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Derby Junior Law Society Report 2022-2023

Members: President: Alexander Needham

Vice-President: John Ellis

Deputy Vice- President: Laura Matthews

Committee Members: Amelia Sutcliffe, Monica Guram, Sophie Henwood, Alexandra Wood, Ed Granger, Rianna Gokani

This year has been a very successful one for the newly reformed Derby Junior Law Society. Starting out from square-one with a team of young professionals has certainly been a challenge, but one we’ve certainly tried out best to make a success.

The main aims of this year were:

• Re-establish a solid and interested membership.

• Re-establish and improve our relationship with the DDLS.

• Re-establish links with existing charities and organisations (including sponsors, the University, other Societies, and local firms).

• Try to make the DJL independent in its funding.

We have certainly been successful in gaining a membership, and one that is steadily continuing to grow. Prior to Christmas we were at approximately 80 members, and this figure has continued to grow. Through attending the University Careers Fair, we increased our membership from this, and will look to establish greater links with the University Law Society going forward to encourage them to join the DJL upon graduation.

We are also delighted at how our relationship with both the DDLS has progressed through the year. We are thoroughly grateful for all the backing and support; we are also delighted managed to become more financially independent from the DDLS, which is a very positive step forward for the DJL. We hope to be able to repay the DDLS through organising great events where we can connect with the DDLS membership, and look to improve our working relationship further.

The ability to become more financially independent from the DDLS has stemmed from our growing membership, and also through establishing links with sponsors and law firms who have kindly supported us financially through the year. Our aim going forward is to improve our relationship with the local firms and sponsors, in order to provide mutually beneficial events for both these organisations, and our membership.

Some of our upcoming events are testament to this; our Summer Soiree (02 June 2023, River Mill, Darley Abbey) is a prime example of how the Society has grown, and the kind of events we’d love to keep providing going forward. We are in a position to host the largest event in DJL’s recent history, and we couldn’t have even considered putting this on without the support of the our sponsors, and the DDLS. Of course, the invitation to the Summer Soiree is open to all DDLS members, so please, do come – it will certainly be an excellent evening!

Moving into the next year, we are targeting a further growth of our membership, and also to further our relationship with the Derby- based law firms. Additionally, we are aiming to secure further funding through increased membership and sponsor support. We believe we have set a good foundation on which we can improve the Society, and ensure that this is an open, welcoming, and genuinely useful Society to be a part of, both for our members, and our sponsors.

We are extremely grateful for the DDLS’ support this year, and look forward to the what the future has in store.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank some of our previous Committee members who have since stepped away from their roles – Cindy Dodd and Jessica Silvers . We are very grateful for their work, and wish them all the best going forward.

Should anyone have any questions about the Derby Junior Law Society, our upcoming events, or are interested in becoming a member, please contact derbyjuniorlawyers@outlook.com Alternatively, please contact our Vice-President John Ellis on John.Ellis@AandCo.co.uk , who will also be happy to assist.

Derby Junior Law Society

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