19 minute read
Chapter 13 - 2006 and On – Towards 150 Years
unanimously, by the General Purposes committee after several months of campaigning by the Treasurer, WBro. P. Jessett. It was considered rather excessive by some members, but the majority recognised that it was necessary. WBro. Roger Pettit was appointed Provincial Grand Steward in April 2006.
There was some controversy at the Board of Installed Masters in July 2006, when the Master Elect presented his list of Officers. He had wanted to appoint another Brother as Assistant Director of Ceremonies instead of the then current incumbent. There was much discussion about the proposed change, and the current holder had not been consulted about the change. The general consensus was that the change would be going against the usual Lodge etiquette and would be sure to lead to bad feeling. The Master Elect agreed to change his list and retain the current officer. However, while that decision solved the immediate problem, the Master Elect resigned from the Lodge not long after his year in the Chair. The Installation meeting on 20th September 2006 started with the sad news of the passing of three senior Brethren who had played a large and important part in the life of the Lodge for many years. WBro. J. Harding died on 20th May, WBro. L. C. Whitehead on the 23rd May and WBro. A. Stride on the 11th August. WBro. Harding had been collapsed at the Festive Board after the May meeting and died shortly afterwards. Bro. Peter Neervoort was Installed as Worshipful Master. A vote for a smoking ban at the Festive Board was passed. The Proposer and Seconder were both smokers!
There had been many highlights stemming from the association with Loge Arauna, including the establishment of a Dutch Demonstration Team, 81
mainly comprising De Shurland members. The main item of the December 2006 meeting was a demonstration of the Dutch Craft Masonic Tracing Board. WBro. M. Williams gave an excellent presentation of the Tracing Board, followed by WBro. S. A. Johnson (assisted by WBros. C. C. Overington and R. T. Pettit) who demonstrated how it can be drawn by the use of a straight edge, compasses, the cord with nine knots, and chalk and a blackboard.
2007 saw two Brethren from De Shurland promoted with Provincial honours; WBro. N. P. P. Waller to Active Provincial Junior Grand Warden and WBro. Richard Wingett to Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon. In September 2007 Bro. Colin Bridger was Installed into the Chair of King Solomon. Bro. C. Blackmore, having declined progression to Senior Deacon, was replaced by Bro. M. Lambkin, and some other officers changed also. The September General Purposes meeting was another of those long meetings; 1hr 55min, not finishing until 9.25pm. The main topic of discussion was to do with charity donations. The Treasurer, WBro. P. Jessett stated that he was unhappy that donations were not discussed and that cheques were sent out “willy nilly”. To quote the minutes, ‘this prompted a vigorous and sometimes heated debate’. There were in fact, in the Minutes of General Purposes meetings, lists of where monies collected from various sources are destined.
As has been mentioned earlier, the problem of exclusions because of unpaid dues had been growing. At the January General Purposes meeting, the Secretary mentioned the plight of a Brother who had lost his job and couldn’t afford his lodge Dues. It was agreed that the Lodge would pay them for him and the Treasurer would visit him with the receipt. It was hoped his position would improve, but the Almoner would be keeping in touch.
