IN-HOUSE DESIGN Our in-house graphic design services: Customised graphics, logos, corporate identity, leaflets, brochures, flyers, business cards, advertisements, page layout, maps, illustrations, invitations, menus & newsletters. CIRCULATION Copies of Eastern Suburbs Life are distributed throughout Eastern suburbs: Double Bay, Rushcutters Bay, Paddington, Edgecliff, Elizabeth Bay, Potts Point, Vaucluse, Watsons Bay, Woollahra, Bondi, Bondi Beach, Bondi Junction, Randwick, Clovelly, Coogee, Maroubra, Little Bay, Malabar, Matraville, La Perouse, Surry Hills, Kingsford, Kensington, Eastgardens, Rosebery, Zetland Estimated readership 20,000 per edition. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Our Privacy Policy includes important information about our collection. use and disclosure of your personal information. You can read our Privacy Policy at www.easternsu Each advertisement m ust comply with and is subject to the full set of Advertising terms and conditions available at advertising-terms. By placing an advertisement with us for publication. you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy and to our full advertising terms and conditions PUBLISHER Eastern Suburbs Life ABN: 707 0383 9304 ART0408www.easternsurburbslife.orgwww.easternsuburbslife.com998058DIRECTOR Ruth Kliman (Chillibonbon Creatif) 0415 474 EDITORIAL215 Paula Towers Greg Prior Ruth Kliman Greg Prior & ESL Team Eastern Suburbs Life Newspaper Supporting Local Businesses and Communities Quality graphic service at affordable rates. *SPECIAL 2022 RATES* pet illustration, posters, layouts, ad design, brochures, maps, diagrams, charts, information design, logos, business cards, newspaper layout & design, corporate ruth@easternsuburbslife.comidentity YOUR FREE MONTHLY LOCAL NEWSPAPER EASTERN www.easternsuburbslife.comSUBURBS STATE GOVT RELAXES MORE PLANNING CONTROLS IN WOOLLAHRA P4 • WHAT'S ON BAYSIDE P5 • KAMAY WHARF APPROVED P11 • WHAT'S ON SE VOICE P12 EASTSIDE FM OPENS A WINDOW ON RADIO AT BONDI P15 • WHAT'S ON BONDI P16 INSIDE: Mental health support, that now comes to you See P17 COVER: THE SYDNEY CLINIC Mental health support, that now comes to you See P17 @easternsuburbslife easternsuburbslife ADVERTISING: GREG 0408 998 058 2 EDITORIAL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR DO YOU HAVE OPINIONS, OR NEWS, NEWSEVENTS,COMMUNITYABOUTCOUNCILANDOTHER MATTERS? Just mail them to THE ED ITOR on include your first name and suburb and we will publish them in the next edition of Eastern Suburbs Life. (Subject to relevance and deadlines.) CONTENTS 3 SECTIONSREGULAR STATE GOVT RELAXES MORE PLANNING CONTROLS IN WOOLLAHRA P4 WHAT'S ON BAYSIDE P5 WALKABOUT with Ruth YARRANABBE PARK & RUSHCUTTERS BAY PARK P10 KAMAY FERRY WHARF APPROVED P11 WHAT'S ON SE VOICE P12 LOCATE YOUR BUSINESS ON THE MAP BUSINESS FINDER EASTERN SUBURBS DOUBLE BAY Go Viral Now Websites, SEO, Digital Marketing for small to large ROI. We work with you to showcase your business generate GO VIRAL NOW WEBSITE AND SEO COMPANY BRONTE personalised care and attention SHOP 4/402 NSH RD (ELBON ARCADE), DOUBLE BAY Edgecliff Automotive EDGECLIFF experience. edgecliff hearing 7 COOGEE 0423 861 413 we buy cars • IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT • ALL MAKES & MODELSwe come to you we beat any trade in price YARRA BAY 16FT SKIFF SAILING CLUB $35 ABADELHAIRCUT BARBER SHOP LA TIENDA BONDI JUNCTION 2 Deck restoration and varnishing YOUR TIMBER AGAINEnjoy WILLS & ESTATES MAROUBRAPHILLIPBAY 1 3 1011BOB PRICE TROPHIES Doug Briscoe Cars 0401 151 511 CLASSIFIEDS TRADES & SERVICES BEAUTY & HAIR MAGNETIC INSECT SCREENS (02) 9836 0365 TO CALLADVERTISEROSE0418 400 697 VET HEALTH & COUNSELLINGWELLBEING SPORT & LEISURE dentalgentle care BAXTER WARNE LEGAL A CLIENT FOCUSED LORD NEST FINANCEQUEST 0413 301 660 02 8020 5995 Suburbs Stay Independent FORLOOKINGCARERS EMERGENCY HELP 24/7 CARERS SOUTHEAST VOICEEASTERN BaySUBURBSside NEWS EASTERN SUBURBS EASTSIDE FM OPENS A WINDOW ON RADIO AT BONDI P15 WHAT'S ON BONDI P16 DIRECTORY CLASSIFIEDS P23 BIZ FINDER AND LOCATOR MAP P20 & P21 COUNCIL NEWS & MARJORIE O'NEILL, MP Member for Coogee P22 EASTERN SUBURBS Ed 45, Sept, 2022
CONTRIBUTORS Hannah McKinney Lara MarikaTaylorCalfas, NSW Ports CEO George Bernard Shaw
GHOTI SPELLS Humans are very reasonable. We start asking “Why?” from the age of two and we’re not happy until we find one. Then we relax, feel more secure, and start feeling happy. Any answer will do as long as it makes reasonable sense. For example “Why does the sun go round the earth?” Answer: “Because the earth is the centre of the universe” – All very reasonable. But the damage is already done, we’ve asked a wrong question and we’ve accepted a wrong answer and like a cat and a hot stove we’ve adjusted our behaviour in line with both. As Mark Twain wrote, “If a cat sits on a hot stove, that cat won't sit on a hot stove again. That cat won't sit on a cold stove either. That cat just don't like stoves.”
Of course, as we grow olde r and our brain becomes “smarter”, we can review what we’ve learned and modify our behaviour. But many people still avoid walking under a ladder “In case it brings bad luck”; not “In case something falls on you”. We’ve just witnessed the birth of superstition, and once hard wired into our system, it’s hard to Butremove.notallsuperstitions are ba d. Rafael Nadal has a 19 step ritual that he observes on entering the court and before starting the game. They have served him well, and to date he has won 22 Grand Slam Finals (the most of any male tennis player). So the trick is to make a ha bit of choosing empowering superstitions, and downplay those that leave you feeling weaker and make life narrower. “All progress depends on the unreasonable man” wrote George Bernard Shaw, his justification being that “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself” His other quotes included “When I was young I observed that nine out of ten things I did were failures, so I did ten times more work.” and “Progress is impossible without change, those who cannot change their minds cannot change. anything.” Like Nadal he made a big impression on the world, and left us with no doubt that he thought chang ing our thinking can help change our life. Some of the thinking he tried to change was our way of spelling English words. As a member of the British Simplified Spelling Society his plays used words like “wont” and “havnt” instead of “won’t” and “haven’t” and he also said that a child should not be punished for spelling “det” without a “b” (just because it was related to the Roman word “debit”) - To illustrate the lunacy of English spelling he showed that GHOTI could be pronounced FISH using the words “TouGH”, “wOmen” and “naTIon” to illustrate the point. We promise that the rest of the paper has traditional spelling and great articles about the September Movies at Hoyts Eastgardens and Approval of the Kamay Ferry Wharf (P11); Lord John Menswear Closing Down Sale (due to ill health) (P6); Club Rose Bay your local community hub (P9); How State Government amended Woollahra Council planning regulations without consulting the council and Your chance to win a diamond valued at $3,000 (P4) and, of course, our ever popular What’s On Bayside (P5), What's On SE Voice (P12) What's On Bondi (P16) and the latest Walkabout with Ruth...Yarranabbe Park to Rushcutters Bay Park (P10). As always, a big thank you to our readers, advertisers, contributors, distributors, printers and the growing ESL team. We hope you enjoy the September edition.


