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Norfolk & Norwich Hospitals Charity

The Norfolk & Norwich Hospitals Charity provides grants to help fund improved facilities, state-of-the-art medical equipment, ground-breaking research and support for NHS staff at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, helping them to provide the best care for every patient.

If you would like to leave a legacy gift to benefit local NHS patients, your solicitor simply needs to know our registered charity number – 1048170. A general gift to the charity will allow us to use your legacy where it is needed most across our hospitals, particularly in areas where direct donations are not usually received, but if you would like your gift to benefit a particular department we ask that this be expressed as a wish in your will so that no restriction is created.

To find out how you can help us do more to support your local hospitals please visit www.nnhospitalscharity. org.uk.

An oncology patient being treated at the new North Norfolk Macmillan Centre (partly funded by £1.8m grant from us).

An Optos eye camera funded by us.

Almost one in two of the grants we provide are thanks to gifts in wills ranging from £500 to over £1 million. Every gift, large or small, makes a real, lasting difference for local patients at the Norfolk and Norwich, Cromer and Jenny Lind Children’s Hospitals, and we are always incredibly grateful to receive legacy gifts on behalf of our hospitals.

Recent legacies have allowed our charity to provide funding for these projects:

• £2m for state-of-the art equipment for a new Orthopaedic Centre, providing two additional elective surgical theatres and 21 extra in-patient beds at the N&N

Hospital. This will provide a dedicated elective surgery unit, helping to provide

earlier treatment for NHS patients. • £1.6m towards additional MRI scanners for a new Diagnostic Assessment Centre to be built on the Norwich Research

Park. This development will provide additional scanning capacity, providing earlier diagnosis and assessment for local patients. • £60k to provide exciting artwork for the new Children’s surgical theatres at the Jenny Lind Children’s Hospital, making the hospital environment more welcoming for children undergoing treatment. • £230k to provide additional OCT scanners for Eye Clinics in Norwich and Cromer, helping to provide non-invasive earlier diagnosis for eye conditions.

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