The Red Ink Vol. 4 Ed. 1 Fall Edition

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O ctober 28, 2011


RED Ink 114 Park Ave, Eaton, CO 80615

Vol . 3 Ed . 1

The Ink goes tech See Story Page 2


October 28, 2011

Property purchased for future high school robertanders staffreporter

Over this past summer, Eaton School District RE-2 purchased a large piece of land just west of the Evangelical Free Church in Eaton. The land has yet to be acted on, and has lain dormant since at least mid July. According to Dr. Randy Miller, Eaton School District superintendent, the land was purchased, “Possibly for a new school sometime in the future. It all depends on the growth of our schools. The land could be used in anywhere from five to 20 years.” Purchased as farmland, the potential new school ground is located on County Road 74 and County Road 35. This land, as it is still not

Photo by googlemaps

Above is the map of Eaton and they new land purchased by the district. The land extends west from the two-way stop to county road 35, where it moves north about 1/2 mile. It is labled by the colored portion on this map.

developed, could be used for other things besides a school. “We are looking at possibly a recreation district, with a swimming pool, baseball fields, etc. This is another option, but no final decisions have been made yet,” said Miller. With all the talk of an annually decreasing school budget, one could question the funds used in this purchase, and the use

of the money on something else. However, the land was purchased through a special budget, a fund developed and used to purchase land. One hundred acres of ground was purchased at $6000 per acre, making the final cost slightly over $600,000 with fees and taxes. According to Miller, “The money came from an account called ‘Cash in Lieu

dre Jones. Kids need to know how to be a complete package in the rapidly changing world of media. They need to be reporters, photographers, video journalists, and layout experts all at the same time. We are excited about having a timely format for the news and attracting all sorts of readers and new staff members.” Ongoing features such as “Holden’s Huddle” and “Gear Head” allow kids who might not be able to take the class, due to scheduling conflicts, still to contribute to the news at their school. Editor-in-

Chief, Hannah Glines said, “I’m really proud of our innovative movement of creating our website.” Staff writer and conspiracy theorist, Robert Anders, said, “This is going to launch us into the 22nd Century, like Phil of the Future.” Fellow writer, Holly Miller was more practical in her approaoch saying, “It will save paper.” Haley Cox, who is serving as

Of ’. Each time a person builds a home in the school district, they have to pay a fee to this fund, usually $1,200 to $1,500. Over the years this fund grows as the district becomes more populated, and when the time comes, the district can use this fund to purchase land for something school related.” Miller went on to say that the only thing this “Cash

in Lieu Of ” fund can be used for is land purchasing, and developing the land. As this city continues to grow, so will its schools, and in this current day and age, the world is constantly expanding. Already land has been purchased, so a new school could be just around the corner.

See related feature Dream page 4 takes internet plunge normaloya photoeditor

The Red Ink brought home an Award of Commendation from the Colorado High School Press Association (CHSPA) Journalism Day on Oct. 13. Yearbook staffers joined the newspaper at this year’s J-day for a day of workshops and awards, bringing home their own Award of Merit. The Ink staff has been working hard to get the newspaper off of trees and onto the internet and is proud to announce the news website: eatonredink. com. “This is the way newspapers are going,” said adviser Deir-

Members of The Red Ink pose with yearbook staffers at CSU on J-day. Students enjoyed a day of workshops and awards.

the Web Editor this year said it has been challenging learning web design, but “I think that

it’s a step forward for our school;” Carter Williams said, “It’s bomb status, for sure.”


October 28, 2011


Softball girls push hazing line averyjones featureeditor

Jerseys and long socks may be the typical uniform for softball players, but on September 12, the three freshmen on the varsity team, Jayla Jarnagin, Laynee Hager, and Emily Willier (11) could be found around the school in their swimsuits. The issue of hazing versus initiation came into question. The line between the two is very fine. Assistant softball coach, Chad Shaw, pointed out, “It’s a blurry line.” Older players on the softball team woke these underclassmen at 5 a.m., forced them to dress in their swimsuits over their pajamas, and took them out to breakfast with no other means of getting ready for the day— no makeup, no hairdos. Dressed in full attire, the freshmen were taken to school after breakfast. While forcing the freshman softball players to attend school looking so out-of-the-ordinary may seem

too harsh to be considered initiation, it doesn’t fall under the hazing umbrella. According to Senate Bill No. 106: Colorado Hazing Law, “‘hazing’ includes but is not limited to: forced and prolonged physical activity; forced consumption of any food, beverage, medication, or controlled substance, whether or not prescribed, in excess of the usual amounts for human consumption or forced consumption of any substance not generally intended for human consumption; prolonged deprivation of sleep, food, or drink.” In other words, hazing is done with the intent to cause damage or harm to the subject. The girls drew much attention at school— including that of an administrator who brought the issue to the school’s counselor, Tara Kaysen. Kaysen brought the girls to Steve Longwell, Athletic Director, who asked the freshmen to change into regular clothes. Longwell said he asked

the girls to change into regular clothes because “The clothing they were wearing would bring unwanted attention to them along with possible unwanted teasing.” The girls, however, said they saw the incident as good fun.

Ever since Columbine

Since Tuesday, April 20, 1999 the issue of hazing has been under close scrutiny, especially in Colorado. On this day, the Columbine Shooting occurred partly as a result of harsh teasing and hazing of two students at Columbine High School. Since this incident, if hazing comes into question in Colorado, it is put to an end immediately. Colorado Senate Bill No. 106 was approved and went into effect in 1999 immediately following the Columbine Shooting.

But..back in the day

However, before the shooting in 1999, hazing wasn’t a big deal in school according to Kaysen, Longwell, and Shaw.

See Hazing page 12

Photo by averyjones

Freshmen Laynee Hager, Jayla Jarnagin, and Emily Willier were dragged out of bed and taken to breakfast with swimsuits over their pajamas as part of a Softball initiation. The girls were asked to change due to hazing concerns.

Students take advantage of opportunities at Aims Community College normaloya photoeditor

The program known as concurrent enrollment allows EHS students to take part in classes at Aims Community College. According to the Colorado Department of Education’s Concurrent Enrollment Program Act, concurrent enrollment “means a student is simultaneously enrolled in a local education provider and in an institute of higher education or career and technical courses.” This act provides

the opportunity for students to participate in one college level class per semester which will be paid for by the school district if the student receives a “C” or higher. Eaton High School counselor Marci Sanger believes concurrent enrollment is an important program because, “it allows the student to individualize their education.” For example, rather than taking a Spanish class here, one could instead a language not offered at EHS. The collegelevel classes offer a higher experience for learning and

dual-credit. Dual-credit means that someone who participates in concurrent enrollment receives both college and high school credit. For Hannah Glines (12) Aims allows her to get a head start on college credits as well as a smooth transitioning from high school to college by taking sociology and cultural anthropology classes. “I love Aims. It’s a great escape from high school but it still feels like a good environment. At first it was super intimidating, but now I’ve made so many friends. The classes aren’t as much work as you’d think and

it doesn’t feel like work if you choose a class you really enjoy.” Another student, Heather Ferrara (12), is enjoying taking her Intro to Statistics at Aims for several reasons. “You can get double credit and it’s cheaper than taking it at a regular college.” Since her schedule did not allow her to take stats here, she decided to go to Aims. Even though this was her first year taking an Aims class, next semester she hopes to take an EMT Basics class. “I want to be a surgeon and I figured getting a head start in

the health career would be a good thing to do.” Aims classes not only offer a higher-level experience, but it also helps in a social aspect. Aims offer a more diverse group of students. The age difference provides a high school student to become acquainted with more than just the kids in this school. Concurrent enrollment allows upperclassmen to get a head start with college by giving them that sense of independence. Be it a language, math class or social studies, the opportunities are waiting.