Amendments have been made by the NSW Minister for Planning, Anthony Roberts MP to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021 (Housing SEPP) without consultation or advance notice to facilitate even more Seniors Housing development in the Woollahra LGA. Seniors Housing (independent living units/ residential flat buildings) can now be developed by any person in the R2 Low Density Residential zone in the Woollahra LGA and can be constructed in Heritage Conservation Areas. Prior to the recent changes Seniors Housing was restricted to the NSW Land and Housing Corporation and/or operators under the Retirement Villages Act 1999. This restriction ensured that the intent of overriding the low-density controls in the R2 zone to deliver Seniors Housing was met and that the accommodation developed was properly managed as Seniors Housing. Higher density development on land that is GOVERNMENT MORE PLANNING CONTROLS INzonedWOOLLAHRAforlowerdensityimpacts
We are extremely disappointed with the State Government’s policy position, and we support Council’s resolution on July 25, 2022 to write to the Premier and the Minister expressing our concern with the recent retrograde decisions in relation to the Seniors Housing, which ignore and override Council’s planning controls and drive housing at the expense of local communities. Council also resolved to request the State Government to reinstate the requirement that if Seniors Housing is to be built in R2 zones they must only be developed by the NSW Land and Housing Corporation or operators under the Retirement Villages Act 1999 and to permanently exclude Seniors Housing from Woollahra’s Heritage Conservation Areas.
Luise Elsing (Cooper) Council further resolved to review its planning provisions to identify opportunities to strengthen its planning provisions in relation to Seniors Housing if the State Government does not meet Council’s valid www.residentsfirst.orgrequests.
LAB GROWN DIAMOND SPECIALISTS, WHOLESALE DIRECTLY To You 1.00 CT DIAMOND STUD SPECIALS IN 18CT GOLD ONLY $1495.00 1.08 CT ROUND BRILLIANT CUT LOOSE DIAMOND, COLOUR E, CLARITY VS2 TRIPLE EXCELLENT ONLY $1795.00White Gold & Yellow Gold Available Conditions Apply* +612 Products available while stock lasts Prices include Join our VIP list for automatic entry into the competition TO ENTER THE COMPETITION WIN Suite 6, Level 1, 21-25 Knox Street Double Bay, 2028, Sydney, NSW Come Visit OUR SYDNEY SHOWROOM *By appointment only Stud Special A Lab Diamond is created in a human controlled laboratory environment as opposed to geologically in an underground mine. However, the end-product is a real diamond in every sense. All the physical, chemical, optical & atomic properties are identical to those of a mined one. WHAT ARE LAB GROWN DIAMONDS?“Adiamondisadiamond whether its grown in a lab or comes out of the ground” FTC RULING L se SpecialDiamond A 1.50 CT LAB GROWN DIAMOND VALUED AT $3000 • BELLEVUE HILL • EDGECLIFF • DARLINGHURST • DARLING POINT • DOUBLE BAY • ELIZABETH BAY • PADDINGTON • • POINT PIPER • POTTS POINT • ROSE BAY • RUSHCUTTERS BAY • SURRY HILLS • VAUCLUSE • WATSONS BAY • WOOLLAHRA • Bayside NEWS EASTERN SUBURBS
infrastructure, traffic movements and compromises tree canopy. It also overrides the strategic planning framework for housing in the Woollahra LGA. State Government has refused to exclude Seniors Housing from Heritage Conservation Areas notwithstanding Woollahra Council’s submission demonstrating that Seniors Housing to meet the anticipated demand to 2036 was adequately provided for in other areas of the LGA. This type of development in Heritage Conservation Areas undermines the special character and integrity of our heritage. This is development at all costs
Lucinda Regan (Bellevue Hill) FIRST COUNCILLORS

WHEN: EVERY THURS 10AM WHERE: HOMESTEAD CAFE (near fountain), CENTENNIAL PARK...any weather. Kathy Neustatl 9389 8509
The walks will take place rain, hail or shine and will cater for all levels of fitness and ability, so bring a friend, and enjoy getting fit in a great social environment. New members welcome.
Come along and immerse yourself in the rich food history of Vaucluse House at this festive celebration of spring. Discover a wonderful showcase of artisan delights, including food stalls, culinary demonstrations and informative talks against the stunning backdrop of the 19th-century mansion. Explore the property with a range of experts on guided walking tours, from seaside foraging with Gabriel Gutnik of Ziggy's Wildfoods to urban beekeeping with Doug Purdie.
Woollahra Probus Club walking group meets every Thursday at 10am at the Homestead Cafe (near fountain) Centennial Park, come rain or shine.
At these friendly community markets you will find everything to fulfill your weekly shopping needs and an exciting choice of fashion, home wares, plants and of course, eco-friendly, sustainable fare trade and healthy products.
HISTORY WEEK: THE FALL, RISE AND DEMISE OF FRANCIS GREENWAY Australia’s First Government ArchitectJoin author Alasdair McGregor for a riveting local history talk on the rise, fall and demise of Francis Greenway, Australia’s First Government Architect. WHEN: SEPT 3 2-3.30PM WHERE: WOOLLAHRA LIBRARY, 451 NSH RD, DOUBLE BAY
The walks will take place rain, hail or shine and will cater for all levels of fitness and ability, so bring a friend, and enjoy getting fit in a great social environment.
WHEN: 2.30-4PM (Every second Thurs of the month) WHERE: WOOLLAHRA LIBRARY, 451 NSH RD, DOUBLE BAY RAE BEGLEY: ON A QUIET DAY, I CAN HEAR HER BREATHING On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing’ a new exhibition by Rae Begley reflects on nature, on Earth as a living organism. The photographs were made with a slow intensity of exploration through the physical act of walking and siteresponsive connections to remote environments.
WHEN: EVERY THUR, 9AM-2PM WHERE: GUILFOYLE PARK, CORNER OF GUILFOYLE AVE AND BAY ST, DOUBLE BAY MEN'S CHAT GROUP Topics discussed range from local issues to world events, from the latest gadgets to trips down memory lane.
PADDINGTON PADDINGTON MARKETS Featuring up to 150 stalls in the historic church grounds and public school of Paddington. Products include art, clothing, jewellery and home wares. Food court, live music every Saturday, coffee, cakes, pre-loved clothing, hats and great gifts for all.
WHEN: SEPT 8 2-3PM LIVE STREAMED WHERE: WOOLLAHRA LIBRARY, 451 NSH RD, DOUBLE BAY ABBALANCE AT PADDO RSL ABBALANCHE– Australia’s only award-winning Abba Tribute Show (BEST TRIBUTE SHOW-ACE awards 2018, 2013, 2011, 2010 and 2009) have been performing Australia’s greatest ABBA production show since 1995. A visually stunning and incredibly energetic show with plenty of crowd participation, ABBALANCHE are a timely celebration of the dazzling costumes, exciting eye-catching choreography, sing-a-long ballads and dance-floor hits.
The queen of Sydney crime journalism turns her eye onto the Queen of the Con in this live streamed session from BAD Sydney in Double Bay.

Each week, a small but committed group of quiet people come together at St Mark’s Anglican Church in Darling Point to make a big sound. These are the members of St Mark’s Darling Point Change Ringers, ringing bells high up in the church tower, to mark worship services, celebrate community weddings and herald other local and royal occasions. They are part of a wider community of change ringers in Sydney’s church towers, joining together to learn, to challenge themselves and to celebrate a tradition lasting thousands of years. One might think, given its size and pitch, a bell would be impossible to control. But bell ringing does not require musical ability nor a great deal of strength. And for those more familiar to the practices of campanology, mathematical ability is not a pre-requisite either. Come as you are!
Michael, a now regular mem ber of the St Mark’s Bell Ringer’s, provides some insight into his first steps in becoming a bell ringer: “Getting started was easy as I had a great teacher…who would give me one on one lessons on a weekly basis. There is also a weekly group practice…with six or more ringers for when you have developed more control of your bell.” Gaining individual confidence of the bell typically takes a couple of weeks, confidence in a group setting likely to be a few months and from there, the learning is endless. Our most experienced ringers still learn and try new things from the long list of historical “methods” and tunes. If you are interested in gettin g involved, want to learn more, or maybe just see some bells in action then St Mark’s is calling for you! We are looking to expand our group and to hold new learners’ sessions (interest permitting). We currently have established weekly practice sessions on Monday evening and Friday daytime, however, given the number of towers around Sydney and wider Australia, we can assist you with getting in touch with a tower most convenient for you. We’d love to hear from you, so please get in touch through email See u in the tower!
In addition every member of every group is also a member of the whole group so someone in Rose Bay can contact someone in Little Bay to ask about a local art Charitiesexhibition.can jo in for free and share news with their members in private and news with as many local communities as they wish. The same is true for Social Clubs and Businesses, who can share details of events and special offers. The netwo rk also enables many other things. For example it can be used as the newsfeed for a local community website. The first is being built for Rose Bay, see If this feature interests you please call Rose on mobile number 0418 400 697. Another difference is that, unlike Facebook and Google, you can get in touch with real live people and even get to meet them in person at monthly Network Nights, or in
The network covers 24 key suburbs in five LGA's and is open to anyone to join as an individual or as an organisation, in the following categories: Charities (free), Social Groups, Businesses, Sponsors and Media. Please visit website for f urther details. Members can share information in private groups e.g. as amongst the members of a tennis club or with public groups such as their local community e.g. where club results are shared with the whole community.
Various organisations, such as the Australian and New Zealand Association of Bellringers (ANZAB), provide formal resources for new learners. But for most beginners, it’s simply spending time getting the feel of the motions with supervision from our dedicated teachers and experienced ringers.
The network is a bit like a Facebook Group, where each member can be part of as many groups as they wish. But within each group categories exist that make finding information much easier.
Starting as a community project to publish local news online during Covid, the Eastern Suburbs Network now covers the area on the map below . The Eastern Suburbs Network Night will be formally launched on Wed, Sept 14 at Club Rose Bay, 1 Vickery Ave, Rose Bay at 5.30pm. To book visit and search for Eastern Suburbs Network Night (spaces are limited).
seminar and training Events. You might even see them in the street, sometimes delivering copies of the local Eastern Suburbs Life paper. In fact one article in this paper was written by someone who joined an online community and is now writing for us, while another has been written by a local student who got in touch after reading the paper. As you can see, it’s the backbon e of a local community publishing platform that seeks to put local community publishing, back in the hands of the local community, and keep the jobs and money generated within the community. We’re just getting started a nd w ill be running training and information events soon - To register call Rose on 0418 400 697.

