3 minute read
Boys Swimming Seniors take their last dive
from East Scroll issue 3
by EastScroll
It’s a Saturday morning, you wake up and get ready for the boy’s swim meet. You then arrive at East High School; you walk through the pool doors and the smell of chlorine and the extreme temperature change hits you. You sit down and hear music playing while the team has fun warming-up for their meet. You see the seniors taking charge and leading the group, overall with a really good vibe. This is a typical day with the East boys swim team.
This swim season all the boys have worked really and swam their best with the helpful hand of couches Erin and Patrick Lowe, sadly this season will be the last for Ryan Trujillo, Sam Wagner, Nick Lueder, and Dashing Boston. The team won against North High School and Centerville, but lost all their other meets, but they improved every swim meet.
“This season was something, they tried hard, but they had a disadvantage because they didn’t have a lot of experienced swimmers, but they did pretty good considering”, manager Delaney Hayworth said.
Swimming is a family sport, if one of your siblings, friends, or even your parents did swim you will most likely end up going out for swimming.
“My brother did swim, and my crosscountry friend were doing it so it seemed like the right choice,” Sam Wagner said. Swim is a really good sport to go out for, you get to hang out with your friends, you get a full body work out, it can be relaxing, and you will have a good time it so sad that this swim season is over for these seniors it will be the last high school swim season and they made the most of it.
“This season went really well I met all my goals, we had a good team dynamic,” Wagner said.
Q&A with coach Erin Lowe
How long have you been a swim coach?
“I started coaching little kids and teaching swimming lessons while I was in High School. I have been coaching for 30 years.”
What is the best thing about being a swim coach? “I am happiest when I see kids work hard and really improve. When kids swim faster than they thought they could or have a big time drop, that is the best!”
What is it like being a swim coach?
“It is a lot of hard work, and late nights. I spend a lot of time looking at the times of the other teams, “scouting” them to determine our best chance at winning a high school meet. Writing workouts and season planning also takes a lot of time. I pretty much study swimming. I go to coaching clinics and I am always looking for ways to help swimmers get faster.”
And if there is anything you would like to add? “Swimmers work really hard, to be good you have to put in a lot of time and effort. The Varsity swim teams, the girls and the boys, swim 3-4 miles each day. They get a total body workout; it can be grueling and our East High School Swimmers are tough. They deserve to have more credit and more respect for their efforts.”
Have you been wanting to get ready for this upcoming track season at East High School but don’t know where to start? Follow these tips and ideas that you can do to be prepared and ready to start off the track season on the right foot.
Figuring out where you sign up
In order to get ready for the track season, the first thing you must do is figure out where you sign up so you can be on the team and get your team schedules. If you figure out where you sign up, you could also figure out who your teammates will be and who your coach is. You could also figure out and start going to the off season workouts so you could be even more prepared before the track season even starts. So, don’t wait too long to sign up or you’ll miss out on the great opportunities to be prepared and ready.
Get to know your coach and your teammates
During the track season, there will be relays and medley relays that you’ll run with your teammates so, before you start running races on the track, you should spend time and bond with your teammates. You should also get to know your coach so you could get along with them. “It’s important to build a relationship of trust with your coach so you can be able to trust and like each other,” Head coach Kenneth Morton said. “Respect and getting along is a must have especially with your teammates”. “You can do better as a team,” track runner Brittney Pera said. It’s also important that you don’t have a bad attitude on the track because that could reflect on how you run. “During races, you could mess up, due to the frustration of others,” track runner Irene Mugisha said.