, No. 2

Crossroads (USPS 174-860) is the quarterly magazine of Eastern Mennonite University, distributed to 16,000 alumni, students, parents and friends. Board of Trustees: Susan Godshall, chair, Mount Joy, Pa.; John M. Bomberger, Harrisonburg, Va.; Andrew Dula, Lancaster, Pa.; Gilberto Flores, Newton, Kan.; Curtis D. Hartman, Harrisonburg, Va.; Shirley Hochstetler, Kidron, Ohio; Gerald (Gerry) R. Horst, New Holland, Pa.; Joan King, Telford, Pa.; Linford D. King, Lancaster, Pa.; Herb H. Noll, Lancaster, Pa.; Kathleen (Kay) Nussbaum, Grant, Minn.; Kathy Keener Shantz, Lancaster, Pa.; J. Richard Thomas, Ronks, Pa.; Lillis Troyer, Walnut Creek, Ohio; Diane Z. Umble, Lancaster, Pa.; Paul R. Yoder, Jr., Harrisonburg, Va. Associate trustees: Myron E. Blosser, Harrisonburg, Va.; Steve Brenneman, Nappanee, Ind.; Robert (Bob) P. Hostetler, Erie, Pa.; Clyde G. Kratz, Broadway, Va.; Amy L. Rush, Harrisonburg, Va.; Dan Garber, Hutchinson, Kan.; Carlos Romero, Mennonite Education Agency rep, Goshen, Ind.; Judith Trumbo, Broadway, Va. Loren Swartzendruber, president; Beryl Brubaker, provost; Kirk Shisler, v-p for advancement; Andrea Schrock Wenger, marketing/communications director. Bonnie Price Lofton Editor/writer

Matthew Styer Designer/photographer

Paul T. Yoder Mileposts editor

Jim Bishop Public information officer

Marcy Gineris Web content manager

Jason Garber Web\new media coord.

Lindsey Roeschley Project coordinator

Jon Styer Assistant designer

Cover photo: Pictured in the 1949 Shen yearbook, Pauline Peachey ’53 Lehman and Mary Louise Yoder ’49 Hertzler take aim with their archery bows on the Hill above Eastern Mennonite. Photo from the historical archives in the Sadie Hartzler Library at EMU. Who Gets Crossroads? Due to the high cost of mailing Crossroads outside of North America, we do not send all four issues per year to alumni living beyond the United States and Canada, UNLESS REQUESTED. If you wish to receive all issues published per year – and not just the fall annual report sent to everyone – please notify the editor at All current donors to EMU living anywhere will continue to receive each issue. Crossroads also can be read online at

POSTMASTER: Submit address changes to: Crossroads Eastern Mennonite University 1200 Park Road Harrisonburg, VA 22802 (540) 432-4000

2 | crossroads | fall 2007



year in review

Alumni Council Executive Officers Evelyn Hertzler Louise Hostetter Sanford Snider John R. Martin Douglas Nyce Alumni Council Representatives Randall Bowman Ruel Burkholder Charles Dameron Andrew Dula Susan E. Godshall Steven Hunsberger Marvin Holsopple Clyde Kratz Jewel H. Shenk Linford Stutzman Larry Swartzendruber


who did what

President’s Cabinet Loren Swartzendruber, president Beryl Brubaker, provost Marie Morris, vice president and undergraduate academic dean Ken L. Nafziger, vice president for student life Ron Piper, vice president for finance Kirk Shisler, vice president for advancement Ervin Stutzman, vice president and seminary dean Twila King Yoder, assistant to the president Owen Byer, undergraduate faculty rep, ’07-08 Jayne Docherty, graduate faculty representative, ’07-08

Parent Council Members James and Emily Åkerson Dave and Debra Bauman Eudina Boodie Titus and Deb Dutcher Linford and Beth Ann Good Ellis and Rita Miller Kendall Musselman Kenneth L. Nafziger, Randy and Donna Newman Douglas Nyce Dale and Dorca Ressler Rich and Bonnie Sauder Tim Wiens and Mary Jo Schumacher Mark and Michelle Thudium Curtis and Lois Yoder

In this issue


Academic Department Chairs & Administrative Supervisors Beth Aracena, global village and cross cultural programs Elaine Zook Barge, Seminars on Trauma Awareness and Resilience Greg Becker, auxiliary services Kim Brenneman, psychology Brian Martin Burkholder, campus ministries Sue Cockley, adult degree completion program David Detrow, registrar Deanna Durham, community learning Vi Dutcher, language and literature Marcy Engle, human resources Cathy Smeltzer Erb, education, graduate and undergraduate Spencer Cowles, business and economics David Glanzer, masters in counseling Doug Graber-Neufeld, chemistry and biology Linda Gnagey, academic support center Joan Griffing, music Cyndi Gusler, visual and communication arts, co-chair Phil Helmuth, development and church relations Nancy Heisey, Bible and religion Michele Hensley, financial assistance Jerry Holsopple, visual and communication arts, co-chair Jan Jenner, Practice Institute Jan Kauffman, housing and resident life David King, athletics Eldon Kurtz, physical plant Allon Lefever, masters in business administration Pat Hostetter Martin, Summer Peacebuilding Institute Michael Medley, Intensive English Program Elroy Miller, sociology and social work BJ Miller, institutional research Kevin Nickel, finance/controller Douglas Nyce, alumni and parent relations Patrick Reynolds, theater Gloria Rhodes, justice, peace and conflict studies Lynn Roth, Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, executive director Jack Rutt, information systems Pamela Rutt, masters in education, Lancaster Kimberly Schmidt, Washington Community Scholars Center Stephanie Shafer, undergraduate admissions Priscilla Simmons, adult degree completion program, RN to BSN, Lancaster Donald Smeeton, library Deirdre Smeltzer, mathematical sciences Mary Sprunger, history Margaret Upton, health services Andrea Schrock Wenger, marketing and communications Mark Wenger, pastoral studies, Lancaster Arlene Wiens, nursing Lester Zook, physical education and recreation

In a September 13, 2007, interview with Loren Swartzendruber, Crossroads invited the president to reflect on Eastern Mennonite University’s distinctive role in the world of higher education. Dr. Swartzendruber is the eighth president of EMU, beginning his service in January 2004. He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, an American Baptist institution in Lombard, Illinois.


Our Voice Is Needed

Please comment on this quotation from Excellence Without Soul: How a Great University Forgot Education, a 2005 book by Harry R. Lewis, dean of Harvard College from 1995 to 2003: “Universities have forgotten their larger educational role for college students. They succeed, better than ever, as creators and repositories of knowledge. But they have forgotten that the fundamental job of undergraduate education is to turn 18- and 19-year-olds into 21- and 22-year-olds, to help them grow up, to learn who they are, to search for a larger purpose in their lives, and to leave college as better human beings.”

I think Dr. Lewis is right – we don’t simply exist to disseminate knowledge. The real issue is that education needs to be about maturation, needs to be about helping students gain the tools to learn their entire lives. We do that here, but we do more. We

unabashedly help young adults mature spiritually. We talk about faith. It comes up all the time, informally and formally. Not in an in-your-face kind of way, but in a conversational style. We are calling people – young adults, ourselves – to faithful living as individuals. In addition to that, though, we also ask, “What does it mean to live in this society as people of God who care about the larger world?” Social ethics becomes an important discussion. The Bible talks more about poverty and the poor than it does about a lot of other issues. So here at EMU we ask about faith and poverty: What does it mean to live in a country where some people live below the poverty line? What does it mean when people don’t have access to health care? How can I as a person of faith allow that to happen without debate and dialogue? | crossroads | 3


Does being Mennonite – and stating it frankly in the university’s name – overly narrow EMU’s field of recruitment for students?


When someone casually asks, “What is a Mennonite?” – how do you answer?

This often happens when I fall into conversation with someone on an airplane. Usually I ask back: “What do you know?” Often people will say, “I’ve been to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I know who Mennonites are.” They’re usually referring to the culturally conservative Mennonites in distinctive dress and perhaps in buggies. In which case I will respond: “But there were a whole lot of Mennonites on the streets of Lancaster that you didn’t realize were Mennonite.” Then I’ll explain that we are an orthodox Christian group that had its beginnings in the early 1500s in the Reformation. We are one of the smaller Christian denominations, but we are not a cult. We are a Christian denomination that believes in non-violence as a better way to address the world’s problems and as being more faithful to what Jesus taught. This doesn’t mean that we think everybody else has to see it the way we do. But it does mean that our voice is needed and we shouldn’t back off from sharing that witness. 4 | crossroads | fall 2007

I’ve jokingly, but often said, when Notre Dame decides not to be Catholic then we’ll decide not to be Mennonite. Actually about 50% of our students are from other faiths, and I deeply value these students. But I do think we need a critical mass of students who embrace Anabaptist values to retain our identity and distinctiveness. I have often said EMU probably never will grow as big as some other evangelical colleges or as big as some secular colleges. On the evangelical side, if you have an identity that’s not tied to a denomination but is generic Christian, you have a huge market. There are a lot of Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians in this country, and they will often feel comfortable with generic Christian colleges. If you have a denominational identity, then that narrows your market, particularly if it is a denomination that’s not very large and has minority views, such as being pacifist. I happen to think that being a university with a distinctive Anabaptist flavor is something that offers the world another option. It’s not going to be attractive to everybody. So EMU will be relatively smaller. Not by design. It is just the way it is. I’m okay with that because I think if we lost that identity, the world would not be as well off. At the same time, I believe that we would be very attractive to students from other denominations that share our distinctive values. That is a marketing challenge – to get our message to them.


Why does EMU admit nonChristians, such as Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and Hindus?

Many Christian colleges require signed faith statements. Some make incoming students sign very, very specific statements in terms of actual beliefs. I find that ironic. If we are preparing people to share their faith openly, then why wouldn’t we have a campus that has people of different faiths so we can have that dialogue? Also, we’re often dealing with people who are still forming their beliefs, so to ask them to sign a particular document at the age of 17 implies that they have it all figured out, and I don’t think that seems appropriate. I believe we should have all kinds of conversations about what it means to be a Christian with those who aren’t Christian. Not in a coercive kind of way, but in a way that’s invitational as we say: “This is what we think it means to follow Jesus and here’s how we do it.” Part of the problem in our world is there are people of other faiths for whom a Christian is not something they really want to be. I mean if the only Christians they’ve ever known are those who want to blast them off the face of the earth, that’s not very invitational.


How does EMU reconcile its need, on one hand, for generous donations from alumni to modernize our facilities and to offer financial aid with, on the other hand, its emphasis on producing graduates who lead lives of humble service?


What do you think attracts the 50% of students who are not Mennonite here?


EMU attracts people of all kinds who What is your hope for are seeking an alternative to the kind of our graduates? soul-less education – one that lacks larger purpose – that Dr. Lewis described at today’s Harvard University. Our undergraduI would like our graduates to change the ates tend to be people who are willing to world by leaving EMU thoroughly committake some risks. For example, we expect our ted to offering their gifts in the service of students to immerse themselves in a culture others. The first reason to live and work is different from their own because we feel you to serve God and others. So if our graduates can’t be well-educated without cross-cultural are entrepreneurs in business, they do it beawareness. Our alumni often say their cross- cause they love to create jobs and meaning, cultural semester was the most important and they produce a product or service that part of their EMU experience. is useful. Many of our graduates will go into EMU also attracts a lot of students from education, social work, medicine…but they abroad who are not Mennonite, probably will, I hope, all choose those vocations out because we work hard to welcome them and of their core values, rooted in their faith. help them adapt. We learn from them, as If our graduates are in their vocations for well as teach them. I think they find the atthe purpose of serving others, then that will mosphere of sharing, of respected exchange, change the world. Our graduates underattractive. I can think of a number of cases stand, I hope, that they are part of a comwhere we educated the father or mother munity – I know that’s an overused word from a foreign country and now they are – but they are not just individuals, they are sending us their children to educate. And part of God’s movement in the world to they aren’t necessarily Mennonite. change the world for the better.

I don’t think that wealth in and of itself is a bad thing. There are people who take that position; there are some people who would be more of the mind that if somebody has wealth it probably means they did something unethical to get it. I’ve met far too many people of wealth for whom that just doesn’t fit. Many of them started with an idea. They were creative, visionary. They started a business and it became successful. Many of them are incredibly generous, often without any hunger for recognition. They just love EMU and want to support it. I had donors ask me just two days ago, “Should we donate to Mennonite Central Committee or Eastern Mennonite University?” This is a couple of considerable wealth who have lived frugally all their lives. They invested in land years ago and it has become very valuable. They care about the whole church. The husband asked me, “Should I give it to feed the poor, or should I give it to EMU?” My answer was, first of all, I support Mennonite Central Committee too. Secondly, Mennonite Central Committee cannot do what it does without personnel, and personnel are going to come from us, or institutions like us. If everybody sends their money only to relief organizations and doesn’t send their money to help train people to do the relief work, the work won’t get done. So there has to be a balance. | crossroads | 5


What do you regard as EMU’s superlatives?

There is a level of community and of personal relationships on our campus that is pretty phenomenal. Part of that is due to size, but not all of it. I hear this from alums: “You know, I could just walk in and talk to ‘Mark.’ It’s not ‘Dr. So-and-So.’” A high percentage of our faculty members have their doctorates. They are well trained academically. But they are individuals. They are people. What happens when they go to chapel and David King is our song leader? He is our director of athletics. He can also be found volunteering at the Mennonite Relief Sale and on the sidelines as the proud parent of a student-athlete. So our students see our faculty and staff in a wide range of roles. They get to know them as wellrounded people. You don’t see that on many campuses. Very few colleges are preparing people to engage in non-violent conflict transforma6 | crossroads | fall 2007

tion strategies, as we do. This comes right out of our theology, right out of our moral values. Today it is possible to point to places around the world where peace is taking root as a result of the efforts of our faculty and alumni. We ought to celebrate that. We at small private colleges actually do a better job of getting people into graduate schools than large universities do. So I don’t buy the idea that you have to go to a big university to get into medical school. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. Our students’ rate of acceptance into medical schools and other health graduate programs is close to 100%, which is more than double the national average. There are many universities in this country doing great things, but few doing what we do. Frankly, I don’t want this university to be like others, even if we remain relatively smaller. I want us to continue to respond to God’s call to alleviate suffering and to be good stewards of his creation.

President Loren Swartzendruber

Photos by Matthew Styer, Lindsey Roeschley and Jon Styer

year in review



2006 Undergraduate Fellow by The Fund for Theological Education. He is one of 70 students from across the country awarded a fellowship as part of the Fund’s efforts to encourage gifted young people to explore ministry as a vocation.

The fiscal year that closed on June 30, 2006, records $6,585,205 in total contributions, up 24 percent ($1,293,843) from the previous year. The $1.7 million donated to the University Fund is a new record. About $3 million of the total giving comes from alumni. Also, 175 faculty and staff members account for contributions of more than $112,000. More than 40 Mennonite youth from around the country participate in Y-LEAD, a series of workshops and worship services at EMU focusing on the question of whether leadership is worth the risk. Men’s basketball coach Kirby Dean ’92 lectures on “Leading with Integrity” at this conference. Howard Zehr, co-director of the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, makes his first visit to Japan—and is greeted with packed lecture halls and coverage in national publications. His 1990 book, Changing Lenses: A New Focus for Crime & Justice, was translated into Japanese in 2003. Two more of his books were released in Japanese in conjunction with his visit. (Later in the year Zehr receives major national awards for his work. For details, see annotation on page 15.)

Professor Nancy Good Sider (pictured) offers Seminars on Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR) to community and religious (Christian and Muslim) leaders in South Sudan, in which they explore trauma healing, justice, peacebuilding and self-care.

August A rising senior liberal arts major with minors in history, psychology, and Bible and religion, Timothy H. Shenk is named a

EMU gets a glowing entry as one of 50 colleges reviewed in the Intercollegiate Studies Institute’s Guide to All-American Colleges. The book’s editors say they chose to include EMU because it fit their criteria of colleges with strong “core values” and a curriculum that reflects the “vibrant intellectual traditions of the West.” ISI, a conservative think tank, lauded EMU’s “impressive” academics and commitment to Mennonite traditions, such as missions and peacemaking.

September EMU’s turf field, replacing one used for 17 years, is dedicated with thanks to donors who contributed to its $525,000 cost. The project includes widening the playing area, new fencing, retaining walls, enlarged areas for bleacher seating, safety netting on the ends, new goals and installing the new turf on the existing elastic layer, which was in very good condition. In its first weeks of | crossroads | 7

2006 use, EMU logs a 3-0 win in field hockey over Dickinson College. At the first men’s soccer game on the new turf, the Royals defeat Goshen College, 1-0, before about 1,600 fans.

nominational pastors group, students and faculty at nearby James Madison University and EMU, including a standing-room-only crowd in Lehman Auditorium. Chacour and EMU agreed to collaborate on developing a peace curriculum for Chacour’s educational institution in northern Galilee, which serves 3,000 Muslim, Christian, Jewish and Druze students.

At the first seminary convocation of the year, Dean Ervin Stutzman (pictured) calls for “transformation” of individuals and the seminary community. “Over the last number of years, we’ve been discussing God’s call for the seminary to engage in God’s mission in the world, to prepare leaders for the mission-driven church,” Stutzman says. “This year, the seminary community will focus on being transformed for that work, both as individuals and as an institution.”


Long-time EMU professor Hizkias Assefa (pictured) played a key role in the cease-fire negotiated in one of the most deadly war zones in the world – northern Uganda, which borders with South Sudan and Democratic Republic of the Congo. Assefa, who is one of the founders of EMU’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding and a longtime teacher at its Summer Peacebuilding Institute , co-mediated the sensitive peace talks, working in tandem with the vice president of South Sudan. Sigita Lukaviciute is the first graduate of Lithuania Christian College to enroll in EMU’s MBA program. Meanwhile, EMU consulted with Lithuania Christian in the launching of their own program, according to Allon Lefever, director of EMU’s MBA program. EMU also established a scholarship fund for Lithuania Christian College graduates who want to study at EMU. 8 | crossroads | fall 2007

EMU’s Alumna of the Year is Dr. Catherine Mumaw ’54 (pictured). For more than 30 years, Mumaw worked on issues of international development, home economics and maternal and child nutrition through teaching jobs at Goshen College and Oregon State University as well as mission postings in Nepal and dozens of other countries. Claude Good ’54 receives the Distinguished Service Award for his work with the Triqui Indians of Mexico. In addition to translating the Bible into the Triqui language, Good developed a treatment for roundworms that, for about two cents a pill, eradicates for the parasites that are the main cause of malnutrition in the native population.

Nearly 250 people – current students, former members, local church members – gathered to celebrate 85 years of ministry, service and outreach through the Young People’s Christian Association Oct. 14, as part of homecoming and family weekend. The gathering was emceed by John R. Martin, YPCA president in 1953 and ’54. The “Y,” as it is affectionately known, is the longest running student-led group in the school’s history. Invited and sponsored by EMU, Archbishop Elias Chacour, a Palestinian Arab, Christian and citizen of the modern state of Israel, brought his call for human understanding and practical response to the protracted conflict in the Middle East to the greater Harrisonburg area, Oct. 23-25. He addressed a service club, an interde-

The Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir (SVCC), in its 15th anniversary season, releases a Christmas album, “Silent Night.” The Concert Choir (ages 11-17), Treble Choir (ages 10-14) and combined Treble and

Preparatory Choirs (ages 8-11) are directed by Julia White. SVCC has grown to include 230 children in three auditioned choirs and five music courses for younger children. The choir has performed at Carnegie Hall, the White House, national music conferences, and dozens of other locations.

Arts attack! During the last week of November, small performing groups of faculty and students show up in unexpected places on campus at unexpected times, and perform music.


Students in the social work and applied sociology department collect $1,500 and purchase Christmas clothes and toys for some 40 needy area children. The 23 students who spent the fall semester in Switzerland and Italy present their memories and observations from the experience in chapel. Spring-semester crossculturals leave next month, one to India and another to Guatemala and Mexico. In the summer, students travel to Costa Rica, New York City, Peru, Spain, Morocco, the Mediterranean and Vietnam.

“Dialogue on Race Week” features a documentary on the descendants of slaves and slave owners coming together in healing. Will Hairston, grounds supervisor at EMU and a descendant of a large slave-owning family, and Sharon Lanier, a descendant of Sally Hemings and producer of the documentary, lead a discussion.

The men’s and women’s volleyball teams helped out with the organization Habitat for Humanity on Saturday, Nov. 11, in Harrisonburg. The National Collegiate Athletics Association and the Student Athlete Advisory Committee initiated this project by setting a goal of 60 percent participation among the Division III schools in Habitat-focused projects. Senior Kendra Nissley (pictured, right) is named to ESPN The Magazine’s Academic Division III Track and Field/Cross Country first team.

teamers and NSCAA All-American second teamers; Shaiebly is on the VaSID All-State Academic team.

A peace-worker who had received training at EMU’s Summer Peacebuilding Institute, Dr. Alharith Abdulhameed Hassan, a 56-year-old professor of psychiatry at the University of Baghdad, was shot and killed while traveling to work in Baghdad on Dec. 6. EMU administrator Jan Jenner said: “His death, among thousands and thousands in this tragic war, is a great loss to Iraq and to the human community as a whole.” A year previously, Tom Fox of Christian Peacemaker Teams (who had taken a peacebuilding class at EMU), also gave his life for peace in Iraq.


“3D Security Initiative,” which seeks to use defense, development and diplomacy (the three Ds) to promote peace, security and justice, is launched by Lisa Schirch, professor at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding. Several meetings with national leaders from the U.S. military, congressional staff, academics and non-governmental organizations are held. Schirch and an EMU colleague Jayne Docherty also attend the First Annual Security Strategy Seminar at the Army War College at Carlisle Barracks in Pennsylvania. Women’s soccer players Katie Lamm and Joy Shaiebly (pictured) are All-ODAC first

Dr. Daniel B. Suter (pictured, left), the namesake of EMU’s science center who developed the university’s pre-med program, dies at age 86. A 1940 graduate, he taught at EMU from 1948 to 1985 and enabled EMU graduates to enjoy a 85-100% acceptance rate into medical schools and other graduate health programs. Suter was an ordained minister in the Virginia Mennonite Conference, active on missions boards, a skilled woodworker and a dedicated singer of hymns. | crossroads | 9

January Martin Luther King Day observances at EMU include a gospel concert, candlelit prayer walk and a community recognition gathering. President Loren Swartzendruber accepts a second four-year term as the head of the university. The announcement is made just before Swartzendruber opens the spring semester’s first convocation. In his address, he states: “At EMU, we dare to declare that the purpose of this education is to equip every graduate to serve others. The essential question that should dominate our inquiry and our interactions with others is not, ‘Who am I?' as important as that is in the maturation process. The more transformative questions are, ‘Who is God and what is God calling me-and us-to be?’”

The seminary honors Ella May Miller and Ruth Brunk Stoltzfus ’37 (pictured above at right) for their work as radio pioneers. The two were the first Mennonite women to have a syndicated radio program; “Heart to Heart” was begun by Stoltzfus in 1950, and Miller hosted it from 1958 until 1976. At its height, the program was carried by more than 250 stations in the U.S. and Canada. Eastern Mennonite Seminary marks its 10th year of offering distance learning through online courses. Thirteen courses are offered online; students can get a certificate of theological study by completing 10 distance courses.

The coaching staff of the basketball team received recognition as the ODAC selected 10 | crossroads | fall 2007

EMU head coach Kevin Griffin (pictured) as the 2007 Women’s Basketball Coach of the Year. Griffin, in only his second season, helped guide the team to a third place finish in the conference


Sophomore Nathan Turner (pictured) is honored as Old Dominion Athletic Conference track athlete of the week. He qualifies for nationals held in OskhKosh, Wis., for the second consecutive season in the men’s shot put. He is ranked 11th nationally. A youth version of Seminars on Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR), headed by Vesna Hart, is offered in the New Orleans area to teachers, religious leaders, community workers desiring assistance for their work with teens traumatized by Hurricane Katrina. In his role as vice-chair of Mennonite Economic Development Associates, MBA director Allon Lefever (pictured) is one of five non-governmental leaders invited to share “best practices” at the White House Feb. 15 for reducing malaria. Lefever’s presentation to 120 attendees on the positive impact of insecticide-treated mosquito nets is interrupted by the surprise appearance of First Lady Laura Bush, who commends the group on its efforts. Management of WEMC, 91.7 FM, is taken over by James Madison University’s public radio station, WMRA. EMU retains the operating license for the station, started with financial gifts from the class of 1954, but WMRA’s management is responsible for daily operations and finances at WEMC. Spring Mission and Service Days includes a campus-wide effort to assemble health kits for distribution by Mennonite Central Committee in international refugee camps. The university produces 616 kits, each including one toothbrush, one squeeze-tube toothpaste, one wrapped bar of soap, one fingernail clipper and one hand towel.


On their way to play EMU in Sarasota, Fla., in a spring break game, the Bluffton (Ohio) baseball team’s bus crashes off an Atlanta interstate ramp. Five players, the driver and the driver’s wife are killed. Three days later, EMU takes Bluffton’s place in a scheduled a double-header with Hiram College. With “Bluffton” written on the sides of their caps, EMU wins both games on its sister school’s behalf. “We have this shared experience that we will never forget,” EMU president Loren Swartzendruber says.

Campus pastors from several Mennonite schools in the United States and Canada gather at EMU for meetings and worship. Topics discussed included spirituality, apathy, alcohol use and abuse, sexuality, diversity and hospitality.


The British Broadcasting Corporation films president Loren Swartzendruber’s chapel address on global warming and the care of God’s creation. The BBC broadcasts portions of his remarks as part of a show on Christians’ response to climate change issues. Dr. Swartzendruber’s stance is contrasted with that of the late Rev. Jerry Falwell, evangelist and founder of Liberty University (also in Virginia), who says “the jury is still out on global warming.” Softball coach J.D. McCurdy is named ODAC Co-Coach of the Year.

In indoor track, senior Jeremy Webster (pictured) and sophomore Nathan Turner are named NCAA All-Americans. The Board of Trustees authorizes preliminary planning and fundraising for the construction of new laboratory space and upgrade of Suter Science Center. The center was built in 1968, and houses classrooms, laboratories, a 300-seat auditorium, the Brackbill Planetarium and Hostetter Museum of Natural History. All five EMU pre-med students who applied for medical school are accepted. The university’s medical school acceptance rate over the last 20 years is about 85% – better than twice the national average of 40%. EMU’s men’s and women’s cross country teams achieve the highest grade point average in the nation among Division III schools in 2006. The men’s team finishes with a grade point average of 3.91 while the women’s team has a 3.76 GPA.

2007 Shenandoah Valley’s economy, according to the university’s Office of Institutional Research. With 360 employees, EMU is among Harrisonburg’s top 10 employers. EMU has 403 new graduates. The class of 2007 includes 302 undergraduates, 87 graduate scholars, 3 who received associate degrees and 11 earning graduate certificates. Lee F. Snyder, president emeritus of Bluffton University and former dean at EMU, gives the commencement address. The seminary awards 26 degrees; Gilberto Flores, minister for missional church advancement with Mennonite Church USA, gives the seminary graduation address.

Two university professors from Iran visit EMU to learn more about the school’s peace and justice studies programs and to propose academic relations between EMU and Mofid University in Qom, Iran. One of the professors, Ahmad Iravani, is also a visiting professor of Islamic law at Catholic University in Washington D.C.


In an attempted prank that went awry, a first-year student falls three stories while trying to put a 250-pound stuffed American bison from the Suter Science Center on the roof of Oakwood dormitory. The bison got returned unharmed to its display spot and the hospitalized student recovered from his injuries.

Clair Mellinger (pictured) retires after 37 years of teaching biology. Jay B. Landis retires after 50 years on the languages and literature faculty.

The men’s tennis team is moved from varsity to club status. About $20.6 million of EMU’s $28 million budget for fiscal year 2005-’06 went into the

The 12th annual Summer Peacebuilding Institute hosts 82 participants from 34 countries. Some of them join 125 campus visitors at “Hope for Peace Day,” consisting of forums, storytelling, youth activities, music, dance and fellowship. The first 11 graduates of EMU at Lancaster’s STEP program (Study and Training for Effective Pastoral Ministry) receive their degrees. | crossroads | 11

2007 Twelve undergraduate students from three area universities, including EMU, begin two months of intensive research in molecular biology to address questions in genetics, cells, tissues, organisms and ecosystems under a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Dr. Greta Ann Herrin (pictured), assistant professor of biology, is EMU’s faculty participant. The project provides research opportunities for students interested in molecular biology who aren’t enrolled at major research universities.

Steiner, who had led the teacher education department for 24 years, still chairs the masters program in education.

June The 15th annual Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival features pianist Janina Fialkowska playing two Chopin concerti, the Brahms “German Requiem,” and a Leipzig worship service, all under the direction of music professor Ken J. Nafziger.

Leadership of the undergraduate teacher education program switches from Donovan Steiner to Cathy Smeltzer Erb (pictured). 12 | crossroads | fall 2007

Lynn Roth (pictured) is named executive director of the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, effective in August. Since 1989, Roth had served as director of Mennonite Central Committee East Coast. Roth replaces co-directors Ruth H. Zimmerman and Dr. Howard Zehr. Zimmerman and her husband, Earl, become MCC country directors in India. Zehr desires to relinquish his administrative duties, but remains as professor of restorative justice.

A portrait of former president Joseph Lapp (Lapp family pictured) is unveiled in honor of his 16 years at the helm of EMU. During Lapp’s tenure, the institution changed from “college” to “university,” marking its expansion into graduate programs; the seminary and University Commons were constructed; and what is now the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding was launched. Upgrading aging buildings at EMU, including the Suter Science Center and the residence halls, is a priority, decided the board of trustees at its final meeting of the 2006-07 school year. EMU is in the midst of the “quiet phase” of a multi-year comprehensive campaign to raise funds necessary to keep EMU’s facilities current, while increasing endowment and annual funds for student financial aid. Upgrading the science facilities “is a priority if EMU is to continue to attract and produce top-quality science and health-science majors,” said president Loren Swartzendruber. The building plans hinge on securing “lead gifts” from donors to cover 75 percent of the cost of the projects. The board also authorized the formation of a task force to consider sprucing up the residence halls, making them more attractive for first-year students in particular.

who did what

on and off campus 2006-2007


The fall mainstage theater production was “Halcyon Days,” a dark political comedy, directed by Patrick Reynolds. The spring mainstage production: “Ti-Jean and His Brothers,” directed by Heidi Winters Vogel. Also: “Laundry and Bourbon,” “Medea,” and “Erase Una Vez, Maria y Jose” by Teatro Chirmol, an EMU bilingual theater group.

New faculty

Peter Dula ’92 (pictured, Bible and religion); Violet Dutcher (English); Toni Flanagan (teacher education); Greta Ann Herin (biology); James Leaman ’86 (business); Erica Lewis (nursing); Karen Madison Smith (nursing); Lara Scott (visual and communication arts); Matthew Siderhurst (chemistry); Heidi Winters Vogel (theater); and Judith Wilfong (teacher education).


Spencer Cowles (business and economics) spent his sabbatical working for MicroVest Capital Management, a unique Washington, D.C., investment bank for microfinance institutions in developing nations. He does ongoing contract work for the firm.

Visiting speakers

Palestinian peacemaker Elias Chacour (pictured); theology professor Norman Wirzba; minister Roy Hange; Sojourners editor David Batstone; psychologist Walter H. Smith; philosophy professor Gilbert Meilaender; psychology professor William Struthers; musicologist Miloš Velimirović; mission worker Rev. Lauren R. Stanley; homeless advocate Jessica Schuler; physician J.D. Miller; otolaryngologist Philip Zapanta; biologist Jonathan Leo; scientist Justin Brown; physician Karen Abraham; neurologist Mary Clark; medical technologist Candace M. Lambert; physicist Howard Van Till; and biological systems engineer Conrad Heatwole.

Campus music

Singer-songwriter Carrie Newcomer; Menno-folk Festival (Over the Rhine, Trent Wagler and the Steel Wheels, Sons of the Day, Jon Nafziger, et al.); singer Michael Card; EMU Chamber Singers (pictured), University Chorale and EMU–Community Orchestra performed | crossroads | 13

who did what Mozart’s “Requiem”; John Fast and Joan Griffing recital; Shenandoah Valley Youth Orchestra; Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir (alone and with the American Boychoir); Matthew Hunsberger ’02, baritone; EMU Wind Ensemble; Nate Bontrager ’07, cellist; music department faculty and guests, chamber music; Songs of Solomon gospel choir; African drummers from the University of Virginia; “Gospel Music Extravaganza”; Jonathan D. Keener ’07, pianist; “Go-DIVA—of song, silence, & the abuse of chocolate,” a nationally touring show starring EMU’s Jennifer Ann Cooper; EMU Jazz and Just Jazzin’; pianist Paulo Steinberg and the music of Brazil; Chamber Singers; and University Chorale.

and Anna Westfall. EMU student exhibits by Frank Ameka, Heidi Dye, Carrie Keagy, Matt Lam, Amanda Obuku, Melanie Pritchard, Jon Styer (artwork pictured), Sabrina Tusing, Jeremy Webster, Mary Yoder and Stephanie Yoder. ¶ Barbara Fast (visual and communication arts) had a solo exhibit at Bluffton College and was a visiting artist at the Pathways Visual Arts Vocations Symposium, also at Bluffton. She presented a seminar at the Mennonite Church USA Assembly in San Jose, Calif., on functional Mennonite fiber art and the ways current artists are translating that tradition into contemporary issues and forms. ¶ Cyndi Gusler ’93 (visual and communication arts) had solo exhibits in Charlottesville (twice) and Georgia. ¶ Steven Johnson (visual and communication arts) had a photography exhibit in Harrisonburg and published several photo spreads in eightyone magazine.

versity and Laurelville Mennonite Church Center. He conducted and produced CDs with music from the hymnal supplement, Sing the Journey. ¶ About 50 public school students were enrolled in the Violin Outreach Program taught by the Preparatory Music department and directed by Sharon Miller. The program has been running since 2002, and receives grants from the Virginia Commission for the Arts and the Arts Council of the Valley. As a result of the program’s success the Harrisonburg city schools decided to start a string program; EMU is running the program for the city and provide the teachers.

Off-campus music

Jon mixed media Hartzler Library Gallery, April 13 to April 23, 2007 Artists’ Reception Friday, April 13, 7:30 - 8:30 pm



Bob Bersson, Barbara Gaucher, Kristi Ylvisaker and Mary Ylvisaker Nilsen (with the poetry of Denise Levertov), Susan Zurbrigg

14 | crossroads | fall 2007

Joan Griffing (pictured, music) participated in America’s 400th Anniversary events in Jamestown, Va., playing in a concert which included 1,607 choristers and 400 instrumentalists. She also performed with orchestras at the Eastern Music Festival, Staunton Music Festival, Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival, and a number of other Virginia venues. She played chamber music in Brazil and lectured on composer Georges Migot at the International Viola Conference in Australia. She also coordinated a chamber music exchange program with Fayetteville (N.C) State University (FSU) as part of a Micah Think Tank proposal: three students and a professor came to EMU in March from historically African-American FSU to play music, meet, eat with, and talk to EMU musicians. ¶ Ken Nafziger (music) directed chamber choirs in Winchester and Reston and gave workshops or directed singing across the continent, including events at Pepperdine University, Notre Dame, Goshen College, Canadian Mennonite Uni-


Bible and religion professor Earl Zimmerman and professor emeritus Ray Gingerich edited Telling Our Stories: Personal Accounts of Engagement with Scripture, a collection of stories from Mennonite pastors, administrators and teachers of their own encounters with the Word of God. Zimmerman also wrote Practicing the Politics of Jesus: The Origin and Significance of John Howard Yoder’s Social Ethics. ¶ Nancy Heisey (Bible and religion) contributed two chapters. ¶ Peter Dula ’92 (Bible and religion) was senior editor of a book series, titled Polyglossia, on themes of the radical reformation arising from the work of John Howard Yoder. ¶ Lawrence Yoder (seminary) wrote The Muria Story: A History of the Chinese Mennonite Churches of Indonesia. ¶ Nate Yoder (seminary) was an editor of Exiles in the

Empire: Believers Church Perspectives on Politics. ¶ Ted Grimsrud (Bible and religion) contributed a chapter, “Jesus’ Confrontation with Empire.”


Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival and the Preparatory Music programs were awarded $2,125 and $3,825 respectively by the VA Commission for the Arts. ¶ Don Tyson (nursing) received $25,000 and one year of full tuition from the Virginia Doctoral Loan Repayment Program. Don is in a doctoral program at George Mason University. ¶ Calvin (religion emeritus) and Marie Shenk received $15,000 from the Schowalter Foundation for their work with Meserete Kristos College, Ethiopia. ¶ Steve Cessna (chemistry) obtained $67,000 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for his sabbatical research project on plant responses to stress at the University of Colorado–Boulder. ¶ Sharon Miller (music) was awarded $5,000 from the Arts Council of the Valley.

Writers read

Poet Jean Janzen, poet Yorifumi Yaguchi, poet Michael McFee, essayist Frederica Mathewes-Green, children’s author Jane Kurtz.

Cords of distinction

Class of 2007: back row, from left: Galen Wenger, Timothy Shenk, Brenna Steury, Kara Bender, and Jonathan Keener. Front row from left: Anita Adjetey, Lorachel Daye, Cheryl Heatwole, and Julia Gingrich. Not pictured: Joy Shaiebly.


John Paul Lederach, founding director of EMU’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding and a teacher in EMU’s Summer Peacebuilding Institute, received the Order of the Culture of Peace from a Nicaraguan university for his work in that country Mary Sprunger (pictured, history) puband around the world. ¶ Howard Zehr lished an article in a Dutch journal, Doop(pictured), professor of restorative justice, sgezinde Bijdragen, based on her sabbatical received several awards: the Community of research three years ago, which showed Christ International Peace Award, includthat many Mennonites in the 17th century ing $30,000 for the EMU Center for Justice were related through marriage or blood to and Peacebuilding, which he co-directed; politically important families in Amsterdam. the Journal of Law and Religion’s lifetime ¶ Ted Grimsrud (theology and peace studachievement award; the Virginia Association ies) authored Embodying the Way of Jesus: for Restorative Justice’s first annual award, Anabaptist Convictions for the Twenty-First named after Zehr. ¶ Jill Basinger MulCentury and several other articles. ¶ Sandy let ’84 was inducted into EMU’s Athletic Brownscombe (education) gave presentaHall of Honor for her stellar performances tions to the Virginia Department of Educain basketball and volleyball. ¶ Priscilla tion Teachers of Promise Institute, American Simmons, nursing professor at EMU at Association of Colleges for Teacher EducaLancaster, received the “nursing education and Association of Teacher Educators. tion award” from the Pennsylvania State ¶ Owen Byer and Dierdre Smeltzer (both Nurses Association. ¶ Four EMU seniors mathematical sciences) published “Edge were recognized as “teachers of promise” Bounds in Nonhamiltonian k-Connected by the state of Virginia: Katrina J. Martin, Graphs” in Discrete Mathematics. ¶ Martha Rachel A. Sims, Kendal L. SwartzendruEads (language and literature) published ber and Shannon D. Yoder. ¶ Deanna “Pointing Toward Peace” in The Cresset. ¶ Durham (social work and sociology) and Doug Hertzler ’88 (Washington ComEMU’s Community Learning program were munity Scholars Center) reviewed a book recognized with a certificate of appreciation for American Ethnologist and co-wrote a by the Harrisonburg City School Board for report on Bolivian land reform legislation. ¶ outstanding service to and support of the Terry Jantzi ’87 (social work and sociology) city schools. ¶ David Glanzer (counseling) and Vernon Jantzi ’64 (justice, peace and received “Counselor Educator of the Year conflict studies, plus Center for Justice and for 2006–07” award from the Central Valley Peacebuilding) wrote an article, “ReflecCounselors Association. Glanzer also contions on Peacebuilding from a Development tributed a chapter on deep empathy to Paradigm Perspective,” for The Web Journal VISTAS: Compelling Perspectives on Counselof Justice and Peacebuilding. ¶ Greta Ann ing and spoke on the same topic to convenHerin (biology) published an article in tions in Arizona and Montreal.

Articles | crossroads | 15

The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience. ¶ Tara Kishbaugh (chemistry) published several articles on crystal structure determination. ¶ Jim Yoder (biology) co-wrote an article on using GIS to track the spread of invasive plants for the Virginia Journal of Science. ¶ Matthew Siderhurt (chemistry) was co-author of studies published in Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata and Sociobiology. ¶ Dorothy Jean Weaver (seminary) wrote an article on “Authority” for The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible.

work and sociology) presented “Community Organizing Project Strategies” to Birth Matters Leadership Group in Harrisonburg. ¶ Barry Hart (Center for Justice and Peacebuilding) presented on “The Role of Hospitality in Healing Trauma and Building Peace” at the Tools for Change conference in Switzerland. ¶ Roman Miller (biology) published articles in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith and spoke at conferences in Illinois, Colorado, and Michigan. ¶ Mark Metzler Sawin (history) was a presenter at conferences in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., New York City, Harrisburg, Pa., and Birmingham, Ala. ¶ Sharon Miller (music) gave a master class at the Blue Ridge Suzuki Camp in Orkney Springs, Va. ¶ Judy Mullet (psychology) presented More than 60 percent of students particiat various locations on the use of restorative pated in intramural athletics programs.¶ justice in school discipline. ¶ Mike Medley Deb Keiser and Kendra Nissley were all(Intensive English Program) spent seven region performers in women’s cross-country; months as a visiting professor of English at Nissley was also on the VaSID All-State Forman Christian College in Lahore, PakiAcademic team The field hockey team and stan. ¶ Cathy Smeltzer Erb (education) and coach Brenda Bechler won the ODAC Dan Wessner (history) presented a paper sportsmanship award. Men’s basketball “Assessing Inter-Cultural Communicative player Jason Sager was on the All-ODAC Competence Through Action Research” at first team and the VaSID All-State first the annual meeting of the American Educateam. Carolyn Riley was named to the tional Research Association. ¶ Nancy Good All-ODAC first team and VaSID All-State Sider (Center for Justice and Peacebuildsecond team. Brandon Ratliff and Ryan ing) taught at a Franciscan seminary in Detweiler were First Team All-NECVA Sarajevo to educate priests and psychologists for the men’s volleyball team; Justin Reeabout trauma and develop trauma centers sor was the NECVA Western Conference throughout Bosnia and southeast Europe. Rookie of the Year. Outdoor track athletes ¶ David Brubaker (Center for Justice and Nathan Turner and Dominique Hull were Peacebuilding), along with colleagues from ODAC first teamers in the shot put and Goshen College and Canadian Mennonite discus; Kevin Beachy was on the ESPN The University, traveled to Mar Elias College in Magazine’s Academic All-District Division Galilee to help develop the first undergradu- III Track and Field/Cross Country first ate college peace program in Israel. team. ¶ Harlan de Brun (physical education and recreation) led the newly formed Royals Christian Fellowship. ¶ Mike ZucJeff Campbell ’89 helped to arrange for a coni ’05 became sports information director donation by Merck & Company, Inc., of in July 2006, succeeding Kevin Warner. ¶ a FT–IR spectrophotometer to the science Men’s soccer coach Roger Mast ’85 earned center. ¶ Eastern Mennonite Seminary’s his doctorate educational leadership in Distance Learning Program celebrated its higher education from Argosy University. 10th year. ¶ EMU at Lancaster inaugurated ¶ Philadelphia Phillies manager Charlie “Gateway Courses,” a series of four courses Manuel spoke at a benefit dinner for the designed especially for pastors called to EMU baseball team. Manuel, who is from Mennonite congregations who do not have Buena Vista, Va., was lured by his acquainAnabaptist background and training. The tance with EMU centerfielder Brandon courses are offered in collaboration with Zolman and Manuel’s having graduated Mennonite conferences is southeastern from the same high school as EMU baseball Pennsylvania. coach Mark Mace ’90. Erik Kratz ’02, a minor leaguer with the Toronto Blue Jays organization, also attended.


Teaching & learning

Gerald N. Shenk, seminary professor of church and society, traveled to Tehran to participate in a conference on the Islamic doctrine of the Mahdi – a figure similar to Christ in Shi’a Islam – and presented a paper on Christianity to Islamic scholars. Gerald also published articles on Christian– Islamic relations in The Presbyterian Outlook and Religion in Eastern Europe. He and Sara Wenger Shenk (pictured, seminary) were among the leaders of a new Mennonite fellowship in Harrisonburg known as “The Table.” ¶ Lara L. Scott (visual and communication arts) was chosen to attend a summer seminar, “Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines,” at Calvin College. ¶ Jennifer Ulrich (Hartzler Library) was chosen to participate in the 2007 Wabash Center Colloquy on the “Role of the Theological Librarian in Teaching, Learning and Research.” ¶ Jane Wenger Clemens (social

16 | crossroads | fall 2007



Donors University Fund

Gifts to the University Fund demonstrate a commitment to the young adults who are at the heart of our mission at EMU. They provide much-needed scholarships to students who are challenged and nurtured as they experience Anabaptist Christian higher education at EMU. With increased University Fund support, we can further encourage prospective students to consider what the faculty, staff, and students of EMU have to offer. EMU provides over $6.5-million annually in financial aid to students. Established endowed scholarships provide only about $325,000 of this total. Our interest in keeping EMU affordable, and reducing student debt load upon graduation, is what drives our efforts to encourage unrestricted, annual giving to the University Fund.

Gift Groups

Development Staff

President’s partners

EMU’s development staff members are available to contact you by phone or in person: Kirk L. Shisler (C 1981) Vice President for Advancement Phone: 540-432-4499 Email:

We are especially grateful for the generosity and vision of Associates in Discipleship. During fiscal year 2006-2007, 65 households contributed at least $5,000 as President’s Partners.


Over 300 Associates in Discipleship make an annual contribution of at least $1,000. In order to strengthen student aid it is vital that we broaden support for EMU’s mission at this $1,000 Sustainer level.

Associate Partner

By joining either of the above groups, or by becoming an Associate Partner at the level of $500 or more, you help prepare students to serve the church and broader society. If you are not already an Associate in Discipleship, we invite you to consider participating in the life of EMU in this meaningful way.

campus plan

Karen Moshier-Shenk (C 1973) Associate Director of Development Phone: 540-432-4201 Email: Tim Swartzendruber (C 1995) Associate Director of Development Phone: 540-432-4207 Email:

Phillip N. Helmuth (C 1976) Executive Director of Development Phone: 540-432-4227 Email:

Sam Weaver (C 1966) Associate Director of Development Phone: 540-432-4202 Email:

Arthur C. Borden Associate Director of Development Phone: 540-432-4971 Email:

Phoebe Kilby (GCC 2004) Associate Director of Development Center for Justice and Peacebuilding Phone: 540-432-4581 Email:

Ellen B. Miller Associate Director of Development Phone: 540-432-4069 Email:

We are grateful to you, the friends, parents, and alumni of EMU, who help educate tomorrow’s leaders through your support of the University Fund!

President’s Partners

Unrestricted gifts of at least $5,000 Includes gifts to University Fund, Seminary Annual Fund, or Center for Justice and Peacebuilding Rose Ann & Gerald Baer Robert & Elva Bare John & Linda Bomberger Steve & Victoria Brenneman Paul & Esther Clymer Lewis & Mary Coss Andy & Michelle Dula Abe Ediger Dan & Regena Garber Margaret M. Gehman Stanley & Susan Godshall Leon & Elaine Good Carl & Herta Harman Sharon Harman Curtis & Jackie Hartman Calvin & Janet High Gerald & Linda Horst Richard & Laurel Horst | crossroads | 17

George & Leona Hostetler Robert & Eloise Hostetler Bruce & Anne Hummel Karen Hummel Paul & Louetta Hurst James Kanagy Carl & Chris Keener John & Dorothy Kratz Greg & Ellen Lacher John & Gladys Landis Laverne & Jean Landis LD & B Insurance Agency Elton & Phyllis Lehman Glen & Jean Lengacher Joseph & Constance Longacher Horace Longacre Kenneth & Cora Longacre Vernon & Linda Martin Daniel & Mary Fae Miller Edgar & Carmen Miller Jerry & Rebecca Morris Curtis Moyer Larry & Janet Newswanger Marvin & Delores Nolt James & Marian Payne Daryl & Jane Peifer Norman & Alice Rittenhouse Leland Ropp Henry & Charlotte Graber Rosenberger Lowell & Jueldine Rupp Clarence & Helen Rutt Jack & Gloria Rutt John & Rebecca Rutt Myrl & Freida Sauder R. Clair & Doris Sauder LaVerne & Carol Schirch Doris Stauffer Robert & Barbara Steury Ruth W. Stoltzfus Ethel M. Strite Barbara & David Swan Mary & Raymond Whalen Carl & Martha Yoder Leroy & Martha Yoder Kenton Zehr Anonymous (1)


Unrestricted gifts of $1,000 - $4,999 Richard & Louise Alderfer Devon & Teresa Anders Marvin & Grace Anders Jacob Baer III Donald & Brenda Bare Nathan & Elaine Zook Barge Douglas Hendren & Nancy Beall George & Helen Belcher John & Barbara Benner Grace Bergey LeeAnn Bergey & Glenn Esbenshade Curtis & Linda Berry Reuben & Ann Bigelow Ian & Beverly Birky Glendon Blosser Roy & Evelyn Bomberger Herman & Jeanette Bontrager Paul & Lois Bontrager Arthur & Alice Borden Randall & Barbara Bowman Chester & Nancy Bradfield Susan Brenneman & Archie Vomachka Sandra Brownscombe David & Martha Brubaker Edward & Lucy Brubaker

18 | crossroads | fall 2007

J. Kenneth & Pamela Brubaker J. Mark & Beryl Brubaker James & Carley Brubaker George & Pat Brunk George & Ruthann Miller Brunk H. Nelson & Ruth Brunk Kenneth & Twila Brunk David Bucher & Sharon Hoover Galen & Gladys Buckwalter Earl & Donna Burkholder Kevin & Cheryl Carey Rhoda & Jonathan Charles Andrew & Pamela Clemmer Paul & Sherry Cline Ralph & Anne Cline Irvin & Margaret Cordell Spencer & Shirley Cowles Arlen & Shirley Delp Earl & Janis Derstine Vernon & Miriam Derstine Zachariah & Kara Derstine Anna Detweiler Florence Detweiler Mary & Mamo Dula M Jane & Arlen Durdin Titus & Debora Dutcher John & Joyce Eby Ralph & Betty Jo Eby William & Diane Elliot J. Leon & Melba Eshleman J. Robert & Rosalie Eshleman Roger & Barbara Eshleman Janet & Anthony Foderaro Donald & Margaret Foth James & Carole Frankenfield Edward & Cynthia Frey Daniel & Susan Garrett Joseph & Barbara Gascho Linford & Rebecca Gehman Teresa & Charles Geiser Carole & Alan Giagnocavo Robert Gillette Aaron & Edna Gingerich Colleen & Rudy Gingerich Ray & Wilma Gingerich James & Joan Gingrich Carl & Lois Good Harley & Irene Good Merle & Phyllis Good Mervin & Mary Ellen Good William Gotwals Samuel & Adeline Graber Eva Greaser John & Jan Griffin Sr Paul & Marjorie Guengerich Joseph & Marcia Hackman Frances Harman Orden & Reba Harman Dwight Hartman Dennis & LuAnne Hatter James & Miriam Haverstick Noah & Edna Helmuth Phillip & Loretta Helmuth Donald & Evelyn Hertzler Elam Hertzler & Martha Blank Helen & Dean Hertzler Carol & Gerald Hess Ernest & Lois Hess Nora & Mervin Hess Karen & Richard Hoerner Bill Holtzman James & Deborah Hoover Donald & Carol Horning Grace Horst Kyle Horst Marvin & Marcia Horst Eric & Lavonn Hostetler Esta & Eldon Hostetler Alden & Louise Hostetter Robert Hueston

Wilmer & Kay Hurst Hadley & Janice Jenner Kermit Kauffman Mary & Jerald Kauffman Roger & Rachel Kauffman Rudi & Ravonn Kauffman S. Duane & Naomi Kauffman Charles & Marilyn Kayton Elmer & Marianne Kennel Janet Kilby Phoebe Kilby & Barry Carpenter Linford & Mary Etta King Rosemary King Susanne King Walter & Miriam King David Kisamore Fred & Rosalyn Kniss Mark & Betty Kniss Anthony & Sally Krabill Arlan & Alda Kratz Carissa & Rodney Kratz Donald & Frances Kraybill J. Richard & Pauline Kreider John & Betty Kreider John & Sara Kreider Bruce & Paula Brunk Kuhns Lloyd & Goldie Kuhns Wayne & Kathleen Kurtz Jay & Peggy Landis John & Alice Lapp N. LeRoy & Catherine Lapp David & Jean Leaman Joyce & Ronald Leaman Arlene Leatherman Allon & Doris Lefever Brent & Claudia Lehman J. E. & Emma Lehman J. Paul & Erma Lehman Robert & Ruby Lehman Ruth & Emerson Lesher Meesen & Sinnoi Liew J. Mark & Lisa Longacher H. William & Katie Longacre Henry & Carol Longacre Richard & Rose Longacre Randall & Marla Longenecker Norman Loux Leah Magal Barbara Martin Carl & Sandy Martin Don & Barbara Martin John & Marian Martin Larry & Gail Martin Lois Martin Philip & Joyce Martin Robert & Sarah Martin Evelyn Maust Edward & Verna McCabe Diane & Ervin Miller Elroy & Linda Miller Harvey & Pauline Miller J. B. Miller Laurie & Ellen Miller Leon & Sandra Miller Luke & Denise Y. Miller Richard & Fannie Miller Harold & Myrtle Mininger Marie & Keith Morris Glenn & Diane Moyer LeRoy & Sue Mullet Robert & Janie Mullet Grace Mumaw Miriam Mumaw Russell & Ruth Mumaw Steven & Amy Mumbauer Shawn Ramer & Victoria Myer Herbert & Sarah Myers Homer & Pauline Myers Charles & Esther Nafziger J. Larry & Norma Neff

Ken & Connie Neuenschwander Herbert & Becky Noll Kenneth & Lois Noll Larry & Marilyn Nolt Philip & Margaret E. Nolt Rhoda Nolt John & Lisa Nussbaum Steve & Kathleen Nussbaum Steven & Debra Pardini Elmo & Ella Pascale Patricia Patton Eric & Jen Peifer Kenneth & Rachel Pellman Ronald & Myrna Piper Kay Pranis Anthony Pratkanis Marlyn & Anita Ranck Calvin & Freda Redekop John & Carolyn Reed Glenn & Lorraine Reinford William & Edna Ressler Vernon & Jeanette Rice Barbara & Benjamin Risser Bertha Roggie Marvin & Darlene Rohrer-Meck Rosalie & W. Lee Roland James & Gloria Horst Rosenberger William & Arlene Rosenberger Amy L. Rush G Roger & Pamela Rutt Laurence & Evelyn Sauder Maynard & Carolyn Sauder William & Bertha N. Schaefer Lisa Schirch & Bill Goldberg Abner & Virginia Schlabach Erma Schnabel Delbert & Mary Friesen Seitz Anas & Marjan Shallal Frank Shelp John & Jewel Shenk Miriam Shenk Paul & Marjorie Shenk Stanwyn & Elaine Shetler Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Hollis & Martha Showalter Stuart & Shirley Showalter Welby & Sharon Showalter J. Donald & Joanne Siegrist Marvin Slabaugh E. Carole & Douglass Smith Ralph & Lila Smucker Arvilla Souder Wayne & Joanne Speigle Bruce & Neva Stambaugh Ruth & Sanford Stauffer Doug & Luann Steury Edgar & Gladys Stoesz Joyce Stoll Karl & Barbara Stoltzfus Ervin & Bonita Stutzman Maurice & Carla Stutzman J. David & Shelby Swartley Willard & Mary Swartley H. D. & Faye Swartzendruber Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Timothy Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Nelson & Gloria Swope Paul Thomas David & Anna Troyer LeRoy & Phyllis Troyer Levi & Lillis Troyer Vaughn & Inga Troyer Doris & Norvell Trumbo W. Neil & Margaret Turner Dorothy Jean Weaver Glenn & Anne Weaver Iona Weaver John & Margaret Weaver Kenneth & June Marie Weaver

M Steven & Elsie Weaver M. Lloyd & Sarah Weaver Phyllis Weaver & J.T. Hearn R. Todd & Anne Weaver Wendell & Jolene Weaver William & Dawn Weaver Roy & Esther Wert Connie & Hugh Westfall Maggie & Robert Wynne Calvina & Lorie Yoder Dwight & Sheryl Wyse Edna Yoder Gary & Beth Yoder J. Byard & Judy Yoder J. David & Nancy Yoder John & Esther Mable Yoder John & MaDonna Yoder Luke & Cora Yoder Paul & Carol Yoder Bonnie Zehr & Jerry Hess Howard & Ruby Zehr Glenn & Kathleen Zendt Barbara Zimmerman & J. D. Yoder Earl & Ruth Zimmerman Anonymous (6)

Associate Partners

Unrestricted gifts of $500 - $999

Natasha & Joshua Alderfer Russell & Gladys Alderfer David Alger Marvin & Grace Anders James & Cindy Atkinson Paul & Leanna Beiler Daryl & Carrie Bert Gladys & Michael Boettcher Brian & Yvonne Boettger Donald & Judith Bomberger Luke & Mary Bomberger Jonas & Barbara Borntrager Frances Brubaker Henry & Edna E. Brunk Ruth Burkholder Mahlon E. Cassel Nathanael & Brooke Clemmer Ross & Allison Collingwood Erla Culp Loris & Richard Cunningham Timothy & Rosita Derstine David & Charmaine Detrow Iris & Albert Driver Phillip & Janeth Duncan Daniel & Elizabeth Dunmore Omar & Anna Kathryn Eby Douglas & Tina Friesen Paul & Joyce Gingerich John & Janet Goshow Fern & Carl Grace Marlin & Sue Groff Ronald & Ruth Guengerich Diann & Keith Harman Andrew & Lisa Hershberger Martha & Richard High Mary Hinkle William & Rosemary Hochstetler Marvin & Diane Holsopple Samuel & Mary Ellen Horst Mervin & Fern Hostetler Rodney & Mary Lou Houser Vernon & Dorothy Jantzi Glen & Sandra Kauffman Jerry & Joan Kauffman Nyle & Lauralee Kauffman Ross Kauffman Laura & Zachary King Walter & Miriam King Jeremy & Leah Kratz

Richard & Suzanne Kratz Ernest & Eunice Kraybill Elvin & Maribeth Kreider C. Eldon & Sharyl Kurtz James & Huong Kurtz Roland & Darlene Landes Cheryl & Benjamin Landis Daryl Landis Joseph & Hannah Mack Lapp Samuel & Helen Lapp James & Lori Leaman Stephen & Doris Leaman Tobias & Lonita Leaman David & Lavonne Lehman Galen & Gloria Lehman Nelson & Cheryl Lehman Kerry & Rebecca Leichty Allen & Sara Jane Lind Nelson & Danielle Longenecker Carol S. Lown Daniel & Ruth Ann Martin David & Rachel Martin Garland & Phyllis Martin Harold & Sylvia Martin John & Mary Ann Martin Naomi Martin Daniel & Cindy Mast Linda & Doug May Conley & Peg McMullen David & Brenda Miller Larry & Wilma Miller Leon & Lynda Miller Mervyl & Linda Miller Paul & Edna Miller Robert & Mary Miller Roy Miller Samuel & Vi Miller David Moore Jeryl & Geraldine Moore Doris & Richard Morgan Charles & Carolyn Moyer Elizabeth Moyer Verna Moyer Randall & Eleanor Moyers Lawrence & Sheryl Mummau Roy & Annie Musselman Kenneth & Judith Nafziger Arthur & Mary Newcomer Geoffrey & Stashia Nolt Leland & Doretta Oswald George & Ann Pace Ida & Greg Proco Miriam & Everett Ramer Merle & Ruth Ann Reinford Paul & Ruth Ressler Timothy Rice Steven & Karen Ringenberg J. David & Doris Risser Melissa & Norman Ross Jay & Anne Roth Verle Rufenacht Verlen Rufenacht James & Geraldine Rush Paul & Alice Rush Rich & Bonnie Sauder Bradley & Mindi Roland Schrock Chester & Naomi M Sensenig Lester C. Shank Sheldon & Lois Shank Evelyn & Wallace Shellenberger Audrey Shenk Calvin & Marie Shenk James & Donna Shenk Jonathan & Kris Shenk Esther & Arlin Shisler Steve & Karen Moshier Shenk H. Dennis & Sharon Showalter Hollis & Martha Showalter James & Carol Showalter Samuel & Janice Showalter

Stuart & Shirley Showalter A. Ruth Simpson Sherwyn & Deirdre Smeltzer James & Anna Smucker Myrna & John Smucker Allene Smucker-Klassen Martha & James Snavely Sanford & Gloria Snider Delbert & Lee Snyder Elvin R. Souder Jeffrey & Carrie Souder James & Carol Spicher John & Virginia Spicher Esther G. Steckle Ronald & Bonita Stoltzfus Walter & Sharon Surratt J. David & Shelby Swartley Herbert & Margaret Swartz J. Richard & Joyce Thomas Judith & Brent Trumbo A Richard & Ruth Weaver Elwood & Ruth Weaver A. Grace Wenger Herbert & Marian Wenger Robert & Lena Wenger J. Lloyd & Beverly Wert Daniel & Elizabeth Wessner Heidi & Jonathan West Mary Lois Wilfong Werner & Grace Will Brent & Rachel Yoder Carroll & Nancy Yoder Michael K. Yoder Paul & Anita Yoder Richard & Jeanelle Yoder Ruth H. Yoder Pearl A. Zehr Anonymous (8)

Seminary Annual Fund The purpose of Eastern Mennonite Seminary is to “equip men and women to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, prepared to lead the church in mission with passion and integrity. As a community of disciples, we are humbled by God’s call, formed in Christ, transformed by the Holy Spirit, and empowered to serve with knowledge and grace.” The Seminary Annual Fund provides grants-in-aid specifically for seminary students who could not otherwise afford to attend EMS. We provide an average of $2,700 per student in financial assistance. Contributions to the Seminary Annual Fund help us bring excellent students to the seminary and assist us in training pastors and other church leaders for the future. We are grateful for those who have contributed to the Eastern Mennonite Seminary community with their continued advocacy, prayers and financial support.

Aquila and Priscilla Partners

Donors whose unrestricted gift included at least $500 for Eastern Mennonite Seminary Linda & Robert Alley John & Ruth Bare Robert & Elva Bare Richard & Jeanette Baum George & Helen Belcher John & Barbara Benner Curtis & Linda Berry Glendon Blosser John & Linda Bomberger Chester & Nancy Bradfield J. Kenneth & Pamela Brubaker J. Mark & Beryl Brubaker David & Donna Brunk George & Pat Brunk George & Ruthann Miller Brunk Kenneth & Twila Brunk Truman & Betty Brunk Roy & Helen Burkholder Rhoda & Jonathan Charles Ralph & Anne Cline Irvin & Margaret Cordell Merle & Beulah Cordell Lewis & Mary Coss Arlen & Shirley Delp Beverly & Laverne Delp Anna Detweiler Brownie Driver Gladys Driver Andy & Michelle Dula Lydia & Martin Eby James & A Margaret Engle J. Leon & Melba Eshleman J. Robert & Rosalie Eshleman John & Jane Frankenfield Joseph & Barbara Gascho Linford & Rebecca Gehman Margaret M. Gehman Aaron & Edna Gingerich James & Joan Gingrich Stanley & Susan Godshall Carl & Lois Good Harley & Irene Good Leon & Elaine Good Samuel & Adeline Graber Eva Greaser John & Jan Griffin Paul & Marjorie Guengerich Curtis & Jackie Hartman James & Miriam Haverstick Milton & Mary Ethel Heatwole Noah & Edna Helmuth Phillip & Loretta Helmuth Benjamin & Martha Hershey Daniel & Mary Hertzler Elam Hertzler & Martha Blank Raymond & Betty Hertzler Shirley & Vernon Hochstetler James & Deborah Hoover Gerald & Linda Horst Kenneth & Sue Horst Richard & Laurel Horst George & Leona Hostetler Dwight & Carolyn Houff Barry & Brenda Hummel Bruce & Anne Hummel Marvin & Violet Jantzi Elton & Esther Kauffman Stan & Kathleen Keener Shantz Christian & Rose Kennel Linford & Mary Etta King

Susanne King Mark & Betty Kniss Arlan & Alda Kratz Clyde & Eunice Kratz Wayne & Charity Lambright John & Gladys Landis Laverne & Jean Landis James Lapp & Miriam Book Paul & Erma Leaman J. Paul & Erma Lehman Ruth & Emerson Lesher Joseph & Constance Longacher Keith & Rachelle Lyndaker Schlabach Arlin & Janet Martin Barbara Martin Grace Martin John & Marian Martin Philip & Joyce Martin Robert & Sarah Martin Ruth & Roy Martin Joseph & Nancy Mast Ethel Mellinger Daniel & Mary Fae Miller Diane & Ervin Miller Eli & Dorothy Miller Harvey & Pauline Miller Harold & Myrtle Mininger LeRoy & Sue Mullet Grace Mumaw Mark & Mary Thiessen Nation Emerson Newswanger Philip & Margaret E. Nolt Daryl & Jane Peifer John & Carolyn Reed Barbara & Benjamin Risser Henry & Charlotte Graber Rosenberger Glen & Annabelle Roth Lowell & Jueldine Rupp Clarence & Helen Rutt Jack & Gloria Rutt Laurence & Evelyn Sauder Myrl & Freida Sauder Craig & Ann Schloneger Stuart & Helen Shank N. Gerald & Sara Wenger Shenk Harold & Mary Grace Shenk John & Jewel Shenk Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Richard & Bertha Showalter Marvin Slabaugh Walter & Leanne Smith Glen & Malinda Stoltzfus Harvey & Lillian Stoltzfus Ethel M. Strite Ervin & Bonita Stutzman Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Timothy Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Nelson & Gloria Swope Doris & Norvell Trumbo W. Neil & Margaret Turner Dorothy Jean Weaver Iona Weaver Kenneth & June Marie Weaver M. Lloyd & Sarah Weaver Michael & Rachel Weaver Samuel & Sarah Weaver Thelma Wolgemuth Maggie & Robert Wynne Jerry & Lois Wyse Calvin & Lorie Yoder Carl & Martha Yoder Don & Emma Jean Yoder Duane & Jill Yoder J. David & Nancy Yoder Lawrence & Shirlee K Yoder Lonnie & Teresa Yoder Nathan & Miriam Yoder

Glenn & Kathleen Zendt Anonymous (3)

John Wesley Partners

United Methodist donors whose unrestricted gift included at least $500 for Eastern Mennonite Seminary Barbara & Vernie Barrow Daniel & Susan Garrett Mary Elizabeth Kite Staunton District United Methodist Church

Seminary Alumni Donors Linda L. Alley Robert E. Alley Renee Antrosio Helen Armentrout Lewis C. Armentrout David W. Augsburger Myron S. Augsburger Thomas E. Auker Dale T. Baer Elaine Z. Barge Barbara B. Barrow S. Ken Beidler Titus W. Bender Brenda L. Benner Kathline A. Bilderback E. Duane Bishop David L. Black Glendon L. Blosser Velma P. Blosser Brian D. Boettger Ruth S. Bolton John M. Bomberger G. Edwin Bontrager Paul D. Bontrager Jonas L. Borntrager David W. Boshart R. Todd Bowman Frederic L. Breeden David R. Brosnan J. Robert Brubaker David L. Brunk Truman H. Brunk George R. Brunk III Marian E. Buckwalter Kenneth R. Burkholder Ruel J. Burkholder J. Daryl Byler Jayne M. Byler Kevin A. Carey Susan K. Carlson Harvey Chupp Gerald A. Clemmer Michael R. Clemmer Ralph W. Cline George L. Coffman Ross D. Collingwood Joseph Costello Jubal A. Croegaert Clarence R. Davis Deborah A. Denlinger John H. Denlinger Michael L. Derstine R. Blaine Detwiler Katherine Donnelly John M. Drescher Paul P. Dyck Brian D. Ebersole Lee E. Ebersole Philip W. Ebersole Mark T. Emerson Margaret G. Engle | crossroads | 19

Allen R. Eshleman John David Eshleman Thomas L. Eshleman Samuel J. Espinoza James L. Foster Sandra A. Foster Dale D. Frederick Emma L. Frederick J. Mark Frederick, Jr. Jay C. Garber Joe C. Garber S. David Garber Rachel S. Gerber Shawn M. Gerber Dennis D. Gingerich Ray C. Gingerich Isaac N. Glick Edward M. Godshall Claude Good Donald W. Good Theda J. Good Erik K. Gottfried Douglas L. Graham Ronald D. Guengerich Chad M. Gusler R. Douglas Hackney Abraham Harms Anita R. Harms Barrett S. Hart, Jr. Peter E. Hartman Wilmer J. Hartman Dennis L. Hatter Conrad D. Heatwole Nancy R. Heisey Rebecca R. Herr Daniel L. Hertzler Ernest M. Hess Kathryn J. Hochstedler J. Clair Hollinger Kenneth R. Horst Loren E. Horst Reuben W. Horst Robert N. Hoskins, Jr. Edmund Hoy Beryl M. Jantzi George J. Jennings Lee H. Kanagy Pamela K. Karlen E. Elaine Kauffman Elton Kauffman Jeffery L. Kauffman Norman D. Kauffman Delbert L. Kautz Randall S. Keeler Kathleen Keener Shantz Mark H. Keller Deryl G. Kennel Douglas D. King K. Eldon King Carl D. Kniss Philip L. Kniss Noah S. Kolb Glen Koop Jayne M. Kraemer Mark C. Kraemer Clyde G. Kratz Paul L. Kratz John T. Kreider Glenn L. Kriebel Laura S. Kurtz C. Stephen Lamb Kenneth R. Landis Mark L. Landis Ben F. Lapp James M. Lapp John H. Lapp Eldon F. Layman James R. Leaman Paul G. Leaman Dong Keun Lee

20 | crossroads | fall 2007

David J. Lehman Elmer J. Lehman Milton P. Lehman Alan E. Leinbach William P. Longenecker Milford E. Lyndaker John D. Manson Bruce A. Martin Jean G. Martin John R. Martin Lee A. Martin Lyle K. Martin Nelson D. Martin Robert A. Martin Conrad L. Mast Donna Mast Michael M. Mast David T. Maurer James W. Maust Willard R. Mayer Carl E. Mericle Everett G. Metzler Glenn D. Metzler James E. Metzler David F. Miller Elmer S. Miller Freeman J. Miller Lawrence W. Miller Sharon W. Miller Richard H. Mininger David Miron Teresa Moser Richard A. Moyer LeRoy Mullet Rodney D. Nafziger D. Lowell Nissley Michael A. Normoyle Steven C. Nyce Jan R. Orndorff Mark E. Peachey Jane H. Peifer David L. Petersheim Ida G. Poole Edward I. Porter W Forest Porter, Jr. John C. Price Tresa F. Quarles Herman R. Reitz Stephen S. Renalds Robert R. Renz James H. Rhen Sandra K. Richard Benjamin E. Risser Antero G. Rodriguez Larry D. Rohrer Gladys P. Ropp Herman E. Ropp James W. Roynon James L. Rush John L. Rush Stephen D. Sager Jack C. Sawyer Ervin A. Schlabach Craig R. Schloneger Kenneth L. Seitz Lois A. Sell Donald M. Sensenig Samuel S. Setyawan Donald D. Sharp Eugene Shelly Evelyn L. Shenk Harold A. Shenk J. Paul Shenk John B. Shenk Marie H. Shenk Mary Grace Shenk Nelson J. Shenk David D. Shetler Karl E. Shisler Tim A. Short

Richard A. Showalter Randall C. Shull Marvin T. Slabaugh Brenda M. Smith LeVon R. Smoker Craig I. Snider Jill L. Snider John D. Stahl Susan L. Stahl James K. Stauffer Greg S. Steffen Carol A. Steffy Roger L. Steffy Elaine M. Stoltzfus Harvey Z. Stoltzfus John M. Stoltzfus Paula H. Stoltzfus Bonita L. Stutzman Ervin R. Stutzman Janet M. Stutzman Linford L. Stutzman Frederick B. Swartzendruber Loren E. Swartzendruber Ruby G. Turner Warren L. Tyson J. Richard Umble R. Clair Umble Thomas Verghese Ruth S. Weaver Sheri J. Weaver Elvin N. Weber Earl D. Wenger David A. Whitten Gene M. Williams Walter J. Wiltschek Robert W. Witmer Robert H. Woodfin Robert H. Woodfin II Maggie H. Wynne Don A. Yoder Henry P. Yoder Luke D. Yoder Mary C. Yoder Paul T. Yoder Stephen J. Yoder Timothy L. Yoder Twila K. Yoder Douglas J. Zehr Milton J. Zehr Earl S. Zimmerman Anonymous (5)

Center for Justice and Peacebuilding Annual Fund Rooted in the Mennonite peace church tradition of Christianity, EMU’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (CJP) prepares and supports individuals and institutions of diverse religious and philosophical backgrounds in the creation of a just and peaceful world. Contributions to the CJP Annual Fund provide basic support for CJP’s educational and training programs, thereby assisting in keeping tuition more affordable. Every year a portion of funds received are allocated toward scholarships for students who attend the Summer Peacebuilding Institute or STAR (Seminars on Trauma Awareness and Resilience).

