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KAREN FREYER Independent for Vaucluse


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As A Volunteer And Help Fight Overdevelopment

Overdevelopment does not just mean more tall buildings, it also means more people, more cars and loss of amenity for existing residents.

Local development is now in the hands of NSW Government and is no longer controlled by your Local Council. This has allowed lower building standards and faulty approval procedures in your local area. Green Square and Olympic Park are examples of what can happen.

Come And Help Make Your Community A Better Place

We need volunteers to help the electorate of Vaucluse be heard.

Karen Freyer is run ning as an independent candidate for Vaucluse in the March state election. The party candidates for Vaucluse have to tow the party line, as an independent Karen's sole concern is the people of Vaucluse, not party politics.

Karen's campaign is community based so we want people like you, from the

Independent candidate for Vaucluse, Karen Freyer has slammed claims from the outgoing Liberal MP for the electorate, Gabrielle Upton, that there is no urgent demand for a new public high school.

In comments to the Wentworth Courier, Ms Upton defended the Liberal Government’s track record on the issue, maintaining that a new public high school was not yet needed. Her office issued a statement saying that based on current population projections, existing eastern suburbs schools were able to accommodate current and future student demand.

Ms Upton backed Education Department research which suggests that Rose Bay Secondary College was not full “in the sense that there are still places there.”

“I wanted to make sure that we’re planning for future changes,” Ms Upton told the Wentworth Courier. “We don’t need a new school immediately.”

Karen Freyer dis missed Ms Upton’s comments and slammed the Liberal Government’s continuing failure to address the issue, which has been repeatedly raised as a key concern by community groups.

“This is one of th e biggest local issues raised with me when I speak to residents in Vaucluse,” she said. “And as a parent of two young boys, I know first-hand how much we need a second public high school. I’m standing for the seat of Vaucluse because we need an MP who truly represents the best interests of the community and that means another public high school for the eastern suburbs.”

“There is no G overnment high school in the Woollahra local government area and only one in the Waverley local government area: Rose Bay Secondary College which, contrary to Ms Upton’s comments, is over-capacity."

“Severa l pub lic high schools in the east have closed in the past two decades, including Vaucluse, Maroubra Bay and North Randwick.”

Ms Freyer a lso rejected a proposal raised by the Government to extend the intake areas of existing public high schools to provide families with more education options. “This is not a viable option given existing schools ar capacity. Just look at the new Inner Sydney High school: it is already at capacity and has never been able to take any kids out of catchment despite only opening three years ago.”

If elected in March, Ms Freyer says she is committed to finding a site and building a school in the eastern suburbs, “We desperately need a plan. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to secure land as more sites are sold to developers. There is a large and growing number of parents unable to afford high-fee private schools and surging demand for co-ed alternatives. We community to get involved. It's only eight weeks until the election and we really need help to get the word out about Karen.

Come and meet switched-on, like-minded people who want the best for our area. Our approach to volunteering is that it has to be fun. We want the experience to be a positive one that not only helps Vaucluse but is also an experience you will enjoy.

No matter how much or how little you can contribute every little bit helps. If you want to be heard, help the environment and have a candidate with integrity who cares about local issues such as overdevelopment and a second public high school for Vaucluse.

TO VOLUNTEER visit: www.karenfreyer.com.au and click on volunteer

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