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Exec Team Profile: Sushila Abraham

Get to know the Exec Team - Sushila Abraham

On 18 May 2021 Councillor Sushila Abraham became Kingston’s 186th Mayor. The Mayor signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office at a small, socially distanced event outside the Guildhall in central Kingston.

1. Why LAW? I have seen a lot of in justice and felt that I should do something about it. My mother encouraged me to read law and I have not regretted it one bit

2. WhAT iS yOuR fAvOuRiTe ThinG AbOuT yOuR CAReeR? I have been able to help those most vulnerable.

3. WhAT MOTivATeS yOu? The satisfaction of seeing how I have been able to help those in need and to see their happiness. Those who work for me in my practice have my same ethos and that helps me a great deal and pushes me everyday to do my work.

4. WhAT DiD yOu WAnT TO be When yOu WeRe A ChiLD? I was always community orientated and was always there for others though I did think of going into teaching.

5. WhAT WAS yOuR fiRST jOb? A lawyer

6. WhAT ARe yOuR hObbieS? I love cooking, being outside walking, gardening, playing golf and travelling.

7. fAvOuRiTe PART Of The uK? Why? Just the countryside, the sea and the hills. It is open space and beauty that we appreciate

8. Sun, SeA, SAnD hOLiDAy OR CiTy bReAK? My husband and I love travelling and also travelling around the UK

9. hOW WOuLD yOuR fRienDS DeSCRibe yOu? A long term friend and someone they can trust.

10. hOW MAny LAnGuAGeS DO yOu SPeAK? WhAT ARe They? AnD WhiCh One iS yOuR fAvOuRiTe? I speak four languages only two fluently. No favourite one

11. WhAT inSPiReD yOu TO beCOMe A COunCiLLOR? I was getting fed up with the council’s planning department. My local Ward Councillors came to see me and instead of helping coaxed me to become a councillor as at that time a councillor had just died and there was going to be a by election and they felt that my community spirit and being known locally would help. My Husband encouraged me to go for it and I only had less than five weeks to campaign. It was very successful and I won with a very good majority.

12. WhAT DOeS The ROLe Of MAyOR enTAiL? I represent the Borough and attend meetings and functions within the borough and out of borough. Opening local shops, attending school functions and other events like disability awareness day, community functions and always having to speak at events and many more. Children in schools always like to see the Mayor and ask questions so the history of the borough is important bearing in mind Kingston is the first Royal Borough and it is said to be the place where England began.

13. WhAT ChARiTieS DO yOu SuPPORT AS MAyOR AnD Why? When iS yOuR nexT ChARiTy evenT? The theme of my Mayoral year is mental health and wellbeing. I have chosen two organisations – Anstee bridge and Milaap Multicultural Day Care centre. Both a very small organisations in Kingston but the work they do with the community is massive. Anstee Bridge support the youth and Milaap the vulnerable and elderly.

I will be having a Quiz Night on 26th November at the Guildhall in Kingston.

14. hOW DO yOu juGGLe fAMiLy Life, WORK AnD The DuTieS Of beinG MAyOR AnD COunCiLLOR? Fortunately, my son has his own family and I have a very supportive husband and my friends and family support me a great deal. My faith and the grace of God help me through each day.

15. hOW DO yOu hOPe TO inSPiRe The yOunGeR GeneRATiOn TO COnSiDeR GOinG inTO POLiTiCS? People should look at politics with an open mind. What they really want to happen and how they go about it. You must be community orientated as residents will always need your help and guidance.

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