L'EBABX pour l'International 2018-2019 / EBABX Fine Arts School of Bordeaux

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EBABX Fine Arts School of Bordeaux 7 rue des Beaux-Arts F-33800 Bordeaux FRANCE T. +33 (0)




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A generalist and multiplinary education that focuses on students' projects and personal approaches.

EBABX Fine Arts School of Bordeaux belongs to the national network of public art schools under the authority of the Ministry of Culture. As a Public Cultural Cooperation Institution, EBABX is heavily involved in the cultural and professional development of the Bordeaux metropolitan area and the surrounding Nouvelle Aquitaine region, as well as being an active contributor to Art and Design both in France and internationally. The school has 230 Art and Design students, preparing them for the DNA (National Art Degree – Bachelor’s level) and DNSEP (National Postgraduate Degree in Fine Arts, Master’s level) degrees. The school also offers Public Courses (non-degree training) to more than 250 amateurs, both onsite and in various municipalities of the Bordeaux area.


Since 2017-18, EBABX has offered an unprecedented didactical approach, through the establishment of Parcourses in which undergraduate students from all three years cooperate in workshops co-directed by artists, theoreticians, and technicians centered around a collective, trans-disciplinary and inter-media project. Then, at a graduate level, students are integrated into Platforms applying an inverse pedagogy focusing on the artiststudents’ singular projects, though the means of seminars, study exchanges and research papers, all leading to the final degree.

EBABX FINE ARTS SCHOOL OF BORDEAUX EBABX oversees the Pavillon, an international residency directed by Ange Leccia, open to young artists, as well as the Post-Master’s Papillon program, which allows students to further their studies through a professionally-focused approach.

EBABX occupies a singular role, collaborating with the cultural institutions, museums and associations of the Bordeaux metropolitan area, all the while developing its’ research units with its partner universities – the Universities of Bordeaux, BordeauxMontaigne, the École nationale supérieure d’architecture et du paysage (ensapBx), and the École des Arts et Métiers de Bordeaux. EBABX is a member of the ANdEA (the National Association of Art Schools), the Grand Huit (the network of public art schools in Nouvelle-Aquitaine), of ASTRE (a network focused on the development and promotion of visual arts in Nouvelle-Aquitaine), as well as the CUEA, the Grandes Écoles of Aquitaine Club 1/ DNSEP Art option, 2018 - Théophile Merchadou Pineau 2/ DNA Art option, 2018 - Alexis Toudic © Jules Baudrillart


230 students (Degree training) 250 Public course Students (Non-degree training - for adults) 10% foreign students 31 teachers 5 assistants 10 technicians 13 administrative and management staff 9 technical and maintenance staff a café the Café pompier, managed by students, former students and employees. Restaurant and concert venue. a web radio La Voix des Beaux-Arts Archives, interviews, recordings…

1/ DNA Design option, 2018 - Andréa Maïlyss Gourlot 2/ DNSEP Art option, 2018 - Sara Sadik © Jules Baudrillart


EBABX FINE KEY ARTS SCHOOL FIGURES OF BORDEAUX the school : 2400 m2 the annex : 1000 m2

an other annex in Bordeaux Pargade, 540 m2

an exposition and experimentation gallery the Galerie des Tables a library containing more than 14000 materials Publishing Workshop digital printing, offset printing, screen printing, plotter, engraving... Images Workshop images video room, production, post-production, sound studio, photo studio, shooting, animation, 3D, computer... Volume and materials workshop woodworking, modelling, cutting and assembly, soldering, sewing, model-making, electronics, laser cutting... 1/ Workshop with La Tierce CAPC musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux 2017 © EBABX 2/ Harilay Rabenjamina with Nora Barbier, Open's day, EBABX, 2018 © Hugo Durante



EBABX FINE ARTS STUDIES SCHOOL OF BORDEAUX . 5 years of training . 2 options Art or Design

. 2 diplomas DNA National Art Degree 3 years Bachelor's level

DNSEP National Postgraduate Degree in Fine Arts 2 years Master's Level . Studies are organized in accordance with the ECTS system

1/ DNA Art option, 2018 - Déborah Sierra 2/ DNSEP Design option, 2018 - Charline Laguerrin © Jules Baudrillart