Occasional areas of discord continued from time-to-time, leading to unfortunate consequences. While the 2008 Ladies Festival was felt to be a good evening, it was marred by some controversy over the Raffle. Feeling that he had been unfairly criticised over prices for the raffle tickets and the row this caused, the Charity Steward not only resigned from his office but also from the Lodge. Despite efforts to resolve the issue, his resignation stood, and was reported in March, with Bro. Graham Hayes taking over. At the May meeting there was another visit by the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro. Michael Bailey (on his previous visits he had been an Assistant). The usual business of a May meeting was conducted, and the Lodge was closed. The Provincial and Lodge Directors of Ceremonies retired to escort wives, partners and visitors into the Lodge. The PGM presented 50 year Certificates to Bro. Bill Hogben and WBro. John White, congratulating them on their 50 years’ service to Freemasonry. Bro. S. Hogben received the certificate on behalf of his father. September 2008 saw Bro. Richard Coates Installed into Master’s Chair. Prior to that, during the closed season, the Secretary had received five resignations, including that of the outgoing Immediate Past Master who had been absent for much of the previous year. At that month’s General Purposes meeting there was a discussion and vote about cease sending the Widows Christmas gift, something that had been much discussed at previous meetings. The result was 7 in favour, 5 against and 2 abstentions. The vote was passed but after further debate and a strong feeling of disapproval evident, the debate boiled over and two brethren withdrew from the meeting. However, the question of Widows Christmas gifts continued to be a topic of discussion at General Purposes meetings, In February, the previous decision to cease the gift was overturned by a proposition that they be
increased to £20. This was passed by the majority of the members present. At the March 2009 General Purposes meeting, the Charity Steward announced that he wished to step down from the office. WBro. Bridger agreed to look after the office for the rest of the year. Other officers stated their wish to resign their offices at the Installation meeting, the Treasurer and the Assistant Secretary. It was fairly obvious that there was some disharmony between the brethren. Complaints were also made about the lack of help given, and criticism towards some brethren in relation to the Ladies Festival in February. It was agreed that the Organising Committee was to manage the event in the future! More complaints were made concerning the apparent lack of interest in the Junior Lodge. At the last Junior Lodge of Instruction, only three of the Officers attended. The Director of Ceremonies and his Assistant had done their best, but brethren who had agreed to take part were not turning up. The question was raised, but without any answer “is there any future for the Junior Lodge?” It is a special meeting at which a father Installs his son into the Chair, and such was the case in September 2009, but with a twist; this Installation meeting saw WBro. Richard Coates Install his father, Bro. Robert Coates. The problem of filling some offices continued; a Brother had been elected Treasurer at the May meeting, but since then had not been able to undertake the duties. As a consequence, a Dispensation had been requested from Province to allow the Lodge to elect another Treasurer. At the November meeting this was read and in accordance with Rule 112a B Book of Constitutions, WBro. Peter Jessett was elected Treasurer for the remainder of the year.
On a happier note, the Secretary reported on changes to the Provincial Executive. Of particular interest to De Shurland Lodge was the promotion of WBro. N. P. P. Waller to the office of Assistant Provincial Grand Master. This was the most senior office in Province ever held by a member of the Lodge. In addition, among the Provincial promotions reported at the January 2010 meeting, was that of WBro. R. Wingett who had been promoted to Active Provincial Senior Grand Warden.
It is unusual for a ‘Chain’ to visit his own Lodge officially, but as WBro. Waller had been appointed Assistant Provincial Grand Master it was decided that he would be received into the Lodge in the usual manner for a visitor of that rank. He was announced and escorted in by the Senior Brethren. This was to mark his Provincial appointment, together with his one in Grand Lodge as Past Junior Grand Deacon. WBro. Waller was the Lodge’s first Grand Lodge Officer since 1963. At the September 2010 Committee meeting, it was reported that Progress towards the 2014 festival had so far been slow with only £2,913.02 raised towards the Lodge’s £11,000 target. It was decided that all charity monies should be directed towards the Festival. WBro. R. Harrison expressed concerned about the number of members who were not attending the Lodge. A discussion followed about what to do about it. This seems to have always been a problem which showed no sign of going away; rather it seemed to be getting worse. However, this was not unique to De Shurland, and later became the subject of a Province-wide initiative to contact such brethren.
In November, as the intended Candidate wasn’t present, at the last minute Bro. G Newman was Passed to the Second Degree. After the lodge was resumed in the First Degree, there was a report and Bro. Cartwright, the
intended Candidate was admitted and apologised to the Worshipful Master for his lateness.
