2 minute read


Industry: Retired Educator, Producer, Trainer

Number of Years as an EAST Student Training Instructor: 12+ (not sure)

Title of Training(s): Make A Movie, Editing, Basic Camera, Advanced Camera, Audio, How To Do An Interview, and probably a few more I forgot!

Area of Expertise: Video and Audio Production


How have you grown as a trainer from year one to present day in EAST?

I’ve had to adapt my training to a higher level. EAST students are fast learners and are used to being presented with challenging material.

Why do you continue to conduct trainings for EAST?

EAST is like family now. We share the same teaching style and thoughts about education. Give the students a real-world problem to solve. Give the students the correct tools. They will solve the problem and most of the time, go way beyond the scope of the original problem.

How did you get connected with EAST?

Kathy Casteel, a previous facilitator at Camden Fairview High School (where Tevin Wooten went to school) had been working with me locally. She recommended me to Melanie Ridlon, Director of Operations at EAST, as a potential trainer. According to Melanie, “Steve is an exceptional trainer who continues to provide engaging and cutting edge training experiences for EAST students.”

If you had to explain EAST to someone unfamiliar with what we do, what would you say?

It’s education that works. In this day and age, all knowledge is available online. EAST allows students to use that online data to solve real problems. This gives students access to many different types of learning and lets them put that newly learned knowledge to work in a real-world setting, and pace, with real-world consequences.

What is your favorite part about being a student training instructor for EAST?

When I walk into the EAST headquarters, I get hugs (I miss those right now). People genuinely care about the trainers and the students' success. It’s a rarity to find that kind of love in academia.

With unlimited time and resources, what kind of training would you conduct?

I would take students to a real movie or television set and let them work.

What secret skill do you have that could provide an interesting training?

Lol, I’m about tapped out on topics...but how about a basic beekeeping course?

If anyone is on the fence about becoming a student training instructor for EAST what advice would you give them?

Just do it. The atmosphere is so unique and different. The students are world-class!!!

Anything we didn’t ask that you’d like to share with our readers?

EAST is the sparkling gem in academia. It’s worldclass trainings, and the people make it a true joy to be around. Nothing more to share. I love EAST!!!

Steve Taylor works with the EAST Conference Documentation Team each year to produce the Conference highlight video!

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