We are grateful to our donors, who recognize that the world’s future may well depend on the impact of programs like CJP’s…on just-minded, respectful, spiritual, well-trained promoters of peace and justice.

Partners in Peacebuilding

(Donors of $1,000 or more to CJP/SPI) Rose & Gerald Baer Jacob Baer III Nathan & Elaine Zook Barge Reuben & Ann Bigelow Ian & Beverly Birky John & Linda Bomberger David & Martha Brubaker J. Mark & Beryl Brubaker Mamo & Mary Dula Abe Ediger William & Diane Elliot J. Robert & Rosalie Eshleman Donald & Margaret Foth Teresa & Charles Geiser Robert Gillette Ray & Wilma Gingerich Stanley & Susan Godshall Paul & Marjorie Guengerich Douglas Hendren & Nancy Beall Carol & Gerald Hess Robert & Eloise Hostetler Alden & Louise Hostetter Robert & Tess Hueston Hadley & Janice Jenner Carl & Chris Keener Janet Kilby Phoebe Kilby & Barry Carpenter Bruce & Paula Brunk Kuhns Wayne & Kathleen Kurtz John & Gladys Landis R. Laverne & E. Jean Landis J. E. & Emma Lehman Robert & Ruby Lehman Meesen & Sinnoi Liew Robert & Janie Mullet Herbert & Sarah Myers Larry & Janet Newswanger Elmo & Ella Pascale Patricia Patton James & Marian Payne Daryl & Jane Peifer Kay Pranis Clarence & Helen Rutt Jack & Gloria Rutt LaVerne & Carol Schirch Lisa Schirch & Bill Goldberg Anas & Marjan Shallal Paul & Marjorie Shenk Edgar & Gladys Stoesz Barbara & David Swan H. D. & Faye Swartzendruber David & Anna Troyer LeRoy & Phyllis Troyer Mary & Raymond Whalen John & Esther Mable Yoder Earl & Ruth Zimmerman Anonymous (1)

Top 10 Classes Number of donors

1972. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1979. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1974. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1978. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1982. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1973. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 2007. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1968. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1970. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1975. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .

Total Contributions

97 84 83 83 81 80 76 73 72 72

1958. . . . . . . . . .. . $229,673 1959. . . . . . . . . .. . $163,468 1967. . . . . . . . . .. . $151,677 1963. . . . . . . . . .. . $139,378 1961. . . . . . . . . .. . $124,838 1972. . . . . . . . . .. . $108,424 1942. . . . . . . . . . . $43,600 1968. . . . . . . . . . . $40,048 1977. . . . . . . . . . . $36,670 1950. . . . . . . . . . . $33,570


Boyd M. Stauffer


Frances Harman Grace H. Seitz Kenneth L. Seitz Ruth Brunk Stoltzfus Anonymous (1)


Florence S. Detweiler Marjorie Y. Guengerich Mildred K. Pellman Beulah Troyer


Grace B. Hostetter Frank Moyers Mary Ella Ruth


Lydia P. Eby Ethel L. Mellinger Hubert R. Pellman


Dwight W. Hartman Miriam B. Nissley Richard L. Pellman Stuart A. Shank Ethel S. Strite Elwood D. Weaver


William B. Anders Florence Y. Bucher Emma B. Hess Simeon W. Hurst Eula M. Showalter


Mahlon M. Hess Virginia M. Martin Evelyn B. Maust


Margaret M. Gehman Norman L. Loux Mark E. Moyer Sara J. Wenger


Betty Deputy Pearl H. Johnson Eleanor Kauffman Orval M. Shank W. Neil Turner

Miriam B. Buckwalter J. William Detweiler John M. Drescher Salome Harrison Daniel L. Hertzler Elam K. Hertzler Mary E. Horst Abram M. Hostetter Hazel V. Hostetter Mark A. Kniss Dan Krady Harry L. Kraus, Sr. Jean M. Kraybill Rebecca H. Longenecker Ina S. Martin Martha F. Miller Daniel J. Reinford Mary Reinford Chester Sensenig Gladys Shank Bernard C. Showalter Alice S. Snyder Eugene K. Souder Paul L. Swarr Marilyn N. Swartzentruber Doris J. Trumbo Martha K. Weaver Elvin N. Weber Ruth Weber



Gladys P. Baer D. Rohrer Eshleman Pearl Hartz Kenneth M. Heatwole Ruth K. Horst David E. Troyer Dorothy Yoder


Joseph F. Baer Hilda W. Carper Arlene Hege C. Norman Kraus Anna M. Landis Violet A. Miller


Elizabeth L. Hostetter Anna B. Shank Sara E. Stoltzfus


A. Don Augsburger Catherine N. Baer Mary A. Brunk Nathan B. Hege Mary L. Hertzler Samuel L. Horst J. Harold Housman Esther M. Kniss Paul G. Kniss Mary K. Lederach J. Paul Lehman Lester C. Shank Margaret M. Shenk Clayton L. Swartzentruber


Grace S. Bergey John K. Brenneman J. Lester Brubaker David C. Brunk Thelma Brunk James R. Brunk, Sr. Huldah H. Claude Erla Culp Mary E. Drescher Paul W. Herr Hiram R. Hershey Norman D. Kauffman Betty D. King Ruth Krady Robert C. Lehman Leah K. Magal Willard R. Mayer Irene H. Mullenex D. Lowell Nissley Mary June T. Rohrer John L. Ropp John W. Weaver Henry D. Weaver, Jr. Mary F. Yocum Margaret M. Yoder Paul T. Yoder Anonymous (2)


Esther M. Becker Virginia Bender Ann F. Blosser Lois Brenneman

Irene B. Alderfer Margaret G. Derstine Richard E. Good Betty M. Kniss Nancy V. Lee Mark N. Lehman Paul R. Miller Elton G. Moshier Rosa Y. Moshier Bertha Plank Barbara B. Risser Naomi Sensenig Alice L. Souder Robert M. Stetter Edward B. Stoltzfus Kenneth J. Weaver Daisy B. Yoder Edna R. Zook Anonymous (1)


Mildred M. Bender John R. Burkholder Susan E. Burkholder Isaac N. Glick Rebecca R. Herr Miriam M. Housman Arthur J. Kennel Lois R. Kennel Aaron M. King Marjorie J. Kotva Maribel Kraybill Janet H. Kreider John T. Kreider Pauline C. Lehman Lois J. Martin Ruth E. Martin Everett G. Metzler John L. Ruth Roma J. Ruth Clarence H. Rutt Helen T. Shank J. Paul Shenk James K. Stauffer Doris G. Stoltzfus Paul E. Thomas Lois Witmer Robert W. Witmer Anonymous (2)


Lucinda Bolger Doris A. Bomberger Martha J. Brubaker Helen E. Burkholder Roy S. Burkholder Ruth L. Burkholder Margaret M. Foth Elsie V. Gingerich Alice Good Claude Good Dorothy A. Groff David R. Herr H. Eugene Herr Luke L. Horst Ruth B. Kaufmann Dorothy Kreider Jay B. Landis John A. Lapp John R. Martin Elmer S. Miller Catherine R. Mumaw Grace N. Mumaw N. Rebekah Nice Carl J. Rudy Helen A. Rutt John B. Shenk Virgil D. Stoltzfus Amos J. Yoder Floyd J. Zehr


Greta L. Albrecht Myron S. Augsburger James R. Bomberger Kenneth S. Brunk Mildred Glick Francis Greaser Marvin B. Groff David M. Harnish Milton W. Heatwole George M. Hostetler Issa J. Khalil John H. Krall Naomi M. Krall Alice W. Lapp Harry G. Lefever Ruth M. Longacre Elmer Z. Longenecker Grace L. Martin Margaret J. Metzler Ruth Rudy Myrtle B. Shenk Stanwyn G. Shetler Margaret Swartzentruber June M. Weaver Anonymous (1)


James D. Brubaker Galen N. Buckwalter Gladys Buckwalter Ruth Cender Alma Eby Keith M. Esch J. Robert Eshleman S. Jeane Fretz Neil R. Gingerich Pearl Good Elizabeth B. Hoover Ruth L. King Susanne J. King Catherine A Lapp N. LeRoy Lapp Esther A. Lehman Clifford R. Lind Mary F. Martin Wilbur R. Maust Clair G. Metzler

Doris B. Morgan Homer G. Myers Mary Reitz Ruth E. Shaum L. Anne Siegrist John I. Smucker Shirley E. Wion Thelma B. Wolgemuth Julia M. Yoder


Jane Alderfer Titus W. Bender Helen E. Bomberger Paul L. Dagen Martha B. Deitrich Shirley A. Delp Omar E. Eby Virginia A. Esch Arlene Gingerich James M. Gingrich Joan L. Gingrich Lois F. Holdsclaw Carl L. Keener Carl S. Keener Eunice K. Kraybill Clara E. Landis Louis A. Lehman Hope K. Lind Charles B. Longenecker Warren W. Martin Miriam P. Maust Barbara C. Showalter Donald Siegrist Mary L. Swartley David M. Weaver Robert L. Yoder Roland B. Yoder Anonymous (2)


Doris Albrecht Bertha M. Beachy Anna A. Bender Elizabeth N. Burford Cleo J. Clark John D. Eshleman S. David Garber Edith A. Gingerich Lois A. Hartman Wilmer J. Hartman Grace W. Herr Lowell G. Herr S. Duane Kauffman Ernest N. Kraybill Laura S. Kurtz Maynard Y. Kurtz Rebecca S. Leatherman Elton D. Lehman Milton P. Lehman Barbara L. Longoria Katie Martin Donald L. Mellinger Fae Miller Harvey W. Miller Ruth Mumaw James I. Payne Marian Payne Aquila T. Peachey Alice Rini Paul M. Schrock Herbert Schultz Rawley J. Shank Marjorie S. Shenk Miriam E. Shenk Ada N. Smoker Irene Y. Smucker John L. Spicher A Martha Stahl

Milo D. Stahl Glenn W. Steffen L. Larry Wenger Robert B. Wenger Susan Wenger Vernon Zehr, Jr. Anonymous (2)


Millard A. Benner Gerald R. Brunk Elizabeth O. Dawson Ruth G. Denlinger Ruthild M. Foth Linford K. Gehman Lois K. Hartzler Roy T. Hartzler C. Kenneth Hershey Betty L. Hertzler Violet Hopkins Ray E. Horst Mary N. Hostetler Robert P. Hostetler Naomi H. Kauffman Calvin R. Kaufman Rhoda M. King Catherine E. Kurtz Arlene Leatherman James O. Lehman Wilbur A. Lentz Joseph W. Longacher Allen S. Martin C. Edwin Martin Jason S. Martin Joseph B. Martin Richard E. Metzler Mark M. Miller Myrtle Miller Gloria J. Moranski Ivan H. Moyer Pauline K. Myers Ruth Nisly Joyce M. Petro Edna L. Rice Glen A. Roth M. Rachel Roth John M. Rutt Rebecca C. Rutt Clair E. Schnupp Hubert Schwartzentruber Janice W. Sensenig Calvin E. Shenk Marie H. Shenk Milton B. Shenk C. Robert Showalter Marvin T. Slabaugh Marcus G. Smucker Erma M. Sollenberger Ira B. Sollenberger Willard M. Swartley Rae Della Wenger Mary L. Wilfong Anna M. Yoder J. Harold Zook Anonymous (3)


David W. Augsburger Lester Beachy Lois B. Bowman James A. Burkholder Ronald B. David Arlen R. Delp Miriam E. Friesen Carol Garber Ray C. Gingerich Wilma B. Gingerich Ruth H. Glick James M. Good | crossroads | 21

Charles Hershey Eva Hershey Evelyn R. Hertzler Naomi C. Horst John L. Horst, Jr. Esta M. Hostetler Anna S. Jantzi Richard S. Krabill Esther S. Kraybill Elvin G. Kreider Norman H. Kreider James M. Lapp Samuel J. Lapp David M. Leaman John B. Leaman M. Hershey Leaman Eileen Z. Lehman Elmer J. Lehman Miriam I. Lindeman Robert W. Martin Edwin D. Miller Jerry A. Miller Arnold J. Moshier Carolyn R. Moyer Emma B. Myers LeRoy K. Petersheim Rachel Ramos Donald M. Sensenig Doris Sensenig Esther R. Shisler Miller F. Stayrook Harvey Z. Stoltzfus Ethel K. Swartzendruber A Richard Weaver Dale M. Weaver Werner H. Will Anonymous (2)


L. Sanford Alwine Lois J. Alwine Willis Amstutz Verna E. Beachy Anna Mary Brubacher Glenn Brubacher J. Mark Brubaker George R. Brunk III John R. Buckwalter Marian G. Burkholder Carolyn Conley Fern E. Grace Raymond W. Hertzler Helen A. Hofstetter Joan S. Hoover Eloise B. Hostetler Esther S. Jones Marvin D. Kauffman R. Marie Kauffman Paul L. Kratz Wayne R. Kratzer Harold E. Kraybill Sara E. Kreider Hilda R. Kurtz Peggy H. Landis Geraldine Lehman Allen J. Lind Paul M. Longacre Arlin D. Martin Mary K. Martin Rachel A. Martin David S. Messner David F. Miller Miriam L. Mumaw Russell A. Mumaw Lorraine S. Myers J. Robert Ramer Harold E. Reed Annabelle Roth Agnes M. Shaffer David D. Shetler

22 | crossroads | fall 2007

Carl L. Smeltzer F. Robert Steckley Marjorie M. Steffen Matilda M. Yoder Ruth E. Yoder Lois A. Zehr


Dorothy E. Albrecht E. Faye Beckler Mervin L. Bontrager Glen R. Brubaker Earl R. Delp, Jr. Anna K. Eby John W. Eby Waldemar Eger Lareta H. Finger Rachel F. Frerichs Ervie L. Glick Gerald E. Good Ramona M. Hartzler Mary R. Hinkle Dorothy L. Jantzi Naomi Jantzi John K. Kauffman John H. Kreider Maribeth Kreider Treva R. Kurtz Emma Jean Landis Helen L. Lapp Sara Lapp Andrew H. Leatherman Sara Lind Arlene H. Martin Lois M. Martin Luke S. Martin Michael M. Mast James E. Metzler Mary F. Miller Rebecca E. Miller Charles W. Moyer Evelyn Moyer Mary L. Newcomer Frank E. Nice Janet L. Patton Eunice Paul Elam J. Peachey Nancy H. Peachey Carolyn H. Reed Abner J. Schlabach Virginia G. Schlabach Howard V. Schrock Mary Grace Shenk Virginia A. Shenk Donald E. Showalter Marlene C. Showalter Esther M. Siville-Tidey Allene L. Smucker-Klassen Arlene Snavely Sanford D. Snider Delbert W. Snyder John D. Stahl Elmina P. Stoltzfus Ruth A. Swartzendruber Raul Tadeo Eileen L. Viau Takashi Wakiyama Robert M. Weaver Lillian M. Weber Roy E. Wert Lois A. Witmer Rachel E. Witmer Janice Wyse Carroll D. Yoder David D. Yoder Shirley J. Yoder Marjorie Zehr


Ruth E. May Ralph C. Alderfer Dwight R. Beachy Marian L. Beaman Marlene K. Benner G. Edwin Bontrager Linda M. Boyer Lois W. Chamness Verna M. Colliver Loris L. Cunningham Ruth E. Delp Nelson D. Driver Joyce R. Eby Carol M. Erb Helen M. Eshleman J. Mark Frederick, Jr. Dorcas M. Good H. Loretta Helmuth Willard V. Helmuth Daniel H. Horst Zolla P. Kauffman Naomi W. Keiper Walter L. King Joyce L. Kisamore Yoshihiro Kuroki R. Laverne Landis Omar J. Lapp William C. Leatherman Marie Macknight Lydia A. Mahabirsingh Nancy L. Martin Raymond S. Martin Floyd M. Mast Muriel K. Mast Vernon A. Mast Rachel G. Metzler D. Glenn Myers Jacqueline Myers Lois E. Newcomer Martha L. Pepper John E. Reed Rose F. Rhodes Emily S. Rickloff Bertha A. Roggie Geraldine W. Rush Daniel R. Shenk Naomi R. Shenk Charity Showalter Gloria M. Snider Lee F. Snyder Joyce L. Stoll Ruth S. Weaver Esther S. Wert Esther T. Wert Robert K. Wert Carl V. Yoder Carol D. Yoder Paul R. Yoder, Jr. Anonymous (1)


Naomi D. Bechtold Betty A. Beiler Linda Heatwole Bland Beryl H. Brubaker Truman H. Brunk Sandra J. Cardinal Esther M. Clymer J. Paul Clymer Janeth H. Duncan Emma L. Frederick Carl L. Good Dorothy K. Harnish Paul M. Harnish Dwight L. Hartman Roy E. Heatwole Donald S. Hedrick Larry A. Hess Wayne E. Holsinger

Gladys V. Horst Vernon E. Jantzi Rosalyn Johnson Elmer E. Kennel Lydia Ann Kennel Dorothy U. Leatherman Lois M. Lehman Ellen R. Longacre E. Ruth Martin Patricia H. Martin Joseph W. Mast A Clair Mellinger Mamie M. Mellinger Lois E. Mericle Margaret Messner Arthur L. Newcomer Betty L. Newswanger Geneva M. Rufenacht James L. Rush Mary Schwartzentruber Miriam S. Seigfried Delbert L. Seitz Susan L. Stahl J. Dennis Swartz Dale L. Umble Robert Vetter Esther M. Weaver Robert D. Weaver Dean L. Welty Janet Welty Andre R. Wenger James H. Wenger Louretta M. Wilson E. James Witmer Clara L. Yoder Edwin M. Yoder Lauren W. Yoder Marion D. Yoder R. Suzanne Yoder Valentine Yutzy Priscilla R. Ziegler Anonymous (1)


Richard D. Alderfer Rhoda Atzeff Dorothy G. Beidler Paul M. Beiler Frances V. Brubaker Merle G. Cordell Verna M. Detweiler Janet N. Gehman Stanley M. Godshall Susan E. Godshall Lois M. Good Mary L. Grieser Ernest M. Hess Lois M. Hess Rodney E. Houser Mary J. Jones Rosemary G. King Robert L. Koch Samuel H. Kulp Grace E. Leichty James C. Longacre Barbara A. Martin Winston J. Martin Ervin J. Mast Elizabeth A. Metzler Violet J. Metzler Susanna R. Moshier B. Lloyd Nice Larry E. Nolt James R. Ranck Florence Roes Charlotte G. Rosenberger Laurence H. Sauder Jacob W. Schrock Janet S. Shank Lucille M. Shank

Norman E. Shank Oren W. Shank Martha M. Shawver Martine Shelly Jewel H. Shenk Allan W. Shirk Ruth A. Shirk Samuel G. Showalter Paul J. Shrock Ivan D. Snyder Nora S. Spurgin Ruth G. Stauffer Dale W. Stoltzfus Carolyn C. Wenger Ethel M. Wenger J. Lloyd Wert Grace B. Will Monroe J. Yoder Ann L. Zimmerman Mary E. Zuniga Anonymous (1)


S. Luke Beidler Lee Roy Berry, Jr. Glendon L. Blosser Peggy A. Blosser Edith S. Bontrager Phillip L. Duncan Ruth L. Durborow Mary A. Eisemann Ruby E. Freed James K. Gehman Lois B. Gerber Elaine W. Good Leon W. Good James G. Halteman Geraldine B. Hardison Dwayne D. Hartman Joanne B. Hershey Joan G. Horst Mary Lou Houser Esther Kauffman Regina Kauffman Harry L. King Glenn L. Kriebel Hannah M. Lapp Joseph L. Lapp Glenn M. Lehman Ruth S. Lentz Carole A. Marnet Miriam M. Martin R. Dwayne Martin Robert L. Martin Ora M. Mast Rhoda P. Mast Anna Y. Miller Harriet L. Miller Helen L. Miller J. Mark Miller S. Ernest Miller Herbert E. Myers Elaine S. Nice Barbara A. Penner Eloise T. Plank Judith S. Ranck Carolyn L. Ruth Timothy A. Ryan Joanne M. Sauder Dorothy M. Sensenich Eugene Shelly Nelson L. Showalter Richard H. Showalter Janet J. Steiner Norma G. Strawbridge Joyce K. Strawderman Alvin Swartzentruber Lawrence H. Umble Margaret R. Umble David Voegtlin

Samuel O. Weaver Emery Yoder Gene E. Yoder Henry P. Yoder Nancy A. Yoder Dorothy L. Zehr Lena C. Zehr Milton J. Zehr Pearl A. Zehr Anonymous (1)


Leanna K. Beiler Lowell E. Bender Millie S. Bennett Anna M. Bishop James V. Bishop Rachel C. Brenneman R. Irene Byers Evelyn J. Driver Mary E. Dula Clair D. Esch Roger D. Eshleman Sarah K. Glick Betty W. Good Ronald D. Guengerich Salim I. Habash Carl B. Harman Paul R. Hurst Gwendlyn Kauffman Evelyn N. Keener Glenda J. Knepp Donald B. Kraybill Anna M. Landis Carl D. Laws-Landis Kara D. Layman Karen E. Leidig Milton W. Loyer Anna R. Martin J. Daniel Martin Patricia A. Martin Ernest S. Mast Nancy L. Mast Alta M. Mellinger John D. Miller Naomi R. Miller Sarah E. Myers J. Larry Neff Norma J. Neff R. Wesley Newswanger Elizabeth J. Oswald Wilbur F. Peachey Doris J. Rissmiller Marian E. Rohrer Henry L. Rosenberger Blair M. Seitz Ruth H. Seitz Harley R. Showalter Sadie M. Showalter Stuart W. Showalter J. Donald Siegrist George L. Stoltzfus Ruth Stoltzfus Doris J. Sullivan Ronald L. Trissel Levi Troyer Marian L. Umble Herbert L. Van Horn Carolyn A. Wampler Connie H. Westfall Helen Yoder Juanita Yoder Paul T. Yoder Wilbur D. Yoder Nadine M. Young


Martha K. Augsburger Robert R. Conley

V. Eugene Diener Barbara A. Dyer Betty Jo Eby Beverly J. Ehst John M. Ehst A Margaret G. Engle James C. Fairfield Jean M. Fairfield J. Richard Frey Joseph A. Gascho A Jesse Gehman Margaret Gehman S. Leon Godshall Mervin S. Good Gloria J. Gredler Ruth L. Guengerich Diana L. Gundersheimer James L. Harbold James E. Hartman Mary H. Heinbaugh Donald E. Hertzler Paul S. Hess Laurel Horst Anne M. Hummel Bruce A. Hummel Louetta F. Hurst Dorotha J. Kauffmann Noah S. Kolb Lois S. Kreider Wayne D. Kurtz Wilbur W. Leidig Jr Russell L. Leinbach Salome Leinbach Milford E. Lyndaker Melvin G. Martin Vernon L. Martin Mattie M. Mast Freeman J. Miller J. Allen Miller John J. Miller Leon N. Miller Carol L. Moore LeRoy Mullet Frances J. Nafziger Gary L. Nafziger Philip L. Neer Marvin Nisly Rhoda E. Nolt Christine S. Ontiveros Karen Ransaw James L. Rosenberger Esther Rush Clare Schumm Bernadine Schwartzentruber Bryan J. Stauffer Herbert L. Steffy Roy I. Steiner Winston Weaver, Jr. Julia S. Witmer Dwight O. Wyse Sheryl K. Wyse Faye G. Yoder Ronald E. Yoder Glenn W. Zendt Kathleen N. Zendt George L. Zimmerman Lois E. Zook Marilyn K. Zook Mervin H. Zook Anonymous (1)


Richard L. Benner Darrell L. Beyeler Elsie C. Bowman Elizabeth S. Brunk Carolyn E. Burkholder Donald R. Burkholder Paul Christophel Rebecca Christophel

Harvey Chupp Ellis W. Detwiler Ruthanne J. Garber Mary Jane K. Garrison Irene L. Gehman Eloise Gingerich Phyllis E. Gingrich Merle Good John M. Goshow Susan A. Guengerich Pauline W. Habegger James M. Hoover Robert D. Hostetter James M. Kanagy Ralph L. King David R. Kisamore Kathleen W. Kurtz Sharyl J. Kurtz Kenneth D. Lehman Calvin J. Litwiller Rachel B. Litwiller William P. Longenecker Daniel H. Martin Jean G. Martin Edna M. Mathews Samuel E. Miller Steven J. Mininger Karen Mishler William D. Mishler Joy Pople Marlyn M. Ranck John L. Rush Lois K. Schlabach Linda M. Semke John C. Shank Irene S. Shearer Phyllis A. Showalter Joanne L. Siegrist E. Carole Smith Thomas A. Spicher Wayne J. Swartzendruber Earl Toman Ruth M. Umble Dawn E. Van Horn Nancy J. Walker Carol K. Wenger David A. Wenger Ruth Y. Wenger Evelyn G. White Judy C. Widmer Florence B. Witmer Lois E. Yoder Marvin E. Yoder Owen E. Yoder Mary E. Zuck Anonymous (2)


Thomas A. Beachy Robert D. Bishop Barbara A. Borntrager Jonas L. Borntrager James L. Bowman Robert E. Brenneman Emma Jane Burkholder Eva M. Coffey Donna J. Davis Cynthia Denlinger Gerald Ebersole Ralph L. Eby Samuel J. Espinoza John R. Fairfield Kathryn S. Fairfield M. Christina Glanzer Phyllis Good Philip J. Guengerich Marian Hackney Dennis L. Hatter LuAnne L. Hatter Clyde R. Herr

Richard K. Horst Gloria Horst Rosenberger Kathryn Isett Elton Kauffman Brenda King Judy King Lois A. King Martha S. Kolb-Wyckoff Ferne R. Kraybill Luella R. Linder Carl D. Litwiller Daniel M. Longenecker Larry E. Martin Lena M. Martin Glenn D. Metzler Henry E. Miller J. B Miller Leon D. Miller Richard B. Miller Karen E. Moyer Leon H. Moyer Myrna Moyer Margaret E. Nolt Allen R. Peachey Shirley S. Phelps Audrey Price Paul L. Ressler, Jr. Lonnie L. Richardson Rosalie H. Roland Kenneth E. Schildt Shirley H. Showalter Karl E. Steffy Emagene K. Stuckey Ernest M. Swartz Cynthia Toman Joyce C. Ukwa Elsie Weaver M. Steven Weaver Melvin L. Weaver Ruth S. Weaver Terry L. Whitmore Martha J. Wittmer Wilma A. Wood J. David Yoder John H. Yoder Nancy B. Yoder Yvonne K. Yousey LaVern J. Yutzy Paul D. Zimmerly Anonymous (1)


Patricia L. Armstrong Karen J. Beachy Kim E. Boyd John P. Claude Esther N. Cullen Ellen M. Eigsti Janice S. Falb Jenny Fitting Elias E. George Marlene J. Gingerich P. David Glanzer Sharon S. Harman Althea D. Harvey Elnore B. Herr Elaine B. Hershberger Christine C. Hill Marvin D. Holsopple Deborah Hoover G. Stuart Horst Loren E. Horst Marcia D. Horst Marvin S. Horst Alvin M. Huyard Ruth S. Jost Rose L. Kennel Phillip A. King Eugene S. Kraybill Shirley A. Kurtz

Richard L. Landes Julia A. Longenecker Wayne H. Longenecker Carl E. Martin Linda L. Martin Nelson D. Martin Gerald W. Meck Fannie L. Miller Mary E. Miller Samuel L. Miller Jane E. Miron Robert E. Musser Charles J. Nafziger Sharon K. Nusbaum Louise K. O’Connell Rachel S. Rader Raymond E. Ressler Ruth A. Ressler Dennis G. Rohrer Wendy W. Rohrer Judith A. Rosenik Emil H. Shaer John C. Shenk Ruth E. Short Steven N. Showalter Beverly S. Steffy Ellen Y. Steffy Catherine R. Stoltzfus Omar Z. Stoltzfus Douglas Stutzman Roland E. Stutzman Larry D. Trissel Thomas Verghese Joyce E. Weaver David W. Wenger J. Lowell Wenger Miriam S. Wenger Esther V. Witmer G. Barbara Wratchford Christon A. Zirkle Anonymous (2)


Karen Albrecht Esther K. Augsburger Larry J. Beachey Norma Jean Bender Paul E. Bender LeeAnn Bergey David G. Birky Carolyn J. Boekling Gladys J. Boettcher Donald L. Bomberger Herman D. Bontrager Lois Bontrager Donald B. Bucher Jane L. Buckwalter Earl F. Burkholder Gretchen Y. Christopher Dean A. Clemmer Dennis M. Clemmer Kenneth R. Covelens Rose C. Crickenberger Douglas L. Croxton Kenton T. Derstine Daryl J. Dutcher Miriam Eberly Robert L. Eberly Paula Eigsti Thomas L. Eigsti Roland L. England, Jr. Barbara A. Eshleman Janet L. Foderaro Carl S. Fulk Joanne E. Gehman Nora Y. George Firman Gingerich Lee A. Gingerich Susan D. Gingerich John M. Gingrich | crossroads | 23

Leo E. Heatwole Kenneth L. Herr Wayne A. Hershberger Carol M. Hess Rachel Hickman Earlene Horst Gerald R. Horst Lois K. Huston Dennis W. Kauffman Deryl G. Kennel Miriam Kennel Kay Marlene Knode Goldie P. Kuhns Paul G. Leaman Daniel W. Lehman Nelson R. Lehman Alan E. Leinbach Irma Lewis Glen A. Litwiller Naomi E. Litwiller R. Larry Martin Ruth Y. Martin Harry J. Mast Sharon Metzler-Ruth Alan E. Miller Barbara J. Miller Gerald L. Miller James A. Miller Janice A. Miller Martin R. Miller Judy K. Moskalik Randall L. Moyers James I. Mullet Sylvia B. Newport Chi Van Nguyen Norma R. Oswald Ann L. Overly Merle R. Reinford Ruth A. Reinford Elva S. Rhodes Gloria J. Rutt Jack H. Rutt Bonita M. Sauder John D. Sauder Lela M. Sawatzky Clara A. Seaman Eugene H. Stoltzfus Karl D. Stoltzfus Loren E. Swartzendruber Dorothy Jean Weaver Lamar S. Weaver Earl D. Wenger Kathryn W. Wenger Charles W. Wert Carolyn E. Yoder Janice E. Yoder Rachel A. Yoder Mary J. Yutzy Joyce E. Zimmerman Anonymous (1)


Karen L. Alderfer Linda L. Alley E. Duane Bishop James D. Blosser II Judith K. Bomberger Jeanette N. Bontrager David L. Brunk Christina J. Buckwalter Victor L. Buckwalter Christine L. Burkholder Judy A. Catalfu Brenda J. Covelens Anna L. Detweiler Linda L. Erb Linda Frey Mary J. Gingerich Carol C. Godshall Jacquelyn S. Hamlett

24 | crossroads | fall 2007

Joseph C. Hamlett Dorothy M. Hartman Gary Heatwole Larry E. Herr Merlin R. Hershberger Diane S. Holsopple Kenneth R. Horst V. Jean Horst Steven K. Hostetler Dale H. Jones Jerry L. Kauffman Roger J. Kauffman Lois C. Kennel Paul C. Kennel James Krabill Jeanette E. Krabill Lloyd J. Kuhns Ruth A. Kulp Gerald B. Landes Janis M. Landes Galen R. Lehman Lois K. Lyndaker Gail Y. Martin Gary E. Martin Gerald E. Martin Laurence A. Martin Robert W. Mast Jay K. Miller Susan G. Miller Karen R. Moshier-Shenk James Mullet Judy H. Mullet Daniel K. Ness W. Forest Porter, Jr. Glenn R. Reinford S. Lorraine Reinford Jerry W. Ruff Raymond W. Shank Harold F. Shearer June E. Shenk Steven C. Shenk Ora D. Shetler H. Dennis Showalter Sharon F. Showalter Welby C. Showalter Louise A. Sommers Velma J. Stauffer Velma S. Stauffer John M. Stauffer, Jr. Esther G. Steckle Kenneth L. Stoltzfus Janet Harder Stucky Barbara Swartzendruber Bonnie S. Troyer Linda K. Wenger Marlene P. Wenger Duane L. Yoder Jeanelle G. Yoder Judy B. Yoder Richard L. Yoder Anonymous (3)


Steven D. Alderfer Esther M. Baldridge Rose A. Bergey Ellen L. Bowman David E. Bucher Clarence E. Byerly Ross D. Collingwood Miriam R. Cruz Brenda Y. Derstine Rhoda T. Derstine Iris K. Driver Ruth F. Evans Luke A. Gascho Rebecca M. Gascho Shirley A. Geissinger Joyce E. Gingerich Jean M. Groce