2011 - Events Outside the Lodge
March 11th a 9.0-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami hit the east of Japan, killing 15,840 and leaving another 3,926 missing. Tsunami warnings are issued in 50 countries and territories. Emergencies are declared at four nuclear power plants affected by the quake Difficulties in filling offices continued; at the April 2011 General Purposes meeting the next Master Elect, Bro. D. Wraight, told the Committee that he had been unable to find anyone to take either the Almoner or Secretary offices. It was decided to have a May General Purposes meeting to discuss the problem. However, some good news came in that WBro. Robert Coates was elected Treasurer at the May meeting. At the extra May General Purposes meeting, WBro. Jessett offered to take the role of Secretary at the Installation meeting. He would also be supporting WBro. Coates in his Treasurer’s work. However, there was still no volunteer for Almoner.
The problem of junior members not wanting to progress continued. The situation that started in 2009 with WBro. Reveley having to fill the office of Junior Deacon had worsened. 2010 again saw WBro. Reveley continuing in that office, while WBro. Alan Lambkin was Senior Deacon. Now, in 2011, WBro. Lambkin had progressed to Junior Warden with the intention of going through the Chair again, with WBro. R. T. Pettit as Senior Deacon. However, there was at least a Master Mason as Junior Deacon, Bro J. Gates, and Bro Graham Hayes agreed to undertake the office of Almoner.
In November the Worshipful Master, along with WBros. N. Waller, P. Jessett, and Bro. G. Hayes visited Holland for the 25th Anniversary of Lodge Arauna. Sadly, WBro. Sam Johnson was too unwell to travel to this special celebration. The Worshipful Master, in addition to presenting a new Past Masters Board made by WBro. Johnson, distributed the usual Christmas gifts, also made by him, to some of the Dutch brethren. At the Tafel Loge (Festive Board) after the Lodge meeting, a conference call was arranged so all of the Dutch brethren could pass on their thanks and best wishes to WBro Sam.
In December 2011, WBro. Johnson and Bro. J.D. Perry were voted Honorary Members of the Lodge in recognition of their long and distinguished service. WBro. Sam, who was still unwell, had remained out of the meeting, but was admitted to enable the Worshipful Master to inform him that he had been made an Honorary Member, and to present him with a Certificate confirming that decision. The Secretary announced that two Brethren were to receive appointments in April. WBro. D. J. Brander had been appointed to the rank of Active Provincial Assistant Director of Ceremonies, and Bro. Graham Hayes was to be appointed Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies. In the case of Bro. Hayes, it may have been the first time in Lodge history that a Master Mason had been so honoured.
At the January 2012 meeting, another Brother was excluded for nonpayment of dues. There was also another Brother whose exclusion was to be considered. However, the General Purposes committee decided that on compassionate grounds, following the recent death of his wife, the Lodge would pay his dues. February saw a report from the Almoner that two of our Past masters were in hospital, WBro. Sam Johnson and WBro. Bob Coates. The
Secretary announced appointments and promotions in Grand Lodge, with WBro. Nick Waller being promoted to Past Senior Grand Deacon.
2012 - Events Outside the Lodge
The Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II marks the 60th anniversary of her accession to the thrones of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and the 60th anniversary of her becoming Head of the Commonwealth. It was also the year of the much-awaited London Olympics and Paralympics. At the February General Purposes, the current discord in the Lodge came to a head, with the Secretary announcing that he had given a letter of resignation to the Worshipful Master which was with immediate effect. The reasons he gave were connected with his belief that a Joining Member could never achieve Provincial Honours. He passed over the Secretaries paperwork and left the meeting. Subsequently it transpired that he had resigned from Freemasonry completely. WBro.Colin Overington, the previous Secretary volunteered to take over as Secretary on a temporary basis until WBro. D. Wraight was able to be appointed. WBro. Craig stated that he would be pleased to take over the responsibilities of Treasurer until WBro. Bob Coates was well enough to continue or until a new Treasurer was elected. All the brethren present thanked them. The Worshipful Master stated he was very grateful to them both for taking on these two positions at such short notice. Clearly there was evidence of the Lodge now pulling together again. In September 2012, one of the last and saddest duties of the outgoing Worshipful Master, WBro. D. Wraight, was to announce the death of WBro. S.A. Johnson who had passed away on 12th June 2012. A full eulogy to WBro. Sam was planned for the ‘Rouw Loge’ to be held following the regular meeting in November. WBros P. Craig and C. Overington were 88
invested as Treasurer and Secretary respectively, and WBro. R. Standish was invested as Junior Warden, with the intention of going through the Chair for a second time.
