No Headache. No Hardware. No Hassle. No Compromise Lite Manufacturing in the Cloud
Low Risk
The Premier Cloud Manufacturing Solution For Companies With Less Than 200 Employees
Lite manufacturing companies share common goals: grow business, control costs, and increase profitability
A Comprehensive Set Of Modules To Allow You To Manage Your Activities
Work Order Management
Inventory Mangement
Warehouse Management
Procurement Management
Employee Portal
Customer Visualization
Project Management
Built-in Mobility
Built from the ground up for the cloud by manufacturing experts. mfg:LITE delivers broad and deep functionality that puts you ahead of the competition.
mfg:Lite is more than a deployment decision, it’s a strategic choice and goes to the heart of how you define your business
The mfg:LITE Difference Total Cost of Ownership
Continuous Innovation
Lower your cost of installing, maintaining and supporting your Lite Manufacturing system — in year one and every year after.
Take advantage of new innovations the minute they are available. Always be upto-date without ever again having to go through a tedious upgrade process.
Intuitive User Experience
Customers for Life
Your users will love the modern, consistent mfg:LITE user interface, accessible from any Internet-connected device.
With an industry-leading renewal rate of 95%, mfg:LITE proudly supports more than 1,100 plants in 10 countries.
Time to Value Remove complexity and cost with a true cloud implementation. Get benefits quickly with your new Lite Manufacturing solution.
Anytime, Anywhere Access Be more productive with our most complete and connected user experience. Access mfg:LITE from any Internet-connected PC or Mac, tablet or smartphone.
Corporate Office: 1234 Roshan’s Street Jacksonville, FL 81345 +1 904 205 4563