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Local elections 2023
On Thursday 4 May voters across Eastleigh Borough went to polling stations to choose Councillors to represent them on Borough and Parish Councils.
The full results have been posted to our website.
There are 14 wards in the Borough of Eastleigh represented by 39 Councillors.
The make-up of Eastleigh Borough Council is now:
• Liberal Democrat - 35 Councillors
• Independent Group - 3 Councillors
• Conservative - 1 Councillor
Thirteen Councillors were elected to Eastleigh Borough Council. Six of the 13 (right) are new Councillors starting their four-year term (although Rosemary Reynolds and Jane O’Sullivan have served as Borough Councillors in the past).
Borough residents recognised for their contribution to the local community
The Council recognised the contributions of three local residents by making them Citizens of Honour at the annual Mayor Making Ceremony on 22 May.
Val Down (pictured) is the current president of Eastleigh Rotary. She is a very hands-on volunteer, helping at events and raising funds for local causes. She continues to support local small businesses through the networks she has set up and works on behalf of Eastleigh Rotary to raise funds and increase membership. Val also volunteers as a dementia awareness trainer and supports Brendon Care with their community hub and allotment that provides fresh food for Eastleigh Basics Bank and flowers for the dementia home.
Steve Smith (pictured) has been volunteering for One Community for over eight years. He has provided over 10,000 hours of support and has regular volunteering roles supporting young carers with transport to vital respite; driving vulnerable, older and isolated individuals to a social lunch club twice a week, and installing telecare services to over 500 homes across the Borough. He has improved the lives of over 5,000 Eastleigh residents and we hope he continues to do so for years to come.
Mohammed ‘Moss’ Mossadaq OBE Moss has promoted and encouraged inclusion, diversity and community spirit in Eastleigh Borough. He helped set up the Asian Welfare and Cultural Association in 2002 and has been a member, trustee, and advisor ever since. He also started the Eastleigh Mela as a mini festival in 2006. In 2014, Moss initiated the annual Diversity and Inclusion Award, which recognises the achievements and contributions of individuals, businesses and organisations. Moss, who was unable the ceremony, is also a Trustee for the Eastleigh Gurkha & Nepalese Association.