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Three Roan Scholars were awarded EOGs for summer 2023. Thanks to continued generous financial support from Eastman Credit Union, Roan EOGs provide funding to rising Roan juniors and seniors who pursue exceptional summer opportunities.
Exploring architecture, history, and culture – Greece
Katie spent a month exploring Greece for the first time – both as part of an ETSU study abroad course and on her own after the course ended.
Cultural immersion and social work service – Ecuador
Shaina traveled to Ecuador as part of a study abroad course, then stayed on for an additional month to work with ‘Hombro a Hombro,’ where she focused on rural health care, volunteered and translated in a local clinic, and visited indigenous communities with that organization.
Public Health work – Ecuador
Riley was part of an ETSU group working on water sanitation and hygiene-related projects in partnership with the Universidad San Francisco de Quito.
Mr. Gump had a genuine desire to connect with each person he met, and he believed strongly in the importance of community. Those values were evident in the way he interacted with others, how he made people feel, and how he invested his time, energy, and resources in the local community. Here are just a few stories of the ways in which Roan Scholars are striving to follow his wonderful example.