After the closing of the November meeting, which had been restricted to just the basic Lodge Business, there was to be a Rouw Loge for WBro. Sam Johnson. There was a large attendance of 29 members and 45 visitors for this special meeting, which included all four Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, WBros. B. W. Powell, A Notley, R. H. Waltham and N. P. P. Waller, the Provincial Chaplain and numerous other Grand and Provincial Officers.
Following the closing of the Lodge, the Brethren paraded out and remained in their regalia while the Dutch Brethren rearranged the Lodge to the Dutch layout. The Rouw Loge was opened and the Brethren were admitted back into the Lodge in reverse order, Entered Apprentices and Fellow Craft leading. (Some of the Brethren of De Shurland formed part of the sword arch). There followed a moving ceremony performed by the brethren of Lodge Arauna, in English, to commemorate WBro. Sam’s life as a Mason. Bro. Graham Hayes read the De Shurland eulogy to WBro. Johnson. 2013 started with news that three Brethren from De Shurland were to be awarded Provincial appointments or promotions. WBro. P. Craig had been appointed Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro. C. Overington being appointed Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon, and WBro.B. Hughes promoted to Past Provincial Deputy Grand Sword Bearer.
In February, WBro. M. Brooks, the Grand Tyler, delivered and presented to Bro. J.D. Parry the Certificate of Service Citation for 50 Years in Freemasonry.
In September 2013 WBro. Alan Lambkin was Installed into the Master’s Chair for the second time, the previous occasion being 1998). WBro. Charles Boxer, a Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master was the last minute replacement as the Provincial Grand Master’s Representative, as the original one was unwell. WBro. Boxer was particularly pleased to be at the Lodge, as he had been a close friend of WBro Sam Johnson, and had been a personal guest of his many times. In October at the General Purposes meeting, the Secretary reported that he had received correspondence from Grand Lodge stating that the Lodge must have an Almoner or at least insert a name on the return. There were no volunteers; clearly the post was still proving difficult to fill. The November General Purposes meeting had more troubling news in relation to offices. The Junior Warden tendered his resignation from the office to be effective immediately. In addition, the Junior Deacon intended to step down at the end of the year as he was to move away from the area. To help the Lodge, both WBro. R. Pettit and WBro. C. Overington offered to stand in as Junior Warden. WBro. Pettit’s offer was accepted, but he did not want to go back through the Chair. Initially, Bro. G. Newman ,who was currently the Inner Guard, stated that he didn’t want to jump office, but later offered to do so, and accept the office of Senior Deacon the next year. That still left a further problem in relation to the Senior Warden. In November, it was reported that WBro. Waller would be standing down from the office of Assistant Provincial Grand Master in April the following year. January 2014, it was reported that the Lodge had raised £11,000 towards the 2014 Festival passing its £10.000 target, but asked “don’t stop yet as there is still 4 months to go”.
