Eastrea Village News For all Eastrea residents.
No 2.
March 2001.
From: Rothay House, Mayfield Rd, Eastrea.
Village Hall Site
As you may have seen in the newspapers, the campaign for a site for the Eastrea village hall has at long last been agreed by the Authority at Fenland Hall. The village hall site has been confirmed - we will have an acre of land (0.4 hectares) to the south of the main road as you leave the village to March. The site gives us a large square of land, quite enough for a hall and for car parking. There should also be room to expand, if that became necessary in future.
Now the work really starts! We will be carrying out a ‘village appraisal’ which will give a chance to find out what people want to do about a village hall. The Trustees feel that a hall could be a very timely idea. There are still no comparable halls in Whittlesey; Coates Village Hall is under-used as it is now very out of date, and the Eastrea Village Hall could provide a much-needed facility. But it is the villagers who will decide what action should be taken. The money belongs to Eastrea, and will not be used by anyone else.
Senior Citizens The Village Hall Foundation holds the funds that have been accumulated. They were mostly collected during fund-raising in the 1970’s. The hard work and energetic efforts that were made back then have helped to give us this crucially important fund. Committee does not pay anyone expenses. Duplicating this newsletter is done as a favour for us, and the delivery charges are privately paid so that the funds remain untouched. The money we have raised will stand us in good stead in applying for extra funds in the future.
There will be another Easter lunch for the Senior Citizens, funded by The Storers (Herds and Bulls Grass) Trust. This year’s dates are 17 & 18 April. An invitation has been sent to everyone on the list - please ring if you know someone who has been missed out.
Web Site We now have a new web site on www.eastrea.net - and have already had enquiries from America, so it is beginning to prove its usefulness.
Can you help? Ring Brian J Ford, tel: 350 888. E-mail: hall@eastrea.net