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What development can achieve when people and place come first
Eastleigh Borough Council is committed to a different way of developing. Our goal is to make One Horton Heath an industry-leading development in its approach to people, place making and large-scale environmental improvement.
Set across 310 acres in the parish of Fair Oak and Horton Heath, the new community will help the Council meet its housing targets. One Horton Heath will feature high quality open spaces, enhancements to the natural environment, a range of non-residential property, sports and leisure facilities and the right mix of houses, with at least 35 per cent affordable homes.
Unlike other developments in the Borough, the Council will be in control all the way through the design, construction and occupation phases of the project.
Our priorities are people, place and the environment. This means everything we do will be shaped by the needs of those who will live, work and enjoy One Horton Heath, as well as residents of the surrounding area.
We have brought together local people, businesses and industry experts to pioneer smarter, better and more responsible ways to build. Our top priorities have been putting in infrastructure, like roads, early in the project, pursuing community benefits and minimising our impact on the environment.
As a local authority, our priorities are people, place and the environment
Through considerate design we have already achieved significant savings by re-using all the excavated material for landscaping. This has reduced costs to
the Council and saved over 3,750 lorry movements, greatly reducing impacts through traffic, noise, and carbon emissions.
In March 2019, we set up a development forum – made up of residents, businesses, schools, community groups, Parish Council members and local Councillors.Our project team have been testing ideas and seeking views on the best kind of development for the site – this has led to a new masterplan for the site - and now we want your views before it is submitted as a planning application later this year.
We have now released our draft masterplan and indicative layout for the first houses to be built. These and other materials are available to view on the One Horton Heath website. We are encouraging everyone to provide their comments and feedback on these proposals and any related matters which should be considered. Although we will continue to engage with the public throughout the whole planning, design and construction processes, Autumn 2020 will be critical to shaping our initial proposals.
Our vision
Access to housing and home ownership for a wide range of ages, needs and incomes, fit for modern living.
Protect and enhance natural assets, to support green and sustainable lifestyles for all.
Health and Wellbeing
An inclusive and supportive community founded on healthy living choices with space to be active, get outdoors and learn new skills.
Creating new employment opportunites through providing employment space and by investing in skills and learning.
We believe the new masterplan will protect and enhance the environment, encourage health and wellbeing, contribute to a diverse and thriving local economy and provide new homes which meet local needs. Some of the key features of the new development include:
• Ensuring the new development is well integrated with the existing village and community of Horton Heath
• Encouraging walking and cycling within the site, and to and from the surrounding area
• Ensuring access to high quality open spaces
• Minimising water consumption
• Protecting and enhancing the natural environment to achieve a net biodiversity gain
• Providing an environment to encourage greater social and community interaction\ Providing well-designed education facilities that work for the whole community
• A major link road bypassing the existing road network through Horton Heath
Visit www.onehortonheath.co.uk to find out more and provide your comments.
Council Leader, Cllr Keith House, says:
We are taking a proactive approach to delivering much needed homes and by delivering it ourselves we can ensure that all the aspects which are important to the local community,
are delivered to a high standard. These aims confirm that our focus is on place and people and not profit.