Free hearing aids and free hearing aid services are available at Edgecliff Hearing for eligible pensioners and veterans. The Australian Government provides free or subsidised hearing services and hearing devices to eligible pension and DVA card holders. This service can be accessed at Edgecliff Hearing (at the Edgecliff Centre, above the Post Office). Edgecliff Hearing is a contracted service provider of the Department of Health’s Hearing Services Program. Contact Edgecliff Hearing on 9327 8280 and we can let you know if you are eligible to join the Government Hearing Services Program. If you are eli gible then you can receive the following from Edgecliff Hearing *: 1. A free comp reh ensive Hearing Test. 2. Free quality hearing aids – if you need them. Or, partially subsidised Advanced Hearing aids – if you want to contribute to the cost. Assistive listening devices. Batteries, maintenance, and repair of the hearing devices for a small annual fee. Access to rehabilitation services. On-going, personalised support from a university-trained audiologist. What to do next: Simp ly telephone Edgecliff Hearing 9327 8280 or email and our friendly reception team can give you the advice you need. The Edgecliff Hearing team are experts in hearing services and hearing devices. We provide a quality local service for the Eastern Suburbs and beyond. *Conditio ns apply in accordance w ith the Australian Government Hearing Services Program.
FREE AIDS Sydney hearing experts
Ed 45, Sept, www.easternsuburbslife.com2022 7Bayside NEWS EASTERN SUBURBS OFFER ENDS SEPT 30, 2022 **QUOTE EASTERN SUBURBS LIFE NEWSPAPERS** CLAIRE DANIELLECRICHTONDENNIS EDGECLIFF HEARING SUITE 301, LEVEL 3, EDGECLIFF CENTRE, 203-233 NEW SOUTH HEAD ROAD, EDGECLIFF 9327 8280 MERREN PHILLIPPADAVIESHUNT EAR WAXSPECIALREMOVAL BOOK A $65 EAR WAX REMOVAL AND GET A FREE HEARING CHECK & AUDIOGRAM AT THE SAME 30 MINUTE PHONE:APPOINTMENT93278280 When you need to improve your hearing, Edgecliff Hearing can provide you with the best advice. Our mission is to identify and provide the best solution for every unique hearing problem. We are independent from the hearing device manufacturers and ear, nose & throat specialists with whom we work closely. Our clinics are located in Edgecliff, Bella Vista, and a visiting clinic in Penrith. We have a sister clinic in Campbelltown. Edgecliff Hearing combines leading-edge hearing technology and hearing rehabilitation practice. Our audiologists are discreet, caring experts with the highest ethical standards, and are backed by friendly and efficient support staff.

STUDIO HEART AND SOUL FREE SCHOOL HOLIDAY EVENT Do you have a musical performance you would like recorded professionally ready to showcase? We want to record it for you! Jonty Cornford, Uniting Heart and Soul’s musical director will film, record and edit your performance and provide you with a copy to keep! Limited spaces so book now! Thursday 6th October 2022 10am-1pm We will provide drinks and snacks. Chapel Court (next to Indigo Café) 15 Cross Street Double Bay Uniting Heart and Soul Email Vanessa to make a booking at revness@unitingheartand 8 EASTERN SUBURBS Ed 45, Sept, 2022Bayside NEWS EASTERN SUBURBS TREAT YOURSELF, FAMILY OR FRIEND TO A PERSONAL HAND-DRAWN PORTRAIT OF YOUR PET. MAKES A GREAT GIFT! PORTRAITS ARE DRAWN IN COLOURED PENCIL FROM A HIGH RESOLUTION PHOTO. SIZE: A3 FULLY FRAMED...DELIVERED or PICK-UP LOOKING FOR GIFT IDEAS! Hand-drawn Pet Portraits 0423 861 413 @petpawtraitsbyruth
Dementia Action Week will run from Sept 19-25, Woollahra Council will be highlighting local services available for people with dementia, their family and carers and encouraging locals to get a better understanding of dementia and what they can do to help make our local area more dementia-friendly.
WATSONS BAY LIBRARY Watsons Bay Library has been recognised by Dementia Australia as a dementia-friendly community space.
Join us for a meaningful morning of dementia friendly activities with Holdsworth, Woollahra Dementia Alliance and Woollahra Council at Woollahra Gallery at Redleaf. Release your creativity with our dementia-friendly activities:
• Art making session, where you will have the opportunity to create an art work inspired by the vibrant photographic and short film works exhibited (limited places available).
• The launch of Woollahra Dementia Alliance's Breaking Down The Barriers documentary. Find out more about the Woollahra Dementia Alliance and local dementia services community/services/dementia
CONNECT THROUGH ART: Dementia Action Week
• Light morning tea on the stunning Redleaf Gallery verandah.
Dementia impacts around half a million Australians and almost 1.6 million Australians are involved in the care of a person with dementia.
The Woollahra Dementia Alliance, supported by Woollahra Council and Holdsworth Community, helps to raise awareness of issues faced by local people with dementia and taking actions to improve the lives of people with dementia and their carers.
• A guided tour of the latest exhibitions including the Youth Photographic Award and Short Film Prize exhibition.

Ed 45, Sept, www.easternsuburbslife.com2022 9Bayside NEWS EASTERN SUBURBS
RSL clubs evolved to take care. As our young men of the past went to war, and as some of them didn’t return, leaving fatherless families and sonless mothers, these places evolved to offer consolation and support to an Australia that had been deeply hurt. This notion of caring remains today, and the new GM at the Rose Bay RSL Club wants to revitalise his club by re-energising it as a caring and familial community space where people can gather and share food and Daveconversation.Bellhastaken the re igns at Club Rose Bay. Today, we’re a place for everyone, he says, old and young. We are a community here and you can always come in and feel welcome. He talks about the relaxed ‘just drop in and have a beer’ vibe; (which you can if you live more than 5kms away, or if you haven’t visited yet), and the usual Friday night meat raffles and (tucked away) poker machines. But we are blessed to have pockets of small and large spaces, says Dave, and we host many community activities from Sea Survival courses and Radio Clubs to knitting and Latin American Dancing. A young lady walks by us with a dog. Dave smiles. Dogs are allowed? I ask, slightly surprised. Outside, yes’, he says. Three children race across the floor, and I ask where they’re going. ‘To the kids room,’ says Dave. ‘They love it.’ We are sitting in th e bistro and there’s a moment when I can smell burgers. The Chef - Ray Lo - makes ‘em mean and very bacony. Dave tells me about the American who visited a few weeks ago and says it was the best burger he’d ever tasted. I resist and order a coffee.
There are a lot of sto ries here. From old war tales to narratives surrounding Rose Bay Airport, which Ansett flew into until 1974. A couple of old guys wave from a table outside and neighbours drop in for a beer. Hugs all round. Local diggers come here to feel remembered.
And last, but not leas t, there are ‘museum’ pieces, medals and boots and a propeller from a fighter jet. Photographs on the walls and folk who tell stories. Theres a lot of history here and history shouldn’t be forgotten, says Dave. History is a sign that we’ve changed, grown, and become something new.
Lara Taylor CLUB ROSE BAY 1 VICKERY AVE, ROSE BAY 9371 9412 CLUB ROSE BAY WELCOMES EVERYONE LORD JOHN MENSWEAR CLOSING DOWN SALE Sept 12 - Oct 31 (LAST DAY) 30-50% OFF ALL STOCK! We are sorry to be closing due to ill health and thank you for your support and custom over the last 40 years. Wishing you all the best for the future. Kind regards Roy & Kim 9327 4783 0466 896 788
RSL Clubs in Australia are places we can visit to connect to the past and feel a sense of home. There’s no judgement here and there is fine hospitality. And there is family. And there is joy. So next time you feel like a story or two, or a beer or two, or a chat.. drop on in. We’re quite fun!