4 redspotlight

October 28, 2011

The haunting of 1928



During the day, the 1928 building seems like any typical school hallway: gossip flying around, chatter filling the air, lockers slamming shut, the usual. But at night, this region of the school takes on a completely different vibe. Eaton High School is haunted. Many teachers have experienced s o m e t h i n g paranormal in the 1928 building, the oldest part of the school. Some claim that the file room, room 23, is the source of this entity. Others feel that the ghost of a teacher, deceased in the 1920’s in an unfortunate fire on school grounds haunts the school. The old building holds many class rooms and is home to the freshman and sophomore hallways. At night, the dimly lit hallways emit an eerie vibe, and the silence is often broken by mysterious, unidentifiable sounds. If you find yourself alone in this hallway after dark, it’s a shuddering experience to say the least. I’ve never experienced the ghost, but after timidly sauntering around alone at night, lights dull and mysterious, I wouldn’t hesitate to question the existence of this spirit.

This may sound like a wild conspiracy, but there have been multiple encounters with this entity, the three most recent occurring with teacher Chad Shaw, teacher Molly Maguire, and custodian Mercedes Quinones. Chad Shaw, the history teacher and LINK sponsor, is one of the few who has experienced this apparition.

There were times when I was working, and I got the feeling that I was being watched, so I glanced at the door, and there was nothing. -C. Shaw

He says that his experience turned him into a believer of the paranormal. According to Shaw, one night, after parent teacher conferences, he was in his room grading papers, trying to finish so he could head home. It was late, probably around nine, Shaw said, when he finished. As he recalls it, he was the only one in the building at that time. “There were times when I was working, and I got the feeling that I was being watched, so I glanced at the door, and there was nothing. I still had that eerie feeling though,” said Shaw while recollecting that night. As he left his room, locking the door behind him, he headed south from his classroom to the south stairwell.

When he was heading downstairs, Shaw heard something, s o m e t h i n g unmistakable that changed his views on phantasism. “When I was about halfway down the stairs, I heard a door behind me open and slam shut. I’m sure it was a door. As soon as it happened I just left,” said Shaw. Was this just a draft perhaps? Possibly a custodian at work? Or was this something from the other side. “I never really believed in ghosts before this happened. Now I do,” Shaw added. Molly Maguire also had an encounter with this ethereal being. As many students are aware, Maguire’s room is down by the cafeteria, far from the old haunted building. Rarely does Maguire even visit the older

part of the school, to activate this but the experience alarm. Her first she had has affected attempt failed, so her beliefs in many she tried once more. ways. One night, late, The alarm showed when the school was movement in the empty, Maguire was 1928 building. grading papers in her Maguire was sure room. She finished she was alone, up and headed out so what could the front entrance have caused this of the school, but movement? She had before she left, she heard of the ghost needed to set the before, but thought school alarm. This little of it. alarm is used to stop Even after the burglars, alert fires, experience, she and keep the school insists, “I do not from being tampered believe in ghosts,” with at night. but there is no It is based on motion question that the and movement, and events she witnessed when it is on that activated, fateful a n y evening movement w e r e it detects unearthly will trigger a n d the alarm. possibly N a t u r a l l y, Maguire the alarm cannot paranormal. be activated if it is Mercedes Quinones detecting movement. was the high school’s On her way out, primary custodian Maguire attempted for the past six years,

The 1928 file room has been rumored to be the center of spooky activity. Phantasmic stories have spread from this small room in the freshman hallway.

and this year she was transferred to the middle school. While she was here, Quinones worked very hard. Often times she stayed after school cleaning class rooms with the other custodian. She would stay until eight or nine, much later than most teachers. She spent countless nights cleaning the 1928 building, and she has no problem openly admitting that she had more than a few confrontations with this ghost. “You can always hear children running around up stairs, and sometimes you hear a little girl crying in the bathroom. The lights turn off a lot, but if you just ask her to turn them on, she is very nice and turns them on. She is a very nice girl,” says Quinones. See Ghost pg 16.


October 28, 2011


Reds football rolls through regular season baileywilson sportseditor

Photos by baileywilson

Above: Jaden Olearnick (15) looks for an open reciever while avoiding a Windsor blocker. Below: Lincoln Korell (7) attempts to sneak past the tough Windsor defense. The Reds dropped the game 7-6 in the final minutes of the match-up in early September.

The Reds football team continued its momentous drive through the month of September as the team went on to defeat Mead, Highland, and Estes Park, moving its record to 3-1. All three opponents proved to hardly be competition for the fired-up program, as the team was able to shut out both Mead and Highland. The Reds topped the Mavericks and the Huskies 48-0 and 61-0 respectively. On Sept. 23, The Reds faced off against the Estes Park Bobcats, taking charge early on in the contest. Eaton jumped ahead to a 35 point lead in the first quarter and continued to push ahead, only allowing the team from Estes to cross the end-zone twice in the second half. The boys built on their lead throughout the game putting up a total of 55 points to the Bobcat’s 13. Coming off a win on the road and welcomed back for the annual Homecoming

event, the Reds hosted University; a team that also sat at 3-1 for the season. However, the Bulldogs could not silence the boys’ momentum and the Reds put up a 44-0 lead over University in the first half holding the Bulldogs at zero through the rest of the game. With their record sitting at 4-1, the boys went on the road for the first two weeks of October, facing off against Strasberg on Oct. 7 and the Brush Beetdiggers on Oct. 14. The Strasberg Indians were able to keep the game much closer than previous matches, but they could not stand up to the Reds powerhouse offense. The boys jumped to a lead in the second quarter and were able to score three more times through the remainder of the game. The score at the end of the fourth was 287, pushing the team’s record to 5-1 heading into a much tougher game against Brush the following week. The boys took a

commanding lead in the first putting up 14 points to the Beetdigger’s zero. The teams mirrored each other’s drive over the middle half of the game, both scoring 14 in the second and another seven in the third. Brush, however, bounced back in the final quarter tying the game at 35 forcing over-time. Both teams had the opportunity to score as the ball was lined up on the 10 yard-line. Eaton and Brush were both able to reach the end-zone, but the Reds missed the extra point kick that would keep the game tied, giving Brush the 42-41 win. Following the loss at Brush, the boys had a chance at redemption when they faced off against Weld Central on Oct. 21. The Reds topped the Rebels 52-12 heading into this weeks game at Valley. The team sits at number 8 in the 2A conference rankings according to, and hopes to move up before playoffs begin in early November.

