1 minute read
The Holy Royal Arch Pat King
Holy Royal Arch: Heard of it but would like to know more?
I would be surprised if you hadn’t heard about the Holy Royal Arch - or Chapter, as we often call it. You may have also heard that there is a unique connection between that Order and the Craft. Have you ever wondered why this should be? What is so special about the HRA that it alone of all the other Degrees should be governed from Great Queen Street and share the same High Rulers as the Craft? HRA is often referred to as the completion of a Brother’s journey in the Craft. Although more than a third of the Brethren in East Kent are members of the HRA, this unusual relationship is not always well understood. Rather than being seen as an intrinsic part of the whole, it is often side-lined as ‘another degree’. Over the last year we have given a lot of thought as to how we might remedy this situation and widen everyone’s understanding of where the HRA developed from and how and why it fits in with the Craft. The Provincial Executive has put together a presentation that delves into the HRA’s history from the early 1730s and its place in the creation of the United Grand Lodge of England in 1813. We plan to offer this as part of the Red Table evenings that we hope will take place throughout East Kent over the coming months. We have made it applicable to both members and non-members of the Degree.
Please get in touch if your Lodge or Chapter might be interested in learning more about this and if you might like us to work with you in arranging a Red Table. You can contact any of us via the Provincial Office or of course your Chapter Liaison Officer. I am sure that we are all looking forward to the relaxation of the Covid restrictions and being able to meet again in person rather than via the ‘ether’. Please stay safe and keep well. I look forward to seeing as many of you as I can in the not-too-distant future. Sincerely and fraternally,

Pat King, Provincial Second Grand Principal