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Spotlight on Scholarship: End of Year Report [AY 2012-2013]

Prepared by Kelly Dorgan Research Coordinator Department of Communication East Tennessee State University Johnson City, TN 37614 dorgan@etsu.edu

Presented to Dr. Amber Kinser, Chair & The Communication Faculty Department Advance August 23, 2013

August 23, 2013 Welcome back! We’re doing some amazing work that needs to be recognized and applauded. • Five (5) of us received grant funding. • Three (3) of us applied and were approved for non-instructional assignments (NIA). • Nine (9) of us published eighteen (19) articles or books. • Fifteen (15) of us attended the 2013 CSS Spring Mixer. • Twenty (20) of our majors, minors, and PCOM students participated in the 2013 Boland Undergraduate Research Symposium or Appalachian Student Research Forum.

Let’s look at what we’ve been doing…

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~AY 2012-2013~

Thank you, Shara Lange & Amber Kinser for being the featured scholars during the 2013 Spring CSS Research Mixer. Fifteen of us met for lunch and had a great discussion about ETSU funding resources to help faculty pursue their research, instructional, and creative activities.

Let’s keep the discussion going. There are several of your friends and colleagues who have experience with grant writing and/or funding. Mary Alice Basconi, Presidential Grant-In-Aid Wesley Buerkle & Carrie Oliveira, IDC Grant Kelly Dorgan, RDC Small & Major; CDC; ARC Bobby Funk, Kellogg Amber Kinser, RDC Small & Major Grant Shara Lange, RDC Major Grant, Fulbright; AIMS Stephen Marshall, RDC Interdisciplinary Grant

And for a list of ETSU funding opportunities, keep reading‌ _________________ ______

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~Faculty Funding Resources~ 1. Presidential Grants-In-Aid Awarded annually, the Presidential Grants-in-Aid funds faculty development programs designed to enhance teaching, research development, or service. •

Eligible applicants: Full-time, tenured and tenure-track faculty, and lecturers. A department, school/college, or an interdisciplinary group may apply; however, group awards will be considered as an exception. • Maximum amount: $5,000. http://www.etsu.edu/research/internalfunding.htm#PGIA

2. Research Development Committee Grants for Faculty The Research Development Committee (RDC) offers three (3) types of internal grants to support research.

Small Grant Program

Major Research Grants

Interdisciplinary Grants

Awardees may use their funds for scholarly-related expenses, such as: supplies and equipment; travel to collect or access archives, analyze or present data/texts; meet with current collaborators; personnel, including student workers; or process any information pertinent to an existing project. Maximum amount: $1,500 http://www.etsu.edu/research/rdc/smallgrant/default.aspx

Awardees may use their funds for the development and continuation of research and scholarship projects. Faculty from all fields and disciplines are invited to apply. Proposals should emphasize that projects, if funded, will help enhance productivity and attract external funding. Maximum amount: $10,000 http://www.etsu.edu/research/rdc/major/default.aspx

Awardees may use their funds for faculty summer stipends, student assistants, supplies, equipment, and travel. These grants are intended to encourage faculty collaboration (e.g., across ETSU colleges, centers and departments). Faculty from all fields and disciplines are invited to apply. Maximum amount: $50,000 http://www.etsu.edu/research/rdc/interdisciplinary/default.aspx

3. Instructional Development Grants Awardees use their funds for projects intended to develop new teaching methods/curricula and enhance student learning. • •

Eligible expenditures: Applicants are encouraged to focus on innovation rather than equipment. Funds may be allocated for: released time; departmental instruction, curriculum development; educational resources; and/or project related travel. Maximum amount: $5,000

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4. Summer Research Fellowship in Arts & Sciences Awardees use their funds as a salary supplement, a combination of stipend and support for summer scholarly activity, or support for summer scholarly activity. •

Eligible applicants: Tenured and tenure-track faculty within the College of Arts and Sciences. • Maximum amount: $7,500 http://www.etsu.edu/research/internalfunding.htm#CAS_Summer