Photos by baileywilson

Photos by baileywilson

Top: Darin Foss (86) leads the team onto the field to face off against the Highland Huskies. The matchup proved to be no competition for the Reds as they went on to win 61-0. The boys’ record is now 6-2 after a heartbreaking loss to the Brush Beetdiggers on Oct. 14 and a pummeling victory over the Weld Central Rebels on Oct. 21.

6 redzone

October 28, 2011

Ice takes third at state competition baileywilson


The Eaton Reds golf team closed out its season this month after sending one lone golfer to the state championship meet. Jake Ice (12) traveled to Gunnison to compete for a top spot in the two day championship event on Oct. 3 and 4 at the Dos Rios Golf Club. After closing out day one of the tournament, Ice sat in second going neck-and-neck with Kent Denver’s Ethan Freeman. Ice’s ability to birdie five holes kept him in the hunt even after a double-bogey on the eighth, and two bogeys on holes 11 and 14. Ice was then left to prepare for the second day one shot under par and just three shots off the lead.

Courtesy photo jakeice

Experiencing several ups and downs throughout the course, he was able to even par for the day, sealing a third place finish behind Freeman and Alexander Dawson’s Cole Nygren. Ice explained, after the conclusion of the tournament, one thing he could have improved throughout not only the state tournament, but also the entire season was his “mental game.” Golf, at times, is an extremely frustrating sport and losing focus for even a second can be detrimental to an athlete’s entire day. Ice later said, “I’d really get down on myself ” when he hit a bad shot or bogeyed a hole, which is something that cannot happen when a golfer is expecting have a satisfying round. Ice also added that

the championship tournament could have gone better for him, but was a good experience for him as a golfer. The Reds golf program, led by long-time coach and science teacher, Gino Maio, produced a very strong season overall, but struggled when it came time for regionals and state. Although Ice was the only one to make it to the state competition, he was not alone through the regular season. He was accompanied by multiple other golfers many of which were top finishers at the smaller tournaments. Throughout the season, the varsity squad participated in a total of ten tournaments and according to Maio, was able to snag a total of three first places, two seconds, and one third place finish.

Left: Jake Ice (12) watches his ball during the first round of state championship play. Ice was the only Eaton golfer to take part in the two day tournament and no problem representing the squad. After ending the first day in second, Ice was forced to settle for third overall after a slew of bogeys throughout the second round.

Softball: not enough swing for state hollymiller staffreporter

As summer slammed to a close and fall came crashing in, all potential softball girls for the 2011 fall season were invited to the week long softball camp that took place on August 8. Mandatory team practice started on August 15 where the girls began working on basic skills and took time to work on team-building. The girls’ first game took place on Saturday Aug. 20 against Windsor. Unfortunately, the Reds were unable to get the ball rolling and were forced to

surrender their season opener to the powerful Wizards. Emily Augustine (13), said that she was very happy with the team this year and that they have “better teamwork and they’re definitely hitting the crap out of that ball!” which she suggested was a good thing when taking into consideration the rest of the season. The varsity girls were scheduled to play 20 games including tournaments and scrimmages, and the junior varsity girls were scheduled to play a total of 11 games. On Saturday Oct. 15, the Reds took part in the district tournament but lost in

the second round to Berthoud High School. The Reds kept a very close game, but in the rush to make up runs near the end of the game, the team was forced to settle with a loss. Coach Chad Shaw was said, “This season was an overall learning experience for the girls. With all the new players and freshmen, they learned a lot about high school softball opposed to summer softball. They put forth their best effort to get us to the district tournament and next year we will have a strong team with a lot of returning players except the three seniors that we are losing on varsity.”

Softball this year was a learning experience for a lot of girls on the team, and a time for the girls to become stronger in places that they may have been struggling with in recent years. With several returning players, the program hopes to have another strong season in the future. Right: Danielle Lawhead (12) tosses a pitch against the Lyons Lions earlier in September. Lawhead faced a series of ups and downs throughout the game after being pulled in the fourth inning. The girls went on to lose the game and were unable to pick up enought momentum through the rest of the season to make it to the state playoffs.

Photo by baileywilson

redZone 7

October 28, 2011

Reds soar to post-season Boys race to state haleycox


The Eaton High School girls volleyball team sits at 15-2 nearing postseason play. The girls seem to have found their stride after dropping their first game to Windsor and their fifth game to Grandview. However, the Lady Reds went on to win their last 13 straight match-ups. The team faced the University Bulldogs for the second time this season; winning by a significant margin in each set. The girls headed into the game ranked 13 in the state, according to, and was hoping to gain momentum heading into the post-season tournaments. Sweeping the Bulldogs proved to be an easy outing, but Valley, also15-2, was a tougher opponent to face. EHS ended its regular season on the Viking’s court, but were unable to battle back after five games.

The Reds gave Valley the advantage in the first set but made a close comeback in the second. T h e same trend occurred over the next two sets, but in the tie-breaker the reds allowed the Vikings to sneak ahead and win the game. Looking forward, the Lady Reds will head to the district tournament on Oct. 29 in hopes of keeping the season alive. If the team is successful in the first rounds of post-season play, they will move on to regionals and then on to the state championships in early November. Right: Kendra Cunningham (12) jumps up above the net for a spike against the team from University. The Reds hard-hitting power was no match for the Bulldogs as the team was able to soar to a blow-out win. The girls will wrap up regular season play this month and will set their sights on not only district and regional tournaments, but also state matches in early November.

baileywilson sportseditor

The Reds cross country team has been racing to new heights in the recent months as they prepare to send the boys squad to the State Cross Country Championships this weekend. After a season-filled meet, the fate of both squads rested in the hands of the Regional meet hosted by the Lyons Lions on Thursday Oct. 20. The top five teams and top 15 individuals would land a state bid, and both the girls and the boys had their sights set on picking up as many points as possible. For the girls, Jill Martin (13) led the team to a strong eighth place finish followed by Leah (13) and Kayla (14) Cheney and Sierra Sheets (13). Mary Brehon (13) and Melody Herl (12) rounded out the meet for the girls, putting them 13 points ahead of University and just ten behind the Mead Mavericks. Martin was grabbed a 13th place finish with a time

of 21 min and 3 sec, just three seconds ahead of L. Cheney’s 14th place. On the boys’ side, Cash Merritt (12) paced his way to10th place, while Marcus Longwell, hot on his heels, took 12th. As a team, the boys were able to place a sizeable margin between themselves and the team from Berthoud, but was unable to make up the ten points separating them from the Brush Beetdiggers. Merritt and Longwell both managed to sneak under 17 minutes to qualify individually in the top 15, but it was the rest of the squad that pushed the boys to qualify as a team. The boys, accompanied by Martin and L. Cheney will head to Aurora on Friday Oct. 29 to take on the course at the Arapahoe County Fairgrounds. This will be Martin’s third time attending the state championship Meet and will be looking to have her best finish yet, while L. Cheney will have her first glimpse of championship meet.