Beverly J. Guengerich Galen G. Guengerich Carolyn S. Hartman Barry D. Hummel Darryl E. Jackson Margaret R. Jackson Arlene J. Jantzi Rachel E. Kauffman Susan H. Kempf Evelyn E. King James R. King John R. King David L. Kniss Mary H. Kratz Cheryl W. Landis Richard K. Lantz Tobias G. Leaman III Janell R. Lederman Barbara A. Lehman Gloria L. Lehman Kathleen M. Leichty Helen K. Leinbach Nancy A. Litwiller Betty L. Martin Merle E. Mast Patricia J. McFarlane Darrell G. Miller Karen B. Miller Lynda B. Miller David N. Mininger Marian L. Mininger Abram L. Moyer Ethel M. Mumaw Freida M. Myers Marjorie A. Nafziger Rodney D. Nafziger Herbert H. Noll Carol A. Petry Kathy F. Poindexter Ida R. Proco Edith F. Rhodes Verna R. Rice Karen L. Ringenberg Steven A. Ringenberg Dianna G. Schiedel Delmer T. Schlabach Donald D. Sharp Loretta J. Sharp Nelson J. Shenk Hilda Shirk Myrna L. Smucker Milo J. Stauffer Robert E. Stuckey Jacqueline A. Sullivan-Smoot James M. Swartzentruber Jeanne S. Troyer Marjorie N. Warkentin Shirley A. Western Gene M. Williams Jane K. Yoder Jerold A. Yoder Joy S. Yoder Miriam G. Yoder Shirley B. Yoder Stephen K. Yoder Francis E. Zehr


Rodney L. Allebach Elaine Z. Barge Patricia A. Bishop Dorothy J. Brangan J. Dean Brubaker Nadene S. Brunk James R. Buller Jane E. Buller Melodie M. Davis Donna H. Detrich Karen L. Diffenbach Pauline A. Dulabaum

M. Jane Durdin Wendell J. Eberly Allen R. Eshleman Robert M. Eshleman David A. Eubanks Carolyn J. French Valda A. Garber-Weider Elaine K. Gehman Keith A. Gnagey Janice L. Godshall Kenneth D. Godshall Julia N. Gorrell Joseph W. Hackman Sandra J. Harnish Loretta K. Helmuth Amelia J. Herr Mary L. Hershberger Helen S. Hertzler Herbert L. Hoover Galen R. Horst-Martz Karen S. Iazzi Milton B. Jarrels Joan L. Kauffman Stanley J. Klassen Rosemary K. Kratzer David S. Kraybill Donald D. Kulp Ruth D. Lesher Marla J. Longenecker Randall L. Longenecker Evelyn E. Martin Ajay T. Massey Elroy J. Miller Harlan A. Millette Miriam H. Nafziger Daryl E. Peifer Jane H. Peifer Judith E. Ramer Lois Ramer Miriam C. Ramer Naomi W. Ressler Doris A. Risser J. David Risser Kathleen S. Risser Gladys P. Ropp Lynn L. Roth Verlen G. Rufenacht David W. Schlabach Sara J. Schlabach N. Gerald Shenk Sara Wenger Shenk Bonnie B. Shoemaker James M. Showalter Richard A. Showalter Ronald L. Stoltzfus Dennis W. Trissel Robert H. Woodfin David W. Yoder J. Byard Yoder Marlin E. Yoder


Marian E. Bedford J. Harold Bergey Lois E. Berry Reba S. Brunk Rhoda R. Charles Gloria Y. Diener Carol J. Eberly Martha J. Ediger Gwen Eubanks Edward E. Frey Colleen A. Gingerich Dennis D. Gingerich Earl L. Gingerich Linda A. Gingerich David L. Gingrich Barbra R. Graber Mary L. Grant Carolyn Grasse-Bachman

Charles E. Harner Margaret A. Harner James M. Harr Keith W. Heavener Phillip N. Helmuth Ann K. Hershberger Marie Hertzler Peter B. Hess Philip M. Horst Sandy L. Horst Sylvia A. Horst Yvonne G. Jarrels Lois E. Jones Regina M. Keener-Lewis David A. King Michael A. King Sanford R. King Philip R. Kreider Charlotte M. Kulp C. Eldon Kurtz C. Stephen Lamb William E. Leftwich Wayne R. Lehman Ruth A. Massey Darrell E. McVay Ruth A. McVay Martin L. Mikaya Craig M. Miller Edgar L. Miller Harold N. Miller Linda R. Miller Melissa A. Miller Gary L. Musselman Dean Peachey Calvin G. Roggie Leland J. Ropp G. Roger Rutt Randy Schweitzer Roberta J. Shantz Joyce A. Showalter Donna L. Siegrist J. Samuel Thomas Mary L. Vitasek M. Gregory Weaver Valerie S. Weaver Daryl K. Witmer Ellen L. Yoder Leon R. Yoder Philip W. Yoder Herbert W. Zook Anonymous (1)


James G. Alexander, Jr. Eugene W. Amstutz Gail L. Bachman Rose M. Barber Dolores Beiler Bejos B. Beya John M. Bomberger Judy Buller Clarence R. Davis Charmaine W. Detrow David A. Detrow Sue A. Earley Thelma S. Erb James L. Flory Cynthia J. Frey Carolyn Gerig Marilyn K. Harr Christine K. Hess Lois A. Hicks William S. Hochstetler Donald E. Hooley Mary I. Hooley Colette L. Hostetler Ray A. Hostetler Stanley B. Hostetler Kaduthanath Johnson Mary E. Kauffman

Mary B. Kautz Debra A. King Phyllis S. King Rosalyn Kniss Julie A. Knowlden Susan K. Krusemark Gerald D. Lehman Michael L. Lehman Orpha B. Martin Susan R. Martin Esther F. Mast Ardith J. Matson Marvin Maust Carolyn Metzger Linda M. Meyer Esh Claudia Mikaya Joy E. Porter Mary A. Ressler Annette G. Ritter Antero G. Rodriguez Verle D. Rufenacht Pamela A. Rutt Joy Sawatzky Walter W. Sawatzky Rebecca Schwinn Lois R. Shank Donna L. Shenk Ruth E. Shetler J. Marvin Siegrist Joyce W. Smith Christine Steiner Lorraine C. Stoltzfus Timothy W. Stutzman J. Duane Swartley Susan E. Taylor-Witmer David A. Walker Marilou E. Wieder Sara J. Wyse-Wenger Keith J. Yoder Paul J. Yoder Stanley J. Yoder Kim L. Yousey John E. Zook Anonymous (2)


Beverly J. Alderfer Sharon L. Amstutz Darlene R. Beya Trudy J. Bondesen Randall J. Bowman Susan K. Brenneman Karl Brubaker Diane B. Burkholder Lloyd W. Claassen Carol A. Davis Wayne M. Detweiler DeAnn L. Diller Sharon L. Gehman Daniel B. Grimes Donna K. Hahn Mark L. Hartman Leslie N. Helmuth C. Wendell Histand Marilyn L. Hostetler Pamela F. Howard Nevin L. Immel David A. King Karlene R. King Winnifred S. King Rebecca Kipps Cynthia H. Lamb Daryl R. Landis Nancy J. Landis Joyce L. Leaman A Larry Lehman J. David Lehman Sheryl M. Lehman Nelson E. Longenecker David E. Martin

Eric D. Martin Linford D. Martin Robert E. Mast Marge A. Maust Conley K. McMullen Melvin R. Meyer Esh Edith Miller Phyllis J. Miller Susan E. Miller Richard A. Moyer Amy J. Murray Kathleen B. Nussbaum Wesley D. Park Kenneth R. Pellman Shelia G. Proctor Susan L. Rhodes Dennis G. Rice Betty A. Ross Kenneth E. Roth Regina B. Schweitzer James W. Shenk Eric D. Shirk Karen H. Shirk Craig D. Shoemaker Karen S. Steiner Dean A. Stoesz Marcia A. Stoesz Wilda Stoltzfus Winfred E. Stoltzfus Maurice W. Stutzman Joanna S. Swartley Julie M. Swartzentruber David M. Weaver Thomas A. Weber Martin Richard D. Wenger Sheldon L. Whitmore, Jr. Stephen M. Wiebe-Johnson Donna H. Wolfe Anita R. Yoder Linda Yoder Phil R. Yoder Stephen J. Yoder David M. Zehr Douglas J. Zehr Miriam R. Zehr Peter F. Zimmerli Anonymous (3)


Rebecca J. Ambrose Philip M. Baker-Shenk Richard W. Beckler Omar J. Beiler James D. Bell Lenora Y. Bell Kaye L. Brubaker Douglas P. Burkholder Ruel J. Burkholder J. Daryl Byler Cynthia A. Corbin Vicki J. Cumming Marcia L. Dickerson John J. Drescher-Lehman Sandra K. Drescher-Lehman Paul P. Dyck Faith M. Eidse William L. Garber Paul E. Gingerich Brenda J. Grimes Marlin G. Groff Sue A. Groff Harold B. Guntz Virginia C. Heatwole Sylvia J. Helmuth James D. Herr John W. Hess Dean L. Hoover Sharon W. Hoover Reuben W. Horst Janet Hostetler

Alden L. Hostetter Louise O. Hostetter Marjorie Rush Hovde Wilmer M. Hurst Sharlene D. Immel Jill R. Johnson Rachel B. Johnson Galen E. Kauffman Kermit J. Kauffman Joan King Bruce A. Kipps Fred Kniss Beth E. Landis Janet L. Landis-Frey Stephen R. Leaman Jeanne Luther Gaynelle D. Maki Don R. Martin Elaine C. Martin Patricia A. Martin Chrisann A. Mishler Godfrey C. Muganda Kenneth L. Nafziger Steve A. Nussbaum Richard J. Over Rachel T. Pellman Cheryl M. Plank Edward I. Porter Anthony R. Pratkanis Annita M. Reesor Gerald J. Ressler Philip M. Roth Janet M. Ruth Susan G. Ruth Thomas K. Ruth Rolando L. Santiago Brenda R. Shank Verda E. Shirk Martha S. Stoltzfus Marian E. Stutzman Melvin H. Thomas Martha L. Thorpe Doris H. Toll Kathleen M. Walker Joanne Wallis Herbert G. Weaver, Jr. Mark R. Wenger Valerie L. Wermuth Sheryl D. Wideman Beth H. Yoder Gary L. Yoder Janet Yoder Patricia S. Yoder Anonymous (1)


Nancy K. Abiade James R. Alderfer Jacob E. Baer III Dottie F. Baumgarten Steven P. Benner Brenda L. Bishop Tamala J. Bos Roberta D. Egli Duane E. Frederick Elizabeth S. Fulda Shirley K. Garber Eileen Y. Gingrich Terrie L. Glass Sue R. Glick Linford L. Good Marilyn K. Hartline Yvonne L. Hershey Martha J. High Debra C. Histand Karen L. Hoerner Jerry L. Holsopple Julia A. Hooley Philip L. Hostetter Joseph D. Irish

Janine M. Kennel Rands James R. Kurtz Gwendolyn Landis Hostetter Dawn M. Longenecker Martha A. Maddox Charles C. Martin Josephine H. Martin Joyce M. Martin Philip E. Martin Marcus L. Miller Mark R. Miller Mary C. Miller Rita M. Miller Lore C. Muganda Lois J. Oyer Trudy G. Partee Robert L. Redcay Gene C. Rhodes Pamela K. Risser Phillip E. Risser C. Eugene Ritter Marvin L. Rohrer-Meck Anne M. Roth C. Diane Rowland Donald R. Shank Sheldon B. Shank Frank E. Shelp Eileen R. Shenk Elizabeth A. Showalter Wayne R. Speigle Merle D. Stutzman Frederick B. Swartzendruber Lois A. Voth Carmen M. Walker Grace E. Woodruff Susie M. Wyse Marlisa R. Yoder-Bontrager Anonymous (2)


Linda K. May Greg A. Beachy Joyce R. Benedict Leanne E. Benner Evon L. Bergey Michael S. Bishop Kimberly S. Black Jayne M. Byler Sylvia Charles Helen E. Cook Alice M. Eldredge Starla R. Fogleman James L. Frankenfield Dwight A. Gingerich Samuel W. Glick Beth A. Good Keith A. Graybill Lynn G. Heller Rosemary K. Hochstetler Daniel R. Hooley Vernon H. Hostetler Jolene M. Houser Lisa D. Jicha Richard S. Kauffman Kevin P. King Kenneth L. Layman Doris A. Leaman David J. Lehman Lavonne G. Lehman Sharon A. Lehman Dorothy D. Logan Ronald C. Marner Thomas K. Martin Cynthia S. Mast Beth A. Miller Diane K. Miller Lois B. Miller Ronda Miller Judith R. Nafziger Karen K. Nafziger

Cynthia D. Redcay Darlene R. Rohrer-Meck Melissa A. Ross Jay L. Roth Nancy L. Roth Ken J. Shenk Natalie J. Shenk Miriam E. Shirk Kirk L. Shisler Linden A. Showalter Joanne B. Speigle Marilyn Spotts P. Terry Suter Ruth N. Suter Eileen K. Waidelich Peter N. Waybill Douglas P. Weaver William R. Weaver Louisa A. Weber Candace J. Yoder Darrel K. Yoder Darrell E. Yoder Nelson S. Yoder Sylvia J. Yoder Barbara L. Zimmerman Julie E. Zimmerman Anonymous (2)


Karen F. Alderfer Melanie A. Baer-Drescher Frank Bielawski Yen Breneman Diane Z. Brenneman Jane E. Burgess Sharon S. Byler Deborah A. Campbell Dorcas A. Cardwell Kevin A. Carey L. Theodore Clemmer William G. Councill Larry J. Crossgrove Lizbeth J. Dearmont Lois L. Deaton Douglas E. Derstine Sally A. Derstine Scott R. Eldredge Nancy Z. Fisher Thomas L. Garlitz Lynn B. Gerig Carole A. Giagnocavo Brenda K. Gilbert Cecilia J. Good Luann M. Good Gingrich Alan B. Greaser Glenda J. Haarer Karen A. Hartz James L. Hershberger Gerald B. Hershey Kirsten E. Himmelberg Edie Y. Hochstetler Crystal F. Hoover Patricia A. Hulsey Beryl M. Jantzi Kimberly S. Jones David A. Kanagy Glen E. Kauffman Sandra L. Kauffman Sharon G. Kauffman John B. Kennel Daniel J. King Philip L. Kniss Joy L. Lapp Rose M. Lehman Mary Jean Linn Richard A. Longacre Rose M. Longacre Amy L. Marshall Tim Martin Johnson Carol L. Martin Johnson | crossroads | 25

Daniel D. Mast Kristen B. Mayhue Mark E. Mayhue Michael W. Miller Virginia K. Murray I. Wesley Nolt Steven L. Nyce Sara J. Person David L. Petersheim Angela S. Piwonka Joel R. Reinford Kent E. Richard Catherine L. Rittenhouse Carla J. Roes Jane L. Roth Sigmund P. Seiler Anne Sensenig Evelyn L. Shenk Carol D. Spicher James E. Spicher Arthur R. Stoltzfus Mark A. Stutzman Ronald L. Thomas Judith A. Trumbo Janet L. Wagler Jo Ann Wagner Fred L. Weaver Dale E. Wenger Philip R. Wenger Louise E. Yoder Phyllis E. Yoder


Sharon F. Ambrose Myron E. Blosser Opal J. Bontrager Kenny A. Boyers Lucy F. Brubaker Jean L. Brunk Jay M. Burkholder Cheryl K. Carey David M. Clemmer Michael R. Clemmer Debora A. Dutcher Titus L. Dutcher Peggy R. Ebersole Donald J. Esch Susan W. Fields Rose M. Hackman Mary J. Heatwole Rebecca F. Holmes Janet L. Horst Suzanne C. Huston George T. Insley, Jr. Christian D. Kennel Elvin N. Kennel Mary Jane Y. Kennel Timothy L. Kennel Joel D. Lehman Kimberly S. Martin Lee A. Martin Rachel W. Martin Deborah J. Masters Natalie S. Mayer Matthew R. McMullen Wendelin L. McPherson Mark J. Merkley Anthony V. Miller Elaine J. Miller David J. Moore Keith A. Morris Victoria A. Myer Daniel A. Nafziger Evelyn B. Nafziger Vicki A. Nolt John M. Nussbaum Shawn E. Ramer Barbara K. Rose Julia G. Sauder Cheryl L. Shank

26 | crossroads | fall 2007

Kenneth W. Shank J. David Shenk Paul A. Showalter Roger L. Steffy J. David Swartley Larry L. Swartzendruber Melissa K. Thomas John F. Weber Sharon F. Wenger Donna K. Yoder Kenton J. Zehr Anonymous (1)


Nathan C. Barge Catherine L. Bolton Roy L. Bomberger, Jr. Edward D. Brubaker Brenda S. Carranza David S. Driver Rebecca L. Esch David L. Frye Jenifer E. Garlitz Wayne T. Gehman Christine F. Grace Jeffrey T. Hackman Bruce A. Hochstetler Cheryl M. Hollinger Philip C. Kanagy Karen R. Kauffman Kay L. Kehs Wendy S. Kennel Laurita F. King Robert E. Kniss Herbert E. Landis Jan R. Lehman Janice M. MacLeod Margaret L. Martin James W. Maust Joyce Y. Maxwell Joanne E. Mercer Joyce L. Miller Marie S. Morris Terry J. Moshier Jill M. Mullet Angela M. Neely Mary J. Petry Kathleen S. Rhodes James L. Rittenhouse Richard D. Rutt Mary E. Stauffer Grant H. Stoltzfus Linford L. Stutzman Connie L. Swartzendruber Carmen F. Wyse Howard H. Yoder J. David Yoder Marlin D. Yoder


Teresa B. Anders James W. Atkinson IV Carmeleta Beidler Mary N. Bendfeldt Janet L. Blum Evelyn J. Bomberger Lynne M. Brubaker Gary L. Burkholder Kathy M. Dagen Cheryl A. Derstine Charles W. Eberly Allison E. Flanders Sidney M. Frey Robert E. Ganger Karla D. Gingerich Nevin L. Herr Jeanette D. Hershey Kathryn M. Hertzler Jeanette E. Hunt

Margaret M. Jantzi Daniel W. Keener Carol S. Kotva Joseph J. Kotva, Jr. Huong V. Kurtz J. Roger Kurtz Lisa G. Landes Carol L. Landon Nelda M. Litwiller H. William Longacre Denise A. Miller Richard H. Mininger Dawn L. Nyce Douglas J. Nyce Jan R. Orndorff Mark E. Peachey Shana R. Peachey Boshart Carol A. Petersheim James B. Rea, Jr. Janet L. Reedy Douglas W. Rheinheimer Benjamin E. Risser Kendra S. Rittenhouse Amy L. Rosenberger Naomi K. Ruth Rodney C. Ruth Kim M. Shank Cathy K. Smeltzer Erb Ramona R. Stahl Sonya E. Stauffer Kurtz Shelby C. Swartley Barbara M. Tafuni Bruce W. Thomas Gordon L. Wenger John D. Wenger Denton L. Yoder Gary J. Yoder Harold A. Yoder Marla S. Yoder-Tiedt


David N. Alger Loren E. Bender David L. Bergey Lori J. Bergey Kevin S. Blosser Rhonda G. Blosser Brian D. Boettger David W. Boshart Douglas L. Brunk Karen E. Burkholder Bradley S. Callihan Beverly L. Cox Michael L. Derstine Rosita M. Derstine Elizabeth C. Driver Sonya S. Eberly Connie G. Ebersole Dale D. Frederick Elaine M. Frey Karl H. Frey Gary J. Gautsche Karla J. Gingerich William D. Gingerich Mertis E. Klingler Brenda Z. Kniss Clyde G. Kratz Marcia A. Kreider David G. Landes Cynthia A. Lapp Debra J. Layman James M. Leaman Jonathan G. Leaman Paul G. Leaman, Jr. Mary Beth Lichty R. Craig Martin Kristina R. Miller Linda J. Mininger Lois M. Mishler Joanne K. Moore

Linnet L. Nyce Pamela B. Nyce Yoder Celah K. Pence Rita M. Pruette Audrey J. Shenk Sherwyn J. Smeltzer Doris J. Smith Jill L. Snider Susan B. Stoltzfus Lisa A. Tissue Brenda K. Troyer Dennis J. Van Zant Andrea S. Wenger Delbert N. Wenger Mary F. Willis Brenda A. Yoder Rodney L. Yoder Bonnie M. Zehr Dianne S. Zehr Earl S. Zimmerman Anonymous (2)


Loretta J. Adams Rose A. Baer Jonathan L. Bennett Elizabeth A. Bergman Joann K. Blosser Yvonne K. Boettger Pamela J. Bone Donna R. Bowen J. Roberto Cabezas Regina A. Cabezas Donald A. Carufel-Wert Allison H. Collingwood Glenda J. Cook Lisa B. Crist Sherie L. Dearth Elizabeth A. Dunmore Brian K. Ebersole Michael H. Engle Barbara L. Gingrich Carmen L. Good Rose M. Grissinger Wanda B. Harder Sandra K. Harnish Joseph L. Hollinger Ruby L. Hostetler Linda M. Hunsecker Terrence L. Jantzi Wanita A. Knouse Lyla D. Kornhaus Sandra E. Kramer Laurel A. Kratz Jacqueline A. Leaman Steven M. Martin Emmanuel T. Mbualungu Kevin D. Miller Luke J. Miller Mark A. Miller Robert P. Pence Krista D. Powell Valerie J. Rheinheimer Nancy J. Rickerhauser Wanda M. Roth Randall S. Seitz Patricia A. Shelly Karen J. Shenk Zeager W. Lynn Shertzer Marian I. Short Deirdre L. Smeltzer Angeline C. Stikeleather David D. Troyer Dean M. Weaver R. Todd Weaver Kristine R. Witmer Nelson J. Witmer Joni L. Yoder Nancy R. Yoder Philip M. Yoder

Timothy L. Yoder Anonymous (3)


Janelle L. Aby Devon C. Anders Linda A. Barrick Gretchen C. Baugher R. Scott Beachy Philip L. Borkholder Jeanette G. Christophel Kevin G. Christophel Teresa A. Coppola Roy E. Crumley-Forest Timothy H. Derstine Daniel E. Dunmore Carol L. Eby-Good Julie D. Fix Marcile J. Gabriel Andrea J. Ganger Lela F. Graber Norma J. Harris Lori L. Hartman-Keiser Richard A. Hartz Denise L. Hershey Gerald E. Hertzler Lisa R. Hertzler Larion J. Hostetler Charlene A. Jacob Patricia L. Kratz Lori H. Leaman Joel A. Lehman Kevin E. Lehman Kerry D. Leichty Rebecca P. Leichty Lori L. Loyd Lynette M. Mast Karlton J. Miller Steven W. Mumbauer Audrey K. Myers Mary B. Ranck Neil R. Reinford Anne L. Richter Jean L. Sensenig Craig I. Snider Kathy M. Stoll Laura K. Stoltzfus Jeffrey L. Strong Rebecca A. Waybill Anne K. Weaver Wayne D. Witmer Linford J. Yoder Anonymous (2)


Jodi G. Beachy Sylvia A. Beiler Joanne M. Bender Brenda L. Benner Mark A. Bergman Jeffrey E. Campbell Rebecca R. Detweiler Melody B. Driver Lee E. Ebersole John A. Fuller Jonathan S. Gish Karen M. Gish Mary Y. Glick Stephen D. Griffith Kristine P. Griswold Larry R. Guengerich Heidi C. King Anthony L. Krabill Eric A. Kurtz Cheryl D. Landis S. Geannette Lehman Sarah L. Lehman John M. Lichty Bruce A. Martin

Jennifer K. Martin John P. Martin Christopher R. Mast Michael L. Moyer Jeffry A. Myers Grace L. Nolt Karen M. Pfahler Karla A. Rankin Stephen D. Sager Lisa Z. Shelly Paul K. Shelly Eric C. Smucker Jean L. Spicher Jefferson M. Spicher Hugh A. Stoll Lonna M. Stoltzfus Karl D. Stoltzfus, Jr. Jonathan D. Weaver Elizabeth A. Weaver-Kreider Luisa M. Witmer Mary Ellen Witmer Anonymous (3)


J. Larry Alderfer Donna M. Bentz Kathline A. Bilderback Lois F. Bucher Pamela M. Clemmer Kimberly R. Corson Jill R. Curley Tamara H. Denlinger Heidi J. Fellenbaum J. Darrell Gascho Paul E. Groff Denise A. Hart Eric R. Hostetler Lavonn R. Hostetler Heidi M. Kanagy Carissa K. Kratz Jonathan A. Kreider Kimberly M. Kurtz Jeffrey D. Landis Cynthia S. Lowe Wanda J. Manickam Dawn M. Mast Kathy M. Miller Rhonda J. Miller Teresa Moser Amy C. Mumbauer Cheryl D. Nester-Detweiler Steven C. Nyce Timothy J. Schultz Duane L. Shenk Rosemary J. Shenk Charles M. Snader Dorcas L. St Amant Kendra K. Stains Michael D. Weaver Jonathan P. Weaver-Kreider J. Mark Zook


Dawn M. Alderfer Darin S. Benner Max S. Bentz Philip C. Bergey Bruce O. Buckwalter Karen R. Burkholder Kenneth R. Burkholder Monica S. Compagnari Glenda R. Cubbage Duval L. Denlinger Andrew Dula Michelle J. Dula Marcia J. Engle Pamela B. Fahndrich Douglas L. Friesen Linda K. Hartz

Robert E. Hartz Valerie J. Hertzler Rebecca S. Hess David P. Hockman-Wert Miriam L. Hostetter Tammy A. Kennedy Richard T. Kratz Suzanne M. Kratz Dwight E. Landis Gwendolyn K. Landis Jeffrey K. Landis Jeffrey M. Landis Glen D. Lapp Brent L. Lehman Glenda L. Leonard J. Mark Longacher Kevin D. Longenecker Keith M. Lyndaker Schlabach Tonya C. Martin Mark M. Mast Sheryl E. Moyer Ramona J. Nissley Gregory K. Nyce Pamela M. Porter Scott H. Ramer Cedric M. Roth Kristin I. Shank Zehr Jill P. Sheeler-Shenk Douglas J. Shenk Daryl S. Snider Elizabeth Solanki Brian L. Stauffer Jill C. Stoltzfus Carolyn J. Strong Diane M. Weaver Tisa J. Wenger Cheryl L. Zook Cheryl R. Zook Kristen R. Zook Anonymous (1)


P. Troy Alderfer Frieda R. Allen S. Ken Beidler Steven B. Breidigan Andrew J. Clemmer Janessa Cobb Stephen E. Godshall Lee A. Good R. Daryl Gross Janelle Guntz Yoder Andre L. Hertzler Dale L. Hess Carolyn M. Hoover Jeffrey S. Hoover Randy L. Hoover O. Douglas Horst Stephen A. Johnson Arne D. Kauffman Douglas D. King Marshall V. King Sarah C. Krabill June E. Kuykendall Londa J. Lam John L. Leonard Lisa N. Longacher Cory L. Longacre Shelby L. Longenecker Pamela R. Martin Timothy D. Martin Carol D. Miller John B. Miller Melanie L. Miller Rhonda K. Miller Steven R. Miller Pamela J. Mosemann Amy J. Moyer Todd Z. Moyer Darin L. Nissley

Jennifer L. Piper Carmela M. Rosner Rich Sauder Melissa E. Schrock Kirkwood W. Shank Zehr Daniel L. Shenk-Evans Susmita Solanki Amy K. Springer Matthew G. Tschetter Rita K. Wainwright Stephen S. Wehibe Marcia R. Widmer Jie-Rong Wu Lynn D. Zehr Pamela A. Zuercher Anonymous (1)


Rosalyn S. Alleman Diann L. Beach Alicia S. Beachy Nicola M. Cahill Gina L. Campbell Troyer Jesse C. Compagnari Lorita B. Dayton John M. Dayton II Rosemary J. Good Chad M. Gusler Cynthia D. Gusler Dana J. Harshberger Heidi Z. Hochstetler Linford D. Hoober Marla K. Hoober Rebecca S. Horst Chad S. Hostetler Lisa A. Kauffman Philip E. Kreider Linda J. Longacre Ella N. Martin Jane Z. Martin Todd A. Martin Gloria G. Mast Beth A. Miller Lance G. Miller Todd K. Miller Karen M. Minatelli Emma A. Mullet Steven L. Ness Kirsten L. Parmer Sherri L. Peters Janell M. Sauder Samuel R. Sauder Tanya R. Shenk George R. Smith, Jr. Marvin J. Smoker Shandra Y. Stoner Inga A. Troyer Mitchell K. Troyer Vaughn W. Troyer Susan D. Warner Andrea D. Weaver Pearl R. Yoder


Keang Beiler Michael C. Berkey Candice J. Boll Mervin E. Boll, Jr. R. Todd Bowman Steven L. Brenneman Julie A. Derksen Paul D. Derksen Monica G. Esch Kristin R. Estes Gregory O. Feenstra Rachel F. Feenstra Sara M. Godshall Stephanie B. Hartzler W. Kent Hartzler

Janice L. Hedrick Timothy J. Hedrick Jeane D. Hershey James E. Kraybill Kenneth R. Landis Laureen J. Longenecker Lynn E. Longenecker Rhoda M. Longenecker Dwight E. Martin M. Trevor Parmer Eric T. Peifer Jay E. Ramer Elaine M. Shenk Kristina L. Shull Randall C. Shull Julie A. Smith Paula J. Snyder Belousek John M. Stoltzfus Barry E. Suttles Mary J. Veurink Valerie S. Weaver-Zercher James M. Yoder Laurie A. Yoder Michael K. Yoder Robert E. Yoder Ruth H. Zimmerman


Brenda K. Bechler Victoria A. Brenneman Derick S. Brubaker Jeannine L. Denlinger John J. Egli Stacey L. Egli Elaine L. Esch Eric L. Esch Stephen M. Farrar Tina J. Friesen Joseph A. Gascho II Peter A. Good Erica S. Graham John R. Hedrick Minnette B. Hostetler Joel E. Kauffman Tasha L. Kauffman Paula M. King Christon L. Kratz Rosetta M. Landis Greta F. Leinbach Kreider Curtis E. Martin Marcelo M. Mast Kent M. Miller Matthew S. Miller Lelyn D. Saner Ljiljana Skero Srecko Skero Scott A. Sommers Joyce A. Stephens Bruce E. Swartz Timothy J. Swartzendruber Cecil W. Swartzentruber Susanna K. Unternahrer Zook Anita C. Wansley Michelle D. Weaver Rachel J. Weaver Kathy J. Yoder LeAnne M. Zook Anonymous (1)


David A. Bechler Laura A. Brubaker Chadrick E. Denlinger Nathan T. Derstine Thomas L. Eshleman Jo E. Fisher Catharine A. Frederick Derek J. Gingerich Brenda J. Hedrick

Robert H. Johnson Andrea L. Kauffman Rebecca H. Kauffman Chad E. King Jessica F. King Caryn E. Kozel Janeen E. Kuhl Todd D. Lilley Alice-Ann B. Menjivar Carmen L. Miller Denise D. Oberholtzer Jennifer L. Peifer Mark A. Schroeder Jonathan N. Shenk Dawn K. Steiner Eric S. Stutzman Matthew S. Weaver Richard M. Weaver Michael H. Woolman Katrina A. Wyse Emma J. Yoder Philip A. Yoder Stephanie R. Yoder Andre M. Zook Anonymous (1)


Carrie M. Bert Daryl W. Bert Derek S. Buchanan Matthew A. Carlson Deborah L. Diener Sheldon G. Esch Jennifer A. Eshleman Susan L. Gascho Bruce C. Hatter Luanne M. Hershey Ryan W. Kauffman Gwen M. King Chad E. Lacher Jennifer L. Lacher Denise B. Litwiller Steven D. Miller Thomas A. Oberholtzer Christa B. Obold-Eshleman Kirsten E. Reinford Timothy J. Rice Ryan A. Rush Gregory L. Sala Karin J. Shank Kris A. Shenk Jeffrey L. Souder Tonya J. Swarey Eric R. Swartley Jon W. Swartley Anna J. Versluis Mark T. Witmer Keith A. Zimmerman Jeremiah D. Zook Melanie A. Zook


Isabel G. Adams Linda C. Alger Jeffrey L. Barbour Luan D. Bonner Susan J. Bouchonville Bonnie W. Bowser G. Henry Bowser II Nathanael J. Clemmer Lara L. Fisher Andrea R. Foard Eric D. Gehman Loresa J. Hatter Krista S. Hook Kristel M. Kennedy Thomas F. Kennedy Kevin A. Lanoue Makoyo J. Makoyo | crossroads | 27

Margaret A. McIntire Gail L. Miller Chad L. Nussbaum Darrel J. Reinford Krista D. Sensenig Charla J. Sommers Gary L. Sommers Wendi A. Starleper Ryan S. Steiner Paula H. Stoltzfus Annette K. Strahm Kris A. Swartley Derek E. Yoder Anonymous (1)


Tracey A. Gentry Jennifer I. Gochenaur Christina K. Hartman Christy L. Heatwole Jenelle C. Hershey-Hoover Kimberley S. Hook Dwayne M. Horst Darrick R. Hummel Ryan D. Kauffman Valerie J. Kauffman Farrah L. Koogler Jeremy J. Kratz Benjamin M. Lengacher Heidi A. Lichty Gwen R. Makoyo Betty N. Mbatta Roy A. Miller Jason Myers-Benner Rebecca A. Nice Ellyn M. Nolt Jeffrey L. Nolt Shana L. Reinford Kaylene Seigle Tim A. Short Nessa R. Stoltzfus Juli K. Sunderland Anna M. Troyer Anthony W. VanPelt Lisa R. White Anika N. Yoder Anonymous (2)


Benjamin S. Beachy Maria B. Bowman Matthew D. Goins Keith J. Hoover Obe D. Hostetter Rachel J. Jackson Laura B. King Leah M. Kratz Joel W. Lederman Ryan H. Livengood Kyle D. Miller Michelle W. Nussbaum Mindi R. Roland Schrock Rachel A. Smith Kendra R. Snyder Anthony J. Thoman Brent J. Yoder Rachel L. Yoder Bethlehem Yohannes


Mahlet Aklu Natasha J. Alderfer Brooke E. Clemmer Kara N. Derstine Zachariah C. Derstine Miriam E. Fairfield Kent D. Fellenbaum Michael E. George John P. Guengerich

28 | crossroads | fall 2007

Alan T. Hostetler Jill J. Hostetter David M. Keeney Martha A. Kratz Monica R. Lederman Ronald E. McIntire Jesse D. Mosier Janelle Myers-Benner Heather L. Nyce Eric J. Rutt Bradley K. Schrock Rosemary S. Siegrist Ryan A. Siegrist Benjamin L. Stauffer Lora L. Steiner Derik A. Trissel


Sarah D. Beachy Sarah A. Bixler Abraham Caceres, Jr. Jason S. Coleman Kristi R. Crossgrove Matthew D. Eshleman Kathy A. Handley Andrew D. Hershberger Kyle B. Horst Ravonn J. Kauffman Rudi D. Kauffman Sunshine H. Keeney Elizabeth S. Livengood James C. Monger Anganette L. Nesselrodt Renee A. Neufeld Geoffrey S. Nolt Stashia M. Nolt Eric W. Reinford Hannah E. Steiner Kevin L. Steiner Laura Y. Steiner Jennifer F. Whitmore Alex R. Yoder Devin K. Yoder Sarah J. Yoder Anonymous (1)


Benjamin D. Bixler Rachel L. Bowman David J. Brubaker Joel F. Daly Jeremiah C. Denlinger Mark T. Emerson Charles W. Harner Lisa J. Hershberger Ross M. Kauffman Andrea M. Leaman Lisa Lehman Theodore W. Lehman Spes Manirambona Amanda K. Monger Eric K. Moyer Jessica L. Moyer Eloy D. Rodriguez Ryan D. Schrock Sarah C. Schrock Denver D. Steiner Justin T. Yoder Shannon M. Yoder Anonymous (1)


Rosa C. Bare Gregory M. Grimm Ethan B. Hilliard Elnora S. Horst Margaret J. Horst Andria F. Jackson Timothy B. Jaquet

Eric S. Kennel Donna L. LeRoy Kristin F. Moyer Jeremy M. Newman Linda Panich Rebecca L. Rodriguez Jonathan S. Schell Amanda L. Swartley Michael D. Swartley Benjamin R. Wideman Glenn E. Wood Heather J. Yoder