~Student Funding Resources~ 1. Student/Faculty Collaborative Research Grants Awardees use their funds to encourage outstanding undergraduate students to complete an organized research project during their senior year. • Eligible applicants: Undergraduate students (juniors and seniors). • Maximum amount: $1,200 http://www.etsu.edu/honors/research/students/collaboration.asp

2. Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowships Awardees use their funds for undergraduate students pursuing major research. Currently, there are three (3) types of fellowships, each provided as a scholarship to the student. •

Eligible applicants: Students enrolled in at least one (1) credit hour of research or independent study in the appropriate summer term(s). Best for rising Seniors. • Maximum amount: $3,000 https://www.etsu.edu/honors/research/students/summerresearch.asp

~ Faculty Scholarly Activities~ (Selected)

• Grant activities Mary Alice Basconi Basconi, M.A. (2013). Media Ethics Teaching. $420 grant awarded by the ETSU Presidential-Grant-In-Aid/ Wesley Buerkle (PI) & Carrie Oliveira (Co-I) Buerkle, W. & Oliveira, C. (2013-2014). Strategies to Reduce Inadvertent Student Plagiarism. $5000 grant awarded by the ETSU Instructional Development Committee.

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Andrew Dunn (PI) & Andrew Herrmann (Co-I) Dunn, A., & Herrmann, A. (Under Review). Fandom, Cosplay and Social Identity in Geekdom. $1500 grant under review by the ETSU Research Development Committee, Small Grant. Amber Kinser Kinser, A.E. (2012-2013). Motherhood and the Family Meal. $10,000 grant awarded by the ETSU Research Development Committee, Major Grant. Shara Lange Lange, S. (2012-2013). Czech Bluegrass [documentary]. $10,000 grant awarded by the ETSU Research Development Committee, Major Grant. Stephen Marshall (Co-I) Williams, S., Polaha, J. & Marshall, S.W. (2013). Leveraging IT to Network Kids to Services (LINKS): Adoption. ETSU Research Development Committee, Interdisciplinary Grant $50,000 [Not funded].

• N.I.A We have several faculty who have tapped into ETSU resources, including the noninstructional assignment (NIA). Wesley Buerkle (Spring 2013) Kelly A. Dorgan (Fall 2012)

Pat Cronin (Spring 2013) Stephen Marshall (Spring 2014)

If you’re interested in learning more about NIA opportunities, check out these links: http://www.etsu.edu/senate/facultyhandbook/section3.aspx#g -andhttp://www.etsu.edu/senate/facultyhandbook/forms.aspx

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Talk with your friends/colleagues about their AY 12-13 NIA experiences… Wesley Buerkle tackled a range of topics in his scholarly writings, including the 2012 Republican National Convention. He has multiple manuscripts being considered for publication by major journals, like “Kitchen porn, garden porn, and the form of consumptive rhetoric” under review at the Journal of American Culture. Plus, his research with Carrie Oliveira about college students’ reluctance to orally cite sources was funded by the ETSU Instructional Development Committee. This project has already yielded two manuscripts being readied for submission.

Pat Cronin performed in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman at the Kollectiv Theatre in Cork, Ireland. He even led a parade while there! Following its major run in Cork, the production travelled to Serbia. If you haven’t already, check out these links: http://issuu.com/doodlecreative/docs/spring_program_at_the_everyman -and-


Kelly A. Dorgan explored hundreds of pages of transcripts of stories from female cancer survivors’ living in Southern Central Appalachia, ultimately co-authoring five (5) manuscripts. Two articles were published in April 2013, one is forthcoming in the Journal of Appalachian Studies, and two more have been revised and are back under review with editors. A sixth manuscript is being considered for publication in Amber Kinser’s co-edited book Performing Motherhood. _________________ ______