Lucky Gemstone: Amethyst
In this Ed 45, join me for a leisurely walk from Yarranabbe Park to Rushcutters Bay Park.
I head down towards the seawall and come across a Swamp Mahogany Tree with a plaque. This commemorates the site of Sydney's first successful watermill, built and operated by Thomas West on Rushcutters Creek. It was opened by Mrs Macquarie, wife of the Governor, on Jan 14, 1812. WALKABOUT WITH RUTH Ruth Kliman
Walking along the path I come across The Drill Hall, which was previously part of the Royal Australian Navy base, HMAS Rushcutters. It is one of the oldest surviving Australian military buildings. Today it is available as a venue and rehearsal space for the arts, training and film shoots. The Drill Hall had been the site of navy use and administration for much of the twentieth century. In 1979, it was transferred from the Commonwealth to the State and in 2000, it was also the headquarters for sailing events for the Sydney Olympics and Paralympics.
Much of the RAN's former site is now the centre of civilian sailing activities including the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia (CYC) (formed in 1944); the Royal Australian Navy's Sailing Association (RANSA); the d'Albora Marina; and ship chandlers and associated services. Each Boxing Day it is the starting point of the annual Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race.
Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Colours: Dark blues & greens
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22)
Yarranabbe Park then joins Rushcutters Bay Park. Shortly after the park's creation, part of the reclaimed land around the bay became the venue for the NSW Voluntary Naval Brigade which used the site between 1880 and 1907 as a training venue. After the 1911 formation of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) the park became the site of the Sydney Naval Depot which they continued to use through both World Wars and beyond. The site was commissioned in 1940 during WWII as HMAS Rushcutter and de-commissioned in 1960. In 1979 the Navy's land was transferred to the NSW State Govt for public recreation and in 1987 the Rushcutters Bay Maritime Reserve Trust was appointed to manage the site.
Hello everyone, The weathe r is im proving and let's hope it stays that way, and you are all keeping well. If you are having probl ems and your life is not going the way you want, please don't hesitate to contact me. I have 25 years of experience and knowledge in reading the Tarot Cards. They open up hidden information that can help unblock any problems you have, and I can help guide you to plan a more positive and fulfilling future. Call me 0414 273 104 Google Ruth Marks Tarot Card Reader
Lucky Gemstone: Opal Lucky Number: 7 Lucky Colour: Green
LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22)
In ESL Oct Ed 46 join me for a walk from Five Ways, Glenmore Rd to The Intersection,Paddington
5 5 6
321 4 6 7 8
The Sydney Stadium once stood on land on crnr of NSH Rd and Neild Ave, Rushcutters Bay. It was built in 1908 on a former Chi nese market garden, and was leased by boxing promoter Hugh Donald Macintosh as a venue for sporting events. It also hosted the biggest sporting event in Australia's history at that time, where over 20,000 crammed in the stadium on Dec 26, 1908 to see Tommy Burns fight the African-American Jack Johnson. This fight captivated the world because it was the first time that a 'black' man fought for the prestigious World Heavyweight Boxing Championship, with Johnson winning to take the title. From 1954 onwards and through the 1960s, the stadium was frequently used to host concerts by visiting overseas performers. It hosted The Beatles first Sydney concert in June 18, 1964. It was demolished in 1970 to make way for the construction of the Eastern Suburbs Railway. I continue my walk in Rushcutters Bay Park, passing Reg Bartley Oval. The oval was named after Reg Bartley, who was Lord Mayor of Sydney in 1943–1944 and 1946–1948s. A Civic Reform Association member, Bartley was attacked by a member of the Communist Party of Australia over a proposal to demolish "Maramonah", a mansion in central Sydney, inhabited by 600 squatters, in order to lay out a park. Bartley's plan was eventually taken up, and the site of the mansion is Fitzroy Gardens in King's Cross. 9 Photos:
RUTH MARKS TAROT CARD READER 0414 273 104 Google Ruth Marks Tarot Card Reader Tarot Card lessons available 1 Yarranabbe Park land was reclaimed from the harbour in the late 1800’s and it has been used for public recreation since that time. The southern section of the park was under the control of the Navy for a period of time, including during WWII. Along the walk there is a sculpture in the shape of an egg by Professor Zhang Yangen. Titled Sea's Nest, the sculpture with its cage-like egg shape, creates a window to the brick egg inside, bringing the viewer the idea of breath of life, as well as alluding to a possible mythological being from the sea.
Walkabout with Ruth Yarranabbe Park to BayRushcuttersPark TAROTTEACHING&
THE HERMIT is the Tarot Card for VIRGO. The card shows a hooded figure holding a long staff in his left hand and a lantern in his right hand. On the lantern is a shining golden star. This star indicates wisdom shining within although outward appearances don't seem that way. Virgo is the sign of a loner who guides others along the way. THE HERMIT is forever questioning and analizing. He is diplomatic and expects alot from himself. Always playing by the rules and paying attention to detail. He survives difficulties in a strong way and knows how to reap the benefits of his growth. But he must try not to get too caught up in others problems.
JUSTICE is the Tarot Card for LIBRA This card features a Goddess with a pillar on both of her sides. The sword she holds is a symbol of truth, power and wisdom. The Goddess is also holds the scales which represent logic and unbiased decisions. She is one of balance. Her decisions are impartial and perfectly fair. She feels she must have everything right in terms of balance. The scales sometimes tip from left to right or vice versa. This often makes her feel overwhelmed. It is important for her to know she is in charge of the gifts bestowed upon her. By her ruler VENUS she is also given the ability to attract many friends as she is showered with extra charm.

The wharves a re projected to be 230 metres long in La Perouse and 250 metres in Kurnell,
Roberts approved the proposed state significant structure on July 21, leading to a flurry of social media activity. Community groups on social media sites such as Facebook, post weekly encouraging residents and users of Kamay National Park in La Perouse to write to Tanya Plibersek, Minister for Environment and Water. Under the E nviro nment Protection and Biodiversity Act, the project still requires Plibersek’s approval due to its impact on four marine threatened species.
The NSW Gove rnment is working with the Gujaga Foundation, to ensure First Nations peoples are effectively engaged in the development process, as La Perouse is home to one of urban Sydney’s most densely populated Indigenous communities. The ferry is said to provide better access to the Kurnell Precinct to support a cultural meeting place for the First Nations community. However, residents a nd other stakeholders are concerned with the irreversible damage to the marine environment to threatened species such as the Posidonia australis seagrass, White’s Seahorse and Black Rockcod. Residents are also concerned about increased traffic congestion in the area and limited parking, as the suburb is only serviced by a single lane road.
La Perouse residents remain anxious following NSW Minister for Planning, Anthony Roberts’ controversial decision to approve the Kamay Ferry Wharf.
It is hoped that Randwick Council’s unanimous decision calling for these environmental impacts to be reviewed, that Minister for Environment and Water, Tanya Plibersek, will have no choice but to intervene.
a significant change from the old 25 metre wharf. The ferry is expected to shorten the current 90-minute road journey, to 20 minutes, and boasts of other benefits to the local community.
More than 118 submissions have been received from local residents, water sports enthusiasts, among other users, objecting its development. One submission commented that the plan was “ludicrous.”
The surrounding Kamay Botany Bay National Park will also be improved with walking and cycling routes, as well as improved access and facilities for recreational vessels. The areas revitalisation will provide immense socioeconomic opportunities as a result of increased tourism to the area in hospitality and commercial maritime services.
The $49.3 mill ion pro ject proposes the re-construction of a ferry wharf between La Perouse and Kurnell. A ferry service first operated between La Perouse and Kurnell from the 1890s, but ceased in 1974 after severe storms damaged the wharves.

WHEN: SUN, SEPT 3 10AM-3PM WHERE: SOUTHERN CROSS CLOSE & HOUSTON LANE, KINGSFORD The Eco Living Festival is jam-packed with interactive workshops, talks, demonstrations, live performances, market stalls, sustainable and organic food, fun family entertainment, and the latest ideas and information on living cleaner, greener and more sustainably.
WHEN: FRI MORNINGS 9AM-12.30PM WHERE: RANDWICK SUSTAINABILITY HUB 27 MUNDA ST, RANDWICK ProbusCombinedKensingtonClub Meet new friends, enjoy guest speakers, walks and outings. WHEN: (FIRST TUES OF THE MONTH) 9.45AM WHERE: THE JUNIORS, 558A ANZAC PDE, KINGSFORD (Opp Light rail) ENQUIRIES: Jenny Wilson 0402 426 191 Seaside Singers A monthly informal singing group for adults. All skill levels welcome. Together we will sing the songs you love – and a few new ones to be loved too! WHEN: (EVERY MONTH ON THE LAST THURS UNTIL NOV 24) 2-4PM WHERE: LIONEL BOWEN LIBRARY, 669-673 ANZAC PDE, MAROUBRA **LIBRARY MEMBERS ONLY** ENQUIRIES: 9093 6400 What comes next? UNSOMNIA 2022
Celebrate early Spring in Kingsford Street Festival featuring a wide variety of South East Asian stalls, food-trucks, activities for children - pony rides, animal petting zoo, face painting, photobooth plus live traditional music
WHEN: SEPT 17 1-2.30PM WHERE: LIONEL BOWEN LIBRARY, MAROUBRA, 669-673 ANZAC PDE MAROUBRA Rockpool Ramble at South Maroubra
ONWhat'sSouthEast EAST:SOUTHONWHAT''SINADVERTISETOWANTYOUEVENTANHAVEYOUIF RUTHCALL 4138610423 rEMAIL admin@easternsuburbslife.comuth@easternsuburbslife.comSEPT For fitness, friendship & fun Join the Maroubra Probus Club’s retirees, Be Active Group. Have a “Whale of a time”, enjoy “chit chat” and coffee in the sun and make new friends, on one of the group’s many outings and activities. WHEN: 10.30AM (4TH THURS OF THE MONTH) WHERE: JUNIORS MAROUBRA ENQUIRIES: Contact Rex Madden 0418 233 530 Blak Markets There is something for everyone at our Blak Markets. Outside of entertainment, festival goers can access a range of Blak Markets stalls selling authentic Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts, bush food, crafts and wears. WHEN: SUN, SEPT 11 10AM-3PM WHERE: BARE ISLAND, BARE ISLAND RD, LA PEROUSE PermaBee GardeningCommunity-Program Come gardening with us Friday mornings and help us plant, weed, and compost. We break for morning tea together and socialise over lunch, you'll also share in the bounty of any harvest!
Support our local foodies by participating in Eat, Drink, Play. There will be a variety of different vendors selling sweet and savoury treats from food trucks plus live entertainment.
History Talk: 80th Anniversary of the Kokoda Campaign In the 80th anniversary year of the Kokoda Campaign, join us for a talk by Colin Flatters, Maroubra RSL Sub-Branch President to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Operation Maroubra.
The 21st century has been plagued with one crisis after another – a global pandemic, climate catastrophes, economic turmoil and senseless violence. So how do we equip ourselves for what’s around the corner? To forge our path through this uncertainty, hear from five UNSW Sydney thinkers who are discovering the future of video gaming, the wild west of cryptocurrencies, the dark side of hybrid education and how we could use algorithms to build the cities of the future.
WHEN: SEPT 27 1.30-3.30PM WHERE: SOUTH MAROUBRA Meet at South Maroubra Surf Lifesaving Club, 1R, Bernie Kelly Drive, Arthur Bryne Reserve, South, Maroubra Eat, Drink, Play Eco Living Festival

