4 minute read

From the Chairwoman

Both I and the Executive Committee wish all our members a Happy New Year.

Solicitors Indemnity Fund (SIF)

This still remains a prominent issue for our members and as I reported in the last edition of Solo the Solicitors Regulatory Authority (“SRA”) had announced that they were minded to bring in a new consumer protection arrangement to be administered by the SRA either as a compensation scheme or an indemnity scheme.

The SPG as key stake holders have had direct input throughout the process. The SPG consultations with the SRA assisted in achieving the desired result of the indemnity protections being maintained for our SPG members as well as the protections for the consumer.

The SRA have now confirmed that the new consumer protection arrangement will be an indemnity scheme which provides the same access to, and the same level of indemnity as the current SIF scheme.

The new SRA indemnity scheme will provide indemnity cover as permitted by section 37 of the Solicitors Act 1974 and complies with the definition of an indemnity arrangement pursuant to section 21(2) of the Legal Services Act 2007.

The new SRA indemnity scheme is also to be ringfenced in order to provide indemnity protection and deal with any claims brought against solicitor’s firms that have ceased practising after the expiry of the six years run off cover.

The SPG will still be involved directly at a senior level as the new SRA scheme is implemented as there will be a requirement for suitable transition arrangements to be put in place while SIF Ltd is wound up and it will be important that there are systems put in place for transparency and reporting purposes, among other issues.

We will continue to keep members updated.

Top Table Event

The Top Table event at Hanbury Manor Marriott Hotel & Country Club, Hertfordshire, on Friday 11th November 2022 was a great success.

The Top Table event gave our members the opportunity to join the heads of our regulatory and representative bodies along with key industry leaders in a small group setting and chat face to face and raise concerns and /or obtain clarity on issues that affect you.

Such was the success that the Executive Committee have agreed that the Top Table event will be held annually.

I am therefore pleased to announce that the next Top Table event will be held on Saturday 25th November 2023 at the same venue, the Hanbury Manor Marriott Hotel & Country Club which is a fabulous Jacobean country manor five star hotel situated in over 200 acres of lush Hertfordshire parkland to give us all that feeling of ‘getting away from it all’.

The event will be full day conference with a drinks reception followed by a Gala Dinner in the evening.

For more information please visit our website at www.spg.uk.com

SPG Annual Conference - June 2023

The Executive Committee have agreed that the conference this year will be held in Vienna on 9th - 11th June 2023.

We will keep members updated through our SPG Newsletters and on our website at www.spg.uk.com

Engagement with Members

We continue to maintain contact with our members via Mail Chimp notifying you of seminars, consultations and other items that may be of interest you.

The SPG website’s members private interactive forum is live and can be accessed here spg.uk.com/forum

As it is a private member only forum, you will need to first register to access it. Members can engage with each other and access useful information in their areas of practice as well as other areas.

Committee Attendees

If any SP member would like to attend the National Executive Committee meetings as an observer, or are interested in becoming a committee member, please contact me at joanna@spg.uk.com.

Joanna Connolly SPG Chair

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