EBABX FINE ARTS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OUTREACH OF BORDEAUX EBABX encourages its students to go abroad during their studies, either during the school year in the context of an international exchange with partner schools, or for a professional internship. In addition to student mobility, the EBABX is currently developing long-term partnerships with multiple institutions around the world. The school is interested in the development of shared experiences with partner schools. Educational projects dealing with common interests – particularly those

involving the practices of exhibition, publishing, diffusion, public action and the professionalization of students – provide opportunities for bilateral exchanges and mobility. The school is part of the European Union’s Erasmus +. For the 2018-2019 school year, EBABX has 27 active bi-lateral partnerships with foreign institutions (North America, South America, Europe, Asia…).




-> For students with a foreign degree equivalent to a French BaccalaurĂŠat


entry exam

-> For students with an equivalent foreign degree in Art or Design

1. Online pre-enrollment at ebabx.fr is open every year from January to end of February. 2. Complete application dossiers must then be sent by postal mail to EBABX Fine Arts School of Bordeaux to complete your enrollment procedure. All further details will be given at ebabx.fr when pre-enrolling online. The dossier must contain: - supporting documents - a practical test to be completed at home. 3. Entry exam: - A written test (Art history, philosophy, general knowledge) - A language test: English or Spanish - An interview with a jury of teachers giving candidates the opportunity to present their portfolio and their motivations for enrolling. Required age: 16 minimum and 28 maximum at the date of the exam.

Equivalence committee 1. Online pre-enrollment at ebabx.fr is open every year from January to end of February. 2. Complete application dossiers must then be sent by postal mail to EBABX Fine Arts School of Bordeaux to complete your enrollment procedure. All further details will be given at ebabx.fr when pre-enrolling online. Please supply a T.C.F. French language test that is less than two years old. A B2 Level is required for validation of your dossier. For Chinese students, please supply your credentials report. 3. Entry exams: - Candidates will be selected by dossier. - Interview and presentation of your dossier before a jury of teachers from EBABX. Age requirements: 33 at the closing date for equivalence committee applications.


EBABX FINE ARTS ADMISSION SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS OFEquivalence Applying committee as a ÂŤ Free mover Âť BORDEAUX Campus France You can submit an equivalence application for entry in 2nd or 4th year via Campus France. All the necessary information can be found at www.campusart.org. This program allows candidates to apply to a selection of French learning institutions and benefit from enrollment and administrative support. The Campus France platform is open from November to February of each year.

It is possible to study at EBABX for a semester or a full year independently of inter-institutional partnerships.

The procedures and requirements are the same as above with the difference that you must pay enrollment fees at EBABX.

A selection committee will examine your dossier and may contact you by phone or Skype. The selection takes place in April of every school year.


Applying to EBABX through inter-institutional partnerships -> For students who want to study for a semester or a full year at EBABX through an inter-institutional partnership You must first contact the international relations officer of your home institution, who will guide you through the application process. Study exchanges do not allow you pass your degree at EBABX. You will be supplied with a transcript of your grades at the end of your study exchange, which your home institution will then use to validate your ECTS. Applications at EBABX take place every year on June 1st and November 1st.

1/ Images Workshop - EBABX 2/ Anaïs Hayes, Le Pavillon Exhibition, 2018, CAPC Musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux © Iso Cover 1/ © Fang Dong 2/ © Fang Dong Editorial Director : Dominique Pasqualini Coordinator : Rachel Helvadjian Translation : Galen Bangs Graphic Design : Hélène Squarcioni Print : Patrick Mouret


EBABX will not require you to pay for additional enrollment fees, as you will still be enrolled at your home institution.

EBABX FINE ARTS REGISTRATION SCHOOL FEES OFFor the 2018/2019 school years the BORDEAUX following fees apply - 529€ for the students The cost for enrolling in the 1st year entry exam is 46 €.

Scholarships Students with French nationality, European citizenship, and foreign nationality can all apply for scholarships delivered by the French Ministry of Higher Education, under certain social conditions. Scholarship holders benefit from EBABX’s reduced scholarship fees, as well as other advantages. More information and online applications at crous-bordeaux.fr




7 rue des Beaux-Arts F-33800 Bordeaux FRANCE T. +33 (0) ebabx@ebabx.fr

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