Fall/Winter Sanctuary Girl Catalog

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c o n t faith things first

12 16 20 22

inspired fashion

34 36 42 44

MEET THE FA I TH THI N G S FI R ST COLL E CTI O N When only God’s Word will do. KNOW THE W O R D . L I VE THE WORD. B E THE W O R D . Faith vs. Fashion? Why can’t we do both! PRODU CT SPO TL I G HT The Vine THE CR O SS CO L L E CTI O N When words just won’t do, sometimes you just need the cross.

on the cover

Photographer and Designer CHRISTOPHER HAYES | Makeup RENISHA WILBORN


M E E T T H E IN S P IR E D FA S H ION C OL L EC T ION Inspiration and affirmation for everyone. S E M IC OL ON S P OT L IG H T What the semicolon represents is different for everyone. T H E I A M C OL L E C T ION Find yourself and declare yourself boldly with this collection. A F F IR M AT ION AV EN U E Our collection of all things affirming.

e n t s inspired home


ME E T THE I N SPI R E D HO ME CO L L E CTI O N Shower your home with inspiration.

issue no. 1 | the first

sanctuary life

26 47 50

M E E T T H E S A N C T U A RY G IRL T EA M & T H E S G F OU N D IN G 3 0 0 Flip through our Class of 2019 yearbook. U S H E R : T H E M E N OF S G We are the men of SG, and we are Unapologetically Supporting HER. WH Y S A N C T U A RY G IRL ? Hear from some of our ambassadors about what Sanctuary Girl means to them.

Editors CHRISTOPHER HAYES, SABRINA HAYES | Art Director CHRISTOPHER HAYES | Contributing Photographers CHRISTOPHER HAYES, JORDAN HAYES, ANAGRACE STOTTS | Writers SABRINA HAYES, VICTORIA HAYES, MICHELLE ROBINSON, TANIKA WARRIOR, SHARON McNEIL, DONNAMARIE TAMUCCI, ESSENCE MONTGOMERY, JANET SMITH, KRISTEN NOLTER Models SABRINA HAYES, JORDAN HAYES, ANAGRACE STOTTS, VICTORIA HAYES ©2019 Sanctuary Girl. All rights reserved. Sanctuary Girl is a faith-based organization committed to providing all applicants the opportunity to establish an Independent Sanctuary Girl Business without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status.



e n g r av e d on the wall 02 03 07 08 10 24 50 51


W H Y TH E NAM E He is my rock. My shield.

LE TTE R FR O M TH E FO UND E R S So yep, we did it.

M I SSI O N STATE M E NT We exist to empower, embolden, and equip women.

FO UND E R S FAV O R I TE S O F TH E SE ASO N Chris and Sabrina share what they’re loving this season.

TH O UGH TS FR O M SABR I NA It’s not about us.

AM BASSAD O R SPO TLI GH T Meet Michelle Robinson.

TH O UGH TS FR O M TH E FI E LD Why Sanctuary Girl?

TH E SANCTUARY GI R L CR E E D What we believe.




FOUNDERS FAVORITES OF THE SEASON 10 | BRAIDED RIBBON FILLER BRACELET SET Who doesn’t love a bulky arm? The Braided Ribbon Filler Set is perfect to layer with the Armored Up Series. With its mixed materials and splurge of fabric, these beauties will surely stand out and add more bling to your arm.



09 | LOVE GOLDEN PILLOW I’m all about cozy and all about love! Combine the two with the soft comfort buy blingy elegance of the Love Pillow in velvet with a gold overlay. Just the ticket to add sparkle to a sofa or a bedroom.

08 | BREATHE KEY I think this one speaks for itself. The Breathe Key holds me down when things get hectic or overwhelming, reminding me to just take life one step, one moment, and one breath at a time.



How often do we feel inadequate? Scroll through your social media news feed for more than three minutes and you’ll see what I’m talking about. The I Am Enough wristlet reinforces that I am me, the way God created me to be, and that is more than enough.


06 | ISAIAH 54:17 SHIELD Nothing makes me feel more at ease than knowing my guy is protected and wearing the Word while He’s out and about. The Isaiah Shield is a strong piece not just for men, but for women who want to wear a Word of protection over themselves.


05 | DANDELION KEY NECKLACE The story behind the Dandelion Key gives me chills. We can be beautiful, we can be wispy, and we can even float in the clouds when we want to as women...but oh when God plants us. Watch and see what we will do.


