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Raatz Farms Breds

Rtz J67

Black Polled Purebred SM Cow • ASA#3885665

Rtz J57

Raatz Farms Inc: Moderate framed, ultra deep and bold ribbed female. Bred to High Road with a bull calf due to calve mid March.

Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Cow


CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z

Raatz Farms Inc: Proclamation heifer out of one of our strongest cow families. Big time numbers and a really maternal look. Maternal sib to RTZ K61, Lot 15.

Rtz J49

Here’s a little bigger framed blaze faced SimAngus™ with a little different


Rtz J84

Polled Purebred SM Cow • ASA#3885682

Rtz J72

• ASA#3885670

Raatz Farms Inc: Cowboy Logic with a lot of extra performance. Really love her front one third.

Rtz J96

Raatz Farms Inc:

Turnpike x Young Money PB.

Inc: This heifer is a tank. Lots of rib, muscle and fleshing ability.

Rtz J144

Raatz Farms Inc: Nice looking heifer. This cow family just works. We have numerous offspring out of this cow family. Sound moving, great hipped female with loads of center body.

Rtz J139


Inc: We sold Sam Crow at the BHSS several years ago but we collected him so we could use him back in our herd. They have been really powerful cattle for us.

Rtz J163


Inc: Picture day was not on J163 list of to do items that day. This Federated daughter is carrying a heifer baby and you will love this pair come green grass time.

LOT 73

Rtz J174

Black Baldy Polled Purebred SM Cow • ASA#3885773

Raatz Farms Inc: Top baldy that goes back to RTZ Bella, one of the girls old show heifers that turned into a really good cow. Maternal sib to K155, Lot 36.

Rtz J180

Black Polled Purebred SM Cow • ASA#3885779

Raatz Farms Inc: Really fancy choke necked heifer with some rib and power.

Rtz J190

Raatz Farms Inc: G132 is our “Heifer Specialist”. He has outstanding CE but still has some size thickness and awesome phenotype.

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