Photo by baileywilson

Fall sports post-season schedules and results Football



C. Country

Fri. 11/4 Platte Valley Sat. 11/12 Playoffs Sat. 11/19 Quarterfinals Sat. 11/26 Semifinals Sat. 12/3 Championships

Sat. 10/29 Districts Sat. 11/5 Regionals Fri. 11/11 State Tny. Sat. 11/12 State Tny.

Junior Jake Ice placed 3rd at State Tournament

Sat. 10/29 State meet @ Arapaho

The Endangered 8

(13) agreed saying, “You get more of an opportunity to be a part of The timeless debate the school by doing three sports.” of breadth vs. depth makes a Shaw said a great point to strike at high school athletes and remember is, “Sports really go off reveals a dwindling number of each other. Learning to get tough three-sport athletes. Years ago, from football will help you in there were many athletes that basketball and the agility you learn participated in the three different in basketball helps in baseball and sport seasons. so on.” Bob Dorsey who Christina Contreras said,” graduated in 1953 said, “Back three-sport athletes are also less when I was in high school, the likely to get injured because when school only offered the body uses three sports, and most the same muscles Back when I was people did them.” and motions all Teacher and in school, the school the time athletes coach Chad Shaw only offered three are more prone said, “I remember sports, and most to injury. Not when I was a young people did them. to mention, the athlete and there were -B. Dorsey athlete is more no year-round clubs. likely to get burnt It was just natural to out.” transition sports from season Athletes now have to to season.” Nowadays, with choose earlier and earlier if he or expectations rising, many she expects to go far in a sport due athletes find themselves having to the cut-throat competition of to choose only one sport to play recruiting for colleges. year round. Three-sport athlete Dalton Clubs have grown in Shoop (13) said, “It is just not popularity to hone a specific set possible to do multiple sports in of skills towards one sport even college. You have to start pretty further. Mariah Brandley (12) young but I don’t think putting has done years of club volleyball all your hope in one thing is great said“It really helps prepare my either.” volleyball skills for college which An important thing is what I’m aiming for.” according to Shaw to realize at the While club end of the day though is, “There produces fantastic results, it also are way more academic scholarship prevents athletes from excelling opportunities than sports.” Putting in other areas and creates one- all the eggs in one basket can be dimensional athletes. an extremely risky thing. The most Aimee Ledall (13) said, important thing to remember is ”I did three sports last year and that academics can always provide this year I’m only doing one. It’s opportunities that can guarantee hard to not get burnt out with so one’s chances for college. many sports because you never Austin Ekeler (13) runs the ball up the middle get a break.” but Ledall also stated, against Windsor earlier this season. Ekeler, a three“I believe you’re a better athlete sport athlete at EHS, is one of a select group who in general if you do three sports still competes each sport season. The debate over vs bredth continues across the nation as though just because it makes you depth kids are forced to choose one sport. so well-rounded.”Janelle Edsall hannahglines editorinchief

3-Sport Athlete Dalt o n Sh o op Wh at sp o r ts h ave yo u le tt ere d in? football, wrestling, track Wh at’s yo ur favo rit e? wrestling Which o n e s wo uld yo u lik e t o p urs u e? wrestling Wh at got yo u int o th ose sp o r ts? My parents encouraged me especially my dad Wh at’s yo ur p re -gam e ro utin e? I go to subway with my friends Trent and Carter. I also pace back and forth a lot. Ho w d o yo u juggle sch o ol, sp o r ts, an d perso n al life? I have to stay up really late to get things done.

Jill Mar tin Wh at sp o r ts h ave yo u le tt ere d in? cross country, track, soccer Wh at’s yo ur favo rit e? soccer Which o n e s wo uld yo u lik e t o p urs u e? cross country or soccer Wh at got yo u int o th ose sp o r ts? My uncle Wh at’s yo ur p re -gam e ro utin e? I drink Capri Suns and listen to music Ho w d o yo u juggle sch o ol, sp o r ts, an d perso n al life? I do my homework in classes like study hall

Britt en Abb ott Wh at sp o r ts h ave yo u le tt ere d in? cross country, basketball, baseball, track, football Wh at’s yo ur favo rit e? basketball and baseball Which o n e s wo uld yo u lik e t o p urs u e? baseball Wh at got yo u int o th ose sp o r ts? My older brothers Wh at’s yo ur p re -gam e ro utin e? Listening to music and joking around with the team Ho w d o yo u juggle sch o ol, sp o r ts, an d perso n al life? I just put my head down and Photo by baileywilson


What are the chances? Can a high school athlete really make it in college and the pros? averyjones featureeditor

What are the chances of a high school athlete going on to play their sport at the college level? The odds are slim. The NCAA states that “less than one in 35, or approximately 3.1 percent of high school senior boys playing interscholastic basketball will go on to play men’s basketball at a NCAA member institution. Women’s basketball players don’t have a much higher chance of making it into the college level. The odds are heavily against them with only 3.5 percent continuing on. Though baseball players have higher chances, the percent is still incredibly low. Approximately 6.4

percent of high school players go to college for baseball according to the NCAA. These odds seem steep, but that doesn’t discourage high school students at EHS from dreaming of entering the professional world of sports. Jake Nelson (14), who wants to play Nelson college basketball, said the low odds “Make me want to work harder. The more I get told I can’t do something or the odds are against me, the more it makes me want to prove everyone wrong and do something no one thinks I can.”

See Chances page 16

EHS athletes beat the odds carterwilliams opinioneditor

From the time most athletes are young, they dream of throwing the winning touchdown in the super bowl, or sinking a gamewinning 3-pointer at the end of a basketball championship game. By the time, they get to high school; those dreams are usually faded away. Some people even end up

quitting sports altogether in high school. EHS, however, has a tradition of athletic excellence, proven not only by the tradition of winning state championships, but also by athletes who go to highly respected colleges for sports. Kyle Ottoson, a 2008 graduate, went on to become the ace on Arizona State’s pitching staff.

