Annual Report 2014

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2014 hire s a c n a L t s a E




outs.o c s e r i h s a c stlan

From the County Commissioner... Across East Lancashire Scouting has achieved so much, today, as we celebrate our 10th year of growth, we have 2,816 youth members. Please take a moment or two to feel very proud of whatever part you have played in this recent successful period of our long history. However, as you have come to expect, there is still more to do! You will have the opportunity to share your ideas, challenges, stories and successes that show how Scouting transforms lives locally by attending your District “Scouting For All� event during the coming months. We need to demonstrate we are open to all members of society regardless of faith, gender, sexual orientation, race or social background. Only then will we recruit and retain leaders from these diverse backgrounds and ensure that all young people feel welcome and talk about the positive experience of Scouting with their friends. In order to grow our numbers significantly we need to focus on our existing Groups and work together to ensure each Group has at least three active sections and that we are not losing members between and within sections. It will come as no surprise that the best way to achieve this is to deliver an amazing programme. If we do this our young people will recruit their friends to share this life-changing experience.

Within County, District and Group teams young people must be represented in a meaningful way, actively influencing plans. The Young Leaders’ Scheme should be promoted in all Groups, and within sections there should be regular consultation with young people via appropriate forums. Every young person must be able to have their say and consider becoming a Young Leader. We must keep our promise to help other people by the sections in our Groups working together to start, or continue, a community impact project every year. In doing so we need to shout about it and ensure our young people earn all four stages of the Community Impact Badge. Realising our vision will only be possible if we focus on clear goals – to make Scouting a Movement that is growing, inclusive, shaped by young people and making a positive impact in our communities. This will not always be easy but by working together and keeping our vision, mission and values at the forefront of all that we do I know we will continue to inspire the young people of East Lancashire. Thank you for all that you continue to do.

Glen Fendall

County Commissioner

From the County Chairman... Once again I am delighted to report another successful year of Scouting across East Lancashire. Last year I was able to comment on the excellent census results and this year has seen further growth. Nationally Scouting has continued to grow for the ninth year in succession and East Lancashire has continued to contribute to that overall growth with: - Total number of young people and adults risen by 3%. - Teenage membership risen by 13.2% - Female teenage membership risen by 40% Chief Scout Bear Grylls said; “I am super proud to see so many young people and adults learning new life skills and achieving personal rewards through Scouting in East Lancashire.� Congratulations to everyone who has worked so hard to achieve these results. The Executive Committee have continued to meet on a regular basis and have undertaken the Executive training programme which has been rolled out to Districts and units. I would like to thank them for their continued support and enthusiasm throughout the year.

There have been many successful events throughout the year and one of the most enthusiastic was the visit of The Chief Scout to the County Rally in May. The rain failed to dampen the excitement and enthusiasm of the young people attending the whole weekend. Once again the Christmas Experience proved very popular as did the Awards Evening. These together with all the other events taking place at Bowley and across the County illustrate the tremendous opportunities available to our young people. None of this could happen without the many volunteers throughout the County and at Bowley, the administrative staff and the County Commissioner and his team who continue to develop a lively and challenging programme for young people both in the County and beyond. Nationally the Scout Association is looking to increase the membership by some 53,000 and attracting volunteers to enable this to happen by 2018 and I am sure that East Lancashire will be contributing to achieving this target. Achieving this vision will require a focus on clear goals to make a scouting movement that is growing, inclusive, shaped by young people and makes a positive impact on our communities. Clearly another busy and challenging year faces us all.

John Goffee County Chairman


s... e r t n e C y t i Activ ... t r o p p u S t l Adu ... h g r u b n i d E Duke of Inclusion... al... n o i t a n r e t In Media...

