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Helping you adapt your home

The Council is helping local residents who need home adaptations


Eastleigh resident Tony Richmond’s life was turned upside down when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. As a result of tremors, imprecise movements and weakened muscles from the degenerative disease, the former professional drummer now struggles to hold a glass of water.

Through Eastleigh Borough Council’s Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) scheme Tony qualified to have a number of home adaptions to his terrace house in Derby Road, including the installation of a specially-adapted stair-lift and a contemporary wet room with a raised toilet to replace a traditional bathroom.

“The Disabled Facilities Grant scheme has had an enormous impact on our lives,” explains Tony’s wife Vicki. “I don’t know how we would have managed without the home adaptations that have been carried out through the scheme.”

We are committed to helping our residents who need home adaptations to meet a range of needs resulting from physical, sensory and cognitive

impairments, neurodiversity and mental health conditions.

Last year we spent over £1.1million on DFG’s changing the lives of residents in around 170 homes across the Borough. We can authorise and carry out minor adaptations to homes including the installation of rails, small ramps, door intercoms and the widening of doors to major improvements such as the installation of level access showers, stair lifts and kitchen alterations. In some cases we can even carry out the extension of a property to accommodate a ground floor bedroom and shower room.

These adaptations, whether large or small, can make a dramatic difference to a person’s and their carer’s dayto-day living as well as their mental and physical wellbeing.

If you or anyone living in your home has a disability and is having difficulties getting in and around your home, you may qualify for a DFG towards the cost of providing adaptations visit eastleigh.gov.uk/dfg

Picture left: Tony using his newly installed stair-lift

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