Kevin D. Docherty Theodore M. Erickson Jason L. Good Brad A. Hertzler Justina D. Hertzler Kari D. Hochstetler Hadley H. Jenner Wendy A. Rhodes Melody D. Ritchie Jesse M. Rodriguez Kimberly A. Runion Cara D. Salmon Casey M. Severs Lisa R. Shank Bonnie S. Sink Travis J. Smith Benjamin J. Weaver Meredith L. Wideman


James A. Baer Jenee’ L. Bare Trevor S. Bare Kevin S. Beachy Deanna J. Brubaker Aaron H. Byler Derrick R. Charles Andile M. Dube Luis A. Padilla Maria J. Rodriguez Joel R. Shank

Class of 2007 Senior Class Gift Donors Joshua D. Akers Frank A. Ameka Amina Y. Auezova Kathrine J. Baker Brenna M. Beck Jodi S. Beller Emily D. Benner Debra L. Boese Daniel P. Brenneman Joshua D. Byler Rebekah A. Charles Ashley E. Chupp Anna K. Cockley Rebecca A. Comer Ryan G. Detweiler Rebecca J. Drooger Daniel D. Hardjoleksono Cheryl B. Heatwole Shenk Timothy H. Heatwole Shenk Elizabeth S. Heavener Maria J. Hoover Ethan K. Horst Jennifer M. Horst Tiffany L. Horst Jason M. Hostetter Heather J. Keim So H. Kim Ryan D. King Heidi A. Kolb Kristy M. Koser Nate J. Koser

Matthew E. Lam Jenna R. Martin Katrina J. Martin Kyle R. Mast Samson K. Mbugua Van Dyck B. Mbuyi Kara E. Miller Seth M. Miller Andrew S. Millette Jonathan Mitten Katie N. Moyer Marla E. Norris Aaron J. Nussbaum Sherry L. Owens Melanie C. Pritchard Leon J. Rauch Ryan H. Reese Denise A. Reesor Kevin M. Ressler Mark D. Risser Jason S. Ritter Lindsey M. Roeschley Enea Rrapokushi Raquel Schlabach-Ortiz Joy Y. Shaiebly Rachel A. Sims Amanda L. Smith Kristen L. Souder Rachel S. Spory Brenna M. Steury Kara J. Stoltzfus Jon M. Styer Elizabeth M. Syre Jordan N. Tew Megan M. Tiller Eric M. Trinka Marie S. Voth Danielle M. Walter Jeremy L. Webster Galen K. Wenger Lindsay A. Willing Curtis A. Yoder Mary E. Yoder Shannon D. Yoder Joy L. Zimmerman  

Graduate Alumni Khadija O. Ali Murl Baker Lisa Burke James J. Butcher Hsiao-wen Chen Nancy E. Coggeshall Sally J. Conner Jonna G. Detweiler Anna M. Edling William D. Elliot Janet F. Evergreen Deborah French Jean A. Gerber Heather L. Gigliotti William H. Goldberg Susan E. Habig Vesna Hart Joyce C. Hedrick Claudia E. Henning Andrew M. Hershey Maria A. Hjort Sara S. Howlett Rose S. Huyard Janice M. Jenner Darlene H. Keller Connie S. Keplinger Phoebe Kilby Aaron T. Kishbaugh Rhoda A. Kraus Bonnie P. Lofton Rose M. Longworth

Sharon Marcey Jonathan A. Metzler Michele V. Moore Jodi M. Myers Helen I. Nafziger Jean B. Ndayizigiye Vicki W. Normoyle Patricia A. Patton Rebecca B. Pierce Amy C. Potter Christine A. Poulson Jeffrey E. Quay Paulus Rahmat Jodi M. Read Dawn M. Sander Jeremy Simons Brenda M. Smith Mary J. Smith J Richard Umble Jay A. Wittmeyer Ethel P. Zook

Faculty, Staff and Retirees Mary Kay & Gary Adams Linda & Robert Alley Beth Aracena Myron & Esther Augsburger Kathrine Baker Nathan & Elaine Zook Barge Cathy & Richard A. Baugh Kendal & Jennifer North Bauman Marian Bauman Benjamin & Sarah Beachy Brenda & David Bechler Titus & Anna Bender Richard & Marlene Benner Elizabeth & Mark Bergman James & Anna Bishop James & Doris Bomberger Arthur & Alice Borden Lois Bowman Bonnie & G. Henry Bowser II Leah & Greg Boyer Sandra Brownscombe Beryl & J. Mark Brubaker David & Martha Brubaker Frances Brubaker Gerald & Shirley Brunk George & Ruthann Miller Brunk Brian & Linda Burkholder Jan & James Butcher Owen & Barbara Byer Monica & Matt Carlson Derrick & Rebekah Charles Donald & Esther Clymer Suzanne & David Cockley Phyllis & Jerry Coulter Spencer & Shirley Cowles Lisa & Nick Crist William & Hallet Culbreth Beverly & Laverne Delp Kenton & Rhoda Derstine David & Charmaine Detrow Ellis & Caroline Detwiler Jayne Docherty Violet & Daryl Dutcher Martha & Christopher Eads Omar & Anna Kathryn Eby James & A. Margaret Engle Marcia & Mike Engle Fern Erb John & Barbara Fast Donald & Margaret Foth Daniel & Susan Garrett Margaret M. Gehman Ray & Wilma Gingerich Chris & Eileen Gingrich

David & Christina Glanzer Ervie & Mary Glick Linda & Keith A Gnagey Jason Good Theda Good Ted Grimsrud & Kathleen Temple Paul & Marjorie Guengerich Philip & Susan Guengerich Cynthia & Chad Gusler William & Susan Hairston Diann & Keith Harman Vesna & Barry Hart, Jr. Joyce & Donald Hedrick Carolyn & Richard J. Heggen Nancy Heisey & Paul Longacre Valerie Helbert Phillip & Loretta Helmuth Greta Herin Andrew & Lisa Hershberger Ann & Jim Hershberger Jerry & Mary Holsopple Maria Hoover Ray & Violet Horst Samuel & Mary Ellen Horst John & Joan Horst Harold Huber Matthew Hunsberger Vernon & Dorothy Jantzi Janice & Hadley Jenner Norman & Margaret Kauffman Phoebe Kilby & Barry Carpenter David & Debra King Evelyn King Faye & Dale King Tara & Aaron Kishbaugh Stella Knicely John & Naomi Krall C. Norman & Rhoda Kraus John & Betty Kreider Harold Kuhns Olive & James Kuhns C. Eldon & Sharyl Kurtz Lisa & David Landes Roland & Darlene Landes Jay & Peggy Landis Jill & Kumar Landis Jha James & Lori Leaman Allon & Doris Lefever Edwin & Dianna Lehman Galen & Gloria Lehman James & Dorothy Lehman Bonnie & James Lofton Maria Lorcas & Pedro Aponte Carol S. Lown John & Marian Martin Patricia & Earl Martin Joseph & Nancy Mast Roger & Cheryl Mast Evelyn Maust Margaret & Ronald McIntire R. Michael & Debra Medley A. Clair & Mamie Mellinger David F. & Martha P. Miller Elroy & Linda Miller Karen & Martin Miller Laurie & Ellen Miller Roman & Elva Miller Sharon & James Miller Marie & Keith Morris Steve & Karen Moshier Shenk Judy & James Mullet Janelle & Jason Myers-Benner Kenneth J. & Helen I. Nafziger Kenneth L. & Judith Nafziger Mark & Mary Thiessen Nation Jean & Spes Ndayizigiye Joan Griffing & Leslie Nicholas Douglas & Dawn Nyce Paul & Ellen Peachey Hubert & Mildred Pellman

Ronald & Myrna Piper Amy Potter Lynn & Jeffrey Quay Calvin & Freda Redekop Herman & Mary Reitz Linden Rhodes Mark Risser Catherine & Daniel Rittenhouse Lindsey Roeschley Jack & Gloria Rutt Pamela & G. Roger Rutt Evelyn & Laurence Sauder Samuel & Janell Sauder Lisa Schirch & Bill Goldberg Kimberly Schmidt Lara Scott Stephanie & Jeff Shafer Lester Shank Lois & Sheldon Shank Audrey Shenk Calvin & Marie Shenk John & Evelyn Shenk Margaret Shenk N. Gerald & Sara Wenger Shenk Kirk & Mary Ann Shisler Maria Esther & Mark Showalter Deirdre & Sherwyn Smeltzer Ross & Cathy Smeltzer Erb Rachel Smith Cynthia & LeVon Smoker Martha & James Snavely Amy Springer Mary Sprunger & Rachid Nouri Donovan & Rita Steiner Edward & Mildred Stoltzfus Ronald & Bonita Stoltzfus Ruth Brunk Stoltzfus Ervin & Bonita Stutzman Linford & Janet Stutzman Walter & Sharon Surratt Daniel Suter Joanna & Duane Swartley Herbert & Margaret Swartz Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Tim Swartzendruber & Nicolle Nogueras Jennifer Ulrich James & Carol Warner Dorothy Jean Weaver Samuel & Sarah Weaver Andrea & Delbert Wenger Galen Wenger Mark & Kathryn Wenger Ruth Wenger Daniel & Elizabeth Wessner Terry & Jennifer Whitmore Benjamin & Meredith Wideman Alex & Shannon Yoder Carroll & Nancy Yoder Don & Emma Jean Yoder James & Kathy Jo Yoder Lawrence & Shirlee K. Yoder Lonnie & Teresa Yoder Nancy & J. David Yoder Nathan & Miriam Yoder Twila & Steve Yoder Howard & Ruby Zehr Earl & Ruth Zimmerman Mark & Lois Zollinhofer

Friends Phyllis Adams Charles & Dorothy Ahrend Frank Albrecht Saloma Albrecht Dolores Alderfer Jacob & Marlene Alderfer Warren & Naomi Alderfer

Michael Alexiou Betty Aliff Charles & Karen Ford Anderson Nicholas & Carolina Angustia Francisco & ChristineMari Arguelles William & Judith Atkinson Erika & Siegfried Auer Jacob Baer, Jr. Georgiane Bair Michael & Patricia Baker Nancy Barnhart John Barr Brian Bauer & Deborah Warnaar Calvin Beachy James & Bonnie Beachy Roscoe & Patsy A. Beahm Betty & David Bear Ray & Carol Beauregard Sarah Bechler Jesse & Catherine Bechtel Vern & Mary Lou Beck Don & Anita Beidler Robert & Mary Jane Bergey Roy Bergey Robert Bersson John & Loine F. Bert Virginia & Richard Bethune Constance Birch James Blagg Dale & Miriam S. Blauch Michael & Pattie Blouse Douglas & Stephanie Bohannon Ulli Bonnekamp Bernie & Peggy Boston Mark & Deborah Bowers Lura & John Bowin Brenda Bowman Catherine Boyd Raymond & Joan Breakall Virgil Brenneman William Brenneman & Judy Vander Henst Mary Bricker George & Mary Briggs Willard & Hazel E. Broadwater Gail Brown K. L. Brown Mary Brown Michael & Gloria Brown Marvin Brubaker Merle & Ila Brubaker Phyllis & Ray Brubaker Joseph & Mary Louise Brunk Raymond & Reba Ann Brunk James & Jacqueline Bryan Mamie Bryant John & Esther Bucher Carolyn & Edward Budd Henry Bukowski Martin & Isabel Bumbaugh Carolyn Burkholder Melvin & Mildred Burkholder Benjamin & Sandra Burks Arthur & Edria Byler Urbane & Janet Byler James & Stephanne Byrd Abraham & Vivian Caceres Sr Dean & Mary Jo Calonder Kevin & Julie G. Caran Agustin Cardoso Cara Carpenter Kyle & Carrie H. Carpenter Steven & Christine Carpenter Robin Carter James & Shelby Cash David & Gloria Cassady Carolyn Cavanaugh Rodney Cavanaugh George Chadwick IV

Deborah Chaffinch Audris Chaney Theodore & Renate Chapman D. Arthur & Miriam Charles Robert Charles Sarah Cheverton Ken & Carmen Christensen Melvin & Elizabeth Chupp Charles & Patricia Churchman John & Joyce G. Claman Alice Clemmer Abram & Shirley Clymer Dianne Coates Ronald & Debra Coffey Sr Richard & Fay Coffman Judy & Ralph Cohen David & Karen Comer Gerald Condon Lee & Carol Congdon Richard & Jane Cope Patricia Costie Jerry & Phyllis Y. Coulter Michele Cross George & Melinda Crowling Kaye Crowther Duane & Donna J. Davis F. Mark & Kay Davis Wayne & Carolyn Dean Joseph & Mary Louise Dell’Olio Laura Dent Jason Derstine Maxine Derstine Merrill & Suzanne Detweiler Rudy & Ann Detweiler Wayne & Claudia H. Diehl Eugene Drifmeyer Thomas & Jean Drooger Jayleane Drucker Lucy Dunaway Albert & Geraldine Duran Allen Early William & Benedicte Early Earl & Joann Ebling Elisabeth & Robert Eggleston Robert Eggleston Verba Eicher Martha Ellison Robin Engleman Joseph & Sally Erickson Leon & Dianna Eshleman Ralph Evans Larry & Elva Evers Elvin & Patricia Fawley Brian Fee Donald & Kathleen Fellenbaum William & Karen Fennell Barbara Fickes Suzanne Fiederlein & Dave Pruett Harold & Anne Finlayson Raymond & Barbara A. Firehock Gilberto Flores David & Wanda Jean Ford Alexander & Elva Forman Wiley & Caroyn Foutz Brenda Fox Frederick & Gail Fox Richard & Naomi Frank Bibb & Dolly Frazier Francis & Kathryn Freeburn Harold Freed Beulah Fretz David & Linda J. Frey Brian & Anne Frimmer Mary & Donald Froehlich Nancy Fruman Philip & Grace Gale Douglas Gardner Steven & Kathryn Gardner Charles & Maureen Garrison Edward & Diane Garrison

James & Phyllis Gaskins Linda Gehman Elizabeth Geil Gerald & Susan Gerber Keith & Mary Beth Gibbons Betty & Cliff Gilchrest Robert Gilmer & Susan Gier Alvin & Lydia Gingerich John & Dolores Gingerich Gale & Florence Gingrich Thomas Glaisyer & Eloise H. Pasachoff Melvin & Erma Glick Richard & Ruth Ann Glick Michael & Elizabeth Goertzen F. Wendell & Helen Gooch Hilda Good Ronald & Loretta G. Good Stanley & Sharon E. Good Amy Gopp John & Esther C. Gordon Ruth Graber Douglas & Cristina Graber Neufeld Andy & Blair Graninger A. Meryl & Gladys Grasse Paul & Margaret Groff Glen & Cyndi Guyton Betty Hackman Nancy Hackman Steve & Lisa Halterman Clark & Elizabeth D. Hamilton Peter Hardesty Kenneth & Helen Harkins Jim & Sarah Harlow Howard & Betty Harman Merlin & Gladys Harman Eugene Harper Maurice Harris John & Julie Harrison Catherine & Andrew Hart Dick Hartranft Cynthia & Greg Hartzler-Miller Collier & Betty Harvey David Hatmaker Arnold & Jean Hawkins Lester & Sara Heacock John & Mary Ann Heatwole Margo & Nando Heffernan Glen & Sharon Hein J. Wilmer & Velma Heisey Vera Heitz Carolyn & Donald Henry Christopher & Christina C. Herman Marlin & Barbara Hershey John & Marie Hey H. Herbert & Joanne High Loren & Elvesta Hochstedler Glenn & Betty Hochstetler Glenn & Sandra Hodge Nicole Hoffman Katharine Holland & James Lynch Mary Hollar Megan Hollaway Thomas & Ann Hook Carl & Janet B. Hoover Lester & Anna Hoover Mary Hoover Judy & Samuel Hope John Horan Carolyn Horn Lauren & Betty Jane Horst Laurence Horst Robert & Betty Hoskins James Hostetler Ronald & Anna Mae Hostetler Wendell & Phyllis Hostetler W. Dale Houff Jacob Houser Paul & Mary Ann Hoyt | crossroads | 29

Larry & Susan Huffman W. Christopher & Mary Hughes Richard Hulton & Anne Hennessey Donald & Sarah Hunsberger Wilmer & Dorothy Hunsecker William & Rebecca Hunter Paul Hutcheson Greg & Joyce Hutchinson Thomas & Penelope P. Imeson III David & Blair Jackson Dan & Linda Jaquet Robert Jochen VMD Terry & Lisa Johns Carolyn & Kermit Johnson Caywood & Mary Johnson Linda & Mark Johnson Susan Johnson Edward & Ruth Jones Arnold Kahn Clell & Lois Kandel Maxine Kauffman James & Susan Kaufman Ruth Kaufman Bradley & Wilda Keefer Bill & Eva Keim Jane & Tim Kelly James & Brenda Kidd David & Patricia King Melba King Robert & Sally Kitts Robert & Paula Klima Christian & Sharon Knudsen Jeremiah & Holly Knupp John Kominski Lauren Kovach & Tim Jones Helen Kraft Lynden & Naomi Krause Rhoda Kunkel Elizabeth La Grua Brian Lafontaine Sidni Lamb Darryl & Suhaila Landis David & Carolyn Landis Glenda Landis Roy & Joan Landis Wendell & Doris Lantz Arlin & Janet Lapp Daniel & Shirley Lapp David Lapp & Amy Hochstetler Jacob & Loretta Lapp John & Sandra Lapp Theodore & Darlene R. Larrison Isaac & Sarah Heiskel Lassiter Michael Lawhorne Carl & Fran Leaman Ivan & Mary Ellen Leaman Frances Lee-Vandell Keith & Ernestine Lehman Larry Lehman Marjean Lehman Melvin & Lois Leidig Mary Leigh Tom & Mary Leigh Marsha Lentz Jennifer & Robert Lerch James & Sandra M. Levengood Ralph & Mary Ellen Lichty Starr Lichty John & Linda Baker Light Jerry & Jane Lile Thelma Lilley J. Nelson Liskey Philip Lock Robert Lock David & Beth Loker Donald & Mona Long Kenneth & Cynthia Longacre Cynthia Lorch & James Legro Loyal Royals Ellen Lucius

30 | crossroads | fall 2007

Patricia & Frank Luth George & Maribeth Madonna James Maitland Preston & Jane Manning Larry & Sandra Manuel Clinton & Esther Martin John & Lynn R. Martin Melvin & Dorothy Martin Richard & Ann Martin Richard Martin Ruth Martin Stephen & Lucille Martin Weaver & Kathryn Martin William & Elizabeth Martin Susan Mast V. Andre’ & Gloria Mast Adair McConnell James & Karen McCormick John & Judith McCoy Diane McCurdy D. V. & F. S. McCutcheon Mary & Charles McDonald W. Robert McFadden Anne McFarland John & Marcia McGrath Henry McLain & Barbara Douglas Terry & Susan McNelley T. Carter & Connie G. Melton Nadine & Charles Metta Carl & Marian Metzler David Michael Thomas & Cheryl Michaels Charles Miller & Barbara Brennan Durward & Nova Jean Miller Eugene & Ruth Miller Jean Miller Joanna Miller Judith & John F. Miller Lawrence & Marjora Miller Lester & Martha L. Miller Levi & Gertrude Miller Levi & Gloria Miller Marvin Miller Victor & Phyllis Miller William & Phyllis J. Miller Emma & J. Mark Mininger David & Becky Mishler Debra & Randy Mitchell James & Janet Mohler Lynne Moir James & Dawn Monger William Monger Deb Monkman Chris Moore Jim Moore Sylvia Moore Marian Moreland James Moreton Henry & Dorothy Morris Alvin Mortenson Luke & Donna Mosemann Donald & Arletha Moser Ida Mosser D. Lee & Marie Moyer Norman & Miriam Moyer Phyllis Moyer Hildegard Muan Gwynneth Mudd David & Janet Mullet Francis & Judith Murphy Paul & Naomi Neuenschwander Carl & Elaine Newcomer Robert & Ruthann Nice Harold & Jane Nigh Myrl & Phyllis Nofziger Anna Noland Wayne & Doris North Charles & Mary Norville Donald & Faye Nyce James & Louise K. O’Connell

Peter O’Malley Glenn & Nancy Painter Michael & Amy Palmer Alice Parker Cory Parsons Bonnie Paul Thomas Paul Marjorie Pennington William Pennington Zack & Judith S. Perdue Kevin Piccini Marianne Pittman Edward & Judith Powell James & Lucy H. Powell Wilhelmina Price Donald & Karen Pryor Margaret Pryor Thompson & Katharine Pyle Raymond & Jeanne Rapp Diana Redman Phillip Renick Robert Reynolds Robert & Ashley Rhodenizer E. Joe & Emma Richards Ralph Richardson Lynn Riner Edward & Karen Rissing Royden & Erma Rittenhouse Elizabeth Roberts Beth Rodgers Kevin & Sue Roggie Salvador & Maria Romero Dean Rose Ralph & Isabel Rose Earl & Doris A. Rosenberger Dinesh & Gay Rosenblum Kumar J. Barkley & Marina Rosser Hank & Marilyn Rossiter Martin Rothfield & Margaret Kilby Joseph Rudmin J. Nelson & Bertha Rush Eleanor Ruth Rodney & D. Fern Ruth Glenn & Pauline Rutt Mervin & Gladys Rutt Richard & Jo Salmon Rhoda Sanders John & Virginia Saner David & Joanne Sauder Harold & Carol Saunders Justin & Amy Savage William Savenoff & Anne-Marie Smith Ada Saxton Betsy Sayre Teresa Schechterly Sherylyn Schmidt William Schminkey C. Lewis & Audrey Schweitzer Earl Scott Robert & Mary Sease Robert & Kathleen Semelsberger Louis & Esther Seminare John & Grace Sensenig Kenneth & Karen Sensenig Kurtis Sensenig Maureen Shanahan Paul Shank Todd & Kathleen Shapley-Quinn Craig Shealy & Lee Sternberger Robert & Lorraine Shelly Byron & Ina Shenk Donald & Brenda Shenk J. Donald & Jewell Shenk Norman & Jean K. Shenk Geraldine Sherwood Gary & Pamela Shifflett Katie Shimada Benjamin Shisler Marie Shisler

Charlotte Shnaider Sarah Shofstall Petrula Shoopman E. Morris & Leone Sider Claude & Susanne Simmons Paul Simmons Eric Sinnott Ilene Smith Kent & Nancy Smith Lawrence & Sharon Smith Lynn Smith Mary Elizabeth & Charles Smith Michael & Kathy Smith Edwin & June Snider Menno & Joyce Sollenberger Richard & Eileen Souder Dorothy Speigle John & Mary Spory Alice Springston William & Selah Sprinkel Sr Rizalina Sprowl B. Leon & Nancy Stauffer Dennis & Joanne Stauffer Harold & June Steiner Edith & Charles D. Stevens John Todd Stewart Barbara & Dan Stickley Marcia Stirewalt Eric & Cynthia Stoltzfus Giles & Donna Stone John Straight Beverly Strickler Sallie & Scott Strickler Curtis Stutzman Helen Sullivan James & Stori F. Sullivan Deidre Summerton-Bias Carl & Janice Swanson Philip & Renee Swartley Steven & Ruth Swartley Ellis & Ila Swartzendruber Kenneth & Roseann Szmagaj Cheryl Talley Eugenia & Yi Noo Tang Francis & Ann Tatem Paul Taylor Joseph & Hazel Tello Louise Temple-Rosebrook Curtis & Yolanda J. Thill Roy & Carol Thomas Charles & Melissa Thompson Mary Thompson Paula Thompson Gladys Troyer M. Edward & Suzanne Troyer Bo & Marion Trumbo Larry & Edith Tschetter Debra Turner Ernest & Modena Turney Larry Tynes Ronald & Shirley Ulrich Josephine Umberger Diane & Ronald Umble Gerald & Darlene Umble Lois Unruh Robert & Linda M. Unruh Charlene & Willard Vanpelt Michael & Melissa Varner Leonard Viola N. O. Wagenschein David & Eulala Wagler J. Darin Wales Elmer Walker Leonard & Carolyn R. Wallace Elizabeth Walle Timothy & Diana Walton Denis & Sandra J. Wampole Carol & James Warner Kevin & Mary Beth Warner Paul Weaver

Rachel Weaver Samuel & Helen Weaver Maynard & Dorothy Weber Gordon & Barbara Weirich Gretchen Welch Donald & Jane Wenger J. Lowell & Janet Wenger Karl & Karen Wenger Samuel & Ruth Wenger Lucy Weston Helen Wetsel Donald White Lester Whitelow Terry Whiteman Jean Whiting Sheldon & Mildred Whitmore Sr C. Larry & Kathryn Whitten Tim & Recinda Widmer Elizabeth Wilson L. Robin Wilson Clyde & Nancy L. Wissler Ralph & Doris Witmer Mitzi Wolfe Marie Wolgemuth Virginia Woolf Helen Wright Lisa Wright Richard & Margaret Wurst Carol Yetzer Craig & Nancy Yoder Darrel & Sharyn Yoder Delvon & Shirley Yoder J. Lester Yoder Jack & Ruth Yoder James & Mildred Yoder Jesse Yoder Kenton & Diane Yoder Lois Yoder Max & Donna M. Yoder Wayne & Roveen L. Yoder LaVerne Yousey H. P. & Lois Zeigler Ruth & J. Allen Zendt John & Ruth E. Zimmerman Norman & Betty Zimmerman Paul & Janet Zimmerman Omar & Janice Zook Robert & Ethel Zook Anonymous (6)

Non-Alumni Parent Donors Carl Bauman David & Debra Bauman Charles & Vickie Burton Elwood & Suzanne Byler Jay & Jo Ann Byler Paul & Linda Derstine Mark & Teresa Egger Randy & Carol Fraysher Robert & Glenda Funk Lee & Lana Gascho Luther & Mary Ann Gautsche Glenn & Cynthia Godshall Susan Groom Sidney & Joyce Grove Anthony & Diane Grubb Diann & Keith Harman Curtis & Jackie Hartman Ronald & Gayle Houseal Terry & Lisa Johns Christopher & Donna Keiser Rodney & Betty Kerr William & Sherri Kitts Gregory & Jan Koons Floyd & Debra Kratz Thomas & Patsy Long David & Rhonda Madison

Mary Magee Thomas & Georgia Mast William & Kristin Michel Margaret & Edward Monk Jeryl & Geraldine Moore Michael & Roslyn Moore Peter & Catherine Polloni Eugene & Julia Reesor Vernon & Jeanette Rice John & Sarah Severs William & Kimberly Shepard Doug & Luann Steury Kenton & Emily Swartley Ralph & Nerissa Viafora Gail & Jack Williams Neil & Peggy Wirick Royce & Marcia Yoder Joseph & Cynthia Zollman

Business & Professional Club

Local businesses who make annual gifts of $1,000 or more

A&E Automotive AFLAC Blue Ridge Design Studio Campbell Insurance Cargill, Inc. Clark & Bradshaw PC Cline Energy, Inc. Don Largent Roofing, Inc. R.R. Donnelley & Sons Dynamic Aviation, Inc. E & M Auto Paint & Supply Co. ERA Kline & May Realty Frazier Quarry, Inc. Good Printers Harman Construction, Inc. Harman Enterprises Partnership Hartman Motor Sales, Inc. Holtzman Corporation Houff Foundation Integrity Audio Systems, Inc. InterChange Kreider Machine Shop Kyger Funeral Homes and Crematory LD & B Insurance Agency Mast & Brunk, Inc. Merck & Co., Inc. Myers Ford Company, Inc. Neff Enterprises Nelson Swope Enterprises Ntelos Partners Excavating Company PBGH LLP RE/MAX Performance Realty Select Aerospace Industries Superior Concrete Truck & Equipment Corp Truck Enterprises, Inc. Trumbo Electric, Inc. Wachovia Bank Weaver’s Floor Covering Welby Showalter Attorney at Law Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver

Other Business Donors A & A Construction LLC Aresty International Law Offices The Artisans Bishop Excavating Christner Bros

Clover Leaf Shopping Center Corp. Color Tile and Carpet Community Fund - Purcellville Cross Tours & Motor Coach, Inc. Del Martin, Inc. Dick Myers Chevrolet-Geo, Inc. Enterprise Rent-a-Car Esh Home Inspections LLC Excel Industries, Inc. Farm & Home Oil Company First Financial Services Group FNB Southeast Foamiture Frank Parsons Paper Co., Inc. Goodville Mutual Casualty Co Greater Eastern Resort, Inc. Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance Hydro Spray Car Wash Jenzabar Kelly’s Sports Ltd Lacher & Associates Insurance Agency Lehman Insurance Agency, Inc. M & W Supply, Inc. Martin Limestone, Inc. Mayer Construction, Inc. Mennonite Financial Mennonite Publishing House, Inc. Metanexus Institute Miller Bros Contractors, Inc. Miller’s Dutch Kitch’n Myers Building Contractors, Inc. Northern Eagle, Inc. Oregon Dairy, Inc. Park View Federal Credit Union Park View Pharmacy Pathway Publishers R & S Auto and Truck Spring Works, Inc Rockingham Construction Co., Inc. Rockingham Milling Co., Inc. Schlabach Drywall Etc, Inc. ServoCon Associates, Inc. Shen-Valley Maps Plus Shue-Kauffman, Inc. Sugar Hill Retirement Community Troyer Corp The Troyer Group Troyer’s Dutch Heritage Restaurant Turner & Company Valley Surfacing Co Wal-Mart Store #01-1726 Walnut Hills Retirement Home, Inc. Water Works Water Treatments, Inc.

Matching Gift Businesses & Foundations Allstate Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Cargill, Inc. Clemens Family Corporation Cognis Corporation Dana Corporation Foundation Dominion Foundation Emerson Electric Company ExxonMobil Foundation John E. Fetzer Institute Fulton Financial Corporation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Hershey Foods Corp Fund IBM Corporation Landis Supermarket, Inc. McGraw-Hill Companies Community Partners Merck Company Foundation

MetLife Foundation Nationwide Foundation Pfizer, Inc. Procter & Gamble Fund UBS Matching Gift Program Universal Health Services, Inc. Vanguard Group Foundation Wyeth Research

Foundations Burford Leimenstoll Foundation Compton Foundation E. C. Foundation Eggleston Charitable Foundation Greater Milwaukee Foundation Houff Foundation Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc. Lifelong Learning Institute Lumina Foundation for Education Ploughshares Fund Religions for Peace - USA Schowalter Foundation, Inc. Small-Alper Family Foundation Inc. The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg-Rockingham The Ripple Foundation Titmus Foundation, Inc. United Service Foundation, Inc. US Institute of Peace

Organizations, Schools and Agencies Arts Council of the Valley The Beacon Institute Church World Service Eastern Mennonite High School James Madison University Mennonite Central Committee Mennonite Education Agency Inc Ohio Conference of the Mennonite Church Ola Hoover Trust Performing Arts Center – Luray State Council of Higher Education for VA Staunton District United Methodist Church Thomas Pyle Middle School United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia US Dept of Health & Human Services Virginia College Fund Virginia Commission for the Arts Virginia Mennonite Conference Wabash Center Walt Whitman High School

Honor Gifts

In honor of John and Malessa Cole Memorial United Methodist Church In honor of Joseph and Hannah Lapp Curtis & Linda Berry In honor of Ruth Martin Rhoda Nolt

In honor of James and Marian Payne Barbara & David Swan

In memory of Carl & Louise Showalter Hiram & Mary Jane Hershey

In honor of Barbara and Dan Stickley Peter & Marjorie Hansen

In memory of Albert C. Slabach Bill & Eva Keim Elton & Phyllis Lehman   In memory of Freda Spangler Joseph & Constance Longacher

Memorial Gifts

In memory of Charles and Joyce Brubaker Leon & Ellen Yoder   In memory of Darrel Brubaker E. Morris & Leone Sider   In memory of Donald L. Goodwin Ward Abusambra and Lois Chavez Marvin Ankers Arthur & Alice Borden Daisy Christmas Byard & Betty Deputy Malcolm & Marilyn Doble Stanley & Cecelia Dorrow Maurice & Lora Dugard Thomas & Kathy Dunham Vernon & Thelma Fisher L. & D. R. Galloway Julia Grandle Orden & Reba Harman Vera Heitz Mary Holm Sterling & Della Huggens Yu-hua & Su-chen Lin Mao Judith & John Miller Ronald & Gayle Miller John & Linda W. Myers Vicki Novak Audrey Price Nancy Raum Neil & Lourie W Reichenberg Earl & Doris A Rosenberger Joseph Sefcik Shirley Shelton David Speck John & Tali Stepp John Straight Timothy Straight Edith Swanell Thomas W. Pyle Middle School J. Carroll & Estelle H. Tulloss Robert & Kathleen Wade Walt Whitman Crew Boosters Walt Whitman High School Sidney & Lillian Winchester In memory of Lisa Haverstick Daryl & Marlisa Yoder-Bontrager In memory of Daniel Horst Sherman & Lavonne Amstutz James & Dana Blauch Faith Casey Lucille Horst Tina Horst Leon & Karen Moyer Lula Ross Phyllis Weaver & J.T. Hearn J. Lowell & Janet Wenger   In memory of Vivian Johanson Arnold & Jean Hawkins, Jr. Carolyn & Kermit Johnson Caywood & Mary Johnson Linda & Mark Johnson Katie Shimada Marcia Stirewalt Sugar Hill Retirement Community

In memory of Daniel B. Suter Mabellee Blosser Claude & Alice-Lee Coakley Byard & Betty Deputy John & Laura A Dmytrenko Kenni Driver Eastern Mennonite High School Edwin & Suzanne B. Fisher Stanley & Susan Godshall Carl & Kay Gusler Elmer & Marianne Kennel John & Sara Kreider LD & B Insurance Agency Joseph & Rachel A Martin Joseph & Nancy Mast Phyllis Miller Rawley & Esther Shank E. Sue Shaver Samuel & Janice Showalter James & Carol Spicher Owen & Flemmie Stultz In Memory of Sally White Donald White In memory of Richard Whitmore Jeffrey & Kim Barbour Rosa Bare Luan Bonner Earl & Donna Burkholder Suzanne & David Cockley Dick Myers Chevrolet-Geo Inc E & M Auto Paint & Supply Co FNB Southeast Kathy & Thomas Handley Andria & Rob Jackson David & Sunshine Keeney Kevin Lanoue Donna & Rodney LeRoy Melody & Carl Ritchie Terry & Jennifer Whitmore Sheldon Whitmore, Jr. Sheldon & Mildred Whitmore, Sr. Glenn & Amy Wood Michael & Mary Woolman

Bequests and Matured Deferred Gifts Julia P. Blough Mary Deputy Brubaker Charles W. Hertzler Dean Hochstetler Edna M. Hochstetler Ruth M. Hostetter David S. Huber Orpha E. Kraybill Dorothy A. Martin Richard E. Martin Doris Mayer Ivan J. Miller Ralph E. Miller Chester M. Myers Henry L. Ruth Harley D. Sauder Daniel S. Sensenig Gary L. Stucky Daniel B. Suter | crossroads | 31

Edith A. Thomas Linden M. Wenger

Jubilee Friends We pay special tribute to our Jubilee Friends listed below who have made provision for EMU in their estate plans. Gift commitments that qualify for membership in this group include bequests by will or living trust, remainder gifts via retirement plans and life insurance policies, as well as a variety of life-income gift plans, such as gift annuities and charitable reminder trusts. These estate gift commitments provide critically important support for building a strong foundation for EMU’s future. Watch for more information in the Jubilee Friends newsletter that is published semiannually.