We’re excited to announce 17 organisations will receive 2022 Community Grants, which includes giving a helping hand to the following Sydney-based groups: • Daceyville Public School for a bicycle storage shed • Fix it Sisters Shed to build a waterbird nesting area • Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation for an Indigenous mums’ arts program • Kingsgrove High School for a careers’ expo • Deli Women & Children’s Centre to support domestic violence victimsurvivors • Randwick Girls’ High School for a BBQ & marquee • South Sydney Mount Carmel Junior Cricket Club for cricket nets • Enfield Public School for a sensory playground & yarning circle • Maroubra ‘Lions’ Rugby League Football Club for goal post pads NSW Ports is a proud and active member of our local communities. LEARNMORE Congratulations and thanks for making our neighbourhoods better places to live, work, learn and play.

Port Botany, here in south-east Sydney, contributes $10.7 billion to NSW’s Gross State Product and supports more than 52,000 jobs. More than 30 per cent of workers at the port live in the community surrounding the precinct. Nearly half of all goods in the average Sydney home have come into the country via Port Botany – everything from televisions and fridges to washing machines, lounges, and toys. So, there’s every chance you know someone who works at the port or have many items in your home that arrived via a container at Port Botany. As a part of the local Port Botany community, I know first-hand that there are so many people and groups here doing extraordinary things to support one another. At NSW Ports, we’re excited to do our bit to give back to our neighbourhoods to help them thrive. That’s why I’m thrill ed to a nnounce 17 groups will receive NSW Ports’ 2022 Community Grants. Nine of these grant recipients will implement initiatives in the communities around Port Botany, and our Enfield and Cooks River operational centres to make our suburbs better places to live, learn, work and play. This incl udes the Sydney Children's Hospital Foundation, which has received an NSW Ports grant for its Ngala Nanga Mai program that brings local Aboriginal mothers and their children together through art making to support their health and wellbeing. Sport a nd p hysical activity play a big part in keeping us all healthy and well. NSW Ports’ grant to the Maroubra Lions Rugby League Football Club will pay for new goal post pads to ensure safe sport at Snape Park, while South Sydney Mount Carmel Junior Cricket Club will receive funding to upgrade its cricket nets. Our natu ral env ironment is precious, and we all have a part to play in ensuring a sustainable future. With this in mind, NSW Ports has awarded a grant to The Fix it Sister Shed to build a floating island in Sir Joseph Banks Park, to support black swans and turtles. We are also de lighted to support local school initiatives, which includes a grant to Enfield Public School to build a sensory playground and yarning circle that will become a meeting place for the whole community. NSW Ports’ comm itm ent goes beyond our economic contribution. A community is only as strong as the people who look after it and we’re proud to help support them. By working together, we can keep building strong, inclusive, prosperous neighbourhoods.
There’s something for everyone when it comes to bikes. Cycling enthusiasts will love having access to bike mechanics who can help work out any issues with their two-wheelers and people new to cycling will have the chance to test ride bikes and improve their understanding of bike safety. There will be a selection of balance bikes as well as kids’ and adults’ bikes.
Fermenting and pickling food is not only great for gut health, it provides a variety of food available outside of their growing seasons, and dehydrating food can drastically reduce food waste. Join sustainable powerhouses Margaret Mossakowska from Moss House and Mitch Burnie from the Adamama Project to learn some new essential kitchen skills.
A host of speakers will be on hand to share new and challenging ideas, such as how we can use our shares or superannuation to protect our climate future; how to combat the rising costs of living by joining a food box cooperative; why native bees are important in urban ecology and how to keep a beehive; an introduction to scrumping, the art of hunting down food growing in public places; and the launch of the revised edition of permaculture bible Earth Restorer’s Guide to Permaculture by author Rosemary Morrow.
The Eco Living Festival, will return to the Randwick Community Centre as a free, family-friendly, one-day event that brings together stalls, workshops, demonstrations and live performances on Sunday Sept 18, 2022, running from 10am to 3pm.
Mic Conway, the voice of The Wiggles' Wags the Dog, will be presenting his very special show Rubbish, a highly original performance about the three Rs - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - and features junk musical instruments, magical trash, juggling, newspaper ripping, puppetry, singing and dancing. The RRRR Pirates encourag e their crew to do the right thing with waste, whether its recycling, reusing, reducing or rethinking what can be done to decrease the amount of rubbish that ends up in the ocean. Play School's Abi Tucker will present a a puppet show for children which is all about recycling. The King and Queen of Green will present a fun workshop about reducing waste to landfill by using composting, recycling and worm farms.
“The Eco Living Festival is one of the most popular events on Council’s calendar and celebrates all that is green and sustainable,” said Randwick Mayor Dylan Parker. “The one-day event brings together sustainability experts, local businesses that create sustainable products and workshops that demonstrate the small but important eco changes we can each make. It’s also a great chance for people to connect with each other and be inspired by the great things happening in our area.”
Archibald Prize-winning artist and musician Blak Douglas will present Did U Know, a 30-minute demonstration of the Didgeridoo, filled with facts and fun. Dog Trumpet, the band of former Mental as Anything members Reg Mombassa and Pete O’Doherty, will also take to the stage to play their eclectic blend of rock, psychedelic folk and semi-abstract blues.
Marika Calfas, NSW Ports CEO Learn more about our 2022 Community Grants here:
Eco Living Festival
NSW Ports is an active member of the communities in which we operate, which includes managing the major international trade gateways of Port Botany and Port Kembla as well as intermodal centres at Enfield and Cooks River. We’re immensely proud to invest in the people across our local communities.
Gathered in one place will be a smorgasbord of volunteer opportunities for people wanting to donate their time or skills to local organisations. Opportunities range from wildlife rescue organisation WIRES, bush regeneration group Friends of Malabar Headland, food cooperatives Thoughtful Foods and Organic Buyers Group who pull together weekly organic food boxes.

Eastside attracts aro und 90,000 listeners to its arts and news programs each week and can be heard all over Sydney on a metropolitan-wide reach via DAB+ digital radio. Fast access is also available on a new easy-to-download app and worldwide via live stream on the website. Paula Towers
“The opportunity to do this now, in partnership with Bondi Pavilion, is exactly what we’d hoped to achieve. It’s fitting that an iconic station has found a home in an iconic building at the world’s most famous beach.”
The Bondi Pavilion com munity radio studio comprises a professional standard broadcast and producer facility, with shared access to two music studios which means the studio will be available to the community: “As a community radio station, we are there to provide the support necessary to attract community involvement and use,” Smythe said.
Eastside FM opens a window on radio at Bondi Bondi’s new community radio studio launches on September 22 through Eastside Radio 89.7FM – part of the exciting opening of the newly renovated Bondi Pavilion. The Pavilion studio i s Eastside Radio’s second site – the local broadcaster’s main studios operate out of Paddington Town Hall – and will provide an important part of the station’s broadcasting programs which operate 24 hours a day. Eastside was awarded the licence to operate the studio by Waverley Council. “We’re incredibly grateful for this opportunity, and for the support and belief of Waverley Council,” Eastside Managing Director Tony Smythe told Eastern Suburbs Life. “When peop le s tart walking through Bondi Pavilion again, they’re going to be amazed at the incredible renovation that’s taken place and they’ll understand just how lucky we feel to be a part of this amazing community project.” Eastside Radio has been on air for 39 years, so this operating licence represents a proud new chapter in the station’s long history of broadcasting from Sydney’s eastern suburbs. “Eastside Radio has been wanting to have a stronger connection to both Waverley Council and the Bondi community for many years,” Smythe said.
"As Eastside is the on ly radio station in Sydney to devote five mornings a week to supporting theatre, dance, film, design, literature, Indigenous, visual and other art forms, we think it’s a natural fit for us.”
A further attraction is being able to view a live radio studio at work - people will be able to walk past the ground floor studio window and watch inside. Bondi is recognised as offe ring m any interesting events and exhibitions covering music and the arts, year-round. “Bondi is a very artistic community,” Smythe observed. “There’s so much going on in Bondi, sometimes events could do with more support, with more people knowing about them.