See Odds page 16

10 redspotlight

Top 10 Scary Movies

Top Ten Scary Movies: October is the time for baseball playoffs, overdosing on candy and *gasp* scary movies. Though the list is a tad “cliché”, there really aren’t that many super scary movies to choose from. So grab a bowl of popcorn, turn off the lights and get ready to scare your pants off. a couple starts hearing mysterious normaloya photoeditor

Child’s Play: Some people think it’s ridiculous to be deathly afraid of a small, fictional doll. But Chucky is no joke—he’s a freaking killer doll! Not to mention the fact that he is a ginger. Charles Lee Ray, a murderer, escapes from the police by possessing a Good Guys doll. The said doll is then gifted to Andy Barclay for Christmas. Long story short: Andy realizes his Chucky doll is running without batteries and is indeed a killer looking to possess Andy’s body. Poke fun all you want…this film still managed to ruin my childhood innocence. Paranormal Activity: Paranormal Activity took the world by storm just a few years ago delivering one of the most terrifying movies in quite s o m e t i m e . W h e n

Haunting from page 4 The paranormal experiences became a very common thing for Quinones, who now works at Eaton Middle School, and she said she is proud to have experienced them. It is strange as to how people react to things they do not fully understand. Many feel that ghosts do not exist, while others

noises in their house, boyfriend Micah Sloat decides to video tape anything and everything during the following weeks. Day by day, the happenings become increasingly louder, more physical and poopyour-pants scarier. The reason this film is so terrifying is because it’s filmed like a documentary, you never actually see any killer and it takes place mainly in the safest place in the world—a bedroom.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Be it the 1974 version or the 2003 version, Texas Chainsaw Massacre puts a whole new meaning to slaughterhouse. What originally was supposed to be a road trip with five friends soon turns gruesome as the group encounters a family of cannibals. The creepy guy who chases teenagers at corn mazes originated from this movie. Leatherface, human-skin masked killer, takes the spotlight in this thriller as he slices his victims for food…and decoration. H a l l o w e e n : *cue creepy piano music* Oh Halloween, a holiday for

like Shaw and Maguire have experienced them and changed their mindset because of their rendezvous with the unknown. Still more like Quinones have become accustomed to this unexplainable entity, and have embraced its presence. Keep your eyes open in this school, because you never know who - or what – you’re going to see.

chocolate-addicted children and masked serial killers. In this movie, Michael Myers is not the voice of a green ogre but instead the name of a demented man dressed in a white mask and blue jumpsuit. In the film, Myers returns to his hometown of Haddonfield to kill his sister. Spoiler alert: he fails. However, he does kill her friends, neighbors and other town people. On the plus side, this movie has a theme song. Blair Witch Project: Almost a prequel to the Paranormal Activity era, Blair W i t c h Project takes three friends on a camping trip deep into the Maryland woods in attempt to discover more about an urban legend—the legend of Blair Witch. Stories claim that in the 1940s many children missing in the woods and never came back. During the film, eerie noises illuminate the night, stones are left in mysterious formations, wooden dolls hang from trees and even human teeth are found next to the tent. After a group-member goes missing, the others realize how dire the situation is…but I won’t spoil the ending! However, this movie will make you never want to camp again in your life. I T: Those who are already deathly afraid of clowns, don’t watch this movie. Stephen King creates this

October 28, 2011 story about Pennywise the Clown, a shapeshifting c h i l d killing demon who terrorizes the lives of seven children. After the kids defeat Pennywise in the sewers, “IT” returns 30 years later to murder even more youngens. That’s when the original seven kids—now grown up—come back to defeat the demon once again. Scream: After about a decade long drought of horror films, 1996 came alive with Scream. In this film, the stereotypical “rules” of scary movies are set in place: 1. Don’t engage in intercourse, 2. Don’t drink/do drugs, 3. Never say “I’ll be back.” As “ghost face” kills off several high-school students, his ultimate goal is to eliminate Sidney Prescott. In the end, the girl lives and the killer is…well, killed. Scream changed the game for killers because this masked murderer isn’t a burned freak or creepy doll—he’s hot. Nightmare on Elm Street: Another movie about a pedophilic killer makes the list. Freddy Krueger, a clawed murderer, tortures his victims then invades their nightmares and kills them in their sleep. After the main character suffers many sleepless nights, she discovers a way to bring Krueger into reality and put and end to his world. This movie

introduced the then-beautiful Johnny Depp and freaked out anyone who lived on the hundreds of “Elm Streets” in the universe. Friday the 13th: *cue a different creepy theme song* Summer camp never seemed as terrible as in this movie. Counselors at Camp Crystal Lake are being picked off one by one by the hockeymasked killer Jason Voorhees and his mother. Again, if the people in this movie only followed the basic rules of horror movies, they might still be living. Alas, that would make for one pointless film. Because of this movie, Fridays that land on the 13th day of the month are forever marked as unlucky. In a nutshell: a lot of people die, one chick survives, and Jason’s mother loses her head— literally. *cue maniacal laughter*… so punny. Pet Sematary After a picture-perfect family moves into a seemingly normal house, they soon discover they live by secret Indian burial ground. When the family’s pet is run over by an obnoxiously large semi, they bury poor little Sprinkles *not actual name* in the nearby burial ground. Well, sure enough, the little kitty comes back as an evil cat. Later on, the 19-month old baby boy is also run over on the road and is also buried in the burial ground. Alas the baby--Gage--returns for vengeance. Muahaha.

After dark, the sophomore hallway changes from a place of conversation to an erie corridor rumored to be filled with paranormal activity. More than one school employee has reported unexplained occurances in the ‘28 building.


October 28, 2011

This seems like a silly thing to get a license for!

HG Op’s When trust turns to torture haleycox


According to Kids Fighting Chance, every 40 seconds in the United States, a child is reported missing or abducted. That amounts to nearly 800,000 reports a year. In 2002, 40 percent of the ‘stereotypical child kidnapping’ victims were killed, and 4 percent were never found. A recent case near Scottsbluff, Nebraska is all too familiar. A young girl goes missing and then hours later the parents are brought into custody because their story doesn’t line up. The stepfather is charged with murder and assault, and yet no one saw it coming. What has caused these perplexing numbers and trends to become unsurprising? How does society prevent such a trend from becoming the ‘norm?’ One would think that popular television shows such as CSI, NCIS, and Bones would discourage such behavior as they always catch the bad guy. Right? Perhaps it’s that these shows are doing the opposite. Is it completely outrageous to think that, after seeing so many murderers get caught, the thought may cross some minds that they could get

away with it? After all, we are talking about Generation X- the generation that thinks they could catch any pass in any NFL game and negotiate peace in the Middle East better than the President. The generation that was raised

first mothers begin to decide that pregnancy is too much of a burden, then parents decide that their fiveyear old is too much of a burden...

by working mothers while fathers were away at war, the generation raised in homes with two working parents. The generation that grew up watching violent cop shows and went on to film movies such as Saw and create war-like video games such as Call of Duty. Often times problems are linked to the generation that plays and watches such games and movies, but one cannot forget the generation that created them. Is this where society’s flaw lies?

