Leicestershire Law Society Magazine Issue 20

Page 6




Report by Glynis Wright Dear Members,

to run all of my planned events up to and including

challenge. We raised over £10,000 for the Alex’s

Since the last edition of the Leicestershire Law

the Triumphs of Leicester prior to the lockdown, as

Wish Charity which is phenomenal. For those of you

Society magazine, the legal world as we know it

the events brought in a considerable profit for the

who may be interested in more adrenaline activities,

has become unrecognisable. Little could I have

Leicestershire Law Society which has transpired to

I am undertaking a loop de loop in 2021 in a small

imagined that by the time I was writing my next

be a blessing indeed given what has now occurred,

bi-plane in 2021 and am looking for others to join

President’s Report for the magazine, we would be

and the fact that the LLS is unable to generate an

me for more fundraising! Do contact me if you are

facing a world-wide pandemic, and a justice system

income during this period. I promised faithfully at


under such acute strain that it is unlikely to recover

the start of the Presidency that I would be a careful

for years to come, unless record levels of funding

steward for the LLS and would look to shore up our

Leicester” gala dinner was also a sell-out. I had

are made available from the government. Since the

financial stability. I have done so, which means that

conceived of the theme for this dinner before I

East Midlands has not even had the benefit of a

the LLS has a healthy bank balance and is still in a

became President and it will remain very close to

Nightingale Court being funded to ease some of the

strong position financially notwithstanding the effect

my heart. It was an opportunity to truly celebrate

backlog in the region, the recovery here is likely to

of the pandemic. It is a strategy that now seems

Leicester and Leicestershire. We heard from some

take even longer.

rather prescient given what was to come – otherwise

of the most significant individuals who have hailed

we may not have had a Law society at all.

from Leicester including (for Law) Sir John Goldring,

Law firms were forced to close their doors and set up remote working in no more than a week.

As you will all know, the “Classical Extravaganza”

I was immensely proud that the “Triumphs of

and again, you can read more about this event later

Although we as law firms will have had disaster

Annual Dinner and Legal Award night that Lucy

in the magazine. I was delighted to work with the

planning in place for contemplated emergencies

and I had worked so hard to organise was a virtual

University of Leicester in producing a film for the

like cyber-attacks or flooding, none of us could

sell out with just under 400 tickets being sold.

night celebrating extraordinary people who have

have been ready for what hit us with the pandemic,

That was pulled with great sadness a week before

come out of Leicester, which was shown on the

or could have conceived of the possibility of

it was due to take place on the 20 March 2020. It

night to general acclaim and has been released

surviving intact after not one, but two, lockdown

was of course absolutely the right thing to do. The

by the LLS and the University of Leicester on their

situations. It is a credit to the Leicestershire legal

event was rebooked for the end of September in the

social media channels.

community that we have been so resilient and

expectation that the country would by then have

have continued to provide high quality services to

risen out of the pandemic and that mass gatherings

should have ended in May 2020 but I was asked

our clients throughout this awful time. At my last

would be possible, but sadly that has not transpired

to stay on as President until the end of September

Main Committee meeting, we had the Deputy Vice

to be the case. The Legal Awards have therefore

2020 to see LLS through the worst of the

President of the national Law Society Stephanie

been moved to May 2021 where the “Classical

pandemic. I was happy to do so on the basis that

Boyce give an address at which she spoke of

Extravaganza” will still take place, but where I will be

there could not be a worse time for a new President

how impressed she was with the Leicester and

delighted to share the event with the President that

to take up the reins. This will therefore be my final

Leicestershire legal communities who were dealing

will be taking up the seat following the AGM on the

President’s Report and I wish to conclude with my

so effectively with the second lockdown.

30 September 2020. The candidates shortlisted in

enormous thanks to my Main Committee members

2020 will remain in place for the 2021 event, and a

and my fellow Executive Committee members

focussing on providing as much training and

new competition will be run in 2022. I am so pleased

for their support and continuing commitment

support as we can during this period. We have

that our entertainment in the form of the scintillating

to the Society. Most of all, I wish to thank Lucy

offered training to our members aimed at helping

electric string quartet “The Sirens” and acclaimed

Miller, the LLS Manager for her conscientiousness

them deal with the impact of the pandemic such

mezzo-soprano Rozanna Madylas and baritone

and excellence in discharging her duties. Sadly,

as an overview of the different financial schemes

Lancelot Nomura will still be performing on the night

Lucy will be moving on shortly to pastures new.

and grants available, marketing strategies for law

along with the fabulous “Likuid Blu” who will take

I know that all who read this report will want to

firms post-Covid by our Patrons D G Legal and by

us all onto the dancefloor after the awards are given

pass on their best wishes to Lucy who has been

Rachel Tombs, compliance education particularly

out. I am also thrilled that BBC Radio Presenter Jo

outstanding. It would be fair to say that Lucy and

with reference to Covid-related health and safety,

Hayward will still be our glamorous compere for the

I have enjoyed working together immensely, no

SQM remote audits, and other general courses such

evening as planned. I have comforted myself that

doubt bonded by the mutual stress of running the

as Modern Slavery by Olwen Davies and Court of

the event, although postponed, will be twice the

events that we have, as well as the excitement and

Appeal work, and Behavioural Biases by one of our

celebration because of what we will all have been

challenge of those times, and of course, our desire

Patrons Finance Lab. Charnwood Accountants who

through. I certainly hope that will transpire to be the

to do our very best for the members of LLS. Lucy

are also our Patrons offered courses on succession


will be sorely missed but I am sure you will all be

The Leicestershire Law Society has been

planning and SRA Accounts Rules. We have run

Since my last report, and prior to the pandemic, I

As you may well be aware, my Presidential seat

delighted to welcome Kauser Patel back as the

courses in Conveyancing with Ian Quayle and the

held two events which will stay with me as the most

LLS Manager who you will recall left following the

national Law Society conducted a consultation

wonderful memories. The first was the Presidential

birth of her second baby. Therefore, I am assured

with some of our members on what the national

ZipWire Challenge where I was joined by lawyers

in my mind that Lucy and I will be leaving the LLS

Law Society are doing to support law firms during

and local businesspeople to undertake the fastest

in very good hands with Kauser and of course the

this time and what is available from them by way of

zipwire in Europe. It was truly a thrilling and breath-

new President who will be taking over from 30

resources. All in all, we have doubled the training on

taking experience as we achieved speeds of nearly

September 2020!

offer to our members the majority of which has been

100 mph as we hurtled down the zipwire. The best

completely free.

part of the event was the generosity shown by

Glynis Wright

those who pledged to support us as we took up the

President of the Leicestershire Law Society

I count myself as very fortunate that I was able


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