The 50m saltwater pool is a popular spot for sunbathers and for walkers on the Bondi to Coogee walk. The Bondi Icebergs have been a landmark of Bondi for 100 years, and if you want to become a member of the oldest winter swimming club in Australia, you must swim three Sundays a month for a period of five years.
Bronte SaturdayBazaarMarkets Support Local! Browse over 30 local market stalls at the next Bronte Bazaar markets. Browse plants, vintage, arts, crafts and food.
WHERE: 1 NOTTS AVE, BONDI BEACH Bondi Markets Head to the markets and you'll find original designer clothing, exotic imports, hand made jewellery, arts, crafts, homewares, retro furniture, vintage clothes, and so much more. Bondi Markets are the place to find the next big thing. Keep your eye out for up and coming designers.
With the voice of a songbird, Lara literally mesmerised shoppers as part of Council’s Pop-Up Carols last year. She made it to the top 48 on The Voice Australia back in 2017, sang at the Invictus Games in Sydney in 2018, has performed at many functions and events both locally and interstate, and most recently sung on Australia Day in Canberra for the National Flag-raising & Citizenship Ceremony at Lake Burley Griffin.
This exhibition shows Brontes many transformations from the past to recent histories. Willim Mortimer Lewis, the Colonial Architect in New South Wales, was the first purchaser of land in Nelson Bay, now Bronte. The land included the whole frontage of Bronte Beach to Gardyne St, Murray St and Hewlett St. Lewis laid the foundations for Bronte House before selling to Robert Lowe in 1843. The Bronte Estate was subdivided for Public Auction Sale in 1861. Visitors will see how Bronte evolved to become a family area with Bronte Park, beach, swimming clubs and a famous Surf Life Saving Club.
WHEN: SUNDAYS 10AM-4PM WHERE: BONDI BEACH PUBLIC SCHOOL, BONDI BEACH PUBLIC ART Bondi Beach is a local and national icon. As part of the exciting upgrade of beach front Campbell Pde, Waverley Council has commissioned Australian artists to celebrate Bondi Beach and its community in public art works. Public art enlivens our streets, parks and public places and reflects community values. WHERE: CAMPBELL PDE, BONDI BEACH PUBLIC ART - BONDI BEACH
Festival of the Winds
WHEN: SEPT 23-OCT 19 M-F 9.30AM-9PM SAT 9.3- MI0AM-3PM SUN 1-5PM
Synth social is a culmination of bright poppy retro colours that demonstrate the steadfast positivity and the new found collaborative nature adopted by our artists that will be carried with us long after things return to a sense of normality. The arts program at Miroma Vaucluse has a long demonstrated history of producing high quality art and craft, holding exhibitions around the eastern suburbs for the last two decades.
Bondi Beach transforms into one big playground on Sunday, Sept 11 for Festival of the Winds, Australia's largest kite flying festival. Bring the entire family and enjoy our world-famous professional kite flying displays, entertainment in Bondi Park and international cuisine. Festival of the Winds is in its 44th year and is proudly presented by Waverley Council and the Australian Kite Flyers Society.
Social Synth social brings together works from our artists with disabilities made before and during the pandemic. Throughout this period our artists persevered in small creative bubbles, using colour and energetic forms to bring light in dark times.
WHEN: SEPT 14 1.30-2.30PM WHERE: WAYSIDE CHAPEL, 95 ROSCOE ST, BONDI BEACH Before Now- Today In Rear View, Janine Hall Janine Hall is drawn to historic images of our local environment. She is compelled to re-imagine them in colour. In the words of Janine: “when we look at old black and white photos, we can be tricked into believing that life was dull and ‘lived in black and white’. This body of work reminds the viewer that colour has always been present, even ‘Before Now”.

“We are based in Randwick and welcome new singers,” says Anne Spira, SJCS President. The AHC, form ed in 2018, performs Greek Art songs and popular folk songs. Under the musical direction of Leon Vitogiannis, the Choir features at many Greek cultural events.
The event’s MC is Vic Alha deff, whose background blends Jewish and Greek cultures. His family was one of the largest Jewish families on the Greek island of Rhodes, and 151 Alhadeffs, including his paternal grandparents, were murdered in the Auschwitz death camp. "I’m honoured to be involved in this exceptionally moving collaboration of the two communities,” Alhadeff said. "The music is magnificent and it promises to be a very moving
AHC President James Tsolakis says: “What better way to explore this music than with a choir whose members are personally connected with the history?”’
For a list of programs, go to or scan the QR code.
The Australian Hellen ic Choir (AHC) and the Sydney Jewish Choral Society (SJCS) will perform this work together, in an Australianfirst choral arrangement, at Sydney’s Great Synagogue on October 30.
Alhadeff is a non-executive Director of SBS. His previous roles include Chair of Multicultural NSW, CEO of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies and Chief Sub-Editor of the anti-apartheid Cape Times in South FormedAfrica.in1986, the SJCS is Sydney's premier Jewish community choir. Under the musical direction of Rose Grausman for the past 32 years, the choir is an established part of Sydney's cultural scene, performing a broad repertoire spanning Jewish and secular music of varied styles.
Ballad of Mauthausen is a heartrending song cycle on love across cultures during the Holocaust, with words by Greek poet Iakovos Kambanellis and music by Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis (of Zorba the Greek fame).
Mental comessupport,healththatnowtoyou.
group them easy personalityhealth The Sydney Clinic now offers a range of group therapy programs via Zoom, making them easy to access from home, work or wherever you may be. Online programs available for those experiencing: anxiety depression personality disorders addiction and other mental health conditions.
The performance by both choirs is apt given that Ballad recounts the yearning love of a Greek prisoner of war for a doomed Jewish prisoner in Mauthausen, a slave-labour and death camp during World War II. At the concert, the choirs will also perform other significant Greek and Jewish songs.
Ed 45, Sept, www.easternsuburbslife.com2022 17Bondi BUZZ EASTERN SUBURBS
CONCERT DETAILS Date: Sunday, Oct 30, 2022 Time: 4pm Venue: Great Synagogue, 187a Elizabeth St, Sydney. Tickets: $60, concession $50 mauthausen Sponsorship queries: 0416 060 700
Wartimeperformance." love across cultures captured in song

In 1978, Glebe local and Sydney University student, John Silk’s interest in wind energy led to his fascination and love of kite making and flying. John, along with several of his friends, decided that it would be great to run a kite festival and decided that Spring at Bondi Beach was the best time and place to launch their idea. On Sept 10, 1978, 44 years ago, the first Festival of the Winds took off!
The Mayor of Waverley at the time, Mr Ernie Page, officially opened the newly named Festival of the Winds, declaring the skies open, and joined the crowd to fly a kite. John Silk, his kite-flying friends and enthusiasts on that day, formed the Australian Kiteflying Society (AKS) who have presented the professional kite flying exhibitions with national and international kite talent each year ever since. Bon di Pav ilion cultural staff joined in by organising entertainment, food stalls, kite making workshops, gallery exhibitions, workshops and all the festival fun that ran alongside, and still runs alongside, the professional kite flying displays on the Festivalbeach.ofthe Winds continues to provide a great day out for everyone. This event is perfect for people of all ages who want to celebrate the joy of kite flying, kite making, our environment and enjoy the best cultural food and entertainment from around the world! Bring along your own kite or make a sky-high creation at one of the kite making workshops. There will be demonstrations, and a day long entertainment program on the main stage. OF THE WHEN: SUNDAY 11 11AM-4PM WHERE: BONDI
Who would have known back in 1978, when a group of wind energy champions decided to run a kite festival on Bondi Beach, that the Festival of the Winds would be born and end up as one of the biggest and most loved kite flying festivals in the world!

Sydney Jewish Museum’s new exhibition Shaken To His Core: The Untold Story Of Nolan’s Auschwitz showcases a collection of 50 Auschwitz works by the acclaimed Australian artist, Sir Sidney Nolan, that have never been seen before in Australia. They were painted with great intensity in late 1961, during the trial of the infamous Nazi, Adolf Eichmann, and as Nolan prepared to visit Auschwitz on an art commission. Until recently, these works remained mostly hidden away, their stories untold for over half a century – yet they reveal a darker side of the late artist, who was best known for his depictions of the mythology of bush life in Australia, including his paintings of bushranger Ned Kelly. In early 1962, Nolan arrived at the former death camp ready to paint. But the experience of seeing the gas chambers, piles of human hair, glasses, shoes and the rows of bunks where prisoners slept shook him so completely to his core that he decided never to paint Holocaust imagery again. In the months leading up to the Auschwitz visit, Nolan grappled with how he might paint the death camp; agonising over Sydney Jewish Museum exhibits Sidney Nolan’s Auschwitz paintingswhetherthehorrorsof the Holocaust could ever truly be the focus of art. Then in April of 1961, the Adolf Eichmann trial began. Nolan, like the rest of the world, was captivated by the global televised coverage of Eichmann, the man responsible for the ruthlessly efficient railway system that transported Jewish people to their deaths at Auschwitz. In the final weeks of the trial, Nolan created about a dozen portraits of the war criminal, mirroring the famous images of Eichmann sitting behind bulletproof glass.
Snap Bondi Junction P: (02) 9369 2251 E: W: Suite 1B, 10 Spring Street, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Scan Me Ed 45, Sept, www.easternsuburbslife.com2022 19Bondi BUZZ EASTERN SUBURBS
“This i s an exhibition that will change you”.
The exhibition Shaken To His Core: The Peter Abbey/Camera Press/Australscope Sidney Nolan Untold Story Of Nolan’s Auschwitz will be on display at the Sydney Jewish Museum until Oct 23, 2022. To book a ticket, vis it:
“Hosting an exhibiti on this rare and groundbreaking is a testament to the Sydney Jewish Museum’s unique brand of storytelling – the kind that only comes from 30 years of holding the memories of Holocaust survivors and of preserving the voices of history,” says Sydney Jewish Museum CEO Kevin Sumption PSM.
“This is a viscera l and emotional exhibition that puts an inimitable lens on history, drawing us beyond historical facts. It fills the gap that imagination cannot stretch to,” says the Museum’s Head Curator, Roslyn Sugarman.
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In late 1961, Eich mann was sentenced to death. This gave Nolan the release he needed and the artist immediately switched to painting the victims of the Holocaust. He painted Auschwitz prisoners screaming and shrouded in smoke, crucified on smoking crosses. He depicted some as skeletons, overflowing from wheelbarrows and some as dead bodies laid out in neat rows.