Jubilee Friends

Saloma Albrecht Sanford and Evelyn Alderfer. Richard and Louise Alderfer Russell and Gladys Alderfer Ruth K. Alger Robert and Linda Alley Myron and Esther Augsburger Calvin C. Beachy Earl and Shirley Beachy Gordon and Velda Beidler Gerald and Rhoda Benner Kenneth and Carolyn Benner Richard and Marlene Benner Anna D. Bishop Glendon Blosser Louise R. Blosser Philip and Donna Blosser Julia P. Blough† Roy and Martha Bomberger James and Doris Bomberger Jonas and Barbara Borntrager Geraldine H. Bowman† Chester and Nancy Bradfield Edith D. Branner† Grace Brenneman Robert and Rachel Brenneman Earle and Marnetta Brilhart Sandra L. Brownscombe J. Kenneth and Pamela Brubaker J. Lester and Lois Brubaker Beryl and J. Mark Brubaker Mary D. Brubaker† Samuel M. Brubaker† James and Thelma Brunk, Sr. H. Nelson and Ruth Brunk Joseph and Mary Louise Brunk Naomi E. Brunk† Truman and Betty Brunk Galen and Gladys Buckwalter Ruth L. Burkholder Raymond and Arlene Byler Verda E. Byler Virginia and Levon Christophel Ralph and Anne Cline J. Paul and Esther Clymer Robert R. Conley Irvin and Margaret Cordell Lewis and Mary Coss Erla O. Culp Loris and Richard Cunningham James and Sue Ann Dale Ronald B. David Earl and Emma† Delp John and Deborah Denlinger David† and Maxine Derstine

32 | crossroads | fall 2007

Margaret G. Derstine Norman† and Virginia Derstine Vernon and Miriam Derstine Anna Louise Detweiler J. William and Ruth Detweiler Edna M. Detwiler† Marcia L. Dickerson Eugene and Gloria Diener Naomi and Walter DuBlanica Andy and Michelle Dula Mamo and Mary Ellen Dula Ralph and Betty Jo Eby Carol and Michael Eby-Good Ethel M. Edmonds Ross and Cathy Smeltzer Erb Bruce and Jenette Flaming Janet and Anthony Foderaro J. Mark and Emma Frederick Jacob† and Anna Frederick Rachel and Norman Frerichs John and Beulah Fretz Adin† and Janet Frey David and Esther Friesen Ruth Garber† Joseph and Barbara Gascho David and Lois Gehman Irene Gehman John and Mabel Gehman Margaret M. Gehman Carole and Alan Roth Giagnocavo Aaron and Edna Gingerich Alice K. Gingerich Eloise Gingerich James and Joan Gingrich Ervie and Mary Glick Orpha J. Glick Susan and Stanley Godshall William Goldberg and Lisa Schirch Gerald and Martha Good Harley and Irene Good Mervin and Mary Ellen Good Francis and Lawrence Greaser Robert and Eva Greaser Cecil and Dory Grove Marjorie and Paul T. Guengerich Willis and Katherine Hallman Geri B. Hardison Karen M. Harlow Carl B. Harman Frances Harman James and Marilyn Harr Joyce and David Harshberger Denise Anne Hart Curt and Jackie Hartman Dwight W. Hartman Pearl Hartz Chad and Lori Hatter John and Mary Ann Heatwole Sarah Hedrick Mary and Dick Heinbaugh Phillip and Loretta Helmuth Lowell and Grace Herr Mary Ella Herr Mildred J. Herr Ann and Jim Hershberger Edgar and De Elda Hershberger Jeane and Lyle Hershey Charles and Rhoda Hertzler† Raymond and Betty Hertzler John H. Hess, Sr. Ernest and Lois Hess Nora and Mervin Hess Dean and Edna Hochstetler† Grace E. Horst Irvin B. Horst Laurence M. Horst Daniel† and Lucille Horst Marvin and Marcia Horst George and Leona Hostetler Mervin and Fern Hostetler

Robert and Eloise Hostetler I. Eby† and Ruth M.† Hostetter Barry and Brenda Hummel Bruce and Anne Hummel Brian† and Karen Hummel Steve and Charlotte Hunsberger Larry and Barbara Jantzi Marvin and Violet Jantzi Vernon and Dorothy Jantzi Samuel and Lila Mae Janzen Esther S. Jones Glen and Sandy Kauffman Norman and Margaret Kauffman Roger and Rachel Kauffman Rudi and Ravonn Kauffman S. Duane and Naomi Kauffman Vera M. Kauffman James and Susan Kaufman Carl E. Keefer Carl and Gladys Keener Naomi Keiper Arthur & Lois Kennel Linford and Mary Etta King Nathan and Melba King Susanne J. King Mary Elizabeth Kite Shirley H. Klass William and Helene Knight Mark and Betty Kniss Paul and Esther Kniss John and Dorothy Kratz Minnie Kratz Richard and Suzanne Kratz Harry & Mildred Kraus, Sr. Jean M. Kraybill Orpha Kraybill† Lloyd and Goldie Kuhns Kathryn A. Kulp Omar† & Emily Kurtz Clyde and Grace Lamp David and Carolyn Landis Jay B. and Peggy H. Landis Mark and Elizabeth Landis R. Laverne and Jean Landis Richard and Pearl L. Lantz Erma Mae Lapp Samuel and Helen Lapp M. Hershey and Norma Leaman Paul and Erma Leaman Tobias and Lonita Leaman III Arlene Leatherman Allon and Doris Lefever Grace B. Lefever J. Paul and Erma Lehman James and Dorothy Lehman Glen and Jean Lengacher Robert and Ramona Lichty Luella R. Linder Joe and Constance Longacher Ken and Cora Longacre Henry and Carol Longacre Horace and Elizabeth† Longacre Richard and Rose Longacre Lynn and Laurie Longenecker Nelson and Danielle Longenecker Norman L. Loux Mary K. Mack Barbara A. Martin Don and Barbara Martin Dorothy A. Martin† Gary and Patricia Martin Grace L. Martin John and Marian S. Martin Larry E. and Gail Martin Leo and Mary R Martin Lois M. Martin Naomi Martin Robert and Nancy L. Martin Roy and Ruth Y. Martin Ula R. Martin†

Elmer Maust Evelyn B. Maust Clayton and Lydia† Mayer Doris Mayer† Donald and Alta Mellinger Ethel L. Mellinger Violet and Elmer W. Metzler Daniel and Anna M. Miller David and Joanne Miller David F. and Martha P. Miller Ella May Miller Elmer and Martha A. Miller Harvey and Pauline Miller Ivan and Della Miller† Lawrence and Marjora M. Miller Levi and Gertrude Miller Luke and Denise Y. Miller Paul and Edna Miller Ralph E. Miller† Robert and Mary E. Miller Sue A. Miller Willis and Dorothy Miller David and Marian Mininger Doris and Richard Morgan Charles and Betty Moubray Abram and Glenda Moyer Charles and Carolyn Moyer Mary H. Moyer Mary B. Moyers LeRoy and Sue Mullet Catherine R. Mumaw Ethel M. Mumaw Grace N. Mumaw Miriam L. Mumaw Russell and Ruth Mumaw Roy and Annie Musselman Chester M. Myers† Rodney and Miriam Nafziger John D. Neely† Paul A. Neuenschwander Arthur and Mary L. Newcomer Ruth Nisly Lowell and Miriam Nissley Herb and Becky Noll Kenneth and Lois Noll Philip and Margaret Nolt Rhoda E. Nolt Robert and Anna Nolt Jay and Rhoda Oberholtzer Wilmer and Doris† Otto James and Marian Y. Payne Glenn and Bertha Peachey Daryl and Jane Peifer Ken and Rachel Pellman Ron and Myrna Piper Marlyn and Anita Ranck Calvin and Freda Redekop John and Carolyn Reed Merle and Ruth Ann Reinford Raymond and Naomi Ressler Steve and Karen Ringenberg James and Kendra Rittenhouse Norman and Alice Rittenhouse Royden and Erma Rittenhouse Henry and Charlotte Graber Rosenberger Melissa and Norman Ross Candace and Timothy Ross-Cleary Glen and Annabelle Roth Philip and Jane Roth Verle Rufenacht Verlen Rufenacht Lowell and Jueldine Rupp Henry L. Ruth† Kendall and Lisa Ruth Ella Ruth Ann Rutt and Rick Buckwalter Clarence and Helen Rutt Roger and Pamela Rutt John and Rebecca Rutt

Laurence and Evelyn Sauder R. Clair and Doris Sauder Sarah S. Sauder Daniel and Mildred Schantz Abner and Virginia Schlabach Ammon and Naomi Schrock Marlin Seitz Daniel and Blanche Sensenig† Anna B. Shank Gerald and Ethel Shank Orval and Dorothy Shank Stuart and Helen Shank Calvin and Marie Shenk H. Michael and Peggy Shenk J. C. and Jewell Shenk James and Donna Shenk Margaret M. Shenk† Mary Florence Shenk N. Gerald and Sara Wenger Shenk Stanley and Doris Shenk John and Henrietta Shertzer Geraldine Sherwood Miriam E. Shirk and J. Ron Byler Susan D. Shirk Esther Ruth Shisler Kirk and Mary Ann Shisler Donald and Marlene Showalter Ida R. Showalter† James and Carol Showalter Lena Yutzy Showalter Millard Showalter Samuel and Evelyn Shrum Walter and Leanne Smith Willard and Linda Smith Sanford and Gloria Snider Arvilla Souder Paul and Grace Souder John and Susan Stahl John and Velma Stauffer, Jr. Doris S. Stauffer Esther G. Steckle Glenn and Majorie Steffen Virgene Steffen Omar and Catherine Stoltzfus Ron and Bonnie Stoltzfus Winfred and Wilda K. Stoltzfus Lewis† and Ethel Strite Gary L. Stucky† Ervin and Bonnie Stutzman Linford and Janet Stutzman Maurice and Carla F. Stutzman Daniel B. Suter† J. David and Shelby Swartley Willard and Mary Swartley Dwight and Vada B. Swartz H.D. Swartzendruber Loren and Pat Swartzendruber Tim Swartzendruber and Nicolle Nogueras Clayton and Margaret Swartzentruber Bruce and Joy Thomas Edith A. Thomas† Gladys Troyer LeRoy and Phyllis J. Troyer Levi and Lillis Troyer Judith Trumbo W. Neil and Margaret Turner Marge Nussbaum Warkentin A. Richard and Ruth Weaver Darrell R. Weaver Harold† and Iona S. Weaver John and Margaret Weaver Lester and Lena Weaver Sam and Sarah Weaver Todd and Anne Weaver A. Grace Wenger Chester and Sara Jane Wenger Linden M. Wenger† Ruth and Don Wenger

Connie and Hugh E. Westfall Helen M. Wetsel Sheldon and Mildred Whitmore Terry and Jennifer Whitmore Julia and Lynn Wiebe Elizabeth P. Wilson E. James and Rachel Witmer Thelma B. Wolgemuth Dwight and Sheryl Wyse Alvin and Dorothy Yoder Carl and Martha Yoder Orris †and Doris A. Yoder Douglas and Vonda Yoder Paul, Sr.†and Grace W. Yoder John and Arlene E. Yoder Julia M. Yoder Lonnie and Teresa B. Yoder Matilda M. Yoder Paul and Daisy Yoder Richard and Carolyn Yoder Ron and Shirley Yoder Ruth Yothers Valentine and Anne Yutzy Abner and Mary Zehr Lena Zehr Pearl A. Zehr Donald and Priscilla Ziegler Earl and Ruth Zimmerman Karene and Mark Zimmerman M. Elaine Zuck Anonymous (20)

Conferences and Churches Allegheny Mennonite Conference

Hyattsville Mennonite Church Kaufman Mennonite Church Springs Mennonite Church University Mennonite Church

Atlantic Coast Mennonite Conference

Akron Mennonite Church Bethel Mennonite Church Community Mennonite Church Forest Hills Mennonite Church Hebron Mennonite Church Mennonite Congregation of Boston Neffsville Mennonite Church North Baltimore Mennonite Church Ridgeview Mennonite Church

Central District

Assembly Mennonite Church Atlanta Mennonite Fellowship Boynton Mennonite Church Chicago Community Mennonite Church Community Mennonite Church Evanston Mennonite Church First Mennonite Church of Champaign-Urbana Lafayette Mennonite Fellowship Madison Mennonite Church Mennonite Church of Normal North Suburban Mennonite Church Oak Grove Mennonite Church Paoli Mennonite Fellowship Plow Creek Mennonite Church Prairieview Mennonite Church Shalom Community Church Southside Fellowship

Central Plains Mennonite Conference

Bellwood Mennonite Church Bethel Mennonite Church Central Plains Conference Christ Community Church East Union Mennonite Church Kalona Emmanuel Mennonite Church Evangelical Mennonite Church Faith Mennonite Church First Mennonite Church of Iowa City Julesburg Mennonite Church Kalona Mennonite Church Rochester Mennonite Church Salem Mennonite Church Sermon on the Mount Mennonite Church Sugar Creek Mennonite Church Washington Mennonite Church Wellman Mennonite Church

Eastern District

Germantown Mennonite Church Mennonite Congregation of Boston

Franconia Mennonite Conference

Ambler Mennonite Church Bally Mennonite Church Boyertown Mennonite Church Covenant Community Fellowship Deep Run Mennonite Church Franconia Mennonite Church Lakeview Mennonite Church Line Lexington Mennonite Church Perkasie Mennonite Church Plains Mennonite Church Salford Mennonite Church Souderton Mennonite Church Spring Mount Mennonite Church Swamp Mennonite Church Towamencin Mennonite Church Vincent Mennonite Church

Franklin Mennonite Conference

Marion Mennonite Church

Gulf States Mennonite Conference Gulf States Conference

Illinois Mennonite Conference

Arthur Mennonite Church Berhane Wongel Ethiopian Church Bethesda Mennonite Church Chicago Community Mennonite Church Community Mennonite Church East Bend Mennonite Church East Peoria Mennonite Church Evanston Mennonite Church of Champaign-Urbana First Mennonite Church of Morton First Norwood Mennonite Church Freeport Mennonite Church Hopedale Mennonite Church Illinois Conference Living Water Community Church Lombard Mennonite Church Madison Mennonite Church Mennonite Church of Normal Metamora Mennonite Church North Suburban Mennonite Church

Plow Creek Mennonite Church Prairieview Mennonite Church Reba Place Church Roanoke Mennonite Church Science Ridge Mennonite Church St Louis Mennonite Fellowship Willow Springs Mennonite Church

Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference

Assembly Mennonite Church Belmont Mennonite Church Benton Mennonite Church Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship Bonneyville Mennonite Church Clinton Brick Mennonite Church Clinton Frame Mennonite Church College Mennonite Church East Goshen Mennonite Church Emma Mennonite Church Fellowship of Hope Mennonite Church First Mennonite Church - Fort Wayne First Mennonite Church Indianapolis First Mennonite Church Middlebury Harlan Mennonite Fellowship Holdeman Mennonite Church Hopewell Mennonite Church Howard-Miami Mennonite Church Hudson Lake Mennonite Church Kern Road Mennonite Church Lafayette Mennonite Fellowship Lake Bethel Mennonite Church Ninth Street Mennonite Church North Goshen Mennonite Church North Main Street Mennonite Church Paoli Mennonite Fellowship Pleasant View Mennonite Church Prairie Street Mennonite Church Shalom Community Church Shore Mennonite Church Southside Fellowship Sunnyside Mennonite Church Walnut Hill Mennonite Church Waterford Mennonite Church Yellow Creek Mennonite Church

Lancaster Mennonite Conference

Blossom Hill Mennonite Church East Chestnut Street Mennonite Church East Petersburg Mennonite Church Erisman Mennonite Church Groffdale Mennonite Church James Street Mennonite Church Mechanic Grove Mennonite Church Metzler Mennonite Church Red Run Mennonite Church Slate Hill Mennonite Church Witmer Heights Mennonite Church

Mountain States Mennonite Conference Beth-El Mennonite Church Emmanuel Mennonite Church First Mennonite Church of Denver Glennon Heights Mennonite Church Greeley Mennonite Church

New York Mennonite Conference

Harris Hill Mennonite Church Rochester Area Mennonite Fellowship

North Central Mennonite Conference Exeland Mennonite Church

Ohio Mennonite Conference

Aurora Mennonite Church Berlin Mennonite Church Bethel Mennonite Church Rittman Bethel Mennonite Church - West Liberty Central Mennonite Church Crown Hill Mennonite Church Kidron Mennonite Church Lockport Mennonite Church Maple Grove Mennonite Church Martins Creek Mennonite Church Martins Mennonite Church Midway Mennonite Church Millersburg Mennonite Church North Clinton Mennonite Church Oak Grove Mennonite Church West Liberty Oak Grove Mennonite Church Smithville Orrville Mennonite Church Pine Grove Mennonite Church Pleasant View Mennonite Church Salem Mennonite Church - Elida Salem Mennonite Church Waldron MI Sharon Mennonite Church Smithville Mennonite Church Sonnenberg Mennonite Church Summit Mennonite Church Tedrow Mennonite Church Toledo Mennonite Church Walnut Creek Mennonite Church West Clinton Mennonite Church Wooster Mennonite Church

Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference

Albany Mennonite Church Corvallis Mennonite Fellowship Evergreen Mennonite Church Hype Park Mennonite Fellowship Menno Mennonite Church Mountain View Mennonite Church Pacific Covenant Mennonite Church Portland Mennonite Church Prince of Peace Mennonite Church Salem Mennonite Church Seattle Mennonite Church Spring Valley Mennonite Church Warden Mennonite Church Zion Mennonite Church

Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference

First Mennonite Church of Reedley First Mennonite Church of San Francisco Koinonia Mennonite Church Mennonite Community Church Shalom Mennonite Fellowship Sunnyslope Mennonite Church

South Central Mennonite Conference

Faith Mennonite Church Hesston Mennonite Church Iglesia Menonita Monte Horeb Manhattan Mennonite Church Mennonite Church of the Servant Peace Mennonite Church Shalom Mennonite Church South Hutchinson Mennonite Church Southern Hills Mennonite Church Spring Valley Mennonite Church

Southeast Mennonite Conference

Ashton Mennonite Church East Atlanta Christian Fellowship

Virginia Mennonite Conference

Big Spring Mennonite Church Community Mennonite Church Family of Hope First Mennonite Church of Richmond Harrisonburg Mennonite Church Huntington Mennonite Church Iglesia del Evangelio Completo Alpha y Omega Lindale Mennonite Church Mount Clinton Mennonite Church Park View Mennonite Church Powhatan Mennonite Church Springdale Mennonite Church Stephens City Mennonite Church Trissels Mennonite Church Valley View Mennonite Church Warwick River Mennonite Church Weavers Mennonite Church Williamsburg Mennonite Church Zion Mennonite Church

Western District

Iglesia Menonita Monte Horeb Manhattan Mennonite Church Mennonite Church of the Servant Peace Mennonite Church Rainbow Mennonite Church Shalom Mennonite Church Southern Hills Mennonite Church


Community of Christ Memorial United Methodist Church Otterbein United Methodist Church The Presbyterian Church, Sewickley Shenandoah Valley Community Church Staunton District United Methodist Church

University Endowments & Annual Scholarships Alderfer Family Endowed Scholarship Alper Family Endowed Scholarship Alumni Scholarship American Minority Scholarship Arboretum/Acker Grove Endowed Program Myron S. Augsburger Fifth | crossroads | 33

President Scholarship Myron S. Augsburger Lectureship Fund Adam Herr Baer Endowment for Conflict Transformations and Peacebuilding Rose Landis Baer and Gerald R. Baer Endowed Scholarship Edmund Bannerman Memorial Endowed Scholarship E. Robert & Elva M. Bare Scholarship John J. & Ruth M. Bare Endowed Business Scholarship Frederick Beazley Endowed Scholars Grant Gordon & Velda Beidler Artist in Residence Program Cletus B. & Geraldine H. Bowman Endowment for Golf Education Branch-Conrad Endowed Scholarship Warren Lloyd Braun, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Brenneman-Longacher Mathematics Endowed Scholarship Bridges to Education Grant-in-Aid Fund Aaron O. & Esther Brubaker International Endowed Grant Fund Charles R. & Joyce A. Longacre Brubaker Endowed Memorial Scholarship Darrel J. Brubaker Memorial Scholarship J. Lester Brubaker Mennonite School Teachers Program Endowment Harry A. Brunk Memorial Fund Michael B. Burgard Endowed Memorial Scholarship Marjorie V. Burkholder Endowed Scholarship Jesse T. & Betty S. Byler Endowed Scholarship Jesse T. Byler Education Program Jesse T. Byler Education Chair Wai-Ying Chan Endowed Scholarship Christopher Dock Valedictorian & Salutatorian Scholarship Class of 1966 Endowed Scholarship Class of 1971 Endowed Scholarship Markley Clemmer Program Endowment Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Collins Endowed Scholarship Copernicus Group Endowment Fund Delaware/Maryland Endowed Scholarship C. F. Derstine Endowed Scholarship Richard C. & Mary Jane Detweiler Faculty Enrichment Endowment Richard C. Detweiler Sixth President’s Endowed Scholarship Justus S. & Virginia Weaver Driver Endowed Scholarship EMU Business Scholarship EMU Endowed Benevolent Fund Encore Endowed Scholarship Estep Music Program Endowment John and Kathryn Fairfield Endowment For The Center For Justice And Peacebuilding Margaret G. & Joseph A. Flynn Nursing Program Endowment

34 | crossroads | fall 2007

Frazier Quarry Scholarship Ernest G. Gehman Endowed Scholarship Margaret Martin Gehman Endowed Scholarship Kay Koontz Gillette Endowed Scholarship Janice Mayer Glanzer Memorial Endowed Scholarship Paul and Isabel Glanzer Program Endowment Esther Eby Glass Endowed Scholarship Golf Program Endowment Donald L. Goodwin Endowed Scholarship GOR-MAY Music Endowed Scholarship Saloma Bare Graber Theater Endowment Paul T. & Marjorie Guengerich, Endowed Scholarship R. Melvin & Nola M. Harnish Endowed Scholarship Marilyn Hartline Endowed Scholarship Dwight W. & Ellen Hartman Pellman Language & Literature Endowment C. Clayton Hartzler Endowed Scholarship Bruce Chadwick Hatter Endowed Scholarship Haverim Endowed Scholarship Lisa Haverstick Memorial Nursing Laboratory Hedrick Endowed Scholarship G.W & Osa Henderson Business Scholarship E. Grant & Sara Herr Endowed Scholarship John H. & Elsie Hess Family Endowment for MA in Counseling Paul S. Hill Endowed Scholarship Howard Histand Ministerial Discount Fund Honors Endowed Scholarship D.R. Hostetler Museum Fund Endowment Jeff & Vicky Hostetler Endowed Honors Scholarship The Robert & Eloise Hostetler Endowed Fund for Faculty Release Time David S. Huber Endowed Scholarship International Student Scholarship William H. & Helene Knight Endowed Scholarship Miriam E. Krantz Endowed Scholarship Joseph and Milton Kraus Endowed Scholarship Fund John E. & Betty J. Kreider Endowed Scholarship Larry F. & Mary Ann Kulp Scholarship LaJunta Memorial Nursing Scholarship Lancaster County Endowed Scholarship Elizabeth H. Landis Memorial Endowed Scholarship Miles B. & Anna Landis Endowed Scholarship Language & Literature Scholarship John E. & Edith R. Lapp Endowed Scholarship Joseph L. Lapp 7th President’s

Scholarship N. Leroy and Catherine A. Lapp Endowed Scholarship John Paul & Wendy Lederach Endowed Scholarship Grace B. Lefever Endowed Scholarship David H. Lehman Family Endowed Scholarship Elton D. & Phyllis A. Lehman Endowed Scholarship John A. & Ruth S. Lehman Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship Lockport Mennonite Church Grant Fund Carol L. Longacre Endowed Scholarship Horace W. & Elizabeth G. Longacre Endowed Business Scholarship The Rodney D. Longacre Endowed Memorial Business Scholarship Longenecker Family Endowed Scholarship Gary E. & Patricia B. Martin Endowed Scholarship Ivan M. & Irene N. Martin Endowed Scholarship John D. & Mary A. Martin Endowed Scholarship John W. & Mary Ann Martin Endowed Scholarship Earl Maust Memorial Endowed Scholarship Ira E. & Helen B. Miller International Endowed Scholarship J.B., Sr. & Ida Miller Business Endowed Scholarship Mary Louise Miller Memorial Education Endowed Scholarship Richard and Doris Souder Martin Endowed Scholarship Esther M. Mumaw Endowed Scholarship John R. Mumaw Fourth President’s Endowed Scholarship Kenneth B. & Lois H. Noll Endowed Scholarship Rhoda E. Nolt Endowed Scholarship Nursing Endowed Scholarship Nursing Scholarship-Miles Orie Miller Global Village Fund Catherine R. Mumaw Endowed Scholarship James I. & Marian Yoder Payne MA in CTP Program Endowment James I. & Marian Yoder Payne CJP Program Endowment for Creative Initiatives Hubert Pellman Language & Literature Chair Hubert R & Mildred K.Pellman Literature Endowed Scholarship Leroy & Elizabeth Lauver Pellman Endowed Scholarship Pennsylvania Endowed Scholarship Philadelphia Scholarship Calvin W. & Freda Pellman Redekop Endowed International Business Scholarship Robel Endowed Education Scholarship Robel Endowed Math-Secondary Education Scholarship Carl S. Sauder Memorial Scholarship Dr. Walter E. & Mae E. Schlabach

Endowed Scholarship Scottdale Mennonite Endowed Church Grant J.Donald & Jewell Yoder Shenk Endowed Scholarship John Carl and Jewel Harman Shenk Endowed Music Scholarship Sherwood Music Program Endowment Carl G. & Louise M. Showalter Endowed Scholarship Sara Ann Showalter Memorial Scholarship Lela F. Snyder Endowed Program Edwin A. & Ruth K. Souder Endowed Scholarship M. & M. Souder Endowed Scholarship J. Mark Stauffer Endowed Music Scholarship John L. Stauffer Third President’s Endowed Scholarship Joanna Mae Steckley Memorial Endowed Scholarship Edith C. & Marilyn L. Steinbright Endowed Scholarship Dayton & Ruth Steiner Endowed Scholarship Aldon G. Stogdale Memorial Scholarship Allen Grant Stoltzfus Endowed Scholarship Grant M. Stoltzfus Endowed Scholarship Ruth Brunk Stoltzfus Grant Program for CJP Student Initiated Endowment Fund Daniel B. & Grace F. Suter Endowed Scholarship Daniel B. Suter Biology Chair Daniel B. Suter Biology Program Endowment Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Endowed General Scholarship Fund Maxine Troyer Memorial Scholarship Estep/Turner Endowed Scholarship Lucy Vance Endowed Scholarship The Village Inn Scholarship Virginia Collegium Scholarship Virginia Mennonite Conference Congregational Resource Center Endowment Fund M. Lloyd & Sara S. Weaver Endowed Scholarship R. Clair & Anna May Weaver Endowed Scholarship Victor F. Weaver Inc. Endowed Scholarship AD.Wenger President’s Endowed Scholarship Roy E. & Esther S. Wert Endowed Scholarship Hugh and Connie Heatwole Westfall Endowed Scholarship Richard M. Whitmore Endowed Scholarship Paul R. Sr. & Grace W. Yoder Endowed Scholarship Robert D. Yoder Endowed Scholarship I. Ervin and Nora E. Yothers Endowed Scholarship Young Alum Scholarship J. Harold Zook Program Endowment M. Elaine Zuck Endowed Scholarship

Seminary Endowments & Annual Scholarships Alpha & Omega Scholarship Approved Unto God Grant A.Don & Martha Augsburger Seminary Endowed Scholarship Myron Augsburger Endowed Chair of Theology Myron Augsburger Endowed Lectureship Series Dan & Grace Blosser Scholarship Glendon & Dorothy Blosser Evangelism Scholarship Mahlon L. & Pauline S. Blosser Scholarship Michael & Louise Blosser Scholarship Branch-Conrad Endowed Scholarship Wellington & Frances Cassel CECP Scholarship Coffman Center for Evangelism & Church Planting Chair Thomas & Nancy Coffman Scholarship Irvin and Margaret Cordell Endowed Scholarship Lewis M. and Mary L. Coss Church Leadership Endowed Scholarship Earl & Emma Delp CECP Scholarship Norman H. & Virginia M. Derstine Scholarship Estep Sherwood Seminary Endowed Scholarship Clyde & Beulah Fulmer Scholarship Amos C. Gerig Scholarship John F. Grove Seminary Scholarship Arthur & Lizzie Hackman CECP Scholarship Howard L. Histand Endowed Fund Howard L. Histand Scholarship (CECP) Dean Hochstetler CECP Program B. Charles & Grace Hostetter Scholarship Nora Hostetter CECP Scholarship Barry D. & Brenda Hummel Seminary Endowment Kelifa Ali Memorial Scholarship Earl & Emma Byler King Endowed Seminary Scholarship Joseph and Milton Kraus Endowed Scholarship Fund Lavonda J.Kreider Memorial Scholarship Lancaster Connection Seminary Scholarship C.D. & Vergie Lantz Scholarship N. Leroy and Catherine A. Lapp Endowed Scholarship Esther K. Lehman Scholarship John A. & Ruth S. Lehman Seminary Scholarship Barbara Martin Seminary Scholarship John R. and Marian S. Martin Seminary Scholarship Lydia Slabaugh Martin Scholarship Richard E. & M. Jorene Martin Endowed Scholarship Ethel Mellinger Scholarship

George & Grace Miller Hispanic Ministries Scholarship Orie & Elta Miller Scholarship Miller-Howe Scholarship Marvin & Delores Nolt Scholarship Urie & Miriam Peachey Family Scholarship Margaret Elizabeth Pepper Endowed Scholarship Elmo & Edith Piper Scholarship Paul M. & Beatrice Roth Scholarship Lowell & Jueldine Rupp Scholarship Jacob A. and Lucy Wenger Shenk Endowed Seminary Scholarship Mary Florence & Margaret Shenk Scholarship Norman G. and Jean Kraybill Shenk Seminary Scholarship Geraldine Estep Sherwood Endowed Seminary Scholarship Frank E. & Erica Shirk Endowed Scholarship Emma F. Showalter Scholarship Howard & Irene Showalter Scholarship Mary M. Showalter Scholarship Roy & Victoria Simmons Scholarship J. B. Smith Scholarship Walter L. and Leanne M. Smith Anabaptist Heritage Fund Walter L. and Leanne M. Smith Anabaptist Heritage Scholarship Endowment Seminary Grant-In-Aid Scholarship Arlin & Ruth Wenger Snider Endowed Scholarship Strite Endowment for Preaching Institute & Leadership Development The Nelson and Gloria Swope Seminary Endowed Scholarship Sem W. & Ruby K. Swope Scholarship Tidewater Seminary Grant Miriam L. Weaver Seminary Endowed Scholarship Samuel & Sarah Weaver Scholarship Chester L. & Sara Jane Wenger Scholarship Linden M. & Esther H. Wenger Seminary Scholarship Paul T. & Daisy B. Seminary Scholarship Norman & Lena Yutzy CPE. Endowment

†Deceased Endowments in bold print were added in 2006-2007. Blueprints and drawings on pages 17-34 are of EMU facilities and grounds from the emu archives.

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EMU Finances at a Glance For the fiscal years ending June 30, 2007 and 2006





944,532 116,806 589,221 3,580,100

1,719,228 585,133 1,732,774 5,848,530

16,693,616 3,580,100 2,068,581 3,645,884 3,747,209

16,015,720 5,848,530 2,500,747 3,175,622 2,843,674



Instruction Academic support Student services Public service programs Auxiliary enterprises

13,233,323 2,938,880 3,956,828 859,020 2,974,146

13,387,168 3,141,189 4,038,742 742,661 2,813,440

Institutional support Total operating expenses

3,858,039 27,820,236

3,379,768 27,502,968





48,024,216 53,349,658

43,699,927 48,024,216

CONTRIBUTIONS For use where most needed (e.g., the various annual funds and undesignated gifts) For designated purposes Endowment Capital projects Other designated purposes Total contributions

OPERATING REVENUES Tuition and fees (net of student financial aid) Contributions (same as “total contributions� above) Grants and contracts (government and nongovernment) Auxiliary enterprises (such as room and board, apt. rentals, book store) Other income (such as summer conference income, endowment earnings) Total revenue and gains


Change in net assets from operations (the difference between operating revenues and operating expenses)


These figures have been summarized from audited statements. For a complete financial statement, e-mail your request to:

36 | crossroads | fall 2007

matthew Styer


The Royals faced Goshen before an enthusiastic crowd during Homecoming and Family Weekend 2007.

Faculty and Staff

Jay B. Landis ’54, retired as professor of English, was honored at EMU’s annual recognition dinner, May 1, for 50 years of teaching at EMU. A. Clair Mellinger ’64, professor of biology, retired after 37 years teaching at EMU. Clair was honored at the annual employee recognition dinner, May 1. Sandy Brownscombe and Toni Flanagan, from the education department, are serving as facilitators and planners with the Mentor Teacher/Clinical Faculty Grant. The grant is from the Virginia Department of Education entitled “From student teacher to beginning teacher: Clinical faculty supports that help beginning teachers.”

Community Learning, and its coordinator, Deanna Durham, were recognized and awarded a certificate of appreciation by the board of Harrisonburg City Schools for outstanding service to and support of the schools, especially for work at Harrisonburg High School with Teatro Chirmol. P. David Glanzer ’71, professor of counseling, received the “Counselor Educator of the Year for 2006-07” award from the Central Valley Counselors Association, Apr. 19. Joan Griffing, associate professor and chair of the music department, participated in America’s 400th Anniversary events at Jamestown in May. She played in a concert of 1607 choristers and 400 instrumentalists.

David R. Brubaker, assistant professor, Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (CJP), received his PhD in sociology from the University of Arizona in May, following his successful defense and revision of his dissertation. He is in conversation with Alban Institute regarding publication of his dissertation in a format more accessible to congregations.

Barry Hart, CJP associate professor, led a five-day course, “Healing trauma and conflict transformation” as part of the “Tools for Change” conference in Caux, Switzerland, Aug. 5-10. Barry also led two workshops within another Caux conference,”Agenda for Reconciliation,” Aug. 13-19. The first was on peacebuilding for Somali’s diaspora; and the second for 70 conference participants entitled, “Leadership from the heart.”

Jayne Seminare Docherty, CJP associate professor, conducted training in conflict analysis and peacebuilding at Lebanese American University in Byblos, Aug. 13-19, for students from Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine, Egypt and Kuwait.

Allon Lefever, associate professor in the business department, will be instructor for the Anabaptist Leadership Institute “Leadership Conference” to be held at Laurelville Mennonite Church Center, Mt. Pleasant, Pa., Feb. 26-28,

2008. This is an intensive conference attended by NGO, church, and business leaders, who meet to develop their skills as effective leaders in their respective organizations within the framework of Anabaptist values. Ellen Miller began in August as associate director of development with primary responsibilities for the Shenandoah Valley. Ellen’s relational skills and experience, which have served her well for the past 16 years as director of admissions and director of housing and residence life, are excellent preparation for this role. Cathy Smeltzer ’85 Erb, associate professor of education, presented, “Emotional Care of Teachers,” at the Future Educators Association Leadership Conference for Shenandoah and Rockingham Counties, Apr. 19. She and Dan Wessner, associate professor of history, presented a paper at the annual meeting of the American Research Association in Chicago, Apr. 9. Mary Sprunger, professor, history department, presented a paper entitled “Deaconesses, Fishwives and the Burden of Mennonite Responsibility: Amsterdam Women in a 17th-Century Congregation,” on Aug. 31, at the Myth and Reality Anabaptist/Mennonite Women conference, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

tion to Philadelphia area persons at Sellersville, Pa. Lisa’s commitment to promoting peace and justice has taken her to Iraq, West Point, and Carlisle Military Academy and other arenas where pacifism is not a way of life. In her role at CJP, Lisa described a national security strategy as a three-pronged framework: development, diplomacy and defense. Lois Burkholder ’76, Wenger, development receptionist, was the featured speaker for the Virginia Mennonite Conference annual assembly women’s prayer breakfast in Hickory, N.C., Saturday, July 28. Nathan (Nate) Yoder, associate professor of church history and director of the seminary’s masters in religion, is in the process of writing a history of the Conservative Mennonite Conference (CMC). Nate believes that history does not only relate to the past. In his view, it also offers “a faithful sense of where we’re going.” His book is to be ready for the CMC centennial in 2010. Ronda Schlabach ’92 Rittenhouse, Harrisonburg, Va., began as human resource assistant at EMU. Ronda has filled numerous office positions, including her most recent role as office assistant for the Lindale Child Care Program.

