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Snuggle up autumn is here

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Solo Autumn 2022

Solo Autumn 2022


Snuggle up autumn is here

We all enjoyed the summer with the sunny weather and light clothing. The air was bright, and life was generally brighter. Autumn is here and the days start to get shorter. Time to put away the summer clothing, shoes and accessories and bring out the light jackets and raincoats. The stress level can always be reduced by being prepared. As we usher in the new season, it is wise to remember that you bring out the slightly heavier clothing, you should put away the light clothing of the summer to avoid clutter.

Remember to take care of yourself.

• The GPs are sending out flu jab invitations so take it to reduce your chances of getting the flu and taking time off work.

• Create me time and spend time with yourself to get to know yourself better. Its OK to slow down and give yourself time. Set aside few minutes a day to do nothing… it’s something to loOK forward to.

• Snuggle up by the TV and watch favourite shows or read a boOK. You work hard, its OK to relax

• As we lose daylight, we will need more vitamin D. So take vitamin supplements to boost your immune system.

• Regular hand washing is one of the positive things out of Covid. Continue with regular hand washing to keep virus away. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy food to help prevent sickness

• Take advantage of the weather as it gets darker earlier, go to bed early and sleep a little longer to allow your body to rejuvenate. You will feel better and able to face the next day and its challenges.

• Keep busy, think ahead, and make plans for things you would like to do. Don’t just hibernate

• Gentle exercise and movement throughout the day is good. Take the stirs instead of lift at work, walk home from station to get off the bus two stops before your stop and walk the rest of the way. If working from home, take a walk in the garden or rake the garden. The movement is good for the body.

• Get ready for winter and ensure your home is ready too. Check and service your heating and hot water, get your winter clothes ready and pack away the summer clothes.

• Remember it’s a circle of life, when you get used to the routine, becomes easier and you start to do things without thinking about it. The key it to building in rest and enjoyment of your life. The value of your life depends on how you choose to live it.


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