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BeachBondi Bronte WaverleyCentennial Park Bondi North BondiDoverHeights Rose Bay Vaucluse Point PiperBellevue Hill BayDouble Woollahra JunctionBondi Randwick CoogeeSouthCoogeeClovellyMaroubra BeachCoogeeBeachMaroubra Chifley Malabar PagewoodMatraville Kingsford Kensington PaddingtonRushcuttersBayElizabethBay Darling Pt Port Botany OldSouthHeadRd AuoteHopnve MilitaryRd RdVaucluse Murriverie Rd Blair St O'BrienSt CampbellPde Old South Head Rd FletcherSt BondiBirrellRd MurrayStSt BronteRdMacpherson St Clovelly Rd ArdenSt Alison Rd Coogee Bay Rd Oberson St Perouse Rd Bundock St AvocaSt AvocaSt ArdenStSt Pauls St RainbowBeauchampStRd MoverlyMalabarRdRd MalabarRd Maroubra Rd BunnerongRd BunnerongRd BunnerongRdFranklin StBotanyRd Mons Ave Barker St BotanySt CarringtonRdBelmoreRd AlisonRd FrenchmansRd BronteRd Syd Einfeld Drive LangRd ManningRd BellevueRd OceanAve BurtonSt VictoriaRd NewBeachRd DoverRd WentworthRd CrossKings Dacey Ave Todman Ave AnzacPde Gardeners RdWentworthAveEastlakes ParkQueens OxfordSt DarlinghurstRd Queens Park Rd Birriga Rd New South Head Rd New South Head Rd OldSouthHeadRd CurlewisSt AnzacPde High St Fitzgerald Ave AnzacPde Watsons Bay Edgecliff 12 17 La Perouse Little Bay Map: Chillibonbon Creatif® DarlingPtRd O'SullivanRd 14 3 4 5 7 68 Tracey Chandler is your Personal Buyers Agent, specialising in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs. I love to find property! That’s right! I love to find awesome properties for my clients at a great price. I’m a property fanatic, easy to work with and I don’t stop until you own the perfect property. TRACEY CHANDLER 0416 100 839 WOOLLAHRA Cooper Park Garage Professional Service and Convenience Cnr Manning & Suttie Roads WOOLLAHRA NSW 2025 P: 9327 ROSE BAY Our collection is built upon European timeless pieces and Australian seasonal trends. There is a strong emphasis on natural fibres that supports sustainable values towards an ethical approach. We specialise i n a va riety of garments from everyday lux basics to black tie events. We also have great gift ideas for that special occasion. THE BOLTED POST 10 DOVER RD, ROSE BAY 0408 272 609 RANDWICK 9 We are experienced Tax Agents and pride ourselves on excellent service and value for money. • Tax Retu rns and Accounting • GST/BAS • ATO Objections 9A NEWCASTLE ST, ROSE BAY 8592 9591 With access to well over 30 lenders, we can arrange loans for the purchase or refinance of both property and motor Appointmentsvehicles.also available by phone and email. 14 ASHLEY JOHNSON 0 4 2 9 2 7 4 2 3 4 a s h l e y @ j o h n s o n a n d c o m p a n y c o m a u o h n s o n a n d c o m p a n y c o m a u S u t e 7 B / 1 N e w c a s t e S t r e e t R o s e B a y Ask me how to sell your property for more? Trusted - Professional - Results 15 13 1516 16 1 17 2 10 11 Hypnotherapy can be highly effective for many issues we experience: • Anxiety • Depression • Stress • Panic • Fear • Anger • Sleep issues • Trauma 0473 512 024 13

Whether yo u love our new public transport network or hate it, I want to hear from you on what is working and what isn’t, what changes are needed and what you think should stay as is.
OFFICE CONTACT DETAILS If you have any issues relating to the NSW Government, or you are not sure where to go to for help, please contact my office on (02) 9398 1822; or visit us at 15/53-55B Frenchmans Rd, Randwick. You can also visit my website at and while you’re there, be sure to sign up to my online community newsletter too! Inter-war flats Waverley Council is inviting the community to provide feedback about our new Inter-War Flat building design guidelines. The guidelines help protect, maintain and modify our wonderful and much-loved Inter-War residential flat building heritage. The guidelines provide advice to those who intend to maintain, upgrade or alter Inter-War residential flat buildings in Waverley. Consultation closes Sept 19. For more, including details about our Have Your Say days, visit haveyoursay.waverley.nsw. Draft ControlDevelopmentPlan We are also seeking feedback on our proposed changes to the draft Waverley Development Control Plan (Waverley DCP). The Waverley DCP contains detailed planning and design guidelines to support the planning controls set out in the Waverley Local Environmental Plan. Proposed updates include implementing the Our Liveable Places Centres Strategy and Inter-War Flat Building Heritage Design Guidelines and sustainability and waste updates. Consultation closes on Sept 19 Have Your Say days are also planned. For details, visit Shark nets
While the NSW Government may have failed to listen and act on the demands of the tens of thousands of locals who signed petitions, wrote letters, and attended rallies as part of the fight to Save Our Buses.
The feedback we provi ded based on the science and data, and as part of this consultation, is that we support shark mitigation options that minimise impacts on marine biodiversity while protecting our swimmers and surfers. This includes not supporting the continuation of shark meshing at Bondi and Bronte beaches due to the devastating impacts on marine wildlife and there being more modern and effective technologies available to track and monitor sharks. Waverley Council is not, nor has it lobbied the state government for the abolition of shark nets at our beaches. We have simply fulfilled the government’s request for feedback on the matter. Council will continue to have di scussions with the government on its shark mitigation strategies and respects whichever strategies it employs. Council also resolve this month to investigate training our lifeguards as drone pilots to help monitor shark activity.
Enter the 2022 Woollahra Garden Awards
Is your garden one of Woollahra’s best? We’re encouraging all residents, local businesses, school groups and community organisations to showcase their gardens – big or small –by entering this year’s Woollahra Garden Awards. We want you to share your creativity, hard work and sustainable gardening practices with us. Don’t miss your chance to win some great prizes. The overall winner will receive a $500 garden voucher. The winner of each category will receive a $100 garden voucher.
To have your say and help shape the future of our public bus network in the Eastern Suburbs, scan the QR code below or head to the Save Our Buses campaign page on my website to fill out the survey.
Grants awarded for community groups
Twenty six local community groups have been awarded funding of more than $134,000 as part of Council’s Community Creative, Community Partnership and Community Connect Investment Program. This includes funding for the Jewish Film Festival at Randwick Ritz, Latrobe Community Health Service Family Fun Day, La Perouse Junior Rugby League Club and funding for a Seniors Wellbeing program in Coogee and Kensington run by Holdsworth. Some of the Community Partnership programs include a retreat for victims of domestic violence and an after school tutoring program for in need children.
Plan to tackle port noise Council will write to the Port Authority of NSW to request that a noise abatement strategy be developed to help reduce night time noise emanating from port operations.
New BeachMaroubraplaza McKeon St at Maroubra Beach will be closed to cars and handed back to people as part of a six-month temporary plaza that will be open from the end of Sept to Mar 2023. The project is being funded as part of a $500,000 State Government Streets as Shared Spaces grant. Outdoor dining fees for local business will be waived to encourage them to take advantage of the new space. The proposal was consulted with the community recently with 90% supporting the plan and 89% agreeing that people would stay longer if it was a well-designed public space. Council will create additional parking on nearby Fenton St to offset the temporary parking reduction.
Have your say on Council’s financial sustainability
Waverley Garden Awards Nominations for the Waverley Garden Awards open in September. Held every three years, the awards celebrate the joy and fulfilment gardens provide. Gardens help improve the quality of our environment and wellbeing. Any type of garden can be nominated, so to find out more, keep an eye out for updates on our website or email
The NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) manages shark mitigation in NSW including shark nets. In 2021, Council participated in stakeholder consultation with DPI on preferred shark mitigation measures.
A new 2.4km cycleway will improve safety along New South Head Road in Rose Bay, ensuring the iconic Rose Bay Promenade is accessible for all to enjoy. Located between Wil lia m St, D ouble Bay and Norwich Rd, Rose Bay, the Rose Bay Cycleway provides a safe solution for cyclists and pedestrians and enhances transport options along the area’s only direct connection to the city. Delivered by Woollahra Council with funding assistance from the NSW Government, the Cycleway incorporates separate spaces for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles along the Promenade, through a design that balances the needs of all road users, having incorporated extensive community feedback and concerns around safety. Visit for further info.
To help build long term financial sustainability and meet the demands of our growing community, Woollahra Council is considering applying to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) for a Special Rate Variation (SRV). This would allow Council to address a range of priority projects directly linked to heritage protection, recreation and trees, climate change action, active transport, community infrastructure and service improvements.
Rose Bay Cycleway
New home proposed for Randwick WIRES Council is contributing $400,000 to help build a new animal shelter at Randwick Environment Park to support WIRES volunteers house and rehabilitate injured native wildlife.
We are seeking community feedback on three SRV-related options, which will help identify the level of funding commitment that residents and businesses believe is appropriate for the community’s future. Visit v for further details and dates for opportunities to speak to staff about the proposed SRV at pop ups across Woollahra and via a webinar. To have your say, you can also email at records@, or make a submission by mail to PO Box 61, Double Bay 1360, before Oct 4, 2022.
O'NeillMarjorieMP MEMBER COOGEEFOR Hi TooEveryone,often,the big decisions that shape our communities are taken out of the hands of locals who stand to be affected the most. Managing competing priorities can be a challenge and often involves a juggling act, but it’s the job of a competent government to consult, listen, and deliver on the needs and wants of the communities it represents.
Residents have reported a recent increase in excessive noise at night including low-frequency noise from vessels and loud bangs associated with loading and onloading containers, crane alarms and high pitch tones.
Entries Oct 14. Winners will be announced in November. Visit gardenawards to enter.
Transitioning to Net Zero Emissions Randwick Council is well on its way to achieving net zero emissions by 2030 with greenhouse gas emissions forecast to reduce by 80% this financial year compared with 2017/18. Emissions from electricity usage has been eliminated with the procurement of 100% solar energy and Council has been working to upgrade street lights with energy efficient globes, install rooftop solar and to convert our vehicle fleet over to hybrid and electric.
As your local member, I will not be engaging in back-room deals and political horse-trading on the issues that matter. Our community deserves transparency and accountability from their Government as much as they deserve high quality public transport.