... s e r t n e C y t i v i t c A

Things are on the up at Bowley. Burnley & Pendle have given us a loan to put towards new toilet blocks, this should be happening very shortly. Other funds are being sought, so things like paths, car parks, fences etc can all be developed / renewed. Development plans are ongoing and discussions about moving the archery, shooting, crossbow, clay pigeon shooting to one area are on the table. This will not only help groups with less abled members to take part but wheelchair users too! The tractor has been a great asset and if it actually stops raining for a day you will see the grass being cut!! Roy Fishwick continues to amaze us with his expertise and ideas for areas around the site. His latest project is the greenhouse behind the house to show young people how to plant and nurture flowers / trees that can then be used on site. He is also building a new pathway to allow less abled members reach the training room and the garden. The Den is having two Tipi’s erected in the garden area to give more flexibility with sleeping arrangements. We have welcomed Simon Moorhouse and his company Wood Sage Outdoor Education. This is quite a new venture for Simon, but I think is going to work for both him and Bowley. He is renting the old scout shop, but more importantly for Bowley, we now have a presence during the day, and he and his team will offer activities throughout the week. Good luck Simon.

So as you can see we aren’t sitting still, we are constantly looking at funding and support from local business’ to move Bowley Scout Camp into the 21st century. The support of the groups in the County is paramount, this is your campsite, please make the most of it. For those who haven’t been to Bowley for a while for whatever reason, come and say hello, you will be made most welcome, and the kettle’s always on! The activities continue to do well, and we are always on the lookout for more people to train as instructors. New activities are always being looked at, ideas always welcome! We don’t always get things right and mistakes do happen (we are human and volunteers just like you) but please bear with us, we are striving to make Bowley a place you want to come to with your Young People, and we will do our utmost to make it an enjoyable experience. Duty Wardens are desperately required to cover weekends, this can be a couple or otherwise. The weekend starts from Friday 5pm (or earlier if possible) to Sunday 5pm. If anyone is interested, please contact Janet Alderson-Perkins at for a chat. Our administrator is dealing with all bookings, please can I ask that enquires are made to or by telephoning 01254 877573. Louise is there Monday 2.30pm until 7.30pm and Thursday 11.00am until 4.00pm

Howard Alderson-Perkins

Deputy County Commissioner Activity centres

... t r o p p Adult Su This year has seen 51 new leaders start their training with 33 leaders gaining theirWoodbadge. Following feedback from leaders, the training team has reviewed and modified the way modules are delivered. This has resulted in a slight change to the order modules are delivered, making the sessions more interactive, less repetitive and providing useful resources for leaders to take away. There is also work being done to provide a ‘one day top up course’ for young leaders who have completed YL training and are moving on to become adult leaders. If successful this will validate all training required for their Woodbadge so ‘watch this space’. The team has delivered a workshop for County and District executive members and officers to aid them in their role. This was an interesting session which aimed to dismiss myths and give guidance on correct procedure. The workshops will soon be coming out to Districts for those that missed the first session and for group executive members/officers. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Michelle Iddon for her service to Blackburn as LTM as she steps down from this role. This leaves a vacancy for the role and we do still require an

LTM for the Burnley and Pendle District so if you are interested or know someone who may be, please contact me. Below are the contact names and telephone numbers of the Local Training Managers, these are your first point of contact regarding training within your District. Blackburn ------------------ CTM 07900956483 Darwen --------------------- Pam Greenhalgh 01254 707005 Hyndburn ------------------ Ken Smith 01254 233849 Clitheroe ------------------- Bonnie Mitchell 01200 424625 Burnley and Pendle ----- CTM 07900956483 Rossendale --------------- Stuart Haughan 07411785863 I am always on the lookout for people who want to help with training. Experienced people are essential to the future of the movement, so if you feel you could pass on that experience either on a course or small group please let me know. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the training team for all the work they do over the year, and their support for me in my role as CTM.