04 | THE ANOINTED ONE BOTTLE NECKLACE Anointed Oil is a timeless tool in the life of a Christian. Being able to wear it on the go and use it on the go is priceless. The Anointed One is the perfect solution while making for a beautiful conversation starter.




I Am His. No sweeter words spoken. Included in our Inspired Fashion Collection, it can refer to a special man in your life, or crossover into the Faith Things First Collection and hold God Himself as the subject matter. Either way, this piece makes me feel loved and covered.

02 | I AM SANCTUARY GIRL STATEMENT BRACELET What better way to represent who I am than with the I Am Sanctuary Girl bar bracelet. Knowing who I am and Whose I am keeps me grounded in safety and security in my identity. I sport this one everyday.

01 | THE VINE The Vine just wows. It wows but it’s the leafy version of clutching my pearls! When I begin to sense distance between me and God, I just pick her up and remind myself of John 15.5. Go check it out.


01 9



I’m sitting here typing this at my parents’ kitchen counter, watching my husband cook dinner on my parents’ stove, while listening to my daughter sing some tunes in my parents’ guest room. We gave a lot up for this gig. I permanently (and publicly) closed the doors to my online boutique, The Affirmation Shop. I emptied my calendar of every pre-scheduled Women’s Retreat & Ministry Event. We sold our home and took my parents up on their offer to stay in the attic of their new home in order to allocate all of our funds to the startup of our new adventure. We gave a lot up for this gig. Did I say that already? Being serial entrepreneurs can be hard. But being one with a massive Spirit-led mission and a drive that won’t stop is even worse. It comes with a mind that won’t stop, ideas that never cease to sprout up, creativity that flows with every moment, and a need to hit the floor running at every available moment. It comes at the cost of not being able to languish in bed, having to decline date nights with friends, and missing out on things that would normally sound appealing, if it weren’t for the potential loss to progress and productivity. It comes with other things too: increased doubt and fear, intimidation that perhaps the vision is too much for the provision, worries over missed things, bad decisions, and fear of rejection.


But there’s something to be said about knowing that when you press through, when you persevere through the fatigue, the worry, and the fear, when you keep going and jump off of your faith cliff anyway, that the potential to impact, inspire, and influence the lives of many is waiting and is enormous. There’s something about knowing this that just makes the heart beat a bit faster, that sets your feet a bit firmer, and that makes you stand a bit taller.

It’s about putting others before ourselves. It’s pretty much what Jesus asks us to do. We do this because it’s not about us. It’s about all of the women waiting for us. So we choose to show up, no matter what. No matter how hard it is, how tired we are, or how scared we might be.

None of this is about me. None of this is about us. When all is said and done, there will be an opportunity for women’s lives to be impacted all around the world as a result of this endeavor, the financial outlooks of entire families can improve as a result of this movement, the mindsets, goals, and even relationships with God can be influenced as a result of this venture.

What have you been called to do that is ultimately not about you? What lives have you been called to impact through a divine combination of gifts that only you have been given? How many people could miss out on a lesson or a blessing if you choose not to show up? How many people would be forever changed if you did? Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t

Ambassadors can leave our socials emboldened. Guests can leave our socials encouraged. Hostesses can leave our socials empowered. We can lead our organization inspired. People can be saved.

give give give give

in in in in

to to to to

procrastination. self-pity. fear. doubt.

Remember, it’s not about you. Get up, get out, and do whatever it is you have been called to do, because someone out there is waiting for you.

It’s HUGE. All of it.

Don’t let her down. Ultimately, choosing faith over our fear, productivity over procrastination, and self-discipline over self-pity is about choosing her over ourselves. It’s about putting the potential to inspire others and the desire to be a changing force in the lives of women all over the world over our own needs. It’s about loving others as we love ourselves.




meet the faith things first collection

FAITH THINGS FIRST COLLECTION When only God’s Word will do, the Inspired Faith Collection presents pieces based on Scripture and faith alone. Cover yourself in Truth for every occasion. So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. - Deuteronomy. 11:18




ARMORED UP STACKABLE COLLECTION Sometimes you need Scripture in front of you at all times for the season you are in. “Tie them to your hands” with our Statement Bracelet Collection and meditate on them throughout the day while staying on trend and in style. Collect and stack them for an even better look and a bigger dose of the Word over your life!

