Wyoming National Guard Association
Academic Year 2014 Scholarship Application
Wyoming National Guard Association Scholarship Application Applicant Information Name _______________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________City, State, Zip ________________________ Cell ___________________ Home/Work ___________________ Email _______________________________________________
Current Institution __________________________________________________________ Future Institution ___________________________________________________________ Future Institution Address ___________________________________________________ Future Institution City, State, Zip ____________________________________________
Are you or a family member a current member of the WYNGA? YES
If family member, Name and Relationship_____________________________________ Sponsor Affiliation
Unit Assigned ________________
NGAUS or EANGUS Membership Number ____________________________________
Have you ever received a WYNGA scholarship? YES NO
Year Received _____
Deadline for submission is 1 MARCH 2014
Wyoming National Guard Association Scholarship Application Information Eligibility Information In order to apply for a WYNGA scholarship, applicants must be a member of the WYNGA or be an immediate family member of a WYNGA member. Applicants must be a junior or senior in high school or a current college student (new or returning). Application Instructions 1. Completed application form. 2. Cover letter from applicant including the following information: a. Educational and career goals b. Awards, honors, extracurricular activities, organizational involvement c. Statement regarding need for scholarship consideration d. Family involvement in WYNGA and EANGUS or NGAUS 3. At least two letters of reference; one academic and one personal 4. One copy of most recent transcript (College/University or High School) If high school and college concurrent student, both transcripts are required to be submitted. Applications will be mailed to:
WYNGA ATTN: Scholarships PO Box 2615 Cheyenne, WY 82003-2615
Applications open 1 JANUARY 2014 and must be postmarked 1 MARCH 2014 to be considered. Refer questions to Laura Jeffrey at 307-214-3314 or by email at buckinhorses@gmail.com. Selection Information Specific scholarship amounts will vary annually. Scholarship recipients will be notified by 1 April 2014 via email or phone. Scholarship monies will be mailed directly to the institution listed on the application form by 10 August 2014. If selected, it is the recipient’s responsibility to notify the WYNGA of any institution changes. Scholarship recipients will receive an invitation to the WYNGA Annual Conference held the last weekend in April annually. Additional Information Membership and scholarship applications can be found at www.wynga.org. Membership numbers can be obtained by contacting: Officers - Laura Jeffrey at 307-214-3314 or email at buckinhorses@gmail.com Enlisted – Iris Honrado at 307-221-4627 or email at iris.honrado@ang.af.mil