Summer of Play 2024
Choose Play (East Lothian Play Association SCIO) believes in children’s right to play. Play is a vital element of childhood, contributing to the wellbeing of children in their everyday lives Our aim is for children to have happier, healthier lives because they play outside every day

Delivering inclusive and accessible play opportunities in all seasons is one of our core services Play Rangers facilitate children’s play through open access provision in the heart of communities, They bring a wide variety of play resources, support children to play and raise awareness of the importance of play
In summer 2024, Choose Play led community based projects, delivered pop-up play sessions and worked with partners across East Lothian including family support services as well as large scale events
14 Locations Play sessions delivered
2,296 Participants
16 Partners
The difference we make

Throughout the summer, we collected feedback from children and families at our play sessions using creative methods such as drawings, postcards, scribble sheets and recordings. We do this alongside surveys with families, partners and the Choose Play staff team. We use an Evaluation Framework to collect information consistently and robustly. Across all feedback, the following are the most mentioned benefits of Choose Play sessions.
• Being outside, using local green spaces
• Being with and making friends, meeting new people
• Playing and having fun
• Trying new things
• Having a safe space to meet and hang out
• Using imagination and creativity
• Problem solving, learning and growing in confidence
• Spending time together as a family, reducing stress
• Providing ideas for play at home.
Results from our summer survey

95% agree or strongly agree
95% agree or strongly agree
95% agree or strongly agree
90% agree or strongly agree
84% agree or strongly agree
Children and families have better opportunities to take part in high quality outdoor play because of the Play Ranger led sessions.
Attending the Play Ranger sessions is generally a positive experience for children and families.
The Play Ranger sessions help to improve children and families mental health and happiness.
The Play Ranger sessions help children and families to make new friends and connect with others.
The Play Ranger sessions help children and families to increase their physical activity.
Making friends, being outside, having fun, trying new things.
These are the things we hear are most important to children and families about Choose Play sessions, events and projects.
“It’s lovely to have something free to do! Thank you for providing a safe space outside to have fun ” Child, Spark the Park
“It’s great to meet other parents with kids during holidays and play Definitely 5 stars ” Parent, Pop-up play
“I saw children who knew each other such as from school create closer relationships that they can take into the school year ” Play Ranger

Screen-free fun!
Play is essential for a happy, healthy childhood Playing, especially outdoors, has huge benefits for children’s mental health and physical wellbeing
All children have a need and right to play. For many families, ensuring their children get sufficient outdoor play to meet their social and developmental needs is challenging
Choose Play sessions focus on outdoor play - children climb, build, invent games, sometimes carry heavy items and often help each other.

Pop Up Play

Pop-up Play and Pop-up Adventure Play are larger scale events offering a wide range of fun experiences. These are best over a day or two days, allowing time for children and families to become immersed in their play. Play in each location and season is different but typically we offer water play, den building, hammocks, loose parts, ball run, mud kitchen, art activities, sensory tent. The wide range of activities, resources and help from the Play Ranger team ensures there is something for everyone.
“Thank you Play Rangers! Kids (3 years + 2 x11years) had a ball Absolutely loved the pipes / water play, the bubbles and the older 2 loved building a den. Wouldn’t change anything ” Parent, Pop-up Play
“It’s brilliant for kids to be able to change it round and build their own thing It’s almost like you blink and it’s a different configuration It’s just brilliant!” “Parent, Pop-up Adventure Play
“It’s working so well It’s almost like a dream ” Child, Pop-up Adventure Play

International Mud Day 2024
International Mud Day is a grassroots play movement which promotes children’s right to play and conveys “messages of freedom, creativity, exuberant play, community advocacy, and the importance for our world’s children to connect to the Earth and to each other.”
This was a joyful start to the summer reaching over 300 participants in Neilson Park, Haddington.
“Brilliant day! Thanks so much for putting it on!” Parent, Mud Day

Spark the Park

Choose Play’s project, Spark the Park demonstrates the potential of a green space in Tranent as a vibrant community hub.

Choose Play sessions have animated the space, bringing a wide range of people together. Using a shipping container as a base means we can offer a wide choice with older children helping to set up sessions. Seating and shelter in the container help to make adults comfortable while children play for longer. Over the summer, Play Rangers built trusting relationships with children and teenagers, Spark the Park became a safe space to meet friends and spend time.
“Spark the Park is amazing and throughout the summer it’s just gotten better and better and the location is fantastic. The people here are great, funny and friendly. I don’t usually give five stars but this is a solid five.” Child, Spark the Park
“The regular sessions at Spark the Park meant that many children kept coming back. I saw friendships form between children over the summer and confidence sky rocket.” Play Ranger feedback
Inclusive play

Choose Play believes that all children have a right to play and we are working to make our play sessions more inclusive and welcoming for children with additional support needs and their families.
Choose Play
Play Rangers build trusting relationship with children and families, providing information and supporting new experiences. At all sessions we have introduced an information and communication board, inclusion box and offer a range of sensory experiences.
“For one child he enjoyed being in the hammock and this helped to regulate him. His mum and workers commented that he seemed more relaxed overall and he enjoyed observing others from the hammock. As well as being relaxing for the child, this gave the opportunity for the parent to have a chat with workers and a little respite from moving around.”
Social Worker, Share the Care sessions
“”The expression of joy from two boys using the hammocks was lovely to observe. They were excited to be together and one boy climbed into the hammock to join his friend. ” Play Ranger feedback

Inspiring play
At Choose Play sessions, we see children engaged for long periods of time playing with everyday and found objects. Our approach focuses on loose parts play - reusing objects rather than toys. With these loose parts, children use their imagination, follow their own interests and build new skills while having fun.
An added benefit of Choose Play sessions is that we inspire families to try new things not only in the sessions, but at home too. We share play ideas that are free and easy to recreate at home.
“Can we do this at home?”
Child, Pop-up Play

We benefit from a wide range of partnerships, always striving to understand the best ways to work together to offer fantastic play opportunities for children and families and to support professional practice.
Choose Play
Over the summer of 2024, Choose Play provided loose parts play, water play, den building and nature-based sessions for local organisations. We contributed to Share the Care and CanDo play schemes as well as injecting extra play into large events such as Port Seton Gala Day, Fringe by the Sea and Fringe by the Tee.
We benefited from partnering with East Lothian Council Art Service, Children First, Connected Communities, Recharge Youth Project, Sustrans, Cycling UK, Tranent Wombles, Active Schools, the Library Service and the Fraser Centre to extend our project, ensuring more children got outside to play.
Fa’side Area Partnership

Haddington and Lammermuir Area Partnership
Thrive Outdoors Community Play Fund
Ponton House Trust
People’s Postcode Lottery.
Our services Choose Play
“It has been very beneficial to work with Choose Play. You brought experience and knowledge of outdoor activities and engagement with the families. It made families interact who would not normally, I also saw peers playing together. There was a fantastic range to suit everyone.”
Children First Family Support Worker.
We can work with you to create memorable play events tailored for your group and location. Choose Play can offer you:
Play sessions and events such as giant ball run, den building, water play, nature based play and loose parts play.
Quiet and sensory spaces.
Consultation on play spaces and creative consultation with children.
Training workshops on a wide range of play topics.

Contact the team to discuss your ideas or requirements.