Are television shows and games and murder mysteries having a larger impact on childhoods than parents? After all, this is technically the generation that legalized first-trimester abortion and executed 1,188 people from 1977 through 2009, according to It is important to note, however, that morals in modern American society are much higher than morals of many historical societies, such as Nazi Germany or Communist Russia. But one must note that such a frightening trend in child murders may be an ominous precursor to the future. How does it go, first mothers begin to decide that pregnancy is too much of a burden, then parents decide that their five-year old is too much of a burden, then society decides that the elderly are too much of a burden? Who draws the line of when it’s okay to take an innocent life? Is there a definitive line? Is it ever okay? Pregnancy is more than what’s happening to the mother- it’s about the creation of a life. Children aren’t burdens, but society’s future. It’s not okay to take an innocent life. It never will be okay to take an innocent life.

Costumes tell lots

Everyone gets excited over Halloween because its the chance to be someone or something you are not. Yeah... because we don’t have enough of people pretending to be something they aren’t in high school. The way I see it though, is people are so complicated it is more about who you aren’t. I’ll be the first to admit that in the mornings after little sleep I look like some kind of thing resembling a werewolf, but after I work some beauty magic I may appear like a Disney Princess; preferably Bell because she reads. Then I go to school and I’m like the mad scientist full of intelligence. When I hang out with my friends, I become a social butterfly with the wings attached and all. We all have the angel and devil in us, a friend who is a PB to our J, and my favorite if you’re in a relationship- the one who is the ball and the other a chain. The point is, people have so many different parts of them that make up a whole. Halloween isn’t about being someone you aren’t; it is about choosing one of the parts of you to show to the world on that night. So far I am torn between my love for Harry Potter and being a


Hogwarts student (because let’s face it, I belong there! My acceptance letter must have gotten lost by a blind owl) or one of my favorite movie characters Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I’m leaning more towards Holly Golightly because I’d hate to pass up the chance to wear a tiara all night calling everyone “Dawwling”. Here’s a quick cheat sheet to decode what people’s outfits really mean: Super hero: this person is usually slightly cocky and trying to live out his or her childhood dream of saving the world... or its just an excuse to wear tights without looking too silly. An animal: this person (most often a girl) usually wears minimal clothing with merely some kind of tail or animal ears. This person is thirsty for some attention so just give the stray a pat on the head and move on otherwise she will never leave. A time period costume: this includes flappers, poodle skirts, and the favorite hippie era. This person has a love for history and the “simpler” times. Note: parents love this one and it offers the great opportunity to poke fun at their generation. I recommend parachute pants. Fantasy character: let your nerd flag fly! This person finally can break out his or her blue Avatar suit, elf ears, wand, or any other embarrassing thing they’ve kept locked in the closet. Halloween is a time to go all out and you don’t have to admit that you’ve had that Star Trek space suit for years now. Vampire: I must differentiate here into two groups of vampires. The Twilight ones and the full on Dracula; Twi-fans, I doubt you’ll find your Edward Cullen by being super pale, wearing strange contacts that make you look crosseyed, and looking super strained to not kill anyone. The odds are just super unlikely, I’m sorry. Just go old school and be Dracula. He is way classier.

12 redview

October 28, 2011

Hazing just part of inition back in the day Hazing from page 3

According to Kaysen, her school had an official “Hazing Day” where the senior football players told the freshmen players what to do the entire day. She said that one incident was when a senior put a quarter on the floor and told his chosen freshman he had to push it down the hall with his nose. Other hazing occurrences were boys having to dress as girls, or whenever a senior said air raid, all the freshmen in the vicinity had to drop to the floor and sing the school song. Kaysen said, “The pranks were pretty innocent, but they were still hazing.” For Longwell, every freshman was initiated into the high school during homecoming week. Every senior in the school chose a

freshman to tell what to do for the whole week. Shaw’s experience with hazing came in his initiation into high school baseball. Every freshman was forced to jump into a 7- or 8-feet deep irrigation ditch with their whole uniform on. Then they had to practice in their smelly, soaked uniforms. All of these initiation rituals seemed traditional and perfectly acceptable up until 1999. Since the Columbine Shooting, initiation of any kind is deemed unacceptable at schools. While forcing freshman softball players to dress in swimsuits and walk around school not looking their usual standard may seem like good fun, it is not tolerated in high schools anymore, and certainly pushes the line between initiation and hazing.

Artist Adeniz Macias renders a fanciful drawing of what could be Eaton’s new high school, complete with waterfall, palm trees, outdoor garden, skate park, and of course, Starbucks.

Dream high school around the bend? carterwilliams opinioneditor

Eaton High School is known around Northern Colorado for its sports, great education, and impressive extra curricular, such as knowledge bowl, band, and choir programs. Despite all the impressive programs, Eaton is not known for its outstanding facilities. That all might soon change with the purchase of new land for a new high school in Eaton. Although the new school is not within grasp yet, the students at Eaton High are already dreaming about what their dream high school would look like. Jon Klein (12) said that he would want to see escalators instead of stairs, and segues for everyone to ride around on. “It gets old walking to

class. Wouldn’t it be sick to tell people that I drive a segue to class? And to get up the stairs, escaladers would be nice because stairs get tiring.” Segues and escaladers are a bit of a stretch for a public school, some students actually have dreams for their perfect high school that are reasonable. Marcus Longwell (13) expressed that he would like wider hallways and nicer computers. “The halls between classes are really crowded and uncomfortable. A few extra feet wider would be nice, and some bigger lockers would be great.” The weight room seemed to be a big topic of discussion for a new high school. Adam Mossberg (13) and Hayden

Johnson (12) both expressed that they would love a new weight room. “If we had better equipment, more room, and weights that weren’t metric, the sports teams could be better, “said Mossberg, “I know I would be more motivated to lift with better stuff in there.” Needless to say, Eaton has its dream of a super high school that consists of a great weight room, wider halls and segues to ride around the school on. Unfortunately, not all of these requests will be met, but as the new high school gets closer to a reality rather than just a dream, hopefully some of the more logical requests will be met for the future high school students of Eaton High School.

Editor-in-Chief .................hannahglines Sports Editor .................baileywilson Opinion Editor .................carterwilliams Feature Editor .................averyjones Graphic Editor .................normaloya Web Editor ................haleycox Staff Reporters .................hollymiller .................robertanders Advisor .................deirdrejones

The Red Ink is a public forum, school-sponsored and studentgenerated, which encourages the free exchange of ideas and information. All opinions made in the exercise of freedom of speech or press are the sole opinions of the writers and are in no way to be considered the opinions of Eaton High School, administration, Board of Education, or Eaton School District. The Red Ink strictly adheres to School Board Policy ICEA and Colorado Revised Statute 12-1120. The Red Ink is a member of the Colorado High School Press Association, Journalism Education Association, and Quill and Scroll.