Janet Alderson-Perkins County Training Manager

... s d r a w D of E A We have had another successful year with the Award Scheme in the County. We have 215 participants registered since the E DofE began. We have 14 Units in the County but it is still patchy with some Districts with very active Units but some not so. We have a number of Expedition Assessors who are qualified and they put in a tremendous amount of work certifying Bronze, Silver and Gold Expeditions. We have a record number of awards gained this year (May 2013 to April 2014) with 23 Bronze, 2 Silver and 3 Golds. I had the privilege of attending a Gold Award Ceremony at St James Palace in May this year when Matthew Corish and Callum Woods received their awards in the presence of the Duke himself, it was an amazing if rather wet day. If there are any District who would welcome some help or advice in operating the scheme then please contact me. There are also some excellent training courses for leaders run by Scout Trainers in Regional locations. Just look at there is a world of information.

John M Davey County Adviser

... n o i s u l c In Throughout the County we have seen an increase in the number of children coming from different communities to join Scouting. Kate’s project in Burnley has had a huge impact in the Ethnic Community and Special Needs aspects of Inclusion. In Blackburn, there has been 1 group opened in the Brookhouse area of the town and a second colony of Beavers opened at an already existing group from the BME Community. As a County, we supported Headquarters in finding out Leaders, Supporters and Parents views on support for children with Autism in the Scouting Movement. Headquarters spoke to people to develop a better understanding of how young people with Autism are integrated into the movement. The focus was on successes and challenges that may arise with this. Following on from the Support from Members of the County last summer on Autism, I have been selected to participate in a Headquarters Working Party on this subject. They are looking to do some work on this within our County and if anyone is interested in helping further please contact myself. I have been developing links with other Counties in the North West region and have worked closely with Greater Manchester East, sharing and developing good practice of working to develop Scouting in challenging areas.

Michelle Iddon

County Advisor for Inclusion

... l a n o i t a Intern Last year saw many groups taking part in Scouting activities abroad some more challenging than others but everyone I’m sure from the report backs, having a great time. As you are probably aware the Scout Association works very closely with Shelterbox. In my report last year I mentioned that something big was going to be happening. On Sunday 11th of May we held an International Scavenger Hunt in Liverpool. The event was a huge success with 30 teams entering. 2 teams from East Lancashire took part and thoughly enjoyed the day looking for clues around the City’s famous landmarks. Last year I attended an international meeting in London the main topic on everyone’s mind was the World Jamboree in Kirara-hama, Japan. We now have our unit selected and I know that many fundraising events have been orgasied to help with the cost. International scouting can be done on your own doorstep and there are many badges and awards to be gained ie. Global Challenge, Global Conservation, World Faith Award, Queens Scout Award and many more. The County International leaders in the North West meet on a regular basis and are still very keen to introduce an North West International website. This is still on going and with a link to HQ should be operational soon.

Gill Cooper

International Adviser.

... s m m o C & a i d e M

This year has seen a massive increase the overall quality of the media that the general public sees. In fact, we esitmate that around 31% of the media that we put out is on-brand. This tops last year with only 28% of output being on brand. With the input of some new support from HQ, the County Media team is progressing nicely with plans in place to recurit more people to manage our social media, photographers and lots of other, just as important people, who can make our communications team grow in size and quality! Over the next year, the focus is going to be on video. With the influx and quality of the cameras on modern day mobile phones - we are missing out on sharing all the fantastic things that we do for our everyday adventure. Our young spokespeople are on the up too with more young spokespeople than ever before! The young spokespeople are there to support us with our messaging and to talk to the press to give their own opinions on what Scouting has to offer. It’s all part of the wider plan for Vision 2018. As always, we’re more than happy to support you in your recruitment drives or just getting something in your local paper!

Chris Taylor

Communications Manager


Beavers... Cubs... Explorers... Network...