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• Publishing, screening & directing Wesley Buerkle Buerkle, C. W. (In Press). [Review of the book Love and Money: Queers, Class, and Cultural Production, by Lisa Henderson]. Southern Communication Journal. Kelly A. Dorgan Dorgan, K.A., Duvall, K.L., & Hutson, S.P. (2013). Omnibus Survivorship Narratives: Multiple Morbidities among Female Cancer Survivors in South Central Appalachia. Business Research Yearbook, XX(1), pp. 255-262. Duvall, K.L., Dorgan, K.A., & Hutson, S.P. (2013). Navigating Family Cancer Communication: Communication Strategies of Female Cancer Survivors in South Central Appalachia. Business Research Yearbook, XX(1), pp. 263-270. Kelly A. Dorgan & Amber E. Kinser Dorgan, K.A., Duvall, K.L., Hutson, S.P., & Kinser, A.E. (Forthcoming). Mothered, Mothering & Motherizing in Illness Narratives: What Women Cancer Survivors in Southern Central Appalachia Reveal about Mothering-disruption. Journal of Appalachian Studies, 19. Andrew Dunn Dunn, R. A. (2013). Identity theories and technology. In R. Luppicini (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Technoself: Identity in a Technological Society (pp. 26-44). Delbert Hall Hall, D. (2013, Spring). Understanding Shock Loads. Theatrical Design and Technology, 49 (2), pp. 46-51. Hall, D. (2013, March 1). Rigging Math Made Simple. Spring Knoll Press. Bobby Funk Funk, R. D. (2013, June 13). Women and the War:1861-1865. Produced by The Sun City Theatre Production; Hilton Head, SC. Funk, R.D. (2012, April). [Director]. Blithe Spirit. Performed at the ETSU Bud Frank Theatre, Johnson City, TN; April 11-14, 2013. Andrew F. Herrmann Herrmann, A. F. (2013). Kierkegaard and Indirect Communication: Theorizing HRD, Organizational Socialization, and Edification. Human Resource Development Review, 12, pp. 66-88. Herrmann, A. F., Barnhill, J. J., & Poole, M. C. (2013). Ragged Edges in the Fractured Future: A Co-Authored Organizational Autoethnography. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 2, pp. 57-75. Herrmann, A. F. (2013). “C-Can We Rest Now?”: Foucault and the Discursive Subjectivities of Spike. Slayage: The Journal of the Whedon Studies Association, 10(1). Available at: http://slayageonline.com/essays/slayage35/Herrmann.pdf Herrmann, A. F. (2012). Never Mind the Scholar, Here’s the Old Punk: Identity, Community, and the Aging Music Fan. Studies in Symbolic Interaction, 39, pp. 153-170.

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John M. King Litvack, S. & King, J. M. (2013). Talking Heads: How Broadcast Media Frame the Public Relations Industry. Business Research Yearbook, 20(1), p. 47-53. Amber E. Kinser Kinser, A.E. (2013). [Review of the book Mothers and Daughters: Complicated Connections Across Cultures]. Ed. A. H. Deakins, R. B. Lockridge, and H. M. Sterk. Women and Language, 35 (2), pp. 113-114.

Kinser, A.E. (2013). Clever Deployments: A Foreword. In L. Buchanan, Rhetorics of Motherhood (pp. xiii-xvi). Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.

Kinser, A.E. (2012). Holding on by Letting Go: Personal Agency as Maternal Activism. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative, 3 (2) pp. 9-16.