October 28, 2011



certified gear-head

EHS still short on soccer haleycox webeditor

Everyone has had that experience where they just feel out of place with nowhere to go and no one to turn to. Soccer players at EHS have been feeling that way for a while now as no team exists at EHS, and it’s not a lack of effort on the player’s part. According to EHS Athletic Director Steve Longwell, “During the last three years there have been a couple different groups of students talk to me about the possibility of starting soccer. There has also been one formal proposal to my attention which was turned down.” One may go on to ask, why would they turn down a formal proposal for a team if there is so much interest? Longwell concedes that “there are talented soccer players in our district.” So maybe the athletic department isn’t interested in starting a soccer team at this time, right? No, that’s not it. “It is something the athletic department talks about every year,” Longwell says. And yet, some prominent figures involved in developing a soccer program at Eaton dispute the claim that creating a soccer team at EHS

is a high priority for the athletic department. Middle School coach and former soccer player Charlie Baker says that, “I hate to say it but the athletic department has not been helpful, and I have a feeling that soccer is not high on their priority list. I know it would be a huge success and Eaton may also be known for their soccer program if it was given a chance. There are several kids that soccer is the only sport they play and in Eaton they have no where to play once they go on to high school.” The blame cannot be placed entirely on the athletic department. The economy has played a major role in the happenings of the everyday life of students at school, let alone the development of an entire new program. Longwell said that “The biggest setback is the economy and funding. As an athletic department and a district we have a philosophy that we will fully fund all of our sports that are offered.” But how does the athletic department define a fully-funded program? Allowing players to purchase their own uniforms, warm-ups, and sweats each year would save the athletic department an estimated

$2,000 (for boys and girls). Charlie Baker said she would be willing to volunteer her time in order to have a soccer program at EHS, saving the athletic department another $2,700 (for boys and girls each). That brings the initial cost for a soccer team to $7,125 (for boys and girls). The athletic department recently installed $150,000 tennis courts. $100,000 in funding for the courts came from “participation fees” and the other $50,000 came from the district. According to Longwell, “The district has money assigned to certain line items such as capital improvement, which is the category that tennis courts fall into.” Longwell said soccer does not fall into that category at this time. “I do see the district funding a team in the future,” Longwell said. “This is something I want to see happen, but the timing has to be right.” Soccer players can continue to hope, however. Baker said, “I will continue to push and fight for soccer at the high school level. I will volunteer my time to coach both a girls and boys team. I have been searching for an 18 and under league so that we could at least play club soccer.”

Supercars--cars of ones dreams--Blistering fast track cars with big v12s based and developed on horsepower and speed. Normally, supercar brands take their sweet time with their new supercars. For example, Lexus, a car company that everyone links with luxury and little hybrid engines, now is saying that they want in on the supercar scene with their new car, the Lexus LFA. This is Lexus’s first attempt at a supercar, and one would expect there to be mechanical and design faults. But when the engineers at Lexus took ten years to produce the car, there had better not be any flaws. But there are issues, and with this car it is the big one: it’s not the power with a 4.8 liter v10 making 552 bhp (brake horsepower) the Lexus has plenty of power. If it is not the power, it has to be the looks. The LFA looks aggressive, and you get the sense that it was modeled with science not artists. No, neither of these are the problem. The problem is the Lexus LFA’s price tag. Like most supercars one would

expect it to be $150,000 maybe $200,000, but you would be wrong. The Lexus LFA costs $375,000 before adding on any of the options. Even with the insanely steep price, Lexus is losing money on each one that is sold because of all the time and man power put into this supercar. But pricing aside, this car is jam packed with technology and science. The 4.8 liter v10, for example, revs so fast. If Lexus were to fit a normal analog rpm gage, it just would not be able to keep up with how fast the engine drops and gains rpms. With all of this engine speed, the car from idle can reach redline in 0.6 seconds. This quick engine propels the LFA from 0-62 in 3.6 seconds, and with a top speed of 202 mph this car is not slow. Usually making a car go fast means that the cornering suffers. Not in this car with its double wishbone front and multi-link rear suspension. With all of the te chnology, power, speed, and time put into this car only a true gear head can appreciate this car. The Lexus LFA. Got car problems and/or questions? Feel free to ask.

photo creativecommons



8 redspotlight EHS claims team Twilight averyjones

lucky. “We waited outside for four and a half hours. It was freezing!” November 18th has been marked Moody along with Naill, Morgan on teenage girls’ calendars for over Schumacher (14), Maria Teresa six months. The date has been Becci (12), and Avery Jones (14) highly anticipated as the premier made shirts specifying the team of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn that each was in favor of. part 1. The Twilight Saga movies Sallie Croissant, Norma Loya, have been a huge hit despite acting and Kerri Ruff (13) waited in line Kerri Ruff and Sallie Croissant (13) anticipate beginning credits described by Karen Sigg (14) as outside for three hours. Loya said, for The Twilight Saga: New Moon. “very tacky and corny.” “I got delicious dinner at Noodles Though the acting may be and Company, so that made it $72.7 million. classified as sub-par by many, this When polled, 40 percent of worth it.” new movie’s acting, according to The movie series has made the student body said they were on Emily Naill (14) was “surprisingly over two billion dollars in the Team Jacob, 22 percent claimed great! It was way better than all the past three years. The second Team Edward, and 38 percent says other movies.” installment of the Twilight Saga, “who cares?” Haley Morrell (13) says she New Moon, premiered According 40% Team Jacob on November 20, 2009, is “Team who-is-that-guy-thatto everyone breaking box office almost-hit-Bella-with-a-van?” that went records as the biggest Carter Williams (13) says he 22% Team Edward to the midnight screening and is “Team Bella-is-a-good-formidnight nothing-know-it-all-who-doesn’t38% Who Cares? opening day in history, deserve-either-of-them.” premier, grossing an estimated the only “cheesy” acting in the movie was the scene in which Jacob and his pack are in wolf-form. An argument breaks out between Jacob and Sam Uley. The voices are obscured, and the overall effect is “just weird,” said Sallie Croissant (13). Mishayla Stephenson (14) said she, Hayley Miller (14), Sigg, and Pierce waited in line at the Fort Collins Metrolux for six hours to see the movie. “We got to wait inside, so that made the wait better,” said Miller. Halei Moody (14), however, said Maria Teresa Becci (12), Halei Moody, Morgan Schumacher, Avery she and a few friends weren’t so Jones, and Emily Naill (14) pose by a Breaking Dawn poster while waitfeatureeditor

December 16, 2011

HG Christmas


a bit before you go traipsing around the mall in a mindless state looking for fuzzy socks or yet another hideous Christmas sweater. I’d be lying if I told you all I want for Christmas is world peace: I want money. World peace at this point is unrealistic but money is perfectly within reach and I like to make goals I can accomplish. Not to mention in this economy you cannot have enough money... or I suppose gold works as well. I know I am also not alone in this wish and so if anyone is at a complete loss of what to get someone, green is the way to go. Below are some suggestions on gift giving as well as what to stay far away from.