Beavers have had another busy year across the county. Our growth figures are looking very healthy with a 2.1% growth. The largest growth within a single district was in Burnley and Pendle with a growth figure of 10.7%, so well done to all the leaders who have worked so hard to bring Scouting to more young people in your area. Our growth for girls is also fantastic this year as across the county we have seen a 6.7% increase from 9.4% last year to 16.1% this year. Last summer we decided not to run a fun day but to take a trip out instead so we went to Gulliver’s world. Although not all districts attended we had 128 people on the day, the sun shone all day and a wonderful time was had by all. There were requests to run this trip again but maybe earlier in the Spring so the queues hopefully won’t be so long next time. As this will be run as an extra to the already fixed timetable of events keep an eye out for information from your district and on the website for details and dates etc.

For the first time ever in November we ran a Beaver/Cub leader forum where all leaders, assistants and occasional helpers relating to either section could come and have their say about how County supports the sections. We had some brilliant feedback and are working hard to make changes where needed, from your feedback. Both the Akeema shield and the Curling competition have been successfully held this year. With Hyndburn winning the Curling competition and winning the Akeema shield as well! We are all working hard towards the Viking Beaver fun day on 5th July 2014 at Bowley. If you wish to book onto what we all hope will be an exciting day please contact your ADC.

Lisa Barnes

County Beaver Leader

Following the retirement of our football competition organiser the event was taken over and run this year by Rossendale. Although this is a well liked competition there were reports that it was spoiled by over enthusiastic Leaders and Parents. This is supposed to be a fun event for all and not “an aggro” event for the organisers. The ADC (Cubs) will therefore be looking at the format of this event for the future. Unfortunately we had to cancel the County Fun Day last year but by the time you read this report I am hoping that we can say that this year’s event went well. In order to take some of the strain off the ADC (Cubs), we opened the planning to anyone who was interested in the event to come and join the planning team. This seemed to work and will be an approach taken on all future events. At the end of last year I was joined by the County Beaver Leader and we held a forum at Bowley for Beaver Scout and Cub Scout Leaders/supporters. Although not well attended, those who did turn up provided many ideas where they said they would like support from County, or discussed events/activities they would like County to help provide for their appropriate section. The Emergency Aid Badge that we were going to complete during the early part of this year had to take a back step due to my illness following the Christmas Experience (not connected I can assure you!) The Skills Competition still proves popular and is organised and run by the previous years winning District.

On the Development side, the County Beaver Scout Leader and myself would like to see some form of County acknowledgement for Beavers and Cubs who achieve their Chief Scouts Bronze and Silver Awards. There is an Award evening for the older sections so be prepared that we may call another meeting for Leaders who are interested in seeing this type of event taking place at County level. This would be in addition to what you do locally. We know that your youngster will want their badges and certificates when they gain them, but we were thinking along the lines of an “Achievement” event (and probably a County certificate available also for them). Are you all completing the “Moving On” Award? Completing the work required, and presenting the award to the Cub as they move into the Scouts, when the Scout Leader will then invest them as a Scout. Its not difficult and a good link to retain the Cubs into the Scout section, where they then already know something about the Scout section. Over the last 12 months there has been an overall growth of Cubs of 6.5%. Although slightly down on last year, there has still been a growth of girls joining the section of 10.7%. So you must all be doing something right. Thank you. Keep up the good work and continue to enjoy it. I am still around to come and visit your Packs and events if you let me know when they are (and you want me!!)

Jennifer Turner

Assistant County Commissioner (Cubs)

Explorer Scouting in County continues to be a real success story in line with the National trend. More 14-18 year olds are continuing their adventure than last year and it continues to grow. Another year has gone by so quickly and within the section we have continued with a great deal of focus on Young Leaders who continue to inspire me. It remains a key issue for a number of Counties including ours especially since we all acknowledge that adult leaders do not always understand how our 14-18 year old Leaders of tomorrow SHOULD be used and what they need to complete to achieve the very important young leader modules and awards. Regionally there is to be some key work undertaken in this area so watch for this, particularly if you have young leaders working with you. If you, as a Leader, do not know what they should be doing or achieving, please ask, it is so important that we maximise them and allow them to qualify for the award scheme open to them. Olly White and I and a number of helpers have continued to deliver the Young Leader weekend which has continued to be very popular and well attended. We plan to follow this success with a follow up gathering to ensure Missions are

