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Council will deliver a suite of pedestrian upgrades in Bay St, Double Bay that will improve safety, accessibility, amenity and connection to the Double Bay Ferry Wharf, beach and Steyne Park.
When com plete, they will make walking, cycling and public transport an easier and more enjoyable way to access the harbour front. These works will be delivered at the same time as Transport for NSW’s major upgrade of the Double Bay Ferry Wharf, resulting in a fresh look for the entire precinct.
This project invol ves moving the street’s existing cul-de-sac closer to the Double Bay centre, allowing the expansion of the paved area between the street and ferry wharf. Through pedestrian-friendly design and increased planting and landscaping, the upgrades will result in a leafy and attractive space that enhances the character of the area.
The works have been split into two stages: Stage One - Bay St, north of William St Stage Two - Bay St, between William and Cross Streets.
Stage One work incl udes:
• Moving the cul-de-sac 26 metres closer to William St.
• Creating a paved pedestrian zone at the northern end of Bay St.
• Reducing ten car parking spaces to allow a greater area for walking and adding bicycle racks.
• Adding new landscaping. As part of the works and as resolved by Council on Apr 11, 2023, five trees will be removed and replacement planting will include 12 street and park trees to increase the tree canopy.
• Improving stormwater drainage and quality of water management.
Stage Two work incl udes:
• Installing pavers on the footpath on both sides of the road, to match the pavers installed in Stage One.
• Upgrading the road surface.
• Improving stormwater drainage and quality of water management.
Woollahra Council is commit ted to making art accessible to the public. As part of the Bay St upgrade, a public artwork will be installed on site in 2024. Woollahra Council has engaged Curator Holly Williams from
Plan ahead for a fun and safe New Year’s Eve
For information on New Year’s Eve fireworks vantage points, local road closures and traffic management information, visit: woollahra.nsw.gov.au/nye the Curators’ Department to undertake the project and develop the commission, in consultation with Council’s Public Art Panel. Further details on the public art project and commission will be available shortly.

This project is wholly funded by a grant from the NSW Government’s Public Spaces Legacy Program.

Council has appointed Civeco Civil Engineering to undertake the upgrade works. Construction of Stage One began in July 2023 and construction of Stage Two began in Nov 2023. Work will be carried out between 7am - 5pm Monday to Friday, and possibly some Saturdays between 7am - 1pm as required. Access to all properties on Bay St will be maintained throughout the works.
For more information please contact Project Manager Oliver Ashworth at 9391 7061 or email oliver.ashworth@woollahra.nsw.gov.au