10 minute read


Walkabout Cooper Park

with Ruth

Images: Ruth Kliman Source: www.woollahra.nsw.gov.au

Manning Rd 1

Suttie Rd

Bunna Pl

Edward St

2 3 4 5

Cooper Park Rd

Cooper Park


Bellevue Rd


Victoria Rd

In this Ed 33, September, I walk the Cooper Park Wellness Trail. Along the trail there are a number of ‘Rejuvenation Stations’ where you’ll be guided through a series of meditative activities that will help you slow down, connect, reflect and relax, especially needed now more than ever during lockdown. I will also point out historical landmarks along the way.

I start at Lough Playing Fields which was once part of the Cooper family’s Point Piper Estate. In the 19th and early 20th centuries this area of land around Manning Rd was known as Edgecliff Gully. From the mid 1880s it was leased primarily as market gardens to mostly Chinese lessees. The site of the playing fields was acquired by Woollahra Council over a number of years beginning in 1927.

For more info go to: www.woollahra.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/ pdf_file/0016/16270/Lough_Playing_Fields_web.pdf


Walking down Bunna Place, enroute to Cooper Park, I pass an enclosed shelter that resembles like something out of The Flintstones. There are many of these

2dotted along the Cooper Park Trail and they were constructed by Mr H. Arnold in 1936, who also created similar constructions at Taronga Zoo.

I pass Cooper Park Tennis courts, which was opened in Sept 22, 1923 at a cost of 698 pounds, 19 shillings and 4 pence, the clubhouse and pavilion depleted the council coffers by 1022 pounds, 12 shillings and 1 pence. In 1989, the tennis pavilion and kiosk was renovated.

Cooper Park history dates back to 1885 when the then-government bought this land from Cooper Estate with the sole intention of developing it as a recreational reserve. This was finalised in 1913 when Sir William Cooper, the man after whom the park is named, gave the entire stretch of land from Bellevue Hill to Woollahra Council for use as a park.

The Park is important aesthetically for its array of Depression-era cultural features which include a grass amphitheatre with retaining wall and plaque, artificial stone structures, a moon bridge, sandstone walls, steps and paths, concrete footbridges, and a diverse range of outdoor recreation facilities including a 1920s tennis pavilion and tennis courts. Development of the Park during the 1930s was based on an award winning design by E. Coleman and R.C. Coulter, the result of a competition run in 1928. Themes of romance and pleasure were enhanced with the construction of meandering paths, bridges and grottos, all set within a natural landscape.


The Cooper Park Nature Wellness Trail, is designed to help you rejuvenate and refresh your mood, focus and energy. The walk begins at Moon Bridge. The bridge is a fine example of the sandstone stonemasonry undertaken by

Ernest Miles and a team of 50 stoneworkers.

Built in the 1930s as part of a public arts program it was designed to provide unemployment relief during the years of the Great Depression.



Follow the creek which meanders through the park and follows the line of a volcanic dyke that formed during the Jurassic age. On either side of the creek are sandstone and riparian forests and woodland vegetation, providing diverse habitats for local fauna.

At the end of the walk is a grass amphitheatre with retaining wall and plaque that reads: Municipality of Woollahra Cooper Park To commemorate the construction of this wall and other improvement works for the public welfare in this park carried out by the unemployed relief workers in the year 1936 during The Mayoralty of Alderman K.D. Manion.

An imposing stone stairway leads you to Victoria Rd, Bellevue Hill and at the end there are two stone columns at the Bellevue Hill entrance to the Park. The stone columns were originally from the Sydney G.P.O. before being moved to Elizabeth Bay House, then Vaucluse House and finally to Cooper Park in 1994.

On my next walk (Ed 34, Oct) I will walk around Point Piper. Please stay safe and be well and follow health guidelines during lockdown.

Talking and teaching Tarot

with Ruth Marks

Dear Readers, The continual changes with lockdown have been difficult for us all and I know we are trying hard to accept them in a positive way. We just need to take it day for day and I'm sure it will all be over soon.

We are now coming into the Star Signs of VIRGO & LIBRA and the TAROT CARDS relating to them.

If you need any advice or decisions to make please dont hesitate to phone Ruth Marks 0414 273 104.

VIRGO(Aug 23 - Sept 22) THE HERMIT is the Star Sign of VIRGO The card shows a hooded figure holding a long staff in his left hand and a lantern in his right hand. On the lantern is a shining golden star. This star indicates wisdom shining within although outward appearances dont seem that way.