P R ODUCT SP E CS & DESC RIPT IO N 2 ½ inch Metal Alloy Plated Gold Flex Wire Surround 2-inch Metal Alloy Engraved Bar Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .3 ounces

A | HE L OV E S M E W IR E B A NGL E Item No. 4204 $22


B | I W IL L NOT B E M OV E D W IR E B A NGL E Item No. 4202 $22

C | B E STIL L & KN O W W IR E B A NGL E Item No. 4200 $22







D | I A M NO T DISC O U RA GED WIR E BA NGLE Item No. 4205 $22

E | GOD IS FOR M E NO NE C A N STA ND WIRE B A NGL E Item No. 4201 $22


F | NOTHING C A N SE PA R ATE M E W IR E B A NGL E Item No. 4207 $22


G | I A M SA NC TU A RY GIR L W IR E B A NGL E Item No. 4206 $22

know the word. live the word. be the word.




faith vs. fashion FAITH VS. FASHION Why can’t we do both? Let’s change the narrative.




C A | FE A R FU L LY & W ONDE R FUL LY HE A RT & C HA R M NE C K L A C E Item No. 8202 $22 B | GOD W ITHIN HE R L IGHTW EI G H T L OC K E T Item No. 8211 $15 C | THE P R AYE R OF J A B E Z P E N D AN T & NE C K L A C E Item No: 8207 $18




the vine PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.

I am...you the

– John 15:5 NLT The Vine reminds us to stay connected. Everything we do and everything we are - wives, moms, professionals, entrepreneurs, caregivers, and more - all of it is done with success when we remain connected to Him: The Vine. Stay connected. The Vine can help you to remember. 20

A | THE V INE { IC ON C OL L E C TION } Coppertone Rhinestone Accent 3-inch extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Mixed Metal Alloy 16-inch total length Weight: 1.7 ounces Item No. 6500 $39

vine... are the branches 21


A | T HE HA MMERED C RO SS { IC O N C O LLEC T IO N } Burnished Silver Tone 3-inch Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Multi bead/layered Cross Pendant Necklace Set 2.5-inch Hammered Pendant 1.25 Fish Hook Earring Length: 17-inch Weight: 1.5 ounces Item No. 6600 $39

the hammered cross WHEN WORDS WON’T DO When words just won’t do, sometimes you just need the cross.






I’ve never imagined one day becoming a leader of a huge organization. I’ve never had the desire to be the chief. I don’t need to be the one calling the shots. I’m okay taking orders from someone else (as long as they’re respectful and fair). I’ve always been content with just doing the best job that I knew I could do. I had no problem heading up small groups, but there was no need for me to be in charge.

The word that keeps popping up over and over again is the word Influencer. No, not a social media influencer, someone who is paid to influence (convince) you to purchase a product from some corporate sponsor. I’m talking about being a person whose life sets an example for other people, who lives a life of integrity, and is focused on positively touching the lives of everyone whom she meets.

But lately, like in the last couple of years, I’ve been feeling a shift in my feelings, a slow change of heart. Now don’t get me wrong. I am still not interested in becoming the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, not even the principal of my school. However, I have been feeling a strong urge or push or calling to get out there and do more.

This word influencer has been following me. I read three different devotionals each morning. At some point over the past couple of weeks, each one of those devotionals has talked about being an influencer for Jesus whether it was in the way I was to lead in my home or how I am supposed to treat my


coworkers, students, or strangers on the street, or even about what I decide to post on social media. To make it even crazier, this new journey of mine with Sanctuary Girl deals with choosing to be someone who inspires versus being someone who inspires and influences (and believe me there is a difference). Is all of this just a coincidence? I think not. As one of my dear friends always says, “You can’t make this stuff up.”

MY HEART IS OPEN The main point that has been drilled in me is that, “People are watching”. This realization has finally gotten to me, and I am embracing the understanding that I have to step it up when it comes to letting my light shine for the world to see. There is no “on the fence” or hoping someone else will do it. It’s my light to shine, my gift to share with the world. I don’t have a choice. There is no other option. I’ve been playing it safe. Flying under the radar. Doing my part but keeping it small, feeling as if the message I have to share isn’t that important, that special, that different. But it is. It definitely is. I mean, it has changed my life. So who am I to say that others don’t deserve the same? I know there are so many others already doing what I’m setting out to do, but why do I think that I don’t have a place? No one can do it just like me! Actually, the Bible commands that I extend this opportunity to others, tell others the Good News, and inspire, no, influence people, especially women, to live their best lives. Part of this journey began when I went to a women’s conference in Tennessee. It was life changing. I was surrounded by women (including my bestie who invited me) who were chasing their dreams. All around me were business owners at various stages whether they were just starting out or had been in business a few years. The energy in the air was more than inspiring; it was influencing. I knew I could not go back home the same way that I had left. The woman who was over the entire program said something that really stood out to me (actually she said a lot that stood out to me), but one of the quotes that knocked the wind out of me was when she said, “Fear wants to box you into a small life”. While others may not think that was a big deal, but at that point, on the last day of the event, it was what I needed to hear. I was already extremely motivated to go home and live out my purpose, but I knew that fear had been holding me back from doing that to the degree that I needed to do. I’ve written about overcoming fears before, but this time it truly was different.