In September 2014, for the second year in a row, the Master Elect was a Past Master, WBro. R. Standish. The duties of Almoner having been looked after by the Secretary and the Mentor for the last year, it was pleasing to see someone formally appointed to the Office. Bro. Roy Massey, although not present at the meeting, was to be invested as Almoner. Unfortunately, Bro. Roy was unwell himself for much of the following year, so on a day-to-day basis the Almoner’s duties again fell to the Secretary and the Mentor, with some help from all the Brethren. The question of progression in the short term was resolved with WBro. Waller taking the office of Senior Warden. He had previously indicated that he would like to go through the Chair again if a suitable vacancy arose. The Board of Installed Masters had concluded that, as there was no other Brother in line, WBro Waller would be a very appropriate candidate for the following year as 150th Master. The Offices of Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon and Inner Guard are all filled by Master Masons, hopefully looking after succession for the next few years. All of the Lodge members were now Master Masons or higher, and with no Candidates on the horizon, the February meeting was a rehearsal of the First Degree. In the absence of the Almoner who was himself unwell, the Secretary reported on the status of WBro. Roger Pettit who was again in hospital, very unwell. In April 2015, thanks to much hard work by the Treasurer, the list of Brethren due to be balloted for exclusion for failure to pay their dues was reduced from the six named at the last Committee, down to one. The Treasurer rose at the Lodge meeting to propose that he should be excluded, but another member rose and asked that as we had not heard from him, and because of his ill health shouldn’t we hold off on the vote. Understandably, the Treasurer was not very happy at being challenged in open Lodge, but he and the other member spoke after the meeting and harmony was restored! After the Lodge was closed; wives, partners and 91
non-masons were invited into the Lodge room to attend to a presentation entitled “What is a Freemason?” by WBro. Nick Waller. He started with an explanation of why Freemasonry, which in its early years had been well known to the public, had become conceived as a “secret” organisation. Much of this was a response to the persecution it received in the years leading up to and during WWII. He went on to demonstrate that the best explanation of; what is a Freemason, was contained in our First Degree Charge, which he then delivered. At the Board of Installed Masters in June it was decided that the 150th Anniversary year should be commemorated by a special meeting in March, being for Masons only. It was agreed that there would not be a Ladies Festival in February, instead having some kind of celebration in June involving families. In September 2015, as would be expected for a Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro. Waller, being Installed into the Chair of the Lodge, there were several senior members of the Province attending the Ceremony. WBro. R. H. Waltham, an Assistant Provincial Grand Master again attended, as the official Representative of the Provincial Grand Master, but also attending were a Past Deputy and Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
At the October meeting came two resignations, one because of ill-health and the other who had moved away from the area. Both were being contacted by the Almoner/Mentor. However, there was some good news at that month’s General Purposes meeting. The Secretary had received an enquiry through the Provincial web site from someone interested in Freemasonry. A possible Candidate! The Secretary had met with the gentleman, and felt he was a genuine enquirer, who warranted following-up.
After a favourable interview, Mr. Randhawa was informed that he would be balloted in January, with the intention being to Initiate him at our March, Sesquicentenary meeting. A concern was raised about doing a First Degree at the 150 Anniversary meeting, possibly blunting the impact of the meeting both for the Candidate and the Sesquicentenary celebration itself, but the consensus was that the Lodge would be able to present a truly memorable evening for the Candidate and Brethren generally.
The Sesquicentenary Year
At the January meeting the ballot for Mr. Randhawa as a Candidate for Initiation was carried unanimously in his favour. There was also a Notice of Motion for a donation of £1089 to the PGM’s Canterbury Cathedral Appeal to mark the Lodge Sesquicentenary. It was anticipated that if the vote at the next meeting was in favour, the cheque would be presented at the celebration meeting to the Provincial Grand Master, who would be in attendance.
Final planning and preparation for the Sesquicentennial meeting began in earnest. A dispensation had been received to allow the meeting to be held on Saturday 12th March (rather than of the usual third Wednesday). Invitations were been sent to the Provincial Grand Master and other senior members of the Executive. News was coming through that a significant number of brethren from Loge Arauna wished to attend; aside from joining the celebrations, they are keen to see an English Initiation ceremony. While numbers attending meetings in recent years have been in steady decline, concerns are now being expressed that numbers may have to be limited. Plans are being dusted-off for additional rows of seats to be placed in the Temple; something not seen for many years. The second volume of the Lodge history, which you are now reading, is the subject of frantic research and editing, in order to present a copy at the 150th Anniversary meeting. The Lodge has also settled on a suitable memento to present to all our members, guests and visitors; a set of ‘De Shurland’ cuff links and tie clip.