completed and signed off, but also develop this further to validate adult training for Young Leaders as they turn 18. Hopefully this will ensure a transition which is seamless and allow us to retain these experienced young people into adult roles. In addition we have continued to offer Module A at County level in order to ensure that all the Safeguarding needs are completed in a timely way. Leaders of all sections must ensure that any young person, including D of E external helpers complete this. I mentioned this last year and this training will continue to be offered alongside the Safeguarding training for adults....see the calendar for details. The Awards night again saw many Explorer Scouts people attaining Platinum and Diamond awards. This year I have pleasure in reporting that we have received four Queens Scouts, Michael Johnstone and Alaina Norris from Clitheroe, Callum Woods from Blackburn and Tom Wood from Darwen. D of E Gold Awards were also achieved alongside. Congratulations to them all, this is a great achievement which they should be very proud of. During the County Rally in May we held a Youth Forum to health check what we are doing. This went well, some good feedback to build on to shape the future, truly youth focussed with over 40 young people contributing to our work. We continue to develop this with work planned in the year to develop a youth forum for the County some of which incorporated in Explorer activities and camps which have been missing in the County. I feel the Section is still a work in progress in terms of

what we offer and how we develop with much work to do to tweak some schemes already in place and develop new ones. Events for the section are also important and taking things a step at a time we are aware of this key issue and intend to build on this as well. Thanks to all section leaders for your patience and especially for your effort over the last 12 months. There is much to be very proud of. Well done...!!!

Joanne Carey

Assistant County Commissioner (Explorer Scouts)

Wow what a busy year East Lancashire network has had in 2013 / 2014. First of all our census results were amazing with our section growing 181% on last year which is a great achievement and is a group effort, mainly because of the great effort from our Clitheroe and Rossendale groups. Over the summer of 2013, as normal, many network members attended different international Jamborees and both Kent and Kernow, Both jamborees were amazing having both national and international attendances. One of the things network has been concentrating on is getting about the county to see lots of different groups with our circus skills workshops which have gone towards badges as well as giving the young people something new to try. The Other activity hat we have also been running is our very unique giant Monopoly board which has proved great for team building. Both activities have really got Network more recognized in the county. But on a sad note at the end of January we lost our very own Laird Callum Woods, who became too old for network. Callum was our Network Chairman for quite a few years and has been an integral part of taking network to the next level. He has been a great person to work with and will be missed in Network, although I’m sure we will see him around in his other scouting roles. So Callum, from East Lancashire Scout Network, we thank you.

That’s enough about Callum, we now look forward to Chris Taylor taking over role as Network Chairman and look to increasing the numbers of network by creating a variety of programs, and helping take network even further in the county.

Andrew Holford

County Scout Network Commissioner

23rd World Scout Jamboree Japan, 2015

The 23rd World Scout Jamboree is a gathering of tens of thousands of Scouts and Guides from almost every country in the world who, for 12 days live together, experience each other’s cultures, take part in exciting activities and have an amazing adventure. We are pleased to say that for the 23rd WSJ, East Lancashire has 33 young people and 4 adult volunteers attending the Jamboree which will take place in Kirama-Harma, Japan from the 28th July. The theme of this Jamboree is ‘Wa’ meaning harmony, unity, friendship and peace allowing a ‘spirit of unity’ to share others’ cultures and faiths, take part in adventurous activities and grow as global citizens to tackle world issues. The participants from both units in East Lancashire are currently preparing for the Jamboree by forming friendships and fundraising. They are already developing skills and knowledge to act as global citizens to have a positive affect on their local communities and demonstrating Scouting and creating a better world when they return home. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for on going support.

