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Addressing the state of the diocese
Bishop Stika cites successes and challenges for the Church in East Tennessee
By Jim Wogan
In his 14 years guiding the Diocese of Knoxville, Bishop Richard F. Stika says he remains motivated by something he spoke about during his episcopal ordination at the Knoxville Convention Center on March 19, 2009.
“I proclaimed it then, and it remains my motivation even after all these years,” Bishop Stika said. “Teach Jesus; that is what I said we would do. And together we have done that since I arrived here almost 14 years ago.”
Those who have observed his work say that when Bishop Stika arrived in East Tennessee it seemed obvious that his other goal was to lead the diocese from infancy into adolescence.
“I have heard that,” Bishop Stika said. “Anyone who has raised a child would probably agree that moving them along in life can be a test. It requires love, and some - times there are challenges. Parents know this, and they understand that tough love is also an essential part of being a good parent.”
“Sometimes parents don’t have all the answers,” the bishop continued. “Books are nice, but most parents will probably tell you that nothing prepares you for parenthood more than experience. You learn as you go, and you make decisions based on what is right for your child. Sometimes, it’s the same for a bishop. But instead of books, we pray…a lot.
“A lot has happened in the diocese since I arrived here, and it has been good for those we serve—Catholics and also nonCatholics. We have grown, we have been faithful and charitable, and we continue to teach Jesus with our words and through our actions. Sometimes we need to be reminded of that.”
The Diocese of Knoxville turns 35 years old in 2023. The “new” cathedral will celebrate its fifth birthday in March. Bishop Stika, the longest serving bishop of the diocese, will mark 14 years as its shepherd next month. Other anniversaries and milestones are approaching. The bishop took time recently to update readers of The East Tennessee Catholic on the state of the diocese.
Financial strength
In January, the diocese posted