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THE HEALTHY SUMMER GARDEN Gardener, Charlie Albone shows us how
from ele HOME Issue 4
Summer is still a busy time in the garden, with all the great work done in spring preparing is now paying off. Like us, many plants struggle with Australia’s hot humid summers. We asked Richgro Ambassador, Charlie Albone, for some tips and tricks that you can apply to your own garden this summer.
Weeds This spring was particularly good for plant growth - including weeds too. Right now, there are many weed seeds in the ground waiting to germinate.
Keeping weeds under control before they set seed saves a lot of work in the future. If you don’t have time to remove a weed completely at least remove the flowers before they drop their seeds.
Fertiliser and fungicide usage To ensure roses are performing at their best, fertilise fortnightly with a liquid feed throughout the flowering season. A fertiliser with a ratio of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium such as 8-2-10 plus trace elements will do the job.
To minimise fungal issues water in the early morning and a fortnightly spray of Fungicide until April will provide protection. Remove spent flowers and diseased growth throughout summer and autumn.
It’s a good time to fertilise Camellias, Azaleas and Rhododendrons to encourage bud development for flowering in the cooler months. There are a few specialised Camellias, Azaleas and Rhododendrons fertilisers readily available. Don’t overuse fertilisers as these plants often have shallow sensitive roots which can be damaged by over fertilising.
When to prune It is also a good time to prune Wisteria to keep unruly summer growth under control. Wisteria in the warmer climates can have all the wispy growth removed throughout summer. When pruning in Autumn leave about one foot of this year’s growth for next year’s flowers as Wisteria flower on old wood.
Check that your garden is adequately mulched anywhere between 50 to 75 mm thick for most plants. During hot windy weather, the soil surface can dry out stressing plants. A mulch layer helps to maintain water in the soil and suppress weeds. If you use an organic mulch such as straw or compost this will add nutrients and improve soil health.
The most important tip in Summer is to make sure your garden stays well hydrated over this hotter period. Be sure to add or top up mulch and apply a soil wetter to your entire garden and pots.
Keep your garden healthy and waterwise Bare soil is an invitation for weeds to grow. Mulch, mulch and more mulch! Don’t leave a square centimetre exposed. This will also protect fine delicate roots from extremely hot temperatures. Mulch will help retain moisture in the soil and hence decrease the amount of watering required.
Re-apply Richgro’s Ezi-Wet Water Saving Soil Wetter to the whole garden if you are finding the water beading and running off the soil surface.

Roses and flowering plants Keep watering Roses with deep soaking and apply a soil wetter if the soil appears dry and water repellent. Feed Roses and flowers with a light dressing of fertiliser. A complete fertiliser is good, but a specialised one like Richgro’s Black Marvel Premium Rose Food will give them the boost they require and ensure you are not wasting fertiliser unnecessarily.
Inspect plants carefully for insects such as two spotted mites thriving in the hot dry weather. Apply some Richgro Lime Sulfur if plants are under threat.
December can be a flowering month for many plants and once they have finished flowering, dead head or trim them to encourage new growth. Do this in the afternoon to allow the plant to adjust to their new shape before the full sun hits.
Fruit and vegetables Feed all established fruit trees including citrus as well as existing vegies. For your fruits, a good, specialised fertiliser like Richgro Black Marvel Premium Fruit & Citrus Food will have amazing results.

Protect edible crops from high temperatures. Top up mulch on your veggie patches and herb gardens especially if you are heading off for holidays. Choose a sustainable, low environmental impact natural mulch such as Richgro Natural Pinebark or Hard Wood Mulch.
Vegetable gardens will need a little more water (at least once a day) as the temperatures reach consistently over 32+ Celsius. Water in the morning or in the evening.
When it starts getting warm there are a few things you could still add into the patch. You can put in some Sweetcorn, Capsicum, Chilli, Beetroot, Eggplant, Carrots, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Zucchini and Cucumber.

Lawn and turf maintenance Lift mower blades when mowing the lawn. A longer blade of grass protects the lawns root system reducing evaporation and the temperature of the soil. Apply a soil wetter to improve watering in hotter weather. If Black Beetles come up from holes in lawns, treat with Richgro Lawn Beetle and Grub Killa.
Potted gardens Mulch the top of the pots. If you notice that soils are very dry and the water sits on top rather than drain into the soil, apply Ezi-Wet soil wetter –it helps the water in.

*Top up mulch and apply a soil wetter to your entire garden and pots. * If going away on holiday bunch all plants in pots together and place them in the shade, they won’t dry out as quickly and it makes it easier if you have a neighbour or friend watering for you. * When watering, choosing the right time of the day can make all the difference – best to water in the cooler morning, avoid watering late in the afternoon and evening as this can encourage fungus diseases especially in lawns. * Give the dog somewhere cool to lie. A pile of damp sawdust is great, just hose down every night or morning and as they dig it, so it is cool for them to lie in. It will save your garden.