Engaging the World Number 1 in a series of bid communications from Beaver Creek/Vail
Beaver Creek/Vail and FIS — a winning team Since 1967 and the inception of the FIS World Cup, Beaver Creek and Vail have grown into one of the sport’s foremost hosts, welcoming athletes from around the globe for 88 World Cup events and two FIS World Alpine Ski Championships. And now as 2015 approaches, it is our hope to welcome the world once again.
Engaging the world through partnership
Bid Committee Chairpeople John Garnsey, Bill Marolt and Ceil Folz at the FIS World Cup in Solden, Austria
The bid for this prestigious event represents a collaborative effort of individuals and organizations with significant experience and deep passion for alpine ski racing. Most importantly this represents a partnership between the International Ski Federation, U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association, the Vail Valley Foundation organizing committee, Vail Resorts and the entire Vail Valley community. It’s a partnership that we extend to you through our theme: Engaging the World.
Bid committee
J o hn G a rn s ey
h a r ry fr a m pton
bill marolt
ceil fo lz
Co-President Vail Resorts, Inc 40 years ski industry experience
Chairman of the Vail Valley Foundation Board of Directors
President/CEO of the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Association
President of the Vail Valley Foundation
Past President of Vail Associates 27 years ski industry experience
Former Top Alpine Racer and Olympian
50+ years ski industry experience
20 years ski industry/ ski event organization experience
bjo rn eri k borg e n
g e o r g e g i lle tt
d e xte r pain e
h ank tau b er
Vail Valley Foundation Board Member
Former owner of Vail Associates
Former U.S. FIS Council Member
Owner of Kvitfjell Ski Resort
25 years ski industry experience
Chairman of the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Association Board of Directors 45 years ski industry experience
50+ years ski industry experience
40 years ski industry experience
Longtime ski racing supporter gngillett@bcmgt.com
Former CEO Marker International
“ O ur partnership with both Vail Resorts and the Vail Valley Foundation goes back to the early days of World Cup skiing in the United States and together, we have created one of the premier annual events on the tour...� bill m arolt Preside nt / CEO o f t he U. S . Sk i & Snow b oa rd A s s oc i at ion
< P roposed Women’s Downhill Course east of the current Men’s Birds of Prey racecourse.
“ For the women to race downhill in Beaver Creek would be incredible… as a World Cup and World Championship venue it wouldn’t get much better than that!” Lin dsey Von n Worl d C up s k i rac e r
Should the Beaver Creek/Vail 2015 FIS World Alpine Ski Championships bid be successful, the women will be racing on similar terrain to what the men currently enjoy in Beaver Creek as the bid committee has committed to building a new women’s downhill course… next to the infamous Birds of Prey. The proposed new course will be located just to the skier’s right of the current Birds of Prey men’s racecourse, featuring a vertical drop of 705 meters and a length of 2,377 meters. The women’s downhill course would utilize the same finish area as the men’s, connecting into Birds of Prey just above the Red Tail Jump.
Highlights of Beaver Creek/Vail ski racing
Birds of Prey course designer and skiing legend Bernhard Russi walks the course. The course was constructed in 1996 for the 1999 FIS World Alpine Ski Championships
Tamara McKinney wins gold for USA in the Combined event at the1989 FIS World Alpine Ski Championships in Vail. Vreni Schneider and Brigitte Oertli of Switzerland won silver and bronze
Katie Monahan at the 1999 FIS World Alpine Ski Championships
Austria’s Hermann Maier has won eight races on the Birds of Prey course
Birds of Prey boasts one of the largest volunteer crews on the World Cup circuit with over 600 dedicated individuals
Norway’s Aksel Lund Svindal on the Birds of Prey course in 2009
“ I can honestly say that Birds of Prey hosts the best races on the World Cup. The courses and snow are always perfect and they have the hardest working crew on the tour.” s t eve n ny m an Worl d Cup sk i rac er
“ The Vail USA House will be the perfect place to be following a race or prior to a team meeting. We look forward to meeting our many friends from around the world, while also making many new ones.” joh n ga r nsey, B id C om mit t e e M e mb e r
vail usa house to host festivities in whistler
Athletes, coaches, officials and media will have a “home away from home” at the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games as the Vail USA House will host daily après ski race festivities at their hospitality house throughout the course of the games. Located in Creekside, the site of all Olympic alpine competitions, the Vail USA House will operate on all race days. Access to the Vail USA House will be via credential or invitation and the house will be staffed by key members of the Vail Valley community, including Vail Resorts, the Vail Valley Foundation and the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Association.
b j o r n e r i k b orge n
ge orge gil l e tt
c e i l fo lz
bil l m arolt
h a r ry fr a m pton
d e xte r pain e
Jo h n G a r n se y
h an k taube r
2 0 1 5 En gagin g Th e Worl d 9 7 0 -9 4 9 -1 9 9 9 www. vv f. or g/2 0 1 5
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Our bid committee looks forward to Engaging the World