Becky Chapman Unit Leader - Unit 54

T L U D A ... S D R AWA

ice Awards

rv for Good Se n io t a d n e ut’s Comm s 21 Chief Sco erit Award M r o f d r ards a 17 Aw r Merit Aw o f d r a w A 3 Bar to the rn Awards o c A r e ct Award v u il d S n 2 o C s u Meritorio 1 Medal for

! s n o i t a l Congratuproud! Be super

5 Year Service Awards Adele Louise Redman Allison David Amanda Burney-Cumming Amanda Jane Rickard Beverley May Kershaw Callum Woods Christopher Whitham Craig Daniel Slater David James Atkinson David Philip Mcceary Elliot John Brown Gareth Peter Hardy Gillian Haworth Glen Taylor Graham Jonothan Rickard Gregory Thomas Duckworth Ian John Flether Julia Ann Kennedy Laura Jane Wase Mark Longworth Mary Robinson Matthew Edgar Jones Michael David Shackleton Pamela Jane Greenhalgh Pauline Dargan Peter Lloyd Charles Sara Louise Taylor Sarah Peckham Shaun Andrew Finegan Shaun Anthony Rogers Stuart John Haughan Tracey Lee Jarosz

Victoria Greenwood 10 Year Service Awards Andrew Michael Swales Ann Patricia Ainsworth Anna Victoria Gorton David Edward Brown Debra Louise Wood Elizabeth Watts Harry Ward Martin Christopher Dowd Matthew Barnes Michael Walker Michael John Haworth Nigel Paul Gouldthorpe Rachel Boocock Richard Anthony Barton Ronald Doctor Samantha Emily Head Shaun Christoper Duxbury Simon Paul Evans 15 Year Service Awards Joanne Grimshaw Simion Peter Moorhouse Stephen Joseph Hargreaves 20 year Service Awards Anthony David Cousins Carole Anne Mitchell Pamela Dawson Paul Barlow Paul Jonathan Burrows

Roger Green 25 Year Service Awards Elizabeth Collinson Gillian Cooper Jeffrey Haworth Joyce Lillie Stott Keith Glanmor Turbitt Leslie Ridings 30 Year Service Awards Clive David Carroll David Charles Faulkner Trevor Arthur Hinton Willian James Gee 40 Years Service Awards Barbara Jean Horne Jennifer Marjorie Turner John East Michael Stephen Partington Peter John Carroll Roger William Flitcroft Award for Merit Andrew Iain Mitchell Bonnie Mitchell Cairon Lorna Jayne Berry Christopher Harrop David Charles Faulkner Gillian Cooper Helen Diana White Iain Grimshaw

Kathleen Lawson Kathryn Maary Malone Patrick Michael Pepperday Paul Barlow Stephen Yates Stephen Richard Tomlinson Stuart Knowles Stuart Parker Stuart Graham Greenwood Bar to the Award for Merit Graham Edward Neild Keith Thompson Peter John Sculpher Chief Scout’s Personal Award Anthony Wells Christine Hodgkinson Glynnis Hacking James Michael Wood Janet Susan Walsh John Kenneth Gibson Lee Allan Lee John Ruane Luke Nathan Thompson Mark Longworth Nicola Jan Carysforth Pamela Jane Greenhalgh Paul Anthony Dargan Paul Matthew Kershaw Richard John Marshall Ronald Doctor

Chief Scout’s Personal Award Continued... Ruth Elizabeth Haworth Sarah Taylor Shirley Ann Grimshaw Simon Peter Moorhouse Vincent Lee Birth Silver Acorn Award Andrew James Cooper Michael Grime Medal for Meritorious Conduct Stephen Tebb

The Scout Association has a national awards system for regocnising good service, length of service and special acts of heroism and bravery, courage or endurance, and devotion to duty under suffering.

s 01254 877 573

East Lancashire Scout Council is a registered charity in England. Registered Charity Number: 521711 Š East Lancashire Scouts 2014. All rights reserved.

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