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ETSU Votes

ETSU’s main campus is now a Washington County early voting location, providing students, faculty, staff, and other members of the community a convenient place to participate in early voting.
To celebrate the achievement, the Office of Leadership and Civic Engagement’s ETSU Votes initiative, in partnership with the Washington County Election Commission, hosted an unveiling ceremony March 2.
The early voting site is located in room 219 of the D.P. Culp Student Center. The news came after ETSU received a report from the Institute for Democracy & Higher Education that revealed student voting on campus increased significantly during the 2020 presidential election. The report indicated that the student voting percentage rose from 46.8 percent in 2016 to 64.3 percent in 2020 for a 17.5 percentage point increase overall. Efforts by the Office of Leadership and Civic Engagement and the student-led ETSU Votes initiative helped propel an increase in student participation in general elections, earning ETSU a Voter Friendly Campus designation for the 2021-2022 academic year. Director of Leadership and Civic Engagement. “It was a natural complement to our work of providing students with the tools and resources to register to vote, confirm their voter registration status, determine how and where to vote, understand what is on their ballot, and pledge to vote. I look forward to our continuing to increase student voter participation at ETSU.”
The early voting site is not in operation during the entirety of early voting periods. The early voting period for October 2022 begins October 19 and ends November 3. During that time, the early voting site located on ETSU’s campus will be in operation starting Monday, October 24, and ending Friday, October 28.
“We are thrilled to have ETSU serve as an early voting site for Washington County,” said Washington County Election Commission Administrator of Elections Dana Jones. “What a wonderful opportunity this is for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the larger community. We know when people can cast their ballot in familiar places, more voters vote.”
Briar R. Worley is Marketing and Communications Specialist in ETSU’s Office of University Marketing and Communications. | Photo by Briar R. Worley