Lisa Schirch, associate professor, CJP, was featured in the July/August 2007 issue of Franconia Mennonite Conference’s, Intersections, for her presenta- | crossroads | 37

Emily Huffman ’03, Harrisonburg, Va., office coordinator in marketing and communications, left in September to participate in the TranSend program of Virginia Mennonite Missons (VMM), formerly Virginia Mennonite Board of Missions, in Bari, Italy. After language study in Rome, Emily will work with children and youth activities at Centro Koinonia, teaching English. Lindsey Roeschley ’07, Harrisonburg, Va., was recently employed as office coordinator in EMU’s marketing and communications department.


burg in late September to receive an award from the Mahatma Gandhi Center for Global Nonviolence at James Madison University. At the invitation of JMU organizer Dr. Sushil Mittal, a number of EMU officials, and his his first wifeseries Pat Paul T.including Yoder ’50president is the newLoren editorSwartzendruber of Mileposts, with (pictured Tutu),inplayed roles 2006-07 in welcoming theCrossroads. archbishop. of alumniabove notes with to appear the winter issue of Yoder succeeds Paul T. Guengerich, who assembled “Mileposts” for 24 years as a part-time job until he retired this summer at age 93. Like Guengerich, Yoder brings deep roots and a wide network in theHave Mennonite the task of combing church periodicals, you evercommunity phoned fortomuchnewspapers and other information needed information and instead sources, gathering news notes on activities,a disembodied achievementselectronic and milestones on our 15,000-plus alumni. reached From 1956 to 1977, Yoder a missionary physician in Ethiopia, voice telling you to press thiswas numthe only physician in a city of 30,000 ber for some service you don’t need in his first few years of service. Upon the United States, Yoder practiced medicine in or pressreturning another to number for a staff and around Harrisonburg, Va. directory (assuming, of course, He thatstaffed a family practice office for eight years. Then he tended to the you know the name of the person medical needs of prisoners and nursing residents, while simultaneously serving as the bishop who canhome help you)? and overseer of Not at EMU.the WeHarrisonburg have operatorsdistrict of Virginia Mennonite Conference. who sit in a glass-fronted office on June Drescher and Jan Gerber been married for 57 years to Daisy, whom he met when theYoder mainhas floor of the Campus Center she attended EMHS and EMU fromphone 1946 to 1949. They have fourthe and who answer the main university number, 540-432-4000, children: Debra (Gullman), Daniel, Paul Jr., and Judith (Stroop). old-fashioned way, with warmly helpful voices: “Good morning (or Yoder grew up onMennonite a DelawareUniversity!” farm as one of 13 children under the afternoon), Eastern care of his parents – 9 biological adopted and two Jan Gerber, a 14-year employeesiblings, of EMU,one is the officesister, coordinator. additional youngsters. Due to a decision by the state of Delaware June Drescher is her main alternate. Yvonne Stutzman serves as a to expel Mennonite for calls not saluting American flag, the back-up for the two.children Answering 8 a.m. tothe 5 p.m. each weekday, Yoder children had difficulty completing high school. these women have acquired a well-deserved reputation for friendliAs apatience, young teenager eager to a missionary Yoder was ness, and eagerness tobe solve, They are the voice permitted to come to Virginia to enroll in grade 9 at Eastern Menof EMU, and in one person’s words, “The hospitable hello everyone noniteto High is the only one of his siblings with a college wants hearSchool. after theHering.” education. Beyond their usual role of connecting callers to various extension Get in touch with Paul T. Yoder – feel free to call “Paul” as: rather numbers, the operators have successfully fielded suchhim questions than “Dr. Yoder” – with your alumni news. He’s at (540) 432-4205 or Is there a mosque in Harrisonburg? Where is “Thy Word Is Truth” found in the Bible? Would you look up the number for Sonny’s Service Center? Can you spell “Mennonite” for me? My son is in India… can you help me find a doctor for him there? I'm here for a summer camp…would someone please give me a 6 a.m. wake-up call? They took a pass on that last one. –With contributions from Kathrine Baker ’07

Yoder New Mileposts Editor

No Electronic Voices Here

2007 38 | crossroads | fall 2006

Doug Graber Neufeld, associate professor of biology, spent the past two years with Mennonite Central Committee in Cambodia with his wife Cristina and two young boys. Neufeld addressed problems remaining from the Vietnam War, such as pollution, prisons and conflict. Neufeld used his expertise in environmental toxicology and water monitoring while there and built connections for long-term relationships that will involve EMU students in the future. Visit for more. Vernon Jantzi ’64, professor of justice, peace and conflict studies, and his wife, Dorothy Leaman ’62 Jantzi, spent May to August in New Zealand and Australia working with the Anabaptist Association of Australia and New Zealand. The Jantzis focused largely on promoting peacemaking and reconciliation. New Zealand highlights included their participation in discussions regarding issues facing the Restorative Justice Center in Auckland (Howard Zehr also spent time at this center – see next entry) and efforts to finalize arrangements to establish a peace center and graduate program at the University of Otago in Dunedin. Vernon was part of the initial brainstorming a number of years ago about forming these two programs. Howard Zehr, professor of restorative justice, departed for New Zealand Aug. 8 and returned Sept 21, accompanied by his wife Ruby. As a Fulbright Senior Specialist, Howard worked with Auckland University’s new Restorative Justice Center, which was inspired by EMU's program. In addition, Howard had multiple speaking engagements: radio and television presentations, workshops and conferences open to the public. In the United Kingdom on Oct. 4, Howard did the closing keynote for an international restorative justice conference and, on Oct. 6, a photo and meditation seminar at London Mennonite Centre. Don Steiner, chair of the education department, accompanied by his wife, Rita, and Curtis and Jackie Hartman, traveled with Klementina Shahini to Albania in May on behalf of Virginia Mennonite Missions to explore the possibility of establishing a Christian school in Lezhe to promote mission outreach in Albania.

Nancy Good Sider, associate professor at CJP, recently spent two weeks in Bosnia-Herzegovina teaching a graduate course on Trauma Awareness and Reconciliation at the Franciscan Theological Seminary in Sarajevo. This was a follow-up training exercise after Nancy's consultation last summer (2006) with MCC Southeast Europe Co-Directors, Amela and Randy Puljek-Shenk, who are active in inter-faith peace camps. Amela and Randy, both graduates of EMU's CJP, are building diverse partnerships with community, educational and religious organizations to build sustainable a peace presence after the war.


Norman L. Loux HS ’40 GT ’42, Souderton, Pa., assisted in founding the Community Mental Health Center, Penn Foundation, before retiring several years ago. He plans to move to Dock Woods Retirement Community.

A. Donald (Don) ’49 and Martha Kling ’46 GT ’67, have returned to retire in Harrisonburg, Va. Don provided robust and effective leadership in a variety of roles during his ministry. From 1970-89, he was professor of work of the church at Eastern Mennonite Seminary. During six of those years, he was pastor at Park View Mennonite Church. He has served in this role in congregations in Florida, Indiana, Ohio, and Virginia. Martha made a career of teaching, beginning in 1949.


George Brenneman ’57, Elkridge, Md., retired after 30 years with the Federal Indian Health Service and then eight years with Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, Md. He continues to work approximately half time as a pediatrician on the Crow Creek Sioux Reservation, S.D. He and Jewel Gross, a former EMU student, have been married 49 years.

Margaret Derstine ’52, Lancaster, Pa., taught school for 38 years, 28 of them at Locust Grove Mennonite School, and then worked as a librarian. Margaret lived in Cuba from 1956-60 during the revolution. In March, she visited Cuban friends in Fla. She has worked part-time at the Mennonite Information Center, giving lectures for 18 years. Ann Kenner ’52 Gingrich, Goshen, Ind., was ordained at Belmont Mennonite Church, June 17, for work in overseer ministry. Howard M. Snider ’52, North Newton, Kan., authored The Cultural Creation of Christianity, which has been published by Infinity Publishing. Snider applies social science methodology toward a historical and contemporary understanding of Christianity. One aspect of Snider’s book addresses the role Paul played in creating Christianity. It is available at

John L. Ruth ’53, is the author of Forgiveness: A Legacy of the West Nickel Mines Amish School to honor Amish society while explaining the concept of forgiveness. The book was published in June by Herald Press. Milton Good ’55, Elizabethtown, Pa., a five-year stroke survivor, continues with rehabilitative therapy and his hobby in sculpture. He took honorable mention on a work at the Southern Medical Association meeting, Oct. 2006, in Charlotte. N.C. He had an exhibit at the Elizabethtown Lyndon Gallery, where he continues to exhibit his work. Alice Weber ’55, Akron, Pa., has written Christ is our Cornerstone: 100 Years at Lititz Mennonite Church, which is now in print. Shirley A. Jemison ’57 Delp, New Berlin, Wis., taught at Franconia Mennonite School and New Britain Township School in Eastern Pennsylvania. She devoted full time to homemaking until her girls were in high school or college. For the past 20 years, she has been involved in the business world as a real estate broker. Shirley has served on the New Berlin School Board and is active with church leadership responsibilities in women’s ministry. In addition to restoring the family home in Pa., she cares for her 102-year-old mother. Carl L. Keener ’57, Helena Mont., retired in November 2006 from an active psychiatric ministry. Carl was chief of mental health, Indian Health Services, Billings, Mont., for two years, 21 years of private psychiatric practice in Denver, Colo., and five years as medical director of Montana State Hospital. During his seven years at the Center for Mental Health, Helena, Mont. Carl helped develop the Program for Assertive Community Treatment (PACT). PACT provides a means to treat seriously mentally ill patients in the community where they live, closely monitored and supervised, as an alternative to chronic hospitalization. Patients are strongly encouraged and assisted to find employment. Carl S. Keener ’57, State College, Pa., was assistant professor of biology at EMU for 3 years, followed by 31 years as a professor in the department of biology at The Pennsylvania State University. He retired in 1997 with the rank of professor emeritus of biology. Carl continues actively in various teaching endeavors. He is also involved in his local congregation, Allegheny Mennonite Conference and MC USA. Miriam Pellman ’57 Maust, Waterloo, Ontario, retired after 20 years of teaching writing skills at the University of Waterloo (UW). Miriam also worked as an editor of The New Quarterly, a Canada-wide literary publication based at UW. She continues to assist in yearly seminars in Vienna, Austria, with her husband, Wilbur ’56. Wilbur has taught in the writing program at UW for 20 years.

Robert Yoder ’57, Goshen, Ind., took additional studies at Goshen College after graduating from EMU. After attending graduate school at Indiana University, he taught Spanish at Goshen College from 1968-1993. He has taught continuing education classes since retirement. He also provides volunteer translation services for the local Spanish population. Given Robert’s work at Goshen College, he and his wife, Dorothy Lehman ’45 Yoder, have had ample opportunities to travel and work in overseas locations. Eldon Lehman ’58, Mount Eaton, Ohio, has been called as a stewardship ministry volunteer, to focus on endowment, with Ohio Conference of the Mennonite Church USA (MC USA). David W. Shenk ’59, Mountville, Pa., was recently honored by Lancaster Mennonite School as alumnus of the year. David is a global mission consultant with Eastern Mennonite Missions, Salunga, Pa. He has been an advocate for dialogue between Christians and Muslims, opening doors of fellowship and ministry within churches and missions in about 100 countries. David has authored or co-authored 15 books related to missions and the relationship of the gospel to other religions. He helped develop a Scripture course for Muslims, The People of God, which has been translated into 45 languages. Marcus Smucker ’59, Telford, Pa., has been named interim conference minister for Gulf States Mennonite Conference (GSMC) in response to a request from GSMC to MCUSA for assistance after Hurricane Katrina. Marcus noted that the added stress brought about by Katrina has created disequilibrium, creating a period of transition for the conference. He sees his role as providing continuing support for conference leaders and to assume responsibility for some of the expanded work of the conference. Conference leaders anticipate a variety of challenges and opportunities as they respond to the devastation left in Katrina’s wake. Donald R. Taylor ’59, Elyria, Ohio, is a volunteer in the Stewardship Ministry of Ohio Conference of MC USA. Donald is married to Erma Horst ’62.


James Lapp ’60, Harleysville, Pa., traces his call to Christian service/ ministry in the May 2007, Intersections, of Franconia Mennonite Conference (FMC). James credits parental nurture, mentors and colleagues for his journey into pastoral ministry and as “church bureaucrat” in Mennonite Church USA. He has served several pastorates, as campus pastor of Goshen (Ind.) College, was moderator and executive secretary in the Mennonite Church. On Mar. 30, he resigned his tenure as senior ministry counselor in FMC. James will continue being involved in church activities.

Recent graduates Paul J. Yoder, left, and Josh Brubaker

Two Recent Grads in Iran Speak on Human Rights

Paul J. Yoder and Josh Brubaker, both class of 2006, went to Iran last May to present at and participate in the Fourth International Conference on Human Rights at Mofid University in Qom, Iran. The 2007 conference was themed: “Human Rights and Religion.” “We first heard of the conference while taking a Human Rights/ Dignity class with professor Dan Wessner in the spring of 2005,” said Yoder. “Dan encouraged the class to write our final papers for the class to conform to the scope of the conference. So I wrote about Christian Peacemaker Teams, because I was interested in them after visiting the Hebron team in Israel/Palestine during my EMU CrossCultural in 2004.” Eventually papers submitted by Yoder, Brubaker, classmate Rachel Spory, and professor Wessner were accepted. Yet, in an unexpected twist, only two visas were granted by Iran in time for attendance at the conference: those of Yoder and Brubaker. So the two young men went on their own and were welcomed with warm hospitality. Yoder, son of seminary professor Nate Yoder and current adultdegree-completion student Mim Yoder, teaches English as a Second Language at an educational center near Harrisonburg. Brubaker, son of Clifford Brubaker and Marilyn Grasse-Brubaker (from Michigan, both class of ’77), maintains EMU’s grounds as a member of the university’s physical plant team. EMU has hosted a number of Iranian visitors, including several students and professors, an Iranian researcher from the University of Tehran, and a top government official. This official, who attended EMU’s Summer Peacebuilding Institute (SPI) in 2000, returned for a brief visit in October 2007. In general, the EMU-Iranian dialogues center around peaceful transformation of conflict, ways to achieve justice as well as peace, the importance of people-to-people exchanges, and joint exploration of the Abrahamic roots of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. For more on this topic, read a Richmond Times Dispatch op-ed piece written by SPI director Pat Hostetter Martin (MA '98) on why she was one of 120 people from a dozen religious groups and institutions who met with the president of Iran on Sept. 26. Visit for more information. | crossroads | 39

Sanford ’61 and Lois Spory ’61 Alwine, Carlisle, Pa., served two weeks as Service Opportunities for Older People (SOOP) volunteers in Phoenix, Ariz.

This labyrinth is the first significant addition to EMU’s “Hill” in 33 years.

Prayer Labyrinth Opens

The dream of building a prayer labyrinth on the campus of Eastern Mennonite University began 15 years ago with professor of spiritual formation, Wendy Miller, MAL ’91. During Homecoming and Family Weekend 2007, that dream came true as Miller and others dedicated the prayer labyrinth on the hill to the northwest of the Paul T. Yoder ’50 is the new editor of Mileposts, with his first series seminary building. of Kirk alumni notes to appear in the winter 2006-07 student issue of Crossroads. Shank Zehr of Harrisonburg, a seminary from 2002Yoder succeeds Paul T. Guengerich, who assembled “Mileposts” for 2004, did the stone masonry, both laying the stone path in the laby24 years as a part-time job until he retired this summer at age 93. rinth itself and building a retaining wall around it. For the labyrinth LikeZehr Guengerich, brings deepfrom rootsa and wide network in itself, gathered Yoder 30 tons of stone localariver. the Mennonite community to the task of combing church “We wanted to make it clear that this was a labyrinth in theperiodicals, Christian newspapers and other information sources, gathering news notes on tradition, so in the center I created a cross out of red stones, which are activities, and milestones our 15,000-plus alumni. quite rare,”achievements said Zehr. The labyrinth itselfon contains 996 stones. Fromretaining 1956 to 1977, was astone missionary physician in Ethiopia, The wall isYoder a dry-laid wall, created without morthe only physician in a city of 30,000 in his first few years of of service. tar, by carefully cutting and piecing stones together. The top the Upon returning to the United States, Yoder practiced medicine retaining wall, which is conveniently seat height, is made out ofinstone and He staffed a familybefore practice that around used to Harrisonburg, be the steps of Va. Lehman Auditorium theyoffice werefor eight years. Then he tended to the medical needs of prisoners and replaced with concrete. nursing home residents, while simultaneously serving as the bishop The wall was a gift from the seminary class of 2006 and the generand of other the Harrisonburg of was Virginia Mennonite Conosityoverseer of several donors. The district labyrinth created using money ference. from Lilly Endowment, Inc. Visit been married for 57 years to Daisy, whom he met when forYoder morehas information, she attended EMHS and EMU from 1946 to –Laura 1949. They have Amstutz four Lehman children: Debra (Gullman), Daniel, Paul Jr., and Judith (Stroop). Yoder grew up on a Delaware farm as one of 13 children under the care of his parents – 9 biological siblings, one adopted sister, and two additional youngsters. Due to a decision by the state of Delaware to expel Mennonite children for not saluting the American flag, the Yoder children had difficulty completing high school. As a young teenager eager to be a missionary doctor, Yoder was permitted to come to Virginia to enroll in grade 9 at Eastern Mennonite He is the only one of his siblings with a college In theHigh 2007School. fall semester, education. EMU’s Intensive English Get in is touch withstudents Paul T. Yoder – feel free to call him “Paul” rather Program serving than – with news.Tameem He’s at (540) 432-4205 or Students Al Dhalaan of Saudi from “Dr. SaudiYoder” Arabia, Iran, your Gaza,alumni Arabia with Sachino Yanagawa of Japan China, Korea, Brazil, El Salvador, as well as local residents from several other countries. If you know individuals who need intensive instruction in written and spoken English, either for their careers or for further study in English-language universities, suggest that they check out EMU’s highly successful and caring program at

Yoder New Mileposts Editor

Mastering English at EMU

2007 40 | crossroads | fall 2006

Million Belete ’61, placed a commemorative stone, launching the construction of a new national headquarters and office building for Meserete Kristos Church, Apr. 28, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The vision for the facility emerged 7 years ago. Million displayed an envelope of pledges he had received from church members in the intervening years. The new facility will be built on the property previously occupied by Mennonite Mission in Ethiopia. The property had been expropriated by the Communist regime in 1982 when the church was closed. It was returned to church after the 1991 change in government. John R. Buckwalter ’ 61, Litiz, Pa., retiring director of Goodville Mutual Casualty Co., was recognized for 23 years of service at the company’s 81st annual meeting Feb. 27. John has worked for more than 20 years for Mennonite Mutual Aid and Mennonite Foundation. He will work part time for Landis Homes as director of gift planning. Paul Kratz ’61, Harrisonburg, Va., with his spouse, Evelyn, accepted a two-year term with the Mennonite Church of Trinidad and Tobago under Virginia Mennonite Mission. Earlier, the Kratzes served in Guyana where Paul directed and spoke on “Caribbean Way of Life,” a radio broadcast. Later, they transferred to Trinidad, serving a number of years. Paul was also pastor of Mt. Clinton Mennonite Church. More recently, he served as bishop/overseer of the Central District of Virginia Mennonite Conference. Evelyn was director of finance for Virginia Mennonite Board and Conference. Rachel Gehman ’63, Metzler, Remlap, Ala., is a part-time administrative assistant in a hospice office where she has volunteered several years. D. Glen Myers ’63, Philiadelphia, Miss., was designated as the teacher who had made the greatest contribution to his scholastic achievement by Benjamin Luke, the Philadelphia Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR) program student for the 2006-2007 academic year. During 43 years of teaching AP chemistry and physics at Philadelphia, Glen has been named STAR teacher seven times. Naomi Bechtold ’64, Campbelltown, Pa., is a part-time manager of personal care at Twin Oaks Nursing Center. Elmer Kennel ’64, and his wife, Marianne, Harrisonburg, Va., established the Kennel-Charles Anabaptist Endowment at Eastern Mennonite School in honor of Elmer’s parents who attended EMS in the 1930s. Elmer is a board certified surgeon in Harrisonburg.

Richard Alderfer ’65, Waynesboro, Va., spent two weeks in Havasu Canyon, Supai, Ariz., with the Indian Health Service. Ray Yoder ’66, Harleysville, Pa., began an 18-month term as intentional interim pastor at Hope Community Church, Fleetwood, Pa., in Sept. 2006. Ray has served numerous intentional interim ministry assignments in Franconia and Eastern District Conferences. Pearl Zehr ’66, Youngstown, Ohio, continues teaching clinical nursing one day each term at Youngstown State University. Marianne Classen ’67, Walnut Hill, Fla., retired in May 2006 after 35 years working with children as an elementary teacher, guidance counselor and librarian. She also worked with Lutheran Ministries as a family counselor for troubled teens and their parents. Marianne continues as a board member of Choice Books Gulf States. Donald Kraybill ’67, sociologist at Elizabethtown College (Pa.), was a co-author of Amish Grace: How Forgiveness Transcends Tragedy, a second book about the October 2006 tragedy at the West Nickel Mines Amish School. Elizabeth Landis ’67 MDiv ’02 Nissley, Lancaster, Pa., was the first woman to be ordained in Lancaster Mennonite Conference. She was ordained, June 24, for pastoral ministry at James Street Mennonite Church, Lancaster. Elizabeth has been associate pastor there since 2002. Mattie Marie Miller ’68 Mast, Dalton, Ohio, associate pastor of Sonnenberg Mennonite Church, is a volunteer with the Ministry Development Team of Ohio Conference MC USA. Pauline Weaver ’69 MA ’06, Habegger, Lebanon, Pa., teaches child development, housing and design and clothing at Palmyra High School. Her spouse, Cary, is a staff psychologist at Philhaven Hospital, Mt. Gretna, Pa.


J. David Yoder ’70, Harrisonburg, Va., former principal of Eastern Mennonite High School delivered the commencement address to graduating seniors at EMHS in June. Norma J. Shantz ’71, Kitchener, Ontario, is in search of her ancestral roots in pursuit of creating a family tree. She has over 53,000 names on her website which may be viewed at She has discovered several EMU classmates who are members of the family tree.

Herman D. Bontrager ’72, Akron, Pa., has served as spokesperson for Nickel Mines Amish community since the October 2006 shooting of 10 girls. Herman has been elected to the Mennonite Central Committee board and its executive committee. He is a consultant for a Trinidad and Tobago Muslim organization interested in establishing a faith-based Islamic insurance company. In June, Herman and Imtiaz Ali, of Takaaful Trinidad and Tobago Islamic Insurance Company, presented a seminar on Faith-based Insurance Alternatives at the international conference on microinsurance in Quebec City. Rachel A Yoder ’72, Ft. Wayne, Ind., a family child care mentoring coordinator, received the 2007 Hoosier Educator Award from the Indiana Association for the Education of Young Children (IYEYC) for exemplary practices that embody the practical application of IYEYC standards and sharing those methods with others. Jeanette Noll ’73 Bontrager, Akron, Pa., will begin serving as special care minister at Akron Mennonite Church after completing 10 years as a certified school nurse at Ephrata High School. David B. Amstutz ’72, Toledo, Ohio, works for CSX Transportation as a storekeeper and buyer in the purchasing and materials field, part of the railroad’s car repair department at Stanley Yard near Toledo. Gerald E. Martin ’72, MDiv ’76, Harrisonburg, Va., has been the senior leader of Cornerstone Church and Ministries International for a number of years. This is a network of churches in Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Missouri and Wyoming as well as in Chile, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria and Trinidad and Tobago. John Stauffer ’73, New Market, Va., was named a Paul Harris Fellow for his dedication and service to the New Market Rotary Club for more than 20 years. John has been a family practice physician in New Market for the same period. He often volunteers his services in support of the Stonewall Jackson High School sports programs. John is the grandson of John L. Stauffer, a former president of Eastern Mennonite School. Linda Witmer ’73, Lancaster, Pa., is a nursing instructor at EMU’s Lancaster campus. She recently completed her MDiv at Lancaster Theological Seminary. She is a pastoral intern at Laurel Street Mennonite Church, Lancaster. Duane L. Yoder ’73, Ft. Wayne, Ind., received his MBA in management and human resources and an MS in engineering from Indiana Institute of Technology, Feb. 2007.

Miriam Shank ’74 Cruz, Lancaster, Pa., is a chaplain at Woodcrest Villa, a retirement facility in Mennonite Home Communities, Lancaster. Mark L. Fly ’74, began May 15 as director of development for Spruce Lake Retreat, a multifaceted retreat and camp facility with access to over 800 acres in northeastern Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountains. Spruce Lake, a member of Mennonite Camping Association and Christian Camp and Conference Association, is a conference-related ministry within Franconia Conference of MC USA. Prior to coming to Spruce Lake, Mark worked with Mennonite Mutual Aid Goshen, Ind. Mark is married to Ruth Ann (Ziegler). As young people, both participated in Spruce Lake’s very first summer camps that began in 1963. David Kniss ’74, formerly of Sarasota, Fla., has been called as interim pastor by Jubilee Mennonite Church, Meridian, Miss., during a sabbatical leave of its pastors, Duane and Elaine Maust. Ethel Mumaw ’74, Millersburg, Ohio, is a summer tour guide and a Sunday school teacher and minister of visitation for Bethel Mennonite Church, where she is a member. Doris Risser ’75, Orrville, Ohio, has resigned from teaching at Central Christian High School in Kidron to begin a marketing position with P. Graham Dunn, a local business that offers personalized and inspirational wood gifts. Floyd Blosser ’76, Harrisonburg, Va., is responsible to change the message each week on a newly installed, always lighted, sign which lists worship times at Weavers Mennonite Church. The church is located along busy route US 33. Floyd states the sign is a “way to demonstrate that our church is alive, something is happening here and we’re a welcoming place.” He receives responses from persons blessed by the messages. Suzanne Bareis ’76 Ramer, Rome, N.Y., has worked as a nurse for New York state for 23 years. Recently she made a lateral transfer to Mohawk Valley Psychiatric Center, working in the children and youth division. Clifford Brubaker ’77, Hillsdale, Mich., is completing his intentional interim pastorate at Roanoke Mennonite Church, Eureka, Ill. He served previously as pastor of Salem Mennonite Church, Waldron, Mich., interim at Central Mennonite, Archbold, Ohio and Pine Grove Mennonite, Stryker, Ohio. His spouse, Marilyn F. Grasse-Brubaker ’77, is in her 11th year teaching in her local school district, Camden-Frontier Schools. In May, she traveled north with a teaching partner, 39 students, and 38 parents in the interest of Michigan history.

Brad Miller and Jessica Yoder met through Jessica’s father, Brad’s running partner. They married in May, 2007.

Helping Singles Meet is up and running, thanks to former EMU admissions counselor Brad Miller ’02 and his wife Jessica Yoder, daughter of Rick ’69 and Carolyn ’72 Yoder. In its first five months of operation, over 300 people registered for it. “Both of us have listened to our friends talk about how hard it is to meet someone outside of the Mennonite Church that understands their core values,” such as pacifism, social justice and simple living. On MennoMeet, members can create profiles with uploaded photos and blogs. They can send public and private messages to one another after browsing each other’s profiles. “This site is not about dating a Mennonite as much as it is about finding someone with a similar faith, worldview and, more importantly, similar plans for living the way they believe Christ intended,” said Miller. The website is targeted at singles aged 25 to 35. Access to the website is not automatic; it is granted at the discretion of the website founders. In their day jobs, Miller is a graduate student in higher education administration at the University of Denver; Yoder, a graduate of Goshen College, is a family practice resident. –Adapted from an article by Anna Groff in The Mennonite

Trauma Training in Demand

EMU’s Seminars on Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR) continue to circle the world. In the fall of 2007, EMU staff and alumni presented STAR as far away as Sudan and Burundi… and as near as the home campus in Harrisonburg. A Burundi participant wrote on her evaluation form that she appreciated the “healing journey” STAR helped her to embark upon, because “our countries have been in war for a very long time, and people’s hearts are very broken.” STAR spokeswoman Susan Landes Beck explains: “Individuals, communities, and societies arrive at crossroads where decisions are made in times of crisis that lead either to conflict and violence or to healing and peace. STAR enables people to explore the latter path.” STAR seminars – at the basic, intermediate and advanced levels for adults and at the basic level for teens – can be booked for your locality. Or you may enroll in a session at EMU or in another location. See for dates, locations and fees. | crossroads | 41

Jody Kerman ’77 Richmond, Richmond, Ind., a licensed mental health counselor, is a team leader with Dunn Mental Health Center, a community counseling service where she has worked since 1999. Jody and her husband, Ben, have been asked to provide interim leadership at Friends Theological College for the 2007-2008 academic year.

This photo of Bob and Rosalie Eshleman’s family was taken April 29, 2007, at the First Mennonite Church in Richmond, Va.: from left, back row, Curtis, Lee, Reagan; center row, Brigetta, Rosalie, Bob; front row, Leena, Althea, Gabriel, Sarah, Hattie, Nicolas.

Bob Eshleman Given Major Recognition

On April 28, 2007, Dr. J. Robert “Bob” Eshleman, class of ’56, received the ultimate honor from the dental school from which he graduated and which he served all his professional life, the Medical College of Virginia (MCV). He was inducted into the Medallion Society. According to a statement released by the MCV School of Dentistry, this is “the highest honor the School bestows on its friends and alumni… Members of the Medallion Society have distinguished themselves through extraordinary leadership and advancement of the mission and vision of the School of Dentistry. They have contributed to the promotion of academic, research, patient care and service initiatives which have helped the School rise to prominence.” Eshleman was chairman of the school’s restorative dentistry department 1983 to 1992 when he retired as a full-time faculty member. He continues to teach two days a week. Three weeks after receiving the Medallion honor, Bob and his wife Rosalie were devastated by the death of their youngest son, Lee ‘86. An article on Lee’s death in the summer issue of Crossroads noted that he is survived by his wife Reagan and children Nicolas, Sarah and Gabriel, but omitted to mention his parents and brother Curtis. The editor regrets this omission.(For more on Lee, see

Bestselling Author Tackles Diabetes

New York Times bestselling author Phyllis Pellman Good, class of ’70, has teamed with the American Diabetes Association on a second cookbook, this one entitled Fix-It and Enjoy-It Diabetic Cookbook: Stove-Top and Oven Recipes–For Everyone! The new book is especially for persons who have diabetes, or for those who cook for someone with diabetes.

2007 42 | crossroads | fall 2006

Bruce Schlabach ’77, West Liberty, Ohio, is in his 28th year of high school teaching. Last year, he completed his 27th year coaching basketball, the last 20 years as head coach at Triad High School. He is now athletic director at Triad. In March, 2006, Bruce received the Ohio Basketball Coaches Association and Ohio High School Association Sportsmanship, Ethics and Integrity Award for basketball. Donna Swink ’78 Hahn, has been named vice president, acute care services/chief nurse executive for Rockingham Memorial Hospital, Harrisonburg, Va. Donna is responsible for all inpatient nursing units as well as the nurse coordinators, the emergency department, pharmacy, and sleep services. She also serves as the health system’s chief nurse executive and is responsible for nursing practices throughout the hospital. Trula Gingerich ’79, is a hospice nurse in Lancaster County, Pa. Rolando Santiago ’79, Lancaster, Pa., is executive director for MCC US since 2004.


Dawn Longenecker ’80, Mount Rainier, Md., was recently employed as director of the “Discipleship Year” program, affiliated with the Servant Leadership School in Washington, D.C. This program is for adults to serve one year in a ministry to the poor, to have one day each week for reflection, prayer and classes, and to live in an intentional Christian community. Rita M. Miller ‘80, Apple Creek, Ohio, attended the Summer Institute for Spiritual Formation at Eastern Mennonite Seminary in June. Rita and her husband, Ellis, are co-chairs of EMU’s Parent Council. Phil Risser ’80, Greencastele, Pa., and Glenn Cordell ’63, McConnelsburg, Pa., were members of a six-person team from Franconia Mennonite Conference that went to Guatemala early this year to assist in remodeling the Bezaleel School.

Jay L. Roth ’81, Lancaster, Pa., has been appointed by Mennonite Association of Retired Persons as the third executive director in its 17-year history. Previously Roth was principal and assistant principal of Locust Grove Mennonite School, Smoketown, Pa., and assistant principal of Penn View Christian School, Souderton, Pa. He is married to Anne Brubaker ’80 Roth.

Carol Weaver ’82 Good, Reading, Pa., was employed as a school librarian, necessitating securing a library science degree. She accomplished this by taking an on-line program from Mansfield University, receiving her masters degree in December 2005. She enjoys working with children in her neighborhood and through her church’s venture clubs. Cassandra Mannhardt ’83, Bridgeport, Conn., recently graduated as valedictorian from the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine with a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine. She will design her personal residency, which will include developmental and administrative and clinical components and teaching at the doctoral level. She plans to practice in Connecticut as a licensed physician, assisting in developing relevant programs on a national and international level. .Doug ’86 and Elaine Horst ’87 Shenk, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, are teaching at Haven of Peace Academy. Doug teaches “maths” and Elaine teaches biology and psychology. Phil Swartley ’86, Perkasie, Pa., has been named principal of Quakertown (Pa.) Christian School. Phil brings 15 years of experience from National Penn Insurance to this role. In addition, he brings experience in development and teaching from his work at Plumstead School, Plumsteadville, Pa. Rose Landis ’87, Baer, Elizabethtown, Pa., previously worked as a nurse supervisor at Masonic Village in Elizabethtown. She and her husband, Gerald, are active members of Landisville Mennonite Church. Rose is currently taking seminary courses to prepare to minister to the elderly or dying. Beth Eby ’87 Bergman, Harrisonburg, Va., is employed as registrar at EMS. Her husband, Mark, ’99, is a residential builder in Harrisonburg. They spend many evenings attending sports events of their two sons and enjoy camping in the summer. Rodney Graber ’87, Bellefontaine, Ohio, has been board certified in nuclear cardiology and echocardiography and recertified in internal medicine.


Cedric Roth’91, Chambersburg, Pa., has accepted the position of director of youth and young adults for Franconia Mennonite Conference. From 19922007, Cedric taught social studies at Shalom Christian Academy where he plans to continue coaching varsity boys’ basketball. Daryl ’91 and Jean Sensenig ’88 Snider, formerly of Lancaster, Pa., are serving with Mennonite Central Committee in Brazil.

Gary Chupp ’92, has returned to his hometown, Goshen, Ind., to become Goshen College’s new men’s basketball coach. Previously, Gary had the same role at Bethel College, North Newton, Kan. Daniel King ’92, Trout Run, Pa., operates a stateside office for Rosslyn Academy, Nairobi, Kenya. Janelle Stauffer ’92 Kremer, Milford, Neb., is in her third year teaching fifth grade in Milford Elementary School. She completed a master’s degree through Doane College this summer.