VIRGO is the sign of a loner who guides others along the way. THE HERMIT is forever questioning and analizing. He is diplomatic and expects alot from himself. Always playing by the rules and paying attention to detail. He survives difficulties in a strong way and knows how to reap the benefits of his growth. But he must try not to get too caught up in others problems.

Lucky Gemstone: AMETHYST Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Colours: Dark blues and greens

LIBRA(Sept 23 - Oct 22) JUSTICE is the Star Sign for LIBRA This card features a Goddess with a pillar both sides of her.

The Sword she holds is a symbol of truth, power and wisdom. The Goddess also holds the scales which represent logic and unbiased decisions. She is one of balance. Her decisions are impartial and perfectly fair. She feels she must have everything just right in terms of balance. The scales sometimes tip from left to right or vice versa. This often makes her feel overwhelmed. It is important for her to know she is in charged of the gifts bestowed upon her by her ruler VENUS. She is also given the ability to attract many friends as she is showered with extra charm.

Lucky Gemstone: OPAL Lucky Number: 7 Lucky Colours: Green

Love and Light to all... Stay safe, be positive...



0414 273 104

Google Ruth Marks Tarot Card Reader Tarot Card lessons available



COVID-19 has now been linked to many long-term complications, including heart damage, lung damage and neurological disorders. One emerging area of research is whether hearing loss can result from coronavirus infection—either as a symptom or as a complication days or weeks later.

What has been observed (though still rare) is developing hearing loss, tinnitus or dizziness later in the infection process, meaning these issues are not part of the initial onset of symptoms but develop days to weeks later.

A review of COVID-19 from patients worldwide has been reported in the March 22, 2021 edition of the International Journal of Audiology. The researchers pooled together data on auditory complications of COVID-19 patients and estimated that: • 7.6% of people report hearing loss • 14.8% report tinnitus • 7.2% report vertigo

The researchers (based in Manchester,UK) called for continued research in the area of auditory complications from COVID-19. The researchers noted that Sudden Hearing Loss is rarely a symptom of coronavirus onset.

Note: Sudden Hearing Loss can happen without known cause and is a hearing emergency. If you or someone you know has had a Sudden Hearing Loss, please phone Edgecliff Hearing 9327 8280 for a same day urgent diagnostic hearing test.


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We are independent from the hearing device manufacturers and ear, nose & throat specialists with whom we work closely.

Our clinics are located in Edgecliff, Bella Vista, and a visiting clinic in Penrith. We have a sister clinic in Campbelltown.

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WEALTH CREEP? - You need to think about your Will

If like many Australians you don’t think of yourself as particularly wealthy, you may need to think again. Post-World War II prosperity and economic growth coupled with more recent gains on the value of real estate has resulted in Australia being on the cusp of an unprecedented intergenerational wealth transfer.

With a tendency to underestimate the value of the family home as well as relatively large sums which have been steadily accumulating in superannuation funds, there are many Australians who are simply unprepared for the inevitable consequence of life – death! And, particularly as that death will often come at a time not necessarily of our choosing. In fact, nearly half of adult Australians die without having made a Will.

Partly because among many older Australians there is a reluctance to openly discuss topics such as wealth, salary and bonuses, inheritances, etc., many of us mistakenly believe that our families will be able to take care of our assets after we have gone. Sadly, this is not the case and neglect of leaving a clear directive can lead to unintended consequences, including acrimony and additional grief. There is only one sure way for us to specify how we would like our assets and items of personal value to be distributed after we have gone and that is by way of a properly constructed Will. Rather than a burden, our Will presents an opportunity for each of us to state our wishes for a dignified and respectful passing of our assets to our loved ones, to our favourite charities, to the people we wish to gift, rather than to those who are not part of our close network.

A valid Will also assists in avoiding costly and sometimes stressful complication at a time when our family is dealing with grief and in gathering relatives and friends together.


If you pass away or lose your mental capacity without writing your Will, you will be considered to have died ‘intestate’. Your next of kin will be obliged to obtain a formal Authority from the Court to distribute your estate. Your assets are distributed according to a prescribed formula set out under current legislation. This can be an impersonal, time-consuming and distressing process, with little or no attention given to anecdotal wishes that you may have expressed to various family members and friends.

A tip to the wise. Do not download a Will from the internet and think that it will protect you and your loved ones. It is most important that your Will is drafted correctly by a qualified lawyer so as to avoid unintended consequences such as dispossessed spouses or children of a deceased beneficiary, double gifting or failing of a gift or unintended taxation burdens on the beneficiary.


(02) 8006 7396 0414 371 660 Deborah@baxterwarnelegal.com

Disclaimer: This material is of general information only and is not considered to be formal legal advice.


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