EASTERN WYOMING COLLEGE PART-TIME GRANT-IN-AID APPLICATION Grants-in-Aid may be offered to individuals demonstrating need and/or academic potential who plan to enroll less than full time (3-11 credit hours). The grants will entitle those selected to have their in-state tuition waived. (Recipients who are charged out-of-state or WUE rates must pay the difference between the in-state and the out-state/WUE costs.) In addition, recipients will receive up to $125 each semester to assist with the cost of books. Applicants must have received a high school diploma or GED. For you to be considered for this grant, an official copy of your high school transcript or GED must be on file in the Admissions Office. If you have attended any other colleges, a transcript from each college must also be on file. The Part-Time Grant-in-Aid is awarded for one academic year. Recipients must maintain a 2.00 ("C") cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) to receive the grant for second semester. Recipients must re-apply to be considered for an additional year. ************************************************************************************************************ PART A: Biographical Data Full Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date: __________________ Telephone #:____________________________ SSN/Student ID#: ________________________ Address: Mailing Address
Marital Status:______________________________________ Number of Dependent Children: ______________________________ Are you seeking a degree at EWC (circle one)?
If yes, what is your major? ________________________________
If no, please list the institution from which you are currently seeking a degree: ____________________________________________ High School last attended: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name
Date Graduated or Date of GED: ________________________________________________________________________________ College(s) Previously Attended: _________________________________________________________________________________ Name
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name
************************************************************************************************************ PART B: Financial Aid Information Have you applied for Federal Aid (e.g., Pell Grant) via the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)? Yes No We require that all applicants also apply for federal aid at the same time or prior to applying for a Part-Time Grant-in-Aid. If yes, please give approximate date of application: __________________________________________________________________ What is your residency status (circle one)? In-state
Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)
************************************************************************************************************ PART C: Please attach a brief handwritten statement which includes your educational goals and your
need for this grant. Semester/Year for which you are applying:
________________________________________________________________ Applicant Signature
________________________________________ Date
PLEASE RETURN TO EWC FINANCIAL AID OFFICE: 3200 West C Street. Torrington, WY 82240