A popular Christian speaker that I enjoy had also spoken about the concept of us dying empty. She said that God put things in us to pour out into the world and to leave there. We were to pour out all of that goodness stored within us in order to bless others. When I looked at my life, I couldn’t say that I was truly doing that.

NO MORE PLAYING IT SMALL Playing it small has kept me back from so many big opportunities, so many chances to make a difference in someone else’s life, so many chances to collaborate with other people on great projects. I have let ideas shrivel up and die, blow away in the wind to be forgotten all because I didn’t think I really had what it took. But not any more. How dare I not share with the world all that God has put inside of me? I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am here to help others have a better life. I’ve always had a heart for people. I hurt when other people hurt. I cry when other people cry. It might sound corny but my dream, the thing I would like to see happen most is for everyone to just be happy. I want everyone to enjoy their lives, the good and the bad, the ups and the downs. I’ve always felt that it was unfair and selfish for me to have such a great life (Lord knows that I am truly blessed) while others are hurting. And to think that it may just take a word from me, a kind gesture, a sharing of the Good News, a shoulder to lean on, a special life-affirming gift, or even a blog post like this.

NEXT STEPS I’ve said all of that to say this. I can and I will use my gifts and talents to bless others. I will no longer play it safe. In just the few weeks since the conference I have taken some pretty big steps out of my comfort zone and I plan to do even more of that in the near future. Why should I try to fit in when I was born to stand out? (Thank you, Dr. Seuss). God, I hear you! It’s time for me to stop playing small and take a leap of faith. Thank you, God, for the great examples in my life of other women who are willing to stand up for what is right and go all the way out there for you! I’m ready to see where You will take me!

What about you? How will you spend your life? Are you playing it small? Is it time for you to take that leap of faith? We would love to hear from you!

I’ve been playing it safe. Flying under the radar. Doing my part but keeping it small, feeling as if the message I have to share isn’t that important, that special, that different. But it is. It definitely is.






meet the founding



class of 2019







A | M Y STORY ISN’T OV E R NE C K L A C E (L ARG E) Zinc Alloy 1.5-Inch Pendant (with Sanctuary Girl Charm) 18-inch Link Chain w/ Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .4 ounces Item No. 8220 $20

meet the inspired fashion collection

MY STORY ISN’T OVER YET Inspiration and affirmation for everyone, regardless of faith or belief. Sometimes you just need to encourage yourself.



my story isn’


“A semicolon is used when an author could’ve chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to. The author is you and the sentence is your life.” - Amy Bleuel · The Founder of Project Semicolon a written perspective from

Victoria Hayes

daughter of the founders

What the semicolon represents is different for everyone. Depression is more than just a sad feeling every now and then. It’s an attacker that has taken and continues to take life every day, and is something I’ve struggled with for a very long time. Sometimes it’s hard when people tell you how “easy” the fixes are. It alienates you, it makes you feel like maybe perhaps you ARE unfixable, because you can’t just “think happy” or “change your lifestyle” like everyone else. When I first heard of the semicolon movement, I was skeptical of another romanticization trend. However, I’ve come to find that it has created a community of people who feel the same way I do. In many ways, this tattoo has inspired me, made me smile, and even gave me opportunities to share with people how serious depression can actually get. Suicidal thoughts are no stranger to me. Though a serious attempt was never made, there have been many points in life where it legitimately seemed like a more ideal option. When I got this tattoo, I was getting more than just a tattoo. I was getting a permanent reminder that my life, my sentence, is not over yet. I was getting a permanent reminder that there are people out there who feel the same as I do, and are fighting just as hard. I was giving myself a symbol of hope for a future that I originally did not long for. A simple symbol of continuation, on a body that didn’t want to continue. My sentence is important. So is yours. I believe a lot of people need to hear this, and it’s through this symbol that I can communicate it.