Jeff Shank ’95, Lancaster, Pa., is director of alumni relations at Lancaster Mennonite School. He also serves part-time as an assistant principal at LMS-Locust Grove Campus. Eliza (Miya) Matos ’96, Gaskins, Westminster, Md., is employed part-time as the volunteer supervisor for Voices for Children of Carroll County, Inc., an organization that recruits and trains volunteers as advocates for the needs of abused and neglected children involved with the courts. Eliza recruits, trains and supervises the volunteers. Stephen Adams ’97, Maple Valley, Wash., is working as a technical project manager on contract with Verizon Wireless. He was married to Nicole Karwhite in 2005.

Timothy D. (Tim) Shenk ’92, Lancaster, Pa., staff writer for Mennonite Central Committee, was presented the top award for features to MCC’s magazine, Common Place, for his “Water from Stone” in the Jan./Feb. 2006 cover story. This was part of MCC receiving top awards from both the Associated Church Press and Religion Communicators Council at their conventions in April.

Matthew Schubert ’98, Bel Air, Md., leads Social Solutions, a company that helps non-profit human services organizations track, measure and demonstrate the impact of their work on funders.

Regina Moyer ’92 Shultz, Cusco, Peru, and her husband, Ronald, continue their work in Cusco, beginning a bilingual Christian school and working in preventative health.

Valerie Rodgers ’99 Stevens, Charlotte, N.C., successfully passed her state board nursing examination. She will work on a pulmonary ICU step down unit at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte.

Jennifer Evolo ’93, Sinking Spring, Pa., is director of human resources at Berks Products Corporation, Reading Pa.

Jeremy Byler ’99, MDiv ’06, Harrisonburg, Va., assisted by his father, Jay, piloted a truck loaded with promotional materials from EMU and other agencies to the biennial MC USA convention in San Jose, Calif. Jeremy visualizes his occupation as an experienced truck driver as a Christian vocation, providing an avenue for Christian witness.

Eileen Turner ’94 Boley, Walkersville, Md., is a stay-at-home mother, working part-time evenings as a tutor in a learning center. Joan Ortiz ’94 Cruz, Malvern, Pa., recently received a MEd from Rosemont College. She plans to return to teaching. James Hurst ’94, Dallas, Ga., is an English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teacher in Rockmart, Ga. Jennifer Bishop ’94 Hummel, Weyers Cave, Va., is employed as the Financial Controller by Alcoa Inc., in Grottoes, Va. Gilberto Perez, Jr. ’94, Goshen, Ind., has begun a Latino immigrant leadership development training program in Elkhart, Ind., in partnership with Learning Generation Initiative. Forty Latino immigrants will be trained in the Bienvenido (welcome) curriculum to become mental health education group leaders in their respective communities. Gilberto is the Bienvenido program director, Northeastern Center, Inc, Ligonier, Ind. Curtis Martin ’95, Mercersburg, Pa., is working as a high school learning support teacher at Greencastle High School. Karen Fix ’95 Rice, Wilmington, N.C., with a doctorate in piano, is teaching at University of North Carolina.

Karla J. Stoltzfus ’99, currently of Elkhart, Ind., and a member of Big Spring Mennonite Church, Luray, Va., graduated May 19 with an MDiv from Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries (AMBS). Karla plans to pursue work in ministry and agriculture. Ky Stoltzfus ’99, Kansas City, Mo., began an internal medicine residency in July 2006.


Katie Bell ’00, Hampton, Va., is a family consultant with Child Development Resources under the Comprehensive Health Investment Project (CHIP).

Andrew E. Eshleman ’00, Arlington, Va., works at a civil engineering firm in Herndon, Va. Diane Cooley ’00 Frye, Beaufort, S.C., is currently working on a master of science in nursing (MSN), with a concentration on integrative health through the University of Phoenix. She has accepted the position of clinical nurse educator at Beaufort Memorial Hospital. Her spouse, Benjamin Frye, (ADCP Cohort 23), will be training 14 months in gunsmitthing in Denver, CO, beginning January 2008.

SPI scholarship recipient Anthony Aversano

Peace Workers Thank Donors

In a booklet published by EMU in the late summer, 19 participants at the 2007 Summer Peacebuilding Institute told brief stories of their lives while saying “thank you” to donors who provided the financial aid that made their participation possible. The array of scholarship recipients was astonishing – from an Argentinean human rights lawyer and mother of five, to the son of a man killed in the attacks of 9/11, to a middle-aged Catholic priest from Uganda who works with people traumatized by massive, successive social conflicts. “The biggest gift I received from this year’s Summer Peacebuilding Institute was gaining some clarity around my bigger life mission,” wrote Anthony Aversano, whose father Louis F. Aversano Jr. was killed on Sept. 11, 2001, at the World Trade Center. See their photos and read their fascinating stories at or write Crossroads for a copy of this booklet.

Want Peacebuilder? Just Ask EMU’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding has a remarkable track record in training people to guide individuals and entire societies into peaceful transformation of conflict. Read the magazine Peacebuilder at for more information about this work, or ask that the magazine be mailed to your home. Send your request to the editor of Crossroads and Peacebuilder, Bonnie Price Lofton, at the address on this magazine.




Clockwise from left: Kahlil Detrich, Carmen Strite Miller, Edgar Miller ’76, Donna Detrich ’76, Bob Detrich, EMU junior Melissa Gnagey, EMU senior Courtney Miller, Randy ’76 and Regina ’78 Schweitzer, Keith ’76 and Linda Gnagey.

Supper Club Endures Over Three Decades

Four couples – Bob and Donna ’76 Detrich, Keith ’76 and Linda Gnagey (a current staff member), Edgar ’76 and Carmen Strite Miller, Randy ’76 and Regina Beck ’78 Schweitzer – have been dining together, rotating among their homes, at least once a month since some of them were EMU students in 1975. As the years passed, children were added to the group, ballooning the group to 10 to 20 multi-generational diners when everyone gathers, as they did for this photo last Christmas. They have celebrated birthdays, marriages, baby showers, graduations and Christmases together – with gift exchanges – and they have supported each other through health crises, employment changes and legal problems. Defying national trends, marriages have remained intact, perhaps helped by the supper club. The members vacation together, usually at the beach, but sometimes in places like Mountain Home, Idaho, where Donna grew up. “This really an extended family,” says Randy. “We have become aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters.”

Web Tips for Alumni

The alumni department has expanded its alumni website, www. It now includes a comprehensive alumni directory. Update your information, help us find missing alumni, and submit news notes for Crossroads. For privacy reasons, your friends can’t contact you until you update your information, so sign on today! As more alumni use the site, you’ll have a growing opportunity to connect with old friends.

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2007 44 | crossroads | fall 2006

Leah Emery ’00, Kratz, Harrisonburg, Va., began teaching part-time in the EMU business and economics department this fall.

Dr. Kaushikee MA ’02, New Delhi, India, is assistant professor in the Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution.

Patrick ’00, MDiv ’06, and Christine Lehman ’00, MAL ’06, Nafziger, were licensed and installed as co-pastors of Millersburg (Ohio) Mennonite Church, June 3. David Boshart ’86, MAR ’87, pastor of West Union Mennonite Church, Parnell, Iowa, and supervising pastor for the Nafzigers, preached the licensing sermon. Dorothy Jean Weaver ’72, representing EMS, presented Patrick and Christine with a gift and congratulatory letter from EMS dean, Ervin Stutzman.

Lynley Jade Culbertson ’02 Lapp, Hershey, Pa., works as a health education coordinator at the Susan P. Byrnes Health Education Center. She is earning a MEd degree in health education from Penn State University. Her husband, Daniel ’02, has begun his MD/PhD work at Penn State University, focusing on cellular and molecular physiology.

April Lipscomb ’00 Pierce, Fishersville, Va., plans to pursue a nurse practitioner degree at James Madison University. April has worked as a nurse at University of Virginia Medical Center, in the emergency room of Augusta Medical Center, and part-time as a school nurse at Fort Defiance High School. Last year, she was employed as a flight nurse by Airtreck Air, Winchester, Va., an agency that provides ambulance service, transporting patients throughout the world. Moses Ole Sakuda ’MDiv ’00, MA ’00, has resigned from Church World Service and is returning to Kenya to enter the political arena. He plans to represent his community in parliament, beginning in 2008. He may become a candidate for the presidency in 2012. Phoebe Smith ’00, Americus, Ga., began doing computer database work and web design for Habitat for Humanity after serving one year with Mennonite Voluntary Service in Americus. Hamilton (Kam) Emery ’01, Portland, Ore., joined the law firm of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt in 2005, focusing his practice in the area of construction litigation. Prior to coming to the firm, he clerked in the Commercial and Environmental division of the Oregon Department of Justice. While at Willamette University, Kam distinguished himself by earning honors for Legal Research and Writing and served on the Willamette Law Review, the Moot Court Board and the International Law Journal. He graduated first in his class. Jason S. Coleman ’02, Buena Vista, Va., is an art instructor at Parry McCluer Middle School, head varsity baseball coach and assistant football coach at Parry McCluer High School. Ericka Histand ’02 Gingerich and her husband, David Gingerich ’02, have returned to Portland, Ore., after serving two years with Mennonite Mission Network in Ecuador. Renee Neufeld ’02, Viborg, S.D., is in her fifth year as program director of Swan Lake Christian Camp. In April, she ran her 12th marathon. Renee credits her experience at EMU and the relationships formed there to enable her in her professional activities.

Erin Kauffman ’02 Nofziger,West Unity, Ohio, graduated from nursing school at the Medical University of Ohio, Toledo, with an entry-level masters degree in nursing. She is working in the Cardiac Care Unit (CCU) at Fulton County Health Center in Wauseon. Glenn Nofziger ’02, West Unity, Ohio, is a volunteer with the Gifts Discernment Ministry of Ohio Mennonite Conference of MC USA. Todd C. Stoltzfus ’02, Broadway, Va., has worked the last year as a business loan officer for Park View Federal Credit Union in Harrisonburg. Ashley Cook ’03, Waynesboro, Va., is a registered nurse at the Teen Health Center at UVA which she describes as “a very cute little pediatric clinic” on the corner. She has passed three grad school classes and will soon start her fourth. Daniel Freeburn ’03, Washington, D.C., works as a contractor for the LSSI company at the Library of Congress. The last two months, he has been doing shelf reading on the shelves of deck nine of the Adams Building. He is responsible for reading all the shelves of books on that deck. Anita Rhodes ’03, Harrisonburg, Va., is returning to work in Nazareth Village, Israel, after leading a Partners in Mission team to Nazareth in July 2006. Melanie Miller ’03 Rice, Lancaster, Pa., is a part-time student at the University of Pennsylvania Advanced Oncology Adult Nurse Practitioner program. Melanie works part-time at Lancaster Cancer Center. Martha Sachs ’04, Tallahassee, Fla., is a chemistry graduate at Florida State University. Benjamin (Ben) Wideman ’04 and his wife, Meredith Blauch ’05, moved to Pasedena, Calif., where Ben is attending seminary.

Tara Kreider ’05 and her husband, Danny, Yoder, active in Community Mennonite Church, Harrisonburg, Va., with a deep interest in Israel/ Palestine, will serve in Nazareth, Israel, under Virginia Mennonite Missions. The first year, they will work at Nazareth Village. Tara will help write updates for The Village Grapevine and lead parable walks for English speaking groups through the village. Danny will develop web design for a variety of projects. Amanda Maust ’05, began a second year as a registered nurse with MVS in St. Louis, Missouri. Her new assignment is manager of Clinical Operations with La Clinica, a medical clinic for immigrants and refugees, most of whom are Spanish speakers. Sarah G. Yoder ’05, Akron, Pa., is the coordinator of volunteers in the bi-national office of Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS), in Akron. Sarah previously served for six months as the crew leader in Bayou La Batre, Ala. Last year, she was with the MCC SALT program in Bolivia. Heather Bender ’06, Kalona, Iowa, is on assignment under Mennonite Mission Network as a peace worker with St. Louis Mennonite Peace Center Dustin Galyon ’06, Sterling, Kan., led students and faculty of Central Christian School, Kidron, Ohio, in a week of spring renewal, Mar. 26-29. Dustin works in admissions at Hesston College and speaks at youth events, leadership seminars, sports events, churches and businesses. Rachel Jaberg ’06, works as a nurse at Rockingham Memorial Hospital, Harrisonburg, Va. Brent MDiv ’06 and Lorie Lapp MDiv ’06 Hershey, Iowa City, Iowa, relocated to Philadelphia where Lorie became pastor of West End Mennonite Church. Brent will pursue completion of his thesis. Joshua Kautz ’06, Chicago, Ill., is a dormitory counselor at Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School of the University of Chicago. The school provides a safe and therapeutic environment for emotionally disturbed children, ages 10-21. Audra Baker ’07, Lebanon, Ore., worked as a “floating nurse” in neonatal care in Virginia and Oregon since graduation. She took a leave of absence from Salem Hospital in Oregon to co-lead a cross cultural group to South Africa with Harlan DeBraun, instructor, physical education and recreation department, this fall.

Mary Jo Bowman ’86, MDiv ’07, Jill E. Gerig MDiv ’07, Rachel Ringenberg Miller MDiv ’07, and Yumiko Nakashima MDiv ’07, from Community Mennonite Church were featured in the May 29 Harrisonburg Daily News-Record under the headline, “Four parishioners from one Harrisonburg church answer divine calling.” Mary Jo began a chaplain residency at University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Jill is in a hospital chaplaincy program through the Clinical Pastoral Education program at the University of Colorado, Denver. Yumiko is joining her husband, Mitsunari Yumiko MA ’05, MDiv ’06, as pastors of a Japanese church in California. Rachel began as associate pastor at Portland (Ore.) Mennonite Church this summer. Ashley E. Chupp ’07 Eshleman, Arlington, Va., began working in the psychiatric unit of Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, D.C. Ethan Horst ’07, is attending James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Va., in pursuit of a masters of science in biology. Rachelle Lyndaker MDiv ’07 Schlabach was recently appointed the director of MCC Washington Office, replacing J. Daryl Byler ’79, MA ’85. Rachelle, was editor of Washington Memo newsletter. She worked for the MCC Washington MCC office from 1998 to 2003.


Jonelle Gingerich ’85 to Elvin Shenk, July 8. Vera Hailey ’90 to Christopher Valenzuela, June 16. Tim D. Martin ’92 to Kirsten Johnsen, July 29. Karla Alderfer ’98 to Brian Tierney, May 5. Jeremy Baker ’99 to Lisa Shultz, 8June 16. Darrick Hummel ’99 to Sheri Starkey, May 19. Andrew Eshleman ’00 to Ashley Chupp ’07, June 9. Jennifer Lynn Harvey ’00, MA’06, to Kerry Alan Saner, GCC ’05, Mar. 3. Amy Sommers ’01 to Mark Shelly, July 6. Brad Miller ’02 to Jessica Yoder, May 26. Emily Troyer ’03 to Jonathan Mellett, May 5. Jennifer Eberly ’04 to Timothy Freed, June 23.

Matt Weaver ’04 to Kelly Bower, Nov. 4, 2006. Elizabeth Ramsey ’05 to Adam Dove, Apr. 28.

Former EMU roommates and their children in an early '07 photo by Renita Denlinger of Denver, Pennsylvania

Dorm Friends Then, And Now…

Every week or so, some combination of 19 adults and 9 children get together in the Lancaster area to reminisce about their college years in the late 1990s, share what’s happening these days, and discuss hopes for the future. Each woman roomed with at least one other person in this photo while they were at EMU. Key to photo: 1.Winter Mouberry, 2. Megan Gredler Mouberry, 3. Doran Kennedy, 4. Kristel Wenger Kennedy, 5. Melissa Spory Beidler, 6. Miranda Beidler, 7. Tina Hartman, 8. Alyssa Livengood Waite, 9. Lilian Waite, 10. Tobin Waite, 11. August Stetler, 12. Elizabeth Foard, 13. Colette Sharp Stetler, 14. Krista Moyer Snader, 15. Andrea Buchen Foard, 16. Melody Nolt Althouse, 17. Erin Althouse 14
















Rare Book Donated

Elwood E. Yoder ’81 is the reason that the Menno Simons Historical Library at EMU has been given a rare book printed in 1539 by the Beck press in Strasbourg, Germany. Yoder is the author of a novel Margaret’s Print Shop (2005), based on the lives of Margaret and Balthaser Beck, early Anabaptists who ran a 16th century printing business in Strasbourg. The Swiss owner of the rare book, Bruno Weber, located Yoder via the internet. In e-mail communications, Weber developed an interest in the Beck press about which Yoder wrote his novel. The book is a translation from the Latin of Flavius Josephus’s A History of the Jews by Caspar Hedio, a Lutheran preacher. Yoder knows of only two other copies of the book of the same date – one in the Yale University library and the other at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. He believes the book was actually handled by Margaret Beck, "since we know she established the press in the mid1520s." Yoder is chair of the Bible and social studies departments at Eastern Mennonite High School. –Jim Bishop | crossroads | 45


Rebecca (Becca) Reeder ’05 to Jeremiah Mast, Dec. 16, 2006.

James ’98 and Taha Evers, Bellevue, Neb., Braden Lee, June 21.

Benjamin Weaver ’05 to Denae Kennel '05, June 23.

Ryan ’99 and Valerie Smith ’99 Kauffman, Bellefontaine, Ohio, Simon Daniel Aug. 31.

Michael Zucconi ’05 to Stephanie Roth ’05, July 21. Julianne Joy Delp ’06 to William Horst, Apr. 14. Rebecca Hoover ’06 to Benjamin Harris, Aug. 5, 2006. Stephen Horst ’06 to Bethany Tobin, July 21. Melanie Kratzer ’06 to Ben Schlabach ’06, Aug. 4. Bryn Mullet ’06 to Jason Good ’05, May 26.

George Duncan

Grateful for the Praise

Readers of Harrisonburg’s daily newspaper, the Daily News-Record, received a gift during homecoming weekend, Oct. 13-14, when the newspaper’s lead editorial was headlined “Kudos to EMU: It’s Been A Good 90 Years For The University.” We quote the editorial in its entirety because it is so surprisingly written, with affirmations offered by a writer who is not prone to gratuitous flattery. In his seven years with the newspaper, editorial writer George Duncan has tended to remain anonymous, known only to his fellow newspaper staffers. But we received his consent to include a photo of him with this reprint: When ABC’s Sam Donaldson appeared regularly with columnist George Will on a Sunday morning show, he would tell college audiences that the conservative columnist was “one of the smartest people I know.” So one time a questioner asked, “If that’s so, Mr. Donaldson, why do you always disagree with George Will?” The audience laughed and Donaldson liked the line so much he often repeated it. So we must praise Eastern Mennonite University as it celebrates it 90th anniversary. The faculty and students at EMU are some of the most intelligent and nicest people on Earth. Most also have political and international views at odds, at least 90 percent of the time, with this page. Well, that’s one of the oddities of life. EMU has not only been a blessing for the Valley. It has benefited dozens of nations. EMU conflict resolutions teams are spread out over the globe. The university is an international haven for both students and faculty. While often agreeing with those who are liberal on international views, EMU faculty and students would also agree with religious critiques about the awful materialism and consumerism of American society. Many people associate “treasures” with gold, or silver and diamonds. Yet the book the Mennonites hold sacred indicates that God considers His children as his “treasures.” Certainly, EMU, its faculty and students, have been a treasure and an academic jewel in the Valley. May it have 90 more years of prosperity and success.

2007 46 | crossroads | fall 2006

Tim Shenk ’07 to Cheryl Heatwole ‘07, May 26.

Melissa Spory ’98 and Lyle ’98 Beidler, Denver, Pa., Melina Kay, June 17. Brian ’98 and Keesha Esbenshade ’00 Dickel, McGaheysville, Va., Ashland Nora and Marika Grace, Jan. 15. Sidney (Sid) ’98 and Kristi Coulson ’01, Ruth, Telford, Pa., Mykaela Anna, Apr. 28. Jason ’99 and Sharon Miller ’98 Yoder, Harleysville, Pa., Grace Adelyn, Nov. 8, 2006. Mark ’99 and Heidi Hamsher, Sugarcreek, Ohio, Ryan Christopher, Jan. 4.

Shannon Yoder ’07 to Brandon Roth, July 7.

Doug ’99 and Kristina Blosser ’98 Blyer, Harrisonburg, Va., Caden Douglas, May 21.


Keith ’00 and Janelle Hershey ’99 Hoover, Lancaster, Pa., Levi Justin, May 17.

Benjamin (Ben) ’89 and Lori Trost, McGaheysville, Va., Samantha Jane, Aug. 1. Crystal Lahman ’91 and Harry Brunk, Singers Glen, Va., Anna Faith, Feb. 6. Doug ’91 and Tina Groff ’95 Friesen, Brownstown, Pa., Leah Grace, Mar. 7. Genia Zimmerman ’92 and Ame Greene Zimmerman, Durham, N.C., Roselyn Sky, Apr. 6. Shannon Martens ’93 and Wayne Sneary, Harrisonburg, Va., Jedrek Lewis, Apr. 19.

Jennifer Evolo ’93 and Eric Noecker, Sinking Spring, Pa., Bryce Domonic, Oct. 12, 2006. Michael ’94 and Nicole Greenawalt Berkey, Harrisonburg, Va., Andrew Michael and Michael Lynn, July 11. John ’94 MDiv ’00 and Paula Hochstedler ’98 MDiv ’03 Stoltzfus, Lombard, Ill., adopted 14-year old Justin in March. James ’94 and Shawn Hurst, Dallas, Ga., Landon James, Dec. 13, 2006. Brenda Zook ’95, and Philip Zook Friesen ’95, Baltimore, Md., Michael Jasper, Apr. 25. Tana Landis ’96 and Matt Landis, East Greencastle, Pa., Natalie Mae, May 9, 2006. Krista Martin ’96 and Craig Martin ‘95, Harrisonburg, Va., Bryan Isaiah, Sept. 5. Valerie Todd ’97 and Doug Ehst, Akron, Pa., Lydia Nicole, Apr. 27. Thomas ’97 and Denise Esbenshade ’96 Oberholtzer, Penn Laird, Va., Quinn Thomas, born June 25, 2007, adopted and brought home June 27.

Jill Landis ’99, MA ’07, and Kumar Anuraj Jha MA ’07, Harrisonburg, Va., Anusha Landis, Apr. 25. Bethany Hall ’99 and Brian Fuller, Uniontown, Ohio, Lindsey Elizabeth, May 9. Farrah Martin ‘99 and Barry Koogler, Mt. Crawford, Va., Sadee James, May 15. Colleen Miller ’99 and Matthew Showalter ’99, Sarasota, Fla., Isaac Trey, Feb. 20. Jeffrey ’99 and Ellyn Nolt, Lancaster, Pa., Caleb Milton, July 31. Clay ’00 and Lisa Birky ’00 Allison, Colorado Springs, Colo., Liam Jacob, June 15. Jane Musser ’00 and Mike Blackburn, Port Republic, Va., Charlotte Perri, Apr. 11. Leah Emery ’00, and Jeremy ’99 Kratz, Harrisonburg, Va., Madeleine Marie, June 25. Graig ’00 and Kristen Nebel, Lancaster, Pa., Hayden Earl, Mar. 23. Jon ’00 and Marjorie Herr ’00 Rush, Lowville, N.Y., Simeon Michael, Apr. 22. Tina Hill ’01 and Scott Helmick, Cumberland, Md., Daniel Edward, Feb. 26. Annette Helmuth ’02 and Trey Loker, Harrisonburg, Va., Noah David, June 3. Laura Souder ’02 and Aaron ’01 Kauffman, La Mesa, Columbia, Anna Sophia, Sept. 2. Erik ’02 and Sarah Troyer ’01 Kratz, Harrisonburg, Va., Brayden Roger, Nov. 22. Stephen (Steve) ’02 and Raquel Miller ’04, Harrisonburg, Va., Ethan Kirk, Dec. 5.

Grace Mumbauer ’02 and Brian Good, Broadway, Va., Lydia Rachel, May 20. Bradley (Brad) ’02 and Bethany (Beth) Bontrager ’02 Yoder, Durham. N.C., Juliet Christine, Sept. 4. Derrick ’03 and Abigail Berkshire ’01 Price, Front Royal, Va., Karis Kathryn, July 5. Danae Wenger ’03 and Aaron ’02 Amstutz, Greencastle, Pa., Joel Bryant, June 27. Diron ’03 and Alison Trissel ’03 Trost, Harrisonburg, Va., Colin Mack, July 1. Caleb ’04 and Sarah Miller ’05 Stitely, Harrisonburg, Va., Reece Tyler, June 13. Hosanna Tobin ’04 and Jacob Thomas, Harrisonburg, Va., Elias Daniel, July 9.


Ruth Wismer ’56 and Milton Cender, Gibson City, Ill., 50th, married Aug. 18, 1957. D. Keith ’57 and Rosa Kurtz HS ’38 GT ’43 BRE ’49 Mullet, Pantego, N.C. 50th, married July 12, 1957. Edwin D.’60 and Mary Jane Shetler Miller, Kalona Iowa, 50th, married June 11, 1957 Dan ‘70 and Catherine Martin Longenecker, Harrisonburg, Va. 50th, married May 11, 1957.


Lora Heatwole ’27, 103, Harrisonburg, Va., July 10.

Justus G. Holsinger ’31, 96, Hesston, Kan., Aug. 8. G. Irvin Lehman HS ’33,’35, 92, Harrisonburg, Va., Aug. 27. Hazel Feltis ’GT ’35 Layman 90, Harrisonburg, Va., May 20. Dora Hertzler ’37 Brunk, 84, Newport News, Va., Aug. 27. Ida R. Showalter HS ’37, 87, Broadway, Va., May 11. Helen Lind ’63 Thomas, 70, Charleston, W.Va., July 21. Edith V. Wenger HS ’37, 88, Harrisonburg, Va., Aug. 19. Orpha Leatherman ’38, 95, Souderton, Pa., July 1. Ruth Carper ’43 Eitzen, 82, Barto, Pa., Apr. 11. Wayne B. Hottenstein ’44, 95, Manheim, Pa., Mar. 21. Survived by spouse, Vera Stauffer ’GT 32 Hottenstein.

Jacob Frederick ’53, 83, Lititz, Pa., May 29. Survived by spouse, Anna Horst,’53. Esther M. Gehman ’54 Horst, 82, Lititz, Pa., Apr. 9. David E. Swartzentruber ’54, 74, Greenwood, Del., Aug. 24. Robert E. Garber, Sr,’58, 85, Harrisonburg, Va., June 10. Rhoda C. Kennel ’60, 70, Mountville, Pa., June 30. Hazel Gross ’60 Whitehead 68, Layfayette, Colo., May 2. Winfred E. Showalter ’61, 88, Waynesboro, Va., Aug. 25. Miriam Meyers ’66, Martin 64, East Earl, Pa. July 3. Husband, Robert ’66, survives. Carolyn Jean Kropf ’69, Bowen, 60, Charlottesville, Va., June 22. Husband, James ’71, survives. Glen Egli ’73, 72, Mesa, Ariz., July 10. Harlan Lee Weaver ’73, 56, Lancaster, Pa., May 5. Beth Anne Beisel ’85 Dean, 45, Elkton, Va., Aug. 12.


BD – bachelor of divinity GT – two-year degree HS – high school degree MAC – MA in conflict transformation MAL – MA in church leadership MAM – MA in church ministries MAR – MA in religion MDiv – master of divinity ThB – bachelor of theology

Mileposts is compiled by retired physician Paul T. Yoder ’50, MAL ’92, who may be reached at or at (540) 432-4205. Feel free to send news directly to Paul or to the alumni office at

From left, Phil, Sara Jane and Chester Wenger, with Margaret Wenger Johnson and Sara Wenger Shenk.

Dozens in Wenger Group Experience the Middle East

The extended family of Chester L. (ThB ’41) and Sara Jane Weaver (’42) Wenger traveled to the Middle East June 2-18, 2007, on a trip led by Calvin ’59 and Marie Shenk, ’86, MA ’98. At age 89, Chester was the eldest of the 24 family members and friends on the trip, which included four generations of the Wenger family. The trip was spiritual, educational and recreational, with stops in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, the Dead Sea area, Jordan (Amman, ancient city of Petra, Roman ruins of Jarash), Nazareth, and Sea of Galilee. EMUlinked people on the trip included Margaret Wenger ’69 Johnson, Hilda Shirk ’74, Sara Wenger ’75 Shenk, Gerald Shenk ’75, Joseph A. Shenk ’02, senior Greta Shenk, Kathy Weaver Wenger ’72, junior Regina Wenger, Phil Wenger ’82, George Brunk III ’64, trustee Linford King, Sue Swartz ’81, and Jane Peifer, MDiv ’74. For a related article, turn to page 48.

Alumnus on School Accreditation Commission

The Middle States Association Commission on Secondary Schools named Allison Kokkorus ’94 last spring as a member of its board of commissioners to help promote the improvement of secondary education through accreditation. It also fosters communication between secondary schools and institutions of higher education. The Commission appoints board members for a three-year term based on their extensive experience in the education field and their commitment to accreditation. Kokkorus, deputy director of the Carlos Rosario Career Center and Public Charter School in Washington, D.C., serves as the voice of charter schools among the new commissioners. Kokkorus also has an MBA from George Washington University.

Margaret M. Shenk ’49, 88, Harrisonburg, Va., Aug. 11. | crossroads | 47

My Father’s 'Generous Orthodoxy' Chester L. Wenger is “as old as EMU, with unabated fervor.” Son of A.D. Wenger, the second president of Eastern Mennonite, he earned three degrees here: high school in 1934, associate degree in 1936, and bachelor of theology degree in 1941. He was on the board of trustees in the late 1960s, and all eight of his children attended Eastern Mennonite. The author of this article, Sara Wenger Shenk ’75, is professor and associate dean of Eastern Mennonite Seminary. The original version of this article appeared in the May 1, 2007, issue of The Mennonite. This edited version is reprinted with permission. My father will celebrate his 90th birthday in April. He fits well the classic biblical description of Moses: “his sight was unimpaired and his vigor had not abated.” Dad has not slowed down. With family help he harvests tons of grapes from his half acre vineyard every year. He cultivates a huge garden, growing hundreds of sunflowers, squash, pumpkins, melons, tomatoes. He picks bushels of apples and peaches from his trees. At our annual family beach week, Dad still body surfs the waves, a thrill he’s loved ever since he was a boy. In turn, he taught all his children and grandchildren a profound respect for the ocean—its power and its delights. At 80 years of age, he journeyed with several of his children and grandchildren to the 50 year Jubilee celebration of the Meserete Kristos Church, remembering how the name (Christ the foundation) was chosen by young Ethiopian believers in his home in Nazareth, Ethiopia. He had served as the first Mennonite Bible teacher after Mennonites began relief work following World War II. I am invigorated by how my father’s reading of the Bible stays engaged with the changing culture. When Lancaster Conference dress code flew in the face of Ethiopian customs, he stood up to the bishops on behalf of the indigenous church. Later, in Pennsylvania, when his children com48 | crossroads | fall 2007

Chester Wenger sports local vegetation the Middle East

plained about their lackluster Bible teachers, he initiated three imaginative programs: Christian Youth Associates (focusing on the arts), Keystone Bible Institute and the Paul-Timothy mentoring program. He supported his church’s decision to call a woman for lead pastor—a first in Lancaster Conference. He provides companionship with other parents of homosexual children. After viewing Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth he gave a donation so his expanding church could “go green.” He and my mother joined an intergenerational family trip to the land of the Bible he loves this past summer. I well remember how, as soon as the translation Good News for Modern Man came out, Dad eagerly bought each of us a copy, exulting in its down-to-earthiness. He tells Bible stories with animation. Last Christmas, when he told of Mary’s visit from an angel, he used John Lennon’s song, “Let it be.” Last April, I forgot to send him a card on his last birthday. I comforted myself with the plan to send one late, and an email saying that it was on the way. Before I’d done either, an email arrived from him. I include excerpts below, with his permission. Dear Family, Our God of love in his marvelous grace has given me 89 wonderful years of life, and a most dear companion for almost 63 of these. In my wildest dreams as a younger man I never

thought I’d stay around this long. In addition to all this I have 8 precious children with their spouses, 15 grand children and 5 great grandchildren. In recent years we have lost dear Chet [oldest son] and dear Nelson [son-in-law] to cancer but we are happy that both of them found in Jesus a Savior and a hope of eternal life. Now what a joy as we look forward to welcoming two beautiful young women into our family when two of our wonderful grandsons wed this summer. You dear ones bring us much joy as you answer Christ’s call to follow him. Let’s keep in close touch with Christ Jesus. This will take constant prayer, listening for his words of instruction, fellowshipping with God’s people, and open eyes for opportunities to serve in God’s peaceable kingdom. You and I know all this but we need encouragement. My life has had trials and testing but upon reflection it has gone from one great experience to another. In some ways life seems to be getting better all the time. I recognize the possibility however that the next stage may be more difficult but I’m sure God will be there to help in time of need. I have no premonitions but live one day at a time. As long as I live I want to continue telling others of God’s love through Jesus our crucified and risen Savior. You are all most welcome when we are home to pay us a visit and enjoy mother’s good cooking. Let’s pray for each other. With much love, Dad, Daddy, Grandpa, Chester

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on the calendar November 30

Blue Like Jazz // Live Production

Jason Hildebrand performs “Blue Like Jazz // Live,” a one-man multi-media production based on Blue Like Jazz written by author and speaker Donald Miller. In Lehman Auditorium, 7 p.m. Discussion in Common Grounds following production.

November 30-December 1

A Gateway Course: “Anabaptist Mission and Peace” Instructor David Shenk. At Conestoga Mennonite Church, Morgantown, Pa.

December 1-2

SVCC Christmas concerts

Shenandoah Valley Children's Choir. In Lehman Auditorium, 7 p.m. (Dec. 1) and 3 p.m. (Dec. 2). Admission is charged. See

December 2

Foreign Film Series

As it is in Heaven (Sweden). In Suter Science Center, room 106, 6:30 p.m.

December 7

Suter Science Seminar

Dr. Robert C. Newman will speak on “Beliefs and Physics: Some Lessons from the Ancient Greeks.” In Suter Science Center, room 104, 4 p.m.

December 7

Jazz Christmas Coffeehouse In Campus Center, 9 p.m. Info: or (540) 432-4225.

December 12

South Africa Chapel

Chapel by returning students from fall crosscultural in Lehman Auditorium, 10 a.m.

January 20-21

December 2

Believers Church Conference

A reflective service for the end of the day. EMU’s Chamber Singers will participate in the service. At Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Harrisonburg, 5 p.m.

January 21

Choral EvenSong

At Eastern Mennonite Seminary. Info:

Martin Luther King Jr. Program

January 21-24

School for Leadership Training

Annual three-day spiritual and educational retreat for church leaders at the Eastern Mennonite Seminary. Pre-registration required.

January 21

Suter Science Seminar

Dr. Darla Schumm, a professor at Hollins University, will speak on “Cow Comfort, Pig Palaces, and Chicken Coops: Rethinking Mennonite Conceptions of Community as an Ecological Response.” In Suter Science Center, room 104, 4 p.m.

January 24

Writers Read

Guest speaker Vigen Guroian has published more than 150 articles on a range of subjects including: Orthodox theology, marriage and family, children’s literature, education, politics, ecology, genocide, liturgy, and medical ethics. In the seminary's Martin Chapel, 5:30 p.m. Visit for a listing of sports events. The public is welcome at all events listed. For detailed information visit at any time. You may also call the EMU activities line at (540) 432-4362.

Sponsored by multicultural services, in the Campus Center, 10 a.m.

EASTERN MENNONITE UNIVERSITY Harrisonburg, VA 22802-2462 Parents: If this is addressed to your son or daughter who has established a separate residence, please give us the new address. Call (540) 432-4294 or e-mail


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