I know that Christmas is the time for giving and not getting but lets be real... what you get from people says a lot. It can really be a detrimental point in relationships or something you’ll never hear the end of from parents. Parents have spent 16 years of giving gifts to their children. Let’s turn the tables and actually give a gift worth giving to your beloved parents. Relationship gifts are especially tricky and often times result in fights. Guys, don’t be lame but don’t go all out, and girls no matter what you get your guy he’ll probably hate it anyways so don’t stress too much about it. I hope that clears things up... so think

t o: o m m

hot: yummy-smelling body butter not: stretch mark lotion

t o: d a d

hot: cologne not: soap on a rope

hot: favorite magazine subscription d not: twilight saga rie n

t o: f b oy

hot: jeopardy game on wii

t o:

g ra n


s r en t

not: twister

hot: jewlery t o: rie n d not: anything that says “one-size fits all” girlf hot: pillow pet : to kid s not: lawn darts little

ing for the movie to begin.

Top 5 reasons to go to Starbucks normaloya photoeditor

I am in serious need of a drink, and since I’m not 21, I’ll settle for a 200-calorie sugary beverage: It’s

time we face the truth—we all conform to trends in one way or another. Starbucks is a big deal. It would not be ideal for me to drink the day away with an Appletini, so why not pay a little over four bucks for a Grande Caramel Macchiato? (I’m a girl—I can splurge on a drink if I please.)

Starbucks is where cool people go:

Like I said, we are all conformists who like to fit in. Starbucks is a very trendy place to chill out. In the summer, relax on the patio slurping a Passion Fruit tea with your killer Ray-Bans on or lounge in the winter sipping a warm Caramel Brulee Latte with your fancy $800 iPad reading People magazine with “Sexiest Man

Alive” on the cover, Bradley Cooper. Maybe one day you’ll actually see Bradley Cooper in a Starbucks—that’s how cool Starbucks is. I have a gift card: Nothing is greater than free food. It makes me feel sad when I hand over that five dollar bill to the barista as she gladly takes my money. But, all of that is different with a giftcard. It’s like handing over a loaded debit card to the cute cashier at Target. Who needs silly cash when all can be handled on a piece of pretty plastic? Plus, if you register a Starbucks card, you earn points. Eventually, with enough points, you become a gold member! Aww yeeeah.

Caramel Brulees are back and they are freaking delicious: Oh em to the gee. What can be said about this

marvelous beverage? This steamy espresso drink is loaded

with tasty caramel, topped with both whipped cream and cute little caramel salts. It’s unfortunate that this drink is only around during November and December, but man-oh-man is it delicious. Try it. Love it. Get addicted.

The workers are super nice (and hot): The truth

about our world is that we are incredibly shallow and superficial. Would you rather receive coffee from some frowning, apathetic employee at McDonalds or one from Starbucks who smiles, greets you, and is even sometimes attractive? Hmm, the answer seems clear. There is a reason Starbucks is so popular. Yes, the prices are higher than other places, but it’s all about customer service. You only live once, right? Go all out.

16 redspotlight

October 28, 2011

UNC starting quarterback, Seth Lobato, a 2009 Eaton High School graduate, hands off the football during an afternoon practice with his fellow UNC Bears. Lobato says he used any negative input during high school to simply motivate him to prove others wrong.

Eaton Athletes beat the odds reasons. the past few years, has been less “I wanted to be closer to home than impressive, and this season, even though Boulder isn’t that far is currently last in the Big Sky away,” said Lobato in conference with an 0-7 record. This year Ottoson will an exclusive interview, The Bears’ most recent opponent be the ace at Oklahoma “but I knew at the time was Montana state, after transferring because I made my decision to the conference of Arizona State’s post transfer that it was the favorite, on Saturday, season suspension due right one, and I know October 22. The to recruiting violations. UNC was the place for Bears lost 31-21. Mitch Unrein, a 2006 me.” Lobato and the graduate, went on to And the decision Bears are staying play defensive end at the seemed to be a good positive through the University of Wyoming, Ottoson 2008 one after Lobato hard times, saying, and was named second team all-Mountain West his beat out two-year starter and “Even though we’re Lobato 2009 senior year. Now, Mitch is playing senior Dylan Orb for the starting 0-7, the intensity at practice is defensive tackle, and receiving quarterback position. Lobato said still up, which is important. No one is dragging their significant playing time with the that it was anything but easy winning heads, or giving up. That Denver Broncos. shows a lot about this The most recent, and possibly the job. “All the on bunch and puts us on the the most popular Eaton High quarterbacks right track for the future. graduate who is now playing this team including Coach [Earnest] Clarence at the next level, is the starting myself are good is keeping us motivated; quarterback of the University of enough to start here. he’s a great guy and better Northern Colorado, Seth Lobato. The competition in coach.” Coach Clarence is Lobato graduated in 2009, spring and summer in his first season as the and went to play football at the workouts was crazy. Unrein 2006 Bears head coach. University of Colorado, Boulder, The hardest part for Lobato remembers what it was and red- shirted. He then me was easily the fact that the transferred to Northern Colorado other quarterbacks, not just Dylan, like to put on the Eaton jersey on Friday nights, and can relate the following season for personal all of them, have a lot of talent.” The UNC football program, for it to his experiences at Northern

Odds from page 9

Colorado. Dean Grable, PE teacher and offensive coordinator of the Eaton football team, has a twin brother who is the receivers coach at Northern Colorado, but Lobato said he cannot tell much of a difference between the two. “Well Dean is a quarterback guy, and Keith is the receiver’s guy here so they both love the throw the rock. It’s like talking to the same guy. I guess their facial hair is a little different, though.” Lobato remembers where he comes from and remembers the struggles of being in high school. He said his biggest setback was people telling him he couldn’t make it. “I used them as fuel to motivate me to prove them wrong,” Lobato said. “For kids who want to make it in division I, II, or anything they strive to be in life, I advise them to just follow their dreams and never let people who tell you that you can’t, influence you to prove them wrong.”

Taking Their Chances from page 9 Austin Ekeler (13), an aspiring football player, said, “It only makes the people that get in a more elite group. All I can do is hope I’m a Ekeler part of that group.” The jump from high school athletics and college can be a large one. Student athletes need extensive preparation in order to make that jump. Adam Mossberg (13), who plans to play baseball at the college level, said he doesn’t think he has been fully prepared to cross the bridge between high school and college baseball. Mossberg said, “Tougher competition would be really helpful. It would be good if our coaches would be a little better a b o u t directing us toward college level Mossberg play, too.” Jaden Olearnick (12) said he hasn’t been completely mentally and physically prepared yet either. “There are defensive stunts as well as disguises that I just won’t see until college, and physically I hope to get bigger in height and mass,” Olearnick said. Ekeler and Nelson agree that a few more years will give them most of the preparation they’ll need before entering the world of college sports. “I’ll obviously get more prepared in the next few years. I mean I’m only a Olearnick

Sophomore,” said Nelson. Ekeler said, “I need to go to a few more camps. But the offense we run and the complexity of how we do things has really been preparing me for the college level.”

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