’t over yet model: Victoria Hayes

A | MY STORY IS N ’T OVER NEC KLA C E (SMA LL) Zinc Alloy .75-Inch Pendant 18-inch Link Chain w/ Extender Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .2 ounces Item No. 8204 $15






fillers model: Jordan Hayes








A | MU LT ILAYER BEA DS: E ART HY T O NES Item No. 5703 $18

C | MULTIL AYE R B E A DS: GRAY TONE S Item No. 5705 $18

E | B A NGL E S & R IB B ON FIL L E R : P INK & B L U E FL OR A L Item No. 5700 $18

B | MU LT ILAYER BEA DS: BLAC K T O NES Item No. 5704 $18

D | BANGL E S & R IB B ON FIL L E R : GREEN FL OR A L Item No. 5702 $18

F | B A NGL E S & R IB B ON FIL L E R : R E D & B L A C K FL OR A L Item No. 5701 $18














the keys A | C O NQ U ERO R KEY Item No: 1211 $18

C | SET A PART K E Y Item No. 1217 $18

E | HIS B E L OV E D K E Y Item No: 1213 $18

G | U NB OTHE R E D K E Y Item No. 1219 $18

I | FAV OR E D K EY Item No: 1212 $18

B | PO WERF U L KEY Item No: 1214 $18

D | U NA F RA ID K E Y Item No. 1218 $18

F | P U R P OSE D K E Y Item No: 1215 $18

H | SA NC TU A RY GIR L KEY Item No: 1216 $18

J | V IC TOR IO US KEY Item No. 1220 $18



A | I AM LOVE D Item No: 2002 $22 B | I AM E N OUG H Item No: 2007 $22 C | I AM BE AUTIFUL Item No: 2004 $22 D | I AM FE AR LE SS Item No: 2003 $22 E | I AM BLE SS E D Item No: 2005 $22 F | I AM WORTH Y Item No: 2006 $22 G | I AM HIS Item No: 2001 $22


i am collection THE I AM STACKABLE BRACELET COLLECTION When you don’t feel beautiful, when you don’t feel loved, or when you don’t feel like you’re enough...Remind yourself that you are ALL the things; because you are His. Welcome to the I Am Collection. Find yourself and declare yourself boldly here.


model: Sabrina Hayes










a f f i r m at ion av e n u e LETTER IN A BOTTLE The art of the handwritten letter to a loved one is not yet lost. Gift the Letter in a Bottle Pendant Necklace along with a note from your own hand to someone you want to share your heart with. Holding the sentiment of your thoughts close to their heart will be something they’ll always remember.


A | L E T TE R IN A B O T TL E P E N DAN T Item No. 8203 $18

affirming 44

THE DANDELION COLLECTION Our Dandelion Collection is special to us. The dandelion seed is judged to be light and airy, floating around, with no apparent ability to do anything but look wispy and pretty. But oh when she lands and is planted... She changes the entire landscape of her environment, and it takes a force to uproot her. Sort of like us girls. We may seem light and airy and cute and underestimated in our ability to make an impact... ...but oh when we land. The Dandelion Collection reminds us that we can be beautiful and wispy and light, but don’t underestimate our abilities, our ideas, and our power as women to change the landscape of the world around us. It’s who we are.



A | A NTIQU E DO ME KEY (SILV E R ) Item No: 1104 $18 B | DR E A M S W IL L S O AR B U L B NE C K L A C E Item No: 1103 $18


our women... 45


C | A NTIQU E DO ME KEY (A NTIQU E B R ON Z E) Item No: 1102 $18


D | L E T GO C HA RM NE C K L A C E Item No: 1101 $15

THE PERSEVERANCE COLLECTION When you need to remind yourself or someone else to keep going, that you can do all the things,


and that nothing can stand in the way of a girl with a dream and the determination to keep going, turn to our Perseverance Line. No one can stand in the way of your goals and dreams but you.

B A | I M A GIN E ACHIE VE D R E AM P E N D AN T Item No. 8208 $15 B | B R AV E R SMARTE R S TR O NGE R P E N DAN T Item No. 8205 $15


The Anointed Ones gives women the opportunity to keep their anointing oil on deck for immediate need. Blessing a home, a sick patient, a child, or even yourself is simply a


matter of reaching up.

