1 minute read

One of Australia’s unique political icons, ‘the sausage sizzle’ was on display at St Mark’s Darling Point during the recent state election. The famous ‘democracy sausages’ were served up by a team of 30 enthusiastic volunteers to over 1,200 voters turning out for the seat of Vaucluse.
The freshly cooked locally-so urced highquality sausages were snapped up by eager voters. Many shared that it was the whole sausage experience that turned voting from a chore to a delight: “It just wouldn’t be an election without a democracy sausage!”
A carnival atmosph ere was gained as the civic-minded voters exited the hall to pass by the barbeque tables. ‘Cashless’ sausages were in big demand as many early voters in their sports attire were able to tap for their Australian democracy experience. No cash? – no problem.
Over 460 snags were so ld on the day which is a solid ratio to voters. This raised $1,875 for Banksia Women, one of St Mark’s local community involvements. Jacquie Hoyes one of the volunteers associated directly with Banksia Women said, “This is a wonderful opportunity for locals to be more aware of, and help, this important not-for-profit organisation based in Darlinghurst. Banksia Women is providing connection and long-term support to women who have experienced domestic and family violence. Our work gives women a weekly opportunity to connect with other women who have experienced domestic abuse, speak with a social worker or lawyer, enjoy a meal and a group activity like meditation, art or yoga” she said. “It is a great cause. And just quietly seeing people also make private donations to Banksia Women at the BBQ, just made my soul soar and weep at the same time.”
The enthusiastic volu nteers loved the sense of camaderie. “Who knew how much fun, whilst getting stuff done, that I would have, asking "cash or card" for a sausage or even an onion sandwich? A terrific bunch of St Markians and great to make new friends and get to know others more” enthused Jacquie Hoyes.
One of ESL’s regular cont ributors, Ian Tresise, was also volunteering on the day. He commented, “What a fun day. You get to exercise your wonderful democratic right and have a scrumptious reminder of a great Australian tradition and support a great local cause, all at once! I’m salivating in anticipation of the referendum later this year!”
For more informatio n ab out St Mark’s https://stmarksdp.org

To support Banksia Women, please visit https://www.banksiawomen.org.au

Sunday 21 May 2023, 2:10pm
For Organ Scholarship Fund
Admission by program - $25 Organist Dr Brett McKern Register at stmarksdp.org/whats-on/