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leaving a legacy
leicester animal aid is a rescue and rehoming centre for cats and dogs who are lost, abandoned found stray or given up because their owners can no longer care for them. The charity was founded by dorothea farndon in 1956.
Since then, the Centre has continued to grow and help thousands of animals due to the vision and generosity of our founding supporter and others like her. Kind individuals have supported us by making a donation in their Will, in memory of a human or animal family member or to ensure that their pet is cared for after they pass away.
how are donations used?
Legacy donations allow us to make changes to the fabric of our Centre that otherwise we could not afford. for example, in 2015, when a kind donor left a percentage of their estate to LAA, the donor’s family let us know that the couple were cat lovers. We were able to match a project with their wishes. As a result, two homely and comfortable new enrichment chillout rooms were completed in the summer of 2017. These rooms include bespoke climbing shelves and bridges, cat trees made from actual trees, a cat wheel which the kittens love, enrichment toys, window seats to watch the world go by, and a sofa to cuddle up with our Volunteer Pet Sitters. The difference this has made to our animals is immeasurable.
Our vision is happy pets in loving, responsible homes. Until that happens, we want the very best for each and every animal in our care. Legacies help us to achieve this.
We are deeply grateful to the kind individuals and their families whose support enables us to continue working with animals in need of a second chance. Thank you.
helen wilber
fundraising Manager Leicester Animal Aid Elmwood farm forest Road Huncote Leicestershire LE9 3LE