EASTERN SUBURBS CLASSIFIEDS BEAUTY & HAIR TO CALLADVERTISEROSE0418 400 697 Geoff Miles trained w ith AIFC (Advanced Diploma of Counselling and Family Therapy) Registered with ACA, and brings broad life experience to assist in normalising, healing and living comfortably with life experiences. GEOFF COUNSELLINGMILES 0435 998 geoff@geoffmilescounselling.com089 SPORT & LEISURE Highly experienced team •offeringAllon Four Dental Implants • Cosmetic Dental • General Dental & Hygiene • Orthodontics & Endodontics • Dental Emergencies LEVEL 1, 451 NSH RD, DOUBLE BAY 9327 1777 dentalgentle care SHOP 9, 180 COOGEE BAY RD, COOGEE 9315 Experts in superior facial and body treatments • Complimentary skin diagnosis • Individualised skincare solutions • Massage • Facials • LED • Waxing • Tinting •Tanning •Microdermabrasion • IPL • Microhydralift over 30 years and continues to provide expert guidance and traditional courtesy to present day shoppers. They are larg est stockists of Paul & Shark clothing in NSW. 2/41-45 KNOX ST, DOUBLE BAY 9327 4783 SHOP 6, 310-330 OXFORD ST, BONDI JUNCTION 8065 8486 finds, one-off pieces, designer threads. Something COLLECTIBLES EMPLOYSURE We protect and advise over 30,000 businesses to help business owners achieve their Fair Work and Workplace Health and Safety compliance obligations. Our mission is to build safer, fairer, more successful businesses by demystifying complex employment relations legislation and providing WORKPLACE CONFIDENCE BRIAN TURTON'S TENNIS COACHING • All ages • Group or individual • All levels • 40 years experience • ATPCA accredited Tennis ID 61202142923 0413 301 660 0413 218 026 or workers who assist people of all ages and abilities get out and about- anywhere anytime. The team have first aid, CPR and Workers screening check. We match 3 workers to clients needs. How we can help you as a one off or regular booking: Going to Work, Social, Shopping, Day Programs or Health visits. Australian owned and operated since 2009 TAP Art Gallery established in 1990 encourages all artists to exhibit. TAP also holds weekly drawing & painting classes where all are welcome. TAP can be for hire for private functions. 259 RILEY ST, SURRY HILLS 0400 410 660 ARTCARERSCLASSES/GALLERY TRADES & SERVICES SUITE 1B, 10 SPRING ST, BONDI JUNCTION 9369 2251 Snap Print & Design is your local printing, graphic design and website design specialist, offering essential marketing services and solutions to their clients. 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GEOFF COUNSELLINGMILES 0435 998 MOBILEgeoff@geoffmilescounselling.com089YOGA&NUTRITIONADVICE Affordabl e and personalised one-on-one or small group yoga teaching and nutrition guidance! Check out my blog at 0450 282 452 brigitta.plosz@gmail com PLOSZBRIGITTAHAIR&BEAUTY 147 NSH RD, VAUCLUSE 9337 www.theviewofvaucluse.com1746 A sustainable salon and home to friendly, energetic team of hair stylist professionals who pride themselves on client satisfaction. Part of Sustainable Salons Australia, which collects up to 95% of each member salon's waste to recycle or reuse in environmental projects, or dispose of conscientiously. THE VIEW VAUCLUSEOF 212 NSH RD, EDGECLIFF 9328 Restoration, sales and cleaning HOME & GARDEN - CALL 0418 400 697 LIFTOUT STAR RUGS Star Rugs brings together the traditional and contemporary collection of rugs, imported from Europe.. all at one place. With over 3,000 different style and size rugs, explore our collection right now. 393 GARDENERS RD, ROSEBERY 8385 6483 ALL THE RUGS YOU NEED vows,babyyour SIMMONS-HURTADO 409 CLEVELAND ST, SURRY HILLS 9319 1309 (OBK) distributionmealsindustrialnon-isareandHala HACCP Classifieds where for friendly and Classifieds. SPECIALS EDITIONS FOR $75 EDITIONS FOR $125 OFFER THREE: ADVERTISE IN FIVE EDITIONS $225 SAVE WHAT$150IT INCLUDES 1.FREE template advert design 2.Or supply your own advert to size 3.Advert size 65mm wide x 45mm deep 4 .Six months FREE LISTI N G o n Eastern Suburbs Life Classifieds 5.FREE Membership of Eastern Suburbs Life Community Network J oin our Community Classifieds & our friendly Community Network. Enjoy FREE POSTS for six months or forever... BOOK YOUR SPOT NOW ROSE 0418 400 www.easternsuburbslife.orgwww.easternsuburbslife.comrose@easternsuburbslife.com697 EnjoySymphonyVivaldi'sofFlavours 3/495 BUNNERONG RD, MATRAVILLE 9311 1554 22A O'SULLIVAN RD, BELLEVUE HILL 0478 734 651 w THE FIELD AT EASTS RUGBY VISIT YOUR LOCAL CLUB BISTRO OPEN THURSDAY - SUNDAY 409 CLEVELAND ST, SURRY HILLS 9319 1309 Erciyes Turkish Restaurant established nearly 30 years and offers the best mezzes, pide, kebabs and live belly dancing on Fri and Sat nights. SERVICESGARDENINGKEVIN'S •Garden •••• PET SERVICES Providing cooked whole food meal plans for your pup, made using fresh Aussie ingredients and delivered to your door weekly. FETCHIT MATEA 0414 253 781 @fetchit_au A FRESH TAKE ON DOG FOOD MARIKA NABUNG 0411 394 575 NEST FINANCEQUEST Marika Nabung is the Director and Lending Specialist at Nest Quest Finance in Rose Bay. Mortgag e, Personal or Asset Finance with 40 different Lender options, we can look to find you a more comfortable financial fit. FLOURISH HR Are you a mum looking at returning to work after time with the family or changing your career to something that suits you and your circumstances better? Flourish HR provide caree r and HR consulting to individuals and support small business with their HR needs big or small. Supportive, flexible and easy to work with. 0418 484 578 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Must bring cut out to redeem | New clients only | T&C’s apply SKIN CENTRERESCUE 412 NSH RD, DOUBLE BAY 9327 Buy 3 treatments for $800 including customised ampoule GARDEN MAINTENANCE FULLY INSURED PUNCTUAL HONEST RELIABLECALL YANNICK 0426 707 051 Eastern Suburbs JOB VACANCY We are looking for a cook to prepare meals for 29 children per day. Ideally we are looking for someone to cook either five hours a day, 2 days a week or 2 hours a day, five days a week. Flexible hours available to suit the ideal applicant. Healthy menu planning, strong focus on nutrition and hygiene with in the kitchen are all desirable attributes. A thorough clean of microwaves, ovens and fridges are a must each week. You will also be required to submit an online Woolworths order each week. PART-TIME COOK WANTED BABIES BY THE BAY, DOUBLE BAY Contact Director: Natasha Moore 9363 1413 DIRECTORY

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