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PLO/PRO Report

Events Website

I will be looking into getting this fully up to date over the next months. If your details are missing or out of date, please contact: louise.goodenough@haywards-solicitors.co.uk or snels@topcopysec.co.uk

I am also hoping to have more time to focus on our twitter feed.


After a much awaited and anticipated President’s Annual Dinner, I am pleased to report that this was a remarkable success. With amazing support from SNELS members and sponsors. We also raised over £600 for Chris Andrews’ nominated charity.

A big thank you to Chris Andrews who has had an unusual extended year of being SNELS President and big welcome to Amanda Timcke as the new President following the AGM. Here’s hoping for a healthy and fun filled 2023! Please keep an eye on our website and twitter for events happening throughout the year.

With life getting back to some sort of normality I feel it would be an emotive idea to get members back engaged and host some face-to-face events this year.

The sponsors are keen to provide funding and assistance for this. If anyone has any ideas of an event they would like SNELS to host, please contact me. I will of course be looking at what we can do this year for the Vice President’s event and Amanda Timcke is hoping to get the awards ceremony up and running.

Annual Law Lecture – This is back on track and due to take place on Wednesday 8th February 2023 (evening). If you would like to attend, please contact: Amanda-Timcke@birketts.co.uk . It would be good to try and get something similar up and running with Suffolk Law School.

The Suffolk Justice Service – I have been cordially invited to attend this. The event is taking place on Sunday 26th March 2023 at 3.30pm at St Edmundsbury Cathedral. The Speaker will be Major-General James Cowen CBE DSO

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