C | T H E AN OIN TE D O NE S P E N D AN T: T UR Q U O ISE Item No. 8201 $20

D | T HE A NO INT ED ONES PENDA NT: P INK Item No. 8200 $20



E | N O WE APO N S HIE LD N E CKLA C E 24-inch heavy link chain Vintage Silver Zinc Alloy Lead and Nickel Compliant Weight: .8 ounces SKU: AX-IF-SHIELD01 Item No: 3001 $25

USHER (UNAPOLOGETICALLY SUPPOR TING HER) We are the Men of SG. When it comes to our Sanctuary Girl, we are Unapologetically Supporting Her. Nothing beats a man who consciously chooses to cover himself in the Word. The No Weapon Shield declares the protective Word of Isaiah 54:17 over us in our life, reminding us that no weapon formed against us will prosper.





pillow covers subject to avail abilit y


A | B E YOU R OW N K IND O F B E A U TIFU L P IL L OW C O V ER Item No. 7700 $12



B | BE C OU R A GE O US L ITTL E SOUL P IL L OW C O V ER Item No. 7701 $12 C | GOOD V I B ES P IL L OW C O V ER Item No. 7703 $12



D | I A M B RAV E P IL L OW C O V ER Item No. 7705 $12 E | L OV E A LWAY S P IL L OW C O V ER Item No. 7707 $12



F | B E A U TIF UL M INDS P IL L OW C O V ER Item No. 7709 $12 G | B E L IE V E I N YOU R SE L F P IL L OW C O V ER Item No. 7702 $12



H | HU STL E P IL L OW C O V ER Item No. 7704 $12 I | L OV E P IL L OW C O V ER Item No. 7706 $12



J | L OV E IS P IL L OW C O V ER Item No. 7708 $12

meet the inspired home collection 49


thoughts from the field


TANIKA WARRIOR SG is the journey of a woman who sought God and met Him in a most intimate place. A place so intimate and filled with the presence of God that she chose to abide there and make it her home. SG is about overcoming your flesh and surrendering completely to the will of the Father and finding rest and refuge in your trust for Him.

SHARON MADONNA MCNEILL Sanctuary Girl is a direct answer to prayer, reminding me that God does indeed have a plan for me, and He gave me Sanctuary Girl as a specific answer to my prayer to love, embrace and empower women who are struggling in so many different seasons, while satisfying my desire to pursue ALL things of the Lord with like-minded Women of Faith.

DONNAMARIE TAMUCCI Sanctuary Girl saved me. It gave me the courage to believe and the strength to carry on. I have a special needs daughter and my husband is a disabled veteran. I also had health issues and almost died two years ago. I was very angry at God for a long time. I stumbled upon Sabrina through mutual friends, and have followed her ever since. It’s no coincidence I ended up here. I know that God brought me here for a reason. I have never felt such a sisterhood, had such support, and met real, likeminded women. It has brought God back into my life, and I now know that Sanctuary Girl is my purpose.

ESSENCE L. MONTGOMERY Sanctuary Girl It’s a safe Haven and a place to help encourage all, bringing light to women, even before they know THE LIGHT OF GOD. SG is giving me a new hope to walk in purpose.

JANET SMITH Sanctuary Girl allows for a two-fold blessing! As a believer, it equips you to inspire and share your faith with women in the mission field of life all the while directly covering the women that host impactful social gatherings with their friends and family.

KRISTEN NOLTER If Sanctuary Girl helps me to change one person’s life then I will be happy.... I’ve got a real good feeling it’s going to be a whole lot more then one though. Especially since mine is already being changed. We are a community of sisters spreading the Word, showing unconditional love, and lifting each other up. The products are the bonus.


THE SANCTUARY GIRL CREED The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon us, for the Lord has anointed us to bring good news to the poor. He has sent us to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and the prisoners freed. He has sent us to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord’s favor has come, and with it, the day of the Lord’s anger against His enemies. In our righteousness, we will be like great oaks planted for His own glory. We will rebuild ancient ruins, repairing cities destroyed long ago. We will revive them, though they have been deserted for many generations. We will be called priests of the Lord, Ministers of our God. We will feed on the treasures of the nations and boast in their riches. Instead of shame and dishonor, we will enjoy a double share of honor. We will possess a double portion of prosperity in our land, and everlasting joy will be ours. Our descendants will be recognized and honored among the nations. Everyone will realize that we are a people the Lord has blessed.

Isaiah 61

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