1 minute read

Editor’s Intro

The Magazine Project is firmly off the ground and I am delighted to bring to you an issue with even more variety including stories about the Jubilee celebrations as well as the annual Leicestershire Law Society Awards.

The leading feature in this issue is the gathering of Leicestershire's vibrant legal community at our annual Law Society Awards dinner. This is of course where we take a look back at the glittering night celebrated by all as well as congratulating the worthy winners. We obviously have quite a busy events calendar up to the end of the year and I am pleased to shine a light on highlights that have already taken place within the Leicestershire legal community and the Royal Jubilee event.

Thank you for all your positive feedback and support on issue 1 and please do keep your ideas and suggestions coming. As always, I am keen to hear from our readership with articles, ideas for future editions and ways to make the magazine even better.

I look forward to hearing from you.

To that end, I would like to say: “What a fabulous city Leicester is and there are so many reasons to be proud to live and work here.”

Yours Sameer Karim,

Editor Sameer.karim@d-w-s.co.uk

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