Kinser, A.E. (2012). At the Core of the Work/Life Balance Myth: Motherhood and Family Dinners. In A. O’Reilly (Ed.), What Do Mothers Need?: Motherhood Activists and Scholars Speak Out on Maternal Empowerment For the 21st century (pp. 316-330). Toronto: Demeter. Herb Parker Parker, H. (2013). Bark Like a Dog! Outrageous Ideas for Actors. Spring Knoll Press. http://www.springknollpress.com/books-bark.html Parker, H. (2012, Fall). Try the magic If 2.0. Southern Theatre Magazine, LIII (4), p. 4. Parker, H. (2012, November). [Director] CAESAR 2012. Adapted from William Shakespeare and performed at the ETSU Bud Frank Theatre, Johnson City, TN; November, 15-18, 2012. Shara K. Lange Lange, S. K. (2013, August) [Director]. The Dressmakers: Constructing & Deconstructing Moroccan Clothes. Screened at UFVA Conference, Orange, CA, August, 2013. Recipient of the 2013 Award of Merit. Lange, S. K. (2013, June) [Director]. Banjo Romantika: American Bluegrass Music & The Czech Imagination. Screened at the American Center at the American Embassy, Prague, Czech Republic; June, 2013. Lange, S. K. (2013, June) [Director]. Banjo Romantika. Screened at the Banjo Jamboree Festival, Cåslav, Czech Republic; June, 2013. Lange, S. K. (2013, June) [Director]. Banjo Romantika. Screened at the CHP (Jerome college of Prague), Czech Republic; June, 2013.

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Lange, S. K. (2013, June) [Director]. Banjo Romantika. Screened at the Moravian Library, Brno, Czech Republic; June, 2013. Lange, S. K. (2013, June) [Director]. Banjo Romantika. Screened at the White Stork Festival, Luka nad Jihlavou; Czech Republic; June, 2013. Stephen W. Marshall Marshall, S. W., & Roberts, M. (In Press). International Advertising Strategy. The Handbook of International Advertising Research. Ed. Hong Cheng. Wiley-Blackwell.


Our faculty in the Division of Theatre & Dance had a productive year! In November 2012, Herb Parker directed CEASAR 2012. Herb painstakingly adapted William Shakespeare’s play for a special performance in ETSU’s Bud Frank Theatre. He also published Bark Like a Dog! Outrageous Ideas for Actors.

In March 2013, Delbert Hall published his book Math Rigging Made Simple. Then, in April, his flying effects expertise was on display in the Atlanta-based Alliance Theatre’s production of Zorro: The Musical. http://alliancetheatre.org/production/zorro

In April 2013, Cara Harker continued her commitment to faculty-student collaboration, advising 8 of our Spring 2013 Boland presenters.

In June 2013, Bobby Funk had his play Women and the War:1861-1865 produced by The Sun City Theatre (Hilton Head, SC).

In AY 2012-2013, Karen Brewster & Melissa Shafer worked on Theatrical Genre and Style: A Guide for Designers, Directors, and Performers. Due out in 2015, this is a companion book to Fundamentals of Theatrical Design (2011). _________________ ETSU Communication Scholarship


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~Student Scholarly Activities~ • 2013 ETSU Boland Undergraduate Research Symposium & 2013 ETSU Appalachian Student Research Forum (ASRF) Twenty (20) undergraduates and graduates represented us in the ETSU student research events: Boland Participants


Cailan Calloway William Cate Hunter Cline Hannah Hasch John Kaywood Ashley King Chelsea Kinser Taylor Manning Rachel Reece Kathryn Sanders Madison Shallcross Jason Street Amanda Sturgill Kacy Tiller Cate William

Theatre & Dance Theatre & Dance Theatre & Dance Theatre & Dance Theatre & Dance Theatre & Dance Theatre & Dance Communication Studies Communication Studies Theatre & Dance Theatre & Dance Communication Studies Communication Studies Theatre & Dance Theatre & Dance

ASRF Participants Justin Aubin Temitope Fancy Annalee Tull

______ Mariam Ayad Mike Fink

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A Special Thank You! Megan Fannon works tirelessly to get the word out about our faculty members’ amazing work. In addition to designing, maintaining, and updating the Department bulletin boards, she generates press releases and oversees the student journalists covering our activities and events.

Ellen Young manages the Department of Communication website. She’s transformed it into the informative and attractive showpiece it is now. Ellen regularly updates us about your many successes, as well as the funding opportunities and resources available to you.

Check out how, as a team, we’re joining forces to get the word out about the scholarly endeavors undertaken in the Department of Communication! http://www.etsu.edu/cas/comm/activities/research.aspx _________________ ______

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