6 minute read
GOING OUT WITH A BANG: 2021 Founder's Award Winner Harrisburg Middle School
Corbin Barker: 4 years in EAST, 6th Grade
Madisyn Brazile: 4 years in EAST, 6th Grade
Kylie Garrison: 4 years in EAST, 6th Grade
Adalen Kocher: 3 years in EAST, 6th Grade
Gabby Nunez: 4 years in EAST, 6th Grade
Jessie Dale: 4 years in EAST, 7th Grade
Klaire Harper: 1 year in EAST, 7th Grade
William Rowton: 5 years in EAST, 7th Grade
Axson Wallace: 1 year in EAST, 7th Grade
Meet the 2021 EAST Conference Team from Harrisburg Middle School! This group knew that their program would be closing out this year due to changes in the school district. Rather than be dismayed, they used this as an opportunity to rally and boost morale by applying for the coveted Founder’s Award. One team member said it best. This group is “going out with a bang” and leaving a mark on Harrisburg Middle School history as the last EAST Conference team.
Founder’s is a self-nominated award. Who or what planted the seed that you all should nominate yourself?
Jessie: Our student leadership team looked at our projects and saw that we had a variety of clients and software usage. We had been tracking our projects all year and knew who had lots of success. We were impressed with our lists and decided to apply for Founders.
Which project that was highlighted in the nomination and presentation was...
...The most challenging project for the group?
Klaire: Our Unity simulation was difficult because we had to learn how to use the mechanics of the program. We used online tutorials and then reached out to a specialist for a training because we knew we needed lots of help.
...The favorite project of the group?
Stream Team
Axson: Our work with Lake Poinsett State Park and the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission is an ongoing project that has spanned several years. With the lake being restored and water finally being added, we were able to collaborate this year to plant trees. When we, the seventh and eighth graders, return to the newly combined high school in the fall (2021) and water levels are finally at their highest, we’ll be testing water quality and assisting park officials by collecting drone imagery, using Photoshop to edit pictures, and using Final Cut Pro to create and edit videos.
...The most impactful project for the group?
Second Chance Ranch
Adalen: We were so excited about this project because it’s adding a bit of happiness to kids’ lives. There are times when kids are put into foster care directly from school. They don’t have an opportunity to take their family pictures, stuffed animals, their belongings, etc. These kids are having to begin a new chapter in their lives with nothing from their past. We worked with the Second Chance Ranch staff to find out what these kids enjoy. We made a collage that included their special images and printed those for each child. With these pictures posted in their new space, these graphics are helping them feel like they’re home and they belong.
...The most impactful project for the community?
360 School Tour
Kylie: This project was the most impactful project to the community because it helps the local police find their way around the school and locate certain places on our school campus in the event of an emergency. We used the Ricoh Theta S 360 camera to get full imagery shots of our school campus. We placed those videos in an ArcGIS map for officers to have visuals of each classroom. We hope they never have to use this web app but it’s prepared in case they need it. Have you applied for Founder’s in the past? If not what made you feel prepared/qualified this year to do so?
Karla Garrison, Facilitator: We have applied for Founder’s multiple times in the past and we’ve experienced both sides of the coin. We’ve enjoyed the Founder’s Award honors before and we’ve also endured some major disappointments when we weren’t selected as finalists or winners. But it never hurts to try. Klaire: Our facilitator told us how previous students organized their information. We learned that the Founder’s deadlines are always early in the year and we should start sorting through our pictures, videos, resources, etc., early in the year. We did that and learned that our Conference experience was much less stressful because we already had the majority of our work completed and knew where our materials were.
Out of all the technology used, what piece of technology was your favorite and why?
Kylie: Our projects involved a lot of different software programs but we all chipped in and learned to use photo editing software. Some used online versions and others used Adobe Photoshop to complete our Founder’s application.
What was the hardest piece of technology to navigate?
Axson: Unity would probably be the most difficult piece of technology that we included. We had a group of four boys who spent a lot of time learning to use Unity and they did well. Lots of other people were intrigued with Unity but when they watched that team actually use Unity, they were intimidated and knew that wasn’t for them.
Share with us how you told your community partners, school admins, and family members about the award and some of their responses and reactions.
Corbin: We had several inches of snow on the ground and were out of school when the announcement was made. Our facilitator emailed us the link so we could watch but NONE of us checked our email. She called us to tell us that we had won and we shared the news on Facebook. People were very excited for us and very complimentary about our good news.
What would you like our audience to know about you, your school, or EAST?
William: Our school district is restructuring and the middle school is coming to an end. When we found out that we won Founder’s, we were obviously pumped. But it was even more of a victory since our school is on it’s last year. We definitely went out with a bang and closed out the EAST at Harrisburg Middle School program in style.
What is the focus now that Conference is over?
Gabby: We’re wrapping up details to complete projects and getting finished products in clients’ hands. We also made a database of all EAST schools’ projects from the JUNO platform and we’ve used that to help a few of our classmates who are struggling to stay on task since the end of the school year is so close.
What advice would you give to a school applying for the first time?
Adalen: Don’t get your hopes up but be confident in your application. You never know what will happen until you actually try. You may have a great year but your EAST program may meet competition from other schools and you may not be recognized. But that doesn’t mean your program isn’t amazing.
What does the EAST Conference 2022 theme mean to you?
Madisyn: The new theme makes me think that we are taking things to the next level and we’ll be more sophisticated. This school year was difficult because of so many limitations, but we have the opportunity to expand, grow, maximize our abilities, and accomplish more. All of that results in building up.
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